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untitaker edited this page Oct 21, 2012 · 22 revisions

OfflineIMAP is a tool to simplify your e-mail reading. With OfflineIMAP, you can read the same mailbox from multiple computers. You get a current copy of your messages on each computer, and changes you make one place will be visible on all other systems. For instance, you can delete a message on your home computer, and it will appear deleted on your work computer as well. OfflineIMAP is also useful if you want to use a mail reader that does not have IMAP support, has poor IMAP support, or does not provide disconnected operation.

OfflineIMAP works on pretty much any POSIX operating system, such as Linux, BSD operating systems, MacOS X, Solaris, etc.

OfflineIMAP is a Free Software project licensed under the GNU General Public License. You can download it for free, and you can modify it. In fact, you are encouraged to contribute to OfflineIMAP, and doing so is fast and easy.

For more information on OfflineIMAP’s featureset, see the OfflineIMAP manual (link below).

This software was written by John Goerzen, who recently retired from maintaining. If you like it, you can send a few dollars my way via my tip jar, though that is certainly optional and doesn’t buy you anything.

Starting Points

Downloads: Source and Binaries

  • You can download the latest development tree by simply clicking Download Source above.
  • You can download a stable release for all operating systems by clicking the Downloads tab, then select the most recent debian/ release.
  • You can find Debian packages from the OfflineIMAP Debian Page
  • RPMs and packages for many other Linux and BSD distributions are also included with your distribution.

Contributing to OfflineIMAP

You can always take the easy route: download the source and email diffs. But it’s better if you use Git. Github has a lot of information on their help site about doing that.

Development & Support Status

John Goerzen initially wrote OfflineIMAP, but due to time constraints, is no longer able to write much code for it directly. Support is provided primarily by the community on the mailing list. Most patches, changes, bugfixes, etc. are written by others and periodically merged into the main development branch by John.

Mailing List and Community

Please ask here with your questions.

The OfflineIMAP mailing list is available for you. Long-term archives are available from GMane.

SSL Certificate Validation

OfflineIMAP doesn’t validate remote SSL certificates.

For more, see

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