- Remove UPL feed element when UPL configuration is missing
- Map audience 'ondernemer' correctly
- Only use the prefix 'http://standaarden.overheid.nl/owms/terms/' while retrieving the upl resource url but the value is empty.
- Usage of upl resource.
- Updates can now be provided through the Admin interface
- Replaced Composer plugin dependency check with runtime check.
- Update dependencies + reference pdc-base plugin from BitBucket to GitHub
- (refactor): sc feed pdc-type tax query, use all terms slugs except internal.
- (feat): government type setting, used in feed.
- (feat): remove internal pdc-items from sc feed.
- (refactor): strip unnecessary characters in UPL values and display them in lowercase. Used in xml sc feed.
- (feat): add UPL values in xml sc feed. UPL stands for 'Uniform Product List' and is used for naming the products and services of the Dutch government (https://standaarden.overheid.nl/upl)
- (fix): 'pdc-doelgroepen' terms in xml sc feed
- (fix): meta query used in creating xml feed
- (refactor): clean-up for version 1.0.
- (feat): clean-up & improvement feed serviceprovider
- (feat): ScItem model used in feed serviceprovider
- (refactor): architecture change in the pdc-base plug-in, used as dependency, affects namespaces used
- (feat): add new audiences
- (fix): tests
- (feat): add php-cs-fixer
- (feat): format documents
- (fix): check if required file for
is already loaded, otherwise load it. Props @Jasper Heidebrink