TutAssistor is a tool for private tutors to keep track of their students and classes. With TutAssistor, you can manage many different classes and students, and facilitate deconfliction of time slots.
- Add and edit student contact information.
- Create classes with fixed timeslots and student limit to prevent overbooking.
- Add Tags to students and classes for easier searching.
- Add and edit Notes for students and classes to keep track of miscellaneous information.
- Search and filter students by timeslot, subject, day, etc.
- Add/view/change time slots for students.
- Be informed of whether or not time slots are fully booked.
- This project was made as part of a student project for NUS CS2103T AY21/22 S1.
- For the detailed documentation of this project, see the TutAssistor Website.
- This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.