- (#207) - [Specification] Repo restructure and tidy up
- (#194) - [Specification] Formally assign ids to coverages in OED specification
- (#201) - [Specification] Introduce required field column by exposure class
- (#196) - [Specification] Industry Codes table refactor
- (#192) - [Specification] Update how the OED specification is stored, move from excel to csv
- (#205) - [Specification] Update data examples for v4.0.0
- (#206) - [Specification] Update general documentation for Cyber and Liability
- (#193) - [Property] Correct AreaCode for Queensland to QLD
- (#185) - [Property] LocPopNumber no longer needed after merge with property loc file
- (#191) - [Property] OED fields update for offshore assets modelling
- (#181) - [Property] Clarify relationship between "required field" and "blanks allowed" in OED Spec
- (#187) - [Property] Original Currency field should not default to 0
- (#186) - [Property, Cyber] BIWaitingPeriod change datatype from smallint to float
- (#224) - [Property] Many fields incorrectly described as percentage instead of proportion
- (#216) - [Property] Clarify value in BITIV as annualised in field description
- (#225) - [Property] Valid values for BaseFloodElevation are incorrect
- (#173) - [Cyber] Do not include implicit business logic in the schema design
- (#182) - [Cyber, Liability] Integration of Cyber and Liability into Property specification
- (#188) - [Cyber, Liability] Financial coverages and field name revisions
- (#202) - [Marine] Integration into OED
- (#210) - [Marine] Additional Occupancy codes for Marine Cargo to Accompany Current Marine Construction Codes
- (#162) - [Reinsurance] OriginalCurrency and RateOfExchange fields should not be in ReinsScope
- (#215) - [Cyber] Refactoring of coverage_code and coverage financial terms
- (#220) - Fixed group Peril codes, ZZ1 is not represented in the group peril to individual peril mappings
- (#195) - [Property] Correct Data Type of SoilType from float to tinyint and valid values from [0,) to [0,1]
- (#198) - [Reinsurance] RiskLevel blank value explicitly added to the v3.0.0 specification
- (#197) - [Property] ContentsFloodVuln updates introduced in v3.0.0
- (#199) - [Specification] Add csvs of OED specification data tables
- (#184) - Removespaces in the RST docs which were causing csv tables to not format
- (#189) - Change to Queensland code in v3.2 in Error
- (#40) - Added missing occupant fields
- (#74) - Geom field usage and updated description, removed enumeration from OtherValues
- (#174) - New GeogScheme FTM1
- (#175) - Wind peril codes description update
- (#176) - Added 'OT' AreaCode for Australia
- (#100) - Valid value and description updates for ExtraExpensesFactor, DebrisRemoval and NumberOfBuildings
- (#129) - Occupancy is only property oriented (can we include motor?)
- (#153) - Add INSEE Code as a valid GeogScheme value
- (#160) - RI Scope Required Fields to be updated
- (#161) - Additional OccupancyCode values for commercial low/mid/high-rise blocks
- (#165) - Additional Occupancy code values for Commercial Banks and financial institutions
- (#171) - Updated policy conditions documentation
- (#170) - Small data field valid value corrections
- (OasisLMF/ODS_Tools#64) - Backward compatibility when adding new codes in OED. A new 'versioning' tab has been added to the OED Spec .xlsx to show mapping of occupany and contruction codes between older versions of OED
- (#40) - Add ‘locPopulation’ file to the current OED loc file from the current separate input file.
- (#68) (re-opened from v2.3.0)
After the updates to the occupancy codes for common house type such as ‘detached’, ‘semi-detached’, ‘end-terrace’ and ‘bungalow’ (OED occ codes 1070-1073) were released in ODS v2.3.0, an update to the current occupancy code for ‘terraced-housing’ was required to make it more specific to ‘mid-terraced ‘housing.
- (#70) - Removal of building types (linked to #68).
- (#74)- OED to support public infrastructure (transport, utilities and other).
- (#76) - support agriculture in OED.
- (#77) - Extended length of loc user def fields (to 200 characters).
- (#78) - Add OED peril code for off-floodplain.
- (#79) - New OED fields related to vulnerability.
- (#81) - Additions to OED to support off-shore renewable energy.
- (#85) - Additional OED currency and rate of exchange fields.
- (https://github.com/OasisLMF/OpenDataStandards/issues/90) - Additional ORD Exposure summary report
- ( #100) - Small changes to default values and data ranges in OED
- (#109) - Additional account participation field in OED
- (#80) - Add currency conversion capability to ods_tool
- (#82) - Simplify the currency conversion interface
Added missing SoilValue field to OED spec from (#67)
- (#66) - additing data tytpes to the ORD outputs, found here: https://github.com/OasisLMF/OpenDataStandards/blob/develop/OpenResultsData/Docs/ORD_Data_Spec.xlsx
- (#67) - inclusion of soil types for earthquake perils in OED
- (#68) - additonal geogschemes, roofcover types and OED occupancy codes
- (#73) - set unknown columns to dtype categorical
- (#65) - update the wording in the 'OED data spec' to limit the use of geogscheme/geogname to '30'
- Inclusion of OED Liability data schema and docs (https://github.com/OasisLMF/OpenDataStandards/tree/master/OpenExposureData/Liability)
Fixed package issue
missing spec csv in published package
Fix package installation issue #61 - Patched to 2.1.1 to fix but spec remains the same as 2.1.0
- (#53) - new payout type for step policies.
- (#54) - Addition peril codes for volcanic perils.
- (#58) - Additional occupancy and construction codes with descriptions.
- (#56) - Added testing to ods_tools package and generate csv spec from excel file.
- Above issues updated in the data spec .xlsx, associated .rst files and the OED pdf doc.
- Includes the hotfix to the Pypi conversion tool for .csv <> Parquet data formats below:
OED Version 2.0.0
- Updated documentation (rst files, csv, excel and pdf)
- Updated piwind OED (example) files
- Added a separate 'LocPopulation' file to OED - (#40)
- Added 'w3w' as a geogscheme to data spec .xslx to support 'What3Words' - (#39)
- Added 'CondTag' varchar(20) field to loc and acc files (#30)
- Removed 'CondNumber' int field from loc file
- Added 'OEDVersion' varchar(10) field to all four input files - (#33)
- Change 'NumberOfEmployees' int field to 'NumberOfOccupants' int field ion loc file (#40)
- Added 'OccupantPeriod' tiny int field to loc file - (#40)
- Added 'IsAggregate' field - #45
- Increased the amount of 'GeogScheme'/'GeogName' pairs supported in OED - (#51)
- Expanding the supported perils to include subsidence, pandemic, agriculture related perils and cyber - #46
- Changed data type of 'CondNumber' from int to varchar(20) in acc file
- Moved 'RiskLevel' char(3) field to ReinsInfo file (removed from ReinsScope file) - (#21)
- Created a CSV to Parquet conversion tool in Python https://github.com/OasisLMF/OpenDataStandards/tree/develop/src
ORD Version 2.0.0
- Report name changed from Period Average Loss Table (PALT) to Average Loss Table (ALT) - (#36)
- Removed standalone financial perspectives - https://github.com/OasisLMF/OpenDataStandards/issues/37
- Reindexing of EPCalc and EPType as follows;
1 = Mean Damage Ratio
2 = Full Uncertainty
3 = Per Sample Mean
4 = Sample Mean
1 = OEP
2 = OEP TVaR
3 = AEP
4 = AEP TVaR
- Dropped version from ORD spec filename
- Version 2.0.0
- Updated documentation (rst files, csv, excel and pdf)
- Updated piwind oed files
- Added 'w3w' as a geogscheme to data spec .xslx to support 'What3Words' -
Location file
- Added CondTag varchar(20) field
- Removed CondNumber int field
- Added OEDVersion varchar(10) field - (#33)
Account file
- Added CondTag varchar(20) field - (#30)
- Changed data type of CondNumber from int to varchar(20)
- Added OEDVersion varchar(10) field
ReinsInfo file
- Added RiskLevel char(3) field (from ReinsScope file) - (#21)
- Added OEDVersion varchar(10) field
ReinsScope file
- Removed RiskLevel char(3) field (moved to ReinsInfo file)
- Added OEDVersion varchar(10) field
- Version 2.0.0
- Report name changed from Period Average Loss Table (PALT) to Average Loss Table (ALT) - (#36)
- Reindexing of EPCalc and EPType as follows;
1 = Mean Damage Ratio
2 = Full Uncertainty
3 = Per Sample Mean
4 = Sample Mean
1 = OEP
2 = OEP TVaR
3 = AEP
4 = AEP TVaR
- Dropped version from ORD spec filename
- (#23) - Added IFM occupancy codes for specific oil, gas, electric and nuclear risks
- (#27) - Added a occupamcy code for commercial railway buildings
- Updated OpenExposureData_Spec to include new IFM occ codes
- Updated Occupancy Values.csv in schema folder with new IFM occ codes
- (#22) - Updated ranges for FirstFloorHeight and FirstFloorHeightUnit fields
- Made updates to the ODS ReadMe - added Munich Re and QOMPLX logos and mission statement
- Added the 'ODS_2021_Planning_&_Strategy_v1.pdf Doc
- Updated the ORD data spec for v1.1.3 and associated .csv files from latest one supplied by NASDAQ following the Lloyd's Lab project
- Added the ORD_Questions_&_Feedback.rst doc
- Added ODS diagram to the ReadMe file.
- (#2) - Updated area code for Canada from 2 digit codes to two letter codes
- (#4) - Added a field in the loc file for 'StaticMotorVehicle'
- (#18) - Made multiple updates to data ranges in the OED data spec spreadsheet ('OED Input Field' tab)
- (#19) - Update to 'ContentsFloodVuln' to include option 5 for no susceptibility
- (#20) - Added 'CondClass' to the loc file in the OED data spec