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🎓 NCD.L2.sample--art-demo dapp

This repository contains a complete frontend applications (Vue.js, React, Angular) to work with NCD.L1.sample--art-demo smart contract targeting the NEAR platform:

  1. Vue.Js (main branch)
  2. React (react branch)
  3. Angular (angular branch)

The goal of this repository is to make it as easy as possible to get started writing frontend with Vue.js, React and Angular for AssemblyScript contracts built to work with NEAR Protocol.

⚠️ Warning

Any content produced by NEAR, or developer resources that NEAR provides, are for educational and inspiration purposes only. NEAR does not encourage, induce or sanction the deployment of any such applications in violation of applicable laws or regulations.

⚡ Usage

Right now I sent PR to NCD.L1.sample--art-demo with version of contract which will work with this frontend: code, after review this line will be removed from README file

Home page view


Dashboard page view


UI walkthrough image

You can use this app with contract ids which were deployed by the creators of this repo or you can use it with your own deployed contract ids.

To deploy sample--art-demo to your account visit this repo (smart contract deployment instructions are inside):

Also you can watch this video :


After you successfully deployed smart contracts and you have contract id, you can input them on a deployed website or you can clone the repo and put contract ids inside .env file :

VUE_APP_CONTRACT_ID = "put your contract id here"

After you input your values inside .env file, you need to :

  1. Install all dependencies
npm install


  1. Run the project locally
npm run serve


yarn serve

Other commands:

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build


yarn build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint


yarn lint

👀 Code walkthrough for Near university students

Code walkthrough video image

Project is using near-api-js to work with NEAR blockchain. In /services/near.js key classes, functions and configs are imported, they will be used to work with NEAR

import { keyStores, Near, Contract, WalletConnection, utils } from "near-api-js";

Then connecting to NEAR:

// connecting to NEAR
export const near = new Near({
    networkId: process.env.VUE_APP_networkId,
    keyStore: new keyStores.BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore(),
    nodeUrl: process.env.VUE_APP_nodeUrl,
    walletUrl: process.env.VUE_APP_walletUrl,

and creating wallet connection

export const wallet = new WalletConnection(near, "NCD.L2.sample--art-demo");

After this by using Composition API you will need to create useAuth() function and use inside signIn() and signOut() functions of wallet object. By doing this, login functionality can then be used in any component of the app. Also because this app has more then 1 view, it is added watchEffect() to useAuth(), it is redirecting pushing user to /dashboard if accountId is not null (basically, if user is logged in) :

watchEffect(() => {
        if (accountId.value) {

        if (!accountId.value) {

And also return statement is returning wallet object, this is done to call wallet.getAccountId() to show accountId in /components/Card.vue

useAuth() code :

import { watchEffect,ref } from "vue";
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { wallet, CONTRACT_ID, } from "@/services/near";

const accountId = ref(wallet.getAccountId())

export const useAuth = () => {
    const router = useRouter()

    const handleSignIn = () => {
        // redirects user to wallet to authorize your dApp
        // this creates an access key that will be stored in the browser's local storage
        // access key can then be used to connect to NEAR and sign transactions via keyStore
            contractId: CONTRACT_ID,
            methodNames: [] // add methods names to restrict access

    const handleSignOut = () => {
        accountId.value = wallet.getAccountId()

    watchEffect(() => {
        if (accountId.value) {

        if (!accountId.value) {

    return {
        signIn: handleSignIn,
        signOut: handleSignOut

To work with sample--art-demo contract separate useArtDemo() function is created with Composition API to split the logic. Contract is loaded inside /services/near.js:

export const CONTRACT_ID = process.env.VUE_APP_CONTRACT_ID;
const gas = new BN(process.env.VUE_APP_gas);

// connecting to NEAR
export const near = new Near({
  networkId: process.env.VUE_APP_networkId,
  keyStore: new keyStores.BrowserLocalStorageKeyStore(),
  nodeUrl: process.env.VUE_APP_nodeUrl,
  walletUrl: process.env.VUE_APP_walletUrl,

//create wallet connection
export const wallet = new WalletConnection(near, "NCD.L2.sample--art-demo");

function getContract() {
  return new Contract(
    wallet.account(), // the account object that is connecting
    CONTRACT_ID, // name of contract you're connecting to
      viewMethods: ['getTempDesign', 'viewMyDesign'], // view methods do not change state but usually return a value
      changeMethods: ['design', 'claimMyDesign', 'burnMyDesign'] // change methods modify state

const contract = getContract()

and export function is created for each contract method

example of a call with no params:

//function to get all messages from thanks contract
export const getMessages = async () => {
    return await thanksContract.list()

example of call with params (VIEW Method)

//function to get user claimed design
export const getMyClaimedDesign = async (accountId) => {
  return await contract.viewMyDesign({ accountId: accountId })

example of call with params (CHANGE Method)

//function to claim generated design and save it as yours design
export const claimDesign = async (seed) => {
  return await contract.claimMyDesign(
    { seed: seed },

Then in composables/near.js all logic from services/near.js is imported:

import {
} from "@/services/near";

and it is used to store some state of contract and to call contracts methods from services layer:

const generatedDesign = ref(null)
const myDesign = ref(null)
const isLoading = ref(false)
const err = ref(null)

export const useArtDemo = () => {

    const handleGetTempDesign = async (accountId) => {
        return await getTempDesign(accountId)

    const handleGetMyClaimedDesign = async (accountId) => {
        return await getMyClaimedDesign(accountId)

    const handleGenerateDesign = async (accountId) => {
        await generateDesign()
        generatedDesign.value = await getTempDesign(accountId)

    const handleClaimDesign = async (seed) => {
        await claimDesign(seed).then(res => console.log(res), res => console.log(res))
        myDesign.value = await getMyClaimedDesign(wallet.getAccountId())

    const handleBurnDesign = async () => {
        await burnDesign()
        myDesign.value = null

    return {
        getMyClaimedDesign: handleGetMyClaimedDesign,
        generateDesign: handleGenerateDesign,
        claimDesign: handleClaimDesign,
        burnDesign: handleBurnDesign

Inside views/Home.vue only signIn() function is imported and passed as props to child component. No additional logic of smart contract is used on Home page:

export default {
    components: { Card, HomeFooter },
    setup() {
        const { signIn } = useAuth();
        return {
//passing as a prop to child component
<Card :signIn="signIn"/>

Inside /views/Dashboard.vue lifecycle hook onBeforeMount() is used, inside hook all the data is received from the smart contract with useArtDemo() function

setup() {
      setup() {
        const { accountId, signOut } = useAuth();
        const { generatedDesign, myDesign, getTempDesign, getMyClaimedDesign, generateDesign, claimDesign, burnDesign, isLoading } = useArtDemo();
        const toast = useToast()

        onBeforeMount(async () => {
            isLoading.value = true
            generatedDesign.value = await getTempDesign(accountId.value)
            if (generatedDesign.value === null) {
                await generateDesign(accountId.value)
            myDesign.value = await getMyClaimedDesign(accountId.value)
            isLoading.value = false

        async function handleGenerateDesign() {
            try {
                isLoading.value = true
                await generateDesign(accountId.value)
            } catch (error) {
                toast.error("Error while generating new design")
            isLoading.value = false

        async function handleClaimDesign() {
            if (myDesign.value) {
                toast.error("You can have only 1 design claimed. First burn you already claimed design, to be able to claim new one")
            } else {
                try {
                    isLoading.value = true
                    await claimDesign(generatedDesign.value.seed)
                } catch (error) {
                    const errorMessage = error?.kind?.ExecutionError
                    toast.error(errorMessage.slice(0, errorMessage.match(', filename').index))
            isLoading.value = false

        async function handleBurnDesign() {
            try {
                isLoading.value = true
                await burnDesign()
            } catch (error) {
                const errorMessage = error?.kind?.ExecutionError
                toast.error(errorMessage.slice(0, errorMessage.match(', filename').index))
            isLoading.value = false

        return {

Then it is passing all values and functions which are used inside each child component as a props :

    <left-side-dashboard :accountId="accountId" :signOut="signOut" />