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Setup Requirements

Building Fuel is supported on macOS and Linux.

The Fuel client is written in Rust. For developers who wish to build the Fuel client locally, it is recommended to use the latest version of Rust. The build process uses the stable Rust toolchain.

See the Fuel Client system requirements.

Building and Running

Building and running debug builds of the Fuel client is done using Cargo.

By default, when using the cargo build or cargo run commands, Cargo generates a debug build. This build is optimized for debugging and development purposes, including debug symbols and minimal optimizations. IDEs rely on debug builds to provide robust debugging features.

The cargo run command will compile and execute the Fuel client application directly from source code. When running cargo run, Cargo compiles the Fuel client, and runs the resulting binary. During development and debugging, this should be used instead of installing the client (cargo install) or running the executable directly.

When building or running the Fuel client, it is recommended to pass the --all-features flag to Cargo. This will instruct Cargo to compile the client with features such as P2P and the Relayer service.

To run the Fuel client, the following command can be used:

cargo run --all-features --bin fuel-core -- run <ARGUMENTS>

where <ARGUMENTS> is the desired set of arguments.

The list of arguments can be found by running the help command:

cargo run --bin fuel-core run --help

It is suggested to run the client with the P2P and Relayer services enabled. This is communicated to the CLI with the flags --enable-p2p and --enable-relayer respectively. Enabling these services requires that the client is compiled with the relevant features (p2p and relayer). These features are specified implicitly when the --all-features flag is specified.


Users can supply CLI arguments to their node indirectly by populating the relevant environment variables. The list of CLI arguments and their environment variables can be found by running the help command.

Users can define environment variables by configuring their shell or setting them inside the current terminal.

Additionally, users can add a .env file to the root directory of their local copy of their Fuel node (or wherever the working directory is). Using a .env file requires compiling the client with the env feature. This can be accomplished by including env in the list of features or by passing the --all-features flag.

Using environment variables for CLI arguments allows these values to be reused across IDEs and IDE configurations seamlessly.

P2P Network

When running the client with the P2P service enabled, i.e., building the binary with the p2p feature and supplying the runtime argument --enable-p2p, the client will connect to a Fuel network. This requires additional CLI arguments, including the --keypair and --network arguments.

A key pair can be generated by running the utility binary fuel-core-keygen-bin:

cargo run --bin fuel-core-keygen-bin new

The resulting key pair printed to the console contains an address and secret. The secret can be provided to the --keypair argument when running the node.

The --network argument identifies the name of the network to join. The network name is used during peer discovery. For example, users can specify --network beta-4 to join the Beta 4 network. Similarly, setting the environment variable NETWORK="beta-4" will produce the same result.

For more information about client networking, see the Fuel guide on running a node.

Common Issues

Developers running a local client may encounter potential issues with configuration or runtime execution. This section aims to provide examples of some of those issues and to provide known solutions.

Address Already In Use

Error: Address already in use (os error 48)

This error indicates there is already a local process running on the specified port. This can be another instance of the Fuel client or any other software running on the local system.

In the case that the port is already occupied by another program running on the user's machine, the user can simply specify a new port using --port <PORT> (or supplying a PORT environment variable). If the port is occupied by another running instance of the Fuel client, users can kill the process. On macOS and Linux, this can be accomplished with the following steps:

  1. In a new terminal, enter lsof -i :PORT, where PORT is replaced by the currently occupied port.
  2. Find the process ID (PID) of the offending process and copy it.
  3. Enter kill -9 PID, where PID is the process ID identified in the previous step.
  4. The address is now available. Rerun the command to start the client.

RocksDB Error

Error: Failed to open rocksdb, you may need to wipe a pre-existing incompatible db `rm -rf ~/.fuel/db`

This error can happen under the following circumstances:

  • Two (or more) local processes are running and attempting to access the same RocksDB instance
  • The RocksDB instance was created from an older version of the client codebase and is incompatible with the client

In the case where multiple processes are attempting to access the RocksDB instance, the issue can be resolved by terminating any ongoing processes that are currently accessing the database.

If there are no additional client processes running, the error is symptomatic of the latter case, and users can remove the incompatible database by performing the aforementioned command rm -rf ~/.fuel/db (specifying the exact path to the Fuel database as necessary).


thread 'main' panicked at 'source slice length (64) does not match destination slice length (32)', <>/.cargo/registry/src/

There are some circumstances under which the client may encounter a fatal or unexpected state, and execution panics. A common reason may be that the database schema was created from an older version of the client codebase. This can happen when switching between codebase versions (e.g., git checkout ..) with different database schemas. In this case, users can remove the database using rm -rf ~/.fuel/db (specifying the exact path to the Fuel database as necessary) and try again. If users continue to experience database errors due to RocksDB, they can opt to use an in-memory database instead by passing --db-type in-memory.

Recommended IDEs

During development, it is recommended to delegate the execution of Cargo instructions to an IDE and connect the application to the IDE's debugger, instead of running these instructions manually.

Recommended IDEs include:

  • CLion
  • Visual Studio Code



Running Fuel Core with CLion requires the official JetBrains Rust plugin. Find the Rust plugin by navigating to CLion's Plugin menu, entering "Rust" in the search. Install it by clicking "Install".

Create A Run Configuration

  1. In the top-right corner of the CLion window, click on the configurations dropdown menu and select "Edit Configurations..."
  2. In the "Run/Debug Configurations" window, click on the "+" button and select "Cargo"
  3. In the "Name" field, give your configuration a descriptive name, such as "Run Fuel Client"
  4. In the "Command" field, enter run --all-features --bin fuel-core -- run <ARGUMENTS>, where <ARGUMENTS> represents the desired CLI arguments. Refer to the CLI documentation for guidance on which options and arguments to use.
  5. If you use environment variables for configuration (as indicated in the CLI documentation), you can set them in the "Environment variables" section. Enter the variables and their values as needed. It is recommended to set the RUST_LOG environment variable to either info or debug.
  6. By default, the "Working directory" field will be populated with the path to the root of your local repository. If this value has changed or is missing, enter the path to the root of your local repository here.
  7. Click "Apply" or "OK" to save your run configuration.

Optional Settings

The "Before launch" settings are optional. CLion adds "Build" to these options by default, but this can be removed or configured to create a customized build flow. It is useful to remember that when using cargo run, Cargo automatically performs a build before execution. By having CLion perform the build prior to cargo run, CLion will invoke the same build process in a CLion run window. When CLion then invokes cargo run, Cargo will find that the binary is already built, and proceed immediately to execution.

Example Configuration


Running and Debugging

  1. With your configuration selected in the dropdown menu, click on the Run button to start running your Fuel client node.
  2. Alternatively, click on the Debug button to start your client node in debug mode.
  3. Set breakpoints in the code where inspections are necessary. CLion will halt execution at these breakpoints, allowing variable inspection and step-by-step code execution.

Visual Studio Code


Running Fuel Core with Visual Studio Code requires the CodeLLDB extension. Find the CodeLLDB extension by navigating to the "Extensions" tab and searching "CodeLLDB". Install it by clicking "Install".

Create A Run Configuration

  1. In VS Code, click on the "Run and Debug" icon in the left sidebar.
  2. VS Code will offer to create a launch.json file to configure how your client node is run. Clicking this will prompt you to select a debugger. Select the CodeLLDB debugger to proceed. VS Code will generate a launch.json file for you.
  3. In the "Run and Debug" menu, click the dropdown menu and select "Add Configuration..."
  4. In the "type" field, enter "lldb". In the "request" field, enter "launch".
  5. In the "name" field, give your configuration a descriptive name, such as "Run Fuel Client"
  6. In the "args" array nested under "cargo", enter the following arguments: "build", "--all-features", "--bin=fuel-core".
  7. In the top-level "args" array, enter the following arguments: "run", "--enable-p2p", "--enable-relayer, followed by any additional CLI values and arguments encapsulated by quotes. Refer to the CLI documentation for guidance on which options and arguments to use.
  8. Save these changes made to your launch.json file.

Example Configuration

Inside launch.json:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "lldb",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Run Fuel Client",
            "cargo": {
                "args": [
            "args": [
                "--poa-instant", "false"

Users can prepend this example configuration to any existing list of configurations in their respective launch.json file.

Running and Debugging

  1. Navigate to the "Run and Debug" tab. With your configuration selected in the configuration dropdown menu, click on the Run button to start running your Fuel client node.
  2. Set breakpoints in the code where inspections are necessary. VS Code will halt execution at these breakpoints, allowing variable inspection and step-by-step code execution.

Alternative Configurations

Developers can create additional configurations with alternative CLI arguments to experiment with different setups or debug specific features. For example, omitting the --enable-p2p flag (and related P2P arguments) will start the node without the P2P service. Similarly, omitting the --enable-relayer (and related relayer arguments) will start the node without the relayer service. Developers can create additional configurations to save specific combinations of CLI arguments and to conveniently switch between them.

Developers can also configure builds by selecting the desired compile-time features. For example, developers can omit the p2p service from compilation by explicitly passing a custom feature set to Cargo:

cargo run --features "relayer" --bin fuel-core -- run --enable-relayer <ARGUMENTS>