Releases: OpenCTI-Platform/opencti
Version 6.4.3
- #4770 Redact credentials for ingestion (password and private keys) of ingester in the audit logging
Bug Fixes:
- #9173 Unable to delete some relationships - mapping set to strict, dynamic introduction of [i_stop_time_year] within [_doc] is not allowed
- #9168 [Filter] Filter missing in the "Data > Relationship" view
- #9136 ImportDoc connector Will not Automatically Create a Workbench When Uploading a PDF on the Data page of an Observable and Artifact
- #9133 [RSS] Brackets escaped in RSS feed
- #9126 [Bulk enrich] Available connectors are not displayed if "select all"
- #9082 Error when exporting a list of entities in PDF format
- #8808 Bulk actions invisible in the tool bar for some screens resolution
- #8748 [RBAC] User kicked out when accessing a forbidden resource
- #8405 User can't export indicators while having the capabilities for it
- #7987 Workbench creation: labels not taken into account
- #7973 Public dashboard link is incomplete when using a base path that is not empty for OpenCTI
- #7944 Option "auto new marking" in groups not working on max_shareable_markings, could make exports fail
- #6409 [technical] wrong extension typing in StixCyberObject
Pull Requests:
- [backend] fix possible undefined fileMarkings (#9149) by @JeremyCloarec in #9178
- [frontend] fix redirect value depending on capability in Data tab by @marieflorescontact in #9048
- [frontend] Display filter label according to the entity type context (#9168) by @Archidoit in #9172
- [frontend] fix the labels after workbench creation by @CelineSebe in #9169
- Update dependency cookie to v0.7.2 by @renovate in #9185
- Update dependency axios to v1.7.8 by @renovate in #9182
- Update dependency apexcharts to v3.54.1 by @renovate in #9181
- [backend] remove organization cache (#8806) by @SouadHadjiat in #8959
- Update dependency jsdom to v25 by @renovate in #9040
- Update dependency vite-plugin-static-copy to v2 by @renovate in #9033
- Update dependency axios-cookiejar-support to v5.0.3 by @renovate in #9183
- Update dependency compression to v1.7.5 by @renovate in #9184
- [frontend/backend] Add new markings to max_shareable_markings of groups with auto_new_marking (#7944) by @Archidoit in #9076
- [backend] remove HTML parsing in title of RSS items (#9133) by @JeremyCloarec in #9152
- [backend] fix reindex error on deleting old objects (#9173) by @SouadHadjiat in #9193
- [backend] optionnal STIX_EXT_OCTI_SCO by @marieflorescontact in #9088
- [frontend / backend] manage capabilities for knowledge export (#8405) by @frapuks in #9052
- Update dependency @ckeditor/ckeditor5-react to v9.4.0 by @renovate in #9205
- Update dependency react-apexcharts to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #8861
- Update dependency tough-cookie to v5 by @renovate in #9031
- Update dependency uuid to v11 by @renovate in #9032
- [frontend] Display the available connectors if the ‘select all’ option is activated (#9126) by @Gwendoline-FAVRE-FELIX in #9188
Full Changelog: 6.4.2...6.4.3
Version 6.3.14
Bug Fixes:
- #9136 ImportDoc connector Will not Automatically Create a Workbench When Uploading a PDF on the Data page of an Observable and Artifact
Full Changelog: 6.3.13...6.3.14
Version 6.4.2
- #8403 CSV mapper: Ability to import entities that are present in multiple rows with various data for the same attribute & hhandle larger files through streaming
- #7787 Retention rules may periodically publish error if trying to delete individual coresponding to a user
- #7589 Improve CSV parser to stream file to handle very large volume of data
Bug Fixes:
- #9150 In TAXII Client configuration, "Copy confidence level to OpenCTI Scores for Indicators" state is dropped
- #9149 When uploading or creating a file in Content tab (Report for example) an error occurs
- #9129 Colors of connectors list is not correct
- #9117 Custom dashboard history distribution widget by creator crashes for non admin users
- #9049 Deleting a marking definition never close the confirmation popup
- #9021 Tooltip in recent history is troncated
- #8974 Refactor file check access to improve speed and efficiency
- #8927 Domain observable with hyphen/dash is incorrectly rejected
- #8686 Author not assigned as Creator if object created outside Report
- #8295 Missing indicator of the number of relationships between threat actors and narratives
- #8268 [Dashboard] Exporting a dashboard with a “.” in the name doesn't add the “.json”.
- #8179 Missing results when searching for observables containing a domain name
- #7830 Reduce display delay after adding relationships
Pull Requests:
- [backend] Domain observable with hyphen/dash is incorrectly rejected V2 (#8927) by @SarahBocognano in #8969
- [frontend] fix missing base path in publicdashboard link by @marieflorescontact in #9083
- [backend] Allow csv mapper to import entities present in several row and stream csv reading (#8403)(#7589) by @aHenryJard in #8638
- [integration] Add dev "rolling" deployment by @gileri in #9025
- [frontend] fix refresh delay after adding relationships (#7830) by @delemaf in #9104
- Update dependency react-intl to v6.8.9 by @renovate in #8863
- Update dependency react-router-dom to v6.28.0 by @renovate in #8865
- Update dependency openai to v4.73.0 by @renovate in #8853
- Update dependency jose to v5.9.6 by @renovate in #8851
- [backend] Prevent retention rules to delete user individuals (#7787) by @SouadHadjiat in #9068
- [frontend] Fix regression on connectors status lines by @SarahBocognano in #9121
- [frontend] fix the green dot after setting a default value for an attribute ref by @CelineSebe in #9089
- [frontend] remove useless CK editor Custom build (#8151) by @Archidoit in #9111
- [backend] Fix distribution widget by creator error (#9117) by @SouadHadjiat in #9118
- [frontend] fetch creators on observable creation (#8686) by @delemaf in #9056
- [backend] In a container, display the entire history tooltip (#9021) by @Gwendoline-FAVRE-FELIX in #9142
- [frontend] use context to prefill the dynamic entity mapping column by @CelineSebe in #9087
- [frontend] Fix marking definition updater (#9049) by @Archidoit in #9096
- Upgrade rabbitmq to 4 for drone and local dev(#8894) by @aHenryJard in #9155
- Update Docker tag to v26 by @renovate in #9034
- [backend] no longer send x_opencti_files with resolved markings to elastic (#9149) by @JeremyCloarec in #9159
- [frontend] fix confidence_to_score handling in taxii edition (#9150) by @JeremyCloarec in #9170
New Contributors:
Full Changelog: 6.4.1...6.4.2
Version 6.4.1
Bug Fixes:
- #9099 Cannot download files in Content tab
- #9074 OBAS results placeholder has wrong styling
- #9073 Entity type filter values are not restricted in Relationship creation form list
- #9063 Observable Persona global search and entity filter of Persona not working
- #9022 In an investigation, you need to refresh the page after creating a new relationship to see it.
- #8984 Uncorrect members ordering in Group Edition form
- #8962 [Workbench] Validation is allowed even without the capability "Create / Update knowledge"
- #8597 [Dashboard] Entities perspective displays the “relationship” message
- #7828 When deleting a connector in ingestion => connectors, interface is redirected to the connector and then to the list
- #7539 Default filters cannot be changed in some cases
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] Members ordering in Group edition form (#8984) by @Archidoit in #9061
- [frontend] Number of entities tooltip message in widgets (#8597) by @Archidoit in #9062
- [frontend] Show validate workbench button according to capabilities (… by @labo-flg in #9047
- [frontend] fix display of obas results placeholder (#9074) by @labo-flg in #9075
- [backend] Fix for persona_name global search and entity filter/link registration by @ParamConstructor in #9064
- [frontend] Restrict entity type filter values in Relationship creation list (#9073) by @Archidoit in #9085
- [frontend] Entity type filter value selection in 'Add entities' panel (#7539) by @Archidoit in #9084
- [frontend] In Investigation, fix the display of a relationship after it has been created (#9022) by @Gwendoline-FAVRE-FELIX in #9077
- [frontend] fix download files + some css issues (#9099) by @lndrtrbn in #9100
- [frontend] When deleting a connector in ingestion => connectors, interface is redirected to the connector and then to the list (#7828) by @SarahBocognano in #9024
Full Changelog: 6.4.0...6.4.1
Version 6.4.0
Dear community, we're excited to announce the launch of OpenCTI 6.4! 🥳
This release has been mainly focused on solving the following pain points & unlocking the below use cases:
- Protect platforms from unwanted configurations changes, by implementing a danger zone
- Improve Mean Time To Response by facilitating actions on cases
- Facilitate Graph manipulation, by enabling a set of new actions
- Facilitate ingestion process, by making CSV mapper more flexible & improve errors on connectors
- Vulnerability management, by developing additional integrations
If our platform is flexible, sometimes this flexibility can be harmful when it some new users to the platforms perform some actions which can have a negative on their experience, such as remove the Enterprise Edition, changing the platform organisation, updating some built-in roles & groups.
This is the reason why we introduced the concept of Danger Zone 🚸.
**From the moment you will upgrade, certain area of the platform will be protected. This means you will not be able to edit them without having a new specific role capability. For more information regarding this feature, please go to the dedicated documentation
Quick and efficient incident response is essential for many organizations, yet managing participant assignments and case updates can often be time-consuming, slowing down response times.
To streamline incident management, we’ve introduced direct in-UI options for assigning participants and assignees, removing the need to open the modification panel. Additionally, we now support bulk operations for updating fields like creator, assignee, priority, severity, and type🖊️ directly from the list view.
These enhancements enable faster, more flexible incident management, giving teams the ability to quickly assign resources and update cases at scale.
To complement on this topic, one great feature added this release is also the ability to enroll a specific entity within the playbook 🤖: starting from 6.4, you can create a playbook with the first step being “Available for manual enrollment / trigger”. By creating this step without any filter & the rest of your workflow, you can now, when navigating to a container, “enroll this entity in a playbook” to have an automation running on this specific entity. This will unlock lots of use cases, for instance to apply specific measures to a particular entity that you need to follow.
Users frequently need to work with knowledge graphs to manipulate information within containers. However, adding entities to an established knowledge graph has been a challenge, as forces were automatically reapplied, disrupting the graph's layout and usability. So as creating a large number of relationships with a single entity led to problems of timeout.
In this release, we’ve refined the knowledge graph experience to support smoother interactions. Now, if you disable forces on your graph, it will maintain its layout when new entities are added 📈, preserving your custom configurations.
Additionally, with valuable input from the community, we’ve enhanced relationship management within reports. Users can now select all relationships linked to a node or choose to isolate either parent or child relationships 💡—simplifying bulk actions, such as removing relationships from a container.
Investigation graphs have also been reworked to improved the representation of file objects (observable).
Knowledge ingestion through CSV files offers flexibility, but handling custom formats can be challenging. Users need efficient ways to create mappers and manage conditional data.
To enhance CSV ingestion, we’ve introduced two key improvements to CSV mappers.
Firstly, we’ve added a duplication feature for CSV mappers (and feeds) 📁across both ingestion and data sharing, simplifying the mapper creation process.
Secondly, the new Conditional Mapping 🧪functionality allows users to map columns based on specific conditions—particularly useful when a single column contains multiple entity types. For instance, users can configure the mapper to recognize whether a row is an IP address or URL based on values in a separate column, streamlining entity classification.
Ingestion have also been improved with the ability to map a confidence level information on our score notion (x_opencti_score) when ingesting Indicators/Observables from a TAXII Feed.
Few releases back we have started our work towards unlocking some vulnerability management capabilities within the app.
This is why we have now introduced the Tenable Vulnerability Management connector. Thanks to this connector, you can now monitor your assets using our system entity within OpenCTI & get some corresponding vulnerabilities.
Additionally, systems now have a knowledge view 🪟 to see their related vulnerabilities & a new relationship type “system has vulnerability” 🔗 has been introduced too. Thanks to the work already done to add EPSS, KEV & connectors already built, in addition to these fields being supported in the playbooks, vulnerability management within OpenCTI becomes doable to a certain extent within the platform 🔥
Connectors are essential for data ingestion, yet diagnosing errors within connectors can be challenging and time-consuming. Clear error insights are crucial for efficient troubleshooting and to maintain data flow continuity.
To simplify error resolution, we’ve enhanced the error logging for connectors 💬. Now, within the error tab, users can view errors categorized under Critical, Warning, and All, allowing for immediate prioritization. Each error entry includes an improved, human-readable explanation along with a unique error code. This code links directly to documentation that provides specific troubleshooting steps, helping users quickly identify and address issues.
When it comes to troubleshooting, you also need to understand which are the users who have taken a given action, in order to be able to trace back & understand what did happen. Our logging have been improve thanks to the introduction of a filter on the “system” user. 👥
Outside of these use cases, we have tackled some additional various issues.
- We have ensured that in a container (or in the observable view), if you filter on one single observable type (in a report, using the right handside component), you can select-all and enrich all at once 🌎. This is will save you some time!
- When using AI within a report, the generation will offer the user to select the language of generation. By default, we will use user’s language to generate the report through AI ✨, so that it won’t change anything to your current flow.
- Within entities that contains a knowledge view about Attack Patterns, we have now introduce a flat list view of attack patterns 💡, in order to manipulate the attack pattern as entities & use the mass operations.
- We have also introduced the ability, when defining an email notification in the notifier, to add a suffix to the email notification URL 📨, so that you can redirect to the precise entity when receiving a notification.
- We’ve expanded dashboarding capabilities with a new widget —Cloud of Words📊—to give you more flexibility in dashboard creation.
- Opinions across all entities are now clickable 🕵️, allowing you to see who shared feedback and their specific comments. Additionally, a new opinion filter let you configure widgets 📊to display the distribution of entities based on the average of their associated opinions.
- New capability “Can use web interface export functions (PDF, PNG, etc.)” 🔒: it aims to control who can download images from a dashboard or a knowledge view & List groups & roles in alphabetical order 💡.
- You can now Disable the trash 📴 if you do not need it.
- Overall, we have also worked on security fixes & performance issues (for ingestion & deletion). Among security improvement, we have also added the ability to revoke & recreate a new token 🔒 for a user which would have seen its token leaked. Tokens & password are now hidden by default in UI🕵️.
In addition to Tenable connectors addition, two new enrichment connectors have also been added:
- RiskIQ Passive Total enrichment
- GreyNoise Vulnerability enrichment
We have also made a number of improvements to the Microsoft Sentinel, Tanium and Harfanglab connectors. The export of indicators and the import of incidents are now separated into two different connectors (stream & external-import).
On a finish note, we would like to thank you for your contributions 🙏 to our product, that helps making our product better: guillaumededrie, stefan1anuby, Bonsai8863, animedbz16, daimoyo007, cert-orangecyberdefense, polakovicp, DNRRomero, stefanbulof, annoyingapt, uTomasAnderson, bradchiapetta, brett-fitz, akhanafeer, mmolenda, initstring, Darkheir, WolfBytnner, Mathieu4141, DinkoReversingLabs, basvanschaik, curiouspython1.
Of course, a huge thank you to all for your contributions 🥇
We hope this release will please you! Feel free to drop us a note about anything. We’re always happy to get feedback about our product usage, whether it’s to hear that everything works perfectly or to get some improvement ideas to.
Version 6.3.13
Bug Fixes:
- #9042 Organization mapping is not working with Microsoft when "." is present in path
- #9026 PDF viewer is broken everywhere
Full Changelog: 6.3.12...6.3.13
Version 6.3.12
- #8966 Improve auto fixing platform at start for missing queues in rabbitmq
- #8923 Improve error message notification in the UI
- #8870 Improve errors in httpPlatform to not always propagate to the last middleware
- #8793 Add integration tests to playbooks
Bug Fixes:
- #9015 File markings are not present in the stream
- #8996 Create a public dashboard: when accessing the dashboard an error message in widget shown "you must be logged to do this"
- #8976 PDF export of HTML content is broken
- #8973 Empty SHA256/SHA1 field when modifying File Observable
- #8899 [RBAC - Dashboard] Need "Manage credentials" capability for "Activity & History" perspective
- #8838 Prevent deletion of the organization that is used as plateforme organization or attibuted to a user
- #8761 TAXII collection not accessible which is created by user on the demo website.
- #8721 [Playbooks] unable to filter on "Platform Creation Date" on "Query knowledge on regular basis"
- #8688 Container: in Source mode, you need to click twice on Source mode to quit the source mode
- #8611 Indicator pattern and standard id are not updated through stream sync
- #8425 Massive relationships creation screen is not respecting default radius of 4 (left entity + match)
- #8413 [AI] "Summaries file"on all files does not always work
- #8324 Fail to ingest CSV feed
- #8279 Threat actor top bar right loading is not properly aligned
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] Improve error message notification in the UI (#8923) by @richard-julien in #8924
- [backend] secure organization deletion (#8838) by @SouadHadjiat in #8903
- [backend] add playbook test (#8793) by @frapuks in #8795
- [frontend] align isGrantedToSettings in AuditsDistributionList widget (#8899) by @JeremyCloarec in #8948
- [frontend] use inline for header loader variant (#8279) by @frapuks in #8936
- Update dependency ckeditor5 to v43.3.1 by @renovate in #8850
- Update dependency react-pdf to v9.1.1 by @renovate in #8864
- [frontend]Massive relationships creation screen is not respecting default radius (#8425) by @ValentinBouzinFiligran in #8896
- [frontend] fix content export pdf (#8976) by @marieflorescontact in #8979
- [frontend] CK Editor Scrollbar in Source mode (#8687) by @Archidoit in #8970
- [backend] Improve errors in httpPlatform to not always propagate to the last middleware (#8870) by @richard-julien in #8871
- [frontend] Empty SHA256/SHA1 field when modifying File Observable (#8973) by @ValentinBouzinFiligran in #8991
- [backend] add external ref files into AI summarize (#8413) by @frapuks in #8926
- [backend] check playbook filters & add playbook nodes tests (#8721) by @Archidoit in #8955
- [frontend] fix user context error (#8996) by @marieflorescontact in #9004
- [frontend] Integrate react-timeline-range-slider (#8816) by @richard-julien in #9012
- [backend] Add file marking definitions to the stream (#9015) by @SamuelHassine in #9017
Full Changelog: 6.3.11...6.3.12
Version 6.3.11
Bug Fixes:
- #8942 Possible performance drop at ingestion due to heavy regular expression
- #8911 [Request for takedown case] Related entities weird behavior
- #8910 The design of the ‘create’ button for an observable must be aligned with the other create buttons
- #8908 Investigation: cannot expand observables of type File
- #8884 Header in creation drawer is not correct on observable
- #8831 Investigation: Unable to expand any indicators linked to a file obervable
- #8818 [Workbench] Relationships not created
- #8809 [entities merging] incorrect kept file when files names conflicts
- #8646 Long title on dashboards can mess with UI
- #8571 Regression in massive operations on data tables
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] Fix data tables interactions between selected elements and filters (#8571) by @lndrtrbn in #8796
- [frontend] Header in creation drawer is not correct on observable (#8884) by @SarahBocognano in #8919
- [backend] keep base entity file if files names conflicts at entities merging (#8809) by @Archidoit in #8810
- [frontend] fix unable to expand indicators based on file (#8831) by @marieflorescontact in #8933
- [backend] Domain observable with hyphen/dash is incorrectly rejected (#8927) by @SarahBocognano in #8929
- [frontend] Long title on dashboards can mess with UI (#8646) by @SarahBocognano in #8830
- [frontend] Add types filtering for related entities in cases (#8911) by @Kedae in #8922
Full Changelog: 6.3.10...6.3.11
Version 6.3.10
- #8869 [backend] Improve performance by better targeting indices for query
Bug Fixes:
- #8901 Public dashboard erros on some widgets when not configuring any time range
- #8867 Permissions from External Auth Server Not Mapped to OpenCTI Platform Groups When Logging in via loginFromProvider
- #8675 [OPENCTI-MODULE] INGESTION - Error with taxii handler CISA-GOV - Atribute Must be a string
- #8560 Title not taken into account in Text widget
- #8330 Hamburger buttons to update or delete an attack pattern within an incident doesn't work and redirect to the attack pattern page.
- #8178 Entities validated in a report's analyst workbench are not included in the report
- #7965 ImportFileStix2 - Importing STIX file from within a Grouping does not add the imported objects to the Grouping
- #7620 Domain observable with underscore is incorrectly rejected
- #6361 Creating a lot of relationships at once causes a timeout error
Pull Requests:
- Permissions from External Auth Server Not Mapped to OpenCTI Platform Groups When Logging in via loginFromProvider by @savannah030 in #8868
- [backend] Improve performance by better targeting indices for query by @richard-julien in #8615
- Update dependency react-syntax-highlighter to v15.6.1 by @renovate in #8866
- Update dependency react-grid-layout to v1.5.0 by @renovate in #8862
- [frontend] Display the title in widgetText by @CelineSebe in #8841
- [frontend] Remove "update" or "delete" button on attack pattern within an incident kill chain view(#8330) by @CelineSebe in #8836
- [backend] fix taxii cursor number error (#8675) by @aHenryJard in #8840
- [backend] Fix logging for tests / Enforce report creation and adapt test by @richard-julien in #8900
- [frontend] fix startDate and endDate default values in public dashboard widgets (#8901) by @JeremyCloarec in #8902
- [backend] Domain observable checker is incorrect (#7620) by @SarahBocognano in #8768
- [frontend] fix enrichment buttons (#8825) by @labo-flg in #8907
New Contributors:
- @savannah030 made their first contribution in #8868
Full Changelog: 6.3.9...6.3.10
Version 6.3.9
Bug Fixes:
- #8837 Bug may lead to deletion of all entities in OpenCTI
- #8800 Finding report duplicates does not work properly
- #8767 Having a large number of Organizations slows down the playbooks
- #8642 Extremely high CPU usage in workers
- #8575 Report export to STIX2 brings start_time == stop_time for relations
- #8282 Useless vertical scrollbar in custom dashboard + hidden by the header
Pull Requests:
- [frontend] UI fix scrollbar useless in custom dashboard (#8282) by @CelineSebe in #8823
- [frontend] Fix global search toolbar (#8837) by @SouadHadjiat in #8845
- [backend/frontend] Fix playbook organization sharing schema (#8767) by @SouadHadjiat in #8811
Full Changelog: 6.3.8...6.3.9