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Nicolas Sebrecht edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 22 revisions

Github OfflineIMAP page

Downloads: Source and Binaries

You should first check if your distribution already package OfflineIMAP for you.

Downloads releases as tarball or zipball.


SSL Certificate Validation

OfflineIMAP doesn’t validate remote SSL certificates.

For more, see

Contributing to this wiki


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for online edit.

with Git

1. First, clone this wiki with the link the the right menu or fetch the lastest
updates from the official wiki (git pull).
2. Fork the mirror.
3. Add a reference to your fork: git remote add myfork [email protected]:/offlineimap-wiki.git
4. Edit, edit, edit
5. Commit your changes.
6. Submit a pull requet.

Clone this wiki locally