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Hypnos Updates

Bao Nguyen edited this page Oct 22, 2019 · 35 revisions

Hypnos updates

October 21, 2019 - Hypnos V2 Bug Found

Author: Bao Nguyen

  • 5V line for the final PCB does not work. Bug found and fixed.
Show More Bug found at N-MOSFET for the 5V rail. The footprint layout swap the Drain and Gate. The fix has been applied for the latest push.

October 2, 2019 - Hypnos V2 testing

Author: Bao Nguyen

  • LEDs, 5V current draw work as expected
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At the moment, V1 is still out for long term basic functionality tests like RTC and SD cards. Back in the lab, V2 PBCs have arrived but only the MOSFET circuitry is soldered. As the test to simplified the circuit in comparison to V1, two resistors are removed and shorted. With this new circuit, the LEDs light up as expected, good voltage output.

To test the trace width and Mosfet capability, 15-ohm resistor is placed across GND and 5V rail. The current draw is recorded as 0.3A with voltage drop at 5Vrail -> 4.7 Volts. With the design, 0.3A should be the max current for the 5V rail. More tests will be performed on the 3Vrail for later updates.

Extra: Shorting the EN and GND would shutdown the 3.3V regulator. This is a neat trick for "shipping mode". User once received the board can just remove the jumper and the system would boot up normally.

September 20, 2019 - Hypnos V2 Development

Author: Bao Nguyen

  • Refine Hypnos V1 design with LEDs
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While Hypnos V1 is still going through testing, functionality is stable. To make troubleshoot the code/hardware easier, some LEDs is added for each power rail. This LED only turn on when the rails are being switched on. Some improvement from the old design to ensure the proper functioning of Feather. Here are the changes made from V1 to V2:

  • Add 2 low power LEDs with current limiting resistors
  • RTC is now powered from 3V3 instead of Vbat (using power from Vbat turns on Feather Battery Charger LED)
  • Pull up resistor for SD chip select just like adalogger
  • Rounded PCB corner
  • Move the reset button to the middle of the board - mechanically more stable
  • Add solder jumper for RTC-INT, normally connected

September 11, 2019 - Hypnos V1 is stable

Author: Bao Nguyen

  • Hypnos V1 proves that it is fully functional
Show More Hypnos is sent out to 3 different projects for long term testing and also design feedback.

The project that use Hypnos V1 for testing are:

  • Sitkanet
  • Loom
  • SmartRock

Once Hypnos V1 is tested for long term deployment, Hypnos V2 will be ordered + test for extra functionality.

September 10, 2019 - SD card fail to initialize

Author: Bao Nguyen

  • SD card fails to initialize, power rail was not turn on before accessing the card
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When testing the first Hypnos PCB, we was able to get the power control as well as RTC DS3231 to work. However, for the SD card, we couldn't get the same behavior as Adafruit Adalogger. The sample sketch that we ran is called Datalogger in File -> Examples -> SD -> Datalogger.

The Serial Monitor keeps saying the SD card fails to initialize. The SD card is powered when pin 5 is set to LOW, however, digitalWrite(5, LOW); is in the loop(). When the setup() is run, the code check for the SD card, but the card is not yet powered so the program stuck in a while(1) loop. By moving digitalWrite(5, LOW) to setup(), the SD card work as expected.

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