This is the documentation page related to Work pages on Open Library that begin with the URL prefix "/works".
You will find here all the operations you can do on works through the Work
In it's simplest form, GetWork
will fetch all the data and returns a filled* Work
struct. And from the struct you can make other calls to get Editions, Authors, and Covers etc.
* filling the struct requires using the Load() method; When using GetWork()
, Load()
is called.
Methods | Args | Returns |
GetWork | WorkId | (w Work, err error) |
(w *Work) Load | ||
(w *Work) Key | string, error | |
(w *Work) Desc | string, error | |
(w *Work) Subjects | string, error | |
(w *Work) Title | string, error | |
(w *Work) KeyAuthors | []string, error | |
(w *Work) KeyCovers | []string, error | |
--- | --- | -- |
(w Work) FirstCoverKey | string | |
(w Work) Cover | size | URL of cover |
(w Work) Authors | []Authors, err | |
(w Work) Editions | []Book, err |
work, err:= gol.GetWork("OL45583W")
// Output:
// Work, error
// To get fields
title, err := work.Title()
cover := work.Cover("L") // Get a large cover of the work
// Output:
authors, err := work.Authors() // Get the list of authors that contributed to the work.
// Output:
// []Authors, error
editions, err := work.Editions() // Get the list of editions liked to the work.
// Output:
// []Book, error