When at least one PackageReference project is used, inform when NuGet.exe restore is used and suggest using msbuild /t:restore
to match with the build tooling
warnings and errors/log messages & related error codes.
Issues for the current backlog.
Design Change Request
NuGet Product(s) Affected
Current Behavior
NuGet.exe project restore is fully supported in
msbuild /t:restore
, including packages.config.https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/reference/msbuild-targets#restoring-packagereference-and-packagesconfig-projects-with-msbuild
The benefit of using msbuild /t:restore is that you now only need to manage one set of tools. You don't need to bother updating.
Desired Behavior
An information or warning indicating you can use
msbuild /t:restore
.Note that the warning's from NuGet.exe do not fail the build, so it can be added without a build failure.
Another idea would be a warning message when the projects are all SDK. In that cases, the .NET CLI can be used.
Additional Context
Nuget.exe knows all the projects in a solution, so we can easily figure out which tool to recommend based on the list of projects we're restoring.
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