If you plan on changing your domain/branding, or your organization is undergoing an acquisition (for instance), you can use this script to update login email addresses (and contact method addresses) en masse according to search/replace patterns or a CSV file with email addreses of users (and the addresses that will replace them).
Example: Replace all instances of example1.com in users' email addresses with example2.com.
# Using plain search and replace:
# Note, this would not work as intended to replace the domain if any user's
# email address (before the `@`) contained `example1.com`
./update_user_emails.py -k API-KEY -q example1.com -r example2.com
# Using regex (more precisely):
./update_user_emails.py -k API-KEY -q example1.com -e '([^@]+)@example1.com' -r '\[email protected]'
# Using CSV option
python update_user_emails.py -k API_KEY -f emails_to_replace.csv
The CSV should be formatted like
where the first column is the current email, and the second column is what the email should be changed to.
While the above non-csv examples only change the subdomain of the email addresses (everything after the @), if you would like to change the prefixes of email addresses (anything before the @), you will want to run this script using the csv option. For example, only the csv option will allow you to change [email protected] to [email protected]
Note, you can preview the change before enacting it by running the script with
the -n