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Achievement Guide Author: ikki5

1) Synopsis

Set Difficulty: 5/10
Approximate Time to Master: 60 hours or more.
Minimum Number of Playthroughs Needed: Up to 5
Number of Missable Achievements: 32
Does Difficulty Affect Achievements?: N/A

2) Introduction

Harvest Moon 64 can be argued to be one of the best Harvest Moon games out there. The primary goal is to raise a farm and do well enough by Year 3 to be allowed to continue. In the game you will grow crops, raise farm animals, get married, have kids, and compete in festivals (along with various other side quests in the game).

Due to this game having so many mechanics for dating and such, I will be including some information at the end of this guide for each of the marriage candidates and other information.

3) Walkthrough

Step 1

The first step is to play the game. There is a lot to this game, as it is a game to be played over a long period of time. You should be able to get the following achievements through normal playthrough. If you miss them before your evaluation, you should be able to get them afterwards. They are as follows:

Town Introduction -=Missable=-
Binge Watcher
Fresh Farmer
Seasoned Farmer
Veteran Farmer
Master Farmer
Giddy Up!
The Bird is the Word
Poultry Farmer
Lively Livestock
Livestock Farmer
My Animal Family
Cabbage Patch
Mr. Potato Head
These “Turnip” Everywhere
Corn Maize
Not for Throwing
Egg Head
Very Berry
Shipped for Breakfast
Got Milk?
Ploughing Through
Giving a Pounding
That’s a Hard Chop
Spring Showers
Hacking and Slashing
Tools of the Trade
Continuing the Family Name -=Missable=-
I Feel More Powerful!
Nuts of Power
Horse Track Gambling
The Doggy Derby
A Luxury House
Bountiful Offering
The Good Samaritan -=Missable=-
Awesome Upgrades
Happy New Year!
A Father and Son’s Reunion -=Missable=-

Step 2 This step covers basically everything that can be missed, or that you can choose not to do. Typically, if you miss these in your first playthrough, you can start over and aim strictly for them. However, since there is so much missible content, you only have a single chance to get them, and you have to make choices, I recommend using another save file.

For the girls, get their affection up all around the same time, same with the rivals. That way you can trigger their marriages, then reset and reload your game and go for the next one. I am saying step two is your marriages because there are a lot of achievements that are affected by your marriage and who you marry. This method will cut down greatly on the time needed and the number of playthroughs. If you don’t do this method, expect at least 5 playthroughs.

So as for the “cleanup,” the achievements are as follows:

Dog Lover
Horse Lover
Box Full of Music
Underground Weather
Nature's Precious Critters -=Missable=-
A Memorable Night -=Missable=-
A Fairy's Blessing -=Missable=-
The Essence of the Moondrop -=Missable=-
The Treasures of the Blue Mist -=Missable=-
Vineyard's Finest -=Missable=-
Sweet Baker -=Missable=-
Cheerful Rancher -=Missable=-
The Childish Flower Girl -=Missable=-
Nerdy Librarian -=Missable=-
A Nomadic Friend -=Missable=-
Sweetest Things -=Missable=-
A Friendship of Little Words -=Missable=-
The Nerdy Buds -=Missable=-
A "Winey" Couple -=Missable=-
A Scentful Gift -=Missable=-
A Knitted Surprise -=Missable=-
Shy Beauty Landscape -=Missable=-
A Gift of Cleanliness -=Missable=-
Birthday Jewelry -=Missable=-
My Best Pal
Off to the Races
The Great Harvest King
A Cattle Photo Op Victory
The Aquatic Farmer
Relaxing Springs -=Missable=-
Eggstatic Victory
The Importance of Viticulture -=Missable=-
Climbing to the Moon -=Missable=-
Lumberjack Placement Program -=Missable=-
The Town Drunk -=Missable=-
Heavyweight Drinker
Heading For The Bottom
Player! -=Missable=-
Healthy Habits -=Missable=-
A Fruitful Life -=Missable=-

4) Achievements

Town Introduction
Have the Mayor show you around town and introduce you to the villagers.

This one is rather simple and just takes time. When you first start and leave your house, the mayor will be standing there, and you will talk to him. He offers to show you around town, accept and watch it play out. It will use up a few in game hours but it's not a big deal. You will be awarded the achievement when the event is over.


Binge Watcher
Turn on the TV and watch all the channels.

Quick and easy, in your house is a TV. The most useful thing for me is the weather, but there are multiple channels. Essentially turn it on and flip through them and you’ll be awarded the achievement.


Take a nap during the day.

Very easy, if you just stand there and waste away your time not moving, you will eventually lay down and start taking a nap. So just waste your precious minutes of the quick day, drop the controller and let yourself fall asleep. If you really want that time back, just save before and reload so you are not wasting the little time in each day.


Fresh Farmer
Accumulate 2,000 Gold.

See Master Farmer


Seasoned Farmer
Accumulate 10,000 Gold.

See Master Farmer


Veteran Farmer
Accumulate 50,000 Gold.

See Master Farmer


Master Farmer
Accumulate 100,000 Gold.

Money is something you will earn throughout the game as you ship crops and animal goods. Just save your money, plant as much as possible, and get farm animals when you can. The more you ship, the more cash you get, and eventually you will earn the money achievements as you go.


Giddy Up!
Get and name your horse.

This can be gotten as soon as your first day. You will need to trigger the cutscene anyway if you wanted to get farm animals. All you need to do is head to Green Ranch. Leave your farm and go south, and once you get there, it will trigger the scene. Get it, name it, and you’ll get the achievement.


The Bird is the Word
Get and name your first chicken.

This one is simple enough. Head to Green Ranch and enter the far-right building. You will have the option to buy livestock. Buy one, name it and you’ll get your achievement.


Poultry Farmer
Acquire 6 Chickens.

Just as you did with the first chicken, you can buy all your chickens at Green Ranch until you have a coop with 6 chickens. Alternatively, if you want to save money, you can put them in the nesting spot in your coop and they will hatch into baby chicks over time. If you are buying, you can only get one chicken per day. Also note, do not leave your chickens outside in the winter or rain, and if you do not feed them, they can become sick and eventually die.


Lively Livestock
Get and name your first barn animal.

Just like with the chickens, you can buy sheep or cows from Green Ranch. They are more expensive, but their byproducts are worth more. Go to the ranch and buy either a sheep or a cow, name it, and you’ll get the achievement.


Livestock Farmer
Have a full barn of livestock.

Like before, you can head to Green Ranch and buy all your livestock, either cows or sheep, or a mixture of them will work. You need 8 animals to fill the Barn. I find it easier to buy them, as raising them from birth can take a very long time and close to two months before the calf is born and grown to be able to produce products. Also, like with the chickens, do not leave them out in the rain, or in winter, and always feed them. Also note that you must buy any sheep you want, as only cows can be impregnated. [not essential, but less confusing and improved flow]


My Animal Family
Fill your Chicken Coop and Barn with animals.

Get 6 chickens and 8 barn animals either through buying or from eggs/impregnating. This will pop once you have the maximum number of animals you can get.


Cabbage Patch
Ship a total of 100 cabbages.

Cabbages are a Spring crop that takes 9 days to grow and the seeds cost 200G. They take the longest in the season to grow, but once you ship 100, the achievement will trigger.


Mr. Potato Head
Ship a total of 100 Potatoes.

Potatoes are a Spring crop that take 6 days to grow and cost 200G to buy the seeds. Plant them in Spring and after you ship 100 of them, the achievement will trigger.


These “Turnip” Everywhere
Ship a total of 100 Turnips.

Turnips are a Spring crop that takes 4 days to grow and the seeds cost 200G. These are the fastest to grow and you can plant a lot in the season. Once you ship 100 of them the achievement will trigger.


Corn Maize
Ship a total of 100 corn.

Corn is a Summer crop that will take 13 days to grow and costs 300G for the seeds. The nice thing about corn is that it will regrow after 4 days. So while it takes a long time to grow, you will get a continuous crop of it until the end of the season. Ship 100 and you will get the achievement.


Not for Throwing
Ship a total of 100 Tomatoes.

Tomatoes are a Summer crop, they take 9 days to grow and cost 300G. Like corn, they will also regrow and will do so every 3 days until the end of the season. Grow and ship 100 of them and you will get the achievement.


Egg Head
Ship a total of 100 Eggplants.

Eggplant is a Fall crop and is really the only Fall crop there is. It takes 7 days to grow and costs 300G for the seeds. Like corn and tomatoes, it will regrow and will do so after 3 days. Ship 100 of these and the achievement will trigger.


Very Berry
Ship a total of 100 Strawberries.

You can buy Strawberry seeds in Winter. However, to grow them, you will need a greenhouse, as they will only grow there. The seeds cost 500G to buy and grow after 5 days. They will not regrow. Once you grow and ship 100 of them, the achievement will trigger.


Shipped for Breakfast
Ship a total of 100 Eggs.

For this, you will need chickens. The more chickens you have, the more eggs you will get. You will get one egg per chicken each day. Keep in mind that not feeding them, or leaving them out in the winter or rain can make them sick and they will not produce any eggs. Once you get 100 and ship them, you will get the achievement.


Got Milk?
Ship a total of 100 Milk.

For Milk, you will need cows. Only cows can be milked, so don’t bother trying to milk your sheep (or other animals). You can get 1 milk per day per cow, so the more cows you get, the faster you will get this. Ship 100 milk over the course of your game and you will be awarded this achievement.


Ploughing Through
Get the Golden level Hoe.

See Tools of the Trade


Giving a Pounding
Get the Golden level Hammer.

See Tools of the Trade


That’s a Hard Chop
Get the Golden level Axe.

See Tools of the Trade


Spring Showers
Get the Golden level Watering Can.

See Tools of the Trade


Hacking and Slashing
Get the Golden level Sickle.

See Tools of the Trade


Tools of the Trade
Fully upgrade all your field tools.

All of your tools will upgrade over time as you use them. Essentially each tool will gain a level when you hit a certain number of times using them. Each tool has a different number of times it has to be used for it to upgrade, the number of times are as follows:

Hoe: 300 uses to silver, another 300 to gold.
Hammer: 100 uses to silver, another 100 to gold.
Axe: 450 uses to silver, another 450 to gold.
Watering Can: 600 uses to silver, another 600 to gold.
Sickle: 350 to silver, another 350 to gold.

It is possible to get your tools to gold at the start of the game in a single night. If you head to the bar, time will freeze and you can just keep using your tools in the bar and they will get used towards their level up. Once you run out of stamina, you can order water and then keep going. This is tedious and time consuming but can be done. Personally, I would just let them level up naturally as you play but if you want them right from the start, you can do this.


Continuing the Family Name
Have your child and get your picture.

To have a child, you need to get married and maintain your high affection with your wife for at least a month. So keep giving her gifts every day to keep her happy (Pretty sad… you gotta buy her happiness). Over time, you can tell she is pregnant as she will change what she talks about and eventually she will tell you she is pregnant. During the pregnancy, you want to keep her happy, otherwise the pregnancy will last longer. After the pregnancy happens and your child is born, you will get the picture in your album and this achievement will trigger.

Note: While typically everyone gets married when they play this game, it is possible to not get married at all and have all your rivals get married, taking all the girls and making this achievement impossible to get!


I Feel More Powerful!
Acquire a Power Nut.

See Nuts of Power


Nuts of Power
Get all the Power Nuts.

Power Nuts, also called a Power Berry, in this game are what will increase your stamina. There are 10 in total, and they can be found in various locations and through various methods. The methods are as follows:

First Power Nut: You will naturally get one just from working in your field with the hoe. It is random when it happens so there is no actual looking for it. It can even be on tilled soil, though unless you are just grinding for it, it is better to just let it come naturally and only grind if it is the last one you are trying to get.

Second Power Nut: Fishing can get you a few. One is from simply fishing, as one will eventually be caught.

Third Power Nut: If you catch a large fish, go to the pond in the forest by the tent. If you throw the large fish in, an Imp will appear and give you a Power Nut.

Fourth Power Nut: If you catch a small fish, you can go to the pond in the mountains by the tent and the Imp will give you another one. This one is blue and you will use less stamina in rainy weather after eating it.

Fifth Power Nut: When you go to the mines and reach level 4, you can dig and find a Power Nut.

Sixth Power Nut: Win the Egg Festival and your prize will be a Power Nut

Seventh Power Nut: During the Flower Festival, there is a travelling merchant dressed in black. You can buy one from him for 1000G

Eighth Power Nut: If you go to the Harvest Goddess and offer a vegetable to her in the morning, she will ask you a question. Answer with Strength and she will give you a Power Nut.

Ninth Power Nut: In Winter, when the fisherman’s pond is frozen, there is a rock. Go and hit it with your golden hammer as hard as you can.

Tenth Power Nut: You will need to plant flowers in your fields. You will need at least 8 (I just planted one patch). Eventually a boy named Stu will ask for one but have no money. He will offer you marbles, so take them. Afterwards, if you have not already, go make friends with the harvest sprites. When you get their friendship up enough, the one at the table will offer to trade a Power Nut for the marbles.


Horse Track Gambling
Bet on one horse at the races and have it win (cannot enter your own horse).

The Horse Race is on Spring 17 and Fall 28 (there are two horse races a year). There are 3 races in the day and I recommend getting there earlier than later because if you get there later, you may only get to do 1 or 2 of the races. Simply talk to the people at the desk and you will be able to bet on horses. Now, you can only bet on one, otherwise the achievement will not work. So bet on the horse that you think will win and watch the race. If your horse wins, you will get the achievement. If you don’t get it, you can always reload the day or wait until the next race. Also note that you cannot have your own horse in the race, there is a separate achievement for that.


The Doggy Derby
Bet on one dog at the races and have it win (cannot enter your own dog).

The Dog race is on Winter 19 and there is only one per year. Like the horse races, you bet on a dog, you watch it and if you win, you get the achievement. There are also 3 races throughout the day, so it is recommended to be there early.


A Luxury House
Fully expand your house as well as have your Baby Bed, Cabinet and cloth your table.

The Head Carpenter can be found in the mountains. You can speak with him, and he can give you extensions to your house for the cost of lumber and gold. You get the lumber from breaking tree stumps. For all the upgrades, you are going to need over 2,000 lumber and will cost you close to 50,000G. Just talk to him and choose the upgrades you want and eventually you will have all your upgrades. Not only do you need these upgrades, but you also need the tablecloth and the rug in your house. To get the tablecloth, you will need to go to the Flower Bud Bakery and enter a raffle at the end of Winter. When you buy a cake there, you will be awarded a point and the raffle costs 10 points to enter. So buy your cakes! You can also get the carpet (or rug) from Rick’s for 3,000GP.


Bountiful Offering
Make an offering to the Goddess.

To find the Harvest Goddess, you must go to the mountains. There is a clearing east of the carpenters with a little pond and a bridge in front of it. Bring a vegetable or an egg to the pond and throw it in. She should appear. The items must also be from your farm. Bought items or foraged items will not work.


The Good Samaritan
Feed Cliff when he arrives.

On Spring 18 of your first year, Cliff will be at your door with his bird, and he will be very hungry and ask for food. If you have some food, feed him, if you don’t HE DIES! (Just kidding). Feed him some berries or something and you will gain more affection from him and get the achievement. If you don’t, it will be lost forever until you start over again.


Happy New Year!
Work an entire year on your farm.

This one is simple, you cannot miss this unless you stop playing… but of course you are going for the achievements so of course you will play this past your first year. Do so and get to Year 2 and you will get this achievement.


A Father and Son’s Reunion
Have your farm evaluated in Year 3 and be allowed to continue.

This is very hard not to do and you would have to pretty much not do anything all, no animals, no wife, if you don’t talk to people, don’t sell crops or make any money, then you will get the bad ending. This, however, can basically lock you out from continuing and if your most recent save is today, well… I hope you have earlier ones or you are starting over. If you want to make sure you get past this, make sure you at least are married or have some animals.


Dog Lover
Max your dog's affection.

This will be done over time. The max affection for your dog is 255 and it starts with 0. Increase its affection by picking it up, whistling for it and feeding it. Just do these things and it will be maxed at some point through your game. Keep in mind that if you hit your dog, you are a bad person and you will lose affection.


Horse Lover
Max your horse's affection.

Just like the dog, this will be done over time so long as you interact with your horse. You can gain affection with your horse by talking to it, riding it and brushing it. Also, if you hit the horse, you will lose affection.


Box Full of Music
Dig up the Music Box.

The Music Box is dug up in your field but can be hard to find if you don’t know where to look. First, you will need to go to the tree on your farm and interact with it using A. You’ll find a treasure map. It will lead you to the right side of the field from your dog house, another way being if you go to the tree on your farm and go down. Really it is about the spot where the two intercept. From there, you need to dig with your hoe at least 10 times and you will dig it up. Refer to the pictures in the Screenshots section below.


Underground Weather
Find the weathervane in the mines.

In Winter, you can go to the mines and to find the weathervane, you need to get down to the 4th floor and dig. I recommend bringing something to eat or refill your stamina as the way to the next floor is not always the same and is random, same with finding the weathervane.


Nature's Precious Critters
Go with Ann to see the Pika Bunny and get the photo.

There are a few things that need to happen for this. First, you will need to get Ann’s affection up. Then in Winter on a day where it is snowing, so long as you are not married and Ann’s affection is at least 200, she will arrive at your house and ask you to follow her, you will see an event with the Pika Bunny. This will award you the picture, giving you the achievement.


A Memorable Night
Go with Maria to watch the fireflies and get the photo.

There are a few things that need to happen for this. First, you will need to get Maria’s affection up for this. In Summer, as long as it is not raining, you are not married and her affection is up 200 or more, she come by your farm at 6:00pm and she will be there and ask you to follow her. Do so and you will see an event, which will unlock this photo and give you your achievement.


A Fairy's Blessing
Get the photo with Karen of the Fairies blessing the Vineyard.

This one involves a bit more than the others because not only do you need Karen’s affection higher, you need to have saved the vineyard as well. So, if the vineyard is saved (see The Importance of Viticulture), you are not married and it is Fall 7, she will show up to your hours at 9:00pm. Talk to her and you will go to her photo event and get this achievement.


The Essence of the Moondrop
Go with Elli to make Moon Essence in the mountains and get the photo.

Similar to the other girls. You will need to get your affection up to at least 200 with Elli first. Once you have that and you are not married, on Fall 9, Elli will show up on your farm at 6:00pm. Talk to her and she will take you on her photo event and you will be awarded this achievement.


The Treasures of the Blue Mist
Plant a Blue Mist flower with Popuri and see the Rare Butterfly and get the photo.

This one is a little different as affection does not seem to be important here. On the Spring of your second year, the shop will carry blue mist seeds. When you buy them, You and Popuri will plant them near the goddess pond. You need to water these every day and after about a week or so, they will bloom. This will trigger the photo event with Popuri.


Vineyard's Finest
Get married to Karen.

To get married to the girls, you need to have their affection up to a Pink Heart (208 affection), at Rick’s shop, you will see a blue feather appear for 980G. Buy the feather and give it to the girl you wish to marry and they should say yes. Now, this being said, not all the girls are the same as Karen. With Karen you also will have needed to save the Vineyard (see The Importance of Viticulture). So to marry Karen, save the vineyard, get the affection up to pink heart and then give her the Blue Feather. This will trigger the marrying process and lead you to your achievement.

If you need her with Karen, refer to the section at the end of the guide for tips with Karen.


Sweet Baker
Get married to Elli.

To get married to Elli, you need to get her affection up to a Pink Heart, give her gifts, attend her events, etc. Once her heart is at a pink, you can buy the Blue Feather from Rick’s which costs 980G. You will also need the Kitchen extension. But give the feather to her and she will agree to marry you.

If you need help with Elli, refer to the section at the end of the guide for tips with Elli.


Cheerful Rancher
Get married to Ann.

To get married to Ann, you need to get her affection up to a Pink Heart, give her gifts, attend her events, etc. Once her heart is at a pink, you can buy the Blue Feather from Rick’s which costs 980G. You will also need the Kitchen extension. But give the feather to her and she will agree to marry you.

If you need help with Ann, refer to the section at the end of the guide for tips with Ann.


The Childish Flower Girl
Get married to Popuri.

To get married to Popuri, you need to get her affection up to a Pink Heart, give her gifts, attend her events, etc. Once her heart is at a pink, you can buy the Blue Feather from Rick’s which costs 980G. You will also need the Kitchen extension. But give the feather to her and she will agree to marry you.

If you need help with Popuri, refer to the section at the end of the guide for tips with Popuri.


Nerdy Librarian
Get married to Maria.

To get married to Mary, you need to get her affection up to a Pink Heart, give her gifts, attend her events, etc. Once her heart is at a pink, you can buy the Blue Feather from Rick’s which costs 980G. You will also need the Kitchen extension. But give the feather to her and she will agree to marry you.

If you need help with Maria, refer to the section at the end of the guide for tips with Maria.


A Nomadic Friend
Watch Ann and Cliff get married.

This involves befriending Cliff while keeping Ann’s affection lower. If Ann’s affection gets too high, you will not be able to trigger the wedding between these two. So work primarily on Cliff. The easiest way I found to get Cliff’s affection up is to give him eggs. If you are raising chickens, then you should get these daily. After his affection gets to a certain point, he will meet you outside and invite you to his wedding.


Sweetest Things
Watch Elli and Jeff get married.

This one will involve becoming friends with Jeff while keeping Elli’s affection down as if it gets too high, like the others, you won’t be able to trigger the marriage. Jeff likes milk and absolutely loves gold milk. So if you are trying to get his affection up and you have milk producing cows, give him some. He will eventually meet you on the farm and invite you to his wedding.


A Friendship of Little Words
Watch Popuri and Gray get married.

Like the others, this one involves getting your affection up with Gray while keeping it down with Popuri. Gray is a quiet guy, doesn’t talk much and he is kind of shy, even when he invites you to his wedding though he’ll drop hints and such when he is close in the bar. However, all you need to do is get his affection up. Like Cliff, he also likes eggs, which are easy enough to come by. If for some reason you don’t have them, he also likes you showing him his dog. Once his affection is up enough, he will show up on your farm and invite you to the wedding.


The Nerdy Buds
Watch Maria and Harris get married.

This one involves getting Harris’ affection up while keeping Maria’s down. Harris will tell you through out that he has feelings for her but doesn’t know what to do about them. The best way to get his affection up is to give him flowers and milk. I used milk myself because it was easier to get since I had cows. Once the affection is high enough, he will show up on your farm and invite you to the wedding.


A "Winey" Couple
Watch Karen and Kai get married.

This one involves a little more because you will need to save the vineyard first (see The Importance of Viticulture) while getting Kai’s affection up. If you do not save the Vineyard, Karen will leave (making this impossible), so make sure you save the Vineyard. The best way I found to get Kai’s affection up is to give him berries. He seems to love them. Once his affection is high enough and the Vineyard is saved, Kai will show up to your farm and invite you to the wedding.


A Scentful Gift
Receive a gift from Popuri on your birthday.

Once Popuri gets to about midway through green (Affection needs to be above 160), Popuri will arrive at your farm on your birthday and give you a gift, in Popuri’s case, it is Potpurri. You cannot be married for this to happen and if you are below 160, you will get something else. If you are married, instead your current wife will bake you something.

Note: You can only get one gift on your birthday. If all the girls are over 160 affection, then the girl that shows up will be the one with the highest affection.


A Knitted Surprise
Receive a gift from Ann on your birthday.

Once Ann gets to about midway through green (Affection needs to be above 160), Ann will arrive at your farm on your birthday and give you a gift, in Ann’s case, it is socks. You cannot be married for this to happen and if you are below 160, you will get something else. If you are married, instead your current wife will bake you something.

Note: You can only get one gift on your birthday. If all the girls are over 160 affection, then the girl that shows up will be the one with the highest affection.


Shy Beauty Landscape
Receive a gift from Maria on your birthday and enter your house to view it!

Once Maria gets to about midway through green (Affection needs to be above 160), Ann will arrive at your farm on your birthday and give you a gift, in Ann’s case, it is picture. Now, in this one, you will also need to enter your house before it triggers. Just enter your house and you will see the new picture over by your bed. You cannot be married for this to happen and if you are below 160, you will get something else. If you are married, instead your current wife will bake you something.

Note: You can only get one gift on your birthday. If all the girls are over 160 affection, then the girl that shows up will be the one with the highest affection.


A Gift of Cleanliness
Receive a gift from Elli on your birthday.

Once Elli gets to about midway through green (Affection needs to be above 160), Elli will arrive at your farm on your birthday and give you a gift, in Elli’s case, it is a handkerchief. You cannot be married for this to happen and if you are below 160, you will get something else. If you are married, instead your current wife will bake you something.

Note: You can only get one gift on your birthday. If all the girls are over 160 affection, then the girl that shows up will be the one with the highest affection.


Birthday Jewelry
Receive a gift from Karen on your birthday.

Karen doesn’t need as high affections as the others. Only 120 (which is somewhere in the green range). Karen will arrive at your farm on your birthday and give you a gift. In Karen’s case, it is a Bracelet. You cannot be married for this to happen and if you are below 120, you will get something else. If you are married, instead your current wife will bake you something.

Note: You can only get one gift on your birthday. If all the girls are over 160 affection, then the girl that shows up will be the one with the highest affection. Also, in Karen’s case, if she leaves because you did not save the vineyard (see The Importance of Viticulture), you cannot get this.


My Best Pal
Win the Dog race with your dog.

The Dog race is on Winter 19 and there is only one per year. Like in the previous achievement, it is a dog race. However, you can enter your own dog in it. All you need to do is enter it and win the race, you’ll get a picture, and the achievement will unlock. However, if you don’t train your dog, then he will not do well. The best ways to train him are pretty much raise his affection and feed him every day. His dish is outside the doghouse. Put food in it, plus give him attention and he will perform better in the races.


Off to the Races
Win the Horse Race with your horse and get the picture.

The Horse Race is on Spring 17 and Fall 28 (there are two horse races a year). Like your dog, you can train your horse to do better in the race. Essentially, brushing it, whistling to it and riding it a little each day will train it to perform better in the race. The horse also needs to be fully grown, meaning this achievement cannot be done on the first race in the game. But, enter your horse after it is fully grown and trained, watch it win and you will be awarded the picture and the achievement.


The Great Harvest King
Become the Harvest King and spread the seed all over 'your kingdom.'

This achievement actually requires two stages. First is actually becoming the Harvest King, which is done in the Harvest Festival on Fall 12. The second is to attend the Sowing Festival in Spring 8. The challenge comes more from getting chosen as Harvest King. To do so, at the Harvest Festival, Elli has cakes, and towards the end, you need to eat one of them. You need to get the one with the coin. If you get the coin, you will be awarded the title for the next year and will get to spread the seeds on the Sowing Festival on the 8th of Spring. Meet these and you’ll be award the achievement.


A Cattle Photo Op Victory
Win the cow festival and get the photo.

This festival takes place on the 4th of Fall. To win the cow festival, it is about how much milk you have shipped and how high the affection is for your cow. The milk can come from any cow, but the cow’s affection must be at least 240. So when you have met these conditions, enter your cow and you will win the festival, getting the picture and the achievement.


The Aquatic Farmer
Win the Swimming Race and get your picture the next day.

On the 24th of Summer, the Swimming festival will be held. Here you can enter a race against the other bachelors and if you win, you will be awarded a picture and an invincible katori. The race is essentially pressing the A button. I had a fair amount of difficulty, as mashing it don’t seem to consistently work. You need to press the button rapidly as well as within the timing. I found it best to keep the mashing as a consistent speed while trying to keep it rapid. Make sure you save the day before, otherwise you will need to wait an entire year.


Relaxing Springs
Help the carpenters to build the Hot Springs and get the picture.

This one is rather easy. In Winter of your first year, you will hear an earthquake in the middle of the night. On the 11th day of the month, the carpenters will arrive at your house and ask if you will help as they are making the hot springs, so say YES. This will eat up most of your day and 1,000G, but it will award you a picture and this achievement.


Win the Vegetable Festival.

This is actually really easy. The festival is on day 9 of Summer and all you need to do is enter any crop. To win, you need to have shipped 100 or more of that crop, which really isn’t that hard to do, provided you planted crops in your fields. =-----------------------------------------------------------=

Eggstatic Victory
Win the Egg Festival.

The Egg Festival is on Fall 20 and while some may assume that this is a festival where you bring eggs, this isn’t the case. IIt feels more like an Easter festival as you need to hunt for hidden eggs. Go to the town square and talk to everyone and the mayor will start the event. In this event, the mayor will show a colored egg and you need to go to locations where these boxes are and check to see if there is an egg. If you pick one that is not the right color, remember that color as it may appear later. But match the colors and the person who gets the most is the winner.

-=To the left of the Church=-
-=Between the Bakery and Tool Shop=-
-=In front of the Tool Shop=-
-=The south stairs that lead to the Town Square=-
-=Go to the Flower shop and go left=-
-=Next to the Greenhouse by the Flower Shop=-
-=By the barrels behind the bar=-

I highly recommend saving before you do this, as if you get unlucky and the egg is in, say, the last chest you look, then you will most likely lose.


The Importance of Viticulture
Save the Vineyard.

Saving the vineyard is a rather long process and is needed for a variety of events and achievements. Without restoring the Vineyard, you cannot marry Karen, get Karen’s picture, cannot get the achievement for out-drinking everyone and so forth and she will leave in Winter of year 2 and will be gone forever. So saving the Vineyard is actually a pretty important things to do. Follow these steps and you should save the Vineyard, keep in mind this is a long process:

  1. The first step is to go to the Vineyard, watch the initial cutscene of Kai and Karen fighting.

  2. Your next step is to befriend Duke. Duke is the Bartender and his favorite gift is Wild Grapes... however, those are not available until Fall. So you can essentially just give him other gifts and talk to him. Even just talking to him will increase his affection high enough and he’ll give you a wine called “The Door of Heaven,” a wine that your grandfather wanted to give you.

  3. The next step is to befriend the Harvest Sprites. Now, I kind of recommend doing this at the same time as the previous step if you can. They take a little more affection than Duke does, which is why just talking to Duke should be enough. Now, the Harvest Sprites are located in the cave under Moon Mountain. When you start talking to them, they will not be able to be understood. Just talk to them, give them gifts, anything really works, I usually used foraged goods. Eventually he will begin speaking in English. Keep befriending them and talking to them. Once you see them mention something about wine, speak to them again and they will tell you about the Harvest Goddess and to go and talk to her.

  4. In this step, you need to have a crop or animal product saved, I used an egg. With this crop or product, head to the Harvest Goddess’ Pond and throw it in. She will appear and where she normally gives you three choices, you will see the option that says “Grape Spirit.” Choose that option and you will see a cutscene where the Harvest Goddess prays to the dead looking tree in the Vineyard.

  5. This step really involves you doing nothing except for going to bed on the night of Fall 6. When you go to bed that night, the Harvest Goddess will appear to you in a dream and tell you that the Vineyard has been restored and that the Keif Fairies have come.

  6. You should already have the achievement by now, however, if you have your affection up with Karen (At least 120), she will come to your farm the next day and ask you to come. With the Vineyard restored and the Keif Fairies back, you will see a little cutscene and you will get her picture.


Climbing to the Moon
Getting to Moon Mountain Restaurant before bridge is built.

This is easy, there is a tree at the base of the cliff in Moon Mountain. Go around back and press A and you will climb the tree and get up to the ledge. Enter the restaurant and it will unlock the achievement. Keep in mind that the bridge starts being built on Fall 22, so be sure to do this before then.


Lumberjack Placement Program
Help the Lumberjacks build the bridge (must help every day of the project and must be done in a single session).

On Fall 22, a carpenter will visit your home and ask you for help to build a bridge. You have until 3:00 to show up and it will always advance the day to 3:00 and you will get paid for each day. The days to help go from Fall 23 to Fall 27. As long as you help each day, you will unlock this achievement. If you miss a day you will be locked out from earning this, so don’t forget. Not only that but this MUST be done in a single session, so do not save and quit.


The Town Drunk
Out-drink everyone at the New Year's Day Party and send them home. (Everyone must be present)

At the New Year’s Party, there are several villagers there and every time you talk to them, you’ll take a drink. Each drink with reduce your tolerance. In order to out drink them all, you will need your tolerance up… a lot, at least 28 in alcohol tolerance. When you first start, you might be able to do one or two drinks before you pass out so you will need to get your tolerance up. The way you do it is pretty much buy and drink alcohol, usually from the bar. There is a better way however, buy a glass bottle from Rick at the flower festival, with this you can get wine for free at the vineyard in the shed. You can fill up the bottle and drink it and with you being inside the shed, time does not move making it so you can max your tolerance pretty much in a day.

Note: Everyone must be present so if either anyone is gone forever, for example Karen, then you will be locked from getting this achievement.


Heavyweight Drinker
Max out your alcohol tolerance.

This one is actually pretty easy, though grindy. You can do this two ways, buy and drink alcohol, usually from the bar and build it up over time. Or buy a glass bottle from Rick at the flower festival, with this you can get wine for free at the vineyard in the shed. You can fill up the bottle and drink it and with you being inside the shed, time does not move making it so you can max your tolerance pretty much in a day.


Heading For The Bottom
Get to the 5th level of the mines.

This one can be a bit tricky and a bit luck dependent. The mines open in during Winter. TO get this achievement, you need to dig in the mines and get to the 5th floor. Of course, the stairs down is random so it may take a few tries. It is also recommended to bring some food to increase your stamina. But dig away, once you reach the 5th floor, this achievement will unlock.


Get all the girls' affection to a pink heart without being married.

This one is pretty self explanatory, just get all the girls to a pink heart before you get married and you will unlock this. Speak to them everyday and give them gifts and you shouldn’t have any trouble getting this. Keep in mind that Karen will leave if the right conditions are not met so be careful there, also, don’t get married until after you have this. If you are having trouble with knowing what each girl likes and such, see Marriage Candidates in the Resources section of this guide.


Awesome Upgrades
Upgrade your Dog House and Stable.

These two upgrades cannot be bought, in order to get them, you will need to enter your Dog and your Horse in the races. If they win first place then they will get their upgraded building. When you get both upgrades, you will be awarded this achievement.


Healthy Habits
Work your first year without getting sick.

Fatigue is a hidden stat your character has. It maxes at 100 and you start at 0. Fatigue increases if you use your tool during the rain or snow, using your tools after 6:00 will also increase it so try and get your day work done early. It can be decreased by a variety of ways, using the restroom, taking a bath, using the hot springs and such. Also, there are multiple medicines you can use as well. If you can keep an eye on it, I recommend doing so, but if you have a hard time, just try not to use the tool when it will increase your fatigue. All you need to do it make sure it does not get to 100 by the time the first year ends. If it hits 100, you will be sick the next day and will be locked from the achievement. So don’t get sick! If you can accomplish that, you will get the achievement on Spring 1 of year 2.


A Fruitful Life
Get the Party Picture.

This achievement is probably the easiest to miss and one of the most involved. It is given to you at the end of the game where you have your farm evaluated by your father. If you went for pretty much everything in the achievement list in one playthrough, then you will probably already get this or at least be close. You pretty much need to be friends with everyone and do everything to get this picture, fill your fields (with grass), get most of the Power nuts, etc. The exact list of stuff you need for this is as follows:

  1. Eat 6 (of the 9) red power nuts. The blue power nut does not count toward this total!
  2. Must have 250 happiness.
  3. Your dog’s affection must be 200 or higher.
  4. Must be married and have a child.
  5. Wife’s affection is 250 or higher.
  6. Combined affection between all villagers is 2,494 or higher.
  7. One non-starved adult chicken.
  8. Have all 6 home extensions.
  9. Have 80% of farmland be grass in any stage (384 squares of outdoor farmland).

If even one of these is missed, you will not get the picture at your evaluation so make sure you do not miss any!


5) Resources

Listed below are several resources that you can use to help you along. I have provided information about each of the marriage candidates and the rivals, as well as tables for crops, festival dates and even screenshots that can help lead you along the way. The hope is that you won't need to use too many guides or flip through other pages to find the information you are looking for. Keep in mind that I will not be adding the photo information on here as they are outlined in the achievement guide. If there is anything you think I've missed or would be useful, send me a DM on the RA site. You can click my name link here to get to my RA page: ikki5

Marriage Candidates


Karen’s Sprite
Karen's Portrait

Karen is the typical alcohol girl in the game. She has long blond hair and green eyes. She lives on the vineyard with her father and can have a bit of an attitude though she tends to open up more as you get to know her. She has a bad family life and often gets into fights with her father. She is good friends with Kai and can get married to either him or you.

Birthday: Winter 29

The simplest way to get her affection up is really talking to her. This involves nothing except talking to her. If you are looking for her, her common locations are:

  • In front of the Carpenter’s house.
  • On rainy or snowy days, you can often find her in the Vineyard cellar.
  • Sundays she is on the beach.
  • Nearly every night you can find her in the bar.


Loves Likes Avoid
Strawberries Your Dog Fish
Wild Grapes Wine
Veryberry Fruit Tomatoes

Heart Events

Green Heart: Karen is sick. When you reach green heart rating with Karen and it is a rainy day, go to the Vineyard and visit her. The event will trigger. She will be lying in bed and you will talk to her. Doing this will also increase her affection.

Yellow Heart: When you reach yellow heart with Karen, it will trigger a dream event. There is not much to this other than just reading. It obviously only happens after you go to sleep at night.

Yellow Heart: Karen’s sprained ankle. When Karen is at yellow heart and it is a sunny day, head to the Vineyard. You will find Karen near the tree on the ground. You will be given the option to help her or go get help, if you help her, you will gain affection.

Pink Heart: Blue Feather. If you have her affection pretty much maxed, she will ask you if you love her, if you respond with “Yes,” she will ask you for a Blue Feather.

Special: New Year’s Festival. If you outdrink her at the festival, you will increase affection with her. You do not need any heart requirements, just outdrink her, though I only observed this on Year 2.

Little Secrets/Tips

  1. If you want to get her affection up quickly, grab your dog, go to the bar at night and just keep showing her. For some reason, she likes your dog even if the dialogue doesn’t sound like it. You can do this repeatedly and every time it raises it so you can max her affection in a single day. Of course, you may miss out on many of the heart events.

  2. If you do not talk to Karen or befriend her much, you may not see her much at festivals. If you get her affection up, she will show up more meaning more opportunity to raise her affection.


Elli’s Sprite
Elli's Portrait

Elli is a very kind girl who loves her sweets. She works at the bakery alongside with Jeff who she can marry. She has short brown hair and brown eyes and dresses mostly in blue. She is a caring woman who cares a lot for her grandmother who will pass away at some point in the game.

Birthday: Fall 1

The simplest way to get her affection up is really talking to her. This involves nothing except talking to her. Her schedule is a little more involved than some and a lot can depend on the day. If you are looking for her, her common locations are:

  • On Monday, you can usually find her in the mountains near the carpenters, the Bakery is closed so check there. Sometimes I have seen her on the Beach or Flower Shop
  • Tuesday to Saturday is the best place to find her. in the early parts of the day, you can find her at the bakery, this is really the best time to meet with her. later in the day, mountains or Flower Shop. -Sundays she is gone, just gone. Don't even try to look for her, if you do find her, let me know where please.


Loves Likes Avoid
Eggs Your Dog Bugs
Cake Baked Things Wild Animals (Squirrels)
Milk Fish Garbage (Weeds, Rocks)

Green Heart: If you have a green Heart with Elli, and the day is raining, go visit her at her place, she will be sick. Go through the scene and you will gain some affection with her.

Yellow Heart: At Yellow Heart, you will have a dream when you go to bed. There is really nothing to do for this but just read the dialogue and the Heart rating is the only requirement.

Yellow Heart: Another Yellow Heart event, head up to the mountains near the bridge, you will see her sitting there, she sprained her ankle. Help her and you will gain some affection.

Pink Heart: When you nearly max her affection, she will give you a confession of her love to you. This can only be done at Pink Heart and can only be done before 5pm. You must enter the bakery and the event will trigger. This will also make the day go to evening so do your chores first.

Little Secrets/Tips

  1. If you decide to marry Elli, she will actually help with the chickens on your farm. She will feed them and even ship the eggs for you saving some time. When she feeds them, it does not take from your current amount of feed so it doesn't cost you anything.

  2. Ellen will eventually die (Elli's Grandmother), you will notice this getting close if you talk to her at festivals and she is sleeping. When this happens, Elli will be sad but do not worry, she will eventually come around.


Ann’s Sprite
Ann's Portrait

Ann is one of the more energetic bachelorettes. She has red hair and blue eyes, dresses in overalls, and is a tomboy. She loves animals and farm animals and is almost always in a good mood. She lives on the farm with her brother and father who seem to all get along. She will marry Cliff if you meet the requirements to do so.

Birthday: Summer 14

The simplest way to get her affection up is really talking to her. This involves nothing except talking to her. Her schedule is quite simple for the most part. If you are looking for her, her common locations are:

  • Sunny days you can find her in the pasture at the Ranch most times most days except Thursday.
  • Rainy days she is probably in the barn on the ranch most days except Thursday.
  • Thursday, you can find her near the goddess pond, or close to the fisherman's tent, or you may find her in the shop. If the day is raining, she is in her room which you cannot get to.
    Note: Sometimes she will appear in random locations but generally, the above spots are where you will find her.


Loves Likes Avoid
Wool Potatos Wild Animals (Squirrels)
Your Dog Your animals dying

Green Heart: If you have a green Heart with Ann, and the day is raining, go visit her at her place, she will be sick, just like everyone seems to be when these conditions are met. Go through the scene and you will gain some affection with her.

Yellow Heart: At Yellow Heart, you will have a dream when you go to bed. There is really nothing to do for this but just read the dialogue and the Heart rating is the only requirement.

Yellow Heart: Another Yellow Heart event, head to the crossroads outside your farm, you will see her sitting there, she sprained her ankle. Help her and you will gain some affection.

Pink Heart: When you nearly max her affection, she will give you a confession of her love to you. This can only be done at Pink Heart and this happens at night when you enter the ranch.

Little Secrets/Tips

  1. If you marry Ann, she will help out with your chickens, she will either feed them or she will ship the eggs.


Popuri’s Sprite
Popuri's Portrait

Popuri is a girl who seems to never stop smiling. She has pink hair and pink eyes, she also wears a lot of pink. She loves flowers and mostly anything that has to do with nature. She lives at the Flower Shop with her parents and spends most of her time there or near there and loves her family. She will marry Gray if the requirements are met.

Birthday: Spring 22

The simplest way to get her affection up is really talking to her. This involves nothing except talking to her. Her schedule is not too bad though she can be all over the place through the days. If you are looking for her, her common locations are:

  • Most days, you can find her outside the flower shop, between the shop and the church. if it is raining or in Winter, she will be in the shop.
  • Sunday mornings, you may find her in the mountain clearing where you can climb the tree, or at Green Ranch.
  • Friday mornings, you can find her at the Moon Restaurant.


Loves Likes Avoid
Pink Cat Mint Flowers Flowers Bugs

Green Heart: If you have a green Heart with Popuri, and the day is raining, go visit her at her place, she will be sick, just like everyone seems to be when these conditions are met. Go through the scene and you will gain some affection with her.

Yellow Heart: At Yellow Heart, you will have a dream when you go to bed. There is really nothing to do for this but just read the dialogue and the Heart rating is the only requirement.

Yellow Heart: Another Yellow Heart event, head to the mountains and outside the cave, you will see her sitting there, she sprained her ankle. Help her and you will gain some affection.

Pink Heart: When you nearly max her affection, she will give you a confession of her love to you. This can only be done at Pink Heart and this has to happen on a sunny day. Head to the mountains where you found her with a sprained ankle and talk to her.

Little Secrets/Tips

  1. If you marry Popuri, plant flowers in the field, she will water them for you as she really likes flowers.


Maria’s Sprite
Maria's Portrait

Maria is your shy girl in the game. She works in the library and is very quiet. She has longer brown hair with brown eyes and wears glasses. She is the mayor’s daughter and lives with him. Her favorite things to do are reading, listening to music, and studying. She will marry Harris if the requirements are met.

Birthday: Winter 11

The simplest way to get her affection up is really talking to her. This involves nothing except talking to her. Her schedule is probably the easiest to do. If you are looking for her, her common locations are:

  • Most of the time you can find her in the Library.
  • When the Library is closed, she will either be beside the church or in the mountains by the carpenter's home.


Loves Likes Avoid
Cabbage Bugs Your Dog
You reading books Wild Animals

Green Heart: If you have a green Heart with Maria, and the day is raining, go visit her at her place, she will be sick, just like everyone seems to be when these conditions are met. Go through the scene and you will gain some affection with her.

Yellow Heart: At Yellow Heart, you will have a dream when you go to bed. There is really nothing to do for this but just read the dialogue and the Heart rating is the only requirement.

Yellow Heart: Another Yellow Heart event, head to the Library on a sunny day, you will see her sitting there, she sprained her ankle. Help her and you will gain some affection.

Pink Heart: When you nearly max her affection, she will give you a confession of her love to you. This can only be done at Pink Heart. Head to the library, when you leave, she will tell you she likes you.

Little Secrets/Tips

  1. Whatever you do, do not show her your dog. For some reason, she doesn't like it, even when you're married. It is odd because she likes bugs but hates your dog.



Cliff’s Sprite
Cliff's Portrait

Birthday: Unknown

Cliff is more your nomad/adventurer type. If you are looking for him, his common locations are:

  • During the day, you can often find him in the wilderness or around Green Ranch.
  • Rainy days you can find him in the craftsman house or in the cave.
  • At night, you can find him usually in the bar.


Loves Likes Avoid

Rival Events

  • Bumping into Ann: One morning when you get up, Cliff will visit you and say he caught some fish. When he leaves, he will bump into Ann and you will watch a scene unfold.
  • Cliff petting the Horse: One day when you enter Green Ranch, an event will trigger where Cliff will come out and pet one of the horses, Ann will of course get mad at him.
  • Hawk's Food: One day in the mountains, near the cave, you can witness an event between Cliff and Ann where Cliff is about to feed a rabbit to his hawk, Ann thinks it is cruel.
  • In winter, Cliff will meet you in the crossroads and tell you he is thinking of leaving because he does not want to be betrayed. Ann will come out upset and crying calling him a coward.

Little Secrets/Tips

  1. Cliff will permanently leave if you do not become friends with him by Winter of Year 1, if your affection is 50 or lower, he leaves. Or if you marry Ann and then get your affection up too high with him, he will leave forever. Keep this in mind if you want him to stay.
  2. If you give Cliff milk or an egg, he will give you the recipe for Spiced Tea.


Cliff’s Sprite
Cliff's Portrait

Birthday: Unknown

Jeff is typically pretty easy to find as he is your typical bar person and he works at the Bakery. If you are looking for him, his common locations are:

  • Every day except Monday, he is behind the counter at the Bakery
  • Nights he is at the Bar
  • On Monday he is in the mountains fishing if it is fishing, if raining his location is unknown.


Loves Likes Avoid

Rival Events

  • Girl Talk: When you enter the Bakery, you will find Popuri and Elli talking. Elli is a bit jealous of Popuri and she says she wants to lose weight. Of course Cliff overhears and comes and says that he likes more "Plump girls."
  • One day in the mountains you will come across them both fishing and a big one gets away and splashes him, Elli tells him he looks younger with his bangs down.

Little Secrets/Tips

  1. Giving Jeff an egg will get you the recipe for the Cinnamon Milk.


Gray’s Sprite
Gray's Portrait

Birthday: Unknown

I found Gray to be one of the easiest to find and his schedule easiest, mostly because he spends a lot of time at the ranch and it is easy to swing by when you leave your farm. If you are looking for him, his common locations are:

  • Mornings and rainy days you can find him in the barn in Green Ranch
  • Thursdays and Sundays he is over in the carpenters area in the mountains
  • Evenings you can find him in the bar.


Loves Likes Avoid
Your Dog

Rival Events

  • Some Flowers Seeds: One day when you are heading into the Flower Shop, you will witness a scene with Gray and Popuri and that he forgot to purchase his seeds.
  • Green Ranch Flower Garden: In Green Ranch, you will see some dialogue between Ann and Popuri about some flowers growing, Ann will tell her that Gray planted them.
  • Mucking out the Barn: When you enter Green Ranch at night, you will see a scene with Gray and Popuri where Gray is cleaning out the barn, he doesn’t want Popuri to get too close because of the manure smell but Popuri says she does not mind as it smells like the fertilizer she uses.

Little Secrets/Tips

  1. Giving Gray an egg will get you the recipe for the Stuffed Omelet.


Harris’ Sprite
Harris' Portrait

Birthday: Unknown

Harris can be a little annoying as he seems to not be around many places and well, it is because he isn’t. If you are looking for him, his common locations are:

  • Sundays you can find him in the Library
  • At night you can find him in the bar.


Loves Likes Avoid
Potatoes Mostly anything else

Rival Events

  • Visit from Harris: One day he’ll show up and give you a mushroom.
  • Gift from Maria: When you outside the library, you will see Harris check the mail box and Maria will come out and give him something, he’ll say there is no address and she will tell him it is for him.
  • Salesman: A salesman will show up at the library and ask Maria to buy some beauty products and keep pestering her. Harris will tell him to go away.
  • Bar Chat: One night when your affection is really high, he will tell you that he wants to marry Maria.

Little Secrets/Tips

  1. Giving Harris a potato will get you the recipe for the Garlic Potato Beef.


Kai’s Sprite
Kai's Portrait

Birthday: Unknown

Kai is another easy one to find, he is really either at the bar or the vineyard. If you are looking for him, his common locations are:

  • Outside in the vineyard if it is sunny.
  • Inside the cellar is the day is raining.
  • At night you can find him in the bar.


Loves Likes Avoid
Verry Berries
Wild Grapes

Rival Events

  • Fight with Father: When you enter the vineyard, you will see Kai and Karen talking and learn she had a fight with her father, Kai will tell her she should try and reconcile.
  • Karen Drinking: When you enter the bar, you will see Karen on the floor and Kai trying to help her, you will find she is drunk and Kai will end up helping her home.
  • Beach Talk: When you enter the beach, you will see a dialogue between Kai and Karen, Kai will be lying on the sand muttering on how to tell her his feelings and gets startled when he sees that Karen was listening. Karen will tell him that she thinks she will stay.

Little Secrets/Tips

  1. Giving Kai a Veryberry will get you the recipe for the Veryberry Wine.

  2. Kai will leave if Karen leaves, and your friendship is not high enough with him. Him leaving can lock you out of some achievements so be careful.

Farm and Shipping Goods


Listed below are the crops you can purchase and grow to sell on your farm

Crop Season Seed Price Days to Grow Regrow? Sell Price
Turnip Spring 200G 4 Days No 60G
Potato Spring 200G 6 Days No 80G
Cabbage Spring 200G 9 Days No 90G
Tomato Summer 300G 9 Days Yes (3 Days) 120G
Corn Summer 300G 13 Days Yes (4 Days) 90G
Egg Plant Fall 300G 7 Days No 80G
Strawberry Winter 500G 6 Days No 150G
Grass Any Except Winter 300G 9 Days Yes (7 Days)

Mountain Forging and Mine

Please note that the mine is only open during the winter.

Item Season Price
Edible Herbs Any Except Winter 30G
Medicinal Herbs Any Except Winter 70G
Veryberry Spring 40G
Tropical Fruit Summer 40G
Mushroom Fall 70G
Poisonous Mushroom Fall 30G
Wild Grape Fall 40G
Iron Ore Winter 100G
Moonlight Stone Winter 500G
Blue Stone Winter 700G
Rare Stone Winter 1000G

Barn Animals

While yes, the sell prices for the Cows and Sheep are higher than the buy prices, keep in mind these are fully grown animals. When you buy them, they are not fully grown and you will need to wait close to a month for them to be fully grown and producing products.

Name Animal Cost Product Sell Price
Chicken 1,500G 500G
Egg 50G
Cow 6,000G 6,500G (Higher with more affection)
Small Milk 100G
Medium Milk 150G
Large Milk 300G
Gold Milk 500G
Sheep 4,000G 4,200G (Higher with more affection)
Wool 900G
Quality Wool 1800G


Season Name Date
Spring New Years Festival Day 1
Sowing Festival Day 8
Horse Race Day 17
Flower Festival Voting Day 19 to Day 22
Flower Festival Day 23
Summer Fireworks Festival Day 1
Vegetable Day 9
Firefly Festival Day 17
Swimming Festival Day 24
Fall Cow Festival Day 4
Harvest Festival Day 12
Egg Festival Day 20
Horse Race Day 28
Winter Mine Opens Day 8
Thanksgiving Day 10
Dog Race Day 19
Starry Night Festival Day 24
Spirit’s Eve Festival Day 27
New Year’s Eve Day 30


Climbing Tree
This is the tree you can climb to get the Moon Restaurant early before the bridge is built. It is right beside the cave in the mountain.

Treasure Tree
This tree is in the northeast of your farm, you need to get this treasure map before you can dig up the Old Music Box in the spot below.

Old Music Box
The Music Box is in your field. The best way to do it, is look at where your doghouse and the treasure map tree are, draw straight lines, and dig where the lines intersect.

Wine Cellar Trick
Once you have the glass bottle, which you can buy from Rick at the Flower Festival for 200G, you can head down to the wine cellar in the vineyard, use your bottle on the large barrels and you can get free wine. With this, you can drink to your heart’s content and max your tolerance in a single day.