- (feat): Check alternative filename for MetaBox Group dependency
- (feat): disable ES indexable when yard-elasticsearch active
- Chore: clean-up, php8 and compliant with new version of ElasticPress.
- Fix: Elasticpress filter 'epwr_decay' expects float value instead of int.
- Feat: add config taxonomies and register per CPT.
- Fix: don't overwrite UUID after generation
- Chore: add per_page as alias for limit
- Chore: format labels in admin.
- Fix: remove OpenWOB items from the global post_type indexing for Elasticpress.
- Add UUID for identifier
- RestAPI: findBy UUID instead of custom ID
- Cleanup duplicate code in OpenWOBSyncManager
- Update dependency versions
- Add excerpt to OpenWOB
- Upgrade PHP-CS-Fixer to version 3.0
- Initial release