- Fix: translations just in time error
- Feat: add new fields with double negation for upload status in URLs (#16) @rmpel
- Refactor: switch out cURL for wp_remote_get so WordPress filters and such work (#15) @rmpel
- Chore: Updated CMB2 to version 2.11.0
- Fix: typo metabox field Lattitude -> Latitude
- Fix: typo in OpenWOOIndexable slug
- Feat: add missing fields that are needed by ElasticPress in search queries
- Chore: add publiccode.yaml
- Chore: Update license to EUPL 1.2
- Feat: add 'Adres' model
- Fix: unhandled multidimensional arrays from AdresEntity, COORDSEntity and GeografischePositieEntity
- Feat: use 'samenvatting' meta first with the post_excerpt as fallback
- Feat: implement setting for configuring a fileserver URL
- Feat: add publication date to the api response
- Fix: file size and URL's of attachments in the api response
- Fix: composing $uploadFullPath inside GravityFormsUploadToMediaLibrary trait
- Feat: add file size of attachments to the api response
- Refactor: hide taxonomies from quick edit menu
- Refactor: show on taxonomy method for explanation was called statically
- Feat: Add show on taxonomy
- Refactor: display 'Ontvangstdatum' and 'Besluitdatum' date fields in English format within API
- Refactor: use 'woo_Onderwerp' for filling the title inside the 'wp_insert_post_data' hook
- Fix: use CURL instead of file_get_contents
- Feat: implement CMB2 and replace Metabox.io
- Fix: bijlageEntity
- Refactor: api output compliant with new metabox fields
- Feat: migration of existing items
- Feat: add address metabox group
- Chore: revisit metabox fields
- Feat: replace GF uploads with WP attachments admin
- Chore: clean-up, php8 and compliant with new version of ElasticPress.
- Fix: improper casting
- Feat: disable Elasticpress filters when
is active.
- Refactor: config metaboxes array key
- Refactor: name change OpenWOB becomes OpenWOO
- Fix: Elasticpress filter 'epwr_decay' expects float value instead of int.
- Feat: add config taxonomies and register per CPT.
- Fix: don't overwrite UUID after generation
- Chore: add per_page as alias for limit
- Chore: format labels in admin.
- Fix: remove OpenWOB items from the global post_type indexing for Elasticpress.
- Add UUID for identifier
- RestAPI: findBy UUID instead of custom ID
- Cleanup duplicate code in OpenWOBSyncManager
- Update dependency versions
- Add excerpt to OpenWOB
- Upgrade PHP-CS-Fixer to version 3.0
- Initial release