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536 lines (334 loc) · 23.8 KB

NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples PyTorch ResNet50 v1.5 测评

概述 Overview

本测试基于 NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples/Classification/ConvNets/ 仓库中提供的 PyTorch 框架的 ResNet50 v1.5 实现,在 NVIDIA 官方提供的 20.03 NGC 镜像及其衍生容器中进行单机单卡、单机多卡、多机多卡的结果复现及速度评测,评判框架在分布式训练情况下的横向拓展能力。

目前,该测试覆盖 FP32 及混合精度,后续将持续维护,增加使用其他优化方式的测评。

内容目录 Table Of Content

环境 Environment


  • 硬件

    • GPU:Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB x 8
  • 软件

    • 驱动:NVIDIA 440.33.01

    • 系统: Ubuntu 16.04

    • CUDA:10.2

    • cuDNN:7.6.5

NGC 容器

  • 系统: Ubuntu 18.04

  • CUDA 10.2.89

  • cuDNN 7.6.5

  • NCCL:2.5.6

  • PyTorch:1.5.0a0+8f84ded

  • OpenMPI 3.1.4

  • DALI 0.19.0

  • Python:3.6.9

    更多容器细节请参考 NVIDIA Container Support Matrix

    Feature support matrix

    Feature ResNet50 v1.5 PyTorch
    Multi-gpu training Yes
    Multi-node training Yes
    Automatic mixed precision (AMP) Yes

快速开始 Quick Start

1. 前期准备

  • 数据集

根据 Convolutional Networks for Image Classification in PyTorch 准备 ImageNet 数据集,只需下载、解压 train、validation 数据集到对应路径即可,使用原始图片进行训练。

  • 镜像及容器

拉取 NGC 20.03 的镜像、搭建容器,进入容器环境。

# 下载镜像
docker pull 

# 启动容器
docker run -it --shm-size=16g --ulimit memlock=-1 --privileged  \
--name pt_bert  --net host \
-v ./data:/data/ \
-d pytorch:20.03-py3 
  • 安装 IB 驱动

测试机器上的容器环境内未查找到 IB 驱动,会导致测试时 NCCL 库只能使用 Socket 通信,无法达到最佳测试效果,因此需要额外安装,首先安装依赖

apt install dpatch libelf1 libmnl0 libltdl-dev lsof chrpath debhelper pciutils tk bison graphviz ethtool kmod gfortran swig flex tcl


cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak

vim /etc/apt/sources.list

将下列源址复制进 /etc/apt/sources.list 中

deb bionic main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src bionic main restricted universe multiverse


deb bionic-security main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src bionic-security main restricted universe multiverse


deb bionic-updates main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src bionic-updates main restricted universe multiverse

deb bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb bionic-proposed main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src bionic-proposed main restricted universe multiverse


apt-get update

下载软件 MLNX_OFED_LINUX-4.9- 源码包并解压

wget && tar -xvf MLNX_OFED_LINUX-4.9-


cd MLNX_OFED_LINUX-4.9- && ./mlnxofedinstall --user-space-only --without-fw-update --all --force 


Installing srptools-41mlnx1...
Installing mlnx-ethtool-5.4...
Installing mlnx-iproute2-5.4.0...
Installing neohost-backend-1.5.0...
Failed to install neohost-backend DEB
Collecting debug info...
See /tmp/MLNX_OFED_LINUX.24525.logs/neohost-backend.debinstall.log




root@VS002:/workspace/rn50# ibstat
CA 'mlx5_0'
        CA type: MT4115
        Number of ports: 1
        Firmware version: 12.27.1016
        Hardware version: 0
        Node GUID: 0x506b4b0300f37674
        System image GUID: 0x506b4b0300f37674
        Port 1:
                State: Active
                Physical state: LinkUp
                Rate: 100
                Base lid: 56
                LMC: 0
                SM lid: 27
                Capability mask: 0x2651e848
                Port GUID: 0x506b4b0300f37674
                Link layer: InfiniBand


2. 运行测试

本次测试集群中有 4 台节点:

  • NODE1=

  • NODE2=

  • NODE3=

  • NODE4=

每个节点有 8 张 V100 显卡, 每张显卡显存 16 G。

  • 单机测试

在节点 1 的容器内下载本仓库源码:

git clone

将本仓库 /DLPerf/NVIDIADeepLearningExamples/PyTorch/resnet50v1.5/scripts 路径源码放至 /workspace/rn50 下,执行脚本

bash scripts/

针对单机单卡、2 卡、4 卡、8 卡, batch_size 取 128 等情况进行测试,并将 log 信息保存在当前目录的 /ngc/pytorch/ 对应分布式配置路径中。

  • 多机测试


典型地,多机测试时,需要在 /workspace/rn50/ 中 310 行的 torch.cuda.set_device(args.gpu) 下方增加 args.gpu = torch.cuda.device_count(),即

308     if args.distributed:
309         args.gpu = args.local_rank % torch.cuda.device_count()
310         torch.cuda.set_device(args.gpu)
311         args.gpu = torch.cuda.device_count() # modify here
312         dist.init_process_group(backend="nccl", init_method="env://")
313         args.world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size()

4 台机器都需要增加。

另外,需要测试混合精度(AMP)时,应该修改 PREC 的精度选项(amp)。

  • 两机测试

以 NODE1 和 NODE2 为例, 脚本已填入 2 台机器对应的 IP 及端口号,NODE1 上的脚本 中 --node_rank 默认为 0,还需自行将 NODE2 机器上相同路径下的脚本 37 行 --node_rank 改为 1,在 2 台机器上同时运行脚本,打印 log 如下:

+ '[' -z ngc/pytorch/2n8g/r50_b128_fp32_5.log ']'
+ tee ngc/pytorch/2n8g/r50_b128_fp32_5.log
+ python /workspace/rn50/ --nnodes 2 --node_rank 0 --nproc_per_node 8 --master_addr --master_port=22333 /workspace/rn50/ --data-backend dali-cpu --raport-file /workspace/rn50/raport.json -j8 -p 1 --lr 1.024 --optimizer-batch-size -1 --warmup 8 --arch resnet50 -c fanin --label-smoothing 0.1 --lr-schedule cosine --mom 0.125 --wd 3.0517578125e-05 --workspace /workspace/rn50 -b 128 --epochs 1 --prof 121 --training-only --no-checkpoints /data/image
=> creating model '('resnet50', 'fanin', 1000)'
Version: {'net': <class 'image_classification.resnet.ResNet'>, 'block': <class 'image_classification.resnet.Bottleneck'>, 'layers': [3, 4, 6, 3], 'widths': [64, 128, 256, 512], 'expansion': 4}
Config: {'conv': <class 'torch.nn.modules.conv.Conv2d'>, 'conv_init': 'fan_in', 'nonlinearity': 'relu', 'last_bn_0_init': False, 'activation': <function <lambda> at 0x7f9ab49a19d8>}
read 886372 files from 698 directories
read 50000 files from 1000 directories
DLL 2020-09-15 14:28:53.498443 - PARAMETER data : /data/image  data_backend : dali-cpu  arch : resnet50  model_config : fanin  num_classes : 1000  workers : 8  epochs : 1  run_epochs : -1  batch_size : 128  optimizer_batch_size : -1  lr : 1.024  lr_schedule : cosine  warmup : 8  label_smoothing : 0.1  mixup : 0.0  momentum : 0.125  weight_decay : 3.0517578125e-05  bn_weight_decay : False  nesterov : False  print_freq : 1  resume : None  pretrained_weights :   fp16 : False  static_loss_scale : 1  dynamic_loss_scale : False  prof : 121  amp : False  seed : None  gather_checkpoints : False  raport_file : /workspace/rn50/raport.json  evaluate : False  training_only : True  save_checkpoints : False  checkpoint_filename : checkpoint.pth.tar  workspace : /workspace/rn50  memory_format : nchw  distributed : True  local_rank : 0  gpu : 8  world_size : 16 
 ! Weight decay NOT applied to BN parameters 
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:13.473765 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 1  train.loss : 7.09304  train.total_ips : 267.44 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:14.427490 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 2  train.loss : 6.93504  train.total_ips : 4294.91 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:15.018767 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 3  train.loss : 6.85957  train.total_ips : 6928.79 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:15.387051 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 4  train.loss : 6.80420  train.total_ips : 11124.52 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:15.791445 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 5  train.loss : 6.75717  train.total_ips : 10131.38 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:16.161849 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 6  train.loss : 6.73528  train.total_ips : 11064.93 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:16.538463 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 7  train.loss : 6.72415  train.total_ips : 10879.48 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:16.946395 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 8  train.loss : 6.71593  train.total_ips : 10044.52 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:17.334849 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 9  train.loss : 6.69474  train.total_ips : 10547.30 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:17.744287 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 10  train.loss : 6.69965  train.total_ips : 10007.33 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:18.159381 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 11  train.loss : 6.69236  train.total_ips : 9872.60 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:18.553769 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 12  train.loss : 6.67351  train.total_ips : 10393.54 img/s
  • 多机测试

以本集群为例,最多支持 4 机 32 卡, 脚本已设置 NODE1 为 master node,设置好其 IP 及端口号,还需自行将 NODE3 机器上相同路径下的脚本 37 行 --node_rank 中的改为 2, NODE4 的 --node_rank 改为 3,在 4 台机器上同时运行脚本,打印 log 如下:

+ '[' -z ngc/pytorch/4n8g/r50_b128_fp32_5.log ']'
+ tee ngc/pytorch/4n8g/r50_b128_fp32_5.log
+ python /workspace/rn50/ --nnodes 4 --node_rank 0 --nproc_per_node 8 --master_addr --master_port=22333 /workspace/rn50/ --data-backend dali-cpu --raport-file /workspace/rn50/raport.json -j8 -p 1 --lr 1.024 --optimizer-batch-size -1 --warmup 8 --arch resnet50 -c fanin --label-smoothing 0.1 --lr-schedule cosine --mom 0.125 --wd 3.0517578125e-05 --workspace /workspace/rn50 -b 128 --epochs 1 --prof 121 --training-only --no-checkpoints /data/image
=> creating model '('resnet50', 'fanin', 1000)'
Version: {'net': <class 'image_classification.resnet.ResNet'>, 'block': <class 'image_classification.resnet.Bottleneck'>, 'layers': [3, 4, 6, 3], 'widths': [64, 128, 256, 512], 'expansion': 4}
Config: {'conv': <class 'torch.nn.modules.conv.Conv2d'>, 'conv_init': 'fan_in', 'nonlinearity': 'relu', 'last_bn_0_init': False, 'activation': <function <lambda> at 0x7f9ab49a19d8>}
read 886372 files from 698 directories
read 50000 files from 1000 directories
DLL 2020-09-15 14:28:53.498443 - PARAMETER data : /data/image  data_backend : dali-cpu  arch : resnet50  model_config : fanin  num_classes : 1000  workers : 8  epochs : 1  run_epochs : -1  batch_size : 128  optimizer_batch_size : -1  lr : 1.024  lr_schedule : cosine  warmup : 8  label_smoothing : 0.1  mixup : 0.0  momentum : 0.125  weight_decay : 3.0517578125e-05  bn_weight_decay : False  nesterov : False  print_freq : 1  resume : None  pretrained_weights :   fp16 : False  static_loss_scale : 1  dynamic_loss_scale : False  prof : 121  amp : False  seed : None  gather_checkpoints : False  raport_file : /workspace/rn50/raport.json  evaluate : False  training_only : True  save_checkpoints : False  checkpoint_filename : checkpoint.pth.tar  workspace : /workspace/rn50  memory_format : nchw  distributed : True  local_rank : 0  gpu : 8  world_size : 32 
 ! Weight decay NOT applied to BN parameters 
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
libibverbs: Warning: no userspace device-specific driver found for /sys/class/infiniband_verbs/uverbs0
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:13.473765 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 1  train.loss : 7.09304  train.total_ips : 267.44 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:14.427490 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 2  train.loss : 6.93504  train.total_ips : 4294.91 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:15.018767 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 3  train.loss : 6.85957  train.total_ips : 6928.79 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:15.387051 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 4  train.loss : 6.80420  train.total_ips : 11124.52 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:15.791445 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 5  train.loss : 6.75717  train.total_ips : 10131.38 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:16.161849 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 6  train.loss : 6.73528  train.total_ips : 11064.93 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:16.538463 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 7  train.loss : 6.72415  train.total_ips : 10879.48 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:16.946395 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 8  train.loss : 6.71593  train.total_ips : 10044.52 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:17.334849 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 9  train.loss : 6.69474  train.total_ips : 10547.30 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:17.744287 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 10  train.loss : 6.69965  train.total_ips : 10007.33 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:18.159381 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 11  train.loss : 6.69236  train.total_ips : 9872.60 img/s
DLL 2020-09-15 14:29:18.553769 - Epoch: 0 Iteration: 12  train.loss : 6.67351  train.total_ips : 10393.54 img/s

3. 数据处理

测试进行了多组训练(本测试中取 5 次),每次训练过程取第 1 个 epoch 的前 150 iter,计算训练速度时取后 100 iter 的数据,以降低抖动。最后将 5 次训练的结果取中位数得到最终速度,并最终以此数据计算加速比。

运行 /DLPerf/NVIDIADeepLearningExamples/PyTorch/BERT/,即可得到针对不同配置测试结果 log 数据处理的结果:

python --log_dir /workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/ --warmup_batches 20 --train_batches 120 --batch_size_per_device 256


/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/4n8g/r50_b256_amp_3.log {3: 22978.13}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/4n8g/r50_b256_amp_5.log {3: 22978.13, 5: 22053.98}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/4n8g/r50_b256_amp_2.log {3: 22978.13, 5: 22053.98, 2: 22551.16}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/4n8g/r50_b256_amp_4.log {3: 22978.13, 5: 22053.98, 2: 22551.16, 4: 23049.75}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/4n8g/r50_b256_amp_1.log {3: 22978.13, 5: 22053.98, 2: 22551.16, 4: 23049.75, 1: 22364.13}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n1g/r50_b256_fp16_4.log {4: 802.4}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n1g/r50_b256_fp16_1.log {4: 802.4, 1: 803.69}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n1g/r50_b256_fp16_5.log {4: 802.4, 1: 803.69, 5: 802.9}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n1g/r50_b256_fp16_3.log {4: 802.4, 1: 803.69, 5: 802.9, 3: 803.66}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n1g/r50_b256_fp16_2.log {4: 802.4, 1: 803.69, 5: 802.9, 3: 803.66, 2: 793.9}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/2n8g/r50_b256_amp_3.log {3: 11991.94}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/2n8g/r50_b256_amp_5.log {3: 11991.94, 5: 11964.81}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/2n8g/r50_b256_amp_2.log {3: 11991.94, 5: 11964.81, 2: 11896.95}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/2n8g/r50_b256_amp_4.log {3: 11991.94, 5: 11964.81, 2: 11896.95, 4: 11999.35}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/2n8g/r50_b256_amp_1.log {3: 11991.94, 5: 11964.81, 2: 11896.95, 4: 11999.35, 1: 12046.71}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n8g/r50_b256_fp16_4.log {4: 6173.05}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n8g/r50_b256_fp16_1.log {4: 6173.05, 1: 6135.08}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n8g/r50_b256_fp16_5.log {4: 6173.05, 1: 6135.08, 5: 6160.56}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n8g/r50_b256_fp16_3.log {4: 6173.05, 1: 6135.08, 5: 6160.56, 3: 6154.66}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n8g/r50_b256_fp16_2.log {4: 6173.05, 1: 6135.08, 5: 6160.56, 3: 6154.66, 2: 6130.69}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n4g/r50_b256_fp16_4.log {4: 3137.67}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n4g/r50_b256_fp16_1.log {4: 3137.67, 1: 3129.63}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n4g/r50_b256_fp16_5.log {4: 3137.67, 1: 3129.63, 5: 3144.55}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n4g/r50_b256_fp16_3.log {4: 3137.67, 1: 3129.63, 5: 3144.55, 3: 3137.44}
/workspace/rn50/scripts/j5_amp_ngc/pytorch/1n4g/r50_b256_fp16_2.log {4: 3137.67, 1: 3129.63, 5: 3144.55, 3: 3137.44, 2: 3119.23}
{'r50': {'1n1g': {'average_speed': 801.31,
                  'batch_size_per_device': 256,
                  'median_speed': 802.9,
                  'speedup': 1.0},
         '1n4g': {'average_speed': 3133.7,
                  'batch_size_per_device': 256,
                  'median_speed': 3137.44,
                  'speedup': 3.91},
         '1n8g': {'average_speed': 6150.81,
                  'batch_size_per_device': 256,
                  'median_speed': 6154.66,
                  'speedup': 7.67},
         '2n8g': {'average_speed': 11979.95,
                  'batch_size_per_device': 256,
                  'median_speed': 11991.94,
                  'speedup': 14.94},
         '4n8g': {'average_speed': 22599.43,
                  'batch_size_per_device': 256,
                  'median_speed': 22551.16,
                  'speedup': 28.09}}}
Saving result to ./result/_result.json

性能结果 Performance

该小节提供针对 NVIDIA PyTorch 框架的 ResNet50 v1.5 模型使用 IB(Infinite Band)网络单多机测试的性能结果和完整 log 日志。


  • ResNet50 v1.5 batch_size = 128

node_num gpu_num_per_node batch_size_per_device samples/s(PyTorch) speedup
1 1 128 367.29 1.00
1 4 128 1449.48 3.95
1 8 128 2887.65 7.86
2 8 128 5716.79 15.56
4 8 128 10917.09 29.72

AMP & dynamic loss scale

由于使用 AMP 时,可以选择 dynamic loss scale 或者 static loss scale,但是不同实现会带来些微(0.8%~4.7%)的性能差异,所以附上两份数据。

  • ResNet50 v1.5 batch_size = 256

node_num gpu_num_per_node batch_size_per_device samples/s(PyTorch) speedup
1 1 256 802.9 1.00
1 4 256 3137.44 3.91
1 8 256 6154.66 7.67
2 8 256 11991.94 14.94
4 8 256 22551.16 28.09

同时,可支持的 max batch size=256。

AMP & static loss scale

node_num gpu_num_per_node batch_size_per_device samples/s(PyTorch) speedup
1 1 256 827.86 1.00
1 4 256 3253.68 3.93
1 8 256 6446.74 7.79

同时,可支持的 max batch size=256。

NVIDIA的 PyTorch 官方测评结果详见 ResNet50 v1.5 For PyTorch 的 Results

Ray 的 PyTorch 官方测评结果详见 Distributed PyTorch

详细 Log 信息可下载:ngc_pytorch_resnet50_v1.5.tar