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We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the previous leaders of the OWASP Sofia Chapter who guided our community from 2019 to 2022. Their dedication and hard work laid a strong foundation for our ongoing efforts to enhance cybersecurity awareness and education in Bulgaria.
The background is a traditional Bulgarian embroidery called Шевица or more concretely Елбетица.
Symbolizes harmony. The two crosses depict the four cardinal directions and their combinations (N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE) that meet in a "strong" center. The second meaning is that the cross depicts the four weather seasons common in Bulgaria.
Sofia chapter logo designed by Desi.
| "Why hackers love Javascript?" | Martin Stoynov
| "AppSec Fast and Slow: Your DevSecOps CI/CD Pipeline Isn’t an SSA Program" | Dan Cornell -
| Understanding AWS cloud attacks using CloudGoat | Kavisha Sheth -
| Learn Android application security testing using AndroGoat | Satish Patnayak -
| XSS Attacks and Defenses | Dimitar Boyanov -
| Compromising Modern Online Banking Apps through Hijacking Android Devices | Dr. Svetlin Nakov