- Fork the project repository and clone it to your local environment.
- Install dependencies and set up the development environment.
- Create a new branch for your contributions.
- Check the issue tracker or create a new issue.
- Discuss your proposed changes with the maintainers and community.
- Create a new branch from main with a descriptive name.
- Write clear, concise, and well-structured code.
- Test your changes and update documentation.
- Commit and push your changes to your forked repository.
- Open a pull request (PR) from your branch to the main branch.
- Address feedback and engage in code review discussions.
- Once approved, the maintainers will merge your changes.
- Follow the ROS 2 style guide.
- Write clear and self-explanatory code with comments.
- Use meaningful names and keep code modular.
- Document your code and write unit tests.
- Commit your changes and create a descriptive PR.
- Include relevant issue numbers and visual aids if applicable.
- Address feedback and suggestions from the maintainers.
- Adhere to the project's code of conduct.
- Be respectful and inclusive to all community members.
Your contributions will be acknowledged in the project's acknowledgements section.