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Deploying microservices to OpenShift 4 using Kubernetes Operators

This repository contains the guide documentation source. To view the guide in published form, view it on the Open Liberty website.

Explore how to deploy microservices to Red Hat OpenShift 4 using Kubernetes Operators.

What you’ll learn

You will learn how to deploy a cloud-native application with 2 microservices to Red Hat OpenShift 4 using Kubernetes Operators like the Open Liberty Operator. You will install two operators into an OpenShift cluster and use them to deploy and scale sample microservices.

OpenShift is a Kubernetes-based platform with added functions. It streamlines the DevOps process by providing an intuitive development pipeline. It also provides integration with multiple tools to make the deployment and management of cloud applications easier. You can learn more about Kubernetes by checking out the Deploying microservices to Kubernetes guide.

Kubernetes operators provide an easy way to automate the management and updating of applications by abstracting away some of the details of cloud application management. To learn more about operators, check out this Operators tech topic article.

The application in this guide consists of two microservices, system and inventory. Every 15 seconds, the system microservice calculates and publishes events that contain its current average system load. The inventory microservice subscribes to that information so that it can keep an updated list of all the system microservices and their current system loads.

The following figure shows the application that you deploy, which consists of two microservices, system and inventory, connected by a message broker:

Reactive system inventory

You will deploy the two Open Liberty microservices by using the Open Liberty Operator, and deploy Kafka using the Strimzi Operator. The Open Liberty Operator provides a method of packaging, deploying, and managing Open Liberty applications on Kubernetes-based clusters. The Open Liberty Operator watches Open Liberty resources and creates various Kubernetes resources, including Deployments, Services, and Routes, depending on the configurations. The Operator then continuously compares the current state of the resources, the desired state of application deployment, and reconciles them when necessary. To learn more about the Strimzi Operator, visit their official website. You can learn more about how the reactive Java services used in this guide work by checking out the Creating reactive Java microservices guide.

Additional prerequisites

Before you can deploy your microservices, you must gain access to a cluster on OpenShift and have an OpenShift client installed. For client installation instructions, refer to the official OpenShift Online documentation.

There are various OpenShift offerings. You can gain access to an OpenShift cluster that is hosted on IBM Cloud, or check out other offerings from OpenShift.

After you get access to a cluster, make sure you are logged in to the cluster as a cluster administrator by running the following command:

oc version

Look for output similar to the following example:

Client Version: 4.13.0
Server Version: 4.13.0
Kubernetes Version: v1.26.3

Before you install any resources, you need to create a project on your OpenShift cluster. Create a project named guide by running the following command:

oc new-project guide

Ensure that you are working within the project guide by running the following command:

oc projects

Look for an asterisk (*) with the guide project in the list of projects to confirm that you are in the guide project, as shown in the following example:

You have access to the following projects and can switch between them with 'oc project <projectname>':

  * guide

If the cert-manager is not installed on your cluster yet, install it by running the following command:

oc apply -f

For more information, see the cert-manager installation documentation.

Getting started

The fastest way to work through this guide is to clone the Git repository into your cluster and use the projects that are provided inside:

git clone
cd guide-cloud-openshift-operator
cd start

The start directory contains the starting project that you will build upon.

The finish directory contains the finished project that you will build.

Installing the Operators

When you obtained your OpenShift cluster, you received login information for the OpenShift web console. The web console provides an interface to interact with your OpenShift cluster through your web browser.

To install the two Operators, navigate to the web console and select Operators > OperatorHub from the sidebar menu. Search for and install the Open Liberty Operator and the Strimzi Operator. For the Strimzi Operator, install the latest version, not the stable version. Make sure you install the Operators into the guide namespace.

Run the following command to view all the supported API resources that are available through the Open Liberty Operator:

oc api-resources

Look for the following output, which shows the custom resource definitions (CRDs) that can be used by the Open Liberty Operator:

NAME                      SHORTNAMES         APIGROUP              NAMESPACED   KIND
openlibertyapplications   olapp,olapps   true         OpenLibertyApplication
openlibertydumps          oldump,oldumps   true         OpenLibertyDump
openlibertytraces         oltrace,oltraces   true         OpenLibertyTrace

Each CRD defines a kind of object that can be used, which is specified in the previous example by the KIND value. The SHORTNAME value specifies alternative names that you can substitute in the configuration to refer to an object kind. For example, you can refer to the OpenLibertyApplication object kind by one of its specified shortnames, such as olapps.

The openlibertyapplications CRD defines a set of configurations for deploying an Open Liberty-based application, including the application image, number of instances, and storage settings. The Open Liberty Operator watches for changes to instances of the OpenLibertyApplication object kind and creates Kubernetes resources that are based on the configuration that is defined in the CRD.

Run the following command to all CRDs that the Strimzi Operator uses:

oc api-resources

Look for the following output, which lists the CRDs that the Strimzi Operator uses, along with object kinds and shortnames.

kafkabridges         kb    true         KafkaBridge
kafkaconnectors      kctr   true         KafkaConnector
kafkaconnects        kc    true         KafkaConnect
kafkaconnects2is     kcs2i   true         KafkaConnectS2I
kafkamirrormaker2s   kmm2   true         KafkaMirrorMaker2
kafkamirrormakers    kmm   true         KafkaMirrorMaker
kafkarebalances      kr    true         KafkaRebalance
kafkas               k     true         Kafka
kafkatopics          kt    true         KafkaTopic
kafkausers           ku    true         KafkaUser

You can also confirm the installation of the operators from the web console. Navigate to the OperatorHub. From the categories on the left, you can filter to see only installed operators.

Adding a private Docker credential

Docker limits container image pull requests for free DockerHub subscriptions. For more information, see Understanding Docker Hub Rate Limiting. If you have a Docker account with a Pro or Team subscription, you can add a private credential to avoid any errors as a result of the limits.

To add a private credential, navigate to the OpenShift web console and select Workloads > Secrets from the sidebar menu. Ensure that the selected project is openshift-config. Search for pull-secret and click the three vertical dots menu; then Edit Secret. Scroll down and click Add credentials. Enter to the Registry Server Address field, your Docker user ID to the Username field, and your Docker password to the Password field. Click the Save button to save the credential.

Deploying the Kafka cluster to OpenShift



Apache Kafka is the messaging broker that is used in this application. The Strimzi Operator simplifies the deployment and management of Kafka clusters.

You can configure the specifics of the Strimzi Operator-controlled Kafka deployment with a YAML configuration file.

Ensure that you are in the start directory.

Create the kafka.yaml configuration file in the start directory.

The provided Kafka cluster configuration is based on the Strimzi Kafka ephemeral single example. For more information about the Kafka configuration file, check out the official Strimzi documentation

Run the following command to deploy Kafka by using the newly created configuration file:

oc apply -f kafka.yaml

Run the following command to view the details of the deployment:

oc get kafka/kafka-cluster -o yaml

In the status section under conditions you can see a report similar to the following example when the cluster is ready:

- lastTransitionTime: 2020-09-02T19:27:00+0000
  status: "True"
  type: Ready

Deploying the system and inventory microservices to OpenShift



To deploy the system and inventory microservices, you must first package the microservices, then create and run an OpenShift build to produce runnable container images of the packaged microservices.

Packaging the microservices

Ensure that you are in the start directory and run the following commands to package the system and inventory microservices:

mvn -pl models clean install
mvn clean package

Building and pushing the images

Create a build template to configure how to build your container images.

Create the build.yaml template file in the start directory.

The build.yaml template includes two objects. The ImageStream object provides an abstraction from the image in the image registry. This allows you to reference and tag the image. The image registry used is the integrated internal OpenShift Container Registry.

The BuildConfig object defines a single build definition and any triggers that kickstart the build. The source spec defines the build input. In this case, the build inputs are your binary (local) files, which are streamed to OpenShift for the build. The uploaded files need to include the packaged WAR application binaries, which is why you needed to run the Maven commands. The template specifies a Docker strategy build, which invokes the docker build command, and creates a runnable container image of the microservice from the build input. The template is parameterized with the APP_NAME parameter so that you can use the same template to create the objects for the system and inventory microservices separately.

Run the following commands to create the objects for the system and inventory microservices:

oc process -f build.yaml -p APP_NAME=system | oc create -f -
oc process -f build.yaml -p APP_NAME=inventory | oc create -f -

Next, run the following commands to view the newly created ImageStream objects and the build configurations for each microservice:

oc get all -l name=system
oc get all -l name=inventory

Look for the following resources:

NAME                                                TYPE     FROM     LATEST   Docker   Binary   0

NAME                                                IMAGE REPOSITORY                                                            TAGS           UPDATED   image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/guide/system-imagestream   1.0-SNAPSHOT   2 days ago


NAME                                                   TYPE     FROM     LATEST   Docker   Binary   2

NAME                                                   IMAGE REPOSITORY                                                               TAGS           UPDATED   image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/guide/inventory-imagestream   1.0-SNAPSHOT   2 days ago

Ensure that you are in the start directory and trigger the builds by running the following commands:

oc start-build system-buildconfig --from-dir=system/.
oc start-build inventory-buildconfig --from-dir=inventory/.

The local system and inventory directories are uploaded to OpenShift to be built into the Docker images. Run the following command to list the builds and track their status:

oc get builds

Look for the output that is similar to the following example:

NAME                      TYPE     FROM             STATUS     STARTED
system-buildconfig-1      Docker   Binary@f24cb58   Running    45 seconds ago
inventory-buildconfig-1   Docker   Binary@f24cb58   Running    13 seconds ago

You may need to wait some time until the build is complete. To check whether the build is complete, run the following commands to view the build logs until the Push successful message appears:

oc logs build/system-buildconfig-1
oc logs build/inventory-buildconfig-1

Checking the images

During the build process, the images associated with the ImageStream objects that you created earlier were pushed to the image registry and tagged. Run the following command to view the newly updated ImageStream objects:

oc get imagestreams

Run the following commands to get more details on the newly pushed images within the streams:

oc describe imagestream/system-imagestream
oc describe imagestream/inventory-imagestream

The following example shows part of the system-imagestream output:

Name:                     system-imagestream
Namespace:                guide
Created:                  2 minutes ago
Labels:                   name=system
Annotations:              <none>
Image Repository:         image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/guide/system-imagestream
Image Lookup:             local=false
Unique Images:            1
Tags:                     1


Look for similar output for inventory-imagestream.

Now you’re ready to deploy the images.

Deploying the images



You can configure the specifics of the Open Liberty Operator-controlled deployment with a YAML configuration file.

Create the deploy.yaml configuration file in the start directory.

The deploy.yaml file is configured to deploy two OpenLibertyApplication resources, system and inventory, which are controlled by the Open Liberty Operator.

The applicationImage parameter defines what container image is deployed as part of the OpenLibertyApplication CRD. This parameter follows the <project-name>/<image-stream-name>[:tag] format. The parameter can also point to an image hosted on an external registry, such as Docker Hub. The system microservice is configured to use the image created from the earlier build.

One of the benefits of using ImageStream objects is that the operator redeploys the application when it detects a new image is pushed. The env parameter is used to specify environment variables that are passed to the container at runtime. You need to specify the bootstrap address required to communicate with the deployed Kafka cluster as an environment variable.

Update the [kafka-bootstrap-address] variable to the bootstrap address found by running the following command:

oc get kafka kafka-cluster -o=jsonpath='{.status.listeners[?(@.type=="plain")].bootstrapServers}{"\n"}'

You will see output similar to the following example:

The inventory microservice is configured similarly to the system microservice. Additionally, the inventory microservice includes the service and expose parameters. The service.port parameter specifies which port is exposed by the container, allowing the microservice to be accessed from outside the container. To access the microservice from outside of the cluster, it must be exposed by setting the expose parameter to true. After you expose the microservice, the Operator automatically creates and configures routes for external access to your microservice.

Run the following command to deploy the system and inventory microservices with the previously explained configurations:

oc apply -f deploy.yaml

Next, run the following command to view your newly created OpenLibertyApplications resources:

oc get OpenLibertyApplications

You can also replace OpenLibertyApplications with the shortname olapps.

Look for output that is similar to the following example:

NAME        IMAGE                                      EXPOSED   RECONCILED   AGE
inventory   guide/inventory-imagestream:1.0-SNAPSHOT   true      True         10s
system      guide/system-imagestream:1.0-SNAPSHOT                True         10s

A RECONCILED state value of True indicates that the operator was able to successfully process the OpenLibertyApplications instances. Run the following commands to view details of your microservices:

oc describe olapps/system
oc describe olapps/inventory

This example shows part of the olapps/system output:

Name:         system
Namespace:    guide
API Version:
Kind:         OpenLibertyApplication


Look for a similar output for olapps/inventory.

Accessing the inventory microservice

To access the exposed inventory microservice, run the following command and make note of the HOST:

oc get routes

Look for an output that is similar to the following example:

NAME        HOST/PORT                                    PATH   SERVICES    PORT       TERMINATION   WILDCARD
inventory         inventory   9448-tcp                 None

Visit the inventory microservice by going to the following URL: http://[HOST]/inventory/systems

Make sure to substitute the appropriate HOST value. For example, using the output from the command above, is the HOST. The following example shows this value substituted for HOST in the URL:

Look for a JSON response that is similar to the following example:

        "hostname": "system-7cbc47455c-664wh",
        "systemLoad": 1.15

This sample output was formatted for readability. Your output might not be formatted.

Scaling up the system microservices



The inventory microservice displays the hostname and systemLoad of all system microservices that are publishing messages to the Kafka broker. Because only one system pod is running, only one element displays in the inventory microservice. Scaling up microservices is easy with Operators. Simply update the deploy.yaml file with the replica: n parameter, where n is the number of instances that you want.

Update the deploy.yaml configuration file in the start directory.

Add the replicas parameter to the system configuration.

Run the following command to update the system resource:

oc apply -f deploy.yaml

Look for the following output: configured unchanged

Notice that only the system resource was updated because there was a change in its specification. The inventory resource was left unchanged.

Run the following command to see the newly scaled up system pods:

oc get pods

When you see a status of Running on all of the system pods, your application is ready. Revisit the inventory microservice and you can now see three instances of the system microservice listed in the inventory endpoint:

        "hostname": "system-5bb7b86fd5-b5plz",
        "systemLoad": 2.73
        "hostname": "system-5bb7b86fd5-fkd5j",
        "systemLoad": 2.95
        "hostname": "system-5bb7b86fd5-pgcbf",
        "systemLoad": 2.73

Tearing down the environment

When you no longer need your project, switch to another project and delete the project guide by running the following command:

oc delete project guide

This command deletes all the applications and resources.

Great work! You’re done!

You just deployed two microservices running in Open Liberty to OpenShift by using the Open Liberty Operator.