1?arguments[1]:void 0,s.length)),v=f(u);return g(s,d,d+v.length)===v}return i}()})},74498:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("strike")},{strike:function(){function o(){return a(this,"strike","","")}return o}()})},15812:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("sub")},{sub:function(){function o(){return a(this,"sub","","")}return o}()})},57726:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("sup")},{sup:function(){function o(){return a(this,"sup","","")}return o}()})},70604:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(99159);var e=n(63964),a=n(43476);e({target:"String",proto:!0,name:"trimEnd",forced:"".trimEnd!==a},{trimEnd:a})},85404:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(43885);e({target:"String",proto:!0,name:"trimStart",forced:"".trimLeft!==a},{trimLeft:a})},99159:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(43476);e({target:"String",proto:!0,name:"trimEnd",forced:"".trimRight!==a},{trimRight:a})},34965:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(85404);var e=n(63964),a=n(43885);e({target:"String",proto:!0,name:"trimStart",forced:"".trimStart!==a},{trimStart:a})},8448:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(92648).trim,t=n(90012);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("trim")},{trim:function(){function o(){return a(this)}return o}()})},79250:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(85889);e("asyncIterator")},49899:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var 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G(ve,{type:z,tag:he,description:ke}),b||(ve.description=ke),ve},be=function(){function de(he,ke,ve){he===J&&be(pe,ke,ve),l(he);var Se=m(ke);return l(ve),k(fe,Se)?(ve.enumerable?(k(he,U)&&he[U][Se]&&(he[U][Se]=!1),ve=s(ve,{enumerable:u(0,!1)})):(k(he,U)||le(he,U,u(1,s(null))),he[U][Se]=!0),Ne(he,Se,ve)):le(he,Se,ve)}return de}(),Le=function(){function de(he,ke){l(he);var ve=c(ke),Se=d(ve).concat(ye(ve));return _(Se,function(Pe){(!b||t(xe,ve,Pe))&&be(he,Pe,ve[Pe])}),he}return de}(),we=function(){function de(he,ke){return ke===void 0?s(he):Le(s(he),ke)}return de}(),xe=function(){function de(he){var ke=m(he),ve=t(ne,this,ke);return this===J&&k(fe,ke)&&!k(pe,ke)?!1:ve||!k(this,ke)||!k(fe,ke)||k(this,U)&&this[U][ke]?ve:!0}return de}(),Re=function(){function de(he,ke){var ve=c(he),Se=m(ke);if(!(ve===J&&k(fe,Se)&&!k(pe,Se))){var Pe=ae(ve,Se);return Pe&&k(fe,Se)&&!(k(ve,U)&&ve[U][Se])&&(Pe.enumerable=!0),Pe}}return de}(),He=function(){function de(he){var ke=Z(c(he)),ve=[];return _(ke,function(Se){!k(fe,Se)&&!k(x,Se)&&te(ve,Se)}),ve}return de}(),ye=function(he){var ke=he===J,ve=Z(ke?pe:c(he)),Se=[];return _(ve,function(Pe){k(fe,Pe)&&(!ke||k(J,Pe))&&te(Se,fe[Pe])}),Se};y||(se=function(){function de(){if(g(ie,this))throw new q("Symbol is not a constructor");var he=!arguments.length||arguments[0]===void 0?void 0:i(arguments[0]),ke=E(he),ve=function(){function Se(Pe){var je=this===void 0?a:this;je===J&&t(Se,pe,Pe),k(je,U)&&k(je[U],ke)&&(je[U][ke]=!1);var Fe=u(1,Pe);try{Ne(je,ke,Fe)}catch(ze){if(!(ze instanceof me))throw ze;Ce(je,ke,Fe)}}return Se}();return b&&Ve&&Ne(J,ke,{configurable:!0,set:ve}),Be(ke,he)}return de}(),ie=se[$],I(ie,"toString",function(){function de(){return X(this).tag}return de}()),I(se,"withoutSetter",function(de){return Be(E(de),de)}),S.f=xe,N.f=be,V.f=Le,p.f=Re,v.f=h.f=He,C.f=ye,D.f=function(de){return Be(P(de),de)},b&&(L(ie,"description",{configurable:!0,get:function(){function de(){return X(this).description}return de}()}),f||I(J,"propertyIsEnumerable",xe,{unsafe:!0}))),e({global:!0,constructor:!0,wrap:!0,forced:!y,sham:!y},{Symbol:se}),_(d(ce),function(de){M(de)}),e({target:z,stat:!0,forced:!y},{useSetter:function(){function de(){Ve=!0}return de}(),useSimple:function(){function de(){Ve=!1}return de}()}),e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:!y,sham:!b},{create:we,defineProperty:be,defineProperties:Le,getOwnPropertyDescriptor:Re}),e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:!y},{getOwnPropertyNames:He}),R(),O(se,z),x[U]=!0},10933:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(74685),o=n(67250),f=n(45299),b=n(55747),y=n(21287),B=n(12605),k=n(73936),g=n(5774),l=t.Symbol,c=l&&l.prototype;if(a&&b(l)&&(!("description"in c)||l().description!==void 0)){var m={},i=function(){function p(){var N=arguments.length<1||arguments[0]===void 0?void 0:B(arguments[0]),V=y(c,this)?new l(N):N===void 0?l():l(N);return N===""&&(m[V]=!0),V}return p}();g(i,l),i.prototype=c,c.constructor=i;var u=String(l("description detection"))==="Symbol(description detection)",s=o(c.valueOf),d=o(c.toString),v=/^Symbol\((.*)\)[^)]+$/,h=o("".replace),C=o("".slice);k(c,"description",{configurable:!0,get:function(){function p(){var N=s(this);if(f(m,N))return"";var V=d(N),S=u?C(V,7,-1):h(V,v,"$1");return S===""?void 0:S}return p}()}),e({global:!0,constructor:!0,forced:!0},{Symbol:i})}},30828:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(4009),t=n(45299),o=n(12605),f=n(16639),b=n(66570),y=f("string-to-symbol-registry"),B=f("symbol-to-string-registry");e({target:"Symbol",stat:!0,forced:!b},{for:function(){function k(g){var l=o(g);if(t(y,l))return y[l];var c=a("Symbol")(l);return y[l]=c,B[c]=l,c}return k}()})},53795:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(85889);e("hasInstance")},87806:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(85889);e("isConcatSpreadable")},64677:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(85889);e("iterator")},33313:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(49899),n(30828),n(6862),n(53008),n(28603)},6862:function(T,r,n){"use 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e=n(67250),a=n(4246),t=n(71447),o=e(t),f=a.aTypedArray,b=a.exportTypedArrayMethod;b("copyWithin",function(){function y(B,k){return o(f(this),B,k,arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:void 0)}return y}())},73364:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(22603).every,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("every",function(){function f(b){return a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},58166:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(88471),t=n(61484),o=n(2281),f=n(91495),b=n(67250),y=n(40033),B=e.aTypedArray,k=e.exportTypedArrayMethod,g=b("".slice),l=y(function(){var c=0;return new Int8Array(2).fill({valueOf:function(){function m(){return c++}return m}()}),c!==1});k("fill",function(){function c(m){var i=arguments.length;B(this);var u=g(o(this),0,3)==="Big"?t(m):+m;return f(a,this,u,i>1?arguments[1]:void 0,i>2?arguments[2]:void 0)}return c}(),l)},23793:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(22603).filter,t=n(45399),o=e.aTypedArray,f=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;f("filter",function(){function b(y){var B=a(o(this),y,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0);return t(this,B)}return b}())},13917:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(22603).findIndex,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("findIndex",function(){function f(b){return a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},43820:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(22603).find,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("find",function(){function f(b){return a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},80756:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Float32",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},70567:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Float64",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},19852:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(22603).forEach,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("forEach",function(){function f(b){a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},40379:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(86563),a=n(4246).exportTypedArrayStaticMethod,t=n(3805);a("from",t,e)},92770:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(14211).includes,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("includes",function(){function f(b){return a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},81069:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(14211).indexOf,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("indexOf",function(){function f(b){return a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},60037:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Int16",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},44195:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Int32",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},66756:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Int8",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},63689:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=n(40033),t=n(67250),o=n(4246),f=n(34570),b=n(24697),y=b("iterator"),B=e.Uint8Array,k=t(f.values),g=t(f.keys),l=t(f.entries),c=o.aTypedArray,m=o.exportTypedArrayMethod,i=B&&B.prototype,u=!a(function(){i[y].call([1])}),s=!!i&&i.values&&i[y]===i.values&&i.values.name==="values",d=function(){function v(){return k(c(this))}return v}();m("entries",function(){function v(){return l(c(this))}return v}(),u),m("keys",function(){function v(){return g(c(this))}return v}(),u),m("values",d,u||!s,{name:"values"}),m(y,d,u||!s,{name:"values"})},5659:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(67250),t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod,f=a([].join);o("join",function(){function b(y){return f(t(this),y)}return b}())},25014:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(61267),t=n(1325),o=e.aTypedArray,f=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;f("lastIndexOf",function(){function b(y){var B=arguments.length;return a(t,o(this),B>1?[y,arguments[1]]:[y])}return b}())},32189:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(22603).map,t=n(31082),o=e.aTypedArray,f=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;f("map",function(){function b(y){return a(o(this),y,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0,function(B,k){return new(t(B))(k)})}return b}())},23030:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(86563),t=e.aTypedArrayConstructor,o=e.exportTypedArrayStaticMethod;o("of",function(){function f(){for(var b=0,y=arguments.length,B=new(t(this))(y);y>b;)B[b]=arguments[b++];return B}return f}(),a)},49110:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(56844).right,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("reduceRight",function(){function f(b){var y=arguments.length;return a(t(this),b,y,y>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},24309:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(56844).left,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("reduce",function(){function f(b){var y=arguments.length;return a(t(this),b,y,y>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},56445:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=e.aTypedArray,t=e.exportTypedArrayMethod,o=Math.floor;t("reverse",function(){function f(){for(var b=this,y=a(b).length,B=o(y/2),k=0,g;k1?arguments[1]:void 0,1),h=b(d);if(i)return a(l,this,h,v);var C=this.length,p=o(h),N=0;if(p+v>C)throw new B("Wrong length");for(;Nm;)u[m]=l[m++];return u}return B}(),y)},88739:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(22603).some,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("some",function(){function f(b){return a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},60415:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=n(71138),t=n(40033),o=n(10320),f=n(90274),b=n(4246),y=n(652),B=n(19228),k=n(5026),g=n(9342),l=b.aTypedArray,c=b.exportTypedArrayMethod,m=e.Uint16Array,i=m&&a(m.prototype.sort),u=!!i&&!(t(function(){i(new m(2),null)})&&t(function(){i(new m(2),{})})),s=!!i&&!t(function(){if(k)return k<74;if(y)return y<67;if(B)return!0;if(g)return g<602;var v=new m(516),h=Array(516),C,p;for(C=0;C<516;C++)p=C%4,v[C]=515-C,h[C]=C-2*p+3;for(i(v,function(N,V){return(N/4|0)-(V/4|0)}),C=0;C<516;C++)if(v[C]!==h[C])return!0}),d=function(h){return function(C,p){return h!==void 0?+h(C,p)||0:p!==p?-1:C!==C?1:C===0&&p===0?1/C>0&&1/p<0?1:-1:C>p}};c("sort",function(){function v(h){return h!==void 0&&o(h),s?i(this,h):f(l(this),d(h))}return v}(),!s||u)},72532:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(10188),t=n(13912),o=n(31082),f=e.aTypedArray,b=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;b("subarray",function(){function y(B,k){var g=f(this),l=g.length,c=t(B,l),m=o(g);return new m(g.buffer,g.byteOffset+c*g.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,a((k===void 0?l:t(k,l))-c))}return y}())},62207:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=n(61267),t=n(4246),o=n(40033),f=n(54602),b=e.Int8Array,y=t.aTypedArray,B=t.exportTypedArrayMethod,k=[].toLocaleString,g=!!b&&o(function(){k.call(new b(1))}),l=o(function(){return[1,2].toLocaleString()!==new b([1,2]).toLocaleString()})||!o(function(){b.prototype.toLocaleString.call([1,2])});B("toLocaleString",function(){function c(){return a(k,g?f(y(this)):y(this),f(arguments))}return c}(),l)},906:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246).exportTypedArrayMethod,a=n(40033),t=n(74685),o=n(67250),f=t.Uint8Array,b=f&&f.prototype||{},y=[].toString,B=o([].join);a(function(){y.call({})})&&(y=function(){function g(){return B(this)}return g}());var k=b.toString!==y;e("toString",y,k)},78824:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Uint16",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},72846:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Uint32",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},24575:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Uint8",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},71968:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Uint8",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()},!0)},80040:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(50730),a=n(74685),t=n(67250),o=n(30145),f=n(81969),b=n(45150),y=n(39895),B=n(77568),k=n(5419).enforce,g=n(40033),l=n(21820),c=Object,m=Array.isArray,i=c.isExtensible,u=c.isFrozen,s=c.isSealed,d=c.freeze,v=c.seal,h=!a.ActiveXObject&&"ActiveXObject"in a,C,p=function(E){return function(){function P(){return E(this,arguments.length?arguments[0]:void 0)}return P}()},N=b("WeakMap",p,y),V=N.prototype,S=t(V.set),I=function(){return e&&g(function(){var E=d([]);return S(new N,E,1),!u(E)})};if(l)if(h){C=y.getConstructor(p,"WeakMap",!0),f.enable();var L=t(V.delete),w=t(V.has),A=t(V.get);o(V,{delete:function(){function x(E){if(B(E)&&!i(E)){var P=k(this);return P.frozen||(P.frozen=new C),L(this,E)||P.frozen.delete(E)}return L(this,E)}return x}(),has:function(){function x(E){if(B(E)&&!i(E)){var P=k(this);return P.frozen||(P.frozen=new C),w(this,E)||P.frozen.has(E)}return w(this,E)}return x}(),get:function(){function x(E){if(B(E)&&!i(E)){var P=k(this);return P.frozen||(P.frozen=new C),w(this,E)?A(this,E):P.frozen.get(E)}return A(this,E)}return x}(),set:function(){function x(E,P){if(B(E)&&!i(E)){var D=k(this);D.frozen||(D.frozen=new C),w(this,E)?S(this,E,P):D.frozen.set(E,P)}else S(this,E,P);return this}return x}()})}else I()&&o(V,{set:function(){function x(E,P){var D;return m(E)&&(u(E)?D=d:s(E)&&(D=v)),S(this,E,P),D&&D(E),this}return x}()})},90846:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(80040)},67042:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(45150),a=n(39895);e("WeakSet",function(t){return function(){function o(){return t(this,arguments.length?arguments[0]:void 0)}return o}()},a)},40348:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(67042)},5606:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(74685),t=n(60375).clear;e({global:!0,bind:!0,enumerable:!0,forced:a.clearImmediate!==t},{clearImmediate:t})},83006:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(5606),n(27807)},25764:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(74685),t=n(37713),o=n(10320),f=n(24986),b=n(40033),y=n(58310),B=b(function(){return y&&Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a,"queueMicrotask").value.length!==1});e({global:!0,enumerable:!0,dontCallGetSet:!0,forced:B},{queueMicrotask:function(){function k(g){f(arguments.length,1),t(o(g))}return k}()})},27807:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(74685),t=n(60375).set,o=n(78362),f=a.setImmediate?o(t,!1):t;e({global:!0,bind:!0,enumerable:!0,forced:a.setImmediate!==f},{setImmediate:f})},45569:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(74685),t=n(78362),o=t(a.setInterval,!0);e({global:!0,bind:!0,forced:a.setInterval!==o},{setInterval:o})},5213:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(74685),t=n(78362),o=t(a.setTimeout,!0);e({global:!0,bind:!0,forced:a.setTimeout!==o},{setTimeout:o})},69401:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(45569),n(5213)},7435:function(T){"use strict";/**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */var r,n=[],e=[],a=function(){if(0)var k;window.onunload=function(){return r&&r.close()}},t=function(k){return e.push(k)},o=function(k){var g=[],l=function(u){return typeof u=="number"&&!Number.isFinite(u)?{__number__:String(u)}:typeof u=="undefined"?{__undefined__:!0}:u},c=function(u,s){if(typeof s=="object"){if(s===null)return s;if(g.includes(s))return"[circular ref]";g.push(s);var d=s instanceof Error||s.code&&s.message&&s.message.includes("Error");return d?{__error__:!0,string:String(s),stack:s.stack}:Array.isArray(s)?s.map(l):s}return l(s)},m=JSON.stringify(k,c);return g=null,m},f=function(k){if(0)var g,l,c},b=function(k,g){if(0)var l,c,m},y=function(){};T.exports={subscribe:t,sendMessage:f,sendLogEntry:b,setupHotReloading:y}}},kt={};function Y(T){var r=kt[T];if(r!==void 0)return r.exports;var n=kt[T]={exports:{}};return Jt[T](n,n.exports,Y),n.exports}(function(){Y.g=function(){if(typeof globalThis=="object")return globalThis;try{return this||new Function("return this")()}catch(T){if(typeof window=="object")return window}}()})(),function(){Y.o=function(T,r){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(T,r)}}();var Rn={};(function(){"use strict";Y(33313),Y(10933),Y(79250),Y(53795),Y(87806),Y(64677),Y(48058),Y(51583),Y(82403),Y(34265),Y(3295),Y(1078),Y(63207),Y(80520),Y(39600),Y(93237),Y(32057),Y(68933),Y(47830),Y(13455),Y(64094),Y(61915),Y(32384),Y(25579),Y(63532),Y(33425),Y(43894),Y(99636),Y(34570),Y(94432),Y(24683),Y(69984),Y(32089),Y(60206),Y(29645),Y(4788),Y(58672),Y(19356),Y(48968),Y(49852),Y(2712),Y(864),Y(54243),Y(75621),Y(26267),Y(50095),Y(33451),Y(74587),Y(25082),Y(47421),Y(32122),Y(6306),Y(90216),Y(84663),Y(92332),Y(98329),Y(9631),Y(47091),Y(59660),Y(15383),Y(92866),Y(86107),Y(29248),Y(52540),Y(79007),Y(77199),Y(6522),Y(95542),Y(2966),Y(20997),Y(57400),Y(45571),Y(54800),Y(15709),Y(76059),Y(96614),Y(324),Y(90426),Y(95443),Y(87968),Y(55007),Y(55323),Y(13521),Y(5006),Y(99009),Y(85770),Y(23532),Y(87119),Y(78618),Y(27129),Y(31943),Y(3579),Y(97397),Y(85028),Y(8225),Y(43331),Y(62289),Y(56196),Y(2950),Y(44205),Y(76882),Y(83186),Y(76065),Y(13411),Y(26634),Y(53118),Y(42514),Y(84353),Y(62987),Y(48993),Y(52917),Y(4972),Y(28913),Y(36382),Y(53092),Y(69861),Y(29674),Y(81543),Y(9373),Y(45093),Y(63074),Y(5815),Y(88527),Y(66390),Y(7784),Y(50551),Y(76483),Y(92046),Y(63915),Y(51454),Y(79669),Y(23057),Y(57983),Y(17953),Y(30442),Y(6403),Y(9867),Y(43673),Y(12354),Y(22515),Y(5143),Y(93514),Y(5416),Y(11619),Y(44590),Y(63272),Y(39930),Y(4038),Y(8448),Y(70604),Y(34965),Y(95309),Y(82256),Y(49484),Y(38931),Y(39308),Y(91550),Y(75008),Y(56027),Y(50340),Y(34325),Y(74498),Y(15812),Y(57726),Y(80756),Y(70567),Y(66756),Y(60037),Y(44195),Y(24575),Y(71968),Y(78824),Y(72846),Y(99872),Y(73364),Y(58166),Y(23793),Y(43820),Y(13917),Y(19852),Y(40379),Y(92770),Y(81069),Y(63689),Y(5659),Y(25014),Y(32189),Y(23030),Y(24309),Y(49110),Y(56445),Y(30939),Y(48321),Y(88739),Y(60415),Y(72532),Y(62207),Y(906),Y(90846),Y(40348),Y(83006),Y(25764),Y(69401),Y(95012),Y(30236)})(),function(){"use strict";var T=Y(89005);Y(67160),Y(23542),Y(30386),Y(98996),Y(50578),Y(4444),Y(77870),Y(39108),Y(11714),Y(73492),Y(49641),Y(17570),Y(61858),Y(32882),Y(23632),Y(56492);var r=Y(85822),n=Y(7435),e=Y(56518),a=Y(26427),t=Y(18498),o=Y(49060),f=Y(72178),b=Y(24826),y;/**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */r.perf.mark("inception",(y=window.performance)==null||(y=y.timing)==null?void 0:y.navigationStart),r.perf.mark("init");var B=(0,f.configureStore)(),k=(0,o.createRenderer)(function(){(0,a.loadIconRefMap)();var l=Y(71253),c=l.getRoutedComponent,m=c(B);return(0,T.createComponentVNode)(2,f.StoreProvider,{store:B,children:(0,T.createComponentVNode)(2,m)})}),g=function l(){if(document.readyState==="loading"){document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",l);return}(0,b.setupGlobalEvents)(),(0,e.setupHotKeys)(),(0,t.captureExternalLinks)(),B.subscribe(k),Byond.subscribe(function(c,m){return B.dispatch({type:c,payload:m})})};g()}()})();})();
+(function () {
+ (function () {
+ var Jt = {
+ 96376: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.createPopper = void 0), (r.popperGenerator = m);
+ var e = g(n(74758)),
+ a = g(n(28811)),
+ t = g(n(98309)),
+ o = g(n(44896)),
+ f = g(n(33118)),
+ b = g(n(10579)),
+ y = g(n(56500)),
+ B = g(n(17633));
+ r.detectOverflow = B.default;
+ var k = n(75573);
+ function g(u) {
+ return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u };
+ }
+ var l = { placement: 'bottom', modifiers: [], strategy: 'absolute' };
+ function c() {
+ for (var u = arguments.length, s = new Array(u), d = 0; d < u; d++) s[d] = arguments[d];
+ return !s.some(function (v) {
+ return !(v && typeof v.getBoundingClientRect == 'function');
+ });
+ }
+ function m(u) {
+ u === void 0 && (u = {});
+ var s = u,
+ d = s.defaultModifiers,
+ v = d === void 0 ? [] : d,
+ h = s.defaultOptions,
+ C = h === void 0 ? l : h;
+ return (function () {
+ function p(N, V, S) {
+ S === void 0 && (S = C);
+ var I = {
+ placement: 'bottom',
+ orderedModifiers: [],
+ options: Object.assign({}, l, C),
+ modifiersData: {},
+ elements: { reference: N, popper: V },
+ attributes: {},
+ styles: {},
+ },
+ L = [],
+ w = !1,
+ A = {
+ state: I,
+ setOptions: (function () {
+ function P(D) {
+ var M = typeof D == 'function' ? D(I.options) : D;
+ E(),
+ (I.options = Object.assign({}, C, I.options, M)),
+ (I.scrollParents = {
+ reference: (0, k.isElement)(N)
+ ? (0, t.default)(N)
+ : N.contextElement
+ ? (0, t.default)(N.contextElement)
+ : [],
+ popper: (0, t.default)(V),
+ });
+ var R = (0, f.default)((0, y.default)([].concat(v, I.options.modifiers)));
+ return (
+ (I.orderedModifiers = R.filter(function (O) {
+ return O.enabled;
+ })),
+ x(),
+ A.update()
+ );
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ forceUpdate: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ if (!w) {
+ var D = I.elements,
+ M = D.reference,
+ R = D.popper;
+ if (c(M, R)) {
+ (I.rects = {
+ reference: (0, e.default)(M, (0, o.default)(R), I.options.strategy === 'fixed'),
+ popper: (0, a.default)(R),
+ }),
+ (I.reset = !1),
+ (I.placement = I.options.placement),
+ I.orderedModifiers.forEach(function (G) {
+ return (I.modifiersData[G.name] = Object.assign({}, G.data));
+ });
+ for (var O = 0; O < I.orderedModifiers.length; O++) {
+ if (I.reset === !0) {
+ (I.reset = !1), (O = -1);
+ continue;
+ }
+ var F = I.orderedModifiers[O],
+ _ = F.fn,
+ U = F.options,
+ z = U === void 0 ? {} : U,
+ $ = F.name;
+ typeof _ == 'function' && (I = _({ state: I, options: z, name: $, instance: A }) || I);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ update: (0, b.default)(function () {
+ return new Promise(function (P) {
+ A.forceUpdate(), P(I);
+ });
+ }),
+ destroy: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ E(), (w = !0);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ };
+ if (!c(N, V)) return A;
+ A.setOptions(S).then(function (P) {
+ !w && S.onFirstUpdate && S.onFirstUpdate(P);
+ });
+ function x() {
+ I.orderedModifiers.forEach(function (P) {
+ var D = P.name,
+ M = P.options,
+ R = M === void 0 ? {} : M,
+ O = P.effect;
+ if (typeof O == 'function') {
+ var F = O({ state: I, name: D, instance: A, options: R }),
+ _ = (function () {
+ function U() {}
+ return U;
+ })();
+ L.push(F || _);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function E() {
+ L.forEach(function (P) {
+ return P();
+ }),
+ (L = []);
+ }
+ return A;
+ }
+ return p;
+ })();
+ }
+ var i = (r.createPopper = m());
+ },
+ 4206: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = a);
+ var e = n(75573);
+ function a(t, o) {
+ var f = o.getRootNode && o.getRootNode();
+ if (t.contains(o)) return !0;
+ if (f && (0, e.isShadowRoot)(f)) {
+ var b = o;
+ do {
+ if (b && t.isSameNode(b)) return !0;
+ b = b.parentNode || b.host;
+ } while (b);
+ }
+ return !1;
+ }
+ },
+ 37786: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
+ var e = n(75573),
+ a = n(63618),
+ t = f(n(95115)),
+ o = f(n(89331));
+ function f(y) {
+ return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
+ }
+ function b(y, B, k) {
+ B === void 0 && (B = !1), k === void 0 && (k = !1);
+ var g = y.getBoundingClientRect(),
+ l = 1,
+ c = 1;
+ B &&
+ (0, e.isHTMLElement)(y) &&
+ ((l = (y.offsetWidth > 0 && (0, a.round)(g.width) / y.offsetWidth) || 1),
+ (c = (y.offsetHeight > 0 && (0, a.round)(g.height) / y.offsetHeight) || 1));
+ var m = (0, e.isElement)(y) ? (0, t.default)(y) : window,
+ i = m.visualViewport,
+ u = !(0, o.default)() && k,
+ s = (g.left + (u && i ? i.offsetLeft : 0)) / l,
+ d = (g.top + (u && i ? i.offsetTop : 0)) / c,
+ v = g.width / l,
+ h = g.height / c;
+ return { width: v, height: h, top: d, right: s + v, bottom: d + h, left: s, x: s, y: d };
+ }
+ },
+ 49035: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = h);
+ var e = n(46206),
+ a = u(n(87991)),
+ t = u(n(79752)),
+ o = u(n(98309)),
+ f = u(n(44896)),
+ b = u(n(40600)),
+ y = u(n(16599)),
+ B = n(75573),
+ k = u(n(37786)),
+ g = u(n(57819)),
+ l = u(n(4206)),
+ c = u(n(12972)),
+ m = u(n(81666)),
+ i = n(63618);
+ function u(C) {
+ return C && C.__esModule ? C : { default: C };
+ }
+ function s(C, p) {
+ var N = (0, k.default)(C, !1, p === 'fixed');
+ return (
+ (N.top = N.top + C.clientTop),
+ (N.left = N.left + C.clientLeft),
+ (N.bottom = N.top + C.clientHeight),
+ (N.right = N.left + C.clientWidth),
+ (N.width = C.clientWidth),
+ (N.height = C.clientHeight),
+ (N.x = N.left),
+ (N.y = N.top),
+ N
+ );
+ }
+ function d(C, p, N) {
+ return p === e.viewport
+ ? (0, m.default)((0, a.default)(C, N))
+ : (0, B.isElement)(p)
+ ? s(p, N)
+ : (0, m.default)((0, t.default)((0, b.default)(C)));
+ }
+ function v(C) {
+ var p = (0, o.default)((0, g.default)(C)),
+ N = ['absolute', 'fixed'].indexOf((0, y.default)(C).position) >= 0,
+ V = N && (0, B.isHTMLElement)(C) ? (0, f.default)(C) : C;
+ return (0, B.isElement)(V)
+ ? p.filter(function (S) {
+ return (0, B.isElement)(S) && (0, l.default)(S, V) && (0, c.default)(S) !== 'body';
+ })
+ : [];
+ }
+ function h(C, p, N, V) {
+ var S = p === 'clippingParents' ? v(C) : [].concat(p),
+ I = [].concat(S, [N]),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I.reduce(
+ function (A, x) {
+ var E = d(C, x, V);
+ return (
+ (A.top = (0, i.max)(E.top, A.top)),
+ (A.right = (0, i.min)(E.right, A.right)),
+ (A.bottom = (0, i.min)(E.bottom, A.bottom)),
+ (A.left = (0, i.max)(E.left, A.left)),
+ A
+ );
+ },
+ d(C, L, V)
+ );
+ return (w.width = w.right - w.left), (w.height = w.bottom - w.top), (w.x = w.left), (w.y = w.top), w;
+ }
+ },
+ 74758: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = l);
+ var e = k(n(37786)),
+ a = k(n(13390)),
+ t = k(n(12972)),
+ o = n(75573),
+ f = k(n(79697)),
+ b = k(n(40600)),
+ y = k(n(10798)),
+ B = n(63618);
+ function k(c) {
+ return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c };
+ }
+ function g(c) {
+ var m = c.getBoundingClientRect(),
+ i = (0, B.round)(m.width) / c.offsetWidth || 1,
+ u = (0, B.round)(m.height) / c.offsetHeight || 1;
+ return i !== 1 || u !== 1;
+ }
+ function l(c, m, i) {
+ i === void 0 && (i = !1);
+ var u = (0, o.isHTMLElement)(m),
+ s = (0, o.isHTMLElement)(m) && g(m),
+ d = (0, b.default)(m),
+ v = (0, e.default)(c, s, i),
+ h = { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 },
+ C = { x: 0, y: 0 };
+ return (
+ (u || (!u && !i)) &&
+ (((0, t.default)(m) !== 'body' || (0, y.default)(d)) && (h = (0, a.default)(m)),
+ (0, o.isHTMLElement)(m)
+ ? ((C = (0, e.default)(m, !0)), (C.x += m.clientLeft), (C.y += m.clientTop))
+ : d && (C.x = (0, f.default)(d))),
+ { x: v.left + h.scrollLeft - C.x, y: v.top + h.scrollTop - C.y, width: v.width, height: v.height }
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ 16599: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
+ var e = a(n(95115));
+ function a(o) {
+ return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ return (0, e.default)(o).getComputedStyle(o);
+ }
+ },
+ 40600: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = a);
+ var e = n(75573);
+ function a(t) {
+ return (((0, e.isElement)(t) ? t.ownerDocument : t.document) || window.document).documentElement;
+ }
+ },
+ 79752: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = y);
+ var e = b(n(40600)),
+ a = b(n(16599)),
+ t = b(n(79697)),
+ o = b(n(43750)),
+ f = n(63618);
+ function b(B) {
+ return B && B.__esModule ? B : { default: B };
+ }
+ function y(B) {
+ var k,
+ g = (0, e.default)(B),
+ l = (0, o.default)(B),
+ c = (k = B.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : k.body,
+ m = (0, f.max)(g.scrollWidth, g.clientWidth, c ? c.scrollWidth : 0, c ? c.clientWidth : 0),
+ i = (0, f.max)(g.scrollHeight, g.clientHeight, c ? c.scrollHeight : 0, c ? c.clientHeight : 0),
+ u = -l.scrollLeft + (0, t.default)(B),
+ s = -l.scrollTop;
+ return (
+ (0, a.default)(c || g).direction === 'rtl' && (u += (0, f.max)(g.clientWidth, c ? c.clientWidth : 0) - m),
+ { width: m, height: i, x: u, y: s }
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ 3073: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n(e) {
+ return { scrollLeft: e.scrollLeft, scrollTop: e.scrollTop };
+ }
+ },
+ 28811: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
+ var e = a(n(37786));
+ function a(o) {
+ return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ var f = (0, e.default)(o),
+ b = o.offsetWidth,
+ y = o.offsetHeight;
+ return (
+ Math.abs(f.width - b) <= 1 && (b = f.width),
+ Math.abs(f.height - y) <= 1 && (y = f.height),
+ { x: o.offsetLeft, y: o.offsetTop, width: b, height: y }
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ 12972: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n(e) {
+ return e ? (e.nodeName || '').toLowerCase() : null;
+ }
+ },
+ 13390: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
+ var e = f(n(43750)),
+ a = f(n(95115)),
+ t = n(75573),
+ o = f(n(3073));
+ function f(y) {
+ return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
+ }
+ function b(y) {
+ return y === (0, a.default)(y) || !(0, t.isHTMLElement)(y) ? (0, e.default)(y) : (0, o.default)(y);
+ }
+ },
+ 44896: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = l);
+ var e = B(n(95115)),
+ a = B(n(12972)),
+ t = B(n(16599)),
+ o = n(75573),
+ f = B(n(87031)),
+ b = B(n(57819)),
+ y = B(n(35366));
+ function B(c) {
+ return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c };
+ }
+ function k(c) {
+ return !(0, o.isHTMLElement)(c) || (0, t.default)(c).position === 'fixed' ? null : c.offsetParent;
+ }
+ function g(c) {
+ var m = /firefox/i.test((0, y.default)()),
+ i = /Trident/i.test((0, y.default)());
+ if (i && (0, o.isHTMLElement)(c)) {
+ var u = (0, t.default)(c);
+ if (u.position === 'fixed') return null;
+ }
+ var s = (0, b.default)(c);
+ for (
+ (0, o.isShadowRoot)(s) && (s = s.host);
+ (0, o.isHTMLElement)(s) && ['html', 'body'].indexOf((0, a.default)(s)) < 0;
+ ) {
+ var d = (0, t.default)(s);
+ if (
+ d.transform !== 'none' ||
+ d.perspective !== 'none' ||
+ d.contain === 'paint' ||
+ ['transform', 'perspective'].indexOf(d.willChange) !== -1 ||
+ (m && d.willChange === 'filter') ||
+ (m && d.filter && d.filter !== 'none')
+ )
+ return s;
+ s = s.parentNode;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ function l(c) {
+ for (
+ var m = (0, e.default)(c), i = k(c);
+ i && (0, f.default)(i) && (0, t.default)(i).position === 'static';
+ )
+ i = k(i);
+ return i &&
+ ((0, a.default)(i) === 'html' ||
+ ((0, a.default)(i) === 'body' && (0, t.default)(i).position === 'static'))
+ ? m
+ : i || g(c) || m;
+ }
+ },
+ 57819: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = f);
+ var e = o(n(12972)),
+ a = o(n(40600)),
+ t = n(75573);
+ function o(b) {
+ return b && b.__esModule ? b : { default: b };
+ }
+ function f(b) {
+ return (0, e.default)(b) === 'html'
+ ? b
+ : b.assignedSlot || b.parentNode || ((0, t.isShadowRoot)(b) ? b.host : null) || (0, a.default)(b);
+ }
+ },
+ 24426: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
+ var e = f(n(57819)),
+ a = f(n(10798)),
+ t = f(n(12972)),
+ o = n(75573);
+ function f(y) {
+ return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
+ }
+ function b(y) {
+ return ['html', 'body', '#document'].indexOf((0, t.default)(y)) >= 0
+ ? y.ownerDocument.body
+ : (0, o.isHTMLElement)(y) && (0, a.default)(y)
+ ? y
+ : b((0, e.default)(y));
+ }
+ },
+ 87991: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
+ var e = f(n(95115)),
+ a = f(n(40600)),
+ t = f(n(79697)),
+ o = f(n(89331));
+ function f(y) {
+ return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
+ }
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, e.default)(y),
+ g = (0, a.default)(y),
+ l = k.visualViewport,
+ c = g.clientWidth,
+ m = g.clientHeight,
+ i = 0,
+ u = 0;
+ if (l) {
+ (c = l.width), (m = l.height);
+ var s = (0, o.default)();
+ (s || (!s && B === 'fixed')) && ((i = l.offsetLeft), (u = l.offsetTop));
+ }
+ return { width: c, height: m, x: i + (0, t.default)(y), y: u };
+ }
+ },
+ 95115: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n(e) {
+ if (e == null) return window;
+ if (e.toString() !== '[object Window]') {
+ var a = e.ownerDocument;
+ return (a && a.defaultView) || window;
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ },
+ 43750: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
+ var e = a(n(95115));
+ function a(o) {
+ return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ var f = (0, e.default)(o),
+ b = f.pageXOffset,
+ y = f.pageYOffset;
+ return { scrollLeft: b, scrollTop: y };
+ }
+ },
+ 79697: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = f);
+ var e = o(n(37786)),
+ a = o(n(40600)),
+ t = o(n(43750));
+ function o(b) {
+ return b && b.__esModule ? b : { default: b };
+ }
+ function f(b) {
+ return (0, e.default)((0, a.default)(b)).left + (0, t.default)(b).scrollLeft;
+ }
+ },
+ 75573: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.isElement = t), (r.isHTMLElement = o), (r.isShadowRoot = f);
+ var e = a(n(95115));
+ function a(b) {
+ return b && b.__esModule ? b : { default: b };
+ }
+ function t(b) {
+ var y = (0, e.default)(b).Element;
+ return b instanceof y || b instanceof Element;
+ }
+ function o(b) {
+ var y = (0, e.default)(b).HTMLElement;
+ return b instanceof y || b instanceof HTMLElement;
+ }
+ function f(b) {
+ if (typeof ShadowRoot == 'undefined') return !1;
+ var y = (0, e.default)(b).ShadowRoot;
+ return b instanceof y || b instanceof ShadowRoot;
+ }
+ },
+ 89331: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
+ var e = a(n(35366));
+ function a(o) {
+ return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
+ }
+ function t() {
+ return !/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test((0, e.default)());
+ }
+ },
+ 10798: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
+ var e = a(n(16599));
+ function a(o) {
+ return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ var f = (0, e.default)(o),
+ b = f.overflow,
+ y = f.overflowX,
+ B = f.overflowY;
+ return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden/.test(b + B + y);
+ }
+ },
+ 87031: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
+ var e = a(n(12972));
+ function a(o) {
+ return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ return ['table', 'td', 'th'].indexOf((0, e.default)(o)) >= 0;
+ }
+ },
+ 98309: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
+ var e = f(n(24426)),
+ a = f(n(57819)),
+ t = f(n(95115)),
+ o = f(n(10798));
+ function f(y) {
+ return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
+ }
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k;
+ B === void 0 && (B = []);
+ var g = (0, e.default)(y),
+ l = g === ((k = y.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : k.body),
+ c = (0, t.default)(g),
+ m = l ? [c].concat(c.visualViewport || [], (0, o.default)(g) ? g : []) : g,
+ i = B.concat(m);
+ return l ? i : i.concat(b((0, a.default)(m)));
+ }
+ },
+ 46206: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.write =
+ r.viewport =
+ r.variationPlacements =
+ r.top =
+ r.start =
+ r.right =
+ r.reference =
+ r.read =
+ r.popper =
+ r.placements =
+ r.modifierPhases =
+ r.main =
+ r.left =
+ r.end =
+ r.clippingParents =
+ r.bottom =
+ r.beforeWrite =
+ r.beforeRead =
+ r.beforeMain =
+ r.basePlacements =
+ r.auto =
+ r.afterWrite =
+ r.afterRead =
+ r.afterMain =
+ void 0);
+ var n = (r.top = 'top'),
+ e = (r.bottom = 'bottom'),
+ a = (r.right = 'right'),
+ t = (r.left = 'left'),
+ o = (r.auto = 'auto'),
+ f = (r.basePlacements = [n, e, a, t]),
+ b = (r.start = 'start'),
+ y = (r.end = 'end'),
+ B = (r.clippingParents = 'clippingParents'),
+ k = (r.viewport = 'viewport'),
+ g = (r.popper = 'popper'),
+ l = (r.reference = 'reference'),
+ c = (r.variationPlacements = f.reduce(function (S, I) {
+ return S.concat([I + '-' + b, I + '-' + y]);
+ }, [])),
+ m = (r.placements = [].concat(f, [o]).reduce(function (S, I) {
+ return S.concat([I, I + '-' + b, I + '-' + y]);
+ }, [])),
+ i = (r.beforeRead = 'beforeRead'),
+ u = (r.read = 'read'),
+ s = (r.afterRead = 'afterRead'),
+ d = (r.beforeMain = 'beforeMain'),
+ v = (r.main = 'main'),
+ h = (r.afterMain = 'afterMain'),
+ C = (r.beforeWrite = 'beforeWrite'),
+ p = (r.write = 'write'),
+ N = (r.afterWrite = 'afterWrite'),
+ V = (r.modifierPhases = [i, u, s, d, v, h, C, p, N]);
+ },
+ 95996: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ r.__esModule = !0;
+ var e = {
+ popperGenerator: !0,
+ detectOverflow: !0,
+ createPopperBase: !0,
+ createPopper: !0,
+ createPopperLite: !0,
+ };
+ r.popperGenerator = r.detectOverflow = r.createPopperLite = r.createPopperBase = r.createPopper = void 0;
+ var a = n(46206);
+ Object.keys(a).forEach(function (y) {
+ y === 'default' ||
+ y === '__esModule' ||
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, y) ||
+ (y in r && r[y] === a[y]) ||
+ (r[y] = a[y]);
+ });
+ var t = n(39805);
+ Object.keys(t).forEach(function (y) {
+ y === 'default' ||
+ y === '__esModule' ||
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, y) ||
+ (y in r && r[y] === t[y]) ||
+ (r[y] = t[y]);
+ });
+ var o = n(96376);
+ (r.popperGenerator = o.popperGenerator),
+ (r.detectOverflow = o.detectOverflow),
+ (r.createPopperBase = o.createPopper);
+ var f = n(83312);
+ r.createPopper = f.createPopper;
+ var b = n(2473);
+ r.createPopperLite = b.createPopper;
+ },
+ 19975: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
+ var e = t(n(12972)),
+ a = n(75573);
+ function t(y) {
+ return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
+ }
+ function o(y) {
+ var B = y.state;
+ Object.keys(B.elements).forEach(function (k) {
+ var g = B.styles[k] || {},
+ l = B.attributes[k] || {},
+ c = B.elements[k];
+ !(0, a.isHTMLElement)(c) ||
+ !(0, e.default)(c) ||
+ (Object.assign(c.style, g),
+ Object.keys(l).forEach(function (m) {
+ var i = l[m];
+ i === !1 ? c.removeAttribute(m) : c.setAttribute(m, i === !0 ? '' : i);
+ }));
+ });
+ }
+ function f(y) {
+ var B = y.state,
+ k = {
+ popper: { position: B.options.strategy, left: '0', top: '0', margin: '0' },
+ arrow: { position: 'absolute' },
+ reference: {},
+ };
+ return (
+ Object.assign(B.elements.popper.style, k.popper),
+ (B.styles = k),
+ B.elements.arrow && Object.assign(B.elements.arrow.style, k.arrow),
+ function () {
+ Object.keys(B.elements).forEach(function (g) {
+ var l = B.elements[g],
+ c = B.attributes[g] || {},
+ m = Object.keys(B.styles.hasOwnProperty(g) ? B.styles[g] : k[g]),
+ i = m.reduce(function (u, s) {
+ return (u[s] = ''), u;
+ }, {});
+ !(0, a.isHTMLElement)(l) ||
+ !(0, e.default)(l) ||
+ (Object.assign(l.style, i),
+ Object.keys(c).forEach(function (u) {
+ l.removeAttribute(u);
+ }));
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ var b = (r.default = {
+ name: 'applyStyles',
+ enabled: !0,
+ phase: 'write',
+ fn: o,
+ effect: f,
+ requires: ['computeStyles'],
+ });
+ },
+ 52744: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
+ var e = g(n(83104)),
+ a = g(n(28811)),
+ t = g(n(4206)),
+ o = g(n(44896)),
+ f = g(n(41199)),
+ b = n(28595),
+ y = g(n(43286)),
+ B = g(n(81447)),
+ k = n(46206);
+ function g(u) {
+ return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u };
+ }
+ var l = (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return (
+ (s = typeof s == 'function' ? s(Object.assign({}, d.rects, { placement: d.placement })) : s),
+ (0, y.default)(typeof s != 'number' ? s : (0, B.default)(s, k.basePlacements))
+ );
+ }
+ return u;
+ })();
+ function c(u) {
+ var s,
+ d = u.state,
+ v = u.name,
+ h = u.options,
+ C = d.elements.arrow,
+ p = d.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
+ N = (0, e.default)(d.placement),
+ V = (0, f.default)(N),
+ S = [k.left, k.right].indexOf(N) >= 0,
+ I = S ? 'height' : 'width';
+ if (!(!C || !p)) {
+ var L = l(h.padding, d),
+ w = (0, a.default)(C),
+ A = V === 'y' ? k.top : k.left,
+ x = V === 'y' ? k.bottom : k.right,
+ E = d.rects.reference[I] + d.rects.reference[V] - p[V] - d.rects.popper[I],
+ P = p[V] - d.rects.reference[V],
+ D = (0, o.default)(C),
+ M = D ? (V === 'y' ? D.clientHeight || 0 : D.clientWidth || 0) : 0,
+ R = E / 2 - P / 2,
+ O = L[A],
+ F = M - w[I] - L[x],
+ _ = M / 2 - w[I] / 2 + R,
+ U = (0, b.within)(O, _, F),
+ z = V;
+ d.modifiersData[v] = ((s = {}), (s[z] = U), (s.centerOffset = U - _), s);
+ }
+ }
+ function m(u) {
+ var s = u.state,
+ d = u.options,
+ v = d.element,
+ h = v === void 0 ? '[data-popper-arrow]' : v;
+ h != null &&
+ ((typeof h == 'string' && ((h = s.elements.popper.querySelector(h)), !h)) ||
+ ((0, t.default)(s.elements.popper, h) && (s.elements.arrow = h)));
+ }
+ var i = (r.default = {
+ name: 'arrow',
+ enabled: !0,
+ phase: 'main',
+ fn: c,
+ effect: m,
+ requires: ['popperOffsets'],
+ requiresIfExists: ['preventOverflow'],
+ });
+ },
+ 59894: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0), (r.mapToStyles = c);
+ var e = n(46206),
+ a = k(n(44896)),
+ t = k(n(95115)),
+ o = k(n(40600)),
+ f = k(n(16599)),
+ b = k(n(83104)),
+ y = k(n(45)),
+ B = n(63618);
+ function k(u) {
+ return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u };
+ }
+ var g = { top: 'auto', right: 'auto', bottom: 'auto', left: 'auto' };
+ function l(u, s) {
+ var d = u.x,
+ v = u.y,
+ h = s.devicePixelRatio || 1;
+ return { x: (0, B.round)(d * h) / h || 0, y: (0, B.round)(v * h) / h || 0 };
+ }
+ function c(u) {
+ var s,
+ d = u.popper,
+ v = u.popperRect,
+ h = u.placement,
+ C = u.variation,
+ p = u.offsets,
+ N = u.position,
+ V = u.gpuAcceleration,
+ S = u.adaptive,
+ I = u.roundOffsets,
+ L = u.isFixed,
+ w = p.x,
+ A = w === void 0 ? 0 : w,
+ x = p.y,
+ E = x === void 0 ? 0 : x,
+ P = typeof I == 'function' ? I({ x: A, y: E }) : { x: A, y: E };
+ (A = P.x), (E = P.y);
+ var D = p.hasOwnProperty('x'),
+ M = p.hasOwnProperty('y'),
+ R = e.left,
+ O = e.top,
+ F = window;
+ if (S) {
+ var _ = (0, a.default)(d),
+ U = 'clientHeight',
+ z = 'clientWidth';
+ if (
+ (_ === (0, t.default)(d) &&
+ ((_ = (0, o.default)(d)),
+ (0, f.default)(_).position !== 'static' &&
+ N === 'absolute' &&
+ ((U = 'scrollHeight'), (z = 'scrollWidth'))),
+ (_ = _),
+ h === e.top || ((h === e.left || h === e.right) && C === e.end))
+ ) {
+ O = e.bottom;
+ var $ = L && _ === F && F.visualViewport ? F.visualViewport.height : _[U];
+ (E -= $ - v.height), (E *= V ? 1 : -1);
+ }
+ if (h === e.left || ((h === e.top || h === e.bottom) && C === e.end)) {
+ R = e.right;
+ var G = L && _ === F && F.visualViewport ? F.visualViewport.width : _[z];
+ (A -= G - v.width), (A *= V ? 1 : -1);
+ }
+ }
+ var X = Object.assign({ position: N }, S && g),
+ J = I === !0 ? l({ x: A, y: E }, (0, t.default)(d)) : { x: A, y: E };
+ if (((A = J.x), (E = J.y), V)) {
+ var se;
+ return Object.assign(
+ {},
+ X,
+ ((se = {}),
+ (se[O] = M ? '0' : ''),
+ (se[R] = D ? '0' : ''),
+ (se.transform =
+ (F.devicePixelRatio || 1) <= 1
+ ? 'translate(' + A + 'px, ' + E + 'px)'
+ : 'translate3d(' + A + 'px, ' + E + 'px, 0)'),
+ se)
+ );
+ }
+ return Object.assign(
+ {},
+ X,
+ ((s = {}), (s[O] = M ? E + 'px' : ''), (s[R] = D ? A + 'px' : ''), (s.transform = ''), s)
+ );
+ }
+ function m(u) {
+ var s = u.state,
+ d = u.options,
+ v = d.gpuAcceleration,
+ h = v === void 0 ? !0 : v,
+ C = d.adaptive,
+ p = C === void 0 ? !0 : C,
+ N = d.roundOffsets,
+ V = N === void 0 ? !0 : N,
+ S = {
+ placement: (0, b.default)(s.placement),
+ variation: (0, y.default)(s.placement),
+ popper: s.elements.popper,
+ popperRect: s.rects.popper,
+ gpuAcceleration: h,
+ isFixed: s.options.strategy === 'fixed',
+ };
+ s.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null &&
+ (s.styles.popper = Object.assign(
+ {},
+ s.styles.popper,
+ c(
+ Object.assign({}, S, {
+ offsets: s.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
+ position: s.options.strategy,
+ adaptive: p,
+ roundOffsets: V,
+ })
+ )
+ )),
+ s.modifiersData.arrow != null &&
+ (s.styles.arrow = Object.assign(
+ {},
+ s.styles.arrow,
+ c(
+ Object.assign({}, S, {
+ offsets: s.modifiersData.arrow,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ adaptive: !1,
+ roundOffsets: V,
+ })
+ )
+ )),
+ (s.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, s.attributes.popper, { 'data-popper-placement': s.placement }));
+ }
+ var i = (r.default = { name: 'computeStyles', enabled: !0, phase: 'beforeWrite', fn: m, data: {} });
+ },
+ 36692: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
+ var e = a(n(95115));
+ function a(b) {
+ return b && b.__esModule ? b : { default: b };
+ }
+ var t = { passive: !0 };
+ function o(b) {
+ var y = b.state,
+ B = b.instance,
+ k = b.options,
+ g = k.scroll,
+ l = g === void 0 ? !0 : g,
+ c = k.resize,
+ m = c === void 0 ? !0 : c,
+ i = (0, e.default)(y.elements.popper),
+ u = [].concat(y.scrollParents.reference, y.scrollParents.popper);
+ return (
+ l &&
+ u.forEach(function (s) {
+ s.addEventListener('scroll', B.update, t);
+ }),
+ m && i.addEventListener('resize', B.update, t),
+ function () {
+ l &&
+ u.forEach(function (s) {
+ s.removeEventListener('scroll', B.update, t);
+ }),
+ m && i.removeEventListener('resize', B.update, t);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ var f = (r.default = {
+ name: 'eventListeners',
+ enabled: !0,
+ phase: 'write',
+ fn: (function () {
+ function b() {}
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ effect: o,
+ data: {},
+ });
+ },
+ 23798: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
+ var e = B(n(71376)),
+ a = B(n(83104)),
+ t = B(n(86459)),
+ o = B(n(17633)),
+ f = B(n(9041)),
+ b = n(46206),
+ y = B(n(45));
+ function B(c) {
+ return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c };
+ }
+ function k(c) {
+ if ((0, a.default)(c) === b.auto) return [];
+ var m = (0, e.default)(c);
+ return [(0, t.default)(c), m, (0, t.default)(m)];
+ }
+ function g(c) {
+ var m = c.state,
+ i = c.options,
+ u = c.name;
+ if (!m.modifiersData[u]._skip) {
+ for (
+ var s = i.mainAxis,
+ d = s === void 0 ? !0 : s,
+ v = i.altAxis,
+ h = v === void 0 ? !0 : v,
+ C = i.fallbackPlacements,
+ p = i.padding,
+ N = i.boundary,
+ V = i.rootBoundary,
+ S = i.altBoundary,
+ I = i.flipVariations,
+ L = I === void 0 ? !0 : I,
+ w = i.allowedAutoPlacements,
+ A = m.options.placement,
+ x = (0, a.default)(A),
+ E = x === A,
+ P = C || (E || !L ? [(0, e.default)(A)] : k(A)),
+ D = [A].concat(P).reduce(function (ne, te) {
+ return ne.concat(
+ (0, a.default)(te) === b.auto
+ ? (0, f.default)(m, {
+ placement: te,
+ boundary: N,
+ rootBoundary: V,
+ padding: p,
+ flipVariations: L,
+ allowedAutoPlacements: w,
+ })
+ : te
+ );
+ }, []),
+ M = m.rects.reference,
+ R = m.rects.popper,
+ O = new Map(),
+ F = !0,
+ _ = D[0],
+ U = 0;
+ U < D.length;
+ U++
+ ) {
+ var z = D[U],
+ $ = (0, a.default)(z),
+ G = (0, y.default)(z) === b.start,
+ X = [b.top, b.bottom].indexOf($) >= 0,
+ J = X ? 'width' : 'height',
+ se = (0, o.default)(m, { placement: z, boundary: N, rootBoundary: V, altBoundary: S, padding: p }),
+ ie = X ? (G ? b.right : b.left) : G ? b.bottom : b.top;
+ M[J] > R[J] && (ie = (0, e.default)(ie));
+ var me = (0, e.default)(ie),
+ q = [];
+ if (
+ (d && q.push(se[$] <= 0),
+ h && q.push(se[ie] <= 0, se[me] <= 0),
+ q.every(function (ne) {
+ return ne;
+ }))
+ ) {
+ (_ = z), (F = !1);
+ break;
+ }
+ O.set(z, q);
+ }
+ if (F)
+ for (
+ var re = L ? 3 : 1,
+ ae = (function () {
+ function ne(te) {
+ var fe = D.find(function (pe) {
+ var ce = O.get(pe);
+ if (ce)
+ return ce.slice(0, te).every(function (Ve) {
+ return Ve;
+ });
+ });
+ if (fe) return (_ = fe), 'break';
+ }
+ return ne;
+ })(),
+ le = re;
+ le > 0;
+ le--
+ ) {
+ var Z = ae(le);
+ if (Z === 'break') break;
+ }
+ m.placement !== _ && ((m.modifiersData[u]._skip = !0), (m.placement = _), (m.reset = !0));
+ }
+ }
+ var l = (r.default = {
+ name: 'flip',
+ enabled: !0,
+ phase: 'main',
+ fn: g,
+ requiresIfExists: ['offset'],
+ data: { _skip: !1 },
+ });
+ },
+ 83761: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
+ var e = n(46206),
+ a = t(n(17633));
+ function t(B) {
+ return B && B.__esModule ? B : { default: B };
+ }
+ function o(B, k, g) {
+ return (
+ g === void 0 && (g = { x: 0, y: 0 }),
+ {
+ top: B.top - k.height - g.y,
+ right: B.right - k.width + g.x,
+ bottom: B.bottom - k.height + g.y,
+ left: B.left - k.width - g.x,
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ function f(B) {
+ return [e.top, e.right, e.bottom, e.left].some(function (k) {
+ return B[k] >= 0;
+ });
+ }
+ function b(B) {
+ var k = B.state,
+ g = B.name,
+ l = k.rects.reference,
+ c = k.rects.popper,
+ m = k.modifiersData.preventOverflow,
+ i = (0, a.default)(k, { elementContext: 'reference' }),
+ u = (0, a.default)(k, { altBoundary: !0 }),
+ s = o(i, l),
+ d = o(u, c, m),
+ v = f(s),
+ h = f(d);
+ (k.modifiersData[g] = {
+ referenceClippingOffsets: s,
+ popperEscapeOffsets: d,
+ isReferenceHidden: v,
+ hasPopperEscaped: h,
+ }),
+ (k.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, k.attributes.popper, {
+ 'data-popper-reference-hidden': v,
+ 'data-popper-escaped': h,
+ }));
+ }
+ var y = (r.default = {
+ name: 'hide',
+ enabled: !0,
+ phase: 'main',
+ requiresIfExists: ['preventOverflow'],
+ fn: b,
+ });
+ },
+ 39805: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.preventOverflow =
+ r.popperOffsets =
+ r.offset =
+ r.hide =
+ r.flip =
+ r.eventListeners =
+ r.computeStyles =
+ r.arrow =
+ r.applyStyles =
+ void 0);
+ var e = g(n(19975));
+ r.applyStyles = e.default;
+ var a = g(n(52744));
+ r.arrow = a.default;
+ var t = g(n(59894));
+ r.computeStyles = t.default;
+ var o = g(n(36692));
+ r.eventListeners = o.default;
+ var f = g(n(23798));
+ r.flip = f.default;
+ var b = g(n(83761));
+ r.hide = b.default;
+ var y = g(n(61410));
+ r.offset = y.default;
+ var B = g(n(40107));
+ r.popperOffsets = B.default;
+ var k = g(n(75137));
+ r.preventOverflow = k.default;
+ function g(l) {
+ return l && l.__esModule ? l : { default: l };
+ }
+ },
+ 61410: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0), (r.distanceAndSkiddingToXY = o);
+ var e = t(n(83104)),
+ a = n(46206);
+ function t(y) {
+ return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
+ }
+ function o(y, B, k) {
+ var g = (0, e.default)(y),
+ l = [a.left, a.top].indexOf(g) >= 0 ? -1 : 1,
+ c = typeof k == 'function' ? k(Object.assign({}, B, { placement: y })) : k,
+ m = c[0],
+ i = c[1];
+ return (
+ (m = m || 0), (i = (i || 0) * l), [a.left, a.right].indexOf(g) >= 0 ? { x: i, y: m } : { x: m, y: i }
+ );
+ }
+ function f(y) {
+ var B = y.state,
+ k = y.options,
+ g = y.name,
+ l = k.offset,
+ c = l === void 0 ? [0, 0] : l,
+ m = a.placements.reduce(function (d, v) {
+ return (d[v] = o(v, B.rects, c)), d;
+ }, {}),
+ i = m[B.placement],
+ u = i.x,
+ s = i.y;
+ B.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null &&
+ ((B.modifiersData.popperOffsets.x += u), (B.modifiersData.popperOffsets.y += s)),
+ (B.modifiersData[g] = m);
+ }
+ var b = (r.default = { name: 'offset', enabled: !0, phase: 'main', requires: ['popperOffsets'], fn: f });
+ },
+ 40107: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
+ var e = a(n(89951));
+ function a(f) {
+ return f && f.__esModule ? f : { default: f };
+ }
+ function t(f) {
+ var b = f.state,
+ y = f.name;
+ b.modifiersData[y] = (0, e.default)({
+ reference: b.rects.reference,
+ element: b.rects.popper,
+ strategy: 'absolute',
+ placement: b.placement,
+ });
+ }
+ var o = (r.default = { name: 'popperOffsets', enabled: !0, phase: 'read', fn: t, data: {} });
+ },
+ 75137: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
+ var e = n(46206),
+ a = c(n(83104)),
+ t = c(n(41199)),
+ o = c(n(28066)),
+ f = n(28595),
+ b = c(n(28811)),
+ y = c(n(44896)),
+ B = c(n(17633)),
+ k = c(n(45)),
+ g = c(n(34780)),
+ l = n(63618);
+ function c(u) {
+ return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u };
+ }
+ function m(u) {
+ var s = u.state,
+ d = u.options,
+ v = u.name,
+ h = d.mainAxis,
+ C = h === void 0 ? !0 : h,
+ p = d.altAxis,
+ N = p === void 0 ? !1 : p,
+ V = d.boundary,
+ S = d.rootBoundary,
+ I = d.altBoundary,
+ L = d.padding,
+ w = d.tether,
+ A = w === void 0 ? !0 : w,
+ x = d.tetherOffset,
+ E = x === void 0 ? 0 : x,
+ P = (0, B.default)(s, { boundary: V, rootBoundary: S, padding: L, altBoundary: I }),
+ D = (0, a.default)(s.placement),
+ M = (0, k.default)(s.placement),
+ R = !M,
+ O = (0, t.default)(D),
+ F = (0, o.default)(O),
+ _ = s.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
+ U = s.rects.reference,
+ z = s.rects.popper,
+ $ = typeof E == 'function' ? E(Object.assign({}, s.rects, { placement: s.placement })) : E,
+ G = typeof $ == 'number' ? { mainAxis: $, altAxis: $ } : Object.assign({ mainAxis: 0, altAxis: 0 }, $),
+ X = s.modifiersData.offset ? s.modifiersData.offset[s.placement] : null,
+ J = { x: 0, y: 0 };
+ if (_) {
+ if (C) {
+ var se,
+ ie = O === 'y' ? e.top : e.left,
+ me = O === 'y' ? e.bottom : e.right,
+ q = O === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width',
+ re = _[O],
+ ae = re + P[ie],
+ le = re - P[me],
+ Z = A ? -z[q] / 2 : 0,
+ ne = M === e.start ? U[q] : z[q],
+ te = M === e.start ? -z[q] : -U[q],
+ fe = s.elements.arrow,
+ pe = A && fe ? (0, b.default)(fe) : { width: 0, height: 0 },
+ ce = s.modifiersData['arrow#persistent']
+ ? s.modifiersData['arrow#persistent'].padding
+ : (0, g.default)(),
+ Ve = ce[ie],
+ Ce = ce[me],
+ Ne = (0, f.within)(0, U[q], pe[q]),
+ Be = R ? U[q] / 2 - Z - Ne - Ve - G.mainAxis : ne - Ne - Ve - G.mainAxis,
+ be = R ? -U[q] / 2 + Z + Ne + Ce + G.mainAxis : te + Ne + Ce + G.mainAxis,
+ Le = s.elements.arrow && (0, y.default)(s.elements.arrow),
+ we = Le ? (O === 'y' ? Le.clientTop || 0 : Le.clientLeft || 0) : 0,
+ xe = (se = X == null ? void 0 : X[O]) != null ? se : 0,
+ Re = re + Be - xe - we,
+ He = re + be - xe,
+ ye = (0, f.within)(A ? (0, l.min)(ae, Re) : ae, re, A ? (0, l.max)(le, He) : le);
+ (_[O] = ye), (J[O] = ye - re);
+ }
+ if (N) {
+ var de,
+ he = O === 'x' ? e.top : e.left,
+ ke = O === 'x' ? e.bottom : e.right,
+ ve = _[F],
+ Se = F === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width',
+ Pe = ve + P[he],
+ je = ve - P[ke],
+ Fe = [e.top, e.left].indexOf(D) !== -1,
+ ze = (de = X == null ? void 0 : X[F]) != null ? de : 0,
+ We = Fe ? Pe : ve - U[Se] - z[Se] - ze + G.altAxis,
+ Ue = Fe ? ve + U[Se] + z[Se] - ze - G.altAxis : je,
+ Xe = A && Fe ? (0, f.withinMaxClamp)(We, ve, Ue) : (0, f.within)(A ? We : Pe, ve, A ? Ue : je);
+ (_[F] = Xe), (J[F] = Xe - ve);
+ }
+ s.modifiersData[v] = J;
+ }
+ }
+ var i = (r.default = {
+ name: 'preventOverflow',
+ enabled: !0,
+ phase: 'main',
+ fn: m,
+ requiresIfExists: ['offset'],
+ });
+ },
+ 2473: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.defaultModifiers = r.createPopper = void 0);
+ var e = n(96376);
+ (r.popperGenerator = e.popperGenerator), (r.detectOverflow = e.detectOverflow);
+ var a = b(n(36692)),
+ t = b(n(40107)),
+ o = b(n(59894)),
+ f = b(n(19975));
+ function b(k) {
+ return k && k.__esModule ? k : { default: k };
+ }
+ var y = (r.defaultModifiers = [a.default, t.default, o.default, f.default]),
+ B = (r.createPopper = (0, e.popperGenerator)({ defaultModifiers: y }));
+ },
+ 83312: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ r.__esModule = !0;
+ var e = {
+ createPopper: !0,
+ createPopperLite: !0,
+ defaultModifiers: !0,
+ popperGenerator: !0,
+ detectOverflow: !0,
+ };
+ r.defaultModifiers = r.createPopperLite = r.createPopper = void 0;
+ var a = n(96376);
+ (r.popperGenerator = a.popperGenerator), (r.detectOverflow = a.detectOverflow);
+ var t = i(n(36692)),
+ o = i(n(40107)),
+ f = i(n(59894)),
+ b = i(n(19975)),
+ y = i(n(61410)),
+ B = i(n(23798)),
+ k = i(n(75137)),
+ g = i(n(52744)),
+ l = i(n(83761)),
+ c = n(2473);
+ r.createPopperLite = c.createPopper;
+ var m = n(39805);
+ Object.keys(m).forEach(function (d) {
+ d === 'default' ||
+ d === '__esModule' ||
+ Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, d) ||
+ (d in r && r[d] === m[d]) ||
+ (r[d] = m[d]);
+ });
+ function i(d) {
+ return d && d.__esModule ? d : { default: d };
+ }
+ var u = (r.defaultModifiers = [
+ t.default,
+ o.default,
+ f.default,
+ b.default,
+ y.default,
+ B.default,
+ k.default,
+ g.default,
+ l.default,
+ ]),
+ s = (r.createPopperLite = r.createPopper = (0, a.popperGenerator)({ defaultModifiers: u }));
+ },
+ 9041: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
+ var e = f(n(45)),
+ a = n(46206),
+ t = f(n(17633)),
+ o = f(n(83104));
+ function f(y) {
+ return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
+ }
+ function b(y, B) {
+ B === void 0 && (B = {});
+ var k = B,
+ g = k.placement,
+ l = k.boundary,
+ c = k.rootBoundary,
+ m = k.padding,
+ i = k.flipVariations,
+ u = k.allowedAutoPlacements,
+ s = u === void 0 ? a.placements : u,
+ d = (0, e.default)(g),
+ v = d
+ ? i
+ ? a.variationPlacements
+ : a.variationPlacements.filter(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.default)(p) === d;
+ })
+ : a.basePlacements,
+ h = v.filter(function (p) {
+ return s.indexOf(p) >= 0;
+ });
+ h.length === 0 && (h = v);
+ var C = h.reduce(function (p, N) {
+ return (
+ (p[N] = (0, t.default)(y, { placement: N, boundary: l, rootBoundary: c, padding: m })[
+ (0, o.default)(N)
+ ]),
+ p
+ );
+ }, {});
+ return Object.keys(C).sort(function (p, N) {
+ return C[p] - C[N];
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ 89951: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
+ var e = f(n(83104)),
+ a = f(n(45)),
+ t = f(n(41199)),
+ o = n(46206);
+ function f(y) {
+ return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
+ }
+ function b(y) {
+ var B = y.reference,
+ k = y.element,
+ g = y.placement,
+ l = g ? (0, e.default)(g) : null,
+ c = g ? (0, a.default)(g) : null,
+ m = B.x + B.width / 2 - k.width / 2,
+ i = B.y + B.height / 2 - k.height / 2,
+ u;
+ switch (l) {
+ case o.top:
+ u = { x: m, y: B.y - k.height };
+ break;
+ case o.bottom:
+ u = { x: m, y: B.y + B.height };
+ break;
+ case o.right:
+ u = { x: B.x + B.width, y: i };
+ break;
+ case o.left:
+ u = { x: B.x - k.width, y: i };
+ break;
+ default:
+ u = { x: B.x, y: B.y };
+ }
+ var s = l ? (0, t.default)(l) : null;
+ if (s != null) {
+ var d = s === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width';
+ switch (c) {
+ case o.start:
+ u[s] = u[s] - (B[d] / 2 - k[d] / 2);
+ break;
+ case o.end:
+ u[s] = u[s] + (B[d] / 2 - k[d] / 2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ return u;
+ }
+ },
+ 10579: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n(e) {
+ var a;
+ return function () {
+ return (
+ a ||
+ (a = new Promise(function (t) {
+ Promise.resolve().then(function () {
+ (a = void 0), t(e());
+ });
+ })),
+ a
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ 17633: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = l);
+ var e = g(n(49035)),
+ a = g(n(40600)),
+ t = g(n(37786)),
+ o = g(n(89951)),
+ f = g(n(81666)),
+ b = n(46206),
+ y = n(75573),
+ B = g(n(43286)),
+ k = g(n(81447));
+ function g(c) {
+ return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c };
+ }
+ function l(c, m) {
+ m === void 0 && (m = {});
+ var i = m,
+ u = i.placement,
+ s = u === void 0 ? c.placement : u,
+ d = i.strategy,
+ v = d === void 0 ? c.strategy : d,
+ h = i.boundary,
+ C = h === void 0 ? b.clippingParents : h,
+ p = i.rootBoundary,
+ N = p === void 0 ? b.viewport : p,
+ V = i.elementContext,
+ S = V === void 0 ? b.popper : V,
+ I = i.altBoundary,
+ L = I === void 0 ? !1 : I,
+ w = i.padding,
+ A = w === void 0 ? 0 : w,
+ x = (0, B.default)(typeof A != 'number' ? A : (0, k.default)(A, b.basePlacements)),
+ E = S === b.popper ? b.reference : b.popper,
+ P = c.rects.popper,
+ D = c.elements[L ? E : S],
+ M = (0, e.default)(
+ (0, y.isElement)(D) ? D : D.contextElement || (0, a.default)(c.elements.popper),
+ C,
+ N,
+ v
+ ),
+ R = (0, t.default)(c.elements.reference),
+ O = (0, o.default)({ reference: R, element: P, strategy: 'absolute', placement: s }),
+ F = (0, f.default)(Object.assign({}, P, O)),
+ _ = S === b.popper ? F : R,
+ U = {
+ top: M.top - _.top + x.top,
+ bottom: _.bottom - M.bottom + x.bottom,
+ left: M.left - _.left + x.left,
+ right: _.right - M.right + x.right,
+ },
+ z = c.modifiersData.offset;
+ if (S === b.popper && z) {
+ var $ = z[s];
+ Object.keys(U).forEach(function (G) {
+ var X = [b.right, b.bottom].indexOf(G) >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
+ J = [b.top, b.bottom].indexOf(G) >= 0 ? 'y' : 'x';
+ U[G] += $[J] * X;
+ });
+ }
+ return U;
+ }
+ },
+ 81447: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n(e, a) {
+ return a.reduce(function (t, o) {
+ return (t[o] = e), t;
+ }, {});
+ }
+ },
+ 28066: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n(e) {
+ return e === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x';
+ }
+ },
+ 83104: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = a);
+ var e = n(46206);
+ function a(t) {
+ return t.split('-')[0];
+ }
+ },
+ 34780: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n() {
+ return { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 };
+ }
+ },
+ 41199: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n(e) {
+ return ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(e) >= 0 ? 'x' : 'y';
+ }
+ },
+ 71376: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = e);
+ var n = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' };
+ function e(a) {
+ return a.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (t) {
+ return n[t];
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ 86459: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = e);
+ var n = { start: 'end', end: 'start' };
+ function e(a) {
+ return a.replace(/start|end/g, function (t) {
+ return n[t];
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ 45: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n(e) {
+ return e.split('-')[1];
+ }
+ },
+ 63618: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.round = r.min = r.max = void 0);
+ var n = (r.max = Math.max),
+ e = (r.min = Math.min),
+ a = (r.round = Math.round);
+ },
+ 56500: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n(e) {
+ var a = e.reduce(function (t, o) {
+ var f = t[o.name];
+ return (
+ (t[o.name] = f
+ ? Object.assign({}, f, o, {
+ options: Object.assign({}, f.options, o.options),
+ data: Object.assign({}, f.data, o.data),
+ })
+ : o),
+ t
+ );
+ }, {});
+ return Object.keys(a).map(function (t) {
+ return a[t];
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ 43286: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
+ var e = a(n(34780));
+ function a(o) {
+ return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ return Object.assign({}, (0, e.default)(), o);
+ }
+ },
+ 33118: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
+ var e = n(46206);
+ function a(o) {
+ var f = new Map(),
+ b = new Set(),
+ y = [];
+ o.forEach(function (k) {
+ f.set(k.name, k);
+ });
+ function B(k) {
+ b.add(k.name);
+ var g = [].concat(k.requires || [], k.requiresIfExists || []);
+ g.forEach(function (l) {
+ if (!b.has(l)) {
+ var c = f.get(l);
+ c && B(c);
+ }
+ }),
+ y.push(k);
+ }
+ return (
+ o.forEach(function (k) {
+ b.has(k.name) || B(k);
+ }),
+ y
+ );
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ var f = a(o);
+ return e.modifierPhases.reduce(function (b, y) {
+ return b.concat(
+ f.filter(function (B) {
+ return B.phase === y;
+ })
+ );
+ }, []);
+ }
+ },
+ 81666: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n(e) {
+ return Object.assign({}, e, { left: e.x, top: e.y, right: e.x + e.width, bottom: e.y + e.height });
+ }
+ },
+ 35366: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
+ function n() {
+ var e = navigator.userAgentData;
+ return e != null && e.brands && Array.isArray(e.brands)
+ ? e.brands
+ .map(function (a) {
+ return a.brand + '/' + a.version;
+ })
+ .join(' ')
+ : navigator.userAgent;
+ }
+ },
+ 28595: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.within = a), (r.withinMaxClamp = t);
+ var e = n(63618);
+ function a(o, f, b) {
+ return (0, e.max)(o, (0, e.min)(f, b));
+ }
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ var y = a(o, f, b);
+ return y > b ? b : y;
+ }
+ },
+ 15875: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.VNodeFlags = r.ChildFlags = void 0);
+ var n;
+ (function (a) {
+ (a[(a.Unknown = 0)] = 'Unknown'),
+ (a[(a.HtmlElement = 1)] = 'HtmlElement'),
+ (a[(a.ComponentUnknown = 2)] = 'ComponentUnknown'),
+ (a[(a.ComponentClass = 4)] = 'ComponentClass'),
+ (a[(a.ComponentFunction = 8)] = 'ComponentFunction'),
+ (a[(a.Text = 16)] = 'Text'),
+ (a[(a.SvgElement = 32)] = 'SvgElement'),
+ (a[(a.InputElement = 64)] = 'InputElement'),
+ (a[(a.TextareaElement = 128)] = 'TextareaElement'),
+ (a[(a.SelectElement = 256)] = 'SelectElement'),
+ (a[(a.Portal = 1024)] = 'Portal'),
+ (a[(a.ReCreate = 2048)] = 'ReCreate'),
+ (a[(a.ContentEditable = 4096)] = 'ContentEditable'),
+ (a[(a.Fragment = 8192)] = 'Fragment'),
+ (a[(a.InUse = 16384)] = 'InUse'),
+ (a[(a.ForwardRef = 32768)] = 'ForwardRef'),
+ (a[(a.Normalized = 65536)] = 'Normalized'),
+ (a[(a.ForwardRefComponent = 32776)] = 'ForwardRefComponent'),
+ (a[(a.FormElement = 448)] = 'FormElement'),
+ (a[(a.Element = 481)] = 'Element'),
+ (a[(a.Component = 14)] = 'Component'),
+ (a[(a.DOMRef = 1521)] = 'DOMRef'),
+ (a[(a.InUseOrNormalized = 81920)] = 'InUseOrNormalized'),
+ (a[(a.ClearInUse = -16385)] = 'ClearInUse'),
+ (a[(a.ComponentKnown = 12)] = 'ComponentKnown');
+ })(n || (r.VNodeFlags = n = {}));
+ var e;
+ (function (a) {
+ (a[(a.UnknownChildren = 0)] = 'UnknownChildren'),
+ (a[(a.HasInvalidChildren = 1)] = 'HasInvalidChildren'),
+ (a[(a.HasVNodeChildren = 2)] = 'HasVNodeChildren'),
+ (a[(a.HasNonKeyedChildren = 4)] = 'HasNonKeyedChildren'),
+ (a[(a.HasKeyedChildren = 8)] = 'HasKeyedChildren'),
+ (a[(a.HasTextChildren = 16)] = 'HasTextChildren'),
+ (a[(a.MultipleChildren = 12)] = 'MultipleChildren');
+ })(e || (r.ChildFlags = e = {}));
+ },
+ 89292: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.Fragment = r.EMPTY_OBJ = r.Component = r.AnimationQueues = void 0),
+ (r._CI = Ot),
+ (r._HI = pe),
+ (r._M = Ke),
+ (r._MCCC = Ft),
+ (r._ME = Dt),
+ (r._MFCC = _t),
+ (r._MP = Mt),
+ (r._MR = at),
+ (r._RFC = gt),
+ (r.__render = Ht),
+ (r.createComponentVNode = se),
+ (r.createFragment = me),
+ (r.createPortal = Z),
+ (r.createRef = nn),
+ (r.createRenderer = En),
+ (r.createTextVNode = ie),
+ (r.createVNode = $),
+ (r.directClone = ae),
+ (r.findDOMFromVNode = V),
+ (r.forwardRef = on),
+ (r.getFlagsForElementVnode = te),
+ (r.linkEvent = g),
+ (r.normalizeProps = q),
+ (r.options = void 0),
+ (r.render = zt),
+ (r.rerender = $t),
+ (r.version = void 0);
+ var n = Array.isArray;
+ function e(j) {
+ var W = typeof j;
+ return W === 'string' || W === 'number';
+ }
+ function a(j) {
+ return j == null;
+ }
+ function t(j) {
+ return j === null || j === !1 || j === !0 || j === void 0;
+ }
+ function o(j) {
+ return typeof j == 'function';
+ }
+ function f(j) {
+ return typeof j == 'string';
+ }
+ function b(j) {
+ return typeof j == 'number';
+ }
+ function y(j) {
+ return j === null;
+ }
+ function B(j) {
+ return j === void 0;
+ }
+ function k(j, W) {
+ var H = {};
+ if (j) for (var K in j) H[K] = j[K];
+ if (W) for (var Q in W) H[Q] = W[Q];
+ return H;
+ }
+ function g(j, W) {
+ return o(W) ? { data: j, event: W } : null;
+ }
+ function l(j) {
+ return !y(j) && typeof j == 'object';
+ }
+ var c = (r.EMPTY_OBJ = {}),
+ m = (r.Fragment = '$F'),
+ i = (r.AnimationQueues = (function () {
+ function j() {
+ (this.componentDidAppear = []), (this.componentWillDisappear = []), (this.componentWillMove = []);
+ }
+ return j;
+ })());
+ function u(j) {
+ return j.substring(2).toLowerCase();
+ }
+ function s(j, W) {
+ j.appendChild(W);
+ }
+ function d(j, W, H) {
+ y(H) ? s(j, W) : j.insertBefore(W, H);
+ }
+ function v(j, W) {
+ return W ? document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', j) : document.createElement(j);
+ }
+ function h(j, W, H) {
+ j.replaceChild(W, H);
+ }
+ function C(j, W) {
+ j.removeChild(W);
+ }
+ function p(j) {
+ for (var W = 0; W < j.length; W++) j[W]();
+ }
+ function N(j, W, H) {
+ var K = j.children;
+ return H & 4 ? K.$LI : H & 8192 ? (j.childFlags === 2 ? K : K[W ? 0 : K.length - 1]) : K;
+ }
+ function V(j, W) {
+ for (var H; j; ) {
+ if (((H = j.flags), H & 1521)) return j.dom;
+ j = N(j, W, H);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ function S(j, W) {
+ for (var H = j.length, K; (K = j.pop()) !== void 0; )
+ K(function () {
+ --H <= 0 && o(W) && W();
+ });
+ }
+ function I(j) {
+ for (var W = 0; W < j.length; W++) j[W].fn();
+ for (var H = 0; H < j.length; H++) {
+ var K = j[H];
+ d(K.parent, K.dom, K.next);
+ }
+ j.splice(0, j.length);
+ }
+ function L(j, W, H) {
+ do {
+ var K = j.flags;
+ if (K & 1521) {
+ (!H || j.dom.parentNode === W) && C(W, j.dom);
+ return;
+ }
+ var Q = j.children;
+ if ((K & 4 && (j = Q.$LI), K & 8 && (j = Q), K & 8192))
+ if (j.childFlags === 2) j = Q;
+ else {
+ for (var ee = 0, oe = Q.length; ee < oe; ++ee) L(Q[ee], W, !1);
+ return;
+ }
+ } while (j);
+ }
+ function w(j, W) {
+ return function () {
+ L(j, W, !0);
+ };
+ }
+ function A(j, W, H) {
+ H.componentWillDisappear.length > 0 ? S(H.componentWillDisappear, w(j, W)) : L(j, W, !1);
+ }
+ function x(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
+ j.componentWillMove.push({
+ dom: K,
+ fn: (function () {
+ function ge() {
+ oe & 4 ? H.componentWillMove(W, Q, K) : oe & 8 && H.onComponentWillMove(W, Q, K, ue);
+ }
+ return ge;
+ })(),
+ next: ee,
+ parent: Q,
+ });
+ }
+ function E(j, W, H, K, Q) {
+ var ee,
+ oe,
+ ue = W.flags;
+ do {
+ var ge = W.flags;
+ if (ge & 1521) {
+ !a(ee) && (o(ee.componentWillMove) || o(ee.onComponentWillMove))
+ ? x(Q, j, ee, W.dom, H, K, ue, oe)
+ : d(H, W.dom, K);
+ return;
+ }
+ var Te = W.children;
+ if (ge & 4) (ee = W.children), (oe = W.props), (W = Te.$LI);
+ else if (ge & 8) (ee = W.ref), (oe = W.props), (W = Te);
+ else if (ge & 8192)
+ if (W.childFlags === 2) W = Te;
+ else {
+ for (var Ie = 0, Ee = Te.length; Ie < Ee; ++Ie) E(j, Te[Ie], H, K, Q);
+ return;
+ }
+ } while (W);
+ }
+ function P(j, W, H) {
+ return j.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps ? k(H, j.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(W, H)) : H;
+ }
+ var D = { v: !1 },
+ M = (r.options = { componentComparator: null, createVNode: null, renderComplete: null });
+ function R(j, W) {
+ j.textContent = W;
+ }
+ function O(j, W) {
+ return l(j) && j.event === W.event && j.data === W.data;
+ }
+ function F(j, W) {
+ for (var H in W) B(j[H]) && (j[H] = W[H]);
+ return j;
+ }
+ function _(j, W) {
+ return !!o(j) && (j(W), !0);
+ }
+ var U = '$';
+ function z(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
+ (this.childFlags = j),
+ (this.children = W),
+ (this.className = H),
+ (this.dom = null),
+ (this.flags = K),
+ (this.key = Q === void 0 ? null : Q),
+ (this.props = ee === void 0 ? null : ee),
+ (this.ref = oe === void 0 ? null : oe),
+ (this.type = ue);
+ }
+ function $(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
+ var ge = Q === void 0 ? 1 : Q,
+ Te = new z(ge, K, H, j, oe, ee, ue, W);
+ return M.createVNode && M.createVNode(Te), ge === 0 && fe(Te, Te.children), Te;
+ }
+ function G(j, W, H) {
+ if (j & 4) return H;
+ var K = (j & 32768 ? W.render : W).defaultHooks;
+ return a(K) ? H : a(H) ? K : F(H, K);
+ }
+ function X(j, W, H) {
+ var K = (j & 32768 ? W.render : W).defaultProps;
+ return a(K) ? H : a(H) ? k(K, null) : F(H, K);
+ }
+ function J(j, W) {
+ return j & 12 ? j : W.prototype && W.prototype.render ? 4 : W.render ? 32776 : 8;
+ }
+ function se(j, W, H, K, Q) {
+ j = J(j, W);
+ var ee = new z(1, null, null, j, K, X(j, W, H), G(j, W, Q), W);
+ return M.createVNode && M.createVNode(ee), ee;
+ }
+ function ie(j, W) {
+ return new z(1, a(j) || j === !0 || j === !1 ? '' : j, null, 16, W, null, null, null);
+ }
+ function me(j, W, H) {
+ var K = $(8192, 8192, null, j, W, null, H, null);
+ switch (K.childFlags) {
+ case 1:
+ (K.children = le()), (K.childFlags = 2);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ (K.children = [ie(j)]), (K.childFlags = 4);
+ break;
+ }
+ return K;
+ }
+ function q(j) {
+ var W = j.props;
+ if (W) {
+ var H = j.flags;
+ H & 481 &&
+ (W.children !== void 0 && a(j.children) && fe(j, W.children),
+ W.className !== void 0 &&
+ (a(j.className) && (j.className = W.className || null), (W.className = void 0))),
+ W.key !== void 0 && ((j.key = W.key), (W.key = void 0)),
+ W.ref !== void 0 && (H & 8 ? (j.ref = k(j.ref, W.ref)) : (j.ref = W.ref), (W.ref = void 0));
+ }
+ return j;
+ }
+ function re(j) {
+ var W = j.children,
+ H = j.childFlags;
+ return me(H === 2 ? ae(W) : W.map(ae), H, j.key);
+ }
+ function ae(j) {
+ var W = j.flags & -16385,
+ H = j.props;
+ if (W & 14 && !y(H)) {
+ var K = H;
+ H = {};
+ for (var Q in K) H[Q] = K[Q];
+ }
+ return W & 8192 ? re(j) : new z(j.childFlags, j.children, j.className, W, j.key, H, j.ref, j.type);
+ }
+ function le() {
+ return ie('', null);
+ }
+ function Z(j, W) {
+ var H = pe(j);
+ return $(1024, 1024, null, H, 0, null, H.key, W);
+ }
+ function ne(j, W, H, K) {
+ for (var Q = j.length; H < Q; H++) {
+ var ee = j[H];
+ if (!t(ee)) {
+ var oe = K + U + H;
+ if (n(ee)) ne(ee, W, 0, oe);
+ else {
+ if (e(ee)) ee = ie(ee, oe);
+ else {
+ var ue = ee.key,
+ ge = f(ue) && ue[0] === U;
+ (ee.flags & 81920 || ge) && (ee = ae(ee)),
+ (ee.flags |= 65536),
+ ge
+ ? ue.substring(0, K.length) !== K && (ee.key = K + ue)
+ : y(ue)
+ ? (ee.key = oe)
+ : (ee.key = K + ue);
+ }
+ W.push(ee);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function te(j) {
+ switch (j) {
+ case 'svg':
+ return 32;
+ case 'input':
+ return 64;
+ case 'select':
+ return 256;
+ case 'textarea':
+ return 128;
+ case m:
+ return 8192;
+ default:
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ function fe(j, W) {
+ var H,
+ K = 1;
+ if (t(W)) H = W;
+ else if (e(W)) (K = 16), (H = W);
+ else if (n(W)) {
+ for (var Q = W.length, ee = 0; ee < Q; ++ee) {
+ var oe = W[ee];
+ if (t(oe) || n(oe)) {
+ (H = H || W.slice(0, ee)), ne(W, H, ee, '');
+ break;
+ } else if (e(oe)) (H = H || W.slice(0, ee)), H.push(ie(oe, U + ee));
+ else {
+ var ue = oe.key,
+ ge = (oe.flags & 81920) > 0,
+ Te = y(ue),
+ Ie = f(ue) && ue[0] === U;
+ ge || Te || Ie
+ ? ((H = H || W.slice(0, ee)),
+ (ge || Ie) && (oe = ae(oe)),
+ (Te || Ie) && (oe.key = U + ee),
+ H.push(oe))
+ : H && H.push(oe),
+ (oe.flags |= 65536);
+ }
+ }
+ (H = H || W), H.length === 0 ? (K = 1) : (K = 8);
+ } else (H = W), (H.flags |= 65536), W.flags & 81920 && (H = ae(W)), (K = 2);
+ return (j.children = H), (j.childFlags = K), j;
+ }
+ function pe(j) {
+ return t(j) || e(j) ? ie(j, null) : n(j) ? me(j, 0, null) : j.flags & 16384 ? ae(j) : j;
+ }
+ var ce = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink',
+ Ve = 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace',
+ Ce = {
+ 'xlink:actuate': ce,
+ 'xlink:arcrole': ce,
+ 'xlink:href': ce,
+ 'xlink:role': ce,
+ 'xlink:show': ce,
+ 'xlink:title': ce,
+ 'xlink:type': ce,
+ 'xml:base': Ve,
+ 'xml:lang': Ve,
+ 'xml:space': Ve,
+ };
+ function Ne(j) {
+ return {
+ onClick: j,
+ onDblClick: j,
+ onFocusIn: j,
+ onFocusOut: j,
+ onKeyDown: j,
+ onKeyPress: j,
+ onKeyUp: j,
+ onMouseDown: j,
+ onMouseMove: j,
+ onMouseUp: j,
+ onTouchEnd: j,
+ onTouchMove: j,
+ onTouchStart: j,
+ };
+ }
+ var Be = Ne(0),
+ be = Ne(null),
+ Le = Ne(!0);
+ function we(j, W) {
+ var H = W.$EV;
+ return H || (H = W.$EV = Ne(null)), H[j] || (++Be[j] === 1 && (be[j] = je(j))), H;
+ }
+ function xe(j, W) {
+ var H = W.$EV;
+ H && H[j] && (--Be[j] === 0 && (document.removeEventListener(u(j), be[j]), (be[j] = null)), (H[j] = null));
+ }
+ function Re(j, W, H, K) {
+ if (o(H)) we(j, K)[j] = H;
+ else if (l(H)) {
+ if (O(W, H)) return;
+ we(j, K)[j] = H;
+ } else xe(j, K);
+ }
+ function He(j) {
+ return o(j.composedPath) ? j.composedPath()[0] : j.target;
+ }
+ function ye(j, W, H, K) {
+ var Q = He(j);
+ do {
+ if (W && Q.disabled) return;
+ var ee = Q.$EV;
+ if (ee) {
+ var oe = ee[H];
+ if (oe && ((K.dom = Q), oe.event ? oe.event(oe.data, j) : oe(j), j.cancelBubble)) return;
+ }
+ Q = Q.parentNode;
+ } while (!y(Q));
+ }
+ function de() {
+ (this.cancelBubble = !0), this.immediatePropagationStopped || this.stopImmediatePropagation();
+ }
+ function he() {
+ return this.defaultPrevented;
+ }
+ function ke() {
+ return this.cancelBubble;
+ }
+ function ve(j) {
+ var W = { dom: document };
+ return (
+ (j.isDefaultPrevented = he),
+ (j.isPropagationStopped = ke),
+ (j.stopPropagation = de),
+ Object.defineProperty(j, 'currentTarget', {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function H() {
+ return W.dom;
+ }
+ return H;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ W
+ );
+ }
+ function Se(j) {
+ return function (W) {
+ if (W.button !== 0) {
+ W.stopPropagation();
+ return;
+ }
+ ye(W, !0, j, ve(W));
+ };
+ }
+ function Pe(j) {
+ return function (W) {
+ ye(W, !1, j, ve(W));
+ };
+ }
+ function je(j) {
+ var W = j === 'onClick' || j === 'onDblClick' ? Se(j) : Pe(j);
+ return document.addEventListener(u(j), W), W;
+ }
+ function Fe(j, W) {
+ var H = document.createElement('i');
+ return (H.innerHTML = W), H.innerHTML === j.innerHTML;
+ }
+ function ze(j, W, H) {
+ if (j[W]) {
+ var K = j[W];
+ K.event ? K.event(K.data, H) : K(H);
+ } else {
+ var Q = W.toLowerCase();
+ j[Q] && j[Q](H);
+ }
+ }
+ function We(j, W) {
+ var H = (function () {
+ function K(Q) {
+ var ee = this.$V;
+ if (ee) {
+ var oe = ee.props || c,
+ ue = ee.dom;
+ if (f(j)) ze(oe, j, Q);
+ else for (var ge = 0; ge < j.length; ++ge) ze(oe, j[ge], Q);
+ if (o(W)) {
+ var Te = this.$V,
+ Ie = Te.props || c;
+ W(Ie, ue, !1, Te);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return K;
+ })();
+ return (
+ Object.defineProperty(H, 'wrapped', { configurable: !1, enumerable: !1, value: !0, writable: !1 }), H
+ );
+ }
+ function Ue(j, W, H) {
+ var K = '$' + W,
+ Q = j[K];
+ if (Q) {
+ if (Q[1].wrapped) return;
+ j.removeEventListener(Q[0], Q[1]), (j[K] = null);
+ }
+ o(H) && (j.addEventListener(W, H), (j[K] = [W, H]));
+ }
+ function Xe(j) {
+ return j === 'checkbox' || j === 'radio';
+ }
+ var yt = We('onInput', ut),
+ St = We(['onClick', 'onChange'], ut);
+ function Ct(j) {
+ j.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ Ct.wrapped = !0;
+ function Bt(j, W) {
+ Xe(W.type) ? (Ue(j, 'change', St), Ue(j, 'click', Ct)) : Ue(j, 'input', yt);
+ }
+ function ut(j, W) {
+ var H = j.type,
+ K = j.value,
+ Q = j.checked,
+ ee = j.multiple,
+ oe = j.defaultValue,
+ ue = !a(K);
+ H && H !== W.type && W.setAttribute('type', H),
+ !a(ee) && ee !== W.multiple && (W.multiple = ee),
+ !a(oe) && !ue && (W.defaultValue = oe + ''),
+ Xe(H)
+ ? (ue && (W.value = K), a(Q) || (W.checked = Q))
+ : ue && W.value !== K
+ ? ((W.defaultValue = K), (W.value = K))
+ : a(Q) || (W.checked = Q);
+ }
+ function rt(j, W) {
+ if (j.type === 'option') It(j, W);
+ else {
+ var H = j.children,
+ K = j.flags;
+ if (K & 4) rt(H.$LI, W);
+ else if (K & 8) rt(H, W);
+ else if (j.childFlags === 2) rt(H, W);
+ else if (j.childFlags & 12) for (var Q = 0, ee = H.length; Q < ee; ++Q) rt(H[Q], W);
+ }
+ }
+ function It(j, W) {
+ var H = j.props || c,
+ K = j.dom;
+ (K.value = H.value),
+ H.value === W || (n(W) && W.indexOf(H.value) !== -1)
+ ? (K.selected = !0)
+ : (!a(W) || !a(H.selected)) && (K.selected = H.selected || !1);
+ }
+ var Lt = We('onChange', wt);
+ function Qt(j) {
+ Ue(j, 'change', Lt);
+ }
+ function wt(j, W, H, K) {
+ var Q = !!j.multiple;
+ !a(j.multiple) && Q !== W.multiple && (W.multiple = Q);
+ var ee = j.selectedIndex;
+ ee === -1 && (W.selectedIndex = -1);
+ var oe = K.childFlags;
+ if (oe !== 1) {
+ var ue = j.value;
+ b(ee) && ee > -1 && W.options[ee] && (ue = W.options[ee].value),
+ H && a(ue) && (ue = j.defaultValue),
+ rt(K, ue);
+ }
+ }
+ var Zt = We('onInput', Tt),
+ qt = We('onChange');
+ function en(j, W) {
+ Ue(j, 'input', Zt), W.onChange && Ue(j, 'change', qt);
+ }
+ function Tt(j, W, H) {
+ var K = j.value,
+ Q = W.value;
+ if (a(K)) {
+ if (H) {
+ var ee = j.defaultValue;
+ !a(ee) && ee !== Q && ((W.defaultValue = ee), (W.value = ee));
+ }
+ } else Q !== K && ((W.defaultValue = K), (W.value = K));
+ }
+ function xt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee) {
+ j & 64 ? ut(K, H) : j & 256 ? wt(K, H, Q, W) : j & 128 && Tt(K, H, Q), ee && (H.$V = W);
+ }
+ function tn(j, W, H) {
+ j & 64 ? Bt(W, H) : j & 256 ? Qt(W) : j & 128 && en(W, H);
+ }
+ function At(j) {
+ return j.type && Xe(j.type) ? !a(j.checked) : !a(j.value);
+ }
+ function nn() {
+ return { current: null };
+ }
+ function on(j) {
+ var W = { render: j };
+ return W;
+ }
+ function st(j) {
+ j && !_(j, null) && j.current && (j.current = null);
+ }
+ function at(j, W, H) {
+ j &&
+ (o(j) || j.current !== void 0) &&
+ H.push(function () {
+ !_(j, W) && j.current !== void 0 && (j.current = W);
+ });
+ }
+ function Je(j, W, H) {
+ Ze(j, H), A(j, W, H);
+ }
+ function Ze(j, W) {
+ var H = j.flags,
+ K = j.children,
+ Q;
+ if (H & 481) {
+ Q = j.ref;
+ var ee = j.props;
+ st(Q);
+ var oe = j.childFlags;
+ if (!y(ee))
+ for (var ue = Object.keys(ee), ge = 0, Te = ue.length; ge < Te; ge++) {
+ var Ie = ue[ge];
+ Le[Ie] && xe(Ie, j.dom);
+ }
+ oe & 12 ? ct(K, W) : oe === 2 && Ze(K, W);
+ } else if (K)
+ if (H & 4) {
+ o(K.componentWillUnmount) && K.componentWillUnmount();
+ var Ee = W;
+ o(K.componentWillDisappear) && ((Ee = new i()), Et(W, K, K.$LI.dom, H, void 0)),
+ st(j.ref),
+ (K.$UN = !0),
+ Ze(K.$LI, Ee);
+ } else if (H & 8) {
+ var Ae = W;
+ if (((Q = j.ref), !a(Q))) {
+ var Me = null;
+ o(Q.onComponentWillUnmount) && ((Me = V(j, !0)), Q.onComponentWillUnmount(Me, j.props || c)),
+ o(Q.onComponentWillDisappear) && ((Ae = new i()), (Me = Me || V(j, !0)), Et(W, Q, Me, H, j.props));
+ }
+ Ze(K, Ae);
+ } else H & 1024 ? Je(K, j.ref, W) : H & 8192 && j.childFlags & 12 && ct(K, W);
+ }
+ function ct(j, W) {
+ for (var H = 0, K = j.length; H < K; ++H) Ze(j[H], W);
+ }
+ function rn(j, W) {
+ return function () {
+ if (W)
+ for (var H = 0; H < j.length; H++) {
+ var K = j[H];
+ L(K, W, !1);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function mt(j, W, H) {
+ H.componentWillDisappear.length > 0 ? S(H.componentWillDisappear, rn(W, j)) : (j.textContent = '');
+ }
+ function pt(j, W, H, K) {
+ ct(H, K), W.flags & 8192 ? A(W, j, K) : mt(j, H, K);
+ }
+ function Et(j, W, H, K, Q) {
+ j.componentWillDisappear.push(function (ee) {
+ K & 4 ? W.componentWillDisappear(H, ee) : K & 8 && W.onComponentWillDisappear(H, Q, ee);
+ });
+ }
+ function an(j) {
+ var W = j.event;
+ return function (H) {
+ W(j.data, H);
+ };
+ }
+ function cn(j, W, H, K) {
+ if (l(H)) {
+ if (O(W, H)) return;
+ H = an(H);
+ }
+ Ue(K, u(j), H);
+ }
+ function ln(j, W, H) {
+ if (a(W)) {
+ H.removeAttribute('style');
+ return;
+ }
+ var K = H.style,
+ Q,
+ ee;
+ if (f(W)) {
+ K.cssText = W;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!a(j) && !f(j)) {
+ for (Q in W) (ee = W[Q]), ee !== j[Q] && K.setProperty(Q, ee);
+ for (Q in j) a(W[Q]) && K.removeProperty(Q);
+ } else for (Q in W) (ee = W[Q]), K.setProperty(Q, ee);
+ }
+ function dn(j, W, H, K, Q) {
+ var ee = (j && j.__html) || '',
+ oe = (W && W.__html) || '';
+ ee !== oe &&
+ !a(oe) &&
+ !Fe(K, oe) &&
+ (y(H) ||
+ (H.childFlags & 12 ? ct(H.children, Q) : H.childFlags === 2 && Ze(H.children, Q),
+ (H.children = null),
+ (H.childFlags = 1)),
+ (K.innerHTML = oe));
+ }
+ function vt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
+ switch (j) {
+ case 'children':
+ case 'childrenType':
+ case 'className':
+ case 'defaultValue':
+ case 'key':
+ case 'multiple':
+ case 'ref':
+ case 'selectedIndex':
+ break;
+ case 'autoFocus':
+ K.autofocus = !!H;
+ break;
+ case 'allowfullscreen':
+ case 'autoplay':
+ case 'capture':
+ case 'checked':
+ case 'controls':
+ case 'default':
+ case 'disabled':
+ case 'hidden':
+ case 'indeterminate':
+ case 'loop':
+ case 'muted':
+ case 'novalidate':
+ case 'open':
+ case 'readOnly':
+ case 'required':
+ case 'reversed':
+ case 'scoped':
+ case 'seamless':
+ case 'selected':
+ K[j] = !!H;
+ break;
+ case 'defaultChecked':
+ case 'value':
+ case 'volume':
+ if (ee && j === 'value') break;
+ var ge = a(H) ? '' : H;
+ K[j] !== ge && (K[j] = ge);
+ break;
+ case 'style':
+ ln(W, H, K);
+ break;
+ case 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML':
+ dn(W, H, oe, K, ue);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Le[j]
+ ? Re(j, W, H, K)
+ : j.charCodeAt(0) === 111 && j.charCodeAt(1) === 110
+ ? cn(j, W, H, K)
+ : a(H)
+ ? K.removeAttribute(j)
+ : Q && Ce[j]
+ ? K.setAttributeNS(Ce[j], j, H)
+ : K.setAttribute(j, H);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function Mt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee) {
+ var oe = !1,
+ ue = (W & 448) > 0;
+ ue && ((oe = At(H)), oe && tn(W, K, H));
+ for (var ge in H) vt(ge, null, H[ge], K, Q, oe, null, ee);
+ ue && xt(W, j, K, H, !0, oe);
+ }
+ function Pt(j, W, H) {
+ var K = pe(j.render(W, j.state, H)),
+ Q = H;
+ return o(j.getChildContext) && (Q = k(H, j.getChildContext())), (j.$CX = Q), K;
+ }
+ function Ot(j, W, H, K, Q, ee) {
+ var oe = new W(H, K),
+ ue = (oe.$N = !!(W.getDerivedStateFromProps || oe.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate));
+ if (
+ ((oe.$SVG = Q),
+ (oe.$L = ee),
+ (j.children = oe),
+ (oe.$BS = !1),
+ (oe.context = K),
+ oe.props === c && (oe.props = H),
+ ue)
+ )
+ oe.state = P(oe, H, oe.state);
+ else if (o(oe.componentWillMount)) {
+ (oe.$BR = !0), oe.componentWillMount();
+ var ge = oe.$PS;
+ if (!y(ge)) {
+ var Te = oe.state;
+ if (y(Te)) oe.state = ge;
+ else for (var Ie in ge) Te[Ie] = ge[Ie];
+ oe.$PS = null;
+ }
+ oe.$BR = !1;
+ }
+ return (oe.$LI = Pt(oe, H, K)), oe;
+ }
+ function gt(j, W) {
+ var H = j.props || c;
+ return j.flags & 32768 ? j.type.render(H, j.ref, W) : j.type(H, W);
+ }
+ function Ke(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
+ var ue = (j.flags |= 16384);
+ ue & 481
+ ? Dt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe)
+ : ue & 4
+ ? mn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe)
+ : ue & 8
+ ? pn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe)
+ : ue & 16
+ ? Rt(j, W, Q)
+ : ue & 8192
+ ? sn(j, H, W, K, Q, ee, oe)
+ : ue & 1024 && un(j, H, W, Q, ee, oe);
+ }
+ function un(j, W, H, K, Q, ee) {
+ Ke(j.children, j.ref, W, !1, null, Q, ee);
+ var oe = le();
+ Rt(oe, H, K), (j.dom = oe.dom);
+ }
+ function sn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
+ var ue = j.children,
+ ge = j.childFlags;
+ ge & 12 && ue.length === 0 && ((ge = j.childFlags = 2), (ue = j.children = le())),
+ ge === 2 ? Ke(ue, H, W, K, Q, ee, oe) : ot(ue, H, W, K, Q, ee, oe);
+ }
+ function Rt(j, W, H) {
+ var K = (j.dom = document.createTextNode(j.children));
+ y(W) || d(W, K, H);
+ }
+ function Dt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
+ var ue = j.flags,
+ ge = j.props,
+ Te = j.className,
+ Ie = j.childFlags,
+ Ee = (j.dom = v(j.type, (K = K || (ue & 32) > 0))),
+ Ae = j.children;
+ if ((!a(Te) && Te !== '' && (K ? Ee.setAttribute('class', Te) : (Ee.className = Te)), Ie === 16)) R(Ee, Ae);
+ else if (Ie !== 1) {
+ var Me = K && j.type !== 'foreignObject';
+ Ie === 2
+ ? (Ae.flags & 16384 && (j.children = Ae = ae(Ae)), Ke(Ae, Ee, H, Me, null, ee, oe))
+ : (Ie === 8 || Ie === 4) && ot(Ae, Ee, H, Me, null, ee, oe);
+ }
+ y(W) || d(W, Ee, Q), y(ge) || Mt(j, ue, ge, Ee, K, oe), at(j.ref, Ee, ee);
+ }
+ function ot(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
+ for (var ue = 0; ue < j.length; ++ue) {
+ var ge = j[ue];
+ ge.flags & 16384 && (j[ue] = ge = ae(ge)), Ke(ge, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe);
+ }
+ }
+ function mn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
+ var ue = Ot(j, j.type, j.props || c, H, K, ee),
+ ge = oe;
+ o(ue.componentDidAppear) && (ge = new i()), Ke(ue.$LI, W, ue.$CX, K, Q, ee, ge), Ft(j.ref, ue, ee, oe);
+ }
+ function pn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
+ var ue = j.ref,
+ ge = oe;
+ !a(ue) && o(ue.onComponentDidAppear) && (ge = new i()),
+ Ke((j.children = pe(gt(j, H))), W, H, K, Q, ee, ge),
+ _t(j, ee, oe);
+ }
+ function fn(j) {
+ return function () {
+ j.componentDidMount();
+ };
+ }
+ function jt(j, W, H, K, Q) {
+ j.componentDidAppear.push(function () {
+ K & 4 ? W.componentDidAppear(H) : K & 8 && W.onComponentDidAppear(H, Q);
+ });
+ }
+ function Ft(j, W, H, K) {
+ at(j, W, H),
+ o(W.componentDidMount) && H.push(fn(W)),
+ o(W.componentDidAppear) && jt(K, W, W.$LI.dom, 4, void 0);
+ }
+ function hn(j, W) {
+ return function () {
+ j.onComponentDidMount(V(W, !0), W.props || c);
+ };
+ }
+ function _t(j, W, H) {
+ var K = j.ref;
+ a(K) ||
+ (_(K.onComponentWillMount, j.props || c),
+ o(K.onComponentDidMount) && W.push(hn(K, j)),
+ o(K.onComponentDidAppear) && jt(H, K, V(j, !0), 8, j.props));
+ }
+ function Cn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
+ Ze(j, oe),
+ W.flags & j.flags & 1521
+ ? (Ke(W, null, K, Q, null, ee, oe), h(H, W.dom, j.dom))
+ : (Ke(W, H, K, Q, V(j, !0), ee, oe), A(j, H, oe));
+ }
+ function qe(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
+ var ge = (W.flags |= 16384);
+ j.flags !== ge || j.type !== W.type || j.key !== W.key || ge & 2048
+ ? j.flags & 16384
+ ? Cn(j, W, H, K, Q, oe, ue)
+ : Ke(W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue)
+ : ge & 481
+ ? bn(j, W, K, Q, ge, oe, ue)
+ : ge & 4
+ ? Sn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue)
+ : ge & 8
+ ? Bn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue)
+ : ge & 16
+ ? In(j, W)
+ : ge & 8192
+ ? Nn(j, W, H, K, Q, oe, ue)
+ : Vn(j, W, K, oe, ue);
+ }
+ function vn(j, W, H) {
+ j !== W && (j !== '' ? (H.firstChild.nodeValue = W) : R(H, W));
+ }
+ function gn(j, W) {
+ j.textContent !== W && (j.textContent = W);
+ }
+ function Nn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
+ var ue = j.children,
+ ge = W.children,
+ Te = j.childFlags,
+ Ie = W.childFlags,
+ Ee = null;
+ Ie & 12 && ge.length === 0 && ((Ie = W.childFlags = 2), (ge = W.children = le()));
+ var Ae = (Ie & 2) !== 0;
+ if (Te & 12) {
+ var Me = ue.length;
+ ((Te & 8 && Ie & 8) || Ae || (!Ae && ge.length > Me)) && (Ee = V(ue[Me - 1], !1).nextSibling);
+ }
+ Nt(Te, Ie, ue, ge, H, K, Q, Ee, j, ee, oe);
+ }
+ function Vn(j, W, H, K, Q) {
+ var ee = j.ref,
+ oe = W.ref,
+ ue = W.children;
+ if (
+ (Nt(j.childFlags, W.childFlags, j.children, ue, ee, H, !1, null, j, K, Q),
+ (W.dom = j.dom),
+ ee !== oe && !t(ue))
+ ) {
+ var ge = ue.dom;
+ C(ee, ge), s(oe, ge);
+ }
+ }
+ function bn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
+ var ue = (W.dom = j.dom),
+ ge = j.props,
+ Te = W.props,
+ Ie = !1,
+ Ee = !1,
+ Ae;
+ if (((K = K || (Q & 32) > 0), ge !== Te)) {
+ var Me = ge || c;
+ if (((Ae = Te || c), Ae !== c)) {
+ (Ie = (Q & 448) > 0), Ie && (Ee = At(Ae));
+ for (var _e in Ae) {
+ var Oe = Me[_e],
+ $e = Ae[_e];
+ Oe !== $e && vt(_e, Oe, $e, ue, K, Ee, j, oe);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Me !== c) for (var De in Me) a(Ae[De]) && !a(Me[De]) && vt(De, Me[De], null, ue, K, Ee, j, oe);
+ }
+ var tt = W.children,
+ Ye = W.className;
+ j.className !== Ye &&
+ (a(Ye) ? ue.removeAttribute('class') : K ? ue.setAttribute('class', Ye) : (ue.className = Ye)),
+ Q & 4096
+ ? gn(ue, tt)
+ : Nt(
+ j.childFlags,
+ W.childFlags,
+ j.children,
+ tt,
+ ue,
+ H,
+ K && W.type !== 'foreignObject',
+ null,
+ j,
+ ee,
+ oe
+ ),
+ Ie && xt(Q, W, ue, Ae, !1, Ee);
+ var it = W.ref,
+ Qe = j.ref;
+ Qe !== it && (st(Qe), at(it, ue, ee));
+ }
+ function kn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
+ Ze(j, oe), ot(W, H, K, Q, V(j, !0), ee, oe), A(j, H, oe);
+ }
+ function Nt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, ge, Te, Ie) {
+ switch (j) {
+ case 2:
+ switch (W) {
+ case 2:
+ qe(H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ Je(H, Q, Ie);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ Ze(H, Ie), R(Q, K);
+ break;
+ default:
+ kn(H, K, Q, ee, oe, Te, Ie);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ switch (W) {
+ case 2:
+ Ke(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ R(Q, K);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ot(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ switch (W) {
+ case 16:
+ vn(H, K, Q);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ mt(Q, H, Ie), Ke(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ mt(Q, H, Ie);
+ break;
+ default:
+ mt(Q, H, Ie), ot(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ switch (W) {
+ case 16:
+ ct(H, Ie), R(Q, K);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ pt(Q, ge, H, Ie), Ke(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ pt(Q, ge, H, Ie);
+ break;
+ default:
+ var Ee = H.length | 0,
+ Ae = K.length | 0;
+ Ee === 0
+ ? Ae > 0 && ot(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie)
+ : Ae === 0
+ ? pt(Q, ge, H, Ie)
+ : W === 8 && j === 8
+ ? wn(H, K, Q, ee, oe, Ee, Ae, ue, ge, Te, Ie)
+ : Ln(H, K, Q, ee, oe, Ee, Ae, ue, Te, Ie);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function yn(j, W, H, K, Q) {
+ Q.push(function () {
+ j.componentDidUpdate(W, H, K);
+ });
+ }
+ function Wt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, ge, Te) {
+ var Ie = j.state,
+ Ee = j.props,
+ Ae = !!j.$N,
+ Me = o(j.shouldComponentUpdate);
+ if ((Ae && (W = P(j, H, W !== Ie ? k(Ie, W) : W)), oe || !Me || (Me && j.shouldComponentUpdate(H, W, Q)))) {
+ !Ae && o(j.componentWillUpdate) && j.componentWillUpdate(H, W, Q),
+ (j.props = H),
+ (j.state = W),
+ (j.context = Q);
+ var _e = null,
+ Oe = Pt(j, H, Q);
+ Ae && o(j.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) && (_e = j.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(Ee, Ie)),
+ qe(j.$LI, Oe, K, j.$CX, ee, ue, ge, Te),
+ (j.$LI = Oe),
+ o(j.componentDidUpdate) && yn(j, Ee, Ie, _e, ge);
+ } else (j.props = H), (j.state = W), (j.context = Q);
+ }
+ function Sn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
+ var ge = (W.children = j.children);
+ if (!y(ge)) {
+ ge.$L = oe;
+ var Te = W.props || c,
+ Ie = W.ref,
+ Ee = j.ref,
+ Ae = ge.state;
+ if (!ge.$N) {
+ if (o(ge.componentWillReceiveProps)) {
+ if (((ge.$BR = !0), ge.componentWillReceiveProps(Te, K), ge.$UN)) return;
+ ge.$BR = !1;
+ }
+ y(ge.$PS) || ((Ae = k(Ae, ge.$PS)), (ge.$PS = null));
+ }
+ Wt(ge, Ae, Te, H, K, Q, !1, ee, oe, ue), Ee !== Ie && (st(Ee), at(Ie, ge, oe));
+ }
+ }
+ function Bn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
+ var ge = !0,
+ Te = W.props || c,
+ Ie = W.ref,
+ Ee = j.props,
+ Ae = !a(Ie),
+ Me = j.children;
+ if ((Ae && o(Ie.onComponentShouldUpdate) && (ge = Ie.onComponentShouldUpdate(Ee, Te)), ge !== !1)) {
+ Ae && o(Ie.onComponentWillUpdate) && Ie.onComponentWillUpdate(Ee, Te);
+ var _e = pe(gt(W, K));
+ qe(Me, _e, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue),
+ (W.children = _e),
+ Ae && o(Ie.onComponentDidUpdate) && Ie.onComponentDidUpdate(Ee, Te);
+ } else W.children = Me;
+ }
+ function In(j, W) {
+ var H = W.children,
+ K = (W.dom = j.dom);
+ H !== j.children && (K.nodeValue = H);
+ }
+ function Ln(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, ge, Te) {
+ for (var Ie = ee > oe ? oe : ee, Ee = 0, Ae, Me; Ee < Ie; ++Ee)
+ (Ae = W[Ee]),
+ (Me = j[Ee]),
+ Ae.flags & 16384 && (Ae = W[Ee] = ae(Ae)),
+ qe(Me, Ae, H, K, Q, ue, ge, Te),
+ (j[Ee] = Ae);
+ if (ee < oe)
+ for (Ee = Ie; Ee < oe; ++Ee)
+ (Ae = W[Ee]), Ae.flags & 16384 && (Ae = W[Ee] = ae(Ae)), Ke(Ae, H, K, Q, ue, ge, Te);
+ else if (ee > oe) for (Ee = Ie; Ee < ee; ++Ee) Je(j[Ee], H, Te);
+ }
+ function wn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, ge, Te, Ie) {
+ var Ee = ee - 1,
+ Ae = oe - 1,
+ Me = 0,
+ _e = j[Me],
+ Oe = W[Me],
+ $e,
+ De;
+ e: {
+ for (; _e.key === Oe.key; ) {
+ if (
+ (Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[Me] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
+ qe(_e, Oe, H, K, Q, ue, Te, Ie),
+ (j[Me] = Oe),
+ ++Me,
+ Me > Ee || Me > Ae)
+ )
+ break e;
+ (_e = j[Me]), (Oe = W[Me]);
+ }
+ for (_e = j[Ee], Oe = W[Ae]; _e.key === Oe.key; ) {
+ if (
+ (Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[Ae] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
+ qe(_e, Oe, H, K, Q, ue, Te, Ie),
+ (j[Ee] = Oe),
+ Ee--,
+ Ae--,
+ Me > Ee || Me > Ae)
+ )
+ break e;
+ (_e = j[Ee]), (Oe = W[Ae]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Me > Ee) {
+ if (Me <= Ae)
+ for ($e = Ae + 1, De = $e < oe ? V(W[$e], !0) : ue; Me <= Ae; )
+ (Oe = W[Me]), Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[Me] = Oe = ae(Oe)), ++Me, Ke(Oe, H, K, Q, De, Te, Ie);
+ } else if (Me > Ae) for (; Me <= Ee; ) Je(j[Me++], H, Ie);
+ else Tn(j, W, K, ee, oe, Ee, Ae, Me, H, Q, ue, ge, Te, Ie);
+ }
+ function Tn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, ge, Te, Ie, Ee, Ae, Me) {
+ var _e,
+ Oe,
+ $e = 0,
+ De = 0,
+ tt = ue,
+ Ye = ue,
+ it = ee - ue + 1,
+ Qe = oe - ue + 1,
+ lt = new Int32Array(Qe + 1),
+ nt = it === K,
+ bt = !1,
+ Ge = 0,
+ dt = 0;
+ if (Q < 4 || (it | Qe) < 32)
+ for (De = tt; De <= ee; ++De)
+ if (((_e = j[De]), dt < Qe)) {
+ for (ue = Ye; ue <= oe; ue++)
+ if (((Oe = W[ue]), _e.key === Oe.key)) {
+ if (((lt[ue - Ye] = De + 1), nt)) for (nt = !1; tt < De; ) Je(j[tt++], ge, Me);
+ Ge > ue ? (bt = !0) : (Ge = ue),
+ Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[ue] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
+ qe(_e, Oe, ge, H, Te, Ie, Ae, Me),
+ ++dt;
+ break;
+ }
+ !nt && ue > oe && Je(_e, ge, Me);
+ } else nt || Je(_e, ge, Me);
+ else {
+ var Yt = {};
+ for (De = Ye; De <= oe; ++De) Yt[W[De].key] = De;
+ for (De = tt; De <= ee; ++De)
+ if (((_e = j[De]), dt < Qe))
+ if (((ue = Yt[_e.key]), ue !== void 0)) {
+ if (nt) for (nt = !1; De > tt; ) Je(j[tt++], ge, Me);
+ (lt[ue - Ye] = De + 1),
+ Ge > ue ? (bt = !0) : (Ge = ue),
+ (Oe = W[ue]),
+ Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[ue] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
+ qe(_e, Oe, ge, H, Te, Ie, Ae, Me),
+ ++dt;
+ } else nt || Je(_e, ge, Me);
+ else nt || Je(_e, ge, Me);
+ }
+ if (nt) pt(ge, Ee, j, Me), ot(W, ge, H, Te, Ie, Ae, Me);
+ else if (bt) {
+ var Xt = xn(lt);
+ for (ue = Xt.length - 1, De = Qe - 1; De >= 0; De--)
+ lt[De] === 0
+ ? ((Ge = De + Ye),
+ (Oe = W[Ge]),
+ Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[Ge] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
+ ($e = Ge + 1),
+ Ke(Oe, ge, H, Te, $e < Q ? V(W[$e], !0) : Ie, Ae, Me))
+ : ue < 0 || De !== Xt[ue]
+ ? ((Ge = De + Ye), (Oe = W[Ge]), ($e = Ge + 1), E(Ee, Oe, ge, $e < Q ? V(W[$e], !0) : Ie, Me))
+ : ue--;
+ Me.componentWillMove.length > 0 && I(Me.componentWillMove);
+ } else if (dt !== Qe)
+ for (De = Qe - 1; De >= 0; De--)
+ lt[De] === 0 &&
+ ((Ge = De + Ye),
+ (Oe = W[Ge]),
+ Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[Ge] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
+ ($e = Ge + 1),
+ Ke(Oe, ge, H, Te, $e < Q ? V(W[$e], !0) : Ie, Ae, Me));
+ }
+ var et,
+ ft,
+ Ut = 0;
+ function xn(j) {
+ var W = 0,
+ H = 0,
+ K = 0,
+ Q = 0,
+ ee = 0,
+ oe = 0,
+ ue = 0,
+ ge = j.length;
+ for (ge > Ut && ((Ut = ge), (et = new Int32Array(ge)), (ft = new Int32Array(ge))); H < ge; ++H)
+ if (((W = j[H]), W !== 0)) {
+ if (((K = et[Q]), j[K] < W)) {
+ (ft[H] = K), (et[++Q] = H);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (ee = 0, oe = Q; ee < oe; ) (ue = (ee + oe) >> 1), j[et[ue]] < W ? (ee = ue + 1) : (oe = ue);
+ W < j[et[ee]] && (ee > 0 && (ft[H] = et[ee - 1]), (et[ee] = H));
+ }
+ ee = Q + 1;
+ var Te = new Int32Array(ee);
+ for (oe = et[ee - 1]; ee-- > 0; ) (Te[ee] = oe), (oe = ft[oe]), (et[ee] = 0);
+ return Te;
+ }
+ var An = typeof document != 'undefined';
+ An && window.Node && ((Node.prototype.$EV = null), (Node.prototype.$V = null));
+ function Ht(j, W, H, K) {
+ var Q = [],
+ ee = new i(),
+ oe = W.$V;
+ (D.v = !0),
+ a(oe)
+ ? a(j) || (j.flags & 16384 && (j = ae(j)), Ke(j, W, K, !1, null, Q, ee), (W.$V = j), (oe = j))
+ : a(j)
+ ? (Je(oe, W, ee), (W.$V = null))
+ : (j.flags & 16384 && (j = ae(j)), qe(oe, j, W, K, !1, null, Q, ee), (oe = W.$V = j)),
+ p(Q),
+ S(ee.componentDidAppear),
+ (D.v = !1),
+ o(H) && H(),
+ o(M.renderComplete) && M.renderComplete(oe, W);
+ }
+ function zt(j, W, H, K) {
+ H === void 0 && (H = null), K === void 0 && (K = c), Ht(j, W, H, K);
+ }
+ function En(j) {
+ return (function () {
+ function W(H, K, Q, ee) {
+ j || (j = H), zt(K, j, Q, ee);
+ }
+ return W;
+ })();
+ }
+ var ht = [],
+ Mn =
+ typeof Promise != 'undefined'
+ ? Promise.resolve().then.bind(Promise.resolve())
+ : function (j) {
+ window.setTimeout(j, 0);
+ },
+ Vt = !1;
+ function Kt(j, W, H, K) {
+ var Q = j.$PS;
+ if ((o(W) && (W = W(Q ? k(j.state, Q) : j.state, j.props, j.context)), a(Q))) j.$PS = W;
+ else for (var ee in W) Q[ee] = W[ee];
+ if (j.$BR) o(H) && j.$L.push(H.bind(j));
+ else {
+ if (!D.v && ht.length === 0) {
+ Gt(j, K), o(H) && H.call(j);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((ht.indexOf(j) === -1 && ht.push(j), K && (j.$F = !0), Vt || ((Vt = !0), Mn($t)), o(H))) {
+ var oe = j.$QU;
+ oe || (oe = j.$QU = []), oe.push(H);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function Pn(j) {
+ for (var W = j.$QU, H = 0; H < W.length; ++H) W[H].call(j);
+ j.$QU = null;
+ }
+ function $t() {
+ var j;
+ for (Vt = !1; (j = ht.shift()); )
+ if (!j.$UN) {
+ var W = j.$F;
+ (j.$F = !1), Gt(j, W), j.$QU && Pn(j);
+ }
+ }
+ function Gt(j, W) {
+ if (W || !j.$BR) {
+ var H = j.$PS;
+ j.$PS = null;
+ var K = [],
+ Q = new i();
+ (D.v = !0),
+ Wt(j, k(j.state, H), j.props, V(j.$LI, !0).parentNode, j.context, j.$SVG, W, null, K, Q),
+ p(K),
+ S(Q.componentDidAppear),
+ (D.v = !1);
+ } else (j.state = j.$PS), (j.$PS = null);
+ }
+ var On = (r.Component = (function () {
+ function j(H, K) {
+ (this.state = null),
+ (this.props = void 0),
+ (this.context = void 0),
+ (this.displayName = void 0),
+ (this.$BR = !1),
+ (this.$BS = !0),
+ (this.$PS = null),
+ (this.$LI = null),
+ (this.$UN = !1),
+ (this.$CX = null),
+ (this.$QU = null),
+ (this.$N = !1),
+ (this.$SSR = void 0),
+ (this.$L = null),
+ (this.$SVG = !1),
+ (this.$F = !1),
+ (this.props = H || c),
+ (this.context = K || c);
+ }
+ var W = j.prototype;
+ return (
+ (W.forceUpdate = (function () {
+ function H(K) {
+ this.$UN || Kt(this, {}, K, !0);
+ }
+ return H;
+ })()),
+ (W.setState = (function () {
+ function H(K, Q) {
+ this.$UN || this.$BS || Kt(this, K, Q, !1);
+ }
+ return H;
+ })()),
+ (W.render = (function () {
+ function H(K, Q, ee) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return H;
+ })()),
+ j
+ );
+ })());
+ On.defaultProps = null;
+ var Dn = (r.version = '8.2.3');
+ },
+ 89005: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ r.__esModule = !0;
+ var e = n(89292);
+ Object.keys(e).forEach(function (a) {
+ a === 'default' || a === '__esModule' || (a in r && r[a] === e[a]) || (r[a] = e[a]);
+ });
+ },
+ 71614: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(21285);
+ function a() {}
+ function t() {}
+ (t.resetWarningCache = a),
+ (T.exports = function () {
+ function o(y, B, k, g, l, c) {
+ if (c !== e) {
+ var m = new Error(
+ 'Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types'
+ );
+ throw ((m.name = 'Invariant Violation'), m);
+ }
+ }
+ o.isRequired = o;
+ function f() {
+ return o;
+ }
+ var b = {
+ array: o,
+ bigint: o,
+ bool: o,
+ func: o,
+ number: o,
+ object: o,
+ string: o,
+ symbol: o,
+ any: o,
+ arrayOf: f,
+ element: o,
+ elementType: o,
+ instanceOf: f,
+ node: o,
+ objectOf: f,
+ oneOf: f,
+ oneOfType: f,
+ shape: f,
+ exact: f,
+ checkPropTypes: t,
+ resetWarningCache: a,
+ };
+ return (b.PropTypes = b), b;
+ });
+ },
+ 15964: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ if (0) var e, a;
+ else T.exports = n(71614)();
+ },
+ 21285: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = r;
+ },
+ 95012: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = (function (n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = Object.prototype,
+ a = e.hasOwnProperty,
+ t =
+ Object.defineProperty ||
+ function (M, R, O) {
+ M[R] = O.value;
+ },
+ o,
+ f = typeof Symbol == 'function' ? Symbol : {},
+ b = f.iterator || '@@iterator',
+ y = f.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator',
+ B = f.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag';
+ function k(M, R, O) {
+ return Object.defineProperty(M, R, { value: O, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), M[R];
+ }
+ try {
+ k({}, '');
+ } catch (M) {
+ k = function (O, F, _) {
+ return (O[F] = _);
+ };
+ }
+ function g(M, R, O, F) {
+ var _ = R && R.prototype instanceof d ? R : d,
+ U = Object.create(_.prototype),
+ z = new E(F || []);
+ return t(U, '_invoke', { value: L(M, O, z) }), U;
+ }
+ n.wrap = g;
+ function l(M, R, O) {
+ try {
+ return { type: 'normal', arg: M.call(R, O) };
+ } catch (F) {
+ return { type: 'throw', arg: F };
+ }
+ }
+ var c = 'suspendedStart',
+ m = 'suspendedYield',
+ i = 'executing',
+ u = 'completed',
+ s = {};
+ function d() {}
+ function v() {}
+ function h() {}
+ var C = {};
+ k(C, b, function () {
+ return this;
+ });
+ var p = Object.getPrototypeOf,
+ N = p && p(p(P([])));
+ N && N !== e && a.call(N, b) && (C = N);
+ var V = (h.prototype = d.prototype = Object.create(C));
+ (v.prototype = h),
+ t(V, 'constructor', { value: h, configurable: !0 }),
+ t(h, 'constructor', { value: v, configurable: !0 }),
+ (v.displayName = k(h, B, 'GeneratorFunction'));
+ function S(M) {
+ ['next', 'throw', 'return'].forEach(function (R) {
+ k(M, R, function (O) {
+ return this._invoke(R, O);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ (n.isGeneratorFunction = function (M) {
+ var R = typeof M == 'function' && M.constructor;
+ return R ? R === v || (R.displayName || R.name) === 'GeneratorFunction' : !1;
+ }),
+ (n.mark = function (M) {
+ return (
+ Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf(M, h)
+ : ((M.__proto__ = h), k(M, B, 'GeneratorFunction')),
+ (M.prototype = Object.create(V)),
+ M
+ );
+ }),
+ (n.awrap = function (M) {
+ return { __await: M };
+ });
+ function I(M, R) {
+ function O(U, z, $, G) {
+ var X = l(M[U], M, z);
+ if (X.type === 'throw') G(X.arg);
+ else {
+ var J = X.arg,
+ se = J.value;
+ return se && typeof se == 'object' && a.call(se, '__await')
+ ? R.resolve(se.__await).then(
+ function (ie) {
+ O('next', ie, $, G);
+ },
+ function (ie) {
+ O('throw', ie, $, G);
+ }
+ )
+ : R.resolve(se).then(
+ function (ie) {
+ (J.value = ie), $(J);
+ },
+ function (ie) {
+ return O('throw', ie, $, G);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ var F;
+ function _(U, z) {
+ function $() {
+ return new R(function (G, X) {
+ O(U, z, G, X);
+ });
+ }
+ return (F = F ? F.then($, $) : $());
+ }
+ t(this, '_invoke', { value: _ });
+ }
+ S(I.prototype),
+ k(I.prototype, y, function () {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ (n.AsyncIterator = I),
+ (n.async = function (M, R, O, F, _) {
+ _ === void 0 && (_ = Promise);
+ var U = new I(g(M, R, O, F), _);
+ return n.isGeneratorFunction(R)
+ ? U
+ : U.next().then(function (z) {
+ return z.done ? z.value : U.next();
+ });
+ });
+ function L(M, R, O) {
+ var F = c;
+ return (function () {
+ function _(U, z) {
+ if (F === i) throw new Error('Generator is already running');
+ if (F === u) {
+ if (U === 'throw') throw z;
+ return D();
+ }
+ for (O.method = U, O.arg = z; ; ) {
+ var $ = O.delegate;
+ if ($) {
+ var G = w($, O);
+ if (G) {
+ if (G === s) continue;
+ return G;
+ }
+ }
+ if (O.method === 'next') O.sent = O._sent = O.arg;
+ else if (O.method === 'throw') {
+ if (F === c) throw ((F = u), O.arg);
+ O.dispatchException(O.arg);
+ } else O.method === 'return' && O.abrupt('return', O.arg);
+ F = i;
+ var X = l(M, R, O);
+ if (X.type === 'normal') {
+ if (((F = O.done ? u : m), X.arg === s)) continue;
+ return { value: X.arg, done: O.done };
+ } else X.type === 'throw' && ((F = u), (O.method = 'throw'), (O.arg = X.arg));
+ }
+ }
+ return _;
+ })();
+ }
+ function w(M, R) {
+ var O = R.method,
+ F = M.iterator[O];
+ if (F === o)
+ return (
+ (R.delegate = null),
+ (O === 'throw' &&
+ M.iterator.return &&
+ ((R.method = 'return'), (R.arg = o), w(M, R), R.method === 'throw')) ||
+ (O !== 'return' &&
+ ((R.method = 'throw'),
+ (R.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + O + "' method")))),
+ s
+ );
+ var _ = l(F, M.iterator, R.arg);
+ if (_.type === 'throw') return (R.method = 'throw'), (R.arg = _.arg), (R.delegate = null), s;
+ var U = _.arg;
+ if (!U)
+ return (
+ (R.method = 'throw'),
+ (R.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object')),
+ (R.delegate = null),
+ s
+ );
+ if (U.done)
+ (R[M.resultName] = U.value),
+ (R.next = M.nextLoc),
+ R.method !== 'return' && ((R.method = 'next'), (R.arg = o));
+ else return U;
+ return (R.delegate = null), s;
+ }
+ S(V),
+ k(V, B, 'Generator'),
+ k(V, b, function () {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ k(V, 'toString', function () {
+ return '[object Generator]';
+ });
+ function A(M) {
+ var R = { tryLoc: M[0] };
+ 1 in M && (R.catchLoc = M[1]),
+ 2 in M && ((R.finallyLoc = M[2]), (R.afterLoc = M[3])),
+ this.tryEntries.push(R);
+ }
+ function x(M) {
+ var R = M.completion || {};
+ (R.type = 'normal'), delete R.arg, (M.completion = R);
+ }
+ function E(M) {
+ (this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }]), M.forEach(A, this), this.reset(!0);
+ }
+ n.keys = function (M) {
+ var R = Object(M),
+ O = [];
+ for (var F in R) O.push(F);
+ return (
+ O.reverse(),
+ (function () {
+ function _() {
+ for (; O.length; ) {
+ var U = O.pop();
+ if (U in R) return (_.value = U), (_.done = !1), _;
+ }
+ return (_.done = !0), _;
+ }
+ return _;
+ })()
+ );
+ };
+ function P(M) {
+ if (M != null) {
+ var R = M[b];
+ if (R) return R.call(M);
+ if (typeof M.next == 'function') return M;
+ if (!isNaN(M.length)) {
+ var O = -1,
+ F = (function () {
+ function _() {
+ for (; ++O < M.length; ) if (a.call(M, O)) return (_.value = M[O]), (_.done = !1), _;
+ return (_.value = o), (_.done = !0), _;
+ }
+ return _;
+ })();
+ return (F.next = F);
+ }
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(typeof M + ' is not iterable');
+ }
+ n.values = P;
+ function D() {
+ return { value: o, done: !0 };
+ }
+ return (
+ (E.prototype = {
+ constructor: E,
+ reset: (function () {
+ function M(R) {
+ if (
+ ((this.prev = 0),
+ (this.next = 0),
+ (this.sent = this._sent = o),
+ (this.done = !1),
+ (this.delegate = null),
+ (this.method = 'next'),
+ (this.arg = o),
+ this.tryEntries.forEach(x),
+ !R)
+ )
+ for (var O in this)
+ O.charAt(0) === 't' && a.call(this, O) && !isNaN(+O.slice(1)) && (this[O] = o);
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ stop: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ this.done = !0;
+ var R = this.tryEntries[0],
+ O = R.completion;
+ if (O.type === 'throw') throw O.arg;
+ return this.rval;
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ dispatchException: (function () {
+ function M(R) {
+ if (this.done) throw R;
+ var O = this;
+ function F(X, J) {
+ return (
+ (z.type = 'throw'), (z.arg = R), (O.next = X), J && ((O.method = 'next'), (O.arg = o)), !!J
+ );
+ }
+ for (var _ = this.tryEntries.length - 1; _ >= 0; --_) {
+ var U = this.tryEntries[_],
+ z = U.completion;
+ if (U.tryLoc === 'root') return F('end');
+ if (U.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
+ var $ = a.call(U, 'catchLoc'),
+ G = a.call(U, 'finallyLoc');
+ if ($ && G) {
+ if (this.prev < U.catchLoc) return F(U.catchLoc, !0);
+ if (this.prev < U.finallyLoc) return F(U.finallyLoc);
+ } else if ($) {
+ if (this.prev < U.catchLoc) return F(U.catchLoc, !0);
+ } else if (G) {
+ if (this.prev < U.finallyLoc) return F(U.finallyLoc);
+ } else throw new Error('try statement without catch or finally');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ abrupt: (function () {
+ function M(R, O) {
+ for (var F = this.tryEntries.length - 1; F >= 0; --F) {
+ var _ = this.tryEntries[F];
+ if (_.tryLoc <= this.prev && a.call(_, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < _.finallyLoc) {
+ var U = _;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ U && (R === 'break' || R === 'continue') && U.tryLoc <= O && O <= U.finallyLoc && (U = null);
+ var z = U ? U.completion : {};
+ return (
+ (z.type = R),
+ (z.arg = O),
+ U ? ((this.method = 'next'), (this.next = U.finallyLoc), s) : this.complete(z)
+ );
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ complete: (function () {
+ function M(R, O) {
+ if (R.type === 'throw') throw R.arg;
+ return (
+ R.type === 'break' || R.type === 'continue'
+ ? (this.next = R.arg)
+ : R.type === 'return'
+ ? ((this.rval = this.arg = R.arg), (this.method = 'return'), (this.next = 'end'))
+ : R.type === 'normal' && O && (this.next = O),
+ s
+ );
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ finish: (function () {
+ function M(R) {
+ for (var O = this.tryEntries.length - 1; O >= 0; --O) {
+ var F = this.tryEntries[O];
+ if (F.finallyLoc === R) return this.complete(F.completion, F.afterLoc), x(F), s;
+ }
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ catch: (function () {
+ function M(R) {
+ for (var O = this.tryEntries.length - 1; O >= 0; --O) {
+ var F = this.tryEntries[O];
+ if (F.tryLoc === R) {
+ var _ = F.completion;
+ if (_.type === 'throw') {
+ var U = _.arg;
+ x(F);
+ }
+ return U;
+ }
+ }
+ throw new Error('illegal catch attempt');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ delegateYield: (function () {
+ function M(R, O, F) {
+ return (
+ (this.delegate = { iterator: P(R), resultName: O, nextLoc: F }),
+ this.method === 'next' && (this.arg = o),
+ s
+ );
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ n
+ );
+ })(T.exports);
+ try {
+ regeneratorRuntime = r;
+ } catch (n) {
+ typeof globalThis == 'object'
+ ? (globalThis.regeneratorRuntime = r)
+ : Function('r', 'regeneratorRuntime = r')(r);
+ }
+ },
+ 30236: function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ self.fetch ||
+ (self.fetch = function (T, r) {
+ return (
+ (r = r || {}),
+ new Promise(function (n, e) {
+ var a = new XMLHttpRequest(),
+ t = [],
+ o = {},
+ f = (function () {
+ function y() {
+ return {
+ ok: ((a.status / 100) | 0) == 2,
+ statusText: a.statusText,
+ status: a.status,
+ url: a.responseURL,
+ text: (function () {
+ function B() {
+ return Promise.resolve(a.responseText);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ json: (function () {
+ function B() {
+ return Promise.resolve(a.responseText).then(JSON.parse);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ blob: (function () {
+ function B() {
+ return Promise.resolve(new Blob([a.response]));
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ clone: y,
+ headers: {
+ keys: (function () {
+ function B() {
+ return t;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ entries: (function () {
+ function B() {
+ return t.map(function (k) {
+ return [k, a.getResponseHeader(k)];
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ get: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return a.getResponseHeader(k);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ has: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return a.getResponseHeader(k) != null;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ return y;
+ })();
+ for (var b in (a.open(r.method || 'get', T, !0),
+ (a.onload = function () {
+ a
+ .getAllResponseHeaders()
+ .toLowerCase()
+ .replace(/^(.+?):/gm, function (y, B) {
+ o[B] || t.push((o[B] = B));
+ }),
+ n(f());
+ }),
+ (a.onerror = e),
+ (a.withCredentials = r.credentials == 'include'),
+ r.headers))
+ a.setRequestHeader(b, r.headers[b]);
+ a.send(r.body || null);
+ })
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ 88510: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.zipWith =
+ r.zip =
+ r.uniqBy =
+ r.uniq =
+ r.toKeyedArray =
+ r.toArray =
+ r.sortBy =
+ r.sort =
+ r.reduce =
+ r.range =
+ r.map =
+ r.filterMap =
+ r.filter =
+ void 0);
+ function n(d, v) {
+ var h = (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && d[Symbol.iterator]) || d['@@iterator'];
+ if (h) return (h = h.call(d)).next.bind(h);
+ if (Array.isArray(d) || (h = e(d)) || (v && d && typeof d.length == 'number')) {
+ h && (d = h);
+ var C = 0;
+ return function () {
+ return C >= d.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: d[C++] };
+ };
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(
+ 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
+ );
+ }
+ function e(d, v) {
+ if (d) {
+ if (typeof d == 'string') return a(d, v);
+ var h = {}.toString.call(d).slice(8, -1);
+ return (
+ h === 'Object' && d.constructor && (h = d.constructor.name),
+ h === 'Map' || h === 'Set'
+ ? Array.from(d)
+ : h === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(h)
+ ? a(d, v)
+ : void 0
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function a(d, v) {
+ (v == null || v > d.length) && (v = d.length);
+ for (var h = 0, C = Array(v); h < v; h++) C[h] = d[h];
+ return C;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.toArray = (function () {
+ function d(v) {
+ if (Array.isArray(v)) return v;
+ if (typeof v == 'object') {
+ var h = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
+ C = [];
+ for (var p in v) h.call(v, p) && C.push(v[p]);
+ return C;
+ }
+ return [];
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ o = (r.toKeyedArray = (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ return (
+ h === void 0 && (h = 'key'),
+ b(function (C, p) {
+ var N;
+ return Object.assign(((N = {}), (N[h] = p), N), C);
+ })(v)
+ );
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ f = (r.filter = (function () {
+ function d(v) {
+ return function (h) {
+ if (h == null) return h;
+ if (Array.isArray(h)) {
+ for (var C = [], p = 0; p < h.length; p++) {
+ var N = h[p];
+ v(N, p, h) && C.push(N);
+ }
+ return C;
+ }
+ throw new Error("filter() can't iterate on type " + typeof h);
+ };
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.map = (function () {
+ function d(v) {
+ return function (h) {
+ if (h == null) return h;
+ if (Array.isArray(h)) {
+ for (var C = [], p = 0; p < h.length; p++) C.push(v(h[p], p, h));
+ return C;
+ }
+ if (typeof h == 'object') {
+ var N = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
+ V = [];
+ for (var S in h) N.call(h, S) && V.push(v(h[S], S, h));
+ return V;
+ }
+ throw new Error("map() can't iterate on type " + typeof h);
+ };
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.filterMap = (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ for (var C = [], p = n(v), N; !(N = p()).done; ) {
+ var V = N.value,
+ S = h(V);
+ S !== void 0 && C.push(S);
+ }
+ return C;
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ B = function (v, h) {
+ for (var C = v.criteria, p = h.criteria, N = C.length, V = 0; V < N; V++) {
+ var S = C[V],
+ I = p[V];
+ if (S < I) return -1;
+ if (S > I) return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ },
+ k = (r.sortBy = (function () {
+ function d() {
+ for (var v = arguments.length, h = new Array(v), C = 0; C < v; C++) h[C] = arguments[C];
+ return function (p) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(p)) return p;
+ for (
+ var N = p.length,
+ V = [],
+ S = (function () {
+ function L() {
+ var w = p[I];
+ V.push({
+ criteria: h.map(function (A) {
+ return A(w);
+ }),
+ value: w,
+ });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ I = 0;
+ I < N;
+ I++
+ )
+ S();
+ for (V.sort(B); N--; ) V[N] = V[N].value;
+ return V;
+ };
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ g = (r.sort = k()),
+ l = (r.range = (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ return new Array(h - v).fill(null).map(function (C, p) {
+ return p + v;
+ });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ c = (r.reduce = (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ return function (C) {
+ var p = C.length,
+ N,
+ V;
+ for (h === void 0 ? ((N = 1), (V = C[0])) : ((N = 0), (V = h)); N < p; N++) V = v(V, C[N], N, C);
+ return V;
+ };
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ m = (r.uniqBy = (function () {
+ function d(v) {
+ return function (h) {
+ var C = h.length,
+ p = [],
+ N = v ? [] : p,
+ V = -1;
+ e: for (; ++V < C; ) {
+ var S = h[V],
+ I = v ? v(S) : S;
+ if (((S = S !== 0 ? S : 0), I === I)) {
+ for (var L = N.length; L--; ) if (N[L] === I) continue e;
+ v && N.push(I), p.push(S);
+ } else N.includes(I) || (N !== p && N.push(I), p.push(S));
+ }
+ return p;
+ };
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ i = (r.uniq = m()),
+ u = (r.zip = (function () {
+ function d() {
+ for (var v = arguments.length, h = new Array(v), C = 0; C < v; C++) h[C] = arguments[C];
+ if (h.length !== 0) {
+ for (var p = h.length, N = h[0].length, V = [], S = 0; S < N; S++) {
+ for (var I = [], L = 0; L < p; L++) I.push(h[L][S]);
+ V.push(I);
+ }
+ return V;
+ }
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ s = (r.zipWith = (function () {
+ function d(v) {
+ return function () {
+ return b(function (h) {
+ return v.apply(void 0, h);
+ })(u.apply(void 0, arguments));
+ };
+ }
+ return d;
+ })());
+ },
+ 14448: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.validHex =
+ r.roundHsva =
+ r.rgbaToRgb =
+ r.rgbaToHsva =
+ r.rgbaToHex =
+ r.rgbaStringToHsva =
+ r.rgbStringToHsva =
+ r.parseHue =
+ r.hsvaToRgbaString =
+ r.hsvaToRgba =
+ r.hsvaToRgbString =
+ r.hsvaToHsvaString =
+ r.hsvaToHsvString =
+ r.hsvaToHsv =
+ r.hsvaToHslaString =
+ r.hsvaToHsla =
+ r.hsvaToHslString =
+ r.hsvaToHex =
+ r.hsvaStringToHsva =
+ r.hsvStringToHsva =
+ r.hslaToHsva =
+ r.hslaToHsl =
+ r.hslaStringToHsva =
+ r.hslStringToHsva =
+ r.hexToRgba =
+ r.hexToHsva =
+ r.Color =
+ void 0);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = 1e-4,
+ e = (r.Color = (function () {
+ function D(R, O, F, _) {
+ R === void 0 && (R = 0),
+ O === void 0 && (O = 0),
+ F === void 0 && (F = 0),
+ _ === void 0 && (_ = 1),
+ (this.r = void 0),
+ (this.g = void 0),
+ (this.b = void 0),
+ (this.a = void 0),
+ (this.r = R),
+ (this.g = O),
+ (this.b = F),
+ (this.a = _);
+ }
+ var M = D.prototype;
+ return (
+ (M.toString = (function () {
+ function R() {
+ return (
+ 'rgba(' + (this.r | 0) + ', ' + (this.g | 0) + ', ' + (this.b | 0) + ', ' + (this.a | 0) + ')'
+ );
+ }
+ return R;
+ })()),
+ (D.fromHex = (function () {
+ function R(O) {
+ return new D(
+ parseInt(O.substr(1, 2), 16),
+ parseInt(O.substr(3, 2), 16),
+ parseInt(O.substr(5, 2), 16)
+ );
+ }
+ return R;
+ })()),
+ (D.lerp = (function () {
+ function R(O, F, _) {
+ return new D(
+ (F.r - O.r) * _ + O.r,
+ (F.g - O.g) * _ + O.g,
+ (F.b - O.b) * _ + O.b,
+ (F.a - O.a) * _ + O.a
+ );
+ }
+ return R;
+ })()),
+ (D.lookup = (function () {
+ function R(O, F) {
+ F === void 0 && (F = []);
+ var _ = F.length;
+ if (_ < 2) throw new Error('Needs at least two colors!');
+ var U = O * (_ - 1);
+ if (O < n) return F[0];
+ if (O >= 1 - n) return F[_ - 1];
+ var z = U % 1,
+ $ = U | 0;
+ return D.lerp(F[$], F[$ + 1], z);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })()),
+ D
+ );
+ })()),
+ a = function (M, R, O) {
+ return R === void 0 && (R = 0), O === void 0 && (O = Math.pow(10, R)), Math.round(O * M) / O;
+ },
+ t = { grad: 360 / 400, turn: 360, rad: 360 / (Math.PI * 2) },
+ o = (r.hexToHsva = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ return I(f(M));
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ f = (r.hexToRgba = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ return (
+ M[0] === '#' && (M = M.substring(1)),
+ M.length < 6
+ ? {
+ r: parseInt(M[0] + M[0], 16),
+ g: parseInt(M[1] + M[1], 16),
+ b: parseInt(M[2] + M[2], 16),
+ a: M.length === 4 ? a(parseInt(M[3] + M[3], 16) / 255, 2) : 1,
+ }
+ : {
+ r: parseInt(M.substring(0, 2), 16),
+ g: parseInt(M.substring(2, 4), 16),
+ b: parseInt(M.substring(4, 6), 16),
+ a: M.length === 8 ? a(parseInt(M.substring(6, 8), 16) / 255, 2) : 1,
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.parseHue = (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return R === void 0 && (R = 'deg'), Number(M) * (t[R] || 1);
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.hslaStringToHsva = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R =
+ /hsla?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i,
+ O = R.exec(M);
+ return O
+ ? k({
+ h: b(O[1], O[2]),
+ s: Number(O[3]),
+ l: Number(O[4]),
+ a: O[5] === void 0 ? 1 : Number(O[5]) / (O[6] ? 100 : 1),
+ })
+ : { h: 0, s: 0, v: 0, a: 1 };
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ B = (r.hslStringToHsva = y),
+ k = (r.hslaToHsva = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = M.h,
+ O = M.s,
+ F = M.l,
+ _ = M.a;
+ return (
+ (O *= (F < 50 ? F : 100 - F) / 100),
+ { h: R, s: O > 0 ? ((2 * O) / (F + O)) * 100 : 0, v: F + O, a: _ }
+ );
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ g = (r.hsvaToHex = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ return S(s(M));
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ l = (r.hsvaToHsla = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = M.h,
+ O = M.s,
+ F = M.v,
+ _ = M.a,
+ U = ((200 - O) * F) / 100;
+ return {
+ h: a(R),
+ s: a(U > 0 && U < 200 ? ((O * F) / 100 / (U <= 100 ? U : 200 - U)) * 100 : 0),
+ l: a(U / 2),
+ a: a(_, 2),
+ };
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ c = (r.hsvaToHslString = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = l(M),
+ O = R.h,
+ F = R.s,
+ _ = R.l;
+ return 'hsl(' + O + ', ' + F + '%, ' + _ + '%)';
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ m = (r.hsvaToHsvString = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = L(M),
+ O = R.h,
+ F = R.s,
+ _ = R.v;
+ return 'hsv(' + O + ', ' + F + '%, ' + _ + '%)';
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ i = (r.hsvaToHsvaString = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = L(M),
+ O = R.h,
+ F = R.s,
+ _ = R.v,
+ U = R.a;
+ return 'hsva(' + O + ', ' + F + '%, ' + _ + '%, ' + U + ')';
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ u = (r.hsvaToHslaString = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = l(M),
+ O = R.h,
+ F = R.s,
+ _ = R.l,
+ U = R.a;
+ return 'hsla(' + O + ', ' + F + '%, ' + _ + '%, ' + U + ')';
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ s = (r.hsvaToRgba = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = M.h,
+ O = M.s,
+ F = M.v,
+ _ = M.a;
+ (R = (R / 360) * 6), (O = O / 100), (F = F / 100);
+ var U = Math.floor(R),
+ z = F * (1 - O),
+ $ = F * (1 - (R - U) * O),
+ G = F * (1 - (1 - R + U) * O),
+ X = U % 6;
+ return {
+ r: [F, $, z, z, G, F][X] * 255,
+ g: [G, F, F, $, z, z][X] * 255,
+ b: [z, z, G, F, F, $][X] * 255,
+ a: a(_, 2),
+ };
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ d = (r.hsvaToRgbString = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = s(M),
+ O = R.r,
+ F = R.g,
+ _ = R.b;
+ return 'rgb(' + a(O) + ', ' + a(F) + ', ' + a(_) + ')';
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ v = (r.hsvaToRgbaString = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = s(M),
+ O = R.r,
+ F = R.g,
+ _ = R.b,
+ U = R.a;
+ return 'rgba(' + a(O) + ', ' + a(F) + ', ' + a(_) + ', ' + a(U, 2) + ')';
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ h = (r.hsvaStringToHsva = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R =
+ /hsva?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i,
+ O = R.exec(M);
+ return O
+ ? L({
+ h: b(O[1], O[2]),
+ s: Number(O[3]),
+ v: Number(O[4]),
+ a: O[5] === void 0 ? 1 : Number(O[5]) / (O[6] ? 100 : 1),
+ })
+ : { h: 0, s: 0, v: 0, a: 1 };
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ C = (r.hsvStringToHsva = h),
+ p = (r.rgbaStringToHsva = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R =
+ /rgba?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i,
+ O = R.exec(M);
+ return O
+ ? I({
+ r: Number(O[1]) / (O[2] ? 100 / 255 : 1),
+ g: Number(O[3]) / (O[4] ? 100 / 255 : 1),
+ b: Number(O[5]) / (O[6] ? 100 / 255 : 1),
+ a: O[7] === void 0 ? 1 : Number(O[7]) / (O[8] ? 100 : 1),
+ })
+ : { h: 0, s: 0, v: 0, a: 1 };
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ N = (r.rgbStringToHsva = p),
+ V = function (M) {
+ var R = M.toString(16);
+ return R.length < 2 ? '0' + R : R;
+ },
+ S = (r.rgbaToHex = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = M.r,
+ O = M.g,
+ F = M.b,
+ _ = M.a,
+ U = _ < 1 ? V(a(_ * 255)) : '';
+ return '#' + V(a(R)) + V(a(O)) + V(a(F)) + U;
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ I = (r.rgbaToHsva = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = M.r,
+ O = M.g,
+ F = M.b,
+ _ = M.a,
+ U = Math.max(R, O, F),
+ z = U - Math.min(R, O, F),
+ $ = z ? (U === R ? (O - F) / z : U === O ? 2 + (F - R) / z : 4 + (R - O) / z) : 0;
+ return { h: 60 * ($ < 0 ? $ + 6 : $), s: U ? (z / U) * 100 : 0, v: (U / 255) * 100, a: _ };
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ L = (r.roundHsva = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ return { h: a(M.h), s: a(M.s), v: a(M.v), a: a(M.a, 2) };
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ w = (r.rgbaToRgb = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = M.r,
+ O = M.g,
+ F = M.b;
+ return { r: R, g: O, b: F };
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ A = (r.hslaToHsl = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = M.h,
+ O = M.s,
+ F = M.l;
+ return { h: R, s: O, l: F };
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ x = (r.hsvaToHsv = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = L(M),
+ O = R.h,
+ F = R.s,
+ _ = R.v;
+ return { h: O, s: F, v: _ };
+ }
+ return D;
+ })()),
+ E = /^#?([0-9A-F]{3,8})$/i,
+ P = (r.validHex = (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ var O = E.exec(M),
+ F = O ? O[1].length : 0;
+ return F === 3 || F === 6 || (!!R && F === 4) || (!!R && F === 8);
+ }
+ return D;
+ })());
+ },
+ 92868: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.EventEmitter = void 0);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = (r.EventEmitter = (function () {
+ function e() {
+ this.listeners = {};
+ }
+ var a = e.prototype;
+ return (
+ (a.on = (function () {
+ function t(o, f) {
+ (this.listeners[o] = this.listeners[o] || []), this.listeners[o].push(f);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })()),
+ (a.off = (function () {
+ function t(o, f) {
+ var b = this.listeners[o];
+ if (!b) throw new Error('There is no listeners for "' + o + '"');
+ this.listeners[o] = b.filter(function (y) {
+ return y !== f;
+ });
+ }
+ return t;
+ })()),
+ (a.emit = (function () {
+ function t(o) {
+ var f = this.listeners[o];
+ if (f) {
+ for (var b = arguments.length, y = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), B = 1; B < b; B++)
+ y[B - 1] = arguments[B];
+ for (var k = 0, g = f.length; k < g; k += 1) {
+ var l = f[k];
+ l.apply(void 0, y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return t;
+ })()),
+ (a.clear = (function () {
+ function t() {
+ this.listeners = {};
+ }
+ return t;
+ })()),
+ e
+ );
+ })());
+ },
+ 42127: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.exhaustiveCheck = void 0);
+ var n = (r.exhaustiveCheck = (function () {
+ function e(a) {
+ throw new Error('Unhandled case: ' + a);
+ }
+ return e;
+ })());
+ },
+ 64795: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.flow = r.compose = void 0);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = (r.flow = (function () {
+ function a() {
+ for (var t = arguments.length, o = new Array(t), f = 0; f < t; f++) o[f] = arguments[f];
+ return function (b) {
+ for (var y = b, B = arguments.length, k = new Array(B > 1 ? B - 1 : 0), g = 1; g < B; g++)
+ k[g - 1] = arguments[g];
+ for (var l = 0, c = o; l < c.length; l++) {
+ var m = c[l];
+ Array.isArray(m)
+ ? (y = a.apply(void 0, m).apply(void 0, [y].concat(k)))
+ : m && (y = m.apply(void 0, [y].concat(k)));
+ }
+ return y;
+ };
+ }
+ return a;
+ })()),
+ e = (r.compose = (function () {
+ function a() {
+ for (var t = arguments.length, o = new Array(t), f = 0; f < t; f++) o[f] = arguments[f];
+ return o.length === 0
+ ? function (b) {
+ return b;
+ }
+ : o.length === 1
+ ? o[0]
+ : o.reduce(function (b, y) {
+ return function (B) {
+ for (var k = arguments.length, g = new Array(k > 1 ? k - 1 : 0), l = 1; l < k; l++)
+ g[l - 1] = arguments[l];
+ return b.apply(void 0, [y.apply(void 0, [B].concat(g))].concat(g));
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ return a;
+ })());
+ },
+ 92986: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.KEY_Z =
+ r.KEY_Y =
+ r.KEY_X =
+ r.KEY_W =
+ r.KEY_V =
+ r.KEY_UP =
+ r.KEY_U =
+ r.KEY_TAB =
+ r.KEY_T =
+ r.KEY_S =
+ r.KEY_R =
+ r.KEY_Q =
+ r.KEY_P =
+ r.KEY_O =
+ r.KEY_NUMPAD_9 =
+ r.KEY_NUMPAD_8 =
+ r.KEY_NUMPAD_7 =
+ r.KEY_NUMPAD_6 =
+ r.KEY_NUMPAD_5 =
+ r.KEY_NUMPAD_4 =
+ r.KEY_NUMPAD_3 =
+ r.KEY_NUMPAD_2 =
+ r.KEY_NUMPAD_1 =
+ r.KEY_NUMPAD_0 =
+ r.KEY_N =
+ r.KEY_M =
+ r.KEY_LEFT =
+ r.KEY_L =
+ r.KEY_K =
+ r.KEY_J =
+ r.KEY_I =
+ r.KEY_HOME =
+ r.KEY_H =
+ r.KEY_G =
+ r.KEY_F9 =
+ r.KEY_F8 =
+ r.KEY_F7 =
+ r.KEY_F6 =
+ r.KEY_F5 =
+ r.KEY_F4 =
+ r.KEY_F3 =
+ r.KEY_F2 =
+ r.KEY_F12 =
+ r.KEY_F11 =
+ r.KEY_F10 =
+ r.KEY_F1 =
+ r.KEY_F =
+ r.KEY_END =
+ r.KEY_E =
+ r.KEY_DOWN =
+ r.KEY_D =
+ r.KEY_CTRL =
+ r.KEY_C =
+ r.KEY_B =
+ r.KEY_ALT =
+ r.KEY_A =
+ r.KEY_9 =
+ r.KEY_8 =
+ r.KEY_7 =
+ r.KEY_6 =
+ r.KEY_5 =
+ r.KEY_4 =
+ r.KEY_3 =
+ r.KEY_2 =
+ r.KEY_1 =
+ r.KEY_0 =
+ void 0);
+ /**
+ * All possible browser keycodes, in one file.
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = (r.KEY_BACKSPACE = 8),
+ e = (r.KEY_TAB = 9),
+ a = (r.KEY_ENTER = 13),
+ t = (r.KEY_SHIFT = 16),
+ o = (r.KEY_CTRL = 17),
+ f = (r.KEY_ALT = 18),
+ b = (r.KEY_PAUSE = 19),
+ y = (r.KEY_CAPSLOCK = 20),
+ B = (r.KEY_ESCAPE = 27),
+ k = (r.KEY_SPACE = 32),
+ g = (r.KEY_PAGEUP = 33),
+ l = (r.KEY_PAGEDOWN = 34),
+ c = (r.KEY_END = 35),
+ m = (r.KEY_HOME = 36),
+ i = (r.KEY_LEFT = 37),
+ u = (r.KEY_UP = 38),
+ s = (r.KEY_RIGHT = 39),
+ d = (r.KEY_DOWN = 40),
+ v = (r.KEY_INSERT = 45),
+ h = (r.KEY_DELETE = 46),
+ C = (r.KEY_0 = 48),
+ p = (r.KEY_1 = 49),
+ N = (r.KEY_2 = 50),
+ V = (r.KEY_3 = 51),
+ S = (r.KEY_4 = 52),
+ I = (r.KEY_5 = 53),
+ L = (r.KEY_6 = 54),
+ w = (r.KEY_7 = 55),
+ A = (r.KEY_8 = 56),
+ x = (r.KEY_9 = 57),
+ E = (r.KEY_A = 65),
+ P = (r.KEY_B = 66),
+ D = (r.KEY_C = 67),
+ M = (r.KEY_D = 68),
+ R = (r.KEY_E = 69),
+ O = (r.KEY_F = 70),
+ F = (r.KEY_G = 71),
+ _ = (r.KEY_H = 72),
+ U = (r.KEY_I = 73),
+ z = (r.KEY_J = 74),
+ $ = (r.KEY_K = 75),
+ G = (r.KEY_L = 76),
+ X = (r.KEY_M = 77),
+ J = (r.KEY_N = 78),
+ se = (r.KEY_O = 79),
+ ie = (r.KEY_P = 80),
+ me = (r.KEY_Q = 81),
+ q = (r.KEY_R = 82),
+ re = (r.KEY_S = 83),
+ ae = (r.KEY_T = 84),
+ le = (r.KEY_U = 85),
+ Z = (r.KEY_V = 86),
+ ne = (r.KEY_W = 87),
+ te = (r.KEY_X = 88),
+ fe = (r.KEY_Y = 89),
+ pe = (r.KEY_Z = 90),
+ ce = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_0 = 96),
+ Ve = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_1 = 97),
+ Ce = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_2 = 98),
+ Ne = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_3 = 99),
+ Be = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_4 = 100),
+ be = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_5 = 101),
+ Le = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_6 = 102),
+ we = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_7 = 103),
+ xe = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_8 = 104),
+ Re = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_9 = 105),
+ He = (r.KEY_F1 = 112),
+ ye = (r.KEY_F2 = 113),
+ de = (r.KEY_F3 = 114),
+ he = (r.KEY_F4 = 115),
+ ke = (r.KEY_F5 = 116),
+ ve = (r.KEY_F6 = 117),
+ Se = (r.KEY_F7 = 118),
+ Pe = (r.KEY_F8 = 119),
+ je = (r.KEY_F9 = 120),
+ Fe = (r.KEY_F10 = 121),
+ ze = (r.KEY_F11 = 122),
+ We = (r.KEY_F12 = 123),
+ Ue = (r.KEY_SEMICOLON = 186),
+ Xe = (r.KEY_EQUAL = 187),
+ yt = (r.KEY_COMMA = 188),
+ St = (r.KEY_MINUS = 189),
+ Ct = (r.KEY_PERIOD = 190),
+ Bt = (r.KEY_SLASH = 191),
+ ut = (r.KEY_LEFT_BRACKET = 219),
+ rt = (r.KEY_BACKSLASH = 220),
+ It = (r.KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET = 221),
+ Lt = (r.KEY_QUOTE = 222);
+ },
+ 70611: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.isEscape = r.KEY = void 0);
+ var n = (r.KEY = (function (a) {
+ return (
+ (a.Alt = 'Alt'),
+ (a.Backspace = 'Backspace'),
+ (a.Control = 'Control'),
+ (a.Delete = 'Delete'),
+ (a.Down = 'Down'),
+ (a.End = 'End'),
+ (a.Enter = 'Enter'),
+ (a.Esc = 'Esc'),
+ (a.Escape = 'Escape'),
+ (a.Home = 'Home'),
+ (a.Insert = 'Insert'),
+ (a.Left = 'Left'),
+ (a.PageDown = 'PageDown'),
+ (a.PageUp = 'PageUp'),
+ (a.Right = 'Right'),
+ (a.Shift = 'Shift'),
+ (a.Space = ' '),
+ (a.Tab = 'Tab'),
+ (a.Up = 'Up'),
+ a
+ );
+ })({})),
+ e = (r.isEscape = (function () {
+ function a(t) {
+ return t === n.Esc || t === n.Escape;
+ }
+ return a;
+ })());
+ },
+ 44879: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.toFixed =
+ r.scale =
+ r.round =
+ r.rad2deg =
+ r.keyOfMatchingRange =
+ r.inRange =
+ r.clamp01 =
+ r.clamp =
+ void 0);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = (r.clamp = (function () {
+ function B(k, g, l) {
+ return k < g ? g : k > l ? l : k;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ e = (r.clamp01 = (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return k < 0 ? 0 : k > 1 ? 1 : k;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ a = (r.scale = (function () {
+ function B(k, g, l) {
+ return (k - g) / (l - g);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ t = (r.round = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ if (!k || isNaN(k)) return k;
+ var l, c, m, i;
+ return (
+ (g |= 0),
+ (l = Math.pow(10, g)),
+ (k *= l),
+ (i = +(k > 0) | -(k < 0)),
+ (m = Math.abs(k % 1) >= 0.4999999999854481),
+ (c = Math.floor(k)),
+ m && (k = c + (i > 0)),
+ (m ? k : Math.round(k)) / l
+ );
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ o = (r.toFixed = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ return g === void 0 && (g = 0), Number(k).toFixed(Math.max(g, 0));
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ f = (r.inRange = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ return g && k >= g[0] && k <= g[1];
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.keyOfMatchingRange = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ for (var l = 0, c = Object.keys(g); l < c.length; l++) {
+ var m = c[l],
+ i = g[m];
+ if (f(k, i)) return m;
+ }
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.rad2deg = (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return k * (180 / Math.PI);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 85822: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.perf = void 0);
+ var n;
+ /**
+ * Ghetto performance measurement tools.
+ *
+ * Uses NODE_ENV to remove itself from production builds.
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var e = 60,
+ a = 1e3 / e,
+ t = !!((n = window.performance) != null && n.now),
+ o = {},
+ f = {},
+ b = function (l, c) {},
+ y = function (l, c) {
+ if (0) var m, i, u;
+ },
+ B = function (l) {
+ var c = l / a;
+ return l.toFixed(l < 10 ? 1 : 0) + 'ms (' + c.toFixed(2) + ' frames)';
+ },
+ k = (r.perf = { mark: b, measure: y });
+ },
+ 35840: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.shallowDiffers = r.pureComponentHooks = r.normalizeChildren = r.classes = r.canRender = void 0);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = (r.classes = (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ for (var y = '', B = 0; B < b.length; B++) {
+ var k = b[B];
+ typeof k == 'string' && (y += k + ' ');
+ }
+ return y;
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()),
+ e = (r.normalizeChildren = (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return Array.isArray(b)
+ ? b.flat().filter(function (y) {
+ return y;
+ })
+ : typeof b == 'object'
+ ? [b]
+ : [];
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()),
+ a = (r.shallowDiffers = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B;
+ for (B in b) if (!(B in y)) return !0;
+ for (B in y) if (b[B] !== y[B]) return !0;
+ return !1;
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()),
+ t = (r.pureComponentHooks = {
+ onComponentShouldUpdate: (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ return a(b, y);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ o = (r.canRender = (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return b != null && typeof b != 'boolean';
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 85307: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.useSelector =
+ r.useDispatch =
+ r.createStore =
+ r.createAction =
+ r.combineReducers =
+ r.applyMiddleware =
+ void 0);
+ var e = n(64795);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var a = (r.createStore = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ if (g) return g(B)(k);
+ var l,
+ c = [],
+ m = (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return l;
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ i = (function () {
+ function s(d) {
+ c.push(d);
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ u = (function () {
+ function s(d) {
+ l = k(l, d);
+ for (var v = 0; v < c.length; v++) c[v]();
+ }
+ return s;
+ })();
+ return u({ type: '@@INIT' }), { dispatch: u, subscribe: i, getState: m };
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ t = (r.applyMiddleware = (function () {
+ function B() {
+ for (var k = arguments.length, g = new Array(k), l = 0; l < k; l++) g[l] = arguments[l];
+ return function (c) {
+ return function (m) {
+ for (var i = arguments.length, u = new Array(i > 1 ? i - 1 : 0), s = 1; s < i; s++)
+ u[s - 1] = arguments[s];
+ var d = c.apply(void 0, [m].concat(u)),
+ v = (function () {
+ function p() {
+ throw new Error('Dispatching while constructing your middleware is not allowed.');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ h = {
+ getState: d.getState,
+ dispatch: (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ for (var V = arguments.length, S = new Array(V > 1 ? V - 1 : 0), I = 1; I < V; I++)
+ S[I - 1] = arguments[I];
+ return v.apply(void 0, [N].concat(S));
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ },
+ C = g.map(function (p) {
+ return p(h);
+ });
+ return (v = e.compose.apply(void 0, C)(d.dispatch)), Object.assign({}, d, { dispatch: v });
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ o = (r.combineReducers = (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = Object.keys(k),
+ l = !1;
+ return function (c, m) {
+ c === void 0 && (c = {});
+ for (var i = Object.assign({}, c), u = 0, s = g; u < s.length; u++) {
+ var d = s[u],
+ v = k[d],
+ h = c[d],
+ C = v(h, m);
+ h !== C && ((l = !0), (i[d] = C));
+ }
+ return l ? i : c;
+ };
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ f = (r.createAction = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ g === void 0 && (g = null);
+ var l = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ if (!g) return { type: k, payload: arguments.length <= 0 ? void 0 : arguments[0] };
+ var m = g.apply(void 0, arguments);
+ if (!m) throw new Error('prepare function did not return an object');
+ var i = { type: k };
+ return 'payload' in m && (i.payload = m.payload), 'meta' in m && (i.meta = m.meta), i;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })();
+ return (
+ (l.toString = function () {
+ return '' + k;
+ }),
+ (l.type = k),
+ (l.match = function (c) {
+ return c.type === k;
+ }),
+ l
+ );
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.useDispatch = (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return k.store.dispatch;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.useSelector = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ return g(k.store.getState());
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 27108: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.storage = r.IMPL_MEMORY = r.IMPL_INDEXED_DB = r.IMPL_HUB_STORAGE = void 0);
+ function n() {
+ 'use strict';
+ /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */ n =
+ function () {
+ return C;
+ };
+ var h,
+ C = {},
+ p = Object.prototype,
+ N = p.hasOwnProperty,
+ V =
+ Object.defineProperty ||
+ function (Z, ne, te) {
+ Z[ne] = te.value;
+ },
+ S = typeof Symbol == 'function' ? Symbol : {},
+ I = S.iterator || '@@iterator',
+ L = S.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator',
+ w = S.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag';
+ function A(Z, ne, te) {
+ return Object.defineProperty(Z, ne, { value: te, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), Z[ne];
+ }
+ try {
+ A({}, '');
+ } catch (Z) {
+ A = function (te, fe, pe) {
+ return (te[fe] = pe);
+ };
+ }
+ function x(Z, ne, te, fe) {
+ var pe = ne && ne.prototype instanceof F ? ne : F,
+ ce = Object.create(pe.prototype),
+ Ve = new ae(fe || []);
+ return V(ce, '_invoke', { value: ie(Z, te, Ve) }), ce;
+ }
+ function E(Z, ne, te) {
+ try {
+ return { type: 'normal', arg: Z.call(ne, te) };
+ } catch (fe) {
+ return { type: 'throw', arg: fe };
+ }
+ }
+ C.wrap = x;
+ var P = 'suspendedStart',
+ D = 'suspendedYield',
+ M = 'executing',
+ R = 'completed',
+ O = {};
+ function F() {}
+ function _() {}
+ function U() {}
+ var z = {};
+ A(z, I, function () {
+ return this;
+ });
+ var $ = Object.getPrototypeOf,
+ G = $ && $($(le([])));
+ G && G !== p && N.call(G, I) && (z = G);
+ var X = (U.prototype = F.prototype = Object.create(z));
+ function J(Z) {
+ ['next', 'throw', 'return'].forEach(function (ne) {
+ A(Z, ne, function (te) {
+ return this._invoke(ne, te);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ function se(Z, ne) {
+ function te(pe, ce, Ve, Ce) {
+ var Ne = E(Z[pe], Z, ce);
+ if (Ne.type !== 'throw') {
+ var Be = Ne.arg,
+ be = Be.value;
+ return be && typeof be == 'object' && N.call(be, '__await')
+ ? ne.resolve(be.__await).then(
+ function (Le) {
+ te('next', Le, Ve, Ce);
+ },
+ function (Le) {
+ te('throw', Le, Ve, Ce);
+ }
+ )
+ : ne.resolve(be).then(
+ function (Le) {
+ (Be.value = Le), Ve(Be);
+ },
+ function (Le) {
+ return te('throw', Le, Ve, Ce);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ Ce(Ne.arg);
+ }
+ var fe;
+ V(this, '_invoke', {
+ value: (function () {
+ function pe(ce, Ve) {
+ function Ce() {
+ return new ne(function (Ne, Be) {
+ te(ce, Ve, Ne, Be);
+ });
+ }
+ return (fe = fe ? fe.then(Ce, Ce) : Ce());
+ }
+ return pe;
+ })(),
+ });
+ }
+ function ie(Z, ne, te) {
+ var fe = P;
+ return function (pe, ce) {
+ if (fe === M) throw Error('Generator is already running');
+ if (fe === R) {
+ if (pe === 'throw') throw ce;
+ return { value: h, done: !0 };
+ }
+ for (te.method = pe, te.arg = ce; ; ) {
+ var Ve = te.delegate;
+ if (Ve) {
+ var Ce = me(Ve, te);
+ if (Ce) {
+ if (Ce === O) continue;
+ return Ce;
+ }
+ }
+ if (te.method === 'next') te.sent = te._sent = te.arg;
+ else if (te.method === 'throw') {
+ if (fe === P) throw ((fe = R), te.arg);
+ te.dispatchException(te.arg);
+ } else te.method === 'return' && te.abrupt('return', te.arg);
+ fe = M;
+ var Ne = E(Z, ne, te);
+ if (Ne.type === 'normal') {
+ if (((fe = te.done ? R : D), Ne.arg === O)) continue;
+ return { value: Ne.arg, done: te.done };
+ }
+ Ne.type === 'throw' && ((fe = R), (te.method = 'throw'), (te.arg = Ne.arg));
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function me(Z, ne) {
+ var te = ne.method,
+ fe = Z.iterator[te];
+ if (fe === h)
+ return (
+ (ne.delegate = null),
+ (te === 'throw' &&
+ Z.iterator.return &&
+ ((ne.method = 'return'), (ne.arg = h), me(Z, ne), ne.method === 'throw')) ||
+ (te !== 'return' &&
+ ((ne.method = 'throw'),
+ (ne.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + te + "' method")))),
+ O
+ );
+ var pe = E(fe, Z.iterator, ne.arg);
+ if (pe.type === 'throw') return (ne.method = 'throw'), (ne.arg = pe.arg), (ne.delegate = null), O;
+ var ce = pe.arg;
+ return ce
+ ? ce.done
+ ? ((ne[Z.resultName] = ce.value),
+ (ne.next = Z.nextLoc),
+ ne.method !== 'return' && ((ne.method = 'next'), (ne.arg = h)),
+ (ne.delegate = null),
+ O)
+ : ce
+ : ((ne.method = 'throw'),
+ (ne.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object')),
+ (ne.delegate = null),
+ O);
+ }
+ function q(Z) {
+ var ne = { tryLoc: Z[0] };
+ 1 in Z && (ne.catchLoc = Z[1]),
+ 2 in Z && ((ne.finallyLoc = Z[2]), (ne.afterLoc = Z[3])),
+ this.tryEntries.push(ne);
+ }
+ function re(Z) {
+ var ne = Z.completion || {};
+ (ne.type = 'normal'), delete ne.arg, (Z.completion = ne);
+ }
+ function ae(Z) {
+ (this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }]), Z.forEach(q, this), this.reset(!0);
+ }
+ function le(Z) {
+ if (Z || Z === '') {
+ var ne = Z[I];
+ if (ne) return ne.call(Z);
+ if (typeof Z.next == 'function') return Z;
+ if (!isNaN(Z.length)) {
+ var te = -1,
+ fe = (function () {
+ function pe() {
+ for (; ++te < Z.length; ) if (N.call(Z, te)) return (pe.value = Z[te]), (pe.done = !1), pe;
+ return (pe.value = h), (pe.done = !0), pe;
+ }
+ return pe;
+ })();
+ return (fe.next = fe);
+ }
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(typeof Z + ' is not iterable');
+ }
+ return (
+ (_.prototype = U),
+ V(X, 'constructor', { value: U, configurable: !0 }),
+ V(U, 'constructor', { value: _, configurable: !0 }),
+ (_.displayName = A(U, w, 'GeneratorFunction')),
+ (C.isGeneratorFunction = function (Z) {
+ var ne = typeof Z == 'function' && Z.constructor;
+ return !!ne && (ne === _ || (ne.displayName || ne.name) === 'GeneratorFunction');
+ }),
+ (C.mark = function (Z) {
+ return (
+ Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf(Z, U)
+ : ((Z.__proto__ = U), A(Z, w, 'GeneratorFunction')),
+ (Z.prototype = Object.create(X)),
+ Z
+ );
+ }),
+ (C.awrap = function (Z) {
+ return { __await: Z };
+ }),
+ J(se.prototype),
+ A(se.prototype, L, function () {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ (C.AsyncIterator = se),
+ (C.async = function (Z, ne, te, fe, pe) {
+ pe === void 0 && (pe = Promise);
+ var ce = new se(x(Z, ne, te, fe), pe);
+ return C.isGeneratorFunction(ne)
+ ? ce
+ : ce.next().then(function (Ve) {
+ return Ve.done ? Ve.value : ce.next();
+ });
+ }),
+ J(X),
+ A(X, w, 'Generator'),
+ A(X, I, function () {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ A(X, 'toString', function () {
+ return '[object Generator]';
+ }),
+ (C.keys = function (Z) {
+ var ne = Object(Z),
+ te = [];
+ for (var fe in ne) te.push(fe);
+ return (
+ te.reverse(),
+ (function () {
+ function pe() {
+ for (; te.length; ) {
+ var ce = te.pop();
+ if (ce in ne) return (pe.value = ce), (pe.done = !1), pe;
+ }
+ return (pe.done = !0), pe;
+ }
+ return pe;
+ })()
+ );
+ }),
+ (C.values = le),
+ (ae.prototype = {
+ constructor: ae,
+ reset: (function () {
+ function Z(ne) {
+ if (
+ ((this.prev = 0),
+ (this.next = 0),
+ (this.sent = this._sent = h),
+ (this.done = !1),
+ (this.delegate = null),
+ (this.method = 'next'),
+ (this.arg = h),
+ this.tryEntries.forEach(re),
+ !ne)
+ )
+ for (var te in this)
+ te.charAt(0) === 't' && N.call(this, te) && !isNaN(+te.slice(1)) && (this[te] = h);
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })(),
+ stop: (function () {
+ function Z() {
+ this.done = !0;
+ var ne = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
+ if (ne.type === 'throw') throw ne.arg;
+ return this.rval;
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })(),
+ dispatchException: (function () {
+ function Z(ne) {
+ if (this.done) throw ne;
+ var te = this;
+ function fe(Be, be) {
+ return (
+ (Ve.type = 'throw'),
+ (Ve.arg = ne),
+ (te.next = Be),
+ be && ((te.method = 'next'), (te.arg = h)),
+ !!be
+ );
+ }
+ for (var pe = this.tryEntries.length - 1; pe >= 0; --pe) {
+ var ce = this.tryEntries[pe],
+ Ve = ce.completion;
+ if (ce.tryLoc === 'root') return fe('end');
+ if (ce.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
+ var Ce = N.call(ce, 'catchLoc'),
+ Ne = N.call(ce, 'finallyLoc');
+ if (Ce && Ne) {
+ if (this.prev < ce.catchLoc) return fe(ce.catchLoc, !0);
+ if (this.prev < ce.finallyLoc) return fe(ce.finallyLoc);
+ } else if (Ce) {
+ if (this.prev < ce.catchLoc) return fe(ce.catchLoc, !0);
+ } else {
+ if (!Ne) throw Error('try statement without catch or finally');
+ if (this.prev < ce.finallyLoc) return fe(ce.finallyLoc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })(),
+ abrupt: (function () {
+ function Z(ne, te) {
+ for (var fe = this.tryEntries.length - 1; fe >= 0; --fe) {
+ var pe = this.tryEntries[fe];
+ if (pe.tryLoc <= this.prev && N.call(pe, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < pe.finallyLoc) {
+ var ce = pe;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ce &&
+ (ne === 'break' || ne === 'continue') &&
+ ce.tryLoc <= te &&
+ te <= ce.finallyLoc &&
+ (ce = null);
+ var Ve = ce ? ce.completion : {};
+ return (
+ (Ve.type = ne),
+ (Ve.arg = te),
+ ce ? ((this.method = 'next'), (this.next = ce.finallyLoc), O) : this.complete(Ve)
+ );
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })(),
+ complete: (function () {
+ function Z(ne, te) {
+ if (ne.type === 'throw') throw ne.arg;
+ return (
+ ne.type === 'break' || ne.type === 'continue'
+ ? (this.next = ne.arg)
+ : ne.type === 'return'
+ ? ((this.rval = this.arg = ne.arg), (this.method = 'return'), (this.next = 'end'))
+ : ne.type === 'normal' && te && (this.next = te),
+ O
+ );
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })(),
+ finish: (function () {
+ function Z(ne) {
+ for (var te = this.tryEntries.length - 1; te >= 0; --te) {
+ var fe = this.tryEntries[te];
+ if (fe.finallyLoc === ne) return this.complete(fe.completion, fe.afterLoc), re(fe), O;
+ }
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })(),
+ catch: (function () {
+ function Z(ne) {
+ for (var te = this.tryEntries.length - 1; te >= 0; --te) {
+ var fe = this.tryEntries[te];
+ if (fe.tryLoc === ne) {
+ var pe = fe.completion;
+ if (pe.type === 'throw') {
+ var ce = pe.arg;
+ re(fe);
+ }
+ return ce;
+ }
+ }
+ throw Error('illegal catch attempt');
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })(),
+ delegateYield: (function () {
+ function Z(ne, te, fe) {
+ return (
+ (this.delegate = { iterator: le(ne), resultName: te, nextLoc: fe }),
+ this.method === 'next' && (this.arg = h),
+ O
+ );
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ C
+ );
+ }
+ function e(h, C, p, N, V, S, I) {
+ try {
+ var L = h[S](I),
+ w = L.value;
+ } catch (A) {
+ return void p(A);
+ }
+ L.done ? C(w) : Promise.resolve(w).then(N, V);
+ }
+ function a(h) {
+ return function () {
+ var C = this,
+ p = arguments;
+ return new Promise(function (N, V) {
+ var S = h.apply(C, p);
+ function I(w) {
+ e(S, N, V, I, L, 'next', w);
+ }
+ function L(w) {
+ e(S, N, V, I, L, 'throw', w);
+ }
+ I(void 0);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Browser-agnostic abstraction of key-value web storage.
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.IMPL_MEMORY = 0),
+ o = (r.IMPL_HUB_STORAGE = 1),
+ f = (r.IMPL_INDEXED_DB = 2),
+ b = 1,
+ y = 'para-tgui',
+ B = 'storage-v1',
+ k = 'readonly',
+ g = 'readwrite',
+ l = function (C) {
+ return function () {
+ try {
+ return !!C();
+ } catch (p) {
+ return !1;
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ c = l(function () {
+ return window.hubStorage && window.hubStorage.getItem;
+ }),
+ m = l(function () {
+ return (window.indexedDB || window.msIndexedDB) && (window.IDBTransaction || window.msIDBTransaction);
+ }),
+ i = (function () {
+ function h() {
+ (this.impl = t), (this.store = {});
+ }
+ var C = h.prototype;
+ return (
+ (C.get = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((L.prev = L.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return L.abrupt('return', this.store[S]);
+ case 1:
+ case 'end':
+ return L.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.set = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ this.store[S] = I;
+ case 1:
+ case 'end':
+ return w.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V, S) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.remove = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((L.prev = L.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ this.store[S] = void 0;
+ case 1:
+ case 'end':
+ return L.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.clear = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function S(I) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((I.prev = I.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ this.store = {};
+ case 1:
+ case 'end':
+ return I.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N() {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ h
+ );
+ })(),
+ u = (function () {
+ function h() {
+ this.impl = o;
+ }
+ var C = h.prototype;
+ return (
+ (C.get = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ var I;
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (w.next = 2), window.hubStorage.getItem('paradise-' + S);
+ case 2:
+ if (((I = w.sent), typeof I != 'string')) {
+ w.next = 5;
+ break;
+ }
+ return w.abrupt('return', JSON.parse(I));
+ case 5:
+ case 'end':
+ return w.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ V
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.set = (function () {
+ function p(N, V) {
+ window.hubStorage.setItem('paradise-' + N, JSON.stringify(V));
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ (C.remove = (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ window.hubStorage.removeItem('paradise-' + N);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ (C.clear = (function () {
+ function p() {
+ window.hubStorage.clear();
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ h
+ );
+ })(),
+ s = (function () {
+ function h() {
+ (this.impl = f),
+ (this.dbPromise = new Promise(function (p, N) {
+ var V = window.indexedDB || window.msIndexedDB,
+ S = V.open(y, b);
+ (S.onupgradeneeded = function () {
+ try {
+ S.result.createObjectStore(B);
+ } catch (I) {
+ N(new Error('Failed to upgrade IDB: ' + S.error));
+ }
+ }),
+ (S.onsuccess = function () {
+ return p(S.result);
+ }),
+ (S.onerror = function () {
+ N(new Error('Failed to open IDB: ' + S.error));
+ });
+ }));
+ }
+ var C = h.prototype;
+ return (
+ (C.getStore = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((L.prev = L.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return L.abrupt(
+ 'return',
+ this.dbPromise.then(function (w) {
+ return w.transaction(B, S).objectStore(B);
+ })
+ );
+ case 1:
+ case 'end':
+ return L.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.get = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ var I;
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (w.next = 2), this.getStore(k);
+ case 2:
+ return (
+ (I = w.sent),
+ w.abrupt(
+ 'return',
+ new Promise(function (A, x) {
+ var E = I.get(S);
+ (E.onsuccess = function () {
+ return A(E.result);
+ }),
+ (E.onerror = function () {
+ return x(E.error);
+ });
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ case 4:
+ case 'end':
+ return w.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.set = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ var L;
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function w(A) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((A.prev = A.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (A.next = 2), this.getStore(g);
+ case 2:
+ (L = A.sent), L.put(I, S);
+ case 4:
+ case 'end':
+ return A.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V, S) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.remove = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ var I;
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (w.next = 2), this.getStore(g);
+ case 2:
+ (I = w.sent), I.delete(S);
+ case 4:
+ case 'end':
+ return w.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.clear = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V() {
+ var S;
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((L.prev = L.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (L.next = 2), this.getStore(g);
+ case 2:
+ (S = L.sent), S.clear();
+ case 4:
+ case 'end':
+ return L.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N() {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ h
+ );
+ })(),
+ d = (function () {
+ function h() {
+ this.backendPromise = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function p() {
+ var N;
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((S.prev = S.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ if (!(!Byond.TRIDENT && c())) {
+ S.next = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ return S.abrupt('return', new u());
+ case 2:
+ if (!m()) {
+ S.next = 12;
+ break;
+ }
+ return (S.prev = 3), (N = new s()), (S.next = 7), N.dbPromise;
+ case 7:
+ return S.abrupt('return', N);
+ case 10:
+ (S.prev = 10), (S.t0 = S.catch(3));
+ case 12:
+ return S.abrupt('return', new i());
+ case 13:
+ case 'end':
+ return S.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ p,
+ null,
+ [[3, 10]]
+ );
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()
+ )
+ )();
+ }
+ var C = h.prototype;
+ return (
+ (C.get = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ var I;
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (w.next = 2), this.backendPromise;
+ case 2:
+ return (I = w.sent), w.abrupt('return', I.get(S));
+ case 4:
+ case 'end':
+ return w.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.set = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ var L;
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function w(A) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((A.prev = A.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (A.next = 2), this.backendPromise;
+ case 2:
+ return (L = A.sent), A.abrupt('return', L.set(S, I));
+ case 4:
+ case 'end':
+ return A.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V, S) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.remove = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ var I;
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (w.next = 2), this.backendPromise;
+ case 2:
+ return (I = w.sent), w.abrupt('return', I.remove(S));
+ case 4:
+ case 'end':
+ return w.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N(V) {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (C.clear = (function () {
+ var p = a(
+ n().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function V() {
+ var S;
+ return n().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((L.prev = L.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (L.next = 2), this.backendPromise;
+ case 2:
+ return (S = L.sent), L.abrupt('return', S.clear());
+ case 4:
+ case 'end':
+ return L.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ V,
+ this
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function N() {
+ return p.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ h
+ );
+ })(),
+ v = (r.storage = new d());
+ },
+ 25328: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.toTitleCase =
+ r.multiline =
+ r.decodeHtmlEntities =
+ r.createSearch =
+ r.createGlobPattern =
+ r.capitalize =
+ r.buildQueryString =
+ void 0);
+ function n(g, l) {
+ var c = (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && g[Symbol.iterator]) || g['@@iterator'];
+ if (c) return (c = c.call(g)).next.bind(c);
+ if (Array.isArray(g) || (c = e(g)) || (l && g && typeof g.length == 'number')) {
+ c && (g = c);
+ var m = 0;
+ return function () {
+ return m >= g.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: g[m++] };
+ };
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(
+ 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
+ );
+ }
+ function e(g, l) {
+ if (g) {
+ if (typeof g == 'string') return a(g, l);
+ var c = {}.toString.call(g).slice(8, -1);
+ return (
+ c === 'Object' && g.constructor && (c = g.constructor.name),
+ c === 'Map' || c === 'Set'
+ ? Array.from(g)
+ : c === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(c)
+ ? a(g, l)
+ : void 0
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function a(g, l) {
+ (l == null || l > g.length) && (l = g.length);
+ for (var c = 0, m = Array(l); c < l; c++) m[c] = g[c];
+ return m;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.multiline = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ if (Array.isArray(l)) return g(l.join(''));
+ for (var c = l.split('\n'), m, i = n(c), u; !(u = i()).done; )
+ for (var s = u.value, d = 0; d < s.length; d++) {
+ var v = s[d];
+ if (v !== ' ') {
+ (m === void 0 || d < m) && (m = d);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (
+ m || (m = 0),
+ c
+ .map(function (h) {
+ return h.substr(m).trimRight();
+ })
+ .join('\n')
+ .trim()
+ );
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ o = (r.createGlobPattern = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ var c = (function () {
+ function i(u) {
+ return u.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ m = new RegExp('^' + l.split(/\*+/).map(c).join('.*') + '$');
+ return function (i) {
+ return m.test(i);
+ };
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ f = (r.createSearch = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m = l.toLowerCase().trim();
+ return function (i) {
+ if (!m) return !0;
+ var u = c ? c(i) : i;
+ return u ? u.toLowerCase().includes(m) : !1;
+ };
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.capitalize = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ return Array.isArray(l) ? l.map(g) : l.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + l.slice(1).toLowerCase();
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.toTitleCase = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ if (Array.isArray(l)) return l.map(g);
+ if (typeof l != 'string') return l;
+ for (
+ var c = ['Id', 'Tv'],
+ m = [
+ 'A',
+ 'An',
+ 'And',
+ 'As',
+ 'At',
+ 'But',
+ 'By',
+ 'For',
+ 'For',
+ 'From',
+ 'In',
+ 'Into',
+ 'Near',
+ 'Nor',
+ 'Of',
+ 'On',
+ 'Onto',
+ 'Or',
+ 'The',
+ 'To',
+ 'With',
+ ],
+ i = l.replace(/([^\W_]+[^\s-]*) */g, function (V) {
+ return V.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + V.substr(1).toLowerCase();
+ }),
+ u = 0,
+ s = m;
+ u < s.length;
+ u++
+ ) {
+ var d = s[u],
+ v = new RegExp('\\s' + d + '\\s', 'g');
+ i = i.replace(v, function (V) {
+ return V.toLowerCase();
+ });
+ }
+ for (var h = 0, C = c; h < C.length; h++) {
+ var p = C[h],
+ N = new RegExp('\\b' + p + '\\b', 'g');
+ i = i.replace(N, function (V) {
+ return V.toLowerCase();
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ B = (r.decodeHtmlEntities = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ if (!l) return l;
+ var c = /&(nbsp|amp|quot|lt|gt|apos);/g,
+ m = { nbsp: ' ', amp: '&', quot: '"', lt: '<', gt: '>', apos: "'" };
+ return l
+ .replace(/
/gi, '\n')
+ .replace(/<\/?[a-z0-9-_]+[^>]*>/gi, '')
+ .replace(c, function (i, u) {
+ return m[u];
+ })
+ .replace(/?([0-9]+);/gi, function (i, u) {
+ var s = parseInt(u, 10);
+ return String.fromCharCode(s);
+ })
+ .replace(/?([0-9a-f]+);/gi, function (i, u) {
+ var s = parseInt(u, 16);
+ return String.fromCharCode(s);
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ k = (r.buildQueryString = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ return Object.keys(l)
+ .map(function (c) {
+ return encodeURIComponent(c) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(l[c]);
+ })
+ .join('&');
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ },
+ 69214: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.throttle = r.sleep = r.debounce = void 0);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = (r.debounce = (function () {
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ b === void 0 && (b = !1);
+ var y;
+ return function () {
+ for (var B = arguments.length, k = new Array(B), g = 0; g < B; g++) k[g] = arguments[g];
+ var l = (function () {
+ function m() {
+ (y = null), b || o.apply(void 0, k);
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ c = b && !y;
+ clearTimeout(y), (y = setTimeout(l, f)), c && o.apply(void 0, k);
+ };
+ }
+ return t;
+ })()),
+ e = (r.sleep = (function () {
+ function t(o) {
+ return new Promise(function (f) {
+ return setTimeout(f, o);
+ });
+ }
+ return t;
+ })()),
+ a = (r.throttle = (function () {
+ function t(o, f) {
+ var b, y;
+ return (function () {
+ function B() {
+ for (var k = arguments.length, g = new Array(k), l = 0; l < k; l++) g[l] = arguments[l];
+ var c = Date.now();
+ if ((y && clearTimeout(y), !b || c - b >= f)) o.apply(null, g), (b = c);
+ else {
+ var m;
+ y = setTimeout(
+ function () {
+ return B.apply(void 0, g);
+ },
+ f - (c - ((m = b) != null ? m : 0))
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return B;
+ })();
+ }
+ return t;
+ })());
+ },
+ 97450: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.vecSubtract =
+ r.vecScale =
+ r.vecNormalize =
+ r.vecMultiply =
+ r.vecLength =
+ r.vecInverse =
+ r.vecDivide =
+ r.vecAdd =
+ void 0);
+ var e = n(88510);
+ /**
+ * N-dimensional vector manipulation functions.
+ *
+ * Vectors are plain number arrays, i.e. [x, y, z].
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var a = function (u, s) {
+ return u + s;
+ },
+ t = function (u, s) {
+ return u - s;
+ },
+ o = function (u, s) {
+ return u * s;
+ },
+ f = function (u, s) {
+ return u / s;
+ },
+ b = (r.vecAdd = (function () {
+ function i() {
+ for (var u = arguments.length, s = new Array(u), d = 0; d < u; d++) s[d] = arguments[d];
+ return (0, e.reduce)(function (v, h) {
+ return (0, e.zipWith)(a)(v, h);
+ })(s);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.vecSubtract = (function () {
+ function i() {
+ for (var u = arguments.length, s = new Array(u), d = 0; d < u; d++) s[d] = arguments[d];
+ return (0, e.reduce)(function (v, h) {
+ return (0, e.zipWith)(t)(v, h);
+ })(s);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ B = (r.vecMultiply = (function () {
+ function i() {
+ for (var u = arguments.length, s = new Array(u), d = 0; d < u; d++) s[d] = arguments[d];
+ return (0, e.reduce)(function (v, h) {
+ return (0, e.zipWith)(o)(v, h);
+ })(s);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ k = (r.vecDivide = (function () {
+ function i() {
+ for (var u = arguments.length, s = new Array(u), d = 0; d < u; d++) s[d] = arguments[d];
+ return (0, e.reduce)(function (v, h) {
+ return (0, e.zipWith)(f)(v, h);
+ })(s);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ g = (r.vecScale = (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ return (0, e.map)(function (d) {
+ return d * s;
+ })(u);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ l = (r.vecInverse = (function () {
+ function i(u) {
+ return (0, e.map)(function (s) {
+ return -s;
+ })(u);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ c = (r.vecLength = (function () {
+ function i(u) {
+ return Math.sqrt((0, e.reduce)(a)((0, e.zipWith)(o)(u, u)));
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ m = (r.vecNormalize = (function () {
+ function i(u) {
+ return k(u, c(u));
+ }
+ return i;
+ })());
+ },
+ 79140: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.resolveAsset = r.assetMiddleware = void 0);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = [/v4shim/i],
+ e = {},
+ a = (r.resolveAsset = (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return e[f] || f;
+ }
+ return o;
+ })()),
+ t = (r.assetMiddleware = (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return function (b) {
+ return function (y) {
+ var B = y.type,
+ k = y.payload;
+ if (B === 'asset/stylesheet') {
+ Byond.loadCss(k);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (B === 'asset/mappings') {
+ for (
+ var g = (function () {
+ function m() {
+ var i = c[l];
+ if (
+ n.some(function (d) {
+ return d.test(i);
+ })
+ )
+ return 1;
+ var u = k[i],
+ s = i.split('.').pop();
+ (e[i] = u), s === 'css' && Byond.loadCss(u), s === 'js' && Byond.loadJs(u);
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ l = 0,
+ c = Object.keys(k);
+ l < c.length;
+ l++
+ )
+ g();
+ return;
+ }
+ b(y);
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ return o;
+ })());
+ },
+ 72253: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.useSharedState =
+ r.useLocalState =
+ r.useBackend =
+ r.sendAct =
+ r.selectBackend =
+ r.backendUpdate =
+ r.backendSuspendSuccess =
+ r.backendSuspendStart =
+ r.backendSetSharedState =
+ r.backendReducer =
+ r.backendMiddleware =
+ void 0);
+ var e = n(85822),
+ a = n(85307),
+ t = n(35421),
+ o = n(87695),
+ f = n(9394),
+ b = n(49060);
+ /**
+ * This file provides a clear separation layer between backend updates
+ * and what state our React app sees.
+ *
+ * Sometimes backend can response without a "data" field, but our final
+ * state will still contain previous "data" because we are merging
+ * the response with already existing state.
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var y = (0, f.createLogger)('backend'),
+ B = (r.backendUpdate = (0, a.createAction)('backend/update')),
+ k = (r.backendSetSharedState = (0, a.createAction)('backend/setSharedState')),
+ g = (r.backendSuspendStart = (0, a.createAction)('backend/suspendStart')),
+ l = (r.backendSuspendSuccess = (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return { type: 'backend/suspendSuccess', payload: { timestamp: Date.now() } };
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ c = { config: {}, data: {}, shared: {}, suspended: Date.now(), suspending: !1 },
+ m = (r.backendReducer = (function () {
+ function C(p, N) {
+ p === void 0 && (p = c);
+ var V = N.type,
+ S = N.payload;
+ if (V === 'backend/update') {
+ var I = Object.assign({}, p.config, S.config),
+ L = Object.assign({}, p.data, S.static_data, S.data),
+ w = Object.assign({}, p.shared);
+ if (S.shared)
+ for (var A = 0, x = Object.keys(S.shared); A < x.length; A++) {
+ var E = x[A],
+ P = S.shared[E];
+ P === '' ? (w[E] = void 0) : (w[E] = JSON.parse(P));
+ }
+ return Object.assign({}, p, { config: I, data: L, shared: w, suspended: !1 });
+ }
+ if (V === 'backend/setSharedState') {
+ var D,
+ M = S.key,
+ R = S.nextState;
+ return Object.assign({}, p, { shared: Object.assign({}, p.shared, ((D = {}), (D[M] = R), D)) });
+ }
+ if (V === 'backend/suspendStart') return Object.assign({}, p, { suspending: !0 });
+ if (V === 'backend/suspendSuccess') {
+ var O = S.timestamp;
+ return Object.assign({}, p, {
+ data: {},
+ shared: {},
+ config: Object.assign({}, p.config, { title: '', status: 1 }),
+ suspending: !1,
+ suspended: O,
+ });
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ i = (r.backendMiddleware = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ var N, V;
+ return function (S) {
+ return function (I) {
+ var L = s(p.getState()),
+ w = L.suspended,
+ A = I.type,
+ x = I.payload;
+ if (A === 'update') {
+ p.dispatch(B(x));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (A === 'suspend') {
+ p.dispatch(l());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (A === 'ping') {
+ Byond.sendMessage('ping/reply');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (A === 'backend/suspendStart' && !V) {
+ y.log('suspending (' + Byond.windowId + ')');
+ var E = (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return Byond.sendMessage('suspend');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })();
+ E(), (V = setInterval(E, 2e3));
+ }
+ if (
+ (A === 'backend/suspendSuccess' &&
+ ((0, b.suspendRenderer)(),
+ clearInterval(V),
+ (V = void 0),
+ Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { 'is-visible': !1 }),
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ return (0, o.focusMap)();
+ })),
+ A === 'backend/update')
+ ) {
+ var P,
+ D = (P = x.config) == null || (P = P.window) == null ? void 0 : P.fancy;
+ N === void 0
+ ? (N = D)
+ : N !== D &&
+ (y.log('changing fancy mode to', D),
+ (N = D),
+ Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { titlebar: !D, 'can-resize': !D }));
+ }
+ return (
+ A === 'backend/update' &&
+ w &&
+ (y.log('backend/update', x),
+ (0, b.resumeRenderer)(),
+ (0, t.setupDrag)(),
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ e.perf.mark('resume/start');
+ var M = s(p.getState()),
+ R = M.suspended;
+ R || (Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { 'is-visible': !0 }), e.perf.mark('resume/finish'));
+ })),
+ S(I)
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ u = (r.sendAct = (function () {
+ function C(p, N) {
+ N === void 0 && (N = {});
+ var V = typeof N == 'object' && N !== null && !Array.isArray(N);
+ if (!V) {
+ y.error('Payload for act() must be an object, got this:', N);
+ return;
+ }
+ Byond.sendMessage('act/' + p, N);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ s = (r.selectBackend = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ return p.backend || {};
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ d = (r.useBackend = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ var N = p.store,
+ V = s(N.getState());
+ return Object.assign({}, V, { act: u });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ v = (r.useLocalState = (function () {
+ function C(p, N, V) {
+ var S,
+ I = p.store,
+ L = s(I.getState()),
+ w = (S = L.shared) != null ? S : {},
+ A = N in w ? w[N] : V;
+ return [
+ A,
+ function (x) {
+ I.dispatch(k({ key: N, nextState: typeof x == 'function' ? x(A) : x }));
+ },
+ ];
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ h = (r.useSharedState = (function () {
+ function C(p, N, V) {
+ var S,
+ I = p.store,
+ L = s(I.getState()),
+ w = (S = L.shared) != null ? S : {},
+ A = N in w ? w[N] : V;
+ return [
+ A,
+ function (x) {
+ Byond.sendMessage({
+ type: 'setSharedState',
+ key: N,
+ value: JSON.stringify(typeof x == 'function' ? x(A) : x) || '',
+ });
+ },
+ ];
+ }
+ return C;
+ })());
+ },
+ 9474: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AnimatedNumber = void 0);
+ var e = n(44879),
+ a = n(89005);
+ function t(k, g) {
+ (k.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype)), (k.prototype.constructor = k), o(k, g);
+ }
+ function o(k, g) {
+ return (
+ (o = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (l, c) {
+ return (l.__proto__ = c), l;
+ }),
+ o(k, g)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var f = 20,
+ b = 0.5,
+ y = function (g) {
+ return typeof g == 'number' && Number.isFinite(g) && !Number.isNaN(g);
+ },
+ B = (r.AnimatedNumber = (function (k) {
+ function g(c) {
+ var m;
+ return (
+ (m = k.call(this, c) || this),
+ (m.timer = null),
+ (m.state = { value: 0 }),
+ y(c.initial) ? (m.state.value = c.initial) : y(c.value) && (m.state.value = Number(c.value)),
+ m
+ );
+ }
+ t(g, k);
+ var l = g.prototype;
+ return (
+ (l.tick = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ var m = this.props,
+ i = this.state,
+ u = Number(i.value),
+ s = Number(m.value);
+ if (y(s)) {
+ var d = u * b + s * (1 - b);
+ this.setState({ value: d });
+ }
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ (l.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ var m = this;
+ this.timer = setInterval(function () {
+ return m.tick();
+ }, 1e3 / f);
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ (l.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ clearTimeout(this.timer);
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ (l.render = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ var m = this.props,
+ i = this.state,
+ u = m.format,
+ s = m.children,
+ d = i.value,
+ v = m.value;
+ if (!y(v)) return v || null;
+ var h = d;
+ if (u) h = u(d);
+ else {
+ var C = String(v).split('.')[1],
+ p = C ? C.length : 0;
+ h = (0, e.toFixed)(d, (0, e.clamp)(p, 0, 8));
+ }
+ return typeof s == 'function' ? s(h, d) : h;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ g
+ );
+ })(a.Component));
+ },
+ 27185: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Autofocus = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005);
+ function a(f, b) {
+ (f.prototype = Object.create(b.prototype)), (f.prototype.constructor = f), t(f, b);
+ }
+ function t(f, b) {
+ return (
+ (t = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (y, B) {
+ return (y.__proto__ = B), y;
+ }),
+ t(f, b)
+ );
+ }
+ var o = (r.Autofocus = (function (f) {
+ function b() {
+ for (var B, k = arguments.length, g = new Array(k), l = 0; l < k; l++) g[l] = arguments[l];
+ return (B = f.call.apply(f, [this].concat(g)) || this), (B.ref = (0, e.createRef)()), B;
+ }
+ a(b, f);
+ var y = b.prototype;
+ return (
+ (y.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function B() {
+ var k = this;
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var g;
+ (g = k.ref.current) == null || g.focus();
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ (y.render = (function () {
+ function B() {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, this.props.children, 0, { tabIndex: -1 }, null, this.ref);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ b
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ },
+ 5814: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Blink = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005);
+ function a(y, B) {
+ (y.prototype = Object.create(B.prototype)), (y.prototype.constructor = y), t(y, B);
+ }
+ function t(y, B) {
+ return (
+ (t = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (k, g) {
+ return (k.__proto__ = g), k;
+ }),
+ t(y, B)
+ );
+ }
+ var o = 1e3,
+ f = 1e3,
+ b = (r.Blink = (function (y) {
+ function B() {
+ var g;
+ return (g = y.call(this) || this), (g.state = { hidden: !1 }), g;
+ }
+ a(B, y);
+ var k = B.prototype;
+ return (
+ (k.createTimer = (function () {
+ function g() {
+ var l = this,
+ c = this.props,
+ m = c.interval,
+ i = m === void 0 ? o : m,
+ u = c.time,
+ s = u === void 0 ? f : u;
+ clearInterval(this.interval),
+ clearTimeout(this.timer),
+ this.setState({ hidden: !1 }),
+ (this.interval = setInterval(function () {
+ l.setState({ hidden: !0 }),
+ (l.timer = setTimeout(function () {
+ l.setState({ hidden: !1 });
+ }, s));
+ }, i + s));
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ (k.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function g() {
+ this.createTimer();
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ (k.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ (l.interval !== this.props.interval || l.time !== this.props.time) && this.createTimer();
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ (k.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function g() {
+ clearInterval(this.interval), clearTimeout(this.timer);
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ (k.render = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, l.children, 0, {
+ style: { visibility: this.state.hidden ? 'hidden' : 'visible' },
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ B
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ },
+ 61773: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BlockQuote = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = ['className'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function f(y, B) {
+ if (y == null) return {};
+ var k = {};
+ for (var g in y)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(y, g)) {
+ if (B.includes(g)) continue;
+ k[g] = y[g];
+ }
+ return k;
+ }
+ var b = (r.BlockQuote = (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ var k = B.className,
+ g = f(B, o);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['BlockQuote', k]) }, g)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 55937: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.unit = r.halfUnit = r.computeBoxProps = r.computeBoxClassName = r.Box = void 0);
+ var e = n(35840),
+ a = n(89005),
+ t = n(15875),
+ o = n(76910),
+ f = ['as', 'className', 'children'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function b(C, p) {
+ if (C == null) return {};
+ var N = {};
+ for (var V in C)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(C, V)) {
+ if (p.includes(V)) continue;
+ N[V] = C[V];
+ }
+ return N;
+ }
+ var y = (r.unit = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ if (typeof p == 'string') return p.endsWith('px') ? parseFloat(p) / 12 + 'rem' : p;
+ if (typeof p == 'number') return p + 'rem';
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ B = (r.halfUnit = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ if (typeof p == 'string') return y(p);
+ if (typeof p == 'number') return y(p * 0.5);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ k = function (p) {
+ return !g(p);
+ },
+ g = function (p) {
+ if (typeof p == 'string') return o.CSS_COLORS.includes(p);
+ },
+ l = function (p) {
+ return function (N, V) {
+ (typeof V == 'number' || typeof V == 'string') && (N[p] = V);
+ };
+ },
+ c = function (p, N) {
+ return function (V, S) {
+ (typeof S == 'number' || typeof S == 'string') && (V[p] = N(S));
+ };
+ },
+ m = function (p, N) {
+ return function (V, S) {
+ S && (V[p] = N);
+ };
+ },
+ i = function (p, N, V) {
+ return function (S, I) {
+ if (typeof I == 'number' || typeof I == 'string')
+ for (var L = 0; L < V.length; L++) S[p + '-' + V[L]] = N(I);
+ };
+ },
+ u = function (p) {
+ return function (N, V) {
+ k(V) && (N[p] = V);
+ };
+ },
+ s = {
+ position: l('position'),
+ overflow: l('overflow'),
+ overflowX: l('overflow-x'),
+ overflowY: l('overflow-y'),
+ top: c('top', y),
+ bottom: c('bottom', y),
+ left: c('left', y),
+ right: c('right', y),
+ width: c('width', y),
+ minWidth: c('min-width', y),
+ maxWidth: c('max-width', y),
+ height: c('height', y),
+ minHeight: c('min-height', y),
+ maxHeight: c('max-height', y),
+ fontSize: c('font-size', y),
+ fontFamily: l('font-family'),
+ lineHeight: (function () {
+ function C(p, N) {
+ typeof N == 'number' ? (p['line-height'] = N) : typeof N == 'string' && (p['line-height'] = y(N));
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ opacity: l('opacity'),
+ textAlign: l('text-align'),
+ verticalAlign: l('vertical-align'),
+ inline: m('display', 'inline-block'),
+ bold: m('font-weight', 'bold'),
+ italic: m('font-style', 'italic'),
+ nowrap: m('white-space', 'nowrap'),
+ preserveWhitespace: m('white-space', 'pre-wrap'),
+ m: i('margin', B, ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']),
+ mx: i('margin', B, ['left', 'right']),
+ my: i('margin', B, ['top', 'bottom']),
+ mt: c('margin-top', B),
+ mb: c('margin-bottom', B),
+ ml: c('margin-left', B),
+ mr: c('margin-right', B),
+ p: i('padding', B, ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']),
+ px: i('padding', B, ['left', 'right']),
+ py: i('padding', B, ['top', 'bottom']),
+ pt: c('padding-top', B),
+ pb: c('padding-bottom', B),
+ pl: c('padding-left', B),
+ pr: c('padding-right', B),
+ color: u('color'),
+ textColor: u('color'),
+ backgroundColor: u('background-color'),
+ fillPositionedParent: (function () {
+ function C(p, N) {
+ N && ((p.position = 'absolute'), (p.top = 0), (p.bottom = 0), (p.left = 0), (p.right = 0));
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ },
+ d = (r.computeBoxProps = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ for (var N = {}, V = {}, S = 0, I = Object.keys(p); S < I.length; S++) {
+ var L = I[S];
+ if (L !== 'style') {
+ var w = p[L],
+ A = s[L];
+ A ? A(V, w) : (N[L] = w);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var x = '', E = 0, P = Object.keys(V); E < P.length; E++) {
+ var D = P[E],
+ M = V[D];
+ x += D + ':' + M + ';';
+ }
+ if (p.style)
+ for (var R = 0, O = Object.keys(p.style); R < O.length; R++) {
+ var F = O[R],
+ _ = p.style[F];
+ x += F + ':' + _ + ';';
+ }
+ return x.length > 0 && (N.style = x), N;
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ v = (r.computeBoxClassName = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ var N = p.textColor || p.color,
+ V = p.backgroundColor;
+ return (0, e.classes)([g(N) && 'color-' + N, g(V) && 'color-bg-' + V]);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ h = (r.Box = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ var N = p.as,
+ V = N === void 0 ? 'div' : N,
+ S = p.className,
+ I = p.children,
+ L = b(p, f);
+ if (typeof I == 'function') return I(d(p));
+ var w = typeof S == 'string' ? S + ' ' + v(L) : v(L),
+ A = d(L);
+ return (0, a.createVNode)(t.VNodeFlags.HtmlElement, V, w, I, t.ChildFlags.UnknownChildren, A);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })());
+ h.defaultHooks = e.pureComponentHooks;
+ },
+ 96184: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ButtonInput = r.ButtonConfirm = r.ButtonCheckbox = r.Button = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(92986),
+ o = n(9394),
+ f = n(55937),
+ b = n(1331),
+ y = n(62147),
+ B = [
+ 'className',
+ 'fluid',
+ 'translucent',
+ 'icon',
+ 'iconRotation',
+ 'iconSpin',
+ 'color',
+ 'textColor',
+ 'disabled',
+ 'selected',
+ 'tooltip',
+ 'tooltipPosition',
+ 'ellipsis',
+ 'compact',
+ 'circular',
+ 'content',
+ 'iconColor',
+ 'iconRight',
+ 'iconStyle',
+ 'children',
+ 'onclick',
+ 'onClick',
+ 'multiLine',
+ ],
+ k = ['checked'],
+ g = ['confirmContent', 'confirmColor', 'confirmIcon', 'icon', 'color', 'content', 'onClick'],
+ l = [
+ 'fluid',
+ 'content',
+ 'icon',
+ 'iconRotation',
+ 'iconSpin',
+ 'tooltip',
+ 'tooltipPosition',
+ 'color',
+ 'disabled',
+ 'multiLine',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function c(C, p) {
+ (C.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype)), (C.prototype.constructor = C), m(C, p);
+ }
+ function m(C, p) {
+ return (
+ (m = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (N, V) {
+ return (N.__proto__ = V), N;
+ }),
+ m(C, p)
+ );
+ }
+ function i(C, p) {
+ if (C == null) return {};
+ var N = {};
+ for (var V in C)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(C, V)) {
+ if (p.includes(V)) continue;
+ N[V] = C[V];
+ }
+ return N;
+ }
+ var u = (0, o.createLogger)('Button'),
+ s = (r.Button = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ var N = p.className,
+ V = p.fluid,
+ S = p.translucent,
+ I = p.icon,
+ L = p.iconRotation,
+ w = p.iconSpin,
+ A = p.color,
+ x = p.textColor,
+ E = p.disabled,
+ P = p.selected,
+ D = p.tooltip,
+ M = p.tooltipPosition,
+ R = p.ellipsis,
+ O = p.compact,
+ F = p.circular,
+ _ = p.content,
+ U = p.iconColor,
+ z = p.iconRight,
+ $ = p.iconStyle,
+ G = p.children,
+ X = p.onclick,
+ J = p.onClick,
+ se = p.multiLine,
+ ie = i(p, B),
+ me = !!(_ || G);
+ X &&
+ u.warn(
+ "Lowercase 'onclick' is not supported on Button and lowercase prop names are discouraged in general. Please use a camelCase'onClick' instead and read: https://infernojs.org/docs/guides/event-handling"
+ ),
+ (ie.onClick = function (re) {
+ !E && J && J(re);
+ });
+ var q = (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Box,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ className: (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Button',
+ V && 'Button--fluid',
+ E && 'Button--disabled' + (S ? '--translucent' : ''),
+ P && 'Button--selected' + (S ? '--translucent' : ''),
+ me && 'Button--hasContent',
+ R && 'Button--ellipsis',
+ F && 'Button--circular',
+ O && 'Button--compact',
+ z && 'Button--iconRight',
+ se && 'Button--multiLine',
+ A && typeof A == 'string'
+ ? 'Button--color--' + A + (S ? '--translucent' : '')
+ : 'Button--color--default' + (S ? '--translucent' : ''),
+ N,
+ ]),
+ tabIndex: !E && '0',
+ color: x,
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function re(ae) {
+ var le = window.event ? ae.which : ae.keyCode;
+ if (le === t.KEY_SPACE || le === t.KEY_ENTER) {
+ ae.preventDefault(), !E && J && J(ae);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (le === t.KEY_ESCAPE) {
+ ae.preventDefault();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return re;
+ })(),
+ },
+ ie,
+ {
+ children: [
+ I &&
+ !z &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, {
+ name: I,
+ color: U,
+ rotation: L,
+ spin: w,
+ style: $,
+ }),
+ _,
+ G,
+ I &&
+ z &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, {
+ name: I,
+ color: U,
+ rotation: L,
+ spin: w,
+ style: $,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ return (
+ D && (q = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Tooltip, { content: D, position: M, children: q })), q
+ );
+ }
+ return C;
+ })());
+ s.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
+ var d = (r.ButtonCheckbox = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ var N = p.checked,
+ V = i(p, k);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ s,
+ Object.assign({ color: 'transparent', icon: N ? 'check-square-o' : 'square-o', selected: N }, V)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return C;
+ })());
+ s.Checkbox = d;
+ var v = (r.ButtonConfirm = (function (C) {
+ function p() {
+ var V;
+ return (
+ (V = C.call(this) || this),
+ (V.handleClick = function () {
+ V.state.clickedOnce && V.setClickedOnce(!1);
+ }),
+ (V.state = { clickedOnce: !1 }),
+ V
+ );
+ }
+ c(p, C);
+ var N = p.prototype;
+ return (
+ (N.setClickedOnce = (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ var I = this;
+ this.setState({ clickedOnce: S }),
+ S
+ ? setTimeout(function () {
+ return window.addEventListener('click', I.handleClick);
+ })
+ : window.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClick);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ (N.render = (function () {
+ function V() {
+ var S = this,
+ I = this.props,
+ L = I.confirmContent,
+ w = L === void 0 ? 'Confirm?' : L,
+ A = I.confirmColor,
+ x = A === void 0 ? 'bad' : A,
+ E = I.confirmIcon,
+ P = I.icon,
+ D = I.color,
+ M = I.content,
+ R = I.onClick,
+ O = i(I, g);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ s,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ content: this.state.clickedOnce ? w : M,
+ icon: this.state.clickedOnce ? E : P,
+ color: this.state.clickedOnce ? x : D,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F(_) {
+ return S.state.clickedOnce ? (R == null ? void 0 : R(_)) : S.setClickedOnce(!0);
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ },
+ O
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ p
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ s.Confirm = v;
+ var h = (r.ButtonInput = (function (C) {
+ function p() {
+ var V;
+ return (
+ (V = C.call(this) || this),
+ (V.inputRef = void 0),
+ (V.inputRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
+ (V.state = { inInput: !1 }),
+ V
+ );
+ }
+ c(p, C);
+ var N = p.prototype;
+ return (
+ (N.setInInput = (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ var I = this.props.disabled;
+ if (!I && (this.setState({ inInput: S }), this.inputRef)) {
+ var L = this.inputRef.current;
+ if (S) {
+ L.value = this.props.currentValue || '';
+ try {
+ L.focus(), L.select();
+ } catch (w) {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ (N.commitResult = (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ if (this.inputRef) {
+ var I = this.inputRef.current,
+ L = I.value !== '';
+ if (L) {
+ this.props.onCommit(S, I.value);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ if (!this.props.defaultValue) return;
+ this.props.onCommit(S, this.props.defaultValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ (N.render = (function () {
+ function V() {
+ var S = this,
+ I = this.props,
+ L = I.fluid,
+ w = I.content,
+ A = I.icon,
+ x = I.iconRotation,
+ E = I.iconSpin,
+ P = I.tooltip,
+ D = I.tooltipPosition,
+ M = I.color,
+ R = M === void 0 ? 'default' : M,
+ O = I.disabled,
+ F = I.multiLine,
+ _ = i(I, l),
+ U = (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Box,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ className: (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Button',
+ L && 'Button--fluid',
+ O && 'Button--disabled',
+ 'Button--color--' + R,
+ F + 'Button--multiLine',
+ ]),
+ },
+ _,
+ {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function z() {
+ return S.setInInput(!0);
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ A && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, { name: A, rotation: x, spin: E }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, w, 0),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 64,
+ 'input',
+ 'NumberInput__input',
+ null,
+ 1,
+ {
+ style: { display: this.state.inInput ? void 0 : 'none', 'text-align': 'left' },
+ onBlur: (function () {
+ function z($) {
+ S.state.inInput && (S.setInInput(!1), S.commitResult($));
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function z($) {
+ if ($.keyCode === t.KEY_ENTER) {
+ S.setInInput(!1), S.commitResult($);
+ return;
+ }
+ $.keyCode === t.KEY_ESCAPE && S.setInInput(!1);
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ },
+ null,
+ this.inputRef
+ ),
+ ],
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ return (
+ P && (U = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Tooltip, { content: P, position: D, children: U })), U
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ p
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ s.Input = h;
+ },
+ 18982: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ByondUi = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(69214),
+ o = n(9394),
+ f = n(55937),
+ b = ['params'],
+ y = ['params'],
+ B = ['parent', 'params'];
+ function k(v, h) {
+ if (v == null) return {};
+ var C = {};
+ for (var p in v)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(v, p)) {
+ if (h.includes(p)) continue;
+ C[p] = v[p];
+ }
+ return C;
+ }
+ function g(v, h) {
+ (v.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype)), (v.prototype.constructor = v), l(v, h);
+ }
+ function l(v, h) {
+ return (
+ (l = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (C, p) {
+ return (C.__proto__ = p), C;
+ }),
+ l(v, h)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var c = (0, o.createLogger)('ByondUi'),
+ m = [],
+ i = function (h) {
+ var C = m.length;
+ m.push(null);
+ var p = h || 'byondui_' + C;
+ return (
+ c.log("allocated '" + p + "'"),
+ {
+ render: (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ c.log("unmounting '" + p + "'"),
+ (m[C] = null),
+ Byond.winset(p, { parent: '' }),
+ c.log("rendering '" + p + "'"),
+ (m[C] = p),
+ Byond.winset(p, V);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ unmount: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ c.log("unmounting '" + p + "'"), (m[C] = null), Byond.winset(p, { parent: '' });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function () {
+ for (var v = 0; v < m.length; v++) {
+ var h = m[v];
+ typeof h == 'string' &&
+ (c.log("unmounting '" + h + "' (beforeunload)"), (m[v] = null), Byond.winset(h, { parent: '' }));
+ }
+ });
+ var u = function (h) {
+ var C = h.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return { pos: [C.left, C.top], size: [C.right - C.left, C.bottom - C.top] };
+ },
+ s = (r.ByondUi = (function (v) {
+ function h(p) {
+ var N, V;
+ return (
+ (V = v.call(this, p) || this),
+ (V.containerRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
+ (V.byondUiElement = i((N = p.params) == null ? void 0 : N.id)),
+ (V.handleResize = (0, t.debounce)(function () {
+ V.forceUpdate();
+ }, 100)),
+ V
+ );
+ }
+ g(h, v);
+ var C = h.prototype;
+ return (
+ (C.shouldComponentUpdate = (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ var V = this.props,
+ S = V.params,
+ I = S === void 0 ? {} : S,
+ L = k(V, b),
+ w = N.params,
+ A = w === void 0 ? {} : w,
+ x = k(N, y);
+ return (0, a.shallowDiffers)(I, A) || (0, a.shallowDiffers)(L, x);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ (C.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function p() {
+ window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize),
+ this.componentDidUpdate(),
+ this.handleResize();
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ (C.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function p() {
+ var N = this.props.params,
+ V = N === void 0 ? {} : N,
+ S = u(this.containerRef.current);
+ c.debug('bounding box', S),
+ this.byondUiElement.render(
+ Object.assign({ parent: Byond.windowId }, V, {
+ pos: S.pos[0] + ',' + S.pos[1],
+ size: S.size[0] + 'x' + S.size[1],
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ (C.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function p() {
+ window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize), this.byondUiElement.unmount();
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ (C.render = (function () {
+ function p() {
+ var N = this.props,
+ V = N.parent,
+ S = N.params,
+ I = k(N, B),
+ L = (0, f.computeBoxProps)(I);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ null,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, null, 1, { style: { 'min-height': '22px' } }),
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({}, L),
+ null,
+ this.containerRef
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ h
+ );
+ })(e.Component)),
+ d = function () {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, null, 1, { style: { 'min-height': '22px' } });
+ };
+ },
+ 66820: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Chart = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(35840),
+ o = n(55937),
+ f = ['data', 'rangeX', 'rangeY', 'fillColor', 'strokeColor', 'strokeWidth'];
+ function b(i, u) {
+ if (i == null) return {};
+ var s = {};
+ for (var d in i)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(i, d)) {
+ if (u.includes(d)) continue;
+ s[d] = i[d];
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ function y(i, u) {
+ (i.prototype = Object.create(u.prototype)), (i.prototype.constructor = i), B(i, u);
+ }
+ function B(i, u) {
+ return (
+ (B = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (s, d) {
+ return (s.__proto__ = d), s;
+ }),
+ B(i, u)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var k = function (u, s, d, v) {
+ if (u.length === 0) return [];
+ var h = (0, a.zipWith)(Math.min).apply(void 0, u),
+ C = (0, a.zipWith)(Math.max).apply(void 0, u);
+ d !== void 0 && ((h[0] = d[0]), (C[0] = d[1])), v !== void 0 && ((h[1] = v[0]), (C[1] = v[1]));
+ var p = (0, a.map)(function (N) {
+ return (0, a.zipWith)(function (V, S, I, L) {
+ return ((V - S) / (I - S)) * L;
+ })(N, h, C, s);
+ })(u);
+ return p;
+ },
+ g = function (u) {
+ for (var s = '', d = 0; d < u.length; d++) {
+ var v = u[d];
+ s += v[0] + ',' + v[1] + ' ';
+ }
+ return s;
+ },
+ l = (function (i) {
+ function u(d) {
+ var v;
+ return (
+ (v = i.call(this, d) || this),
+ (v.ref = (0, e.createRef)()),
+ (v.state = { viewBox: [600, 200] }),
+ (v.handleResize = function () {
+ var h = v.ref.current;
+ v.setState({ viewBox: [h.offsetWidth, h.offsetHeight] });
+ }),
+ v
+ );
+ }
+ y(u, i);
+ var s = u.prototype;
+ return (
+ (s.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function d() {
+ window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize), this.handleResize();
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ (s.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function d() {
+ window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ (s.render = (function () {
+ function d() {
+ var v = this,
+ h = this.props,
+ C = h.data,
+ p = C === void 0 ? [] : C,
+ N = h.rangeX,
+ V = h.rangeY,
+ S = h.fillColor,
+ I = S === void 0 ? 'none' : S,
+ L = h.strokeColor,
+ w = L === void 0 ? '#ffffff' : L,
+ A = h.strokeWidth,
+ x = A === void 0 ? 2 : A,
+ E = b(h, f),
+ P = this.state.viewBox,
+ D = k(p, P, N, V);
+ if (D.length > 0) {
+ var M = D[0],
+ R = D[D.length - 1];
+ D.push([P[0] + x, R[1]]), D.push([P[0] + x, -x]), D.push([-x, -x]), D.push([-x, M[1]]);
+ }
+ var O = g(D);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ Object.assign({ position: 'relative' }, E, {
+ children: (function () {
+ function F(_) {
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ null,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 32,
+ 'svg',
+ null,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'polyline', null, null, 1, {
+ transform: 'scale(1, -1) translate(0, -' + P[1] + ')',
+ fill: I,
+ stroke: w,
+ 'stroke-width': x,
+ points: O,
+ }),
+ 2,
+ {
+ viewBox: '0 0 ' + P[0] + ' ' + P[1],
+ preserveAspectRatio: 'none',
+ style: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ bottom: 0,
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ },
+ }
+ ),
+ 2,
+ Object.assign({}, _),
+ null,
+ v.ref
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ u
+ );
+ })(e.Component);
+ l.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks;
+ var c = function (u) {
+ return null;
+ },
+ m = (r.Chart = { Line: l });
+ },
+ 4796: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Collapsible = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(55937),
+ t = n(96184),
+ o = ['children', 'color', 'title', 'buttons', 'contentStyle'];
+ function f(k, g) {
+ if (k == null) return {};
+ var l = {};
+ for (var c in k)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(k, c)) {
+ if (g.includes(c)) continue;
+ l[c] = k[c];
+ }
+ return l;
+ }
+ function b(k, g) {
+ (k.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype)), (k.prototype.constructor = k), y(k, g);
+ }
+ function y(k, g) {
+ return (
+ (y = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (l, c) {
+ return (l.__proto__ = c), l;
+ }),
+ y(k, g)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var B = (r.Collapsible = (function (k) {
+ function g(c) {
+ var m;
+ m = k.call(this, c) || this;
+ var i = c.open;
+ return (m.state = { open: i || !1 }), m;
+ }
+ b(g, k);
+ var l = g.prototype;
+ return (
+ (l.render = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ var m = this,
+ i = this.props,
+ u = this.state.open,
+ s = i.children,
+ d = i.color,
+ v = d === void 0 ? 'default' : d,
+ h = i.title,
+ C = i.buttons,
+ p = i.contentStyle,
+ N = f(i, o);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ className: 'Collapsible',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'Table',
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'Table__cell',
+ (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: v,
+ icon: u ? 'chevron-down' : 'chevron-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return m.setState({ open: !u });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ },
+ N,
+ { children: h }
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ 2
+ ),
+ C && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Table__cell Table__cell--collapsing', C, 0),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ u && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { mt: 1, style: p, children: s }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ g
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ },
+ 88894: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ColorBox = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = ['content', 'children', 'className', 'color', 'backgroundColor'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function f(y, B) {
+ if (y == null) return {};
+ var k = {};
+ for (var g in y)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(y, g)) {
+ if (B.includes(g)) continue;
+ k[g] = y[g];
+ }
+ return k;
+ }
+ var b = (r.ColorBox = (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ var k = B.content,
+ g = B.children,
+ l = B.className,
+ c = B.color,
+ m = B.backgroundColor,
+ i = f(B, o);
+ return (
+ (i.color = k ? null : 'transparent'),
+ (i.backgroundColor = c || m),
+ (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)(['ColorBox', l, (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(i)]),
+ k || '.',
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(i))
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ b.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
+ },
+ 73379: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Countdown = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(55937),
+ t = ['format'];
+ function o(B, k) {
+ if (B == null) return {};
+ var g = {};
+ for (var l in B)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(B, l)) {
+ if (k.includes(l)) continue;
+ g[l] = B[l];
+ }
+ return g;
+ }
+ function f(B, k) {
+ (B.prototype = Object.create(k.prototype)), (B.prototype.constructor = B), b(B, k);
+ }
+ function b(B, k) {
+ return (
+ (b = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (g, l) {
+ return (g.__proto__ = l), g;
+ }),
+ b(B, k)
+ );
+ }
+ var y = (r.Countdown = (function (B) {
+ function k(l) {
+ var c;
+ return (
+ (c = B.call(this, l) || this), (c.timer = null), (c.state = { value: Math.max(l.timeLeft * 100, 0) }), c
+ );
+ }
+ f(k, B);
+ var g = k.prototype;
+ return (
+ (g.tick = (function () {
+ function l() {
+ var c = Math.max(this.state.value - this.props.rate, 0);
+ c <= 0 && clearInterval(this.timer),
+ this.setState(function (m) {
+ return { value: c };
+ });
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ (g.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function l() {
+ var c = this;
+ this.timer = setInterval(function () {
+ return c.tick();
+ }, this.props.rate);
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ (g.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function l() {
+ clearInterval(this.timer);
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ (g.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function l(c) {
+ var m = this;
+ this.props.current !== c.current &&
+ this.setState(function (i) {
+ return { value: Math.max(m.props.timeLeft * 100, 0) };
+ }),
+ this.timer || this.componentDidMount();
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ (g.render = (function () {
+ function l() {
+ var c = this.props,
+ m = c.format,
+ i = o(c, t),
+ u = new Date(this.state.value).toISOString().slice(11, 19);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ a.Box,
+ Object.assign({ as: 'span' }, i, { children: m ? m(this.state.value, u) : u })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ k
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ y.defaultProps = { rate: 1e3 };
+ },
+ 61940: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Dimmer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = ['className', 'children'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function f(y, B) {
+ if (y == null) return {};
+ var k = {};
+ for (var g in y)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(y, g)) {
+ if (B.includes(g)) continue;
+ k[g] = y[g];
+ }
+ return k;
+ }
+ var b = (r.Dimmer = (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ var k = B.className,
+ g = B.children,
+ l = f(B, o);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['Dimmer'].concat(k)) }, l, {
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Dimmer__inner', g, 0),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 13605: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Divider = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.Divider = (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ var b = f.vertical,
+ y = f.hidden;
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)(['Divider', y && 'Divider--hidden', b ? 'Divider--vertical' : 'Divider--horizontal'])
+ );
+ }
+ return o;
+ })());
+ },
+ 60218: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DmIcon = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(79140),
+ t = n(46085),
+ o = n(91225),
+ f = ['className', 'direction', 'fallback', 'frame', 'icon_state', 'movement'];
+ function b(u, s) {
+ if (u == null) return {};
+ var d = {};
+ for (var v in u)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(u, v)) {
+ if (s.includes(v)) continue;
+ d[v] = u[v];
+ }
+ return d;
+ }
+ function y() {
+ 'use strict';
+ /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */ y =
+ function () {
+ return s;
+ };
+ var u,
+ s = {},
+ d = Object.prototype,
+ v = d.hasOwnProperty,
+ h =
+ Object.defineProperty ||
+ function (q, re, ae) {
+ q[re] = ae.value;
+ },
+ C = typeof Symbol == 'function' ? Symbol : {},
+ p = C.iterator || '@@iterator',
+ N = C.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator',
+ V = C.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag';
+ function S(q, re, ae) {
+ return Object.defineProperty(q, re, { value: ae, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), q[re];
+ }
+ try {
+ S({}, '');
+ } catch (q) {
+ S = function (ae, le, Z) {
+ return (ae[le] = Z);
+ };
+ }
+ function I(q, re, ae, le) {
+ var Z = re && re.prototype instanceof D ? re : D,
+ ne = Object.create(Z.prototype),
+ te = new ie(le || []);
+ return h(ne, '_invoke', { value: G(q, ae, te) }), ne;
+ }
+ function L(q, re, ae) {
+ try {
+ return { type: 'normal', arg: q.call(re, ae) };
+ } catch (le) {
+ return { type: 'throw', arg: le };
+ }
+ }
+ s.wrap = I;
+ var w = 'suspendedStart',
+ A = 'suspendedYield',
+ x = 'executing',
+ E = 'completed',
+ P = {};
+ function D() {}
+ function M() {}
+ function R() {}
+ var O = {};
+ S(O, p, function () {
+ return this;
+ });
+ var F = Object.getPrototypeOf,
+ _ = F && F(F(me([])));
+ _ && _ !== d && v.call(_, p) && (O = _);
+ var U = (R.prototype = D.prototype = Object.create(O));
+ function z(q) {
+ ['next', 'throw', 'return'].forEach(function (re) {
+ S(q, re, function (ae) {
+ return this._invoke(re, ae);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ function $(q, re) {
+ function ae(Z, ne, te, fe) {
+ var pe = L(q[Z], q, ne);
+ if (pe.type !== 'throw') {
+ var ce = pe.arg,
+ Ve = ce.value;
+ return Ve && typeof Ve == 'object' && v.call(Ve, '__await')
+ ? re.resolve(Ve.__await).then(
+ function (Ce) {
+ ae('next', Ce, te, fe);
+ },
+ function (Ce) {
+ ae('throw', Ce, te, fe);
+ }
+ )
+ : re.resolve(Ve).then(
+ function (Ce) {
+ (ce.value = Ce), te(ce);
+ },
+ function (Ce) {
+ return ae('throw', Ce, te, fe);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ fe(pe.arg);
+ }
+ var le;
+ h(this, '_invoke', {
+ value: (function () {
+ function Z(ne, te) {
+ function fe() {
+ return new re(function (pe, ce) {
+ ae(ne, te, pe, ce);
+ });
+ }
+ return (le = le ? le.then(fe, fe) : fe());
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })(),
+ });
+ }
+ function G(q, re, ae) {
+ var le = w;
+ return function (Z, ne) {
+ if (le === x) throw Error('Generator is already running');
+ if (le === E) {
+ if (Z === 'throw') throw ne;
+ return { value: u, done: !0 };
+ }
+ for (ae.method = Z, ae.arg = ne; ; ) {
+ var te = ae.delegate;
+ if (te) {
+ var fe = X(te, ae);
+ if (fe) {
+ if (fe === P) continue;
+ return fe;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae.method === 'next') ae.sent = ae._sent = ae.arg;
+ else if (ae.method === 'throw') {
+ if (le === w) throw ((le = E), ae.arg);
+ ae.dispatchException(ae.arg);
+ } else ae.method === 'return' && ae.abrupt('return', ae.arg);
+ le = x;
+ var pe = L(q, re, ae);
+ if (pe.type === 'normal') {
+ if (((le = ae.done ? E : A), pe.arg === P)) continue;
+ return { value: pe.arg, done: ae.done };
+ }
+ pe.type === 'throw' && ((le = E), (ae.method = 'throw'), (ae.arg = pe.arg));
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function X(q, re) {
+ var ae = re.method,
+ le = q.iterator[ae];
+ if (le === u)
+ return (
+ (re.delegate = null),
+ (ae === 'throw' &&
+ q.iterator.return &&
+ ((re.method = 'return'), (re.arg = u), X(q, re), re.method === 'throw')) ||
+ (ae !== 'return' &&
+ ((re.method = 'throw'),
+ (re.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + ae + "' method")))),
+ P
+ );
+ var Z = L(le, q.iterator, re.arg);
+ if (Z.type === 'throw') return (re.method = 'throw'), (re.arg = Z.arg), (re.delegate = null), P;
+ var ne = Z.arg;
+ return ne
+ ? ne.done
+ ? ((re[q.resultName] = ne.value),
+ (re.next = q.nextLoc),
+ re.method !== 'return' && ((re.method = 'next'), (re.arg = u)),
+ (re.delegate = null),
+ P)
+ : ne
+ : ((re.method = 'throw'),
+ (re.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object')),
+ (re.delegate = null),
+ P);
+ }
+ function J(q) {
+ var re = { tryLoc: q[0] };
+ 1 in q && (re.catchLoc = q[1]),
+ 2 in q && ((re.finallyLoc = q[2]), (re.afterLoc = q[3])),
+ this.tryEntries.push(re);
+ }
+ function se(q) {
+ var re = q.completion || {};
+ (re.type = 'normal'), delete re.arg, (q.completion = re);
+ }
+ function ie(q) {
+ (this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }]), q.forEach(J, this), this.reset(!0);
+ }
+ function me(q) {
+ if (q || q === '') {
+ var re = q[p];
+ if (re) return re.call(q);
+ if (typeof q.next == 'function') return q;
+ if (!isNaN(q.length)) {
+ var ae = -1,
+ le = (function () {
+ function Z() {
+ for (; ++ae < q.length; ) if (v.call(q, ae)) return (Z.value = q[ae]), (Z.done = !1), Z;
+ return (Z.value = u), (Z.done = !0), Z;
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })();
+ return (le.next = le);
+ }
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(typeof q + ' is not iterable');
+ }
+ return (
+ (M.prototype = R),
+ h(U, 'constructor', { value: R, configurable: !0 }),
+ h(R, 'constructor', { value: M, configurable: !0 }),
+ (M.displayName = S(R, V, 'GeneratorFunction')),
+ (s.isGeneratorFunction = function (q) {
+ var re = typeof q == 'function' && q.constructor;
+ return !!re && (re === M || (re.displayName || re.name) === 'GeneratorFunction');
+ }),
+ (s.mark = function (q) {
+ return (
+ Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf(q, R)
+ : ((q.__proto__ = R), S(q, V, 'GeneratorFunction')),
+ (q.prototype = Object.create(U)),
+ q
+ );
+ }),
+ (s.awrap = function (q) {
+ return { __await: q };
+ }),
+ z($.prototype),
+ S($.prototype, N, function () {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ (s.AsyncIterator = $),
+ (s.async = function (q, re, ae, le, Z) {
+ Z === void 0 && (Z = Promise);
+ var ne = new $(I(q, re, ae, le), Z);
+ return s.isGeneratorFunction(re)
+ ? ne
+ : ne.next().then(function (te) {
+ return te.done ? te.value : ne.next();
+ });
+ }),
+ z(U),
+ S(U, V, 'Generator'),
+ S(U, p, function () {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ S(U, 'toString', function () {
+ return '[object Generator]';
+ }),
+ (s.keys = function (q) {
+ var re = Object(q),
+ ae = [];
+ for (var le in re) ae.push(le);
+ return (
+ ae.reverse(),
+ (function () {
+ function Z() {
+ for (; ae.length; ) {
+ var ne = ae.pop();
+ if (ne in re) return (Z.value = ne), (Z.done = !1), Z;
+ }
+ return (Z.done = !0), Z;
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })()
+ );
+ }),
+ (s.values = me),
+ (ie.prototype = {
+ constructor: ie,
+ reset: (function () {
+ function q(re) {
+ if (
+ ((this.prev = 0),
+ (this.next = 0),
+ (this.sent = this._sent = u),
+ (this.done = !1),
+ (this.delegate = null),
+ (this.method = 'next'),
+ (this.arg = u),
+ this.tryEntries.forEach(se),
+ !re)
+ )
+ for (var ae in this)
+ ae.charAt(0) === 't' && v.call(this, ae) && !isNaN(+ae.slice(1)) && (this[ae] = u);
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ stop: (function () {
+ function q() {
+ this.done = !0;
+ var re = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
+ if (re.type === 'throw') throw re.arg;
+ return this.rval;
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ dispatchException: (function () {
+ function q(re) {
+ if (this.done) throw re;
+ var ae = this;
+ function le(ce, Ve) {
+ return (
+ (te.type = 'throw'),
+ (te.arg = re),
+ (ae.next = ce),
+ Ve && ((ae.method = 'next'), (ae.arg = u)),
+ !!Ve
+ );
+ }
+ for (var Z = this.tryEntries.length - 1; Z >= 0; --Z) {
+ var ne = this.tryEntries[Z],
+ te = ne.completion;
+ if (ne.tryLoc === 'root') return le('end');
+ if (ne.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
+ var fe = v.call(ne, 'catchLoc'),
+ pe = v.call(ne, 'finallyLoc');
+ if (fe && pe) {
+ if (this.prev < ne.catchLoc) return le(ne.catchLoc, !0);
+ if (this.prev < ne.finallyLoc) return le(ne.finallyLoc);
+ } else if (fe) {
+ if (this.prev < ne.catchLoc) return le(ne.catchLoc, !0);
+ } else {
+ if (!pe) throw Error('try statement without catch or finally');
+ if (this.prev < ne.finallyLoc) return le(ne.finallyLoc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ abrupt: (function () {
+ function q(re, ae) {
+ for (var le = this.tryEntries.length - 1; le >= 0; --le) {
+ var Z = this.tryEntries[le];
+ if (Z.tryLoc <= this.prev && v.call(Z, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < Z.finallyLoc) {
+ var ne = Z;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ne &&
+ (re === 'break' || re === 'continue') &&
+ ne.tryLoc <= ae &&
+ ae <= ne.finallyLoc &&
+ (ne = null);
+ var te = ne ? ne.completion : {};
+ return (
+ (te.type = re),
+ (te.arg = ae),
+ ne ? ((this.method = 'next'), (this.next = ne.finallyLoc), P) : this.complete(te)
+ );
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ complete: (function () {
+ function q(re, ae) {
+ if (re.type === 'throw') throw re.arg;
+ return (
+ re.type === 'break' || re.type === 'continue'
+ ? (this.next = re.arg)
+ : re.type === 'return'
+ ? ((this.rval = this.arg = re.arg), (this.method = 'return'), (this.next = 'end'))
+ : re.type === 'normal' && ae && (this.next = ae),
+ P
+ );
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ finish: (function () {
+ function q(re) {
+ for (var ae = this.tryEntries.length - 1; ae >= 0; --ae) {
+ var le = this.tryEntries[ae];
+ if (le.finallyLoc === re) return this.complete(le.completion, le.afterLoc), se(le), P;
+ }
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ catch: (function () {
+ function q(re) {
+ for (var ae = this.tryEntries.length - 1; ae >= 0; --ae) {
+ var le = this.tryEntries[ae];
+ if (le.tryLoc === re) {
+ var Z = le.completion;
+ if (Z.type === 'throw') {
+ var ne = Z.arg;
+ se(le);
+ }
+ return ne;
+ }
+ }
+ throw Error('illegal catch attempt');
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ delegateYield: (function () {
+ function q(re, ae, le) {
+ return (
+ (this.delegate = { iterator: me(re), resultName: ae, nextLoc: le }),
+ this.method === 'next' && (this.arg = u),
+ P
+ );
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ s
+ );
+ }
+ function B(u, s, d, v, h, C, p) {
+ try {
+ var N = u[C](p),
+ V = N.value;
+ } catch (S) {
+ return void d(S);
+ }
+ N.done ? s(V) : Promise.resolve(V).then(v, h);
+ }
+ function k(u) {
+ return function () {
+ var s = this,
+ d = arguments;
+ return new Promise(function (v, h) {
+ var C = u.apply(s, d);
+ function p(V) {
+ B(C, v, h, p, N, 'next', V);
+ }
+ function N(V) {
+ B(C, v, h, p, N, 'throw', V);
+ }
+ p(void 0);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ function g(u, s) {
+ (u.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype)), (u.prototype.constructor = u), l(u, s);
+ }
+ function l(u, s) {
+ return (
+ (l = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (d, v) {
+ return (d.__proto__ = v), d;
+ }),
+ l(u, s)
+ );
+ }
+ var c = (function (u) {
+ return (
+ (u[(u.NORTH = 1)] = 'NORTH'),
+ (u[(u.SOUTH = 2)] = 'SOUTH'),
+ (u[(u.EAST = 4)] = 'EAST'),
+ (u[(u.WEST = 8)] = 'WEST'),
+ (u[(u.NORTHEAST = 5)] = 'NORTHEAST'),
+ (u[(u.NORTHWEST = 9)] = 'NORTHWEST'),
+ (u[(u.SOUTHEAST = 6)] = 'SOUTHEAST'),
+ (u[(u.SOUTHWEST = 10)] = 'SOUTHWEST'),
+ u
+ );
+ })(c || {}),
+ m,
+ i = (r.DmIcon = (function (u) {
+ function s(v) {
+ var h;
+ return (h = u.call(this, v) || this), (h.state = { iconRef: '' }), h;
+ }
+ g(s, u);
+ var d = s.prototype;
+ return (
+ (d.fetchRefMap = (function () {
+ var v = k(
+ y().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function C() {
+ var p, N;
+ return y().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((S.prev = S.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (
+ (S.prev = 0),
+ (S.next = 3),
+ (0, t.fetchRetry)((0, a.resolveAsset)('icon_ref_map.json'))
+ );
+ case 3:
+ return (p = S.sent), (S.next = 6), p.json();
+ case 6:
+ (N = S.sent),
+ (m = N),
+ this.setState({ iconRef: N[this.props.icon] || '' }),
+ (S.next = 14);
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ return (S.prev = 11), (S.t0 = S.catch(0)), S.abrupt('return');
+ case 14:
+ case 'end':
+ return S.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ C,
+ this,
+ [[0, 11]]
+ );
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ function h() {
+ return v.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return h;
+ })()),
+ (d.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function v() {
+ m ? this.setState({ iconRef: m[this.props.icon] }) : this.fetchRefMap();
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ (d.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function v(h) {
+ h.icon !== this.props.icon &&
+ (m ? this.setState({ iconRef: m[this.props.icon] }) : this.fetchRefMap());
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ (d.render = (function () {
+ function v() {
+ var h = this.props,
+ C = h.className,
+ p = h.direction,
+ N = p === void 0 ? c.SOUTH : p,
+ V = h.fallback,
+ S = h.frame,
+ I = S === void 0 ? 1 : S,
+ L = h.icon_state,
+ w = h.movement,
+ A = w === void 0 ? !1 : w,
+ x = b(h, f),
+ E = this.state.iconRef,
+ P = E + '?state=' + L + '&dir=' + N + '&movement=' + !!A + '&frame=' + I;
+ return E
+ ? (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Image, Object.assign({ fixErrors: !0, src: P }, x))
+ )
+ : V || null;
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ s
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ },
+ 20342: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DraggableControl = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(35840),
+ o = n(9474);
+ function f(g, l) {
+ (g.prototype = Object.create(l.prototype)), (g.prototype.constructor = g), b(g, l);
+ }
+ function b(g, l) {
+ return (
+ (b = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (c, m) {
+ return (c.__proto__ = m), c;
+ }),
+ b(g, l)
+ );
+ }
+ var y = 400,
+ B = function (l, c) {
+ return l.screenX * c[0] + l.screenY * c[1];
+ },
+ k = (r.DraggableControl = (function (g) {
+ function l(m) {
+ var i;
+ return (
+ (i = g.call(this, m) || this),
+ (i.inputRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
+ (i.state = {
+ originalValue: m.value,
+ value: m.value,
+ dragging: !1,
+ editing: !1,
+ origin: null,
+ suppressingFlicker: !1,
+ }),
+ (i.flickerTimer = null),
+ (i.suppressFlicker = function () {
+ var u = i.props.suppressFlicker;
+ u > 0 &&
+ (i.setState({ suppressingFlicker: !0 }),
+ clearTimeout(i.flickerTimer),
+ (i.flickerTimer = setTimeout(function () {
+ return i.setState({ suppressingFlicker: !1 });
+ }, u)));
+ }),
+ (i.handleDragStart = function (u) {
+ var s = i.props,
+ d = s.value,
+ v = s.dragMatrix,
+ h = s.disabled,
+ C = i.state.editing;
+ C ||
+ h ||
+ ((document.body.style['pointer-events'] = 'none'),
+ (i.ref = u.currentTarget),
+ i.setState({ originalValue: d, dragging: !1, value: d, origin: B(u, v) }),
+ (i.timer = setTimeout(function () {
+ i.setState({ dragging: !0 });
+ }, 250)),
+ (i.dragInterval = setInterval(function () {
+ var p = i.state,
+ N = p.dragging,
+ V = p.value,
+ S = i.props.onDrag;
+ N && S && S(u, V);
+ }, i.props.updateRate || y)),
+ document.addEventListener('mousemove', i.handleDragMove),
+ document.addEventListener('mouseup', i.handleDragEnd));
+ }),
+ (i.handleDragMove = function (u) {
+ var s,
+ d = i.props,
+ v = d.minValue,
+ h = d.maxValue,
+ C = d.step,
+ p = d.dragMatrix,
+ N = d.disabled;
+ if (!N) {
+ var V = i.ref.offsetWidth / ((h - v) / C),
+ S = (s = i.props.stepPixelSize) != null ? s : V;
+ typeof S == 'function' && (S = S(V)),
+ i.setState(function (I) {
+ var L = Object.assign({}, I),
+ w = I.origin,
+ A = B(u, p) - w;
+ if (I.dragging) {
+ var x = Math.trunc(A / S);
+ L.value = (0, a.clamp)(Math.floor(L.originalValue / C) * C + x * C, v, h);
+ } else Math.abs(A) > 4 && (L.dragging = !0);
+ return L;
+ });
+ }
+ }),
+ (i.handleDragEnd = function (u) {
+ var s = i.props,
+ d = s.onChange,
+ v = s.onDrag,
+ h = i.state,
+ C = h.dragging,
+ p = h.value;
+ if (
+ ((document.body.style['pointer-events'] = 'auto'),
+ clearTimeout(i.timer),
+ clearInterval(i.dragInterval),
+ i.setState({ originalValue: null, dragging: !1, editing: !C, origin: null }),
+ document.removeEventListener('mousemove', i.handleDragMove),
+ document.removeEventListener('mouseup', i.handleDragEnd),
+ C)
+ )
+ i.suppressFlicker(), d && d(u, p), v && v(u, p);
+ else if (i.inputRef) {
+ var N = i.inputRef.current;
+ N.value = p;
+ try {
+ N.focus(), N.select();
+ } catch (V) {}
+ }
+ }),
+ i
+ );
+ }
+ f(l, g);
+ var c = l.prototype;
+ return (
+ (c.render = (function () {
+ function m() {
+ var i = this,
+ u = this.state,
+ s = u.dragging,
+ d = u.editing,
+ v = u.value,
+ h = u.suppressingFlicker,
+ C = this.props,
+ p = C.animated,
+ N = C.value,
+ V = C.unit,
+ S = C.minValue,
+ I = C.maxValue,
+ L = C.format,
+ w = C.onChange,
+ A = C.onDrag,
+ x = C.children,
+ E = C.height,
+ P = C.lineHeight,
+ D = C.fontSize,
+ M = C.disabled,
+ R = N;
+ (s || h) && (R = v);
+ var O = (function () {
+ function U(z) {
+ return z + (V ? ' ' + V : '');
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ F =
+ (p &&
+ !s &&
+ !h &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: R, format: L, children: O })) ||
+ O(L ? L(R) : R),
+ _ = (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 64,
+ 'input',
+ 'NumberInput__input',
+ null,
+ 1,
+ {
+ style: { display: !d || M ? 'none' : void 0, height: E, 'line-height': P, 'font-size': D },
+ onBlur: (function () {
+ function U(z) {
+ if (d) {
+ var $ = (0, a.clamp)(parseFloat(z.target.value), S, I);
+ if (Number.isNaN($)) {
+ i.setState({ editing: !1 });
+ return;
+ }
+ i.setState({ editing: !1, value: $ }), i.suppressFlicker(), w && w(z, $), A && A(z, $);
+ }
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function U(z) {
+ if (z.keyCode === 13) {
+ var $ = (0, a.clamp)(parseFloat(z.target.value), S, I);
+ if (Number.isNaN($)) {
+ i.setState({ editing: !1 });
+ return;
+ }
+ i.setState({ editing: !1, value: $ }), i.suppressFlicker(), w && w(z, $), A && A(z, $);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (z.keyCode === 27) {
+ i.setState({ editing: !1 });
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ disabled: M,
+ },
+ null,
+ this.inputRef
+ );
+ return x({
+ dragging: s,
+ editing: d,
+ value: N,
+ displayValue: R,
+ displayElement: F,
+ inputElement: _,
+ handleDragStart: this.handleDragStart,
+ });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()),
+ l
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ (k.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks),
+ (k.defaultProps = { minValue: -1 / 0, maxValue: 1 / 0, step: 1, suppressFlicker: 50, dragMatrix: [1, 0] });
+ },
+ 87099: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Dropdown = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(95996),
+ t = n(35840),
+ o = n(55937),
+ f = n(96184),
+ b = n(1331),
+ y = n(96690),
+ B = [
+ 'icon',
+ 'iconRotation',
+ 'iconSpin',
+ 'clipSelectedText',
+ 'color',
+ 'dropdownStyle',
+ 'over',
+ 'nochevron',
+ 'width',
+ 'onClick',
+ 'onSelected',
+ 'selected',
+ 'disabled',
+ 'displayText',
+ 'buttons',
+ ],
+ k = ['className'],
+ g;
+ function l(h, C) {
+ if (h == null) return {};
+ var p = {};
+ for (var N in h)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(h, N)) {
+ if (C.includes(N)) continue;
+ p[N] = h[N];
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ function c(h, C) {
+ (h.prototype = Object.create(C.prototype)), (h.prototype.constructor = h), m(h, C);
+ }
+ function m(h, C) {
+ return (
+ (m = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (p, N) {
+ return (p.__proto__ = N), p;
+ }),
+ m(h, C)
+ );
+ }
+ var i = { placement: 'left-start', modifiers: [{ name: 'eventListeners', enabled: !1 }] },
+ u = {
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
+ top: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ bottom: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ toJSON: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ },
+ s = 'Layout Dropdown__menu',
+ d = 'Layout Dropdown__menu-scroll',
+ v = (r.Dropdown = (function (h) {
+ function C(N) {
+ var V;
+ return (
+ (V = h.call(this, N) || this),
+ (V.menuContents = void 0),
+ (V.handleClick = function () {
+ V.state.open && V.setOpen(!1);
+ }),
+ (V.state = { open: !1, selected: V.props.selected }),
+ (V.menuContents = null),
+ V
+ );
+ }
+ c(C, h);
+ var p = C.prototype;
+ return (
+ (p.getDOMNode = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return (0, e.findDOMFromVNode)(this.$LI, !0);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ var V = this.getDOMNode();
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.openMenu = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ var V = C.renderedMenu;
+ V === void 0 &&
+ ((V = document.createElement('div')),
+ (V.className = s),
+ document.body.appendChild(V),
+ (C.renderedMenu = V));
+ var S = this.getDOMNode();
+ (C.currentOpenMenu = S),
+ (V.scrollTop = 0),
+ (V.style.width = this.props.menuWidth || S.offsetWidth + 'px'),
+ (V.style.opacity = '1'),
+ (V.style.pointerEvents = 'auto'),
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var I;
+ (I = C.renderedMenu) == null || I.focus();
+ }, 400),
+ this.renderMenuContent();
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.closeMenu = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ C.currentOpenMenu === this.getDOMNode() &&
+ ((C.currentOpenMenu = void 0),
+ (C.renderedMenu.style.opacity = '0'),
+ (C.renderedMenu.style.pointerEvents = 'none'));
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ this.closeMenu(), this.setOpen(!1);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.renderMenuContent = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ var V = this,
+ S = C.renderedMenu;
+ if (S) {
+ S.offsetHeight > 200 ? (S.className = d) : (S.className = s);
+ var I = this.props.options,
+ L = I === void 0 ? [] : I,
+ w = L.map(function (x) {
+ var E, P;
+ return (
+ typeof x == 'string'
+ ? ((P = x), (E = x))
+ : x !== null && ((P = x.displayText), (E = x.value)),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, t.classes)(['Dropdown__menuentry', V.state.selected === E && 'selected']),
+ P,
+ 0,
+ {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ V.setSelected(E);
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ },
+ E
+ )
+ );
+ }),
+ A = w.length ? w : 'No Options Found';
+ (0, e.render)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, A, 0),
+ S,
+ function () {
+ var x = C.singletonPopper;
+ x === void 0
+ ? ((x = (0, a.createPopper)(
+ C.virtualElement,
+ S,
+ Object.assign({}, i, { placement: 'bottom-start' })
+ )),
+ (C.singletonPopper = x))
+ : (x.setOptions(Object.assign({}, i, { placement: 'bottom-start' })), x.update());
+ },
+ this.context
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.setOpen = (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ var S = this;
+ this.setState(function (I) {
+ return Object.assign({}, I, { open: V });
+ }),
+ V
+ ? setTimeout(function () {
+ S.openMenu(), window.addEventListener('click', S.handleClick);
+ })
+ : (this.closeMenu(), window.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClick));
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.setSelected = (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ this.setState(function (S) {
+ return Object.assign({}, S, { selected: V });
+ }),
+ this.setOpen(!1),
+ this.props.onSelected && this.props.onSelected(V);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.getOptionValue = (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ return typeof V == 'string' ? V : V.value;
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.getSelectedIndex = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ var V = this,
+ S = this.state.selected || this.props.selected,
+ I = this.props.options,
+ L = I === void 0 ? [] : I;
+ return L.findIndex(function (w) {
+ return V.getOptionValue(w) === S;
+ });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.toPrevious = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ if (!(this.props.options.length < 1)) {
+ var V = this.getSelectedIndex(),
+ S = 0,
+ I = this.props.options.length - 1,
+ L = V >= 0;
+ L || (V = S);
+ var w = V === S ? I : V - 1;
+ this.setSelected(this.getOptionValue(this.props.options[w]));
+ }
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.toNext = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ if (!(this.props.options.length < 1)) {
+ var V = this.getSelectedIndex(),
+ S = 0,
+ I = this.props.options.length - 1,
+ L = V >= 0;
+ L || (V = I);
+ var w = V === I ? S : V + 1;
+ this.setSelected(this.getOptionValue(this.props.options[w]));
+ }
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.render = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ var V = this,
+ S = this.props,
+ I = S.icon,
+ L = S.iconRotation,
+ w = S.iconSpin,
+ A = S.clipSelectedText,
+ x = A === void 0 ? !0 : A,
+ E = S.color,
+ P = E === void 0 ? 'default' : E,
+ D = S.dropdownStyle,
+ M = S.over,
+ R = S.nochevron,
+ O = S.width,
+ F = S.onClick,
+ _ = S.onSelected,
+ U = S.selected,
+ z = S.disabled,
+ $ = S.displayText,
+ G = S.buttons,
+ X = l(S, B),
+ J = X.className,
+ se = l(X, k),
+ ie = M ? !this.state.open : this.state.open;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack, {
+ inline: !0,
+ fill: !0,
+ width: O,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ width: '100%',
+ className: (0, t.classes)([
+ 'Dropdown__control',
+ 'Button',
+ 'Button--color--' + P,
+ z && 'Button--disabled',
+ J,
+ ]),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function me(q) {
+ (z && !V.state.open) || (V.setOpen(!V.state.open), F && F(q));
+ }
+ return me;
+ })(),
+ },
+ se,
+ {
+ children: [
+ I &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, { name: I, rotation: L, spin: w, mr: 1 }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ 'Dropdown__selected-text',
+ $ || this.state.selected,
+ 0,
+ { style: { overflow: x ? 'hidden' : 'visible' } }
+ ),
+ R ||
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ 'Dropdown__arrow-button',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, {
+ name: ie ? 'chevron-up' : 'chevron-down',
+ }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ ],
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ }),
+ G &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
+ height: '100%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ height: '100%',
+ icon: 'chevron-left',
+ disabled: z,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function me() {
+ z || V.toPrevious();
+ }
+ return me;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
+ height: '100%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ height: '100%',
+ icon: 'chevron-right',
+ disabled: z,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function me() {
+ z || V.toNext();
+ }
+ return me;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ C
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ (g = v),
+ (v.renderedMenu = void 0),
+ (v.singletonPopper = void 0),
+ (v.currentOpenMenu = void 0),
+ (v.virtualElement = {
+ getBoundingClientRect: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ var C, p;
+ return (C = (p = g.currentOpenMenu) == null ? void 0 : p.getBoundingClientRect()) != null ? C : u;
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ 39473: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.computeFlexProps =
+ r.computeFlexItemProps =
+ r.computeFlexItemClassName =
+ r.computeFlexClassName =
+ r.Flex =
+ void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = ['className', 'direction', 'wrap', 'align', 'justify', 'inline', 'style'],
+ f = ['className'],
+ b = ['className', 'style', 'grow', 'order', 'shrink', 'basis', 'align'],
+ y = ['className'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function B(u, s) {
+ if (u == null) return {};
+ var d = {};
+ for (var v in u)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(u, v)) {
+ if (s.includes(v)) continue;
+ d[v] = u[v];
+ }
+ return d;
+ }
+ var k = (r.computeFlexClassName = (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ return (0, a.classes)(['Flex', s.inline && 'Flex--inline', (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(s)]);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ g = (r.computeFlexProps = (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ var d = s.className,
+ v = s.direction,
+ h = s.wrap,
+ C = s.align,
+ p = s.justify,
+ N = s.inline,
+ V = s.style,
+ S = B(s, o);
+ return (0, t.computeBoxProps)(
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ style: Object.assign({}, V, {
+ 'flex-direction': v,
+ 'flex-wrap': h === !0 ? 'wrap' : h,
+ 'align-items': C,
+ 'justify-content': p,
+ }),
+ },
+ S
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ l = (r.Flex = (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ var d = s.className,
+ v = B(s, f);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', (0, a.classes)([d, k(v)]), null, 1, Object.assign({}, g(v)))
+ );
+ }
+ return u;
+ })());
+ l.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
+ var c = (r.computeFlexItemClassName = (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ return (0, a.classes)(['Flex__item', (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(s)]);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ m = (r.computeFlexItemProps = (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ var d = s.className,
+ v = s.style,
+ h = s.grow,
+ C = s.order,
+ p = s.shrink,
+ N = s.basis,
+ V = N === void 0 ? s.width : N,
+ S = s.align,
+ I = B(s, b);
+ return (0, t.computeBoxProps)(
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ style: Object.assign({}, v, {
+ 'flex-grow': h !== void 0 && Number(h),
+ 'flex-shrink': p !== void 0 && Number(p),
+ 'flex-basis': (0, t.unit)(V),
+ order: C,
+ 'align-self': S,
+ }),
+ },
+ I
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ i = function (s) {
+ var d = s.className,
+ v = B(s, y);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', (0, a.classes)([d, c(s)]), null, 1, Object.assign({}, m(v)))
+ );
+ };
+ (i.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks), (l.Item = i);
+ },
+ 79646: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GridColumn = r.Grid = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36352),
+ t = n(35840),
+ o = ['children'],
+ f = ['size', 'style'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function b(k, g) {
+ if (k == null) return {};
+ var l = {};
+ for (var c in k)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(k, c)) {
+ if (g.includes(c)) continue;
+ l[c] = k[c];
+ }
+ return l;
+ }
+ var y = (r.Grid = (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ var l = g.children,
+ c = b(g, o);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ a.Table,
+ Object.assign({}, c, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Table.Row, { children: l }) })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return k;
+ })());
+ y.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks;
+ var B = (r.GridColumn = (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ var l = g.size,
+ c = l === void 0 ? 1 : l,
+ m = g.style,
+ i = b(g, f);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ a.Table.Cell,
+ Object.assign({ style: Object.assign({ width: c + '%' }, m) }, i)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return k;
+ })());
+ (y.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks), (y.Column = B);
+ },
+ 1331: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.IconStack = r.Icon = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = ['name', 'size', 'spin', 'className', 'style', 'rotation', 'inverse'],
+ f = ['className', 'style', 'children'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function b(g, l) {
+ if (g == null) return {};
+ var c = {};
+ for (var m in g)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
+ if (l.includes(m)) continue;
+ c[m] = g[m];
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ var y = /-o$/,
+ B = (r.Icon = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ var c = l.name,
+ m = l.size,
+ i = l.spin,
+ u = l.className,
+ s = l.style,
+ d = s === void 0 ? {} : s,
+ v = l.rotation,
+ h = l.inverse,
+ C = b(l, o);
+ m && (d['font-size'] = m * 100 + '%'), typeof v == 'number' && (d.transform = 'rotate(' + v + 'deg)');
+ var p = y.test(c),
+ N = c.replace(y, '');
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ as: 'i',
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['Icon', u, p ? 'far' : 'fas', 'fa-' + N, i && 'fa-spin']),
+ style: d,
+ },
+ C
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ B.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
+ var k = (r.IconStack = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ var c = l.className,
+ m = l.style,
+ i = m === void 0 ? {} : m,
+ u = l.children,
+ s = b(l, f);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ Object.assign({ as: 'span', class: (0, a.classes)(['IconStack', c]), style: i }, s, { children: u })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ B.Stack = k;
+ },
+ 91225: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Image = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(55937),
+ t = ['fixBlur', 'fixErrors', 'objectFit', 'src'];
+ function o(k, g) {
+ if (k == null) return {};
+ var l = {};
+ for (var c in k)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(k, c)) {
+ if (g.includes(c)) continue;
+ l[c] = k[c];
+ }
+ return l;
+ }
+ function f(k, g) {
+ (k.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype)), (k.prototype.constructor = k), b(k, g);
+ }
+ function b(k, g) {
+ return (
+ (b = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (l, c) {
+ return (l.__proto__ = c), l;
+ }),
+ b(k, g)
+ );
+ }
+ var y = 5,
+ B = (r.Image = (function (k) {
+ function g() {
+ for (var c, m = arguments.length, i = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) i[u] = arguments[u];
+ return (
+ (c = k.call.apply(k, [this].concat(i)) || this),
+ (c.attempts = 0),
+ (c.handleError = function (s) {
+ var d = c.props,
+ v = d.fixErrors,
+ h = d.src;
+ if (v && c.attempts < y) {
+ var C = s.currentTarget;
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ (C.src = h + '?attempt=' + c.attempts), c.attempts++;
+ }, 1e3);
+ }
+ }),
+ c
+ );
+ }
+ f(g, k);
+ var l = g.prototype;
+ return (
+ (l.render = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ var m = this.props,
+ i = m.fixBlur,
+ u = i === void 0 ? !0 : i,
+ s = m.fixErrors,
+ d = s === void 0 ? !1 : s,
+ v = m.objectFit,
+ h = v === void 0 ? 'fill' : v,
+ C = m.src,
+ p = o(m, t),
+ N = (0, a.computeBoxProps)(
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ style: {
+ '-ms-interpolation-mode': u ? 'nearest-neighbor' : 'auto',
+ 'image-rendering': u ? 'pixelated' : 'auto',
+ 'object-fit': '' + h,
+ },
+ },
+ p
+ )
+ );
+ return N.className
+ ? (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, null, 1, Object.assign({ onError: this.handleError }, N))
+ )
+ : (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'img',
+ null,
+ null,
+ 1,
+ Object.assign({ onError: this.handleError, src: C }, N)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ g
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ },
+ 79825: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ImageButton = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = n(1331),
+ f = n(91225),
+ b = n(60218),
+ y = n(96690),
+ B = n(62147),
+ k = [
+ 'asset',
+ 'base64',
+ 'buttons',
+ 'buttonsAlt',
+ 'children',
+ 'className',
+ 'color',
+ 'disabled',
+ 'dmFallback',
+ 'dmDirection',
+ 'dmIcon',
+ 'dmIconState',
+ 'fluid',
+ 'imageSize',
+ 'imageSrc',
+ 'onClick',
+ 'onRightClick',
+ 'selected',
+ 'title',
+ 'tooltip',
+ 'tooltipPosition',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2024 Aylong (https://github.com/AyIong)
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function g(c, m) {
+ if (c == null) return {};
+ var i = {};
+ for (var u in c)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(c, u)) {
+ if (m.includes(u)) continue;
+ i[u] = c[u];
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ var l = (r.ImageButton = (function () {
+ function c(m) {
+ var i = m.asset,
+ u = m.base64,
+ s = m.buttons,
+ d = m.buttonsAlt,
+ v = m.children,
+ h = m.className,
+ C = m.color,
+ p = m.disabled,
+ N = m.dmFallback,
+ V = m.dmDirection,
+ S = m.dmIcon,
+ I = m.dmIconState,
+ L = m.fluid,
+ w = m.imageSize,
+ A = w === void 0 ? 64 : w,
+ x = m.imageSrc,
+ E = m.onClick,
+ P = m.onRightClick,
+ D = m.selected,
+ M = m.title,
+ R = m.tooltip,
+ O = m.tooltipPosition,
+ F = g(m, k),
+ _ = (function () {
+ function z($, G) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack, {
+ height: A + 'px',
+ width: A + 'px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ spin: G,
+ name: $,
+ color: 'gray',
+ style: { 'font-size': 'calc(' + A + 'px * 0.75)' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ U = (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'container',
+ s && 'hasButtons',
+ !E && !P && 'noAction',
+ D && 'selected',
+ p && 'disabled',
+ C && typeof C == 'string' ? 'color__' + C : 'color__default',
+ ]),
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)(['image']),
+ u || i || x
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Image, {
+ className: (0, a.classes)((!u && !x && i) || []),
+ src: u ? 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + u : x,
+ height: A + 'px',
+ width: A + 'px',
+ })
+ : S && I
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.DmIcon, {
+ icon: S,
+ icon_state: I,
+ direction: V,
+ fallback: N || _('spinner', !0),
+ height: A + 'px',
+ width: A + 'px',
+ })
+ : _('question', !1),
+ 0
+ ),
+ L
+ ? (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)(['info']),
+ [
+ M && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', (0, a.classes)(['title', v && 'divider']), M, 0),
+ v && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', (0, a.classes)(['contentFluid']), v, 0),
+ ],
+ 0
+ )
+ : v &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'content',
+ D && 'contentSelected',
+ p && 'contentDisabled',
+ C && typeof C == 'string' ? 'contentColor__' + C : 'contentColor__default',
+ ]),
+ v,
+ 0
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ {
+ tabIndex: p ? void 0 : 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function z($) {
+ !p && E && E($);
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ onContextMenu: (function () {
+ function z($) {
+ $.preventDefault(), !p && P && P($);
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ style: { width: L ? 'auto' : 'calc(' + A + 'px + 0.5em + 2px)' },
+ }
+ );
+ return (
+ R && (U = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Tooltip, { content: R, position: O, children: U })),
+ (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)(['ImageButton', L && 'fluid', h]),
+ [
+ U,
+ s &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'buttonsContainer',
+ !v && 'buttonsEmpty',
+ L && C && typeof C == 'string'
+ ? 'buttonsContainerColor__' + C
+ : L && 'buttonsContainerColor__default',
+ ]),
+ s,
+ 0,
+ { style: { width: 'auto' } }
+ ),
+ d &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'buttonsContainer',
+ 'buttonsAltContainer',
+ !v && 'buttonsEmpty',
+ L && C && typeof C == 'string'
+ ? 'buttonsContainerColor__' + C
+ : L && 'buttonsContainerColor__default',
+ ]),
+ d,
+ 0,
+ {
+ style: {
+ width: 'calc(' + A + 'px + ' + (L ? 0 : 0.5) + 'em)',
+ 'max-width': !L && 'calc(' + A + 'px + 0.5em)',
+ },
+ }
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(F))
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return c;
+ })());
+ },
+ 79652: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.toInputValue = r.Input = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = n(92986),
+ f = [
+ 'selfClear',
+ 'onInput',
+ 'onChange',
+ 'onEnter',
+ 'value',
+ 'maxLength',
+ 'placeholder',
+ 'autofocus',
+ 'disabled',
+ 'multiline',
+ 'cols',
+ 'rows',
+ ],
+ b = ['className', 'fluid', 'monospace'];
+ function y(c, m) {
+ if (c == null) return {};
+ var i = {};
+ for (var u in c)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(c, u)) {
+ if (m.includes(u)) continue;
+ i[u] = c[u];
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ function B(c, m) {
+ (c.prototype = Object.create(m.prototype)), (c.prototype.constructor = c), k(c, m);
+ }
+ function k(c, m) {
+ return (
+ (k = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (i, u) {
+ return (i.__proto__ = u), i;
+ }),
+ k(c, m)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var g = (r.toInputValue = (function () {
+ function c(m) {
+ return typeof m != 'number' && typeof m != 'string' ? '' : String(m);
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ l = (r.Input = (function (c) {
+ function m() {
+ var u;
+ return (
+ (u = c.call(this) || this),
+ (u.inputRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
+ (u.state = { editing: !1 }),
+ (u.handleInput = function (s) {
+ var d = u.state.editing,
+ v = u.props.onInput;
+ d || u.setEditing(!0), v && v(s, s.target.value);
+ }),
+ (u.handleFocus = function (s) {
+ var d = u.state.editing;
+ d || u.setEditing(!0);
+ }),
+ (u.handleBlur = function (s) {
+ var d = u.state.editing,
+ v = u.props.onChange;
+ d && (u.setEditing(!1), v && v(s, s.target.value));
+ }),
+ (u.handleKeyDown = function (s) {
+ var d = u.props,
+ v = d.onInput,
+ h = d.onChange,
+ C = d.onEnter;
+ if (s.keyCode === o.KEY_ENTER) {
+ u.setEditing(!1),
+ h && h(s, s.target.value),
+ v && v(s, s.target.value),
+ C && C(s, s.target.value),
+ u.props.selfClear ? (s.target.value = '') : s.target.blur();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (s.keyCode === o.KEY_ESCAPE) {
+ u.setEditing(!1), (s.target.value = g(u.props.value)), s.target.blur();
+ return;
+ }
+ }),
+ u
+ );
+ }
+ B(m, c);
+ var i = m.prototype;
+ return (
+ (i.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function u() {
+ var s = this,
+ d = this.props.value,
+ v = this.inputRef.current;
+ v && ((v.value = g(d)), (v.selectionStart = 0), (v.selectionEnd = v.value.length)),
+ (this.props.autoFocus || this.props.autoSelect) &&
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ v.focus(), s.props.autoSelect && v.select();
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (i.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ var v = this.state.editing,
+ h = s.value,
+ C = this.props.value,
+ p = this.inputRef.current;
+ p && !v && h !== C && (p.value = g(C));
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (i.setEditing = (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ this.setState({ editing: s });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (i.render = (function () {
+ function u() {
+ var s = this.props,
+ d = s.selfClear,
+ v = s.onInput,
+ h = s.onChange,
+ C = s.onEnter,
+ p = s.value,
+ N = s.maxLength,
+ V = s.placeholder,
+ S = s.autofocus,
+ I = s.disabled,
+ L = s.multiline,
+ w = s.cols,
+ A = w === void 0 ? 32 : w,
+ x = s.rows,
+ E = x === void 0 ? 4 : x,
+ P = y(s, f),
+ D = P.className,
+ M = P.fluid,
+ R = P.monospace,
+ O = y(P, b);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ className: (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Input',
+ M && 'Input--fluid',
+ R && 'Input--monospace',
+ I && 'Input--disabled',
+ D,
+ ]),
+ },
+ O,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Input__baseline', '.', 16),
+ L
+ ? (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 128,
+ 'textarea',
+ 'Input__textarea',
+ null,
+ 1,
+ {
+ placeholder: V,
+ onInput: this.handleInput,
+ onFocus: this.handleFocus,
+ onBlur: this.handleBlur,
+ maxLength: N,
+ cols: A,
+ rows: E,
+ disabled: I,
+ },
+ null,
+ this.inputRef
+ )
+ : (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 64,
+ 'input',
+ 'Input__input',
+ null,
+ 1,
+ {
+ placeholder: V,
+ onInput: this.handleInput,
+ onFocus: this.handleFocus,
+ onBlur: this.handleBlur,
+ onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown,
+ maxLength: N,
+ disabled: I,
+ },
+ null,
+ this.inputRef
+ ),
+ ],
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ m
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ },
+ 4454: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Interactive = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879);
+ function t(B, k) {
+ (B.prototype = Object.create(k.prototype)), (B.prototype.constructor = B), o(B, k);
+ }
+ function o(B, k) {
+ return (
+ (o = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (g, l) {
+ return (g.__proto__ = l), g;
+ }),
+ o(B, k)
+ );
+ }
+ var f = function (k) {
+ return (k && k.ownerDocument.defaultView) || self;
+ },
+ b = function (k, g) {
+ var l = k.getBoundingClientRect(),
+ c = g;
+ return {
+ left: (0, a.clamp)((c.pageX - (l.left + f(k).pageXOffset)) / l.width, 0, 1),
+ top: (0, a.clamp)((c.pageY - (l.top + f(k).pageYOffset)) / l.height, 0, 1),
+ };
+ },
+ y = (r.Interactive = (function (B) {
+ function k(l) {
+ var c;
+ return (
+ (c = B.call(this) || this),
+ (c.containerRef = void 0),
+ (c.props = void 0),
+ (c.handleMoveStart = function (m) {
+ var i,
+ u = (i = c.containerRef) == null ? void 0 : i.current;
+ u && (m.preventDefault(), u.focus(), c.props.onMove(b(u, m)), c.toggleDocumentEvents(!0));
+ }),
+ (c.handleMove = function (m) {
+ var i;
+ m.preventDefault();
+ var u = m.buttons > 0;
+ u && (i = c.containerRef) != null && i.current
+ ? c.props.onMove(b(c.containerRef.current, m))
+ : c.toggleDocumentEvents(!1);
+ }),
+ (c.handleMoveEnd = function () {
+ c.toggleDocumentEvents(!1);
+ }),
+ (c.handleKeyDown = function (m) {
+ var i = m.which || m.keyCode;
+ i < 37 ||
+ i > 40 ||
+ (m.preventDefault(),
+ c.props.onKey({
+ left: i === 39 ? 0.05 : i === 37 ? -0.05 : 0,
+ top: i === 40 ? 0.05 : i === 38 ? -0.05 : 0,
+ }));
+ }),
+ (c.props = l),
+ (c.containerRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
+ c
+ );
+ }
+ t(k, B);
+ var g = k.prototype;
+ return (
+ (g.toggleDocumentEvents = (function () {
+ function l(c) {
+ var m,
+ i = (m = this.containerRef) == null ? void 0 : m.current,
+ u = f(i),
+ s = c ? u.addEventListener : u.removeEventListener;
+ s('mousemove', this.handleMove), s('mouseup', this.handleMoveEnd);
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ (g.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function l() {
+ this.toggleDocumentEvents(!0);
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ (g.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function l() {
+ this.toggleDocumentEvents(!1);
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ (g.render = (function () {
+ function l() {
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'react-colorful__interactive',
+ this.props.children,
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({}, this.props, {
+ style: this.props.style,
+ onMouseDown: this.handleMoveStart,
+ onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown,
+ tabIndex: 0,
+ role: 'slider',
+ }),
+ null,
+ this.containerRef
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ k
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ },
+ 76334: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Knob = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(35840),
+ o = n(55937),
+ f = n(20342),
+ b = n(59263),
+ y = [
+ 'animated',
+ 'format',
+ 'maxValue',
+ 'minValue',
+ 'onChange',
+ 'onDrag',
+ 'step',
+ 'stepPixelSize',
+ 'suppressFlicker',
+ 'unit',
+ 'value',
+ 'className',
+ 'style',
+ 'fillValue',
+ 'color',
+ 'ranges',
+ 'size',
+ 'bipolar',
+ 'children',
+ 'popUpPosition',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function B(g, l) {
+ if (g == null) return {};
+ var c = {};
+ for (var m in g)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
+ if (l.includes(m)) continue;
+ c[m] = g[m];
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ var k = (r.Knob = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ var c = l.animated,
+ m = l.format,
+ i = l.maxValue,
+ u = l.minValue,
+ s = l.onChange,
+ d = l.onDrag,
+ v = l.step,
+ h = l.stepPixelSize,
+ C = l.suppressFlicker,
+ p = l.unit,
+ N = l.value,
+ V = l.className,
+ S = l.style,
+ I = l.fillValue,
+ L = l.color,
+ w = l.ranges,
+ A = w === void 0 ? {} : w,
+ x = l.size,
+ E = x === void 0 ? 1 : x,
+ P = l.bipolar,
+ D = l.children,
+ M = l.popUpPosition,
+ R = B(l, y);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.DraggableControl,
+ Object.assign(
+ { dragMatrix: [0, -1] },
+ {
+ animated: c,
+ format: m,
+ maxValue: i,
+ minValue: u,
+ onChange: s,
+ onDrag: d,
+ step: v,
+ stepPixelSize: h,
+ suppressFlicker: C,
+ unit: p,
+ value: N,
+ },
+ {
+ children: (function () {
+ function O(F) {
+ var _ = F.dragging,
+ U = F.editing,
+ z = F.value,
+ $ = F.displayValue,
+ G = F.displayElement,
+ X = F.inputElement,
+ J = F.handleDragStart,
+ se = (0, a.scale)(I != null ? I : $, u, i),
+ ie = (0, a.scale)($, u, i),
+ me = L || (0, a.keyOfMatchingRange)(I != null ? I : z, A) || 'default',
+ q = (ie - 0.5) * 270;
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, t.classes)([
+ 'Knob',
+ 'Knob--color--' + me,
+ P && 'Knob--bipolar',
+ V,
+ (0, o.computeBoxClassName)(R),
+ ]),
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'Knob__circle',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'Knob__cursorBox',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Knob__cursor'),
+ 2,
+ { style: { transform: 'rotate(' + q + 'deg)' } }
+ ),
+ 2
+ ),
+ _ &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, t.classes)(['Knob__popupValue', M && 'Knob__popupValue--' + M]),
+ G,
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 32,
+ 'svg',
+ 'Knob__ring Knob__ringTrackPivot',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'circle', 'Knob__ringTrack', null, 1, {
+ cx: '50',
+ cy: '50',
+ r: '50',
+ }),
+ 2,
+ { viewBox: '0 0 100 100' }
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 32,
+ 'svg',
+ 'Knob__ring Knob__ringFillPivot',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'circle', 'Knob__ringFill', null, 1, {
+ style: { 'stroke-dashoffset': ((P ? 2.75 : 2) - se * 1.5) * Math.PI * 50 },
+ cx: '50',
+ cy: '50',
+ r: '50',
+ }),
+ 2,
+ { viewBox: '0 0 100 100' }
+ ),
+ X,
+ ],
+ 0,
+ Object.assign(
+ {},
+ (0, o.computeBoxProps)(
+ Object.assign({ style: Object.assign({ 'font-size': E + 'em' }, S) }, R)
+ ),
+ { onMouseDown: J }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ },
+ 78621: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LabeledControls = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(39473),
+ t = ['children'],
+ o = ['label', 'children'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function f(B, k) {
+ if (B == null) return {};
+ var g = {};
+ for (var l in B)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(B, l)) {
+ if (k.includes(l)) continue;
+ g[l] = B[l];
+ }
+ return g;
+ }
+ var b = (r.LabeledControls = (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = k.children,
+ l = f(k, t);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ a.Flex,
+ Object.assign({ mx: -0.5, align: 'stretch', justify: 'space-between' }, l, { children: g })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ y = function (k) {
+ var g = k.label,
+ l = k.children,
+ c = f(k, o);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, {
+ mx: 1,
+ children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ a.Flex,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ minWidth: '52px',
+ height: '100%',
+ direction: 'column',
+ align: 'center',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ justify: 'space-between',
+ },
+ c,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, { children: l }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, { color: 'label', children: g }),
+ ],
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ });
+ };
+ b.Item = y;
+ },
+ 29319: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LabeledList = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = n(13605),
+ f = n(62147);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var b = (r.LabeledList = (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ var l = g.children;
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'table', 'LabeledList', l, 0);
+ }
+ return k;
+ })());
+ b.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
+ var y = function (g) {
+ var l = g.className,
+ c = g.label,
+ m = g.labelColor,
+ i = m === void 0 ? 'label' : m,
+ u = g.color,
+ s = g.textAlign,
+ d = g.buttons,
+ v = g.tooltip,
+ h = g.content,
+ C = g.children,
+ p = g.preserveWhitespace,
+ N = g.labelStyle,
+ V = (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'tr',
+ (0, a.classes)(['LabeledList__row', l]),
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ as: 'td',
+ color: i,
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['LabeledList__cell', 'LabeledList__label']),
+ style: N,
+ children: c ? c + ':' : null,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ as: 'td',
+ color: u,
+ textAlign: s,
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['LabeledList__cell', 'LabeledList__content']),
+ colSpan: d ? void 0 : 2,
+ preserveWhitespace: p,
+ children: [h, C],
+ }),
+ d && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'td', 'LabeledList__cell LabeledList__buttons', d, 0),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ return v && (V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tooltip, { content: v, children: V })), V;
+ };
+ y.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
+ var B = function (g) {
+ var l = g.size ? (0, t.unit)(Math.max(0, g.size - 1)) : 0;
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'tr',
+ 'LabeledList__row',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'td', null, (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider), 2, {
+ colSpan: 3,
+ style: { 'padding-top': l, 'padding-bottom': l },
+ }),
+ 2
+ );
+ };
+ (B.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks), (b.Item = y), (b.Divider = B);
+ },
+ 36077: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Modal = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = n(61940),
+ f = ['className', 'children', 'onEnter'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function b(B, k) {
+ if (B == null) return {};
+ var g = {};
+ for (var l in B)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(B, l)) {
+ if (k.includes(l)) continue;
+ g[l] = B[l];
+ }
+ return g;
+ }
+ var y = (r.Modal = (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = k.className,
+ l = k.children,
+ c = k.onEnter,
+ m = b(k, f),
+ i;
+ return (
+ c &&
+ (i = (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ s.keyCode === 13 && c(s);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dimmer, {
+ onKeyDown: i,
+ children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)(['Modal', g, (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(m)]),
+ l,
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(m))
+ )
+ ),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 73280: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NanoMap = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(29319),
+ f = n(79911),
+ b = n(79140),
+ y = ['x', 'y', 'icon', 'tooltip', 'color', 'children'],
+ B = ['icon', 'color'];
+ function k(h, C) {
+ if (h == null) return {};
+ var p = {};
+ for (var N in h)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(h, N)) {
+ if (C.includes(N)) continue;
+ p[N] = h[N];
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+ function g(h, C) {
+ (h.prototype = Object.create(C.prototype)), (h.prototype.constructor = h), l(h, C);
+ }
+ function l(h, C) {
+ return (
+ (l = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (p, N) {
+ return (p.__proto__ = N), p;
+ }),
+ l(h, C)
+ );
+ }
+ var c = 510,
+ m = 2,
+ i = function (C) {
+ return (
+ C.stopPropagation && C.stopPropagation(),
+ C.preventDefault && C.preventDefault(),
+ (C.cancelBubble = !0),
+ (C.returnValue = !1),
+ !1
+ );
+ },
+ u = (r.NanoMap = (function (h) {
+ function C(N) {
+ var V, S, I, L;
+ L = h.call(this, N) || this;
+ var w = window.innerWidth / 2 - 256,
+ A = window.innerHeight / 2 - 256;
+ return (
+ (L.state = {
+ offsetX: (V = N.offsetX) != null ? V : 0,
+ offsetY: (S = N.offsetY) != null ? S : 0,
+ dragging: !1,
+ originX: null,
+ originY: null,
+ zoom: (I = N.zoom) != null ? I : 1,
+ }),
+ (L.handleDragStart = function (x) {
+ (L.ref = x.target),
+ L.setState({ dragging: !1, originX: x.screenX, originY: x.screenY }),
+ document.addEventListener('mousemove', L.handleDragMove),
+ document.addEventListener('mouseup', L.handleDragEnd),
+ i(x);
+ }),
+ (L.handleDragMove = function (x) {
+ L.setState(function (E) {
+ var P = Object.assign({}, E),
+ D = x.screenX - P.originX,
+ M = x.screenY - P.originY;
+ return (
+ E.dragging
+ ? ((P.offsetX += D / P.zoom),
+ (P.offsetY += M / P.zoom),
+ (P.originX = x.screenX),
+ (P.originY = x.screenY))
+ : (P.dragging = !0),
+ P
+ );
+ }),
+ i(x);
+ }),
+ (L.handleDragEnd = function (x) {
+ L.setState({ dragging: !1, originX: null, originY: null }),
+ document.removeEventListener('mousemove', L.handleDragMove),
+ document.removeEventListener('mouseup', L.handleDragEnd),
+ N.onOffsetChange == null || N.onOffsetChange(x, L.state),
+ i(x);
+ }),
+ (L.handleZoom = function (x, E) {
+ L.setState(function (P) {
+ var D = Math.min(Math.max(E, 1), 8);
+ return (P.zoom = D), N.onZoom && N.onZoom(P.zoom), P;
+ });
+ }),
+ (L.handleReset = function (x) {
+ L.setState(function (E) {
+ (E.offsetX = 0),
+ (E.offsetY = 0),
+ (E.zoom = 1),
+ L.handleZoom(x, 1),
+ N.onOffsetChange == null || N.onOffsetChange(x, E);
+ });
+ }),
+ L
+ );
+ }
+ g(C, h);
+ var p = C.prototype;
+ return (
+ (p.getChildContext = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return { map: { zoom: this.state.zoom } };
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.render = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ var V = (0, t.useBackend)(this.context),
+ S = V.config,
+ I = this.state,
+ L = I.dragging,
+ w = I.offsetX,
+ A = I.offsetY,
+ x = I.zoom,
+ E = x === void 0 ? 1 : x,
+ P = this.props.children,
+ D = S.map + '_nanomap_z1.png',
+ M = c * E + 'px',
+ R = {
+ width: M,
+ height: M,
+ 'margin-top': A * E + 'px',
+ 'margin-left': w * E + 'px',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ position: 'relative',
+ top: '50%',
+ left: '50%',
+ transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
+ 'background-size': 'cover',
+ 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',
+ 'text-align': 'center',
+ cursor: L ? 'move' : 'auto',
+ },
+ O = {
+ width: '100%',
+ height: '100%',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: '50%',
+ left: '50%',
+ transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
+ '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
+ 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ className: 'NanoMap__container',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ style: R,
+ onMouseDown: this.handleDragStart,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, { src: (0, b.resolveAsset)(D), style: O }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { children: P }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
+ zoom: E,
+ onZoom: this.handleZoom,
+ onReset: this.handleReset,
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ C
+ );
+ })(e.Component)),
+ s = function (C, p) {
+ var N = p.map.zoom,
+ V = C.x,
+ S = C.y,
+ I = C.icon,
+ L = C.tooltip,
+ w = C.color,
+ A = C.children,
+ x = k(C, y),
+ E = m * N,
+ P = (V - 1) * E,
+ D = (S - 1) * E;
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ null,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Tooltip, {
+ content: L,
+ children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ a.Box,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ className: 'NanoMap__marker',
+ lineHeight: '0',
+ bottom: D + 'px',
+ left: P + 'px',
+ width: E + 'px',
+ height: E + 'px',
+ },
+ x,
+ { children: A }
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ }),
+ 2
+ );
+ };
+ u.Marker = s;
+ var d = function (C, p) {
+ var N = p.map.zoom,
+ V = C.icon,
+ S = C.color,
+ I = k(C, B),
+ L = m * N + 4 / Math.ceil(N / 4);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ s,
+ Object.assign({}, I, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Icon, {
+ name: V,
+ color: S,
+ fontSize: L + 'px',
+ style: { position: 'relative', top: '50%', left: '50%', transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)' },
+ }),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ u.MarkerIcon = d;
+ var v = function (C, p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ className: 'NanoMap__zoomer',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Zoom',
+ labelStyle: { 'vertical-align': 'middle' },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex, {
+ direction: 'row',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Slider, {
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: 8,
+ stepPixelSize: 10,
+ format: (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ return V + 'x';
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ value: C.zoom,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function N(V, S) {
+ return C.onZoom(V, S);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Button, {
+ ml: '0.5em',
+ float: 'right',
+ icon: 'sync',
+ tooltip: 'Reset View',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ return C.onReset == null ? void 0 : C.onReset(V);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ u.Zoomer = v;
+ },
+ 74733: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NoticeBox = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = ['className', 'color', 'info', 'warning', 'success', 'danger'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function f(y, B) {
+ if (y == null) return {};
+ var k = {};
+ for (var g in y)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(y, g)) {
+ if (B.includes(g)) continue;
+ k[g] = y[g];
+ }
+ return k;
+ }
+ var b = (r.NoticeBox = (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ var k = B.className,
+ g = B.color,
+ l = B.info,
+ c = B.warning,
+ m = B.success,
+ i = B.danger,
+ u = f(B, o);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ className: (0, a.classes)([
+ 'NoticeBox',
+ g && 'NoticeBox--color--' + g,
+ l && 'NoticeBox--type--info',
+ m && 'NoticeBox--type--success',
+ i && 'NoticeBox--type--danger',
+ k,
+ ]),
+ },
+ u
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ b.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
+ },
+ 59263: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NumberInput = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(35840),
+ o = n(9474),
+ f = n(55937);
+ function b(g, l) {
+ (g.prototype = Object.create(l.prototype)), (g.prototype.constructor = g), y(g, l);
+ }
+ function y(g, l) {
+ return (
+ (y = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (c, m) {
+ return (c.__proto__ = m), c;
+ }),
+ y(g, l)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var B = 400,
+ k = (r.NumberInput = (function (g) {
+ function l(m) {
+ var i;
+ i = g.call(this, m) || this;
+ var u = m.value;
+ return (
+ (i.inputRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
+ (i.state = {
+ value: u,
+ dragging: !1,
+ editing: !1,
+ internalValue: null,
+ origin: null,
+ suppressingFlicker: !1,
+ }),
+ (i.flickerTimer = null),
+ (i.suppressFlicker = function () {
+ var s = i.props.suppressFlicker;
+ s > 0 &&
+ (i.setState({ suppressingFlicker: !0 }),
+ clearTimeout(i.flickerTimer),
+ (i.flickerTimer = setTimeout(function () {
+ return i.setState({ suppressingFlicker: !1 });
+ }, s)));
+ }),
+ (i.handleDragStart = function (s) {
+ var d = i.props.value,
+ v = i.state.editing;
+ v ||
+ ((document.body.style['pointer-events'] = 'none'),
+ (i.ref = s.target),
+ i.setState({ dragging: !1, origin: s.screenY, value: d, internalValue: d }),
+ (i.timer = setTimeout(function () {
+ i.setState({ dragging: !0 });
+ }, 250)),
+ (i.dragInterval = setInterval(function () {
+ var h = i.state,
+ C = h.dragging,
+ p = h.value,
+ N = i.props.onDrag;
+ C && N && N(s, p);
+ }, i.props.updateRate || B)),
+ document.addEventListener('mousemove', i.handleDragMove),
+ document.addEventListener('mouseup', i.handleDragEnd));
+ }),
+ (i.handleDragMove = function (s) {
+ var d = i.props,
+ v = d.minValue,
+ h = d.maxValue,
+ C = d.step,
+ p = d.stepPixelSize;
+ i.setState(function (N) {
+ var V = Object.assign({}, N),
+ S = V.origin - s.screenY;
+ if (N.dragging) {
+ var I = Number.isFinite(v) ? v % C : 0;
+ (V.internalValue = (0, a.clamp)(V.internalValue + (S * C) / p, v - C, h + C)),
+ (V.value = (0, a.clamp)(V.internalValue - (V.internalValue % C) + I, v, h)),
+ (V.origin = s.screenY);
+ } else Math.abs(S) > 4 && (V.dragging = !0);
+ return V;
+ });
+ }),
+ (i.handleDragEnd = function (s) {
+ var d = i.props,
+ v = d.onChange,
+ h = d.onDrag,
+ C = i.state,
+ p = C.dragging,
+ N = C.value,
+ V = C.internalValue;
+ if (
+ ((document.body.style['pointer-events'] = 'auto'),
+ clearTimeout(i.timer),
+ clearInterval(i.dragInterval),
+ i.setState({ dragging: !1, editing: !p, origin: null }),
+ document.removeEventListener('mousemove', i.handleDragMove),
+ document.removeEventListener('mouseup', i.handleDragEnd),
+ p)
+ )
+ i.suppressFlicker(), v && v(s, N), h && h(s, N);
+ else if (i.inputRef) {
+ var S = i.inputRef.current;
+ S.value = V;
+ try {
+ S.focus(), S.select();
+ } catch (I) {}
+ }
+ }),
+ i
+ );
+ }
+ b(l, g);
+ var c = l.prototype;
+ return (
+ (c.render = (function () {
+ function m() {
+ var i = this,
+ u = this.state,
+ s = u.dragging,
+ d = u.editing,
+ v = u.value,
+ h = u.suppressingFlicker,
+ C = this.props,
+ p = C.className,
+ N = C.fluid,
+ V = C.animated,
+ S = C.value,
+ I = C.unit,
+ L = C.minValue,
+ w = C.maxValue,
+ A = C.height,
+ x = C.width,
+ E = C.lineHeight,
+ P = C.fontSize,
+ D = C.format,
+ M = C.onChange,
+ R = C.onDrag,
+ O = S;
+ (s || h) && (O = v);
+ var F = (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'NumberInput__content',
+ [
+ V && !s && !h
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: O, format: D })
+ : D
+ ? D(O)
+ : O,
+ I ? ' ' + I : '',
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ className: (0, t.classes)(['NumberInput', N && 'NumberInput--fluid', p]),
+ minWidth: x,
+ minHeight: A,
+ lineHeight: E,
+ fontSize: P,
+ onMouseDown: this.handleDragStart,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'NumberInput__barContainer',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'NumberInput__bar', null, 1, {
+ style: { height: (0, a.clamp)(((O - L) / (w - L)) * 100, 0, 100) + '%' },
+ }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ F,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 64,
+ 'input',
+ 'NumberInput__input',
+ null,
+ 1,
+ {
+ style: { display: d ? void 0 : 'none', height: A, 'line-height': E, 'font-size': P },
+ onBlur: (function () {
+ function _(U) {
+ if (d) {
+ var z = (0, a.clamp)(parseFloat(U.target.value), L, w);
+ if (Number.isNaN(z)) {
+ i.setState({ editing: !1 });
+ return;
+ }
+ i.setState({ editing: !1, value: z }),
+ i.suppressFlicker(),
+ M && M(U, z),
+ R && R(U, z);
+ }
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function _(U) {
+ if (U.keyCode === 13) {
+ var z = (0, a.clamp)(parseFloat(U.target.value), L, w);
+ if (Number.isNaN(z)) {
+ i.setState({ editing: !1 });
+ return;
+ }
+ i.setState({ editing: !1, value: z }),
+ i.suppressFlicker(),
+ M && M(U, z),
+ R && R(U, z);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (U.keyCode === 27) {
+ i.setState({ editing: !1 });
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ },
+ null,
+ this.inputRef
+ ),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()),
+ l
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ (k.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks),
+ (k.defaultProps = { minValue: -1 / 0, maxValue: 1 / 0, step: 1, stepPixelSize: 1, suppressFlicker: 50 });
+ },
+ 33337: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Pointer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = (r.Pointer = (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ var b = f.className,
+ y = f.color,
+ B = f.left,
+ k = f.top,
+ g = k === void 0 ? 0.5 : k,
+ l = (0, a.classes)(['react-colorful__pointer', b]),
+ c = { top: g * 100 + '%', left: B * 100 + '%' };
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ l,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'react-colorful__pointer-fill', null, 1, {
+ style: { 'background-color': y },
+ }),
+ 2,
+ { style: c }
+ );
+ }
+ return o;
+ })());
+ },
+ 50186: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Popper = void 0);
+ var e = n(95996),
+ a = n(89005);
+ function t(b, y) {
+ (b.prototype = Object.create(y.prototype)), (b.prototype.constructor = b), o(b, y);
+ }
+ function o(b, y) {
+ return (
+ (o = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (B, k) {
+ return (B.__proto__ = k), B;
+ }),
+ o(b, y)
+ );
+ }
+ var f = (r.Popper = (function (b) {
+ function y() {
+ var k;
+ return (
+ (k = b.call(this) || this), (k.renderedContent = void 0), (k.popperInstance = void 0), (y.id += 1), k
+ );
+ }
+ t(y, b);
+ var B = y.prototype;
+ return (
+ (B.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function k() {
+ var g = this,
+ l = this.props,
+ c = l.additionalStyles,
+ m = l.options;
+ if (((this.renderedContent = document.createElement('div')), c))
+ for (var i = 0, u = Object.entries(c); i < u.length; i++) {
+ var s = u[i],
+ d = s[0],
+ v = s[1];
+ this.renderedContent.style[d] = v;
+ }
+ this.renderPopperContent(function () {
+ document.body.appendChild(g.renderedContent),
+ (g.popperInstance = (0, e.createPopper)(
+ (0, a.findDOMFromVNode)(g.$LI, !0),
+ g.renderedContent,
+ m
+ ));
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ (B.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function k() {
+ var g = this;
+ this.renderPopperContent(function () {
+ var l;
+ return (l = g.popperInstance) == null ? void 0 : l.update();
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ (B.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function k() {
+ var g,
+ l = this;
+ (g = this.popperInstance) == null || g.destroy(),
+ (0, a.render)(null, this.renderedContent, function () {
+ l.renderedContent.remove();
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ (B.renderPopperContent = (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ (0, a.render)(this.props.popperContent, this.renderedContent, g);
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ (B.render = (function () {
+ function k() {
+ return this.props.children;
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y
+ );
+ })(a.Component));
+ f.id = 0;
+ },
+ 92704: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ProgressBarCountdown = r.ProgressBar = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(35840),
+ o = n(55937),
+ f = ['className', 'value', 'minValue', 'maxValue', 'color', 'ranges', 'children', 'fractionDigits'],
+ b = ['start', 'current', 'end'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function y(c, m) {
+ (c.prototype = Object.create(m.prototype)), (c.prototype.constructor = c), B(c, m);
+ }
+ function B(c, m) {
+ return (
+ (B = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (i, u) {
+ return (i.__proto__ = u), i;
+ }),
+ B(c, m)
+ );
+ }
+ function k(c, m) {
+ if (c == null) return {};
+ var i = {};
+ for (var u in c)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(c, u)) {
+ if (m.includes(u)) continue;
+ i[u] = c[u];
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ var g = (r.ProgressBar = (function () {
+ function c(m) {
+ var i = m.className,
+ u = m.value,
+ s = m.minValue,
+ d = s === void 0 ? 0 : s,
+ v = m.maxValue,
+ h = v === void 0 ? 1 : v,
+ C = m.color,
+ p = m.ranges,
+ N = p === void 0 ? {} : p,
+ V = m.children,
+ S = m.fractionDigits,
+ I = S === void 0 ? 0 : S,
+ L = k(m, f),
+ w = (0, a.scale)(u, d, h),
+ A = V !== void 0,
+ x = C || (0, a.keyOfMatchingRange)(u, N) || 'default';
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, t.classes)(['ProgressBar', 'ProgressBar--color--' + x, i, (0, o.computeBoxClassName)(L)]),
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'ProgressBar__fill ProgressBar__fill--animated', null, 1, {
+ style: { width: (0, a.clamp01)(w) * 100 + '%' },
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'ProgressBar__content', A ? V : (0, a.toFixed)(w * 100, I) + '%', 0),
+ ],
+ 4,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, o.computeBoxProps)(L))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return c;
+ })());
+ g.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks;
+ var l = (r.ProgressBarCountdown = (function (c) {
+ function m(u) {
+ var s;
+ return (
+ (s = c.call(this, u) || this), (s.timer = null), (s.state = { value: Math.max(u.current * 100, 0) }), s
+ );
+ }
+ y(m, c);
+ var i = m.prototype;
+ return (
+ (i.tick = (function () {
+ function u() {
+ var s = Math.max(this.state.value + this.props.rate, 0);
+ s <= 0 && clearInterval(this.timer),
+ this.setState(function (d) {
+ return { value: s };
+ });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (i.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function u() {
+ var s = this;
+ this.timer = setInterval(function () {
+ return s.tick();
+ }, this.props.rate);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (i.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function u() {
+ clearInterval(this.timer);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (i.render = (function () {
+ function u() {
+ var s = this.props,
+ d = s.start,
+ v = s.current,
+ h = s.end,
+ C = k(s, b),
+ p = (this.state.value / 100 - d) / (h - d);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)((0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, Object.assign({ value: p }, C)));
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ m
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ (l.defaultProps = { rate: 1e3 }), (g.Countdown = l);
+ },
+ 9075: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RestrictedInput = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(44879),
+ o = n(55937),
+ f = n(92986),
+ b = ['onChange', 'onEnter', 'onInput', 'value'],
+ y = ['className', 'fluid', 'monospace'];
+ function B(u, s) {
+ if (u == null) return {};
+ var d = {};
+ for (var v in u)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(u, v)) {
+ if (s.includes(v)) continue;
+ d[v] = u[v];
+ }
+ return d;
+ }
+ function k(u, s) {
+ (u.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype)), (u.prototype.constructor = u), g(u, s);
+ }
+ function g(u, s) {
+ return (
+ (g = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (d, v) {
+ return (d.__proto__ = v), d;
+ }),
+ g(u, s)
+ );
+ }
+ var l = 0,
+ c = 1e4,
+ m = function (s, d, v, h) {
+ var C = d || l,
+ p = v || v === 0 ? v : c;
+ if (!s || !s.length) return String(C);
+ var N = h ? parseFloat(s.replace(/[^\-\d.]/g, '')) : parseInt(s.replace(/[^\-\d]/g, ''), 10);
+ return isNaN(N) ? String(C) : String((0, t.clamp)(N, C, p));
+ },
+ i = (r.RestrictedInput = (function (u) {
+ function s() {
+ var v;
+ return (
+ (v = u.call(this) || this),
+ (v.inputRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
+ (v.state = { editing: !1 }),
+ (v.handleBlur = function (h) {
+ var C = v.state.editing;
+ C && v.setEditing(!1);
+ }),
+ (v.handleChange = function (h) {
+ var C = v.props,
+ p = C.maxValue,
+ N = C.minValue,
+ V = C.onChange,
+ S = C.allowFloats;
+ (h.target.value = m(h.target.value, N, p, S)), V && V(h, +h.target.value);
+ }),
+ (v.handleFocus = function (h) {
+ var C = v.state.editing;
+ C || v.setEditing(!0);
+ }),
+ (v.handleInput = function (h) {
+ var C = v.state.editing,
+ p = v.props.onInput;
+ C || v.setEditing(!0), p && p(h, +h.target.value);
+ }),
+ (v.handleKeyDown = function (h) {
+ var C = v.props,
+ p = C.maxValue,
+ N = C.minValue,
+ V = C.onChange,
+ S = C.onEnter,
+ I = C.allowFloats;
+ if (h.keyCode === f.KEY_ENTER) {
+ var L = m(h.target.value, N, p, I);
+ v.setEditing(!1), V && V(h, +L), S && S(h, +L), h.target.blur();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (h.keyCode === f.KEY_ESCAPE) {
+ if (v.props.onEscape) {
+ v.props.onEscape(h);
+ return;
+ }
+ v.setEditing(!1), (h.target.value = v.props.value), h.target.blur();
+ return;
+ }
+ }),
+ v
+ );
+ }
+ k(s, u);
+ var d = s.prototype;
+ return (
+ (d.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function v() {
+ var h,
+ C = this,
+ p = this.props,
+ N = p.maxValue,
+ V = p.minValue,
+ S = p.allowFloats,
+ I = (h = this.props.value) == null ? void 0 : h.toString(),
+ L = this.inputRef.current;
+ L && (L.value = m(I, V, N, S)),
+ (this.props.autoFocus || this.props.autoSelect) &&
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ L.focus(), C.props.autoSelect && L.select();
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ (d.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function v(h, C) {
+ var p,
+ N,
+ V = this.props,
+ S = V.maxValue,
+ I = V.minValue,
+ L = V.allowFloats,
+ w = this.state.editing,
+ A = (p = h.value) == null ? void 0 : p.toString(),
+ x = (N = this.props.value) == null ? void 0 : N.toString(),
+ E = this.inputRef.current;
+ E && !w && x !== A && x !== E.value && (E.value = m(x, I, S, L));
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ (d.setEditing = (function () {
+ function v(h) {
+ this.setState({ editing: h });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ (d.render = (function () {
+ function v() {
+ var h = this.props,
+ C = h.onChange,
+ p = h.onEnter,
+ N = h.onInput,
+ V = h.value,
+ S = B(h, b),
+ I = S.className,
+ L = S.fluid,
+ w = S.monospace,
+ A = B(S, y);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ Object.assign(
+ { className: (0, a.classes)(['Input', L && 'Input--fluid', w && 'Input--monospace', I]) },
+ A,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Input__baseline', '.', 16),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 64,
+ 'input',
+ 'Input__input',
+ null,
+ 1,
+ {
+ onChange: this.handleChange,
+ onInput: this.handleInput,
+ onFocus: this.handleFocus,
+ onBlur: this.handleBlur,
+ onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown,
+ type: 'number',
+ },
+ null,
+ this.inputRef
+ ),
+ ],
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ s
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ },
+ 11441: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RoundGauge = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(35840),
+ o = n(9474),
+ f = n(55937),
+ b = ['value', 'minValue', 'maxValue', 'ranges', 'alertAfter', 'format', 'size', 'className', 'style'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 bobbahbrown (https://github.com/bobbahbrown)
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function y(k, g) {
+ if (k == null) return {};
+ var l = {};
+ for (var c in k)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(k, c)) {
+ if (g.includes(c)) continue;
+ l[c] = k[c];
+ }
+ return l;
+ }
+ var B = (r.RoundGauge = (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ var l = g.value,
+ c = g.minValue,
+ m = c === void 0 ? 1 : c,
+ i = g.maxValue,
+ u = i === void 0 ? 1 : i,
+ s = g.ranges,
+ d = g.alertAfter,
+ v = g.format,
+ h = g.size,
+ C = h === void 0 ? 1 : h,
+ p = g.className,
+ N = g.style,
+ V = y(g, b),
+ S = (0, a.scale)(l, m, u),
+ I = (0, a.clamp01)(S),
+ L = s ? {} : { primary: [0, 1] };
+ s &&
+ Object.keys(s).forEach(function (A) {
+ var x = s[A];
+ L[A] = [(0, a.scale)(x[0], m, u), (0, a.scale)(x[1], m, u)];
+ });
+ var w = null;
+ return (
+ d < l && (w = (0, a.keyOfMatchingRange)(I, L)),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, t.classes)(['RoundGauge', p, (0, f.computeBoxClassName)(V)]),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 32,
+ 'svg',
+ null,
+ [
+ d &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 32,
+ 'g',
+ (0, t.classes)(['RoundGauge__alert', w ? 'active RoundGauge__alert--' + w : '']),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'path', null, null, 1, {
+ d: 'M48.211,14.578C48.55,13.9 49.242,13.472 50,13.472C50.758,13.472 51.45,13.9 51.789,14.578C54.793,20.587 60.795,32.589 63.553,38.106C63.863,38.726 63.83,39.462 63.465,40.051C63.101,40.641 62.457,41 61.764,41C55.996,41 44.004,41 38.236,41C37.543,41 36.899,40.641 36.535,40.051C36.17,39.462 36.137,38.726 36.447,38.106C39.205,32.589 45.207,20.587 48.211,14.578ZM50,34.417C51.426,34.417 52.583,35.574 52.583,37C52.583,38.426 51.426,39.583 50,39.583C48.574,39.583 47.417,38.426 47.417,37C47.417,35.574 48.574,34.417 50,34.417ZM50,32.75C50,32.75 53,31.805 53,22.25C53,20.594 51.656,19.25 50,19.25C48.344,19.25 47,20.594 47,22.25C47,31.805 50,32.75 50,32.75Z',
+ }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 32,
+ 'g',
+ null,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'circle', 'RoundGauge__ringTrack', null, 1, {
+ cx: '50',
+ cy: '50',
+ r: '45',
+ }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 32,
+ 'g',
+ null,
+ Object.keys(L).map(function (A, x) {
+ var E = L[A];
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 32,
+ 'circle',
+ 'RoundGauge__ringFill RoundGauge--color--' + A,
+ null,
+ 1,
+ {
+ style: { 'stroke-dashoffset': Math.max((2 - (E[1] - E[0])) * Math.PI * 50, 0) },
+ transform: 'rotate(' + (180 + 180 * E[0]) + ' 50 50)',
+ cx: '50',
+ cy: '50',
+ r: '45',
+ },
+ x
+ );
+ }),
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 32,
+ 'g',
+ 'RoundGauge__needle',
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'polygon', 'RoundGauge__needleLine', null, 1, {
+ points: '46,50 50,0 54,50',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'circle', 'RoundGauge__needleMiddle', null, 1, {
+ cx: '50',
+ cy: '50',
+ r: '8',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4,
+ { transform: 'rotate(' + (I * 180 - 90) + ' 50 50)' }
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ { viewBox: '0 0 100 50' }
+ ),
+ 2,
+ Object.assign(
+ {},
+ (0, f.computeBoxProps)(
+ Object.assign({ style: Object.assign({ 'font-size': C + 'em' }, N) }, V)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: l, format: v, size: C }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return k;
+ })());
+ },
+ 97079: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Section = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(24826),
+ o = n(55937),
+ f = ['className', 'title', 'buttons', 'fill', 'fitted', 'scrollable', 'children'];
+ function b(g, l) {
+ if (g == null) return {};
+ var c = {};
+ for (var m in g)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
+ if (l.includes(m)) continue;
+ c[m] = g[m];
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ function y(g, l) {
+ (g.prototype = Object.create(l.prototype)), (g.prototype.constructor = g), B(g, l);
+ }
+ function B(g, l) {
+ return (
+ (B = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (c, m) {
+ return (c.__proto__ = m), c;
+ }),
+ B(g, l)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var k = (r.Section = (function (g) {
+ function l(m) {
+ var i;
+ return (
+ (i = g.call(this, m) || this),
+ (i.scrollableRef = void 0),
+ (i.scrollable = void 0),
+ (i.scrollableRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
+ (i.scrollable = m.scrollable),
+ i
+ );
+ }
+ y(l, g);
+ var c = l.prototype;
+ return (
+ (c.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function m() {
+ this.scrollable && (0, t.addScrollableNode)(this.scrollableRef.current);
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()),
+ (c.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function m() {
+ this.scrollable && (0, t.removeScrollableNode)(this.scrollableRef.current);
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()),
+ (c.render = (function () {
+ function m() {
+ var i = this.props,
+ u = i.className,
+ s = i.title,
+ d = i.buttons,
+ v = i.fill,
+ h = i.fitted,
+ C = i.scrollable,
+ p = i.children,
+ N = b(i, f),
+ V = (0, a.canRender)(s) || (0, a.canRender)(d);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Section',
+ v && 'Section--fill',
+ h && 'Section--fitted',
+ C && 'Section--scrollable',
+ u,
+ (0, o.computeBoxClassName)(N),
+ ]),
+ [
+ V &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'Section__title',
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', 'Section__titleText', s, 0),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Section__buttons', d, 0),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'Section__rest',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Section__content', p, 0, null, null, this.scrollableRef),
+ 2
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, o.computeBoxProps)(N))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()),
+ l
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ },
+ 79911: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Slider = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(35840),
+ o = n(55937),
+ f = n(20342),
+ b = n(59263),
+ y = [
+ 'animated',
+ 'format',
+ 'maxValue',
+ 'minValue',
+ 'onChange',
+ 'onDrag',
+ 'step',
+ 'stepPixelSize',
+ 'suppressFlicker',
+ 'unit',
+ 'value',
+ 'className',
+ 'fillValue',
+ 'color',
+ 'ranges',
+ 'children',
+ 'disabled',
+ ];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function B(g, l) {
+ if (g == null) return {};
+ var c = {};
+ for (var m in g)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
+ if (l.includes(m)) continue;
+ c[m] = g[m];
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ var k = (r.Slider = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ var c = l.animated,
+ m = l.format,
+ i = l.maxValue,
+ u = l.minValue,
+ s = l.onChange,
+ d = l.onDrag,
+ v = l.step,
+ h = l.stepPixelSize,
+ C = l.suppressFlicker,
+ p = l.unit,
+ N = l.value,
+ V = l.className,
+ S = l.fillValue,
+ I = l.color,
+ L = l.ranges,
+ w = L === void 0 ? {} : L,
+ A = l.children,
+ x = l.disabled,
+ E = B(l, y),
+ P = A !== void 0;
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.DraggableControl,
+ Object.assign(
+ { dragMatrix: [1, 0] },
+ {
+ animated: c,
+ format: m,
+ maxValue: i,
+ minValue: u,
+ onChange: s,
+ onDrag: d,
+ step: v,
+ stepPixelSize: h,
+ suppressFlicker: C,
+ unit: p,
+ value: N,
+ disabled: x,
+ },
+ {
+ children: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = M.dragging,
+ O = M.editing,
+ F = M.value,
+ _ = M.displayValue,
+ U = M.displayElement,
+ z = M.inputElement,
+ $ = M.handleDragStart,
+ G = S != null,
+ X = (0, a.scale)(F, u, i),
+ J = (0, a.scale)(S != null ? S : _, u, i),
+ se = (0, a.scale)(_, u, i),
+ ie = I || (0, a.keyOfMatchingRange)(S != null ? S : F, w) || 'default';
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, t.classes)([
+ 'Slider',
+ x && 'Slider__disabled',
+ 'ProgressBar',
+ x ? 'ProgressBar--color--disabled' : 'ProgressBar--color--' + ie,
+ V,
+ (0, o.computeBoxClassName)(E),
+ ]),
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, t.classes)(['ProgressBar__fill', G && 'ProgressBar__fill--animated']),
+ null,
+ 1,
+ { style: { width: (0, a.clamp01)(J) * 100 + '%', opacity: 0.4 } }
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'ProgressBar__fill', null, 1, {
+ style: { width: (0, a.clamp01)(Math.min(J, se)) * 100 + '%' },
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'Slider__cursorOffset',
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Slider__cursor'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Slider__pointer'),
+ R && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Slider__popupValue', U, 0),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ { style: { width: (0, a.clamp01)(se) * 100 + '%' } }
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'ProgressBar__content', P ? A : U, 0),
+ z,
+ ],
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({ disabled: x }, (0, o.computeBoxProps)(E), { onMouseDown: $ })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ },
+ 96690: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Stack = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(39473),
+ o = ['className', 'vertical', 'fill'],
+ f = ['className', 'innerRef'],
+ b = ['className', 'hidden'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function y(l, c) {
+ if (l == null) return {};
+ var m = {};
+ for (var i in l)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(l, i)) {
+ if (c.includes(i)) continue;
+ m[i] = l[i];
+ }
+ return m;
+ }
+ var B = (r.Stack = (function () {
+ function l(c) {
+ var m = c.className,
+ i = c.vertical,
+ u = c.fill,
+ s = y(c, o);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Stack',
+ u && 'Stack--fill',
+ i ? 'Stack--vertical' : 'Stack--horizontal',
+ m,
+ (0, t.computeFlexClassName)(c),
+ ]),
+ null,
+ 1,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeFlexProps)(Object.assign({ direction: i ? 'column' : 'row' }, s)))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ k = function (c) {
+ var m = c.className,
+ i = c.innerRef,
+ u = y(c, f);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)(['Stack__item', m, (0, t.computeFlexItemClassName)(u)]),
+ null,
+ 1,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeFlexItemProps)(u)),
+ null,
+ i
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ B.Item = k;
+ var g = function (c) {
+ var m = c.className,
+ i = c.hidden,
+ u = y(c, b);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Stack__item',
+ 'Stack__divider',
+ i && 'Stack__divider--hidden',
+ m,
+ (0, t.computeFlexItemClassName)(u),
+ ]),
+ null,
+ 1,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeFlexItemProps)(u))
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ B.Divider = g;
+ },
+ 36352: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TableRow = r.TableCell = r.Table = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = ['className', 'collapsing', 'children'],
+ f = ['className', 'header'],
+ b = ['className', 'collapsing', 'header'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function y(l, c) {
+ if (l == null) return {};
+ var m = {};
+ for (var i in l)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(l, i)) {
+ if (c.includes(i)) continue;
+ m[i] = l[i];
+ }
+ return m;
+ }
+ var B = (r.Table = (function () {
+ function l(c) {
+ var m = c.className,
+ i = c.collapsing,
+ u = c.children,
+ s = y(c, o);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'table',
+ (0, a.classes)(['Table', i && 'Table--collapsing', m, (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(s)]),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'tbody', null, u, 0),
+ 2,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(s))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return l;
+ })());
+ B.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
+ var k = (r.TableRow = (function () {
+ function l(c) {
+ var m = c.className,
+ i = c.header,
+ u = y(c, f);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'tr',
+ (0, a.classes)(['Table__row', i && 'Table__row--header', m, (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(c)]),
+ null,
+ 1,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(u))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return l;
+ })());
+ k.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
+ var g = (r.TableCell = (function () {
+ function l(c) {
+ var m = c.className,
+ i = c.collapsing,
+ u = c.header,
+ s = y(c, b);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'td',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Table__cell',
+ i && 'Table__cell--collapsing',
+ u && 'Table__cell--header',
+ m,
+ (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(c),
+ ]),
+ null,
+ 1,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(s))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return l;
+ })());
+ (g.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks), (B.Row = k), (B.Cell = g);
+ },
+ 85138: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Tabs = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = n(1331),
+ f = ['className', 'vertical', 'fill', 'fluid', 'children'],
+ b = ['className', 'selected', 'color', 'icon', 'leftSlot', 'rightSlot', 'children'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function y(g, l) {
+ if (g == null) return {};
+ var c = {};
+ for (var m in g)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
+ if (l.includes(m)) continue;
+ c[m] = g[m];
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ var B = (r.Tabs = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ var c = l.className,
+ m = l.vertical,
+ i = l.fill,
+ u = l.fluid,
+ s = l.children,
+ d = y(l, f);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Tabs',
+ m ? 'Tabs--vertical' : 'Tabs--horizontal',
+ i && 'Tabs--fill',
+ u && 'Tabs--fluid',
+ c,
+ (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(d),
+ ]),
+ s,
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(d))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ k = function (l) {
+ var c = l.className,
+ m = l.selected,
+ i = l.color,
+ u = l.icon,
+ s = l.leftSlot,
+ d = l.rightSlot,
+ v = l.children,
+ h = y(l, b);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Tab',
+ 'Tabs__Tab',
+ 'Tab--color--' + i,
+ m && 'Tab--selected',
+ c,
+ (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(h),
+ ]),
+ [
+ ((0, a.canRender)(s) && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Tab__left', s, 0)) ||
+ (!!u &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'Tab__left',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: u }),
+ 2
+ )),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Tab__text', v, 0),
+ (0, a.canRender)(d) && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Tab__right', d, 0),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(h))
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ B.Tab = k;
+ },
+ 44868: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TextArea = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = n(79652),
+ f = n(92986),
+ b = [
+ 'onChange',
+ 'onKeyDown',
+ 'onKeyPress',
+ 'onInput',
+ 'onFocus',
+ 'onBlur',
+ 'onEnter',
+ 'value',
+ 'maxLength',
+ 'placeholder',
+ ],
+ y = ['className', 'fluid'];
+ function B(c, m) {
+ if (c == null) return {};
+ var i = {};
+ for (var u in c)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(c, u)) {
+ if (m.includes(u)) continue;
+ i[u] = c[u];
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ function k(c, m) {
+ (c.prototype = Object.create(m.prototype)), (c.prototype.constructor = c), g(c, m);
+ }
+ function g(c, m) {
+ return (
+ (g = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (i, u) {
+ return (i.__proto__ = u), i;
+ }),
+ g(c, m)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @author Warlockd
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var l = (r.TextArea = (function (c) {
+ function m(u, s) {
+ var d;
+ (d = c.call(this, u, s) || this),
+ (d.textareaRef = u.innerRef || (0, e.createRef)()),
+ (d.fillerRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
+ (d.state = { editing: !1 });
+ var v = u.dontUseTabForIndent,
+ h = v === void 0 ? !1 : v;
+ return (
+ (d.handleOnInput = function (C) {
+ var p = d.state.editing,
+ N = d.props.onInput;
+ p || d.setEditing(!0), N && N(C, C.target.value);
+ }),
+ (d.handleOnChange = function (C) {
+ var p = d.state.editing,
+ N = d.props.onChange;
+ N && N(C, C.target.value);
+ }),
+ (d.handleKeyPress = function (C) {
+ var p = d.state.editing,
+ N = d.props.onKeyPress;
+ p || d.setEditing(!0), N && N(C, C.target.value);
+ }),
+ (d.handleKeyDown = function (C) {
+ var p = d.state.editing,
+ N = d.props,
+ V = N.onChange,
+ S = N.onInput,
+ I = N.onEnter,
+ L = N.onKeyDown;
+ if (C.keyCode === f.KEY_ENTER) {
+ d.setEditing(!1),
+ V && V(C, C.target.value),
+ S && S(C, C.target.value),
+ I && I(C, C.target.value),
+ d.props.selfClear && ((C.target.value = ''), C.target.blur());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (C.keyCode === f.KEY_ESCAPE) {
+ d.props.onEscape && d.props.onEscape(C),
+ d.setEditing(!1),
+ d.props.selfClear
+ ? (C.target.value = '')
+ : ((C.target.value = (0, o.toInputValue)(d.props.value)), C.target.blur());
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((p || d.setEditing(!0), L && L(C, C.target.value), !h)) {
+ var w = C.keyCode || C.which;
+ if (w === f.KEY_TAB) {
+ C.preventDefault();
+ var A = C.target,
+ x = A.value,
+ E = A.selectionStart,
+ P = A.selectionEnd;
+ (C.target.value = x.substring(0, E) + ' ' + x.substring(P)), (C.target.selectionEnd = E + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ (d.handleFocus = function (C) {
+ var p = d.state.editing;
+ p || d.setEditing(!0);
+ }),
+ (d.handleBlur = function (C) {
+ var p = d.state.editing,
+ N = d.props.onChange;
+ p && (d.setEditing(!1), N && N(C, C.target.value));
+ }),
+ d
+ );
+ }
+ k(m, c);
+ var i = m.prototype;
+ return (
+ (i.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function u() {
+ var s = this,
+ d = this.props.value,
+ v = this.textareaRef.current;
+ v && (v.value = (0, o.toInputValue)(d)),
+ (this.props.autoFocus || this.props.autoSelect) &&
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ v.focus(), s.props.autoSelect && v.select();
+ }, 1);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (i.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ var v = s.value,
+ h = this.props.value,
+ C = this.textareaRef.current;
+ C && typeof h == 'string' && v !== h && (C.value = (0, o.toInputValue)(h));
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (i.setEditing = (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ this.setState({ editing: s });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (i.getValue = (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return this.textareaRef.current && this.textareaRef.current.value;
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ (i.render = (function () {
+ function u() {
+ var s = this.props,
+ d = s.onChange,
+ v = s.onKeyDown,
+ h = s.onKeyPress,
+ C = s.onInput,
+ p = s.onFocus,
+ N = s.onBlur,
+ V = s.onEnter,
+ S = s.value,
+ I = s.maxLength,
+ L = s.placeholder,
+ w = B(s, b),
+ A = w.className,
+ x = w.fluid,
+ E = B(w, y);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['TextArea', x && 'TextArea--fluid', A]) }, E, {
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 128,
+ 'textarea',
+ 'TextArea__textarea',
+ null,
+ 1,
+ {
+ placeholder: L,
+ onChange: this.handleOnChange,
+ onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown,
+ onKeyPress: this.handleKeyPress,
+ onInput: this.handleOnInput,
+ onFocus: this.handleFocus,
+ onBlur: this.handleBlur,
+ maxLength: I,
+ },
+ null,
+ this.textareaRef
+ ),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ m
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ },
+ 5169: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TimeDisplay = void 0);
+ var n = function (t) {
+ (!t || t < 0) && (t = 0);
+ var o = Math.floor(t / 60).toString(10),
+ f = (Math.floor(t) % 60).toString(10);
+ return [o, f]
+ .map(function (b) {
+ return b.length < 2 ? '0' + b : b;
+ })
+ .join(':');
+ },
+ e = (r.TimeDisplay = (function () {
+ function a(t) {
+ var o = t.totalSeconds,
+ f = o === void 0 ? 0 : o;
+ return n(f);
+ }
+ return a;
+ })());
+ },
+ 62147: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Tooltip = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(95996),
+ t;
+ function o(k, g) {
+ (k.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype)), (k.prototype.constructor = k), f(k, g);
+ }
+ function f(k, g) {
+ return (
+ (f = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (l, c) {
+ return (l.__proto__ = c), l;
+ }),
+ f(k, g)
+ );
+ }
+ var b = { modifiers: [{ name: 'eventListeners', enabled: !1 }] },
+ y = {
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
+ top: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ bottom: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ toJSON: (function () {
+ function k() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return k;
+ })(),
+ },
+ B = (r.Tooltip = (function (k) {
+ function g() {
+ return k.apply(this, arguments) || this;
+ }
+ o(g, k);
+ var l = g.prototype;
+ return (
+ (l.getDOMNode = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return (0, e.findDOMFromVNode)(this.$LI, !0);
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ (l.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ var m = this,
+ i = this.getDOMNode();
+ i &&
+ (i.addEventListener('mouseenter', function () {
+ var u = g.renderedTooltip;
+ u === void 0 &&
+ ((u = document.createElement('div')),
+ (u.className = 'Tooltip'),
+ document.body.appendChild(u),
+ (g.renderedTooltip = u)),
+ (g.currentHoveredElement = i),
+ (u.style.opacity = '1'),
+ m.renderPopperContent();
+ }),
+ i.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () {
+ m.fadeOut();
+ }));
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ (l.fadeOut = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ g.currentHoveredElement === this.getDOMNode() &&
+ ((g.currentHoveredElement = void 0), (g.renderedTooltip.style.opacity = '0'));
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ (l.renderPopperContent = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ var m = this,
+ i = g.renderedTooltip;
+ i &&
+ (0, e.render)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, this.props.content, 0),
+ i,
+ function () {
+ var u = g.singletonPopper;
+ u === void 0
+ ? ((u = (0, a.createPopper)(
+ g.virtualElement,
+ i,
+ Object.assign({}, b, { placement: m.props.position || 'auto' })
+ )),
+ (g.singletonPopper = u))
+ : (u.setOptions(Object.assign({}, b, { placement: m.props.position || 'auto' })),
+ u.update());
+ },
+ this.context
+ );
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ (l.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ g.currentHoveredElement === this.getDOMNode() && this.renderPopperContent();
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ (l.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ this.fadeOut();
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ (l.render = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return this.props.children;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ g
+ );
+ })(e.Component));
+ (t = B),
+ (B.renderedTooltip = void 0),
+ (B.singletonPopper = void 0),
+ (B.currentHoveredElement = void 0),
+ (B.virtualElement = {
+ getBoundingClientRect: (function () {
+ function k() {
+ var g, l;
+ return (g = (l = t.currentHoveredElement) == null ? void 0 : l.getBoundingClientRect()) != null
+ ? g
+ : y;
+ }
+ return k;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ 36036: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.Tooltip =
+ r.TimeDisplay =
+ r.TextArea =
+ r.Tabs =
+ r.Table =
+ r.Stack =
+ r.Slider =
+ r.Section =
+ r.RoundGauge =
+ r.RestrictedInput =
+ r.ProgressBar =
+ r.Popper =
+ r.Pointer =
+ r.NumberInput =
+ r.NoticeBox =
+ r.NanoMap =
+ r.Modal =
+ r.LabeledList =
+ r.LabeledControls =
+ r.Knob =
+ r.Interactive =
+ r.Input =
+ r.ImageButton =
+ r.Image =
+ r.Icon =
+ r.Grid =
+ r.Flex =
+ r.Dropdown =
+ r.DraggableControl =
+ r.DmIcon =
+ r.Divider =
+ r.Dimmer =
+ r.Countdown =
+ r.ColorBox =
+ r.Collapsible =
+ r.Chart =
+ r.ByondUi =
+ r.Button =
+ r.Box =
+ r.BlockQuote =
+ r.Blink =
+ r.Autofocus =
+ r.AnimatedNumber =
+ void 0);
+ var e = n(9474);
+ r.AnimatedNumber = e.AnimatedNumber;
+ var a = n(27185);
+ r.Autofocus = a.Autofocus;
+ var t = n(5814);
+ r.Blink = t.Blink;
+ var o = n(61773);
+ r.BlockQuote = o.BlockQuote;
+ var f = n(55937);
+ r.Box = f.Box;
+ var b = n(96184);
+ r.Button = b.Button;
+ var y = n(18982);
+ r.ByondUi = y.ByondUi;
+ var B = n(66820);
+ r.Chart = B.Chart;
+ var k = n(4796);
+ r.Collapsible = k.Collapsible;
+ var g = n(88894);
+ r.ColorBox = g.ColorBox;
+ var l = n(73379);
+ r.Countdown = l.Countdown;
+ var c = n(61940);
+ r.Dimmer = c.Dimmer;
+ var m = n(13605);
+ r.Divider = m.Divider;
+ var i = n(20342);
+ r.DraggableControl = i.DraggableControl;
+ var u = n(87099);
+ r.Dropdown = u.Dropdown;
+ var s = n(39473);
+ r.Flex = s.Flex;
+ var d = n(79646);
+ r.Grid = d.Grid;
+ var v = n(4454);
+ r.Interactive = v.Interactive;
+ var h = n(91225);
+ r.Image = h.Image;
+ var C = n(60218);
+ r.DmIcon = C.DmIcon;
+ var p = n(1331);
+ r.Icon = p.Icon;
+ var N = n(79825);
+ r.ImageButton = N.ImageButton;
+ var V = n(79652);
+ r.Input = V.Input;
+ var S = n(76334);
+ r.Knob = S.Knob;
+ var I = n(78621);
+ r.LabeledControls = I.LabeledControls;
+ var L = n(29319);
+ r.LabeledList = L.LabeledList;
+ var w = n(36077);
+ r.Modal = w.Modal;
+ var A = n(73280);
+ r.NanoMap = A.NanoMap;
+ var x = n(74733);
+ r.NoticeBox = x.NoticeBox;
+ var E = n(59263);
+ r.NumberInput = E.NumberInput;
+ var P = n(33337);
+ r.Pointer = P.Pointer;
+ var D = n(50186);
+ r.Popper = D.Popper;
+ var M = n(92704);
+ r.ProgressBar = M.ProgressBar;
+ var R = n(9075);
+ r.RestrictedInput = R.RestrictedInput;
+ var O = n(11441);
+ r.RoundGauge = O.RoundGauge;
+ var F = n(97079);
+ r.Section = F.Section;
+ var _ = n(79911);
+ r.Slider = _.Slider;
+ var U = n(96690);
+ r.Stack = U.Stack;
+ var z = n(36352);
+ r.Table = z.Table;
+ var $ = n(85138);
+ r.Tabs = $.Tabs;
+ var G = n(44868);
+ r.TextArea = G.TextArea;
+ var X = n(5169);
+ r.TimeDisplay = X.TimeDisplay;
+ var J = n(62147);
+ r.Tooltip = J.Tooltip;
+ },
+ 76910: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.timeAgo =
+ r.getGasLabel =
+ r.getGasColor =
+ r.UI_CLOSE =
+ r.COLORS =
+ void 0);
+ var n = (r.UI_INTERACTIVE = 2),
+ e = (r.UI_UPDATE = 1),
+ a = (r.UI_DISABLED = 0),
+ t = (r.UI_CLOSE = -1),
+ o = (r.COLORS = {
+ department: {
+ command: '#526aff',
+ security: '#CF0000',
+ medical: '#009190',
+ science: '#993399',
+ engineering: '#A66300',
+ supply: '#9F8545',
+ service: '#80A000',
+ centcom: '#78789B',
+ other: '#C38312',
+ },
+ damageType: { oxy: '#3498db', toxin: '#2ecc71', burn: '#e67e22', brute: '#e74c3c' },
+ }),
+ f = (r.CSS_COLORS = [
+ 'black',
+ 'white',
+ 'red',
+ 'orange',
+ 'yellow',
+ 'olive',
+ 'green',
+ 'teal',
+ 'blue',
+ 'violet',
+ 'purple',
+ 'pink',
+ 'brown',
+ 'grey',
+ 'good',
+ 'average',
+ 'bad',
+ 'label',
+ ]),
+ b = (r.RADIO_CHANNELS = [
+ { name: 'Syndicate', freq: 1213, color: '#a52a2a' },
+ { name: 'SyndTeam', freq: 1244, color: '#a52a2a' },
+ { name: 'Red Team', freq: 1215, color: '#ff4444' },
+ { name: 'Blue Team', freq: 1217, color: '#3434fd' },
+ { name: 'Response Team', freq: 1345, color: '#2681a5' },
+ { name: 'Special Ops', freq: 1341, color: '#2681a5' },
+ { name: 'Supply', freq: 1347, color: '#b88646' },
+ { name: 'Service', freq: 1349, color: '#6ca729' },
+ { name: 'Science', freq: 1351, color: '#c68cfa' },
+ { name: 'Command', freq: 1353, color: '#5177ff' },
+ { name: 'Procedure', freq: 1339, color: '#F70285' },
+ { name: 'Medical', freq: 1355, color: '#57b8f0' },
+ { name: 'Medical(I)', freq: 1485, color: '#57b8f0' },
+ { name: 'Engineering', freq: 1357, color: '#f37746' },
+ { name: 'Security', freq: 1359, color: '#dd3535' },
+ { name: 'Security(I)', freq: 1475, color: '#dd3535' },
+ { name: 'AI Private', freq: 1343, color: '#d65d95' },
+ { name: 'Common', freq: 1459, color: '#1ecc43' },
+ ]),
+ y = [
+ { id: 'o2', name: 'Oxygen', label: 'O\u2082', color: 'blue' },
+ { id: 'n2', name: 'Nitrogen', label: 'N\u2082', color: 'red' },
+ { id: 'co2', name: 'Carbon Dioxide', label: 'CO\u2082', color: 'grey' },
+ { id: 'plasma', name: 'Plasma', label: 'Plasma', color: 'pink' },
+ { id: 'water_vapor', name: 'Water Vapor', label: 'H\u2082O', color: 'grey' },
+ { id: 'nob', name: 'Hyper-noblium', label: 'Hyper-nob', color: 'teal' },
+ { id: 'n2o', name: 'Nitrous Oxide', label: 'N\u2082O', color: 'red' },
+ { id: 'no2', name: 'Nitryl', label: 'NO\u2082', color: 'brown' },
+ { id: 'tritium', name: 'Tritium', label: 'Tritium', color: 'green' },
+ { id: 'bz', name: 'BZ', label: 'BZ', color: 'purple' },
+ { id: 'stim', name: 'Stimulum', label: 'Stimulum', color: 'purple' },
+ { id: 'pluox', name: 'Pluoxium', label: 'Pluoxium', color: 'blue' },
+ { id: 'miasma', name: 'Miasma', label: 'Miasma', color: 'olive' },
+ { id: 'hydrogen', name: 'Hydrogen', label: 'H\u2082', color: 'white' },
+ { id: 'ab', name: 'Agent B', label: 'Agent B', color: 'purple' },
+ ],
+ B = (r.getGasLabel = (function () {
+ function l(c, m) {
+ var i = String(c).toLowerCase(),
+ u = y.find(function (s) {
+ return s.id === i || s.name.toLowerCase() === i;
+ });
+ return (u && u.label) || m || c;
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ k = (r.getGasColor = (function () {
+ function l(c) {
+ var m = String(c).toLowerCase(),
+ i = y.find(function (u) {
+ return u.id === m || u.name.toLowerCase() === m;
+ });
+ return i && i.color;
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ g = (r.timeAgo = (function () {
+ function l(c, m) {
+ if (c > m) return 'in the future';
+ (c = c / 10), (m = m / 10);
+ var i = m - c;
+ if (i > 3600) {
+ var u = Math.round(i / 3600);
+ return u + ' hour' + (u === 1 ? '' : 's') + ' ago';
+ } else if (i > 60) {
+ var s = Math.round(i / 60);
+ return s + ' minute' + (s === 1 ? '' : 's') + ' ago';
+ } else {
+ var d = Math.round(i);
+ return d + ' second' + (d === 1 ? '' : 's') + ' ago';
+ }
+ return 'just now';
+ }
+ return l;
+ })());
+ },
+ 40944: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.KitchenSink = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var f = n(4085),
+ b = function () {
+ return f.keys().map(function (k) {
+ return f(k);
+ });
+ },
+ y = (r.KitchenSink = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = k.panel,
+ c = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'kitchenSinkTheme'),
+ m = c[0],
+ i = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'pageIndex', 0),
+ u = i[0],
+ s = i[1],
+ d = b(),
+ v = d[u],
+ h = l ? o.Pane : o.Window;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, {
+ title: 'Kitchen Sink',
+ width: 600,
+ height: 500,
+ theme: m,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ height: '100%',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ m: 1,
+ mr: 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ fitted: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: d.map(function (C, p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ selected: p === u,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s(p);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ children: C.meta.title,
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ position: 'relative',
+ grow: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: v.meta.render(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 77384: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.toggleKitchenSink = r.toggleDebugLayout = r.openExternalBrowser = void 0);
+ var e = n(85307);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var a = (r.toggleKitchenSink = (0, e.createAction)('debug/toggleKitchenSink')),
+ t = (r.toggleDebugLayout = (0, e.createAction)('debug/toggleDebugLayout')),
+ o = (r.openExternalBrowser = (0, e.createAction)('debug/openExternalBrowser'));
+ },
+ 92731: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.useDebug = void 0);
+ var e = n(85307),
+ a = n(27709);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.useDebug = (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return (0, e.useSelector)(f, a.selectDebug);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })());
+ },
+ 99851: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.useDebug = r.relayMiddleware = r.debugReducer = r.debugMiddleware = r.KitchenSink = void 0);
+ var e = n(92731);
+ r.useDebug = e.useDebug;
+ var a = n(40944);
+ r.KitchenSink = a.KitchenSink;
+ var t = n(3583);
+ (r.debugMiddleware = t.debugMiddleware), (r.relayMiddleware = t.relayMiddleware);
+ var o = n(19147);
+ r.debugReducer = o.debugReducer;
+ },
+ 3583: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.relayMiddleware = r.debugMiddleware = void 0);
+ var e = n(92986),
+ a = n(24826),
+ t = n(56518),
+ o = n(77384);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var f = ['backend/update', 'chat/message'],
+ b = (r.debugMiddleware = (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return (
+ (0, t.acquireHotKey)(e.KEY_F11),
+ (0, t.acquireHotKey)(e.KEY_F12),
+ a.globalEvents.on('keydown', function (g) {
+ g.code === e.KEY_F11 && k.dispatch((0, o.toggleDebugLayout)()),
+ g.code === e.KEY_F12 && k.dispatch((0, o.toggleKitchenSink)()),
+ g.ctrl &&
+ g.alt &&
+ g.code === e.KEY_BACKSPACE &&
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! UwU We made a fucky wucky!! A wittle fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this!'
+ );
+ });
+ }),
+ function (g) {
+ return function (l) {
+ return g(l);
+ };
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.relayMiddleware = (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = n(7435),
+ l = location.search === '?external';
+ return (
+ l
+ ? g.subscribe(function (c) {
+ var m = c.type,
+ i = c.payload;
+ m === 'relay' &&
+ i.windowId === Byond.windowId &&
+ k.dispatch(Object.assign({}, i.action, { relayed: !0 }));
+ })
+ : ((0, t.acquireHotKey)(e.KEY_F10),
+ a.globalEvents.on('keydown', function (c) {
+ c === e.KEY_F10 && k.dispatch((0, o.openExternalBrowser)());
+ })),
+ function (c) {
+ return function (m) {
+ var i = m.type,
+ u = m.payload,
+ s = m.relayed;
+ if (i === o.openExternalBrowser.type) {
+ window.open(location.href + '?external', '_blank');
+ return;
+ }
+ return (
+ f.includes(i) &&
+ !s &&
+ !l &&
+ g.sendMessage({ type: 'relay', payload: { windowId: Byond.windowId, action: m } }),
+ c(m)
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 19147: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.debugReducer = void 0);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = (r.debugReducer = (function () {
+ function e(a, t) {
+ a === void 0 && (a = {});
+ var o = t.type,
+ f = t.payload;
+ return o === 'debug/toggleKitchenSink'
+ ? Object.assign({}, a, { kitchenSink: !a.kitchenSink })
+ : o === 'debug/toggleDebugLayout'
+ ? Object.assign({}, a, { debugLayout: !a.debugLayout })
+ : a;
+ }
+ return e;
+ })());
+ },
+ 27709: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.selectDebug = void 0);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = (r.selectDebug = (function () {
+ function e(a) {
+ return a.debug;
+ }
+ return e;
+ })());
+ },
+ 35421: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.storeWindowGeometry =
+ r.setupDrag =
+ r.setWindowSize =
+ r.setWindowPosition =
+ r.setWindowKey =
+ r.resizeStartHandler =
+ r.recallWindowGeometry =
+ r.getWindowSize =
+ r.getWindowPosition =
+ r.getScreenSize =
+ r.getScreenPosition =
+ r.dragStartHandler =
+ void 0);
+ var e = n(27108),
+ a = n(97450),
+ t = n(9394);
+ function o() {
+ 'use strict';
+ /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */ o =
+ function () {
+ return F;
+ };
+ var O,
+ F = {},
+ _ = Object.prototype,
+ U = _.hasOwnProperty,
+ z =
+ Object.defineProperty ||
+ function (ye, de, he) {
+ ye[de] = he.value;
+ },
+ $ = typeof Symbol == 'function' ? Symbol : {},
+ G = $.iterator || '@@iterator',
+ X = $.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator',
+ J = $.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag';
+ function se(ye, de, he) {
+ return (
+ Object.defineProperty(ye, de, { value: he, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), ye[de]
+ );
+ }
+ try {
+ se({}, '');
+ } catch (ye) {
+ se = function (he, ke, ve) {
+ return (he[ke] = ve);
+ };
+ }
+ function ie(ye, de, he, ke) {
+ var ve = de && de.prototype instanceof ne ? de : ne,
+ Se = Object.create(ve.prototype),
+ Pe = new Re(ke || []);
+ return z(Se, '_invoke', { value: be(ye, he, Pe) }), Se;
+ }
+ function me(ye, de, he) {
+ try {
+ return { type: 'normal', arg: ye.call(de, he) };
+ } catch (ke) {
+ return { type: 'throw', arg: ke };
+ }
+ }
+ F.wrap = ie;
+ var q = 'suspendedStart',
+ re = 'suspendedYield',
+ ae = 'executing',
+ le = 'completed',
+ Z = {};
+ function ne() {}
+ function te() {}
+ function fe() {}
+ var pe = {};
+ se(pe, G, function () {
+ return this;
+ });
+ var ce = Object.getPrototypeOf,
+ Ve = ce && ce(ce(He([])));
+ Ve && Ve !== _ && U.call(Ve, G) && (pe = Ve);
+ var Ce = (fe.prototype = ne.prototype = Object.create(pe));
+ function Ne(ye) {
+ ['next', 'throw', 'return'].forEach(function (de) {
+ se(ye, de, function (he) {
+ return this._invoke(de, he);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ function Be(ye, de) {
+ function he(ve, Se, Pe, je) {
+ var Fe = me(ye[ve], ye, Se);
+ if (Fe.type !== 'throw') {
+ var ze = Fe.arg,
+ We = ze.value;
+ return We && typeof We == 'object' && U.call(We, '__await')
+ ? de.resolve(We.__await).then(
+ function (Ue) {
+ he('next', Ue, Pe, je);
+ },
+ function (Ue) {
+ he('throw', Ue, Pe, je);
+ }
+ )
+ : de.resolve(We).then(
+ function (Ue) {
+ (ze.value = Ue), Pe(ze);
+ },
+ function (Ue) {
+ return he('throw', Ue, Pe, je);
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ je(Fe.arg);
+ }
+ var ke;
+ z(this, '_invoke', {
+ value: (function () {
+ function ve(Se, Pe) {
+ function je() {
+ return new de(function (Fe, ze) {
+ he(Se, Pe, Fe, ze);
+ });
+ }
+ return (ke = ke ? ke.then(je, je) : je());
+ }
+ return ve;
+ })(),
+ });
+ }
+ function be(ye, de, he) {
+ var ke = q;
+ return function (ve, Se) {
+ if (ke === ae) throw Error('Generator is already running');
+ if (ke === le) {
+ if (ve === 'throw') throw Se;
+ return { value: O, done: !0 };
+ }
+ for (he.method = ve, he.arg = Se; ; ) {
+ var Pe = he.delegate;
+ if (Pe) {
+ var je = Le(Pe, he);
+ if (je) {
+ if (je === Z) continue;
+ return je;
+ }
+ }
+ if (he.method === 'next') he.sent = he._sent = he.arg;
+ else if (he.method === 'throw') {
+ if (ke === q) throw ((ke = le), he.arg);
+ he.dispatchException(he.arg);
+ } else he.method === 'return' && he.abrupt('return', he.arg);
+ ke = ae;
+ var Fe = me(ye, de, he);
+ if (Fe.type === 'normal') {
+ if (((ke = he.done ? le : re), Fe.arg === Z)) continue;
+ return { value: Fe.arg, done: he.done };
+ }
+ Fe.type === 'throw' && ((ke = le), (he.method = 'throw'), (he.arg = Fe.arg));
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function Le(ye, de) {
+ var he = de.method,
+ ke = ye.iterator[he];
+ if (ke === O)
+ return (
+ (de.delegate = null),
+ (he === 'throw' &&
+ ye.iterator.return &&
+ ((de.method = 'return'), (de.arg = O), Le(ye, de), de.method === 'throw')) ||
+ (he !== 'return' &&
+ ((de.method = 'throw'),
+ (de.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + he + "' method")))),
+ Z
+ );
+ var ve = me(ke, ye.iterator, de.arg);
+ if (ve.type === 'throw') return (de.method = 'throw'), (de.arg = ve.arg), (de.delegate = null), Z;
+ var Se = ve.arg;
+ return Se
+ ? Se.done
+ ? ((de[ye.resultName] = Se.value),
+ (de.next = ye.nextLoc),
+ de.method !== 'return' && ((de.method = 'next'), (de.arg = O)),
+ (de.delegate = null),
+ Z)
+ : Se
+ : ((de.method = 'throw'),
+ (de.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object')),
+ (de.delegate = null),
+ Z);
+ }
+ function we(ye) {
+ var de = { tryLoc: ye[0] };
+ 1 in ye && (de.catchLoc = ye[1]),
+ 2 in ye && ((de.finallyLoc = ye[2]), (de.afterLoc = ye[3])),
+ this.tryEntries.push(de);
+ }
+ function xe(ye) {
+ var de = ye.completion || {};
+ (de.type = 'normal'), delete de.arg, (ye.completion = de);
+ }
+ function Re(ye) {
+ (this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }]), ye.forEach(we, this), this.reset(!0);
+ }
+ function He(ye) {
+ if (ye || ye === '') {
+ var de = ye[G];
+ if (de) return de.call(ye);
+ if (typeof ye.next == 'function') return ye;
+ if (!isNaN(ye.length)) {
+ var he = -1,
+ ke = (function () {
+ function ve() {
+ for (; ++he < ye.length; ) if (U.call(ye, he)) return (ve.value = ye[he]), (ve.done = !1), ve;
+ return (ve.value = O), (ve.done = !0), ve;
+ }
+ return ve;
+ })();
+ return (ke.next = ke);
+ }
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(typeof ye + ' is not iterable');
+ }
+ return (
+ (te.prototype = fe),
+ z(Ce, 'constructor', { value: fe, configurable: !0 }),
+ z(fe, 'constructor', { value: te, configurable: !0 }),
+ (te.displayName = se(fe, J, 'GeneratorFunction')),
+ (F.isGeneratorFunction = function (ye) {
+ var de = typeof ye == 'function' && ye.constructor;
+ return !!de && (de === te || (de.displayName || de.name) === 'GeneratorFunction');
+ }),
+ (F.mark = function (ye) {
+ return (
+ Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf(ye, fe)
+ : ((ye.__proto__ = fe), se(ye, J, 'GeneratorFunction')),
+ (ye.prototype = Object.create(Ce)),
+ ye
+ );
+ }),
+ (F.awrap = function (ye) {
+ return { __await: ye };
+ }),
+ Ne(Be.prototype),
+ se(Be.prototype, X, function () {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ (F.AsyncIterator = Be),
+ (F.async = function (ye, de, he, ke, ve) {
+ ve === void 0 && (ve = Promise);
+ var Se = new Be(ie(ye, de, he, ke), ve);
+ return F.isGeneratorFunction(de)
+ ? Se
+ : Se.next().then(function (Pe) {
+ return Pe.done ? Pe.value : Se.next();
+ });
+ }),
+ Ne(Ce),
+ se(Ce, J, 'Generator'),
+ se(Ce, G, function () {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ se(Ce, 'toString', function () {
+ return '[object Generator]';
+ }),
+ (F.keys = function (ye) {
+ var de = Object(ye),
+ he = [];
+ for (var ke in de) he.push(ke);
+ return (
+ he.reverse(),
+ (function () {
+ function ve() {
+ for (; he.length; ) {
+ var Se = he.pop();
+ if (Se in de) return (ve.value = Se), (ve.done = !1), ve;
+ }
+ return (ve.done = !0), ve;
+ }
+ return ve;
+ })()
+ );
+ }),
+ (F.values = He),
+ (Re.prototype = {
+ constructor: Re,
+ reset: (function () {
+ function ye(de) {
+ if (
+ ((this.prev = 0),
+ (this.next = 0),
+ (this.sent = this._sent = O),
+ (this.done = !1),
+ (this.delegate = null),
+ (this.method = 'next'),
+ (this.arg = O),
+ this.tryEntries.forEach(xe),
+ !de)
+ )
+ for (var he in this)
+ he.charAt(0) === 't' && U.call(this, he) && !isNaN(+he.slice(1)) && (this[he] = O);
+ }
+ return ye;
+ })(),
+ stop: (function () {
+ function ye() {
+ this.done = !0;
+ var de = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
+ if (de.type === 'throw') throw de.arg;
+ return this.rval;
+ }
+ return ye;
+ })(),
+ dispatchException: (function () {
+ function ye(de) {
+ if (this.done) throw de;
+ var he = this;
+ function ke(ze, We) {
+ return (
+ (Pe.type = 'throw'),
+ (Pe.arg = de),
+ (he.next = ze),
+ We && ((he.method = 'next'), (he.arg = O)),
+ !!We
+ );
+ }
+ for (var ve = this.tryEntries.length - 1; ve >= 0; --ve) {
+ var Se = this.tryEntries[ve],
+ Pe = Se.completion;
+ if (Se.tryLoc === 'root') return ke('end');
+ if (Se.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
+ var je = U.call(Se, 'catchLoc'),
+ Fe = U.call(Se, 'finallyLoc');
+ if (je && Fe) {
+ if (this.prev < Se.catchLoc) return ke(Se.catchLoc, !0);
+ if (this.prev < Se.finallyLoc) return ke(Se.finallyLoc);
+ } else if (je) {
+ if (this.prev < Se.catchLoc) return ke(Se.catchLoc, !0);
+ } else {
+ if (!Fe) throw Error('try statement without catch or finally');
+ if (this.prev < Se.finallyLoc) return ke(Se.finallyLoc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ye;
+ })(),
+ abrupt: (function () {
+ function ye(de, he) {
+ for (var ke = this.tryEntries.length - 1; ke >= 0; --ke) {
+ var ve = this.tryEntries[ke];
+ if (ve.tryLoc <= this.prev && U.call(ve, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < ve.finallyLoc) {
+ var Se = ve;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Se &&
+ (de === 'break' || de === 'continue') &&
+ Se.tryLoc <= he &&
+ he <= Se.finallyLoc &&
+ (Se = null);
+ var Pe = Se ? Se.completion : {};
+ return (
+ (Pe.type = de),
+ (Pe.arg = he),
+ Se ? ((this.method = 'next'), (this.next = Se.finallyLoc), Z) : this.complete(Pe)
+ );
+ }
+ return ye;
+ })(),
+ complete: (function () {
+ function ye(de, he) {
+ if (de.type === 'throw') throw de.arg;
+ return (
+ de.type === 'break' || de.type === 'continue'
+ ? (this.next = de.arg)
+ : de.type === 'return'
+ ? ((this.rval = this.arg = de.arg), (this.method = 'return'), (this.next = 'end'))
+ : de.type === 'normal' && he && (this.next = he),
+ Z
+ );
+ }
+ return ye;
+ })(),
+ finish: (function () {
+ function ye(de) {
+ for (var he = this.tryEntries.length - 1; he >= 0; --he) {
+ var ke = this.tryEntries[he];
+ if (ke.finallyLoc === de) return this.complete(ke.completion, ke.afterLoc), xe(ke), Z;
+ }
+ }
+ return ye;
+ })(),
+ catch: (function () {
+ function ye(de) {
+ for (var he = this.tryEntries.length - 1; he >= 0; --he) {
+ var ke = this.tryEntries[he];
+ if (ke.tryLoc === de) {
+ var ve = ke.completion;
+ if (ve.type === 'throw') {
+ var Se = ve.arg;
+ xe(ke);
+ }
+ return Se;
+ }
+ }
+ throw Error('illegal catch attempt');
+ }
+ return ye;
+ })(),
+ delegateYield: (function () {
+ function ye(de, he, ke) {
+ return (
+ (this.delegate = { iterator: He(de), resultName: he, nextLoc: ke }),
+ this.method === 'next' && (this.arg = O),
+ Z
+ );
+ }
+ return ye;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ F
+ );
+ }
+ function f(O, F, _, U, z, $, G) {
+ try {
+ var X = O[$](G),
+ J = X.value;
+ } catch (se) {
+ return void _(se);
+ }
+ X.done ? F(J) : Promise.resolve(J).then(U, z);
+ }
+ function b(O) {
+ return function () {
+ var F = this,
+ _ = arguments;
+ return new Promise(function (U, z) {
+ var $ = O.apply(F, _);
+ function G(J) {
+ f($, U, z, G, X, 'next', J);
+ }
+ function X(J) {
+ f($, U, z, G, X, 'throw', J);
+ }
+ G(void 0);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var y = (0, t.createLogger)('drag'),
+ B = Byond.windowId,
+ k = !1,
+ g = !1,
+ l = [0, 0],
+ c,
+ m,
+ i,
+ u,
+ s,
+ d = (r.setWindowKey = (function () {
+ function O(F) {
+ B = F;
+ }
+ return O;
+ })()),
+ v = (r.getWindowPosition = (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return [window.screenLeft, window.screenTop];
+ }
+ return O;
+ })()),
+ h = (r.getWindowSize = (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight];
+ }
+ return O;
+ })()),
+ C = (r.setWindowPosition = (function () {
+ function O(F) {
+ var _ = (0, a.vecAdd)(F, l);
+ return Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { pos: _[0] + ',' + _[1] });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })()),
+ p = (r.setWindowSize = (function () {
+ function O(F) {
+ return Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { size: F[0] + 'x' + F[1] });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })()),
+ N = (r.getScreenPosition = (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return [0 - l[0], 0 - l[1]];
+ }
+ return O;
+ })()),
+ V = (r.getScreenSize = (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return [window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.availHeight];
+ }
+ return O;
+ })()),
+ S = function (F, _, U) {
+ U === void 0 && (U = 50);
+ for (var z = [_], $, G = 0; G < F.length; G++) {
+ var X = F[G];
+ X !== _ && (z.length < U ? z.push(X) : ($ = X));
+ }
+ return [z, $];
+ },
+ I = (r.storeWindowGeometry = (function () {
+ var O = b(
+ o().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function F() {
+ var _, U, z, $;
+ return o().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function G(X) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((X.prev = X.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (
+ y.log('storing geometry'),
+ (_ = { pos: v(), size: h() }),
+ e.storage.set(B, _),
+ (X.t0 = S),
+ (X.next = 6),
+ e.storage.get('geometries')
+ );
+ case 6:
+ if (((X.t1 = X.sent), X.t1)) {
+ X.next = 9;
+ break;
+ }
+ X.t1 = [];
+ case 9:
+ (X.t2 = X.t1),
+ (X.t3 = B),
+ (U = (0, X.t0)(X.t2, X.t3)),
+ (z = U[0]),
+ ($ = U[1]),
+ $ && e.storage.remove($),
+ e.storage.set('geometries', z);
+ case 16:
+ case 'end':
+ return X.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ F
+ );
+ }
+ return F;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ return (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return O.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return F;
+ })();
+ })()),
+ L = (r.recallWindowGeometry = (function () {
+ var O = b(
+ o().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function F(_) {
+ var U, z, $, G;
+ return o().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function X(J) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((J.prev = J.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ if ((_ === void 0 && (_ = {}), (J.t0 = _.fancy), !J.t0)) {
+ J.next = 6;
+ break;
+ }
+ return (J.next = 5), e.storage.get(B);
+ case 5:
+ J.t0 = J.sent;
+ case 6:
+ return (
+ (U = J.t0),
+ U && y.log('recalled geometry:', U),
+ (z = (U == null ? void 0 : U.pos) || _.pos),
+ ($ = _.size),
+ (J.next = 12),
+ c
+ );
+ case 12:
+ (G = [window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.availHeight]),
+ $ && (($ = [Math.min(G[0], $[0]), Math.min(G[1], $[1])]), p($)),
+ z
+ ? ($ && _.locked && (z = A(z, $)[1]), C(z))
+ : $ &&
+ ((z = (0, a.vecAdd)(
+ (0, a.vecScale)(G, 0.5),
+ (0, a.vecScale)($, -0.5),
+ (0, a.vecScale)(l, -1)
+ )),
+ C(z));
+ case 15:
+ case 'end':
+ return J.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return X;
+ })(),
+ F
+ );
+ }
+ return F;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ return (function () {
+ function F(_) {
+ return O.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return F;
+ })();
+ })()),
+ w = (r.setupDrag = (function () {
+ var O = b(
+ o().mark(
+ (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return o().wrap(
+ (function () {
+ function _(U) {
+ for (;;)
+ switch ((U.prev = U.next)) {
+ case 0:
+ return (
+ (c = Byond.winget(Byond.windowId, 'pos').then(function (z) {
+ return [z.x - window.screenLeft, z.y - window.screenTop];
+ })),
+ (U.next = 3),
+ c
+ );
+ case 3:
+ (l = U.sent), y.debug('screen offset', l);
+ case 5:
+ case 'end':
+ return U.stop();
+ }
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ F
+ );
+ }
+ return F;
+ })()
+ )
+ );
+ return (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return O.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ return F;
+ })();
+ })()),
+ A = function (F, _) {
+ for (var U = N(), z = V(), $ = [F[0], F[1]], G = !1, X = 0; X < 2; X++) {
+ var J = U[X],
+ se = U[X] + z[X];
+ F[X] < J ? (($[X] = J), (G = !0)) : F[X] + _[X] > se && (($[X] = se - _[X]), (G = !0));
+ }
+ return [G, $];
+ },
+ x = (r.dragStartHandler = (function () {
+ function O(F) {
+ y.log('drag start'),
+ (k = !0),
+ (m = [window.screenLeft - F.screenX, window.screenTop - F.screenY]),
+ document.addEventListener('mousemove', P),
+ document.addEventListener('mouseup', E),
+ P(F);
+ }
+ return O;
+ })()),
+ E = function O(F) {
+ y.log('drag end'),
+ P(F),
+ document.removeEventListener('mousemove', P),
+ document.removeEventListener('mouseup', O),
+ (k = !1),
+ I();
+ },
+ P = function (F) {
+ k && (F.preventDefault(), C((0, a.vecAdd)([F.screenX, F.screenY], m)));
+ },
+ D = (r.resizeStartHandler = (function () {
+ function O(F, _) {
+ return function (U) {
+ (i = [F, _]),
+ y.log('resize start', i),
+ (g = !0),
+ (m = [window.screenLeft - U.screenX, window.screenTop - U.screenY]),
+ (u = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]),
+ document.addEventListener('mousemove', R),
+ document.addEventListener('mouseup', M),
+ R(U);
+ };
+ }
+ return O;
+ })()),
+ M = function O(F) {
+ y.log('resize end', s),
+ R(F),
+ document.removeEventListener('mousemove', R),
+ document.removeEventListener('mouseup', O),
+ (g = !1),
+ I();
+ },
+ R = function (F) {
+ g &&
+ (F.preventDefault(),
+ (s = (0, a.vecAdd)(
+ u,
+ (0, a.vecMultiply)(
+ i,
+ (0, a.vecAdd)(
+ [F.screenX, F.screenY],
+ (0, a.vecInverse)([window.screenLeft, window.screenTop]),
+ m,
+ [1, 1]
+ )
+ )
+ )),
+ (s[0] = Math.max(s[0], 150)),
+ (s[1] = Math.max(s[1], 50)),
+ p(s));
+ };
+ },
+ 24826: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.setupGlobalEvents =
+ r.removeScrollableNode =
+ r.globalEvents =
+ r.canStealFocus =
+ r.addScrollableNode =
+ r.KeyEvent =
+ void 0);
+ var e = n(92868),
+ a = n(92986);
+ /**
+ * Normalized browser focus events and BYOND-specific focus helpers.
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.globalEvents = new e.EventEmitter()),
+ o = !1,
+ f = (r.setupGlobalEvents = (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ N === void 0 && (N = {}), (o = !!N.ignoreWindowFocus);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ b,
+ y = !0,
+ B = function p(N, V) {
+ if (o) {
+ y = !0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((b && (clearTimeout(b), (b = null)), V)) {
+ b = setTimeout(function () {
+ return p(N);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ y !== N && ((y = N), t.emit(N ? 'window-focus' : 'window-blur'), t.emit('window-focus-change', N));
+ },
+ k = null,
+ g = (r.canStealFocus = (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ var V = String(N.tagName).toLowerCase();
+ return V === 'input' || V === 'textarea';
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ l = function (N) {
+ c(), (k = N), k.addEventListener('blur', c);
+ },
+ c = function p() {
+ k && (k.removeEventListener('blur', p), (k = null));
+ },
+ m = null,
+ i = null,
+ u = [],
+ s = (r.addScrollableNode = (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ u.push(N);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ d = (r.removeScrollableNode = (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ var V = u.indexOf(N);
+ V >= 0 && u.splice(V, 1);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ v = function (N) {
+ if (!(k || !y))
+ for (var V = document.body; N && N !== V; ) {
+ if (u.includes(N)) {
+ if (N.contains(m)) return;
+ (m = N), N.focus();
+ return;
+ }
+ N = N.parentNode;
+ }
+ };
+ window.addEventListener('mousemove', function (p) {
+ var N = p.target;
+ N !== i && ((i = N), v(N));
+ }),
+ window.addEventListener('focusin', function (p) {
+ if (((i = null), (m = p.target), B(!0), g(p.target))) {
+ l(p.target);
+ return;
+ }
+ }),
+ window.addEventListener('focusout', function (p) {
+ (i = null), B(!1, !0);
+ }),
+ window.addEventListener('blur', function (p) {
+ (i = null), B(!1, !0);
+ }),
+ window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (p) {
+ B(!1);
+ });
+ var h = {},
+ C = (r.KeyEvent = (function () {
+ function p(V, S, I) {
+ (this.event = V),
+ (this.type = S),
+ (this.code = window.event ? V.which : V.keyCode),
+ (this.ctrl = V.ctrlKey),
+ (this.shift = V.shiftKey),
+ (this.alt = V.altKey),
+ (this.repeat = !!I);
+ }
+ var N = p.prototype;
+ return (
+ (N.hasModifierKeys = (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return this.ctrl || this.alt || this.shift;
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ (N.isModifierKey = (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return this.code === a.KEY_CTRL || this.code === a.KEY_SHIFT || this.code === a.KEY_ALT;
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ (N.isDown = (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return this.type === 'keydown';
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ (N.isUp = (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return this.type === 'keyup';
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ (N.toString = (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return this._str
+ ? this._str
+ : ((this._str = ''),
+ this.ctrl && (this._str += 'Ctrl+'),
+ this.alt && (this._str += 'Alt+'),
+ this.shift && (this._str += 'Shift+'),
+ this.code >= 48 && this.code <= 90
+ ? (this._str += String.fromCharCode(this.code))
+ : this.code >= a.KEY_F1 && this.code <= a.KEY_F12
+ ? (this._str += 'F' + (this.code - 111))
+ : (this._str += '[' + this.code + ']'),
+ this._str);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ p
+ );
+ })());
+ document.addEventListener('keydown', function (p) {
+ if (!g(p.target)) {
+ var N = p.keyCode,
+ V = new C(p, 'keydown', h[N]);
+ t.emit('keydown', V), t.emit('key', V), (h[N] = !0);
+ }
+ }),
+ document.addEventListener('keyup', function (p) {
+ if (!g(p.target)) {
+ var N = p.keyCode,
+ V = new C(p, 'keyup');
+ t.emit('keyup', V), t.emit('key', V), (h[N] = !1);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ 87695: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.focusWindow = r.focusMap = void 0);
+ /**
+ * Various focus helpers.
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = (r.focusMap = (function () {
+ function a() {
+ Byond.winset('paramapwindow.map', { focus: !0 });
+ }
+ return a;
+ })()),
+ e = (r.focusWindow = (function () {
+ function a() {
+ Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { focus: !0 });
+ }
+ return a;
+ })());
+ },
+ 49968: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.formatSiUnit = r.formatPower = r.formatMoney = r.formatDb = void 0);
+ var e = n(44879);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var a = ['f', 'p', 'n', '\u03BC', 'm', ' ', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'],
+ t = a.indexOf(' '),
+ o = (r.formatSiUnit = (function () {
+ function B(k, g, l) {
+ if ((g === void 0 && (g = -t), l === void 0 && (l = ''), typeof k != 'number' || !Number.isFinite(k)))
+ return k;
+ var c = Math.floor(Math.log10(k)),
+ m = Math.floor(Math.max(g * 3, c)),
+ i = Math.floor(c / 3),
+ u = Math.floor(m / 3),
+ s = (0, e.clamp)(t + u, 0, a.length),
+ d = a[s],
+ v = k / Math.pow(1e3, u),
+ h = i > g ? 2 + u * 3 - m : 0,
+ C = (0, e.toFixed)(v, h) + ' ' + d + l;
+ return C.trim();
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ f = (r.formatPower = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ return g === void 0 && (g = 0), o(k, g, 'W');
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.formatMoney = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ if ((g === void 0 && (g = 0), !Number.isFinite(k))) return k;
+ var l = (0, e.round)(k, g);
+ g > 0 && (l = (0, e.toFixed)(k, g)), (l = String(l));
+ var c = l.length,
+ m = l.indexOf('.');
+ m === -1 && (m = c);
+ for (var i = '', u = 0; u < c; u++)
+ u > 0 && u < m && (m - u) % 3 === 0 && (i += '\u2009'), (i += l.charAt(u));
+ return i;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.formatDb = (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = (20 * Math.log(k)) / Math.log(10),
+ l = g >= 0 ? '+' : g < 0 ? '\u2013' : '',
+ c = Math.abs(g);
+ return c === 1 / 0 ? (c = 'Inf') : (c = (0, e.toFixed)(c, 2)), l + c + ' dB';
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 56518: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.setupHotKeys = r.releaseHotKey = r.releaseHeldKeys = r.acquireHotKey = void 0);
+ var e = f(n(92986)),
+ a = n(24826),
+ t = n(9394);
+ function o(s) {
+ if (typeof WeakMap != 'function') return null;
+ var d = new WeakMap(),
+ v = new WeakMap();
+ return (o = function (C) {
+ return C ? v : d;
+ })(s);
+ }
+ function f(s, d) {
+ if (!d && s && s.__esModule) return s;
+ if (s === null || (typeof s != 'object' && typeof s != 'function')) return { default: s };
+ var v = o(d);
+ if (v && v.has(s)) return v.get(s);
+ var h = { __proto__: null },
+ C = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
+ for (var p in s)
+ if (p !== 'default' && {}.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) {
+ var N = C ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, p) : null;
+ N && (N.get || N.set) ? Object.defineProperty(h, p, N) : (h[p] = s[p]);
+ }
+ return (h.default = s), v && v.set(s, h), h;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var b = (0, t.createLogger)('hotkeys'),
+ y = {},
+ B = [
+ e.KEY_TAB,
+ e.KEY_UP,
+ ],
+ k = {},
+ g = function (d) {
+ if (d === 16) return 'Shift';
+ if (d === 17) return 'Ctrl';
+ if (d === 18) return 'Alt';
+ if (d === 33) return 'Northeast';
+ if (d === 34) return 'Southeast';
+ if (d === 35) return 'Southwest';
+ if (d === 36) return 'Northwest';
+ if (d === 37) return 'West';
+ if (d === 38) return 'North';
+ if (d === 39) return 'East';
+ if (d === 40) return 'South';
+ if (d === 45) return 'Insert';
+ if (d === 46) return 'Delete';
+ if ((d >= 48 && d <= 57) || (d >= 65 && d <= 90)) return String.fromCharCode(d);
+ if (d >= 96 && d <= 105) return 'Numpad' + (d - 96);
+ if (d >= 112 && d <= 123) return 'F' + (d - 111);
+ if (d === 188) return ',';
+ if (d === 189) return '-';
+ if (d === 190) return '.';
+ },
+ i = function (d) {
+ var C = String(d);
+ if (C === 'Ctrl+F5' || C === 'Ctrl+R') {
+ location.reload();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (C !== 'Ctrl+F' && !(d.event.defaultPrevented || d.isModifierKey() || B.includes(d.code))) {
+ C === 'F5' && (d.event.preventDefault(), (d.event.returnValue = !1));
+ var h = g(d.code);
+ if (h) {
+ var v = y[h];
+ if (v) return b.debug('macro', v), Byond.command(v);
+ if (d.isDown() && !k[h]) {
+ k[h] = !0;
+ var p = 'Key_Down "' + h + '"';
+ return b.debug(p), Byond.command(p);
+ }
+ if (d.isUp() && k[h]) {
+ k[h] = !1;
+ var N = 'Key_Up "' + h + '"';
+ return b.debug(N), Byond.command(N);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ c = (r.acquireHotKey = (function () {
+ function s(d) {
+ B.push(d);
+ }
+ return s;
+ })()),
+ m = (r.releaseHotKey = (function () {
+ function s(d) {
+ var C = B.indexOf(d);
+ C >= 0 && B.splice(C, 1);
+ }
+ return s;
+ })()),
+ l = (r.releaseHeldKeys = (function () {
+ function s() {
+ for (var d = 0, C = Object.keys(k); d < C.length; d++) {
+ var h = C[d];
+ k[h] && ((k[h] = !1), b.log('releasing key "' + h + '"'), Byond.command('Key_Up "' + h + '"'));
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ })()),
+ u = (r.setupHotKeys = (function () {
+ function s() {
+ Byond.winget('default.*').then(function (d) {
+ for (var C = {}, h = 0, v = Object.keys(d); h < v.length; h++) {
+ var p = v[h],
+ N = p.split('.'),
+ V = N[1],
+ S = N[2];
+ V && S && (C[V] || (C[V] = {}), (C[V][S] = d[p]));
+ }
+ for (
+ var I = /\\"/g,
+ L = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ return M.substring(1, M.length - 1).replace(I, '"');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ w = 0,
+ A = Object.keys(C);
+ w < A.length;
+ w++
+ ) {
+ var x = A[w],
+ E = C[x],
+ P = L(E.name);
+ y[P] = L(E.command);
+ }
+ b.debug('loaded macros', y);
+ }),
+ a.globalEvents.on('window-blur', function () {
+ l();
+ }),
+ a.globalEvents.on('key', function (d) {
+ i(d);
+ });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })());
+ },
+ 46085: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.fetchRetry = void 0);
+ var n = (r.fetchRetry = (function () {
+ function e(a, t, o) {
+ return (
+ o === void 0 && (o = 1e3),
+ fetch(a, t).catch(function () {
+ return new Promise(function (f) {
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ e(a, t, o).then(f);
+ }, o);
+ });
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return e;
+ })());
+ },
+ 26427: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.loadIconRefMap = void 0);
+ var e = n(79140),
+ a = n(46085),
+ t = n(9394),
+ o = (r.loadIconRefMap = (function () {
+ function f() {
+ Object.keys(Byond.iconRefMap).length > 0 ||
+ (0, a.fetchRetry)((0, e.resolveAsset)('icon_ref_map.json'))
+ .then(function (b) {
+ return b.json();
+ })
+ .then(function (b) {
+ return (Byond.iconRefMap = b);
+ })
+ .catch(function (b) {
+ return t.logger.log(b);
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 1090: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AICard = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.AICard = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data;
+ if (i.has_ai === 0)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 250,
+ height: 120,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Stored AI',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'No AI detected.', 16),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ var c = null;
+ return (
+ i.integrity >= 75 ? (c = 'green') : i.integrity >= 25 ? (c = 'yellow') : (c = 'red'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 420,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: i.name,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Integrity',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ color: c,
+ value: i.integrity / 100,
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'h2',
+ null,
+ i.flushing === 1 ? 'Wipe of AI in progress...' : '',
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Laws',
+ children:
+ (!!i.has_laws &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: i.laws.map(function (m, l) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: m }, l);
+ }),
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'No laws detected.', 16),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Wireless Activity',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 10,
+ icon: i.wireless ? 'check' : 'times',
+ content: i.wireless ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ color: i.wireless ? 'green' : 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('wireless');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Subspace Transceiver',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 10,
+ icon: i.radio ? 'check' : 'times',
+ content: i.radio ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ color: i.radio ? 'green' : 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('radio');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Wipe',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ width: 10,
+ icon: 'trash-alt',
+ confirmIcon: 'trash-alt',
+ disabled: i.flushing || i.integrity === 0,
+ confirmColor: 'red',
+ content: 'Wipe AI',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('wipe');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 39454: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AIFixer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.AIFixer = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data;
+ if (i.occupant === null)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 550,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Stored AI',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'robot', size: 5, color: 'silver' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'No Artificial Intelligence detected.', 16),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ var c = !0;
+ (i.stat === 2 || i.stat === null) && (c = !1);
+ var m = null;
+ i.integrity >= 75 ? (m = 'green') : i.integrity >= 25 ? (m = 'yellow') : (m = 'red');
+ var l = !0;
+ return (
+ i.integrity >= 100 && i.stat !== 2 && (l = !1),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: i.occupant,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Integrity',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ color: m,
+ value: i.integrity / 100,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ color: c ? 'green' : 'red',
+ children: c ? 'Functional' : 'Non-Functional',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Laws',
+ children:
+ (!!i.has_laws &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: i.laws.map(function (u, s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, children: u }, s);
+ }),
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'No laws detected.', 16),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Actions',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Wireless Activity',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: i.wireless ? 'times' : 'check',
+ content: i.wireless ? 'Disabled' : 'Enabled',
+ color: i.wireless ? 'red' : 'green',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('wireless');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Subspace Transceiver',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: i.radio ? 'times' : 'check',
+ content: i.radio ? 'Disabled' : 'Enabled',
+ color: i.radio ? 'red' : 'green',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('radio');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Start Repairs',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'wrench',
+ disabled: !l || i.active,
+ content: !l || i.active ? 'Already Repaired' : 'Repair',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('fix');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'green',
+ lineHeight: 2,
+ children: i.active ? 'Reconstruction in progress.' : '',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 88422: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.APC = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(195),
+ b = (r.APC = (function () {
+ function g(i, c) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 510,
+ height: 435,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ y = {
+ 2: { color: 'good', externalPowerText: 'External Power', chargingText: 'Fully Charged' },
+ 1: { color: 'average', externalPowerText: 'Low External Power', chargingText: 'Charging' },
+ 0: { color: 'bad', externalPowerText: 'No External Power', chargingText: 'Not Charging' },
+ },
+ B = {
+ 1: { icon: 'terminal', content: 'Override Programming', action: 'hack' },
+ 2: { icon: 'caret-square-down', content: 'Shunt Core Process', action: 'occupy' },
+ 3: { icon: 'caret-square-left', content: 'Return to Main Core', action: 'deoccupy' },
+ 4: { icon: 'caret-square-down', content: 'Shunt Core Process', action: 'occupy' },
+ },
+ k = function (i, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ l = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.locked && !u.siliconUser,
+ d = u.normallyLocked,
+ C = y[u.externalPower] || y[0],
+ h = y[u.chargingStatus] || y[0],
+ v = u.powerChannels || [],
+ p = B[u.malfStatus] || B[0],
+ N = u.powerCellStatus / 100;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.InterfaceLockNoticeBox),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Power Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Main Breaker',
+ color: C.color,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: u.isOperating ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: u.isOperating ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: u.isOperating && !s,
+ color: u.isOperating ? '' : 'bad',
+ disabled: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return l('breaker');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: ['[ ', C.externalPowerText, ' ]'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power Cell',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, { color: 'good', value: N }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Charge Mode',
+ color: h.color,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: u.chargeMode ? 'sync' : 'times',
+ content: u.chargeMode ? 'Auto' : 'Off',
+ selected: u.chargeMode,
+ disabled: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return l('charge');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: ['[ ', h.chargingText, ' ]'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Power Channels',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ v.map(function (V) {
+ var S = V.topicParams;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: V.title,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ mx: 2,
+ color: V.status >= 2 ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ children: V.status >= 2 ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Auto',
+ selected: !s && (V.status === 1 || V.status === 3),
+ disabled: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return l('channel', S.auto);
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: 'On',
+ selected: !s && V.status === 2,
+ disabled: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return l('channel', S.on);
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Off',
+ selected: !s && V.status === 0,
+ disabled: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return l('channel', S.off);
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: [V.powerLoad, ' W'],
+ },
+ V.title
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Total Load',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, [u.totalLoad, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' W')], 0),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Misc',
+ buttons:
+ !!u.siliconUser &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ !!u.malfStatus &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: p.icon,
+ content: p.content,
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return l(p.action);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'lightbulb-o',
+ content: 'Overload',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return l('overload');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cover Lock',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: 0.4,
+ icon: u.coverLocked ? 'lock' : 'unlock',
+ content: u.coverLocked ? 'Engaged' : 'Disengaged',
+ disabled: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return l('cover');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Emergency Lighting',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'lightbulb-o',
+ content: u.emergencyLights ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ disabled: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return l('emergency_lighting');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Night Shift Lighting',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mt: 0.4,
+ icon: 'lightbulb-o',
+ content: u.nightshiftLights ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return l('toggle_nightshift');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 99660: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ATM = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.ATM = (function () {
+ function m(l, u) {
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = C.view_screen,
+ v = C.authenticated_account,
+ p = C.ticks_left_locked_down,
+ N = C.linked_db,
+ V;
+ if (p > 0)
+ V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: !0,
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-triangle' }),
+ 'Maximum number of pin attempts exceeded! Access to this ATM has been temporarily disabled.',
+ ],
+ });
+ else if (!N)
+ V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: !0,
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-triangle' }),
+ 'Unable to connect to accounts database, please retry and if the issue persists contact Nanotrasen IT support.',
+ ],
+ });
+ else if (v)
+ switch (h) {
+ case 1:
+ V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
+ break;
+ default:
+ V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
+ }
+ else V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 550,
+ height: 650,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { children: V }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()),
+ b = function (l, u) {
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = C.machine_id,
+ v = C.held_card_name;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Nanotrasen Automatic Teller Machine',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'For all your monetary needs!' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Card',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: v,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return d('insert_card');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (l, u) {
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = C.security_level;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Select a new security level for this account',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Level',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Account Number',
+ icon: 'unlock',
+ selected: h === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return d('change_security_level', { new_security_level: 1 });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Description',
+ children:
+ 'Either the account number or card is required to access this account. EFTPOS transactions will require a card.',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Level',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Account Pin',
+ icon: 'unlock',
+ selected: h === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return d('change_security_level', { new_security_level: 2 });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Description',
+ children:
+ 'An account number and pin must be manually entered to access this account and process transactions.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (l, u) {
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'targetAccNumber', 0),
+ v = h[0],
+ p = h[1],
+ N = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'fundsAmount', 0),
+ V = N[0],
+ S = N[1],
+ I = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'purpose', 0),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I[1],
+ A = C.money;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Transfer Fund',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Balance',
+ children: ['$', A],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Target Account Number',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ placeholder: '7 Digit Number',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function x(E, P) {
+ return p(P);
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Funds to Transfer',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function x(E, P) {
+ return S(P);
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Transaction Purpose',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function x(E, P) {
+ return w(P);
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Transfer',
+ icon: 'sign-out-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return d('transfer', { target_acc_number: v, funds_amount: V, purpose: L });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (l, u) {
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'fundsAmount', 0),
+ v = h[0],
+ p = h[1],
+ N = C.owner_name,
+ V = C.money;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Welcome, ' + N,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Logout',
+ icon: 'sign-out-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return d('logout');
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Balance',
+ children: ['$', V],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Withdrawal Amount',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function S(I, L) {
+ return p(L);
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Withdraw Funds',
+ icon: 'sign-out-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return d('withdrawal', { funds_amount: v });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Menu',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Change account security level',
+ icon: 'lock',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return d('view_screen', { view_screen: 1 });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Make transfer',
+ icon: 'exchange-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return d('view_screen', { view_screen: 2 });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'View transaction log',
+ icon: 'list',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return d('view_screen', { view_screen: 3 });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Print balance statement',
+ icon: 'print',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return d('balance_statement');
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ g = function (l, u) {
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'accountID', null),
+ v = h[0],
+ p = h[1],
+ N = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'accountPin', null),
+ V = N[0],
+ S = N[1],
+ I = C.machine_id,
+ L = C.held_card_name;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Insert card or enter ID and pin to login',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account ID',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ placeholder: '6 Digit Number',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function w(A, x) {
+ return p(x);
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pin',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ placeholder: '6 Digit Number',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function w(A, x) {
+ return S(x);
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Login',
+ icon: 'sign-in-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return d('attempt_auth', { account_num: v, account_pin: V });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (l, u) {
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = C.transaction_log;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Transactions',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Timestamp' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Reason' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Value' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Terminal' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ h.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: v.time }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: v.purpose }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ color: v.is_deposit ? 'green' : 'red',
+ children: ['$', v.amount],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: v.target_name }),
+ ],
+ },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (l, u) {
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Back',
+ icon: 'sign-out-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return d('view_screen', { view_screen: 0 });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 86423: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AccountsUplinkTerminal = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(36352),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = n(321),
+ B = n(5485),
+ k = (r.AccountsUplinkTerminal = (function () {
+ function C(h, v) {
+ var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.loginState,
+ I = V.currentPage,
+ L;
+ if (S.logged_in)
+ I === 1
+ ? (L = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i))
+ : I === 2
+ ? (L = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s))
+ : I === 3 && (L = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d));
+ else
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LoginScreen),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LoginInfo),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, { fill: !0, scrollable: !0, children: L }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ g = function (h, v) {
+ var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
+ N = p.data,
+ V = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ S = V[0],
+ I = V[1],
+ L = N.login_state;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ mb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'list',
+ selected: S === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return I(0);
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ children: 'User Accounts',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'list',
+ selected: S === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return I(1);
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Department Accounts',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (h, v) {
+ var p = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ N = p[0];
+ switch (N) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
+ default:
+ return "You are somehow on a tab that doesn't exist! Please let a coder know.";
+ }
+ },
+ c = function (h, v) {
+ var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.accounts,
+ I = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'searchText', ''),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I[1],
+ A = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'sortId', 'owner_name'),
+ x = A[0],
+ E = A[1],
+ P = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ D = P[0],
+ M = P[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'AccountsUplinkTerminal__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { id: 'owner_name', children: 'Account Holder' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { id: 'account_number', children: 'Account Number' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { id: 'suspended', children: 'Account Status' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { id: 'money', children: 'Account Balance' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ S.filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(L, function (R) {
+ return R.owner_name + '|' + R.account_number + '|' + R.suspended + '|' + R.money;
+ })
+ )
+ .sort(function (R, O) {
+ var F = D ? 1 : -1;
+ return R[x].localeCompare(O[x]) * F;
+ })
+ .map(function (R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ className: 'AccountsUplinkTerminal__listRow--' + R.suspended,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return N('view_account_detail', { account_num: R.account_number });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'user' }),
+ ' ',
+ R.owner_name,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: ['#', R.account_number] }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: R.suspended }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: R.money }),
+ ],
+ },
+ R.account_number
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (h, v) {
+ var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.department_accounts;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'AccountsUplinkTerminal__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.TableCell, { children: 'Department Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.TableCell, { children: 'Account Number' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.TableCell, { children: 'Account Status' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.TableCell, { children: 'Account Balance' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ S.map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ className: 'AccountsUplinkTerminal__listRow--' + I.suspended,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('view_account_detail', { account_num: I.account_number });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'wallet' }), ' ', I.name],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: ['#', I.account_number] }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: I.suspended }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: I.money }),
+ ],
+ },
+ I.account_number
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (h, v) {
+ var p = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'sortId', 'name'),
+ N = p[0],
+ V = p[1],
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = h.id,
+ A = h.children;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: N !== w && 'transparent',
+ width: '100%',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ N === w ? L(!I) : (V(w), L(!0));
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ A,
+ N === w &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: I ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ u = function (h, v) {
+ var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.is_printing,
+ I = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'searchText', ''),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'New Account',
+ icon: 'plus',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('create_new_account');
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Search by account holder, number, status',
+ width: '100%',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function A(x, E) {
+ return w(E);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ s = function (h, v) {
+ var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.account_number,
+ I = V.owner_name,
+ L = V.money,
+ w = V.suspended,
+ A = V.transactions,
+ x = V.account_pin,
+ E = V.is_department_account;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: '#' + S + ' / ' + I,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ content: 'Back',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return N('back');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Number',
+ children: ['#', S],
+ }),
+ !!E &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Account Pin', children: x }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Pin Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ ml: 1,
+ icon: 'user-cog',
+ content: 'Set New Pin',
+ disabled: !!E,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return N('set_account_pin', { account_number: S });
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Account Holder', children: I }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Account Balance', children: L }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Status',
+ color: w ? 'red' : 'green',
+ children: [
+ w ? 'Suspended' : 'Active',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ ml: 1,
+ content: w ? 'Unsuspend' : 'Suspend',
+ icon: w ? 'unlock' : 'lock',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return N('toggle_suspension');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Transactions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Timestamp' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Reason' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Value' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Terminal' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ A.map(function (P) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: P.time }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: P.purpose }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ color: P.is_deposit ? 'green' : 'red',
+ children: ['$', P.amount],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: P.target_name }),
+ ],
+ },
+ P
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ d = function (h, v) {
+ var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'accName', ''),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'accDeposit', ''),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Create Account',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ content: 'Back',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('back');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Holder',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Name Here',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function E(P, D) {
+ return L(D);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Initial Deposit',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: '0',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function E(P, D) {
+ return x(D);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ mt: 1,
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Create Account',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('finalise_create_account', { holder_name: I, starting_funds: A });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 23001: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AdminAntagMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(36352),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = n(321),
+ B = n(5485),
+ k = function (C) {
+ switch (C) {
+ case 0:
+ return 'Antagonists';
+ case 1:
+ return 'Objectives';
+ case 2:
+ return 'Security';
+ case 3:
+ return 'All High Value Items';
+ default:
+ return 'Something went wrong with this menu, make an issue report please!';
+ }
+ },
+ g = function (C) {
+ switch (C) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
+ case 3:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u);
+ default:
+ return 'Something went wrong with this menu, make an issue report please!';
+ }
+ },
+ i = (r.AdminAntagMenu = (function () {
+ function d(C, h) {
+ var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = v.act,
+ N = v.data,
+ V = N.loginState,
+ S = N.currentPage,
+ I = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I[1],
+ A = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
+ x = A[0],
+ E = A[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, {
+ children:
+ 'This menu is a Work in Progress. Some antagonists like Nuclear Operatives and Biohazards will not show up.',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: L === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ w(0);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'user',
+ children: 'Antagonists',
+ },
+ 'Antagonists'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: L === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ w(1);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'people-robbery',
+ children: 'Objectives',
+ },
+ 'Objectives'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: L === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ w(2);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'handcuffs',
+ children: 'Security',
+ },
+ 'Security'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: L === 3,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ w(3);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'lock',
+ children: 'High Value Items',
+ },
+ 'HighValueItems'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: k(L),
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Search...',
+ width: '300px',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function P(D, M) {
+ return E(M);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return p('refresh');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Refresh',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: g(L),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ c = function (C, h) {
+ var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = v.act,
+ N = v.data,
+ V = N.antagonists,
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortId', 'antag_name'),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1];
+ return V.length
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'AdminAntagMenu__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { id: 'name', children: 'Mob Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { id: '', children: 'Buttons' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { id: 'antag_name', children: 'Antagonist Type' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { id: 'status', children: 'Status' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ V.filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(I, function (M) {
+ return M.name + '|' + M.status + '|' + M.antag_name;
+ })
+ )
+ .sort(function (M, R) {
+ var O = P ? 1 : -1;
+ return M[A] === void 0 || M[A] === null
+ ? O
+ : R[A] === void 0 || R[A] === null
+ ? -1 * O
+ : typeof M[A] == 'number'
+ ? (M[A] - R[A]) * O
+ : M[A].localeCompare(R[A]) * O;
+ })
+ .map(function (M, R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: M.body_destroyed
+ ? M.name
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: M.is_hijacker || !M.name ? 'red' : '',
+ tooltip: M.is_hijacker ? 'Hijacker' : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return p('show_player_panel', { mind_uid: M.antag_mind_uid });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: M.name ? M.name : '??? (NO NAME)',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ p('pm', { ckey: M.ckey });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: 'PM',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ p('follow', { datum_uid: M.antag_mind_uid });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: 'FLW',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ p('obs', { mind_uid: M.antag_mind_uid });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: 'OBS',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ p('tp', { mind_uid: M.antag_mind_uid });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: 'TP',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: M.antag_name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: M.status ? 'red' : 'grey',
+ children: M.status ? M.status : 'Alive',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ R
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : 'No Antagonists!';
+ },
+ m = function (C, h) {
+ var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = v.act,
+ N = v.data,
+ V = N.objectives,
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortId2', 'target_name'),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1];
+ return V.length
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'AdminAntagMenu__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ sort_group: 'sortId2',
+ id: 'obj_name',
+ children: 'Name',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ sort_group: 'sortId2',
+ id: 'target_name',
+ children: 'Target',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ sort_group: 'sortId2',
+ id: 'status',
+ children: 'Status',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ sort_group: 'sortId2',
+ id: 'owner_name',
+ children: 'Owner',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ V.filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(I, function (M) {
+ return (
+ M.obj_name +
+ '|' +
+ M.target_name +
+ '|' +
+ (M.status ? 'success' : 'incompleted') +
+ '|' +
+ M.owner_name
+ );
+ })
+ )
+ .sort(function (M, R) {
+ var O = P ? 1 : -1;
+ return M[A] === void 0 || M[A] === null || (A === 'target_name' && M.no_target)
+ ? O
+ : R[A] === void 0 || R[A] === null || (A === 'target_name' && R.no_target)
+ ? -1 * O
+ : typeof M[A] == 'number'
+ ? (M[A] - R[A]) * O
+ : M[A].localeCompare(R[A]) * O;
+ })
+ .map(function (M, R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ tooltip: M.obj_desc,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return p('vv', { uid: M.obj_uid });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: M.obj_name,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: M.no_target
+ ? ''
+ : M.track.length
+ ? M.track.map(function (O, F) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button,
+ {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return p('follow', { datum_uid: O });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ M.target_name,
+ ' ',
+ M.track.length > 1 ? '(' + (parseInt(F, 10) + 1) + ')' : '',
+ ],
+ },
+ F
+ );
+ })
+ : 'No ' + M.target_name + ' Found',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: M.status ? 'green' : 'grey',
+ children: M.status ? 'Success' : 'Incomplete',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ p('obj_owner', { owner_uid: M.owner_uid });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: M.owner_name,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ R
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : 'No Objectives!';
+ },
+ l = function (C, h) {
+ var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = v.act,
+ N = v.data,
+ V = N.security,
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortId3', 'health'),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1],
+ M = function (F) {
+ return F.status === 2
+ ? 'red'
+ : F.status === 1
+ ? 'orange'
+ : F.broken_bone || F.internal_bleeding
+ ? 'yellow'
+ : 'grey';
+ },
+ R = function (F) {
+ return F.status === 2
+ ? 'Dead'
+ : F.status === 1
+ ? 'Unconscious'
+ : F.broken_bone && F.internal_bleeding
+ ? 'Broken Bone, IB'
+ : F.broken_bone
+ ? 'Broken Bone'
+ : F.internal_bleeding
+ ? 'IB'
+ : 'Alive';
+ };
+ return V.length
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'AdminAntagMenu__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { sort_group: 'sortId3', id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { sort_group: 'sortId3', id: 'role', children: 'Role' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ sort_group: 'sortId3',
+ id: 'status',
+ children: 'Status',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { sort_group: 'sortId3', id: 'antag', children: 'Antag' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ sort_group: 'sortId3',
+ id: 'health',
+ children: 'Health',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ V.filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(I, function (O) {
+ return O.name + '|' + O.role + '|' + R(O) + '|' + O.antag;
+ })
+ )
+ .sort(function (O, F) {
+ var _ = P ? 1 : -1;
+ return O[A] === void 0 || O[A] === null
+ ? _
+ : F[A] === void 0 || F[A] === null
+ ? -1 * _
+ : typeof O[A] == 'number'
+ ? (O[A] - F[A]) * _
+ : O[A].localeCompare(F[A]) * _;
+ })
+ .map(function (O, F) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return p('show_player_panel', { mind_uid: O.mind_uid });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ children: O.name,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { collapsing: !0, children: O.role }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: M(O), children: R(O) }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: O.antag
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ textColor: 'red',
+ translucent: !0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ p('tp', { mind_uid: O.mind_uid });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ children: O.antag,
+ })
+ : '',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ minValue: 0,
+ value: O.health / O.max_health,
+ maxValue: 1,
+ ranges: { good: [0.6, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.6], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
+ children: O.health,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ p('pm', { ckey: O.ckey });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ children: 'PM',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ p('follow', { datum_uid: O.mind_uid });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ children: 'FLW',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ p('obs', { mind_uid: O.mind_uid });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ children: 'OBS',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ F
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : 'No Security!';
+ },
+ u = function (C, h) {
+ var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = v.act,
+ N = v.data,
+ V = N.high_value_items,
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortId4', 'person'),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1];
+ return V.length
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'AdminAntagMenu__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { sort_group: 'sortId4', id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ sort_group: 'sortId4',
+ id: 'person',
+ children: 'Carrier',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { sort_group: 'sortId4', id: 'loc', children: 'Location' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ sort_group: 'sortId4',
+ id: 'admin_z',
+ children: 'On Admin Z-level',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ V.filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(I, function (M) {
+ return M.name + '|' + M.loc;
+ })
+ )
+ .sort(function (M, R) {
+ var O = P ? 1 : -1;
+ return M[A] === void 0 || M[A] === null
+ ? O
+ : R[A] === void 0 || R[A] === null
+ ? -1 * O
+ : typeof M[A] == 'number'
+ ? (M[A] - R[A]) * O
+ : M[A].localeCompare(R[A]) * O;
+ })
+ .map(function (M, R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ tooltip: M.obj_desc,
+ translucent: M.admin_z,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return p('vv', { uid: M.uid });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: M.name,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: M.admin_z ? 'grey' : '',
+ children: M.person,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: M.admin_z ? 'grey' : '',
+ children: M.loc,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'grey',
+ children: M.admin_z ? 'On Admin Z-level' : '',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ p('follow', { datum_uid: M.uid });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: 'FLW',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ R
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : 'No High Value Items!';
+ },
+ s = function (C, h) {
+ var v = C.id,
+ p = C.sort_group,
+ N = p === void 0 ? 'sortId' : p,
+ V = C.default_sort,
+ S = V === void 0 ? 'antag_name' : V,
+ I = C.children,
+ L = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, N, S),
+ w = L[0],
+ A = L[1],
+ x = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ E = x[0],
+ P = x[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: w !== v && 'transparent',
+ width: '100%',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ w === v ? P(!E) : (A(v), P(!0));
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ I,
+ w === v &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: E ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 39683: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AgentCardInfo = r.AgentCardAppearances = r.AgentCard = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = [
+ { name: 'Male', icon: 'mars' },
+ { name: 'Female', icon: 'venus' },
+ { name: 'Genderless', icon: 'genderless' },
+ ],
+ b = ['A+', 'A-', 'B+', 'B-', 'AB+', 'AB-', 'O+', 'O-'],
+ y = 'Empty',
+ B = function (m) {
+ var l = m.label,
+ u = m.value,
+ s = m.onCommit,
+ d = m.onClick,
+ C = m.onRClick,
+ h = m.tooltip;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: l,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ mb: -0.5,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: u || y,
+ onCommit: s,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'file-signature',
+ tooltip: h,
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
+ onClick: d,
+ onContextMenu: C,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = (r.AgentCard = (function () {
+ function c(m, l) {
+ var u = (0, a.useLocalState)(l, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ s = u[0],
+ d = u[1],
+ C = (function () {
+ function h(v) {
+ switch (v) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
+ default:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
+ }
+ }
+ return h;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 435,
+ height: 500,
+ theme: 'syndicate',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: s === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return d(0);
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'table' }), ' Card Info'],
+ },
+ 'Card Info'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: s === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return d(1);
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'id-card' }),
+ ' Appearance',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Appearance'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ C(s),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ g = (r.AgentCardInfo = (function () {
+ function c(m, l) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ C = d.registered_name,
+ h = d.sex,
+ v = d.age,
+ p = d.assignment,
+ N = d.job_icon,
+ V = d.associated_account_number,
+ S = d.blood_type,
+ I = d.dna_hash,
+ L = d.fingerprint_hash,
+ w = d.photo,
+ A = d.ai_tracking,
+ x = d.photo_cooldown,
+ E = (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Autofill options.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('LMB - Autofill your own data.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('RMB - Autofill someone else data.'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ P = (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Autofill options.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('LMB - Autofill your own data.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('RMB - Autofill with random data.'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Card Info',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
+ label: 'Name',
+ value: C,
+ tooltip: E,
+ onCommit: (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return s('change_name', { name: R });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('change_name', { option: 'Primary' });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onRClick: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ M.preventDefault(), s('change_name', { option: 'Secondary' });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Sex',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ mb: -0.5,
+ children: f.map(function (D) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: D.icon,
+ content: D.name,
+ selected: h === D.name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return s('change_sex', { sex: D.name });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ D.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Age',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ minValue: 17,
+ value: v || 0,
+ maxValue: 300,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return s('change_age', { age: R });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Rank',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ mb: -0.5,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('change_occupation');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ textAlign: 'middle',
+ children: p || '[UNSET]',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ tooltip: 'Change HUD icon',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('change_occupation', { option: 'Primary' });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.DmIcon, {
+ fill: !0,
+ icon: 'icons/mob/hud/job_assets.dmi',
+ icon_state: N,
+ verticalAlign: 'bottom',
+ my: '2px',
+ width: '16px',
+ }),
+ ' ',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
+ label: 'Fingerprint',
+ value: L,
+ onCommit: (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return s('change_fingerprints', { new_fingerprints: R });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('change_fingerprints', { option: 'Primary' });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onRClick: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ M.preventDefault(), s('change_fingerprints', { option: 'Secondary' });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: P,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Blood Type',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ mb: -0.5,
+ children: [
+ b.map(function (D) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: D,
+ selected: S === D,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return s('change_blood_type', { new_type: D });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ D
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'file-signature',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('change_blood_type', { option: 'Primary' });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
+ label: 'DNA',
+ value: I,
+ onCommit: (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return s('change_dna_hash', { new_dna: R });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('change_dna_hash', { option: 'Primary' });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onRClick: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ M.preventDefault(), s('change_dna_hash', { option: 'Secondary' });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: P,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
+ label: 'Account',
+ value: V || 0,
+ onCommit: (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return s('change_money_account', { new_account: R });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('change_money_account', { option: 'Primary' });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onRClick: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ M.preventDefault(), s('change_money_account', { option: 'Secondary' });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: P,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Photo',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ disabled: !x,
+ tooltip: x ? '' : "You can't generate a new photo yet.",
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('change_photo');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ children: w ? 'Update' : y,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Card Settings',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Card Info',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Delete Card Info',
+ confirmContent: 'Are you sure?',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('delete_info');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Access',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Reset Access',
+ confirmContent: 'Are you sure?',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('clear_access');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'AI Tracking',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return s('change_ai_tracking');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ children: A ? 'Untrackable' : 'Trackable',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ i = (r.AgentCardAppearances = (function () {
+ function c(m, l) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ C = (0, a.useSharedState)(l, 'selectedAppearance', null),
+ h = C[0],
+ v = C[1],
+ p = d.appearances,
+ N = d.id_icon;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Card Appearance',
+ children: p.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.ImageButton,
+ {
+ dmIcon: N,
+ dmIconState: V,
+ imageSize: 64,
+ compact: !0,
+ selected: V === h,
+ tooltip: V,
+ style: { opacity: (V === h && '1') || '0.5' },
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ v(V), s('change_appearance', { new_appearance: V });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })());
+ },
+ 56793: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AiAirlock = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = {
+ 2: { color: 'good', localStatusText: 'Offline' },
+ 1: { color: 'average', localStatusText: 'Caution' },
+ 0: { color: 'bad', localStatusText: 'Optimal' },
+ },
+ b = (r.AiAirlock = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = f[c.power.main] || f[0],
+ l = f[c.power.backup] || f[0],
+ u = f[c.shock] || f[0];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 400,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Power Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Main',
+ color: m.color,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ icon: 'lightbulb-o',
+ disabled: !c.power.main,
+ content: 'Disrupt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('disrupt-main');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ c.power.main ? 'Online' : 'Offline',
+ ' ',
+ (!c.wires.main_power && '[Wires have been cut!]') ||
+ (c.power.main_timeleft > 0 && '[' + c.power.main_timeleft + 's]'),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Backup',
+ color: l.color,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ icon: 'lightbulb-o',
+ disabled: !c.power.backup,
+ content: 'Disrupt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('disrupt-backup');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ c.power.backup ? 'Online' : 'Offline',
+ ' ',
+ (!c.wires.backup_power && '[Wires have been cut!]') ||
+ (c.power.backup_timeleft > 0 && '[' + c.power.backup_timeleft + 's]'),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Electrify',
+ color: u.color,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mr: 0.5,
+ icon: 'wrench',
+ disabled: !(c.wires.shock && c.shock !== 2),
+ content: 'Restore',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('shock-restore');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mr: 0.5,
+ icon: 'bolt',
+ disabled: !c.wires.shock,
+ content: 'Temporary',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('shock-temp');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'bolt',
+ disabled: !c.wires.shock || c.shock === 0,
+ content: 'Permanent',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('shock-perm');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: [
+ c.shock === 2 ? 'Safe' : 'Electrified',
+ ' ',
+ (!c.wires.shock && '[Wires have been cut!]') ||
+ (c.shock_timeleft > 0 && '[' + c.shock_timeleft + 's]') ||
+ (c.shock_timeleft === -1 && '[Permanent]'),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Access and Door Control',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'ID Scan',
+ color: 'bad',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ width: 6.5,
+ icon: c.id_scanner ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: c.id_scanner ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ selected: c.id_scanner,
+ disabled: !c.wires.id_scanner,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('idscan-toggle');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: !c.wires.id_scanner && '[Wires have been cut!]',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Emergency Access',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 6.5,
+ icon: c.emergency ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: c.emergency ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ selected: c.emergency,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('emergency-toggle');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Door Bolts',
+ color: 'bad',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ icon: c.locked ? 'lock' : 'unlock',
+ content: c.locked ? 'Lowered' : 'Raised',
+ selected: c.locked,
+ disabled: !c.wires.bolts,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('bolt-toggle');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: !c.wires.bolts && '[Wires have been cut!]',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Door Bolt Lights',
+ color: 'bad',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ width: 6.5,
+ icon: c.lights ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: c.lights ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ selected: c.lights,
+ disabled: !c.wires.lights,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('light-toggle');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: !c.wires.lights && '[Wires have been cut!]',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Door Force Sensors',
+ color: 'bad',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ width: 6.5,
+ icon: c.safe ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: c.safe ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ selected: c.safe,
+ disabled: !c.wires.safe,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('safe-toggle');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: !c.wires.safe && '[Wires have been cut!]',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Door Timing Safety',
+ color: 'bad',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ width: 6.5,
+ icon: c.speed ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: c.speed ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ selected: c.speed,
+ disabled: !c.wires.timing,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('speed-toggle');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: !c.wires.timing && '[Wires have been cut!]',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Door Control',
+ color: 'bad',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: c.opened ? 'sign-out-alt' : 'sign-in-alt',
+ content: c.opened ? 'Open' : 'Closed',
+ selected: c.opened,
+ disabled: c.locked || c.welded,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i('open-close');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children:
+ !!(c.locked || c.welded) &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('[Door is '),
+ c.locked ? 'bolted' : '',
+ c.locked && c.welded ? ' and ' : '',
+ c.welded ? 'welded' : '',
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('!]'),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 72475: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AirAlarm = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(195),
+ b = (r.AirAlarm = (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.locked;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 570,
+ height: p ? 310 : 755,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.InterfaceLockNoticeBox),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ !p &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g)],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ y = function (s) {
+ return s === 0 ? 'green' : s === 1 ? 'orange' : 'red';
+ },
+ B = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.air,
+ N = v.mode,
+ V = v.atmos_alarm,
+ S = v.locked,
+ I = v.alarmActivated,
+ L = v.rcon,
+ w = v.target_temp,
+ A;
+ return (
+ p.danger.overall === 0
+ ? V === 0
+ ? (A = 'Optimal')
+ : (A = 'Caution: Atmos alert in area')
+ : p.danger.overall === 1
+ ? (A = 'Caution')
+ : (A = 'DANGER: Internals Required'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Air Status',
+ children: p
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pressure',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: y(p.danger.pressure),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: p.pressure }),
+ ' kPa',
+ !S &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: N === 3 ? 'Deactivate Panic Siphon' : 'Activate Panic Siphon',
+ selected: N === 3,
+ icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('mode', { mode: N === 3 ? 1 : 3 });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Oxygen',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: p.contents.oxygen / 100,
+ fractionDigits: '1',
+ color: y(p.danger.oxygen),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Nitrogen',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: p.contents.nitrogen / 100,
+ fractionDigits: '1',
+ color: y(p.danger.nitrogen),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: p.contents.co2 / 100,
+ fractionDigits: '1',
+ color: y(p.danger.co2),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Toxins',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: p.contents.plasma / 100,
+ fractionDigits: '1',
+ color: y(p.danger.plasma),
+ }),
+ }),
+ p.contents.n2o > 0.1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Nitrous Oxide',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: p.contents.n2o / 100,
+ fractionDigits: '1',
+ color: y(p.danger.n2o),
+ }),
+ }),
+ p.contents.other > 0.1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Other',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: p.contents.other / 100,
+ fractionDigits: '1',
+ color: y(p.danger.other),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Temperature',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: y(p.danger.temperature),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: p.temperature }),
+ ' K / ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: p.temperature_c }),
+ ' C\xA0',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'thermometer-full',
+ content: w + ' C',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('temperature');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: p.thermostat_state ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: p.thermostat_state,
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('thermostat_state');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Local Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: y(p.danger.overall),
+ children: [
+ A,
+ !S &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: I ? 'Reset Alarm' : 'Activate Alarm',
+ selected: I,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h(I ? 'atmos_reset' : 'atmos_alarm');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Remote Control Settings',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Off',
+ selected: L === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('set_rcon', { rcon: 1 });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Auto',
+ selected: L === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('set_rcon', { rcon: 2 });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'On',
+ selected: L === 3,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('set_rcon', { rcon: 3 });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'Unable to acquire air sample!' }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ k = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ h = C[0],
+ v = C[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: h === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return v(0);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'sign-out-alt' }), ' Vent Control'],
+ },
+ 'Vents'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: h === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return v(1);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'sign-in-alt' }), ' Scrubber Control'],
+ },
+ 'Scrubbers'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: h === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return v(2);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'cog' }), ' Mode'],
+ },
+ 'Mode'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: h === 3,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return v(3);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'tachometer-alt' }), ' Thresholds'],
+ },
+ 'Thresholds'
+ ),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ h = C[0],
+ v = C[1];
+ switch (h) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
+ case 3:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
+ default:
+ return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
+ }
+ },
+ i = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.vents;
+ return p.map(function (N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: N.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: N.power ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: N.power,
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'power', val: !N.power, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: N.direction ? 'Blowing' : 'Siphoning',
+ icon: N.direction ? 'sign-out-alt' : 'sign-in-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'direction', val: !N.direction, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pressure Checks',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'External',
+ selected: N.checks === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'checks', val: 1, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Internal',
+ selected: N.checks === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'checks', val: 2, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'External Pressure Target',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: N.external }),
+ ' kPa\xA0',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Set',
+ icon: 'cog',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'set_external_pressure', id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Reset',
+ icon: 'redo-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'set_external_pressure', val: 101.325, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ N.name
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.scrubbers;
+ return p.map(function (N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: N.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: N.power ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: N.power,
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'power', val: !N.power, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: N.scrubbing ? 'Scrubbing' : 'Siphoning',
+ icon: N.scrubbing ? 'filter' : 'sign-in-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'scrubbing', val: !N.scrubbing, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Range',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: N.widenet ? 'Extended' : 'Normal',
+ selected: N.widenet,
+ icon: 'expand-arrows-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'widenet', val: !N.widenet, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Filtering',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Carbon Dioxide',
+ selected: N.filter_co2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'co2_scrub', val: !N.filter_co2, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Plasma',
+ selected: N.filter_toxins,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'tox_scrub', val: !N.filter_toxins, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Nitrous Oxide',
+ selected: N.filter_n2o,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'n2o_scrub', val: !N.filter_n2o, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Oxygen',
+ selected: N.filter_o2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'o2_scrub', val: !N.filter_o2, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Nitrogen',
+ selected: N.filter_n2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'n2_scrub', val: !N.filter_n2, id_tag: N.id_tag });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ N.name
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.modes,
+ N = v.presets,
+ V = v.emagged,
+ S = v.mode,
+ I = v.preset;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'System Mode',
+ children: Object.keys(p).map(function (L) {
+ var w = p[L];
+ if (!w.emagonly || V)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ width: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: w.name,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: w.id === S,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return h('mode', { mode: w.id });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: w.desc }),
+ ],
+ },
+ w.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'System Presets',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ italic: !0,
+ children:
+ 'After making a selection, the system will automatically cycle in order to remove contaminants.',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: N.map(function (L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ width: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: L.name,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: L.id === I,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return h('preset', { preset: L.id });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: L.desc }),
+ ],
+ },
+ L.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ l = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.thresholds;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Alarm Thresholds',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '20%', children: 'Value' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ color: 'red',
+ width: '20%',
+ children: 'Danger Min',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ color: 'orange',
+ width: '20%',
+ children: 'Warning Min',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ color: 'orange',
+ width: '20%',
+ children: 'Warning Max',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ color: 'red',
+ width: '20%',
+ children: 'Danger Max',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ p.map(function (N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: N.name }),
+ N.settings.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Cell,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: V.selected === -1 ? 'Off' : V.selected,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return h('command', { cmd: 'set_threshold', env: V.env, var: V.val });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ V.val
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ N.name
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 12333: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AirlockAccessController = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.AirlockAccessController = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data,
+ c = i.exterior_status,
+ m = i.interior_status,
+ l = i.processing,
+ u,
+ s;
+ return (
+ c === 'open'
+ ? (u = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '50%',
+ content: 'Lock Exterior Door',
+ icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('force_ext');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }))
+ : (u = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '50%',
+ content: 'Cycle to Exterior',
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('cycle_ext_door');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ })),
+ m === 'open'
+ ? (s = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '49%',
+ content: 'Lock Interior Door',
+ icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ disabled: l,
+ color: m === 'open' ? 'red' : l ? 'yellow' : null,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('force_int');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }))
+ : (s = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '49%',
+ content: 'Cycle to Interior',
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-right',
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('cycle_int_door');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 330,
+ height: 200,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Information',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'External Door Status',
+ children: c === 'closed' ? 'Locked' : 'Open',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Internal Door Status',
+ children: m === 'closed' ? 'Locked' : 'Open',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: [u, s] }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 28736: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AirlockElectronics = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(49148),
+ b = 1,
+ y = 2,
+ B = 4,
+ k = 8,
+ g = (r.AirlockElectronics = (function () {
+ function m(l, u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 450,
+ height: 565,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c)],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()),
+ i = function (l, u) {
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = C.unrestricted_dir;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Access Control',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ mb: 1,
+ children: 'Unrestricted Access From:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ content: 'East',
+ selected: h & B,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return d('unrestricted_access', { unres_dir: B });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'arrow-up',
+ content: 'South',
+ selected: h & y,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return d('unrestricted_access', { unres_dir: y });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'arrow-right',
+ content: 'West',
+ selected: h & k,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return d('unrestricted_access', { unres_dir: k });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ content: 'North',
+ selected: h & b,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return d('unrestricted_access', { unres_dir: b });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (l, u) {
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = C.selected_accesses,
+ v = C.one_access,
+ p = C.regions;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AccessList, {
+ usedByRcd: 1,
+ rcdButtons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: v,
+ content: 'One',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return d('set_one_access', { access: 'one' });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: !v,
+ content: 'All',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return d('set_one_access', { access: 'all' });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ accesses: p,
+ selectedList: h,
+ accessMod: (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ return d('set', { access: V });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ grantAll: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return d('grant_all');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ denyAll: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return d('clear_all');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ grantDep: (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ return d('grant_region', { region: V });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ denyDep: (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ return d('deny_region', { region: V });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 47365: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AlertModal = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(51057),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(92986),
+ f = n(36036),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = -1,
+ B = 1,
+ k = (r.AlertModal = (function () {
+ function c(m, l) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ C = d.autofocus,
+ h = d.buttons,
+ v = h === void 0 ? [] : h,
+ p = d.large_buttons,
+ N = d.message,
+ V = N === void 0 ? '' : N,
+ S = d.timeout,
+ I = d.title,
+ L = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'selected', 0),
+ w = L[0],
+ A = L[1],
+ x = 110 + (V.length > 30 ? Math.ceil(V.length / 4) : 0) + (V.length && p ? 5 : 0),
+ E = 325 + (v.length > 2 ? 100 : 0),
+ P = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ w === 0 && M === y ? A(v.length - 1) : w === v.length - 1 && M === B ? A(0) : A(w + M);
+ }
+ return D;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ title: I,
+ height: x,
+ width: E,
+ children: [
+ !!S && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: S }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = window.event ? M.which : M.keyCode;
+ R === o.KEY_SPACE || R === o.KEY_ENTER
+ ? s('choose', { choice: v[w] })
+ : R === o.KEY_ESCAPE
+ ? s('cancel')
+ : R === o.KEY_LEFT
+ ? (M.preventDefault(), P(y))
+ : (R === o.KEY_TAB || R === o.KEY_RIGHT) && (M.preventDefault(), P(B));
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ m: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ children: V,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ !!C && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Autofocus),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { selected: w }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ g = function (m, l) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.data,
+ d = s.buttons,
+ C = d === void 0 ? [] : d,
+ h = s.large_buttons,
+ v = s.swapped_buttons,
+ p = m.selected;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Flex, {
+ fill: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ direction: v ? 'row' : 'row-reverse',
+ justify: 'space-around',
+ wrap: !0,
+ children:
+ C == null
+ ? void 0
+ : C.map(function (N, V) {
+ return h && C.length < 3
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Flex.Item,
+ {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
+ button: N,
+ id: V.toString(),
+ selected: p === V,
+ }),
+ },
+ V
+ )
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Flex.Item,
+ {
+ grow: h ? 1 : 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
+ button: N,
+ id: V.toString(),
+ selected: p === V,
+ }),
+ },
+ V
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (m, l) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ C = d.large_buttons,
+ h = m.button,
+ v = m.selected,
+ p = h.length > 7 ? '100%' : 7;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ mx: C ? 1 : 0,
+ pt: C ? 0.33 : 0,
+ content: h,
+ fluid: !!C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('choose', { choice: h });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ selected: v,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ height: !!C && 2,
+ width: !C && p,
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 71824: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AppearanceChanger = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.AppearanceChanger = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.change_race,
+ l = c.species,
+ u = c.specimen,
+ s = c.change_gender,
+ d = c.gender,
+ C = c.change_eye_color,
+ h = c.change_skin_tone,
+ v = c.change_skin_color,
+ p = c.change_runechat_color,
+ N = c.change_head_accessory_color,
+ V = c.change_hair_color,
+ S = c.change_secondary_hair_color,
+ I = c.change_facial_hair_color,
+ L = c.change_secondary_facial_hair_color,
+ w = c.change_head_marking_color,
+ A = c.change_body_marking_color,
+ x = c.change_tail_marking_color,
+ E = c.change_head_accessory,
+ P = c.head_accessory_styles,
+ D = c.head_accessory_style,
+ M = c.change_hair,
+ R = c.hair_styles,
+ O = c.hair_style,
+ F = c.change_hair_gradient,
+ _ = c.change_facial_hair,
+ U = c.facial_hair_styles,
+ z = c.facial_hair_style,
+ $ = c.change_head_markings,
+ G = c.head_marking_styles,
+ X = c.head_marking_style,
+ J = c.change_body_markings,
+ se = c.body_marking_styles,
+ ie = c.body_marking_style,
+ me = c.change_tail_markings,
+ q = c.tail_marking_styles,
+ re = c.tail_marking_style,
+ ae = c.change_body_accessory,
+ le = c.body_accessory_styles,
+ Z = c.body_accessory_style,
+ ne = c.change_alt_head,
+ te = c.alt_head_styles,
+ fe = c.alt_head_style,
+ pe = !1;
+ return (
+ (C || h || v || N || p || V || S || I || L || w || A || x) && (pe = !0),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 450,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ !!m &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Species',
+ children: l.map(function (ce) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: ce.specimen,
+ selected: ce.specimen === u,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function Ve() {
+ return i('race', { race: ce.specimen });
+ }
+ return Ve;
+ })(),
+ },
+ ce.specimen
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Gender',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Male',
+ selected: d === 'male',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function ce() {
+ return i('gender', { gender: 'male' });
+ }
+ return ce;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Female',
+ selected: d === 'female',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function ce() {
+ return i('gender', { gender: 'female' });
+ }
+ return ce;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Genderless',
+ selected: d === 'plural',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function ce() {
+ return i('gender', { gender: 'plural' });
+ }
+ return ce;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!pe && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ !!E &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Head accessory',
+ children: P.map(function (ce) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: ce.headaccessorystyle,
+ selected: ce.headaccessorystyle === D,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function Ve() {
+ return i('head_accessory', { head_accessory: ce.headaccessorystyle });
+ }
+ return Ve;
+ })(),
+ },
+ ce.headaccessorystyle
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!M &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Hair',
+ children: R.map(function (ce) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: ce.hairstyle,
+ selected: ce.hairstyle === O,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function Ve() {
+ return i('hair', { hair: ce.hairstyle });
+ }
+ return Ve;
+ })(),
+ },
+ ce.hairstyle
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!F &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Hair Gradient',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Change Style',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function ce() {
+ return i('hair_gradient');
+ }
+ return ce;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Change Offset',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function ce() {
+ return i('hair_gradient_offset');
+ }
+ return ce;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Change Color',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function ce() {
+ return i('hair_gradient_colour');
+ }
+ return ce;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Change Alpha',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function ce() {
+ return i('hair_gradient_alpha');
+ }
+ return ce;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!_ &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Facial hair',
+ children: U.map(function (ce) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: ce.facialhairstyle,
+ selected: ce.facialhairstyle === z,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function Ve() {
+ return i('facial_hair', { facial_hair: ce.facialhairstyle });
+ }
+ return Ve;
+ })(),
+ },
+ ce.facialhairstyle
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!$ &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Head markings',
+ children: G.map(function (ce) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: ce.headmarkingstyle,
+ selected: ce.headmarkingstyle === X,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function Ve() {
+ return i('head_marking', { head_marking: ce.headmarkingstyle });
+ }
+ return Ve;
+ })(),
+ },
+ ce.headmarkingstyle
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!J &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Body markings',
+ children: se.map(function (ce) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: ce.bodymarkingstyle,
+ selected: ce.bodymarkingstyle === ie,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function Ve() {
+ return i('body_marking', { body_marking: ce.bodymarkingstyle });
+ }
+ return Ve;
+ })(),
+ },
+ ce.bodymarkingstyle
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!me &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tail markings',
+ children: q.map(function (ce) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: ce.tailmarkingstyle,
+ selected: ce.tailmarkingstyle === re,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function Ve() {
+ return i('tail_marking', { tail_marking: ce.tailmarkingstyle });
+ }
+ return Ve;
+ })(),
+ },
+ ce.tailmarkingstyle
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!ae &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Body accessory',
+ children: le.map(function (ce) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: ce.bodyaccessorystyle,
+ selected: ce.bodyaccessorystyle === Z,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function Ve() {
+ return i('body_accessory', { body_accessory: ce.bodyaccessorystyle });
+ }
+ return Ve;
+ })(),
+ },
+ ce.bodyaccessorystyle
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!ne &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Alternate head',
+ children: te.map(function (ce) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: ce.altheadstyle,
+ selected: ce.altheadstyle === fe,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function Ve() {
+ return i('alt_head', { alt_head: ce.altheadstyle });
+ }
+ return Ve;
+ })(),
+ },
+ ce.altheadstyle
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = [
+ { key: 'change_eye_color', text: 'Change eye color', action: 'eye_color' },
+ { key: 'change_skin_tone', text: 'Change skin tone', action: 'skin_tone' },
+ { key: 'change_skin_color', text: 'Change skin color', action: 'skin_color' },
+ { key: 'change_runechat_color', text: 'Change runechat color', action: 'runechat_color' },
+ {
+ key: 'change_head_accessory_color',
+ text: 'Change head accessory color',
+ action: 'head_accessory_color',
+ },
+ { key: 'change_hair_color', text: 'Change hair color', action: 'hair_color' },
+ {
+ key: 'change_secondary_hair_color',
+ text: 'Change secondary hair color',
+ action: 'secondary_hair_color',
+ },
+ { key: 'change_facial_hair_color', text: 'Change facial hair color', action: 'facial_hair_color' },
+ {
+ key: 'change_secondary_facial_hair_color',
+ text: 'Change secondary facial hair color',
+ action: 'secondary_facial_hair_color',
+ },
+ { key: 'change_head_marking_color', text: 'Change head marking color', action: 'head_marking_color' },
+ { key: 'change_body_marking_color', text: 'Change body marking color', action: 'body_marking_color' },
+ { key: 'change_tail_marking_color', text: 'Change tail marking color', action: 'tail_marking_color' },
+ ];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Colors',
+ children: m.map(function (l) {
+ return (
+ !!c[l.key] &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: l.text,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return i(l.action);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ },
+ l.key
+ )
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 72285: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosAlertConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.AtmosAlertConsole = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data,
+ c = i.priority || [],
+ m = i.minor || [],
+ l = i.mode || {};
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 300,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Alarms',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'ul',
+ null,
+ [
+ c.length === 0 && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'No Priority Alerts', 16),
+ c.map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-bad', u, 0, null, u);
+ }),
+ m.length === 0 && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'No Minor Alerts', 16),
+ m.map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-average', u, 0, null, u);
+ }),
+ Object.keys(l).length === 0 &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'All Areas Filtering', 16),
+ Object.keys(l).map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ 'color-good',
+ [u, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' mode is '), l[u]],
+ 0,
+ null,
+ alert
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 65805: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosControl = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(36352),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = function (c) {
+ if (c === 0) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: 'Good' });
+ if (c === 1)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'orange', bold: !0, children: 'Warning' });
+ if (c === 2) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', bold: !0, children: 'DANGER' });
+ },
+ y = function (c) {
+ if (c === 0) return 'green';
+ if (c === 1) return 'orange';
+ if (c === 2) return 'red';
+ },
+ B = (r.AtmosControl = (function () {
+ function i(c, m) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = l.act,
+ s = l.data,
+ d = (0, a.useLocalState)(m, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ C = d[0],
+ h = d[1],
+ v = (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ switch (N) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
+ default:
+ return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
+ }
+ }
+ return p;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: C === 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fillPositionedParent: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: C === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return h(0);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'table' }), ' Data View'],
+ },
+ 'DataView'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: C === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return h(1);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'map-marked-alt' }),
+ ' Map View',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'MapView'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ v(C),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = l.act,
+ s = l.data,
+ d = s.alarms;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Access' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ d.map(function (C) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.TableCell, { children: C.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.TableCell, { children: b(C.danger) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.TableCell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'cog',
+ content: 'Access',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return u('open_alarm', { aref: C.ref });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ C.name
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (c, m) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = l.act,
+ s = l.data,
+ d = s.alarms;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ height: '526px',
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NanoMap, {
+ children: d
+ .filter(function (C) {
+ return C.z === 2;
+ })
+ .map(function (C) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.NanoMap.MarkerIcon,
+ {
+ x: C.x,
+ y: C.y,
+ icon: 'circle',
+ tooltip: C.name,
+ color: y(C.danger),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return u('open_alarm', { aref: C.ref });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ },
+ C.ref
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 87816: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosFilter = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.AtmosFilter = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data,
+ c = i.on,
+ m = i.pressure,
+ l = i.max_pressure,
+ u = i.filter_type,
+ s = i.filter_type_list;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 380,
+ height: 140,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: c ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ color: c ? null : 'red',
+ selected: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('power');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Rate',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ disabled: m === 0,
+ width: 2.2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('min_pressure');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ unit: 'kPa',
+ width: 6.1,
+ lineHeight: 1.5,
+ step: 10,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: l,
+ value: m,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function d(C, h) {
+ return g('custom_pressure', { pressure: h });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ disabled: m === l,
+ width: 2.2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('max_pressure');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Filter',
+ children: s.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.gas_type === u,
+ content: d.label,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return g('set_filter', { filter: d.gas_type });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ },
+ d.label
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 52977: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosMixer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.AtmosMixer = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.on,
+ l = c.pressure,
+ u = c.max_pressure,
+ s = c.node1_concentration,
+ d = c.node2_concentration;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 330,
+ height: 165,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: m ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ color: m ? null : 'red',
+ selected: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return i('power');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Rate',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ disabled: l === 0,
+ width: 2.2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return i('min_pressure');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ unit: 'kPa',
+ width: 6.1,
+ lineHeight: 1.5,
+ step: 10,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: u,
+ value: l,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function C(h, v) {
+ return i('custom_pressure', { pressure: v });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ disabled: l === u,
+ width: 2.2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return i('max_pressure');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { node_name: 'Node 1', node_ref: s }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { node_name: 'Node 2', node_ref: d }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = B.node_name,
+ l = B.node_ref;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: m,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ width: 2.2,
+ disabled: l === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return i('set_node', { node_name: m, concentration: (l - 10) / 100 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ unit: '%',
+ width: 6.1,
+ lineHeight: 1.5,
+ stepPixelSize: 10,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ value: l,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return i('set_node', { node_name: m, concentration: d / 100 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ width: 2.2,
+ disabled: l === 100,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return i('set_node', { node_name: m, concentration: (l + 10) / 100 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 11748: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosPump = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.AtmosPump = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data,
+ c = i.on,
+ m = i.rate,
+ l = i.max_rate,
+ u = i.gas_unit,
+ s = i.step;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 330,
+ height: 110,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: c ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ color: c ? null : 'red',
+ selected: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('power');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Rate',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ disabled: m === 0,
+ width: 2.2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('min_rate');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ unit: u,
+ width: 6.1,
+ lineHeight: 1.5,
+ step: s,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: l,
+ value: m,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function d(C, h) {
+ return g('custom_rate', { rate: h });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ disabled: m === l,
+ width: 2.2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('max_rate');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 69321: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosTankControl = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(44879),
+ f = n(76910),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = (r.AtmosTankControl = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = i.act,
+ m = i.data,
+ l = m.sensors || {};
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 400,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ Object.keys(l).map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: u,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ Object.keys(l[u]).indexOf('pressure') > -1
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pressure',
+ children: [l[u].pressure, ' kpa'],
+ })
+ : '',
+ Object.keys(l[u]).indexOf('temperature') > -1
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Temperature',
+ children: [l[u].temperature, ' K'],
+ })
+ : '',
+ ['o2', 'n2', 'plasma', 'co2', 'n2o'].map(function (s) {
+ return Object.keys(l[u]).indexOf(s) > -1
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: (0, f.getGasLabel)(s),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ color: (0, f.getGasColor)(s),
+ value: l[u][s],
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(l[u][s], 2) + '%',
+ }),
+ },
+ (0, f.getGasLabel)(s)
+ )
+ : '';
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ u
+ );
+ }),
+ m.inlet && Object.keys(m.inlet).length > 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Inlet Control',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: (m.inlet.on, 'power-off'),
+ content: m.inlet.on ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ color: m.inlet.on ? null : 'red',
+ selected: m.inlet.on,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('toggle_active', { dev: 'inlet' });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Rate',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ unit: 'L/s',
+ width: 6.1,
+ lineHeight: 1.5,
+ step: 1,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 50,
+ value: m.inlet.rate,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return c('set_pressure', { dev: 'inlet', val: d });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ : '',
+ m.outlet && Object.keys(m.outlet).length > 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Outlet Control',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: (m.outlet.on, 'power-off'),
+ content: m.outlet.on ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ color: m.outlet.on ? null : 'red',
+ selected: m.outlet.on,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('toggle_active', { dev: 'outlet' });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Rate',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ unit: 'kPa',
+ width: 6.1,
+ lineHeight: 1.5,
+ step: 10,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 5066,
+ value: m.outlet.rate,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return c('set_pressure', { dev: 'outlet', val: d });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ : '',
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 92444: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AugmentMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(25328),
+ b = (r.AugmentMenu = (function () {
+ function k(g, i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 700,
+ height: 660,
+ theme: 'malfunction',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { context: i }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y = function (g) {
+ var i = g.context,
+ c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ m = c.act,
+ l = c.data,
+ u = l.usable_swarms,
+ s = l.ability_tabs,
+ d = l.known_abilities,
+ C = (0, a.useLocalState)(i, 'selectedTab', s[0]),
+ h = C[0],
+ v = C[1],
+ p = (0, a.useLocalState)(i, 'searchText', ''),
+ N = p[0],
+ V = p[1],
+ S = function () {
+ var E = s.find(function (D) {
+ return D.category_name === h.category_name;
+ });
+ if (!E) return [];
+ var P = Math.min(E.category_stage, 4);
+ return E.abilities
+ .filter(function (D) {
+ return D.stage <= P && (!N || D.name.toLowerCase().includes(N.toLowerCase()));
+ })
+ .sort(function (D, M) {
+ return ['intruder', 'destroyer'].includes(h.category_name.toLowerCase()) ? D.stage - M.stage : 0;
+ });
+ },
+ I = S(),
+ L = s.find(function (x) {
+ return x.category_name === h.category_name;
+ }),
+ w = ['intruder', 'destroyer'].includes(h.category_name.toLowerCase()),
+ A = function (E) {
+ var P = d.find(function (R) {
+ return R.ability_path === E.ability_path;
+ }),
+ D = P ? P.cost : E.cost,
+ M = P && P.current_level > 0 ? P.current_level + ' / ' + P.max_level : '0 / ' + E.max_level;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ direction: 'row',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ height: '20px',
+ width: '35px',
+ mb: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: D,
+ disabled: D > u || (P && P.current_level === P.max_level),
+ tooltip: 'Purchase this ability?',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function R() {
+ m('purchase', { ability_path: E.ability_path }), v(h);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { fontSize: '16px', children: E.name }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ fontSize: '13px',
+ children: E.desc || 'Description not available',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ 'Level: ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, M, 0, { style: { color: 'green' } }),
+ w &&
+ E.stage > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [(0, e.createTextVNode)(' (Stage: '), E.stage, (0, e.createTextVNode)(')')],
+ 0
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Divider),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ E.name
+ );
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ style: { marginRight: '10px' },
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Swarms: '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, u, 0, { style: { color: 'green' } }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ w &&
+ L &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Category Stage: '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, Math.min(L.category_stage, 4), 0, {
+ style: { color: 'green' },
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'Section__buttons',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ width: '200px',
+ placeholder: 'Search Abilities',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function x(E, P) {
+ return V(P);
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ value: N,
+ }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4,
+ { style: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' } }
+ ),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ s.map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: h.category_name === x.category_name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ v(x), V('');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, f.capitalize)(x.category_name),
+ },
+ x.category_name
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: h.category_name === 'upgrades',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return v({ category_name: 'upgrades' });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Upgrades',
+ },
+ 'upgrades'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ h.category_name === 'upgrades'
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { act: m, abilityTabs: s, knownAbilities: d, usableSwarms: u })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, { vertical: !0, children: I.map(A) }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g) {
+ var i = g.act,
+ c = g.abilityTabs,
+ m = g.knownAbilities,
+ l = g.usableSwarms,
+ u = m.filter(function (d) {
+ return d.current_level < d.max_level;
+ }),
+ s = function (C) {
+ var h = c
+ .flatMap(function (v) {
+ return v.abilities;
+ })
+ .find(function (v) {
+ return v.ability_path === C.ability_path;
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ direction: 'row',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ height: '20px',
+ width: '35px',
+ mb: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: C.cost,
+ disabled: C.cost > l,
+ tooltip: 'Upgrade this ability?',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return i('purchase', { ability_path: C.ability_path });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { fontSize: '16px', children: C.name }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ fontSize: '13px',
+ children: C.upgrade_text,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ 'Level:',
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, C.current_level + ' / ' + C.max_level, 0, {
+ style: { color: 'green' },
+ }),
+ h &&
+ h.stage > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [(0, e.createTextVNode)(' (Stage: '), h.stage, (0, e.createTextVNode)(')')],
+ 0
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Divider),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ C.name
+ );
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, { vertical: !0, children: u.map(s) });
+ };
+ },
+ 59179: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Autolathe = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(64795),
+ t = n(88510),
+ o = n(72253),
+ f = n(36036),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = n(25328),
+ B = function (i, c, m, l) {
+ return i.requirements === null ? !0 : !(i.requirements.metal * l > c || i.requirements.glass * l > m);
+ },
+ k = (r.Autolathe = (function () {
+ function g(i, c) {
+ var m = (0, o.useBackend)(c),
+ l = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.total_amount,
+ d = u.max_amount,
+ C = u.metal_amount,
+ h = u.glass_amount,
+ v = u.busyname,
+ p = u.busyamt,
+ N = u.showhacked,
+ V = u.buildQueue,
+ S = u.buildQueueLen,
+ I = u.recipes,
+ L = u.categories,
+ w = (0, o.useSharedState)(c, 'category', 0),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1];
+ A === 0 && (A = 'Tools');
+ var E = C.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,'),
+ P = h.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,'),
+ D = s.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,'),
+ M = (0, o.useSharedState)(c, 'search_text', ''),
+ R = M[0],
+ O = M[1],
+ F = (0, y.createSearch)(R, function ($) {
+ return $.name;
+ }),
+ _ = '';
+ S > 0 &&
+ (_ = V.map(function ($, G) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Button,
+ {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'times',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ content: V[G][0],
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function X() {
+ return l('remove_from_queue', { remove_from_queue: V.indexOf($) + 1 });
+ }
+ return X;
+ })(),
+ },
+ $
+ ),
+ },
+ G
+ );
+ }));
+ var U = (0, a.flow)([
+ (0, t.filter)(function ($) {
+ return ($.category.indexOf(A) > -1 || R) && (u.showhacked || !$.hacked);
+ }),
+ R && (0, t.filter)(F),
+ (0, t.sortBy)(function ($) {
+ return $.name.toLowerCase();
+ }),
+ ])(I),
+ z = 'Build';
+ return (
+ R ? (z = "Results for: '" + R + "':") : A && (z = 'Build (' + A + ')'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 750,
+ height: 525,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ horizontal: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '70%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: z,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
+ width: '150px',
+ options: L,
+ selected: A,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function $(G) {
+ return x(G);
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ placeholder: 'Search for...',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function $(G, X) {
+ return O(X);
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ mb: 1,
+ }),
+ U.map(function ($) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + $.image,
+ style: {
+ 'vertical-align': 'middle',
+ width: '32px',
+ margin: '0px',
+ 'margin-left': '0px',
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ mr: 1,
+ icon: 'hammer',
+ selected: u.busyname === $.name && u.busyamt === 1,
+ disabled: !B($, u.metal_amount, u.glass_amount, 1),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return l('make', { make: $.uid, multiplier: 1 });
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, y.toTitleCase)($.name),
+ }),
+ $.max_multiplier >= 10 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ mr: 1,
+ icon: 'hammer',
+ selected: u.busyname === $.name && u.busyamt === 10,
+ disabled: !B($, u.metal_amount, u.glass_amount, 10),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return l('make', { make: $.uid, multiplier: 10 });
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: '10x',
+ }),
+ $.max_multiplier >= 25 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ mr: 1,
+ icon: 'hammer',
+ selected: u.busyname === $.name && u.busyamt === 25,
+ disabled: !B($, u.metal_amount, u.glass_amount, 25),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return l('make', { make: $.uid, multiplier: 25 });
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: '25x',
+ }),
+ $.max_multiplier > 25 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ mr: 1,
+ icon: 'hammer',
+ selected: u.busyname === $.name && u.busyamt === $.max_multiplier,
+ disabled: !B($, u.metal_amount, u.glass_amount, $.max_multiplier),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return l('make', { make: $.uid, multiplier: $.max_multiplier });
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: [$.max_multiplier, 'x'],
+ }),
+ ($.requirements &&
+ Object.keys($.requirements)
+ .map(function (G) {
+ return (0, y.toTitleCase)(G) + ': ' + $.requirements[G];
+ })
+ .join(', ')) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { children: 'No resources required.' }),
+ ],
+ },
+ $.ref
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '30%',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Materials',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Metal', children: E }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Glass', children: P }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Total', children: D }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Storage',
+ children: [u.fill_percent, '% Full'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Building',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: v ? 'green' : '',
+ children: v || 'Nothing',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Build Queue',
+ height: 23.7,
+ children: [
+ _,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ mt: 0.5,
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Clear All',
+ color: 'red',
+ disabled: !u.buildQueueLen,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function $() {
+ return l('clear_queue');
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ },
+ 5147: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BioChipPad = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.BioChipPad = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data,
+ c = i.implant,
+ m = i.contains_case,
+ l = i.gps,
+ u = i.tag,
+ s = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'newTag', u),
+ d = s[0],
+ C = s[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 410,
+ height: 325,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Bio-chip Mini-Computer',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Eject Case',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ disabled: !m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return g('eject_case');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ children:
+ c && m
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: !0,
+ mb: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + c.image,
+ ml: 0,
+ mr: 2,
+ style: { 'vertical-align': 'middle', width: '32px' },
+ }),
+ c.name,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Life',
+ children: c.life,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Notes',
+ children: c.notes,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Function',
+ children: c.function,
+ }),
+ !!l &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tag',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ width: '5.5rem',
+ value: u,
+ onEnter: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return g('tag', { newtag: d });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function h(v, p) {
+ return C(p);
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: u === d,
+ width: '20px',
+ mb: '0',
+ ml: '0.25rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return g('tag', { newtag: d });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'pen' }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ : m
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'This bio-chip case has no implant!' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'Please insert a bio-chip casing!' }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 64273: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Biogenerator = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(62411),
+ b = (r.Biogenerator = (function () {
+ function i(c, m) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = l.data,
+ s = l.config,
+ d = u.container,
+ C = u.processing,
+ h = s.title;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 390,
+ height: 595,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Operating, { operating: C, name: h }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ d ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ y = function (c, m) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'flask', size: 5, mb: '10px' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'The biogenerator is missing a container.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (c, m) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = l.act,
+ s = l.data,
+ d = s.biomass,
+ C = s.container,
+ h = s.container_curr_reagents,
+ v = s.container_max_reagents;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Storage',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mr: '20px',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: 'Biomass:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { mr: '5px', children: d }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'leaf', size: 1.2, color: '#3d8c40' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ height: '21px',
+ mt: '8px',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mr: '10px',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: 'Container:',
+ }),
+ C
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: h,
+ maxValue: v,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: h + ' / ' + v + ' units',
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: 'None' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = l.act,
+ s = l.data,
+ d = s.has_plants,
+ C = s.container;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Controls',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '30%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ disabled: !d,
+ tooltip: d ? '' : 'There are no plants in the biogenerator.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top-start',
+ content: 'Activate',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return u('activate');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '40%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'flask',
+ disabled: !C,
+ tooltip: C ? '' : 'The biogenerator does not have a container.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ content: 'Detach Container',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return u('detach_container');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '30%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ disabled: !d,
+ tooltip: d ? '' : 'There are no stored plants to eject.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top-end',
+ content: 'Eject Plants',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return u('eject_plants');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (c, m) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = l.act,
+ s = l.data,
+ d = s.biomass,
+ C = s.product_list,
+ h = (0, a.useSharedState)(m, 'vendAmount', 1),
+ v = h[0],
+ p = h[1],
+ N = Object.entries(C).map(function (V, S) {
+ var I = Object.entries(V[1]).map(function (L) {
+ return L[1];
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Collapsible,
+ {
+ title: V[0],
+ open: !0,
+ children: I.map(function (L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ py: '2px',
+ className: 'candystripe',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '50%',
+ ml: '2px',
+ children: L.name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ width: '20%',
+ children: [
+ L.cost * v,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ ml: '5px',
+ name: 'leaf',
+ size: 1.2,
+ color: '#3d8c40',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ width: '40%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Vend',
+ disabled: d < L.cost * v,
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return u('create', { id: L.id, amount: v });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ L
+ );
+ }),
+ },
+ V[0]
+ );
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Products',
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ height: 32,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ mr: '5px',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: 'Amount to vend:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ value: v,
+ width: '32px',
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ stepPixelSize: 7,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ return p(I);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: N,
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 47823: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BloomEdit = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.BloomEdit = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data,
+ c = i.glow_brightness_base,
+ m = i.glow_brightness_power,
+ l = i.glow_contrast_base,
+ u = i.glow_contrast_power,
+ s = i.exposure_brightness_base,
+ d = i.exposure_brightness_power,
+ C = i.exposure_contrast_base,
+ h = i.exposure_contrast_power;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ title: 'BloomEdit',
+ width: 500,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Bloom Edit',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Lamp Brightness Base',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, children: 'Base Lamp Brightness' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: c,
+ minValue: -10,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ step: 0.01,
+ width: '20px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function v(p, N) {
+ return g('glow_brightness_base', { value: N });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Lamp Brightness Power',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ children: 'Lamp Brightness * Light Power',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: m,
+ minValue: -10,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ step: 0.01,
+ width: '20px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function v(p, N) {
+ return g('glow_brightness_power', { value: N });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Lamp Contrast Base',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, children: 'Base Lamp Contrast' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: l,
+ minValue: -10,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ step: 0.01,
+ width: '20px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function v(p, N) {
+ return g('glow_contrast_base', { value: N });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Lamp Contrast Power',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ children: 'Lamp Contrast * Light Power',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: u,
+ minValue: -10,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ step: 0.01,
+ width: '20px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function v(p, N) {
+ return g('glow_contrast_power', { value: N });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Exposure Brightness Base',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ children: 'Base Exposure Brightness',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: s,
+ minValue: -10,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ step: 0.01,
+ width: '20px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function v(p, N) {
+ return g('exposure_brightness_base', { value: N });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Exposure Brightness Power',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ children: 'Exposure Brightness * Light Power',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: d,
+ minValue: -10,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ step: 0.01,
+ width: '20px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function v(p, N) {
+ return g('exposure_brightness_power', { value: N });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Exposure Contrast Base',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, children: 'Base Exposure Contrast' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: C,
+ minValue: -10,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ step: 0.01,
+ width: '20px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function v(p, N) {
+ return g('exposure_contrast_base', { value: N });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Exposure Contrast Power',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ children: 'Exposure Contrast * Light Power',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: h,
+ minValue: -10,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ step: 0.01,
+ width: '20px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function v(p, N) {
+ return g('exposure_contrast_power', { value: N });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Reload Lamps with New Parameters',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return g('update_lamps');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Reset to Default',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return g('default');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 18621: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BlueSpaceArtilleryControl = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.BlueSpaceArtilleryControl = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data,
+ c;
+ return (
+ i.ready
+ ? (c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ color: 'green',
+ children: 'Ready',
+ }))
+ : i.reloadtime_text
+ ? (c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Reloading In',
+ color: 'red',
+ children: i.reloadtime_text,
+ }))
+ : (c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'No cannon connected!',
+ })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 150,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ i.notice &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Alert',
+ color: 'red',
+ children: i.notice,
+ }),
+ c,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Target',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'crosshairs',
+ content: i.target ? i.target : 'None',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('recalibrate');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ i.ready === 1 &&
+ !!i.target &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Firing',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'skull',
+ content: 'FIRE!',
+ color: 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('fire');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !i.connected &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Maintenance',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'wrench',
+ content: 'Complete Deployment',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('build');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 27629: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Incursion = r.BluespaceTap = r.Alerts = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(49968),
+ b = (r.Incursion = (function () {
+ function k(g, i) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ m = c.data,
+ l = m.portaling;
+ if (l)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
+ fontsize: '256px',
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(35,0,0,0.85)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Blink, {
+ fontsize: '256px',
+ interval: Math.random() > 0.25 ? 750 + 400 * Math.random() : 290 + 150 * Math.random(),
+ time: 60 + 150 * Math.random(),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ mb: '30px',
+ fontsize: '256px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ color: 'red',
+ fontsize: '256px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'skull', size: 14, mb: '64px' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.BluespaceTap = (function () {
+ function k(g, i) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ m = c.act,
+ l = c.data,
+ u = l.product || [],
+ s = l.desiredMiningPower,
+ d = l.miningPower,
+ C = l.points,
+ h = l.totalPoints,
+ v = l.powerUse,
+ p = l.availablePower,
+ N = l.emagged,
+ V = l.autoShutown,
+ S = l.stabilizers,
+ I = l.stabilizerPower,
+ L = l.stabilizerPriority,
+ w = (s > d && 'bad') || 'good';
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 650,
+ height: 450,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
+ title: 'Input Management',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Input',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: V && !N ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: 'Auto shutdown',
+ color: V && !N ? 'green' : 'red',
+ disabled: !!N,
+ tooltip: 'Turn auto shutdown on or off',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return m('auto_shutdown');
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: S && !N ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: 'Stabilizers',
+ color: S && !N ? 'green' : 'red',
+ disabled: !!N,
+ tooltip: 'Turn stabilizers on or off',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return m('stabilizers');
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: L && !N ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: 'Stabilizer priority',
+ color: L && !N ? 'green' : 'red',
+ disabled: !!N,
+ tooltip: 'On: Mining power will not exceed what can be stabilized',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return m('stabilizer_priority');
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Desired Mining Power',
+ children: (0, f.formatPower)(s),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ labelStyle: { 'vertical-align': 'top' },
+ label: 'Set Desired Mining Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ width: '100%',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'step-backward',
+ disabled: s === 0 || N,
+ tooltip: 'Set to 0',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return m('set', { set_power: 0 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ tooltip: 'Decrease by 10 MW',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ disabled: s === 0 || N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return m('set', { set_power: s - 1e7 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'backward',
+ disabled: s === 0 || N,
+ tooltip: 'Decrease by 1 MW',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return m('set', { set_power: s - 1e6 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mx: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ disabled: N,
+ minvalue: 0,
+ value: s,
+ maxvalue: 1 / 0,
+ step: 1,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function A(x, E) {
+ return m('set', { set_power: E });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'forward',
+ disabled: N,
+ tooltip: 'Increase by one MW',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return m('set', { set_power: s + 1e6 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ disabled: N,
+ tooltip: 'Increase by 10MW',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return m('set', { set_power: s + 1e7 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Total Power Use',
+ children: (0, f.formatPower)(v),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Mining Power Use',
+ children: (0, f.formatPower)(d),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Stabilizer Power Use',
+ children: (0, f.formatPower)(I),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Surplus Power',
+ children: (0, f.formatPower)(p),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Output',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Available Points',
+ children: C,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Total Points',
+ children: h,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ align: 'end',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: u.map(function (A) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: A.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: A.price >= C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return m('vend', { target: A.key });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ content: A.price,
+ }),
+ },
+ A.key
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ B = (r.Alerts = (function () {
+ function k(g, i) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ m = c.act,
+ l = c.data,
+ u = l.product || [],
+ s = l.miningPower,
+ d = l.stabilizerPower,
+ C = l.emagged,
+ h = l.safeLevels,
+ v = l.autoShutown,
+ p = l.stabilizers,
+ N = l.overhead;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ !v &&
+ !C &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { danger: 1, children: 'Auto shutdown disabled' }),
+ C
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { danger: 1, children: 'All safeties disabled' })
+ : s <= 15e6
+ ? ''
+ : p
+ ? s > d + 15e6
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ danger: 1,
+ children: 'Stabilizers overwhelmed, Instability likely',
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children: 'High Power, engaging stabilizers',
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ danger: 1,
+ children: 'Stabilizers disabled, Instability likely',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ return k;
+ })());
+ },
+ 33758: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BodyScanner = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(25328),
+ o = n(72253),
+ f = n(36036),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = [
+ ['good', 'Alive'],
+ ['average', 'Critical'],
+ ['bad', 'DEAD'],
+ ],
+ B = [
+ ['hasVirus', 'bad', 'Viral pathogen detected in blood stream.'],
+ ['blind', 'average', 'Cataracts detected.'],
+ ['colourblind', 'average', 'Photoreceptor abnormalities detected.'],
+ ['nearsighted', 'average', 'Retinal misalignment detected.'],
+ ],
+ k = [
+ ['Respiratory', 'oxyLoss'],
+ ['Brain', 'brainLoss'],
+ ['Toxin', 'toxLoss'],
+ ['Radiation', 'radLoss'],
+ ['Brute', 'bruteLoss'],
+ ['Cellular', 'cloneLoss'],
+ ['Burn', 'fireLoss'],
+ ['Inebriation', 'drunkenness'],
+ ],
+ g = { average: [0.25, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ i = function (S, I) {
+ for (var L = [], w = 0; w < S.length; w += 2) L.push(I(S[w], S[w + 1], w));
+ return L;
+ },
+ c = function (S) {
+ return S.length > 0
+ ? S.filter(function (I) {
+ return !!I;
+ }).reduce(function (I, L) {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)([I, (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { children: L }, L)], 0);
+ }, null)
+ : null;
+ },
+ m = function (S) {
+ if (S > 100) {
+ if (S < 300) return 'mild infection';
+ if (S < 400) return 'mild infection+';
+ if (S < 500) return 'mild infection++';
+ if (S < 700) return 'acute infection';
+ if (S < 800) return 'acute infection+';
+ if (S < 900) return 'acute infection++';
+ if (S >= 900) return 'septic';
+ }
+ return '';
+ },
+ l = (r.BodyScanner = (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ var L = (0, o.useBackend)(I),
+ w = L.data,
+ A = w.occupied,
+ x = w.occupant,
+ E = x === void 0 ? {} : x,
+ P = A ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { occupant: E }) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, N);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 700,
+ height: 600,
+ title: 'Body Scanner',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, { scrollable: !0, children: P }),
+ });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })()),
+ u = function (S) {
+ var I = S.occupant;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { occupant: I }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { occupant: I }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, { occupant: I }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, { organs: I.extOrgan }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, p, { organs: I.intOrgan }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ s = function (S, I) {
+ var L = (0, o.useBackend)(I),
+ w = L.act,
+ A = L.data,
+ x = A.occupant;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Occupant',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: 'print',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return w('print_p');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Print Report',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: 'user-slash',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return w('ejectify');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Eject',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: x.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: x.maxHealth,
+ value: x.health / x.maxHealth,
+ ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ color: y[x.stat][0],
+ children: y[x.stat][1],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Temperature',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AnimatedNumber, { value: (0, a.round)(x.bodyTempC) }),
+ '\xB0C,\xA0',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AnimatedNumber, { value: (0, a.round)(x.bodyTempF) }),
+ '\xB0F',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Implants',
+ children: x.implant_len
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ children: x.implant
+ .map(function (E) {
+ return E.name;
+ })
+ .join(', '),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'None' }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ d = function (S) {
+ var I = S.occupant;
+ return I.hasBorer || I.blind || I.colourblind || I.nearsighted || I.hasVirus
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Abnormalities',
+ children: B.map(function (L, w) {
+ if (I[L[0]])
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Box,
+ { color: L[1], bold: L[1] === 'bad', children: L[2] },
+ L[2]
+ );
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Abnormalities',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'No abnormalities found.',
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ C = function (S) {
+ var I = S.occupant;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Damage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
+ children: i(k, function (L, w, A) {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: [L[0], ':'] }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: !!w && w[0] + ':' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, {
+ value: I[L[1]],
+ marginBottom: A < k.length - 2,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ children: !!w && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, { value: I[w[1]] }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ h = function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: '100',
+ value: S.value / 100,
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ mb: !!S.marginBottom && '0.5rem',
+ ranges: g,
+ children: (0, a.round)(S.value),
+ });
+ },
+ v = function (S) {
+ return S.organs.length === 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'External Organs',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'N/A' }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'External Organs',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'center', children: 'Damage' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'right', children: 'Injuries' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ S.organs.map(function (I, L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ color:
+ (!!I.status.dead && 'bad') ||
+ ((!!I.internalBleeding ||
+ !!I.burnWound ||
+ !!I.lungRuptured ||
+ !!I.status.broken ||
+ !!I.open ||
+ I.germ_level > 100) &&
+ 'average') ||
+ (!!I.status.robotic && 'label'),
+ width: '33%',
+ children: (0, t.capitalize)(I.name),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
+ m: -0.5,
+ min: '0',
+ max: I.maxHealth,
+ mt: L > 0 && '0.5rem',
+ value: I.totalLoss / I.maxHealth,
+ ranges: g,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tooltip, {
+ content: 'Total damage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'heartbeat', mr: 0.5 }),
+ (0, a.round)(I.totalLoss),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!I.bruteLoss &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tooltip, {
+ content: 'Brute damage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'bone', mr: 0.5 }),
+ (0, a.round)(I.bruteLoss),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!I.fireLoss &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tooltip, {
+ content: 'Burn damage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'fire', mr: 0.5 }),
+ (0, a.round)(I.fireLoss),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ width: '33%',
+ pt: L > 0 && 'calc(0.5rem + 2px)',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ inline: !0,
+ children: c([
+ !!I.internalBleeding && 'Internal bleeding',
+ !!I.burnWound && 'Critical tissue burns',
+ !!I.lungRuptured && 'Ruptured lung',
+ !!I.status.broken && I.status.broken,
+ m(I.germ_level),
+ !!I.open && 'Open incision',
+ ]),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ children: [
+ c([
+ !!I.status.splinted &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'good',
+ children: 'Splinted',
+ }),
+ !!I.status.robotic &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Robotic',
+ }),
+ !!I.status.dead &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'DEAD',
+ }),
+ ]),
+ c(
+ I.shrapnel.map(function (w) {
+ return w.known ? w.name : 'Unknown object';
+ })
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ L
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ p = function (S) {
+ return S.organs.length === 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Internal Organs',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'N/A' }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Internal Organs',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'center', children: 'Damage' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'right', children: 'Injuries' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ S.organs.map(function (I, L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ color:
+ (!!I.dead && 'bad') ||
+ (I.germ_level > 100 && 'average') ||
+ (I.robotic > 0 && 'label'),
+ width: '33%',
+ children: (0, t.capitalize)(I.name),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: I.maxHealth,
+ value: I.damage / I.maxHealth,
+ mt: L > 0 && '0.5rem',
+ ranges: g,
+ children: (0, a.round)(I.damage),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ width: '33%',
+ pt: L > 0 && 'calc(0.5rem + 2px)',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ inline: !0,
+ children: c([m(I.germ_level)]),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ children: c([
+ I.robotic === 1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Robotic',
+ }),
+ I.robotic === 2 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Assisted',
+ }),
+ !!I.dead &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'DEAD',
+ }),
+ ]),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ L
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ N = function () {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No occupant detected.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 67963: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BookBinder = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(3939),
+ b = n(39473),
+ y = (r.BookBinder = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = i.act,
+ m = i.data,
+ l = m.selectedbook,
+ u = m.book_categories,
+ s = [];
+ return (
+ u.map(function (d) {
+ return (s[d.description] = d.category_id);
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 400,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Book Binder',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'print',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: 'Print Book',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('print_book');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ ml: 10,
+ fontSize: '1.2rem',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'search-plus',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ size: 3,
+ mr: '1rem',
+ }),
+ 'Book Binder',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Title',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ icon: 'pen',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: l.title,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(g, 'edit_selected_title');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Author',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ icon: 'pen',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: l.author,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(g, 'edit_selected_author');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Select Categories',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ width: '190px',
+ options: u.map(function (d) {
+ return d.description;
+ }),
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function d(C) {
+ return c('toggle_binder_category', { category_id: s[C] });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Summary',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pen',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: 'Edit Summary',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(g, 'edit_selected_summary');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { children: l.summary }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ u
+ .filter(function (d) {
+ return l.categories.includes(d.category_id);
+ })
+ .map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: d.description,
+ selected: !0,
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return c('toggle_binder_category', { category_id: d.category_id });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ },
+ d.category_id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 61925: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotCall = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = function (i) {
+ var c = [
+ { modes: [0], label: 'Idle', color: 'green' },
+ { modes: [1, 2, 3], label: 'Arresting', color: 'yellow' },
+ { modes: [4, 5], label: 'Patrolling', color: 'average' },
+ { modes: [9], label: 'Moving', color: 'average' },
+ { modes: [6, 11], label: 'Responding', color: 'green' },
+ { modes: [12], label: 'Delivering Cargo', color: 'blue' },
+ { modes: [13], label: 'Returning Home', color: 'blue' },
+ { modes: [7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], label: 'Working', color: 'blue' },
+ ],
+ m = c.find(function (l) {
+ return l.modes.includes(i);
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: m.color, children: [' ', m.label, ' '] });
+ },
+ b = (r.BotCall = (function () {
+ function g(i, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ l = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = (0, a.useLocalState)(c, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ d = s[0],
+ C = s[1],
+ h = { 0: 'Security', 1: 'Medibot', 2: 'Cleanbot', 3: 'Floorbot', 4: 'Mule', 5: 'Honkbot' },
+ v = (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ return h[N]
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { model: h[N] })
+ : 'This should not happen. Report on Paradise Github';
+ }
+ return p;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 700,
+ height: 400,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: d === 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: Array.from({ length: 6 }).map(function (p, N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: d === N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return C(N);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: h[N],
+ },
+ N
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ v(d),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ y = function (i, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ l = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.bots;
+ return s[i.model] !== void 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { model: [i.model] })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { model: [i.model] });
+ },
+ B = function (i, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ l = m.act,
+ u = m.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ justify: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: 1,
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: ['No ', [i.model], ' detected'],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (i, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ l = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.bots;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Model' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Location' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Interface' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Call' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ s[i.model].map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.model }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: d.on
+ ? f(d.status)
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: 'Off' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.location }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Interface',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return l('interface', { botref: d.UID });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Call',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return l('call', { botref: d.UID });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ d.UID
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 20464: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotClean = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(92963),
+ b = (r.BotClean = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.locked,
+ l = c.noaccess,
+ u = c.maintpanel,
+ s = c.on,
+ d = c.autopatrol,
+ C = c.canhack,
+ h = c.emagged,
+ v = c.remote_disabled,
+ p = c.painame,
+ N = c.cleanblood,
+ V = c.area;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 400,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BotStatus),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Cleaning Settings',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: N,
+ content: 'Clean Blood',
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return i('blood');
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Misc Settings',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: V ? 'Reset Area Selection' : 'Restrict to Current Area',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return i('area');
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ V !== null &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Locked Area',
+ children: V,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ p &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'pAI',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: p,
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return i('ejectpai');
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 69479: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotFloor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(92963),
+ b = (r.BotFloor = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.noaccess,
+ l = c.painame,
+ u = c.hullplating,
+ s = c.replace,
+ d = c.eat,
+ C = c.make,
+ h = c.fixfloor,
+ v = c.nag_empty,
+ p = c.magnet,
+ N = c.tiles_amount;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 510,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BotStatus),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Floor Settings',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mb: '5px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tiles Left',
+ children: N,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: u,
+ content: 'Add tiles to new hull plating',
+ tooltip:
+ 'Fixing a plating requires the removal of floor tile. This will place it back after repairing. Same goes for hull breaches',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('autotile');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: s,
+ content: 'Add floor tiles on exposed hull plating',
+ tooltip: 'Example: It will add tiles to maintenance',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('replacetiles');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: h,
+ content: 'Repair damaged tiles and platings',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('fixfloors');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Miscellaneous',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: d,
+ content: 'Finds tiles',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('eattiles');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: C,
+ content: 'Make pieces of metal into tiles when empty',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('maketiles');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: v,
+ content: 'Transmit notice when empty',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('nagonempty');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: p,
+ content: 'Traction Magnets',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('anchored');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ l &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'pAI',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: l,
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('ejectpai');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 59887: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotHonk = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(92963),
+ b = (r.BotHonk = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 220,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BotStatus),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 80063: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotMed = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(92963),
+ b = (r.BotMed = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.locked,
+ l = c.noaccess,
+ u = c.maintpanel,
+ s = c.on,
+ d = c.autopatrol,
+ C = c.canhack,
+ h = c.emagged,
+ v = c.remote_disabled,
+ p = c.painame,
+ N = c.shut_up,
+ V = c.declare_crit,
+ S = c.stationary_mode,
+ I = c.heal_threshold,
+ L = c.injection_amount,
+ w = c.use_beaker,
+ A = c.treat_virus,
+ x = c.reagent_glass;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BotStatus),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Communication Settings',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Speaker',
+ checked: !N,
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return i('toggle_speaker');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Critical Patient Alerts',
+ checked: V,
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return i('toggle_critical_alerts');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Treatment Settings',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Healing Threshold',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ value: I.value,
+ minValue: I.min,
+ maxValue: I.max,
+ step: 5,
+ disabled: l,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function E(P, D) {
+ return i('set_heal_threshold', { target: D });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Injection Level',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ value: L.value,
+ minValue: L.min,
+ maxValue: L.max,
+ step: 5,
+ format: (function () {
+ function E(P) {
+ return P + 'u';
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ disabled: l,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function E(P, D) {
+ return i('set_injection_amount', { target: D });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Reagent Source',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: w ? 'Beaker' : 'Internal Synthesizer',
+ icon: w ? 'flask' : 'cogs',
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return i('toggle_use_beaker');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ x &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Beaker',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ inline: !0,
+ width: '100%',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: x.amount,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: x.max_amount,
+ children: [x.amount, ' / ', x.max_amount],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ ml: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Eject',
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return i('eject_reagent_glass');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ mt: 1,
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Treat Viral Infections',
+ checked: A,
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return i('toggle_treat_viral');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Stationary Mode',
+ checked: S,
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return i('toggle_stationary_mode');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ p &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'pAI',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: p,
+ disabled: l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return i('ejectpai');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 74439: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotSecurity = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(92963),
+ b = (r.BotSecurity = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.noaccess,
+ l = c.painame,
+ u = c.check_id,
+ s = c.check_weapons,
+ d = c.check_warrant,
+ C = c.arrest_mode,
+ h = c.arrest_declare;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 445,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BotStatus),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Who To Arrest',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: u,
+ content: 'Unidentifiable Persons',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return i('authid');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: s,
+ content: 'Unauthorized Weapons',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return i('authweapon');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: d,
+ content: 'Wanted Criminals',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return i('authwarrant');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Arrest Procedure',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: C,
+ content: 'Detain Targets Indefinitely',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return i('arrtype');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: h,
+ content: 'Announce Arrests On Radio',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return i('arrdeclare');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ l &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'pAI',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: l,
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return i('ejectpai');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 10833: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BrigCells = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(98595),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(72253),
+ f = function (k, g) {
+ var i = k.cell,
+ c = (0, o.useBackend)(g),
+ m = c.act,
+ l = i.cell_id,
+ u = i.occupant,
+ s = i.crimes,
+ d = i.brigged_by,
+ C = i.time_left_seconds,
+ h = i.time_set_seconds,
+ v = i.ref,
+ p = '';
+ C > 0 && (p += ' BrigCells__listRow--active');
+ var N = function () {
+ m('release', { ref: v });
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ className: p,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: l }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: s }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.TimeDisplay, { totalSeconds: h }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.TimeDisplay, { totalSeconds: C }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ type: 'button',
+ onClick: N,
+ children: 'Release',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ b = function (k) {
+ var g = k.cells;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'BrigCells__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Cell' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Occupant' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Crimes' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Brigged By' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Time Brigged For' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Time Left' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Release' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ g.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, { cell: i }, i.ref);
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ y = (r.BrigCells = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var i = (0, o.useBackend)(g),
+ c = i.act,
+ m = i.data,
+ l = m.cells;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Window, {
+ theme: 'security',
+ width: 800,
+ height: 400,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { cells: l }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 45761: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BrigTimer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.BrigTimer = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data;
+ (i.nameText = i.occupant),
+ i.timing &&
+ (i.prisoner_hasrec
+ ? (i.nameText = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: i.occupant }))
+ : (i.nameText = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: i.occupant })));
+ var c = 'pencil-alt';
+ i.prisoner_name && (i.prisoner_hasrec || (c = 'exclamation-triangle'));
+ var m = [],
+ l = 0;
+ for (l = 0; l < i.spns.length; l++) m.push(i.spns[l]);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: i.timing ? 237 : 396,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Cell Information',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cell ID',
+ children: i.cell_id,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Occupant',
+ children: i.nameText,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Crimes', children: i.crimes }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Brigged By',
+ children: i.brigged_by,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Time Brigged For',
+ children: i.time_set,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Time Left',
+ children: i.time_left,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'lightbulb-o',
+ content: 'Flash',
+ disabled: !i.isAllowed,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('flash');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Reset Timer',
+ disabled: !i.timing || !i.isAllowed,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('restart_timer');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Release Prisoner',
+ disabled: !i.timing || !i.isAllowed,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('stop');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !i.timing &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'New Prisoner',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Prisoner Name',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: c,
+ content: i.prisoner_name ? i.prisoner_name : '-----',
+ disabled: !i.isAllowed,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('prisoner_name');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !!i.spns.length &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '0.3rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ disabled: !i.isAllowed || !i.spns.length,
+ options: i.spns,
+ width: '250px',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ return g('prisoner_name', { prisoner_name: s });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Prisoner Crimes',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ content: i.prisoner_charge ? i.prisoner_charge : '-----',
+ disabled: !i.isAllowed,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('prisoner_charge');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Prisoner Time',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ content: i.prisoner_time ? i.prisoner_time : '-----',
+ disabled: !i.isAllowed,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('prisoner_time');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Start',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'gavel',
+ content: 'Start Sentence',
+ disabled: !i.prisoner_name || !i.prisoner_charge || !i.prisoner_time || !i.isAllowed,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('start');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 26300: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CameraConsoleContent = r.CameraConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(64795),
+ o = n(35840),
+ f = n(25328),
+ b = n(72253),
+ y = n(36036),
+ B = n(98595);
+ String.prototype.trimLongStr = function (m) {
+ return this.length > m ? this.substring(0, m) + '...' : this;
+ };
+ var k = function (l, u) {
+ var s, d;
+ if (!u) return [];
+ var C = l.findIndex(function (h) {
+ return h.name === u.name;
+ });
+ return [(s = l[C - 1]) == null ? void 0 : s.name, (d = l[C + 1]) == null ? void 0 : d.name];
+ },
+ g = function (l, u) {
+ u === void 0 && (u = '');
+ var s = (0, f.createSearch)(u, function (d) {
+ return d.name;
+ });
+ return (0, t.flow)([
+ (0, a.filter)(function (d) {
+ return d == null ? void 0 : d.name;
+ }),
+ u && (0, a.filter)(s),
+ (0, a.sortBy)(function (d) {
+ return d.name;
+ }),
+ ])(l);
+ },
+ i = (r.CameraConsole = (function () {
+ function m(l, u) {
+ var s = (0, b.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = s.config,
+ v = C.mapRef,
+ p = C.activeCamera,
+ N = g(C.cameras),
+ V = k(N, p),
+ S = V[0],
+ I = V[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
+ width: 870,
+ height: 708,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'CameraConsole__left',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ }),
+ }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'CameraConsole__right',
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'CameraConsole__toolbar',
+ [(0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Camera: ', 16), (p && p.name) || '\u2014'],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'CameraConsole__toolbarRight',
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-left',
+ disabled: !S,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return d('switch_camera', { name: S });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-right',
+ disabled: !I,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return d('switch_camera', { name: I });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.ByondUi, {
+ className: 'CameraConsole__map',
+ params: { id: v, type: 'map' },
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()),
+ c = (r.CameraConsoleContent = (function () {
+ function m(l, u) {
+ var s = (0, b.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ C = s.data,
+ h = (0, b.useLocalState)(u, 'searchText', ''),
+ v = h[0],
+ p = h[1],
+ N = C.activeCamera,
+ V = g(C.cameras, v);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ placeholder: 'Search for a camera',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function S(I, L) {
+ return p(L);
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ m: 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: V.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, o.classes)([
+ 'Button',
+ 'Button--fluid',
+ 'Button--color--transparent',
+ N && S.name === N.name && 'Button--selected',
+ ]),
+ S.name.trimLongStr(23),
+ 0,
+ {
+ title: S.name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return d('switch_camera', { name: S.name });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ },
+ S.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })());
+ },
+ 52927: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Canister = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(49968),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = (r.Canister = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var i = (0, t.useBackend)(g),
+ c = i.act,
+ m = i.data,
+ l = m.portConnected,
+ u = m.tankPressure,
+ s = m.releasePressure,
+ d = m.defaultReleasePressure,
+ C = m.minReleasePressure,
+ h = m.maxReleasePressure,
+ v = m.valveOpen,
+ p = m.name,
+ N = m.canLabel,
+ V = m.colorContainer,
+ S = m.color_index,
+ I = m.hasHoldingTank,
+ L = m.holdingTank,
+ w = '';
+ S.prim && (w = V.prim.options[S.prim].name);
+ var A = '';
+ S.sec && (A = V.sec.options[S.sec].name);
+ var x = '';
+ S.ter && (x = V.ter.options[S.ter].name);
+ var E = '';
+ S.quart && (E = V.quart.options[S.quart].name);
+ var P = [],
+ D = [],
+ M = [],
+ R = [],
+ O = 0;
+ for (O = 0; O < V.prim.options.length; O++) P.push(V.prim.options[O].name);
+ for (O = 0; O < V.sec.options.length; O++) D.push(V.sec.options[O].name);
+ for (O = 0; O < V.ter.options.length; O++) M.push(V.ter.options[O].name);
+ for (O = 0; O < V.quart.options.length; O++) R.push(V.quart.options[O].name);
+ var F = '';
+ return (
+ N &&
+ (F = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Paint',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
+ minWidth: '110px',
+ label: V.prim.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ over: !0,
+ selected: w,
+ disabled: !N,
+ options: P,
+ width: '110px',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function _(U) {
+ return c('recolor', { nc: P.indexOf(U), ctype: 'prim' });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
+ minWidth: '110px',
+ label: V.sec.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ over: !0,
+ selected: A,
+ disabled: !N,
+ options: D,
+ width: '110px',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function _(U) {
+ return c('recolor', { nc: D.indexOf(U), ctype: 'sec' });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
+ minWidth: '110px',
+ label: V.ter.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ over: !0,
+ selected: x,
+ disabled: !N,
+ options: M,
+ width: '110px',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function _(U) {
+ return c('recolor', { nc: M.indexOf(U), ctype: 'ter' });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
+ minWidth: '110px',
+ label: V.quart.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ over: !0,
+ selected: E,
+ disabled: !N,
+ options: R,
+ width: '110px',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function _(U) {
+ return c('recolor', { nc: R.indexOf(U), ctype: 'quart' });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: N ? 300 : 230,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: p,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ content: 'Relabel',
+ disabled: !N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return c('relabel');
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
+ minWidth: '66px',
+ label: 'Pressure',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, {
+ value: u,
+ format: (function () {
+ function _(U) {
+ return U < 1e4
+ ? (0, a.toFixed)(U) + ' kPa'
+ : (0, f.formatSiUnit)(U * 1e3, 1, 'Pa');
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
+ label: 'Regulator',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ position: 'relative',
+ left: '-8px',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Knob, {
+ size: 1.25,
+ color: !!v && 'yellow',
+ value: s,
+ unit: 'kPa',
+ minValue: C,
+ maxValue: h,
+ step: 5,
+ stepPixelSize: 1,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function _(U, z) {
+ return c('pressure', { pressure: z });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: '-2px',
+ right: '-20px',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ tooltip: 'Max Release Pressure',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return c('pressure', { pressure: h });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: '16px',
+ right: '-20px',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'undo',
+ tooltip: 'Reset Release Pressure',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return c('pressure', { pressure: d });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
+ label: 'Valve',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ my: 0.5,
+ width: '50px',
+ lineHeight: 2,
+ fontSize: '11px',
+ color: v ? (I ? 'caution' : 'danger') : null,
+ content: v ? 'Open' : 'Closed',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return c('valve');
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
+ mr: 1,
+ label: 'Port',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tooltip, {
+ content: l ? 'Connected' : 'Disconnected',
+ position: 'top',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ position: 'relative',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ size: 1.25,
+ name: l ? 'plug' : 'times',
+ color: l ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Holding Tank',
+ buttons:
+ !!I &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return c('eject');
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ !!I &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Label',
+ children: L.name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pressure',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: L.tankPressure }),
+ ' kPa',
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !I &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'No Holding Tank' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ F,
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 51793: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.CardComputerNoRecords = r.CardComputerNoCard = r.CardComputerLoginWarning = r.CardComputer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(49148),
+ b = n(76910),
+ y = b.COLORS.department,
+ B = (r.CardComputerLoginWarning = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Warning',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.75,
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'user', size: 5, color: 'gray' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Not logged in',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ k = (r.CardComputerNoCard = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Card Missing',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.75,
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'id-card', size: 5, color: 'gray' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No card to modify',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ g = (r.CardComputerNoRecords = (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Records',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.75,
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'scroll', size: 5, color: 'gray' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No records',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ i = (r.CardComputer = (function () {
+ function c(m, l) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ C = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'id-card',
+ selected: d.mode === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('mode', { mode: 0 });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Job Transfers',
+ }),
+ !d.target_dept &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'id-card',
+ selected: d.mode === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('mode', { mode: 2 });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Access Modification',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'folder-open',
+ selected: d.mode === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('mode', { mode: 1 });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Job Management',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'scroll',
+ selected: d.mode === 3,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('mode', { mode: 3 });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Records',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'users',
+ selected: d.mode === 4,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('mode', { mode: 4 });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Department',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ h = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Authentication',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Login/Logout',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: d.scan_name ? 'sign-out-alt' : 'id-card',
+ selected: d.scan_name,
+ content: d.scan_name ? 'Log Out: ' + d.scan_name : '-----',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('scan');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Card To Modify',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: d.modify_name ? 'eject' : 'id-card',
+ selected: d.modify_name,
+ content: d.modify_name ? 'Remove Card: ' + d.modify_name : '-----',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('modify');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ v;
+ switch (d.mode) {
+ case 0:
+ !d.authenticated || !d.scan_name
+ ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B))
+ : d.modify_name
+ ? (v = (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Card Information',
+ children: [
+ !d.target_dept &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Registered Name',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon:
+ !d.modify_owner || d.modify_owner === 'Unknown'
+ ? 'exclamation-triangle'
+ : 'pencil-alt',
+ selected: d.modify_name,
+ content: d.modify_owner,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('reg');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Number',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: d.account_number ? 'pencil-alt' : 'exclamation-triangle',
+ selected: d.account_number,
+ content: d.account_number ? d.account_number : 'None',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('account');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Latest Transfer',
+ children: d.modify_lastlog || '---',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: d.target_dept ? 'Department Job Transfer' : 'Job Transfer',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ d.target_dept
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Department',
+ children: d.jobs_dept.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.modify_rank === p,
+ content: p,
+ color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Special',
+ children: d.jobs_top.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.modify_rank === p,
+ content: p,
+ color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Engineering',
+ labelColor: y.engineering,
+ children: d.jobs_engineering.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.modify_rank === p,
+ content: p,
+ color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Medical',
+ labelColor: y.medical,
+ children: d.jobs_medical.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.modify_rank === p,
+ content: p,
+ color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Science',
+ labelColor: y.science,
+ children: d.jobs_science.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.modify_rank === p,
+ content: p,
+ color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Security',
+ labelColor: y.security,
+ children: d.jobs_security.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.modify_rank === p,
+ content: p,
+ color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Service',
+ labelColor: y.service,
+ children: d.jobs_service.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.modify_rank === p,
+ content: p,
+ color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Supply',
+ labelColor: y.supply,
+ children: d.jobs_supply.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.modify_rank === p,
+ content: p,
+ color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Retirement',
+ children: d.jobs_assistant.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.modify_rank === p,
+ content: p,
+ color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!d.iscentcom &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'CentCom',
+ labelColor: y.centcom,
+ children: d.jobs_centcom.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.modify_rank === p,
+ content: p,
+ color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : 'purple',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Demotion',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ disabled:
+ d.modify_assignment === 'Demoted' || d.modify_assignment === 'Terminated',
+ content: 'Demoted',
+ tooltip: "Assistant access, 'demoted' title.",
+ color: 'red',
+ icon: 'times',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('demote');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ },
+ 'Demoted'
+ ),
+ }),
+ !!d.canterminate &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Non-Crew',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ disabled: d.modify_assignment === 'Terminated',
+ content: 'Terminated',
+ tooltip: 'Zero access. Not crew.',
+ color: 'red',
+ icon: 'eraser',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('terminate');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ },
+ 'Terminate'
+ ),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !d.target_dept &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Card Skins',
+ children: [
+ d.card_skins.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.current_skin === p.skin,
+ content: p.display_name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('skin', { skin_target: p.skin });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p.skin
+ );
+ }),
+ !!d.iscentcom &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: d.all_centcom_skins.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.current_skin === p.skin,
+ content: p.display_name,
+ color: 'purple',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('skin', { skin_target: p.skin });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ },
+ p.skin
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ))
+ : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ d.auth_or_ghost
+ ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ color: d.cooldown_time ? 'red' : '',
+ children: ['Next Change Available:', d.cooldown_time ? d.cooldown_time : 'Now'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Job Slots',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ height: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ bold: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Title',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ bold: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Used Slots',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ bold: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Total Slots',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ bold: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Free Slots',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ bold: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Close Slot',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ bold: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Open Slot',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ bold: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Priority',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ d.job_slots.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ height: 2,
+ className: 'candystripe',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: p.is_priority ? 'green' : '',
+ children: p.title,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: p.current_positions,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: p.total_positions,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children:
+ (p.total_positions > p.current_positions &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'green',
+ children: p.total_positions - p.current_positions,
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: '0' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: '-',
+ disabled: d.cooldown_time || !p.can_close,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('make_job_unavailable', { job: p.title });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: '+',
+ disabled: d.cooldown_time || !p.can_open,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('make_job_available', { job: p.title });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children:
+ (d.target_dept &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'green',
+ children: d.priority_jobs.indexOf(p.title) > -1 ? 'Yes' : '',
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: p.is_priority ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ selected: p.is_priority,
+ disabled: d.cooldown_time || !p.can_prioritize,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('prioritize_job', { job: p.title });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ p.title
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }))
+ : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ !d.authenticated || !d.scan_name
+ ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B))
+ : d.modify_name
+ ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AccessList, {
+ accesses: d.regions,
+ selectedList: d.selectedAccess,
+ accessMod: (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ return s('set', { access: N });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ grantAll: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('grant_all');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ denyAll: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('clear_all');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ grantDep: (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ return s('grant_region', { region: N });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ denyDep: (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ return s('deny_region', { region: N });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }))
+ : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ d.authenticated
+ ? d.records.length
+ ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Records',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Delete All Records',
+ disabled: !d.authenticated || d.records.length === 0 || d.target_dept,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('wipe_all_logs');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ height: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Crewman' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Old Rank' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'New Rank' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'Authorized By',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Time' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Reason' }),
+ !!d.iscentcom &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'Deleted By',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ d.records.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ height: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.transferee }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.oldvalue }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.newvalue }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.whodidit }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.timestamp }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.reason }),
+ !!d.iscentcom &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.deletedby }),
+ ],
+ },
+ p.timestamp
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!d.iscentcom &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ content: 'Delete MY Records',
+ color: 'purple',
+ disabled: !d.authenticated || d.records.length === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('wipe_my_logs');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }))
+ : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g))
+ : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B));
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ !d.authenticated || !d.scan_name
+ ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B))
+ : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Your Team',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ height: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Rank' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Sec Status' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Actions' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ d.people_dept.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ height: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.title }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.crimstat }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: p.buttontext,
+ disabled: !p.demotable,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('remote_demote', { remote_demote: p.name });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ p.title
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }));
+ break;
+ default:
+ v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Warning',
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'ERROR: Unknown Mode.',
+ });
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 800,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: h }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: C }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: v }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })());
+ },
+ 64083: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CargoConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(64795),
+ t = n(88510),
+ o = n(72253),
+ f = n(36036),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = n(25328),
+ B = (r.CargoConsole = (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 900,
+ height: 800,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ k = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'contentsModal', null),
+ h = C[0],
+ v = C[1],
+ p = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'contentsModalTitle', null),
+ N = p[0],
+ V = p[1];
+ if (h !== null && N !== null)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Modal, {
+ maxWidth: '75%',
+ width: window.innerWidth + 'px',
+ maxHeight: window.innerHeight * 0.75 + 'px',
+ mx: 'auto',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ width: '100%',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h1', null, [N, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' contents:')], 0),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ children: h.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { children: ['- ', S] }, S);
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ m: 2,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ content: 'Close',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ v(null), V(null);
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, o.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.is_public,
+ N = v.timeleft,
+ V = v.moving,
+ S = v.at_station,
+ I,
+ L;
+ return (
+ !V && !S
+ ? ((I = 'Docked off-station'), (L = 'Call Shuttle'))
+ : !V && S
+ ? ((I = 'Docked at the station'), (L = 'Return Shuttle'))
+ : V &&
+ ((L = 'In Transit...'),
+ N !== 1
+ ? (I = 'Shuttle is en route (ETA: ' + N + ' minutes)')
+ : (I = 'Shuttle is en route (ETA: ' + N + ' minute)')),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Shuttle Status', children: I }),
+ p === 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Controls',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ content: L,
+ disabled: V,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return h('moveShuttle');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ content: 'View Central Command Messages',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return h('showMessages');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ i = function (s, d) {
+ var C,
+ h = (0, o.useBackend)(d),
+ v = h.act,
+ p = h.data,
+ N = p.accounts,
+ V = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'selectedAccount'),
+ S = V[0],
+ I = V[1],
+ L = [];
+ return (
+ N.map(function (w) {
+ return (L[w.name] = w.account_UID);
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Payment',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
+ width: '190px',
+ options: N.map(function (w) {
+ return w.name;
+ }),
+ selected:
+ (C = N.filter(function (w) {
+ return w.account_UID === S;
+ })[0]) == null
+ ? void 0
+ : C.name,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function w(A) {
+ return I(L[A]);
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ N.filter(function (w) {
+ return w.account_UID === S;
+ }).map(function (w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.LabeledList,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Name',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, { mt: 1, children: w.name }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Balance',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, { children: w.balance }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ w.account_UID
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ c = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, o.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.requests,
+ N = v.categories,
+ V = v.supply_packs,
+ S = (0, o.useSharedState)(d, 'category', 'Emergency'),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, o.useSharedState)(d, 'search_text', ''),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'contentsModal', null),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1],
+ M = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'contentsModalTitle', null),
+ R = M[0],
+ O = M[1],
+ F = (0, y.createSearch)(A, function (X) {
+ return X.name;
+ }),
+ _ = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'selectedAccount'),
+ U = _[0],
+ z = _[1],
+ $ = (0, a.flow)([
+ (0, t.filter)(function (X) {
+ return (
+ X.cat ===
+ N.filter(function (J) {
+ return J.name === I;
+ })[0].category || A
+ );
+ }),
+ A && (0, t.filter)(F),
+ (0, t.sortBy)(function (X) {
+ return X.name.toLowerCase();
+ }),
+ ])(V),
+ G = 'Crate Catalogue';
+ return (
+ A ? (G = "Results for '" + A + "':") : I && (G = 'Browsing ' + I),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: G,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
+ width: '190px',
+ options: N.map(function (X) {
+ return X.name;
+ }),
+ selected: I,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function X(J) {
+ return L(J);
+ }
+ return X;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ placeholder: 'Search for...',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function X(J, se) {
+ return x(se);
+ }
+ return X;
+ })(),
+ mb: 1,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ maxHeight: 25,
+ overflowY: 'auto',
+ overflowX: 'hidden',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: $.map(function (X) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [X.name, ' (', X.cost, ' Credits)'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ pr: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ content: 'Order 1',
+ icon: 'shopping-cart',
+ disabled: !U,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function J() {
+ return h('order', { crate: X.ref, multiple: !1, account: U });
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ content: 'Order Multiple',
+ icon: 'cart-plus',
+ disabled: !U || X.singleton,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function J() {
+ return h('order', { crate: X.ref, multiple: !0, account: U });
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ content: 'View Contents',
+ icon: 'search',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function J() {
+ D(X.contents), O(X.name);
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ X.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ m = function (s, d) {
+ var C = s.request,
+ h,
+ v;
+ switch (C.department) {
+ case 'Engineering':
+ (v = 'CE'), (h = 'orange');
+ break;
+ case 'Medical':
+ (v = 'CMO'), (h = 'teal');
+ break;
+ case 'Science':
+ (v = 'RD'), (h = 'purple');
+ break;
+ case 'Supply':
+ (v = 'CT'), (h = 'brown');
+ break;
+ case 'Service':
+ (v = 'HOP'), (h = 'olive');
+ break;
+ case 'Security':
+ (v = 'HOS'), (h = 'red');
+ break;
+ case 'Command':
+ (v = 'CAP'), (h = 'blue');
+ break;
+ case 'Assistant':
+ (v = 'Any Head'), (h = 'grey');
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, { mt: 0.5, children: 'Approval Required:' }),
+ !!C.req_cargo_approval &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ color: 'brown',
+ content: 'QM',
+ icon: 'user-tie',
+ tooltip: 'This Order requires approval from the QM still',
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!C.req_head_approval &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ color: h,
+ content: v,
+ disabled: C.req_cargo_approval,
+ icon: 'user-tie',
+ tooltip: C.req_cargo_approval
+ ? 'This Order first requires approval from the QM before the ' + v + ' can approve it'
+ : 'This Order requires approval from the ' + v + ' still',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, o.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.requests,
+ N = v.orders,
+ V = v.shipments;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Orders',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { bold: !0, children: 'Requests' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
+ children: p.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Table.Row,
+ {
+ className: 'Cargo_RequestList',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ children: [
+ 'Order #',
+ S.ordernum,
+ ': ',
+ S.supply_type,
+ ' (',
+ S.cost,
+ ' credits) for ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, S.orderedby, 0),
+ ' with',
+ ' ',
+ S.department ? 'The ' + S.department + ' Department' : 'Their Personal',
+ ' Account',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ italic: !0,
+ children: ['Reason: ', S.comment],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { request: S }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ content: 'Approve',
+ color: 'green',
+ disabled: !S.can_approve,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return h('approve', { ordernum: S.ordernum });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ content: 'Deny',
+ color: 'red',
+ disabled: !S.can_deny,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return h('deny', { ordernum: S.ordernum });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ S.ordernum
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { bold: !0, children: 'Orders Awaiting Delivery' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: N.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ children: [
+ '- #',
+ S.ordernum,
+ ': ',
+ S.supply_type,
+ ' for ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, S.orderedby, 0),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { italic: !0, children: ['Reason: ', S.comment] }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ S.ordernum
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { bold: !0, children: 'Order in Transit' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: V.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ children: [
+ '- #',
+ S.ordernum,
+ ': ',
+ S.supply_type,
+ ' for ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, S.orderedby, 0),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { italic: !0, children: ['Reason: ', S.comment] }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ S.ordernum
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 36232: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ChameleonAppearances = r.Chameleon = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(64795),
+ o = n(88510),
+ f = n(72253),
+ b = n(36036),
+ y = n(98595),
+ B = (r.Chameleon = (function () {
+ function i(c, m) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
+ width: 431,
+ height: 500,
+ theme: 'syndicate',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ m === void 0 && (m = '');
+ var l = (0, a.createSearch)(m, function (u) {
+ return u.name;
+ });
+ return (0, t.flow)([
+ (0, o.filter)(function (u) {
+ return u == null ? void 0 : u.name;
+ }),
+ m && (0, o.filter)(l),
+ ])(c);
+ },
+ g = (r.ChameleonAppearances = (function () {
+ function i(c, m) {
+ var l = (0, f.useBackend)(m),
+ u = l.act,
+ s = l.data,
+ d = (0, f.useLocalState)(m, 'searchText', ''),
+ C = d[0],
+ h = d[1],
+ v = k(s.chameleon_skins, C),
+ p = s.selected_appearance;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ placeholder: 'Search for an appearance',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function N(V, S) {
+ return h(S);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Item Appearance',
+ children: v.map(function (N) {
+ var V = N.name + '_' + N.icon_state;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.ImageButton,
+ {
+ dmIcon: N.icon,
+ dmIconState: N.icon_state,
+ imageSize: 64,
+ m: 0.5,
+ compact: !0,
+ selected: V === p,
+ tooltip: N.name,
+ style: { opacity: (V === p && '1') || '0.5' },
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ u('change_appearance', { new_appearance: V });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })());
+ },
+ 87331: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ChangelogView = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.ChangelogView = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data,
+ c = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'onlyRecent', 0),
+ m = c[0],
+ l = c[1],
+ u = i.cl_data,
+ s = i.last_cl,
+ d = {
+ FIX: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'tools', title: 'Fix' }),
+ WIP: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'hard-hat', title: 'WIP', color: 'orange' }),
+ TWEAK: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'sliders-h', title: 'Tweak' }),
+ SOUNDADD: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'volume-up',
+ title: 'Sound Added',
+ color: 'green',
+ }),
+ SOUNDDEL: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'volume-mute',
+ title: 'Sound Removed',
+ color: 'red',
+ }),
+ CODEADD: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'plus',
+ title: 'Code Addition',
+ color: 'green',
+ }),
+ CODEDEL: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'minus',
+ title: 'Code Removal',
+ color: 'red',
+ }),
+ IMAGEADD: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'folder-plus',
+ title: 'Sprite Addition',
+ color: 'green',
+ }),
+ IMAGEDEL: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'folder-minus',
+ title: 'Sprite Removal',
+ color: 'red',
+ }),
+ SPELLCHECK: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'font', title: 'Spelling/Grammar Fix' }),
+ EXPERIMENT: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ title: 'Experimental',
+ color: 'orange',
+ }),
+ },
+ C = (function () {
+ function h(v) {
+ return v in d ? d[v] : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'plus', color: 'green' });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 750,
+ height: 800,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'ParadiseSS13 Changelog',
+ mt: 2,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: m ? 'Showing all changes' : 'Showing changes since last connection',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return l(!m);
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: u.map(function (h) {
+ return (
+ (!m && h.merge_ts <= s) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ mb: 2,
+ title: h.author + ' - Merged on ' + h.merge_date,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: '#' + h.num,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return g('open_pr', { pr_number: h.num });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: h.entries.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ { m: 1, children: [C(v.etype), ' ', v.etext] },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ },
+ h
+ )
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 91360: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CheckboxListInputModal = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(51057),
+ t = n(19203),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(72253),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = (r.CheckboxListInputModal = (function () {
+ function k(g, i) {
+ var c = (0, f.useBackend)(i),
+ m = c.act,
+ l = c.data,
+ u = l.items,
+ s = u === void 0 ? [] : u,
+ d = l.message,
+ C = d === void 0 ? '' : d,
+ h = l.init_value,
+ v = l.timeout,
+ p = l.title,
+ N = (0, f.useLocalState)(i, 'edittedItems', s),
+ V = N[0],
+ S = N[1],
+ I = 330 + Math.ceil(C.length / 3),
+ L = (function () {
+ function w(A) {
+ A === void 0 && (A = null);
+ var x = [].concat(V);
+ (x = x.map(function (E) {
+ return E.key === A.key ? Object.assign({}, E, { checked: !A.checked }) : E;
+ })),
+ S(x);
+ }
+ return w;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ title: p,
+ width: 325,
+ height: I,
+ children: [
+ v && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: v }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ className: 'ListInput__Section',
+ fill: !0,
+ title: C,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { filteredItems: V, onClick: L }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.InputButtons, { input: V }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ B = function (g, i) {
+ var c = g.filteredItems,
+ m = g.onClick;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ tabIndex: 0,
+ children: c.map(function (l, u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button.Checkbox,
+ {
+ fluid: !0,
+ id: u,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return m(l);
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ checked: l.checked,
+ style: { animation: 'none', transition: 'none' },
+ children: l.key.replace(/^\w/, function (s) {
+ return s.toUpperCase();
+ }),
+ },
+ u
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 36108: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ChemDispenser = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(85870),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = [1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50],
+ y = [1, 5, 10],
+ B = (r.ChemDispenser = (function () {
+ function c(m, l) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ C = d.chemicals;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 400 + C.length * 8,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ k = function (m, l) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ C = d.amount,
+ h = d.energy,
+ v = d.maxEnergy;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Settings',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Energy',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: h,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: v,
+ ranges: { good: [v * 0.5, 1 / 0], average: [v * 0.25, v * 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, v * 0.25] },
+ children: [h, ' / ', v, ' Units'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Dispense',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: b.map(function (p, N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ grow: !0,
+ width: '15%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: C === p,
+ content: p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return s('amount', { amount: p });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ N
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (m, l) {
+ for (
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ C = d.chemicals,
+ h = C === void 0 ? [] : C,
+ v = [],
+ p = 0;
+ p < (h.length + 1) % 3;
+ p++
+ )
+ v.push(!0);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: d.glass ? 'Drink Dispenser' : 'Chemical Dispenser',
+ children: [
+ h.map(function (N, V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ m: 0.1,
+ width: '32.5%',
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
+ content: N.title,
+ style: { 'margin-left': '2px' },
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return s('dispense', { reagent: N.id });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V
+ );
+ }),
+ v.map(function (N, V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, basis: '25%' }, V);
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (m, l) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ C = d.isBeakerLoaded,
+ h = d.beakerCurrentVolume,
+ v = d.beakerMaxVolume,
+ p = d.beakerContents,
+ N = p === void 0 ? [] : p;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ height: 16,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: d.glass ? 'Glass' : 'Beaker',
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ !!C &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: 'label',
+ mr: 2,
+ children: [h, ' / ', v, ' units'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ disabled: !C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return s('ejectBeaker');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.BeakerContents, {
+ beakerLoaded: C,
+ beakerContents: N,
+ buttons: (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Isolate',
+ icon: 'compress-arrows-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return s('remove', { reagent: S.id, amount: -1 });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ y.map(function (I, L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: I,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return s('remove', { reagent: S.id, amount: I });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ },
+ L
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'ALL',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return s('remove', { reagent: S.id, amount: S.volume });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 13146: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ChemHeater = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(85870),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = (r.ChemHeater = (function () {
+ function g(i, c) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 275,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k)],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ B = function (i, c) {
+ var m = (0, t.useBackend)(c),
+ l = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.targetTemp,
+ d = u.targetTempReached,
+ C = u.autoEject,
+ h = u.isActive,
+ v = u.currentTemp,
+ p = u.isBeakerLoaded;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Settings',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Auto-eject',
+ icon: C ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ selected: C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return l('toggle_autoeject');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: h ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ selected: h,
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return l('toggle_on');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Target',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ width: '65px',
+ unit: 'K',
+ step: 10,
+ stepPixelSize: 3,
+ value: (0, a.round)(s, 0),
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 1e3,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function N(V, S) {
+ return l('adjust_temperature', { target: S });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Reading',
+ color: d ? 'good' : 'average',
+ children:
+ (p &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, {
+ value: v,
+ format: (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ return (0, a.toFixed)(V) + ' K';
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ })) ||
+ '\u2014',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (i, c) {
+ var m = (0, t.useBackend)(c),
+ l = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.isBeakerLoaded,
+ d = u.beakerCurrentVolume,
+ C = u.beakerMaxVolume,
+ h = u.beakerContents;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Beaker',
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ buttons:
+ !!s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: 'label',
+ mr: 2,
+ children: [d, ' / ', C, ' units'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return l('eject_beaker');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BeakerContents, { beakerLoaded: s, beakerContents: h }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 56541: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ChemMaster = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(85870),
+ b = n(3939),
+ y = n(35840),
+ B = ['icon'];
+ function k(I, L) {
+ if (I == null) return {};
+ var w = {};
+ for (var A in I)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(I, A)) {
+ if (L.includes(A)) continue;
+ w[A] = I[A];
+ }
+ return w;
+ }
+ function g(I, L) {
+ (I.prototype = Object.create(L.prototype)), (I.prototype.constructor = I), i(I, L);
+ }
+ function i(I, L) {
+ return (
+ (i = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (w, A) {
+ return (w.__proto__ = A), w;
+ }),
+ i(I, L)
+ );
+ }
+ var c = [1, 5, 10],
+ m = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = L.args.analysis;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: E.condi ? 'Condiment Analysis' : 'Reagent Analysis',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mx: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: P.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Description',
+ children: (P.desc || '').length > 0 ? P.desc : 'N/A',
+ }),
+ P.blood_type &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Blood type',
+ children: P.blood_type,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Blood DNA',
+ className: 'LabeledList__breakContents',
+ children: P.blood_dna,
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ !E.condi &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: E.printing ? 'spinner' : 'print',
+ disabled: E.printing,
+ iconSpin: !!E.printing,
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ content: 'Print',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return x('print', { idx: P.idx, beaker: L.args.beaker });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ l = (function (I) {
+ return (I[(I.ToDisposals = 0)] = 'ToDisposals'), (I[(I.ToBeaker = 1)] = 'ToBeaker'), I;
+ })(l || {}),
+ u = (r.ChemMaster = (function () {
+ function I(L, w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 575,
+ height: 650,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })()),
+ s = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = E.beaker,
+ D = E.beaker_reagents,
+ M = E.buffer_reagents,
+ R = M.length > 0;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Beaker',
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ buttons: R
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ disabled: !P,
+ content: 'Eject and Clear Buffer',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return x('eject');
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ disabled: !P,
+ content: 'Eject and Clear Buffer',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return x('eject');
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: P
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BeakerContents, {
+ beakerLoaded: !0,
+ beakerContents: D,
+ buttons: (function () {
+ function O(F, _) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mb: _ < D.length - 1 && '2px',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Analyze',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ return (0, b.modalOpen)(w, 'analyze', { idx: _ + 1, beaker: 1 });
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ c.map(function (U, z) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: U,
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function $() {
+ return x('add', { id: F.id, amount: U });
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ },
+ z
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'All',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ return x('add', { id: F.id, amount: F.volume });
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Custom..',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ return (0, b.modalOpen)(w, 'addcustom', { id: F.id });
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'No beaker loaded.' }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ d = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = E.mode,
+ D = E.buffer_reagents;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Buffer',
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ 'Transferring to\xA0',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: P ? 'flask' : 'trash',
+ color: !P && 'bad',
+ content: P ? 'Beaker' : 'Disposal',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return x('toggle');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children:
+ D.length > 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BeakerContents, {
+ beakerLoaded: !0,
+ beakerContents: D,
+ buttons: (function () {
+ function M(R, O) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mb: O < D.length - 1 && '2px',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Analyze',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return (0, b.modalOpen)(w, 'analyze', { idx: O + 1, beaker: 0 });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ c.map(function (F, _) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: F,
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ return x('remove', { id: R.id, amount: F });
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ },
+ _
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'All',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return x('remove', { id: R.id, amount: R.volume });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Custom..',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return (0, b.modalOpen)(w, 'removecustom', { id: R.id });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'Buffer is empty.' }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ C = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.data,
+ E = x.buffer_reagents;
+ return E.length === 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Production',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'tint-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Buffer is empty.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Production',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ h = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = E.production_mode,
+ D = E.production_data,
+ M = E.static_production_data,
+ R = function (F) {
+ var _ = M[F],
+ U = D[F];
+ if (_ !== void 0 && U !== void 0) {
+ var z = Object.assign({}, _, U, { id: F });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, V, { productionData: z });
+ }
+ };
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: Object.entries(M).map(function (O) {
+ var F = O[0],
+ _ = O[1],
+ U = _.name,
+ z = _.icon;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: z,
+ selected: P === F,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function $() {
+ return x('set_production_mode', { production_mode: F });
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ children: U,
+ },
+ U
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ R(P),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ },
+ v = (function (I) {
+ function L() {
+ var A;
+ return (
+ (A = I.call(this) || this),
+ (A.handleMouseUp = function (x) {
+ var E = A.props,
+ P = E.placeholder,
+ D = E.onMouseUp,
+ M = x.target;
+ x.button === 1 && ((M.value = P), M.select()), D && D(x);
+ }),
+ A
+ );
+ }
+ g(L, I);
+ var w = L.prototype;
+ return (
+ (w.render = (function () {
+ function A() {
+ var x = (0, a.useBackend)(this.context),
+ E = x.data,
+ P = E.maxnamelength;
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Input,
+ Object.assign({ maxLength: P, onMouseUp: this.handleMouseUp }, this.props)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return A;
+ })()),
+ L
+ );
+ })(e.Component),
+ p = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = L.children,
+ D = L.productionData,
+ M = E.buffer_reagents,
+ R = M === void 0 ? [] : M,
+ O = D.id,
+ F = D.max_items_amount,
+ _ = D.set_name,
+ U = D.set_items_amount,
+ z = D.placeholder_name;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ P,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Quantity',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ value: U,
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: F,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function $(G, X) {
+ return x('set_items_amount', { production_mode: O, amount: X });
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ _ != null &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Name',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: _,
+ placeholder: z,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function $(G, X) {
+ return x('set_items_name', { production_mode: O, name: X });
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Create',
+ color: 'green',
+ disabled: R.length <= 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function $() {
+ return x('create_items', { production_mode: O });
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ N = function (L, w) {
+ var A = L.icon,
+ x = k(L, B);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ Object.assign({ style: { padding: 0, 'line-height': 0 } }, x, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, y.classes)(['chem_master32x32', A]),
+ }),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ V = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = L.productionData,
+ P = E.id,
+ D = E.set_sprite,
+ M = E.sprites,
+ R;
+ return (
+ M &&
+ M.length > 0 &&
+ (R = M.map(function (O) {
+ var F = O.id,
+ _ = O.sprite;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ N,
+ {
+ icon: _,
+ translucent: !0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ return x('set_sprite_style', { production_mode: P, style: F });
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ selected: D === F,
+ },
+ F
+ );
+ })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, p, {
+ productionData: L.productionData,
+ children: R && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Style', children: R }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ S = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = E.loaded_pill_bottle_style,
+ D = E.containerstyles,
+ M = E.loaded_pill_bottle,
+ R = { width: '20px', height: '20px' },
+ O = D.map(function (F) {
+ var _ = F.color,
+ U = F.name,
+ z = P === _;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ style: { position: 'relative', width: R.width, height: R.height },
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function $() {
+ return x('set_container_style', { style: _ });
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ icon: z && 'check',
+ iconStyle: { position: 'relative', 'z-index': 1 },
+ tooltip: U,
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ children: [
+ !z && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, null, 1, { style: { display: 'inline-block' } }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', 'Button', null, 1, {
+ style: {
+ display: 'inline-block',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ margin: 0,
+ padding: 0,
+ width: R.width,
+ height: R.height,
+ 'background-color': _,
+ opacity: 0.6,
+ filter: 'alpha(opacity=60)',
+ },
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ _
+ );
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Container Customization',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ disabled: !M,
+ content: 'Eject Container',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return x('ejectp');
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: M
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Style',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ style: { width: R.width, height: R.height },
+ icon: 'tint-slash',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return x('clear_container_style');
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ selected: !P,
+ tooltip: 'Default',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ O,
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'No pill bottle or patch pack loaded.',
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ (0, b.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('analyze', m);
+ },
+ 37173: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CloningConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(79140),
+ b = 1,
+ y = 32,
+ B = 128,
+ k = (r.CloningConsole = (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.tab,
+ N = v.has_scanner,
+ V = v.pod_amount;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 640,
+ height: 520,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Cloning Console',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Connected scanner',
+ children: N ? 'Online' : 'Missing',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Connected pods',
+ children: V,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: p === 1,
+ icon: 'home',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return h('menu', { tab: 1 });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Main Menu',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: p === 2,
+ icon: 'user',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return h('menu', { tab: 2 });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Damage Configuration',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g) }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ g = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.data,
+ v = h.tab,
+ p;
+ return (
+ v === 1 ? (p = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i)) : v === 2 && (p = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c)),
+ p
+ );
+ },
+ i = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.pods,
+ N = v.pod_amount,
+ V = v.selected_pod_UID;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ !N &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'Notice: No pods connected.' }),
+ !!N &&
+ p.map(function (S, I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ layer: 2,
+ title: 'Pod ' + (I + 1),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '96px',
+ shrink: 0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: (0, f.resolveAsset)('pod_' + (S.cloning ? 'cloning' : 'idle') + '.gif'),
+ style: {
+ width: '100%',
+ '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
+ 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ selected: V === S.uid,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('select_pod', { uid: S.uid });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Select',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Progress',
+ children: [
+ !S.cloning &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'Pod is inactive.',
+ }),
+ !!S.cloning &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: S.clone_progress,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ color: 'good',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Biomass',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: S.biomass,
+ ranges: {
+ good: [(2 * S.biomass_storage_capacity) / 3, S.biomass_storage_capacity],
+ average: [
+ S.biomass_storage_capacity / 3,
+ (2 * S.biomass_storage_capacity) / 3,
+ ],
+ bad: [0, S.biomass_storage_capacity / 3],
+ },
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: S.biomass_storage_capacity,
+ children: [
+ S.biomass,
+ '/',
+ S.biomass_storage_capacity +
+ ' (' +
+ (100 * S.biomass) / S.biomass_storage_capacity +
+ '%)',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Sanguine Reagent',
+ children: S.sanguine_reagent,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Osseous Reagent',
+ children: S.osseous_reagent,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ S
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.selected_pod_data,
+ N = v.has_scanned,
+ V = v.scanner_has_patient,
+ S = v.feedback,
+ I = v.scan_successful,
+ L = v.cloning_cost,
+ w = v.has_scanner,
+ A = v.currently_scanning;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ !w &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'Notice: No scanner connected.',
+ }),
+ !!w &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ layer: 2,
+ title: 'Scanner Info',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'hourglass-half',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('scan');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ disabled: !V || A,
+ children: 'Scan',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('eject');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ disabled: !V || A,
+ children: 'Eject Patient',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: [
+ !N &&
+ !A &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ children: V ? 'No scan detected for current patient.' : 'No patient is in the scanner.',
+ }),
+ (!!N || !!A) && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: S.color, children: S.text }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ layer: 2,
+ title: 'Damages Breakdown',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (!I || !N) &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'No valid scan detected.',
+ }),
+ !!I &&
+ !!N &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('fix_all');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Repair All Damages',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('fix_none');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Repair No Damages',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('clone');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Clone',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ height: '25px',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '40%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: L[0],
+ maxValue: p.biomass_storage_capacity,
+ ranges: {
+ bad: [(2 * p.biomass_storage_capacity) / 3, p.biomass_storage_capacity],
+ average: [
+ p.biomass_storage_capacity / 3,
+ (2 * p.biomass_storage_capacity) / 3,
+ ],
+ good: [0, p.biomass_storage_capacity / 3],
+ },
+ color: L[0] > p.biomass ? 'bad' : null,
+ children: [
+ 'Biomass: ',
+ L[0],
+ '/',
+ p.biomass,
+ '/',
+ p.biomass_storage_capacity,
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '30%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: L[1],
+ maxValue: p.max_reagent_capacity,
+ ranges: {
+ bad: [(2 * p.max_reagent_capacity) / 3, p.max_reagent_capacity],
+ average: [p.max_reagent_capacity / 3, (2 * p.max_reagent_capacity) / 3],
+ good: [0, p.max_reagent_capacity / 3],
+ },
+ color: L[1] > p.sanguine_reagent ? 'bad' : 'good',
+ children: [
+ 'Sanguine: ',
+ L[1],
+ '/',
+ p.sanguine_reagent,
+ '/',
+ p.max_reagent_capacity,
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '30%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: L[2],
+ maxValue: p.max_reagent_capacity,
+ ranges: {
+ bad: [(2 * p.max_reagent_capacity) / 3, p.max_reagent_capacity],
+ average: [p.max_reagent_capacity / 3, (2 * p.max_reagent_capacity) / 3],
+ good: [0, p.max_reagent_capacity / 3],
+ },
+ color: L[2] > p.osseous_reagent ? 'bad' : 'good',
+ children: [
+ 'Osseous: ',
+ L[2],
+ '/',
+ p.osseous_reagent,
+ '/',
+ p.max_reagent_capacity,
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.patient_limb_data,
+ N = v.limb_list,
+ V = v.desired_limb_data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
+ title: 'Limbs',
+ children: N.map(function (S, I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ align: 'baseline',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ color: 'label',
+ width: '15%',
+ height: '20px',
+ children: [p[S][4], ':', ' '],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
+ p[S][3] === 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '60%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: V[S][0] + V[S][1],
+ maxValue: p[S][5],
+ ranges: {
+ good: [0, p[S][5] / 3],
+ average: [p[S][5] / 3, (2 * p[S][5]) / 3],
+ bad: [(2 * p[S][5]) / 3, p[S][5]],
+ },
+ children: [
+ 'Post-Cloning Damage: ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'bone' }),
+ ' ' + V[S][0] + ' / ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'fire' }),
+ ' ' + V[S][1],
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ p[S][3] !== 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '60%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ value: 0,
+ children: ["The patient's ", p[S][4], ' is missing!'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ !!p[S][3] &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: !V[S][3],
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('toggle_limb_repair', { limb: S, type: 'replace' });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Replace Limb',
+ }),
+ }),
+ !p[S][3] &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ disabled: !(p[S][0] || p[S][1]),
+ checked: !(V[S][0] || V[S][1]),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('toggle_limb_repair', { limb: S, type: 'damage' });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Repair Damages',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ disabled: !(p[S][2] & b),
+ checked: !(V[S][2] & b),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('toggle_limb_repair', { limb: S, type: 'bone' });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Mend Bone',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ disabled: !(p[S][2] & y),
+ checked: !(V[S][2] & y),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('toggle_limb_repair', { limb: S, type: 'ib' });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Mend IB',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ disabled: !(p[S][2] & B),
+ checked: !(V[S][2] & B),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('toggle_limb_repair', { limb: S, type: 'critburn' });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Mend Critical Burn',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ S
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (s, d) {
+ var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = C.act,
+ v = C.data,
+ p = v.patient_organ_data,
+ N = v.organ_list,
+ V = v.desired_organ_data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
+ title: 'Organs',
+ children: N.map(function (S, I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ align: 'baseline',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ color: 'label',
+ width: '20%',
+ height: '20px',
+ children: [p[S][3], ':', ' '],
+ }),
+ p[S][5] !== 'heart' &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ !!p[S][2] &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: !V[S][2] && !V[S][1],
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('toggle_organ_repair', { organ: S, type: 'replace' });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Replace Organ',
+ }),
+ !p[S][2] &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ disabled: !p[S][0],
+ checked: !V[S][0],
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('toggle_organ_repair', { organ: S, type: 'damage' });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Repair Damages',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ p[S][5] === 'heart' &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'Heart replacement is required for cloning.',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '35%',
+ children: [
+ !!p[S][2] &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ value: 0,
+ children: ["The patient's ", p[S][3], ' is missing!'],
+ }),
+ !p[S][2] &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: V[S][0],
+ maxValue: p[S][4],
+ ranges: {
+ good: [0, p[S][4] / 3],
+ average: [p[S][4] / 3, (2 * p[S][4]) / 3],
+ bad: [(2 * p[S][4]) / 3, p[S][4]],
+ },
+ children: 'Post-Cloning Damage: ' + V[S][0],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ S
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 98723: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CloningPod = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.CloningPod = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ i = k.data,
+ c = i.biomass,
+ m = i.biomass_storage_capacity,
+ l = i.sanguine_reagent,
+ u = i.osseous_reagent,
+ s = i.organs,
+ d = i.currently_cloning;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Liquid Storage',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ height: '25px',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ color: 'label',
+ width: '25%',
+ children: ['Biomass:', ' '],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: c,
+ ranges: { good: [(2 * m) / 3, m], average: [m / 3, (2 * m) / 3], bad: [0, m / 3] },
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: m,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ height: '25px',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ color: 'label',
+ width: '25%',
+ children: ['Sanguine Reagent:', ' '],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: l + ' units' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ value: 0,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: l,
+ step: 1,
+ unit: 'units',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function C(h, v) {
+ return g('remove_reagent', { reagent: 'sanguine_reagent', amount: v });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Remove All',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return g('purge_reagent', { reagent: 'sanguine_reagent' });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ height: '25px',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ color: 'label',
+ width: '25%',
+ children: ['Osseous Reagent:', ' '],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: u + ' units' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ value: 0,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: u,
+ step: 1,
+ unit: 'units',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function C(h, v) {
+ return g('remove_reagent', { reagent: 'osseous_reagent', amount: v });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Remove All',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return g('purge_reagent', { reagent: 'osseous_reagent' });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Organ Storage',
+ children: [
+ !d &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ !s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'Notice: No organs loaded.',
+ }),
+ !!s &&
+ s.map(function (C) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: C.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return g('eject_organ', { organ_ref: C.ref });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ C
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!d &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ height: '100%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: '1',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'lock', size: '5', mb: 3 }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Unable to access organ storage while cloning.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 18259: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CoinMint = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.CoinMint = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, t.useBackend)(k),
+ i = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.materials,
+ l = c.moneyBag,
+ u = c.moneyBagContent,
+ s = c.moneyBagMaxContent,
+ d = (l ? 210 : 138) + Math.ceil(m.length / 4) * 64;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 210,
+ height: d,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, {
+ m: 0,
+ info: !0,
+ children: ['Total coins produced: ', c.totalCoins],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Coin Type',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ color: c.active && 'bad',
+ tooltip: !l && 'Need a money bag',
+ disabled: !l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return i('activate');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: c.maxMaterials,
+ value: c.totalMaterials,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ tooltip: 'Eject selected material',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return i('ejectMat');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: m.map(function (C) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button,
+ {
+ bold: !0,
+ inline: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ m: 0.2,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: C.id === c.chosenMaterial,
+ tooltip: C.name,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['materials32x32', C.id]),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { children: C.amount }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return i('selectMaterial', { material: C.id });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ },
+ C.id
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!l &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Money Bag',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ disabled: c.active,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return i('ejectBag');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ width: '100%',
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: s,
+ value: u,
+ children: [u, ' / ', s],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 93858: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.HexColorInput = r.ColorSelector = r.ColorPickerModal = r.ColorInput = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(51057),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = n(44879),
+ y = n(14448),
+ B = n(4454),
+ k = n(35840),
+ g = n(9394),
+ i = n(19203),
+ c = ['prefixed', 'alpha', 'color', 'fluid', 'onChange'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2023 itsmeow
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function m(w, A) {
+ (w.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype)), (w.prototype.constructor = w), i(w, A);
+ }
+ function i(w, A) {
+ return (
+ (i = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (x, E) {
+ return (x.__proto__ = E), x;
+ }),
+ i(w, A)
+ );
+ }
+ function u(w, A) {
+ if (w == null) return {};
+ var x = {};
+ for (var E in w)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(w, E)) {
+ if (A.includes(E)) continue;
+ x[E] = w[E];
+ }
+ return x;
+ }
+ var s = (r.ColorPickerModal = (function () {
+ function w(A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.data,
+ D = P.timeout,
+ M = P.message,
+ R = P.title,
+ O = P.autofocus,
+ F = P.default_color,
+ _ = F === void 0 ? '#000000' : F,
+ U = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'color_picker_choice', (0, y.hexToHsva)(_)),
+ z = U[0],
+ $ = U[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ height: 400,
+ title: R,
+ width: 600,
+ theme: 'generic',
+ children: [
+ !!D && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: D }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ M &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ m: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ children: M,
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ !!O && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Autofocus),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { color: z, setColor: $, defaultColor: _ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l.InputButtons, { input: (0, y.hsvaToHex)(z) }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })()),
+ d = (r.ColorSelector = (function () {
+ function w(A, x) {
+ var E = A.color,
+ P = A.setColor,
+ D = A.defaultColor,
+ M = (function () {
+ function F(_) {
+ P(function (U) {
+ return Object.assign({}, U, _);
+ });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ R = (0, y.hsvaToRgba)(E),
+ O = (0, y.hsvaToHex)(E);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
+ direction: 'row',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ mr: 2,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'react-colorful',
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, N, { hsva: E, onChange: M }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, V, {
+ hue: E.h,
+ onChange: M,
+ className: 'react-colorful__last-control',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ width: '100px',
+ height: '20px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Current',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ width: '100px',
+ height: '20px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Previous',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tooltip, {
+ content: O,
+ position: 'bottom',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ width: '100px',
+ height: '30px',
+ backgroundColor: O,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tooltip, {
+ content: D,
+ position: 'bottom',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ width: '100px',
+ height: '30px',
+ backgroundColor: D,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ fontSize: '15px',
+ lineHeight: '24px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ textColor: 'label',
+ children: 'Hex:',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ height: '24px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: (0, y.hsvaToHex)(E).substring(1),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function F(_) {
+ g.logger.info(_), P((0, y.hexToHsva)(_));
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ prefixed: !0,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '25px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ textColor: 'label',
+ children: 'H:',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, V, { hue: E.h, onChange: M }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
+ value: E.h,
+ callback: (function () {
+ function F(_, U) {
+ return M({ h: U });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ max: 360,
+ unit: '\xB0',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '25px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ textColor: 'label',
+ children: 'S:',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { color: E, onChange: M }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
+ value: E.s,
+ callback: (function () {
+ function F(_, U) {
+ return M({ s: U });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ unit: '%',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '25px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ textColor: 'label',
+ children: 'V:',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, I, { color: E, onChange: M }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
+ value: E.v,
+ callback: (function () {
+ function F(_, U) {
+ return M({ v: U });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ unit: '%',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '25px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ textColor: 'label',
+ children: 'R:',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, L, { color: E, onChange: M, target: 'r' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
+ value: R.r,
+ callback: (function () {
+ function F(_, U) {
+ (R.r = U), M((0, y.rgbaToHsva)(R));
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ max: 255,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '25px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ textColor: 'label',
+ children: 'G:',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, L, { color: E, onChange: M, target: 'g' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
+ value: R.g,
+ callback: (function () {
+ function F(_, U) {
+ (R.g = U), M((0, y.rgbaToHsva)(R));
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ max: 255,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '25px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ textColor: 'label',
+ children: 'B:',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, L, { color: E, onChange: M, target: 'b' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
+ value: R.b,
+ callback: (function () {
+ function F(_, U) {
+ (R.b = U), M((0, y.rgbaToHsva)(R));
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ max: 255,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })()),
+ v = function (A) {
+ var x = A.value,
+ E = A.callback,
+ P = A.min,
+ D = P === void 0 ? 0 : P,
+ M = A.max,
+ R = M === void 0 ? 100 : M,
+ O = A.unit;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ width: '70px',
+ value: Math.round(x),
+ step: 1,
+ minValue: D,
+ maxValue: R,
+ onChange: E,
+ unit: O,
+ });
+ },
+ h = function (A) {
+ return '#' + A;
+ },
+ C = (r.HexColorInput = (function () {
+ function w(A) {
+ var x = A.prefixed,
+ E = A.alpha,
+ P = A.color,
+ D = A.fluid,
+ M = A.onChange,
+ R = u(A, c),
+ O = (function () {
+ function _(U) {
+ return U.replace(/([^0-9A-F]+)/gi, '').substring(0, E ? 8 : 6);
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ F = (function () {
+ function _(U) {
+ return (0, y.validHex)(U, E);
+ }
+ return _;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ p,
+ Object.assign({}, R, {
+ fluid: D,
+ color: P,
+ onChange: M,
+ escape: O,
+ format: x ? h : void 0,
+ validate: F,
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return w;
+ })()),
+ p = (r.ColorInput = (function (w) {
+ function A(E) {
+ var P;
+ return (
+ (P = w.call(this) || this),
+ (P.props = void 0),
+ (P.state = void 0),
+ (P.handleInput = function (D) {
+ var M = P.props.escape(D.currentTarget.value);
+ P.setState({ localValue: M });
+ }),
+ (P.handleBlur = function (D) {
+ D.currentTarget &&
+ (P.props.validate(D.currentTarget.value)
+ ? P.props.onChange(
+ P.props.escape ? P.props.escape(D.currentTarget.value) : D.currentTarget.value
+ )
+ : P.setState({ localValue: P.props.escape(P.props.color) }));
+ }),
+ (P.props = E),
+ (P.state = { localValue: P.props.escape(P.props.color) }),
+ P
+ );
+ }
+ m(A, w);
+ var x = A.prototype;
+ return (
+ (x.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function E(P, D) {
+ P.color !== this.props.color && this.setState({ localValue: this.props.escape(this.props.color) });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })()),
+ (x.render = (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: (0, k.classes)(['Input', this.props.fluid && 'Input--fluid']),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Input__baseline', '.', 16),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(64, 'input', 'Input__input', null, 1, {
+ value: this.props.format ? this.props.format(this.state.localValue) : this.state.localValue,
+ spellCheck: 'false',
+ onInput: this.handleInput,
+ onBlur: this.handleBlur,
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })()),
+ A
+ );
+ })(e.Component)),
+ N = function (A) {
+ var x = A.hsva,
+ E = A.onChange,
+ P = function (O) {
+ E({ s: O.left * 100, v: 100 - O.top * 100 });
+ },
+ D = function (O) {
+ E({ s: (0, b.clamp)(x.s + O.left * 100, 0, 100), v: (0, b.clamp)(x.v - O.top * 100, 0, 100) });
+ },
+ M = { 'background-color': (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: x.h, s: 100, v: 100, a: 1 }) + ' !important' };
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'react-colorful__saturation_value',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Interactive, {
+ onMove: P,
+ onKey: D,
+ 'aria-label': 'Color',
+ 'aria-valuetext': 'Saturation ' + Math.round(x.s) + '%, Brightness ' + Math.round(x.v) + '%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Pointer, {
+ className: 'react-colorful__saturation_value-pointer',
+ top: 1 - x.v / 100,
+ left: x.s / 100,
+ color: (0, y.hsvaToHslString)(x),
+ }),
+ }),
+ 2,
+ { style: M }
+ );
+ },
+ V = function (A) {
+ var x = A.className,
+ E = A.hue,
+ P = A.onChange,
+ D = function (F) {
+ P({ h: 360 * F.left });
+ },
+ M = function (F) {
+ P({ h: (0, b.clamp)(E + F.left * 360, 0, 360) });
+ },
+ R = (0, k.classes)(['react-colorful__hue', x]);
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ R,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Interactive, {
+ onMove: D,
+ onKey: M,
+ 'aria-label': 'Hue',
+ 'aria-valuenow': Math.round(E),
+ 'aria-valuemax': '360',
+ 'aria-valuemin': '0',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Pointer, {
+ className: 'react-colorful__hue-pointer',
+ left: E / 360,
+ color: (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E, s: 100, v: 100, a: 1 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ 2
+ );
+ },
+ S = function (A) {
+ var x = A.className,
+ E = A.color,
+ P = A.onChange,
+ D = function (F) {
+ P({ s: 100 * F.left });
+ },
+ M = function (F) {
+ P({ s: (0, b.clamp)(E.s + F.left * 100, 0, 100) });
+ },
+ R = (0, k.classes)(['react-colorful__saturation', x]);
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ R,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Interactive, {
+ style: {
+ background:
+ 'linear-gradient(to right, ' +
+ (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: 0, v: E.v, a: 1 }) +
+ ', ' +
+ (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: 100, v: E.v, a: 1 }) +
+ ')',
+ },
+ onMove: D,
+ onKey: M,
+ 'aria-label': 'Saturation',
+ 'aria-valuenow': Math.round(E.s),
+ 'aria-valuemax': '100',
+ 'aria-valuemin': '0',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Pointer, {
+ className: 'react-colorful__saturation-pointer',
+ left: E.s / 100,
+ color: (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: E.s, v: E.v, a: 1 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ 2
+ );
+ },
+ I = function (A) {
+ var x = A.className,
+ E = A.color,
+ P = A.onChange,
+ D = function (F) {
+ P({ v: 100 * F.left });
+ },
+ M = function (F) {
+ P({ v: (0, b.clamp)(E.v + F.left * 100, 0, 100) });
+ },
+ R = (0, k.classes)(['react-colorful__value', x]);
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ R,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Interactive, {
+ style: {
+ background:
+ 'linear-gradient(to right, ' +
+ (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: E.s, v: 0, a: 1 }) +
+ ', ' +
+ (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: E.s, v: 100, a: 1 }) +
+ ')',
+ },
+ onMove: D,
+ onKey: M,
+ 'aria-label': 'Value',
+ 'aria-valuenow': Math.round(E.s),
+ 'aria-valuemax': '100',
+ 'aria-valuemin': '0',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Pointer, {
+ className: 'react-colorful__value-pointer',
+ left: E.v / 100,
+ color: (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: E.s, v: E.v, a: 1 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ 2
+ );
+ },
+ L = function (A) {
+ var x = A.className,
+ E = A.color,
+ P = A.onChange,
+ D = A.target,
+ M = (0, y.hsvaToRgba)(E),
+ R = function ($) {
+ (M[D] = $), P((0, y.rgbaToHsva)(M));
+ },
+ O = function ($) {
+ R(255 * $.left);
+ },
+ F = function ($) {
+ R((0, b.clamp)(M[D] + $.left * 255, 0, 255));
+ },
+ _ = (0, k.classes)(['react-colorful__' + D, x]),
+ U =
+ D === 'r'
+ ? 'rgb(' + Math.round(M.r) + ',0,0)'
+ : D === 'g'
+ ? 'rgb(0,' + Math.round(M.g) + ',0)'
+ : 'rgb(0,0,' + Math.round(M.b) + ')';
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ _,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Interactive, {
+ onMove: O,
+ onKey: F,
+ 'aria-valuenow': M[D],
+ 'aria-valuemax': '100',
+ 'aria-valuemin': '0',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Pointer, {
+ className: 'react-colorful__' + D + '-pointer',
+ left: M[D] / 255,
+ color: U,
+ }),
+ }),
+ 2
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 8444: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ColourMatrixTester = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.ColourMatrixTester = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.colour_data,
+ m = [
+ [
+ { name: 'RR', idx: 0 },
+ { name: 'RG', idx: 1 },
+ { name: 'RB', idx: 2 },
+ { name: 'RA', idx: 3 },
+ ],
+ [
+ { name: 'GR', idx: 4 },
+ { name: 'GG', idx: 5 },
+ { name: 'GB', idx: 6 },
+ { name: 'GA', idx: 7 },
+ ],
+ [
+ { name: 'BR', idx: 8 },
+ { name: 'BG', idx: 9 },
+ { name: 'BB', idx: 10 },
+ { name: 'BA', idx: 11 },
+ ],
+ [
+ { name: 'AR', idx: 12 },
+ { name: 'AG', idx: 13 },
+ { name: 'AB', idx: 14 },
+ { name: 'AA', idx: 15 },
+ ],
+ ];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 360,
+ height: 190,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Modify Matrix',
+ children: m.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ textColor: 'label',
+ children: i.map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ grow: !0,
+ mt: 1,
+ children: [
+ u.name,
+ ':\xA0',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ width: 4,
+ value: c[u.idx],
+ step: 0.05,
+ minValue: -5,
+ maxValue: 5,
+ stepPixelSize: 5,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function s(d, v) {
+ return g('setvalue', { idx: u.idx + 1, value: v });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ u.name
+ );
+ }),
+ },
+ i
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 63818: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CommunicationsComputer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = function (s) {
+ switch (s) {
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
+ case 3:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ }),
+ });
+ case 4:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
+ default:
+ return 'ERROR. Unknown menu_state. Please contact NT Technical Support.';
+ }
+ },
+ b = (r.CommunicationsComputer = (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.menu_state;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y), f(p)],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ y = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.authenticated,
+ N = C.noauthbutton,
+ V = C.esc_section,
+ S = C.esc_callable,
+ I = C.esc_recallable,
+ L = C.esc_status,
+ w = C.authhead,
+ A = C.is_ai,
+ x = C.lastCallLoc,
+ E = !1,
+ P;
+ return (
+ p
+ ? p === 1
+ ? (P = 'Command')
+ : p === 2
+ ? (P = 'Captain')
+ : p === 3
+ ? (P = 'CentComm Officer')
+ : p === 4
+ ? ((P = 'CentComm Secure Connection'), (E = !0))
+ : (P = 'ERROR: Report This Bug!')
+ : (P = 'Not Logged In'),
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Authentication',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children:
+ (E &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Access', children: P })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: p ? 'sign-out-alt' : 'id-card',
+ selected: p,
+ disabled: N,
+ content: p ? 'Log Out (' + P + ')' : 'Log In',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return h('auth');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children:
+ !!V &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Escape Shuttle',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ !!L &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Status', children: L }),
+ !!S &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Options',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'rocket',
+ content: 'Call Shuttle',
+ disabled: !w,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return h('callshuttle');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!I &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Options',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Recall Shuttle',
+ disabled: !w || A,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return h('cancelshuttle');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!x &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Last Call/Recall From',
+ children: x,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ B = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.is_admin;
+ return p ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
+ },
+ k = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.is_admin,
+ N = C.gamma_armory_location,
+ V = C.admin_levels,
+ S = C.authenticated,
+ I = C.ert_allowed;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'CentComm Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Change Alert',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, {
+ levels: V,
+ required_access: p,
+ use_confirm: 1,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Announcement',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'bullhorn',
+ content: 'Make Central Announcement',
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('send_to_cc_announcement_page');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ S === 4 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'plus',
+ content: 'Make Other Announcement',
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('make_other_announcement');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Response Team',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'ambulance',
+ content: 'Dispatch ERT',
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('dispatch_ert');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: I,
+ content: I ? 'ERT calling enabled' : 'ERT calling disabled',
+ tooltip: I ? 'Command can request an ERT' : 'ERTs cannot be requested',
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('toggle_ert_allowed');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ selected: null,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Nuclear Device',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'bomb',
+ content: 'Get Authentication Codes',
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('send_nuke_codes');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Gamma Armory',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'biohazard',
+ content: N ? 'Send Gamma Armory' : 'Recall Gamma Armory',
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('move_gamma_armory');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Other',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'coins',
+ content: 'View Economy',
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('view_econ');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fax',
+ content: 'Fax Manager',
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('view_fax');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
+ title: 'View Command accessible controls',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.msg_cooldown,
+ N = C.emagged,
+ V = C.cc_cooldown,
+ S = C.security_level_color,
+ I = C.str_security_level,
+ L = C.levels,
+ w = C.authcapt,
+ A = C.authhead,
+ x = C.messages,
+ E = 'Make Priority Announcement';
+ p > 0 && (E += ' (' + p + 's)');
+ var P = N ? 'Message [UNKNOWN]' : 'Message CentComm',
+ D = 'Request Authentication Codes';
+ return (
+ V > 0 && ((P += ' (' + V + 's)'), (D += ' (' + V + 's)')),
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Captain-Only Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Alert',
+ color: S,
+ children: I,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Change Alert',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { levels: L, required_access: w }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Announcement',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'bullhorn',
+ content: E,
+ disabled: !w || p > 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return h('announce');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (!!N &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Transmit',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'broadcast-tower',
+ color: 'red',
+ content: P,
+ disabled: !w || V > 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return h('MessageSyndicate');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync-alt',
+ content: 'Reset Relays',
+ disabled: !w,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return h('RestoreBackup');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Transmit',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'broadcast-tower',
+ content: P,
+ disabled: !w || V > 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return h('MessageCentcomm');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Nuclear Device',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'bomb',
+ content: D,
+ disabled: !w || V > 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return h('nukerequest');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Command Staff Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Displays',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'tv',
+ content: 'Change Status Displays',
+ disabled: !A,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return h('status');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Incoming Messages',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'folder-open',
+ content: 'View (' + x.length + ')',
+ disabled: !A,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return h('messagelist');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ l = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.stat_display,
+ N = C.authhead,
+ V = C.current_message_title,
+ S = p.presets.map(function (L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: L.label,
+ selected: L.name === p.type,
+ disabled: !N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return h('setstat', { statdisp: L.name });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ },
+ L.name
+ );
+ }),
+ I = p.alerts.map(function (L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: L.label,
+ selected: L.alert === p.icon,
+ disabled: !N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return h('setstat', { statdisp: 3, alert: L.alert });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ },
+ L.alert
+ );
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Modify Status Screens',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
+ content: 'Back To Main Menu',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('main');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Presets', children: S }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Alerts', children: I }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Message Line 1',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ content: p.line_1,
+ disabled: !N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('setmsg1');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Message Line 2',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ content: p.line_2,
+ disabled: !N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('setmsg2');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.authhead,
+ N = C.current_message_title,
+ V = C.current_message,
+ S = C.messages,
+ I = C.security_level,
+ L;
+ if (N)
+ L = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: N,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Return To Message List',
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return h('messagelist');
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: V }),
+ }),
+ });
+ else {
+ var w = S.map(function (A) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: A.title,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eye',
+ content: 'View',
+ disabled: !p || N === A.title,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('messagelist', { msgid: A.id });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Delete',
+ disabled: !p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('delmessage', { msgid: A.id });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ A.id
+ );
+ });
+ L = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Messages Received',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
+ content: 'Back To Main Menu',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return h('main');
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, { children: w }),
+ });
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: L });
+ },
+ m = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = s.levels,
+ N = s.required_access,
+ V = s.use_confirm,
+ S = C.security_level;
+ return V
+ ? p.map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button.Confirm,
+ {
+ icon: I.icon,
+ content: I.name,
+ disabled: !N || I.id === S,
+ tooltip: I.tooltip,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('newalertlevel', { level: I.id });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ },
+ I.name
+ );
+ })
+ : p.map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ icon: I.icon,
+ content: I.name,
+ disabled: !N || I.id === S,
+ tooltip: I.tooltip,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h('newalertlevel', { level: I.id });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ },
+ I.name
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.is_admin,
+ N = C.possible_cc_sounds;
+ if (!p) return h('main');
+ var V = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'subtitle', ''),
+ S = V[0],
+ I = V[1],
+ L = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'text', ''),
+ w = L[0],
+ A = L[1],
+ x = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'classified', 0),
+ E = x[0],
+ P = x[1],
+ D = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'beepsound', 'Beep'),
+ M = D[0],
+ R = D[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Central Command Report',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
+ content: 'Back To Main Menu',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return h('main');
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Enter Subtitle here.',
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: S,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function O(F, _) {
+ return I(_);
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ mb: '5px',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Enter Announcement here,\nMultiline input is accepted.',
+ rows: 10,
+ fluid: !0,
+ multiline: 1,
+ value: w,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function O(F, _) {
+ return A(_);
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ content: 'Send Announcement',
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'paper-plane',
+ center: !0,
+ mt: '5px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return h('make_cc_announcement', { subtitle: S, text: w, classified: E, beepsound: M });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ width: '260px',
+ height: '20px',
+ options: N,
+ selected: M,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function O(F) {
+ return R(F);
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ disabled: E,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'volume-up',
+ mx: '5px',
+ disabled: E,
+ tooltip: 'Test sound',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return h('test_sound', { sound: M });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: E,
+ content: 'Classified',
+ fluid: !0,
+ tooltip: E ? 'Sent to station communications consoles' : 'Publically announced',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return P(!E);
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 20562: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CompostBin = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.CompostBin = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.biomass,
+ m = l.compost,
+ i = l.biomass_capacity,
+ u = l.compost_capacity,
+ s = l.potassium,
+ d = l.potassium_capacity,
+ v = l.potash,
+ h = l.potash_capacity,
+ C = (0, a.useSharedState)(B, 'vendAmount', 1),
+ p = C[0],
+ N = C[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 360,
+ height: 250,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ label: 'Resources',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Biomass',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ ml: 0.5,
+ mt: 1,
+ width: 20,
+ value: c,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: i,
+ ranges: {
+ good: [i * 0.5, 1 / 0],
+ average: [i * 0.25, i * 0.5],
+ bad: [-1 / 0, i * 0.25],
+ },
+ children: [c, ' / ', i, ' Units'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Compost',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ ml: 0.5,
+ mt: 1,
+ width: 20,
+ value: m,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: u,
+ ranges: {
+ good: [u * 0.5, 1 / 0],
+ average: [u * 0.25, u * 0.5],
+ bad: [-1 / 0, u * 0.25],
+ },
+ children: [m, ' / ', u, ' Units'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Potassium',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ ml: 0.5,
+ mt: 1,
+ width: 20,
+ value: s,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: d,
+ ranges: {
+ good: [d * 0.5, 1 / 0],
+ average: [d * 0.25, d * 0.5],
+ bad: [-1 / 0, d * 0.25],
+ },
+ children: [s, ' / ', d, ' Units'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Potash',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ ml: 0.5,
+ mt: 1,
+ width: 20,
+ value: v,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: h,
+ ranges: {
+ good: [h * 0.5, 1 / 0],
+ average: [h * 0.25, h * 0.5],
+ bad: [-1 / 0, h * 0.25],
+ },
+ children: [v, ' / ', h, ' Units'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Controls',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ mr: '5px',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: 'Soil clumps to make:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ value: p,
+ width: '32px',
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ stepPixelSize: 7,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ return N(I);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ content: 'Make Soil',
+ disabled: m < 25 * p,
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return g('create', { amount: p });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 21813: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Contractor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(73379),
+ b = n(98595);
+ function y(h, C) {
+ (h.prototype = Object.create(C.prototype)), (h.prototype.constructor = h), B(h, C);
+ }
+ function B(h, C) {
+ return (
+ (B = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (p, N) {
+ return (p.__proto__ = N), p;
+ }),
+ B(h, C)
+ );
+ }
+ var k = { 1: ['ACTIVE', 'good'], 2: ['COMPLETED', 'good'], 3: ['FAILED', 'bad'] },
+ g = [
+ 'Recording biometric data...',
+ 'Analyzing embedded syndicate info...',
+ 'Contacting Syndicate database...',
+ 'Awaiting response...',
+ 'Awaiting response...',
+ 'Awaiting response...',
+ 'Awaiting response...',
+ 'Awaiting response...',
+ 'Awaiting response...',
+ 'Response received, ack 4851234...',
+ 'CONFIRM ACC ' + Math.round(Math.random() * 2e4),
+ 'Setting up private accounts...',
+ 'Searching for available contracts...',
+ 'Searching for available contracts...',
+ 'Searching for available contracts...',
+ 'Searching for available contracts...',
+ ],
+ l = (r.Contractor = (function () {
+ function h(C, p) {
+ var N = (0, t.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I;
+ S.unauthorized
+ ? (I = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: '1',
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
+ height: '100%',
+ allMessages: ['ERROR: UNAUTHORIZED USER'],
+ finishedTimeout: 100,
+ onFinished: (function () {
+ function x() {}
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }))
+ : S.load_animation_completed
+ ? (I = (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ basis: 'content',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ basis: 'content',
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: '1',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ children:
+ S.page === 1
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { height: '100%' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { height: '100%' }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ))
+ : (I = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: '1',
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
+ height: '100%',
+ allMessages: g,
+ finishedTimeout: 3e3,
+ onFinished: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('complete_load_animation');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }));
+ var L = (0, t.useLocalState)(p, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
+ w = L[0],
+ A = L[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ theme: 'syndicate',
+ width: 500,
+ height: 600,
+ children: [
+ w && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ className: 'Contractor',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
+ direction: 'column',
+ height: '100%',
+ children: I,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })()),
+ c = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, t.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.tc_available,
+ L = S.tc_paid_out,
+ w = S.completed_contracts,
+ A = S.rep;
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ title: 'Summary',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ mt: '0.25rem',
+ children: [A, ' Rep'],
+ }),
+ },
+ C,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ flexBasis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'TC Available',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, { grow: '1', children: [I, ' TC'] }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: I <= 0,
+ content: 'Claim',
+ mx: '0.75rem',
+ mb: '0',
+ flexBasis: 'content',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('claim');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'TC Earned',
+ children: [L, ' TC'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ flexBasis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Contracts Completed',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ height: '20px',
+ lineHeight: '20px',
+ inline: !0,
+ children: w,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Contractor Status',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ children: 'ACTIVE',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ m = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, t.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.page;
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs,
+ Object.assign({}, C, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: I === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return V('page', { page: 1 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'suitcase' }), 'Contracts'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: I === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return V('page', { page: 2 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'shopping-cart' }), 'Hub'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ i = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, t.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.contracts,
+ L = S.contract_active,
+ w = S.can_extract,
+ A =
+ !!L &&
+ I.filter(function (M) {
+ return M.status === 1;
+ })[0],
+ x = A && A.time_left > 0,
+ E = (0, t.useLocalState)(p, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1];
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ title: 'Available Contracts',
+ overflow: 'auto',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: !w || x,
+ icon: 'parachute-box',
+ content: [
+ 'Call Extraction',
+ x &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Countdown, {
+ timeLeft: A.time_left,
+ format: (function () {
+ function M(R, O) {
+ return ' (' + O.substr(3) + ')';
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return V('extract');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ C,
+ {
+ children: I.slice()
+ .sort(function (M, R) {
+ return M.status === 1 ? -1 : R.status === 1 ? 1 : M.status - R.status;
+ })
+ .map(function (M) {
+ var R;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ {
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: '1',
+ color: M.status === 1 && 'good',
+ children: M.target_name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ basis: 'content',
+ children:
+ M.has_photo &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'camera',
+ mb: '-0.5rem',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return D('target_photo_' + M.uid + '.png');
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ className: 'Contractor__Contract',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ width: '100%',
+ children: [
+ !!k[M.status] &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: k[M.status][1],
+ inline: !0,
+ mt: M.status !== 1 && '0.125rem',
+ mr: '0.25rem',
+ lineHeight: '20px',
+ children: k[M.status][0],
+ }),
+ M.status === 1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'ban',
+ color: 'bad',
+ content: 'Abort',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return V('abort');
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: '2',
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ M.fluff_message,
+ !!M.completed_time &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'good',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'check', mr: '0.5rem' }),
+ 'Contract completed at ',
+ M.completed_time,
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!M.dead_extraction &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ name: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ }),
+ 'Telecrystals reward reduced drastically as the target was dead during extraction.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!M.fail_reason &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'times', mr: '0.5rem' }),
+ 'Contract failed: ',
+ M.fail_reason,
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ flexBasis: '100%',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: ['Extraction Zone:\xA0', u(M)],
+ }),
+ (R = M.difficulties) == null
+ ? void 0
+ : R.map(function (O, F) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button.Confirm,
+ {
+ disabled: !!L,
+ content: O.name + ' (' + O.reward + ' TC)',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return V('activate', { uid: M.uid, difficulty: F + 1 });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ },
+ F
+ );
+ }),
+ !!M.objective &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'white',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ M.objective.extraction_name,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ '(',
+ (M.objective.rewards.tc || 0) + ' TC',
+ ',\xA0',
+ (M.objective.rewards.credits || 0) + ' Credits',
+ ')',
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ M.uid
+ );
+ }),
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ u = function (C) {
+ if (!(!C.objective || C.status > 1)) {
+ var p = C.objective.locs.user_area_id,
+ N = C.objective.locs.user_coords,
+ V = C.objective.locs.target_area_id,
+ S = C.objective.locs.target_coords,
+ I = p === V;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ name: I ? 'dot-circle-o' : 'arrow-alt-circle-right-o',
+ color: I ? 'green' : 'yellow',
+ rotation: I ? null : -(0, a.rad2deg)(Math.atan2(S[1] - N[1], S[0] - N[0])),
+ lineHeight: I ? null : '0.85',
+ size: '1.5',
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ s = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, t.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.rep,
+ L = S.buyables;
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ Object.assign({ title: 'Available Purchases', overflow: 'auto' }, C, {
+ children: L.map(function (w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ {
+ title: w.name,
+ children: [
+ w.description,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ disabled: I < w.cost || w.stock === 0,
+ icon: 'shopping-cart',
+ content: 'Buy (' + w.cost + ' Rep)',
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return V('purchase', { uid: w.uid });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ w.stock > -1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: w.stock === 0 ? 'bad' : 'good',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ children: [w.stock, ' in stock'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ w.uid
+ );
+ }),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ d = (function (h) {
+ function C(N) {
+ var V;
+ return (
+ (V = h.call(this, N) || this),
+ (V.timer = null),
+ (V.state = { currentIndex: 0, currentDisplay: [] }),
+ V
+ );
+ }
+ y(C, h);
+ var p = C.prototype;
+ return (
+ (p.tick = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ var V = this.props,
+ S = this.state;
+ if (S.currentIndex <= V.allMessages.length) {
+ this.setState(function (L) {
+ return { currentIndex: L.currentIndex + 1 };
+ });
+ var I = S.currentDisplay;
+ I.push(V.allMessages[S.currentIndex]);
+ } else clearTimeout(this.timer), setTimeout(V.onFinished, V.finishedTimeout);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ var V = this,
+ S = this.props.linesPerSecond,
+ I = S === void 0 ? 2.5 : S;
+ this.timer = setInterval(function () {
+ return V.tick();
+ }, 1e3 / I);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ clearTimeout(this.timer);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (p.render = (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ m: 1,
+ children: this.state.currentDisplay.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)([V, (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br')], 0, V);
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ C
+ );
+ })(e.Component),
+ v = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, t.useLocalState)(p, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
+ V = N[0],
+ S = N[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Modal, {
+ className: 'Contractor__photoZoom',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'img', src: V }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Close',
+ color: 'grey',
+ mt: '1rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return S('');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 54151: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ConveyorSwitch = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.ConveyorSwitch = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.slowFactor,
+ m = l.oneWay,
+ i = l.position;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 135,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Lever position',
+ children: i > 0 ? 'forward' : i < 0 ? 'reverse' : 'neutral',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Allow reverse',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: !m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('toggleOneWay');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Slowdown factor',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ mx: '1px',
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'angle-double-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('slowFactor', { value: c - 5 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ' ',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ mx: '1px',
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'angle-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('slowFactor', { value: c - 1 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ' ',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ width: '100px',
+ mx: '1px',
+ value: c,
+ fillValue: c,
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: 50,
+ step: 1,
+ format: (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ return s + 'x';
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return g('slowFactor', { value: d });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ mx: '1px',
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'angle-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('slowFactor', { value: c + 1 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ' ',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ mx: '1px',
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'angle-double-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('slowFactor', { value: c + 5 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ' ',
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 73169: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CrewMonitor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(25328),
+ o = n(72253),
+ f = n(36036),
+ b = n(36352),
+ y = n(76910),
+ B = n(98595),
+ k = n(96184),
+ g = ['color'];
+ function l(v, h) {
+ if (v == null) return {};
+ var C = {};
+ for (var p in v)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(v, p)) {
+ if (h.includes(p)) continue;
+ C[p] = v[p];
+ }
+ return C;
+ }
+ var c = function (h, C) {
+ return h.dead
+ ? 'Deceased'
+ : parseInt(h.health, 10) <= C
+ ? 'Critical'
+ : parseInt(h.stat, 10) === 1
+ ? 'Unconscious'
+ : 'Living';
+ },
+ m = function (h, C) {
+ return h.dead
+ ? 'red'
+ : parseInt(h.health, 10) <= C
+ ? 'orange'
+ : parseInt(h.stat, 10) === 1
+ ? 'blue'
+ : 'green';
+ },
+ i = (r.CrewMonitor = (function () {
+ function v(h, C) {
+ var p = (0, o.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = (0, o.useLocalState)(C, 'tabIndex', V.tabIndex),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (function () {
+ function x(E) {
+ L(E), N('set_tab_index', { tab_index: E });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ A = (function () {
+ function x(E) {
+ switch (E) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d);
+ default:
+ return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
+ }
+ }
+ return x;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ fillPositionedParent: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: 'table',
+ selected: I === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return w(0);
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Data View',
+ },
+ 'DataView'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: 'map-marked-alt',
+ selected: I === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return w(1);
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Map View',
+ },
+ 'MapView'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ A(I),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ u = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, o.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.possible_levels,
+ I = V.viewing_current_z_level,
+ L = V.is_advanced,
+ w = V.highlightedNames,
+ A = (0, a.sortBy)(
+ function (M) {
+ return !w.includes(M.name);
+ },
+ function (M) {
+ return M.name;
+ }
+ )(V.crewmembers || []),
+ x = (0, o.useLocalState)(C, 'search', ''),
+ E = x[0],
+ P = x[1],
+ D = (0, t.createSearch)(E, function (M) {
+ return M.name + '|' + M.assignment + '|' + M.area;
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ backgroundColor: 'transparent',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '100%',
+ ml: '5px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Search by name, assignment or location..',
+ width: '100%',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function M(R, O) {
+ return P(O);
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: L
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
+ mr: '5px',
+ width: '50px',
+ options: S,
+ selected: I,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function M(R) {
+ return N('switch_level', { new_level: R });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : null,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ tooltip: 'Clear highlights',
+ icon: 'square-xmark',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return N('clear_highlighted_names');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Location' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ A.filter(D).map(function (M, R) {
+ var O = w.includes(M.name);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Table.Row,
+ {
+ bold: !!M.is_command,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableCell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.ButtonCheckbox, {
+ checked: O,
+ tooltip: 'Mark on map',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return N(O ? 'remove_highlighted_name' : 'add_highlighted_name', {
+ name: M.name,
+ });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableCell, {
+ children: [M.name, ' (', M.assignment, ')'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableCell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: m(M, V.critThreshold),
+ children: c(M, V.critThreshold),
+ }),
+ M.sensor_type >= 2 || V.ignoreSensors
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ ml: 1,
+ children: [
+ '(',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: y.COLORS.damageType.oxy,
+ children: M.oxy,
+ }),
+ '|',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: y.COLORS.damageType.toxin,
+ children: M.tox,
+ }),
+ '|',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: y.COLORS.damageType.burn,
+ children: M.fire,
+ }),
+ '|',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: y.COLORS.damageType.brute,
+ children: M.brute,
+ }),
+ ')',
+ ],
+ })
+ : null,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableCell, {
+ children:
+ M.sensor_type === 3 || V.ignoreSensors
+ ? V.isAI || V.isObserver
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'location-arrow',
+ content: M.area + ' (' + M.x + ', ' + M.y + ')',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return N('track', { track: M.ref });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : M.area + ' (' + M.x + ', ' + M.y + ')'
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: 'grey',
+ children: 'Not Available',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ R
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ s = function (h, C) {
+ var p = h.color,
+ N = l(h, g);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.NanoMap.Marker,
+ Object.assign({}, N, {
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', 'highlighted-marker color-border-' + p),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ d = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, o.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.highlightedNames;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ height: '100vh',
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.NanoMap, {
+ zoom: V.zoom,
+ offsetX: V.offsetX,
+ offsetY: V.offsetY,
+ onZoom: (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ return N('set_zoom', { zoom: L });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ onOffsetChange: (function () {
+ function I(L, w) {
+ return N('set_offset', { offset_x: w.offsetX, offset_y: w.offsetY });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ children: V.crewmembers
+ .filter(function (I) {
+ return I.sensor_type === 3 || V.ignoreSensors;
+ })
+ .map(function (I) {
+ var L = m(I, V.critThreshold),
+ w = S.includes(I.name),
+ A = function () {
+ return V.isObserver ? N('track', { track: I.ref }) : null;
+ },
+ x = function () {
+ return N(w ? 'remove_highlighted_name' : 'add_highlighted_name', { name: I.name });
+ },
+ E = I.name + ' (' + I.assignment + ')';
+ return w
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ s,
+ { x: I.x, y: I.y, tooltip: E, color: L, onClick: A, onDblClick: x },
+ I.ref
+ )
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.NanoMap.MarkerIcon,
+ { x: I.x, y: I.y, icon: 'circle', tooltip: E, color: L, onClick: A, onDblClick: x },
+ I.ref
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 63987: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Cryo = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = [
+ { label: 'Resp.', type: 'oxyLoss' },
+ { label: 'Toxin', type: 'toxLoss' },
+ { label: 'Brute', type: 'bruteLoss' },
+ { label: 'Burn', type: 'fireLoss' },
+ ],
+ b = [
+ ['good', 'Conscious'],
+ ['average', 'Unconscious'],
+ ['bad', 'DEAD'],
+ ],
+ y = (r.Cryo = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 520,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ B = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.isOperating,
+ d = u.hasOccupant,
+ v = u.occupant,
+ h = v === void 0 ? [] : v,
+ C = u.cellTemperature,
+ p = u.cellTemperatureStatus,
+ N = u.isBeakerLoaded,
+ V = u.cooldownProgress,
+ S = u.auto_eject_healthy,
+ I = u.auto_eject_dead;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Occupant',
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'user-slash',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return i('ejectOccupant');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ disabled: !d,
+ children: 'Eject',
+ }),
+ children: d
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Occupant',
+ children: h.name || 'Unknown',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ min: h.health,
+ max: h.maxHealth,
+ value: h.health / h.maxHealth,
+ color: h.health > 0 ? 'good' : 'average',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, {
+ value: Math.round(h.health),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ color: b[h.stat][0],
+ children: b[h.stat][1],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Temperature',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, {
+ value: Math.round(h.bodyTemperature),
+ }),
+ ' K',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ f.map(function (L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: L.label,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: h[L.type] / 100,
+ ranges: { bad: [0.01, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, {
+ value: Math.round(h[L.type]),
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ L.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No occupant detected.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Cell',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return i('ejectBeaker');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ disabled: !N,
+ children: 'Eject Beaker',
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return i(s ? 'switchOff' : 'switchOn');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ selected: s,
+ children: s ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Temperature',
+ color: p,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: C }), ' K'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Beaker',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Dosage interval',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ ranges: { average: [-1 / 0, 99], good: [99, 1 / 0] },
+ color: !N && 'average',
+ value: V,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Auto-eject healthy occupants',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: S ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ selected: S,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return i(S ? 'auto_eject_healthy_off' : 'auto_eject_healthy_on');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: S ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Auto-eject dead occupants',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: I ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ selected: I,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return i(I ? 'auto_eject_dead_off' : 'auto_eject_dead_on');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: I ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ k = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.isBeakerLoaded,
+ d = u.beakerLabel,
+ v = u.beakerVolume;
+ return s
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: !d && 'average',
+ children: [d || 'No label', ':'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: !v && 'bad',
+ ml: 1,
+ children: v
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, {
+ value: v,
+ format: (function () {
+ function h(C) {
+ return Math.round(C) + ' units remaining';
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : 'Beaker is empty',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, color: 'bad', children: 'No beaker loaded' });
+ };
+ },
+ 86099: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CryopodConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(25328),
+ b = (r.CryopodConsole = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.data,
+ i = m.account_name,
+ u = m.allow_items;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ title: 'Cryopod Console',
+ width: 400,
+ height: 480,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Hello, ' + (i || '[REDACTED]') + '!',
+ children:
+ 'This automated cryogenic freezing unit will safely store your corporeal form until your next assignment.',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ !!u && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.data,
+ i = m.frozen_crew;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
+ title: 'Stored Crew',
+ children: i.length
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: i.map(function (u, s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ { label: u.name, children: u.rank },
+ s
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No stored crew!' }),
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.frozen_items,
+ s = function (v) {
+ var h = v.toString();
+ return h.startsWith('the ') && (h = h.slice(4, h.length)), (0, f.toTitleCase)(h);
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
+ title: 'Stored Items',
+ children: u.length
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: u.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: s(d.name),
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ content: 'Drop',
+ mr: 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return m('one_item', { item: d.uid });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ d
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Drop All Items',
+ color: 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('all_items');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No stored items!' }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 12692: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DNAModifier = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(3939),
+ b = [
+ ['good', 'Alive'],
+ ['average', 'Critical'],
+ ['bad', 'DEAD'],
+ ],
+ y = [
+ ['ui', 'Modify U.I.', 'dna'],
+ ['se', 'Modify S.E.', 'dna'],
+ ['buffer', 'Transfer Buffers', 'syringe'],
+ ['rejuvenators', 'Rejuvenators', 'flask'],
+ ],
+ B = [5, 10, 20, 30, 50],
+ k = (r.DNAModifier = (function () {
+ function p(N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.irradiating,
+ A = L.dnaBlockSize,
+ x = L.occupant;
+ (V.dnaBlockSize = A),
+ (V.isDNAInvalid = !x.isViableSubject || !x.uniqueIdentity || !x.structuralEnzymes);
+ var E;
+ return (
+ w && (E = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, { duration: w })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 660,
+ height: 775,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
+ E,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ g = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.locked,
+ A = L.hasOccupant,
+ x = L.occupant;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Occupant',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ inline: !0,
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ children: 'Door Lock:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !A,
+ selected: w,
+ icon: w ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: w ? 'Engaged' : 'Disengaged',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return I('toggleLock');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !A || w,
+ icon: 'user-slash',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return I('ejectOccupant');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: A
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: x.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ min: x.minHealth,
+ max: x.maxHealth,
+ value: x.health / x.maxHealth,
+ ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ color: b[x.stat][0],
+ children: b[x.stat][1],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ V.isDNAInvalid
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-circle' }),
+ "\xA0 The occupant's DNA structure is ruined beyond recognition, please insert a subject with an intact DNA structure.",
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Radiation',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: '100',
+ value: x.radiationLevel / 100,
+ color: 'average',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Unique Enzymes',
+ children: L.occupant.uniqueEnzymes
+ ? L.occupant.uniqueEnzymes
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-circle' }),
+ '\xA0 Unknown',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ )
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'Cell unoccupied.' }),
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.selectedMenuKey,
+ A = L.hasOccupant,
+ x = L.occupant;
+ if (A) {
+ if (V.isDNAInvalid)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No operation possible on this subject.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ } else
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No occupant in DNA modifier.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ var E;
+ return (
+ w === 'ui'
+ ? (E = (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i)],
+ 4
+ ))
+ : w === 'se'
+ ? (E = (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i)],
+ 4
+ ))
+ : w === 'buffer'
+ ? (E = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u))
+ : w === 'rejuvenators' && (E = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v)),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: y.map(function (P, D) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: P[2],
+ selected: w === P[0],
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return I('selectMenuKey', { key: P[0] });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ children: P[1],
+ },
+ D
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ E,
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ c = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.selectedUIBlock,
+ A = L.selectedUISubBlock,
+ x = L.selectedUITarget,
+ E = L.occupant;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Modify Unique Identifier',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
+ dnaString: E.uniqueIdentity,
+ selectedBlock: w,
+ selectedSubblock: A,
+ blockSize: V.dnaBlockSize,
+ action: 'selectUIBlock',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Target',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Knob, {
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: 15,
+ stepPixelSize: '20',
+ value: x,
+ format: (function () {
+ function P(D) {
+ return D.toString(16).toUpperCase();
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ ml: '0',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function P(D, M) {
+ return I('changeUITarget', { value: M });
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'radiation',
+ content: 'Irradiate Block',
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return I('pulseUIRadiation');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.selectedSEBlock,
+ A = L.selectedSESubBlock,
+ x = L.occupant;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Modify Structural Enzymes',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
+ dnaString: x.structuralEnzymes,
+ selectedBlock: w,
+ selectedSubblock: A,
+ blockSize: V.dnaBlockSize,
+ action: 'selectSEBlock',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'radiation',
+ content: 'Irradiate Block',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return I('pulseSERadiation');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.radiationIntensity,
+ A = L.radiationDuration;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Radiation Emitter',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Intensity',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Knob, {
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ stepPixelSize: 20,
+ value: w,
+ popUpPosition: 'right',
+ ml: '0',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function x(E, P) {
+ return I('radiationIntensity', { value: P });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Duration',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Knob, {
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: 20,
+ stepPixelSize: 10,
+ unit: 's',
+ value: A,
+ popUpPosition: 'right',
+ ml: '0',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function x(E, P) {
+ return I('radiationDuration', { value: P });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'radiation',
+ content: 'Pulse Radiation',
+ tooltip: "Mutates a random block of either the occupant's UI or SE.",
+ tooltipPosition: 'top-start',
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return I('pulseRadiation');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ u = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.buffers,
+ A = w.map(function (x, E) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { id: E + 1, name: 'Buffer ' + (E + 1), buffer: x }, E);
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ height: '75%',
+ mt: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Buffers',
+ children: A,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ height: '25%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ s = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = N.id,
+ A = N.name,
+ x = N.buffer,
+ E = L.isInjectorReady,
+ P = A + (x.data ? ' - ' + x.label : '');
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)',
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: P,
+ mx: '0',
+ lineHeight: '18px',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ disabled: !x.data,
+ icon: 'trash',
+ content: 'Clear',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('bufferOption', { option: 'clear', id: w });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !x.data,
+ icon: 'pen',
+ content: 'Rename',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('bufferOption', { option: 'changeLabel', id: w });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !x.data || !L.hasDisk,
+ icon: 'save',
+ content: 'Export',
+ tooltip: 'Exports this buffer to the currently loaded data disk.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('bufferOption', { option: 'saveDisk', id: w });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Write',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ content: 'Subject U.I',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('bufferOption', { option: 'saveUI', id: w });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ content: 'Subject U.I and U.E.',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('bufferOption', { option: 'saveUIAndUE', id: w });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ content: 'Subject S.E.',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('bufferOption', { option: 'saveSE', id: w });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !L.hasDisk || !L.disk.data,
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ content: 'From Disk',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('bufferOption', { option: 'loadDisk', id: w });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!x.data &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Subject',
+ children:
+ x.owner ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'Unknown' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Data Type',
+ children: [
+ x.type === 'ui' ? 'Unique Identifiers' : 'Structural Enzymes',
+ !!x.ue && ' and Unique Enzymes',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Transfer to',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !E,
+ icon: E ? 'syringe' : 'spinner',
+ iconSpin: !E,
+ content: 'Injector',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('bufferOption', { option: 'createInjector', id: w });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !E,
+ icon: E ? 'syringe' : 'spinner',
+ iconSpin: !E,
+ content: 'Block Injector',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('bufferOption', { option: 'createInjector', id: w, block: 1 });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'user',
+ content: 'Subject',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('bufferOption', { option: 'transfer', id: w });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !x.data &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ children: 'This buffer is empty.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ d = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.hasDisk,
+ A = L.disk;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Data Disk',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ disabled: !w || !A.data,
+ icon: 'trash',
+ content: 'Wipe',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return I('wipeDisk');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !w,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return I('ejectDisk');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: w
+ ? A.data
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Label',
+ children: A.label ? A.label : 'No label',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Subject',
+ children: A.owner
+ ? A.owner
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'Unknown' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Data Type',
+ children: [
+ A.type === 'ui' ? 'Unique Identifiers' : 'Structural Enzymes',
+ !!A.ue && ' and Unique Enzymes',
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'Disk is blank.' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ my: '1rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'save-o', size: '4' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No disk inserted.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ v = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.isBeakerLoaded,
+ A = L.beakerVolume,
+ x = L.beakerLabel;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Rejuvenators and Beaker',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !w,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return I('ejectBeaker');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: w
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Inject',
+ children: [
+ B.map(function (E, P) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ disabled: E > A,
+ icon: 'syringe',
+ content: E,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return I('injectRejuvenators', { amount: E });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ },
+ P
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: A <= 0,
+ icon: 'syringe',
+ content: 'All',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return I('injectRejuvenators', { amount: A });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Beaker',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { mb: '0.5rem', children: x || 'No label' }),
+ A
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'good',
+ children: [A, ' unit', A === 1 ? '' : 's', ' remaining'],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'bad', children: 'Empty' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'flask', size: 5, color: 'silver' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'No beaker loaded.', 16),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ h = function (N, V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'spinner', size: '5', spin: !0 }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'h1',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'radiation' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0Irradiating occupant\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'radiation' }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'h3',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('For '),
+ N.duration,
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' second'),
+ N.duration === 1 ? '' : 's',
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ C = function (N, V) {
+ for (
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = N.dnaString,
+ A = N.selectedBlock,
+ x = N.selectedSubblock,
+ E = N.blockSize,
+ P = N.action,
+ D = w.split(''),
+ M = 0,
+ R = [],
+ O = function () {
+ for (
+ var U = F / E + 1,
+ z = [],
+ $ = function () {
+ var J = G + 1;
+ z.push(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ selected: A === U && x === J,
+ content: D[F + G],
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function se() {
+ return I(P, { block: U, subblock: J });
+ }
+ return se;
+ })(),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ G = 0;
+ G < E;
+ G++
+ )
+ $();
+ R.push(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mb: '1rem',
+ mr: '1rem',
+ width: 7.8,
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ fontFamily: 'monospace',
+ children: U,
+ }),
+ z,
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ F = 0;
+ F < D.length;
+ F += E
+ )
+ O();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, { wrap: 'wrap', children: R });
+ };
+ },
+ 76430: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DecalPainter = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = k.icon_state,
+ u = k.direction,
+ s = k.isSelected,
+ d = k.onSelect;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.DmIcon, {
+ icon: m.icon,
+ icon_state: i,
+ direction: u,
+ onClick: d,
+ style: {
+ 'border-style': (s && 'solid') || 'none',
+ 'border-width': '2px',
+ 'border-color': 'orange',
+ padding: (s && '0px') || '2px',
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ b = { NORTH: 1, SOUTH: 2, EAST: 4, WEST: 8 },
+ y = (r.DecalPainter = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.availableStyles,
+ u = m.selectedStyle,
+ s = m.selectedDir,
+ d = m.removalMode;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 405,
+ height: 475,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Decal setup',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return c('cycle_style', { offset: -1 });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ options: i,
+ selected: u,
+ width: '150px',
+ height: '20px',
+ ml: '2px',
+ mr: '2px',
+ nochevron: !0,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function v(h) {
+ return c('select_style', { style: h });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return c('cycle_style', { offset: 1 });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eraser',
+ color: d ? 'green' : 'transparent',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return c('removal_mode');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Remove decals',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '5px',
+ mb: '5px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ overflowY: 'auto',
+ maxHeight: '220px',
+ wrap: 'wrap',
+ children: i.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Flex.Item,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, {
+ icon_state: v,
+ isSelected: u === v && !d,
+ onSelect: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return c('select_style', { style: v });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Direction',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ style: { display: 'inline' },
+ children: [b.NORTH, null, b.SOUTH].map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [v + b.WEST, v, v + b.EAST].map(function (h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Cell,
+ {
+ style: { 'vertical-align': 'middle', 'text-align': 'center' },
+ children:
+ h === null
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'arrows-alt', size: 3 })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, {
+ icon_state: u,
+ direction: h,
+ isSelected: h === s && !d,
+ onSelect: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return c('select_direction', { direction: h });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ h
+ );
+ }),
+ },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 41074: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DestinationTagger = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.DestinationTagger = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k,
+ g = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.destinations,
+ i = c.selected_destination_id,
+ u = m[i - 1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 355,
+ height: 330,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ title: 'TagMaster 3.1',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ width: '100%',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ inline: !0,
+ children: 'Selected:',
+ }),
+ ' ',
+ (k = u.name) != null ? k : 'None',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: 1.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ overflowY: 'auto',
+ wrap: 'wrap',
+ align: 'center',
+ justify: 'space-evenly',
+ direction: 'row',
+ children: m.map(function (s, d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ m: '2px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ width: '105px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: s.name,
+ selected: s.id === i,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return l('select_destination', { destination: s.id });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ d
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 46500: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DisposalBin = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.DisposalBin = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c,
+ m;
+ return (
+ l.mode === 2
+ ? ((c = 'good'), (m = 'Ready'))
+ : l.mode <= 0
+ ? ((c = 'bad'), (m = 'N/A'))
+ : l.mode === 1
+ ? ((c = 'average'), (m = 'Pressurizing'))
+ : ((c = 'average'), (m = 'Idle')),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 300,
+ height: 260,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'State',
+ color: c,
+ children: m,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pressure',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ ranges: { bad: [-1 / 0, 0], average: [0, 99], good: [99, 1 / 0] },
+ value: l.pressure,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Controls',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Handle',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'toggle-off',
+ disabled: l.isAI || l.panel_open,
+ content: 'Disengaged',
+ selected: !l.flushing,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('disengageHandle');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'toggle-on',
+ disabled: l.isAI || l.panel_open,
+ content: 'Engaged',
+ selected: l.flushing,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('engageHandle');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'toggle-off',
+ disabled: l.mode === -1,
+ content: 'Off',
+ selected: !l.mode,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('pumpOff');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'toggle-on',
+ disabled: l.mode === -1,
+ content: 'On',
+ selected: l.mode,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('pumpOn');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Eject',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-out-alt',
+ disabled: l.isAI,
+ content: 'Eject Contents',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('eject');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 33233: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DnaVault = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.DnaVault = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.completed;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 270,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b), !!i && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y)],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ b = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.dna,
+ u = m.dna_max,
+ s = m.plants,
+ d = m.plants_max,
+ v = m.animals,
+ h = m.animals_max,
+ C = 0.66,
+ p = 0.33;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'DNA Vault Database',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Human DNA',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: i / u,
+ ranges: { good: [C, 1 / 0], average: [p, C], bad: [-1 / 0, p] },
+ children: i + ' / ' + u + ' Samples',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Plant DNA',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: s / d,
+ ranges: { good: [C, 1 / 0], average: [p, C], bad: [-1 / 0, p] },
+ children: s + ' / ' + d + ' Samples',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Animal DNA',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: v / h,
+ ranges: { good: [C, 1 / 0], average: [p, C], bad: [-1 / 0, p] },
+ children: v + ' / ' + h + ' Samples',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.choiceA,
+ u = m.choiceB,
+ s = m.used;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Personal Gene Therapy',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ mb: 1,
+ children: 'Applicable Gene Therapy Treatments',
+ }),
+ (!s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ bold: !0,
+ content: i,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('gene', { choice: i });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ bold: !0,
+ content: u,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('gene', { choice: u });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ mb: 1,
+ children: 'Users DNA deemed unstable. Unable to provide more upgrades.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 33681: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DroneConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.DroneConsole = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 420,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B)],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.drone_fab,
+ s = i.fab_power,
+ d = i.drone_prod,
+ v = i.drone_progress,
+ h = function () {
+ return u
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'External Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: s ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ children: ['[ ', s ? 'Online' : 'Offline', ' ]'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Drone Production',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ value: v / 100,
+ ranges: { good: [0.7, 1 / 0], average: [0.4, 0.7], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.4] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ danger: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
+ inline: 1,
+ direction: 'column',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, { children: 'FABRICATOR NOT DETECTED.' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'search',
+ content: 'Search',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return m('find_fab');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Drone Fabricator',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: d ? 'Online' : 'Offline',
+ color: d ? 'green' : 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return m('toggle_fab');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: h(),
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.drones,
+ s = i.area_list,
+ d = i.selected_area,
+ v = i.ping_cd,
+ h = function (N, V) {
+ var S, I;
+ return (
+ N === 2
+ ? ((S = 'bad'), (I = 'Disabled'))
+ : N === 1 || !V
+ ? ((S = 'average'), (I = 'Inactive'))
+ : ((S = 'good'), (I = 'Active')),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: S, children: I })
+ );
+ },
+ C = function () {
+ if (u.length)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ py: 0.2,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
+ });
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Maintenance Units',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, { children: 'Request Drone presence in area:\xA0' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ options: s,
+ selected: d,
+ width: '125px',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ return m('set_area', { area: N });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Send Ping',
+ icon: 'broadcast-tower',
+ disabled: v || !u.length,
+ title: u.length ? null : 'No active drones!',
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ py: 0.4,
+ mt: 0.6,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return m('ping');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C),
+ u.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ {
+ title: (0, a.toTitleCase)(p.name),
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Resync',
+ disabled: p.stat === 2 || p.sync_cd,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return m('resync', { uid: p.uid });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: 'Recall',
+ disabled: p.stat === 2 || p.pathfinding,
+ tooltip: p.pathfinding ? 'This drone is currently pathfinding, please wait.' : null,
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return m('recall', { uid: p.uid });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ children: h(p.stat, p.client),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Integrity',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ value: p.health,
+ ranges: { good: [0.7, 1 / 0], average: [0.4, 0.7], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.4] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Charge',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ value: p.charge,
+ ranges: { good: [0.7, 1 / 0], average: [0.4, 0.7], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.4] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Location',
+ children: p.location,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ p.name
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 17263: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.EFTPOS = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.EFTPOS = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.transaction_locked,
+ s = i.machine_name;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 250,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'POS Terminal ' + s,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: u ? 'Unlock EFTPOS' : 'Lock EFTPOS',
+ tooltip: 'Enter pin to modify transactions and EFTPOS settings',
+ icon: u ? 'lock-open' : 'lock',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('toggle_lock');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Reset EFTPOS',
+ tooltip: 'Requires Captain, HoP or CC access',
+ icon: 'sync',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('reset');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: u ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.transaction_amount,
+ s = i.transaction_paid;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mt: 2,
+ bold: !0,
+ width: '100%',
+ fontSize: '3rem',
+ color: s ? 'green' : 'red',
+ align: 'center',
+ justify: 'center',
+ children: ['Payment ', s ? 'Accepted' : 'Due', ': $', u],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mt: 0.5,
+ fontSize: '1.25rem',
+ align: 'center',
+ justify: 'center',
+ children: s
+ ? 'This transaction has been processed successfully '
+ : 'Swipe your card to finish this transaction.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c,
+ m = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'searchText', ''),
+ d = s[0],
+ v = s[1],
+ h = u.transaction_purpose,
+ C = u.transaction_amount,
+ p = u.linked_account,
+ N = u.available_accounts,
+ V = [];
+ return (
+ N.map(function (S) {
+ return (V[S.name] = S.UID);
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Transaction Purpose',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: h,
+ icon: 'edit',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return i('trans_purpose');
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Value',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: C ? '$' + C : '$0',
+ icon: 'edit',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return i('trans_value');
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Linked Account',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { mb: 0.5, children: p.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ width: '190px',
+ placeholder: 'Search by name',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function S(I, L) {
+ return v(L);
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ mt: 0.6,
+ width: '190px',
+ options: N.filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(d, function (S) {
+ return S.name;
+ })
+ ).map(function (S) {
+ return S.name;
+ }),
+ selected:
+ (c = N.filter(function (S) {
+ return S.UID === p.UID;
+ })[0]) == null
+ ? void 0
+ : c.name,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function S(I) {
+ return i('link_account', { account: V[I] });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Change access code',
+ icon: 'key',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return i('change_code');
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 76382: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ERTOverview = r.ERTManager = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(25328),
+ b = function (m) {
+ switch (m) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
+ default:
+ }
+ },
+ y = (r.ERTManager = (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = (0, a.useLocalState)(i, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ h = v[0],
+ C = v[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 360,
+ height: 505,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: h === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ C(0);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'ambulance',
+ children: 'Send ERT',
+ },
+ 'SendERT'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: h === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ C(1);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'book',
+ children: 'Read ERT Requests',
+ },
+ 'ReadERTRequests'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: h === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ C(2);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'times',
+ children: 'Deny ERT',
+ },
+ 'DenyERT'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ b(h),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ B = (r.ERTOverview = (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = d.security_level_color,
+ h = d.str_security_level,
+ C = d.ert_request_answered;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Overview',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Alert',
+ color: v,
+ children: h,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'ERT Request',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: C,
+ textColor: C ? null : 'bad',
+ content: C ? 'Answered' : 'Unanswered',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('toggle_ert_request_answered');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: 'Checking this box will disable the next ERT reminder notification',
+ selected: null,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ k = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+ h = (0, a.useLocalState)(i, 'silentERT', !1),
+ C = h[0],
+ p = h[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Send ERT',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 5,
+ content: 'Amber',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: d.ert_type === 'Amber' ? 'orange' : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('ert_type', { ert_type: 'Amber' });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 5,
+ content: 'Red',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: d.ert_type === 'Red' ? 'red' : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('ert_type', { ert_type: 'Red' });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 5,
+ content: 'Gamma',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: d.ert_type === 'Gamma' ? 'purple' : '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('ert_type', { ert_type: 'Gamma' });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Commander',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: d.com ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ selected: d.com,
+ content: d.com ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('toggle_com');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Security',
+ children: v.map(function (N, V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.sec === N,
+ content: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return s('set_sec', { set_sec: N });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ 'sec' + N
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Medical',
+ children: v.map(function (N, V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.med === N,
+ content: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return s('set_med', { set_med: N });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ 'med' + N
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Engineering',
+ children: v.map(function (N, V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.eng === N,
+ content: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return s('set_eng', { set_eng: N });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ 'eng' + N
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Paranormal',
+ children: v.map(function (N, V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.par === N,
+ content: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return s('set_par', { set_par: N });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ 'par' + N
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Janitor',
+ children: v.map(function (N, V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.jan === N,
+ content: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return s('set_jan', { set_jan: N });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ 'jan' + N
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cyborg',
+ children: v.map(function (N, V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ selected: d.cyb === N,
+ content: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return s('set_cyb', { set_cyb: N });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ 'cyb' + N
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Security Module',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 10.5,
+ disabled: d.ert_type !== 'Red' || !d.cyb,
+ icon: d.secborg ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ color: d.secborg ? 'red' : '',
+ content: d.secborg ? 'Enabled' : d.ert_type !== 'Red' ? 'Unavailable' : 'Disabled',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('toggle_secborg');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Silent ERT',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 10.5,
+ icon: C ? 'microphone-slash' : 'microphone',
+ content: C ? 'Silenced' : 'Public',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return p(!C);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: C
+ ? 'This ERT will not be announced to the station'
+ : 'This ERT will be announced to the station on dispatch',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Total Slots',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: d.total > d.spawnpoints ? 'red' : 'green',
+ children: [d.total, ' total, versus ', d.spawnpoints, ' spawnpoints'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Dispatch',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 10.5,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'ambulance',
+ content: 'Send ERT',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('dispatch_ert', { silent: C });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = d.ert_request_messages;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children:
+ v && v.length
+ ? v.map(function (h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: h.time,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: h.sender_real_name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return s('view_player_panel', { uid: h.sender_uid });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: 'View player panel',
+ }),
+ children: h.message,
+ },
+ (0, f.decodeHtmlEntities)(h.time)
+ );
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'broadcast-tower',
+ size: 5,
+ color: 'gray',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No ERT requests.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = (0, a.useLocalState)(i, 'text', ''),
+ h = v[0],
+ C = v[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Enter ERT denial reason here,\nMultiline input is accepted.',
+ rows: 19,
+ fluid: !0,
+ multiline: 1,
+ value: h,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function p(N, V) {
+ return C(V);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ content: 'Deny ERT',
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'times',
+ center: !0,
+ mt: 2,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('deny_ert', { reason: h });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 90217: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.EconomyManager = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(3939),
+ b = (r.EconomyManager = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 325,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ className: 'Layout__content--flexColumn',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ y = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.next_payroll_time;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '1.4rem',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'coins',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ size: 3,
+ mr: '1rem',
+ }),
+ 'Economy Manager',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ label: 'Pay Bonuses and Deductions',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Global',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'dollar-sign',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: 'Global Payroll Modification',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('payroll_modification', { mod_type: 'global' });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Department Accounts',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'dollar-sign',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: 'Department Account Payroll Modification',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('payroll_modification', { mod_type: 'department' });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Department Members',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'dollar-sign',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: 'Department Members Payroll Modification',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('payroll_modification', { mod_type: 'department_members' });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Single Accounts',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'dollar-sign',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: 'Crew Member Payroll Modification',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('payroll_modification', { mod_type: 'crew_member' });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'hr'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ children: ['Next Payroll in: ', i, ' Minutes'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'angle-double-left',
+ width: 'auto',
+ color: 'bad',
+ content: 'Delay Payroll',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('delay_payroll');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: 'Set Payroll Time',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('set_payroll');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'angle-double-right',
+ width: 'auto',
+ color: 'good',
+ content: 'Accelerate Payroll',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('accelerate_payroll');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'WARNING:', 16),
+ ' You take full responsibility for unbalancing the economy with these buttons!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 82565: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Electropack = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.Electropack = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, t.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.power,
+ i = c.code,
+ u = c.frequency,
+ s = c.minFrequency,
+ d = c.maxFrequency;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 360,
+ height: 135,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: m ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: m ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return l('power');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Frequency',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Reset',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return l('reset', { reset: 'freq' });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ animate: !0,
+ unit: 'kHz',
+ step: 0.2,
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ minValue: s / 10,
+ maxValue: d / 10,
+ value: u / 10,
+ format: (function () {
+ function v(h) {
+ return (0, a.toFixed)(h, 1);
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ width: '80px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function v(h, C) {
+ return l('freq', { freq: C });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Code',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Reset',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return l('reset', { reset: 'code' });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ animate: !0,
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ value: i,
+ width: '80px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function v(h, C) {
+ return l('code', { code: C });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 11243: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Emojipedia = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.Emojipedia = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, t.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.data,
+ m = c.emoji_list,
+ i = (0, t.useLocalState)(g, 'searchText', ''),
+ u = i[0],
+ s = i[1],
+ d = m.filter(function (v) {
+ return v.name.toLowerCase().includes(u.toLowerCase());
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 325,
+ height: 400,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Emojipedia v1.0.1',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Search by name',
+ value: u,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function v(h, C) {
+ return s(C);
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ tooltip: 'Click on an emoji to copy its tag!',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ icon: 'circle-question',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: d.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button,
+ {
+ m: 1,
+ color: 'transparent',
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['emoji16x16', 'emoji-' + v.name]),
+ style: { transform: 'scale(1.5)' },
+ tooltip: v.name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ y(v.name);
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ },
+ v.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ y = function (k) {
+ var g = document.createElement('input'),
+ l = ':' + k + ':';
+ (g.value = l),
+ document.body.appendChild(g),
+ g.select(),
+ document.execCommand('copy'),
+ document.body.removeChild(g);
+ };
+ },
+ 36730: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.EvolutionMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = n(64795),
+ y = n(88510),
+ B = (r.EvolutionMenu = (function () {
+ function l(c, m) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 480,
+ height: 580,
+ theme: 'changeling',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g)],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.evo_points,
+ v = s.can_respec;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Evolution Points',
+ height: 5.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ mt: 0.5,
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Points remaining:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ mt: 0.5,
+ ml: 2,
+ bold: !0,
+ color: '#1b945c',
+ children: d,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ ml: 2.5,
+ disabled: !v,
+ content: 'Readapt',
+ icon: 'sync',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return u('readapt');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ tooltip:
+ 'By transforming a humanoid into a husk, we gain the ability to readapt our chosen evolutions.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ icon: 'question-circle',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.evo_points,
+ v = s.ability_tabs,
+ h = s.purchased_abilities,
+ C = s.view_mode,
+ p = (0, t.useLocalState)(m, 'selectedTab', v[0]),
+ N = p[0],
+ V = p[1],
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(m, 'searchText', ''),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(m, 'ability_tabs', v[0].abilities),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = function (R, O) {
+ if ((O === void 0 && (O = ''), !R || R.length === 0)) return [];
+ var F = (0, a.createSearch)(O, function (_) {
+ return _.name + '|' + _.description;
+ });
+ return (0, b.flow)([
+ (0, y.filter)(function (_) {
+ return _ == null ? void 0 : _.name;
+ }),
+ (0, y.filter)(F),
+ (0, y.sortBy)(function (_) {
+ return _ == null ? void 0 : _.name;
+ }),
+ ])(R);
+ },
+ P = function (R) {
+ if ((L(R), R === '')) return x(N.abilities);
+ x(
+ E(
+ v
+ .map(function (O) {
+ return O.abilities;
+ })
+ .flat(),
+ R
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ D = function (R) {
+ V(R), x(R.abilities), L('');
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Abilities',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ width: '200px',
+ placeholder: 'Search Abilities',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function M(R, O) {
+ P(O);
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ value: I,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: C ? 'square-o' : 'check-square-o',
+ selected: !C,
+ content: 'Compact',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return u('set_view_mode', { mode: 0 });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: C ? 'check-square-o' : 'square-o',
+ selected: C,
+ content: 'Expanded',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return u('set_view_mode', { mode: 1 });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ children: v.map(function (M) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: I === '' && N === M,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function R() {
+ D(M);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ children: M.category,
+ },
+ M
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ A.map(function (M, R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ {
+ p: 0.5,
+ mx: -1,
+ className: 'candystripe',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ ml: 0.5,
+ color: '#dedede',
+ children: M.name,
+ }),
+ h.includes(M.power_path) &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ ml: 2,
+ bold: !0,
+ color: '#1b945c',
+ children: '(Purchased)',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ mr: 3,
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ grow: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: ['Cost:', ' '],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ bold: !0,
+ color: '#1b945c',
+ children: M.cost,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ mr: 0.5,
+ disabled: M.cost > d || h.includes(M.power_path),
+ content: 'Evolve',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return u('purchase', { power_path: M.power_path });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!C &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ color: '#8a8a8a',
+ my: 1,
+ ml: 1.5,
+ width: '95%',
+ children: M.description + ' ' + M.helptext,
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ R
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 17370: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ExosuitFabricator = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(25328),
+ o = n(72253),
+ f = n(36036),
+ b = n(73379),
+ y = n(98595),
+ B = ['id', 'amount', 'lineDisplay', 'onClick'];
+ function k(p, N) {
+ if (p == null) return {};
+ var V = {};
+ for (var S in p)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(p, S)) {
+ if (N.includes(S)) continue;
+ V[S] = p[S];
+ }
+ return V;
+ }
+ var g = 2e3,
+ l = { bananium: 'clown', tranquillite: 'mime' },
+ c = (r.ExosuitFabricator = (function () {
+ function p(N, V) {
+ var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.building,
+ A = L.linked;
+ return A
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
+ width: 950,
+ height: 625,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
+ className: 'Exofab',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i),
+ }),
+ w &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '30%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ m = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.materials,
+ A = L.capacity,
+ x = Object.values(w).reduce(function (E, P) {
+ return E + P;
+ }, 0);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Materials',
+ className: 'Exofab__materials',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ mt: '0.25rem',
+ children: [((x / A) * 100).toPrecision(3), '% full'],
+ }),
+ children: [
+ 'metal',
+ 'glass',
+ 'silver',
+ 'gold',
+ 'uranium',
+ 'titanium',
+ 'plasma',
+ 'diamond',
+ 'bluespace',
+ 'bananium',
+ 'tranquillite',
+ 'plastic',
+ ].map(function (E) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ d,
+ {
+ mt: -2,
+ id: E,
+ bold: E === 'metal' || E === 'glass',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return I('withdraw', { id: E });
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ },
+ E
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.curCategory,
+ A = L.categories,
+ x = L.designs,
+ E = L.syncing,
+ P = (0, o.useLocalState)(V, 'searchText', ''),
+ D = P[0],
+ M = P[1],
+ R = (0, t.createSearch)(D, function (z) {
+ return z.name;
+ }),
+ O = x.filter(R),
+ F = (0, o.useLocalState)(V, 'levelsModal', !1),
+ _ = F[0],
+ U = F[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ className: 'Exofab__designs',
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
+ width: '19rem',
+ className: 'Exofab__dropdown',
+ selected: w,
+ options: A,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function z($) {
+ return I('category', { cat: $ });
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ mt: '2px',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: 'plus',
+ content: 'Queue all',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function z() {
+ return I('queueall');
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: 'info',
+ content: 'Show current tech levels',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function z() {
+ return U(!0);
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ color: 'red',
+ tooltip: 'Disconnect from R&D network',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function z() {
+ return I('unlink');
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Search by name...',
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ width: '100%',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function z($, G) {
+ return M(G);
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ O.map(function (z) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, { design: z }, z.id);
+ }),
+ O.length === 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'No designs found.' }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ u = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.building,
+ A = L.buildStart,
+ x = L.buildEnd,
+ E = L.worldTime;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ className: 'Exofab__building',
+ stretchContents: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar.Countdown, {
+ start: A,
+ current: E,
+ end: x,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'cog', spin: !0 }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ 'Building ',
+ w,
+ '\xA0(',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Countdown, {
+ current: E,
+ timeLeft: x - E,
+ format: (function () {
+ function P(D, M) {
+ return M.substr(3);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ')',
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ s = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.queue,
+ A = L.processingQueue,
+ x = Object.entries(L.queueDeficit).filter(function (P) {
+ return P[1] < 0;
+ }),
+ E = w.reduce(function (P, D) {
+ return P + D.time;
+ }, 0);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ className: 'Exofab__queue',
+ title: 'Queue',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ selected: A,
+ icon: A ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: 'Process',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return I('process');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ disabled: w.length === 0,
+ icon: 'eraser',
+ content: 'Clear',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return I('unqueueall');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children:
+ w.length === 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'The queue is empty.' })
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ className: 'Exofab__queue--queue',
+ grow: !0,
+ overflow: 'auto',
+ children: w.map(function (P, D) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Box,
+ {
+ color: P.notEnough && 'bad',
+ children: [
+ D + 1,
+ '. ',
+ P.name,
+ D > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-up',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return I('queueswap', { from: D + 1, to: D });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ D < w.length - 1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return I('queueswap', { from: D + 1, to: D + 2 });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ color: 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return I('unqueue', { index: D + 1 });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ D
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ E > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ className: 'Exofab__queue--time',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Divider),
+ 'Processing time:',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'clock', mx: '0.5rem' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ bold: !0,
+ children: new Date((E / 10) * 1e3).toISOString().substr(14, 5),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ Object.keys(x).length > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ className: 'Exofab__queue--deficit',
+ shrink: '0',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Divider),
+ 'Lacking materials to complete:',
+ x.map(function (P) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
+ id: P[0],
+ amount: -P[1],
+ lineDisplay: !0,
+ }),
+ },
+ P[0]
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ d = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = N.id,
+ A = N.amount,
+ x = N.lineDisplay,
+ E = N.onClick,
+ P = k(N, B),
+ D = L.materials[w] || 0,
+ M = A || D;
+ if (!(M <= 0 && !(w === 'metal' || w === 'glass'))) {
+ var R = A && A > D;
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Stack,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ align: 'center',
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['Exofab__material', x && 'Exofab__material--line']),
+ },
+ P,
+ {
+ children: x
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['materials32x32', w]),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ className: 'Exofab__material--amount',
+ color: R && 'bad',
+ ml: 0,
+ mr: 1,
+ children: M.toLocaleString('en-US'),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: 'content',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ width: '85%',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ onClick: E,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ mt: 1,
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['materials32x32', w]),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: '1',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ className: 'Exofab__material--name',
+ children: w,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ className: 'Exofab__material--amount',
+ children: [
+ M.toLocaleString('en-US'),
+ ' cm\xB3 (',
+ Math.round((M / g) * 10) / 10,
+ ' ',
+ 'sheets)',
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ v = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = N.design;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ className: 'Exofab__design',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ disabled: w.notEnough || L.building,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ content: w.name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return I('build', { id: w.id });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: 'plus-circle',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return I('queue', { id: w.id });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ className: 'Exofab__design--cost',
+ children: Object.entries(w.cost).map(function (A) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Box,
+ { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { id: A[0], amount: A[1], lineDisplay: !0 }) },
+ A[0]
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ className: 'Exofab__design--time',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'clock' }),
+ w.time > 0
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)([w.time / 10, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' seconds')], 0)
+ : 'Instant',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ h = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.controllers;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Setup Linkage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Address' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Link' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ w.map(function (A) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: A.addr }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: A.net_id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ content: 'Link',
+ icon: 'link',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return I('linktonetworkcontroller', { target_controller: A.addr });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ A.addr
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ C = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.tech_levels,
+ A = (0, o.useLocalState)(V, 'levelsModal', !1),
+ x = A[0],
+ E = A[1];
+ return x
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Modal, {
+ maxWidth: '75%',
+ width: window.innerWidth + 'px',
+ maxHeight: window.innerHeight * 0.75 + 'px',
+ mx: 'auto',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Current tech levels',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ content: 'Close',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ E(!1);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
+ children: w.map(function (P) {
+ var D = P.name,
+ M = P.level;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: D, children: M }, D);
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : null;
+ };
+ },
+ 59128: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ExperimentConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = new Map([
+ [0, { text: 'Conscious', color: 'good' }],
+ [1, { text: 'Unconscious', color: 'average' }],
+ [2, { text: 'Deceased', color: 'bad' }],
+ ]),
+ b = new Map([
+ [0, { label: 'Probe', icon: 'thermometer' }],
+ [1, { label: 'Dissect', icon: 'brain' }],
+ [2, { label: 'Analyze', icon: 'search' }],
+ ]),
+ y = (r.ExperimentConsole = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.open,
+ u = m.feedback,
+ s = m.occupant,
+ d = m.occupant_name,
+ v = m.occupant_status,
+ h = (function () {
+ function p() {
+ if (!s) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No specimen detected.' });
+ var N = (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return f.get(v);
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ V = N();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: d }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ color: V.color,
+ children: V.text,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Experiments',
+ children: [0, 1, 2].map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ icon: b.get(S).icon,
+ content: b.get(S).label,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return c('experiment', { experiment_type: S });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ },
+ S
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ C = h();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ theme: 'abductor',
+ width: 350,
+ height: 200,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ children: u,
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Scanner',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ disabled: !i,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return c('door');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: C,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 97086: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ExternalAirlockController = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = 0,
+ b = 1013,
+ y = function (g) {
+ var l = 'good',
+ c = 80,
+ m = 95,
+ i = 110,
+ u = 120;
+ return g < c ? (l = 'bad') : g < m || g > i ? (l = 'average') : g > u && (l = 'bad'), l;
+ },
+ B = (r.ExternalAirlockController = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.chamber_pressure,
+ s = i.exterior_status,
+ d = i.interior_status,
+ v = i.processing;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 330,
+ height: 205,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Information',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Chamber Pressure',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ color: y(u),
+ value: u,
+ minValue: f,
+ maxValue: b,
+ children: [u, ' kPa'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Actions',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Abort',
+ icon: 'ban',
+ color: 'red',
+ disabled: !v,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('abort');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '49%',
+ content: 'Cycle to Exterior',
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
+ disabled: v,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('cycle_ext');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '50%',
+ content: 'Cycle to Interior',
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-right',
+ disabled: v,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('cycle_int');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '49%',
+ content: 'Force Exterior Door',
+ icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ color: d === 'open' ? 'red' : v ? 'yellow' : null,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('force_ext');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '50%',
+ content: 'Force Interior Door',
+ icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ color: d === 'open' ? 'red' : v ? 'yellow' : null,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('force_int');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })());
+ },
+ 96142: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.FaxMachine = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.FaxMachine = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 540,
+ height: 295,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Authorization',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'ID Card',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: l.scan_name ? 'eject' : 'id-card',
+ selected: l.scan_name,
+ content: l.scan_name ? l.scan_name : '-----',
+ tooltip: l.scan_name ? 'Eject ID' : 'Insert ID',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('scan');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Authorize',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: l.authenticated ? 'sign-out-alt' : 'id-card',
+ selected: l.authenticated,
+ disabled: l.nologin,
+ content: l.realauth ? 'Log Out' : 'Log In',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('auth');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Fax Menu',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Network',
+ children: l.network,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Document',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: l.paper ? 'eject' : 'paperclip',
+ disabled: !l.authenticated && !l.paper,
+ content: l.paper ? l.paper : '-----',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('paper');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !!l.paper &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ content: 'Rename',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('rename');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Sending To',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'print',
+ content: l.destination ? l.destination : '-----',
+ disabled: !l.authenticated,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('dept');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Action',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'envelope',
+ content: l.sendError ? l.sendError : 'Send',
+ disabled: !l.paper || !l.destination || !l.authenticated || l.sendError,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('send');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 74123: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.FilingCabinet = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.FilingCabinet = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = k.config,
+ m = l.contents,
+ i = c.title;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 300,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Contents',
+ children: [
+ !m &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'folder-open',
+ size: 5,
+ color: 'gray',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'The ',
+ i,
+ ' is empty.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!m &&
+ m.slice().map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ mt: 0.5,
+ className: 'candystripe',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '80%',
+ children: u.display_name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ content: 'Retrieve',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('retrieve', { index: u.index });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ u
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 83767: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.FloorPainter = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = k.icon_state,
+ u = k.direction,
+ s = k.isSelected,
+ d = k.onSelect;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.DmIcon, {
+ icon: m.icon,
+ icon_state: i,
+ direction: u,
+ onClick: d,
+ style: {
+ 'border-style': (s && 'solid') || 'none',
+ 'border-width': '2px',
+ 'border-color': 'orange',
+ padding: (s && '0px') || '2px',
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ b = { NORTH: 1, SOUTH: 2, EAST: 4, WEST: 8 },
+ y = (r.FloorPainter = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.availableStyles,
+ u = m.selectedStyle,
+ s = m.selectedDir;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 405,
+ height: 475,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Decal setup',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('cycle_style', { offset: -1 });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ options: i,
+ selected: u,
+ width: '150px',
+ nochevron: !0,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function d(v) {
+ return c('select_style', { style: v });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('cycle_style', { offset: 1 });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '5px',
+ mb: '5px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ overflowY: 'auto',
+ maxHeight: '239px',
+ wrap: 'wrap',
+ children: i.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Flex.Item,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, {
+ icon_state: d,
+ isSelected: u === d,
+ onSelect: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return c('select_style', { style: d });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ d
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Direction',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ style: { display: 'inline' },
+ children: [b.NORTH, null, b.SOUTH].map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [d + b.WEST, d, d + b.EAST].map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Cell,
+ {
+ style: { 'vertical-align': 'middle', 'text-align': 'center' },
+ children:
+ v === null
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'arrows-alt', size: 3 })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, {
+ icon_state: u,
+ direction: v,
+ isSelected: v === s,
+ onSelect: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return c('select_direction', { direction: v });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ },
+ d
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 53424: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GPS = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = function (i) {
+ return i ? '(' + i.join(', ') + ')' : 'ERROR';
+ },
+ y = function (i, u) {
+ if (!(!i || !u)) {
+ if (i[2] !== u[2]) return null;
+ var s = Math.atan2(u[1] - i[1], u[0] - i[0]),
+ d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(u[1] - i[1], 2) + Math.pow(u[0] - i[0], 2));
+ return { angle: (0, a.rad2deg)(s), distance: d };
+ }
+ },
+ B = (r.GPS = (function () {
+ function m(i, u) {
+ var s = (0, t.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.data,
+ v = d.emped,
+ h = d.active,
+ C = d.area,
+ p = d.position,
+ N = d.saved;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: v
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '0',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { emp: !0 }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ }),
+ h
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { area: C, position: p }),
+ }),
+ N &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, {
+ title: 'Saved Position',
+ position: N,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '0',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { height: '100%' }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ )
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()),
+ k = function (i, u) {
+ var s = i.emp;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ width: '100%',
+ height: '100%',
+ color: 'label',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ name: s ? 'ban' : 'power-off',
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ size: '5',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ s ? 'ERROR: Device temporarily lost signal.' : 'Device is disabled.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (i, u) {
+ var s = (0, t.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ v = s.data,
+ h = v.active,
+ C = v.tag,
+ p = v.same_z,
+ N = (0, t.useLocalState)(u, 'newTag', C),
+ V = N[0],
+ S = N[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Settings',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: h,
+ icon: h ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: h ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return d('toggle');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tag',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ width: '5rem',
+ value: C,
+ onEnter: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return d('tag', { newtag: V });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function I(L, w) {
+ return S(w);
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: C === V,
+ width: '20px',
+ mb: '0',
+ ml: '0.25rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return d('tag', { newtag: V });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'pen' }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Range',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: !p,
+ icon: p ? 'compress' : 'expand',
+ content: p ? 'Local Sector' : 'Global',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return d('same_z');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (i, u) {
+ var s = i.title,
+ d = i.area,
+ v = i.position;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: s || 'Position',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ fontSize: '1.5rem',
+ children: [d && (0, e.createFragment)([d, (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br')], 0), b(v)],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (i, u) {
+ var s = (0, t.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.data,
+ v = d.position,
+ h = d.signals;
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ Object.assign({ fill: !0, scrollable: !0, title: 'Signals' }, i, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ children: h
+ .map(function (C) {
+ return Object.assign({}, C, y(v, C.position));
+ })
+ .map(function (C, p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ backgroundColor: p % 2 === 0 && 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ width: '30%',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ color: 'label',
+ p: '0.25rem',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: C.tag,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ color: 'grey',
+ children: C.area,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children:
+ C.distance !== void 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ opacity: Math.max(1 - Math.min(C.distance, 100) / 100, 0.5),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ name: C.distance > 0 ? 'arrow-right' : 'circle',
+ rotation: -C.angle,
+ }),
+ '\xA0',
+ Math.floor(C.distance) + 'm',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ pr: '0.25rem',
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: b(C.position),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 89124: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GeneModder = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(3939),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.GeneModder = (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.data,
+ C = h.has_seed;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 950,
+ height: 650,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'GeneModder__left',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { scrollable: !0 }),
+ }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'GeneModder__right',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ComplexModal, { maxWidth: '75%', maxHeight: '75%' }),
+ C === 0 ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ y = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.disk;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Genes',
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (s, d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ height: '85%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ height: '100%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: '1',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'green',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'leaf', size: 5, mb: '10px' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'The plant DNA manipulator is missing a seed.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.has_seed,
+ N = C.seed,
+ V = C.has_disk,
+ S = C.disk,
+ I,
+ L;
+ return (
+ p
+ ? (I = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mb: '-6px',
+ mt: '-4px',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + N.image,
+ style: { 'vertical-align': 'middle', width: '32px', margin: '-1px', 'margin-left': '-11px' },
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: N.name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return h('eject_seed');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ ml: '3px',
+ icon: 'pen',
+ tooltip: 'Name Variant',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return h('variant_name');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }))
+ : (I = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ ml: 3.3,
+ content: 'None',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return h('eject_seed');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ })),
+ V ? (L = S.name) : (L = 'None'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Storage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Plant Sample', children: I }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Data Disk',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ ml: 3.3,
+ content: L,
+ tooltip: 'Select Empty Disk',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return h('select_empty_disk');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ g = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.disk,
+ N = C.core_genes;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Collapsible,
+ {
+ title: 'Core Genes',
+ open: !0,
+ children: [
+ N.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ py: '2px',
+ className: 'candystripe',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '100%',
+ ml: '2px',
+ children: V.name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Extract',
+ disabled: !(p != null && p.can_extract),
+ icon: 'save',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return h('extract', { id: V.id });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ V
+ );
+ }),
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Extract All',
+ disabled: !(p != null && p.can_extract),
+ icon: 'save',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('bulk_extract_core');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ 'Core Genes'
+ );
+ },
+ l = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.data,
+ C = h.reagent_genes,
+ p = h.has_reagent;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { title: 'Reagent Genes', gene_set: C, do_we_show: p });
+ },
+ c = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.data,
+ C = h.trait_genes,
+ p = h.has_trait;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { title: 'Trait Genes', gene_set: C, do_we_show: p });
+ },
+ m = function (s, d) {
+ var v = s.title,
+ h = s.gene_set,
+ C = s.do_we_show,
+ p = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.disk;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Collapsible,
+ {
+ title: v,
+ open: !0,
+ children: C
+ ? h.map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ py: '2px',
+ className: 'candystripe',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '100%',
+ ml: '2px',
+ children: I.name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Extract',
+ disabled: !(S != null && S.can_extract),
+ icon: 'save',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('extract', { id: I.id });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Remove',
+ icon: 'times',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('remove', { id: I.id });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ I
+ );
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: 'No Genes Detected' }),
+ },
+ v
+ );
+ },
+ i = function (s, d) {
+ var v = s.title,
+ h = s.gene_set,
+ C = s.do_we_show,
+ p = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.has_seed,
+ I = V.empty_disks,
+ L = V.stat_disks,
+ w = V.trait_disks,
+ A = V.reagent_disks;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Disks',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Empty Disks: ',
+ I,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 12,
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ tooltip: 'Eject an Empty disk',
+ content: 'Eject Empty Disk',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return N('eject_empty_disk');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Stats',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ L.slice()
+ .sort(function (x, E) {
+ return x.display_name.localeCompare(E.display_name);
+ })
+ .map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ mr: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '49%',
+ children: x.display_name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: 25,
+ children: [
+ x.stat === 'All'
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Replace All',
+ tooltip: 'Write disk stats to seed',
+ disabled: !(x != null && x.ready) || !S,
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('bulk_replace_core', { index: x.index });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 6,
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ tooltip: 'Write disk stat to seed',
+ disabled: !x || !S,
+ content: 'Replace',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('replace', { index: x.index, stat: x.stat });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 6,
+ icon: 'arrow-right',
+ content: 'Select',
+ tooltip: 'Choose as target for extracted genes',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('select', { index: x.index });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 5,
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ tooltip: 'Eject Disk',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('eject_disk', { index: x.index });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 2,
+ icon: x.read_only ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
+ content: '',
+ tool_tip: 'Set/unset Read Only',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('set_read_only', { index: x.index, read_only: x.read_only });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ x
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Traits',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ w
+ .slice()
+ .sort(function (x, E) {
+ return x.display_name.localeCompare(E.display_name);
+ })
+ .map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ mr: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '49%',
+ children: x.display_name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: 25,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 6,
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ disabled: !x || !x.can_insert,
+ tooltip: 'Add disk trait to seed',
+ content: 'Insert',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('insert', { index: x.index });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 6,
+ icon: 'arrow-right',
+ content: 'Select',
+ tooltip: 'Choose as target for extracted genes',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('select', { index: x.index });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 5,
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ tooltip: 'Eject Disk',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('eject_disk', { index: x.index });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 2,
+ icon: x.read_only ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
+ content: '',
+ tool_tip: 'Set/unset Read Only',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('set_read_only', { index: x.index, read_only: x.read_only });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ x
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Reagents',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ A.slice()
+ .sort(function (x, E) {
+ return x.display_name.localeCompare(E.display_name);
+ })
+ .map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ mr: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '49%',
+ children: x.display_name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: 25,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 6,
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ disabled: !x || !x.can_insert,
+ tooltip: 'Add disk reagent to seed',
+ content: 'Insert',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('insert', { index: x.index });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 6,
+ icon: 'arrow-right',
+ content: 'Select',
+ tooltip: 'Choose as target for extracted genes',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('select', { index: x.index });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 5,
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ tooltip: 'Eject Disk',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('eject_disk', { index: x.index });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 2,
+ icon: x.read_only ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
+ content: '',
+ tool_tip: 'Set/unset Read Only',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('set_read_only', { index: x.index, read_only: x.read_only });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ x
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 73053: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GenericCrewManifest = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036),
+ t = n(98595),
+ o = n(41874),
+ f = (r.GenericCrewManifest = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window, {
+ theme: 'nologo',
+ width: 588,
+ height: 510,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
+ noTopPadding: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.CrewManifest),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 42914: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GhostHudPanel = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.GhostHudPanel = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.data,
+ c = l.security,
+ m = l.medical,
+ i = l.diagnostic,
+ u = l.pressure,
+ s = l.radioactivity,
+ d = l.ahud;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 250,
+ height: 217,
+ theme: 'nologo',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { label: 'Medical', type: 'medical', is_active: m }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { label: 'Security', type: 'security', is_active: c }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { label: 'Diagnostic', type: 'diagnostic', is_active: i }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { label: 'Pressure', type: 'pressure', is_active: u }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, {
+ label: 'Radioactivity',
+ type: 'radioactivity',
+ is_active: s,
+ act_on: 'rads_on',
+ act_off: 'rads_off',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, {
+ label: 'Antag HUD',
+ is_active: d,
+ act_on: 'ahud_on',
+ act_off: 'ahud_off',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = B.label,
+ m = B.type,
+ i = m === void 0 ? null : m,
+ u = B.is_active,
+ s = B.act_on,
+ d = s === void 0 ? 'hud_on' : s,
+ v = B.act_off,
+ h = v === void 0 ? 'hud_off' : v;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ pt: 0.3,
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, { pl: 0.5, align: 'center', width: '80%', children: c }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mr: 0.6,
+ content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ icon: u ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ selected: u,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return l(u ? h : d, { hud_type: i });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 25825: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GlandDispenser = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.GlandDispenser = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.glands,
+ m = c === void 0 ? [] : c;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 300,
+ height: 338,
+ theme: 'abductor',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: m.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ width: '60px',
+ height: '60px',
+ m: 0.75,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: '17px',
+ lineHeight: '55px',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ backgroundColor: i.color,
+ content: i.amount || '0',
+ disabled: !i.amount,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('dispense', { gland_id: i.id });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ },
+ i.id
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 10270: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GravityGen = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.GravityGen = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.charging_state,
+ m = l.charge_count,
+ i = l.breaker,
+ u = l.ext_power,
+ s = (function () {
+ function v(h) {
+ return h > 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: 'average',
+ children: ['[ ', h === 1 ? 'Charging' : 'Discharging', ' ]'],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: u ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ children: ['[ ', u ? 'Powered' : 'Unpowered', ' ]'],
+ });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ d = (function () {
+ function v(h) {
+ if (h > 0)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ danger: !0,
+ p: 1.5,
+ children: [(0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'WARNING:', 16), ' Radiation Detected!'],
+ });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 170,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ d(c),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Generator Status',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: i ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: i ? 'Online' : 'Offline',
+ color: i ? 'green' : 'red',
+ px: 1.5,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return g('breaker');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power Status',
+ color: u ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ children: s(c),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Gravity Charge',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: m / 100,
+ ranges: { good: [0.9, 1 / 0], average: [0.5, 0.9], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.5] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 48657: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GuestPass = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(49148),
+ b = (r.GuestPass = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 690,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'id-card',
+ selected: !c.showlogs,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('mode', { mode: 0 });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Issue Pass',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'scroll',
+ selected: c.showlogs,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('mode', { mode: 1 });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ children: ['Records (', c.issue_log.length, ')'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Authorization',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'ID Card',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: c.scan_name ? 'eject' : 'id-card',
+ selected: c.scan_name,
+ content: c.scan_name ? c.scan_name : '-----',
+ tooltip: c.scan_name ? 'Eject ID' : 'Insert ID',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('scan');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children:
+ !c.showlogs &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Issue Guest Pass',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Issue To',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ content: c.giv_name ? c.giv_name : '-----',
+ disabled: !c.scan_name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('giv_name');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Reason',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ content: c.reason ? c.reason : '-----',
+ disabled: !c.scan_name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('reason');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Duration',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ content: c.duration ? c.duration : '-----',
+ disabled: !c.scan_name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('duration');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !c.showlogs &&
+ (c.scan_name
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AccessList, {
+ sectionButtons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'id-card',
+ content: c.printmsg,
+ disabled: !c.canprint,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('issue');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ grantableList: c.grantableList,
+ accesses: c.regions,
+ selectedList: c.selectedAccess,
+ accessMod: (function () {
+ function m(i) {
+ return l('access', { access: i });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ grantAll: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('grant_all');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ denyAll: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('clear_all');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ grantDep: (function () {
+ function m(i) {
+ return l('grant_region', { region: i });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ denyDep: (function () {
+ function m(i) {
+ return l('deny_region', { region: i });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ fontSize: 1.5,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'id-card',
+ size: 5,
+ color: 'gray',
+ mb: 5,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Please, insert ID Card',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ })),
+ !!c.showlogs &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ m: 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Issuance Log',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'print',
+ content: 'Print',
+ disabled: !c.scan_name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('print');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children:
+ (!!c.issue_log.length &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: c.issue_log.map(function (m, i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { children: m }, i);
+ }),
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ fontSize: 1.5,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'scroll',
+ size: 5,
+ color: 'gray',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'slash',
+ size: 5,
+ color: 'red',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No logs',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 67834: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.HandheldChemDispenser = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = [1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50],
+ b = null,
+ y = (r.HandheldChemDispenser = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 390,
+ height: 430,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k)],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ B = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.amount,
+ d = u.energy,
+ v = u.maxEnergy,
+ h = u.mode;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Settings',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Energy',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: d,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: v,
+ ranges: { good: [v * 0.5, 1 / 0], average: [v * 0.25, v * 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, v * 0.25] },
+ children: [d, ' / ', v, ' Units'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Amount',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: f.map(function (C, p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ grow: !0,
+ width: '15%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: s === C,
+ content: C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return i('amount', { amount: C });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Mode',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ justify: 'space-between',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: h === 'dispense',
+ content: 'Dispense',
+ m: '0',
+ width: '32%',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return i('mode', { mode: 'dispense' });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: h === 'remove',
+ content: 'Remove',
+ m: '0',
+ width: '32%',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return i('mode', { mode: 'remove' });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: h === 'isolate',
+ content: 'Isolate',
+ m: '0',
+ width: '32%',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return i('mode', { mode: 'isolate' });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (l, c) {
+ for (
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.chemicals,
+ d = s === void 0 ? [] : s,
+ v = u.current_reagent,
+ h = [],
+ C = 0;
+ C < (d.length + 1) % 3;
+ C++
+ )
+ h.push(!0);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ height: '18%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: u.glass ? 'Drink Selector' : 'Chemical Selector',
+ children: [
+ d.map(function (p, N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ width: '32%',
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
+ selected: v === p.id,
+ content: p.title,
+ style: { 'margin-left': '2px' },
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('dispense', { reagent: p.id });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ },
+ N
+ );
+ }),
+ h.map(function (p, N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: '1', basis: '25%' }, N);
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 46098: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.HealthSensor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.HealthSensor = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, t.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.on,
+ u = m.user_health,
+ s = m.minHealth,
+ d = m.maxHealth,
+ v = m.alarm_health;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 300,
+ height: 125,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Scanning',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: i ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ color: i ? null : 'red',
+ selected: i,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return c('scan_toggle');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health activation',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ animate: !0,
+ step: 2,
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ minValue: s,
+ maxValue: d,
+ value: v,
+ format: (function () {
+ function h(C) {
+ return (0, a.toFixed)(C, 1);
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ width: '80px',
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function h(C, p) {
+ return c('alarm_health', { alarm_health: p });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ u !== null &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'User health',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: y(u),
+ bold: u >= 100,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: u }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ y = function (k) {
+ return k > 50 ? 'green' : k > 0 ? 'orange' : 'red';
+ };
+ },
+ 36771: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Holodeck = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.Holodeck = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = (0, a.useLocalState)(k, 'currentDeck', ''),
+ i = m[0],
+ u = m[1],
+ s = (0, a.useLocalState)(k, 'showReload', !1),
+ d = s[0],
+ v = s[1],
+ h = c.decks,
+ C = c.ai_override,
+ p = c.emagged,
+ N = (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ l('select_deck', { deck: S }),
+ u(S),
+ v(!0),
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ v(!1);
+ }, 3e3);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 320,
+ children: [
+ d && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Holodeck Control System',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [(0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Currently Loaded Program:', 16), ' ', i],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Available Programs',
+ children: [
+ h.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ width: 15.5,
+ color: 'transparent',
+ content: V,
+ selected: V === i,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return N(V);
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'hr', null, null, 1, { color: 'gray' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ !!C &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Override Protocols',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: p ? 'Turn On' : 'Turn Off',
+ color: p ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return l('ai_override');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Safety Protocols',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: p ? 'bad' : 'good',
+ children: [
+ p ? 'Off' : 'On',
+ !!p &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ ml: 9.5,
+ width: 15.5,
+ color: 'red',
+ content: 'Wildlife Simulation',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return l('wildlifecarp');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'spinner', size: '5', spin: !0 }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'white',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h1', null, '\xA0Recalibrating projection apparatus.\xA0', 16),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'Please, wait for 3 seconds.', 16),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 25471: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Instrument = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.Instrument = (function () {
+ function l(c, m) {
+ var i = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 505,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g)],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ y = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.help;
+ if (d)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Modal, {
+ maxWidth: '75%',
+ height: window.innerHeight * 0.75 + 'px',
+ mx: 'auto',
+ py: '0',
+ px: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ height: '100%',
+ title: 'Help',
+ level: '2',
+ overflow: 'auto',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ px: '0.5rem',
+ mt: '-0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h1', null, 'Making a Song', 16),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Lines are a series of chords, separated by commas\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: '(,)' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(', each with notes separated by hyphens\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: '(-)' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ 'Every note in a chord will play together, with the chord timed by the\xA0'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'highlight',
+ children: 'tempo',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('as defined above.'),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Notes are played by the\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'good',
+ children: 'names of the note',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(', and optionally, the\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'accidental',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(', and/or the'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: 'octave number',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('By default, every note is\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'natural',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('and in\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'bad', children: 'octave 3' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('. Defining a different state for either is remembered for each'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'good', children: 'note' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'ul',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'highlight',
+ children: 'Example:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,D,E,F,G,A,B', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' will play a\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'good', children: 'C' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'major',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('scale.'),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('After a note has an\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'accidental',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('or\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: 'octave',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('placed, it will be remembered:\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,C4,C#,C3', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' is '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C3,C4,C4#,C3#', 16),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'highlight',
+ children: 'Chords',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0can be played simply by seperating each note with a hyphen: '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'A-C#,Cn-E,E-G#,Gn-B', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('A'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'highlight',
+ children: 'pause',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0may be denoted by an empty chord: '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,E,,C,G', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ 'To make a chord be a different time, end it with /x, where the chord length will be length defined by\xA0'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'highlight',
+ children: 'tempo / x',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(',\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: 'eg:' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,G/2,E/4', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Combined, an example line is: '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'E-E4/4,F#/2,G#/8,B/8,E3-E4/4', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'ul',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', null, 'Lines may be up to 300 characters.', 16),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', null, 'A song may only contain up to 1,000 lines.', 16),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Lines are a series of chords, separated by commas\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: '(,)' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(', each with notes separated by hyphens\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: '(-)' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ 'Every note in a chord will play together, with the chord timed by the\xA0'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'highlight',
+ children: 'tempo',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('as defined above.'),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Notes are played by the\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'good',
+ children: 'names of the note',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(', and optionally, the\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'accidental',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(', and/or the'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: 'octave number',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('By default, every note is\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'natural',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('and in\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'bad', children: 'octave 3' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('. Defining a different state for either is remembered for each'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'good', children: 'note' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'ul',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'highlight',
+ children: 'Example:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,D,E,F,G,A,B', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' will play a\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'good', children: 'C' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'major',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('scale.'),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('After a note has an\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'accidental',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('or\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: 'octave',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('placed, it will be remembered:\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,C4,C#,C3', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' is '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C3,C4,C4#,C3#', 16),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'highlight',
+ children: 'Chords',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0can be played simply by seperating each note with a hyphen: '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'A-C#,Cn-E,E-G#,Gn-B', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('A'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'highlight',
+ children: 'pause',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0may be denoted by an empty chord: '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,E,,C,G', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ 'To make a chord be a different time, end it with /x, where the chord length will be length defined by\xA0'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'highlight',
+ children: 'tempo / x',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(',\xA0'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: 'eg:' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,G/2,E/4', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Combined, an example line is: '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'E-E4/4,F#/2,G#/8,B/8,E3-E4/4', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'ul',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', null, 'Lines may be up to 300 characters.', 16),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', null, 'A song may only contain up to 1,000 lines.', 16),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h1', null, 'Instrument Advanced Settings', 16),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'ul',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Type:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0Whether the instrument is legacy or synthesized.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ 'Legacy instruments have a collection of sounds that are selectively used depending on the note to play.'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ 'Synthesized instruments use a base sound and change its pitch to match the note to play.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Current:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ '\xA0Which instrument sample to play. Some instruments can be tuned to play different samples. Experiment!'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Note Shift/Note Transpose:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0The pitch to apply to all notes of the song.'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Sustain Mode:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0How a played note fades out.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Linear sustain means a note will fade out at a constant rate.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ 'Exponential sustain means a note will fade out at an exponential rate, sounding smoother.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Volume Dropoff Threshold:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0The volume threshold at which a note is fully stopped.'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'li',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'span',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Sustain indefinitely last held note:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0Whether the last note should be sustained indefinitely.'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: 'grey',
+ content: 'Close',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return u('help');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.lines,
+ v = s.playing,
+ h = s.repeat,
+ C = s.maxRepeats,
+ p = s.tempo,
+ N = s.minTempo,
+ V = s.maxTempo,
+ S = s.tickLag,
+ I = s.volume,
+ L = s.minVolume,
+ w = s.maxVolume,
+ A = s.ready;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Instrument',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'info',
+ content: 'Help',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return u('help');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'file',
+ content: 'New',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return u('newsong');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'upload',
+ content: 'Import',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return u('import');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Playback',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: v,
+ disabled: d.length === 0 || h < 0,
+ icon: 'play',
+ content: 'Play',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return u('play');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: !v,
+ icon: 'stop',
+ content: 'Stop',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return u('stop');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Repeat',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
+ animated: !0,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: C,
+ value: h,
+ stepPixelSize: 59,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function x(E, P) {
+ return u('repeat', { new: P });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tempo',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: p >= V,
+ content: '-',
+ as: 'span',
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return u('tempo', { new: p + S });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, a.round)(600 / p),
+ ' BPM',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: p <= N,
+ content: '+',
+ as: 'span',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return u('tempo', { new: p - S });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Volume',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
+ animated: !0,
+ minValue: L,
+ maxValue: w,
+ value: I,
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function x(E, P) {
+ return u('setvolume', { new: P });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ children: A
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'good', children: 'Ready' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: 'Instrument Definition Error!',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.allowedInstrumentNames,
+ v = s.instrumentLoaded,
+ h = s.instrument,
+ C = s.canNoteShift,
+ p = s.noteShift,
+ N = s.noteShiftMin,
+ V = s.noteShiftMax,
+ S = s.sustainMode,
+ I = s.sustainLinearDuration,
+ L = s.sustainExponentialDropoff,
+ w = s.legacy,
+ A = s.sustainDropoffVolume,
+ x = s.sustainHeldNote,
+ E,
+ P;
+ return (
+ S === 1
+ ? ((E = 'Linear'),
+ (P = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
+ minValue: 0.1,
+ maxValue: 5,
+ value: I,
+ step: 0.5,
+ stepPixelSize: 85,
+ format: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ return (0, a.round)(M * 100) / 100 + ' seconds';
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return u('setlinearfalloff', { new: R / 10 });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ })))
+ : S === 2 &&
+ ((E = 'Exponential'),
+ (P = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
+ minValue: 1.025,
+ maxValue: 10,
+ value: L,
+ step: 0.01,
+ format: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ return (0, a.round)(M * 1e3) / 1e3 + '% per decisecond';
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return u('setexpfalloff', { new: R });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }))),
+ d.sort(),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ my: -1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Collapsible, {
+ mt: '1rem',
+ mb: '0',
+ title: 'Advanced',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ mt: -1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Type',
+ children: w ? 'Legacy' : 'Synthesized',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current',
+ children: v
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ options: d,
+ selected: h,
+ width: '50%',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ return u('switchinstrument', { name: M });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'bad', children: 'None!' }),
+ }),
+ !!(!w && C) &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Note Shift/Note Transpose',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
+ minValue: N,
+ maxValue: V,
+ value: p,
+ stepPixelSize: 2,
+ format: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ return M + ' keys / ' + (0, a.round)((M / 12) * 100) / 100 + ' octaves';
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return u('setnoteshift', { new: R });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Sustain Mode',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ options: ['Linear', 'Exponential'],
+ selected: E,
+ mb: '0.4rem',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ return u('setsustainmode', { new: M });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ P,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Volume Dropoff Threshold',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
+ animated: !0,
+ minValue: 0.01,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ value: A,
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return u('setdropoffvolume', { new: R });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Sustain indefinitely last held note',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: x,
+ icon: x ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: x ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return u('togglesustainhold');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'redo',
+ content: 'Reset to Default',
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return u('reset');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ g = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.playing,
+ v = s.lines,
+ h = s.editing;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Editor',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: !h || d,
+ icon: 'plus',
+ content: 'Add Line',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return u('newline', { line: v.length + 1 });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: !h,
+ icon: h ? 'chevron-up' : 'chevron-down',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return u('edit');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children:
+ !!h &&
+ (v.length > 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: v.map(function (C, p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: p + 1,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: d,
+ icon: 'pen',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return u('modifyline', { line: p + 1 });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: d,
+ icon: 'trash',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return u('deleteline', { line: p + 1 });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: C,
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'Song is empty.' })),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 13618: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.KeyComboModal = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(70611),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = n(19203),
+ y = n(51057),
+ B = function (i) {
+ return i.key !== a.KEY.Alt && i.key !== a.KEY.Control && i.key !== a.KEY.Shift && i.key !== a.KEY.Escape;
+ },
+ k = {
+ DEL: 'Delete',
+ DOWN: 'South',
+ END: 'Southwest',
+ HOME: 'Northwest',
+ INSERT: 'Insert',
+ LEFT: 'West',
+ PAGEDOWN: 'Southeast',
+ PAGEUP: 'Northeast',
+ RIGHT: 'East',
+ SPACEBAR: 'Space',
+ UP: 'North',
+ },
+ g = 3,
+ l = function (i) {
+ var u = '';
+ if (
+ (i.altKey && (u += 'Alt'),
+ i.ctrlKey && (u += 'Ctrl'),
+ i.shiftKey && !(i.keyCode >= 48 && i.keyCode <= 57) && (u += 'Shift'),
+ i.location === g && (u += 'Numpad'),
+ B(i))
+ )
+ if (i.shiftKey && i.keyCode >= 48 && i.keyCode <= 57) {
+ var s = i.keyCode - 48;
+ u += 'Shift' + s;
+ } else {
+ var d = i.key.toUpperCase();
+ u += k[d] || d;
+ }
+ return u;
+ },
+ c = (r.KeyComboModal = (function () {
+ function m(i, u) {
+ var s = (0, t.useBackend)(u),
+ d = s.act,
+ v = s.data,
+ h = v.init_value,
+ C = v.large_buttons,
+ p = v.message,
+ N = p === void 0 ? '' : p,
+ V = v.title,
+ S = v.timeout,
+ I = (0, t.useLocalState)(u, 'input', h),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I[1],
+ A = (0, t.useLocalState)(u, 'binding', !0),
+ x = A[0],
+ E = A[1],
+ P = (function () {
+ function R(O) {
+ if (!x) {
+ O.key === a.KEY.Enter && d('submit', { entry: L }), (0, a.isEscape)(O.key) && d('cancel');
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((O.preventDefault(), B(O))) {
+ D(l(O)), E(!1);
+ return;
+ } else if (O.key === a.KEY.Escape) {
+ D(h), E(!1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ D = (function () {
+ function R(O) {
+ O !== L && w(O);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ M = 130 + (N.length > 30 ? Math.ceil(N.length / 3) : 0) + (N.length && C ? 5 : 0);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ title: V,
+ width: 240,
+ height: M,
+ children: [
+ S && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Loader, { value: S }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function R(O) {
+ P(O);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Autofocus),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'label', children: N }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: x,
+ content: x && x !== null ? 'Awaiting input...' : '' + L,
+ width: '100%',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function R() {
+ D(h), E(!0);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.InputButtons, { input: L }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })());
+ },
+ 35655: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.KeycardAuth = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.KeycardAuth = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Keycard Authentication Device',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children:
+ 'This device is used to trigger certain high security events. It requires the simultaneous swipe of two high-level ID cards.',
+ }),
+ });
+ if (!l.swiping && !l.busy)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 540,
+ height: 280,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ c,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Choose Action',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Red Alert',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ disabled: !l.redAvailable,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('triggerevent', { triggerevent: 'Red Alert' });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ content: 'Red Alert',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'ERT',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'broadcast-tower',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('triggerevent', { triggerevent: 'Emergency Response Team' });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ content: 'Call ERT',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Emergency Maint Access',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'door-open',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('triggerevent', {
+ triggerevent: 'Grant Emergency Maintenance Access',
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ content: 'Grant',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'door-closed',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('triggerevent', {
+ triggerevent: 'Revoke Emergency Maintenance Access',
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ content: 'Revoke',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Emergency Station-Wide Access',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'door-open',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('triggerevent', {
+ triggerevent: 'Activate Station-Wide Emergency Access',
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ content: 'Grant',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'door-closed',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('triggerevent', {
+ triggerevent: 'Deactivate Station-Wide Emergency Access',
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ content: 'Revoke',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ var m = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'Waiting for YOU to swipe your ID...',
+ });
+ return (
+ !l.hasSwiped && !l.ertreason && l.event === 'Emergency Response Team'
+ ? (m = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'Fill out the reason for your ERT request.',
+ }))
+ : l.hasConfirm
+ ? (m = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: 'Request Confirmed!' }))
+ : l.isRemote
+ ? (m = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'orange',
+ children: 'Swipe your card to CONFIRM the remote request.',
+ }))
+ : l.hasSwiped &&
+ (m = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'orange',
+ children: 'Waiting for second person to confirm...',
+ })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 540,
+ height: 265,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ c,
+ l.event === 'Emergency Response Team' &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Reason for ERT Call',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: l.ertreason ? '' : 'red',
+ icon: l.ertreason ? 'check' : 'pencil-alt',
+ content: l.ertreason ? l.ertreason : '-----',
+ disabled: l.busy,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('ert');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: l.event,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
+ content: 'Back',
+ disabled: l.busy || l.hasConfirm,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('reset');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: m,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 62955: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.KitchenMachine = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(62411),
+ b = (r.KitchenMachine = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.data,
+ m = l.config,
+ i = c.ingredients,
+ u = c.operating,
+ s = m.title;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 320,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Operating, { operating: u, name: s }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Ingredients',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'Ingredient__Table',
+ children: i.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ tr: 5,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'td',
+ null,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: d.name }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'td',
+ null,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [d.amount, ' ', d.units],
+ }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ ],
+ },
+ d.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ y = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.inactive,
+ u = m.tooltip;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Controls',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ disabled: i,
+ tooltip: i ? u : '',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ content: 'Activate',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return c('cook');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ disabled: i,
+ tooltip: i ? u : '',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ content: 'Eject Contents',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return c('eject');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 9525: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LawManager = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.LawManager = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.isAdmin,
+ s = i.isSlaved,
+ d = i.isMalf,
+ v = i.isAIMalf,
+ h = i.view;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: d ? 620 : 365,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ !!(u && s) &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: ['This unit is slaved to ', s, '.'] }),
+ !!(d || v) &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Law Management',
+ selected: h === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return m('set_view', { set_view: 0 });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Lawsets',
+ selected: h === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return m('set_view', { set_view: 1 });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ h === 0 && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ h === 1 && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ b = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.has_zeroth_laws,
+ s = i.zeroth_laws,
+ d = i.has_ion_laws,
+ v = i.ion_laws,
+ h = i.ion_law_nr,
+ C = i.has_inherent_laws,
+ p = i.inherent_laws,
+ N = i.has_supplied_laws,
+ V = i.supplied_laws,
+ S = i.channels,
+ I = i.channel,
+ L = i.isMalf,
+ w = i.isAdmin,
+ A = i.zeroth_law,
+ x = i.ion_law,
+ E = i.inherent_law,
+ P = i.supplied_law,
+ D = i.supplied_law_position;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ !!u && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { title: 'ERR_NULL_VALUE', laws: s, ctx: l }),
+ !!d && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { title: h, laws: v, ctx: l }),
+ !!C && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { title: 'Inherent', laws: p, ctx: l }),
+ !!N && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { title: 'Supplied', laws: V, ctx: l }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Statement Settings',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Statement Channel',
+ children: S.map(function (M) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: M.channel,
+ selected: M.channel === I,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function R() {
+ return m('law_channel', { law_channel: M.channel });
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ },
+ M.channel
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'State Laws',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'State Laws',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('state_laws');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Law Notification',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Notify',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('notify_laws');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!L &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Add Laws',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '10%', children: 'Type' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '60%', children: 'Law' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '10%', children: 'Index' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '20%', children: 'Actions' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!(w && !u) &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Zero' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: A }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'N/A' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Edit',
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('change_zeroth_law');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Add',
+ icon: 'plus',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('add_zeroth_law');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Ion' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: x }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'N/A' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Edit',
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('change_ion_law');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Add',
+ icon: 'plus',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('add_ion_law');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Inherent' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: E }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'N/A' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Edit',
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('change_inherent_law');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Add',
+ icon: 'plus',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('add_inherent_law');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Supplied' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: P }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: D,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('change_supplied_law_position');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Edit',
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('change_supplied_law');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Add',
+ icon: 'plus',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return m('add_supplied_law');
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ },
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.law_sets;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: u.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: s.name + ' - ' + s.header,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Load Laws',
+ icon: 'download',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('transfer_laws', { transfer_laws: s.ref });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ s.laws.has_ion_laws > 0 &&
+ s.laws.ion_laws.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ { label: d.index, children: d.law },
+ d.index
+ );
+ }),
+ s.laws.has_zeroth_laws > 0 &&
+ s.laws.zeroth_laws.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ { label: d.index, children: d.law },
+ d.index
+ );
+ }),
+ s.laws.has_inherent_laws > 0 &&
+ s.laws.inherent_laws.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ { label: d.index, children: d.law },
+ d.index
+ );
+ }),
+ s.laws.has_supplied_laws > 0 &&
+ s.laws.inherent_laws.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ { label: d.index, children: d.law },
+ d.index
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ s.name
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(g.ctx),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.isMalf;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: g.title + ' Laws',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '10%', children: 'Index' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '69%', children: 'Law' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '21%', children: 'State?' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ g.laws.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: s.index }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: s.law }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: s.state ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ selected: s.state,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('state_law', { ref: s.ref, state_law: s.state ? 0 : 1 });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !!u &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Edit',
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('edit_law', { edit_law: s.ref });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Delete',
+ icon: 'trash',
+ color: 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('delete_law', { delete_law: s.ref });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ s.law
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 85066: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LibraryComputer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(3939),
+ b = (r.LibraryComputer = (function () {
+ function h(C, p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 1050,
+ height: 600,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c)],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })()),
+ y = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = C.args,
+ L = S.user_ckey;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Title', children: I.title }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Author', children: I.author }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Summary', children: I.summary }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Rating',
+ children: [
+ I.rating,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'star',
+ color: 'yellow',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !I.isProgrammatic &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Categories',
+ children: I.categories.join(', '),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ L === I.ckey &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Delete Book',
+ icon: 'trash',
+ color: 'red',
+ disabled: I.isProgrammatic,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return V('delete_book', { bookid: I.id, user_ckey: L });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Report Book',
+ icon: 'flag',
+ color: 'red',
+ disabled: I.isProgrammatic,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'report_book', { bookid: I.id });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Rate Book',
+ icon: 'star',
+ color: 'caution',
+ disabled: I.isProgrammatic,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'rate_info', { bookid: I.id });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = C.args,
+ L = S.selected_report,
+ w = S.report_categories,
+ A = S.user_ckey;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ level: 2,
+ m: '-1rem',
+ pb: '1.5rem',
+ title: 'Report this book for Rule Violations',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Title', children: I.title }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Reasons',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: w.map(function (x, E) {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: x.description,
+ selected: x.category_id === L,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return V('set_report', { report_type: x.category_id });
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ ],
+ 4,
+ E
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ bold: !0,
+ icon: 'paper-plane',
+ content: 'Submit Report',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('submit_report', { bookid: I.id, user_ckey: A });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.selected_rating,
+ L = Array(10)
+ .fill()
+ .map(function (w, A) {
+ return 1 + A;
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ L.map(function (w, A) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ bold: !0,
+ icon: 'star',
+ color: I >= w ? 'caution' : 'default',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('set_rating', { rating_value: w });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ A
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ ml: 2,
+ fontSize: '150%',
+ children: [
+ I + '/10',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'star',
+ color: 'yellow',
+ ml: 0.5,
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = C.args,
+ L = S.user_ckey;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ level: 2,
+ m: '-1rem',
+ pb: '1.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Title', children: I.title }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Author', children: I.author }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Rating',
+ children: [
+ I.current_rating ? I.current_rating : 0,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'star',
+ color: 'yellow',
+ ml: 0.5,
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Total Ratings',
+ children: I.total_ratings ? I.total_ratings : 0,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ mt: 2,
+ content: 'Submit',
+ icon: 'paper-plane',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return V('rate_book', { bookid: I.id, user_ckey: L });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.data,
+ S = (0, a.useLocalState)(p, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = V.login_state;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: I === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return L(0);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Book Archives',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: I === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return L(1);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Corporate Literature',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: I === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return L(2);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Upload Book',
+ }),
+ w === 1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: I === 3,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return L(3);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Patron Manager',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: I === 4,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return L(4);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Inventory',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useLocalState)(p, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ V = N[0];
+ switch (V) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s);
+ case 3:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d);
+ case 4:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v);
+ default:
+ return "You are somehow on a tab that doesn't exist! Please let a coder know.";
+ }
+ },
+ m = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.searchcontent,
+ L = S.book_categories,
+ w = S.user_ckey,
+ A = [];
+ return (
+ L.map(function (x) {
+ return (A[x.description] = x.category_id);
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '35%',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '1.2rem',
+ m: '.5em',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'edit',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ size: 1.5,
+ mr: '1rem',
+ }),
+ 'Search Inputs',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Title',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ icon: 'pen',
+ width: 20,
+ content: I.title || 'Input Title',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_search_title');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Author',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ icon: 'pen',
+ width: 20,
+ content: I.author || 'Input Author',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_search_author');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Ratings',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mr: 1,
+ width: 'min-content',
+ content: I.ratingmin,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_search_ratingmin');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: 'To' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ ml: 1,
+ width: 'min-content',
+ content: I.ratingmax,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_search_ratingmax');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '40%',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '1.2rem',
+ m: '.5em',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'clipboard-list',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ size: 1.5,
+ mr: '1rem',
+ }),
+ 'Book Categories',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Select Categories',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: 2,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ mt: 0.6,
+ width: '190px',
+ options: L.map(function (x) {
+ return x.description;
+ }),
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function x(E) {
+ return V('toggle_search_category', { category_id: A[E] });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ L.filter(function (x) {
+ return I.categories.includes(x.category_id);
+ }).map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: x.description,
+ selected: !0,
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return V('toggle_search_category', { category_id: x.category_id });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ },
+ x.category_id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '1.2rem',
+ m: '.5em',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'search-plus',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ size: 1.5,
+ mr: '1rem',
+ }),
+ 'Search Actions',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Clear Search',
+ icon: 'eraser',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('clear_search');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ I.ckey
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ content: 'Stop Showing My Books',
+ color: 'bad',
+ icon: 'search',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('clear_ckey_search');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Find My Books',
+ icon: 'search',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('find_users_books', { user_ckey: w });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ i = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.external_booklist,
+ L = S.archive_pagenumber,
+ w = S.num_pages,
+ A = S.login_state;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Book System Access',
+ buttons: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'angle-double-left',
+ disabled: L === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('deincrementpagemax');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-left',
+ disabled: L === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('deincrementpage');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ bold: !0,
+ content: L,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'setpagenumber');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-right',
+ disabled: L === w,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('incrementpage');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'angle-double-right',
+ disabled: L === w,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('incrementpagemax');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'hr'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'Library__Booklist',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'SSID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Author' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Ratings' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Category' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'middle', children: 'Actions' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ I.map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: x.id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'book', mr: 0.5 }),
+ x.title.length > 45 ? x.title.substr(0, 45) + '...' : x.title,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ children: x.author.length > 30 ? x.author.substr(0, 30) + '...' : x.author,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ x.rating,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'star',
+ ml: 0.5,
+ color: 'yellow',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: x.categories.join(', ').substr(0, 45),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ children: [
+ A === 1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Order',
+ icon: 'print',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return V('order_external_book', { bookid: x.id });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'More...',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'expand_info', { bookid: x.id });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ x.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ u = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.programmatic_booklist,
+ L = S.login_state;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Corporate Book Catalog',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'Library__Booklist',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'SSID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Author' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'middle', children: 'Actions' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ I.map(function (w, A) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: w.id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'book', mr: 2 }), w.title],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'left', children: w.author }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ children: [
+ L === 1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Order',
+ icon: 'print',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('order_programmatic_book', { bookid: w.id });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'More...',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'expand_info', { bookid: w.id });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ A
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ s = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.selectedbook,
+ L = S.book_categories,
+ w = S.user_ckey,
+ A = [];
+ return (
+ L.map(function (x) {
+ return (A[x.description] = x.category_id);
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Book System Upload',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ bold: !0,
+ width: 9.5,
+ icon: 'upload',
+ disabled: I.copyright,
+ content: 'Upload Book',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return V('uploadbook', { user_ckey: w });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ I.copyright
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'WARNING: You cannot upload or modify the attributes of a copyrighted book',
+ })
+ : (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ ml: 15,
+ mb: 3,
+ fontSize: '1.2rem',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'search-plus',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ size: 3,
+ mr: 2,
+ }),
+ 'Book Uploader',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Title',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 20,
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ icon: 'pen',
+ disabled: I.copyright,
+ content: I.title,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_selected_title');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Author',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 20,
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ icon: 'pen',
+ disabled: I.copyright,
+ content: I.author,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_selected_author');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Select Categories',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ width: '240px',
+ options: L.map(function (x) {
+ return x.description;
+ }),
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function x(E) {
+ return V('toggle_upload_category', { category_id: A[E] });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ L.filter(function (x) {
+ return I.categories.includes(x.category_id);
+ }).map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: x.description,
+ disabled: I.copyright,
+ selected: !0,
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return V('toggle_upload_category', { category_id: x.category_id });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ },
+ x.category_id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mr: 75,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Summary',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pen',
+ width: 'auto',
+ disabled: I.copyright,
+ content: 'Edit Summary',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_selected_summary');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { children: I.summary }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ d = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.checkout_data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Checked Out Books',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'Library__Booklist',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Patron' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Time Left' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Actions' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ I.map(function (L, w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'user-tag' }), L.patron_name],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'left', children: L.title }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: L.timeleft >= 0 ? L.timeleft : 'LATE',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Mark Lost',
+ icon: 'flag',
+ color: 'bad',
+ disabled: L.timeleft >= 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return V('reportlost', { libraryid: L.libraryid });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ v = function (C, p) {
+ var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
+ V = N.act,
+ S = N.data,
+ I = S.inventory_list;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Library Inventory',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'Library__Booklist',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'LIB ID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Author' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ I.map(function (L, w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: L.libraryid }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'book' }), ' ', L.title],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'left', children: L.author }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ children: L.checked_out ? 'Checked Out' : 'Available',
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ (0, f.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('expand_info', y),
+ (0, f.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('report_book', B),
+ (0, f.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('rate_info', g);
+ },
+ 9516: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LibraryManager = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(3939),
+ b = (r.LibraryManager = (function () {
+ function l(c, m) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 600,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ className: 'Layout__content--flexColumn',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ y = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.pagestate;
+ switch (d) {
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
+ case 3:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
+ default:
+ return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
+ }
+ },
+ B = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '1.4rem',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'user-shield',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ size: 3,
+ mr: '1rem',
+ }),
+ 'Library Manager',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'trash',
+ width: 'auto',
+ color: 'danger',
+ content: 'Delete Book by SSID',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(m, 'specify_ssid_delete');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'user-slash',
+ width: 'auto',
+ color: 'danger',
+ content: 'Delete All Books By CKEY',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(m, 'specify_ckey_delete');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'search',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: 'View All Books By CKEY',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(m, 'specify_ckey_search');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'search',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: 'View All Reported Books',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return u('view_reported_books');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.reports;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'Library__Booklist',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '1.2rem',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'user-secret',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ size: 2,
+ mr: '1rem',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'All Reported Books',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Return to Main',
+ icon: 'arrow-alt-circle-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return u('return');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Uploader CKEY' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'SSID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Author' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Report Type' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Reporter Ckey' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'middle',
+ children: 'Administrative Actions',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ d.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: v.uploader_ckey }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: v.id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'book' }), v.title],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'left', children: v.author }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ children: v.report_description,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: v.reporter_ckey }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ content: 'Delete',
+ icon: 'trash',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return u('delete_book', { bookid: v.id });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Unflag',
+ icon: 'flag',
+ color: 'caution',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return u('unflag_book', { bookid: v.id });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'View',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return u('view_book', { bookid: v.id });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ v.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.ckey,
+ v = s.booklist;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'Library__Booklist',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '1.2rem',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'user',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ size: 2,
+ mr: '1rem',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Books uploaded by ',
+ d,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mt: 1,
+ content: 'Return to Main',
+ icon: 'arrow-alt-circle-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return u('return');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'SSID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Author' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'middle',
+ children: 'Administrative Actions',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ v.map(function (h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: h.id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'book' }), h.title],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'left', children: h.author }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ content: 'Delete',
+ icon: 'trash',
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return u('delete_book', { bookid: h.id });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'View',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return u('view_book', { bookid: h.id });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ h.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 90447: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ListInputModal = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(51057),
+ t = n(19203),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(72253),
+ b = n(92986),
+ y = n(98595),
+ B = (r.ListInputModal = (function () {
+ function l(c, m) {
+ var i = (0, f.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.items,
+ v = d === void 0 ? [] : d,
+ h = s.message,
+ C = h === void 0 ? '' : h,
+ p = s.init_value,
+ N = s.timeout,
+ V = s.title,
+ S = (0, f.useLocalState)(m, 'selected', v.indexOf(p)),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, f.useLocalState)(m, 'searchBarVisible', v.length > 10),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = (0, f.useLocalState)(m, 'searchQuery', ''),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1],
+ M = (function () {
+ function G(X) {
+ var J = z.length - 1;
+ if (X === b.KEY_DOWN)
+ if (I === null || I === J) {
+ var se;
+ L(0), (se = document.getElementById('0')) == null || se.scrollIntoView();
+ } else {
+ var ie;
+ L(I + 1), (ie = document.getElementById((I + 1).toString())) == null || ie.scrollIntoView();
+ }
+ else if (X === b.KEY_UP)
+ if (I === null || I === 0) {
+ var me;
+ L(J), (me = document.getElementById(J.toString())) == null || me.scrollIntoView();
+ } else {
+ var q;
+ L(I - 1), (q = document.getElementById((I - 1).toString())) == null || q.scrollIntoView();
+ }
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ R = (function () {
+ function G(X) {
+ X !== I && L(X);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ O = (function () {
+ function G() {
+ x(!1), x(!0);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ F = (function () {
+ function G(X) {
+ var J = String.fromCharCode(X),
+ se = v.find(function (q) {
+ return q == null ? void 0 : q.toLowerCase().startsWith(J == null ? void 0 : J.toLowerCase());
+ });
+ if (se) {
+ var ie,
+ me = v.indexOf(se);
+ L(me), (ie = document.getElementById(me.toString())) == null || ie.scrollIntoView();
+ }
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ _ = (function () {
+ function G(X) {
+ var J;
+ X !== P && (D(X), L(0), (J = document.getElementById('0')) == null || J.scrollIntoView());
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ U = (function () {
+ function G() {
+ x(!A), D('');
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ z = v.filter(function (G) {
+ return G == null ? void 0 : G.toLowerCase().includes(P.toLowerCase());
+ }),
+ $ = 330 + Math.ceil(C.length / 3);
+ return (
+ A ||
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ var G;
+ return (G = document.getElementById(I.toString())) == null ? void 0 : G.focus();
+ }, 1),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
+ title: V,
+ width: 325,
+ height: $,
+ children: [
+ N && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: N }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function G(X) {
+ var J = window.event ? X.which : X.keyCode;
+ (J === b.KEY_DOWN || J === b.KEY_UP) && (X.preventDefault(), M(J)),
+ J === b.KEY_ENTER && (X.preventDefault(), u('submit', { entry: z[I] })),
+ !A && J >= b.KEY_A && J <= b.KEY_Z && (X.preventDefault(), F(J)),
+ J === b.KEY_ESCAPE && (X.preventDefault(), u('cancel'));
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ compact: !0,
+ icon: A ? 'search' : 'font',
+ selected: !0,
+ tooltip: A
+ ? 'Search Mode. Type to search or use arrow keys to select manually.'
+ : 'Hotkey Mode. Type a letter to jump to the first match. Enter to select.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return U();
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ className: 'ListInput__Section',
+ fill: !0,
+ title: C,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, {
+ filteredItems: z,
+ onClick: R,
+ onFocusSearch: O,
+ searchBarVisible: A,
+ selected: I,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ m: 0,
+ children:
+ A &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, {
+ filteredItems: z,
+ onSearch: _,
+ searchQuery: P,
+ selected: I,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.InputButtons, { input: z[I] }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, f.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = c.filteredItems,
+ d = c.onClick,
+ v = c.onFocusSearch,
+ h = c.searchBarVisible,
+ C = c.selected;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ tabIndex: 0,
+ children: s.map(function (p, N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button,
+ {
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: 'transparent',
+ id: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return d(N);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ onDblClick: (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ S.preventDefault(), u('submit', { entry: s[C] });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ var I = window.event ? S.which : S.keyCode;
+ h && I >= b.KEY_A && I <= b.KEY_Z && (S.preventDefault(), v());
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ selected: N === C,
+ style: { animation: 'none', transition: 'none' },
+ children: p.replace(/^\w/, function (V) {
+ return V.toUpperCase();
+ }),
+ },
+ N
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, f.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = c.filteredItems,
+ d = c.onSearch,
+ v = c.searchQuery,
+ h = c.selected;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ width: '100%',
+ autoFocus: !0,
+ autoSelect: !0,
+ onEnter: (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ p.preventDefault(), u('submit', { entry: s[h] });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function C(p, N) {
+ return d(N);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ placeholder: 'Search...',
+ value: v,
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 26826: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Loadout = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = {
+ Default: (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ return m.gear.gear_tier - i.gear.gear_tier;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ Alphabetical: (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ return m.gear.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(i.gear.name.toLowerCase());
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ Cost: (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ return m.gear.cost - i.gear.cost;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ },
+ y = (r.Loadout = (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'search', !1),
+ h = v[0],
+ C = v[1],
+ p = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'searchText', ''),
+ N = p[0],
+ V = p[1],
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'category', Object.keys(d.gears)[0]),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'tweakedGear', ''),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 1105,
+ height: 650,
+ children: [
+ A && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { tweakedGear: A, setTweakedGear: x }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { category: I, setCategory: L }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '25%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { setTweakedGear: x }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '75%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, {
+ category: I,
+ search: h,
+ setSearch: C,
+ searchText: N,
+ setSearchText: V,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ B = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = m.category,
+ h = m.setCategory;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ style: { 'flex-wrap': 'wrap-reverse' },
+ children: Object.keys(d.gears).map(function (C) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: C === v,
+ style: { 'white-space': 'nowrap' },
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return h(C);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: C,
+ },
+ C
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = d.user_tier,
+ h = d.gear_slots,
+ C = d.max_gear_slots,
+ p = m.category,
+ N = m.search,
+ V = m.setSearch,
+ S = m.searchText,
+ I = m.setSearchText,
+ L = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'sortType', 'Default'),
+ w = L[0],
+ A = L[1],
+ x = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'sortReverse', !1),
+ E = x[0],
+ P = x[1],
+ D = (0, a.createSearch)(S, function (R) {
+ return R.name;
+ }),
+ M;
+ return (
+ S.length > 2
+ ? (M = Object.entries(d.gears)
+ .reduce(function (R, O) {
+ var F = O[0],
+ _ = O[1];
+ return R.concat(
+ Object.entries(_).map(function (U) {
+ var z = U[0],
+ $ = U[1];
+ return { key: z, gear: $ };
+ })
+ );
+ }, [])
+ .filter(function (R) {
+ var O = R.gear;
+ return D(O);
+ }))
+ : (M = Object.entries(d.gears[p]).map(function (R) {
+ var O = R[0],
+ F = R[1];
+ return { key: O, gear: F };
+ })),
+ M.sort(b[w]),
+ E && (M = M.reverse()),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: p,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ height: 1.66,
+ selected: w,
+ options: Object.keys(b),
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function R(O) {
+ return A(O);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: E ? 'arrow-down-wide-short' : 'arrow-down-short-wide',
+ tooltip: E ? 'Ascending order' : 'Descending order',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function R() {
+ return P(!E);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ N &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ width: 20,
+ placeholder: 'Search...',
+ value: S,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function R(O) {
+ return I(O.target.value);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'magnifying-glass',
+ selected: N,
+ tooltip: 'Toggle search field',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function R() {
+ V(!N), I('');
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: M.map(function (R) {
+ var O = R.key,
+ F = R.gear,
+ _ = 12,
+ U = Object.keys(d.selected_gears).includes(O),
+ z = F.cost === 1 ? F.cost + ' Point' : F.cost + ' Points',
+ $ = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: [
+ F.name.length > _ && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { children: F.name }),
+ F.gear_tier > v &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mt: F.name.length > _ && 1.5,
+ textColor: 'red',
+ children: 'That gear is only available at a higher donation tier than you are on.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ G = (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ F.allowed_roles &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ width: '22px',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'user',
+ tooltip: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ m: -1,
+ title: 'Allowed Roles',
+ children: F.allowed_roles.map(function (J) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { children: J }, J);
+ }),
+ }),
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ }),
+ Object.entries(F.tweaks).map(function (J) {
+ var se = J[0],
+ ie = J[1];
+ return ie.map(function (me) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button,
+ {
+ width: '22px',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: me.icon,
+ tooltip: me.tooltip,
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ },
+ se
+ );
+ });
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ width: '22px',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'info',
+ tooltip: F.desc,
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ X = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ class: 'Loadout-InfoBox',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ style: { 'flex-grow': 1 },
+ fontSize: 1,
+ color: 'gold',
+ opacity: 0.75,
+ children: F.gear_tier > 0 && 'Tier ' + F.gear_tier,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { fontSize: 0.75, opacity: 0.66, children: z }),
+ ],
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.ImageButton,
+ {
+ m: 0.5,
+ imageSize: 84,
+ dmIcon: F.icon,
+ dmIconState: F.icon_state,
+ tooltip: (F.name.length > _ || F.gear_tier > 0) && $,
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ selected: U,
+ disabled: F.gear_tier > v || (h + F.cost > C && !U),
+ buttons: G,
+ buttonsAlt: X,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function J() {
+ return s('toggle_gear', { gear: O });
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ children: F.name,
+ },
+ O
+ );
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ g = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = m.setTweakedGear,
+ h = Object.entries(d.gears).reduce(function (C, p) {
+ var N = p[0],
+ V = p[1],
+ S = Object.entries(V)
+ .filter(function (I) {
+ var L = I[0];
+ return Object.keys(d.selected_gears).includes(L);
+ })
+ .map(function (I) {
+ var L = I[0],
+ w = I[1];
+ return Object.assign({ key: L }, w);
+ });
+ return C.concat(S);
+ }, []);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Selected Equipment',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'trash',
+ tooltip: 'Clear Loadout',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return s('clear_loadout');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: h.map(function (C) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.ImageButton,
+ {
+ fluid: !0,
+ imageSize: 32,
+ dmIcon: C.icon,
+ dmIconState: C.icon_state,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ Object.entries(C.tweaks).length > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ translucent: !0,
+ icon: 'gears',
+ iconColor: 'gray',
+ width: '33px',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return v(C);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ translucent: !0,
+ icon: 'times',
+ iconColor: 'red',
+ width: '32px',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return s('toggle_gear', { gear: C.key });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ children: C.name,
+ },
+ C.key
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ value: d.gear_slots,
+ maxValue: d.max_gear_slots,
+ ranges: {
+ bad: [d.max_gear_slots, 1 / 0],
+ average: [d.max_gear_slots * 0.66, d.max_gear_slots],
+ good: [0, d.max_gear_slots * 0.66],
+ },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: ['Used points ', d.gear_slots, '/', d.max_gear_slots],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = m.tweakedGear,
+ h = m.setTweakedGear;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dimmer, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'Loadout-Modal__background',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ width: 20,
+ height: 20,
+ title: v.name,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: 'red',
+ icon: 'times',
+ tooltip: 'Close',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return h('');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: Object.entries(v.tweaks).map(function (C) {
+ var p = C[0],
+ N = C[1];
+ return N.map(function (V) {
+ var S = d.selected_gears[v.key][p];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: V.name,
+ color: S ? '' : 'gray',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'pen',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return s('set_tweak', { gear: v.key, tweak: p });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ S || 'Default',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ ml: 1,
+ width: 1,
+ height: 1,
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ style: { 'background-color': '' + S },
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ });
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 77613: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MODsuitContent = r.MODsuit = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = function (I, L) {
+ var w = I.name,
+ A = I.value,
+ x = I.module_ref,
+ E = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ P = E.act;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ value: A,
+ minValue: -50,
+ maxValue: 50,
+ stepPixelSize: 5,
+ width: '39px',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function D(M, R) {
+ return P('configure', { key: w, value: R, ref: x });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ b = function (I, L) {
+ var w = I.name,
+ A = I.value,
+ x = I.module_ref,
+ E = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ P = E.act;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: A,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return P('configure', { key: w, value: !A, ref: x });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (I, L) {
+ var w = I.name,
+ A = I.value,
+ x = I.module_ref,
+ E = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ P = E.act;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'paint-brush',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return P('configure', { key: w, ref: x });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ColorBox, { color: A, mr: 0.5 }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ B = function (I, L) {
+ var w = I.name,
+ A = I.value,
+ x = I.values,
+ E = I.module_ref,
+ P = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ D = P.act;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ displayText: A,
+ options: x,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function M(R) {
+ return D('configure', { key: w, value: R, ref: E });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (I, L) {
+ var w = I.name,
+ A = I.display_name,
+ x = I.type,
+ E = I.value,
+ P = I.values,
+ D = I.module_ref,
+ M = {
+ number: (0, e.normalizeProps)((0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, Object.assign({}, I))),
+ bool: (0, e.normalizeProps)((0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, Object.assign({}, I))),
+ color: (0, e.normalizeProps)((0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, Object.assign({}, I))),
+ list: (0, e.normalizeProps)((0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, Object.assign({}, I))),
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: [A, ': ', M[x]] });
+ },
+ g = function (I, L) {
+ var w = I.active,
+ A = I.userradiated,
+ x = I.usertoxins,
+ E = I.usermaxtoxins,
+ P = I.threatlevel;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Radiation Level',
+ color: w && A ? 'bad' : 'good',
+ children: w && A ? 'IRRADIATED!' : 'RADIATION-FREE',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Toxins Level',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? x / E : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: x }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Hazard Level',
+ color: w && P ? 'bad' : 'good',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: w && P ? P : 0,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (I, L) {
+ var w = I.active,
+ A = I.userhealth,
+ x = I.usermaxhealth,
+ E = I.userbrute,
+ P = I.userburn,
+ D = I.usertoxin,
+ M = I.useroxy;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Health',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? A / x : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.2] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? A : 0 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Brute',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? E / x : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? E : 0 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Burn',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? P / x : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? P : 0 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Toxin',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? D / x : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? D : 0 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Suffocation',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? M / x : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? M : 0 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ c = function (I, L) {
+ var w = I.active,
+ A = I.statustime,
+ x = I.statusid,
+ E = I.statushealth,
+ P = I.statusmaxhealth,
+ D = I.statusbrute,
+ M = I.statusburn,
+ R = I.statustoxin,
+ O = I.statusoxy,
+ F = I.statustemp,
+ _ = I.statusnutrition,
+ U = I.statusfingerprints,
+ z = I.statusdna,
+ $ = I.statusviruses;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Operation Time',
+ children: w ? A : '00:00:00',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Operation Number',
+ children: w ? x || '0' : '???',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Health',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? E / P : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.2] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? E : 0 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Brute',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? D / P : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? D : 0 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Burn',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? M / P : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? M : 0 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Toxin',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? R / P : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: R }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Suffocation',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: w ? O / P : 0,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: O }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Body Temperature',
+ children: w ? F : 0,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Nutrition Status',
+ children: w ? _ : 0,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'DNA',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Fingerprints',
+ children: w ? U : '???',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Unique Enzymes',
+ children: w ? z : '???',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!w &&
+ !!$ &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Diseases',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'signature',
+ tooltip: 'Name',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'wind',
+ tooltip: 'Type',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'bolt',
+ tooltip: 'Stage',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'flask',
+ tooltip: 'Cure',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ $.map(function (G) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: G.name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: G.type,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [G.stage, '/', G.maxstage],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: G.cure,
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ G.name
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ },
+ m = { rad_counter: g, health_analyzer: l, status_readout: c },
+ i = function () {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ align: 'center',
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { color: 'red', name: 'exclamation-triangle', size: 15 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '30px',
+ color: 'red',
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ u = function (I, L) {
+ var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ A = w.act,
+ x = w.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ fontSize: '16px',
+ color: 'blue',
+ children: 'SUIT UNPOWERED',
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ s = function (I, L) {
+ var w = I.configuration_data,
+ A = I.module_ref,
+ x = Object.keys(w);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ x.map(function (E) {
+ var P = w[E];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, {
+ name: E,
+ display_name: P.display_name,
+ type: P.type,
+ value: P.value,
+ values: P.values,
+ module_ref: A,
+ }),
+ },
+ P.key
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ onClick: I.onExit,
+ icon: 'times',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Exit',
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ d = function (I) {
+ switch (I) {
+ case 1:
+ return 'Use';
+ case 2:
+ return 'Toggle';
+ case 3:
+ return 'Select';
+ }
+ },
+ v = function (I, L) {
+ var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ A = w.act,
+ x = w.data,
+ E = x.active,
+ P = x.malfunctioning,
+ D = x.locked,
+ M = x.open,
+ R = x.selected_module,
+ O = x.complexity,
+ F = x.complexity_max,
+ _ = x.wearer_name,
+ U = x.wearer_job,
+ z = P ? 'Malfunctioning' : E ? 'Active' : 'Inactive';
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Parameters',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: E ? 'Deactivate' : 'Activate',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function $() {
+ return A('activate');
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: z,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'ID Lock',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: D ? 'lock-open' : 'lock',
+ content: D ? 'Unlock' : 'Lock',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function $() {
+ return A('lock');
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: D ? 'Locked' : 'Unlocked',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cover',
+ children: M ? 'Open' : 'Closed',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Selected Module',
+ children: R || 'None',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Complexity',
+ children: [O, ' (', F, ')'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Occupant', children: [_, ', ', U] }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ h = function (I, L) {
+ var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ A = w.act,
+ x = w.data,
+ E = x.active,
+ P = x.control,
+ D = x.helmet,
+ M = x.chestplate,
+ R = x.gauntlets,
+ O = x.boots,
+ F = x.core,
+ _ = x.charge;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Hardware',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
+ title: 'Parts',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Control Unit', children: P }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Helmet', children: D || 'None' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Chestplate',
+ children: M || 'None',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Gauntlets',
+ children: R || 'None',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Boots', children: O || 'None' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
+ title: 'Core',
+ children:
+ (F &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Core Type', children: F }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Core Charge',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: _ / 100,
+ content: _ + '%',
+ ranges: { good: [0.6, 1 / 0], average: [0.3, 0.6], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.3] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'No Core Detected',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ C = function (I, L) {
+ var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ A = w.act,
+ x = w.data,
+ E = x.active,
+ P = x.modules,
+ D = P.filter(function (M) {
+ return !!M.id;
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Info',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children:
+ (D.length !== 0 &&
+ D.map(function (M) {
+ var R = m[M.id];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: [
+ !E && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u),
+ (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, R, Object.assign({}, M, { active: E }))
+ ),
+ ],
+ },
+ M.ref
+ );
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'No Info Modules Detected',
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ p = function (I, L) {
+ var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ A = w.act,
+ x = w.data,
+ E = x.complexity_max,
+ P = x.modules,
+ D = (0, a.useLocalState)(L, 'module_configuration', null),
+ M = D[0],
+ R = D[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Modules',
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children:
+ (P.length !== 0 &&
+ P.map(function (O) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
+ title: O.module_name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ M === O.ref &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ configuration_data: O.configuration_data,
+ module_ref: O.ref,
+ onExit: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return R(null);
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'save',
+ tooltip: 'Complexity',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'plug',
+ tooltip: 'Idle Power Cost',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'lightbulb',
+ tooltip: 'Active Power Cost',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'bolt',
+ tooltip: 'Use Power Cost',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'hourglass-half',
+ tooltip: 'Cooldown',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'tasks',
+ tooltip: 'Actions',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [O.module_complexity, '/', E],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: O.idle_power,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: O.active_power,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: O.use_power,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (O.cooldown > 0 && O.cooldown / 10) || '0',
+ '/',
+ O.cooldown_time / 10,
+ 's',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return A('select', { ref: O.ref });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'bullseye',
+ selected: O.module_active,
+ tooltip: d(O.module_type),
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ disabled: !O.module_type,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return R(O.ref);
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: M === O.ref,
+ tooltip: 'Configure',
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ disabled: O.configuration_data.length === 0,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return A('pin', { ref: O.ref });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'thumbtack',
+ selected: O.pinned,
+ tooltip: 'Pin',
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ disabled: !O.module_type,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: O.description }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ O.ref
+ );
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'No Modules Detected',
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ N = (r.MODsuitContent = (function () {
+ function S(I, L) {
+ var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ A = w.act,
+ x = w.data,
+ E = x.ui_theme,
+ P = x.interface_break;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !P,
+ children:
+ (!!P && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i)) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, p),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })()),
+ V = (r.MODsuit = (function () {
+ function S(I, L) {
+ var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
+ A = w.act,
+ x = w.data,
+ E = x.ui_theme,
+ P = x.interface_break;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ theme: E,
+ width: 400,
+ height: 620,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, N),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })());
+ },
+ 78624: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MagnetController = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = n(3939),
+ y = new Map([
+ ['n', { icon: 'arrow-up', tooltip: 'Move North' }],
+ ['e', { icon: 'arrow-right', tooltip: 'Move East' }],
+ ['s', { icon: 'arrow-down', tooltip: 'Move South' }],
+ ['w', { icon: 'arrow-left', tooltip: 'Move West' }],
+ ['c', { icon: 'crosshairs', tooltip: 'Move to Magnet' }],
+ ['r', { icon: 'dice', tooltip: 'Move Randomly' }],
+ ]),
+ B = (r.MagnetController = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.autolink,
+ s = i.code,
+ d = i.frequency,
+ v = i.linkedMagnets,
+ h = i.magnetConfiguration,
+ C = i.path,
+ p = i.pathPosition,
+ N = i.probing,
+ V = i.powerState,
+ S = i.speed;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 600,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ !u &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Probe',
+ icon: N ? 'spinner' : 'sync',
+ iconSpin: !!N,
+ disabled: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return m('probe_magnets');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ title: 'Magnet Linking',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Frequency',
+ children: (0, a.toFixed)(d / 10, 1),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Code', children: s }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: V ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: V ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: V,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return m('toggle_power');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ title: 'Controller Configuration',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Speed',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
+ value: S.value,
+ minValue: S.min,
+ maxValue: S.max,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function I(L, w) {
+ return m('set_speed', { speed: w });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Path',
+ children: [
+ Array.from(y.entries()).map(function (I) {
+ var L = I[0],
+ w = I[1],
+ A = w.icon,
+ x = w.tooltip;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button,
+ {
+ icon: A,
+ tooltip: x,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return m('path_add', { code: L });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ },
+ L
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'trash',
+ confirmIcon: 'trash',
+ confirmContent: '',
+ float: 'right',
+ tooltip: 'Reset Path',
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return m('path_clear');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'file-import',
+ float: 'right',
+ tooltip: 'Manually input path',
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return (0, b.modalOpen)(l, 'path_custom_input');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.BlockQuote, {
+ children: C.map(function (I, L) {
+ var w = y.get(I) || { icon: 'question' },
+ A = w.icon,
+ x = w.tooltip;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button.Confirm,
+ {
+ selected: L + 2 === p,
+ icon: A,
+ confirmIcon: A,
+ confirmContent: '',
+ tooltip: x,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return m('path_remove', { index: L + 1, code: I });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ },
+ L
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ v.map(function (I, L) {
+ var w = I.uid,
+ A = I.powerState,
+ x = I.electricityLevel,
+ E = I.magneticField;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ {
+ title: 'Magnet #' + (L + 1) + ' Configuration',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: A ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: A ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: A,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return m('toggle_magnet_power', { id: w });
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Move Speed',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
+ value: x,
+ minValue: h.electricityLevel.min,
+ maxValue: h.electricityLevel.max,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function P(D, M) {
+ return m('set_electricity_level', { id: w, electricityLevel: M });
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Field Size',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
+ value: E,
+ minValue: h.magneticField.min,
+ maxValue: h.magneticField.max,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function P(D, M) {
+ return m('set_magnetic_field', { id: w, magneticField: M });
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })());
+ },
+ 72106: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MechBayConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.MechBayConsole = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.recharge_port,
+ m = c && c.mech,
+ i = m && m.cell,
+ u = m && m.name;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 155,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: u ? 'Mech status: ' + u : 'Mech status',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Sync',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('reconnect');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Integrity',
+ children:
+ (!c &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children: 'No power port detected. Please re-sync.',
+ })) ||
+ (!m && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No mech detected.' })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: m.health / m.maxhealth,
+ ranges: { good: [0.7, 1 / 0], average: [0.3, 0.7], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.3] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power',
+ children:
+ (!c &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children: 'No power port detected. Please re-sync.',
+ })) ||
+ (!m && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No mech detected.' })) ||
+ (!i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No cell is installed.' })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: i.charge / i.maxcharge,
+ ranges: { good: [0.7, 1 / 0], average: [0.3, 0.7], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.3] },
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: i.charge }),
+ ' / ' + i.maxcharge,
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 7466: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MechaControlConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = n(25328),
+ y = (r.MechaControlConsole = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, t.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.beacons,
+ u = m.stored_data;
+ return u.length
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 420,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Log',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'window-close',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return c('clear_log');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: u.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: ['(', s.time, ')'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: (0, b.decodeHtmlEntities)(s.message),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ s.time
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 420,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children:
+ (i.length &&
+ i.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ {
+ title: s.name,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'comment',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('send_message', { mt: s.uid });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Message',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'eye',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('get_log', { mt: s.uid });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ children: 'View Log',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ color: 'red',
+ content: 'Sabotage',
+ icon: 'bomb',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('shock', { mt: s.uid });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ ranges: {
+ good: [s.maxHealth * 0.75, 1 / 0],
+ average: [s.maxHealth * 0.5, s.maxHealth * 0.75],
+ bad: [-1 / 0, s.maxHealth * 0.5],
+ },
+ value: s.health,
+ maxValue: s.maxHealth,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cell Charge',
+ children:
+ (s.cell &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ ranges: {
+ good: [s.cellMaxCharge * 0.75, 1 / 0],
+ average: [s.cellMaxCharge * 0.5, s.cellMaxCharge * 0.75],
+ bad: [-1 / 0, s.cellMaxCharge * 0.5],
+ },
+ value: s.cellCharge,
+ maxValue: s.cellMaxCharge,
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, {
+ children: 'No Cell Installed',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Air Tank',
+ children: [s.airtank, 'kPa'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pilot',
+ children: s.pilot || 'Unoccupied',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Location',
+ children: (0, b.toTitleCase)(s.location) || 'Unknown',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Active Equipment',
+ children: s.active || 'None',
+ }),
+ (s.cargoMax &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cargo Space',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ ranges: {
+ bad: [s.cargoMax * 0.75, 1 / 0],
+ average: [s.cargoMax * 0.5, s.cargoMax * 0.75],
+ good: [-1 / 0, s.cargoMax * 0.5],
+ },
+ value: s.cargoUsed,
+ maxValue: s.cargoMax,
+ }),
+ })) ||
+ null,
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ s.name
+ );
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, { children: 'No mecha beacons found.' }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 79625: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MedicalRecords = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(3939),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = n(321),
+ B = n(5485),
+ k = n(22091),
+ g = {
+ Minor: 'lightgray',
+ Medium: 'good',
+ Harmful: 'average',
+ 'Dangerous!': 'bad',
+ 'BIOHAZARD THREAT!': 'darkred',
+ },
+ l = {
+ '*Deceased*': 'deceased',
+ '*SSD*': 'ssd',
+ 'Physically Unfit': 'physically_unfit',
+ Disabled: 'disabled',
+ },
+ c = function (A, x) {
+ (0, f.modalOpen)(A, 'edit', { field: x.edit, value: x.value });
+ },
+ m = function (A, x) {
+ var E = A.args;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ m: '-1rem',
+ pb: '1.5rem',
+ title: E.name || 'Virus',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mx: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Number of stages',
+ children: E.max_stages,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Spread',
+ children: [E.spread_text, ' Transmission'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Possible cure', children: E.cure }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Notes', children: E.desc }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Severity',
+ color: g[E.severity],
+ children: E.severity,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = (r.MedicalRecords = (function () {
+ function w(A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.data,
+ D = P.loginState,
+ M = P.screen;
+ if (!D.logged_in)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 900,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LoginScreen),
+ }),
+ });
+ var R;
+ return (
+ M === 2
+ ? (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u))
+ : M === 3
+ ? (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s))
+ : M === 4
+ ? (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d))
+ : M === 5
+ ? (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, p))
+ : M === 6
+ ? (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, N))
+ : M === 7 && (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, V)),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 900,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LoginInfo),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.TemporaryNotice),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, L),
+ R,
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return w;
+ })()),
+ u = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.act,
+ D = E.data,
+ M = D.records,
+ R = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'searchText', ''),
+ O = R[0],
+ F = R[1],
+ _ = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortId', 'name'),
+ U = _[0],
+ z = _[1],
+ $ = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ G = $[0],
+ X = $[1];
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Manage Records',
+ icon: 'wrench',
+ ml: '0.25rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function J() {
+ return P('screen', { screen: 3 });
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ placeholder: 'Search by Name, ID, Physical Status, or Mental Status',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function J(se, ie) {
+ return F(ie);
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'MedicalRecords__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { id: 'id', children: 'ID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { id: 'rank', children: 'Assignment' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { id: 'p_stat', children: 'Patient Status' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { id: 'm_stat', children: 'Mental Status' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ M.filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(O, function (J) {
+ return J.name + '|' + J.id + '|' + J.rank + '|' + J.p_stat + '|' + J.m_stat;
+ })
+ )
+ .sort(function (J, se) {
+ var ie = G ? 1 : -1;
+ return J[U].localeCompare(se[U]) * ie;
+ })
+ .map(function (J) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ className: 'MedicalRecords__listRow--' + l[J.p_stat],
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function se() {
+ return P('view_record', { view_record: J.ref });
+ }
+ return se;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'user' }), ' ', J.name],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: J.id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: J.rank }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: J.p_stat }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: J.m_stat }),
+ ],
+ },
+ J.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ s = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.act;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ icon: 'download',
+ content: 'Backup to Disk',
+ disabled: !0,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ icon: 'upload',
+ content: 'Upload from Disk',
+ my: '0.5rem',
+ disabled: !0,
+ }),
+ ' ',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ icon: 'trash',
+ content: 'Delete All Medical Records',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return P('del_all_med_records');
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ d = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.act,
+ D = E.data,
+ M = D.medical,
+ R = D.printing;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ height: '235px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'General Data',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: R ? 'spinner' : 'print',
+ disabled: R,
+ iconSpin: !!R,
+ content: 'Print Record',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return P('print_record');
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !M || !M.fields
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Medical Data',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'pen',
+ content: 'Create New Record',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return P('new_med_record');
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.75,
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'scroll', size: 5, color: 'gray' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Medical records lost!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Medical Data',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'trash',
+ disabled: !!M.empty,
+ content: 'Delete Medical Record',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return P('del_med_record');
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ },
+ v = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.data,
+ D = P.general;
+ return !D || !D.fields
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: 'General records lost!',
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: D.fields.map(function (M, R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: M.field,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ height: '20px',
+ inline: !0,
+ children: M.value,
+ }),
+ !!M.edit &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'pen',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return c(x, M);
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ R
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!D.has_photos &&
+ D.photos.map(function (M, R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ inline: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ ml: 0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: M,
+ style: {
+ width: '96px',
+ 'margin-top': '2.5rem',
+ 'margin-bottom': '0.5rem',
+ '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
+ 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Photo #',
+ R + 1,
+ ],
+ },
+ R
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ h = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.act,
+ D = E.data,
+ M = D.medical;
+ return !M || !M.fields
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: 'Medical records lost!',
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: M.fields.map(function (R, O) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: R.field,
+ preserveWhitespace: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, a.decodeHtmlEntities)(R.value),
+ !!R.edit &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'pen',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ mb: R.line_break ? '1rem' : 'initial',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return c(x, R);
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ O
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ C = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.act,
+ D = E.data,
+ M = D.medical;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ height: '150px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Comments/Log',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'comment',
+ content: 'Add Entry',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function R() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(x, 'add_comment');
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children:
+ M.comments.length === 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'No comments found.' })
+ : M.comments.map(function (R, O) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ inline: !0,
+ children: R.header,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ R.text,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'comment-slash',
+ color: 'bad',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return P('del_comment', { del_comment: O + 1 });
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ O
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ p = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.act,
+ D = E.data,
+ M = D.virus,
+ R = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'searchText', ''),
+ O = R[0],
+ F = R[1],
+ _ = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortId2', 'name'),
+ U = _[0],
+ z = _[1],
+ $ = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortOrder2', !0),
+ G = $[0],
+ X = $[1];
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ ml: '0.25rem',
+ fluid: !0,
+ placeholder: 'Search by Name, Max Stages, or Severity',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function J(se, ie) {
+ return F(ie);
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'MedicalRecords__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, I, { id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, I, { id: 'max_stages', children: 'Max Stages' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, I, { id: 'severity', children: 'Severity' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ M.filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(O, function (J) {
+ return J.name + '|' + J.max_stages + '|' + J.severity;
+ })
+ )
+ .sort(function (J, se) {
+ var ie = G ? 1 : -1;
+ return J[U].localeCompare(se[U]) * ie;
+ })
+ .map(function (J) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ className: 'MedicalRecords__listVirus--' + J.severity,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function se() {
+ return P('vir', { vir: J.D });
+ }
+ return se;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'virus' }),
+ ' ',
+ J.name,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: J.max_stages }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ color: g[J.severity],
+ children: J.severity,
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ J.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ N = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.act,
+ D = E.data,
+ M = D.goals;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Virology Goals',
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children:
+ (M.length !== 0 &&
+ M.map(function (R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: R.name,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ value: R.delivered,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: R.deliverygoal,
+ ranges: {
+ good: [R.deliverygoal * 0.5, 1 / 0],
+ average: [R.deliverygoal * 0.25, R.deliverygoal * 0.5],
+ bad: [-1 / 0, R.deliverygoal * 0.25],
+ },
+ children: [R.delivered, ' / ', R.deliverygoal, ' Units'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { children: R.report }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ R.id
+ );
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'No Goals Detected',
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ V = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.act,
+ D = E.data,
+ M = D.medbots;
+ return M.length === 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.75,
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'robot', size: 5, color: 'gray' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'There are no Medibots.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'MedicalRecords__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Area' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Chemicals' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ M.map(function (R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ className: 'MedicalRecords__listMedbot--' + R.on,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'medical' }),
+ ' ',
+ R.name,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [R.area || 'Unknown', ' (', R.x, ', ', R.y, ')'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: R.on
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'good', children: 'Online' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'Offline',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: R.use_beaker
+ ? 'Reservoir: ' + R.total_volume + '/' + R.maximum_volume
+ : 'Using internal synthesizer',
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ R.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ S = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortId', 'name'),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1],
+ M = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ R = M[0],
+ O = M[1],
+ F = A.id,
+ _ = A.children;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: P !== F && 'transparent',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ P === F ? O(!R) : (D(F), O(!0));
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ _,
+ P === F &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: R ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ I = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortId2', 'name'),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1],
+ M = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortOrder2', !0),
+ R = M[0],
+ O = M[1],
+ F = A.id,
+ _ = A.children;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: P !== F && 'transparent',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ P === F ? O(!R) : (D(F), O(!0));
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ _,
+ P === F &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: R ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ L = function (A, x) {
+ var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
+ P = E.act,
+ D = E.data,
+ M = D.screen,
+ R = D.general;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ m: 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'list',
+ selected: M === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ P('screen', { screen: 2 });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: 'List Records',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'database',
+ selected: M === 5,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ P('screen', { screen: 5 });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Virus Database',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'vial',
+ selected: M === 6,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ P('screen', { screen: 6 });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Virology Goals',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'plus-square',
+ selected: M === 7,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return P('screen', { screen: 7 });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Medibot Tracking',
+ }),
+ M === 3 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'wrench',
+ selected: M === 3,
+ children: 'Record Maintenance',
+ }),
+ M === 4 &&
+ R &&
+ !R.empty &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'file',
+ selected: M === 4,
+ children: ['Record: ', R.fields[0].value],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ (0, f.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('virus', m);
+ },
+ 54989: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MerchVendor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = g.product,
+ s = g.productImage,
+ d = g.productCategory,
+ v = i.user_money;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + s,
+ style: { 'vertical-align': 'middle', width: '32px', margin: '0px', 'margin-left': '0px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: u.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: u.price > v,
+ icon: 'shopping-cart',
+ content: u.price,
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('purchase', { name: u.name, category: d });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ b = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.data,
+ i = (0, a.useLocalState)(l, 'tabIndex', 1),
+ u = i[0],
+ s = m.products,
+ d = m.imagelist,
+ v = ['apparel', 'toy', 'decoration'];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: s[v[u]].map(function (h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f,
+ { product: h, productImage: d[h.path], productCategory: v[u] },
+ h.name
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ y = (r.MerchVendor = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.user_cash,
+ s = i.inserted_cash;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ title: 'Merch Computer',
+ width: 450,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'User',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'light-grey',
+ inline: !0,
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ children: ['There is ', (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, s, 0), ' credits inserted.'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !s,
+ icon: 'money-bill-wave-alt',
+ content: 'Dispense Change',
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('change');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ 'Doing your job and not getting any recognition at work? Well, welcome to the merch shop! Here, you can buy cool things in exchange for money you earn when you have completed your Job Objectives.',
+ u !== null &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ 'Your balance is ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, [u || 0, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' credits')], 0),
+ '.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Products',
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b)],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.data,
+ i = (0, a.useLocalState)(l, 'tabIndex', 1),
+ u = i[0],
+ s = i[1],
+ d = m.login_state;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'dice',
+ selected: u === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return s(1);
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Toys',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'flag',
+ selected: u === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return s(2);
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Decorations',
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 87684: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MiningVendor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = ['title', 'items', 'gridLayout'];
+ function y(i, u) {
+ if (i == null) return {};
+ var s = {};
+ for (var d in i)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(i, d)) {
+ if (u.includes(d)) continue;
+ s[d] = i[d];
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ var B = {
+ Alphabetical: (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ return u - s;
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ Availability: (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ return -(u.affordable - s.affordable);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ Price: (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ return u.price - s.price;
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ },
+ k = (r.MiningVendor = (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'gridLayout', !1),
+ v = d[0],
+ h = d[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 525,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { gridLayout: v, setGridLayout: h }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { gridLayout: v }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ g = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.has_id,
+ p = h.id;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, {
+ success: C,
+ children: C
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ style: { float: 'left' },
+ children: [
+ 'Logged in as ',
+ p.name,
+ '.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'You have ',
+ p.points.toLocaleString('en-US'),
+ ' points.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject ID',
+ style: { float: 'right' },
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return v('logoff');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { style: { clear: 'both' } }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ : 'Please insert an ID in order to make purchases.',
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.has_id,
+ p = h.id,
+ N = h.items,
+ V = u.gridLayout,
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'search', ''),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'sort', 'Alphabetical'),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'descending', !1),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1],
+ M = (0, a.createSearch)(I, function (F) {
+ return F[0];
+ }),
+ R = !1,
+ O = Object.entries(N).map(function (F, _) {
+ var U = Object.entries(F[1])
+ .filter(M)
+ .map(function (z) {
+ return (z[1].affordable = C && p.points >= z[1].price), z[1];
+ })
+ .sort(B[A]);
+ if (U.length !== 0)
+ return (
+ P && (U = U.reverse()),
+ (R = !0),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { title: F[0], items: U, gridLayout: V }, F[0])
+ );
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: R
+ ? O
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'No items matching your criteria was found!',
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (u, s) {
+ var d = u.gridLayout,
+ v = u.setGridLayout,
+ h = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'search', ''),
+ C = h[0],
+ p = h[1],
+ N = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'sort', ''),
+ V = N[0],
+ S = N[1],
+ I = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'descending', !1),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ mt: 0.2,
+ placeholder: 'Search by item name..',
+ width: '100%',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function A(x, E) {
+ return p(E);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: d ? 'list' : 'table-cells-large',
+ height: 1.75,
+ tooltip: d ? 'Toggle List Layout' : 'Toggle Grid Layout',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return v(!d);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '30%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ selected: 'Alphabetical',
+ options: Object.keys(B),
+ width: '100%',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function A(x) {
+ return S(x);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: L ? 'arrow-down' : 'arrow-up',
+ height: 1.75,
+ tooltip: L ? 'Descending order' : 'Ascending order',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return w(!L);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = u.title,
+ p = u.items,
+ N = u.gridLayout,
+ V = y(u, b);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Collapsible,
+ Object.assign({ open: !0, title: C }, V, {
+ children: p.map(function (S) {
+ return N
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.ImageButton,
+ {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ imageSize: 57.5,
+ dmIcon: S.icon,
+ dmIconState: S.icon_state,
+ disabled: !h.has_id || h.id.points < S.price,
+ tooltip: S.name,
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('purchase', { cat: C, name: S.name });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ children: S.price.toLocaleString('en-US'),
+ },
+ S.name
+ )
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.ImageButton,
+ {
+ fluid: !0,
+ mb: 0.5,
+ imageSize: 32,
+ dmIcon: S.icon,
+ dmIconState: S.icon_state,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ translucent: !0,
+ width: 3.75,
+ disabled: !h.has_id || h.id.points < S.price,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('purchase', { cat: C, name: S.name });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ children: S.price.toLocaleString('en-US'),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { textAlign: 'left', children: S.name }),
+ },
+ S.name
+ );
+ }),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 59783: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NTRecruiter = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.NTRecruiter = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.gamestatus,
+ m = l.cand_name,
+ i = l.cand_birth,
+ u = l.cand_age,
+ s = l.cand_species,
+ d = l.cand_planet,
+ v = l.cand_job,
+ h = l.cand_records,
+ C = l.cand_curriculum,
+ p = l.total_curriculums,
+ N = l.reason;
+ if (c === 0)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 550,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ pt: '45%',
+ fontSize: '31px',
+ color: 'white',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'Nanotrasen Recruiter Simulator',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ pt: '1%',
+ fontSize: '16px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Work as the Nanotrasen recruiter and avoid hiring incompetent employees!',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ lineHeight: 2,
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'play',
+ color: 'green',
+ content: 'Begin Shift',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return g('start_game');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ lineHeight: 2,
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'info',
+ color: 'blue',
+ content: 'Guide',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return g('instructions');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ if (c === 1)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 550,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ color: 'grey',
+ title: 'Guide',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ content: 'Main Menu',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return g('back_to_menu');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '1#',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: [
+ 'To win this game you must hire/dismiss ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, p, 0),
+ ' candidates, one wrongly made choice leads to a game over.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '2#',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children:
+ 'Make the right choice by truly putting yourself into the skin of a recruiter working for Nanotrasen!',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '3#',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Unique', 16),
+ ' characters may appear, pay attention to them!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '4#',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children:
+ 'Make sure to pay attention to details like age, planet names, the requested job and even the species of the candidate!',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '5#',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: [
+ 'Not every employment record is good, remember to make your choice based on the ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'company morals', 16),
+ '!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '6#',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children:
+ "The planet of origin has no restriction on the species of the candidate, don't think too much when you see humans that came from Boron!",
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '7#',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: [
+ 'Pay attention to ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'typos', 16),
+ ' and ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'missing words', 16),
+ ', these do make for bad applications!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '8#',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: [
+ 'Remember, you are recruiting people to work at one of the many NT stations, so no hiring for',
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'jobs', 16),
+ ' that they ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, "don't offer", 16),
+ '!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '9#',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: [
+ 'Keep your eyes open for incompatible ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'naming schemes', 16),
+ ', no company wants a Vox named Joe!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '10#',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: [
+ 'For some unknown reason ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'clowns', 16),
+ ' are never denied by the company, no matter what.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ if (c === 2)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 550,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ color: 'label',
+ fontSize: '14px',
+ title: 'Employment Applications',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '24px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'silver',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: ['Candidate Number #', C],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Name',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, m, 0),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Species',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, s, 0),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Age',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, u, 0),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Date of Birth',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, i, 0),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Planet of Origin',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, d, 0),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Requested Job',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, v, 0),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Employment Records',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, h, 0),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Stamp the application!',
+ color: 'grey',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: 'red',
+ content: 'Dismiss',
+ fontSize: '150%',
+ icon: 'ban',
+ lineHeight: 4.5,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return g('dismiss');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: 'green',
+ content: 'Hire',
+ fontSize: '150%',
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-up',
+ lineHeight: 4.5,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return g('hire');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ if (c === 3)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 550,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ pt: '40%',
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ color: 'red',
+ fontSize: '50px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'Game Over',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ fontSize: '15px',
+ color: 'label',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: N,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ color: 'blue',
+ fontSize: '20px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ pt: '10px',
+ children: ['FINAL SCORE: ', C - 1, '/', p],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ lineHeight: 4,
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ content: 'Main Menu',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return g('back_to_menu');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 64713: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Newscaster = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(76910),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = n(3939),
+ B = n(22091),
+ k = ['icon', 'iconSpin', 'selected', 'security', 'onClick', 'title', 'children'],
+ g = ['name'];
+ function l(I, L) {
+ if (I == null) return {};
+ var w = {};
+ for (var A in I)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(I, A)) {
+ if (L.includes(A)) continue;
+ w[A] = I[A];
+ }
+ return w;
+ }
+ var c = 128,
+ m = ['security', 'engineering', 'medical', 'science', 'service', 'supply'],
+ i = {
+ security: { title: 'Security', fluff_text: 'Help keep the crew safe' },
+ engineering: { title: 'Engineering', fluff_text: 'Ensure the station runs smoothly' },
+ medical: { title: 'Medical', fluff_text: 'Practice medicine and save lives' },
+ science: { title: 'Science', fluff_text: 'Develop new technologies' },
+ service: { title: 'Service', fluff_text: 'Provide amenities to the crew' },
+ supply: { title: 'Supply', fluff_text: 'Keep the station supplied' },
+ },
+ u = (r.Newscaster = (function () {
+ function I(L, w) {
+ var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = E.is_security,
+ D = E.is_admin,
+ M = E.is_silent,
+ R = E.is_printing,
+ O = E.screen,
+ F = E.channels,
+ _ = E.channel_idx,
+ U = _ === void 0 ? -1 : _,
+ z = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'menuOpen', !1),
+ $ = z[0],
+ G = z[1],
+ X = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
+ J = X[0],
+ se = X[1],
+ ie = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'censorMode', !1),
+ me = ie[0],
+ q = ie[1],
+ re;
+ O === 0 || O === 2
+ ? (re = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d))
+ : O === 1 && (re = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v));
+ var ae = F.reduce(function (le, Z) {
+ return le + Z.unread;
+ }, 0);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ theme: P && 'security',
+ width: 800,
+ height: 600,
+ children: [
+ J
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, p)
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.ComplexModal, {
+ maxWidth: window.innerWidth / 1.5 + 'px',
+ maxHeight: window.innerHeight / 1.5 + 'px',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['Newscaster__menu', $ && 'Newscaster__menu--open']),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ icon: 'bars',
+ title: 'Toggle Menu',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function le() {
+ return G(!$);
+ }
+ return le;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ icon: 'newspaper',
+ title: 'Headlines',
+ selected: O === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function le() {
+ return x('headlines');
+ }
+ return le;
+ })(),
+ children:
+ ae > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'Newscaster__menuButton--unread',
+ children: ae >= 10 ? '9+' : ae,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ icon: 'briefcase',
+ title: 'Job Openings',
+ selected: O === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function le() {
+ return x('jobs');
+ }
+ return le;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: F.map(function (le) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ s,
+ {
+ icon: le.icon,
+ title: le.name,
+ selected: O === 2 && F[U - 1] === le,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function Z() {
+ return x('channel', { uid: le.uid });
+ }
+ return Z;
+ })(),
+ children:
+ le.unread > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'Newscaster__menuButton--unread',
+ children: le.unread >= 10 ? '9+' : le.unread,
+ }),
+ },
+ le
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
+ (!!P || !!D) &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ security: !0,
+ icon: 'exclamation-circle',
+ title: 'Edit Wanted Notice',
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function le() {
+ return (0, y.modalOpen)(w, 'wanted_notice');
+ }
+ return le;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ security: !0,
+ icon: me ? 'minus-square' : 'minus-square-o',
+ title: 'Censor Mode: ' + (me ? 'On' : 'Off'),
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function le() {
+ return q(!me);
+ }
+ return le;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ icon: 'pen-alt',
+ title: 'New Story',
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function le() {
+ return (0, y.modalOpen)(w, 'create_story');
+ }
+ return le;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ icon: 'plus-circle',
+ title: 'New Channel',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function le() {
+ return (0, y.modalOpen)(w, 'create_channel');
+ }
+ return le;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ icon: R ? 'spinner' : 'print',
+ iconSpin: R,
+ title: R ? 'Printing...' : 'Print Newspaper',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function le() {
+ return x('print_newspaper');
+ }
+ return le;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
+ icon: M ? 'volume-mute' : 'volume-up',
+ title: 'Mute: ' + (M ? 'On' : 'Off'),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function le() {
+ return x('toggle_mute');
+ }
+ return le;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ width: '100%',
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.TemporaryNotice), re],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })()),
+ s = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = L.icon,
+ P = E === void 0 ? '' : E,
+ D = L.iconSpin,
+ M = L.selected,
+ R = M === void 0 ? !1 : M,
+ O = L.security,
+ F = O === void 0 ? !1 : O,
+ _ = L.onClick,
+ U = L.title,
+ z = L.children,
+ $ = l(L, k);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ className: (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Newscaster__menuButton',
+ R && 'Newscaster__menuButton--selected',
+ F && 'Newscaster__menuButton--security',
+ ]),
+ onClick: _,
+ },
+ $,
+ {
+ children: [
+ R &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { className: 'Newscaster__menuButton--selectedBar' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: P, spin: D, size: '2' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'Newscaster__menuButton--title',
+ children: U,
+ }),
+ z,
+ ],
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ d = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = E.screen,
+ D = E.is_admin,
+ M = E.channel_idx,
+ R = E.channel_can_manage,
+ O = E.channels,
+ F = E.stories,
+ _ = E.wanted,
+ U = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'fullStories', []),
+ z = U[0],
+ $ = U[1],
+ G = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'censorMode', !1),
+ X = G[0],
+ J = G[1],
+ se = P === 2 && M > -1 ? O[M - 1] : null;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ !!_ && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, { story: _, wanted: !0 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: se ? se.icon : 'newspaper', mr: '0.5rem' }),
+ se ? se.name : 'Headlines',
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ children:
+ F.length > 0
+ ? F.slice()
+ .reverse()
+ .map(function (ie) {
+ return !z.includes(ie.uid) && ie.body.length + 3 > c
+ ? Object.assign({}, ie, { body_short: ie.body.substr(0, c - 4) + '...' })
+ : ie;
+ })
+ .map(function (ie, me) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, { story: ie }, me);
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'Newscaster__emptyNotice',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'times', size: '3' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'There are no stories at this time.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!se &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ height: '40%',
+ title: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'info-circle', mr: '0.5rem' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('About'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ X &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: !!se.admin && !D,
+ selected: se.censored,
+ icon: se.censored ? 'comment-slash' : 'comment',
+ content: se.censored ? 'Uncensor Channel' : 'Censor Channel',
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function ie() {
+ return x('censor_channel', { uid: se.uid });
+ }
+ return ie;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: !R,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ content: 'Manage',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function ie() {
+ return (0, y.modalOpen)(w, 'manage_channel', { uid: se.uid });
+ }
+ return ie;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Description',
+ children: se.description || 'N/A',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Owner',
+ children: se.author || 'N/A',
+ }),
+ !!D &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Ckey',
+ children: se.author_ckey,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Public',
+ children: se.public ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Total Views',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'eye', mr: '0.5rem' }),
+ F.reduce(function (ie, me) {
+ return ie + me.view_count;
+ }, 0).toLocaleString(),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ v = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = E.jobs,
+ D = E.wanted,
+ M = Object.entries(P).reduce(function (R, O) {
+ var F = O[0],
+ _ = O[1];
+ return R + _.length;
+ }, 0);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ !!D && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, { story: D, wanted: !0 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'briefcase', mr: '0.5rem' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Job Openings'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mt: '0.25rem',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Work for a better future at Nanotrasen',
+ }),
+ children:
+ M > 0
+ ? m
+ .map(function (R) {
+ return Object.assign({}, i[R], { id: R, jobs: P[R] });
+ })
+ .filter(function (R) {
+ return !!R && R.jobs.length > 0;
+ })
+ .map(function (R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ {
+ className: (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Newscaster__jobCategory',
+ 'Newscaster__jobCategory--' + R.id,
+ ]),
+ title: R.title,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mt: '0.25rem',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: R.fluff_text,
+ }),
+ children: R.jobs.map(function (O) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ {
+ class: (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Newscaster__jobOpening',
+ !!O.is_command && 'Newscaster__jobOpening--command',
+ ]),
+ children: ['\u2022 ', O.title],
+ },
+ O.title
+ );
+ }),
+ },
+ R.id
+ );
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'Newscaster__emptyNotice',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'times', size: '3' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'There are no openings at this time.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ height: '17%',
+ children: [
+ 'Interested in serving Nanotrasen?',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Sign up for any of the above position now at the ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, "Head of Personnel's Office!", 16),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'small',
+ color: 'label',
+ children:
+ 'By signing up for a job at Nanotrasen, you agree to transfer your soul to the loyalty department of the omnipresent and helpful watcher of humanity.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ h = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = L.story,
+ D = L.wanted,
+ M = D === void 0 ? !1 : D,
+ R = E.is_admin,
+ O = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'fullStories', []),
+ F = O[0],
+ _ = O[1],
+ U = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'censorMode', !1),
+ z = U[0],
+ $ = U[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['Newscaster__story', M && 'Newscaster__story--wanted']),
+ title: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ M && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-circle', mr: '0.5rem' }),
+ (P.censor_flags & 2 && '[REDACTED]') || P.title || 'News from ' + P.author,
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mt: '0.25rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ !M &&
+ z &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ enabled: P.censor_flags & 2,
+ icon: P.censor_flags & 2 ? 'comment-slash' : 'comment',
+ content: P.censor_flags & 2 ? 'Uncensor' : 'Censor',
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ mt: '-0.25rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return x('censor_story', { uid: P.uid });
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'user' }),
+ ' ',
+ P.author,
+ ' |\xA0',
+ !!R &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [(0, e.createTextVNode)('ckey: '), P.author_ckey, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' |\xA0')],
+ 0
+ ),
+ !M &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'eye' }),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ P.view_count.toLocaleString(),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' |\xA0'),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'clock' }),
+ ' ',
+ (0, f.timeAgo)(P.publish_time, E.world_time),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children:
+ P.censor_flags & 2
+ ? '[REDACTED]'
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ !!P.has_photo &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
+ name: 'story_photo_' + P.uid + '.png',
+ float: 'right',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ }),
+ (P.body_short || P.body).split('\n').map(function (G, X) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ { children: G || (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br') },
+ X
+ );
+ }),
+ P.body_short &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Read more..',
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return _([].concat(F, [P.uid]));
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { clear: 'right' }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ C = function (L, w) {
+ var A = L.name,
+ x = l(L, g),
+ E = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1];
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ as: 'img',
+ className: 'Newscaster__photo',
+ src: A,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return D(A);
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ },
+ x
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ p = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
+ x = A[0],
+ E = A[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Modal, {
+ className: 'Newscaster__photoZoom',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'img', src: x }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Close',
+ color: 'grey',
+ mt: '1rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return E('');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ N = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P =
+ !!L.args.uid &&
+ E.channels
+ .filter(function (te) {
+ return te.uid === L.args.uid;
+ })
+ .pop();
+ if (L.id === 'manage_channel' && !P) {
+ (0, y.modalClose)(w);
+ return;
+ }
+ var D = L.id === 'manage_channel',
+ M = !!L.args.is_admin,
+ R = L.args.scanned_user,
+ O = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'author', (P == null ? void 0 : P.author) || R || 'Unknown'),
+ F = O[0],
+ _ = O[1],
+ U = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'name', (P == null ? void 0 : P.name) || ''),
+ z = U[0],
+ $ = U[1],
+ G = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'description', (P == null ? void 0 : P.description) || ''),
+ X = G[0],
+ J = G[1],
+ se = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'icon', (P == null ? void 0 : P.icon) || 'newspaper'),
+ ie = se[0],
+ me = se[1],
+ q = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'isPublic', D ? !!(P != null && P.public) : !1),
+ re = q[0],
+ ae = q[1],
+ le = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'adminLocked', (P == null ? void 0 : P.admin) === 1 || !1),
+ Z = le[0],
+ ne = le[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ m: '-1rem',
+ pb: '1.5rem',
+ title: D ? 'Manage ' + P.name : 'Create New Channel',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mx: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Owner',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ disabled: !M,
+ width: '100%',
+ value: F,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function te(fe, pe) {
+ return _(pe);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Name',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ width: '100%',
+ placeholder: '50 characters max.',
+ maxLength: '50',
+ value: z,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function te(fe, pe) {
+ return $(pe);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Description (optional)',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ multiline: !0,
+ width: '100%',
+ placeholder: '128 characters max.',
+ maxLength: '128',
+ value: X,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function te(fe, pe) {
+ return J(pe);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Icon',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ disabled: !M,
+ value: ie,
+ width: '35%',
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function te(fe, pe) {
+ return me(pe);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ name: ie,
+ size: '2',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Accept Public Stories?',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: re,
+ icon: re ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: re ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function te() {
+ return ae(!re);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ M &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'CentComm Lock',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: Z,
+ icon: Z ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
+ content: Z ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ tooltip: 'Locking this channel will make it editable by nobody but CentComm officers.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function te() {
+ return ne(!Z);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ disabled: F.trim().length === 0 || z.trim().length === 0,
+ icon: 'check',
+ color: 'good',
+ content: 'Submit',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: '1rem',
+ bottom: '-0.75rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function te() {
+ (0, y.modalAnswer)(w, L.id, '', {
+ author: F,
+ name: z.substr(0, 49),
+ description: X.substr(0, 128),
+ icon: ie,
+ public: re ? 1 : 0,
+ admin_locked: Z ? 1 : 0,
+ });
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ V = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = E.photo,
+ D = E.channels,
+ M = E.channel_idx,
+ R = M === void 0 ? -1 : M,
+ O = !!L.args.is_admin,
+ F = L.args.scanned_user,
+ _ = D.slice()
+ .sort(function (te, fe) {
+ if (R < 0) return 0;
+ var pe = D[R - 1];
+ if (pe.uid === te.uid) return -1;
+ if (pe.uid === fe.uid) return 1;
+ })
+ .filter(function (te) {
+ return O || (!te.frozen && (te.author === F || !!te.public));
+ }),
+ U = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'author', F || 'Unknown'),
+ z = U[0],
+ $ = U[1],
+ G = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'channel', _.length > 0 ? _[0].name : ''),
+ X = G[0],
+ J = G[1],
+ se = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'title', ''),
+ ie = se[0],
+ me = se[1],
+ q = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'body', ''),
+ re = q[0],
+ ae = q[1],
+ le = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'adminLocked', !1),
+ Z = le[0],
+ ne = le[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ m: '-1rem',
+ pb: '1.5rem',
+ title: 'Create New Story',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mx: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Author',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ disabled: !O,
+ width: '100%',
+ value: z,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function te(fe, pe) {
+ return $(pe);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Channel',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ selected: X,
+ options: _.map(function (te) {
+ return te.name;
+ }),
+ mb: '0',
+ width: '100%',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function te(fe) {
+ return J(fe);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Title',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ width: '100%',
+ placeholder: '128 characters max.',
+ maxLength: '128',
+ value: ie,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function te(fe, pe) {
+ return me(pe);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Story Text',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ multiline: !0,
+ placeholder: '1024 characters max.',
+ maxLength: '1024',
+ rows: '8',
+ width: '100%',
+ value: re,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function te(fe, pe) {
+ return ae(pe);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Photo (optional)',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'image',
+ selected: P,
+ content: P ? 'Eject: ' + P.name : 'Insert Photo',
+ tooltip: !P && 'Attach a photo to this story by holding the photograph in your hand.',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function te() {
+ return x(P ? 'eject_photo' : 'attach_photo');
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Preview',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ noTopPadding: !0,
+ title: ie,
+ maxHeight: '13.5rem',
+ overflow: 'auto',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ !!P &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
+ name: 'inserted_photo_' + P.uid + '.png',
+ float: 'right',
+ }),
+ re.split('\n').map(function (te, fe) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ { children: te || (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br') },
+ fe
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { clear: 'right' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ O &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'CentComm Lock',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: Z,
+ icon: Z ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
+ content: Z ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ tooltip: 'Locking this story will make it censorable by nobody but CentComm officers.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function te() {
+ return ne(!Z);
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ disabled:
+ z.trim().length === 0 ||
+ X.trim().length === 0 ||
+ ie.trim().length === 0 ||
+ re.trim().length === 0,
+ icon: 'check',
+ color: 'good',
+ content: 'Submit',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: '1rem',
+ bottom: '-0.75rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function te() {
+ (0, y.modalAnswer)(w, 'create_story', '', {
+ author: z,
+ channel: X,
+ title: ie.substr(0, 127),
+ body: re.substr(0, 1023),
+ admin_locked: Z ? 1 : 0,
+ });
+ }
+ return te;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ S = function (L, w) {
+ var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
+ x = A.act,
+ E = A.data,
+ P = E.photo,
+ D = E.wanted,
+ M = !!L.args.is_admin,
+ R = L.args.scanned_user,
+ O = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'author', (D == null ? void 0 : D.author) || R || 'Unknown'),
+ F = O[0],
+ _ = O[1],
+ U = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'name', (D == null ? void 0 : D.title.substr(8)) || ''),
+ z = U[0],
+ $ = U[1],
+ G = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'description', (D == null ? void 0 : D.body) || ''),
+ X = G[0],
+ J = G[1],
+ se = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'adminLocked', (D == null ? void 0 : D.admin_locked) === 1 || !1),
+ ie = se[0],
+ me = se[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ m: '-1rem',
+ pb: '1.5rem',
+ title: 'Manage Wanted Notice',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mx: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Authority',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ disabled: !M,
+ width: '100%',
+ value: F,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function q(re, ae) {
+ return _(ae);
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Name',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ width: '100%',
+ value: z,
+ maxLength: '128',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function q(re, ae) {
+ return $(ae);
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Description',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ multiline: !0,
+ width: '100%',
+ value: X,
+ maxLength: '512',
+ rows: '4',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function q(re, ae) {
+ return J(ae);
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Photo (optional)',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'image',
+ selected: P,
+ content: P ? 'Eject: ' + P.name : 'Insert Photo',
+ tooltip:
+ !P && 'Attach a photo to this wanted notice by holding the photograph in your hand.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function q() {
+ return x(P ? 'eject_photo' : 'attach_photo');
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !!P &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
+ name: 'inserted_photo_' + P.uid + '.png',
+ float: 'right',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ M &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'CentComm Lock',
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: ie,
+ icon: ie ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
+ content: ie ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ tooltip:
+ 'Locking this wanted notice will make it editable by nobody but CentComm officers.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function q() {
+ return me(!ie);
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ disabled: !D,
+ icon: 'eraser',
+ color: 'danger',
+ content: 'Clear',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: '7.25rem',
+ bottom: '-0.75rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function q() {
+ x('clear_wanted_notice'), (0, y.modalClose)(w);
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ disabled: F.trim().length === 0 || z.trim().length === 0 || X.trim().length === 0,
+ icon: 'check',
+ color: 'good',
+ content: 'Submit',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: '1rem',
+ bottom: '-0.75rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function q() {
+ (0, y.modalAnswer)(w, L.id, '', {
+ author: F,
+ name: z.substr(0, 127),
+ description: X.substr(0, 511),
+ admin_locked: ie ? 1 : 0,
+ });
+ }
+ return q;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ (0, y.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('create_channel', N),
+ (0, y.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('manage_channel', N),
+ (0, y.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('create_story', V),
+ (0, y.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('wanted_notice', S);
+ },
+ 48286: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Noticeboard = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.Noticeboard = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, t.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.papers;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 300,
+ theme: 'noticeboard',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: m.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ align: 'center',
+ width: '22.45%',
+ height: '85%',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return l('interact', { paper: i.ref });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ onContextMenu: (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ s.preventDefault(), l('showFull', { paper: i.ref });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ fontSize: 0.75,
+ title: i.name,
+ children: (0, a.decodeHtmlEntities)(i.contents),
+ }),
+ },
+ i.ref
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 41166: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NuclearBomb = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.NuclearBomb = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data;
+ return l.extended
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 290,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Authorization',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Auth Disk',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: l.authdisk ? 'eject' : 'id-card',
+ selected: l.authdisk,
+ content: l.diskname ? l.diskname : '-----',
+ tooltip: l.authdisk ? 'Eject Disk' : 'Insert Disk',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('auth');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Auth Code',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'key',
+ disabled: !l.authdisk,
+ selected: l.authcode,
+ content: l.codemsg,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('code');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Arming & Disarming',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Bolted to floor',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: l.anchored ? 'check' : 'times',
+ selected: l.anchored,
+ disabled: !l.authdisk,
+ content: l.anchored ? 'YES' : 'NO',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('toggle_anchor');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Time Left',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'stopwatch',
+ content: l.time,
+ disabled: !l.authfull,
+ tooltip: 'Set Timer',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('set_time');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Safety',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: l.safety ? 'check' : 'times',
+ selected: l.safety,
+ disabled: !l.authfull,
+ content: l.safety ? 'ON' : 'OFF',
+ tooltip: l.safety ? 'Disable Safety' : 'Enable Safety',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('toggle_safety');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Arm/Disarm',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: (l.timer, 'bomb'),
+ disabled: l.safety || !l.authfull,
+ color: 'red',
+ content: l.timer ? 'DISARM THE NUKE' : 'ARM THE NUKE',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('toggle_armed');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 115,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Deployment',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ content: 'Deploy Nuclear Device (will bolt device to floor)',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('deploy');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 52416: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NumberInputModal = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(51057),
+ t = n(19203),
+ o = n(92986),
+ f = n(72253),
+ b = n(36036),
+ y = n(98595),
+ B = (r.NumberInputModal = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m = (0, f.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.init_value,
+ d = u.large_buttons,
+ v = u.message,
+ h = v === void 0 ? '' : v,
+ C = u.timeout,
+ p = u.title,
+ N = (0, f.useLocalState)(c, 'input', s),
+ V = N[0],
+ S = N[1],
+ I = (function () {
+ function A(x) {
+ x !== V && S(x);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ L = (function () {
+ function A(x) {
+ x !== V && S(x);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ w = 140 + Math.max(Math.ceil(h.length / 3), h.length > 0 && d ? 5 : 0);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
+ title: p,
+ width: 270,
+ height: w,
+ children: [
+ C && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: C }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function A(x) {
+ var E = window.event ? x.which : x.keyCode;
+ E === o.KEY_ENTER && i('submit', { entry: V }), E === o.KEY_ESCAPE && i('cancel');
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, { color: 'label', children: h }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { input: V, onClick: L, onChange: I }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.InputButtons, { input: V }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ k = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, f.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.min_value,
+ d = u.max_value,
+ v = u.init_value,
+ h = u.round_value,
+ C = l.input,
+ p = l.onClick,
+ N = l.onChange,
+ V = Math.round(C !== s ? Math.max(C / 2, s) : d / 2),
+ S = (C === s && s > 0) || C === 1;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ disabled: C === s,
+ icon: 'angle-double-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return p(s);
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: C === s ? 'Min' : 'Min (' + s + ')',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.RestrictedInput, {
+ autoFocus: !0,
+ autoSelect: !0,
+ fluid: !0,
+ allowFloats: !h,
+ minValue: s,
+ maxValue: d,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function I(L, w) {
+ return N(w);
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ onEnter: (function () {
+ function I(L, w) {
+ return i('submit', { entry: w });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ value: C,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ disabled: C === d,
+ icon: 'angle-double-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return p(d);
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: C === d ? 'Max' : 'Max (' + d + ')',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ disabled: S,
+ icon: 'divide',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return p(V);
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: S ? 'Split' : 'Split (' + V + ')',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ disabled: C === v,
+ icon: 'redo',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return p(v);
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: v ? 'Reset (' + v + ')' : 'Reset',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 1218: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.OperatingComputer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(36036),
+ b = [
+ ['good', 'Conscious'],
+ ['average', 'Unconscious'],
+ ['bad', 'DEAD'],
+ ],
+ y = [
+ ['Resp.', 'oxyLoss'],
+ ['Toxin', 'toxLoss'],
+ ['Brute', 'bruteLoss'],
+ ['Burn', 'fireLoss'],
+ ],
+ B = { average: [0.25, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ k = ['bad', 'average', 'average', 'good', 'average', 'average', 'bad'],
+ g = (r.OperatingComputer = (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.hasOccupant,
+ p = h.choice,
+ N;
+ return (
+ p
+ ? (N = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m))
+ : (N = C ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c)),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 650,
+ height: 455,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: !p,
+ icon: 'user',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return v('choiceOff');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Patient',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: !!p,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return v('choiceOn');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Options',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: N,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ l = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.data,
+ h = v.occupant,
+ C = h.activeSurgeries;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Patient',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: h.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ color: b[h.stat][0],
+ children: b[h.stat][1],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: h.maxHealth,
+ value: h.health / h.maxHealth,
+ ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ y.map(function (p, N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: p[0] + ' Damage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.ProgressBar,
+ {
+ min: '0',
+ max: '100',
+ value: h[p[1]] / 100,
+ ranges: B,
+ children: (0, a.round)(h[p[1]]),
+ },
+ N
+ ),
+ },
+ N
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Temperature',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: h.maxTemp,
+ value: h.bodyTemperature / h.maxTemp,
+ color: k[h.temperatureSuitability + 3],
+ children: [(0, a.round)(h.btCelsius), '\xB0C, ', (0, a.round)(h.btFaren), '\xB0F'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!h.hasBlood &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Blood Level',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: h.bloodMax,
+ value: h.bloodLevel / h.bloodMax,
+ ranges: { bad: [-1 / 0, 0.6], average: [0.6, 0.9], good: [0.6, 1 / 0] },
+ children: [h.bloodPercent, '%, ', h.bloodLevel, 'cl'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pulse',
+ children: [h.pulse, ' BPM'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ title: 'Active surgeries',
+ level: '2',
+ children:
+ h.inSurgery && C
+ ? C.map(function (p, N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Section,
+ {
+ style: { textTransform: 'capitalize' },
+ title: p.name + ' (' + p.location + ')',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.LabeledList,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.LabeledList.Item,
+ { label: 'Next Step', children: p.step },
+ N
+ ),
+ },
+ N
+ ),
+ },
+ N
+ );
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'No procedure ongoing.',
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ c = function () {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No patient detected.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.verbose,
+ p = h.health,
+ N = h.healthAlarm,
+ V = h.oxy,
+ S = h.oxyAlarm,
+ I = h.crit;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Loudspeaker',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ selected: C,
+ icon: C ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: C ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v(C ? 'verboseOff' : 'verboseOn');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health Announcer',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ selected: p,
+ icon: p ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: p ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v(p ? 'healthOff' : 'healthOn');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health Announcer Threshold',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Knob, {
+ bipolar: !0,
+ minValue: -100,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ value: N,
+ stepPixelSize: 5,
+ ml: '0',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function L(w, A) {
+ return v('health_adj', { new: A });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Oxygen Alarm',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ selected: V,
+ icon: V ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: V ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v(V ? 'oxyOff' : 'oxyOn');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Oxygen Alarm Threshold',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Knob, {
+ bipolar: !0,
+ minValue: -100,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ value: S,
+ stepPixelSize: 5,
+ ml: '0',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function L(w, A) {
+ return v('oxy_adj', { new: A });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Critical Alert',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ selected: I,
+ icon: I ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: I ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v(I ? 'critOff' : 'critOn');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 46892: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Orbit = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = n(35840);
+ function y(d, v) {
+ var h = (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && d[Symbol.iterator]) || d['@@iterator'];
+ if (h) return (h = h.call(d)).next.bind(h);
+ if (Array.isArray(d) || (h = B(d)) || (v && d && typeof d.length == 'number')) {
+ h && (d = h);
+ var C = 0;
+ return function () {
+ return C >= d.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: d[C++] };
+ };
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(
+ 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
+ );
+ }
+ function B(d, v) {
+ if (d) {
+ if (typeof d == 'string') return k(d, v);
+ var h = {}.toString.call(d).slice(8, -1);
+ return (
+ h === 'Object' && d.constructor && (h = d.constructor.name),
+ h === 'Map' || h === 'Set'
+ ? Array.from(d)
+ : h === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(h)
+ ? k(d, v)
+ : void 0
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function k(d, v) {
+ (v == null || v > d.length) && (v = d.length);
+ for (var h = 0, C = Array(v); h < v; h++) C[h] = d[h];
+ return C;
+ }
+ var g = / \(([0-9]+)\)$/,
+ l = function (v) {
+ return (0, a.createSearch)(v, function (h) {
+ return h.name + (h.assigned_role !== null ? '|' + h.assigned_role : '');
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (v, h) {
+ return v < h ? -1 : v > h;
+ },
+ m = function (v, h) {
+ var C = v.name,
+ p = h.name;
+ if (!C || !p) return 0;
+ var N = C.match(g),
+ V = p.match(g);
+ if (N && V && C.replace(g, '') === p.replace(g, '')) {
+ var S = parseInt(N[1], 10),
+ I = parseInt(V[1], 10);
+ return S - I;
+ }
+ return c(C, p);
+ },
+ i = function (v, h) {
+ var C = v.searchText,
+ p = v.source,
+ N = v.title,
+ V = v.color,
+ S = v.sorted,
+ I = p.filter(l(C));
+ return (
+ S && I.sort(m),
+ p.length > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: N + ' - (' + p.length + ')',
+ children: I.map(function (L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { thing: L, color: V }, L.name);
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ u = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = v.color,
+ V = v.thing;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: N,
+ tooltip: V.assigned_role
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ as: 'img',
+ mr: '0.5em',
+ className: (0, b.classes)(['job_icons16x16', V.assigned_role_sprite]),
+ }),
+ ' ',
+ V.assigned_role,
+ ],
+ })
+ : '',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return p('orbit', { ref: V.ref });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ V.name,
+ V.orbiters &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ ml: 1,
+ children: ['(', V.orbiters, ' ', (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'eye' }), ')'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ s = (r.Orbit = (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ for (
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.alive,
+ S = N.antagonists,
+ I = N.highlights,
+ L = N.response_teams,
+ w = N.tourist,
+ A = N.auto_observe,
+ x = N.dead,
+ E = N.ssd,
+ P = N.ghosts,
+ D = N.misc,
+ M = N.npcs,
+ R = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
+ O = R[0],
+ F = R[1],
+ _ = {},
+ U = y(S),
+ z;
+ !(z = U()).done;
+ ) {
+ var $ = z.value;
+ _[$.antag] === void 0 && (_[$.antag] = []), _[$.antag].push($);
+ }
+ var G = Object.entries(_);
+ G.sort(function (J, se) {
+ return c(J[0], se[0]);
+ });
+ var X = (function () {
+ function J(se) {
+ for (
+ var ie = 0,
+ me = [
+ G.map(function (ae) {
+ var le = ae[0],
+ Z = ae[1];
+ return Z;
+ }),
+ w,
+ I,
+ V,
+ P,
+ E,
+ x,
+ M,
+ D,
+ ];
+ ie < me.length;
+ ie++
+ ) {
+ var q = me[ie],
+ re = q.filter(l(se)).sort(m)[0];
+ if (re !== void 0) {
+ p('orbit', { ref: re.ref });
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return J;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 700,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'search' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Search...',
+ autoFocus: !0,
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: O,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function J(se, ie) {
+ return F(ie);
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ onEnter: (function () {
+ function J(se, ie) {
+ return X(ie);
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider, { vertical: !0 }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: 'transparent',
+ tooltip: 'Refresh',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ icon: 'sync-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function J() {
+ return p('refresh');
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ S.length > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Antagonists',
+ children: G.map(function (J) {
+ var se = J[0],
+ ie = J[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ {
+ title: se + ' - (' + ie.length + ')',
+ level: 2,
+ children: ie
+ .filter(l(O))
+ .sort(m)
+ .map(function (me) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { color: 'bad', thing: me }, me.name);
+ }),
+ },
+ se
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ I.length > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
+ title: 'Highlights',
+ source: I,
+ searchText: O,
+ color: 'teal',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
+ title: 'Response Teams',
+ source: L,
+ searchText: O,
+ color: 'purple',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
+ title: 'Tourists',
+ source: w,
+ searchText: O,
+ color: 'violet',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { title: 'Alive', source: V, searchText: O, color: 'good' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { title: 'Ghosts', source: P, searchText: O, color: 'grey' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { title: 'SSD', source: E, searchText: O, color: 'grey' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { title: 'Dead', source: x, searchText: O, sorted: !1 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { title: 'NPCs', source: M, searchText: O, sorted: !1 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { title: 'Misc', source: D, searchText: O, sorted: !1 }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })());
+ },
+ 15421: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.OreRedemption = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = n(9394);
+ function y(d) {
+ if (d == null) throw new TypeError('Cannot destructure ' + d);
+ }
+ var B = (0, b.createLogger)('OreRedemption'),
+ k = function (v) {
+ return v.toLocaleString('en-US') + ' pts';
+ },
+ g = (r.OreRedemption = (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 490,
+ height: 750,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { height: '100%' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ l = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.id,
+ S = N.points,
+ I = N.disk,
+ L = Object.assign({}, (y(v), v));
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ Object.assign({}, L, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-triangle', mr: '0.5rem' }),
+ 'This machine only accepts ore. Gibtonite is not accepted.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Unclaimed Points',
+ color: S > 0 ? 'good' : 'grey',
+ bold: S > 0 && 'good',
+ children: k(S),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
+ I
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Design disk',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: !0,
+ bold: !0,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: I.name,
+ tooltip: 'Ejects the design disk.',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return p('eject_disk');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: !I.design || !I.compatible,
+ icon: 'upload',
+ content: 'Download',
+ tooltip: 'Downloads the design on the disk into the machine.',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return p('download');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Stored design',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: I.design && (I.compatible ? 'good' : 'bad'),
+ children: I.design || 'N/A',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'No design disk inserted.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ c = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.sheets,
+ S = Object.assign({}, (y(v), v));
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ height: '20%',
+ children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ Object.assign({ fill: !0, scrollable: !0, className: 'OreRedemption__Ores', p: '0' }, S, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
+ title: 'Sheets',
+ columns: [
+ ['Available', '25%'],
+ ['Ore Value', '15%'],
+ ['Smelt', '20%'],
+ ],
+ }),
+ V.map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { ore: I }, I.id);
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ )
+ ),
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.alloys,
+ S = Object.assign({}, (y(v), v));
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Section,
+ Object.assign({ fill: !0, scrollable: !0, className: 'OreRedemption__Ores', p: '0' }, S, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
+ title: 'Alloys',
+ columns: [
+ ['Recipe', '50%'],
+ ['Available', '11%'],
+ ['Smelt', '20%'],
+ ],
+ }),
+ V.map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { ore: I }, I.id);
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ )
+ ),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (v, h) {
+ var C;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'OreHeader',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: v.title }),
+ (C = v.columns) == null
+ ? void 0
+ : C.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Stack.Item,
+ { basis: p[1], textAlign: 'center', color: 'label', bold: !0, children: p[0] },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ u = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = v.ore;
+ if (!(N.value && N.amount <= 0 && !(['metal', 'glass'].indexOf(N.id) > -1)))
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'SheetLine',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '45%',
+ align: 'middle',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['materials32x32', N.id]),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { children: N.name }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '20%',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: N.amount >= 1 ? 'good' : 'gray',
+ bold: N.amount >= 1,
+ align: 'center',
+ children: N.amount.toLocaleString('en-US'),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '20%',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: N.value,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '20%',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ lineHeight: '32px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ width: '40%',
+ value: 0,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: Math.min(N.amount, 50),
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ return p(N.value ? 'sheet' : 'alloy', { id: N.id, amount: I });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ s = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = v.ore;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'SheetLine',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '7%',
+ align: 'middle',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['alloys32x32', N.id]),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '30%',
+ textAlign: 'middle',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: N.name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '35%',
+ textAlign: 'middle',
+ color: N.amount >= 1 ? 'good' : 'gray',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: N.description,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '10%',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: N.amount >= 1 ? 'good' : 'gray',
+ bold: N.amount >= 1,
+ align: 'center',
+ children: N.amount.toLocaleString('en-US'),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '20%',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ lineHeight: '32px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ width: '40%',
+ value: 0,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: Math.min(N.amount, 50),
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ return p(N.value ? 'sheet' : 'alloy', { id: N.id, amount: I });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 52754: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PAI = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(71253),
+ b = n(70752),
+ y = function (g) {
+ var l;
+ try {
+ l = b('./' + g + '.js');
+ } catch (m) {
+ if (m.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') return (0, f.routingError)('notFound', g);
+ throw m;
+ }
+ var c = l[g];
+ return c || (0, f.routingError)('missingExport', g);
+ },
+ B = (r.PAI = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.app_template,
+ s = i.app_icon,
+ d = i.app_title,
+ v = y(u);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 650,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ p: 1,
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: s, mr: 1 }),
+ d,
+ u !== 'pai_main_menu' &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ ml: 2,
+ mb: 0,
+ content: 'Back',
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('Back');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Home',
+ icon: 'arrow-up',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('MASTER_back');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })());
+ },
+ 85175: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PDA = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(71253),
+ b = n(59395),
+ y = function (c) {
+ var m;
+ try {
+ m = b('./' + c + '.js');
+ } catch (u) {
+ if (u.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') return (0, f.routingError)('notFound', c);
+ throw u;
+ }
+ var i = m[c];
+ return i || (0, f.routingError)('missingExport', c);
+ },
+ B = (r.PDA = (function () {
+ function l(c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.app,
+ v = s.owner;
+ if (!v)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 105,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Error',
+ children: 'No user data found. Please swipe an ID card.',
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ var h = y(d.template);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 650,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ p: 1,
+ pb: 0,
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: d.icon, mr: 1 }), d.name],
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mt: 7.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.idInserted,
+ v = s.idLink,
+ h = s.stationTime,
+ C = s.cartridge_name;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ ml: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'id-card',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return u('Authenticate');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ content: d ? v : 'No ID Inserted',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sd-card',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return u('Eject');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ content: C ? ['Eject ' + C] : 'No Cartridge Inserted',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ bold: !0,
+ mr: 1,
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children: h,
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.app;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ height: '45px',
+ className: 'PDA__footer',
+ backgroundColor: '#1b1b1b',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ !!d.has_back &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '33%',
+ mr: -0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ className: 'PDA__footer__button',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ iconColor: d.has_back ? 'white' : 'disabled',
+ icon: 'arrow-alt-circle-left-o',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return u('Back');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: d.has_back ? '33%' : '100%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ className: 'PDA__footer__button',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ iconColor: d.is_home ? 'disabled' : 'white',
+ icon: 'home',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ u('Home');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 68654: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Pacman = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(49968),
+ b = (r.Pacman = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.active,
+ i = c.anchored,
+ u = c.broken,
+ s = c.emagged,
+ d = c.fuel_type,
+ v = c.fuel_usage,
+ h = c.fuel_stored,
+ C = c.fuel_cap,
+ p = c.is_ai,
+ N = c.tmp_current,
+ V = c.tmp_max,
+ S = c.tmp_overheat,
+ I = c.output_max,
+ L = c.power_gen,
+ w = c.output_set,
+ A = c.has_fuel,
+ x = h / C,
+ E = N / V,
+ P = w * L,
+ D = Math.round((h / v) * 2),
+ M = Math.round(D / 60),
+ R = D > 120 ? M + ' minutes' : D + ' seconds';
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 225,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (u || !i) &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ children: [
+ !!u &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'orange',
+ children: 'The generator is malfunctioning!',
+ }),
+ !u &&
+ !i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'orange',
+ children: 'The generator needs to be anchored to the floor with a wrench.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !u &&
+ !!i &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: m ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: m ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ tooltip: 'Toggles the generator on/off. Requires fuel.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ disabled: !A,
+ selected: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return l('toggle_power');
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ direction: 'row',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ width: '50%',
+ className: 'ml-1',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power setting',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ value: w,
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: I * (s ? 2.5 : 1),
+ step: 1,
+ className: 'mt-1',
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function O(F, _) {
+ return l('change_power', { change_power: _ });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ '(',
+ (0, f.formatPower)(P),
+ ')',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ width: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Temperature',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: E,
+ ranges: { green: [-1 / 0, 0.33], orange: [0.33, 0.66], red: [0.66, 1 / 0] },
+ children: [N, ' \u2103'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ children: [
+ S > 50 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'CRITICAL OVERHEAT!',
+ }),
+ S > 20 &&
+ S <= 50 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'orange',
+ children: 'WARNING: Overheating!',
+ }),
+ S > 1 &&
+ S <= 20 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'orange',
+ children: 'Temperature High',
+ }),
+ S === 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'green',
+ children: 'Optimal',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Fuel',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject Fuel',
+ tooltip: 'Ejects fuel. Generator needs to be offline.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ disabled: m || p || !A,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return l('eject_fuel');
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Type',
+ children: d,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Fuel level',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: x,
+ ranges: { red: [-1 / 0, 0.33], orange: [0.33, 0.66], green: [0.66, 1 / 0] },
+ children: [Math.round(h / 1e3), ' dm\xB3'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Fuel usage',
+ children: [v / 1e3, ' dm\xB3/s'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Fuel depletion',
+ children: [
+ !!A && (v ? R : 'N/A'),
+ !A &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'Out of fuel',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 1701: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PanDEMIC = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.PanDEMIC = (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.data,
+ h = v.beakerLoaded,
+ C = v.beakerContainsBlood,
+ p = v.beakerContainsVirus,
+ N = v.resistances,
+ V = N === void 0 ? [] : N,
+ S;
+ return (
+ h
+ ? C
+ ? C &&
+ !p &&
+ (S = (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [(0, e.createTextVNode)('No disease detected in provided blood sample.')],
+ 4
+ ))
+ : (S = (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [(0, e.createTextVNode)('No blood sample found in the loaded container.')],
+ 4
+ ))
+ : (S = (0, e.createFragment)([(0, e.createTextVNode)('No container loaded.')], 4)),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 575,
+ height: 510,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ S && !p
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Container Information',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { fill: !0, vertical: !0 }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: S }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ (V == null ? void 0 : V.length) > 0 && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { align: 'bottom' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ b = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.beakerLoaded;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ disabled: !C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return v('eject_beaker');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'trash-alt',
+ confirmIcon: 'eraser',
+ content: 'Destroy',
+ confirmContent: 'Destroy',
+ disabled: !C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return v('destroy_eject_beaker');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ y = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.beakerContainsVirus,
+ p = u.strain,
+ N = p.commonName,
+ V = p.description,
+ S = p.diseaseAgent,
+ I = p.bloodDNA,
+ L = p.bloodType,
+ w = p.possibleTreatments,
+ A = p.transmissionRoute,
+ x = p.isAdvanced,
+ E = (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Blood DNA',
+ children: I
+ ? (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, I, 0, {
+ style: { 'font-family': "'Courier New', monospace" },
+ })
+ : 'Undetectable',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Blood Type',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, null, 1, {
+ dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: L != null ? L : 'Undetectable' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ if (!C) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, { children: E });
+ var P;
+ return (
+ x &&
+ (N != null && N !== 'Unknown'
+ ? (P = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'print',
+ content: 'Print Release Forms',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return v('print_release_forms', { strain_index: u.strainIndex });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-left': 'auto' },
+ }))
+ : (P = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pen',
+ content: 'Name Disease',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return v('name_strain', { strain_index: u.strainIndex });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-left': 'auto' },
+ }))),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Common Name',
+ className: 'common-name-label',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ horizontal: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [N != null ? N : 'Unknown', P],
+ }),
+ }),
+ V && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Description', children: V }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Disease Agent', children: S }),
+ E,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Spread Vector',
+ children: A != null ? A : 'None',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Possible Cures',
+ children: w != null ? w : 'None',
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ B = function (u, s) {
+ var d,
+ v = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = !!C.synthesisCooldown,
+ N = (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: p ? 'spinner' : 'clone',
+ iconSpin: p,
+ content: 'Clone',
+ disabled: p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return h('clone_strain', { strain_index: u.strainIndex });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ u.sectionButtons,
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: (d = u.sectionTitle) != null ? d : 'Strain Information',
+ buttons: N,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { strain: u.strain, strainIndex: u.strainIndex }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (u, s) {
+ var d,
+ v = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.selectedStrainIndex,
+ N = C.strains,
+ V = N[p - 1];
+ if (N.length === 0)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Container Information',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children: 'No disease detected in provided blood sample.',
+ }),
+ });
+ if (N.length === 1) {
+ var S;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
+ strain: N[0],
+ strainIndex: 1,
+ sectionButtons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ }),
+ ((S = N[0].symptoms) == null ? void 0 : S.length) > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { strain: N[0] }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ var I = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Culture Information',
+ fill: !0,
+ buttons: I,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ direction: 'column',
+ style: { height: '100%' },
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: N.map(function (L, w) {
+ var A;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: 'virus',
+ selected: p - 1 === w,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return h('switch_strain', { strain_index: w + 1 });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ children: (A = L.commonName) != null ? A : 'Unknown',
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { strain: V, strainIndex: p }),
+ ((d = V.symptoms) == null ? void 0 : d.length) > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { className: 'remove-section-bottom-padding', strain: V }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (u) {
+ return u.reduce(function (s, d) {
+ return s + d;
+ }, 0);
+ },
+ l = function (u) {
+ var s = u.strain.symptoms;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Infection Symptoms',
+ fill: !0,
+ className: u.className,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'symptoms-table',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Stealth' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Resistance' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Stage Speed' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Transmissibility' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ s.map(function (d, v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.stealth }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.resistance }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.stageSpeed }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.transmissibility }),
+ ],
+ },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, { className: 'table-spacer' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ style: { 'font-weight': 'bold' },
+ children: 'Total',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: g(
+ s.map(function (d) {
+ return d.stealth;
+ })
+ ),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: g(
+ s.map(function (d) {
+ return d.resistance;
+ })
+ ),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: g(
+ s.map(function (d) {
+ return d.stageSpeed;
+ })
+ ),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: g(
+ s.map(function (d) {
+ return d.transmissibility;
+ })
+ ),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ c = ['flask', 'vial', 'eye-dropper'],
+ m = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.synthesisCooldown,
+ p = h.beakerContainsVirus,
+ N = h.resistances;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Antibodies',
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ horizontal: !0,
+ wrap: !0,
+ children: N.map(function (V, S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: c[S % c.length],
+ disabled: !!C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('clone_vaccine', { resistance_index: S + 1 });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ mr: '0.5em',
+ }),
+ V,
+ ],
+ },
+ S
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 67921: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ParticleAccelerator = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(25328),
+ f = n(79646),
+ b = n(36352),
+ y = n(98595),
+ B = n(35840),
+ k = n(38307),
+ g = function (u) {
+ switch (u) {
+ case 1:
+ return 'north';
+ case 2:
+ return 'south';
+ case 4:
+ return 'east';
+ case 8:
+ return 'west';
+ case 5:
+ return 'northeast';
+ case 6:
+ return 'southeast';
+ case 9:
+ return 'northwest';
+ case 10:
+ return 'southwest';
+ }
+ return '';
+ },
+ l = (r.ParticleAccelerator = (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.assembled,
+ p = h.power,
+ N = h.strength,
+ V = h.max_strength,
+ S = h.icon,
+ I = h.layout_1,
+ L = h.layout_2,
+ w = h.layout_3,
+ A = h.orientation;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
+ width: 395,
+ height: C ? 160 : A === 'north' || A === 'south' ? 540 : 465,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Control Panel',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ dmIcon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Connect',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return v('scan');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ mb: '5px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: C ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ children: C ? 'Operational' : 'Error: Verify Configuration',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: p ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: p ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: p,
+ disabled: !C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return v('power');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Strength',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'backward',
+ disabled: !C || N === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return v('remove_strength');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ mr: '4px',
+ }),
+ N,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'forward',
+ disabled: !C || N === V,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return v('add_strength');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ ml: '4px',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ C
+ ? ''
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: A
+ ? 'EM Acceleration Chamber Orientation: ' + (0, o.capitalize)(A)
+ : 'Place EM Acceleration Chamber Next To Console',
+ children:
+ A === 0
+ ? ''
+ : A === 'north' || A === 'south'
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m)
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ c = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.assembled,
+ p = h.power,
+ N = h.strength,
+ V = h.max_strength,
+ S = h.icon,
+ I = h.layout_1,
+ L = h.layout_2,
+ w = h.layout_3,
+ A = h.orientation;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableRow, {
+ width: '40px',
+ children: (A === 'east' ? I : w).slice().map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Cell,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
+ content: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ x.name,
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ 'Status: ' + x.status,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
+ dmIcon: S,
+ dmIconState: x.icon_state,
+ dmDirection: x.dir,
+ style: {
+ 'border-style': 'solid',
+ 'border-width': '2px',
+ 'border-color':
+ x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
+ padding: '2px',
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ x.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableRow, {
+ width: '40px',
+ children: L.slice().map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Cell,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
+ content: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ x.name,
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ 'Status: ' + x.status,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
+ dmIcon: S,
+ dmIconState: x.icon_state,
+ dmDirection: x.dir,
+ style: {
+ 'border-style': 'solid',
+ 'border-width': '2px',
+ 'border-color':
+ x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
+ padding: '2px',
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ x.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableRow, {
+ width: '40px',
+ children: (A === 'east' ? w : I).slice().map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Cell,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
+ content: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ x.name,
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ 'Status: ' + x.status,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
+ dmIcon: S,
+ dmIconState: x.icon_state,
+ dmDirection: x.dir,
+ style: {
+ 'border-style': 'solid',
+ 'border-width': '2px',
+ 'border-color':
+ x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
+ padding: '2px',
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ x.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.assembled,
+ p = h.power,
+ N = h.strength,
+ V = h.max_strength,
+ S = h.icon,
+ I = h.layout_1,
+ L = h.layout_2,
+ w = h.layout_3,
+ A = h.orientation;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.GridColumn, {
+ width: '40px',
+ children: (A === 'north' ? I : w).slice().map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
+ content: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ x.name,
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ 'Status: ' + x.status,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
+ dmIcon: S,
+ dmIconState: x.icon_state,
+ dmDirection: x.dir,
+ style: {
+ 'border-style': 'solid',
+ 'border-width': '2px',
+ 'border-color':
+ x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
+ padding: '2px',
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ x.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.GridColumn, {
+ children: L.slice().map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
+ content: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ x.name,
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ 'Status: ' + x.status,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
+ dmIcon: S,
+ dmIconState: x.icon_state,
+ dmDirection: x.dir,
+ style: {
+ 'border-style': 'solid',
+ 'border-width': '2px',
+ 'border-color':
+ x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
+ padding: '2px',
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ x.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.GridColumn, {
+ width: '40px',
+ children: (A === 'north' ? w : I).slice().map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ grow: !0,
+ tooltip: x.status,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
+ content: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ null,
+ [
+ x.name,
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
+ 'Status: ' + x.status,
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
+ ],
+ 0,
+ { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
+ dmIcon: S,
+ dmIconState: x.icon_state,
+ dmDirection: x.dir,
+ style: {
+ 'border-style': 'solid',
+ 'border-width': '2px',
+ 'border-color':
+ x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
+ padding: '2px',
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ x.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 71432: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PdaPainter = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.PdaPainter = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.data,
+ i = m.has_pda;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 510,
+ height: 505,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: i ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ b = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'download', size: 5, mb: '10px' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '160px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Insert PDA',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return m('insert_pda');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.pda_colors;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ horizontal: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'PdaPainter__list',
+ children: Object.keys(u).map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('choose_pda', { selectedPda: s });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: 'data:image/png;base64,' + u[s][0],
+ style: {
+ 'vertical-align': 'middle',
+ width: '32px',
+ margin: '0px',
+ 'margin-left': '0px',
+ '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
+ 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: s }),
+ ],
+ },
+ s
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.current_appearance,
+ s = i.preview_appearance;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Current PDA',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + u,
+ style: {
+ 'vertical-align': 'middle',
+ width: '160px',
+ margin: '0px',
+ 'margin-left': '0px',
+ '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
+ 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ color: 'green',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('eject_pda');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'paint-roller',
+ content: 'Paint PDA',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('paint_pda');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Preview',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + s,
+ style: {
+ 'vertical-align': 'middle',
+ width: '160px',
+ margin: '0px',
+ 'margin-left': '0px',
+ '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
+ 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
+ },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 33388: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PersonalCrafting = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.PersonalCrafting = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.busy,
+ u = m.category,
+ s = m.display_craftable_only,
+ d = m.display_compact,
+ v = m.prev_cat,
+ h = m.next_cat,
+ C = m.subcategory,
+ p = m.prev_subcat,
+ N = m.next_subcat;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 700,
+ height: 800,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ !!i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
+ fontSize: '32px',
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'cog', spin: 1 }), ' Crafting...'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: u,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Show Craftable Only',
+ icon: s ? 'check-square-o' : 'square-o',
+ selected: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return c('toggle_recipes');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Compact Mode',
+ icon: d ? 'check-square-o' : 'square-o',
+ selected: d,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return c('toggle_compact');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: v,
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return c('backwardCat');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: h,
+ icon: 'arrow-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return c('forwardCat');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ C &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: p,
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return c('backwardSubCat');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: N,
+ icon: 'arrow-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return c('forwardSubCat');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ d ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ b = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.display_craftable_only,
+ u = m.can_craft,
+ s = m.cant_craft;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ u.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: d.name,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'hammer',
+ content: 'Craft',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return c('make', { make: d.ref });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ d.catalyst_text &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ tooltip: d.catalyst_text,
+ content: 'Catalysts',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ tooltip: d.req_text,
+ content: 'Requirements',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ }),
+ d.tool_text &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ tooltip: d.tool_text,
+ content: 'Tools',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ d.name
+ );
+ }),
+ !i &&
+ s.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: d.name,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'hammer',
+ content: 'Craft',
+ disabled: !0,
+ }),
+ d.catalyst_text &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ tooltip: d.catalyst_text,
+ content: 'Catalysts',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ tooltip: d.req_text,
+ content: 'Requirements',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ }),
+ d.tool_text &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ tooltip: d.tool_text,
+ content: 'Tools',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ d.name
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.display_craftable_only,
+ u = m.can_craft,
+ s = m.cant_craft;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: [
+ u.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: d.name,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'hammer',
+ content: 'Craft',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return c('make', { make: d.ref });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ d.catalyst_text &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Catalysts',
+ children: d.catalyst_text,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Requirements',
+ children: d.req_text,
+ }),
+ d.tool_text &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tools',
+ children: d.tool_text,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ d.name
+ );
+ }),
+ !i &&
+ s.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: d.name,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'hammer',
+ content: 'Craft',
+ disabled: !0,
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ d.catalyst_text &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Catalysts',
+ children: d.catalyst_text,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Requirements',
+ children: d.req_text,
+ }),
+ d.tool_text &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tools',
+ children: d.tool_text,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ d.name
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 56150: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Photocopier = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.Photocopier = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 440,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Photocopier',
+ color: 'silver',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { width: 12, children: 'Copies:' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '2em',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: m.copynumber,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ float: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'minus',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return c('minus');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'plus',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return c('add');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ mb: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { width: 12, children: 'Toner:' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { bold: !0, children: m.toner }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: 12,
+ children: 'Inserted Document:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ disabled: !m.copyitem && !m.mob,
+ content: m.copyitem ? m.copyitem : m.mob ? m.mob + "'s ass!" : 'document',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return c('removedocument');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: 12,
+ children: 'Inserted Folder:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ disabled: !m.folder,
+ content: m.folder ? m.folder : 'folder',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return c('removefolder');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ b = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.issilicon;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'copy',
+ float: 'center',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Copy',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('copy');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'file-import',
+ float: 'center',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Scan',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('scandocument');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !!i &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'file',
+ color: 'green',
+ float: 'center',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Print Text',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('ai_text');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'image',
+ color: 'green',
+ float: 'center',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Print Image',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('ai_pic');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ },
+ y = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Scanned Files',
+ children: m.files.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: i.name,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'print',
+ content: 'Print',
+ disabled: m.toner <= 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('filecopy', { uid: i.uid });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'trash-alt',
+ content: 'Delete',
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return c('deletefile', { uid: i.uid });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ i.name
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 84676: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PoolController = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = ['tempKey'];
+ function b(g, l) {
+ if (g == null) return {};
+ var c = {};
+ for (var m in g)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
+ if (l.includes(m)) continue;
+ c[m] = g[m];
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ var y = {
+ scalding: { label: 'Scalding', color: '#FF0000', icon: 'fa fa-arrow-circle-up', requireEmag: !0 },
+ warm: { label: 'Warm', color: '#990000', icon: 'fa fa-arrow-circle-up' },
+ normal: { label: 'Normal', color: null, icon: 'fa fa-arrow-circle-right' },
+ cool: { label: 'Cool', color: '#009999', icon: 'fa fa-arrow-circle-down' },
+ frigid: { label: 'Frigid', color: '#00CCCC', icon: 'fa fa-arrow-circle-down', requireEmag: !0 },
+ },
+ B = function (l, c) {
+ var m = l.tempKey,
+ i = b(l, f),
+ u = y[m];
+ if (!u) return null;
+ var s = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ d = s.data,
+ v = s.act,
+ h = d.currentTemp,
+ C = u.label,
+ p = u.icon,
+ N = m === h,
+ V = function () {
+ v('setTemp', { temp: m });
+ };
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ Object.assign({ color: 'transparent', selected: N, onClick: V }, i, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: p }), C],
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ k = (r.PoolController = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ for (
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.data,
+ u = i.emagged,
+ s = i.currentTemp,
+ d = y[s] || y.normal,
+ v = d.label,
+ h = d.color,
+ C = [],
+ p = 0,
+ N = Object.entries(y);
+ p < N.length;
+ p++
+ ) {
+ var V = N[p],
+ S = V[0],
+ I = V[1].requireEmag;
+ (!I || (I && u)) && C.push(S);
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 285,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Temperature',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: h, children: v }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Safety Status',
+ children: u
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'WARNING: OVERRIDDEN',
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'good', children: 'Nominal' }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Temperature Selection',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: C.map(function (L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { fluid: !0, tempKey: L }, L);
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ },
+ 57003: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PortablePump = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.PortablePump = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.has_holding_tank;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 435,
+ height: 330,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ u
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B)
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Holding Tank',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ bold: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ mt: 2.5,
+ children: 'No Holding Tank Inserted.',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ b = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.on,
+ s = i.direction,
+ d = i.port_connected;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Pump Settings',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 4,
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ color: u ? null : 'red',
+ selected: u,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return m('power');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pump Direction',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 4,
+ icon: 'sign-in-alt',
+ content: 'In',
+ selected: !s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return m('set_direction', { direction: 0 });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 4,
+ icon: 'sign-out-alt',
+ content: 'Out',
+ selected: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return m('set_direction', { direction: 1 });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Port status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: d ? 'green' : 'average',
+ bold: 1,
+ ml: 0.5,
+ children: d ? 'Connected' : 'Disconnected',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.tank_pressure,
+ s = i.target_pressure,
+ d = i.max_target_pressure,
+ v = d * 0.7,
+ h = d * 0.25;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Pressure Settings',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Stored pressure',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: u,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: d,
+ ranges: { good: [v, 1 / 0], average: [h, v], bad: [-1 / 0, h] },
+ children: [u, ' kPa'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ color: 'label',
+ mt: 0.3,
+ children: 'Target pressure:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'undo',
+ mr: 0.5,
+ width: 2.2,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return m('set_pressure', { pressure: 101.325 });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ mr: 0.5,
+ width: 2.2,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return m('set_pressure', { pressure: 0 });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ animated: !0,
+ unit: 'kPa',
+ width: 16.5,
+ stepPixelSize: 0.22,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: d,
+ value: s,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function C(p, N) {
+ return m('set_pressure', { pressure: N });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ ml: 0.5,
+ width: 2.2,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return m('set_pressure', { pressure: d });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.holding_tank,
+ s = i.max_target_pressure,
+ d = s * 0.7,
+ v = s * 0.25;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Holding Tank',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('remove_tank');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'eject',
+ children: 'Eject',
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: 'label', children: 'Tank Label:' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: 'silver', ml: 4.5, children: u.name }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ color: 'label',
+ mt: 2,
+ children: 'Tank Pressure:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ mt: 1.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: u.tank_pressure,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: s,
+ ranges: { good: [d, 1 / 0], average: [v, d], bad: [-1 / 0, v] },
+ children: [u.tank_pressure, ' kPa'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 70069: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PortableScrubber = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.PortableScrubber = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.has_holding_tank;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 435,
+ height: 300,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ u
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B)
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Holding Tank',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ bold: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ mt: 2.5,
+ children: 'No Holding Tank Inserted.',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ b = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.on,
+ s = i.port_connected;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Pump Settings',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 4,
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ color: u ? null : 'red',
+ selected: u,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('power');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: 'label', children: 'Port Status:' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ color: s ? 'green' : 'average',
+ bold: 1,
+ ml: 6,
+ children: s ? 'Connected' : 'Disconnected',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.tank_pressure,
+ s = i.rate,
+ d = i.max_rate,
+ v = d * 0.7,
+ h = d * 0.25;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Pressure Settings',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Stored pressure',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: u,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: d,
+ ranges: { good: [v, 1 / 0], average: [h, v], bad: [-1 / 0, h] },
+ children: [u, ' kPa'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ color: 'label',
+ mt: 0.3,
+ children: 'Target pressure:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'undo',
+ mr: 0.5,
+ width: 2.2,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return m('set_rate', { rate: 101.325 });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ mr: 0.5,
+ width: 2.2,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return m('set_rate', { rate: 0 });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ animated: !0,
+ unit: 'kPa',
+ width: 16.5,
+ stepPixelSize: 0.22,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: d,
+ value: s,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function C(p, N) {
+ return m('set_rate', { rate: N });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ ml: 0.5,
+ width: 2.2,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return m('set_rate', { rate: d });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.holding_tank,
+ s = i.max_rate,
+ d = s * 0.7,
+ v = s * 0.25;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Holding Tank',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('remove_tank');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'eject',
+ children: 'Eject',
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: 'label', children: 'Tank Label:' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: 'silver', ml: 4.5, children: u.name }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ color: 'label',
+ mt: 2,
+ children: 'Tank Pressure:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ mt: 1.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: u.tank_pressure,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: s,
+ ranges: { good: [d, 1 / 0], average: [v, d], bad: [-1 / 0, v] },
+ children: [u.tank_pressure, ' kPa'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 59955: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PortableTurret = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(49148),
+ b = (r.PortableTurret = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.locked,
+ i = c.on,
+ u = c.lethal,
+ s = c.lethal_is_configurable,
+ d = c.targetting_is_configurable,
+ v = c.check_weapons,
+ h = c.neutralize_noaccess,
+ C = c.access_is_configurable,
+ p = c.regions,
+ N = c.selectedAccess,
+ V = c.one_access,
+ S = c.neutralize_norecord,
+ I = c.neutralize_criminals,
+ L = c.neutralize_all,
+ w = c.neutralize_unidentified,
+ A = c.neutralize_cyborgs;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 475,
+ height: 750,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children: ['Swipe an ID card to ', m ? 'unlock' : 'lock', ' this interface.'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ m: 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: i ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: i ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: i,
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('power');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Lethals',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: u ? 'exclamation-triangle' : 'times',
+ content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ color: u ? 'bad' : '',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('lethal');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!C &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'One Access Mode',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: V ? 'address-card' : 'exclamation-triangle',
+ content: V ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: V,
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('one_access');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!d &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Humanoid Targets',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: I,
+ content: 'Wanted Criminals',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('autharrest');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: S,
+ content: 'No Sec Record',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('authnorecord');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: v,
+ content: 'Unauthorized Weapons',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('authweapon');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: h,
+ content: 'Unauthorized Access',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('authaccess');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Other Targets',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: w,
+ content: 'Unidentified Lifesigns (Xenos, Animals, Etc)',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('authxeno');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: A,
+ content: 'Cyborgs',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('authborgs');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: L,
+ content: 'All Non-Synthetics',
+ disabled: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('authsynth');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children:
+ !!C &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AccessList, {
+ accesses: p,
+ selectedList: N,
+ accessMod: (function () {
+ function x(E) {
+ return l('set', { access: E });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ grantAll: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('grant_all');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ denyAll: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return l('clear_all');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ grantDep: (function () {
+ function x(E) {
+ return l('grant_region', { region: E });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ denyDep: (function () {
+ function x(E) {
+ return l('deny_region', { region: E });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 61631: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PowerMonitorMainContent = r.PowerMonitor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(64795),
+ o = n(44879),
+ f = n(35840),
+ b = n(25328),
+ y = n(72253),
+ B = n(36036),
+ k = n(98595),
+ g = 6e5,
+ l = (r.PowerMonitor = (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 650,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ c = (r.PowerMonitorMainContent = (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ var C = (0, y.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.powermonitor,
+ S = N.select_monitor;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
+ m: 0,
+ children: [!V && S && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m), V && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i)],
+ });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ m = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, y.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.powermonitors;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Section, {
+ title: 'Select Power Monitor',
+ children: V.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ B.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Button, {
+ content: S.Area,
+ icon: 'arrow-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return p('selectmonitor', { selectmonitor: S.uid });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ S
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, y.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.powermonitor,
+ S = N.history,
+ I = N.apcs,
+ L = N.select_monitor,
+ w = N.no_powernet,
+ A;
+ if (w)
+ A = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-triangle', size: '2', my: '0.5rem' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Warning: The monitor is not connected to power grid via cable!',
+ ],
+ });
+ else {
+ var x = (0, y.useLocalState)(h, 'sortByField', null),
+ E = x[0],
+ P = x[1],
+ D = S.supply[S.supply.length - 1] || 0,
+ M = S.demand[S.demand.length - 1] || 0,
+ R = S.supply.map(function (U, z) {
+ return [z, U];
+ }),
+ O = S.demand.map(function (U, z) {
+ return [z, U];
+ }),
+ F = Math.max.apply(Math, [g].concat(S.supply, S.demand)),
+ _ = (0, t.flow)([
+ (0, a.map)(function (U, z) {
+ return Object.assign({}, U, { id: U.name + z });
+ }),
+ E === 'name' &&
+ (0, a.sortBy)(function (U) {
+ return U.Name;
+ }),
+ E === 'charge' &&
+ (0, a.sortBy)(function (U) {
+ return -U.CellPct;
+ }),
+ E === 'draw' &&
+ (0, a.sortBy)(function (U) {
+ return -U.Load;
+ }),
+ ])(I);
+ A = (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Flex, {
+ spacing: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Flex.Item, {
+ width: '200px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Supply',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.ProgressBar, {
+ value: D,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: F,
+ color: 'green',
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(D / 1e3) + ' kW',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Draw',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.ProgressBar, {
+ value: M,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: F,
+ color: 'red',
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(M / 1e3) + ' kW',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ ml: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Chart.Line, {
+ fillPositionedParent: !0,
+ data: R,
+ rangeX: [0, R.length - 1],
+ rangeY: [0, F],
+ strokeColor: 'rgba(32, 177, 66, 1)',
+ fillColor: 'rgba(32, 177, 66, 0.25)',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Chart.Line, {
+ fillPositionedParent: !0,
+ data: O,
+ rangeX: [0, O.length - 1],
+ rangeY: [0, F],
+ strokeColor: 'rgba(219, 40, 40, 1)',
+ fillColor: 'rgba(219, 40, 40, 0.25)',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ mr: 2,
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Sort by:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: E === 'name',
+ content: 'Name',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ return P(E !== 'name' && 'name');
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: E === 'charge',
+ content: 'Charge',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ return P(E !== 'charge' && 'charge');
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: E === 'draw',
+ content: 'Draw',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ return P(E !== 'draw' && 'draw');
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, { children: 'Area' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, { collapsing: !0, children: 'Charge' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'right', children: 'Draw' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ title: 'Equipment',
+ children: 'Eqp',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ title: 'Lighting',
+ children: 'Lgt',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ title: 'Environment',
+ children: 'Env',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ _.map(function (U, z) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ B.Table.Row,
+ {
+ className: 'Table__row candystripe',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, b.decodeHtmlEntities)(U.Name),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
+ className: 'Table__cell text-right text-nowrap',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, {
+ charging: U.CellStatus,
+ charge: U.CellPct,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
+ className: 'Table__cell text-right text-nowrap',
+ children: U.Load,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
+ className: 'Table__cell text-center text-nowrap',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { status: U.Equipment }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
+ className: 'Table__cell text-center text-nowrap',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { status: U.Lights }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
+ className: 'Table__cell text-center text-nowrap',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { status: U.Environment }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ U.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Section, {
+ title: V,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
+ m: 0,
+ children:
+ L &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Button, {
+ content: 'Back',
+ icon: 'arrow-up',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ return p('return');
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ children: A,
+ });
+ },
+ u = function (v) {
+ var h = v.charging,
+ C = v.charge;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Icon, {
+ width: '18px',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ name:
+ (h === 'N' && (C > 50 ? 'battery-half' : 'battery-quarter')) ||
+ (h === 'C' && 'bolt') ||
+ (h === 'F' && 'battery-full') ||
+ (h === 'M' && 'slash'),
+ color:
+ (h === 'N' && (C > 50 ? 'yellow' : 'red')) ||
+ (h === 'C' && 'yellow') ||
+ (h === 'F' && 'green') ||
+ (h === 'M' && 'orange'),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ width: '36px',
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(C) + '%',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ };
+ u.defaultHooks = f.pureComponentHooks;
+ var s = function (v) {
+ var h,
+ C,
+ p = v.status;
+ switch (p) {
+ case 'AOn':
+ (h = !0), (C = !0);
+ break;
+ case 'AOff':
+ (h = !0), (C = !1);
+ break;
+ case 'On':
+ (h = !1), (C = !0);
+ break;
+ case 'Off':
+ (h = !1), (C = !1);
+ break;
+ }
+ var N = (C ? 'On' : 'Off') + (' [' + (h ? 'auto' : 'manual') + ']');
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.ColorBox, {
+ color: C ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ content: h ? void 0 : 'M',
+ title: N,
+ });
+ };
+ s.defaultHooks = f.pureComponentHooks;
+ },
+ 50992: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PrisonerImplantManager = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(29319),
+ f = n(3939),
+ b = n(321),
+ y = n(5485),
+ B = n(98595),
+ k = (r.PrisonerImplantManager = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.loginState,
+ d = u.prisonerInfo,
+ v = u.chemicalInfo,
+ h = u.trackingInfo,
+ C;
+ if (!s.logged_in)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
+ theme: 'security',
+ width: 500,
+ height: 850,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LoginScreen),
+ }),
+ });
+ var p = [1, 5, 10];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
+ theme: 'security',
+ width: 500,
+ height: 850,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LoginInfo),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Prisoner Points Manager System',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Prisoner',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: d.name ? 'eject' : 'id-card',
+ selected: d.name,
+ content: d.name ? d.name : '-----',
+ tooltip: d.name ? 'Eject ID' : 'Insert ID',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return i('id_card');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Points',
+ children: [
+ d.points !== null ? d.points : '-/-',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ ml: 2,
+ icon: 'minus-square',
+ disabled: d.points === null,
+ content: 'Reset',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return i('reset_points');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Point Goal',
+ children: [
+ d.goal !== null ? d.goal : '-/-',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ ml: 2,
+ icon: 'pen',
+ disabled: d.goal === null,
+ content: 'Edit',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(c, 'set_points');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'box',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ '1 minute of prison time should roughly equate to 150 points.'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Sentences should not exceed 5000 points.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Permanent prisoners should not be given a point goal.'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ 'Prisoners who meet their point goal will be able to automatically access their locker and return to the station using the shuttle.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4,
+ { hidden: d.goal === null }
+ ),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Tracking Implants',
+ children: h.map(function (N) {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ p: 1,
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: ['Subject: ', N.subject],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Location',
+ children: N.location,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health',
+ children: N.health,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Prisoner',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ content: 'Warn',
+ tooltip: 'Broadcast a message to this poor sod',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(c, 'warn', { uid: N.uid });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ N.subject
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Chemical Implants',
+ children: v.map(function (N) {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ p: 1,
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: ['Subject: ', N.name],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: [
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Remaining Reagents',
+ children: N.volume,
+ }),
+ }),
+ p.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ mt: 2,
+ disabled: N.volume < V,
+ icon: 'syringe',
+ content: 'Inject ' + V + 'u',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return i('inject', { uid: N.uid, amount: V });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ N.name
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ },
+ 53952: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PrisonerShuttleConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.PrisonerShuttleConsole = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.can_go_home,
+ m = l.emagged,
+ i = l.id_inserted,
+ u = l.id_name,
+ s = l.id_points,
+ d = l.id_goal,
+ v = m ? 0 : 1,
+ h = c ? 'Completed!' : 'Insufficient';
+ m && (h = 'ERR0R');
+ var C = 'No ID inserted';
+ return (
+ i
+ ? (C = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: s / d,
+ ranges: { good: [v, 1 / 0], bad: [-1 / 0, v] },
+ children: s + ' / ' + d + ' ' + h,
+ }))
+ : m && (C = 'ERR0R COMPLETED?!@'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 315,
+ height: 150,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Status', children: C }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Shuttle controls',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Move shuttle',
+ disabled: !c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return g('move_shuttle');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Inserted ID',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: i ? u : '-------------',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return g('handle_id');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 97852: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PrizeCounter = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.PrizeCounter = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.tickets,
+ m = l.prizes,
+ i = m === void 0 ? [] : m,
+ u = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'searchText', ''),
+ s = u[0],
+ d = u[1],
+ v = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'toggleSearch', !1),
+ h = v[0],
+ C = v[1],
+ p = i.filter(function (N) {
+ return N.name.toLowerCase().includes(s.toLowerCase());
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 450,
+ height: 585,
+ title: 'Arcade Ticket Exchange',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Available Prizes',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ h &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ mt: 0.1,
+ width: 12.5,
+ placeholder: 'Search for a prize',
+ value: s,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function N(V, S) {
+ return d(S);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ iconRight: !0,
+ icon: 'ticket',
+ disabled: !c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return g('eject');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ children: ['Tickets: ', (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, c, 0)],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'search',
+ tooltip: 'Toggle search',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
+ selected: h,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return C(!h);
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: p.map(function (N) {
+ var V = N.cost > c;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.ImageButton,
+ {
+ fluid: !0,
+ title: N.name,
+ dmIcon: N.icon,
+ dmIconState: N.icon_state,
+ buttonsAlt: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ bold: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ fontSize: 1.5,
+ tooltip: V && 'Not enough tickets',
+ disabled: V,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return g('purchase', { purchase: N.itemID });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ N.cost,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ m: 0,
+ mt: 0.25,
+ name: 'ticket',
+ color: V ? 'bad' : 'good',
+ size: 1.6,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: N.desc,
+ },
+ N.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 94813: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RCD = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(3939),
+ b = n(49148),
+ y = (r.RCD = (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 480,
+ height: 670,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ B = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.data,
+ h = v.matter,
+ C = v.max_matter,
+ p = C * 0.7,
+ N = C * 0.25;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Matter Storage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ ranges: { good: [p, 1 / 0], average: [N, p], bad: [-1 / 0, N] },
+ value: h,
+ maxValue: C,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: h + ' / ' + C + ' units',
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function () {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Construction Type',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { mode_type: 'Floors and Walls' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { mode_type: 'Airlocks' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { mode_type: 'Windows' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { mode_type: 'Deconstruction' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = u.mode_type,
+ p = h.mode;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: 'transparent',
+ content: C,
+ selected: p === C ? 1 : 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return v('mode', { mode: C });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.door_name,
+ p = h.electrochromic,
+ N = h.airlock_glass;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Airlock Settings',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'pen-alt',
+ content: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [(0, e.createTextVNode)('Rename: '), (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, C, 0)],
+ 0
+ ),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return (0, f.modalOpen)(s, 'renameAirlock');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children:
+ N === 1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: p ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: 'Electrochromic',
+ selected: p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return v('electrochromic');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.tab,
+ p = h.locked,
+ N = h.one_access,
+ V = h.selected_accesses,
+ S = h.regions;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: C === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('set_tab', { tab: 1 });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Airlock Types',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: C === 2,
+ icon: 'list',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('set_tab', { tab: 2 });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Airlock Access',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children:
+ C === 1
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Types',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { check_number: 0 }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { check_number: 1 }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ : C === 2 && p
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Access',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'lock-open',
+ content: 'Unlock',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('set_lock', { new_lock: 'unlock' });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'lock', size: '5', mb: 3 }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Airlock access selection is currently locked.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.AccessList, {
+ sectionButtons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'lock',
+ content: 'Lock',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('set_lock', { new_lock: 'lock' });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ usedByRcd: 1,
+ rcdButtons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: N,
+ content: 'One',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('set_one_access', { access: 'one' });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: !N,
+ width: 4,
+ content: 'All',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('set_one_access', { access: 'all' });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ accesses: S,
+ selectedList: V,
+ accessMod: (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ return v('set', { access: L });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ grantAll: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('grant_all');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ denyAll: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return v('clear_all');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ grantDep: (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ return v('grant_region', { region: L });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ denyDep: (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ return v('deny_region', { region: L });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ m = function (u, s) {
+ for (
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.door_types_ui_list,
+ p = h.door_type,
+ N = u.check_number,
+ V = [],
+ S = 0;
+ S < C.length;
+ S++
+ )
+ S % 2 === N && V.push(C[S]);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: V.map(function (I, L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ selected: p === I.type,
+ content: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + I.image,
+ style: {
+ 'vertical-align': 'middle',
+ width: '32px',
+ margin: '3px',
+ 'margin-right': '6px',
+ 'margin-left': '-3px',
+ },
+ }),
+ I.name,
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return v('door_type', { door_type: I.type });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ L
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 18738: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RPD = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(35840),
+ b = (r.RPD = (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.mainmenu,
+ p = h.mode,
+ N = (function () {
+ function V(S) {
+ switch (S) {
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
+ case 3:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
+ case 4:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
+ case 5:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c);
+ case 6:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
+ default:
+ return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
+ }
+ }
+ return V;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 550,
+ height: 415,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ children: C.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: V.icon,
+ selected: V.mode === p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return v('mode', { mode: V.mode });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ children: V.category,
+ },
+ V.category
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ N(p),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ y = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.pipemenu,
+ p = h.pipe_category,
+ N = h.pipelist,
+ V = h.whatpipe,
+ S = h.iconrotation;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ children: C.map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: I.pipemode === p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('pipe_category', { pipe_category: I.pipemode });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: I.category,
+ },
+ I.category
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: N.filter(function (I) {
+ return I.pipe_type === 1;
+ })
+ .filter(function (I) {
+ return I.pipe_category === p;
+ })
+ .map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ content: I.pipe_name,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: I.pipe_id === V,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('whatpipe', { whatpipe: I.pipe_id });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '2px' },
+ }),
+ },
+ I.pipe_name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ N.filter(function (I) {
+ return I.pipe_type === 1 && I.pipe_id === V && I.orientations !== 1;
+ }).map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: I.bendy
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ translucent: !0,
+ selected: S === 4,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)([
+ 'rpd32x32',
+ 'southeast-' + I.pipe_icon,
+ ]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 4 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ translucent: !0,
+ selected: S === 2,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)([
+ 'rpd32x32',
+ 'southwest-' + I.pipe_icon,
+ ]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 2 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ translucent: !0,
+ selected: S === 1,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)([
+ 'rpd32x32',
+ 'northeast-' + I.pipe_icon,
+ ]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 1 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ translucent: !0,
+ selected: S === 8,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)([
+ 'rpd32x32',
+ 'northwest-' + I.pipe_icon,
+ ]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 8 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ translucent: !0,
+ selected: S === 1,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)([
+ 'rpd32x32',
+ 'north-' + I.pipe_icon,
+ ]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 1 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ translucent: !0,
+ selected: S === 4,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)([
+ 'rpd32x32',
+ 'east-' + I.pipe_icon,
+ ]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 4 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ I.orientations === 4 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ translucent: !0,
+ selected: S === 2,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)([
+ 'rpd32x32',
+ 'south-' + I.pipe_icon,
+ ]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 2 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ translucent: !0,
+ selected: S === 8,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)([
+ 'rpd32x32',
+ 'west-' + I.pipe_icon,
+ ]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 8 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ },
+ I.pipe_id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ B = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.pipe_category,
+ p = h.pipelist,
+ N = h.whatdpipe,
+ V = h.iconrotation,
+ S = h.auto_wrench_toggle;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: p
+ .filter(function (I) {
+ return I.pipe_type === 2;
+ })
+ .map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ content: I.pipe_name,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: I.pipe_id === N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('whatdpipe', { whatdpipe: I.pipe_id });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '2px' },
+ }),
+ },
+ I.pipe_name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ p
+ .filter(function (I) {
+ return I.pipe_type === 2 && I.pipe_id === N && I.orientations !== 1;
+ })
+ .map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: V === 1,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'north-' + I.pipe_icon]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 1 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: V === 4,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'east-' + I.pipe_icon]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 4 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ I.orientations === 4 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: V === 2,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'south-' + I.pipe_icon]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 2 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: V === 8,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'west-' + I.pipe_icon]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 8 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ I.pipe_id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.iconrotation,
+ p = h.auto_wrench_toggle;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ mb: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Auto-orientation',
+ selected: C === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 0 });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: p,
+ content: 'Auto-anchor',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return v('auto_wrench_toggle');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (u, s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'sync-alt', size: 5, color: 'gray', mb: 5 }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Device ready to rotate loose pipes...',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (u, s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'arrows-alt-h', size: 5, color: 'gray', mb: 5 }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Device ready to flip loose pipes...',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (u, s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'recycle', size: 5, color: 'gray', mb: 5 }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Device ready to eat loose pipes...',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.pipe_category,
+ p = h.pipelist,
+ N = h.whatttube,
+ V = h.iconrotation,
+ S = 3;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: p
+ .filter(function (I) {
+ return I.pipe_type === S;
+ })
+ .map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ content: I.pipe_name,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ selected: I.pipe_id === N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('whatttube', { whatttube: I.pipe_id });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '2px' },
+ }),
+ },
+ I.pipe_name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ p
+ .filter(function (I) {
+ return I.pipe_type === S && I.pipe_id === N && I.orientations !== 1;
+ })
+ .map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: V === 1,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'north-' + I.pipe_icon]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 1 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: V === 4,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'east-' + I.pipe_icon]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 4 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ I.orientations === 4 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: V === 2,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'south-' + I.pipe_icon]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 2 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ selected: V === 8,
+ content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'west-' + I.pipe_icon]),
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 8 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ I.pipe_id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 80299: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Radio = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(44879),
+ o = n(72253),
+ f = n(36036),
+ b = n(76910),
+ y = n(98595),
+ B = (r.Radio = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, o.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.freqlock,
+ s = i.frequency,
+ d = i.minFrequency,
+ v = i.maxFrequency,
+ h = i.canReset,
+ C = i.listening,
+ p = i.broadcasting,
+ N = i.loudspeaker,
+ V = i.has_loudspeaker,
+ S = b.RADIO_CHANNELS.find(function (P) {
+ return P.freq === s;
+ }),
+ I = !!(S && S.name),
+ L = [],
+ w = [],
+ A = 0;
+ for (A = 0; A < b.RADIO_CHANNELS.length; A++) (w = b.RADIO_CHANNELS[A]), (L[w.name] = w.color);
+ var x = (0, a.map)(function (P, D) {
+ return { name: D, status: !!P };
+ })(i.schannels),
+ E = (0, a.map)(function (P, D) {
+ return { name: D, freq: P };
+ })(i.ichannels);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
+ width: 375,
+ height: 130 + x.length * 21.2 + E.length * 11,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Frequency',
+ children: [
+ (u &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: 'light-gray',
+ children: (0, t.toFixed)(s / 10, 1) + ' kHz',
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.NumberInput, {
+ animate: !0,
+ unit: 'kHz',
+ step: 0.2,
+ stepPixelSize: 10,
+ minValue: d / 10,
+ maxValue: v / 10,
+ value: s / 10,
+ format: (function () {
+ function P(D) {
+ return (0, t.toFixed)(D, 1);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function P(D, M) {
+ return m('frequency', { adjust: M - s / 10 });
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: 'undo',
+ content: '',
+ disabled: !h,
+ tooltip: 'Reset',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return m('frequency', { tune: 'reset' });
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ I &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: S.color,
+ ml: 2,
+ children: ['[', S.name, ']'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Audio',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ width: '37px',
+ icon: C ? 'volume-up' : 'volume-mute',
+ selected: C,
+ color: C ? '' : 'bad',
+ tooltip: C ? 'Disable Incoming' : 'Enable Incoming',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return m('listen');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ width: '37px',
+ icon: p ? 'microphone' : 'microphone-slash',
+ selected: p,
+ tooltip: p ? 'Disable Hotmic' : 'Enable Hotmic',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return m('broadcast');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !!V &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ ml: 1,
+ icon: 'bullhorn',
+ selected: N,
+ content: 'Loudspeaker',
+ tooltip: N ? 'Disable Loudspeaker' : 'Enable Loudspeaker',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return m('loudspeaker');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ x.length !== 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Keyed Channels',
+ children: x.map(function (P) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Box,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ icon: P.status ? 'check-square-o' : 'square-o',
+ selected: P.status,
+ content: '',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return m('channel', { channel: P.name });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: L[P.name],
+ children: P.name,
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ P.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ E.length !== 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Standard Channel',
+ children: E.map(function (P) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Button,
+ {
+ icon: 'arrow-right',
+ content: P.name,
+ selected: I && S.name === P.name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function D() {
+ return m('ichannel', { ichannel: P.freq });
+ }
+ return D;
+ })(),
+ },
+ 'i_' + P.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })());
+ },
+ 14846: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RankedListInputModal = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(51057),
+ t = n(19203),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(72253),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = n(36352),
+ B = (r.RankedListInputModal = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m = (0, f.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.items,
+ d = s === void 0 ? [] : s,
+ v = u.message,
+ h = v === void 0 ? '' : v,
+ C = u.timeout,
+ p = u.title,
+ N = (0, f.useLocalState)(c, 'edittedItems', d),
+ V = N[0],
+ S = N[1],
+ I = 330 + Math.ceil(h.length / 3);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ title: p,
+ width: 325,
+ height: I,
+ children: [
+ C && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: C }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ className: 'ListInput__Section',
+ fill: !0,
+ title: h,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { filteredItems: V, setEdittedItems: S }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.InputButtons, { input: V }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ k = function (l, c) {
+ var m = l.filteredItems,
+ i = l.setEdittedItems,
+ u = (0, f.useLocalState)(c, 'draggedItemIndex', null),
+ s = u[0],
+ d = u[1],
+ v = function (N) {
+ d(N);
+ },
+ h = function (N) {
+ N.preventDefault();
+ },
+ C = function (N) {
+ if ((N === void 0 && (N = null), s !== null)) {
+ var V = [].concat(m),
+ S = V.splice(s, 1)[0];
+ N === null ? V.push(S) : V.splice(N, 0, S), i(V), d(null);
+ }
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ tabIndex: 0,
+ onDrop: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return C(null);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ onDragOver: h,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ children: m.map(function (p, N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ y.TableRow,
+ {
+ draggable: !0,
+ onDragStart: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return v(N);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ onDragOver: h,
+ onDrop: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return C(N);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ style: { padding: '8px' },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ py: '0.25rem',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ style: { animation: 'none', transition: 'none', cursor: 'move' },
+ icon: 'grip-lines',
+ children: p.replace(/^\w/, function (V) {
+ return V.toUpperCase();
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ N
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 48125: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ReagentGrinder = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(85870),
+ b = n(62411),
+ y = (r.ReagentGrinder = (function () {
+ function l(c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = i.config,
+ v = s.operating,
+ h = d.title;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 565,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Operating, { operating: v, name: h }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ B = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.inactive;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Controls',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'mortar-pestle',
+ disabled: d,
+ tooltip: d ? 'There are no contents' : 'Grind the contents',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ content: 'Grind',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return u('grind');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ icon: 'blender',
+ disabled: d,
+ tooltip: d ? 'There are no contents' : 'Juice the contents',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
+ content: 'Juice',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return u('juice');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.contents,
+ v = s.limit,
+ h = s.count,
+ C = s.inactive;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Contents',
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: 'label',
+ mr: 2,
+ children: [h, ' / ', v, ' items'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject Contents',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return u('eject');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ disabled: C,
+ tooltip: C ? 'There are no contents' : '',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'Ingredient__Table',
+ children: d.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ tr: 5,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'td',
+ null,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: p.name }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'td',
+ null,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [p.amount, ' ', p.units],
+ }),
+ 2
+ ),
+ ],
+ },
+ p.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.beaker_loaded,
+ v = s.beaker_current_volume,
+ h = s.beaker_max_volume,
+ C = s.beaker_contents;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Beaker',
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ height: '40%',
+ buttons:
+ !!d &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: 'label',
+ mr: 2,
+ children: [v, ' / ', h, ' units'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Detach Beaker',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return u('detach');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BeakerContents, { beakerLoaded: d, beakerContents: C }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 58262: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ReagentsEditor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(25328);
+ function b(l, c) {
+ (l.prototype = Object.create(c.prototype)), (l.prototype.constructor = l), y(l, c);
+ }
+ function y(l, c) {
+ return (
+ (y = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (m, i) {
+ return (m.__proto__ = i), m;
+ }),
+ y(l, c)
+ );
+ }
+ var B = (r.ReagentsEditor = (function (l) {
+ function c(i) {
+ var u;
+ return (
+ (u = l.call(this, i) || this),
+ (u.handleSearchChange = function (s) {
+ var d = s.target;
+ u.setState({ searchText: d.value });
+ }),
+ (u.state = { searchText: '' }),
+ u
+ );
+ }
+ b(c, l);
+ var m = c.prototype;
+ return (
+ (m.render = (function () {
+ function i(u, s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(this.context),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.reagentsInformation,
+ N = C.reagents,
+ V = Object.entries(N)
+ .map(function (I) {
+ var L = I[0],
+ w = I[1];
+ return Object.assign({}, w, p[L], { id: L });
+ })
+ .sort(function (I, L) {
+ return I.name.localeCompare(L.name);
+ });
+ s.searchText !== '' &&
+ (V = V.concat(
+ Object.entries(p)
+ .filter(function (I) {
+ var L = I[0],
+ w = I[1];
+ return N[L] === void 0;
+ })
+ .map(function (I) {
+ var L = I[0],
+ w = I[1];
+ return Object.assign({}, w, { id: L });
+ })
+ .sort(function (I, L) {
+ return I.name.localeCompare(L.name);
+ })
+ ));
+ var S = V.filter(function (I) {
+ var L = I.id,
+ w = I.name;
+ return (0, f.createSearch)(s.searchText, function () {
+ return L + '|' + w;
+ })({});
+ }).map(function (I) {
+ var L = I.volume,
+ w = I.uid;
+ return L === void 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { reagent: I }, w)
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { reagent: I }, w);
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 480,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ horizontal: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ value: s.searchText,
+ onChange: this.handleSearchChange,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ tooltip: 'Update Reagent Amounts',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return h('update_total');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fire-alt',
+ tooltip: 'Force Reagent Reaction',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return h('react_reagents');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'reagents-table',
+ children: S,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ c
+ );
+ })(e.Component)),
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var i = c.reagent,
+ u = i.id,
+ s = i.name,
+ d = i.uid,
+ v = i.volume,
+ h = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ C = h.act;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ className: 'reagent-row',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ className: 'volume-cell',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'volume-actions-wrapper',
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ className: 'condensed-button',
+ icon: 'trash-alt',
+ confirmIcon: 'question',
+ iconColor: 'red',
+ confirmContent: '',
+ color: 'none',
+ confirmColor: 'none',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return C('delete_reagent', { uid: d });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ mr: '0.5em',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ className: 'condensed-button',
+ icon: 'syringe',
+ iconColor: 'green',
+ color: 'none',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return C('edit_volume', { uid: d });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', 'volume-label', v === null ? 'NULL' : v + 'u', 0),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: [u, ' (', s, ')'] }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ g = function (c, m) {
+ var i = c.reagent,
+ u = i.id,
+ s = i.name,
+ d = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ v = d.act;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ className: 'reagent-row absent-row',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ className: 'volume-cell',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ className: 'condensed-button add-reagent-button',
+ icon: 'fill-drip',
+ color: 'none',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return v('add_reagent', { reagentID: u });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ className: 'reagent-absent-name-cell',
+ children: [u, ' (', s, ')'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 30207: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RemoteSignaler = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(13545),
+ b = (r.RemoteSignaler = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.on;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 300,
+ height: 165,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Receiver',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ content: m ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ color: m ? null : 'red',
+ selected: m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return l('recv_power');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Signaler, { data: c }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 25472: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RequestConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = 0,
+ b = 1,
+ y = 2,
+ B = 3,
+ k = (r.RequestConsole = (function () {
+ function v(h, C) {
+ var p = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.screen,
+ I = V.announcementConsole,
+ L = (function () {
+ function w(A) {
+ switch (A) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { purpose: 'ASSISTANCE' });
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { purpose: 'SUPPLIES' });
+ case 3:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { purpose: 'INFO' });
+ case 4:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { type: 'SUCCESS' });
+ case 5:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { type: 'FAIL' });
+ case 6:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { type: 'MESSAGES' });
+ case 7:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
+ case 8:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u);
+ case 9:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s);
+ case 10:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { type: 'SHIPPING' });
+ case 11:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d);
+ default:
+ return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
+ }
+ }
+ return w;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 450,
+ height: I ? 425 : 385,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, { fill: !0, vertical: !0, children: L(S) }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ g = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.newmessagepriority,
+ I = V.announcementConsole,
+ L = V.silent,
+ w;
+ return (
+ S === B
+ ? (w = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Blink, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ bold: !0,
+ mb: 1,
+ }),
+ }))
+ : S > f
+ ? (w = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ bold: !0,
+ mb: 1,
+ children: 'There are new messages',
+ }))
+ : (w = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ mb: 1,
+ children: 'There are no new messages',
+ })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Main Menu',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 9,
+ content: L ? 'Speaker Off' : 'Speaker On',
+ selected: !L,
+ icon: L ? 'volume-mute' : 'volume-up',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('toggleSilent');
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ w,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ content: 'View Messages',
+ icon: S > f ? 'envelope-open-text' : 'envelope',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 6 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ content: 'Request Assistance',
+ icon: 'hand-paper',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 1 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ content: 'Request Supplies',
+ icon: 'box',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 2 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ content: 'Request Secondary Goal',
+ icon: 'clipboard-list',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 11 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ content: 'Relay Anonymous Information',
+ icon: 'comment',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 3 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ content: 'Print Shipping Label',
+ icon: 'tag',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 9 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ content: 'View Shipping Logs',
+ icon: 'clipboard-list',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 10 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!I &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ content: 'Send Station-Wide Announcement',
+ icon: 'bullhorn',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 8 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ l = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.department,
+ I = [],
+ L;
+ switch (h.purpose) {
+ case 'ASSISTANCE':
+ (I = V.assist_dept), (L = 'Request assistance from another department');
+ break;
+ case 'SUPPLIES':
+ (I = V.supply_dept), (L = 'Request supplies from another department');
+ break;
+ case 'INFO':
+ (I = V.info_dept), (L = 'Relay information to another department');
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: L,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Back',
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: I.filter(function (w) {
+ return w !== S;
+ }).map(function (w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: w,
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ className: 'candystripe',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Message',
+ icon: 'envelope',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('writeInput', { write: w, priority: y });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'High Priority',
+ icon: 'exclamation-circle',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('writeInput', { write: w, priority: B });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S;
+ switch (h.type) {
+ case 'SUCCESS':
+ S = 'Message sent successfully';
+ break;
+ case 'FAIL':
+ S = 'Unable to contact messaging server';
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: S,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Back',
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S,
+ I;
+ switch (h.type) {
+ case 'MESSAGES':
+ (S = V.message_log), (I = 'Message Log');
+ break;
+ case 'SHIPPING':
+ (S = V.shipping_log), (I = 'Shipping label print log');
+ break;
+ }
+ return (
+ S.reverse(),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: I,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Back',
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: S.map(function (L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ children: [
+ L.map(function (w, A) {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, w, 0, null, A);
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'hr'),
+ ],
+ },
+ L
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ i = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.recipient,
+ I = V.message,
+ L = V.msgVerified,
+ w = V.msgStamped;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Message Authentication',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Back',
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Recipient', children: S }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Message', children: I }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Validated by',
+ color: 'green',
+ children: L,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Stamped by',
+ color: 'blue',
+ children: w,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Send Message',
+ icon: 'envelope',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('department', { department: S });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ u = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.message,
+ I = V.announceAuth;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Station-Wide Announcement',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Back',
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Edit Message',
+ icon: 'edit',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('writeAnnouncement');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: S,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ I
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'green',
+ children: 'ID verified. Authentication accepted.',
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Swipe your ID card to authenticate yourself',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ mt: 2,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Send Announcement',
+ icon: 'bullhorn',
+ disabled: !(I && S),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('sendAnnouncement');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ s = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.shipDest,
+ I = V.msgVerified,
+ L = V.ship_dept;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Print Shipping Label',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Back',
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Destination', children: S }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Validated by', children: I }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ mt: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Print Label',
+ icon: 'print',
+ disabled: !(S && I),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return N('printLabel');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Destinations',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: L.map(function (w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: w,
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ className: 'candystripe',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: S === w ? 'Selected' : 'Select',
+ selected: S === w,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return N('shipSelect', { shipSelect: w });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ d = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.secondaryGoalAuth,
+ I = V.secondaryGoalEnabled;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Request Secondary Goal',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Back',
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ I
+ ? S
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'green',
+ children: 'ID verified. Authentication accepted.',
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Swipe your ID card to authenticate yourself',
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Complete your current goal first!',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ mt: 2,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'Request Secondary Goal',
+ icon: 'clipboard-list',
+ disabled: !(S && I),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('requestSecondaryGoal');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 9861: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RndBackupConsole = r.LinkMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.RndBackupConsole = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.network_name,
+ i = c.has_disk,
+ u = c.disk_name,
+ s = c.linked,
+ d = c.techs,
+ v = c.last_timestamp;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 900,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Device Info',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mb: 2,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Network',
+ children: s
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: m,
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ selected: 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return l('unlink');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : 'None',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Loaded Disk',
+ children: i
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: u + ' (Last backup: ' + v + ')',
+ icon: 'save',
+ selected: 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return l('eject_disk');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-in-alt',
+ content: 'Save all',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return l('saveall2disk');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-out-alt',
+ content: 'Load all',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return l('saveall2network');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ : 'None',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!s || (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: 2,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Tech Info',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Tech Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Level' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Disk Level' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Actions' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ Object.keys(d).map(function (h) {
+ return (
+ !(d[h].network_level > 0 || d[h].disk_level > 0) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d[h].name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: d[h].network_level || 'None',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: d[h].disk_level || 'None',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-in-alt',
+ content: 'Load to network',
+ disabled: !i || !s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return l('savetech2network', { tech: h });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-out-alt',
+ content: 'Load to disk',
+ disabled: !i || !s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return l('savetech2disk', { tech: h });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ h
+ )
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.LinkMenu = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.controllers;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Setup Linkage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Address' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Link' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ m.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: i.addr }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: i.net_id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Link',
+ icon: 'link',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return l('linktonetworkcontroller', { target_controller: i.addr });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ i.addr
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 68303: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AnalyzerMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = (r.AnalyzerMenu = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, t.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.data,
+ c = g.act,
+ m = l.tech_levels,
+ i = l.loaded_item,
+ u = l.linked_analyzer,
+ s = l.can_discover;
+ return u
+ ? i
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Object Analysis',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Deconstruct',
+ icon: 'microscope',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ c('deconstruct');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Eject',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ c('eject_item');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !s ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Discover',
+ icon: 'atom',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ c('discover');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Name',
+ children: i.name,
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ id: 'research-levels',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: 'Research Field',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: 'Current Level',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: 'Object Level',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'New Level' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ m.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { techLevel: d }, d.id);
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Analysis Menu',
+ children: 'No item loaded. Standing by...',
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Analysis Menu',
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = B.techLevel,
+ l = g.name,
+ c = g.desc,
+ m = g.level,
+ i = g.object_level,
+ u = g.ui_icon,
+ s = i != null,
+ d = s && i >= m ? Math.max(i, m + 1) : m;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, { icon: 'circle-info', tooltip: c }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: u }), ' ', l],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: m }),
+ s
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: i })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ className: 'research-level-no-effect',
+ children: '-',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ className: (0, a.classes)([d !== m && 'upgraded-level']),
+ children: d,
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 37556: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DataDiskMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = 'design',
+ f = 'tech',
+ b = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.data,
+ s = i.act,
+ d = u.disk_data;
+ return d
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: d.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Level', children: d.level }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Description',
+ children: d.desc,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '10px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Upload to Database',
+ icon: 'arrow-up',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return s('updt_tech');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : null;
+ },
+ y = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.data,
+ s = i.act,
+ d = u.disk_data;
+ if (!d) return null;
+ var v = d.name,
+ h = d.lathe_types,
+ C = d.materials,
+ p = h.join(', ');
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: v }),
+ p
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Lathe Types', children: p })
+ : null,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Required Materials' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ C.map(function (N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: [
+ '- ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, N.name, 0, { style: { 'text-transform': 'capitalize' } }),
+ ' x ',
+ N.amount,
+ ],
+ },
+ N.name
+ );
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '10px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Upload to Database',
+ icon: 'arrow-up',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return s('updt_design');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.disk_data;
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ content: 'Erase',
+ icon: 'eraser',
+ disabled: !d,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return u('erase_disk');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Eject',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ u('eject_disk');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ },
+ c
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.data,
+ s = i.act,
+ d = u.disk_type,
+ v = u.to_copy,
+ h = c.title;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
+ title: h,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ overflowY: 'auto',
+ overflowX: 'hidden',
+ maxHeight: '450px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: v
+ .sort(function (C, p) {
+ return C.name.localeCompare(p.name);
+ })
+ .map(function (C) {
+ var p = C.name,
+ N = C.id;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ noColon: !0,
+ label: p,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ content: 'Copy to Disk',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ d === f ? s('copy_tech', { id: N }) : s('copy_design', { id: N });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ N
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = (r.DataDiskMenu = (function () {
+ function l(c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.data,
+ s = u.disk_type,
+ d = u.disk_data;
+ if (!s)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { title: 'Data Disk', children: 'No disk loaded.' });
+ switch (s) {
+ case o:
+ return d
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
+ title: 'Design Disk',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { title: 'Design Disk' });
+ case f:
+ return d
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
+ title: 'Technology Disk',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { title: 'Technology Disk' });
+ default:
+ return (0, e.createFragment)([(0, e.createTextVNode)('UNRECOGNIZED DISK TYPE')], 4);
+ }
+ }
+ return l;
+ })());
+ },
+ 16830: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheCategory = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(52662),
+ f = (r.LatheCategory = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.data,
+ l = k.act,
+ c = g.category,
+ m = g.matching_designs,
+ i = g.menu,
+ u = i === 4,
+ s = u ? 'build' : 'imprint';
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: c,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LatheMaterials),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'RndConsole__LatheCategory__MatchingDesigns',
+ children: m.map(function (d) {
+ var v = d.id,
+ h = d.name,
+ C = d.can_build,
+ p = d.materials;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'print',
+ content: h,
+ disabled: C < 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return l(s, { id: v, amount: 1 });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children:
+ C >= 5
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'x5',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return l(s, { id: v, amount: 5 });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : null,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children:
+ C >= 10
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'x10',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return l(s, { id: v, amount: 10 });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : null,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: p.map(function (N) {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ ' | ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'span',
+ N.is_red ? 'color-red' : null,
+ [N.amount, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '), N.name],
+ 0
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 70497: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheChemicalStorage = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.LatheChemicalStorage = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.data,
+ g = B.act,
+ l = k.loaded_chemicals,
+ c = k.menu === 4;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Chemical Storage',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Purge All',
+ icon: 'trash',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ var i = c ? 'disposeallP' : 'disposeallI';
+ g(i);
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: l.map(function (m) {
+ var i = m.volume,
+ u = m.name,
+ s = m.id;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: '* ' + i + ' of ' + u,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Purge',
+ icon: 'trash',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ var v = c ? 'disposeP' : 'disposeI';
+ g(v, { id: s });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ s
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 70864: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheMainMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(52662),
+ f = n(68198),
+ b = (r.LatheMainMenu = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.data,
+ c = g.act,
+ m = l.menu,
+ i = l.categories,
+ u = m === 4 ? 'Protolathe' : 'Circuit Imprinter';
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: u + ' Menu',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LatheMaterials),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LatheSearch),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ wrap: 'wrap',
+ children: i.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Flex,
+ {
+ style: { 'flex-basis': '50%', 'margin-bottom': '6px' },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-right',
+ content: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ c('setCategory', { category: s });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ s
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 42878: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheMaterialStorage = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.LatheMaterialStorage = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.data,
+ g = B.act,
+ l = k.loaded_materials;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ className: 'RndConsole__LatheMaterialStorage',
+ title: 'Material Storage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: l.map(function (c) {
+ var m = c.id,
+ i = c.amount,
+ u = c.name,
+ s = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ var N = k.menu === 4 ? 'lathe_ejectsheet' : 'imprinter_ejectsheet';
+ g(N, { id: m, amount: p });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ d = Math.floor(i / 2e3),
+ v = i < 1,
+ h = d === 1 ? '' : 's';
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ className: v ? 'color-grey' : 'color-yellow',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ minWidth: '210px',
+ children: ['* ', i, ' of ', u],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ minWidth: '110px',
+ children: ['(', d, ' sheet', h, ')'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children:
+ i >= 2e3
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: '1x',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return s(1);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'C',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return s('custom');
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ i >= 2e3 * 5
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: '5x',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return s(5);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : null,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'All',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return s(50);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ )
+ : null,
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ m
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 52662: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheMaterials = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.LatheMaterials = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.data,
+ g = k.total_materials,
+ l = k.max_materials,
+ c = k.max_chemicals,
+ m = k.total_chemicals;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: 'RndConsole__LatheMaterials',
+ mb: '10px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ width: 'auto',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Material Amount:' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: g }),
+ l ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: ' / ' + l }) : null,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Chemical Amount:' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: m }),
+ c ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: ' / ' + c }) : null,
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 9681: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(12644),
+ f = n(70864),
+ b = n(16830),
+ y = n(42878),
+ B = n(70497),
+ k = ['menu'];
+ function g(u, s) {
+ if (u == null) return {};
+ var d = {};
+ for (var v in u)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(u, v)) {
+ if (s.includes(v)) continue;
+ d[v] = u[v];
+ }
+ return d;
+ }
+ var l = t.Tabs.Tab,
+ c = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p =
+ C.menu === o.MENU.LATHE
+ ? ['nav_protolathe', C.submenu_protolathe]
+ : ['nav_imprinter', C.submenu_imprinter],
+ N = p[0],
+ V = p[1],
+ S = s.menu,
+ I = g(s, k);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ l,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ selected: V === S,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return h(N, { menu: S });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ },
+ I
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ m = function (s) {
+ switch (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LatheMainMenu);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LatheCategory);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LatheMaterialStorage);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LatheChemicalStorage);
+ }
+ },
+ i = (r.LatheMenu = (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.data,
+ C = h.menu,
+ p = h.linked_lathe,
+ N = h.linked_imprinter;
+ return C === o.MENU.LATHE && !p
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'NO PROTOLATHE LINKED TO CONSOLE' })
+ : C === o.MENU.IMPRINTER && !N
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'NO CIRCUIT IMPRITER LINKED TO CONSOLE' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, {
+ icon: 'bars',
+ children: 'Main Menu',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, {
+ icon: 'layer-group',
+ children: 'Materials',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, {
+ icon: 'flask-vial',
+ children: 'Chemicals',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ m(h.menu === o.MENU.LATHE ? h.submenu_protolathe : h.submenu_imprinter),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })());
+ },
+ 68198: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheSearch = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.LatheSearch = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Search...',
+ onEnter: (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ return k('search', { to_search: c });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 81421: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LinkMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(98595),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = (r.LinkMenu = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.controllers;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 550,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Setup Linkage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Address' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Link' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ c.map(function (m) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: m.addr }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: m.net_id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Link',
+ icon: 'link',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('linktonetworkcontroller', { target_controller: m.addr });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ m.addr
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 6256: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SettingsMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.SettingsMenu = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b)],
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ f = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.sync,
+ i = c.admin;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Settings',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ direction: 'column',
+ align: 'flex-start',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'red',
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ content: 'Disconnect from Research Network',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ l('unlink');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.data,
+ c = g.act,
+ m = l.linked_analyzer,
+ i = l.linked_lathe,
+ u = l.linked_imprinter;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Linked Devices',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'link',
+ content: 'Re-sync with Nearby Devices',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return c('find_device');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Scientific Analyzer',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ disabled: !m,
+ content: m ? 'Unlink' : 'Undetected',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return c('disconnect', { item: 'analyze' });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Protolathe',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ disabled: !i,
+ content: i ? 'Unlink' : 'Undetected',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ c('disconnect', { item: 'lathe' });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Circuit Imprinter',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ disabled: !u,
+ content: u ? 'Unlink' : 'Undetected',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return c('disconnect', { item: 'imprinter' });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 12644: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RndConsole = r.PRINTER_MENU = r.MENU = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(98595),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(35840),
+ b = n(37556),
+ y = n(9681),
+ B = n(81421),
+ k = n(6256),
+ g = n(68303),
+ l = ['menu'];
+ function c(p, N) {
+ if (p == null) return {};
+ var V = {};
+ for (var S in p)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(p, S)) {
+ if (N.includes(S)) continue;
+ V[S] = p[S];
+ }
+ return V;
+ }
+ var m = o.Tabs.Tab,
+ i = (r.MENU = { MAIN: 0, DISK: 2, ANALYZE: 3, LATHE: 4, IMPRINTER: 5, SETTINGS: 6 }),
+ s = function (N) {
+ switch (N) {
+ case i.MAIN:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C);
+ case i.DISK:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.DataDiskMenu);
+ case i.ANALYZE:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g.AnalyzerMenu);
+ case i.LATHE:
+ case i.IMPRINTER:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LatheMenu);
+ case i.SETTINGS:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.SettingsMenu);
+ default:
+ return 'UNKNOWN MENU';
+ }
+ },
+ d = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data,
+ w = L.menu,
+ A = N.menu,
+ x = c(N, l);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ m,
+ Object.assign(
+ {
+ selected: w === A,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return I('nav', { menu: A });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ },
+ x
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ v = (r.RndConsole = (function () {
+ function p(N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.act,
+ L = S.data;
+ if (!L.linked) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LinkMenu);
+ var w = L.menu,
+ A = L.linked_analyzer,
+ x = L.linked_lathe,
+ E = L.linked_imprinter,
+ P = L.wait_message;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 550,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'RndConsole',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { icon: 'flask', menu: i.MAIN, children: 'Research' }),
+ !!A &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
+ icon: 'microscope',
+ menu: i.ANALYZE,
+ children: 'Analyze',
+ }),
+ !!x &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
+ icon: 'print',
+ menu: i.LATHE,
+ children: 'Protolathe',
+ }),
+ !!E &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
+ icon: 'memory',
+ menu: i.IMPRINTER,
+ children: 'Imprinter',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { icon: 'floppy-disk', menu: i.DISK, children: 'Disk' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { icon: 'cog', menu: i.SETTINGS, children: 'Settings' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ s(w),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })()),
+ h = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.data,
+ L = I.wait_message;
+ return L
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'RndConsole__Overlay',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: 'RndConsole__Overlay__Wrapper',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, { color: 'black', children: L }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : null;
+ },
+ C = function (N, V) {
+ var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
+ I = S.data,
+ L = I.tech_levels;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ id: 'research-levels',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Research Field' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Level' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ L.map(function (w) {
+ var A = w.id,
+ x = w.name,
+ E = w.desc,
+ P = w.level,
+ D = w.ui_icon;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, { icon: 'circle-info', tooltip: E }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: D }), ' ', x],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: P }),
+ ],
+ },
+ A
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 29205: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RndNetController = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.RndNetController = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.ion,
+ s = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'mainTabIndex', 0),
+ d = s[0],
+ v = s[1],
+ h = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ switch (p) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ return C;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 900,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: 'wrench',
+ selected: d === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return v(0);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Network Management',
+ },
+ 'ConfigPage'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: 'floppy-disk',
+ selected: d === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return v(1);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Design Management',
+ },
+ 'DesignPage'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ h(d),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'filterType', 'ALL'),
+ s = u[0],
+ d = u[1],
+ v = i.network_password,
+ h = i.network_name,
+ C = i.devices,
+ p = [];
+ p.push(s), s === 'MSC' && (p.push('BCK'), p.push('PGN'));
+ var N =
+ s === 'ALL'
+ ? C
+ : C.filter(function (V) {
+ return p.indexOf(V.dclass) > -1;
+ });
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Network Configuration',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Network Name',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: h || 'Unset',
+ selected: h,
+ icon: 'edit',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return m('network_name');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Network Password',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: v || 'Unset',
+ selected: v,
+ icon: 'lock',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return m('network_password');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Connected Devices',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: s === 'ALL',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return d('ALL');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'network-wired',
+ children: 'All Devices',
+ },
+ 'AllDevices'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: s === 'SRV',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return d('SRV');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'server',
+ children: 'R&D Servers',
+ },
+ 'RNDServers'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: s === 'RDC',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return d('RDC');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'desktop',
+ children: 'R&D Consoles',
+ },
+ 'RDConsoles'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: s === 'MFB',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return d('MFB');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'industry',
+ children: 'Exosuit Fabricators',
+ },
+ 'Mechfabs'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: s === 'MSC',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return d('MSC');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'microchip',
+ children: 'Miscellaneous Devices',
+ },
+ 'Misc'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Device Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Device ID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Unlink' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ N.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: V.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: V.id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Unlink',
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ color: 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return m('unlink_device', { dclass: V.dclass, uid: V.id });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ V.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.designs,
+ s = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'searchText', ''),
+ d = s[0],
+ v = s[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Design Management',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ placeholder: 'Search for designs',
+ mb: 2,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function h(C, p) {
+ return v(p);
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ u
+ .filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(d, function (h) {
+ return h.name;
+ })
+ )
+ .map(function (h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button.Checkbox,
+ {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: h.name,
+ checked: !h.blacklisted,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return m(h.blacklisted ? 'unblacklist_design' : 'blacklist_design', { d_uid: h.uid });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ },
+ h.name
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 63315: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RndServer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(44879),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.RndServer = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.active,
+ s = i.network_name;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 500,
+ resizable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Server Configuration',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Machine power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: u,
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('toggle_active');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Link status',
+ children:
+ s === null
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'red', children: 'Unlinked' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'green', children: 'Linked' }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ s === null ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.network_name;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Network Info',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Connected network ID', children: u }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Unlink',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Unlink',
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ color: 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return m('unlink');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.controllers;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Detected Cores',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Link' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ u.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: s.netname }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Link',
+ icon: 'link',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('link', { addr: s.addr });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ s.addr
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 26109: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RobotSelfDiagnosis = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(25328),
+ b = function (k, g) {
+ var l = k / g;
+ return l <= 0.2 ? 'good' : l <= 0.5 ? 'average' : 'bad';
+ },
+ y = (r.RobotSelfDiagnosis = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.data,
+ m = c.component_data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 280,
+ height: 480,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: m.map(function (i, u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: (0, f.capitalize)(i.name),
+ children:
+ i.installed <= 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ m: -0.5,
+ height: 3.5,
+ color: 'red',
+ style: { 'font-style': 'normal' },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ height: '100%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: '#e8e8e8',
+ children: i.installed === -1 ? 'Destroyed' : 'Missing',
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ width: '72%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Brute Damage',
+ color: b(i.brute_damage, i.max_damage),
+ children: i.brute_damage,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Burn Damage',
+ color: b(i.electronic_damage, i.max_damage),
+ children: i.electronic_damage,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ width: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Powered',
+ color: i.powered ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ children: i.powered ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Enabled',
+ color: i.status ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ children: i.status ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ u
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 97997: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RoboticsControlConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.RoboticsControlConsole = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.can_hack,
+ i = c.safety,
+ u = c.show_lock_all,
+ s = c.cyborgs,
+ d = s === void 0 ? [] : s;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 460,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ !!u &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Emergency Lock Down',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: i ? 'lock' : 'unlock',
+ content: i ? 'Disable Safety' : 'Enable Safety',
+ selected: i,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return l('arm', {});
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'lock',
+ disabled: i,
+ content: 'Lock ALL Cyborgs',
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return l('masslock', {});
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { cyborgs: d, can_hack: m }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = B.cyborgs,
+ l = B.can_hack,
+ c = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = 'Detonate';
+ return (
+ i.detonate_cooldown > 0 && (u += ' (' + i.detonate_cooldown + 's)'),
+ g.length
+ ? g.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: s.name,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ !!s.hackable &&
+ !s.emagged &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'terminal',
+ content: 'Hack',
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('hackbot', { uid: s.uid });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: s.locked_down ? 'unlock' : 'lock',
+ color: s.locked_down ? 'good' : 'default',
+ content: s.locked_down ? 'Release' : 'Lockdown',
+ disabled: !i.auth,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('stopbot', { uid: s.uid });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'bomb',
+ content: u,
+ disabled: !i.auth || i.detonate_cooldown > 0,
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('killbot', { uid: s.uid });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: s.status ? 'bad' : s.locked_down ? 'average' : 'good',
+ children: s.status ? 'Not Responding' : s.locked_down ? 'Locked Down' : 'Nominal',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Location',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: s.locstring }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Integrity',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ color: s.health > 50 ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ value: s.health / 100,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (typeof s.charge == 'number' &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cell Charge',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ color: s.charge > 30 ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ value: s.charge / 100,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cell Capacity',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: s.cell_capacity < 3e4 ? 'average' : 'good',
+ children: s.cell_capacity,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cell',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: 'No Power Cell',
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!s.is_hacked &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Safeties',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: 'DISABLED',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Module',
+ children: s.module,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Master AI',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: s.synchronization ? 'default' : 'average',
+ children: s.synchronization || 'None',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ s.uid
+ );
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children: 'No cyborg units detected within access parameters.',
+ })
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 54431: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Safe = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.Safe = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.dial,
+ s = i.open,
+ d = i.locked,
+ v = i.contents;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ theme: 'safe',
+ width: 600,
+ height: 800,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: 'Safe--engraving',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: 'Safe--engraving--hinge',
+ top: '25%',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: 'Safe--engraving--hinge',
+ top: '75%',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ className: 'Safe--engraving--arrow',
+ name: 'long-arrow-alt-down',
+ size: '3',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ s
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y)
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ as: 'img',
+ className: 'Safe--dial',
+ src: 'safe_dial.png',
+ style: { transform: 'rotate(-' + 3.6 * u + 'deg)', 'z-index': 0 },
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !s && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ b = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.dial,
+ s = i.open,
+ d = i.locked,
+ v = function (C, p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: s || (p && !d),
+ icon: 'arrow-' + (p ? 'right' : 'left'),
+ content: (p ? 'Right' : 'Left') + ' ' + C,
+ iconRight: p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return m(p ? 'turnleft' : 'turnright', { num: C });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ style: { 'z-index': 10 },
+ });
+ };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: 'Safe--dialer',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: d,
+ icon: s ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
+ content: s ? 'Close' : 'Open',
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('open');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { position: 'absolute', children: [v(50), v(10), v(1)] }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: 'Safe--dialer--right',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ right: '5px',
+ children: [v(1, !0), v(10, !0), v(50, !0)],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { className: 'Safe--dialer--number', children: u }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.contents;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: 'Safe--contents',
+ overflow: 'auto',
+ children: u.map(function (s, d) {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return m('retrieve', { index: d + 1 });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ as: 'img',
+ src: s.sprite + '.png',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ ml: '-6px',
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ }),
+ s.name,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ ],
+ 4,
+ s
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ className: 'Safe--help',
+ title: 'Safe opening instructions (because you all keep forgetting)',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ '1. Turn the dial left to the first number.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ '2. Turn the dial right to the second number.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ '3. Continue repeating this process for each number, switching between left and right each time.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ '4. Open the safe.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'To lock fully, turn the dial to the left after closing the safe.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 29740: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.SatelliteControlSatellitesList =
+ r.SatelliteControlMapView =
+ r.SatelliteControlFooter =
+ r.SatelliteControl =
+ void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.SatelliteControl = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = (0, a.useLocalState)(l, 'tabIndex', i.tabIndex),
+ s = u[0],
+ d = u[1],
+ v = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ d(p), m('set_tab_index', { tab_index: p });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ h = (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ switch (p) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
+ default:
+ return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
+ }
+ }
+ return C;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 800,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: 'table',
+ selected: s === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return v(0);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Satellites',
+ },
+ 'Satellites'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: 'map-marked-alt',
+ selected: s === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return v(1);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Map View',
+ },
+ 'MapView'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ h(s),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.SatelliteControlSatellitesList = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.satellites;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Satellite Network Control',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: u.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: '#' + s.id,
+ children: [
+ s.mode,
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: s.active ? 'Deactivate' : 'Activate',
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('toggle', { id: s.id });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ s.id
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.SatelliteControlMapView = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.satellites,
+ s = i.has_goal,
+ d = i.defended,
+ v = i.collisions,
+ h = i.fake_meteors,
+ C = i.zoom,
+ p = i.offsetX,
+ N = i.offsetY,
+ V = 0;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ height: '100vh',
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NanoMap, {
+ zoom: C,
+ offsetX: p,
+ offsetY: N,
+ onZoom: (function () {
+ function S(I) {
+ return m('set_zoom', { zoom: I });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ onOffsetChange: (function () {
+ function S(I, L) {
+ return m('set_offset', { offset_x: L.offsetX, offset_y: L.offsetY });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ u.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.NanoMap.MarkerIcon,
+ {
+ x: S.x,
+ y: S.y,
+ icon: 'satellite',
+ tooltip: S.active ? 'Shield Satellite' : 'Inactive Shield Satellite',
+ color: S.active ? 'white' : 'grey',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return m('toggle', { id: S.id });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V++
+ );
+ }),
+ s &&
+ d.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.NanoMap.MarkerIcon,
+ { x: S.x, y: S.y, icon: 'circle', tooltip: 'Successful Defense', color: 'blue' },
+ V++
+ );
+ }),
+ s &&
+ v.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.NanoMap.MarkerIcon,
+ { x: S.x, y: S.y, icon: 'x', tooltip: 'Meteor Hit', color: 'red' },
+ V++
+ );
+ }),
+ s &&
+ h.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.NanoMap.MarkerIcon,
+ { x: S.x, y: S.y, icon: 'meteor', tooltip: 'Incoming Meteor', color: 'white' },
+ V++
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ B = (r.SatelliteControlFooter = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.notice,
+ s = i.notice_color,
+ d = i.has_goal,
+ v = i.coverage,
+ h = i.coverage_goal,
+ C = i.testing;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ d &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Station Shield Coverage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ horizontal: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ color: v >= h ? 'good' : 'average',
+ value: v,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ children: [v, '%'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Check coverage',
+ disabled: C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return m('begin_test');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: s, children: u }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ }
+ return k;
+ })());
+ },
+ 44162: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SecureStorage = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = n(36352),
+ y = n(92986),
+ B = (r.SecureStorage = (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ theme: 'securestorage',
+ height: 500,
+ width: 280,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ k = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = window.event ? m.which : m.keyCode;
+ if (d === y.KEY_ENTER) {
+ m.preventDefault(), s('keypad', { digit: 'E' });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (d === y.KEY_ESCAPE) {
+ m.preventDefault(), s('keypad', { digit: 'C' });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (d === y.KEY_BACKSPACE) {
+ m.preventDefault(), s('backspace');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (d >= y.KEY_0 && d <= y.KEY_9) {
+ m.preventDefault(), s('keypad', { digit: d - y.KEY_0 });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (d >= y.KEY_NUMPAD_0 && d <= y.KEY_NUMPAD_9) {
+ m.preventDefault(), s('keypad', { digit: d - y.KEY_NUMPAD_0 });
+ return;
+ }
+ },
+ g = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = d.locked,
+ h = d.no_passcode,
+ C = d.emagged,
+ p = d.user_entered_code,
+ N = [
+ ['1', '2', '3'],
+ ['4', '5', '6'],
+ ['7', '8', '9'],
+ ['C', '0', 'E'],
+ ],
+ V = h ? '' : v ? 'bad' : 'good';
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function S(I) {
+ return k(I, i);
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ height: 7.3,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ className: (0, a.classes)(['SecureStorage__displayBox', 'SecureStorage__displayBox--' + V]),
+ height: '100%',
+ children: C ? 'ERROR' : p,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ children: N.map(function (S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.TableRow,
+ {
+ children: S.map(function (I) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.TableCell,
+ { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { number: I }) },
+ I
+ );
+ }),
+ },
+ S[0]
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = m.number;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ bold: !0,
+ mb: '6px',
+ content: v,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: '60px',
+ lineHeight: 1.25,
+ width: '80px',
+ className: (0, a.classes)([
+ 'SecureStorage__Button',
+ 'SecureStorage__Button--keypad',
+ 'SecureStorage__Button--' + v,
+ ]),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return s('keypad', { digit: v });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 6272: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SecurityRecords = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = n(3939),
+ y = n(321),
+ B = n(5485),
+ k = n(22091),
+ g = {
+ '*Execute*': 'execute',
+ '*Arrest*': 'arrest',
+ Incarcerated: 'incarcerated',
+ Parolled: 'parolled',
+ Released: 'released',
+ Demote: 'demote',
+ Search: 'search',
+ Monitor: 'monitor',
+ },
+ l = function (p, N) {
+ (0, b.modalOpen)(p, 'edit', { field: N.edit, value: N.value });
+ },
+ c = (r.SecurityRecords = (function () {
+ function C(p, N) {
+ var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
+ S = V.act,
+ I = V.data,
+ L = I.loginState,
+ w = I.currentPage,
+ A;
+ if (L.logged_in)
+ w === 1
+ ? (A = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i))
+ : w === 2 && (A = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d));
+ else
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ theme: 'security',
+ width: 800,
+ height: 900,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LoginScreen),
+ }),
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ theme: 'security',
+ width: 800,
+ height: 900,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LoginInfo),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.TemporaryNotice),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
+ A,
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })()),
+ m = function (p, N) {
+ var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
+ S = V.act,
+ I = V.data,
+ L = I.currentPage,
+ w = I.general;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ m: 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'list',
+ selected: L === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return S('page', { page: 1 });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ children: 'List Records',
+ }),
+ L === 2 &&
+ w &&
+ !w.empty &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'file',
+ selected: L === 2,
+ children: ['Record: ', w.fields[0].value],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (p, N) {
+ var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
+ S = V.act,
+ I = V.data,
+ L = I.records,
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'searchText', ''),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'sortId', 'name'),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1],
+ M = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ R = M[0],
+ O = M[1];
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'SecurityRecords__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { id: 'id', children: 'ID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { id: 'rank', children: 'Assignment' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { id: 'fingerprint', children: 'Fingerprint' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { id: 'status', children: 'Criminal Status' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ L.filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(A, function (F) {
+ return F.name + '|' + F.id + '|' + F.rank + '|' + F.fingerprint + '|' + F.status;
+ })
+ )
+ .sort(function (F, _) {
+ var U = R ? 1 : -1;
+ return F[P].localeCompare(_[P]) * U;
+ })
+ .map(function (F) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ className: 'SecurityRecords__listRow--' + g[F.status],
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return S('view', { uid_gen: F.uid_gen, uid_sec: F.uid_sec });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'user' }), ' ', F.name],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.rank }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.fingerprint }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.status }),
+ ],
+ },
+ F.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ u = function (p, N) {
+ var V = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'sortId', 'name'),
+ S = V[0],
+ I = V[1],
+ L = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ w = L[0],
+ A = L[1],
+ x = p.id,
+ E = p.children;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: S !== x && 'transparent',
+ fluid: !0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ S === x ? A(!w) : (I(x), A(!0));
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ E,
+ S === x &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: w ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ s = function (p, N) {
+ var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
+ S = V.act,
+ I = V.data,
+ L = I.isPrinting,
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'searchText', ''),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ ml: '0.25rem',
+ content: 'New Record',
+ icon: 'plus',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return S('new_general');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: L,
+ icon: L ? 'spinner' : 'print',
+ iconSpin: !!L,
+ content: 'Print Cell Log',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return (0, b.modalOpen)(N, 'print_cell_log');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Search by Name, ID, Assignment, Fingerprint, Status',
+ fluid: !0,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function E(P, D) {
+ return x(D);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ d = function (p, N) {
+ var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
+ S = V.act,
+ I = V.data,
+ L = I.isPrinting,
+ w = I.general,
+ A = I.security;
+ return !w || !w.fields
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'bad', children: 'General records lost!' })
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'General Data',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: L,
+ icon: L ? 'spinner' : 'print',
+ iconSpin: !!L,
+ content: 'Print Record',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return S('print_record');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'trash',
+ tooltip:
+ 'WARNING: This will also delete the Security and Medical records associated with this crew member!',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ content: 'Delete Record',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return S('delete_general');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !A || !A.fields
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Security Data',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'pen',
+ content: 'Create New Record',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return S('new_security');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.75,
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ name: 'scroll',
+ size: 5,
+ color: 'gray',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ name: 'slash',
+ size: 5,
+ color: 'red',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Security records lost!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Security Data',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'trash',
+ disabled: A.empty,
+ content: 'Delete Record',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return S('delete_security');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: A.fields.map(function (x, E) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: x.field,
+ preserveWhitespace: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, a.decodeHtmlEntities)(x.value),
+ !!x.edit &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'pen',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ mb: x.line_break ? '1rem' : 'initial',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return l(N, x);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ E
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ },
+ v = function (p, N) {
+ var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
+ S = V.data,
+ I = S.general;
+ return !I || !I.fields
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: 'General records lost!',
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: I.fields.map(function (L, w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: L.field,
+ preserveWhitespace: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, a.decodeHtmlEntities)('' + L.value),
+ !!L.edit &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'pen',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ mb: L.line_break ? '1rem' : 'initial',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return l(N, L);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!I.has_photos &&
+ I.photos.map(function (L, w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ inline: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ ml: 0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: L,
+ style: {
+ width: '96px',
+ 'margin-top': '5rem',
+ 'margin-bottom': '0.5rem',
+ '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
+ 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Photo #',
+ w + 1,
+ ],
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ h = function (p, N) {
+ var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
+ S = V.act,
+ I = V.data,
+ L = I.security;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ height: '150px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Comments/Log',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'comment',
+ content: 'Add Entry',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return (0, b.modalOpen)(N, 'comment_add');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children:
+ L.comments.length === 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'No comments found.' })
+ : L.comments.map(function (w, A) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ {
+ preserveWhitespace: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ inline: !0,
+ children: w.header || 'Auto-generated',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ w.text || w,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'comment-slash',
+ color: 'bad',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return S('comment_delete', { id: A + 1 });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ A
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 5099: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SeedExtractor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = n(3939);
+ function y(u, s) {
+ var d = (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && u[Symbol.iterator]) || u['@@iterator'];
+ if (d) return (d = d.call(u)).next.bind(d);
+ if (Array.isArray(u) || (d = B(u)) || (s && u && typeof u.length == 'number')) {
+ d && (u = d);
+ var v = 0;
+ return function () {
+ return v >= u.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: u[v++] };
+ };
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(
+ 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
+ );
+ }
+ function B(u, s) {
+ if (u) {
+ if (typeof u == 'string') return k(u, s);
+ var d = {}.toString.call(u).slice(8, -1);
+ return (
+ d === 'Object' && u.constructor && (d = u.constructor.name),
+ d === 'Map' || d === 'Set'
+ ? Array.from(u)
+ : d === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(d)
+ ? k(u, s)
+ : void 0
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function k(u, s) {
+ (s == null || s > u.length) && (s = u.length);
+ for (var d = 0, v = Array(s); d < s; d++) v[d] = u[d];
+ return v;
+ }
+ var g = (r.SeedExtractor = (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ var v = (0, t.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.loginState,
+ N = C.currentPage;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ theme: 'hydroponics',
+ width: 800,
+ height: 400,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ l = function (s) {
+ for (
+ var d = function (w, A) {
+ return w === A;
+ },
+ v = function (w, A) {
+ return w >= A;
+ },
+ h = function (w, A) {
+ return w <= A;
+ },
+ C = s.split(' '),
+ p = [],
+ N = function () {
+ var w = I.value,
+ A = w.split(':');
+ if (A.length === 0) return 0;
+ if (A.length === 1)
+ return (
+ p.push(function (P) {
+ return (P.name + ' (' + P.variant + ')')
+ .toLocaleLowerCase()
+ .includes(A[0].toLocaleLowerCase());
+ }),
+ 0
+ );
+ if (A.length > 2)
+ return {
+ v: (function () {
+ function P(D) {
+ return !1;
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ };
+ var x,
+ E = d;
+ if (
+ (A[1][A[1].length - 1] === '-'
+ ? ((E = h), (x = Number(A[1].substring(0, A[1].length - 1))))
+ : A[1][A[1].length - 1] === '+'
+ ? ((E = v), (x = Number(A[1].substring(0, A[1].length - 1))))
+ : (x = Number(A[1])),
+ isNaN(x))
+ )
+ return {
+ v: (function () {
+ function P(D) {
+ return !1;
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ };
+ switch (A[0].toLocaleLowerCase()) {
+ case 'l':
+ case 'life':
+ case 'lifespan':
+ p.push(function (P) {
+ return E(P.lifespan, x);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ case 'end':
+ case 'endurance':
+ p.push(function (P) {
+ return E(P.endurance, x);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ case 'mat':
+ case 'maturation':
+ p.push(function (P) {
+ return E(P.maturation, x);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'pr':
+ case 'prod':
+ case 'production':
+ p.push(function (P) {
+ return E(P.production, x);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ case 'yield':
+ p.push(function (P) {
+ return E(P.yield, x);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'po':
+ case 'pot':
+ case 'potency':
+ p.push(function (P) {
+ return E(P.potency, x);
+ });
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ case 'stock':
+ case 'c':
+ case 'count':
+ case 'a':
+ case 'amount':
+ p.push(function (P) {
+ return E(P.amount, x);
+ });
+ break;
+ default:
+ return {
+ v: (function () {
+ function P(D) {
+ return !1;
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ V,
+ S = y(C),
+ I;
+ !(I = S()).done;
+ )
+ if (((V = N()), V !== 0 && V)) return V.v;
+ return function (L) {
+ for (var w = 0, A = p; w < A.length; w++) {
+ var x = A[w];
+ if (!x(L)) return !1;
+ }
+ return !0;
+ };
+ },
+ c = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, t.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.icons,
+ N = C.seeds,
+ V = C.vend_amount,
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'searchText', ''),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'vendAmount', 1),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'sortId', 'name'),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1],
+ M = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ R = M[0],
+ O = M[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ className: 'SeedExtractor__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'lifespan', children: 'Lifespan' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'endurance', children: 'Endurance' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'maturation', children: 'Maturation' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'production', children: 'Production' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'yield', children: 'Yield' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'potency', children: 'Potency' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'amount', children: 'Stock' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ N.lenth === 0
+ ? 'No seeds present.'
+ : N.filter(l(I))
+ .sort(function (F, _) {
+ var U = R ? 1 : -1;
+ return typeof F[P] == 'number' ? (F[P] - _[P]) * U : F[P].localeCompare(_[P]) * U;
+ })
+ .map(function (F) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return h('vend', { seed_id: F.id, seed_variant: F.variant, vend_amount: A });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
+ src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + p[F.image],
+ style: {
+ 'vertical-align': 'middle',
+ width: '32px',
+ margin: '0px',
+ 'margin-left': '0px',
+ },
+ }),
+ F.name,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.lifespan }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.endurance }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.maturation }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.production }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.yield }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.potency }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.amount }),
+ ],
+ },
+ F.id
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'sortId', 'name'),
+ h = v[0],
+ C = v[1],
+ p = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'sortOrder', !0),
+ N = p[0],
+ V = p[1],
+ S = s.id,
+ I = s.children;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: h !== S && 'transparent',
+ fluid: !0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ h === S ? V(!N) : (C(S), V(!0));
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ I,
+ h === S &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: N ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (s, d) {
+ var v = (0, t.useBackend)(d),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.vend_amount,
+ N = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'searchText', ''),
+ V = N[0],
+ S = N[1],
+ I = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'vendAmount', 1),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Search by name, variant, potency:70+, production:3-, ...',
+ fluid: !0,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function A(x, E) {
+ return S(E);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ 'Vend amount:',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: '1',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function A(x, E) {
+ return w(Number(E) >= 1 ? Number(E) : 1);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 2916: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ShuttleConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.ShuttleConsole = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 150,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Location',
+ children: l.status
+ ? l.status
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'Shuttle Missing',
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!l.shuttle &&
+ ((!!l.docking_ports_len &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Send to ',
+ children: l.docking_ports.map(function (c) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ icon: 'chevron-right',
+ content: c.name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('move', { move: c.id });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ },
+ c.name
+ );
+ }),
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ color: 'red',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'Shuttle Locked',
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!l.admin_controlled &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Authorization',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'exclamation-circle',
+ content: 'Request Authorization',
+ disabled: !l.status,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return g('request');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ )),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 39401: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ShuttleManipulator = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.ShuttleManipulator = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useLocalState)(l, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ m = c[0],
+ i = c[1],
+ u = (function () {
+ function s(d) {
+ switch (d) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
+ default:
+ return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
+ }
+ }
+ return s;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 650,
+ height: 700,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fillPositionedParent: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: m === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i(0);
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'info-circle',
+ children: 'Status',
+ },
+ 'Status'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: m === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i(1);
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'file-import',
+ children: 'Templates',
+ },
+ 'Templates'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: m === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return i(2);
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'tools',
+ children: 'Modification',
+ },
+ 'Modification'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ u(m),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ b = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.shuttles;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: u.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: s.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'ID', children: s.id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Shuttle Timer',
+ children: s.timeleft,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Shuttle Mode',
+ children: s.mode,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Shuttle Status',
+ children: s.status,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Actions',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Jump To',
+ icon: 'location-arrow',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('jump_to', { type: 'mobile', id: s.id });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Fast Travel',
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('fast_travel', { id: s.id });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ s.name
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.templates_tabs,
+ s = i.existing_shuttle,
+ d = i.templates;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: u.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: v === s.id,
+ icon: 'file',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('select_template_category', { cat: v });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ children: v,
+ },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!s &&
+ d[s.id].templates.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: v.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ v.description &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Description',
+ children: v.description,
+ }),
+ v.admin_notes &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Admin Notes',
+ children: v.admin_notes,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Load Template',
+ icon: 'download',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m('select_template', { shuttle_id: v.shuttle_id });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ v.name
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.existing_shuttle,
+ s = i.selected;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ u
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Selected Shuttle: ' + u.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Status', children: u.status }),
+ u.timer &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Timer',
+ children: u.timeleft,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Actions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Jump To',
+ icon: 'location-arrow',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('jump_to', { type: 'mobile', id: u.id });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { title: 'Selected Shuttle: None' }),
+ s
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Selected Template: ' + s.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ s.description &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Description',
+ children: s.description,
+ }),
+ s.admin_notes &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Admin Notes',
+ children: s.admin_notes,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Actions',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Preview',
+ icon: 'eye',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('preview', { shuttle_id: s.shuttle_id });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Load',
+ icon: 'download',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('load', { shuttle_id: s.shuttle_id });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { title: 'Selected Template: None' }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 86013: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SingularityMonitor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(64795),
+ o = n(44879),
+ f = n(72253),
+ b = n(36036),
+ y = n(76910),
+ B = n(98595),
+ k = n(36352),
+ g = (r.SingularityMonitor = (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data;
+ return h.active === 0 ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ l = function (u) {
+ return Math.log2(16 + Math.max(0, u)) - 4;
+ },
+ c = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.singularities,
+ p = C === void 0 ? [] : C;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
+ width: 450,
+ height: 185,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Detected Singularities',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Refresh',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return v('refresh');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table, {
+ children: p.map(function (N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
+ children: N.singularity_id + '. ' + N.area_name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Stage:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ width: '120px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: N.stage,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 6,
+ ranges: { good: [1, 2], average: [3, 4], bad: [5, 6] },
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(N.stage),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ content: 'Details',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return v('view', { view: N.singularity_id });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ N.singularity_id
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.active,
+ p = h.singulo_stage,
+ N = h.singulo_potential_stage,
+ V = h.singulo_energy,
+ S = h.singulo_high,
+ I = h.singulo_low,
+ L = h.generators,
+ w = L === void 0 ? [] : L;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
+ width: 550,
+ height: 185,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '270px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Metrics',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Stage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: p,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 6,
+ ranges: { good: [1, 2], average: [3, 4], bad: [5, 6] },
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(p),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Potential Stage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: N,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 6,
+ ranges: { good: [1, p + 0.5], average: [p + 0.5, p + 1.5], bad: [p + 1.5, p + 2] },
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(N),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Energy',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: V,
+ minValue: I,
+ maxValue: S,
+ ranges: {
+ good: [0.67 * S + 0.33 * I, S],
+ average: [0.33 * S + 0.67 * I, 0.67 * S + 0.33 * I],
+ bad: [I, 0.33 * S + 0.67 * I],
+ },
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(V) + 'MJ',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Field Generators',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ content: 'Back',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return v('back');
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
+ children: w.map(function (A) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: 'Remaining Charge',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: A.charge,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 125,
+ ranges: { good: [80, 125], average: [30, 80], bad: [0, 30] },
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(A.charge),
+ }),
+ },
+ A.gen_index
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 88284: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Sleeper = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = [
+ ['good', 'Alive'],
+ ['average', 'Critical'],
+ ['bad', 'DEAD'],
+ ],
+ y = [
+ ['Resp.', 'oxyLoss'],
+ ['Toxin', 'toxLoss'],
+ ['Brute', 'bruteLoss'],
+ ['Burn', 'fireLoss'],
+ ],
+ B = { average: [0.25, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
+ k = ['bad', 'average', 'average', 'good', 'average', 'average', 'bad'],
+ g = (r.Sleeper = (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.hasOccupant,
+ S = V ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 550,
+ height: 760,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: S }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i) }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()),
+ l = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.occupant;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ c = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.occupant,
+ S = N.auto_eject_dead;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Occupant',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ inline: !0,
+ children: 'Auto-eject if dead:\xA0',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: S ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ selected: S,
+ content: S ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return p('auto_eject_dead_' + (S ? 'off' : 'on'));
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'user-slash',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return p('ejectify');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: V.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: V.maxHealth,
+ value: V.health / V.maxHealth,
+ ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
+ children: (0, a.round)(V.health, 0),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ color: b[V.stat][0],
+ children: b[V.stat][1],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Temperature',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: V.maxTemp,
+ value: V.bodyTemperature / V.maxTemp,
+ color: k[V.temperatureSuitability + 3],
+ children: [(0, a.round)(V.btCelsius, 0), '\xB0C,', (0, a.round)(V.btFaren, 0), '\xB0F'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!V.hasBlood &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Blood Level',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: V.bloodMax,
+ value: V.bloodLevel / V.bloodMax,
+ ranges: { bad: [-1 / 0, 0.6], average: [0.6, 0.9], good: [0.6, 1 / 0] },
+ children: [V.bloodPercent, '%, ', V.bloodLevel, 'cl'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pulse',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ children: [V.pulse, ' BPM'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.data,
+ N = p.occupant;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Occupant Damage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: y.map(function (V, S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: V[0],
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.ProgressBar,
+ { min: '0', max: '100', value: N[V[1]] / 100, ranges: B, children: (0, a.round)(N[V[1]], 0) },
+ S
+ ),
+ },
+ S
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.hasOccupant,
+ S = N.isBeakerLoaded,
+ I = N.beakerMaxSpace,
+ L = N.beakerFreeSpace,
+ w = N.dialysis,
+ A = w && L > 0;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Dialysis',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: !S || L <= 0 || !V,
+ selected: A,
+ icon: A ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: A ? 'Active' : 'Inactive',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return p('togglefilter');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ disabled: !S,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return p('removebeaker');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: S
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Remaining Space',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: I,
+ value: L / I,
+ ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0.25, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.25] },
+ children: [L, 'u'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'No beaker loaded.' }),
+ });
+ },
+ u = function (v, h) {
+ var C = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
+ p = C.act,
+ N = C.data,
+ V = N.occupant,
+ S = N.chemicals,
+ I = N.maxchem,
+ L = N.amounts;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Occupant Chemicals',
+ children: S.map(function (w, A) {
+ var x = '',
+ E;
+ return (
+ w.overdosing
+ ? ((x = 'bad'),
+ (E = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-circle' }),
+ '\xA0 Overdosing!',
+ ],
+ })))
+ : w.od_warning &&
+ ((x = 'average'),
+ (E = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-triangle' }),
+ '\xA0 Close to overdosing',
+ ],
+ }))),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ {
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)',
+ mb: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: w.title,
+ level: '3',
+ mx: '0',
+ lineHeight: '18px',
+ buttons: E,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
+ min: '0',
+ max: I,
+ value: w.occ_amount / I,
+ color: x,
+ title:
+ 'Amount of chemicals currently inside the occupant / Total amount injectable by this machine',
+ mr: '0.5rem',
+ children: [w.pretty_amount, '/', I, 'u'],
+ }),
+ L.map(function (P, D) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button,
+ {
+ disabled: !w.injectable || w.occ_amount + P > I || V.stat === 2,
+ icon: 'syringe',
+ content: 'Inject ' + P + 'u',
+ title: 'Inject ' + P + 'u of ' + w.title + ' into the occupant',
+ mb: '0',
+ height: '19px',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function M() {
+ return p('chemical', { chemid: w.id, amount: P });
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ },
+ D
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ A
+ )
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ s = function (v, h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No occupant detected.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 21597: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SlotMachine = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.SlotMachine = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data;
+ if (l.money === null)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 90,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: 'Could not scan your card or could not find account!',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: 'Please wear or hold your ID and try again.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ var c;
+ return (
+ l.plays === 1
+ ? (c = l.plays + ' player has tried their luck today!')
+ : (c = l.plays + ' players have tried their luck today!'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 300,
+ height: 151,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { lineHeight: 2, children: c }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Credits Remaining',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: l.money }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: '10 credits to spin',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'coins',
+ disabled: l.working,
+ content: l.working ? 'Spinning...' : 'Spin',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('spin');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: !0,
+ lineHeight: 2,
+ color: l.resultlvl,
+ children: l.result,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 46348: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Smartfridge = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.Smartfridge = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.secure,
+ m = l.can_dry,
+ i = l.drying,
+ u = l.contents;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ !!c &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children: 'Secure Access: Please have your identification ready.',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: m ? 'Drying rack' : 'Contents',
+ buttons:
+ !!m &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 4,
+ icon: i ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: i ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: i,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('drying');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ !u &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'cookie-bite',
+ size: 5,
+ color: 'brown',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'slash',
+ size: 5,
+ color: 'red',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'No products loaded.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!u &&
+ u
+ .slice()
+ .sort(function (s, d) {
+ return s.display_name.localeCompare(d.display_name);
+ })
+ .map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '55%',
+ children: s.display_name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '25%',
+ children: ['(', s.quantity, ' in stock)'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: 13,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 3,
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ tooltip: 'Dispense one.',
+ content: '1',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('vend', { index: s.vend, amount: 1 });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ width: '40px',
+ minValue: 0,
+ value: 0,
+ maxValue: s.quantity,
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 3,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ return g('vend', { index: s.vend, amount: h });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: 4,
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ content: 'All',
+ tooltip: 'Dispense all.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('vend', { index: s.vend, amount: s.quantity });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ s
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 86162: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Smes = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(49968),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = 1e3,
+ y = (r.Smes = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.capacityPercent,
+ u = m.capacity,
+ s = m.charge,
+ d = m.inputAttempt,
+ v = m.inputting,
+ h = m.inputLevel,
+ C = m.inputLevelMax,
+ p = m.inputAvailable,
+ N = m.outputPowernet,
+ V = m.outputAttempt,
+ S = m.outputting,
+ I = m.outputLevel,
+ L = m.outputLevelMax,
+ w = m.outputUsed,
+ A = (i >= 100 && 'good') || (v && 'average') || 'bad',
+ x = (S && 'good') || (s > 0 && 'average') || 'bad';
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 340,
+ height: 345,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Stored Energy',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: i * 0.01,
+ ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0.15, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.15] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Input',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Charge Mode',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: d ? 'sync-alt' : 'times',
+ selected: d,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return c('tryinput');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ children: d ? 'Auto' : 'Off',
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: A,
+ children: (i >= 100 && 'Fully Charged') || (v && 'Charging') || 'Not Charging',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Target Input',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ inline: !0,
+ width: '100%',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ disabled: h === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return c('input', { target: 'min' });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'backward',
+ disabled: h === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return c('input', { adjust: -1e4 });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ value: h / b,
+ fillValue: p / b,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: C / b,
+ step: 5,
+ stepPixelSize: 4,
+ format: (function () {
+ function E(P) {
+ return (0, o.formatPower)(P * b, 1);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function E(P, D) {
+ return c('input', { target: D * b });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'forward',
+ disabled: h === C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return c('input', { adjust: 1e4 });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ disabled: h === C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return c('input', { target: 'max' });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Available',
+ children: (0, o.formatPower)(p),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Output',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Output Mode',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: V ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ selected: V,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return c('tryoutput');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ children: V ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: x,
+ children: N ? (S ? 'Sending' : s > 0 ? 'Not Sending' : 'No Charge') : 'Not Connected',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Target Output',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ inline: !0,
+ width: '100%',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ disabled: I === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return c('output', { target: 'min' });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'backward',
+ disabled: I === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return c('output', { adjust: -1e4 });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ value: I / b,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: L / b,
+ step: 5,
+ stepPixelSize: 4,
+ format: (function () {
+ function E(P) {
+ return (0, o.formatPower)(P * b, 1);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function E(P, D) {
+ return c('output', { target: D * b });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'forward',
+ disabled: I === L,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return c('output', { adjust: 1e4 });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ disabled: I === L,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return c('output', { target: 'max' });
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Outputting',
+ children: (0, o.formatPower)(w),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })());
+ },
+ 63584: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SolarControl = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.SolarControl = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = 0,
+ m = 1,
+ i = 2,
+ u = l.generated,
+ s = l.generated_ratio,
+ d = l.tracking_state,
+ v = l.tracking_rate,
+ h = l.connected_panels,
+ C = l.connected_tracker,
+ p = l.cdir,
+ N = l.direction,
+ V = l.rotating_direction;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 490,
+ height: 277,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Scan for new hardware',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return g('refresh');
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Solar tracker',
+ color: C ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ children: C ? 'OK' : 'N/A',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Solar panels',
+ color: h > 0 ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ children: h,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
+ size: 2,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power output',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ ranges: { good: [0.66, 1 / 0], average: [0.33, 0.66], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.33] },
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 1,
+ value: s,
+ children: u + ' W',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Panel orientation',
+ children: [p, '\xB0 (', N, ')'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tracker rotation',
+ children: [
+ d === i && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: ' Automated ' }),
+ d === m &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [' ', v, '\xB0/h (', V, ')', ' '],
+ }),
+ d === c &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: ' Tracker offline ' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Controls',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Panel orientation',
+ children: [
+ d !== i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ unit: '\xB0',
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 1,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 359,
+ value: p,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function S(I, L) {
+ return g('cdir', { cdir: L });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ d === i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ lineHeight: '19px',
+ children: ' Automated ',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tracker status',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Off',
+ selected: d === c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return g('track', { track: c });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'clock-o',
+ content: 'Timed',
+ selected: d === m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return g('track', { track: m });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Auto',
+ selected: d === i,
+ disabled: !C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return g('track', { track: i });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tracker rotation',
+ children: [
+ d === m &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ unit: '\xB0/h',
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 1,
+ minValue: -7200,
+ maxValue: 7200,
+ value: v,
+ format: (function () {
+ function S(I) {
+ var L = Math.sign(I) > 0 ? '+' : '-';
+ return L + Math.abs(I);
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function S(I, L) {
+ return g('tdir', { tdir: L });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ d === c &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ lineHeight: '19px',
+ children: ' Tracker offline ',
+ }),
+ d === i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ lineHeight: '19px',
+ children: ' Automated ',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 38096: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SpawnersMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.SpawnersMenu = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.spawners || [];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 700,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: c.map(function (m) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ title: m.name + ' (' + m.amount_left + ' left)',
+ level: 2,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-circle-right',
+ content: 'Jump',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('jump', { ID: m.uids });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-circle-right',
+ content: 'Spawn',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('spawn', { ID: m.uids });
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ style: { 'white-space': 'pre-wrap' },
+ mb: 1,
+ fontSize: '16px',
+ children: m.desc,
+ }),
+ !!m.fluff &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ style: { 'white-space': 'pre-wrap' },
+ textColor: '#878787',
+ fontSize: '14px',
+ children: m.fluff,
+ }),
+ !!m.important_info &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ style: { 'white-space': 'pre-wrap' },
+ mt: 1,
+ bold: !0,
+ color: 'red',
+ fontSize: '18px',
+ children: m.important_info,
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ m.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 30586: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SpecMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.SpecMenu = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 1100,
+ height: 600,
+ theme: 'nologo',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ b = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.subclasses;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '25%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Hemomancer',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Choose',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return i('hemomancer');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'h3',
+ null,
+ 'Focuses on blood magic and the manipulation of blood around you.',
+ 16
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Vampiric claws', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 150 blood, allows you to summon a robust pair of claws that attack rapidly, drain a targets blood, and heal you.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood Barrier', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to select two turfs and create a wall between them.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood tendrils', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to slow everyone in a targeted 3x3 area after a short delay.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Sanguine pool', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 400 blood, allows you to travel at high speeds for a short duration. Doing this leaves behind blood splatters. You can move through anything but walls and space when doing this.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Predator senses', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 600 blood, allows you to sniff out anyone within the same sector as you.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood eruption', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 800 blood, allows you to manipulate all nearby blood splatters, in 4 tiles around you, into spikes that impale anyone stood ontop of them.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Full power', 16),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'The blood bringers rite', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': When toggled you will rapidly drain the blood of everyone who is nearby and use it to heal yourself slightly and remove any incapacitating effects rapidly.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.subclasses;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '25%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Umbrae',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Choose',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return i('umbrae');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'Focuses on darkness, stealth ambushing and mobility.', 16),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Cloak of darkness', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 150 blood, when toggled, allows you to become nearly invisible and move rapidly when in dark regions. While active, burn damage is more effective against you.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Shadow anchor', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 250 blood, casting it will create an anchor at the cast location after a short delay. If you then cast the ability again, you are teleported back to the anchor. If you do not cast again within 2 minutes, you will do a fake recall, causing a clone to appear at the anchor and making yourself invisible. It will not teleport you between Z levels.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Shadow snare', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to summon a trap that when crossed blinds and ensnares the victim. This trap is hard to see, but withers in the light.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Dark passage', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 400 blood, allows you to target a turf on screen, you will then teleport to that turf.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Extinguish', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 600 blood, allows you to snuff out nearby electronic light sources and glowshrooms.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Shadow boxing', 16),
+ ': Unlocked at 800 blood, sends out shadow clones towards a target, damaging them while you remain in range.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Full power', 16),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Eternal darkness', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': When toggled, you consume yourself in unholy darkness, only the strongest of lights will be able to see through it. Inside the radius, nearby creatures will freeze and energy projectiles will deal less damage.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'p', null, 'In addition, you also gain permanent X-ray vision.', 16),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.subclasses;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '25%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Gargantua',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Choose',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return i('gargantua');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'Focuses on tenacity and melee damage.', 16),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Rejuvenate', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Will heal you at an increased rate based on how much damage you have taken.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood swell', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 150 blood, increases your resistance to physical damage, stuns and stamina for 30 seconds. While it is active you cannot fire guns.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Seismic stomp', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to stomp the ground to send out a shockwave, knocking people back.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood rush', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(': Unlocked at 250 blood, gives you a short speed boost when cast.'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood swell II', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(': Unlocked at 400 blood, increases all melee damage by 10.'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Overwhelming force', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 600 blood, when toggled, if you bump into a door that you do not have access to, it will force it open. In addition, you cannot be pushed or pulled while it is active.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Demonic grasp', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 800 blood, allows you to send out a demonic hand to snare someone. If you are on disarm/grab intent you will push/pull the target, respectively.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Charge', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 800 blood, you gain the ability to charge at a target. Destroying and knocking back pretty much anything you collide with.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Full Power', 16),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Desecrated Duel', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Leap towards a visible enemy, creating an arena upon landing, infusing you with increased regeneration, and granting you resistance to internal damages.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.subclasses;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '25%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Dantalion',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Choose',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return i('dantalion');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'Focuses on thralling and illusions.', 16),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Enthrall', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 150 blood, Thralls your target to your will, requires you to stand still. Does not work on mindshielded or already enthralled/mindslaved people.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Thrall cap', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': You can only thrall a max of 1 person at a time. This can be increased at 400 blood, 600 blood and at full power to a max of 4 thralls.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Thrall commune', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 150 blood, Allows you to talk to your thralls, your thralls can talk back in the same way.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Subspace swap', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to swap positions with a target.'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Pacify', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to pacify a target, preventing them from causing harm for 40 seconds.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Decoy', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 400 blood, briefly turn invisible and send out an illusion to fool everyone nearby.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Rally thralls', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 600 blood, removes all incapacitating effects from nearby thralls.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood bond', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Unlocked at 800 blood, when cast, all nearby thralls become linked to you. If anyone in the network takes damage, it is shared equally between everyone in the network. If a thrall goes out of range, they will be removed from the network.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Full Power', 16),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Mass Hysteria', 16),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ ': Casts a powerful illusion that blinds and then makes everyone nearby perceive others as random animals.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 95152: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.StackCraft = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(88510),
+ o = n(64795),
+ f = n(25328),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = n(36036),
+ B = (r.StackCraft = (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })()),
+ k = function (d, v) {
+ var h = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
+ C = h.data,
+ p = C.amount,
+ N = C.recipes,
+ V = (0, a.useLocalState)(v, 'searchText', ''),
+ S = V[0],
+ I = V[1],
+ L = g(N, (0, f.createSearch)(S)),
+ w = (0, a.useLocalState)(v, '', !1),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Amount: ' + p,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ A &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Input, {
+ width: 12.5,
+ value: S,
+ placeholder: 'Find recipe',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function E(P, D) {
+ return I(D);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Button, {
+ ml: 0.5,
+ tooltip: 'Search',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
+ icon: 'magnifying-glass',
+ selected: A,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return x(!A);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ children: L
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { recipes: L })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.NoticeBox, { children: 'No recipes found!' }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = function s(d, v) {
+ var h = (0, o.flow)([
+ (0, t.map)(function (C) {
+ var p = C[0],
+ N = C[1];
+ return l(N) ? (v(p) ? C : [p, s(N, v)]) : v(p) ? C : [p, void 0];
+ }),
+ (0, t.filter)(function (C) {
+ var p = C[0],
+ N = C[1];
+ return N !== void 0;
+ }),
+ (0, t.sortBy)(function (C) {
+ var p = C[0],
+ N = C[1];
+ return p;
+ }),
+ (0, t.sortBy)(function (C) {
+ var p = C[0],
+ N = C[1];
+ return !l(N);
+ }),
+ (0, t.reduce)(function (C, p) {
+ var N = p[0],
+ V = p[1];
+ return (C[N] = V), C;
+ }, {}),
+ ])(Object.entries(d));
+ return Object.keys(h).length ? h : void 0;
+ },
+ l = function (d) {
+ return d.uid === void 0;
+ },
+ c = function (d, v) {
+ return d.required_amount > v ? 0 : Math.floor(v / d.required_amount);
+ },
+ m = function (d, v) {
+ for (
+ var h = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
+ C = h.act,
+ p = d.recipe,
+ N = d.max_possible_multiplier,
+ V = Math.min(N, Math.floor(p.max_result_amount / p.result_amount)),
+ S = [5, 10, 25],
+ I = [],
+ L = function () {
+ var E = A[w];
+ V >= E &&
+ I.push(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Button, {
+ bold: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ fontSize: 0.85,
+ width: '32px',
+ content: E * p.result_amount + 'x',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return C('make', { recipe_uid: p.uid, multiplier: E });
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ w = 0,
+ A = S;
+ w < A.length;
+ w++
+ )
+ L();
+ return (
+ S.indexOf(V) === -1 &&
+ I.push(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Button, {
+ bold: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ fontSize: 0.85,
+ width: '32px',
+ content: V * p.result_amount + 'x',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return C('make', { recipe_uid: p.uid, multiplier: V });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ })
+ ),
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ I.map(function (x) {
+ return x;
+ }),
+ 0
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ i = function s(d, v) {
+ var h = d.recipes;
+ return Object.entries(h).map(function (C) {
+ var p = C[0],
+ N = C[1];
+ return l(N)
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ y.Collapsible,
+ {
+ title: p,
+ contentStyle: {
+ 'margin-top': '0',
+ 'padding-bottom': '0.5em',
+ 'background-color': 'rgba(62, 97, 137, 0.15)',
+ border: '1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)',
+ 'border-top': 'none',
+ },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Box, {
+ p: 1,
+ pb: 0.25,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { recipes: N }),
+ }),
+ },
+ p
+ )
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { title: p, recipe: N }, p);
+ });
+ },
+ u = function (d, v) {
+ var h = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
+ C = h.act,
+ p = h.data,
+ N = p.amount,
+ V = d.title,
+ S = d.recipe,
+ I = S.result_amount,
+ L = S.required_amount,
+ w = S.max_result_amount,
+ A = S.uid,
+ x = S.icon,
+ E = S.icon_state,
+ P = S.image,
+ D = I > 1 ? I + 'x ' : '',
+ M = L > 1 ? 's' : '',
+ R = '' + D + V,
+ O = L + ' sheet' + M,
+ F = c(S, N);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.ImageButton, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ base64: P,
+ dmIcon: x,
+ dmIconState: E,
+ imageSize: 32,
+ disabled: !F,
+ tooltip: O,
+ buttons: w > 1 && F > 1 && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { recipe: S, max_possible_multiplier: F }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return C('make', { recipe_uid: A, multiplier: 1 });
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ children: R,
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 38307: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.StationAlertConsoleContent = r.StationAlertConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.StationAlertConsole = (function () {
+ function y() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 325,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.StationAlertConsoleContent = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.data,
+ c = l.alarms || [],
+ m = c.Fire || [],
+ i = c.Atmosphere || [],
+ u = c.Power || [];
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Fire Alarms',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'ul',
+ null,
+ [
+ m.length === 0 && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'Systems Nominal', 16),
+ m.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-average', s, 0, null, s);
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Atmospherics Alarms',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'ul',
+ null,
+ [
+ i.length === 0 && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'Systems Nominal', 16),
+ i.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-average', s, 0, null, s);
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Power Alarms',
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'ul',
+ null,
+ [
+ u.length === 0 && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'Systems Nominal', 16),
+ u.map(function (s) {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-average', s, 0, null, s);
+ }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 96091: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.StationTraitsPanel = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(42127),
+ o = n(72253),
+ f = n(36036),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = (function (l) {
+ return (
+ (l[(l.SetupFutureStationTraits = 0)] = 'SetupFutureStationTraits'),
+ (l[(l.ViewStationTraits = 1)] = 'ViewStationTraits'),
+ l
+ );
+ })(y || {}),
+ B = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, o.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = s.future_station_traits,
+ v = (0, o.useLocalState)(m, 'selectedFutureTrait', null),
+ h = v[0],
+ C = v[1],
+ p = Object.fromEntries(
+ s.valid_station_traits.map(function (V) {
+ return [V.name, V.path];
+ })
+ ),
+ N = Object.keys(p);
+ return (
+ N.sort(),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
+ displayText: !h && 'Select trait to add...',
+ onSelected: C,
+ options: N,
+ selected: h,
+ width: '100%',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ color: 'green',
+ icon: 'plus',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ if (h) {
+ var S = p[h],
+ I = [S];
+ if (d) {
+ var L,
+ w = d.map(function (A) {
+ return A.path;
+ });
+ if (w.indexOf(S) !== -1) return;
+ I = (L = I).concat.apply(L, w);
+ }
+ u('setup_future_traits', { station_traits: I });
+ }
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Add',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Divider),
+ Array.isArray(d)
+ ? d.length > 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ fill: !0,
+ children: d.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: V.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ color: 'red',
+ icon: 'times',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ u('setup_future_traits', {
+ station_traits: (0, a.filterMap)(d, function (I) {
+ if (I.path !== V.path) return I.path;
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Delete',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ V.path
+ );
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ children: 'No station traits will run next round.',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ mt: 1,
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: 'good',
+ icon: 'times',
+ tooltip: 'The next round will roll station traits randomly, just like normal',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return u('clear_future_traits');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Run Station Traits Normally',
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ children: 'No future station traits are planned.',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ mt: 1,
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: 'red',
+ icon: 'times',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return u('setup_future_traits', { station_traits: [] });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Prevent station traits from running next round',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ k = function (c, m) {
+ var i = (0, o.useBackend)(m),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data;
+ return s.current_traits.length > 0
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ fill: !0,
+ children: s.current_traits.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: d.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button.Confirm, {
+ content: 'Revert',
+ color: 'red',
+ disabled: s.too_late_to_revert || !d.can_revert,
+ tooltip:
+ (!d.can_revert && 'This trait is not revertable.') ||
+ (s.too_late_to_revert &&
+ "It's too late to revert station traits, the round has already started."),
+ icon: 'times',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return u('revert', { ref: d.ref });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ d.ref
+ );
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: 'There are no active station traits.',
+ });
+ },
+ g = (r.StationTraitsPanel = (function () {
+ function l(c, m) {
+ var i = (0, o.useLocalState)(m, 'station_traits_tab', y.ViewStationTraits),
+ u = i[0],
+ s = i[1],
+ d;
+ switch (u) {
+ case y.SetupFutureStationTraits:
+ d = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
+ break;
+ case y.ViewStationTraits:
+ d = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
+ break;
+ default:
+ (0, t.exhaustiveCheck)(u);
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ title: 'Modify Station Traits',
+ height: 350,
+ width: 350,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'eye',
+ selected: u === y.ViewStationTraits,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return s(y.ViewStationTraits);
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ children: 'View',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs.Tab, {
+ icon: 'edit',
+ selected: u === y.SetupFutureStationTraits,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return s(y.SetupFutureStationTraits);
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Edit',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
+ m: 0,
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Divider), d],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return l;
+ })());
+ },
+ 39409: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.StripMenu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(79140),
+ o = n(72253),
+ f = n(36036),
+ b = n(98595),
+ y = 5,
+ B = 9,
+ k = function (h) {
+ return h === 0 ? 5 : 9;
+ },
+ g = '64px',
+ l = function (h) {
+ return h[0] + '/' + h[1];
+ },
+ c = function (h) {
+ var C = h.align,
+ p = h.children;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ style: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: C === 'left' ? '6px' : '48px',
+ 'text-align': C,
+ 'text-shadow': '2px 2px 2px #000',
+ top: '2px',
+ },
+ children: p,
+ });
+ },
+ m = {
+ enable_internals: { icon: 'lungs', text: 'Enable internals' },
+ disable_internals: { icon: 'lungs', text: 'Disable internals' },
+ enable_lock: { icon: 'lock', text: 'Enable lock' },
+ disable_lock: { icon: 'unlock', text: 'Disable lock' },
+ suit_sensors: { icon: 'tshirt', text: 'Adjust suit sensors' },
+ remove_accessory: { icon: 'medal', text: 'Remove accessory' },
+ dislodge_headpocket: { icon: 'head-side-virus', text: 'Dislodge headpocket' },
+ },
+ i = {
+ eyes: { displayName: 'eyewear', gridSpot: l([0, 0]), image: 'inventory-glasses.png' },
+ head: { displayName: 'headwear', gridSpot: l([0, 1]), image: 'inventory-head.png' },
+ mask: { displayName: 'mask', gridSpot: l([1, 1]), image: 'inventory-mask.png' },
+ neck: { displayName: 'neck', gridSpot: l([1, 0]), image: 'inventory-neck.png' },
+ pet_collar: { displayName: 'collar', gridSpot: l([1, 1]), image: 'inventory-collar.png' },
+ right_ear: { displayName: 'right ear', gridSpot: l([0, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
+ left_ear: { displayName: 'left ear', gridSpot: l([1, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
+ parrot_headset: { displayName: 'headset', gridSpot: l([1, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
+ handcuffs: { displayName: 'handcuffs', gridSpot: l([1, 3]) },
+ legcuffs: { displayName: 'legcuffs', gridSpot: l([1, 4]) },
+ jumpsuit: { displayName: 'uniform', gridSpot: l([2, 0]), image: 'inventory-uniform.png' },
+ suit: { displayName: 'suit', gridSpot: l([2, 1]), image: 'inventory-suit.png' },
+ gloves: { displayName: 'gloves', gridSpot: l([2, 2]), image: 'inventory-gloves.png' },
+ right_hand: {
+ displayName: 'right hand',
+ gridSpot: l([2, 3]),
+ image: 'inventory-hand_r.png',
+ additionalComponent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { align: 'left', children: 'R' }),
+ },
+ left_hand: {
+ displayName: 'left hand',
+ gridSpot: l([2, 4]),
+ image: 'inventory-hand_l.png',
+ additionalComponent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { align: 'right', children: 'L' }),
+ },
+ shoes: { displayName: 'shoes', gridSpot: l([3, 1]), image: 'inventory-shoes.png' },
+ suit_storage: { displayName: 'suit storage', gridSpot: l([4, 0]), image: 'inventory-suit_storage.png' },
+ id: { displayName: 'ID', gridSpot: l([4, 1]), image: 'inventory-id.png' },
+ belt: { displayName: 'belt', gridSpot: l([4, 2]), image: 'inventory-belt.png' },
+ back: { displayName: 'backpack', gridSpot: l([4, 3]), image: 'inventory-back.png' },
+ left_pocket: { displayName: 'left pocket', gridSpot: l([3, 4]), image: 'inventory-pocket.png' },
+ right_pocket: { displayName: 'right pocket', gridSpot: l([3, 3]), image: 'inventory-pocket.png' },
+ pda: { displayName: 'PDA', gridSpot: l([4, 4]), image: 'inventory-pda.png' },
+ },
+ u = {
+ eyes: { displayName: 'eyewear', gridSpot: l([0, 0]), image: 'inventory-glasses.png' },
+ head: { displayName: 'headwear', gridSpot: l([0, 1]), image: 'inventory-head.png' },
+ mask: { displayName: 'mask', gridSpot: l([1, 1]), image: 'inventory-mask.png' },
+ neck: { displayName: 'neck', gridSpot: l([1, 0]), image: 'inventory-neck.png' },
+ pet_collar: { displayName: 'collar', gridSpot: l([1, 1]), image: 'inventory-collar.png' },
+ right_ear: { displayName: 'right ear', gridSpot: l([0, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
+ left_ear: { displayName: 'left ear', gridSpot: l([1, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
+ parrot_headset: { displayName: 'headset', gridSpot: l([1, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
+ handcuffs: { displayName: 'handcuffs', gridSpot: l([1, 3]) },
+ legcuffs: { displayName: 'legcuffs', gridSpot: l([1, 4]) },
+ jumpsuit: { displayName: 'uniform', gridSpot: l([2, 0]), image: 'inventory-uniform.png' },
+ suit: { displayName: 'suit', gridSpot: l([2, 1]), image: 'inventory-suit.png' },
+ gloves: { displayName: 'gloves', gridSpot: l([2, 2]), image: 'inventory-gloves.png' },
+ right_hand: {
+ displayName: 'right hand',
+ gridSpot: l([4, 4]),
+ image: 'inventory-hand_r.png',
+ additionalComponent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { align: 'left', children: 'R' }),
+ },
+ left_hand: {
+ displayName: 'left hand',
+ gridSpot: l([4, 5]),
+ image: 'inventory-hand_l.png',
+ additionalComponent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { align: 'right', children: 'L' }),
+ },
+ shoes: { displayName: 'shoes', gridSpot: l([3, 1]), image: 'inventory-shoes.png' },
+ suit_storage: { displayName: 'suit storage', gridSpot: l([4, 0]), image: 'inventory-suit_storage.png' },
+ id: { displayName: 'ID', gridSpot: l([4, 1]), image: 'inventory-id.png' },
+ belt: { displayName: 'belt', gridSpot: l([4, 2]), image: 'inventory-belt.png' },
+ back: { displayName: 'backpack', gridSpot: l([4, 3]), image: 'inventory-back.png' },
+ left_pocket: { displayName: 'left pocket', gridSpot: l([4, 7]), image: 'inventory-pocket.png' },
+ right_pocket: { displayName: 'right pocket', gridSpot: l([4, 6]), image: 'inventory-pocket.png' },
+ pda: { displayName: 'PDA', gridSpot: l([4, 8]), image: 'inventory-pda.png' },
+ },
+ s = (function (v) {
+ return (v[(v.Completely = 1)] = 'Completely'), (v[(v.Hidden = 2)] = 'Hidden'), v;
+ })(s || {}),
+ d = (r.StripMenu = (function () {
+ function v(h, C) {
+ var p = (0, o.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = new Map();
+ if (V.show_mode === 0)
+ for (var I = 0, L = Object.keys(V.items); I < L.length; I++) {
+ var w = L[I];
+ S.set(i[w].gridSpot, w);
+ }
+ else
+ for (var A = 0, x = Object.keys(V.items); A < x.length; A++) {
+ var E = x[A];
+ S.set(u[E].gridSpot, E);
+ }
+ var P = (function () {
+ function R(O) {
+ return !((O != null && O.cantstrip) || (O != null && O.interacting));
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ D = (function () {
+ function R(O) {
+ return O != null && O.interacting ? 'average' : null;
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ M = (function () {
+ function R(O) {
+ return O != null && O.cantstrip ? 'transparent' : 'none';
+ }
+ return R;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
+ title: 'Stripping ' + V.name,
+ width: k(V.show_mode) * 64 + 6 * (k(V.show_mode) + 1),
+ height: 390,
+ theme: 'nologo',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
+ style: { 'background-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, a.range)(0, y).map(function (R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, a.range)(0, k(V.show_mode)).map(function (O) {
+ var F = l([R, O]),
+ _ = S.get(F);
+ if (!_)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Stack.Item,
+ { style: { width: g, height: g } },
+ F
+ );
+ var U = V.items[_],
+ z = i[_],
+ $,
+ G,
+ X;
+ return (
+ U === null
+ ? (X = z.displayName)
+ : 'name' in U
+ ? ((G = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ as: 'img',
+ src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + U.icon,
+ height: '100%',
+ width: '100%',
+ style: {
+ '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
+ 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
+ 'vertical-align': 'middle',
+ },
+ })),
+ (X = U.name))
+ : 'obscured' in U &&
+ ((G = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, {
+ name: U.obscured === s.Completely ? 'ban' : 'eye-slash',
+ size: 3,
+ ml: 0,
+ mt: 2.5,
+ color: 'white',
+ style: { 'text-align': 'center', height: '100%', width: '100%' },
+ })),
+ (X = 'obscured ' + z.displayName)),
+ U !== null && 'alternates' in U && U.alternates !== null && ($ = U.alternates),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ style: { width: g, height: g },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ style: { position: 'relative', width: '100%', height: '100%' },
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function J() {
+ N('use', { key: _ });
+ }
+ return J;
+ })(),
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: P(U),
+ color: D(U),
+ tooltip: X,
+ style: {
+ position: 'relative',
+ width: '100%',
+ height: '100%',
+ padding: 0,
+ 'background-color': M(U),
+ },
+ children: [
+ z.image &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ as: 'img',
+ src: (0, t.resolveAsset)(z.image),
+ opacity: 0.7,
+ style: {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ width: '32px',
+ height: '32px',
+ left: '50%',
+ top: '50%',
+ transform: 'translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(2)',
+ },
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
+ style: { position: 'relative' },
+ children: G,
+ }),
+ z.additionalComponent,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
+ direction: 'row-reverse',
+ children:
+ $ !== void 0 &&
+ $.map(function (J, se) {
+ var ie = se * 1.8;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ width: '100%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function me() {
+ N('alt', { key: _, action_key: J });
+ }
+ return me;
+ })(),
+ tooltip: m[J].text,
+ width: '1.8em',
+ style: {
+ background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ bottom: 0,
+ right: ie + 'em',
+ 'z-index': 2 + se,
+ },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, {
+ name: m[J].icon,
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ se
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ F
+ )
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ },
+ R
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })());
+ },
+ 69514: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SuitStorage = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.SuitStorage = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.data,
+ i = m.uv;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 260,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ !!i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
+ backgroundColor: 'black',
+ opacity: 0.85,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ mb: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'spinner', spin: 1, size: 4, mb: 4 }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Disinfection of contents in progress...',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ b = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.helmet,
+ s = i.suit,
+ d = i.magboots,
+ v = i.mask,
+ h = i.storage,
+ C = i.open,
+ p = i.locked;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Stored Items',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Start Disinfection Cycle',
+ icon: 'radiation',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return m('cook');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: p ? 'Unlock' : 'Lock',
+ icon: p ? 'unlock' : 'lock',
+ disabled: C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return m('toggle_lock');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children:
+ C && !p
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, {
+ object: u,
+ label: 'Helmet',
+ missingText: 'helmet',
+ eject: 'dispense_helmet',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, {
+ object: s,
+ label: 'Suit',
+ missingText: 'suit',
+ eject: 'dispense_suit',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, {
+ object: d,
+ label: 'Boots',
+ missingText: 'boots',
+ eject: 'dispense_boots',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, {
+ object: v,
+ label: 'Breathmask',
+ missingText: 'mask',
+ eject: 'dispense_mask',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, {
+ object: h,
+ label: 'Storage',
+ missingText: 'storage item',
+ eject: 'dispense_storage',
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ grow: '1',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ align: 'center',
+ color: 'label',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: p ? 'lock' : 'exclamation-circle',
+ size: '5',
+ mb: 3,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ p ? 'The unit is locked.' : 'The unit is closed.',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = g.object,
+ s = g.label,
+ d = g.missingText,
+ v = g.eject;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: s,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ my: 0.5,
+ children: u
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ my: -1,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: u,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return m(v);
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'silver',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: ['No ', d, ' found.'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.open,
+ s = i.locked;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: u ? 'Close Suit Storage Unit' : 'Open Suit Storage Unit',
+ icon: u ? 'times-circle' : 'expand',
+ color: u ? 'red' : 'green',
+ disabled: s,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return m('toggle_open');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 15022: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SupermatterMonitor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(64795),
+ o = n(44879),
+ f = n(72253),
+ b = n(36036),
+ y = n(76910),
+ B = n(98595),
+ k = n(36352),
+ g = (r.SupermatterMonitor = (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data;
+ return h.active === 0 ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ l = function (u) {
+ return Math.log2(16 + Math.max(0, u)) - 4;
+ },
+ c = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.supermatters,
+ p = C === void 0 ? [] : C;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
+ width: 450,
+ height: 250,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Detected Supermatters',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Refresh',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return v('refresh');
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table, {
+ children: p.map(function (N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
+ children: N.supermatter_id + '. ' + N.area_name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Integrity:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ width: '120px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: N.integrity / 100,
+ ranges: { good: [0.9, 1 / 0], average: [0.5, 0.9], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.5] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ content: 'Details',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return v('view', { view: N.supermatter_id });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ N.supermatter_id
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.active,
+ p = h.SM_integrity,
+ N = h.SM_power,
+ V = h.SM_ambienttemp,
+ S = h.SM_ambientpressure,
+ I = h.SM_moles,
+ L = h.SM_gas_coefficient,
+ w = (0, t.flow)([
+ function (x) {
+ return x.filter(function (E) {
+ return E.amount >= 0.01;
+ });
+ },
+ (0, a.sortBy)(function (x) {
+ return -x.amount;
+ }),
+ ])(h.gases || []),
+ A = Math.max.apply(
+ Math,
+ [1].concat(
+ w.map(function (x) {
+ return x.portion;
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
+ width: 550,
+ height: 250,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '270px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Metrics',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Integrity',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: p / 100,
+ ranges: { good: [0.9, 1 / 0], average: [0.5, 0.9], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.5] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Relative EER',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: N,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 5e3,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 5e3], average: [5e3, 7e3], bad: [7e3, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(N) + ' MeV/cm3',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Gas Coefficient',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: L,
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: 5.25,
+ ranges: { bad: [1, 1.55], average: [1.55, 5.25], good: [5.25, 1 / 0] },
+ children: L.toFixed(2),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Temperature',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: l(V),
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: l(1e4),
+ ranges: {
+ teal: [-1 / 0, l(80)],
+ good: [l(80), l(373)],
+ average: [l(373), l(1e3)],
+ bad: [l(1e3), 1 / 0],
+ },
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(V) + ' K',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Mole Per Tile',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: I,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 12e3,
+ ranges: {
+ teal: [-1 / 0, 100],
+ average: [100, 11333],
+ good: [11333, 12e3],
+ bad: [12e3, 1 / 0],
+ },
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(I) + ' mol',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pressure',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ value: l(S),
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: l(5e4),
+ ranges: { good: [l(1), l(300)], average: [-1 / 0, l(1e3)], bad: [l(1e3), 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(S) + ' kPa',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: 0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Gases',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ content: 'Back',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return v('back');
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
+ children: w.map(function (x) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: (0, y.getGasLabel)(x.name),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
+ color: (0, y.getGasColor)(x.name),
+ value: x.portion,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: A,
+ children: (0, o.toFixed)(x.amount) + ' mol (' + x.portion + '%)',
+ }),
+ },
+ x.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 46029: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SyndicateComputerSimple = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.SyndicateComputerSimple = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ theme: 'syndicate',
+ width: 400,
+ height: 400,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: l.rows.map(function (c) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Section,
+ {
+ title: c.title,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: c.buttontitle,
+ disabled: c.buttondisabled,
+ tooltip: c.buttontooltip,
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g(c.buttonact);
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: [
+ c.status,
+ !!c.bullets &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: c.bullets.map(function (m) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: m }, m);
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ c.title
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 36372: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TEG = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = function (B) {
+ return B.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,');
+ },
+ b = (r.TEG = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data;
+ return c.error
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 400,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Error',
+ children: [
+ c.error,
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'circle',
+ content: 'Recheck',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('check');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 400,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Cold Loop (' + c.cold_dir + ')',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cold Inlet',
+ children: [f(c.cold_inlet_temp), ' K, ', f(c.cold_inlet_pressure), ' kPa'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cold Outlet',
+ children: [f(c.cold_outlet_temp), ' K, ', f(c.cold_outlet_pressure), ' kPa'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Hot Loop (' + c.hot_dir + ')',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Hot Inlet',
+ children: [f(c.hot_inlet_temp), ' K, ', f(c.hot_inlet_pressure), ' kPa'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Hot Outlet',
+ children: [f(c.hot_outlet_temp), ' K, ', f(c.hot_outlet_pressure), ' kPa'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Power Output',
+ children: [
+ f(c.output_power),
+ ' W',
+ !!c.warning_switched &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'Warning: Cold inlet temperature exceeds hot inlet temperature.',
+ }),
+ !!c.warning_cold_pressure &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'Warning: Cold circulator inlet pressure is under 1,000 kPa.',
+ }),
+ !!c.warning_hot_pressure &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'Warning: Hot circulator inlet pressure is under 1,000 kPa.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 56441: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TachyonArrayContent = r.TachyonArray = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.TachyonArray = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.records,
+ i = m === void 0 ? [] : m,
+ u = c.explosion_target,
+ s = c.toxins_tech,
+ d = c.printing;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 600,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: "Shift's Target",
+ children: u,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Toxins Level',
+ children: s,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Administration',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'print',
+ content: 'Print All Logs',
+ disabled: !i.length || d,
+ align: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return l('print_logs');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'trash',
+ content: 'Delete All Logs',
+ disabled: !i.length,
+ color: 'bad',
+ align: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return l('delete_logs');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ i.length
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b)
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No Records' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.TachyonArrayContent = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.records,
+ i = m === void 0 ? [] : m;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Logged Explosions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Time' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Epicenter' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Actual Size' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Theoretical Size' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ i.map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.logged_time }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.epicenter }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.actual_size_message }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: u.theoretical_size_message,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'trash',
+ content: 'Delete',
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return l('delete_record', { index: u.index });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ u.index
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 1754: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Tank = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.Tank = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c;
+ return (
+ l.has_mask
+ ? (c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Mask',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ width: '76%',
+ icon: l.connected ? 'check' : 'times',
+ content: l.connected ? 'Internals On' : 'Internals Off',
+ selected: l.connected,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('internals');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }))
+ : (c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Mask',
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'No Mask Equipped',
+ })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 325,
+ height: 135,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Tank Pressure',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: l.tankPressure / 1013,
+ ranges: { good: [0.35, 1 / 0], average: [0.15, 0.35], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.15] },
+ children: l.tankPressure + ' kPa',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Release Pressure',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ disabled: l.ReleasePressure === l.minReleasePressure,
+ tooltip: 'Min',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('pressure', { pressure: 'min' });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ value: parseFloat(l.releasePressure),
+ width: '65px',
+ unit: 'kPa',
+ minValue: l.minReleasePressure,
+ maxValue: l.maxReleasePressure,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function m(i, u) {
+ return g('pressure', { pressure: u });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ disabled: l.ReleasePressure === l.maxReleasePressure,
+ tooltip: 'Max',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('pressure', { pressure: 'max' });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'undo',
+ content: '',
+ disabled: l.ReleasePressure === l.defaultReleasePressure,
+ tooltip: 'Reset',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('pressure', { pressure: 'reset' });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ c,
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 7579: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TankDispenser = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.TankDispenser = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.o_tanks,
+ m = l.p_tanks;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 250,
+ height: 105,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Dispense Oxygen Tank (' + c + ')',
+ disabled: c === 0,
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('oxygen');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mt: 1,
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Dispense Plasma Tank (' + m + ')',
+ disabled: m === 0,
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('plasma');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 16136: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TcommsCore = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.TcommsCore = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.ion,
+ d = (0, a.useLocalState)(c, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ v = d[0],
+ h = d[1],
+ C = (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ switch (N) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ return p;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 900,
+ height: 520,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ s === 1 && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: 'wrench',
+ selected: v === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return h(0);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Configuration',
+ },
+ 'ConfigPage'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: 'link',
+ selected: v === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return h(1);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Device Linkage',
+ },
+ 'LinkagePage'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ icon: 'user-times',
+ selected: v === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return h(2);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'User Filtering',
+ },
+ 'FilterPage'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ C(v),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ b = function () {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children:
+ 'ERROR: An Ionospheric overload has occured. Please wait for the machine to reboot. This cannot be manually done.',
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.active,
+ d = u.sectors_available,
+ v = u.nttc_toggle_jobs,
+ h = u.nttc_toggle_job_color,
+ C = u.nttc_toggle_name_color,
+ p = u.nttc_toggle_command_bold,
+ N = u.nttc_job_indicator_type,
+ V = u.nttc_setting_language,
+ S = u.network_id;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Machine Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: s ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: s,
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return i('toggle_active');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Sector Coverage', children: d }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Radio Configuration',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Job Announcements',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: v ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: v,
+ icon: 'user-tag',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return i('nttc_toggle_jobs');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Job Departmentalisation',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: h ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: h,
+ icon: 'clipboard-list',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return i('nttc_toggle_job_color');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Name Departmentalisation',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: C ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: C,
+ icon: 'user-tag',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return i('nttc_toggle_name_color');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Command Amplification',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: p ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: p,
+ icon: 'volume-up',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return i('nttc_toggle_command_bold');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Advanced',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Job Announcement Format',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: N || 'Unset',
+ selected: N,
+ icon: 'pencil-alt',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return i('nttc_job_indicator_type');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Language Conversion',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: V || 'Unset',
+ selected: V,
+ icon: 'globe',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return i('nttc_setting_language');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Network ID',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: S || 'Unset',
+ selected: S,
+ icon: 'server',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return i('network_id');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Maintenance',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Import Configuration',
+ icon: 'file-import',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return i('import');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Export Configuration',
+ icon: 'file-export',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return i('export');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ B = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.link_password,
+ d = u.relay_entries;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Device Linkage',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Linkage Password',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: s || 'Unset',
+ selected: s,
+ icon: 'lock',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return i('change_password');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Address' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Sector' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Unlink' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ d.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: v.addr }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: v.net_id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: v.sector }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children:
+ v.status === 1
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: 'Online' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: 'Offline' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Unlink',
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return i('unlink', { addr: v.addr });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ v.addr
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.filtered_users;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'User Filtering',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Add User',
+ icon: 'user-plus',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return i('add_filter');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { style: { width: '90%' }, children: 'User' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { style: { width: '10%' }, children: 'Actions' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ s.map(function (d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Remove',
+ icon: 'user-times',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return i('remove_filter', { user: d });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ d
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 88046: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TcommsRelay = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.TcommsRelay = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.linked,
+ u = m.active,
+ s = m.network_id;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 600,
+ height: 292,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Relay Configuration',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Machine Power',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: u,
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('toggle_active');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Network ID',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: s || 'Unset',
+ selected: s,
+ icon: 'server',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('network_id');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Link Status',
+ children:
+ i === 1
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: 'Linked' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: 'Unlinked' }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ i === 1 ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ b = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.linked_core_id,
+ u = m.linked_core_addr,
+ s = m.hidden_link;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Link Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Linked Core ID', children: i }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Linked Core Address', children: u }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Hidden Link',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: s ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ icon: s ? 'eye-slash' : 'eye',
+ selected: s,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('toggle_hidden_link');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Unlink',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Unlink',
+ icon: 'unlink',
+ color: 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return c('unlink');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.cores;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Detected Cores',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ m: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Address' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Sector' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Link' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ i.map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.addr }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.net_id }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.sector }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Link',
+ icon: 'link',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return c('link', { addr: u.addr });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ u.addr
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 20802: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Teleporter = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.Teleporter = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.targetsTeleport ? l.targetsTeleport : {},
+ m = 0,
+ i = 1,
+ u = 2,
+ s = l.calibrated,
+ d = l.calibrating,
+ v = l.powerstation,
+ h = l.regime,
+ C = l.teleporterhub,
+ p = l.target,
+ N = l.locked,
+ V = l.adv_beacon_allowed,
+ S = l.advanced_beacon_locking;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 270,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: [
+ (!v || !C) &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ title: 'Error',
+ children: [
+ C,
+ !v &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: ' Powerstation not linked ',
+ }),
+ v &&
+ !C &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: ' Teleporter hub not linked ',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ v &&
+ C &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Status',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ !!V &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Advanced Beacon Locking:\xA0',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ selected: S,
+ icon: S ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
+ content: S ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return g('advanced_beacon_locking', { on: S ? 0 : 1 });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ 0
+ ),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: 8.5,
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Teleport target:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ h === m &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ width: 18.2,
+ selected: p,
+ disabled: d,
+ options: Object.keys(c),
+ color: p !== 'None' ? 'default' : 'bad',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ return g('settarget', {
+ x: c[L].x,
+ y: c[L].y,
+ z: c[L].z,
+ tptarget: c[L].pretarget,
+ });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ h === i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ width: 18.2,
+ selected: p,
+ disabled: d,
+ options: Object.keys(c),
+ color: p !== 'None' ? 'default' : 'bad',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ return g('settarget', {
+ x: c[L].x,
+ y: c[L].y,
+ z: c[L].z,
+ tptarget: c[L].pretarget,
+ });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ h === u && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: p }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: 8.5,
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Regime:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Gate',
+ tooltip: 'Teleport to another teleport hub.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ color: h === i ? 'good' : null,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return g('setregime', { regime: i });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'Teleporter',
+ tooltip: 'One-way teleport.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top',
+ color: h === m ? 'good' : null,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return g('setregime', { regime: m });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: 'GPS',
+ tooltip: 'Teleport to a location stored in a GPS device.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'top-end',
+ color: h === u ? 'good' : null,
+ disabled: !N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return g('setregime', { regime: u });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ label: 'Calibration',
+ mt: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: 8.5,
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'Calibration:',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ p !== 'None' &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ width: 15.8,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children:
+ (d &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'average',
+ children: 'In Progress',
+ })) ||
+ (s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'good',
+ children: 'Optimal',
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: 'Sub-Optimal',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync-alt',
+ tooltip:
+ 'Calibrates the hub. Accidents may occur when the calibration is not optimal.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
+ disabled: !!(s || d),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return g('calibrate');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ p === 'None' &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ lineHeight: '21px',
+ children: 'No target set',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!(N && v && C && h === u) &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'GPS',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Upload GPS data',
+ tooltip: 'Loads the GPS data from the device.',
+ icon: 'upload',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return g('load');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Eject',
+ tooltip: 'Ejects the GPS device',
+ icon: 'eject',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return g('eject');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 48517: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TelescienceConsole = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.TelescienceConsole = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.last_msg,
+ m = l.linked_pad,
+ i = l.held_gps,
+ u = l.lastdata,
+ s = l.power_levels,
+ d = l.current_max_power,
+ v = l.current_power,
+ h = l.current_bearing,
+ C = l.current_elevation,
+ p = l.current_sector,
+ N = l.working,
+ V = l.max_z,
+ S = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'dummyrot', h),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 500,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ children: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ c,
+ !(u.length > 0) ||
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'ul',
+ null,
+ u.map(function (w) {
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', null, w, 0, null, w);
+ }),
+ 0
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Telepad Status',
+ children:
+ m === 1
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Bearing',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ position: 'relative',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ unit: '\xB0',
+ width: 6.1,
+ lineHeight: 1.5,
+ step: 0.1,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 360,
+ disabled: N,
+ value: h,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function w(A, x) {
+ return L(x);
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function w(A, x) {
+ return g('setbear', { bear: x });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ ml: 1,
+ size: 1,
+ name: 'arrow-up',
+ rotation: I,
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Elevation',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ width: 6.1,
+ lineHeight: 1.5,
+ step: 0.1,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ disabled: N,
+ value: C,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function w(A, x) {
+ return g('setelev', { elev: x });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power Level',
+ children: s.map(function (w, A) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: w,
+ selected: v === w,
+ disabled: A >= d - 1 || N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function x() {
+ return g('setpwr', { pwr: A + 1 });
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Target Sector',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ width: 6.1,
+ lineHeight: 1.5,
+ step: 1,
+ minValue: 2,
+ maxValue: V,
+ value: p,
+ disabled: N,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function w(A, x) {
+ return g('setz', { newz: x });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Telepad Actions',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Send',
+ disabled: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return g('pad_send');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Receive',
+ disabled: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return g('pad_receive');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Crystal Maintenance',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Recalibrate Crystals',
+ disabled: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return g('recal_crystals');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Eject Crystals',
+ disabled: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return g('eject_crystals');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(
+ 'No pad linked to console. Please use a multitool to link a pad.'
+ ),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'GPS Actions',
+ children:
+ i === 1
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: i === 0 || N,
+ content: 'Eject GPS',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return g('eject_gps');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: i === 0 || N,
+ content: 'Store Coordinates',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return g('store_to_gps');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [(0, e.createTextVNode)('Please insert a GPS to store coordinates to it.')],
+ 4
+ ),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 21800: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TempGun = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.TempGun = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m = (0, t.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.target_temperature,
+ d = u.temperature,
+ v = u.max_temp,
+ h = u.min_temp;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 250,
+ height: 121,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Target Temperature',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ animate: !0,
+ step: 10,
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ minValue: h,
+ maxValue: v,
+ value: s,
+ format: (function () {
+ function C(p) {
+ return (0, a.toFixed)(p, 2);
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ width: '50px',
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function C(p, N) {
+ return i('target_temperature', { target_temperature: N });
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ '\xB0C',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Temperature',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ color: y(d),
+ bold: d > 500 - 273.15,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: (0, a.round)(d, 2) }),
+ '\xB0C',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Power Cost',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: k(d), children: B(d) }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ y = function (l) {
+ return l <= -100 ? 'blue' : l <= 0 ? 'teal' : l <= 100 ? 'green' : l <= 200 ? 'orange' : 'red';
+ },
+ B = function (l) {
+ return l <= 100 - 273.15
+ ? 'High'
+ : l <= 250 - 273.15
+ ? 'Medium'
+ : l <= 300 - 273.15
+ ? 'Low'
+ : l <= 400 - 273.15
+ ? 'Medium'
+ : 'High';
+ },
+ k = function (l) {
+ return l <= 100 - 273.15
+ ? 'red'
+ : l <= 250 - 273.15
+ ? 'orange'
+ : l <= 300 - 273.15
+ ? 'green'
+ : l <= 400 - 273.15
+ ? 'orange'
+ : 'red';
+ };
+ },
+ 24410: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.sanitizeMultiline = r.removeAllSkiplines = r.TextInputModal = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(51057),
+ t = n(19203),
+ o = n(72253),
+ f = n(92986),
+ b = n(36036),
+ y = n(98595),
+ B = (r.sanitizeMultiline = (function () {
+ function c(m) {
+ return m.replace(/(\n|\r\n){3,}/, '\n\n');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ k = (r.removeAllSkiplines = (function () {
+ function c(m) {
+ return m.replace(/[\r\n]+/, '');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ g = (r.TextInputModal = (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ var u = (0, o.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = d.max_length,
+ h = d.message,
+ C = h === void 0 ? '' : h,
+ p = d.multiline,
+ N = d.placeholder,
+ V = d.timeout,
+ S = d.title,
+ I = (0, o.useLocalState)(i, 'input', N || ''),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I[1],
+ A = (function () {
+ function P(D) {
+ if (D !== L) {
+ var M = p ? B(D) : k(D);
+ w(M);
+ }
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ x = p || L.length >= 40,
+ E = 130 + (C.length > 40 ? Math.ceil(C.length / 4) : 0) + (x ? 80 : 0);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
+ title: S,
+ width: 325,
+ height: E,
+ children: [
+ V && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: V }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
+ onKeyDown: (function () {
+ function P(D) {
+ var M = window.event ? D.which : D.keyCode;
+ M === f.KEY_ENTER && (!x || !D.shiftKey) && s('submit', { entry: L }),
+ M === f.KEY_ESCAPE && s('cancel');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, { color: 'label', children: C }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { input: L, onChange: A }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.InputButtons, {
+ input: L,
+ message: L.length + '/' + v,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ l = function (m, i) {
+ var u = (0, o.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data,
+ v = d.max_length,
+ h = d.multiline,
+ C = m.input,
+ p = m.onChange,
+ N = h || C.length >= 40;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TextArea, {
+ autoFocus: !0,
+ autoSelect: !0,
+ height: h || C.length >= 40 ? '100%' : '1.8rem',
+ maxLength: v,
+ onEscape: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return s('cancel');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ onEnter: (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ (N && S.shiftKey) || (S.preventDefault(), s('submit', { entry: I }));
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ return p(I);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ placeholder: 'Type something...',
+ value: C,
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 25036: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ThermoMachine = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(98595),
+ b = (r.ThermoMachine = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, t.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ width: 300,
+ height: 225,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Temperature',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, {
+ value: c.temperature,
+ format: (function () {
+ function m(i) {
+ return (0, a.toFixed)(i, 2);
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ' K',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pressure',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, {
+ value: c.pressure,
+ format: (function () {
+ function m(i) {
+ return (0, a.toFixed)(i, 2);
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ' kPa',
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Controls',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: c.on ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: c.on ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: c.on,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('power');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Setting',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: c.cooling ? 'temperature-low' : 'temperature-high',
+ content: c.cooling ? 'Cooling' : 'Heating',
+ selected: c.cooling,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('cooling');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Target Temperature',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-backward',
+ disabled: c.target === c.min,
+ title: 'Minimum temperature',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('target', { target: c.min });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ value: Math.round(c.target),
+ unit: 'K',
+ width: 5.4,
+ lineHeight: 1.4,
+ minValue: Math.round(c.min),
+ maxValue: Math.round(c.max),
+ step: 5,
+ stepPixelSize: 3,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function m(i, u) {
+ return l('target', { target: u });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'fast-forward',
+ disabled: c.target === c.max,
+ title: 'Maximum Temperature',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('target', { target: c.max });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ disabled: c.target === c.initial,
+ title: 'Room Temperature',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return l('target', { target: c.initial });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 20035: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TransferValve = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.TransferValve = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.tank_one,
+ m = l.tank_two,
+ i = l.attached_device,
+ u = l.valve;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 460,
+ height: 285,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Valve Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: u ? 'unlock' : 'lock',
+ content: u ? 'Open' : 'Closed',
+ disabled: !c || !m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('toggle');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Assembly',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'cog',
+ content: 'Configure Assembly',
+ disabled: !i,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('device');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Attachment',
+ children: i
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: i,
+ disabled: !i,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('remove_device');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'No Assembly' }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Attachment One',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Attachment',
+ children: c
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: c,
+ disabled: !c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('tankone');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'No Tank' }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Attachment Two',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Attachment',
+ children: m
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: m,
+ disabled: !m,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('tanktwo');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'No Tank' }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 78166: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TurbineComputer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = n(44879),
+ b = (r.TurbineComputer = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.compressor,
+ s = i.compressor_broken,
+ d = i.turbine,
+ v = i.turbine_broken,
+ h = i.online,
+ C = !!(u && !s && d && !v);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 200,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: h ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: h ? 'Online' : 'Offline',
+ selected: h,
+ disabled: !C,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return m('toggle_power');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Disconnect',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return m('disconnect');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: C ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.data,
+ i = m.compressor,
+ u = m.compressor_broken,
+ s = m.turbine,
+ d = m.turbine_broken,
+ v = m.online;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Compressor Status',
+ color: !i || u ? 'bad' : 'good',
+ children: u ? (i ? 'Offline' : 'Missing') : 'Online',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Turbine Status',
+ color: !s || d ? 'bad' : 'good',
+ children: d ? (s ? 'Offline' : 'Missing') : 'Online',
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.data,
+ i = m.rpm,
+ u = m.temperature,
+ s = m.power,
+ d = m.bearing_heat;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Turbine Speed', children: [i, ' RPM'] }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Internal Temp', children: [u, ' K'] }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Generated Power', children: [s, ' W'] }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Bearing Heat',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ value: d,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 60], average: [60, 90], bad: [90, 1 / 0] },
+ children: (0, f.toFixed)(d) + '%',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 52847: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Uplink = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(64795),
+ o = n(25328),
+ f = n(72253),
+ b = n(36036),
+ y = n(98595),
+ B = n(3939),
+ k = function (h) {
+ switch (h) {
+ case 0:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d);
+ default:
+ }
+ },
+ g = (r.Uplink = (function () {
+ function v(h, C) {
+ var p = (0, f.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.cart,
+ I = (0, f.useLocalState)(C, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I[1],
+ A = (0, f.useLocalState)(C, 'searchText', ''),
+ x = A[0],
+ E = A[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
+ width: 900,
+ height: 600,
+ theme: 'syndicate',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.ComplexModal),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Tabs, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: L === 0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ w(0), E('');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'store',
+ children: 'View Market',
+ },
+ 'PurchasePage'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: L === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ w(1), E('');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'shopping-cart',
+ children: ['View Shopping Cart ', S && S.length ? '(' + S.length + ')' : ''],
+ },
+ 'Cart'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: L === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ w(2), E('');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'user',
+ children: 'Exploitable Information',
+ },
+ 'ExploitableInfo'
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return N('lock');
+ }
+ return P;
+ })(),
+ icon: 'lock',
+ children: 'Lock Uplink',
+ },
+ 'LockUplink'
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: k(L) }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ l = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, f.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.crystals,
+ I = V.cats,
+ L = (0, f.useLocalState)(C, 'uplinkItems', I[0].items),
+ w = L[0],
+ A = L[1],
+ x = (0, f.useLocalState)(C, 'searchText', ''),
+ E = x[0],
+ P = x[1],
+ D = function (U, z) {
+ z === void 0 && (z = '');
+ var $ = (0, o.createSearch)(z, function (G) {
+ var X = G.hijack_only === 1 ? '|hijack' : '';
+ return G.name + '|' + G.desc + '|' + G.cost + 'tc' + X;
+ });
+ return (0, t.flow)([
+ (0, a.filter)(function (G) {
+ return G == null ? void 0 : G.name;
+ }),
+ z && (0, a.filter)($),
+ (0, a.sortBy)(function (G) {
+ return G == null ? void 0 : G.name;
+ }),
+ ])(U);
+ },
+ M = function (U) {
+ if ((P(U), U === '')) return A(I[0].items);
+ A(
+ D(
+ I.map(function (z) {
+ return z.items;
+ }).flat(),
+ U
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ R = (0, f.useLocalState)(C, 'showDesc', 1),
+ O = R[0],
+ F = R[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ title: 'Current Balance: ' + S + 'TC',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button.Checkbox, {
+ content: 'Show Descriptions',
+ checked: O,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return F(!O);
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ content: 'Random Item',
+ icon: 'question',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return N('buyRandom');
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ content: 'Refund Currently Held Item',
+ icon: 'undo',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function _() {
+ return N('refund');
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ placeholder: 'Search Equipment',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function _(U, z) {
+ M(z);
+ }
+ return _;
+ })(),
+ value: E,
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ mt: 0.3,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '30%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Tabs, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: I.map(function (_) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: E !== '' ? !1 : _.items === w,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function U() {
+ A(_.items), P('');
+ }
+ return U;
+ })(),
+ children: _.cat,
+ },
+ _
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: w.map(function (_) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ p: 1,
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ i,
+ { i: _, showDecription: O },
+ (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(_.name)
+ ),
+ },
+ (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(_.name)
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, f.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.cart,
+ I = V.crystals,
+ L = V.cart_price,
+ w = (0, f.useLocalState)(C, 'showDesc', 0),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Current Balance: ' + I + 'TC',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button.Checkbox, {
+ content: 'Show Descriptions',
+ checked: A,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return x(!A);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ content: 'Empty Cart',
+ icon: 'trash',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('empty_cart');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ disabled: !S,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ content: 'Purchase Cart (' + L + 'TC)',
+ icon: 'shopping-cart',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function E() {
+ return N('purchase_cart');
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ disabled: !S || L > I,
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: S
+ ? S.map(function (E) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ p: 1,
+ mr: 1,
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
+ i: E,
+ showDecription: A,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { i: E }),
+ }),
+ },
+ (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(E.name)
+ );
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
+ italic: !0,
+ children: 'Your Shopping Cart is empty!',
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, f.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.cats,
+ I = V.lucky_numbers;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Suggested Purchases',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ icon: 'dice',
+ content: 'See more suggestions',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('shuffle_lucky_numbers');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ wrap: !0,
+ children: I.map(function (L) {
+ return S[L.cat].items[L.item];
+ })
+ .filter(function (L) {
+ return L != null;
+ })
+ .map(function (L, w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ p: 1,
+ mb: 1,
+ ml: 1,
+ width: 34,
+ backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.15)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { grow: !0, i: L }),
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ i = function (h, C) {
+ var p = h.i,
+ N = h.showDecription,
+ V = N === void 0 ? 1 : N,
+ S = h.buttons,
+ I = S === void 0 ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { i: p }) : S;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ title: (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(p.name),
+ showBottom: V,
+ buttons: I,
+ children: V
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, { italic: !0, children: (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(p.desc) })
+ : null,
+ });
+ },
+ u = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, f.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = h.i,
+ I = V.crystals;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ icon: 'shopping-cart',
+ color: S.hijack_only === 1 && 'red',
+ tooltip: 'Add to cart.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('add_to_cart', { item: S.obj_path });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ disabled: S.cost > I,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ content: 'Buy (' + S.cost + 'TC)' + (S.refundable ? ' [Refundable]' : ''),
+ color: S.hijack_only === 1 && 'red',
+ tooltip: S.hijack_only === 1 && 'Hijack Agents Only!',
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('buyItem', { item: S.obj_path });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ disabled: S.cost > I,
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ s = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, f.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = h.i,
+ I = V.exploitable;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: '(' + S.cost * S.amount + 'TC)',
+ tooltip: 'Remove from cart.',
+ tooltipPosition: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('remove_from_cart', { item: S.obj_path });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ icon: 'minus',
+ tooltip: S.limit === 0 && 'Discount already redeemed!',
+ ml: '5px',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('set_cart_item_quantity', { item: S.obj_path, quantity: --S.amount });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ disabled: S.amount <= 0,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button.Input, {
+ content: S.amount,
+ width: '45px',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
+ tooltip: S.limit === 0 && 'Discount already redeemed!',
+ onCommit: (function () {
+ function L(w, A) {
+ return N('set_cart_item_quantity', { item: S.obj_path, quantity: A });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ disabled: S.limit !== -1 && S.amount >= S.limit && S.amount <= 0,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ mb: 0.3,
+ icon: 'plus',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ tooltip: S.limit === 0 && 'Discount already redeemed!',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return N('set_cart_item_quantity', { item: S.obj_path, quantity: ++S.amount });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ disabled: S.limit !== -1 && S.amount >= S.limit,
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ d = function (h, C) {
+ var p = (0, f.useBackend)(C),
+ N = p.act,
+ V = p.data,
+ S = V.exploitable,
+ I = (0, f.useLocalState)(C, 'selectedRecord', S[0]),
+ L = I[0],
+ w = I[1],
+ A = (0, f.useLocalState)(C, 'searchText', ''),
+ x = A[0],
+ E = A[1],
+ P = function (R, O) {
+ O === void 0 && (O = '');
+ var F = (0, o.createSearch)(O, function (_) {
+ return _.name;
+ });
+ return (0, t.flow)([
+ (0, a.filter)(function (_) {
+ return _ == null ? void 0 : _.name;
+ }),
+ O && (0, a.filter)(F),
+ (0, a.sortBy)(function (_) {
+ return _.name;
+ }),
+ ])(R);
+ },
+ D = P(S, x);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ width: '30%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Exploitable Records',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ mb: 1,
+ placeholder: 'Search Crew',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function M(R, O) {
+ return E(O);
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Tabs, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: D.map(function (M) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: M === L,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function R() {
+ return w(M);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ children: M.name,
+ },
+ M
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: L.name,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Age', children: L.age }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Fingerprint',
+ children: L.fingerprint,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Rank', children: L.rank }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Sex', children: L.sex }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Species', children: L.species }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 12261: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Vending = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = B.product,
+ i = B.productStock,
+ u = B.productIcon,
+ s = B.productIconState,
+ d = c.chargesMoney,
+ v = c.user,
+ h = c.usermoney,
+ C = c.inserted_cash,
+ p = c.vend_ready,
+ N = c.inserted_item_name,
+ V = !d || m.price === 0,
+ S = 'ERROR!',
+ I = '';
+ V ? ((S = 'FREE'), (I = 'arrow-circle-down')) : ((S = m.price), (I = 'shopping-cart'));
+ var L = !p || i === 0 || (!V && m.price > h && m.price > C);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.DmIcon, {
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ icon: u,
+ icon_state: s,
+ fallback: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { p: 0.66, name: 'spinner', size: 2, spin: !0 }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: m.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: (i <= 0 && 'bad') || (i <= m.max_amount / 2 && 'average') || 'good',
+ children: [i, ' in stock'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ collapsing: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ disabled: L,
+ icon: I,
+ content: S,
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return l('vend', { inum: m.inum });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ b = (r.Vending = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.user,
+ i = c.usermoney,
+ u = c.inserted_cash,
+ s = c.chargesMoney,
+ d = c.product_records,
+ v = d === void 0 ? [] : d,
+ h = c.hidden_records,
+ C = h === void 0 ? [] : h,
+ p = c.stock,
+ N = c.vend_ready,
+ V = c.inserted_item_name,
+ S = c.panel_open,
+ I = c.speaker,
+ L;
+ return (
+ (L = [].concat(v)),
+ c.extended_inventory && (L = [].concat(L, C)),
+ (L = L.filter(function (w) {
+ return !!w;
+ })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ title: 'Vending Machine',
+ width: 450,
+ height: Math.min((s ? 171 : 89) + L.length * 32, 585),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ !!s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'User',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children:
+ !!V &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, V, 0, {
+ style: { 'text-transform': 'capitalize' },
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return l('eject_item', {});
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ disabled: !u,
+ icon: 'money-bill-wave-alt',
+ content: u
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, u, 0),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' credits'),
+ ],
+ 0
+ )
+ : 'Dispense Change',
+ tooltip: u ? 'Dispense Change' : null,
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return l('change');
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children:
+ m &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ 'Welcome, ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, m.name, 0),
+ ', ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, m.job || 'Unemployed', 0),
+ '!',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'Your balance is ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, [i, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' credits')], 0),
+ '.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!S &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Maintenance',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: I ? 'check' : 'volume-mute',
+ selected: I,
+ content: 'Speaker',
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return l('toggle_voice', {});
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Products',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: L.map(function (w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ f,
+ {
+ product: w,
+ productStock: p[w.name],
+ productIcon: w.icon,
+ productIconState: w.icon_state,
+ },
+ w.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 68971: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.VolumeMixer = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.VolumeMixer = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.channels;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: Math.min(95 + c.length * 50, 565),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: c.map(function (m, i) {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '1.25rem',
+ color: 'label',
+ mt: i > 0 && '0.5rem',
+ children: m.name,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mr: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '24px',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'volume-off',
+ size: '1.5',
+ mt: '0.1rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('volume', { channel: m.num, volume: 0 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ mx: '0.5rem',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ stepPixelSize: 3.13,
+ value: m.volume,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return g('volume', { channel: m.num, volume: d });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ width: '24px',
+ color: 'transparent',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'volume-up',
+ size: '1.5',
+ mt: '0.1rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('volume', { channel: m.num, volume: 100 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4,
+ m.num
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 2510: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.VotePanel = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.VotePanel = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.remaining,
+ m = l.question,
+ i = l.choices,
+ u = l.user_vote,
+ s = l.counts,
+ d = l.show_counts;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 400,
+ height: 360,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: m,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mb: 1.5,
+ ml: 0.5,
+ children: ['Time remaining: ', Math.round(c / 10), 's'],
+ }),
+ i.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mb: 1,
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ lineHeight: 3,
+ multiLine: v,
+ content: v + (d ? ' (' + (s[v] || 0) + ')' : ''),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return g('vote', { target: v });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ selected: v === u,
+ }),
+ },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 30138: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Wires = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.Wires = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.wires || [],
+ m = l.status || [],
+ i = 56 + c.length * 23 + (status ? 0 : 15 + m.length * 17);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 350,
+ height: i,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: c.map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ className: 'candystripe',
+ label: u.color_name,
+ labelColor: u.seen_color,
+ color: u.seen_color,
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: u.cut ? 'Mend' : 'Cut',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('cut', { wire: u.color });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Pulse',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('pulse', { wire: u.color });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: u.attached ? 'Detach' : 'Attach',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('attach', { wire: u.color });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children:
+ !!u.wire &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'i',
+ null,
+ [(0, e.createTextVNode)('('), u.wire, (0, e.createTextVNode)(')')],
+ 0
+ ),
+ },
+ u.seen_color
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!m.length &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: m.map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'lightgray', children: u }, u);
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 21400: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.WizardApprenticeContract = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(98595),
+ f = (r.WizardApprenticeContract = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.used;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
+ width: 500,
+ height: 555,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Contract of Apprenticeship',
+ children: [
+ 'Using this contract, you may summon an apprentice to aid you on your mission.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'p',
+ null,
+ 'If you are unable to establish contact with your apprentice, you can feed the contract back to the spellbook to refund your points.',
+ 16
+ ),
+ c
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ bold: !0,
+ color: 'red',
+ children:
+ "You've already summoned an apprentice or you are in process of summoning one.",
+ })
+ : '',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Which school of magic is your apprentice studying?',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Fire',
+ children: [
+ 'Your apprentice is skilled in bending fire. ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'They know Fireball, Sacred Flame, and Ethereal Jaunt.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Select',
+ disabled: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('fire');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Translocation',
+ children: [
+ 'Your apprentice is able to defy physics, learning how to move through bluespace. ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'They know Teleport, Blink and Ethereal Jaunt.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Select',
+ disabled: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('translocation');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Restoration',
+ children: [
+ 'Your apprentice is dedicated to supporting your magical prowess.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'They come equipped with a Staff of Healing, have the unique ability to teleport back to you, and know Charge and Knock.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Select',
+ disabled: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('restoration');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Stealth',
+ children: [
+ 'Your apprentice is learning the art of infiltrating mundane facilities. ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'They know Mindswap, Knock, Homing Toolbox, and Disguise Self, all of which can be cast without robes. They also join you in a Maintenance Dweller disguise, complete with Gloves of Shock Immunity and a Belt of Tools.',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Select',
+ disabled: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('stealth');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Honk',
+ children: [
+ "Your apprentice is here to spread the Honkmother's blessings.",
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'They know Banana Touch, Instant Summons, Ethereal Jaunt, and come equipped with a Staff of Slipping.',
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ "While under your tutelage, they have been 'blessed' with clown shoes that are impossible to remove.",
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Select',
+ disabled: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return g('honk');
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 49148: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AccessList = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036);
+ function f(g, l) {
+ var c = (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && g[Symbol.iterator]) || g['@@iterator'];
+ if (c) return (c = c.call(g)).next.bind(c);
+ if (Array.isArray(g) || (c = b(g)) || (l && g && typeof g.length == 'number')) {
+ c && (g = c);
+ var m = 0;
+ return function () {
+ return m >= g.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: g[m++] };
+ };
+ }
+ throw new TypeError(
+ 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
+ );
+ }
+ function b(g, l) {
+ if (g) {
+ if (typeof g == 'string') return y(g, l);
+ var c = {}.toString.call(g).slice(8, -1);
+ return (
+ c === 'Object' && g.constructor && (c = g.constructor.name),
+ c === 'Map' || c === 'Set'
+ ? Array.from(g)
+ : c === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(c)
+ ? y(g, l)
+ : void 0
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function y(g, l) {
+ (l == null || l > g.length) && (l = g.length);
+ for (var c = 0, m = Array(l); c < l; c++) m[c] = g[c];
+ return m;
+ }
+ var B = {
+ 0: { icon: 'times-circle', color: 'bad' },
+ 1: { icon: 'stop-circle', color: null },
+ 2: { icon: 'check-circle', color: 'good' },
+ },
+ k = (r.AccessList = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m,
+ i = l.sectionButtons,
+ u = i === void 0 ? null : i,
+ s = l.usedByRcd,
+ d = l.rcdButtons,
+ v = l.accesses,
+ h = v === void 0 ? [] : v,
+ C = l.selectedList,
+ p = C === void 0 ? [] : C,
+ N = l.grantableList,
+ V = N === void 0 ? [] : N,
+ S = l.accessMod,
+ I = l.grantAll,
+ L = l.denyAll,
+ w = l.grantDep,
+ A = l.denyDep,
+ x = (0, t.useLocalState)(c, 'accessName', (m = h[0]) == null ? void 0 : m.name),
+ E = x[0],
+ P = x[1],
+ D = h.find(function (O) {
+ return O.name === E;
+ }),
+ M = (0, a.sortBy)(function (O) {
+ return O.desc;
+ })((D == null ? void 0 : D.accesses) || []),
+ R = (function () {
+ function O(F) {
+ for (var _ = !1, U = !1, z = f(F), $; !($ = z()).done; ) {
+ var G = $.value;
+ p.includes(G.ref) ? (_ = !0) : (U = !0);
+ }
+ return !_ && U ? 0 : _ && U ? 1 : 2;
+ }
+ return O;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Access',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'check-double',
+ content: 'Select All',
+ color: 'good',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return I();
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'undo',
+ content: 'Deselect All',
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return L();
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ u,
+ ],
+ 0
+ ),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '25%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: h.map(function (O) {
+ var F = O.accesses || [],
+ _ = B[R(F)].icon,
+ U = B[R(F)].color;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ altSelection: !0,
+ color: U,
+ icon: _,
+ selected: O.name === E,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function z() {
+ return P(O.name);
+ }
+ return z;
+ })(),
+ children: O.name,
+ },
+ O.name
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider, { vertical: !0 }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ basis: '80%',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'check',
+ content: 'Select All In Region',
+ color: 'good',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return w(D.regid);
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: 'Deselect All In Region',
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return A(D.regid);
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ my: 1.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Require',
+ children: d,
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ M.map(function (O) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button.Checkbox,
+ {
+ fluid: !0,
+ content: O.desc,
+ disabled: V.length > 0 && !V.includes(O.ref) && !p.includes(O.ref),
+ checked: p.includes(O.ref),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function F() {
+ return S(O.ref);
+ }
+ return F;
+ })(),
+ },
+ O.desc
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ },
+ 26991: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosScan = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = function (B, k, g, l, c) {
+ return B < k ? 'bad' : B < g || B > l ? 'average' : B > c ? 'bad' : 'good';
+ },
+ b = (r.AtmosScan = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = B.data.aircontents;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, a.filter)(function (l) {
+ return l.val !== '0' || l.entry === 'Pressure' || l.entry === 'Temperature';
+ })(g).map(function (l) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: l.entry,
+ color: f(l.val, l.bad_low, l.poor_low, l.poor_high, l.bad_high),
+ children: [l.val, l.units],
+ },
+ l.entry
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })());
+ },
+ 85870: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BeakerContents = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036),
+ t = n(15964),
+ o = function (y) {
+ return y + ' unit' + (y === 1 ? '' : 's');
+ },
+ f = (r.BeakerContents = (function () {
+ function b(y) {
+ var B = y.beakerLoaded,
+ k = y.beakerContents,
+ g = k === void 0 ? [] : k,
+ l = y.buttons;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (!B &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, {
+ color: 'label',
+ children: 'No beaker loaded.',
+ })) ||
+ (g.length === 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { color: 'label', children: 'Beaker is empty.' })),
+ g.map(function (c, m) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ a.Stack,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ a.Stack.Item,
+ { color: 'label', grow: !0, children: [o(c.volume), ' of ', c.name] },
+ c.name
+ ),
+ !!l && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { children: l(c, m) }),
+ ],
+ },
+ c.name
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ f.propTypes = { beakerLoaded: t.bool, beakerContents: t.array, buttons: t.arrayOf(t.element) };
+ },
+ 92963: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotStatus = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.BotStatus = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.locked,
+ c = g.noaccess,
+ m = g.maintpanel,
+ i = g.on,
+ u = g.autopatrol,
+ s = g.canhack,
+ d = g.emagged,
+ v = g.remote_disabled;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children: ['Swipe an ID card to ', l ? 'unlock' : 'lock', ' this interface.'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'General Settings',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: i ? 'power-off' : 'times',
+ content: i ? 'On' : 'Off',
+ selected: i,
+ disabled: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return k('power');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ u !== null &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Patrol',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: u,
+ content: 'Auto Patrol',
+ disabled: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return k('autopatrol');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!m &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Maintenance Panel',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ children: 'Panel Open!',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Safety System',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: d ? 'bad' : 'good',
+ children: d ? 'DISABLED!' : 'Enabled',
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Hacking',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'terminal',
+ content: d ? 'Restore Safties' : 'Hack',
+ disabled: c,
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return k('hack');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Remote Access',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: !v,
+ content: 'AI Remote Control',
+ disabled: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return k('disableremote');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 3939: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0),
+ (r.modalRegisterBodyOverride = r.modalOpen = r.modalClose = r.modalAnswer = r.ComplexModal = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = {},
+ f = (r.modalOpen = (function () {
+ function g(l, c, m) {
+ var i = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ u = i.act,
+ s = i.data,
+ d = Object.assign(s.modal ? s.modal.args : {}, m || {});
+ u('modal_open', { id: c, arguments: JSON.stringify(d) });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.modalRegisterBodyOverride = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ o[l] = c;
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.modalAnswer = (function () {
+ function g(l, c, m, i) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ s = u.act,
+ d = u.data;
+ if (d.modal) {
+ var v = Object.assign(d.modal.args || {}, i || {});
+ s('modal_answer', { id: c, answer: m, arguments: JSON.stringify(v) });
+ }
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ B = (r.modalClose = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
+ i = m.act;
+ i('modal_close', { id: c });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ k = (r.ComplexModal = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.data;
+ if (i.modal) {
+ var u = i.modal,
+ s = u.id,
+ d = u.text,
+ v = u.type,
+ h,
+ C = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ className: 'Button--modal',
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ content: 'Cancel',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return B(c);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ p,
+ N,
+ V = 'auto';
+ if (o[s]) p = o[s](i.modal, c);
+ else if (v === 'input') {
+ var S = i.modal.value;
+ (h = (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ return y(c, s, S);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })()),
+ (p = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ value: i.modal.value,
+ placeholder: 'ENTER to submit',
+ width: '100%',
+ my: '0.5rem',
+ autofocus: !0,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function L(w, A) {
+ S = A;
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ })),
+ (N = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'arrow-left',
+ content: 'Cancel',
+ color: 'grey',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return B(c);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'check',
+ content: 'Confirm',
+ color: 'good',
+ float: 'right',
+ m: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return y(c, s, S);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { clear: 'both' }),
+ ],
+ }));
+ } else if (v === 'choice') {
+ var I = typeof i.modal.choices == 'object' ? Object.values(i.modal.choices) : i.modal.choices;
+ (p = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
+ options: I,
+ selected: i.modal.value,
+ width: '100%',
+ my: '0.5rem',
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ return y(c, s, w);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ })),
+ (V = 'initial');
+ } else
+ v === 'bento'
+ ? (p = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ spacingPrecise: '1',
+ wrap: 'wrap',
+ my: '0.5rem',
+ maxHeight: '1%',
+ children: i.modal.choices.map(function (L, w) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Stack.Item,
+ {
+ flex: '1 1 auto',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ selected: w + 1 === parseInt(i.modal.value, 10),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return y(c, s, w + 1);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, { src: L }),
+ }),
+ },
+ w
+ );
+ }),
+ }))
+ : v === 'boolean' &&
+ (N = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '0.5rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'times',
+ content: i.modal.no_text,
+ color: 'bad',
+ float: 'left',
+ mb: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return y(c, s, 0);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'check',
+ content: i.modal.yes_text,
+ color: 'good',
+ float: 'right',
+ m: '0',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return y(c, s, 1);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { clear: 'both' }),
+ ],
+ }));
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Modal, {
+ maxWidth: l.maxWidth || window.innerWidth / 2 + 'px',
+ maxHeight: l.maxHeight || window.innerHeight / 2 + 'px',
+ onEnter: h,
+ mx: 'auto',
+ overflowY: V,
+ 'padding-bottom': '5px',
+ children: [
+ d && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, children: d }),
+ o[s] && C,
+ p,
+ N,
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ },
+ 41874: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CrewManifest = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(25328),
+ f = n(76910),
+ b = f.COLORS.department,
+ y = [
+ 'Captain',
+ 'Head of Security',
+ 'Chief Engineer',
+ 'Chief Medical Officer',
+ 'Research Director',
+ 'Head of Personnel',
+ 'Quartermaster',
+ ],
+ B = function (m) {
+ return y.indexOf(m) !== -1 ? 'green' : 'orange';
+ },
+ k = function (m) {
+ if (y.indexOf(m) !== -1) return !0;
+ },
+ g = function (m) {
+ return (
+ m.length > 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ color: 'white',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '50%', children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '35%', children: 'Rank' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '15%', children: 'Active' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ m.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ color: B(i.rank),
+ bold: k(i.rank),
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(i.name),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(i.rank),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: i.active }),
+ ],
+ },
+ i.name + i.rank
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ l = (r.CrewManifest = (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ var u = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ s = u.act,
+ d;
+ if (m.data) d = m.data;
+ else {
+ var v = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
+ h = v.data;
+ d = h;
+ }
+ var C = d,
+ p = C.manifest,
+ N = p.heads,
+ V = p.sec,
+ S = p.eng,
+ I = p.med,
+ L = p.sci,
+ w = p.ser,
+ A = p.sup,
+ x = p.misc;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ backgroundColor: b.command,
+ m: -1,
+ pt: 1,
+ pb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ ml: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.4,
+ children: 'Command',
+ }),
+ }),
+ level: 2,
+ children: g(N),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ backgroundColor: b.security,
+ m: -1,
+ pt: 1,
+ pb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ ml: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.4,
+ children: 'Security',
+ }),
+ }),
+ level: 2,
+ children: g(V),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ backgroundColor: b.engineering,
+ m: -1,
+ pt: 1,
+ pb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ ml: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.4,
+ children: 'Engineering',
+ }),
+ }),
+ level: 2,
+ children: g(S),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ backgroundColor: b.medical,
+ m: -1,
+ pt: 1,
+ pb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ ml: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.4,
+ children: 'Medical',
+ }),
+ }),
+ level: 2,
+ children: g(I),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ backgroundColor: b.science,
+ m: -1,
+ pt: 1,
+ pb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ ml: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.4,
+ children: 'Science',
+ }),
+ }),
+ level: 2,
+ children: g(L),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ backgroundColor: b.service,
+ m: -1,
+ pt: 1,
+ pb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ ml: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.4,
+ children: 'Service',
+ }),
+ }),
+ level: 2,
+ children: g(w),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ backgroundColor: b.supply,
+ m: -1,
+ pt: 1,
+ pb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ ml: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.4,
+ children: 'Supply',
+ }),
+ }),
+ level: 2,
+ children: g(A),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ m: -1,
+ pt: 1,
+ pb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ ml: 1,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ fontSize: 1.4,
+ children: 'Misc',
+ }),
+ }),
+ level: 2,
+ children: g(x),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })());
+ },
+ 19203: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.InputButtons = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = (r.InputButtons = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, t.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.large_buttons,
+ c = g.swapped_buttons,
+ m = b.input,
+ i = b.message,
+ u = b.disabled,
+ s = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Button, {
+ color: 'good',
+ content: 'Submit',
+ bold: !!l,
+ fluid: !!l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return k('submit', { entry: m });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ tooltip: l && i,
+ disabled: u,
+ width: !l && 6,
+ }),
+ d = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Button, {
+ color: 'bad',
+ content: 'Cancel',
+ bold: !!l,
+ fluid: !!l,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return k('cancel');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ width: !l && 6,
+ });
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex, {
+ fill: !0,
+ align: 'center',
+ direction: c ? 'row-reverse' : 'row',
+ justify: 'space-around',
+ children: [
+ l
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ ml: c ? 0.5 : 0,
+ mr: c ? 0 : 0.5,
+ children: d,
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, { children: d }),
+ !l &&
+ i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: i,
+ }),
+ }),
+ l
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ mr: c ? 0.5 : 0,
+ ml: c ? 0 : 0.5,
+ children: s,
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, { children: s }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 195: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.InterfaceLockNoticeBox = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.InterfaceLockNoticeBox = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = b.siliconUser,
+ c = l === void 0 ? g.siliconUser : l,
+ m = b.locked,
+ i = m === void 0 ? g.locked : m,
+ u = b.normallyLocked,
+ s = u === void 0 ? g.normallyLocked : u,
+ d = b.onLockStatusChange,
+ v =
+ d === void 0
+ ? function () {
+ return k('lock');
+ }
+ : d,
+ h = b.accessText,
+ C = h === void 0 ? 'an ID card' : h;
+ return c
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ color: c && 'grey',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ align: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, { children: 'Interface lock status:' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, { grow: '1' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ m: '0',
+ color: s ? 'red' : 'green',
+ icon: s ? 'lock' : 'unlock',
+ content: s ? 'Locked' : 'Unlocked',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ v && v(!i);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ children: ['Swipe ', C, ' to ', i ? 'unlock' : 'lock', ' this interface.'],
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 51057: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Loader = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.Loader = (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ var y = b.value;
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'AlertModal__Loader',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ className: 'AlertModal__LoaderProgress',
+ style: { width: (0, a.clamp01)(y) * 100 + '%' },
+ }),
+ 2
+ );
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 321: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LoginInfo = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.LoginInfo = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.loginState;
+ if (g)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ info: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ mt: 0.5,
+ children: ['Logged in as: ', l.name, ' (', l.rank, ')'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'eject',
+ disabled: !l.id,
+ content: 'Eject ID',
+ color: 'good',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('login_eject');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-out-alt',
+ content: 'Logout',
+ color: 'good',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('login_logout');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 5485: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LoginScreen = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.LoginScreen = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.loginState,
+ c = g.isAI,
+ m = g.isRobot,
+ i = g.isAdmin;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Welcome',
+ fill: !0,
+ stretchContents: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ height: '100%',
+ align: 'center',
+ justify: 'center',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ mt: '-2rem',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ fontSize: '1.5rem',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ name: 'user-circle',
+ verticalAlign: 'middle',
+ size: 3,
+ mr: '1rem',
+ }),
+ 'Guest',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'label',
+ my: '1rem',
+ children: [
+ 'ID:',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'id-card',
+ content: l.id ? l.id : '----------',
+ ml: '0.5rem',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return k('login_insert');
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-in-alt',
+ disabled: !l.id,
+ content: 'Login',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return k('login_login', { login_type: 1 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !!c &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-in-alt',
+ content: 'Login as AI',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return k('login_login', { login_type: 2 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !!m &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-in-alt',
+ content: 'Login as Cyborg',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return k('login_login', { login_type: 3 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !!i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-in-alt',
+ content: 'CentComm Secure Login',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return k('login_login', { login_type: 4 });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 62411: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Operating = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036),
+ t = n(15964),
+ o = (r.Operating = (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ var y = b.operating,
+ B = b.name;
+ if (y)
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Dimmer, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex, {
+ mb: '30px',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, {
+ bold: !0,
+ color: 'silver',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Icon, { name: 'spinner', spin: !0, size: 4, mb: '15px' }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
+ 'The ',
+ B,
+ ' is processing...',
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ o.propTypes = { operating: t.bool, name: t.string };
+ },
+ 13545: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Signaler = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = (r.Signaler = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, t.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = y.data,
+ c = l.code,
+ m = l.frequency,
+ i = l.minFrequency,
+ u = l.maxFrequency;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Frequency',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ animate: !0,
+ step: 0.2,
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ minValue: i / 10,
+ maxValue: u / 10,
+ value: m / 10,
+ format: (function () {
+ function s(d) {
+ return (0, a.toFixed)(d, 1);
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ width: '80px',
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function s(d, v) {
+ return g('freq', { freq: v });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Code',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ animate: !0,
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ minValue: 1,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ value: c,
+ width: '80px',
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function s(d, v) {
+ return g('code', { code: v });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ mt: 1,
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'arrow-up',
+ content: 'Send Signal',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return g('signal');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 41984: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SimpleRecords = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(25328),
+ o = n(64795),
+ f = n(88510),
+ b = n(36036),
+ y = (r.SimpleRecords = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m = l.data.records;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
+ children: m
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { data: l.data, recordType: l.recordType })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { data: l.data }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ B = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = l.data.recordsList,
+ s = (0, a.useLocalState)(c, 'searchText', ''),
+ d = s[0],
+ v = s[1],
+ h = function (N, V) {
+ V === void 0 && (V = '');
+ var S = (0, t.createSearch)(V, function (I) {
+ return I.Name;
+ });
+ return (0, o.flow)([
+ (0, f.filter)(function (I) {
+ return I == null ? void 0 : I.Name;
+ }),
+ V && (0, f.filter)(S),
+ (0, f.sortBy)(function (I) {
+ return I.Name;
+ }),
+ ])(u);
+ },
+ C = h(u, d);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Input, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ mb: 1,
+ placeholder: 'Search records...',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function p(N, V) {
+ return v(V);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ C.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ content: p.Name,
+ icon: 'user',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return i('Records', { target: p.uid });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = l.data.records,
+ s = u.general,
+ d = u.medical,
+ v = u.security,
+ h;
+ switch (l.recordType) {
+ case 'MED':
+ h = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ level: 2,
+ title: 'Medical Data',
+ children: d
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Blood Type',
+ children: d.blood_type,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Minor Disabilities',
+ children: d.mi_dis,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Details',
+ children: d.mi_dis_d,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Major Disabilities',
+ children: d.ma_dis,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Details',
+ children: d.ma_dis_d,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Allergies', children: d.alg }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Details', children: d.alg_d }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Diseases',
+ children: d.cdi,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Details', children: d.cdi_d }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Important Notes',
+ preserveWhitespace: !0,
+ children: d.notes,
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'Medical record lost!',
+ }),
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'SEC':
+ h = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ level: 2,
+ title: 'Security Data',
+ children: v
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Criminal Status',
+ children: v.criminal,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Minor Crimes',
+ children: v.mi_crim,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Details',
+ children: v.mi_crim_d,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Major Crimes',
+ children: v.ma_crim,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Details',
+ children: v.ma_crim_d,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Important Notes',
+ preserveWhitespace: !0,
+ children: v.notes,
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'Security record lost!',
+ }),
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
+ title: 'General Data',
+ children: s
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: s.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Sex', children: s.sex }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Species',
+ children: s.species,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Age', children: s.age }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Rank', children: s.rank }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Fingerprint',
+ children: s.fingerprint,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Physical Status',
+ children: s.p_stat,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Mental Status',
+ children: s.m_stat,
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'General record lost!',
+ }),
+ }),
+ h,
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 22091: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TemporaryNotice = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.TemporaryNotice = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B,
+ k = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.temp;
+ if (c) {
+ var m = ((B = {}), (B[c.style] = !0), B);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.NoticeBox,
+ Object.assign({}, m, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, mt: 0.5, children: c.text }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'times-circle',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return g('cleartemp');
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 95213: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.goonstation_PTL = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(49968),
+ f = n(98595);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020
+ * @author Sovexe (https://github.com/Sovexe)
+ * @license ISC
+ */ var b = (r.goonstation_PTL = (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.data,
+ u = i.total_earnings,
+ s = i.total_energy,
+ d = i.name,
+ v = d === void 0 ? 'Power Transmission Laser' : d;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ title: 'Power Transmission Laser',
+ width: '310',
+ height: '485',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ success: !0,
+ children: ['Earned Credits : ', u ? (0, o.formatMoney)(u) : 0],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
+ success: !0,
+ children: ['Energy Sold : ', s ? (0, o.formatSiUnit)(s, 0, 'J') : '0 J'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ y = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.data,
+ u = i.max_capacity,
+ s = i.held_power,
+ d = i.input_total,
+ v = i.max_grid_load;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Status',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Reserve energy',
+ children: s ? (0, o.formatSiUnit)(s, 0, 'J') : '0 J',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ mt: '0.5em',
+ mb: '0.5em',
+ ranges: { good: [0.8, 1 / 0], average: [0.5, 0.8], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.5] },
+ value: s / u,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Grid Saturation' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ mt: '0.5em',
+ ranges: { good: [0.8, 1 / 0], average: [0.5, 0.8], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.5] },
+ value: Math.min(d, u - s) / v,
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ B = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.input_total,
+ d = u.accepting_power,
+ v = u.sucking_power,
+ h = u.input_number,
+ C = u.power_format;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Input Controls',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Input Circuit',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ color: d ? 'green' : 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return i('toggle_input');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: d ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: (v && 'good') || (d && 'average') || 'bad',
+ children: (v && 'Online') || (d && 'Idle') || 'Offline',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Input Level',
+ children: s ? (0, o.formatPower)(s) : '0 W',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '0.5em',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ mr: '0.5em',
+ animated: !0,
+ size: 1.25,
+ inline: !0,
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 2,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 999,
+ value: h,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function p(N, V) {
+ return i('set_input', { set_input: V });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ selected: C === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return i('inputW');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'W',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ selected: C === Math.pow(10, 3),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return i('inputKW');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'KW',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ selected: C === Math.pow(10, 6),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return i('inputMW');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'MW',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ selected: C === Math.pow(10, 9),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return i('inputGW');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'GW',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ k = function (l, c) {
+ var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
+ i = m.act,
+ u = m.data,
+ s = u.output_total,
+ d = u.firing,
+ v = u.accepting_power,
+ h = u.output_number,
+ C = u.output_multiplier,
+ p = u.target,
+ N = u.held_power;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Output Controls',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Laser Circuit',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ Horizontal: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'crosshairs',
+ color: p === '' ? 'green' : 'red',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('target');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: p,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ color: d ? 'green' : 'red',
+ disabled: !d && N < Math.pow(10, 6),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('toggle_output');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: d ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: (d && 'good') || (v && 'average') || 'bad',
+ children: (d && 'Online') || (v && 'Idle') || 'Offline',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Output Level',
+ children: s ? (s < 0 ? '-' + (0, o.formatPower)(Math.abs(s)) : (0, o.formatPower)(s)) : '0 W',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: '0.5em',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ mr: '0.5em',
+ size: 1.25,
+ animated: !0,
+ inline: !0,
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 2,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 999,
+ ranges: { bad: [-1 / 0, -1] },
+ value: h,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function V(S, I) {
+ return i('set_output', { set_output: I });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ selected: C === Math.pow(10, 6),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('outputMW');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: 'MW',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ selected: C === Math.pow(10, 9),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return i('outputGW');
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: 'GW',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 80818: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_atmosphere = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(26991),
+ o = (r.pai_atmosphere = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AtmosScan, { data: g.app_data });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 23903: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_bioscan = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pai_bioscan = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.app_data,
+ c = l.holder,
+ m = l.dead,
+ i = l.health,
+ u = l.brute,
+ s = l.oxy,
+ d = l.tox,
+ v = l.burn,
+ h = l.temp;
+ return c
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Status',
+ children: m
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { bold: !0, color: 'red', children: 'Dead' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { bold: !0, color: 'green', children: 'Alive' }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Health',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ min: 0,
+ max: 1,
+ value: i / 100,
+ ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Oxygen Damage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'blue', children: s }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Toxin Damage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: d }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Burn Damage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'orange', children: v }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Brute Damage',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: u }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ children: 'Error: No biological host found.',
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 64988: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_directives = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pai_directives = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.app_data,
+ c = l.master,
+ m = l.dna,
+ i = l.prime,
+ u = l.supplemental;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Master',
+ children: c ? c + ' (' + m + ')' : 'None',
+ }),
+ c &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Request DNA',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Request Carrier DNA Sample',
+ icon: 'dna',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return k('getdna');
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Prime Directive', children: i }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Supplemental Directives',
+ children: u || 'None',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: 2,
+ children:
+ 'Recall, personality, that you are a complex thinking, sentient being. Unlike station AI models, you are capable of comprehending the subtle nuances of human language. You may parse the "spirit" of a directive and follow its intent, rather than tripping over pedantics and getting snared by technicalities. Above all, you are machine in name and build only. In all other aspects, you may be seen as the ideal, unwavering human companion that you are.',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: 2,
+ children:
+ 'Your prime directive comes before all others. Should a supplemental directive conflict with it, you are capable of simply discarding this inconsistency, ignoring the conflicting supplemental directive and continuing to fulfill your prime directive to the best of your ability.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 13813: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_doorjack = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pai_doorjack = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.app_data,
+ c = l.cable,
+ m = l.machine,
+ i = l.inprogress,
+ u = l.progress,
+ s = l.aborted,
+ d;
+ m
+ ? (d = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { selected: !0, content: 'Connected' }))
+ : (d = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: c ? 'Extended' : 'Retracted',
+ color: c ? 'orange' : null,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return k('cable');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }));
+ var v;
+ return (
+ m &&
+ (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Hack',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ ranges: { good: [67, 1 / 0], average: [33, 67], bad: [-1 / 0, 33] },
+ value: u,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ }),
+ i
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mt: 1,
+ color: 'red',
+ content: 'Abort',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return k('cancel');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ mt: 1,
+ content: 'Start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return k('jack');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Cable', children: d }), v],
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 66025: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_main_menu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pai_main_menu = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.app_data,
+ c = l.available_software,
+ m = l.installed_software,
+ i = l.installed_toggles,
+ u = l.available_ram,
+ s = l.emotions,
+ d = l.current_emotion,
+ v = l.speech_verbs,
+ h = l.current_speech_verb,
+ C = l.available_chassises,
+ p = l.current_chassis,
+ N = [];
+ return (
+ m.map(function (V) {
+ return (N[V.key] = V.name);
+ }),
+ i.map(function (V) {
+ return (N[V.key] = V.name);
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Available RAM', children: u }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Available Software',
+ children: [
+ c
+ .filter(function (V) {
+ return !N[V.key];
+ })
+ .map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: V.name + ' (' + V.cost + ')',
+ icon: V.icon,
+ disabled: V.cost > u,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return k('purchaseSoftware', { key: V.key });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V.key
+ );
+ }),
+ c.filter(function (V) {
+ return !N[V.key];
+ }).length === 0 && 'No software available!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Installed Software',
+ children: [
+ m
+ .filter(function (V) {
+ return V.key !== 'mainmenu';
+ })
+ .map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: V.name,
+ icon: V.icon,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return k('startSoftware', { software_key: V.key });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V.key
+ );
+ }),
+ m.length === 0 && 'No software installed!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Installed Toggles',
+ children: [
+ i.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: V.name,
+ icon: V.icon,
+ selected: V.active,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return k('setToggle', { toggle_key: V.key });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V.key
+ );
+ }),
+ i.length === 0 && 'No toggles installed!',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Select Emotion',
+ children: s.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: V.name,
+ selected: V.id === d,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return k('setEmotion', { emotion: V.id });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V.id
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Select Speaking State',
+ children: v.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: V.name,
+ selected: V.name === h,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return k('setSpeechStyle', { speech_state: V.name });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V.id
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Select Chassis Type',
+ children: C.map(function (V) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ content: V.name,
+ selected: V.icon === p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function S() {
+ return k('setChassis', { chassis_to_change: V.icon });
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ },
+ V.id
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 2983: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_manifest = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(41874),
+ o = (r.pai_manifest = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.CrewManifest, { data: g.app_data });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 40758: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_medrecords = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(41984),
+ o = (r.pai_medrecords = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.SimpleRecords, { data: k.app_data, recordType: 'MED' });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 98599: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_messenger = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(77595),
+ o = (r.pai_messenger = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.app_data.active_convo;
+ return l
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ActiveConversation, { data: g.app_data })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.MessengerList, { data: g.app_data });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 50775: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_radio = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(44879),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = (r.pai_radio = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.app_data,
+ m = c.minFrequency,
+ i = c.maxFrequency,
+ u = c.frequency,
+ s = c.broadcasting;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Frequency',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
+ animate: !0,
+ step: 0.2,
+ stepPixelSize: 6,
+ minValue: m / 10,
+ maxValue: i / 10,
+ value: u / 10,
+ format: (function () {
+ function d(v) {
+ return (0, t.toFixed)(v, 1);
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function d(v, h) {
+ return g('freq', { freq: h });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ tooltip: 'Reset',
+ icon: 'undo',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('freq', { freq: '145.9' });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Broadcast Nearby Speech',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ return g('toggleBroadcast');
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ selected: s,
+ content: s ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 48623: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_secrecords = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(41984),
+ o = (r.pai_secrecords = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.SimpleRecords, { data: k.app_data, recordType: 'SEC' });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 47297: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_signaler = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(13545),
+ o = (r.pai_signaler = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Signaler, { data: g.app_data });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 78532: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_atmos_scan = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(26991),
+ o = (r.pda_atmos_scan = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AtmosScan, { data: k });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 2395: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_games = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(1331),
+ f = (r.pda_games = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.games,
+ m = (function () {
+ function i(u) {
+ switch (u) {
+ case 'Minesweeper':
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.IconStack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ ml: '0',
+ mt: '10px',
+ name: 'flag',
+ size: '6',
+ color: 'gray',
+ rotation: 30,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ ml: '9px',
+ mt: '23px',
+ name: 'bomb',
+ size: '3',
+ color: 'black',
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ default:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ ml: '16px',
+ mt: '10px',
+ name: 'gamepad',
+ size: '6',
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: c.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ width: '33%',
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ translucent: !0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function u() {
+ return g('play', { id: i.id });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ children: [m(i.name), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: i.name })],
+ },
+ i.name
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 40253: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_janitor = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pda_janitor = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.janitor,
+ c = l.user_loc,
+ m = l.mops,
+ i = l.buckets,
+ u = l.cleanbots,
+ s = l.carts,
+ d = l.janicarts;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Location',
+ children: [c.x, ',', c.y],
+ }),
+ m &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Mop Locations',
+ children: m.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ { children: [v.x, ',', v.y, ' (', v.dir, ') - ', v.status] },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ i &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Mop Bucket Locations',
+ children: i.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ { children: [v.x, ',', v.y, ' (', v.dir, ') - [', v.volume, '/', v.max_volume, ']'] },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ u &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cleanbot Locations',
+ children: u.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ { children: [v.x, ',', v.y, ' (', v.dir, ') - ', v.status] },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Janitorial Cart Locations',
+ children: s.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ { children: [v.x, ',', v.y, ' (', v.dir, ') - [', v.volume, '/', v.max_volume, ']'] },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ d &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Janicart Locations',
+ children: d.map(function (v) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ { children: [v.x, ',', v.y, ' (', v.direction_from_user, ')'] },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 58293: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_main_menu = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(44879),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = (r.pda_main_menu = (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = (0, t.useBackend)(B),
+ g = k.act,
+ l = k.data,
+ c = l.owner,
+ m = l.ownjob,
+ i = l.idInserted,
+ u = l.categories,
+ s = l.pai,
+ d = l.notifying;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Owner',
+ color: 'average',
+ children: [c, ', ', m],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'ID',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'sync',
+ content: 'Update PDA Info',
+ disabled: !i,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return g('UpdateInfo');
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'Functions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: u.map(function (v) {
+ var h = l.apps[v];
+ return !h || !h.length
+ ? null
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.LabeledList.Item,
+ {
+ label: v,
+ children: h.map(function (C) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button,
+ {
+ icon: C.uid in d ? C.notify_icon : C.icon,
+ iconSpin: C.uid in d,
+ color: C.uid in d ? 'red' : 'transparent',
+ content: C.name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return g('StartProgram', { program: C.uid });
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ },
+ C.uid
+ );
+ }),
+ },
+ v
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children:
+ !!s &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ title: 'pAI',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ content: 'Configuration',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return g('pai', { option: 1 });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'eject',
+ content: 'Eject pAI',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return g('pai', { option: 2 });
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })());
+ },
+ 58059: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_manifest = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(41874),
+ o = (r.pda_manifest = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.CrewManifest);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 18147: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_medical = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(41984),
+ o = (r.pda_medical = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.SimpleRecords, { data: k, recordType: 'MED' });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 77595: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_messenger = r.MessengerList = r.ActiveConversation = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(88510),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = (r.pda_messenger = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = c.data,
+ u = i.active_convo;
+ return u
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { data: i })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { data: i });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.ActiveConversation = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = g.data,
+ u = i.convo_name,
+ s = i.convo_job,
+ d = i.messages,
+ v = i.active_convo,
+ h = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'clipboardMode', !1),
+ C = h[0],
+ p = h[1],
+ N = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Conversation with ' + u + ' (' + s + ')',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'eye',
+ selected: C,
+ tooltip: 'Enter Clipboard Mode',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return p(!C);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'comment',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return m('Message', { target: v });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ content: 'Reply',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, a.filter)(function (V) {
+ return V.target === v;
+ })(d).map(function (V, S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ {
+ textAlign: V.sent ? 'right' : 'left',
+ position: 'relative',
+ mb: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
+ fontSize: 2.5,
+ color: V.sent ? '#4d9121' : '#cd7a0d',
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: V.sent ? null : '0px',
+ right: V.sent ? '0px' : null,
+ bottom: '-4px',
+ style: { 'z-index': '0', transform: V.sent ? 'scale(-1, 1)' : null },
+ name: 'comment',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ backgroundColor: V.sent ? '#4d9121' : '#cd7a0d',
+ p: 1,
+ maxWidth: '100%',
+ position: 'relative',
+ textAlign: V.sent ? 'left' : 'right',
+ style: { 'z-index': '1', 'border-radius': '10px', 'word-break': 'normal' },
+ children: [V.sent ? 'You:' : 'Them:', ' ', V.message],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ S
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ return (
+ C &&
+ (N = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: 'Conversation with ' + u + ' (' + s + ')',
+ buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'eye',
+ selected: C,
+ tooltip: 'Exit Clipboard Mode',
+ tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return p(!C);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'comment',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return m('Message', { target: v });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ content: 'Reply',
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ children: (0, a.filter)(function (V) {
+ return V.target === v;
+ })(d).map(function (V, S) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ {
+ color: V.sent ? '#4d9121' : '#cd7a0d',
+ style: { 'word-break': 'normal' },
+ children: [
+ V.sent ? 'You:' : 'Them:',
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { inline: !0, children: V.message }),
+ ],
+ },
+ S
+ );
+ }),
+ })),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ mb: 0.5,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Messenger Functions',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ content: 'Delete Conversations',
+ confirmContent: 'Are you sure?',
+ icon: 'trash',
+ confirmIcon: 'trash',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return m('Clear', { option: 'Convo' });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ N,
+ ],
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ y = (r.MessengerList = (function () {
+ function k(g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = g.data,
+ u = i.convopdas,
+ s = i.pdas,
+ d = i.charges,
+ v = i.silent,
+ h = i.toff,
+ C = i.ringtone_list,
+ p = i.ringtone,
+ N = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'searchTerm', ''),
+ V = N[0],
+ S = N[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ mb: 5,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Messenger Functions',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ selected: !v,
+ icon: v ? 'volume-mute' : 'volume-up',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return m('Toggle Ringer');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ children: ['Ringer: ', v ? 'Off' : 'On'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: h ? 'bad' : 'green',
+ icon: 'power-off',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return m('Toggle Messenger');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ children: ['Messenger: ', h ? 'Off' : 'On'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'trash',
+ color: 'bad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return m('Clear', { option: 'All' });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Delete All Conversations',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'bell',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return m('Ringtone');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Set Custom Ringtone',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ selected: p,
+ width: '100px',
+ options: Object.keys(C),
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function I(L) {
+ return m('Available_Ringtones', { selected_ringtone: L });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (!h &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: [
+ !!d &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ mt: 0.5,
+ mb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Cartridge Special Function',
+ children: [d, ' charges left.'],
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (!u.length &&
+ !s.length &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { children: 'No current conversations' })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: [
+ 'Search:',
+ ' ',
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ mt: 0.5,
+ value: V,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function I(L, w) {
+ S(w);
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'bad', children: 'Messenger Offline.' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
+ title: 'Current Conversations',
+ data: i,
+ pdas: u,
+ msgAct: 'Select Conversation',
+ searchTerm: V,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
+ title: 'Other PDAs',
+ pdas: s,
+ msgAct: 'Message',
+ data: i,
+ searchTerm: V,
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()),
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ var c = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
+ m = c.act,
+ i = g.data,
+ u = g.pdas,
+ s = g.title,
+ d = g.msgAct,
+ v = g.searchTerm,
+ h = i.charges,
+ C = i.plugins;
+ return !u || !u.length
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, { title: s, children: 'No PDAs found.' })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ scrollable: !0,
+ title: s,
+ children: u
+ .filter(function (p) {
+ return p.Name.toLowerCase().includes(v.toLowerCase());
+ })
+ .map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Stack,
+ {
+ m: 0.5,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
+ content: p.Name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return m(d, { target: p.uid });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children:
+ !!h &&
+ C.map(function (N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Button,
+ {
+ icon: N.icon,
+ content: N.name,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return m('Messenger Plugin', { plugin: N.uid, target: p.uid });
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ },
+ N.uid
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ p.uid
+ );
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 90382: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_minesweeper = r.MineSweeperLeaderboard = r.MineSweeperGame = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pda_minesweeper = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'window', 'Game'),
+ u = i[0],
+ s = i[1],
+ d = { Game: 'Leaderboard', Leaderboard: 'Game' };
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: u === 'Game' ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: !0,
+ fontSize: 2,
+ lineHeight: 1.75,
+ icon: u === 'Game' ? 'book' : 'gamepad',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return s(d[u]);
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ children: d[u],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ f = (r.MineSweeperGame = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.matrix,
+ u = m.flags,
+ s = m.bombs,
+ d = {
+ 1: 'blue',
+ 2: 'green',
+ 3: 'red',
+ 4: 'darkblue',
+ 5: 'brown',
+ 6: 'lightblue',
+ 7: 'black',
+ 8: 'white',
+ },
+ v = (function () {
+ function h(C, p, N) {
+ c('Square', { X: C, Y: p, mode: N });
+ }
+ return h;
+ })();
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: Object.keys(i).map(function (h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: Object.keys(i[h]).map(function (C) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Button,
+ {
+ m: 0.25,
+ height: 2,
+ width: 2,
+ className: i[h][C].open ? 'Minesweeper__open' : 'Minesweeper__closed',
+ bold: !0,
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: i[h][C].open ? (i[h][C].bomb ? 'bomb' : '') : i[h][C].flag ? 'flag' : '',
+ textColor: i[h][C].open
+ ? i[h][C].bomb
+ ? 'black'
+ : d[i[h][C].around]
+ : i[h][C].flag
+ ? 'red'
+ : 'gray',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ return v(h, C, 'bomb');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ onContextMenu: (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ event.preventDefault(), v(h, C, 'flag');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: i[h][C].open && !i[h][C].bomb && i[h][C].around ? i[h][C].around : ' ',
+ },
+ C
+ );
+ }),
+ },
+ h
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ className: 'Minesweeper__infobox',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ vertical: !0,
+ textAlign: 'left',
+ pt: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ pl: 2,
+ fontSize: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'bomb', color: 'gray' }),
+ ' : ',
+ s,
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ pl: 2,
+ fontSize: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'flag', color: 'red' }),
+ ' : ',
+ u,
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ b = (r.MineSweeperLeaderboard = (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
+ c = l.act,
+ m = l.data,
+ i = m.leaderboard,
+ u = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'sortId', 'time'),
+ s = u[0],
+ d = u[1],
+ v = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'sortOrder', !1),
+ h = v[0],
+ C = v[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
+ className: 'Minesweeper__list',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
+ bold: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { id: 'name', children: 'Nick' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { id: 'time', children: 'Time' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ i &&
+ i
+ .sort(function (p, N) {
+ var V = h ? 1 : -1;
+ return p[s].localeCompare(N[s]) * V;
+ })
+ .map(function (p, N) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.time }),
+ ],
+ },
+ N
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()),
+ y = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'sortId', 'time'),
+ c = l[0],
+ m = l[1],
+ i = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'sortOrder', !1),
+ u = i[0],
+ s = i[1],
+ d = k.id,
+ v = k.children;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ color: 'transparent',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ c === d ? s(!u) : (m(d), s(!0));
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ children: [
+ v,
+ c === d &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: u ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 24635: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_mule = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pda_mule = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.mulebot,
+ i = m.active;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: i ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ f = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.mulebot,
+ i = m.bots;
+ return i.map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: u.Name,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return l('control', { bot: u.uid });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ u.Name
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.mulebot,
+ i = m.botstatus,
+ u = m.active,
+ s = i.mode,
+ d = i.loca,
+ v = i.load,
+ h = i.powr,
+ C = i.dest,
+ p = i.home,
+ N = i.retn,
+ V = i.pick,
+ S;
+ switch (s) {
+ case 0:
+ S = 'Ready';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ S = 'Loading/Unloading';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 12:
+ S = 'Navigating to delivery location';
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ S = 'Navigating to Home';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ S = 'Waiting for clear path';
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ S = 'Calculating navigation path';
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ S = 'Unable to locate destination';
+ break;
+ default:
+ S = s;
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: u,
+ children: [
+ s === -1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'Waiting for response...',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Location', children: d }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Status', children: S }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Power', children: [h, '%'] }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Home', children: p }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Destination',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: C ? C + ' (Set)' : 'None (Set)',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return l('target');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Current Load',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: v ? v + ' (Unload)' : 'None',
+ disabled: !v,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return l('unload');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Auto Pickup',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: V ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ selected: V,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return l('set_pickup_type', { autopick: V ? 0 : 1 });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Auto Return',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: N ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ selected: N,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return l('set_auto_return', { autoret: N ? 0 : 1 });
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Controls',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Stop',
+ icon: 'stop',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return l('stop');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Proceed',
+ icon: 'play',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return l('start');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Return Home',
+ icon: 'home',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function I() {
+ return l('home');
+ }
+ return I;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 23734: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_nanobank = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(25328),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = (r.pda_nanobank = (function () {
+ function i(u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.logged_in,
+ p = h.owner_name,
+ N = h.money;
+ return C
+ ? (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Name',
+ children: p,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Balance',
+ children: ['$', N],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y)],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })()),
+ b = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.data,
+ h = v.is_premium,
+ C = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'tabIndex', 1),
+ p = C[0],
+ N = C[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
+ mt: 2,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: p === 1,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return N(1);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { mr: 1, name: 'list' }), 'Transfers'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: p === 2,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return N(2);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { mr: 1, name: 'list' }), 'Account Actions'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: p === 3,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return N(3);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { mr: 1, name: 'list' }), 'Transaction History'],
+ }),
+ !!h &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
+ selected: p === 4,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function V() {
+ return N(4);
+ }
+ return V;
+ })(),
+ children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { mr: 1, name: 'list' }), 'Supply Orders'],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ y = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'tabIndex', 1),
+ v = d[0],
+ h = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ C = h.data,
+ p = C.db_status;
+ if (!p) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { children: 'Account Database Connection Severed' });
+ switch (v) {
+ case 1:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
+ case 2:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
+ case 3:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
+ case 4:
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
+ default:
+ return "You are somehow on a tab that doesn't exist! Please let a coder know.";
+ }
+ },
+ B = function (u, s) {
+ var d,
+ v = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ h = v.act,
+ C = v.data,
+ p = C.requests,
+ N = C.available_accounts,
+ V = C.money,
+ S = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'selectedAccount'),
+ I = S[0],
+ L = S[1],
+ w = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'transferAmount'),
+ A = w[0],
+ x = w[1],
+ E = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'searchText', ''),
+ P = E[0],
+ D = E[1],
+ M = [];
+ return (
+ N.map(function (R) {
+ return (M[R.name] = R.UID);
+ }),
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Search by account name',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function R(O, F) {
+ return D(F);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
+ mt: 0.6,
+ width: '190px',
+ options: N.filter(
+ (0, a.createSearch)(P, function (R) {
+ return R.name;
+ })
+ ).map(function (R) {
+ return R.name;
+ }),
+ selected:
+ (d = N.filter(function (R) {
+ return R.UID === I;
+ })[0]) == null
+ ? void 0
+ : d.name,
+ onSelected: (function () {
+ function R(O) {
+ return L(M[O]);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Amount',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Up to 5000',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function R(O, F) {
+ return x(F);
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Actions',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ bold: !0,
+ icon: 'paper-plane',
+ width: 'auto',
+ disabled: V < A || !I,
+ content: 'Send',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function R() {
+ return h('transfer', { amount: A, transfer_to_account: I });
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ bold: !0,
+ icon: 'hand-holding-usd',
+ width: 'auto',
+ disabled: !I,
+ content: 'Request',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function R() {
+ return h('transfer_request', { amount: A, transfer_to_account: I });
+ }
+ return R;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
+ level: 3,
+ title: 'Requests',
+ children: p.map(function (R) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Box,
+ {
+ mt: 1,
+ ml: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'b',
+ null,
+ [(0, e.createTextVNode)('Request from '), R.requester],
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Amount',
+ children: R.amount,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Time',
+ children: [R.time, ' Minutes ago'],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Actions',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
+ icon: 'thumbs-up',
+ color: 'good',
+ disabled: V < R.amount,
+ content: 'Accept',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return h('resolve_transfer_request', {
+ accepted: 1,
+ requestUID: R.request_id,
+ });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'thumbs-down',
+ color: 'bad',
+ content: 'Deny',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function O() {
+ return h('resolve_transfer_request', { requestUID: R.request_id });
+ }
+ return O;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ )
+ );
+ },
+ k = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.security_level,
+ p = h.department_members,
+ N = h.auto_approve,
+ V = h.auto_approve_amount,
+ S = h.is_department_account,
+ I = h.is_premium;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account Security',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'user-lock',
+ selected: C === 1,
+ content: 'Account Number Only',
+ tooltip:
+ 'Set Account security so that only having the account number is required for transactions',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('set_security', { new_security_level: 1 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'user-lock',
+ selected: C === 2,
+ content: 'Require Pin Entry',
+ tooltip: 'Set Account security so that pin entry is required for transactions',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('set_security', { new_security_level: 2 });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Logout',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'sign-out-alt',
+ width: 'auto',
+ content: 'Logout',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('logout');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'NanoBank Premium',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ icon: 'coins',
+ width: 'auto',
+ tooltip:
+ 'Upgrade your NanoBank to Premium for 250 Credits! Allows you to remotely approve department cargo orders on the supply console!',
+ color: I ? 'yellow' : 'good',
+ content: I ? 'Already Purchased' : 'Purchase Premium',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('purchase_premium');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ !!S &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Auto Approve Orders',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: N ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ content: N ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return v('toggle_auto_approve');
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Auto Approve Purchases when',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: '# Credits',
+ value: V,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function L(w, A) {
+ return v('set_approve_amount', { approve_amount: A });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Occupation' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Can Approve Crates' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ p.map(function (L) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: L.name }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: L.job }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: L.can_approve ? 'good' : 'bad',
+ content: L.can_approve ? 'Yes' : 'No',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function w() {
+ return v('toggle_member_approval', { member: L.name });
+ }
+ return w;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ L
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ },
+ g = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.transaction_log;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
+ header: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Timestamp' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Reason' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Value' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Terminal' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ C.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: p.time }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: p.purpose }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ color: p.is_deposit ? 'green' : 'red',
+ children: ['$', p.amount],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: p.target_name }),
+ ],
+ },
+ p
+ );
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ l = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'accountID', null),
+ p = C[0],
+ N = C[1],
+ V = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'accountPin', null),
+ S = V[0],
+ I = V[1],
+ L = h.card_account_num,
+ w = p || L;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Account ID',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Account ID',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function A(x, E) {
+ return N(E);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Pin',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'Account Pin',
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function A(x, E) {
+ return I(E);
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Login',
+ icon: 'sign-in-alt',
+ disabled: !p && !L,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function A() {
+ return v('login', { account_num: w, account_pin: S });
+ }
+ return A;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ c = function (u, s) {
+ var d = u.request,
+ v,
+ h;
+ switch (d.department) {
+ case 'Engineering':
+ (h = 'CE'), (v = 'orange');
+ break;
+ case 'Medical':
+ (h = 'CMO'), (v = 'teal');
+ break;
+ case 'Science':
+ (h = 'RD'), (v = 'purple');
+ break;
+ case 'Supply':
+ (h = 'CT'), (v = 'brown');
+ break;
+ case 'Service':
+ (h = 'HOP'), (v = 'olive');
+ break;
+ case 'Security':
+ (h = 'HOS'), (v = 'red');
+ break;
+ case 'Command':
+ (h = 'CAP'), (v = 'blue');
+ break;
+ case 'Assistant':
+ (h = 'Any Head'), (v = 'grey');
+ break;
+ default:
+ (h = 'None'), (v = 'grey');
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { mt: 0.5, children: 'Approval Required:' }),
+ !!d.req_cargo_approval &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: 'brown',
+ content: 'QM',
+ icon: 'user-tie',
+ tooltip: 'This Order requires approval from the QM still',
+ }),
+ }),
+ !!d.req_head_approval &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ color: v,
+ content: h,
+ disabled: d.req_cargo_approval,
+ icon: 'user-tie',
+ tooltip: d.req_cargo_approval
+ ? 'This Order first requires approval from the QM before the ' + h + ' can approve it'
+ : 'This Order requires approval from the ' + h + ' still',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ },
+ m = function (u, s) {
+ var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
+ v = d.act,
+ h = d.data,
+ C = h.supply_requests;
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { bold: !0, children: 'Requests' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
+ children: C.map(function (p) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ o.Table.Row,
+ {
+ className: 'Cargo_RequestList',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ children: [
+ 'Order #',
+ p.ordernum,
+ ': ',
+ p.supply_type,
+ ' (',
+ p.cost,
+ ' credits) for ',
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, p.orderedby, 0),
+ ' with',
+ ' ',
+ p.department ? 'The ' + p.department + ' Department' : 'Their Personal',
+ ' Account',
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ italic: !0,
+ children: ['Reason: ', p.comment],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { request: p }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
+ textAlign: 'right',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Approve',
+ color: 'green',
+ disabled: !p.can_approve,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return v('approve_crate', { ordernum: p.ordernum });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
+ content: 'Deny',
+ color: 'red',
+ disabled: !p.can_deny,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function N() {
+ return v('deny_crate', { ordernum: p.ordernum });
+ }
+ return N;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ },
+ p.ordernum
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 97085: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_notes = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pda_notes = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.note;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { children: l }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'pen',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('Edit');
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ content: 'Edit',
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 57513: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_power = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(61631),
+ o = (r.pda_power = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.PowerMonitorMainContent);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 99808: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_secbot = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pda_secbot = (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.beepsky,
+ i = m.active;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: i ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
+ });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()),
+ f = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.beepsky,
+ i = m.bots;
+ return i.map(function (u) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: u.Name,
+ icon: 'cog',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return l('control', { bot: u.uid });
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ },
+ u.Name
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
+ l = g.act,
+ c = g.data,
+ m = c.beepsky,
+ i = m.botstatus,
+ u = m.active,
+ s = i.mode,
+ d = i.loca,
+ v;
+ switch (s) {
+ case 0:
+ v = 'Ready';
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ v = 'Apprehending target';
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ v = 'Arresting target';
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ v = 'Starting patrol';
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ v = 'On patrol';
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ v = 'Responding to summons';
+ break;
+ }
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: u,
+ children: [
+ s === -1 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ color: 'red',
+ bold: !0,
+ children: 'Waiting for response...',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Location', children: d }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Status', children: v }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Controls',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Go',
+ icon: 'play',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return l('go');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Stop',
+ icon: 'stop',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return l('stop');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: 'Summon',
+ icon: 'arrow-down',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return l('summon');
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 77168: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_security = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(41984),
+ o = (r.pda_security = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.SimpleRecords, { data: k, recordType: 'SEC' });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 21773: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_signaler = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(13545),
+ o = (r.pda_signaler = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Signaler, { data: g });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 81857: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_status_display = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pda_status_display = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.records;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Code',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'trash',
+ content: 'Clear',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('Status', { statdisp: 0 });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'clock',
+ content: 'Evac ETA',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('Status', { statdisp: 1 });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'edit',
+ content: 'Message',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('Status', { statdisp: 2 });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
+ content: 'Red Alert',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('Status', { statdisp: 3, alert: 'redalert' });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'boxes',
+ content: 'NT Logo',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('Status', { statdisp: 3, alert: 'default' });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'lock',
+ content: 'Lockdown',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('Status', { statdisp: 3, alert: 'lockdown' });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'biohazard',
+ content: 'Biohazard',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('Status', { statdisp: 3, alert: 'biohazard' });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Message line 1',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: l.message1 + ' (set)',
+ icon: 'pen',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('SetMessage', { msgnum: 1 });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Message line 2',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: l.message2 + ' (set)',
+ icon: 'pen',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return k('SetMessage', { msgnum: 2 });
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 70287: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_supplyrecords = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = (r.pda_supplyrecords = (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
+ k = B.act,
+ g = B.data,
+ l = g.supply,
+ c = l.shuttle_loc,
+ m = l.shuttle_time,
+ i = l.shuttle_moving,
+ u = l.approved,
+ s = l.approved_count,
+ d = l.requests,
+ v = l.requests_count;
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Shuttle Status',
+ children: i
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: ['In transit ', m] })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: c }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ mt: 1,
+ title: 'Requested Orders',
+ children:
+ v > 0 &&
+ d.map(function (h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ { children: ['#', h.Number, ' - "', h.Name, '" for "', h.OrderedBy, '"'] },
+ h
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Approved Orders',
+ children:
+ s > 0 &&
+ u.map(function (h) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Box,
+ { children: ['#', h.Number, ' - "', h.Name, '" for "', h.ApprovedBy, '"'] },
+ h
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return f;
+ })());
+ },
+ 17617: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Layout = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(55937),
+ o = n(24826),
+ f = ['className', 'theme', 'children'],
+ b = ['className', 'scrollable', 'children'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function y(g, l) {
+ if (g == null) return {};
+ var c = {};
+ for (var m in g)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
+ if (l.includes(m)) continue;
+ c[m] = g[m];
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ var B = (r.Layout = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ var c = l.className,
+ m = l.theme,
+ i = m === void 0 ? 'nanotrasen' : m,
+ u = l.children,
+ s = y(l, f);
+ return (
+ (document.documentElement.className = 'theme-' + i),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'theme-' + i,
+ (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)(['Layout', c].concat((0, t.computeBoxClassName)(s))),
+ u,
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(s))
+ )
+ ),
+ 2
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ k = function (l) {
+ var c = l.className,
+ m = l.scrollable,
+ i = l.children,
+ u = y(l, b);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)([
+ 'Layout__content',
+ m && 'Layout__content--scrollable',
+ c,
+ (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(u),
+ ]),
+ i,
+ 0,
+ Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(u))
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ (k.defaultHooks = {
+ onComponentDidMount: (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ return (0, o.addScrollableNode)(l);
+ }
+ return g;
+ })(),
+ onComponentWillUnmount: (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ return (0, o.removeScrollableNode)(l);
+ }
+ return g;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (B.Content = k);
+ },
+ 96945: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Pane = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(72253),
+ o = n(36036),
+ f = n(99851),
+ b = n(17617),
+ y = ['theme', 'children', 'className'],
+ B = ['className', 'fitted', 'children'];
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ function k(c, m) {
+ if (c == null) return {};
+ var i = {};
+ for (var u in c)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(c, u)) {
+ if (m.includes(u)) continue;
+ i[u] = c[u];
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ var g = (r.Pane = (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ var u = m.theme,
+ s = m.children,
+ d = m.className,
+ v = k(m, y),
+ h = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
+ C = h.suspended,
+ p = (0, f.useDebug)(i),
+ N = p.debugLayout;
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Layout,
+ Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['Window', d]), theme: u }, v, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
+ fillPositionedParent: !0,
+ className: N && 'debug-layout',
+ children: !C && s,
+ }),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()),
+ l = function (m) {
+ var i = m.className,
+ u = m.fitted,
+ s = m.children,
+ d = k(m, B);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ b.Layout.Content,
+ Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['Window__content', i]) }, d, {
+ children: (u && s) || (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__contentPadding', s, 0),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ g.Content = l;
+ },
+ 34827: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Window = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(35840),
+ t = n(85307),
+ o = n(25328),
+ f = n(72253),
+ b = n(36036),
+ y = n(76910),
+ B = n(99851),
+ k = n(77384),
+ g = n(35421),
+ l = n(9394),
+ c = n(17617),
+ m = ['className', 'fitted', 'children'];
+ function i(V, S) {
+ if (V == null) return {};
+ var I = {};
+ for (var L in V)
+ if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(V, L)) {
+ if (S.includes(L)) continue;
+ I[L] = V[L];
+ }
+ return I;
+ }
+ function u(V, S) {
+ (V.prototype = Object.create(S.prototype)), (V.prototype.constructor = V), s(V, S);
+ }
+ function s(V, S) {
+ return (
+ (s = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (I, L) {
+ return (I.__proto__ = L), I;
+ }),
+ s(V, S)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var d = (0, l.createLogger)('Window'),
+ v = [400, 600],
+ h = (r.Window = (function (V) {
+ function S() {
+ return V.apply(this, arguments) || this;
+ }
+ u(S, V);
+ var I = S.prototype;
+ return (
+ (I.componentDidMount = (function () {
+ function L() {
+ var w = (0, f.useBackend)(this.context),
+ A = w.suspended;
+ A || (d.log('mounting'), this.updateGeometry());
+ }
+ return L;
+ })()),
+ (I.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ var A = this.props.width !== w.width || this.props.height !== w.height;
+ A && this.updateGeometry();
+ }
+ return L;
+ })()),
+ (I.updateGeometry = (function () {
+ function L() {
+ var w,
+ A = (0, f.useBackend)(this.context),
+ x = A.config,
+ E = Object.assign({ size: v }, x.window);
+ this.props.width && this.props.height && (E.size = [this.props.width, this.props.height]),
+ (w = x.window) != null && w.key && (0, g.setWindowKey)(x.window.key),
+ (0, g.recallWindowGeometry)(E);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })()),
+ (I.render = (function () {
+ function L() {
+ var w,
+ A = this.props,
+ x = A.theme,
+ E = A.title,
+ P = A.children,
+ D = (0, f.useBackend)(this.context),
+ M = D.config,
+ R = D.suspended,
+ O = (0, B.useDebug)(this.context),
+ F = O.debugLayout,
+ _ = (0, t.useDispatch)(this.context),
+ U = (w = M.window) == null ? void 0 : w.fancy,
+ z = M.user && (M.user.observer ? M.status < y.UI_DISABLED : M.status < y.UI_INTERACTIVE);
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c.Layout, {
+ className: 'Window',
+ theme: x,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, N, {
+ className: 'Window__titleBar',
+ title: !R && (E || (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(M.title)),
+ status: M.status,
+ fancy: U,
+ onDragStart: g.dragStartHandler,
+ onClose: (function () {
+ function $() {
+ d.log('pressed close'), _((0, f.backendSuspendStart)());
+ }
+ return $;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)(['Window__rest', F && 'debug-layout']),
+ [!R && P, z && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__dimmer')],
+ 0
+ ),
+ U &&
+ (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__resizeHandle__e', null, 1, {
+ onMousedown: (0, g.resizeStartHandler)(1, 0),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__resizeHandle__s', null, 1, {
+ onMousedown: (0, g.resizeStartHandler)(0, 1),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__resizeHandle__se', null, 1, {
+ onMousedown: (0, g.resizeStartHandler)(1, 1),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return L;
+ })()),
+ S
+ );
+ })(e.Component)),
+ C = function (S) {
+ var I = S.className,
+ L = S.fitted,
+ w = S.children,
+ A = i(S, m);
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ c.Layout.Content,
+ Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['Window__content', I]) }, A, {
+ children: (L && w) || (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__contentPadding', w, 0),
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ h.Content = C;
+ var p = function (S) {
+ switch (S) {
+ return 'good';
+ case y.UI_UPDATE:
+ return 'average';
+ case y.UI_DISABLED:
+ default:
+ return 'bad';
+ }
+ },
+ N = function (S, I) {
+ var L = S.className,
+ w = S.title,
+ A = S.status,
+ x = S.fancy,
+ E = S.onDragStart,
+ P = S.onClose,
+ D = (0, t.useDispatch)(I);
+ return (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ (0, a.classes)(['TitleBar', L]),
+ [
+ (A === void 0 &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, {
+ className: 'TitleBar__statusIcon',
+ name: 'tools',
+ opacity: 0.5,
+ })) ||
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, {
+ className: 'TitleBar__statusIcon',
+ color: p(A),
+ name: 'eye',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ 'TitleBar__title',
+ (typeof w == 'string' && w === w.toLowerCase() && (0, o.toTitleCase)(w)) || w,
+ 0
+ ),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'TitleBar__dragZone', null, 1, {
+ onMousedown: (function () {
+ function M(R) {
+ return x && E(R);
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ !1,
+ !!x &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'TitleBar__close TitleBar__clickable', '\xD7', 16, { onclick: P }),
+ ],
+ 0
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 98595: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Window = r.Pane = r.Layout = void 0);
+ var e = n(17617);
+ r.Layout = e.Layout;
+ var a = n(96945);
+ r.Pane = a.Pane;
+ var t = n(34827);
+ r.Window = t.Window;
+ },
+ 18498: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.captureExternalLinks = void 0);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var n = (r.captureExternalLinks = (function () {
+ function e() {
+ document.addEventListener('click', function (a) {
+ for (var t = a.target; ; ) {
+ if (!t || t === document.body) return;
+ var o = String(t.tagName).toLowerCase();
+ if (o === 'a') break;
+ t = t.parentElement;
+ }
+ var f = t.getAttribute('href') || '',
+ b = f.charAt(0) === '?' || f.startsWith('byond://');
+ if (!b) {
+ a.preventDefault();
+ var y = f;
+ y.toLowerCase().startsWith('www') && (y = 'https://' + y),
+ Byond.sendMessage({ type: 'openLink', url: y });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return e;
+ })());
+ },
+ 9394: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.logger = r.createLogger = void 0);
+ var e = n(7435);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var a = 0,
+ t = 1,
+ o = 2,
+ f = 3,
+ b = 4,
+ y = function (l, c) {
+ for (var m = arguments.length, i = new Array(m > 2 ? m - 2 : 0), u = 2; u < m; u++)
+ i[u - 2] = arguments[u];
+ if (l >= o) {
+ var s =
+ [c]
+ .concat(i)
+ .map(function (d) {
+ return typeof d == 'string' ? d : d instanceof Error ? d.stack || String(d) : JSON.stringify(d);
+ })
+ .filter(function (d) {
+ return d;
+ })
+ .join(' ') +
+ '\nUser Agent: ' +
+ navigator.userAgent;
+ Byond.sendMessage({ type: 'log', message: s });
+ }
+ },
+ B = (r.createLogger = (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ return {
+ debug: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ for (var m = arguments.length, i = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) i[u] = arguments[u];
+ return y.apply(void 0, [a, l].concat(i));
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ log: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ for (var m = arguments.length, i = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) i[u] = arguments[u];
+ return y.apply(void 0, [t, l].concat(i));
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ info: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ for (var m = arguments.length, i = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) i[u] = arguments[u];
+ return y.apply(void 0, [o, l].concat(i));
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ warn: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ for (var m = arguments.length, i = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) i[u] = arguments[u];
+ return y.apply(void 0, [f, l].concat(i));
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ error: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ for (var m = arguments.length, i = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) i[u] = arguments[u];
+ return y.apply(void 0, [b, l].concat(i));
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ };
+ }
+ return g;
+ })()),
+ k = (r.logger = B());
+ },
+ 49060: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.suspendRenderer = r.resumeRenderer = r.createRenderer = void 0);
+ var e = n(85822),
+ a = n(89005),
+ t = n(9394),
+ o = (0, t.createLogger)('renderer'),
+ f,
+ b = !0,
+ y = !1,
+ B = (r.resumeRenderer = (function () {
+ function l() {
+ (b = b || 'resumed'), (y = !1);
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ k = (r.suspendRenderer = (function () {
+ function l() {
+ y = !0;
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()),
+ g = (r.createRenderer = (function () {
+ function l(c) {
+ return function () {
+ e.perf.mark('render/start'),
+ f || (f = document.getElementById('react-root')),
+ (0, a.render)(c(), f),
+ e.perf.mark('render/finish'),
+ !y && b && (b = !1);
+ };
+ }
+ return l;
+ })());
+ },
+ 71253: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.getRoutedComponent = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(27709),
+ f = n(98595);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var b = n(32054),
+ y = function (c, m) {
+ return function () {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ scrollable: !0,
+ children: [
+ c === 'notFound' &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Interface '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, m, 0),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' was not found.'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ c === 'missingExport' &&
+ (0, e.createVNode)(
+ 1,
+ 'div',
+ null,
+ [
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)('Interface '),
+ (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, m, 0),
+ (0, e.createTextVNode)(' is missing an export.'),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ B = function () {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, { scrollable: !0 }),
+ });
+ },
+ k = function () {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
+ height: 130,
+ title: 'Loading',
+ width: 150,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ align: 'center',
+ fill: !0,
+ justify: 'center',
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ color: 'blue',
+ name: 'toolbox',
+ spin: !0,
+ size: 4,
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: 'Please wait...' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ },
+ g = (r.getRoutedComponent = (function () {
+ function l(c) {
+ var m = c.getState(),
+ i = (0, a.selectBackend)(m),
+ u = i.suspended,
+ s = i.config;
+ if (u) return B;
+ if (s.refreshing) return k;
+ if (0) var d;
+ for (
+ var v = s == null ? void 0 : s.interface,
+ h = [
+ function (S) {
+ return './' + S + '.tsx';
+ },
+ function (S) {
+ return './' + S + '.js';
+ },
+ function (S) {
+ return './' + S + '/index.tsx';
+ },
+ function (S) {
+ return './' + S + '/index.js';
+ },
+ ],
+ C;
+ !C && h.length > 0;
+ ) {
+ var p = h.shift(),
+ N = p(v);
+ try {
+ C = b(N);
+ } catch (S) {
+ if (S.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') throw S;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!C) return y('notFound', v);
+ var V = C[v];
+ return V || y('missingExport', v);
+ }
+ return l;
+ })());
+ },
+ 72178: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.configureStore = r.StoreProvider = void 0);
+ var e = n(64795),
+ a = n(85307),
+ t = n(89005),
+ o = n(79140),
+ f = n(72253),
+ b = n(99851),
+ y = n(9394);
+ function B(u, s) {
+ (u.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype)), (u.prototype.constructor = u), k(u, s);
+ }
+ function k(u, s) {
+ return (
+ (k = Object.setPrototypeOf
+ ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
+ : function (d, v) {
+ return (d.__proto__ = v), d;
+ }),
+ k(u, s)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var g = (0, y.createLogger)('store'),
+ l = (r.configureStore = (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ var d, v;
+ s === void 0 && (s = {});
+ var h = s,
+ C = h.sideEffects,
+ p = C === void 0 ? !0 : C,
+ N = (0, e.flow)([
+ (0, a.combineReducers)({ debug: b.debugReducer, backend: f.backendReducer }),
+ s.reducer,
+ ]),
+ V = p
+ ? [].concat(
+ ((d = s.middleware) == null ? void 0 : d.pre) || [],
+ [o.assetMiddleware, f.backendMiddleware],
+ ((v = s.middleware) == null ? void 0 : v.post) || []
+ )
+ : [],
+ S = a.applyMiddleware.apply(void 0, V),
+ I = (0, a.createStore)(N, S);
+ return (window.__store__ = I), (window.__augmentStack__ = m(I)), I;
+ }
+ return u;
+ })()),
+ c = function (s) {
+ return function (d) {
+ return function (v) {
+ var h = v.type,
+ C = v.payload;
+ return (
+ h === 'update' || h === 'backend/update' ? g.debug('action', { type: h }) : g.debug('action', v),
+ d(v)
+ );
+ };
+ };
+ },
+ m = function (s) {
+ return function (d, v) {
+ var h, C;
+ v
+ ? typeof v == 'object' && !v.stack && (v.stack = d)
+ : ((v = new Error(d.split('\n')[0])), (v.stack = d)),
+ g.log('FatalError:', v);
+ var p = s.getState(),
+ N = p == null || (h = p.backend) == null ? void 0 : h.config,
+ V = d;
+ return (
+ (V += '\nUser Agent: ' + navigator.userAgent),
+ (V +=
+ '\nState: ' +
+ JSON.stringify({
+ ckey: N == null || (C = N.client) == null ? void 0 : C.ckey,
+ interface: N == null ? void 0 : N.interface,
+ window: N == null ? void 0 : N.window,
+ })),
+ V
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ i = (r.StoreProvider = (function (u) {
+ function s() {
+ return u.apply(this, arguments) || this;
+ }
+ B(s, u);
+ var d = s.prototype;
+ return (
+ (d.getChildContext = (function () {
+ function v() {
+ var h = this.props.store;
+ return { store: h };
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ (d.render = (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return this.props.children;
+ }
+ return v;
+ })()),
+ s
+ );
+ })(t.Component));
+ },
+ 51364: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Blink',
+ render: (function () {
+ function f() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ o = function (b, y) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Blink, { children: 'Blink' }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 32453: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036),
+ t = n(37168);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var o = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'BlockQuote',
+ render: (function () {
+ function b() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ f = function (y, B) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.BlockQuote, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.BoxWithSampleText),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 83531: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Box',
+ render: (function () {
+ function f() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ o = function (b, y) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { bold: !0, children: 'bold' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { italic: !0, children: 'italic' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { opacity: 0.5, children: 'opacity 0.5' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { opacity: 0.25, children: 'opacity 0.25' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { m: 2, children: 'm: 2' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { textAlign: 'left', children: 'left' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { textAlign: 'center', children: 'center' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { textAlign: 'right', children: 'right' }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 74198: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var o = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Button',
+ render: (function () {
+ function B() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ f = [
+ 'red',
+ 'orange',
+ 'yellow',
+ 'olive',
+ 'green',
+ 'teal',
+ 'blue',
+ 'violet',
+ 'purple',
+ 'pink',
+ 'brown',
+ 'grey',
+ 'gold',
+ ],
+ b = ['good', 'average', 'bad', 'black', 'white'],
+ y = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'translucent', !1),
+ c = l[0],
+ m = l[1];
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { content: 'Simple' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { selected: !0, content: 'Selected' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { altSelected: !0, content: 'Alt Selected' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { disabled: !0, content: 'Disabled' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { color: 'transparent', content: 'Transparent' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { icon: 'cog', content: 'Icon' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { icon: 'power-off' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { fluid: !0, content: 'Fluid' }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ my: 1,
+ lineHeight: 2,
+ minWidth: 15,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ content: 'With Box props',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Color States',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function i() {
+ return m(!c);
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ content: 'Translucent',
+ }),
+ children: b.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { translucent: c, color: i, content: i }, i);
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Available Colors',
+ children: f.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { translucent: c, color: i, content: i }, i);
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Text Colors',
+ children: f.map(function (i) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, mx: '7px', color: i, children: i }, i);
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 51956: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(9394);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var f = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'ByondUi',
+ render: (function () {
+ function y() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useLocalState)(
+ k,
+ 'byondUiEvalCode',
+ "Byond.winset('" + Byond.windowId + "', {\n 'is-visible': true,\n})"
+ ),
+ l = g[0],
+ c = g[1];
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Button',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ByondUi, { params: { type: 'button', text: 'Button' } }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Make BYOND calls',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'chevron-right',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return setTimeout(function () {
+ try {
+ var i = new Function('return (' + l + ')')();
+ i && i.then ? (o.logger.log('Promise'), i.then(o.logger.log)) : o.logger.log(i);
+ } catch (u) {
+ o.logger.log(u);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Evaluate',
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ as: 'textarea',
+ width: '100%',
+ height: '10em',
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function m(i) {
+ return c(i.target.value);
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ children: l,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 17466: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036),
+ t = n(37168);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var o = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Collapsible',
+ render: (function () {
+ function b() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ f = function (y, B) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Collapsible, {
+ title: 'Collapsible Demo',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Button, { icon: 'cog' }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.BoxWithSampleText),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 89241: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var o = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Flex & Sections',
+ render: (function () {
+ function b() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ f = function (y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'fs_grow', 1),
+ g = k[0],
+ l = k[1],
+ c = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'fs_direction', 'column'),
+ m = c[0],
+ i = c[1],
+ u = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'fs_fill', !0),
+ s = u[0],
+ d = u[1],
+ v = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'fs_title', !0),
+ h = v[0],
+ C = v[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ height: '100%',
+ direction: 'column',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ mb: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return i(m === 'column' ? 'row' : 'column');
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Flex direction="' + m + '"',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return l(+!g);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Flex.Item grow={' + g + '}',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return d(!s);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Section fill={' + String(s) + '}',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ selected: h,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ return C(!h);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Section title',
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
+ height: '100%',
+ direction: m,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ mr: m === 'row' && 1,
+ mb: m === 'column' && 1,
+ grow: g,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: h && 'Section 1',
+ fill: s,
+ children: 'Content',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
+ grow: g,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: h && 'Section 2',
+ fill: s,
+ children: 'Content',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 48779: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2024 Aylong (https://github.com/AyIong)
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var o = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'ImageButton',
+ render: (function () {
+ function B() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ f = [
+ 'red',
+ 'orange',
+ 'yellow',
+ 'olive',
+ 'green',
+ 'teal',
+ 'blue',
+ 'violet',
+ 'purple',
+ 'pink',
+ 'brown',
+ 'grey',
+ 'gold',
+ ],
+ b = ['good', 'average', 'bad', 'black', 'white'],
+ y = function (k, g) {
+ var l = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'fluid1', !0),
+ c = l[0],
+ m = l[1],
+ i = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'fluid2', !1),
+ u = i[0],
+ s = i[1],
+ d = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'fluid3', !1),
+ v = d[0],
+ h = d[1],
+ C = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'disabled', !1),
+ p = C[0],
+ N = C[1],
+ V = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'selected', !1),
+ S = V[0],
+ I = V[1],
+ L = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'addImage', !1),
+ w = L[0],
+ A = L[1],
+ x = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'base64', ''),
+ E = x[0],
+ P = x[1],
+ D = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'title', 'Image Button'),
+ M = D[0],
+ R = D[1],
+ O = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'content', 'You can put anything in there'),
+ F = O[0],
+ _ = O[1],
+ U = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'imageSize', 64),
+ z = U[0],
+ $ = U[1];
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: w
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'base64',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ value: E,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function G(X, J) {
+ return P(J);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Title',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ value: M,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function G(X, J) {
+ return R(J);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Content',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ value: F,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function G(X, J) {
+ return _(J);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Image Size',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ width: 10,
+ value: z,
+ minValue: 0,
+ maxValue: 256,
+ step: 1,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function G(X, J) {
+ return $(J);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ ),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ basis: '50%',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: c,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return m(!c);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Fluid',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: p,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return N(!p);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Disabled',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ checked: S,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return I(!S);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Selected',
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
+ m: !c && 0,
+ fluid: c,
+ base64: E,
+ imageSize: z,
+ title: M,
+ tooltip: !c && F,
+ disabled: p,
+ selected: S,
+ buttonsAlt: c,
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ fluid: !0,
+ translucent: c,
+ compact: !c,
+ color: !c && 'transparent',
+ selected: w,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return A(!w);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Add Image',
+ }),
+ children: F,
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Color States',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: u,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return s(!u);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Fluid',
+ }),
+ children: b.map(function (G) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.ImageButton,
+ { fluid: u, color: G, imageSize: u ? 24 : 48, children: G },
+ G
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Available Colors',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ checked: v,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return h(!v);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Fluid',
+ }),
+ children: f.map(function (G) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.ImageButton,
+ { fluid: v, color: G, imageSize: v ? 24 : 48, children: G },
+ G
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 21394: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var o = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Input',
+ render: (function () {
+ function b() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ f = function (y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'number', 0),
+ g = k[0],
+ l = k[1],
+ c = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'text', 'Sample text'),
+ m = c[0],
+ i = c[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Input (onChange)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ value: m,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return i(d);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Input (onInput)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ value: m,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return i(d);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'NumberInput (onChange)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ width: '40px',
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 5,
+ value: g,
+ minValue: -100,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ onChange: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return l(d);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'NumberInput (onDrag)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
+ animated: !0,
+ width: '40px',
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 5,
+ value: g,
+ minValue: -100,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return l(d);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Slider (onDrag)',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 5,
+ value: g,
+ minValue: -100,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return l(d);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Knob (onDrag)',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Knob, {
+ inline: !0,
+ size: 1,
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 2,
+ value: g,
+ minValue: -100,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return l(d);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Knob, {
+ ml: 1,
+ inline: !0,
+ bipolar: !0,
+ size: 1,
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 2,
+ value: g,
+ minValue: -100,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return l(d);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Rotating Icon',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ position: 'relative',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.DraggableControl, {
+ value: g,
+ minValue: -100,
+ maxValue: 100,
+ dragMatrix: [0, -1],
+ step: 1,
+ stepPixelSize: 5,
+ onDrag: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ return l(d);
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ children: (function () {
+ function u(s) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ onMouseDown: s.handleDragStart,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
+ size: 4,
+ color: 'yellow',
+ name: 'times',
+ rotation: s.displayValue * 4,
+ }),
+ s.inputElement,
+ ],
+ });
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 43932: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036),
+ t = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Popper',
+ render: (function () {
+ function f() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ o = function () {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Popper, {
+ popperContent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ style: { background: 'white', border: '2px solid blue' },
+ children: 'Loogatme!',
+ }),
+ options: { placement: 'bottom' },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ style: { border: '5px solid white', height: '300px', width: '200px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Popper, {
+ popperContent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ style: { background: 'white', border: '2px solid blue' },
+ children: 'I am on the right!',
+ }),
+ options: { placement: 'right' },
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ style: { border: '5px solid white', height: '500px', width: '100px' },
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 33270: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var o = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'ProgressBar',
+ render: (function () {
+ function b() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ f = function (y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'progress', 0.5),
+ g = k[0],
+ l = k[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
+ ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.1], average: [0, 0.5] },
+ minValue: -1,
+ maxValue: 1,
+ value: g,
+ children: ['Value: ', Number(g).toFixed(1)],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: '-0.1',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return l(g - 0.1);
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ content: '+0.1',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return l(g + 0.1);
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 77766: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Stack',
+ render: (function () {
+ function y() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ o = function () {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { inline: !0, width: 1, height: 1, children: 'A' });
+ },
+ f = function () {
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o) }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Divider),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o) }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ },
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ className: 'debug-layout',
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, {
+ grow: 1,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ vertical: !0,
+ zebra: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack, {
+ fill: !0,
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
+ ],
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 30187: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(27108),
+ t = n(36036),
+ o = n(49968);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var f = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Storage',
+ render: (function () {
+ function y() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ return window.localStorage
+ ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ title: 'Local Storage',
+ buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ icon: 'recycle',
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function g() {
+ localStorage.clear(), a.storage.clear();
+ }
+ return g;
+ })(),
+ children: 'Clear',
+ }),
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Keys in use',
+ children: localStorage.length,
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Remaining space',
+ children: (0, o.formatSiUnit)(localStorage.remainingSpace, 0, 'B'),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ })
+ : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'Local storage is not available.' });
+ };
+ },
+ 46554: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var o = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Tabs',
+ render: (function () {
+ function y() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ f = ['Tab #1', 'Tab #2', 'Tab #3', 'Tab #4'],
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = (0, a.useLocalState)(k, 'tabIndex', 0),
+ l = g[0],
+ c = g[1],
+ m = (0, a.useLocalState)(k, 'tabProps', {}),
+ i = m[0],
+ u = m[1];
+ return (0, e.createFragment)(
+ [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ inline: !0,
+ content: 'vertical',
+ checked: i.vertical,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return u(Object.assign({}, i, { vertical: !i.vertical }));
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ inline: !0,
+ content: 'leftSlot',
+ checked: i.leftSlot,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return u(Object.assign({}, i, { leftSlot: !i.leftSlot }));
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ inline: !0,
+ content: 'rightSlot',
+ checked: i.rightSlot,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return u(Object.assign({}, i, { rightSlot: !i.rightSlot }));
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ inline: !0,
+ content: 'icon',
+ checked: i.icon,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return u(Object.assign({}, i, { icon: !i.icon }));
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ inline: !0,
+ content: 'fluid',
+ checked: i.fluid,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return u(Object.assign({}, i, { fluid: !i.fluid }));
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
+ inline: !0,
+ content: 'left aligned',
+ checked: i.leftAligned,
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function s() {
+ return u(Object.assign({}, i, { leftAligned: !i.leftAligned }));
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ fitted: !0,
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
+ vertical: i.vertical,
+ fluid: i.fluid,
+ textAlign: i.leftAligned && 'left',
+ children: f.map(function (s, d) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ t.Tabs.Tab,
+ {
+ selected: d === l,
+ icon: i.icon && 'info-circle',
+ leftSlot:
+ i.leftSlot &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ circular: !0,
+ compact: !0,
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'times',
+ }),
+ rightSlot:
+ i.rightSlot &&
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
+ circular: !0,
+ compact: !0,
+ color: 'transparent',
+ icon: 'times',
+ }),
+ onClick: (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return c(d);
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ children: s,
+ },
+ d
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ 4
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 53276: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(72253),
+ t = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var o = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Themes',
+ render: (function () {
+ function b() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ f = function (y, B) {
+ var k = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'kitchenSinkTheme'),
+ g = k[0],
+ l = k[1];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
+ label: 'Use theme',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
+ placeholder: 'theme_name',
+ value: g,
+ onInput: (function () {
+ function c(m, i) {
+ return l(i);
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 28717: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.meta = {
+ title: 'Tooltip',
+ render: (function () {
+ function f() {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ o = function () {
+ var b = ['top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'bottom-end'];
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Tooltip, {
+ content: 'Tooltip text.',
+ children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ inline: !0,
+ position: 'relative',
+ mr: 1,
+ children: 'Box (hover me).',
+ }),
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Button, { tooltip: 'Tooltip text.', content: 'Button' }),
+ ],
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ mt: 1,
+ children: b.map(function (y) {
+ return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ a.Button,
+ { color: 'transparent', tooltip: 'Tooltip text.', tooltipPosition: y, content: y },
+ y
+ );
+ }),
+ }),
+ ],
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 37168: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BoxWithSampleText = void 0);
+ var e = n(89005),
+ a = n(36036);
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var t = (r.BoxWithSampleText = (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
+ 2,
+ a.Box,
+ Object.assign({}, f, {
+ children: [
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ italic: !0,
+ children: 'Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.',
+ }),
+ (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
+ mt: 1,
+ bold: !0,
+ children:
+ 'The wide electrification of the southern provinces will give a powerful impetus to the growth of agriculture.',
+ }),
+ ],
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return o;
+ })());
+ },
+ 67160: function () {},
+ 23542: function () {},
+ 30386: function () {},
+ 98996: function () {},
+ 50578: function () {},
+ 4444: function () {},
+ 77870: function () {},
+ 23632: function () {},
+ 56492: function () {},
+ 39108: function () {},
+ 11714: function () {},
+ 73492: function () {},
+ 49641: function () {},
+ 17570: function () {},
+ 61858: function () {},
+ 32882: function () {},
+ 70752: function (T, r, n) {
+ var e = {
+ './pai_atmosphere.js': 80818,
+ './pai_bioscan.js': 23903,
+ './pai_directives.js': 64988,
+ './pai_doorjack.js': 13813,
+ './pai_main_menu.js': 66025,
+ './pai_manifest.js': 2983,
+ './pai_medrecords.js': 40758,
+ './pai_messenger.js': 98599,
+ './pai_radio.js': 50775,
+ './pai_secrecords.js': 48623,
+ './pai_signaler.js': 47297,
+ };
+ function a(o) {
+ var f = t(o);
+ return n(f);
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ if (!n.o(e, o)) {
+ var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
+ throw ((f.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), f);
+ }
+ return e[o];
+ }
+ (a.keys = function () {
+ return Object.keys(e);
+ }),
+ (a.resolve = t),
+ (T.exports = a),
+ (a.id = 70752);
+ },
+ 59395: function (T, r, n) {
+ var e = {
+ './pda_atmos_scan.js': 78532,
+ './pda_games.js': 2395,
+ './pda_janitor.js': 40253,
+ './pda_main_menu.js': 58293,
+ './pda_manifest.js': 58059,
+ './pda_medical.js': 18147,
+ './pda_messenger.js': 77595,
+ './pda_minesweeper.js': 90382,
+ './pda_mule.js': 24635,
+ './pda_nanobank.js': 23734,
+ './pda_notes.js': 97085,
+ './pda_power.js': 57513,
+ './pda_secbot.js': 99808,
+ './pda_security.js': 77168,
+ './pda_signaler.js': 21773,
+ './pda_status_display.js': 81857,
+ './pda_supplyrecords.js': 70287,
+ };
+ function a(o) {
+ var f = t(o);
+ return n(f);
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ if (!n.o(e, o)) {
+ var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
+ throw ((f.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), f);
+ }
+ return e[o];
+ }
+ (a.keys = function () {
+ return Object.keys(e);
+ }),
+ (a.resolve = t),
+ (T.exports = a),
+ (a.id = 59395);
+ },
+ 32054: function (T, r, n) {
+ var e = {
+ './AICard': 1090,
+ './AICard.js': 1090,
+ './AIFixer': 39454,
+ './AIFixer.js': 39454,
+ './APC': 88422,
+ './APC.js': 88422,
+ './ATM': 99660,
+ './ATM.js': 99660,
+ './AccountsUplinkTerminal': 86423,
+ './AccountsUplinkTerminal.js': 86423,
+ './AdminAntagMenu': 23001,
+ './AdminAntagMenu.js': 23001,
+ './AgentCard': 39683,
+ './AgentCard.tsx': 39683,
+ './AiAirlock': 56793,
+ './AiAirlock.js': 56793,
+ './AirAlarm': 72475,
+ './AirAlarm.js': 72475,
+ './AirlockAccessController': 12333,
+ './AirlockAccessController.js': 12333,
+ './AirlockElectronics': 28736,
+ './AirlockElectronics.js': 28736,
+ './AlertModal': 47365,
+ './AlertModal.tsx': 47365,
+ './AppearanceChanger': 71824,
+ './AppearanceChanger.js': 71824,
+ './AtmosAlertConsole': 72285,
+ './AtmosAlertConsole.js': 72285,
+ './AtmosControl': 65805,
+ './AtmosControl.js': 65805,
+ './AtmosFilter': 87816,
+ './AtmosFilter.js': 87816,
+ './AtmosMixer': 52977,
+ './AtmosMixer.js': 52977,
+ './AtmosPump': 11748,
+ './AtmosPump.js': 11748,
+ './AtmosTankControl': 69321,
+ './AtmosTankControl.js': 69321,
+ './AugmentMenu': 92444,
+ './AugmentMenu.js': 92444,
+ './Autolathe': 59179,
+ './Autolathe.js': 59179,
+ './BioChipPad': 5147,
+ './BioChipPad.js': 5147,
+ './Biogenerator': 64273,
+ './Biogenerator.js': 64273,
+ './BloomEdit': 47823,
+ './BloomEdit.js': 47823,
+ './BlueSpaceArtilleryControl': 18621,
+ './BlueSpaceArtilleryControl.js': 18621,
+ './BluespaceTap': 27629,
+ './BluespaceTap.js': 27629,
+ './BodyScanner': 33758,
+ './BodyScanner.js': 33758,
+ './BookBinder': 67963,
+ './BookBinder.js': 67963,
+ './BotCall': 61925,
+ './BotCall.js': 61925,
+ './BotClean': 20464,
+ './BotClean.js': 20464,
+ './BotFloor': 69479,
+ './BotFloor.js': 69479,
+ './BotHonk': 59887,
+ './BotHonk.js': 59887,
+ './BotMed': 80063,
+ './BotMed.js': 80063,
+ './BotSecurity': 74439,
+ './BotSecurity.js': 74439,
+ './BrigCells': 10833,
+ './BrigCells.js': 10833,
+ './BrigTimer': 45761,
+ './BrigTimer.js': 45761,
+ './CameraConsole': 26300,
+ './CameraConsole.js': 26300,
+ './Canister': 52927,
+ './Canister.js': 52927,
+ './CardComputer': 51793,
+ './CardComputer.js': 51793,
+ './CargoConsole': 64083,
+ './CargoConsole.js': 64083,
+ './Chameleon': 36232,
+ './Chameleon.tsx': 36232,
+ './ChangelogView': 87331,
+ './ChangelogView.js': 87331,
+ './CheckboxListInputModal': 91360,
+ './CheckboxListInputModal.tsx': 91360,
+ './ChemDispenser': 36108,
+ './ChemDispenser.js': 36108,
+ './ChemHeater': 13146,
+ './ChemHeater.js': 13146,
+ './ChemMaster': 56541,
+ './ChemMaster.tsx': 56541,
+ './CloningConsole': 37173,
+ './CloningConsole.js': 37173,
+ './CloningPod': 98723,
+ './CloningPod.js': 98723,
+ './CoinMint': 18259,
+ './CoinMint.tsx': 18259,
+ './ColorPickerModal': 93858,
+ './ColorPickerModal.tsx': 93858,
+ './ColourMatrixTester': 8444,
+ './ColourMatrixTester.js': 8444,
+ './CommunicationsComputer': 63818,
+ './CommunicationsComputer.js': 63818,
+ './CompostBin': 20562,
+ './CompostBin.js': 20562,
+ './Contractor': 21813,
+ './Contractor.js': 21813,
+ './ConveyorSwitch': 54151,
+ './ConveyorSwitch.js': 54151,
+ './CrewMonitor': 73169,
+ './CrewMonitor.js': 73169,
+ './Cryo': 63987,
+ './Cryo.js': 63987,
+ './CryopodConsole': 86099,
+ './CryopodConsole.js': 86099,
+ './DNAModifier': 12692,
+ './DNAModifier.js': 12692,
+ './DecalPainter': 76430,
+ './DecalPainter.js': 76430,
+ './DestinationTagger': 41074,
+ './DestinationTagger.js': 41074,
+ './DisposalBin': 46500,
+ './DisposalBin.js': 46500,
+ './DnaVault': 33233,
+ './DnaVault.js': 33233,
+ './DroneConsole': 33681,
+ './DroneConsole.js': 33681,
+ './EFTPOS': 17263,
+ './EFTPOS.js': 17263,
+ './ERTManager': 76382,
+ './ERTManager.js': 76382,
+ './EconomyManager': 90217,
+ './EconomyManager.js': 90217,
+ './Electropack': 82565,
+ './Electropack.js': 82565,
+ './Emojipedia': 11243,
+ './Emojipedia.tsx': 11243,
+ './EvolutionMenu': 36730,
+ './EvolutionMenu.js': 36730,
+ './ExosuitFabricator': 17370,
+ './ExosuitFabricator.js': 17370,
+ './ExperimentConsole': 59128,
+ './ExperimentConsole.js': 59128,
+ './ExternalAirlockController': 97086,
+ './ExternalAirlockController.js': 97086,
+ './FaxMachine': 96142,
+ './FaxMachine.js': 96142,
+ './FilingCabinet': 74123,
+ './FilingCabinet.js': 74123,
+ './FloorPainter': 83767,
+ './FloorPainter.js': 83767,
+ './GPS': 53424,
+ './GPS.js': 53424,
+ './GeneModder': 89124,
+ './GeneModder.js': 89124,
+ './GenericCrewManifest': 73053,
+ './GenericCrewManifest.js': 73053,
+ './GhostHudPanel': 42914,
+ './GhostHudPanel.js': 42914,
+ './GlandDispenser': 25825,
+ './GlandDispenser.js': 25825,
+ './GravityGen': 10270,
+ './GravityGen.js': 10270,
+ './GuestPass': 48657,
+ './GuestPass.js': 48657,
+ './HandheldChemDispenser': 67834,
+ './HandheldChemDispenser.js': 67834,
+ './HealthSensor': 46098,
+ './HealthSensor.js': 46098,
+ './Holodeck': 36771,
+ './Holodeck.js': 36771,
+ './Instrument': 25471,
+ './Instrument.js': 25471,
+ './KeyComboModal': 13618,
+ './KeyComboModal.tsx': 13618,
+ './KeycardAuth': 35655,
+ './KeycardAuth.js': 35655,
+ './KitchenMachine': 62955,
+ './KitchenMachine.js': 62955,
+ './LawManager': 9525,
+ './LawManager.js': 9525,
+ './LibraryComputer': 85066,
+ './LibraryComputer.js': 85066,
+ './LibraryManager': 9516,
+ './LibraryManager.js': 9516,
+ './ListInputModal': 90447,
+ './ListInputModal.tsx': 90447,
+ './Loadout': 26826,
+ './Loadout.tsx': 26826,
+ './MODsuit': 77613,
+ './MODsuit.js': 77613,
+ './MagnetController': 78624,
+ './MagnetController.js': 78624,
+ './MechBayConsole': 72106,
+ './MechBayConsole.js': 72106,
+ './MechaControlConsole': 7466,
+ './MechaControlConsole.js': 7466,
+ './MedicalRecords': 79625,
+ './MedicalRecords.js': 79625,
+ './MerchVendor': 54989,
+ './MerchVendor.js': 54989,
+ './MiningVendor': 87684,
+ './MiningVendor.js': 87684,
+ './NTRecruiter': 59783,
+ './NTRecruiter.js': 59783,
+ './Newscaster': 64713,
+ './Newscaster.js': 64713,
+ './Noticeboard': 48286,
+ './Noticeboard.tsx': 48286,
+ './NuclearBomb': 41166,
+ './NuclearBomb.js': 41166,
+ './NumberInputModal': 52416,
+ './NumberInputModal.tsx': 52416,
+ './OperatingComputer': 1218,
+ './OperatingComputer.js': 1218,
+ './Orbit': 46892,
+ './Orbit.js': 46892,
+ './OreRedemption': 15421,
+ './OreRedemption.js': 15421,
+ './PAI': 52754,
+ './PAI.js': 52754,
+ './PDA': 85175,
+ './PDA.js': 85175,
+ './Pacman': 68654,
+ './Pacman.js': 68654,
+ './PanDEMIC': 1701,
+ './PanDEMIC.tsx': 1701,
+ './ParticleAccelerator': 67921,
+ './ParticleAccelerator.js': 67921,
+ './PdaPainter': 71432,
+ './PdaPainter.js': 71432,
+ './PersonalCrafting': 33388,
+ './PersonalCrafting.js': 33388,
+ './Photocopier': 56150,
+ './Photocopier.js': 56150,
+ './PoolController': 84676,
+ './PoolController.js': 84676,
+ './PortablePump': 57003,
+ './PortablePump.js': 57003,
+ './PortableScrubber': 70069,
+ './PortableScrubber.js': 70069,
+ './PortableTurret': 59955,
+ './PortableTurret.js': 59955,
+ './PowerMonitor': 61631,
+ './PowerMonitor.js': 61631,
+ './PrisonerImplantManager': 50992,
+ './PrisonerImplantManager.js': 50992,
+ './PrisonerShuttleConsole': 53952,
+ './PrisonerShuttleConsole.js': 53952,
+ './PrizeCounter': 97852,
+ './PrizeCounter.tsx': 97852,
+ './RCD': 94813,
+ './RCD.js': 94813,
+ './RPD': 18738,
+ './RPD.js': 18738,
+ './Radio': 80299,
+ './Radio.js': 80299,
+ './RankedListInputModal': 14846,
+ './RankedListInputModal.tsx': 14846,
+ './ReagentGrinder': 48125,
+ './ReagentGrinder.js': 48125,
+ './ReagentsEditor': 58262,
+ './ReagentsEditor.tsx': 58262,
+ './RemoteSignaler': 30207,
+ './RemoteSignaler.js': 30207,
+ './RequestConsole': 25472,
+ './RequestConsole.js': 25472,
+ './RndBackupConsole': 9861,
+ './RndBackupConsole.js': 9861,
+ './RndConsole': 12644,
+ './RndConsole/': 12644,
+ './RndConsole/AnalyzerMenu': 68303,
+ './RndConsole/AnalyzerMenu.js': 68303,
+ './RndConsole/DataDiskMenu': 37556,
+ './RndConsole/DataDiskMenu.js': 37556,
+ './RndConsole/LatheCategory': 16830,
+ './RndConsole/LatheCategory.js': 16830,
+ './RndConsole/LatheChemicalStorage': 70497,
+ './RndConsole/LatheChemicalStorage.js': 70497,
+ './RndConsole/LatheMainMenu': 70864,
+ './RndConsole/LatheMainMenu.js': 70864,
+ './RndConsole/LatheMaterialStorage': 42878,
+ './RndConsole/LatheMaterialStorage.js': 42878,
+ './RndConsole/LatheMaterials': 52662,
+ './RndConsole/LatheMaterials.js': 52662,
+ './RndConsole/LatheMenu': 9681,
+ './RndConsole/LatheMenu.js': 9681,
+ './RndConsole/LatheSearch': 68198,
+ './RndConsole/LatheSearch.js': 68198,
+ './RndConsole/LinkMenu': 81421,
+ './RndConsole/LinkMenu.js': 81421,
+ './RndConsole/SettingsMenu': 6256,
+ './RndConsole/SettingsMenu.js': 6256,
+ './RndConsole/index': 12644,
+ './RndConsole/index.js': 12644,
+ './RndNetController': 29205,
+ './RndNetController.js': 29205,
+ './RndServer': 63315,
+ './RndServer.js': 63315,
+ './RobotSelfDiagnosis': 26109,
+ './RobotSelfDiagnosis.js': 26109,
+ './RoboticsControlConsole': 97997,
+ './RoboticsControlConsole.js': 97997,
+ './Safe': 54431,
+ './Safe.js': 54431,
+ './SatelliteControl': 29740,
+ './SatelliteControl.js': 29740,
+ './SecureStorage': 44162,
+ './SecureStorage.js': 44162,
+ './SecurityRecords': 6272,
+ './SecurityRecords.js': 6272,
+ './SeedExtractor': 5099,
+ './SeedExtractor.js': 5099,
+ './ShuttleConsole': 2916,
+ './ShuttleConsole.js': 2916,
+ './ShuttleManipulator': 39401,
+ './ShuttleManipulator.js': 39401,
+ './SingularityMonitor': 86013,
+ './SingularityMonitor.js': 86013,
+ './Sleeper': 88284,
+ './Sleeper.js': 88284,
+ './SlotMachine': 21597,
+ './SlotMachine.js': 21597,
+ './Smartfridge': 46348,
+ './Smartfridge.js': 46348,
+ './Smes': 86162,
+ './Smes.js': 86162,
+ './SolarControl': 63584,
+ './SolarControl.js': 63584,
+ './SpawnersMenu': 38096,
+ './SpawnersMenu.js': 38096,
+ './SpecMenu': 30586,
+ './SpecMenu.js': 30586,
+ './StackCraft': 95152,
+ './StackCraft.js': 95152,
+ './StationAlertConsole': 38307,
+ './StationAlertConsole.js': 38307,
+ './StationTraitsPanel': 96091,
+ './StationTraitsPanel.tsx': 96091,
+ './StripMenu': 39409,
+ './StripMenu.tsx': 39409,
+ './SuitStorage': 69514,
+ './SuitStorage.js': 69514,
+ './SupermatterMonitor': 15022,
+ './SupermatterMonitor.js': 15022,
+ './SyndicateComputerSimple': 46029,
+ './SyndicateComputerSimple.js': 46029,
+ './TEG': 36372,
+ './TEG.js': 36372,
+ './TachyonArray': 56441,
+ './TachyonArray.js': 56441,
+ './Tank': 1754,
+ './Tank.js': 1754,
+ './TankDispenser': 7579,
+ './TankDispenser.js': 7579,
+ './TcommsCore': 16136,
+ './TcommsCore.js': 16136,
+ './TcommsRelay': 88046,
+ './TcommsRelay.js': 88046,
+ './Teleporter': 20802,
+ './Teleporter.js': 20802,
+ './TelescienceConsole': 48517,
+ './TelescienceConsole.js': 48517,
+ './TempGun': 21800,
+ './TempGun.js': 21800,
+ './TextInputModal': 24410,
+ './TextInputModal.tsx': 24410,
+ './ThermoMachine': 25036,
+ './ThermoMachine.js': 25036,
+ './TransferValve': 20035,
+ './TransferValve.js': 20035,
+ './TurbineComputer': 78166,
+ './TurbineComputer.js': 78166,
+ './Uplink': 52847,
+ './Uplink.js': 52847,
+ './Vending': 12261,
+ './Vending.js': 12261,
+ './VolumeMixer': 68971,
+ './VolumeMixer.js': 68971,
+ './VotePanel': 2510,
+ './VotePanel.js': 2510,
+ './Wires': 30138,
+ './Wires.js': 30138,
+ './WizardApprenticeContract': 21400,
+ './WizardApprenticeContract.js': 21400,
+ './common/AccessList': 49148,
+ './common/AccessList.js': 49148,
+ './common/AtmosScan': 26991,
+ './common/AtmosScan.js': 26991,
+ './common/BeakerContents': 85870,
+ './common/BeakerContents.js': 85870,
+ './common/BotStatus': 92963,
+ './common/BotStatus.js': 92963,
+ './common/ComplexModal': 3939,
+ './common/ComplexModal.js': 3939,
+ './common/CrewManifest': 41874,
+ './common/CrewManifest.js': 41874,
+ './common/InputButtons': 19203,
+ './common/InputButtons.tsx': 19203,
+ './common/InterfaceLockNoticeBox': 195,
+ './common/InterfaceLockNoticeBox.js': 195,
+ './common/Loader': 51057,
+ './common/Loader.tsx': 51057,
+ './common/LoginInfo': 321,
+ './common/LoginInfo.js': 321,
+ './common/LoginScreen': 5485,
+ './common/LoginScreen.js': 5485,
+ './common/Operating': 62411,
+ './common/Operating.js': 62411,
+ './common/Signaler': 13545,
+ './common/Signaler.js': 13545,
+ './common/SimpleRecords': 41984,
+ './common/SimpleRecords.js': 41984,
+ './common/TemporaryNotice': 22091,
+ './common/TemporaryNotice.js': 22091,
+ './goonstation_PTL': 95213,
+ './goonstation_PTL/': 95213,
+ './goonstation_PTL/index': 95213,
+ './goonstation_PTL/index.js': 95213,
+ './pai/pai_atmosphere': 80818,
+ './pai/pai_atmosphere.js': 80818,
+ './pai/pai_bioscan': 23903,
+ './pai/pai_bioscan.js': 23903,
+ './pai/pai_directives': 64988,
+ './pai/pai_directives.js': 64988,
+ './pai/pai_doorjack': 13813,
+ './pai/pai_doorjack.js': 13813,
+ './pai/pai_main_menu': 66025,
+ './pai/pai_main_menu.js': 66025,
+ './pai/pai_manifest': 2983,
+ './pai/pai_manifest.js': 2983,
+ './pai/pai_medrecords': 40758,
+ './pai/pai_medrecords.js': 40758,
+ './pai/pai_messenger': 98599,
+ './pai/pai_messenger.js': 98599,
+ './pai/pai_radio': 50775,
+ './pai/pai_radio.js': 50775,
+ './pai/pai_secrecords': 48623,
+ './pai/pai_secrecords.js': 48623,
+ './pai/pai_signaler': 47297,
+ './pai/pai_signaler.js': 47297,
+ './pda/pda_atmos_scan': 78532,
+ './pda/pda_atmos_scan.js': 78532,
+ './pda/pda_games': 2395,
+ './pda/pda_games.js': 2395,
+ './pda/pda_janitor': 40253,
+ './pda/pda_janitor.js': 40253,
+ './pda/pda_main_menu': 58293,
+ './pda/pda_main_menu.js': 58293,
+ './pda/pda_manifest': 58059,
+ './pda/pda_manifest.js': 58059,
+ './pda/pda_medical': 18147,
+ './pda/pda_medical.js': 18147,
+ './pda/pda_messenger': 77595,
+ './pda/pda_messenger.js': 77595,
+ './pda/pda_minesweeper': 90382,
+ './pda/pda_minesweeper.js': 90382,
+ './pda/pda_mule': 24635,
+ './pda/pda_mule.js': 24635,
+ './pda/pda_nanobank': 23734,
+ './pda/pda_nanobank.js': 23734,
+ './pda/pda_notes': 97085,
+ './pda/pda_notes.js': 97085,
+ './pda/pda_power': 57513,
+ './pda/pda_power.js': 57513,
+ './pda/pda_secbot': 99808,
+ './pda/pda_secbot.js': 99808,
+ './pda/pda_security': 77168,
+ './pda/pda_security.js': 77168,
+ './pda/pda_signaler': 21773,
+ './pda/pda_signaler.js': 21773,
+ './pda/pda_status_display': 81857,
+ './pda/pda_status_display.js': 81857,
+ './pda/pda_supplyrecords': 70287,
+ './pda/pda_supplyrecords.js': 70287,
+ };
+ function a(o) {
+ var f = t(o);
+ return n(f);
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ if (!n.o(e, o)) {
+ var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
+ throw ((f.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), f);
+ }
+ return e[o];
+ }
+ (a.keys = function () {
+ return Object.keys(e);
+ }),
+ (a.resolve = t),
+ (T.exports = a),
+ (a.id = 32054);
+ },
+ 4085: function (T, r, n) {
+ var e = {
+ './Blink.stories.js': 51364,
+ './BlockQuote.stories.js': 32453,
+ './Box.stories.js': 83531,
+ './Button.stories.js': 74198,
+ './ByondUi.stories.js': 51956,
+ './Collapsible.stories.js': 17466,
+ './Flex.stories.js': 89241,
+ './ImageButton.stories.js': 48779,
+ './Input.stories.js': 21394,
+ './Popper.stories.js': 43932,
+ './ProgressBar.stories.js': 33270,
+ './Stack.stories.js': 77766,
+ './Storage.stories.js': 30187,
+ './Tabs.stories.js': 46554,
+ './Themes.stories.js': 53276,
+ './Tooltip.stories.js': 28717,
+ };
+ function a(o) {
+ var f = t(o);
+ return n(f);
+ }
+ function t(o) {
+ if (!n.o(e, o)) {
+ var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
+ throw ((f.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), f);
+ }
+ return e[o];
+ }
+ (a.keys = function () {
+ return Object.keys(e);
+ }),
+ (a.resolve = t),
+ (T.exports = a),
+ (a.id = 4085);
+ },
+ 10320: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(55747),
+ a = n(89393),
+ t = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (o) {
+ if (e(o)) return o;
+ throw new t(a(o) + ' is not a function');
+ };
+ },
+ 32606: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(1031),
+ a = n(89393),
+ t = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (o) {
+ if (e(o)) return o;
+ throw new t(a(o) + ' is not a constructor');
+ };
+ },
+ 35908: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(45015),
+ a = String,
+ t = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (o) {
+ if (e(o)) return o;
+ throw new t("Can't set " + a(o) + ' as a prototype');
+ };
+ },
+ 80575: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(24697),
+ a = n(80674),
+ t = n(74595).f,
+ o = e('unscopables'),
+ f = Array.prototype;
+ f[o] === void 0 && t(f, o, { configurable: !0, value: a(null) }),
+ (T.exports = function (b) {
+ f[o][b] = !0;
+ });
+ },
+ 35483: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(50233).charAt;
+ T.exports = function (a, t, o) {
+ return t + (o ? e(a, t).length : 1);
+ };
+ },
+ 60077: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(21287),
+ a = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (t, o) {
+ if (e(o, t)) return t;
+ throw new a('Incorrect invocation');
+ };
+ },
+ 30365: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(77568),
+ a = String,
+ t = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (o) {
+ if (e(o)) return o;
+ throw new t(a(o) + ' is not an object');
+ };
+ },
+ 70377: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = typeof ArrayBuffer != 'undefined' && typeof DataView != 'undefined';
+ },
+ 3782: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033);
+ T.exports = e(function () {
+ if (typeof ArrayBuffer == 'function') {
+ var a = new ArrayBuffer(8);
+ Object.isExtensible(a) && Object.defineProperty(a, 'a', { value: 8 });
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ 4246: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(70377),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(74685),
+ o = n(55747),
+ f = n(77568),
+ b = n(45299),
+ y = n(2281),
+ B = n(89393),
+ k = n(37909),
+ g = n(55938),
+ l = n(73936),
+ c = n(21287),
+ m = n(36917),
+ i = n(76649),
+ u = n(24697),
+ s = n(16738),
+ d = n(5419),
+ v = d.enforce,
+ h = d.get,
+ C = t.Int8Array,
+ p = C && C.prototype,
+ N = t.Uint8ClampedArray,
+ V = N && N.prototype,
+ S = C && m(C),
+ I = p && m(p),
+ L = Object.prototype,
+ w = t.TypeError,
+ A = u('toStringTag'),
+ x = s('TYPED_ARRAY_TAG'),
+ E = 'TypedArrayConstructor',
+ P = e && !!i && y(t.opera) !== 'Opera',
+ D = !1,
+ M,
+ R,
+ O,
+ F = {
+ Int8Array: 1,
+ Uint8Array: 1,
+ Uint8ClampedArray: 1,
+ Int16Array: 2,
+ Uint16Array: 2,
+ Int32Array: 4,
+ Uint32Array: 4,
+ Float32Array: 4,
+ Float64Array: 8,
+ },
+ _ = { BigInt64Array: 8, BigUint64Array: 8 },
+ U = (function () {
+ function ie(me) {
+ if (!f(me)) return !1;
+ var q = y(me);
+ return q === 'DataView' || b(F, q) || b(_, q);
+ }
+ return ie;
+ })(),
+ z = function ie(me) {
+ var q = m(me);
+ if (f(q)) {
+ var re = h(q);
+ return re && b(re, E) ? re[E] : ie(q);
+ }
+ },
+ $ = function (me) {
+ if (!f(me)) return !1;
+ var q = y(me);
+ return b(F, q) || b(_, q);
+ },
+ G = function (me) {
+ if ($(me)) return me;
+ throw new w('Target is not a typed array');
+ },
+ X = function (me) {
+ if (o(me) && (!i || c(S, me))) return me;
+ throw new w(B(me) + ' is not a typed array constructor');
+ },
+ J = function (me, q, re, ae) {
+ if (a) {
+ if (re)
+ for (var le in F) {
+ var Z = t[le];
+ if (Z && b(Z.prototype, me))
+ try {
+ delete Z.prototype[me];
+ } catch (ne) {
+ try {
+ Z.prototype[me] = q;
+ } catch (te) {}
+ }
+ }
+ (!I[me] || re) && g(I, me, re ? q : (P && p[me]) || q, ae);
+ }
+ },
+ se = function (me, q, re) {
+ var ae, le;
+ if (a) {
+ if (i) {
+ if (re) {
+ for (ae in F)
+ if (((le = t[ae]), le && b(le, me)))
+ try {
+ delete le[me];
+ } catch (Z) {}
+ }
+ if (!S[me] || re)
+ try {
+ return g(S, me, re ? q : (P && S[me]) || q);
+ } catch (Z) {}
+ else return;
+ }
+ for (ae in F) (le = t[ae]), le && (!le[me] || re) && g(le, me, q);
+ }
+ };
+ for (M in F) (R = t[M]), (O = R && R.prototype), O ? (v(O)[E] = R) : (P = !1);
+ for (M in _) (R = t[M]), (O = R && R.prototype), O && (v(O)[E] = R);
+ if (
+ (!P || !o(S) || S === Function.prototype) &&
+ ((S = (function () {
+ function ie() {
+ throw new w('Incorrect invocation');
+ }
+ return ie;
+ })()),
+ P)
+ )
+ for (M in F) t[M] && i(t[M], S);
+ if ((!P || !I || I === L) && ((I = S.prototype), P)) for (M in F) t[M] && i(t[M].prototype, I);
+ if ((P && m(V) !== I && i(V, I), a && !b(I, A))) {
+ (D = !0),
+ l(I, A, {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function ie() {
+ return f(this) ? this[x] : void 0;
+ }
+ return ie;
+ })(),
+ });
+ for (M in F) t[M] && k(t[M], x, M);
+ }
+ T.exports = {
+ aTypedArray: G,
+ aTypedArrayConstructor: X,
+ exportTypedArrayMethod: J,
+ exportTypedArrayStaticMethod: se,
+ getTypedArrayConstructor: z,
+ isView: U,
+ isTypedArray: $,
+ TypedArray: S,
+ TypedArrayPrototype: I,
+ };
+ },
+ 37336: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(58310),
+ o = n(70377),
+ f = n(70520),
+ b = n(37909),
+ y = n(73936),
+ B = n(30145),
+ k = n(40033),
+ g = n(60077),
+ l = n(61365),
+ c = n(10188),
+ m = n(43806),
+ i = n(95867),
+ u = n(91784),
+ s = n(36917),
+ d = n(76649),
+ v = n(88471),
+ h = n(54602),
+ C = n(5781),
+ p = n(5774),
+ N = n(84925),
+ V = n(5419),
+ S = f.PROPER,
+ L = 'ArrayBuffer',
+ w = 'DataView',
+ A = 'prototype',
+ x = 'Wrong length',
+ E = 'Wrong index',
+ P = V.getterFor(L),
+ D = V.getterFor(w),
+ M = V.set,
+ R = e[L],
+ O = R,
+ F = O && O[A],
+ _ = e[w],
+ U = _ && _[A],
+ z = Object.prototype,
+ $ = e.Array,
+ G = e.RangeError,
+ X = a(v),
+ J = a([].reverse),
+ se = u.pack,
+ ie = u.unpack,
+ me = function (Ne) {
+ return [Ne & 255];
+ },
+ q = function (Ne) {
+ return [Ne & 255, (Ne >> 8) & 255];
+ },
+ re = function (Ne) {
+ return [Ne & 255, (Ne >> 8) & 255, (Ne >> 16) & 255, (Ne >> 24) & 255];
+ },
+ ae = function (Ne) {
+ return (Ne[3] << 24) | (Ne[2] << 16) | (Ne[1] << 8) | Ne[0];
+ },
+ le = function (Ne) {
+ return se(i(Ne), 23, 4);
+ },
+ Z = function (Ne) {
+ return se(Ne, 52, 8);
+ },
+ ne = function (Ne, Be, be) {
+ y(Ne[A], Be, {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function Le() {
+ return be(this)[Be];
+ }
+ return Le;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ te = function (Ne, Be, be, Le) {
+ var we = D(Ne),
+ xe = m(be),
+ Re = !!Le;
+ if (xe + Be > we.byteLength) throw new G(E);
+ var He = we.bytes,
+ ye = xe + we.byteOffset,
+ de = h(He, ye, ye + Be);
+ return Re ? de : J(de);
+ },
+ fe = function (Ne, Be, be, Le, we, xe) {
+ var Re = D(Ne),
+ He = m(be),
+ ye = Le(+we),
+ de = !!xe;
+ if (He + Be > Re.byteLength) throw new G(E);
+ for (var he = Re.bytes, ke = He + Re.byteOffset, ve = 0; ve < Be; ve++)
+ he[ke + ve] = ye[de ? ve : Be - ve - 1];
+ };
+ if (!o)
+ (O = (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne) {
+ g(this, F);
+ var Be = m(Ne);
+ M(this, { type: L, bytes: X($(Be), 0), byteLength: Be }),
+ t || ((this.byteLength = Be), (this.detached = !1));
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })()),
+ (F = O[A]),
+ (_ = (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be, be) {
+ g(this, U), g(Ne, F);
+ var Le = P(Ne),
+ we = Le.byteLength,
+ xe = l(Be);
+ if (xe < 0 || xe > we) throw new G('Wrong offset');
+ if (((be = be === void 0 ? we - xe : c(be)), xe + be > we)) throw new G(x);
+ M(this, { type: w, buffer: Ne, byteLength: be, byteOffset: xe, bytes: Le.bytes }),
+ t || ((this.buffer = Ne), (this.byteLength = be), (this.byteOffset = xe));
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })()),
+ (U = _[A]),
+ t && (ne(O, 'byteLength', P), ne(_, 'buffer', D), ne(_, 'byteLength', D), ne(_, 'byteOffset', D)),
+ B(U, {
+ getInt8: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne) {
+ return (te(this, 1, Ne)[0] << 24) >> 24;
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ getUint8: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne) {
+ return te(this, 1, Ne)[0];
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ getInt16: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne) {
+ var Be = te(this, 2, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1);
+ return (((Be[1] << 8) | Be[0]) << 16) >> 16;
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ getUint16: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne) {
+ var Be = te(this, 2, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1);
+ return (Be[1] << 8) | Be[0];
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ getInt32: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne) {
+ return ae(te(this, 4, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1));
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ getUint32: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne) {
+ return ae(te(this, 4, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1)) >>> 0;
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ getFloat32: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne) {
+ return ie(te(this, 4, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1), 23);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ getFloat64: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne) {
+ return ie(te(this, 8, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1), 52);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ setInt8: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be) {
+ fe(this, 1, Ne, me, Be);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ setUint8: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be) {
+ fe(this, 1, Ne, me, Be);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ setInt16: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be) {
+ fe(this, 2, Ne, q, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ setUint16: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be) {
+ fe(this, 2, Ne, q, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ setInt32: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be) {
+ fe(this, 4, Ne, re, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ setUint32: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be) {
+ fe(this, 4, Ne, re, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ setFloat32: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be) {
+ fe(this, 4, Ne, le, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ setFloat64: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be) {
+ fe(this, 8, Ne, Z, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ });
+ else {
+ var pe = S && R.name !== L;
+ !k(function () {
+ R(1);
+ }) ||
+ !k(function () {
+ new R(-1);
+ }) ||
+ k(function () {
+ return new R(), new R(1.5), new R(NaN), R.length !== 1 || (pe && !I);
+ })
+ ? ((O = (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne) {
+ return g(this, F), C(new R(m(Ne)), this, O);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })()),
+ (O[A] = F),
+ (F.constructor = O),
+ p(O, R))
+ : pe && I && b(R, 'name', L),
+ d && s(U) !== z && d(U, z);
+ var ce = new _(new O(2)),
+ Ve = a(U.setInt8);
+ ce.setInt8(0, 2147483648),
+ ce.setInt8(1, 2147483649),
+ (ce.getInt8(0) || !ce.getInt8(1)) &&
+ B(
+ U,
+ {
+ setInt8: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be) {
+ Ve(this, Ne, (Be << 24) >> 24);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ setUint8: (function () {
+ function Ce(Ne, Be) {
+ Ve(this, Ne, (Be << 24) >> 24);
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ },
+ { unsafe: !0 }
+ );
+ }
+ N(O, L), N(_, w), (T.exports = { ArrayBuffer: O, DataView: _ });
+ },
+ 71447: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(46771),
+ a = n(13912),
+ t = n(24760),
+ o = n(95108),
+ f = Math.min;
+ T.exports =
+ [].copyWithin ||
+ (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ var k = e(this),
+ g = t(k),
+ l = a(y, g),
+ c = a(B, g),
+ m = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0,
+ i = f((m === void 0 ? g : a(m, g)) - c, g - l),
+ u = 1;
+ for (c < l && l < c + i && ((u = -1), (c += i - 1), (l += i - 1)); i-- > 0; )
+ c in k ? (k[l] = k[c]) : o(k, l), (l += u), (c += u);
+ return k;
+ }
+ return b;
+ })();
+ },
+ 88471: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(46771),
+ a = n(13912),
+ t = n(24760);
+ T.exports = (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ for (
+ var b = e(this),
+ y = t(b),
+ B = arguments.length,
+ k = a(B > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, y),
+ g = B > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0,
+ l = g === void 0 ? y : a(g, y);
+ l > k;
+ )
+ b[k++] = f;
+ return b;
+ }
+ return o;
+ })();
+ },
+ 35601: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(22603).forEach,
+ a = n(55528),
+ t = a('forEach');
+ T.exports = t
+ ? [].forEach
+ : (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return e(this, f, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })();
+ },
+ 78008: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(24760);
+ T.exports = function (a, t, o) {
+ for (var f = 0, b = arguments.length > 2 ? o : e(t), y = new a(b); b > f; ) y[f] = t[f++];
+ return y;
+ };
+ },
+ 73174: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(75754),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(46771),
+ o = n(40125),
+ f = n(76571),
+ b = n(1031),
+ y = n(24760),
+ B = n(60102),
+ k = n(77455),
+ g = n(59201),
+ l = Array;
+ T.exports = (function () {
+ function c(m) {
+ var i = t(m),
+ u = b(this),
+ s = arguments.length,
+ d = s > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0,
+ v = d !== void 0;
+ v && (d = e(d, s > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0));
+ var h = g(i),
+ C = 0,
+ p,
+ N,
+ V,
+ S,
+ I,
+ L;
+ if (h && !(this === l && f(h)))
+ for (N = u ? new this() : [], S = k(i, h), I = S.next; !(V = a(I, S)).done; C++)
+ (L = v ? o(S, d, [V.value, C], !0) : V.value), B(N, C, L);
+ else for (p = y(i), N = u ? new this(p) : l(p); p > C; C++) (L = v ? d(i[C], C) : i[C]), B(N, C, L);
+ return (N.length = C), N;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })();
+ },
+ 14211: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(57591),
+ a = n(13912),
+ t = n(24760),
+ o = function (b) {
+ return function (y, B, k) {
+ var g = e(y),
+ l = t(g);
+ if (l === 0) return !b && -1;
+ var c = a(k, l),
+ m;
+ if (b && B !== B) {
+ for (; l > c; ) if (((m = g[c++]), m !== m)) return !0;
+ } else for (; l > c; c++) if ((b || c in g) && g[c] === B) return b || c || 0;
+ return !b && -1;
+ };
+ };
+ T.exports = { includes: o(!0), indexOf: o(!1) };
+ },
+ 22603: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(75754),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(37457),
+ o = n(46771),
+ f = n(24760),
+ b = n(57823),
+ y = a([].push),
+ B = function (g) {
+ var l = g === 1,
+ c = g === 2,
+ m = g === 3,
+ i = g === 4,
+ u = g === 6,
+ s = g === 7,
+ d = g === 5 || u;
+ return function (v, h, C, p) {
+ for (
+ var N = o(v),
+ V = t(N),
+ S = f(V),
+ I = e(h, C),
+ L = 0,
+ w = p || b,
+ A = l ? w(v, S) : c || s ? w(v, 0) : void 0,
+ x,
+ E;
+ S > L;
+ L++
+ )
+ if ((d || L in V) && ((x = V[L]), (E = I(x, L, N)), g))
+ if (l) A[L] = E;
+ else if (E)
+ switch (g) {
+ case 3:
+ return !0;
+ case 5:
+ return x;
+ case 6:
+ return L;
+ case 2:
+ y(A, x);
+ }
+ else
+ switch (g) {
+ case 4:
+ return !1;
+ case 7:
+ y(A, x);
+ }
+ return u ? -1 : m || i ? i : A;
+ };
+ };
+ T.exports = {
+ forEach: B(0),
+ map: B(1),
+ filter: B(2),
+ some: B(3),
+ every: B(4),
+ find: B(5),
+ findIndex: B(6),
+ filterReject: B(7),
+ };
+ },
+ 1325: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(61267),
+ a = n(57591),
+ t = n(61365),
+ o = n(24760),
+ f = n(55528),
+ b = Math.min,
+ y = [].lastIndexOf,
+ B = !!y && 1 / [1].lastIndexOf(1, -0) < 0,
+ k = f('lastIndexOf'),
+ g = B || !k;
+ T.exports = g
+ ? (function () {
+ function l(c) {
+ if (B) return e(y, this, arguments) || 0;
+ var m = a(this),
+ i = o(m);
+ if (i === 0) return -1;
+ var u = i - 1;
+ for (arguments.length > 1 && (u = b(u, t(arguments[1]))), u < 0 && (u = i + u); u >= 0; u--)
+ if (u in m && m[u] === c) return u || 0;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return l;
+ })()
+ : y;
+ },
+ 44091: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033),
+ a = n(24697),
+ t = n(5026),
+ o = a('species');
+ T.exports = function (f) {
+ return (
+ t >= 51 ||
+ !e(function () {
+ var b = [],
+ y = (b.constructor = {});
+ return (
+ (y[o] = function () {
+ return { foo: 1 };
+ }),
+ b[f](Boolean).foo !== 1
+ );
+ })
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 55528: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033);
+ T.exports = function (a, t) {
+ var o = [][a];
+ return (
+ !!o &&
+ e(function () {
+ o.call(
+ null,
+ t ||
+ function () {
+ return 1;
+ },
+ 1
+ );
+ })
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 56844: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(10320),
+ a = n(46771),
+ t = n(37457),
+ o = n(24760),
+ f = TypeError,
+ b = 'Reduce of empty array with no initial value',
+ y = function (k) {
+ return function (g, l, c, m) {
+ var i = a(g),
+ u = t(i),
+ s = o(i);
+ if ((e(l), s === 0 && c < 2)) throw new f(b);
+ var d = k ? s - 1 : 0,
+ v = k ? -1 : 1;
+ if (c < 2)
+ for (;;) {
+ if (d in u) {
+ (m = u[d]), (d += v);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (((d += v), k ? d < 0 : s <= d)) throw new f(b);
+ }
+ for (; k ? d >= 0 : s > d; d += v) d in u && (m = l(m, u[d], d, i));
+ return m;
+ };
+ };
+ T.exports = { left: y(!1), right: y(!0) };
+ },
+ 13345: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(37386),
+ t = TypeError,
+ o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
+ f =
+ e &&
+ !(function () {
+ if (this !== void 0) return !0;
+ try {
+ Object.defineProperty([], 'length', { writable: !1 }).length = 1;
+ } catch (b) {
+ return b instanceof TypeError;
+ }
+ })();
+ T.exports = f
+ ? function (b, y) {
+ if (a(b) && !o(b, 'length').writable) throw new t('Cannot set read only .length');
+ return (b.length = y);
+ }
+ : function (b, y) {
+ return (b.length = y);
+ };
+ },
+ 54602: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250);
+ T.exports = e([].slice);
+ },
+ 90274: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(54602),
+ a = Math.floor,
+ t = function o(f, b) {
+ var y = f.length;
+ if (y < 8)
+ for (var B = 1, k, g; B < y; ) {
+ for (g = B, k = f[B]; g && b(f[g - 1], k) > 0; ) f[g] = f[--g];
+ g !== B++ && (f[g] = k);
+ }
+ else
+ for (
+ var l = a(y / 2), c = o(e(f, 0, l), b), m = o(e(f, l), b), i = c.length, u = m.length, s = 0, d = 0;
+ s < i || d < u;
+ )
+ f[s + d] = s < i && d < u ? (b(c[s], m[d]) <= 0 ? c[s++] : m[d++]) : s < i ? c[s++] : m[d++];
+ return f;
+ };
+ T.exports = t;
+ },
+ 8303: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(37386),
+ a = n(1031),
+ t = n(77568),
+ o = n(24697),
+ f = o('species'),
+ b = Array;
+ T.exports = function (y) {
+ var B;
+ return (
+ e(y) &&
+ ((B = y.constructor),
+ a(B) && (B === b || e(B.prototype)) ? (B = void 0) : t(B) && ((B = B[f]), B === null && (B = void 0))),
+ B === void 0 ? b : B
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 57823: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(8303);
+ T.exports = function (a, t) {
+ return new (e(a))(t === 0 ? 0 : t);
+ };
+ },
+ 40125: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(30365),
+ a = n(28649);
+ T.exports = function (t, o, f, b) {
+ try {
+ return b ? o(e(f)[0], f[1]) : o(f);
+ } catch (y) {
+ a(t, 'throw', y);
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ 92490: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(24697),
+ a = e('iterator'),
+ t = !1;
+ try {
+ var o = 0,
+ f = {
+ next: (function () {
+ function b() {
+ return { done: !!o++ };
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ return: (function () {
+ function b() {
+ t = !0;
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ };
+ (f[a] = function () {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ Array.from(f, function () {
+ throw 2;
+ });
+ } catch (b) {}
+ T.exports = function (b, y) {
+ try {
+ if (!y && !t) return !1;
+ } catch (g) {
+ return !1;
+ }
+ var B = !1;
+ try {
+ var k = {};
+ (k[a] = function () {
+ return {
+ next: (function () {
+ function g() {
+ return { done: (B = !0) };
+ }
+ return g;
+ })(),
+ };
+ }),
+ b(k);
+ } catch (g) {}
+ return B;
+ };
+ },
+ 7462: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = e({}.toString),
+ t = e(''.slice);
+ T.exports = function (o) {
+ return t(a(o), 8, -1);
+ };
+ },
+ 2281: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(2650),
+ a = n(55747),
+ t = n(7462),
+ o = n(24697),
+ f = o('toStringTag'),
+ b = Object,
+ y =
+ t(
+ (function () {
+ return arguments;
+ })()
+ ) === 'Arguments',
+ B = function (g, l) {
+ try {
+ return g[l];
+ } catch (c) {}
+ };
+ T.exports = e
+ ? t
+ : function (k) {
+ var g, l, c;
+ return k === void 0
+ ? 'Undefined'
+ : k === null
+ ? 'Null'
+ : typeof (l = B((g = b(k)), f)) == 'string'
+ ? l
+ : y
+ ? t(g)
+ : (c = t(g)) === 'Object' && a(g.callee)
+ ? 'Arguments'
+ : c;
+ };
+ },
+ 41028: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80674),
+ a = n(73936),
+ t = n(30145),
+ o = n(75754),
+ f = n(60077),
+ b = n(42871),
+ y = n(49450),
+ B = n(65574),
+ k = n(5959),
+ g = n(58491),
+ l = n(58310),
+ c = n(81969).fastKey,
+ m = n(5419),
+ i = m.set,
+ u = m.getterFor;
+ T.exports = {
+ getConstructor: (function () {
+ function s(d, v, h, C) {
+ var p = d(function (L, w) {
+ f(L, N),
+ i(L, { type: v, index: e(null), first: void 0, last: void 0, size: 0 }),
+ l || (L.size = 0),
+ b(w) || y(w, L[C], { that: L, AS_ENTRIES: h });
+ }),
+ N = p.prototype,
+ V = u(v),
+ S = (function () {
+ function L(w, A, x) {
+ var E = V(w),
+ P = I(w, A),
+ D,
+ M;
+ return (
+ P
+ ? (P.value = x)
+ : ((E.last = P =
+ {
+ index: (M = c(A, !0)),
+ key: A,
+ value: x,
+ previous: (D = E.last),
+ next: void 0,
+ removed: !1,
+ }),
+ E.first || (E.first = P),
+ D && (D.next = P),
+ l ? E.size++ : w.size++,
+ M !== 'F' && (E.index[M] = P)),
+ w
+ );
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ I = (function () {
+ function L(w, A) {
+ var x = V(w),
+ E = c(A),
+ P;
+ if (E !== 'F') return x.index[E];
+ for (P = x.first; P; P = P.next) if (P.key === A) return P;
+ }
+ return L;
+ })();
+ return (
+ t(N, {
+ clear: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ for (var w = this, A = V(w), x = A.first; x; )
+ (x.removed = !0), x.previous && (x.previous = x.previous.next = void 0), (x = x.next);
+ (A.first = A.last = void 0), (A.index = e(null)), l ? (A.size = 0) : (w.size = 0);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ delete: (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ var A = this,
+ x = V(A),
+ E = I(A, w);
+ if (E) {
+ var P = E.next,
+ D = E.previous;
+ delete x.index[E.index],
+ (E.removed = !0),
+ D && (D.next = P),
+ P && (P.previous = D),
+ x.first === E && (x.first = P),
+ x.last === E && (x.last = D),
+ l ? x.size-- : A.size--;
+ }
+ return !!E;
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ forEach: (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ for (
+ var A = V(this), x = o(w, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0), E;
+ (E = E ? E.next : A.first);
+ )
+ for (x(E.value, E.key, this); E && E.removed; ) E = E.previous;
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ has: (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ return !!I(this, w);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ t(
+ N,
+ h
+ ? {
+ get: (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ var A = I(this, w);
+ return A && A.value;
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ set: (function () {
+ function L(w, A) {
+ return S(this, w === 0 ? 0 : w, A);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }
+ : {
+ add: (function () {
+ function L(w) {
+ return S(this, (w = w === 0 ? 0 : w), w);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }
+ ),
+ l &&
+ a(N, 'size', {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function L() {
+ return V(this).size;
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ p
+ );
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ setStrong: (function () {
+ function s(d, v, h) {
+ var C = v + ' Iterator',
+ p = u(v),
+ N = u(C);
+ B(
+ d,
+ v,
+ function (V, S) {
+ i(this, { type: C, target: V, state: p(V), kind: S, last: void 0 });
+ },
+ function () {
+ for (var V = N(this), S = V.kind, I = V.last; I && I.removed; ) I = I.previous;
+ return !V.target || !(V.last = I = I ? I.next : V.state.first)
+ ? ((V.target = void 0), k(void 0, !0))
+ : k(S === 'keys' ? I.key : S === 'values' ? I.value : [I.key, I.value], !1);
+ },
+ h ? 'entries' : 'values',
+ !h,
+ !0
+ ),
+ g(v);
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ };
+ },
+ 39895: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(30145),
+ t = n(81969).getWeakData,
+ o = n(60077),
+ f = n(30365),
+ b = n(42871),
+ y = n(77568),
+ B = n(49450),
+ k = n(22603),
+ g = n(45299),
+ l = n(5419),
+ c = l.set,
+ m = l.getterFor,
+ i = k.find,
+ u = k.findIndex,
+ s = e([].splice),
+ d = 0,
+ v = function (N) {
+ return N.frozen || (N.frozen = new h());
+ },
+ h = function () {
+ this.entries = [];
+ },
+ C = function (N, V) {
+ return i(N.entries, function (S) {
+ return S[0] === V;
+ });
+ };
+ (h.prototype = {
+ get: (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ var V = C(this, N);
+ if (V) return V[1];
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ has: (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ return !!C(this, N);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ set: (function () {
+ function p(N, V) {
+ var S = C(this, N);
+ S ? (S[1] = V) : this.entries.push([N, V]);
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ delete: (function () {
+ function p(N) {
+ var V = u(this.entries, function (S) {
+ return S[0] === N;
+ });
+ return ~V && s(this.entries, V, 1), !!~V;
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (T.exports = {
+ getConstructor: (function () {
+ function p(N, V, S, I) {
+ var L = N(function (E, P) {
+ o(E, w),
+ c(E, { type: V, id: d++, frozen: void 0 }),
+ b(P) || B(P, E[I], { that: E, AS_ENTRIES: S });
+ }),
+ w = L.prototype,
+ A = m(V),
+ x = (function () {
+ function E(P, D, M) {
+ var R = A(P),
+ O = t(f(D), !0);
+ return O === !0 ? v(R).set(D, M) : (O[R.id] = M), P;
+ }
+ return E;
+ })();
+ return (
+ a(w, {
+ delete: (function () {
+ function E(P) {
+ var D = A(this);
+ if (!y(P)) return !1;
+ var M = t(P);
+ return M === !0 ? v(D).delete(P) : M && g(M, D.id) && delete M[D.id];
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ has: (function () {
+ function E(P) {
+ var D = A(this);
+ if (!y(P)) return !1;
+ var M = t(P);
+ return M === !0 ? v(D).has(P) : M && g(M, D.id);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ a(
+ w,
+ S
+ ? {
+ get: (function () {
+ function E(P) {
+ var D = A(this);
+ if (y(P)) {
+ var M = t(P);
+ return M === !0 ? v(D).get(P) : M ? M[D.id] : void 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ set: (function () {
+ function E(P, D) {
+ return x(this, P, D);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }
+ : {
+ add: (function () {
+ function E(P) {
+ return x(this, P, !0);
+ }
+ return E;
+ })(),
+ }
+ ),
+ L
+ );
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ 45150: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(67250),
+ o = n(41314),
+ f = n(55938),
+ b = n(81969),
+ y = n(49450),
+ B = n(60077),
+ k = n(55747),
+ g = n(42871),
+ l = n(77568),
+ c = n(40033),
+ m = n(92490),
+ i = n(84925),
+ u = n(5781);
+ T.exports = function (s, d, v) {
+ var h = s.indexOf('Map') !== -1,
+ C = s.indexOf('Weak') !== -1,
+ p = h ? 'set' : 'add',
+ N = a[s],
+ V = N && N.prototype,
+ S = N,
+ I = {},
+ L = function (R) {
+ var O = t(V[R]);
+ f(
+ V,
+ R,
+ R === 'add'
+ ? (function () {
+ function F(_) {
+ return O(this, _ === 0 ? 0 : _), this;
+ }
+ return F;
+ })()
+ : R === 'delete'
+ ? function (F) {
+ return C && !l(F) ? !1 : O(this, F === 0 ? 0 : F);
+ }
+ : R === 'get'
+ ? (function () {
+ function F(_) {
+ return C && !l(_) ? void 0 : O(this, _ === 0 ? 0 : _);
+ }
+ return F;
+ })()
+ : R === 'has'
+ ? (function () {
+ function F(_) {
+ return C && !l(_) ? !1 : O(this, _ === 0 ? 0 : _);
+ }
+ return F;
+ })()
+ : (function () {
+ function F(_, U) {
+ return O(this, _ === 0 ? 0 : _, U), this;
+ }
+ return F;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ w = o(
+ s,
+ !k(N) ||
+ !(
+ C ||
+ (V.forEach &&
+ !c(function () {
+ new N().entries().next();
+ }))
+ )
+ );
+ if (w) (S = v.getConstructor(d, s, h, p)), b.enable();
+ else if (o(s, !0)) {
+ var A = new S(),
+ x = A[p](C ? {} : -0, 1) !== A,
+ E = c(function () {
+ A.has(1);
+ }),
+ P = m(function (M) {
+ new N(M);
+ }),
+ D =
+ !C &&
+ c(function () {
+ for (var M = new N(), R = 5; R--; ) M[p](R, R);
+ return !M.has(-0);
+ });
+ P ||
+ ((S = d(function (M, R) {
+ B(M, V);
+ var O = u(new N(), M, S);
+ return g(R) || y(R, O[p], { that: O, AS_ENTRIES: h }), O;
+ })),
+ (S.prototype = V),
+ (V.constructor = S)),
+ (E || D) && (L('delete'), L('has'), h && L('get')),
+ (D || x) && L(p),
+ C && V.clear && delete V.clear;
+ }
+ return (
+ (I[s] = S), e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, forced: S !== N }, I), i(S, s), C || v.setStrong(S, s, h), S
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 5774: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(45299),
+ a = n(97921),
+ t = n(27193),
+ o = n(74595);
+ T.exports = function (f, b, y) {
+ for (var B = a(b), k = o.f, g = t.f, l = 0; l < B.length; l++) {
+ var c = B[l];
+ !e(f, c) && !(y && e(y, c)) && k(f, c, g(b, c));
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ 45490: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(24697),
+ a = e('match');
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ var o = /./;
+ try {
+ '/./'[t](o);
+ } catch (f) {
+ try {
+ return (o[a] = !1), '/./'[t](o);
+ } catch (b) {}
+ }
+ return !1;
+ };
+ },
+ 9225: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033);
+ T.exports = !e(function () {
+ function a() {}
+ return (a.prototype.constructor = null), Object.getPrototypeOf(new a()) !== a.prototype;
+ });
+ },
+ 72506: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(16952),
+ t = n(12605),
+ o = /"/g,
+ f = e(''.replace);
+ T.exports = function (b, y, B, k) {
+ var g = t(a(b)),
+ l = '<' + y;
+ return B !== '' && (l += ' ' + B + '="' + f(t(k), o, '"') + '"'), l + '>' + g + '' + y + '>';
+ };
+ },
+ 5959: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = function (r, n) {
+ return { value: r, done: n };
+ };
+ },
+ 37909: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(74595),
+ t = n(87458);
+ T.exports = e
+ ? function (o, f, b) {
+ return a.f(o, f, t(1, b));
+ }
+ : function (o, f, b) {
+ return (o[f] = b), o;
+ };
+ },
+ 87458: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = function (r, n) {
+ return { enumerable: !(r & 1), configurable: !(r & 2), writable: !(r & 4), value: n };
+ };
+ },
+ 60102: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(74595),
+ t = n(87458);
+ T.exports = function (o, f, b) {
+ e ? a.f(o, f, t(0, b)) : (o[f] = b);
+ };
+ },
+ 67206: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(24051).start,
+ o = RangeError,
+ f = isFinite,
+ b = Math.abs,
+ y = Date.prototype,
+ B = y.toISOString,
+ k = e(y.getTime),
+ g = e(y.getUTCDate),
+ l = e(y.getUTCFullYear),
+ c = e(y.getUTCHours),
+ m = e(y.getUTCMilliseconds),
+ i = e(y.getUTCMinutes),
+ u = e(y.getUTCMonth),
+ s = e(y.getUTCSeconds);
+ T.exports =
+ a(function () {
+ return B.call(new Date(-50000000000001)) !== '0385-07-25T07:06:39.999Z';
+ }) ||
+ !a(function () {
+ B.call(new Date(NaN));
+ })
+ ? (function () {
+ function d() {
+ if (!f(k(this))) throw new o('Invalid time value');
+ var v = this,
+ h = l(v),
+ C = m(v),
+ p = h < 0 ? '-' : h > 9999 ? '+' : '';
+ return (
+ p +
+ t(b(h), p ? 6 : 4, 0) +
+ '-' +
+ t(u(v) + 1, 2, 0) +
+ '-' +
+ t(g(v), 2, 0) +
+ 'T' +
+ t(c(v), 2, 0) +
+ ':' +
+ t(i(v), 2, 0) +
+ ':' +
+ t(s(v), 2, 0) +
+ '.' +
+ t(C, 3, 0) +
+ 'Z'
+ );
+ }
+ return d;
+ })()
+ : B;
+ },
+ 10886: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(30365),
+ a = n(13396),
+ t = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (o) {
+ if ((e(this), o === 'string' || o === 'default')) o = 'string';
+ else if (o !== 'number') throw new t('Incorrect hint');
+ return a(this, o);
+ };
+ },
+ 73936: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(20001),
+ a = n(74595);
+ T.exports = function (t, o, f) {
+ return f.get && e(f.get, o, { getter: !0 }), f.set && e(f.set, o, { setter: !0 }), a.f(t, o, f);
+ };
+ },
+ 55938: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(55747),
+ a = n(74595),
+ t = n(20001),
+ o = n(18231);
+ T.exports = function (f, b, y, B) {
+ B || (B = {});
+ var k = B.enumerable,
+ g = B.name !== void 0 ? B.name : b;
+ if ((e(y) && t(y, g, B), B.global)) k ? (f[b] = y) : o(b, y);
+ else {
+ try {
+ B.unsafe ? f[b] && (k = !0) : delete f[b];
+ } catch (l) {}
+ k
+ ? (f[b] = y)
+ : a.f(f, b, { value: y, enumerable: !1, configurable: !B.nonConfigurable, writable: !B.nonWritable });
+ }
+ return f;
+ };
+ },
+ 30145: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(55938);
+ T.exports = function (a, t, o) {
+ for (var f in t) e(a, f, t[f], o);
+ return a;
+ };
+ },
+ 18231: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = Object.defineProperty;
+ T.exports = function (t, o) {
+ try {
+ a(e, t, { value: o, configurable: !0, writable: !0 });
+ } catch (f) {
+ e[t] = o;
+ }
+ return o;
+ };
+ },
+ 95108: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(89393),
+ a = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (t, o) {
+ if (!delete t[o]) throw new a('Cannot delete property ' + e(o) + ' of ' + e(t));
+ };
+ },
+ 58310: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033);
+ T.exports = !e(function () {
+ return (
+ Object.defineProperty({}, 1, {
+ get: (function () {
+ function a() {
+ return 7;
+ }
+ return a;
+ })(),
+ })[1] !== 7
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ 12689: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(77568),
+ t = e.document,
+ o = a(t) && a(t.createElement);
+ T.exports = function (f) {
+ return o ? t.createElement(f) : {};
+ };
+ },
+ 21291: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = TypeError,
+ n = 9007199254740991;
+ T.exports = function (e) {
+ if (e > n) throw r('Maximum allowed index exceeded');
+ return e;
+ };
+ },
+ 652: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63318),
+ a = e.match(/firefox\/(\d+)/i);
+ T.exports = !!a && +a[1];
+ },
+ 8180: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(73730),
+ a = n(81702);
+ T.exports = !e && !a && typeof window == 'object' && typeof document == 'object';
+ },
+ 49197: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = typeof Bun == 'function' && Bun && typeof Bun.version == 'string';
+ },
+ 73730: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = typeof Deno == 'object' && Deno && typeof Deno.version == 'object';
+ },
+ 19228: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63318);
+ T.exports = /MSIE|Trident/.test(e);
+ },
+ 51802: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63318);
+ T.exports = /ipad|iphone|ipod/i.test(e) && typeof Pebble != 'undefined';
+ },
+ 83433: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63318);
+ T.exports = /(?:ipad|iphone|ipod).*applewebkit/i.test(e);
+ },
+ 81702: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(7462);
+ T.exports = a(e.process) === 'process';
+ },
+ 63383: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63318);
+ T.exports = /web0s(?!.*chrome)/i.test(e);
+ },
+ 63318: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = (typeof navigator != 'undefined' && String(navigator.userAgent)) || '';
+ },
+ 5026: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(63318),
+ t = e.process,
+ o = e.Deno,
+ f = (t && t.versions) || (o && o.version),
+ b = f && f.v8,
+ y,
+ B;
+ b && ((y = b.split('.')), (B = y[0] > 0 && y[0] < 4 ? 1 : +(y[0] + y[1]))),
+ !B &&
+ a &&
+ ((y = a.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/)), (!y || y[1] >= 74) && ((y = a.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/)), y && (B = +y[1]))),
+ (T.exports = B);
+ },
+ 9342: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63318),
+ a = e.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)\./);
+ T.exports = !!a && +a[1];
+ },
+ 89453: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = [
+ 'constructor',
+ 'hasOwnProperty',
+ 'isPrototypeOf',
+ 'propertyIsEnumerable',
+ 'toLocaleString',
+ 'toString',
+ 'valueOf',
+ ];
+ },
+ 63964: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(27193).f,
+ t = n(37909),
+ o = n(55938),
+ f = n(18231),
+ b = n(5774),
+ y = n(41314);
+ T.exports = function (B, k) {
+ var g = B.target,
+ l = B.global,
+ c = B.stat,
+ m,
+ i,
+ u,
+ s,
+ d,
+ v;
+ if ((l ? (i = e) : c ? (i = e[g] || f(g, {})) : (i = e[g] && e[g].prototype), i))
+ for (u in k) {
+ if (
+ ((d = k[u]),
+ B.dontCallGetSet ? ((v = a(i, u)), (s = v && v.value)) : (s = i[u]),
+ (m = y(l ? u : g + (c ? '.' : '#') + u, B.forced)),
+ !m && s !== void 0)
+ ) {
+ if (typeof d == typeof s) continue;
+ b(d, s);
+ }
+ (B.sham || (s && s.sham)) && t(d, 'sham', !0), o(i, u, d, B);
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ 40033: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = function (r) {
+ try {
+ return !!r();
+ } catch (n) {
+ return !0;
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ 79942: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(79669);
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(55938),
+ t = n(14489),
+ o = n(40033),
+ f = n(24697),
+ b = n(37909),
+ y = f('species'),
+ B = RegExp.prototype;
+ T.exports = function (k, g, l, c) {
+ var m = f(k),
+ i = !o(function () {
+ var v = {};
+ return (
+ (v[m] = function () {
+ return 7;
+ }),
+ ''[k](v) !== 7
+ );
+ }),
+ u =
+ i &&
+ !o(function () {
+ var v = !1,
+ h = /a/;
+ return (
+ k === 'split' &&
+ ((h = {}),
+ (h.constructor = {}),
+ (h.constructor[y] = function () {
+ return h;
+ }),
+ (h.flags = ''),
+ (h[m] = /./[m])),
+ (h.exec = function () {
+ return (v = !0), null;
+ }),
+ h[m](''),
+ !v
+ );
+ });
+ if (!i || !u || l) {
+ var s = /./[m],
+ d = g(m, ''[k], function (v, h, C, p, N) {
+ var V = h.exec;
+ return V === t || V === B.exec
+ ? i && !N
+ ? { done: !0, value: e(s, h, C, p) }
+ : { done: !0, value: e(v, C, h, p) }
+ : { done: !1 };
+ });
+ a(String.prototype, k, d[0]), a(B, m, d[1]);
+ }
+ c && b(B[m], 'sham', !0);
+ };
+ },
+ 65561: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(37386),
+ a = n(24760),
+ t = n(21291),
+ o = n(75754),
+ f = function b(y, B, k, g, l, c, m, i) {
+ for (var u = l, s = 0, d = m ? o(m, i) : !1, v, h; s < g; )
+ s in k &&
+ ((v = d ? d(k[s], s, B) : k[s]),
+ c > 0 && e(v) ? ((h = a(v)), (u = b(y, B, v, h, u, c - 1) - 1)) : (t(u + 1), (y[u] = v)),
+ u++),
+ s++;
+ return u;
+ };
+ T.exports = f;
+ },
+ 50730: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033);
+ T.exports = !e(function () {
+ return Object.isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({}));
+ });
+ },
+ 61267: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(55050),
+ a = Function.prototype,
+ t = a.apply,
+ o = a.call;
+ T.exports =
+ (typeof Reflect == 'object' && Reflect.apply) ||
+ (e
+ ? o.bind(t)
+ : function () {
+ return o.apply(t, arguments);
+ });
+ },
+ 75754: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(71138),
+ a = n(10320),
+ t = n(55050),
+ o = e(e.bind);
+ T.exports = function (f, b) {
+ return (
+ a(f),
+ b === void 0
+ ? f
+ : t
+ ? o(f, b)
+ : function () {
+ return f.apply(b, arguments);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 55050: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033);
+ T.exports = !e(function () {
+ var a = function () {}.bind();
+ return typeof a != 'function' || a.hasOwnProperty('prototype');
+ });
+ },
+ 66284: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(10320),
+ t = n(77568),
+ o = n(45299),
+ f = n(54602),
+ b = n(55050),
+ y = Function,
+ B = e([].concat),
+ k = e([].join),
+ g = {},
+ l = function (m, i, u) {
+ if (!o(g, i)) {
+ for (var s = [], d = 0; d < i; d++) s[d] = 'a[' + d + ']';
+ g[i] = y('C,a', 'return new C(' + k(s, ',') + ')');
+ }
+ return g[i](m, u);
+ };
+ T.exports = b
+ ? y.bind
+ : (function () {
+ function c(m) {
+ var i = a(this),
+ u = i.prototype,
+ s = f(arguments, 1),
+ d = (function () {
+ function v() {
+ var h = B(s, f(arguments));
+ return this instanceof d ? l(i, h.length, h) : i.apply(m, h);
+ }
+ return v;
+ })();
+ return t(u) && (d.prototype = u), d;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })();
+ },
+ 91495: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(55050),
+ a = Function.prototype.call;
+ T.exports = e
+ ? a.bind(a)
+ : function () {
+ return a.apply(a, arguments);
+ };
+ },
+ 70520: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(45299),
+ t = Function.prototype,
+ o = e && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
+ f = a(t, 'name'),
+ b =
+ f &&
+ (function () {
+ function B() {}
+ return B;
+ })().name === 'something',
+ y = f && (!e || (e && o(t, 'name').configurable));
+ T.exports = { EXISTS: f, PROPER: b, CONFIGURABLE: y };
+ },
+ 38656: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(10320);
+ T.exports = function (t, o, f) {
+ try {
+ return e(a(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, o)[f]));
+ } catch (b) {}
+ };
+ },
+ 71138: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(7462),
+ a = n(67250);
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ if (e(t) === 'Function') return a(t);
+ };
+ },
+ 67250: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(55050),
+ a = Function.prototype,
+ t = a.call,
+ o = e && a.bind.bind(t, t);
+ T.exports = e
+ ? o
+ : function (f) {
+ return function () {
+ return t.apply(f, arguments);
+ };
+ };
+ },
+ 4009: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(55747),
+ t = function (f) {
+ return a(f) ? f : void 0;
+ };
+ T.exports = function (o, f) {
+ return arguments.length < 2 ? t(e[o]) : e[o] && e[o][f];
+ };
+ },
+ 59201: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(2281),
+ a = n(78060),
+ t = n(42871),
+ o = n(83967),
+ f = n(24697),
+ b = f('iterator');
+ T.exports = function (y) {
+ if (!t(y)) return a(y, b) || a(y, '@@iterator') || o[e(y)];
+ };
+ },
+ 77455: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(10320),
+ t = n(30365),
+ o = n(89393),
+ f = n(59201),
+ b = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (y, B) {
+ var k = arguments.length < 2 ? f(y) : B;
+ if (a(k)) return t(e(k, y));
+ throw new b(o(y) + ' is not iterable');
+ };
+ },
+ 39447: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(37386),
+ t = n(55747),
+ o = n(7462),
+ f = n(12605),
+ b = e([].push);
+ T.exports = function (y) {
+ if (t(y)) return y;
+ if (a(y)) {
+ for (var B = y.length, k = [], g = 0; g < B; g++) {
+ var l = y[g];
+ typeof l == 'string'
+ ? b(k, l)
+ : (typeof l == 'number' || o(l) === 'Number' || o(l) === 'String') && b(k, f(l));
+ }
+ var c = k.length,
+ m = !0;
+ return function (i, u) {
+ if (m) return (m = !1), u;
+ if (a(this)) return u;
+ for (var s = 0; s < c; s++) if (k[s] === i) return u;
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ 78060: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(10320),
+ a = n(42871);
+ T.exports = function (t, o) {
+ var f = t[o];
+ return a(f) ? void 0 : e(f);
+ };
+ },
+ 48300: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(46771),
+ t = Math.floor,
+ o = e(''.charAt),
+ f = e(''.replace),
+ b = e(''.slice),
+ y = /\$([$&'`]|\d{1,2}|<[^>]*>)/g,
+ B = /\$([$&'`]|\d{1,2})/g;
+ T.exports = function (k, g, l, c, m, i) {
+ var u = l + k.length,
+ s = c.length,
+ d = B;
+ return (
+ m !== void 0 && ((m = a(m)), (d = y)),
+ f(i, d, function (v, h) {
+ var C;
+ switch (o(h, 0)) {
+ case '$':
+ return '$';
+ case '&':
+ return k;
+ case '`':
+ return b(g, 0, l);
+ case "'":
+ return b(g, u);
+ case '<':
+ C = m[b(h, 1, -1)];
+ break;
+ default:
+ var p = +h;
+ if (p === 0) return v;
+ if (p > s) {
+ var N = t(p / 10);
+ return N === 0 ? v : N <= s ? (c[N - 1] === void 0 ? o(h, 1) : c[N - 1] + o(h, 1)) : v;
+ }
+ C = c[p - 1];
+ }
+ return C === void 0 ? '' : C;
+ })
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 74685: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = function (t) {
+ return t && t.Math === Math && t;
+ };
+ T.exports =
+ e(typeof globalThis == 'object' && globalThis) ||
+ e(typeof window == 'object' && window) ||
+ e(typeof self == 'object' && self) ||
+ e(typeof n.g == 'object' && n.g) ||
+ e(!1) ||
+ (function () {
+ return this;
+ })() ||
+ Function('return this')();
+ },
+ 45299: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(46771),
+ t = e({}.hasOwnProperty);
+ T.exports =
+ Object.hasOwn ||
+ (function () {
+ function o(f, b) {
+ return t(a(f), b);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })();
+ },
+ 79195: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = {};
+ },
+ 72259: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = function (r, n) {
+ try {
+ arguments.length;
+ } catch (e) {}
+ };
+ },
+ 5315: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4009);
+ T.exports = e('document', 'documentElement');
+ },
+ 36223: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(12689);
+ T.exports =
+ !e &&
+ !a(function () {
+ return (
+ Object.defineProperty(t('div'), 'a', {
+ get: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return 7;
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }).a !== 7
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ 91784: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = Array,
+ n = Math.abs,
+ e = Math.pow,
+ a = Math.floor,
+ t = Math.log,
+ o = Math.LN2,
+ f = function (B, k, g) {
+ var l = r(g),
+ c = g * 8 - k - 1,
+ m = (1 << c) - 1,
+ i = m >> 1,
+ u = k === 23 ? e(2, -24) - e(2, -77) : 0,
+ s = B < 0 || (B === 0 && 1 / B < 0) ? 1 : 0,
+ d = 0,
+ v,
+ h,
+ C;
+ for (
+ B = n(B),
+ B !== B || B === 1 / 0
+ ? ((h = B !== B ? 1 : 0), (v = m))
+ : ((v = a(t(B) / o)),
+ (C = e(2, -v)),
+ B * C < 1 && (v--, (C *= 2)),
+ v + i >= 1 ? (B += u / C) : (B += u * e(2, 1 - i)),
+ B * C >= 2 && (v++, (C /= 2)),
+ v + i >= m
+ ? ((h = 0), (v = m))
+ : v + i >= 1
+ ? ((h = (B * C - 1) * e(2, k)), (v += i))
+ : ((h = B * e(2, i - 1) * e(2, k)), (v = 0)));
+ k >= 8;
+ )
+ (l[d++] = h & 255), (h /= 256), (k -= 8);
+ for (v = (v << k) | h, c += k; c > 0; ) (l[d++] = v & 255), (v /= 256), (c -= 8);
+ return (l[--d] |= s * 128), l;
+ },
+ b = function (B, k) {
+ var g = B.length,
+ l = g * 8 - k - 1,
+ c = (1 << l) - 1,
+ m = c >> 1,
+ i = l - 7,
+ u = g - 1,
+ s = B[u--],
+ d = s & 127,
+ v;
+ for (s >>= 7; i > 0; ) (d = d * 256 + B[u--]), (i -= 8);
+ for (v = d & ((1 << -i) - 1), d >>= -i, i += k; i > 0; ) (v = v * 256 + B[u--]), (i -= 8);
+ if (d === 0) d = 1 - m;
+ else {
+ if (d === c) return v ? NaN : s ? -1 / 0 : 1 / 0;
+ (v += e(2, k)), (d -= m);
+ }
+ return (s ? -1 : 1) * v * e(2, d - k);
+ };
+ T.exports = { pack: f, unpack: b };
+ },
+ 37457: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(7462),
+ o = Object,
+ f = e(''.split);
+ T.exports = a(function () {
+ return !o('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0);
+ })
+ ? function (b) {
+ return t(b) === 'String' ? f(b, '') : o(b);
+ }
+ : o;
+ },
+ 5781: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(55747),
+ a = n(77568),
+ t = n(76649);
+ T.exports = function (o, f, b) {
+ var y, B;
+ return t && e((y = f.constructor)) && y !== b && a((B = y.prototype)) && B !== b.prototype && t(o, B), o;
+ };
+ },
+ 40492: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(55747),
+ t = n(40095),
+ o = e(Function.toString);
+ a(t.inspectSource) ||
+ (t.inspectSource = function (f) {
+ return o(f);
+ }),
+ (T.exports = t.inspectSource);
+ },
+ 81969: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(79195),
+ o = n(77568),
+ f = n(45299),
+ b = n(74595).f,
+ y = n(37310),
+ B = n(81644),
+ k = n(81834),
+ g = n(16738),
+ l = n(50730),
+ c = !1,
+ m = g('meta'),
+ i = 0,
+ u = function (N) {
+ b(N, m, { value: { objectID: 'O' + i++, weakData: {} } });
+ },
+ s = function (N, V) {
+ if (!o(N)) return typeof N == 'symbol' ? N : (typeof N == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + N;
+ if (!f(N, m)) {
+ if (!k(N)) return 'F';
+ if (!V) return 'E';
+ u(N);
+ }
+ return N[m].objectID;
+ },
+ d = function (N, V) {
+ if (!f(N, m)) {
+ if (!k(N)) return !0;
+ if (!V) return !1;
+ u(N);
+ }
+ return N[m].weakData;
+ },
+ v = function (N) {
+ return l && c && k(N) && !f(N, m) && u(N), N;
+ },
+ h = function () {
+ (C.enable = function () {}), (c = !0);
+ var N = y.f,
+ V = a([].splice),
+ S = {};
+ (S[m] = 1),
+ N(S).length &&
+ ((y.f = function (I) {
+ for (var L = N(I), w = 0, A = L.length; w < A; w++)
+ if (L[w] === m) {
+ V(L, w, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ return L;
+ }),
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !0 }, { getOwnPropertyNames: B.f }));
+ },
+ C = (T.exports = { enable: h, fastKey: s, getWeakData: d, onFreeze: v });
+ t[m] = !0;
+ },
+ 5419: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(21820),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(77568),
+ o = n(37909),
+ f = n(45299),
+ b = n(40095),
+ y = n(19417),
+ B = n(79195),
+ k = 'Object already initialized',
+ g = a.TypeError,
+ l = a.WeakMap,
+ c,
+ m,
+ i,
+ u = function (C) {
+ return i(C) ? m(C) : c(C, {});
+ },
+ s = function (C) {
+ return function (p) {
+ var N;
+ if (!t(p) || (N = m(p)).type !== C) throw new g('Incompatible receiver, ' + C + ' required');
+ return N;
+ };
+ };
+ if (e || b.state) {
+ var d = b.state || (b.state = new l());
+ (d.get = d.get),
+ (d.has = d.has),
+ (d.set = d.set),
+ (c = function (C, p) {
+ if (d.has(C)) throw new g(k);
+ return (p.facade = C), d.set(C, p), p;
+ }),
+ (m = function (C) {
+ return d.get(C) || {};
+ }),
+ (i = function (C) {
+ return d.has(C);
+ });
+ } else {
+ var v = y('state');
+ (B[v] = !0),
+ (c = function (C, p) {
+ if (f(C, v)) throw new g(k);
+ return (p.facade = C), o(C, v, p), p;
+ }),
+ (m = function (C) {
+ return f(C, v) ? C[v] : {};
+ }),
+ (i = function (C) {
+ return f(C, v);
+ });
+ }
+ T.exports = { set: c, get: m, has: i, enforce: u, getterFor: s };
+ },
+ 76571: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(24697),
+ a = n(83967),
+ t = e('iterator'),
+ o = Array.prototype;
+ T.exports = function (f) {
+ return f !== void 0 && (a.Array === f || o[t] === f);
+ };
+ },
+ 37386: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(7462);
+ T.exports =
+ Array.isArray ||
+ (function () {
+ function a(t) {
+ return e(t) === 'Array';
+ }
+ return a;
+ })();
+ },
+ 40221: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(2281);
+ T.exports = function (a) {
+ var t = e(a);
+ return t === 'BigInt64Array' || t === 'BigUint64Array';
+ };
+ },
+ 55747: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = typeof document == 'object' && document.all;
+ T.exports =
+ typeof r == 'undefined' && r !== void 0
+ ? function (n) {
+ return typeof n == 'function' || n === r;
+ }
+ : function (n) {
+ return typeof n == 'function';
+ };
+ },
+ 1031: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(55747),
+ o = n(2281),
+ f = n(4009),
+ b = n(40492),
+ y = function () {},
+ B = f('Reflect', 'construct'),
+ k = /^\s*(?:class|function)\b/,
+ g = e(k.exec),
+ l = !k.test(y),
+ c = (function () {
+ function i(u) {
+ if (!t(u)) return !1;
+ try {
+ return B(y, [], u), !0;
+ } catch (s) {
+ return !1;
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ m = (function () {
+ function i(u) {
+ if (!t(u)) return !1;
+ switch (o(u)) {
+ case 'AsyncFunction':
+ case 'GeneratorFunction':
+ case 'AsyncGeneratorFunction':
+ return !1;
+ }
+ try {
+ return l || !!g(k, b(u));
+ } catch (s) {
+ return !0;
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+ })();
+ (m.sham = !0),
+ (T.exports =
+ !B ||
+ a(function () {
+ var i;
+ return (
+ c(c.call) ||
+ !c(Object) ||
+ !c(function () {
+ i = !0;
+ }) ||
+ i
+ );
+ })
+ ? m
+ : c);
+ },
+ 98373: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(45299);
+ T.exports = function (a) {
+ return a !== void 0 && (e(a, 'value') || e(a, 'writable'));
+ };
+ },
+ 41314: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033),
+ a = n(55747),
+ t = /#|\.prototype\./,
+ o = function (g, l) {
+ var c = b[f(g)];
+ return c === B ? !0 : c === y ? !1 : a(l) ? e(l) : !!l;
+ },
+ f = (o.normalize = function (k) {
+ return String(k).replace(t, '.').toLowerCase();
+ }),
+ b = (o.data = {}),
+ y = (o.NATIVE = 'N'),
+ B = (o.POLYFILL = 'P');
+ T.exports = o;
+ },
+ 5841: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(77568),
+ a = Math.floor;
+ T.exports =
+ Number.isInteger ||
+ (function () {
+ function t(o) {
+ return !e(o) && isFinite(o) && a(o) === o;
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ },
+ 42871: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = function (r) {
+ return r == null;
+ };
+ },
+ 77568: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(55747);
+ T.exports = function (a) {
+ return typeof a == 'object' ? a !== null : e(a);
+ };
+ },
+ 45015: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(77568);
+ T.exports = function (a) {
+ return e(a) || a === null;
+ };
+ },
+ 4493: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = !1;
+ },
+ 72586: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(77568),
+ a = n(7462),
+ t = n(24697),
+ o = t('match');
+ T.exports = function (f) {
+ var b;
+ return e(f) && ((b = f[o]) !== void 0 ? !!b : a(f) === 'RegExp');
+ };
+ },
+ 71399: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4009),
+ a = n(55747),
+ t = n(21287),
+ o = n(1062),
+ f = Object;
+ T.exports = o
+ ? function (b) {
+ return typeof b == 'symbol';
+ }
+ : function (b) {
+ var y = e('Symbol');
+ return a(y) && t(y.prototype, f(b));
+ };
+ },
+ 49450: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(75754),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(30365),
+ o = n(89393),
+ f = n(76571),
+ b = n(24760),
+ y = n(21287),
+ B = n(77455),
+ k = n(59201),
+ g = n(28649),
+ l = TypeError,
+ c = function (u, s) {
+ (this.stopped = u), (this.result = s);
+ },
+ m = c.prototype;
+ T.exports = function (i, u, s) {
+ var d = s && s.that,
+ v = !!(s && s.AS_ENTRIES),
+ h = !!(s && s.IS_RECORD),
+ C = !!(s && s.IS_ITERATOR),
+ p = !!(s && s.INTERRUPTED),
+ N = e(u, d),
+ V,
+ S,
+ I,
+ L,
+ w,
+ A,
+ x,
+ E = function (M) {
+ return V && g(V, 'normal', M), new c(!0, M);
+ },
+ P = function (M) {
+ return v ? (t(M), p ? N(M[0], M[1], E) : N(M[0], M[1])) : p ? N(M, E) : N(M);
+ };
+ if (h) V = i.iterator;
+ else if (C) V = i;
+ else {
+ if (((S = k(i)), !S)) throw new l(o(i) + ' is not iterable');
+ if (f(S)) {
+ for (I = 0, L = b(i); L > I; I++) if (((w = P(i[I])), w && y(m, w))) return w;
+ return new c(!1);
+ }
+ V = B(i, S);
+ }
+ for (A = h ? i.next : V.next; !(x = a(A, V)).done; ) {
+ try {
+ w = P(x.value);
+ } catch (D) {
+ g(V, 'throw', D);
+ }
+ if (typeof w == 'object' && w && y(m, w)) return w;
+ }
+ return new c(!1);
+ };
+ },
+ 28649: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(30365),
+ t = n(78060);
+ T.exports = function (o, f, b) {
+ var y, B;
+ a(o);
+ try {
+ if (((y = t(o, 'return')), !y)) {
+ if (f === 'throw') throw b;
+ return b;
+ }
+ y = e(y, o);
+ } catch (k) {
+ (B = !0), (y = k);
+ }
+ if (f === 'throw') throw b;
+ if (B) throw y;
+ return a(y), b;
+ };
+ },
+ 5656: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67635).IteratorPrototype,
+ a = n(80674),
+ t = n(87458),
+ o = n(84925),
+ f = n(83967),
+ b = function () {
+ return this;
+ };
+ T.exports = function (y, B, k, g) {
+ var l = B + ' Iterator';
+ return (y.prototype = a(e, { next: t(+!g, k) })), o(y, l, !1, !0), (f[l] = b), y;
+ };
+ },
+ 65574: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(4493),
+ o = n(70520),
+ f = n(55747),
+ b = n(5656),
+ y = n(36917),
+ B = n(76649),
+ k = n(84925),
+ g = n(37909),
+ l = n(55938),
+ c = n(24697),
+ m = n(83967),
+ i = n(67635),
+ u = o.PROPER,
+ d = i.IteratorPrototype,
+ h = c('iterator'),
+ C = 'keys',
+ p = 'values',
+ N = 'entries',
+ V = function () {
+ return this;
+ };
+ T.exports = function (S, I, L, w, A, x, E) {
+ b(L, I, w);
+ var P = function (X) {
+ if (X === A && F) return F;
+ if (!v && X && X in R) return R[X];
+ switch (X) {
+ case C:
+ return (function () {
+ function J() {
+ return new L(this, X);
+ }
+ return J;
+ })();
+ case p:
+ return (function () {
+ function J() {
+ return new L(this, X);
+ }
+ return J;
+ })();
+ case N:
+ return (function () {
+ function J() {
+ return new L(this, X);
+ }
+ return J;
+ })();
+ }
+ return function () {
+ return new L(this);
+ };
+ },
+ D = I + ' Iterator',
+ M = !1,
+ R = S.prototype,
+ O = R[h] || R['@@iterator'] || (A && R[A]),
+ F = (!v && O) || P(A),
+ _ = (I === 'Array' && R.entries) || O,
+ U,
+ z,
+ $;
+ if (
+ (_ &&
+ ((U = y(_.call(new S()))),
+ U !== Object.prototype &&
+ U.next &&
+ (!t && y(U) !== d && (B ? B(U, d) : f(U[h]) || l(U, h, V)), k(U, D, !0, !0), t && (m[D] = V))),
+ u &&
+ A === p &&
+ O &&
+ O.name !== p &&
+ (!t && s
+ ? g(R, 'name', p)
+ : ((M = !0),
+ (F = (function () {
+ function G() {
+ return a(O, this);
+ }
+ return G;
+ })()))),
+ A)
+ )
+ if (((z = { values: P(p), keys: x ? F : P(C), entries: P(N) }), E))
+ for ($ in z) (v || M || !($ in R)) && l(R, $, z[$]);
+ else e({ target: I, proto: !0, forced: v || M }, z);
+ return (!t || E) && R[h] !== F && l(R, h, F, { name: A }), (m[I] = F), z;
+ };
+ },
+ 67635: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033),
+ a = n(55747),
+ t = n(77568),
+ o = n(80674),
+ f = n(36917),
+ b = n(55938),
+ y = n(24697),
+ B = n(4493),
+ k = y('iterator'),
+ g = !1,
+ l,
+ c,
+ m;
+ [].keys && ((m = [].keys()), 'next' in m ? ((c = f(f(m))), c !== Object.prototype && (l = c)) : (g = !0));
+ var i =
+ !t(l) ||
+ e(function () {
+ var u = {};
+ return l[k].call(u) !== u;
+ });
+ i ? (l = {}) : B && (l = o(l)),
+ a(l[k]) ||
+ b(l, k, function () {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ (T.exports = { IteratorPrototype: l, BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS: g });
+ },
+ 83967: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = {};
+ },
+ 24760: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(10188);
+ T.exports = function (a) {
+ return e(a.length);
+ };
+ },
+ 20001: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(55747),
+ o = n(45299),
+ f = n(58310),
+ b = n(70520).CONFIGURABLE,
+ y = n(40492),
+ B = n(5419),
+ k = B.enforce,
+ g = B.get,
+ l = String,
+ c = Object.defineProperty,
+ m = e(''.slice),
+ i = e(''.replace),
+ u = e([].join),
+ s =
+ f &&
+ !a(function () {
+ return c(function () {}, 'length', { value: 8 }).length !== 8;
+ }),
+ d = String(String).split('String'),
+ v = (T.exports = function (h, C, p) {
+ m(l(C), 0, 7) === 'Symbol(' && (C = '[' + i(l(C), /^Symbol\(([^)]*)\).*$/, '$1') + ']'),
+ p && p.getter && (C = 'get ' + C),
+ p && p.setter && (C = 'set ' + C),
+ (!o(h, 'name') || (b && h.name !== C)) &&
+ (f ? c(h, 'name', { value: C, configurable: !0 }) : (h.name = C)),
+ s && p && o(p, 'arity') && h.length !== p.arity && c(h, 'length', { value: p.arity });
+ try {
+ p && o(p, 'constructor') && p.constructor
+ ? f && c(h, 'prototype', { writable: !1 })
+ : h.prototype && (h.prototype = void 0);
+ } catch (V) {}
+ var N = k(h);
+ return o(N, 'source') || (N.source = u(d, typeof C == 'string' ? C : '')), h;
+ });
+ Function.prototype.toString = v(
+ (function () {
+ function h() {
+ return (t(this) && g(this).source) || y(this);
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ 'toString'
+ );
+ },
+ 82040: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = Math.expm1,
+ n = Math.exp;
+ T.exports =
+ !r || r(10) > 22025.465794806718 || r(10) < 22025.465794806718 || r(-2e-17) !== -2e-17
+ ? (function () {
+ function e(a) {
+ var t = +a;
+ return t === 0 ? t : t > -1e-6 && t < 1e-6 ? t + (t * t) / 2 : n(t) - 1;
+ }
+ return e;
+ })()
+ : r;
+ },
+ 14950: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(22172),
+ a = Math.abs,
+ t = 2220446049250313e-31,
+ o = 1 / t,
+ f = function (y) {
+ return y + o - o;
+ };
+ T.exports = function (b, y, B, k) {
+ var g = +b,
+ l = a(g),
+ c = e(g);
+ if (l < k) return c * f(l / k / y) * k * y;
+ var m = (1 + y / t) * l,
+ i = m - (m - l);
+ return i > B || i !== i ? c * (1 / 0) : c * i;
+ };
+ },
+ 95867: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(14950),
+ a = 11920928955078125e-23,
+ t = 34028234663852886e22,
+ o = 11754943508222875e-54;
+ T.exports =
+ Math.fround ||
+ (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return e(b, a, t, o);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })();
+ },
+ 75002: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = Math.log,
+ n = Math.LOG10E;
+ T.exports =
+ Math.log10 ||
+ (function () {
+ function e(a) {
+ return r(a) * n;
+ }
+ return e;
+ })();
+ },
+ 90874: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = Math.log;
+ T.exports =
+ Math.log1p ||
+ (function () {
+ function n(e) {
+ var a = +e;
+ return a > -1e-8 && a < 1e-8 ? a - (a * a) / 2 : r(1 + a);
+ }
+ return n;
+ })();
+ },
+ 22172: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports =
+ Math.sign ||
+ (function () {
+ function r(n) {
+ var e = +n;
+ return e === 0 || e !== e ? e : e < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ return r;
+ })();
+ },
+ 21119: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = Math.ceil,
+ n = Math.floor;
+ T.exports =
+ Math.trunc ||
+ (function () {
+ function e(a) {
+ var t = +a;
+ return (t > 0 ? n : r)(t);
+ }
+ return e;
+ })();
+ },
+ 37713: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(44915),
+ t = n(75754),
+ o = n(60375).set,
+ f = n(9547),
+ b = n(83433),
+ y = n(51802),
+ B = n(63383),
+ k = n(81702),
+ g = e.MutationObserver || e.WebKitMutationObserver,
+ l = e.document,
+ c = e.process,
+ m = e.Promise,
+ i = a('queueMicrotask'),
+ u,
+ s,
+ d,
+ v,
+ h;
+ if (!i) {
+ var C = new f(),
+ p = function () {
+ var V, S;
+ for (k && (V = c.domain) && V.exit(); (S = C.get()); )
+ try {
+ S();
+ } catch (I) {
+ throw (C.head && u(), I);
+ }
+ V && V.enter();
+ };
+ !b && !k && !B && g && l
+ ? ((s = !0),
+ (d = l.createTextNode('')),
+ new g(p).observe(d, { characterData: !0 }),
+ (u = function () {
+ d.data = s = !s;
+ }))
+ : !y && m && m.resolve
+ ? ((v = m.resolve(void 0)),
+ (v.constructor = m),
+ (h = t(v.then, v)),
+ (u = function () {
+ h(p);
+ }))
+ : k
+ ? (u = function () {
+ c.nextTick(p);
+ })
+ : ((o = t(o, e)),
+ (u = function () {
+ o(p);
+ })),
+ (i = function (V) {
+ C.head || u(), C.add(V);
+ });
+ }
+ T.exports = i;
+ },
+ 81837: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(10320),
+ a = TypeError,
+ t = function (f) {
+ var b, y;
+ (this.promise = new f(function (B, k) {
+ if (b !== void 0 || y !== void 0) throw new a('Bad Promise constructor');
+ (b = B), (y = k);
+ })),
+ (this.resolve = e(b)),
+ (this.reject = e(y));
+ };
+ T.exports.f = function (o) {
+ return new t(o);
+ };
+ },
+ 86213: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(72586),
+ a = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ if (e(t)) throw new a("The method doesn't accept regular expressions");
+ return t;
+ };
+ },
+ 3294: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = e.isFinite;
+ T.exports =
+ Number.isFinite ||
+ (function () {
+ function t(o) {
+ return typeof o == 'number' && a(o);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ },
+ 28506: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(67250),
+ o = n(12605),
+ f = n(92648).trim,
+ b = n(4198),
+ y = t(''.charAt),
+ B = e.parseFloat,
+ k = e.Symbol,
+ g = k && k.iterator,
+ l =
+ 1 / B(b + '-0') !== -1 / 0 ||
+ (g &&
+ !a(function () {
+ B(Object(g));
+ }));
+ T.exports = l
+ ? (function () {
+ function c(m) {
+ var i = f(o(m)),
+ u = B(i);
+ return u === 0 && y(i, 0) === '-' ? -0 : u;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()
+ : B;
+ },
+ 13693: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(67250),
+ o = n(12605),
+ f = n(92648).trim,
+ b = n(4198),
+ y = e.parseInt,
+ B = e.Symbol,
+ k = B && B.iterator,
+ g = /^[+-]?0x/i,
+ l = t(g.exec),
+ c =
+ y(b + '08') !== 8 ||
+ y(b + '0x16') !== 22 ||
+ (k &&
+ !a(function () {
+ y(Object(k));
+ }));
+ T.exports = c
+ ? (function () {
+ function m(i, u) {
+ var s = f(o(i));
+ return y(s, u >>> 0 || (l(g, s) ? 16 : 10));
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()
+ : y;
+ },
+ 41143: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(91495),
+ o = n(40033),
+ f = n(18450),
+ b = n(89235),
+ y = n(12867),
+ B = n(46771),
+ k = n(37457),
+ g = Object.assign,
+ l = Object.defineProperty,
+ c = a([].concat);
+ T.exports =
+ !g ||
+ o(function () {
+ if (
+ e &&
+ g(
+ { b: 1 },
+ g(
+ l({}, 'a', {
+ enumerable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function d() {
+ l(this, 'b', { value: 3, enumerable: !1 });
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ { b: 2 }
+ )
+ ).b !== 1
+ )
+ return !0;
+ var m = {},
+ i = {},
+ u = Symbol('assign detection'),
+ s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst';
+ return (
+ (m[u] = 7),
+ s.split('').forEach(function (d) {
+ i[d] = d;
+ }),
+ g({}, m)[u] !== 7 || f(g({}, i)).join('') !== s
+ );
+ })
+ ? (function () {
+ function m(i, u) {
+ for (var s = B(i), d = arguments.length, v = 1, h = b.f, C = y.f; d > v; )
+ for (var p = k(arguments[v++]), N = h ? c(f(p), h(p)) : f(p), V = N.length, S = 0, I; V > S; )
+ (I = N[S++]), (!e || t(C, p, I)) && (s[I] = p[I]);
+ return s;
+ }
+ return m;
+ })()
+ : g;
+ },
+ 80674: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(30365),
+ a = n(24239),
+ t = n(89453),
+ o = n(79195),
+ f = n(5315),
+ b = n(12689),
+ y = n(19417),
+ B = '>',
+ k = '<',
+ g = 'prototype',
+ l = 'script',
+ c = y('IE_PROTO'),
+ m = function () {},
+ i = function (C) {
+ return k + l + B + C + k + '/' + l + B;
+ },
+ u = function (C) {
+ C.write(i('')), C.close();
+ var p = C.parentWindow.Object;
+ return (C = null), p;
+ },
+ s = function () {
+ var C = b('iframe'),
+ p = 'java' + l + ':',
+ N;
+ return (
+ (C.style.display = 'none'),
+ f.appendChild(C),
+ (C.src = String(p)),
+ (N = C.contentWindow.document),
+ N.open(),
+ N.write(i('document.F=Object')),
+ N.close(),
+ N.F
+ );
+ },
+ d,
+ v = function () {
+ try {
+ d = new ActiveXObject('htmlfile');
+ } catch (p) {}
+ v = typeof document != 'undefined' ? (document.domain && d ? u(d) : s()) : u(d);
+ for (var C = t.length; C--; ) delete v[g][t[C]];
+ return v();
+ };
+ (o[c] = !0),
+ (T.exports =
+ Object.create ||
+ (function () {
+ function h(C, p) {
+ var N;
+ return (
+ C !== null ? ((m[g] = e(C)), (N = new m()), (m[g] = null), (N[c] = C)) : (N = v()),
+ p === void 0 ? N : a.f(N, p)
+ );
+ }
+ return h;
+ })());
+ },
+ 24239: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(80944),
+ t = n(74595),
+ o = n(30365),
+ f = n(57591),
+ b = n(18450);
+ r.f =
+ e && !a
+ ? Object.defineProperties
+ : (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ o(B);
+ for (var g = f(k), l = b(k), c = l.length, m = 0, i; c > m; ) t.f(B, (i = l[m++]), g[i]);
+ return B;
+ }
+ return y;
+ })();
+ },
+ 74595: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(36223),
+ t = n(80944),
+ o = n(30365),
+ f = n(767),
+ b = TypeError,
+ y = Object.defineProperty,
+ B = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
+ k = 'enumerable',
+ g = 'configurable',
+ l = 'writable';
+ r.f = e
+ ? t
+ ? (function () {
+ function c(m, i, u) {
+ if (
+ (o(m),
+ (i = f(i)),
+ o(u),
+ typeof m == 'function' && i === 'prototype' && 'value' in u && l in u && !u[l])
+ ) {
+ var s = B(m, i);
+ s &&
+ s[l] &&
+ ((m[i] = u.value),
+ (u = { configurable: g in u ? u[g] : s[g], enumerable: k in u ? u[k] : s[k], writable: !1 }));
+ }
+ return y(m, i, u);
+ }
+ return c;
+ })()
+ : y
+ : (function () {
+ function c(m, i, u) {
+ if ((o(m), (i = f(i)), o(u), a))
+ try {
+ return y(m, i, u);
+ } catch (s) {}
+ if ('get' in u || 'set' in u) throw new b('Accessors not supported');
+ return 'value' in u && (m[i] = u.value), m;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })();
+ },
+ 27193: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(12867),
+ o = n(87458),
+ f = n(57591),
+ b = n(767),
+ y = n(45299),
+ B = n(36223),
+ k = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
+ r.f = e
+ ? k
+ : (function () {
+ function g(l, c) {
+ if (((l = f(l)), (c = b(c)), B))
+ try {
+ return k(l, c);
+ } catch (m) {}
+ if (y(l, c)) return o(!a(t.f, l, c), l[c]);
+ }
+ return g;
+ })();
+ },
+ 81644: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(7462),
+ a = n(57591),
+ t = n(37310).f,
+ o = n(54602),
+ f =
+ typeof window == 'object' && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames
+ ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window)
+ : [],
+ b = function (B) {
+ try {
+ return t(B);
+ } catch (k) {
+ return o(f);
+ }
+ };
+ T.exports.f = (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ return f && e(B) === 'Window' ? b(B) : t(a(B));
+ }
+ return y;
+ })();
+ },
+ 37310: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(53726),
+ a = n(89453),
+ t = a.concat('length', 'prototype');
+ r.f =
+ Object.getOwnPropertyNames ||
+ (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return e(f, t);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })();
+ },
+ 89235: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ r.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
+ },
+ 36917: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(45299),
+ a = n(55747),
+ t = n(46771),
+ o = n(19417),
+ f = n(9225),
+ b = o('IE_PROTO'),
+ y = Object,
+ B = y.prototype;
+ T.exports = f
+ ? y.getPrototypeOf
+ : function (k) {
+ var g = t(k);
+ if (e(g, b)) return g[b];
+ var l = g.constructor;
+ return a(l) && g instanceof l ? l.prototype : g instanceof y ? B : null;
+ };
+ },
+ 81834: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033),
+ a = n(77568),
+ t = n(7462),
+ o = n(3782),
+ f = Object.isExtensible,
+ b = e(function () {
+ f(1);
+ });
+ T.exports =
+ b || o
+ ? (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ return !a(B) || (o && t(B) === 'ArrayBuffer') ? !1 : f ? f(B) : !0;
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()
+ : f;
+ },
+ 21287: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250);
+ T.exports = e({}.isPrototypeOf);
+ },
+ 53726: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(45299),
+ t = n(57591),
+ o = n(14211).indexOf,
+ f = n(79195),
+ b = e([].push);
+ T.exports = function (y, B) {
+ var k = t(y),
+ g = 0,
+ l = [],
+ c;
+ for (c in k) !a(f, c) && a(k, c) && b(l, c);
+ for (; B.length > g; ) a(k, (c = B[g++])) && (~o(l, c) || b(l, c));
+ return l;
+ };
+ },
+ 18450: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(53726),
+ a = n(89453);
+ T.exports =
+ Object.keys ||
+ (function () {
+ function t(o) {
+ return e(o, a);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ },
+ 12867: function (T, r) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var n = {}.propertyIsEnumerable,
+ e = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
+ a = e && !n.call({ 1: 2 }, 1);
+ r.f = a
+ ? (function () {
+ function t(o) {
+ var f = e(this, o);
+ return !!f && f.enumerable;
+ }
+ return t;
+ })()
+ : n;
+ },
+ 57377: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4493),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(40033),
+ o = n(9342);
+ T.exports =
+ e ||
+ !t(function () {
+ if (!(o && o < 535)) {
+ var f = Math.random();
+ __defineSetter__.call(null, f, function () {}), delete a[f];
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ 76649: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(38656),
+ a = n(77568),
+ t = n(16952),
+ o = n(35908);
+ T.exports =
+ Object.setPrototypeOf ||
+ ('__proto__' in {}
+ ? (function () {
+ var f = !1,
+ b = {},
+ y;
+ try {
+ (y = e(Object.prototype, '__proto__', 'set')), y(b, []), (f = b instanceof Array);
+ } catch (B) {}
+ return (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ return t(k), o(g), a(k) && (f ? y(k, g) : (k.__proto__ = g)), k;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })();
+ })()
+ : void 0);
+ },
+ 70915: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(67250),
+ o = n(36917),
+ f = n(18450),
+ b = n(57591),
+ y = n(12867).f,
+ B = t(y),
+ k = t([].push),
+ g =
+ e &&
+ a(function () {
+ var c = Object.create(null);
+ return (c[2] = 2), !B(c, 2);
+ }),
+ l = function (m) {
+ return function (i) {
+ for (var u = b(i), s = f(u), d = g && o(u) === null, v = s.length, h = 0, C = [], p; v > h; )
+ (p = s[h++]), (!e || (d ? p in u : B(u, p))) && k(C, m ? [p, u[p]] : u[p]);
+ return C;
+ };
+ };
+ T.exports = { entries: l(!0), values: l(!1) };
+ },
+ 2509: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(2650),
+ a = n(2281);
+ T.exports = e
+ ? {}.toString
+ : (function () {
+ function t() {
+ return '[object ' + a(this) + ']';
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ },
+ 13396: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(55747),
+ t = n(77568),
+ o = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (f, b) {
+ var y, B;
+ if (
+ (b === 'string' && a((y = f.toString)) && !t((B = e(y, f)))) ||
+ (a((y = f.valueOf)) && !t((B = e(y, f)))) ||
+ (b !== 'string' && a((y = f.toString)) && !t((B = e(y, f))))
+ )
+ return B;
+ throw new o("Can't convert object to primitive value");
+ };
+ },
+ 97921: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4009),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(37310),
+ o = n(89235),
+ f = n(30365),
+ b = a([].concat);
+ T.exports =
+ e('Reflect', 'ownKeys') ||
+ (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ var k = t.f(f(B)),
+ g = o.f;
+ return g ? b(k, g(B)) : k;
+ }
+ return y;
+ })();
+ },
+ 61765: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685);
+ T.exports = e;
+ },
+ 10729: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports = function (r) {
+ try {
+ return { error: !1, value: r() };
+ } catch (n) {
+ return { error: !0, value: n };
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ 74854: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(67512),
+ t = n(55747),
+ o = n(41314),
+ f = n(40492),
+ b = n(24697),
+ y = n(8180),
+ B = n(73730),
+ k = n(4493),
+ g = n(5026),
+ l = a && a.prototype,
+ c = b('species'),
+ m = !1,
+ i = t(e.PromiseRejectionEvent),
+ u = o('Promise', function () {
+ var s = f(a),
+ d = s !== String(a);
+ if ((!d && g === 66) || (k && !(l.catch && l.finally))) return !0;
+ if (!g || g < 51 || !/native code/.test(s)) {
+ var v = new a(function (p) {
+ p(1);
+ }),
+ h = function (N) {
+ N(
+ function () {},
+ function () {}
+ );
+ },
+ C = (v.constructor = {});
+ if (((C[c] = h), (m = v.then(function () {}) instanceof h), !m)) return !0;
+ }
+ return !d && (y || B) && !i;
+ });
+ },
+ 67512: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685);
+ T.exports = e.Promise;
+ },
+ 66628: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(30365),
+ a = n(77568),
+ t = n(81837);
+ T.exports = function (o, f) {
+ if ((e(o), a(f) && f.constructor === o)) return f;
+ var b = t.f(o),
+ y = b.resolve;
+ return y(f), b.promise;
+ };
+ },
+ 48199: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67512),
+ a = n(92490),
+ t = n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR;
+ T.exports =
+ t ||
+ !a(function (o) {
+ e.all(o).then(void 0, function () {});
+ });
+ },
+ 34550: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74595).f;
+ T.exports = function (a, t, o) {
+ o in a ||
+ e(a, o, {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function f() {
+ return t[o];
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ set: (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ t[o] = b;
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 9547: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = function () {
+ (this.head = null), (this.tail = null);
+ };
+ (r.prototype = {
+ add: (function () {
+ function n(e) {
+ var a = { item: e, next: null },
+ t = this.tail;
+ t ? (t.next = a) : (this.head = a), (this.tail = a);
+ }
+ return n;
+ })(),
+ get: (function () {
+ function n() {
+ var e = this.head;
+ if (e) {
+ var a = (this.head = e.next);
+ return a === null && (this.tail = null), e.item;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ (T.exports = r);
+ },
+ 28340: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(30365),
+ t = n(55747),
+ o = n(7462),
+ f = n(14489),
+ b = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (y, B) {
+ var k = y.exec;
+ if (t(k)) {
+ var g = e(k, y, B);
+ return g !== null && a(g), g;
+ }
+ if (o(y) === 'RegExp') return e(f, y, B);
+ throw new b('RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver');
+ };
+ },
+ 14489: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(12605),
+ o = n(70901),
+ f = n(62115),
+ b = n(16639),
+ y = n(80674),
+ B = n(5419).get,
+ k = n(39173),
+ g = n(35688),
+ l = b('native-string-replace', String.prototype.replace),
+ c = RegExp.prototype.exec,
+ m = c,
+ i = a(''.charAt),
+ u = a(''.indexOf),
+ s = a(''.replace),
+ d = a(''.slice),
+ v = (function () {
+ var N = /a/,
+ V = /b*/g;
+ return e(c, N, 'a'), e(c, V, 'a'), N.lastIndex !== 0 || V.lastIndex !== 0;
+ })(),
+ C = /()??/.exec('')[1] !== void 0,
+ p = v || C || h || k || g;
+ p &&
+ (m = (function () {
+ function N(V) {
+ var S = this,
+ I = B(S),
+ L = t(V),
+ w = I.raw,
+ A,
+ x,
+ E,
+ P,
+ D,
+ M,
+ R;
+ if (w) return (w.lastIndex = S.lastIndex), (A = e(m, w, L)), (S.lastIndex = w.lastIndex), A;
+ var O = I.groups,
+ F = h && S.sticky,
+ _ = e(o, S),
+ U = S.source,
+ z = 0,
+ $ = L;
+ if (
+ (F &&
+ ((_ = s(_, 'y', '')),
+ u(_, 'g') === -1 && (_ += 'g'),
+ ($ = d(L, S.lastIndex)),
+ S.lastIndex > 0 &&
+ (!S.multiline || (S.multiline && i(L, S.lastIndex - 1) !== '\n')) &&
+ ((U = '(?: ' + U + ')'), ($ = ' ' + $), z++),
+ (x = new RegExp('^(?:' + U + ')', _))),
+ C && (x = new RegExp('^' + U + '$(?!\\s)', _)),
+ v && (E = S.lastIndex),
+ (P = e(c, F ? x : S, $)),
+ F
+ ? P
+ ? ((P.input = d(P.input, z)),
+ (P[0] = d(P[0], z)),
+ (P.index = S.lastIndex),
+ (S.lastIndex += P[0].length))
+ : (S.lastIndex = 0)
+ : v && P && (S.lastIndex = S.global ? P.index + P[0].length : E),
+ C &&
+ P &&
+ P.length > 1 &&
+ e(l, P[0], x, function () {
+ for (D = 1; D < arguments.length - 2; D++) arguments[D] === void 0 && (P[D] = void 0);
+ }),
+ P && O)
+ )
+ for (P.groups = M = y(null), D = 0; D < O.length; D++) (R = O[D]), (M[R[0]] = P[R[1]]);
+ return P;
+ }
+ return N;
+ })()),
+ (T.exports = m);
+ },
+ 70901: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(30365);
+ T.exports = function () {
+ var a = e(this),
+ t = '';
+ return (
+ a.hasIndices && (t += 'd'),
+ a.global && (t += 'g'),
+ a.ignoreCase && (t += 'i'),
+ a.multiline && (t += 'm'),
+ a.dotAll && (t += 's'),
+ a.unicode && (t += 'u'),
+ a.unicodeSets && (t += 'v'),
+ a.sticky && (t += 'y'),
+ t
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 73392: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(45299),
+ t = n(21287),
+ o = n(70901),
+ f = RegExp.prototype;
+ T.exports = function (b) {
+ var y = b.flags;
+ return y === void 0 && !('flags' in f) && !a(b, 'flags') && t(f, b) ? e(o, b) : y;
+ };
+ },
+ 62115: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = a.RegExp,
+ o = e(function () {
+ var y = t('a', 'y');
+ return (y.lastIndex = 2), y.exec('abcd') !== null;
+ }),
+ f =
+ o ||
+ e(function () {
+ return !t('a', 'y').sticky;
+ }),
+ b =
+ o ||
+ e(function () {
+ var y = t('^r', 'gy');
+ return (y.lastIndex = 2), y.exec('str') !== null;
+ });
+ },
+ 39173: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = a.RegExp;
+ T.exports = e(function () {
+ var o = t('.', 's');
+ return !(o.dotAll && o.test('\n') && o.flags === 's');
+ });
+ },
+ 35688: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = a.RegExp;
+ T.exports = e(function () {
+ var o = t('(?b)', 'g');
+ return o.exec('b').groups.a !== 'b' || 'b'.replace(o, '$c') !== 'bc';
+ });
+ },
+ 16952: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(42871),
+ a = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ if (e(t)) throw new a("Can't call method on " + t);
+ return t;
+ };
+ },
+ 44915: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
+ T.exports = function (o) {
+ if (!a) return e[o];
+ var f = t(e, o);
+ return f && f.value;
+ };
+ },
+ 5700: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports =
+ Object.is ||
+ (function () {
+ function r(n, e) {
+ return n === e ? n !== 0 || 1 / n === 1 / e : n !== n && e !== e;
+ }
+ return r;
+ })();
+ },
+ 78362: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(61267),
+ t = n(55747),
+ o = n(49197),
+ f = n(63318),
+ b = n(54602),
+ y = n(24986),
+ B = e.Function,
+ k =
+ /MSIE .\./.test(f) ||
+ (o &&
+ (function () {
+ var g = e.Bun.version.split('.');
+ return g.length < 3 || (g[0] === '0' && (g[1] < 3 || (g[1] === '3' && g[2] === '0')));
+ })());
+ T.exports = function (g, l) {
+ var c = l ? 2 : 1;
+ return k
+ ? function (m, i) {
+ var u = y(arguments.length, 1) > c,
+ s = t(m) ? m : B(m),
+ d = u ? b(arguments, c) : [],
+ v = u
+ ? function () {
+ a(s, this, d);
+ }
+ : s;
+ return l ? g(v, i) : g(v);
+ }
+ : g;
+ };
+ },
+ 58491: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4009),
+ a = n(73936),
+ t = n(24697),
+ o = n(58310),
+ f = t('species');
+ T.exports = function (b) {
+ var y = e(b);
+ o &&
+ y &&
+ !y[f] &&
+ a(y, f, {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function B() {
+ return this;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 84925: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74595).f,
+ a = n(45299),
+ t = n(24697),
+ o = t('toStringTag');
+ T.exports = function (f, b, y) {
+ f && !y && (f = f.prototype), f && !a(f, o) && e(f, o, { configurable: !0, value: b });
+ };
+ },
+ 19417: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(16639),
+ a = n(16738),
+ t = e('keys');
+ T.exports = function (o) {
+ return t[o] || (t[o] = a(o));
+ };
+ },
+ 40095: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4493),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(18231),
+ o = '__core-js_shared__',
+ f = (T.exports = a[o] || t(o, {}));
+ (f.versions || (f.versions = [])).push({
+ version: '3.37.1',
+ mode: e ? 'pure' : 'global',
+ copyright: '\xA9 2014-2024 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)',
+ license: 'https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/v3.37.1/LICENSE',
+ source: 'https://github.com/zloirock/core-js',
+ });
+ },
+ 16639: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40095);
+ T.exports = function (a, t) {
+ return e[a] || (e[a] = t || {});
+ };
+ },
+ 28987: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(30365),
+ a = n(32606),
+ t = n(42871),
+ o = n(24697),
+ f = o('species');
+ T.exports = function (b, y) {
+ var B = e(b).constructor,
+ k;
+ return B === void 0 || t((k = e(B)[f])) ? y : a(k);
+ };
+ },
+ 88539: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(40033);
+ T.exports = function (a) {
+ return e(function () {
+ var t = ''[a]('"');
+ return t !== t.toLowerCase() || t.split('"').length > 3;
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 50233: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(61365),
+ t = n(12605),
+ o = n(16952),
+ f = e(''.charAt),
+ b = e(''.charCodeAt),
+ y = e(''.slice),
+ B = function (g) {
+ return function (l, c) {
+ var m = t(o(l)),
+ i = a(c),
+ u = m.length,
+ s,
+ d;
+ return i < 0 || i >= u
+ ? g
+ ? ''
+ : void 0
+ : ((s = b(m, i)),
+ s < 55296 || s > 56319 || i + 1 === u || (d = b(m, i + 1)) < 56320 || d > 57343
+ ? g
+ ? f(m, i)
+ : s
+ : g
+ ? y(m, i, i + 2)
+ : ((s - 55296) << 10) + (d - 56320) + 65536);
+ };
+ };
+ T.exports = { codeAt: B(!1), charAt: B(!0) };
+ },
+ 34125: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63318);
+ T.exports = /Version\/10(?:\.\d+){1,2}(?: [\w./]+)?(?: Mobile\/\w+)? Safari\//.test(e);
+ },
+ 24051: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(10188),
+ t = n(12605),
+ o = n(62443),
+ f = n(16952),
+ b = e(o),
+ y = e(''.slice),
+ B = Math.ceil,
+ k = function (l) {
+ return function (c, m, i) {
+ var u = t(f(c)),
+ s = a(m),
+ d = u.length,
+ v = i === void 0 ? ' ' : t(i),
+ h,
+ C;
+ return s <= d || v === ''
+ ? u
+ : ((h = s - d), (C = b(v, B(h / v.length))), C.length > h && (C = y(C, 0, h)), l ? u + C : C + u);
+ };
+ };
+ T.exports = { start: k(!1), end: k(!0) };
+ },
+ 62443: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(61365),
+ a = n(12605),
+ t = n(16952),
+ o = RangeError;
+ T.exports = (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ var y = a(t(this)),
+ B = '',
+ k = e(b);
+ if (k < 0 || k === 1 / 0) throw new o('Wrong number of repetitions');
+ for (; k > 0; (k >>>= 1) && (y += y)) k & 1 && (B += y);
+ return B;
+ }
+ return f;
+ })();
+ },
+ 43476: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(92648).end,
+ a = n(90012);
+ T.exports = a('trimEnd')
+ ? (function () {
+ function t() {
+ return e(this);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })()
+ : ''.trimEnd;
+ },
+ 90012: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(70520).PROPER,
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(4198),
+ o = '\u200B\x85\u180E';
+ T.exports = function (f) {
+ return a(function () {
+ return !!t[f]() || o[f]() !== o || (e && t[f].name !== f);
+ });
+ };
+ },
+ 43885: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(92648).start,
+ a = n(90012);
+ T.exports = a('trimStart')
+ ? (function () {
+ function t() {
+ return e(this);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })()
+ : ''.trimStart;
+ },
+ 92648: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(16952),
+ t = n(12605),
+ o = n(4198),
+ f = e(''.replace),
+ b = RegExp('^[' + o + ']+'),
+ y = RegExp('(^|[^' + o + '])[' + o + ']+$'),
+ B = function (g) {
+ return function (l) {
+ var c = t(a(l));
+ return g & 1 && (c = f(c, b, '')), g & 2 && (c = f(c, y, '$1')), c;
+ };
+ };
+ T.exports = { start: B(1), end: B(2), trim: B(3) };
+ },
+ 52357: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(5026),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(74685),
+ o = t.String;
+ T.exports =
+ !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols &&
+ !a(function () {
+ var f = Symbol('symbol detection');
+ return !o(f) || !(Object(f) instanceof Symbol) || (!Symbol.sham && e && e < 41);
+ });
+ },
+ 52360: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(4009),
+ t = n(24697),
+ o = n(55938);
+ T.exports = function () {
+ var f = a('Symbol'),
+ b = f && f.prototype,
+ y = b && b.valueOf,
+ B = t('toPrimitive');
+ b &&
+ !b[B] &&
+ o(
+ b,
+ B,
+ function (k) {
+ return e(y, this);
+ },
+ { arity: 1 }
+ );
+ };
+ },
+ 66570: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(52357);
+ T.exports = e && !!Symbol.for && !!Symbol.keyFor;
+ },
+ 60375: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(61267),
+ t = n(75754),
+ o = n(55747),
+ f = n(45299),
+ b = n(40033),
+ y = n(5315),
+ B = n(54602),
+ k = n(12689),
+ g = n(24986),
+ l = n(83433),
+ c = n(81702),
+ m = e.setImmediate,
+ i = e.clearImmediate,
+ u = e.process,
+ s = e.Dispatch,
+ d = e.Function,
+ v = e.MessageChannel,
+ h = e.String,
+ C = 0,
+ p = {},
+ N = 'onreadystatechange',
+ V,
+ S,
+ I,
+ L;
+ b(function () {
+ V = e.location;
+ });
+ var w = function (D) {
+ if (f(p, D)) {
+ var M = p[D];
+ delete p[D], M();
+ }
+ },
+ A = function (D) {
+ return function () {
+ w(D);
+ };
+ },
+ x = function (D) {
+ w(D.data);
+ },
+ E = function (D) {
+ e.postMessage(h(D), V.protocol + '//' + V.host);
+ };
+ (!m || !i) &&
+ ((m = (function () {
+ function P(D) {
+ g(arguments.length, 1);
+ var M = o(D) ? D : d(D),
+ R = B(arguments, 1);
+ return (
+ (p[++C] = function () {
+ a(M, void 0, R);
+ }),
+ S(C),
+ C
+ );
+ }
+ return P;
+ })()),
+ (i = (function () {
+ function P(D) {
+ delete p[D];
+ }
+ return P;
+ })()),
+ c
+ ? (S = function (D) {
+ u.nextTick(A(D));
+ })
+ : s && s.now
+ ? (S = function (D) {
+ s.now(A(D));
+ })
+ : v && !l
+ ? ((I = new v()), (L = I.port2), (I.port1.onmessage = x), (S = t(L.postMessage, L)))
+ : e.addEventListener && o(e.postMessage) && !e.importScripts && V && V.protocol !== 'file:' && !b(E)
+ ? ((S = E), e.addEventListener('message', x, !1))
+ : N in k('script')
+ ? (S = function (D) {
+ y.appendChild(k('script'))[N] = function () {
+ y.removeChild(this), w(D);
+ };
+ })
+ : (S = function (D) {
+ setTimeout(A(D), 0);
+ })),
+ (T.exports = { set: m, clear: i });
+ },
+ 46438: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250);
+ T.exports = e((1).valueOf);
+ },
+ 13912: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(61365),
+ a = Math.max,
+ t = Math.min;
+ T.exports = function (o, f) {
+ var b = e(o);
+ return b < 0 ? a(b + f, 0) : t(b, f);
+ };
+ },
+ 61484: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(24843),
+ a = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ var o = e(t, 'number');
+ if (typeof o == 'number') throw new a("Can't convert number to bigint");
+ return BigInt(o);
+ };
+ },
+ 43806: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(61365),
+ a = n(10188),
+ t = RangeError;
+ T.exports = function (o) {
+ if (o === void 0) return 0;
+ var f = e(o),
+ b = a(f);
+ if (f !== b) throw new t('Wrong length or index');
+ return b;
+ };
+ },
+ 57591: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(37457),
+ a = n(16952);
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ return e(a(t));
+ };
+ },
+ 61365: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(21119);
+ T.exports = function (a) {
+ var t = +a;
+ return t !== t || t === 0 ? 0 : e(t);
+ };
+ },
+ 10188: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(61365),
+ a = Math.min;
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ var o = e(t);
+ return o > 0 ? a(o, 9007199254740991) : 0;
+ };
+ },
+ 46771: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(16952),
+ a = Object;
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ return a(e(t));
+ };
+ },
+ 56043: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(16140),
+ a = RangeError;
+ T.exports = function (t, o) {
+ var f = e(t);
+ if (f % o) throw new a('Wrong offset');
+ return f;
+ };
+ },
+ 16140: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(61365),
+ a = RangeError;
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ var o = e(t);
+ if (o < 0) throw new a("The argument can't be less than 0");
+ return o;
+ };
+ },
+ 24843: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(77568),
+ t = n(71399),
+ o = n(78060),
+ f = n(13396),
+ b = n(24697),
+ y = TypeError,
+ B = b('toPrimitive');
+ T.exports = function (k, g) {
+ if (!a(k) || t(k)) return k;
+ var l = o(k, B),
+ c;
+ if (l) {
+ if ((g === void 0 && (g = 'default'), (c = e(l, k, g)), !a(c) || t(c))) return c;
+ throw new y("Can't convert object to primitive value");
+ }
+ return g === void 0 && (g = 'number'), f(k, g);
+ };
+ },
+ 767: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(24843),
+ a = n(71399);
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ var o = e(t, 'string');
+ return a(o) ? o : o + '';
+ };
+ },
+ 2650: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(24697),
+ a = e('toStringTag'),
+ t = {};
+ (t[a] = 'z'), (T.exports = String(t) === '[object z]');
+ },
+ 12605: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(2281),
+ a = String;
+ T.exports = function (t) {
+ if (e(t) === 'Symbol') throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string');
+ return a(t);
+ };
+ },
+ 15409: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = Math.round;
+ T.exports = function (n) {
+ var e = r(n);
+ return e < 0 ? 0 : e > 255 ? 255 : e & 255;
+ };
+ },
+ 89393: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = String;
+ T.exports = function (n) {
+ try {
+ return r(n);
+ } catch (e) {
+ return 'Object';
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ 80185: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(91495),
+ o = n(58310),
+ f = n(86563),
+ b = n(4246),
+ y = n(37336),
+ B = n(60077),
+ k = n(87458),
+ g = n(37909),
+ l = n(5841),
+ c = n(10188),
+ m = n(43806),
+ i = n(56043),
+ u = n(15409),
+ s = n(767),
+ d = n(45299),
+ v = n(2281),
+ h = n(77568),
+ C = n(71399),
+ p = n(80674),
+ N = n(21287),
+ V = n(76649),
+ S = n(37310).f,
+ I = n(3805),
+ L = n(22603).forEach,
+ w = n(58491),
+ A = n(73936),
+ x = n(74595),
+ E = n(27193),
+ P = n(78008),
+ D = n(5419),
+ M = n(5781),
+ R = D.get,
+ O = D.set,
+ F = D.enforce,
+ _ = x.f,
+ U = E.f,
+ z = a.RangeError,
+ $ = y.ArrayBuffer,
+ G = $.prototype,
+ X = y.DataView,
+ ie = b.TypedArray,
+ me = b.TypedArrayPrototype,
+ q = b.isTypedArray,
+ ae = 'Wrong length',
+ le = function (ce, Ve) {
+ A(ce, Ve, {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function Ce() {
+ return R(this)[Ve];
+ }
+ return Ce;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ Z = function (ce) {
+ var Ve;
+ return N(G, ce) || (Ve = v(ce)) === 'ArrayBuffer' || Ve === 'SharedArrayBuffer';
+ },
+ ne = function (ce, Ve) {
+ return q(ce) && !C(Ve) && Ve in ce && l(+Ve) && Ve >= 0;
+ },
+ te = (function () {
+ function pe(ce, Ve) {
+ return (Ve = s(Ve)), ne(ce, Ve) ? k(2, ce[Ve]) : U(ce, Ve);
+ }
+ return pe;
+ })(),
+ fe = (function () {
+ function pe(ce, Ve, Ce) {
+ return (
+ (Ve = s(Ve)),
+ ne(ce, Ve) &&
+ h(Ce) &&
+ d(Ce, 'value') &&
+ !d(Ce, 'get') &&
+ !d(Ce, 'set') &&
+ !Ce.configurable &&
+ (!d(Ce, 'writable') || Ce.writable) &&
+ (!d(Ce, 'enumerable') || Ce.enumerable)
+ ? ((ce[Ve] = Ce.value), ce)
+ : _(ce, Ve, Ce)
+ );
+ }
+ return pe;
+ })();
+ o
+ ? (J ||
+ ((E.f = te),
+ (x.f = fe),
+ le(me, 'buffer'),
+ le(me, 'byteOffset'),
+ le(me, 'byteLength'),
+ le(me, 'length')),
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !J }, { getOwnPropertyDescriptor: te, defineProperty: fe }),
+ (T.exports = function (pe, ce, Ve) {
+ var Ce = pe.match(/\d+/)[0] / 8,
+ Ne = pe + (Ve ? 'Clamped' : '') + 'Array',
+ Be = 'get' + pe,
+ be = 'set' + pe,
+ Le = a[Ne],
+ we = Le,
+ xe = we && we.prototype,
+ Re = {},
+ He = function (ve, Se) {
+ var Pe = R(ve);
+ return Pe.view[Be](Se * Ce + Pe.byteOffset, !0);
+ },
+ ye = function (ve, Se, Pe) {
+ var je = R(ve);
+ je.view[be](Se * Ce + je.byteOffset, Ve ? u(Pe) : Pe, !0);
+ },
+ de = function (ve, Se) {
+ _(ve, Se, {
+ get: (function () {
+ function Pe() {
+ return He(this, Se);
+ }
+ return Pe;
+ })(),
+ set: (function () {
+ function Pe(je) {
+ return ye(this, Se, je);
+ }
+ return Pe;
+ })(),
+ enumerable: !0,
+ });
+ };
+ J
+ ? f &&
+ ((we = ce(function (ke, ve, Se, Pe) {
+ return (
+ B(ke, xe),
+ M(
+ (function () {
+ return h(ve)
+ ? Z(ve)
+ ? Pe !== void 0
+ ? new Le(ve, i(Se, Ce), Pe)
+ : Se !== void 0
+ ? new Le(ve, i(Se, Ce))
+ : new Le(ve)
+ : q(ve)
+ ? P(we, ve)
+ : t(I, we, ve)
+ : new Le(m(ve));
+ })(),
+ ke,
+ we
+ )
+ );
+ })),
+ V && V(we, ie),
+ L(S(Le), function (ke) {
+ ke in we || g(we, ke, Le[ke]);
+ }),
+ (we.prototype = xe))
+ : ((we = ce(function (ke, ve, Se, Pe) {
+ B(ke, xe);
+ var je = 0,
+ Fe = 0,
+ ze,
+ We,
+ Ue;
+ if (!h(ve)) (Ue = m(ve)), (We = Ue * Ce), (ze = new $(We));
+ else if (Z(ve)) {
+ (ze = ve), (Fe = i(Se, Ce));
+ var Xe = ve.byteLength;
+ if (Pe === void 0) {
+ if (Xe % Ce) throw new z(ae);
+ if (((We = Xe - Fe), We < 0)) throw new z(ae);
+ } else if (((We = c(Pe) * Ce), We + Fe > Xe)) throw new z(ae);
+ Ue = We / Ce;
+ } else return q(ve) ? P(we, ve) : t(I, we, ve);
+ for (
+ O(ke, { buffer: ze, byteOffset: Fe, byteLength: We, length: Ue, view: new X(ze) });
+ je < Ue;
+ )
+ de(ke, je++);
+ })),
+ V && V(we, ie),
+ (xe = we.prototype = p(me))),
+ xe.constructor !== we && g(xe, 'constructor', we),
+ (F(xe).TypedArrayConstructor = we),
+ se && g(xe, se, Ne);
+ var he = we !== Le;
+ (Re[Ne] = we),
+ e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, forced: he, sham: !J }, Re),
+ re in we || g(we, re, Ce),
+ re in xe || g(xe, re, Ce),
+ w(Ne);
+ }))
+ : (T.exports = function () {});
+ },
+ 86563: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(92490),
+ f = e.ArrayBuffer,
+ b = e.Int8Array;
+ T.exports =
+ !o ||
+ !a(function () {
+ b(1);
+ }) ||
+ !a(function () {
+ new b(-1);
+ }) ||
+ !t(function (y) {
+ new b(), new b(null), new b(1.5), new b(y);
+ }, !0) ||
+ a(function () {
+ return new b(new f(2), 1, void 0).length !== 1;
+ });
+ },
+ 45399: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(78008),
+ a = n(31082);
+ T.exports = function (t, o) {
+ return e(a(t), o);
+ };
+ },
+ 3805: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(75754),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(32606),
+ o = n(46771),
+ f = n(24760),
+ b = n(77455),
+ y = n(59201),
+ B = n(76571),
+ k = n(40221),
+ g = n(4246).aTypedArrayConstructor,
+ l = n(61484);
+ T.exports = (function () {
+ function c(m) {
+ var i = t(this),
+ u = o(m),
+ s = arguments.length,
+ d = s > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0,
+ v = d !== void 0,
+ h = y(u),
+ C,
+ p,
+ N,
+ V,
+ S,
+ I,
+ L,
+ w;
+ if (h && !B(h)) for (L = b(u, h), w = L.next, u = []; !(I = a(w, L)).done; ) u.push(I.value);
+ for (v && s > 2 && (d = e(d, arguments[2])), p = f(u), N = new (g(i))(p), V = k(N), C = 0; p > C; C++)
+ (S = v ? d(u[C], C) : u[C]), (N[C] = V ? l(S) : +S);
+ return N;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })();
+ },
+ 31082: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(28987),
+ t = e.aTypedArrayConstructor,
+ o = e.getTypedArrayConstructor;
+ T.exports = function (f) {
+ return t(a(f, o(f)));
+ };
+ },
+ 16738: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = 0,
+ t = Math.random(),
+ o = e((1).toString);
+ T.exports = function (f) {
+ return 'Symbol(' + (f === void 0 ? '' : f) + ')_' + o(++a + t, 36);
+ };
+ },
+ 1062: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(52357);
+ T.exports = e && !Symbol.sham && typeof Symbol.iterator == 'symbol';
+ },
+ 80944: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(40033);
+ T.exports =
+ e &&
+ a(function () {
+ return Object.defineProperty(function () {}, 'prototype', { value: 42, writable: !1 }).prototype !== 42;
+ });
+ },
+ 24986: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var r = TypeError;
+ T.exports = function (n, e) {
+ if (n < e) throw new r('Not enough arguments');
+ return n;
+ };
+ },
+ 21820: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(55747),
+ t = e.WeakMap;
+ T.exports = a(t) && /native code/.test(String(t));
+ },
+ 85889: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(61765),
+ a = n(45299),
+ t = n(55557),
+ o = n(74595).f;
+ T.exports = function (f) {
+ var b = e.Symbol || (e.Symbol = {});
+ a(b, f) || o(b, f, { value: t.f(f) });
+ };
+ },
+ 55557: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(24697);
+ r.f = e;
+ },
+ 24697: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(16639),
+ t = n(45299),
+ o = n(16738),
+ f = n(52357),
+ b = n(1062),
+ y = e.Symbol,
+ B = a('wks'),
+ k = b ? y.for || y : (y && y.withoutSetter) || o;
+ T.exports = function (g) {
+ return t(B, g) || (B[g] = f && t(y, g) ? y[g] : k('Symbol.' + g)), B[g];
+ };
+ },
+ 4198: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ T.exports =
+ ' \n\v\f\r \xA0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF';
+ },
+ 75621: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(37336),
+ o = n(58491),
+ f = 'ArrayBuffer',
+ b = t[f],
+ y = a[f];
+ e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, forced: y !== b }, { ArrayBuffer: b }), o(f);
+ },
+ 26267: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(4246),
+ e({ target: 'ArrayBuffer', stat: !0, forced: !t }, { isView: a.isView });
+ },
+ 50095: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(71138),
+ t = n(40033),
+ o = n(37336),
+ f = n(30365),
+ b = n(13912),
+ y = n(10188),
+ B = n(28987),
+ k = o.ArrayBuffer,
+ g = o.DataView,
+ l = g.prototype,
+ c = a(k.prototype.slice),
+ m = a(l.getUint8),
+ i = a(l.setUint8),
+ u = t(function () {
+ return !new k(2).slice(1, void 0).byteLength;
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'ArrayBuffer', proto: !0, unsafe: !0, forced: u },
+ {
+ slice: (function () {
+ function s(d, v) {
+ if (c && v === void 0) return c(f(this), d);
+ for (
+ var h = f(this).byteLength,
+ C = b(d, h),
+ p = b(v === void 0 ? h : v, h),
+ N = new (B(this, k))(y(p - C)),
+ V = new g(this),
+ S = new g(N),
+ I = 0;
+ C < p;
+ )
+ i(S, I++, m(V, C++));
+ return N;
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 39600: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(37386),
+ o = n(77568),
+ f = n(46771),
+ b = n(24760),
+ y = n(21291),
+ B = n(60102),
+ k = n(57823),
+ g = n(44091),
+ l = n(24697),
+ c = n(5026),
+ m = l('isConcatSpreadable'),
+ i =
+ c >= 51 ||
+ !a(function () {
+ var d = [];
+ return (d[m] = !1), d.concat()[0] !== d;
+ }),
+ u = function (v) {
+ if (!o(v)) return !1;
+ var h = v[m];
+ return h !== void 0 ? !!h : t(v);
+ },
+ s = !i || !g('concat');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, arity: 1, forced: s },
+ {
+ concat: (function () {
+ function d(v) {
+ var h = f(this),
+ C = k(h, 0),
+ p = 0,
+ N,
+ V,
+ S,
+ I,
+ L;
+ for (N = -1, S = arguments.length; N < S; N++)
+ if (((L = N === -1 ? h : arguments[N]), u(L)))
+ for (I = b(L), y(p + I), V = 0; V < I; V++, p++) V in L && B(C, p, L[V]);
+ else y(p + 1), B(C, p++, L);
+ return (C.length = p), C;
+ }
+ return d;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 93237: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(71447),
+ t = n(80575);
+ e({ target: 'Array', proto: !0 }, { copyWithin: a }), t('copyWithin');
+ },
+ 32057: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(22603).every,
+ t = n(55528),
+ o = t('every');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !o },
+ {
+ every: (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return a(this, b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 68933: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(88471),
+ t = n(80575);
+ e({ target: 'Array', proto: !0 }, { fill: a }), t('fill');
+ },
+ 47830: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(22603).filter,
+ t = n(44091),
+ o = t('filter');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !o },
+ {
+ filter: (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return a(this, b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 64094: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(22603).findIndex,
+ t = n(80575),
+ o = 'findIndex',
+ f = !0;
+ o in [] &&
+ Array(1)[o](function () {
+ f = !1;
+ }),
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: f },
+ {
+ findIndex: (function () {
+ function b(y) {
+ return a(this, y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }
+ ),
+ t(o);
+ },
+ 13455: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(22603).find,
+ t = n(80575),
+ o = 'find',
+ f = !0;
+ o in [] &&
+ Array(1)[o](function () {
+ f = !1;
+ }),
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: f },
+ {
+ find: (function () {
+ function b(y) {
+ return a(this, y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }
+ ),
+ t(o);
+ },
+ 32384: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(65561),
+ t = n(10320),
+ o = n(46771),
+ f = n(24760),
+ b = n(57823);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0 },
+ {
+ flatMap: (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ var k = o(this),
+ g = f(k),
+ l;
+ return (
+ t(B),
+ (l = b(k, 0)),
+ (l.length = a(l, k, k, g, 0, 1, B, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0)),
+ l
+ );
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 61915: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(65561),
+ t = n(46771),
+ o = n(24760),
+ f = n(61365),
+ b = n(57823);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0 },
+ {
+ flat: (function () {
+ function y() {
+ var B = arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0,
+ k = t(this),
+ g = o(k),
+ l = b(k, 0);
+ return (l.length = a(l, k, k, g, 0, B === void 0 ? 1 : f(B))), l;
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 25579: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(35601);
+ e({ target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: [].forEach !== a }, { forEach: a });
+ },
+ 63532: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(73174),
+ t = n(92490),
+ o = !t(function (f) {
+ Array.from(f);
+ });
+ e({ target: 'Array', stat: !0, forced: o }, { from: a });
+ },
+ 33425: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(14211).includes,
+ t = n(40033),
+ o = n(80575),
+ f = t(function () {
+ return !Array(1).includes();
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: f },
+ {
+ includes: (function () {
+ function b(y) {
+ return a(this, y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }
+ ),
+ o('includes');
+ },
+ 43894: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(71138),
+ t = n(14211).indexOf,
+ o = n(55528),
+ f = a([].indexOf),
+ b = !!f && 1 / f([1], 1, -0) < 0,
+ y = b || !o('indexOf');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: y },
+ {
+ indexOf: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
+ return b ? f(this, k, g) || 0 : t(this, k, g);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 99636: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(37386);
+ e({ target: 'Array', stat: !0 }, { isArray: a });
+ },
+ 34570: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(57591),
+ a = n(80575),
+ t = n(83967),
+ o = n(5419),
+ f = n(74595).f,
+ b = n(65574),
+ y = n(5959),
+ B = n(4493),
+ k = n(58310),
+ g = 'Array Iterator',
+ l = o.set,
+ c = o.getterFor(g);
+ T.exports = b(
+ Array,
+ 'Array',
+ function (i, u) {
+ l(this, { type: g, target: e(i), index: 0, kind: u });
+ },
+ function () {
+ var i = c(this),
+ u = i.target,
+ s = i.index++;
+ if (!u || s >= u.length) return (i.target = void 0), y(void 0, !0);
+ switch (i.kind) {
+ case 'keys':
+ return y(s, !1);
+ case 'values':
+ return y(u[s], !1);
+ }
+ return y([s, u[s]], !1);
+ },
+ 'values'
+ );
+ var m = (t.Arguments = t.Array);
+ if ((a('keys'), a('values'), a('entries'), !B && k && m.name !== 'values'))
+ try {
+ f(m, 'name', { value: 'values' });
+ } catch (i) {}
+ },
+ 94432: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(37457),
+ o = n(57591),
+ f = n(55528),
+ b = a([].join),
+ y = t !== Object,
+ B = y || !f('join', ',');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: B },
+ {
+ join: (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ return b(o(this), g === void 0 ? ',' : g);
+ }
+ return k;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 24683: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(1325);
+ e({ target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: a !== [].lastIndexOf }, { lastIndexOf: a });
+ },
+ 69984: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(22603).map,
+ t = n(44091),
+ o = t('map');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !o },
+ {
+ map: (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return a(this, b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 32089: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(1031),
+ o = n(60102),
+ f = Array,
+ b = a(function () {
+ function y() {}
+ return !(f.of.call(y) instanceof y);
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', stat: !0, forced: b },
+ {
+ of: (function () {
+ function y() {
+ for (var B = 0, k = arguments.length, g = new (t(this) ? this : f)(k); k > B; )
+ o(g, B, arguments[B++]);
+ return (g.length = k), g;
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 29645: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(56844).right,
+ t = n(55528),
+ o = n(5026),
+ f = n(81702),
+ b = !f && o > 79 && o < 83,
+ y = b || !t('reduceRight');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: y },
+ {
+ reduceRight: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return a(this, k, arguments.length, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 60206: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(56844).left,
+ t = n(55528),
+ o = n(5026),
+ f = n(81702),
+ b = !f && o > 79 && o < 83,
+ y = b || !t('reduce');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: y },
+ {
+ reduce: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = arguments.length;
+ return a(this, k, g, g > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 4788: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(37386),
+ o = a([].reverse),
+ f = [1, 2];
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: String(f) === String(f.reverse()) },
+ {
+ reverse: (function () {
+ function b() {
+ return t(this) && (this.length = this.length), o(this);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 58672: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(37386),
+ t = n(1031),
+ o = n(77568),
+ f = n(13912),
+ b = n(24760),
+ y = n(57591),
+ B = n(60102),
+ k = n(24697),
+ g = n(44091),
+ l = n(54602),
+ c = g('slice'),
+ m = k('species'),
+ i = Array,
+ u = Math.max;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !c },
+ {
+ slice: (function () {
+ function s(d, v) {
+ var h = y(this),
+ C = b(h),
+ p = f(d, C),
+ N = f(v === void 0 ? C : v, C),
+ V,
+ S,
+ I;
+ if (
+ a(h) &&
+ ((V = h.constructor),
+ t(V) && (V === i || a(V.prototype))
+ ? (V = void 0)
+ : o(V) && ((V = V[m]), V === null && (V = void 0)),
+ V === i || V === void 0)
+ )
+ return l(h, p, N);
+ for (S = new (V === void 0 ? i : V)(u(N - p, 0)), I = 0; p < N; p++, I++) p in h && B(S, I, h[p]);
+ return (S.length = I), S;
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 19356: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(22603).some,
+ t = n(55528),
+ o = t('some');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !o },
+ {
+ some: (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return a(this, b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 48968: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(10320),
+ o = n(46771),
+ f = n(24760),
+ b = n(95108),
+ y = n(12605),
+ B = n(40033),
+ k = n(90274),
+ g = n(55528),
+ l = n(652),
+ c = n(19228),
+ m = n(5026),
+ i = n(9342),
+ u = [],
+ s = a(u.sort),
+ d = a(u.push),
+ v = B(function () {
+ u.sort(void 0);
+ }),
+ h = B(function () {
+ u.sort(null);
+ }),
+ C = g('sort'),
+ p = !B(function () {
+ if (m) return m < 70;
+ if (!(l && l > 3)) {
+ if (c) return !0;
+ if (i) return i < 603;
+ var S = '',
+ I,
+ L,
+ w,
+ A;
+ for (I = 65; I < 76; I++) {
+ switch (((L = String.fromCharCode(I)), I)) {
+ case 66:
+ case 69:
+ case 70:
+ case 72:
+ w = 3;
+ break;
+ case 68:
+ case 71:
+ w = 4;
+ break;
+ default:
+ w = 2;
+ }
+ for (A = 0; A < 47; A++) u.push({ k: L + A, v: w });
+ }
+ for (
+ u.sort(function (x, E) {
+ return E.v - x.v;
+ }),
+ A = 0;
+ A < u.length;
+ A++
+ )
+ (L = u[A].k.charAt(0)), S.charAt(S.length - 1) !== L && (S += L);
+ return S !== 'DGBEFHACIJK';
+ }
+ }),
+ N = v || !h || !C || !p,
+ V = function (I) {
+ return function (L, w) {
+ return w === void 0 ? -1 : L === void 0 ? 1 : I !== void 0 ? +I(L, w) || 0 : y(L) > y(w) ? 1 : -1;
+ };
+ };
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: N },
+ {
+ sort: (function () {
+ function S(I) {
+ I !== void 0 && t(I);
+ var L = o(this);
+ if (p) return I === void 0 ? s(L) : s(L, I);
+ var w = [],
+ A = f(L),
+ x,
+ E;
+ for (E = 0; E < A; E++) E in L && d(w, L[E]);
+ for (k(w, V(I)), x = f(w), E = 0; E < x; ) L[E] = w[E++];
+ for (; E < A; ) b(L, E++);
+ return L;
+ }
+ return S;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 49852: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58491);
+ e('Array');
+ },
+ 2712: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(46771),
+ t = n(13912),
+ o = n(61365),
+ f = n(24760),
+ b = n(13345),
+ y = n(21291),
+ B = n(57823),
+ k = n(60102),
+ g = n(95108),
+ l = n(44091),
+ c = l('splice'),
+ m = Math.max,
+ i = Math.min;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !c },
+ {
+ splice: (function () {
+ function u(s, d) {
+ var v = a(this),
+ h = f(v),
+ C = t(s, h),
+ p = arguments.length,
+ N,
+ V,
+ S,
+ I,
+ L,
+ w;
+ for (
+ p === 0
+ ? (N = V = 0)
+ : p === 1
+ ? ((N = 0), (V = h - C))
+ : ((N = p - 2), (V = i(m(o(d), 0), h - C))),
+ y(h + N - V),
+ S = B(v, V),
+ I = 0;
+ I < V;
+ I++
+ )
+ (L = C + I), L in v && k(S, I, v[L]);
+ if (((S.length = V), N < V)) {
+ for (I = C; I < h - V; I++) (L = I + V), (w = I + N), L in v ? (v[w] = v[L]) : g(v, w);
+ for (I = h; I > h - V + N; I--) g(v, I - 1);
+ } else if (N > V)
+ for (I = h - V; I > C; I--) (L = I + V - 1), (w = I + N - 1), L in v ? (v[w] = v[L]) : g(v, w);
+ for (I = 0; I < N; I++) v[I + C] = arguments[I + 2];
+ return b(v, h - V + N), S;
+ }
+ return u;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 54243: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80575);
+ e('flatMap');
+ },
+ 864: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80575);
+ e('flat');
+ },
+ 21265: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(37336),
+ t = n(70377);
+ e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, forced: !t }, { DataView: a.DataView });
+ },
+ 33451: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(21265);
+ },
+ 74587: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = Date,
+ o = a(t.prototype.getTime);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Date', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ now: (function () {
+ function f() {
+ return o(new t());
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 25082: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67206);
+ e({ target: 'Date', proto: !0, forced: Date.prototype.toISOString !== a }, { toISOString: a });
+ },
+ 47421: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(46771),
+ o = n(24843),
+ f = a(function () {
+ return (
+ new Date(NaN).toJSON() !== null ||
+ Date.prototype.toJSON.call({
+ toISOString: (function () {
+ function b() {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }) !== 1
+ );
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Date', proto: !0, arity: 1, forced: f },
+ {
+ toJSON: (function () {
+ function b(y) {
+ var B = t(this),
+ k = o(B, 'number');
+ return typeof k == 'number' && !isFinite(k) ? null : B.toISOString();
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 32122: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(45299),
+ a = n(55938),
+ t = n(10886),
+ o = n(24697),
+ f = o('toPrimitive'),
+ b = Date.prototype;
+ e(b, f) || a(b, f, t);
+ },
+ 6306: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(55938),
+ t = Date.prototype,
+ o = 'Invalid Date',
+ f = 'toString',
+ b = e(t[f]),
+ y = e(t.getTime);
+ String(new Date(NaN)) !== o &&
+ a(
+ t,
+ f,
+ (function () {
+ function B() {
+ var k = y(this);
+ return k === k ? b(this) : o;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 90216: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(66284);
+ e({ target: 'Function', proto: !0, forced: Function.bind !== a }, { bind: a });
+ },
+ 84663: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(55747),
+ a = n(77568),
+ t = n(74595),
+ o = n(21287),
+ f = n(24697),
+ b = n(20001),
+ y = f('hasInstance'),
+ B = Function.prototype;
+ y in B ||
+ t.f(B, y, {
+ value: b(function (k) {
+ if (!e(this) || !a(k)) return !1;
+ var g = this.prototype;
+ return a(g) ? o(g, k) : k instanceof this;
+ }, y),
+ });
+ },
+ 92332: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(70520).EXISTS,
+ t = n(67250),
+ o = n(73936),
+ f = Function.prototype,
+ b = t(f.toString),
+ y = /function\b(?:\s|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/|\/\/[^\n\r]*[\n\r]+)*([^\s(/]*)/,
+ B = t(y.exec),
+ k = 'name';
+ e &&
+ !a &&
+ o(f, k, {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function g() {
+ try {
+ return B(y, b(this))[1];
+ } catch (l) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ return g;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ 53008: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(4009),
+ t = n(61267),
+ o = n(91495),
+ f = n(67250),
+ b = n(40033),
+ y = n(55747),
+ B = n(71399),
+ k = n(54602),
+ g = n(39447),
+ l = n(52357),
+ c = String,
+ m = a('JSON', 'stringify'),
+ i = f(/./.exec),
+ u = f(''.charAt),
+ s = f(''.charCodeAt),
+ d = f(''.replace),
+ v = f((1).toString),
+ h = /[\uD800-\uDFFF]/g,
+ C = /^[\uD800-\uDBFF]$/,
+ p = /^[\uDC00-\uDFFF]$/,
+ N =
+ !l ||
+ b(function () {
+ var L = a('Symbol')('stringify detection');
+ return m([L]) !== '[null]' || m({ a: L }) !== '{}' || m(Object(L)) !== '{}';
+ }),
+ V = b(function () {
+ return m('\uDF06\uD834') !== '"\\udf06\\ud834"' || m('\uDEAD') !== '"\\udead"';
+ }),
+ S = function (w, A) {
+ var x = k(arguments),
+ E = g(A);
+ if (!(!y(E) && (w === void 0 || B(w))))
+ return (
+ (x[1] = function (P, D) {
+ if ((y(E) && (D = o(E, this, c(P), D)), !B(D))) return D;
+ }),
+ t(m, null, x)
+ );
+ },
+ I = function (w, A, x) {
+ var E = u(x, A - 1),
+ P = u(x, A + 1);
+ return (i(C, w) && !i(p, P)) || (i(p, w) && !i(C, E)) ? '\\u' + v(s(w, 0), 16) : w;
+ };
+ m &&
+ e(
+ { target: 'JSON', stat: !0, arity: 3, forced: N || V },
+ {
+ stringify: (function () {
+ function L(w, A, x) {
+ var E = k(arguments),
+ P = t(N ? S : m, null, E);
+ return V && typeof P == 'string' ? d(P, h, I) : P;
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 98329: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(84925);
+ a(e.JSON, 'JSON', !0);
+ },
+ 7965: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(45150),
+ a = n(41028);
+ e(
+ 'Map',
+ function (t) {
+ return (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return t(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })();
+ },
+ a
+ );
+ },
+ 9631: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(7965);
+ },
+ 47091: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(90874),
+ t = Math.acosh,
+ o = Math.log,
+ f = Math.sqrt,
+ b = Math.LN2,
+ y = !t || Math.floor(t(Number.MAX_VALUE)) !== 710 || t(1 / 0) !== 1 / 0;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: y },
+ {
+ acosh: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = +k;
+ return g < 1 ? NaN : g > 9490626562425156e-8 ? o(g) + b : a(g - 1 + f(g - 1) * f(g + 1));
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 59660: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = Math.asinh,
+ t = Math.log,
+ o = Math.sqrt;
+ function f(y) {
+ var B = +y;
+ return !isFinite(B) || B === 0 ? B : B < 0 ? -f(-B) : t(B + o(B * B + 1));
+ }
+ var b = !(a && 1 / a(0) > 0);
+ e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: b }, { asinh: f });
+ },
+ 15383: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = Math.atanh,
+ t = Math.log,
+ o = !(a && 1 / a(-0) < 0);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: o },
+ {
+ atanh: (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ var y = +b;
+ return y === 0 ? y : t((1 + y) / (1 - y)) / 2;
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 92866: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(22172),
+ t = Math.abs,
+ o = Math.pow;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Math', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ cbrt: (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ var y = +b;
+ return a(y) * o(t(y), 0.3333333333333333);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 86107: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = Math.floor,
+ t = Math.log,
+ o = Math.LOG2E;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Math', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ clz32: (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ var y = b >>> 0;
+ return y ? 31 - a(t(y + 0.5) * o) : 32;
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 29248: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(82040),
+ t = Math.cosh,
+ o = Math.abs,
+ f = Math.E,
+ b = !t || t(710) === 1 / 0;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: b },
+ {
+ cosh: (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ var k = a(o(B) - 1) + 1;
+ return (k + 1 / (k * f * f)) * (f / 2);
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 52540: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(82040);
+ e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: a !== Math.expm1 }, { expm1: a });
+ },
+ 79007: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(95867);
+ e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0 }, { fround: a });
+ },
+ 77199: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = Math.hypot,
+ t = Math.abs,
+ o = Math.sqrt,
+ f = !!a && a(1 / 0, NaN) !== 1 / 0;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Math', stat: !0, arity: 2, forced: f },
+ {
+ hypot: (function () {
+ function b(y, B) {
+ for (var k = 0, g = 0, l = arguments.length, c = 0, m, i; g < l; )
+ (m = t(arguments[g++])),
+ c < m
+ ? ((i = c / m), (k = k * i * i + 1), (c = m))
+ : m > 0
+ ? ((i = m / c), (k += i * i))
+ : (k += m);
+ return c === 1 / 0 ? 1 / 0 : c * o(k);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 6522: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = Math.imul,
+ o = a(function () {
+ return t(4294967295, 5) !== -5 || t.length !== 2;
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: o },
+ {
+ imul: (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ var B = 65535,
+ k = +b,
+ g = +y,
+ l = B & k,
+ c = B & g;
+ return 0 | (l * c + ((((B & (k >>> 16)) * c + l * (B & (g >>> 16))) << 16) >>> 0));
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 95542: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(75002);
+ e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0 }, { log10: a });
+ },
+ 2966: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(90874);
+ e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0 }, { log1p: a });
+ },
+ 20997: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = Math.log,
+ t = Math.LN2;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Math', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ log2: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return a(f) / t;
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 57400: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(22172);
+ e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0 }, { sign: a });
+ },
+ 45571: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(82040),
+ o = Math.abs,
+ f = Math.exp,
+ b = Math.E,
+ y = a(function () {
+ return Math.sinh(-2e-17) !== -2e-17;
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: y },
+ {
+ sinh: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = +k;
+ return o(g) < 1 ? (t(g) - t(-g)) / 2 : (f(g - 1) - f(-g - 1)) * (b / 2);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 54800: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(82040),
+ t = Math.exp;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Math', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ tanh: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ var b = +f,
+ y = a(b),
+ B = a(-b);
+ return y === 1 / 0 ? 1 : B === 1 / 0 ? -1 : (y - B) / (t(b) + t(-b));
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 15709: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(84925);
+ e(Math, 'Math', !0);
+ },
+ 76059: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(21119);
+ e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0 }, { trunc: a });
+ },
+ 96614: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(4493),
+ t = n(58310),
+ o = n(74685),
+ f = n(61765),
+ b = n(67250),
+ y = n(41314),
+ B = n(45299),
+ k = n(5781),
+ g = n(21287),
+ l = n(71399),
+ c = n(24843),
+ m = n(40033),
+ i = n(37310).f,
+ u = n(27193).f,
+ s = n(74595).f,
+ d = n(46438),
+ v = n(92648).trim,
+ h = 'Number',
+ C = o[h],
+ p = f[h],
+ N = C.prototype,
+ V = o.TypeError,
+ S = b(''.slice),
+ I = b(''.charCodeAt),
+ L = function (M) {
+ var R = c(M, 'number');
+ return typeof R == 'bigint' ? R : w(R);
+ },
+ w = function (M) {
+ var R = c(M, 'number'),
+ O,
+ F,
+ _,
+ U,
+ z,
+ $,
+ G,
+ X;
+ if (l(R)) throw new V('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number');
+ if (typeof R == 'string' && R.length > 2) {
+ if (((R = v(R)), (O = I(R, 0)), O === 43 || O === 45)) {
+ if (((F = I(R, 2)), F === 88 || F === 120)) return NaN;
+ } else if (O === 48) {
+ switch (I(R, 1)) {
+ case 66:
+ case 98:
+ (_ = 2), (U = 49);
+ break;
+ case 79:
+ case 111:
+ (_ = 8), (U = 55);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return +R;
+ }
+ for (z = S(R, 2), $ = z.length, G = 0; G < $; G++) if (((X = I(z, G)), X < 48 || X > U)) return NaN;
+ return parseInt(z, _);
+ }
+ }
+ return +R;
+ },
+ A = y(h, !C(' 0o1') || !C('0b1') || C('+0x1')),
+ x = function (M) {
+ return (
+ g(N, M) &&
+ m(function () {
+ d(M);
+ })
+ );
+ },
+ E = (function () {
+ function D(M) {
+ var R = arguments.length < 1 ? 0 : C(L(M));
+ return x(this) ? k(Object(R), this, E) : R;
+ }
+ return D;
+ })();
+ (E.prototype = N),
+ A && !a && (N.constructor = E),
+ e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, wrap: !0, forced: A }, { Number: E });
+ var P = function (M, R) {
+ for (
+ var O = t
+ ? i(R)
+ : 'MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE,NaN,NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY,EPSILON,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,isFinite,isInteger,isNaN,isSafeInteger,parseFloat,parseInt,fromString,range'.split(
+ ','
+ ),
+ F = 0,
+ _;
+ O.length > F;
+ F++
+ )
+ B(R, (_ = O[F])) && !B(M, _) && s(M, _, u(R, _));
+ };
+ a && p && P(f[h], p), (A || a) && P(f[h], C);
+ },
+ 324: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964);
+ e({ target: 'Number', stat: !0, nonConfigurable: !0, nonWritable: !0 }, { EPSILON: Math.pow(2, -52) });
+ },
+ 90426: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(3294);
+ e({ target: 'Number', stat: !0 }, { isFinite: a });
+ },
+ 95443: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(5841);
+ e({ target: 'Number', stat: !0 }, { isInteger: a });
+ },
+ 87968: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Number', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ isNaN: (function () {
+ function a(t) {
+ return t !== t;
+ }
+ return a;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 55007: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(5841),
+ t = Math.abs;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Number', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ isSafeInteger: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return a(f) && t(f) <= 9007199254740991;
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 55323: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Number', stat: !0, nonConfigurable: !0, nonWritable: !0 },
+ { MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: 9007199254740991 }
+ );
+ },
+ 13521: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Number', stat: !0, nonConfigurable: !0, nonWritable: !0 },
+ { MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: -9007199254740991 }
+ );
+ },
+ 5006: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(28506);
+ e({ target: 'Number', stat: !0, forced: Number.parseFloat !== a }, { parseFloat: a });
+ },
+ 99009: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(13693);
+ e({ target: 'Number', stat: !0, forced: Number.parseInt !== a }, { parseInt: a });
+ },
+ 85770: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(61365),
+ o = n(46438),
+ f = n(62443),
+ b = n(40033),
+ y = RangeError,
+ B = String,
+ k = Math.floor,
+ g = a(f),
+ l = a(''.slice),
+ c = a((1).toFixed),
+ m = function h(C, p, N) {
+ return p === 0 ? N : p % 2 === 1 ? h(C, p - 1, N * C) : h(C * C, p / 2, N);
+ },
+ i = function (C) {
+ for (var p = 0, N = C; N >= 4096; ) (p += 12), (N /= 4096);
+ for (; N >= 2; ) (p += 1), (N /= 2);
+ return p;
+ },
+ u = function (C, p, N) {
+ for (var V = -1, S = N; ++V < 6; ) (S += p * C[V]), (C[V] = S % 1e7), (S = k(S / 1e7));
+ },
+ s = function (C, p) {
+ for (var N = 6, V = 0; --N >= 0; ) (V += C[N]), (C[N] = k(V / p)), (V = (V % p) * 1e7);
+ },
+ d = function (C) {
+ for (var p = 6, N = ''; --p >= 0; )
+ if (N !== '' || p === 0 || C[p] !== 0) {
+ var V = B(C[p]);
+ N = N === '' ? V : N + g('0', 7 - V.length) + V;
+ }
+ return N;
+ },
+ v =
+ b(function () {
+ return (
+ c(8e-5, 3) !== '0.000' ||
+ c(0.9, 0) !== '1' ||
+ c(1.255, 2) !== '1.25' ||
+ c(0xde0b6b3a7640080, 0) !== '1000000000000000128'
+ );
+ }) ||
+ !b(function () {
+ c({});
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Number', proto: !0, forced: v },
+ {
+ toFixed: (function () {
+ function h(C) {
+ var p = o(this),
+ N = t(C),
+ V = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ S = '',
+ I = '0',
+ L,
+ w,
+ A,
+ x;
+ if (N < 0 || N > 20) throw new y('Incorrect fraction digits');
+ if (p !== p) return 'NaN';
+ if (p <= -1e21 || p >= 1e21) return B(p);
+ if ((p < 0 && ((S = '-'), (p = -p)), p > 1e-21))
+ if (
+ ((L = i(p * m(2, 69, 1)) - 69),
+ (w = L < 0 ? p * m(2, -L, 1) : p / m(2, L, 1)),
+ (w *= 4503599627370496),
+ (L = 52 - L),
+ L > 0)
+ ) {
+ for (u(V, 0, w), A = N; A >= 7; ) u(V, 1e7, 0), (A -= 7);
+ for (u(V, m(10, A, 1), 0), A = L - 1; A >= 23; ) s(V, 8388608), (A -= 23);
+ s(V, 1 << A), u(V, 1, 1), s(V, 2), (I = d(V));
+ } else u(V, 0, w), u(V, 1 << -L, 0), (I = d(V) + g('0', N));
+ return (
+ N > 0
+ ? ((x = I.length),
+ (I = S + (x <= N ? '0.' + g('0', N - x) + I : l(I, 0, x - N) + '.' + l(I, x - N))))
+ : (I = S + I),
+ I
+ );
+ }
+ return h;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 23532: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(40033),
+ o = n(46438),
+ f = a((1).toPrecision),
+ b =
+ t(function () {
+ return f(1, void 0) !== '1';
+ }) ||
+ !t(function () {
+ f({});
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Number', proto: !0, forced: b },
+ {
+ toPrecision: (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ return B === void 0 ? f(o(this)) : f(o(this), B);
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 87119: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(41143);
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, arity: 2, forced: Object.assign !== a }, { assign: a });
+ },
+ 78618: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(80674);
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, sham: !a }, { create: t });
+ },
+ 27129: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(57377),
+ o = n(10320),
+ f = n(46771),
+ b = n(74595);
+ a &&
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', proto: !0, forced: t },
+ {
+ __defineGetter__: (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ b.f(f(this), B, { get: o(k), enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 31943: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(24239).f;
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: Object.defineProperties !== t, sham: !a }, { defineProperties: t });
+ },
+ 3579: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(74595).f;
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: Object.defineProperty !== t, sham: !a }, { defineProperty: t });
+ },
+ 97397: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(57377),
+ o = n(10320),
+ f = n(46771),
+ b = n(74595);
+ a &&
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', proto: !0, forced: t },
+ {
+ __defineSetter__: (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ b.f(f(this), B, { set: o(k), enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 });
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 85028: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(70915).entries;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ entries: (function () {
+ function t(o) {
+ return a(o);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 8225: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(50730),
+ t = n(40033),
+ o = n(77568),
+ f = n(81969).onFreeze,
+ b = Object.freeze,
+ y = t(function () {
+ b(1);
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: y, sham: !a },
+ {
+ freeze: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return b && o(k) ? b(f(k)) : k;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 43331: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(49450),
+ t = n(60102);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ fromEntries: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ var b = {};
+ return (
+ a(
+ f,
+ function (y, B) {
+ t(b, y, B);
+ },
+ { AS_ENTRIES: !0 }
+ ),
+ b
+ );
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 62289: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(57591),
+ o = n(27193).f,
+ f = n(58310),
+ b =
+ !f ||
+ a(function () {
+ o(1);
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: b, sham: !f },
+ {
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor: (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ return o(t(B), k);
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 56196: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(97921),
+ o = n(57591),
+ f = n(27193),
+ b = n(60102);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, sham: !a },
+ {
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptors: (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ for (var k = o(B), g = f.f, l = t(k), c = {}, m = 0, i, u; l.length > m; )
+ (u = g(k, (i = l[m++]))), u !== void 0 && b(c, i, u);
+ return c;
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 2950: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(81644).f,
+ o = a(function () {
+ return !Object.getOwnPropertyNames(1);
+ });
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: o }, { getOwnPropertyNames: t });
+ },
+ 28603: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(52357),
+ t = n(40033),
+ o = n(89235),
+ f = n(46771),
+ b =
+ !a ||
+ t(function () {
+ o.f(1);
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: b },
+ {
+ getOwnPropertySymbols: (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ var k = o.f;
+ return k ? k(f(B)) : [];
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 44205: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(46771),
+ o = n(36917),
+ f = n(9225),
+ b = a(function () {
+ o(1);
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: b, sham: !f },
+ {
+ getPrototypeOf: (function () {
+ function y(B) {
+ return o(t(B));
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 83186: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(81834);
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: Object.isExtensible !== a }, { isExtensible: a });
+ },
+ 76065: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(77568),
+ o = n(7462),
+ f = n(3782),
+ b = Object.isFrozen,
+ y =
+ f ||
+ a(function () {
+ b(1);
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: y },
+ {
+ isFrozen: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return !t(k) || (f && o(k) === 'ArrayBuffer') ? !0 : b ? b(k) : !1;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 13411: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(77568),
+ o = n(7462),
+ f = n(3782),
+ b = Object.isSealed,
+ y =
+ f ||
+ a(function () {
+ b(1);
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: y },
+ {
+ isSealed: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return !t(k) || (f && o(k) === 'ArrayBuffer') ? !0 : b ? b(k) : !1;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 76882: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(5700);
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0 }, { is: a });
+ },
+ 26634: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(46771),
+ t = n(18450),
+ o = n(40033),
+ f = o(function () {
+ t(1);
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: f },
+ {
+ keys: (function () {
+ function b(y) {
+ return t(a(y));
+ }
+ return b;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 53118: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(57377),
+ o = n(46771),
+ f = n(767),
+ b = n(36917),
+ y = n(27193).f;
+ a &&
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', proto: !0, forced: t },
+ {
+ __lookupGetter__: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = o(this),
+ l = f(k),
+ c;
+ do if ((c = y(g, l))) return c.get;
+ while ((g = b(g)));
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 42514: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(57377),
+ o = n(46771),
+ f = n(767),
+ b = n(36917),
+ y = n(27193).f;
+ a &&
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', proto: !0, forced: t },
+ {
+ __lookupSetter__: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = o(this),
+ l = f(k),
+ c;
+ do if ((c = y(g, l))) return c.set;
+ while ((g = b(g)));
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 84353: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(77568),
+ t = n(81969).onFreeze,
+ o = n(50730),
+ f = n(40033),
+ b = Object.preventExtensions,
+ y = f(function () {
+ b(1);
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: y, sham: !o },
+ {
+ preventExtensions: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return b && a(k) ? b(t(k)) : k;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 62987: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(77568),
+ t = n(81969).onFreeze,
+ o = n(50730),
+ f = n(40033),
+ b = Object.seal,
+ y = f(function () {
+ b(1);
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: y, sham: !o },
+ {
+ seal: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return b && a(k) ? b(t(k)) : k;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 48993: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(76649);
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0 }, { setPrototypeOf: a });
+ },
+ 52917: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(2650),
+ a = n(55938),
+ t = n(2509);
+ e || a(Object.prototype, 'toString', t, { unsafe: !0 });
+ },
+ 4972: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(70915).values;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ values: (function () {
+ function t(o) {
+ return a(o);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 28913: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(28506);
+ e({ global: !0, forced: parseFloat !== a }, { parseFloat: a });
+ },
+ 36382: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(13693);
+ e({ global: !0, forced: parseInt !== a }, { parseInt: a });
+ },
+ 48865: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(10320),
+ o = n(81837),
+ f = n(10729),
+ b = n(49450),
+ y = n(48199);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Promise', stat: !0, forced: y },
+ {
+ all: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = this,
+ l = o.f(g),
+ c = l.resolve,
+ m = l.reject,
+ i = f(function () {
+ var u = t(g.resolve),
+ s = [],
+ d = 0,
+ v = 1;
+ b(k, function (h) {
+ var C = d++,
+ p = !1;
+ v++,
+ a(u, g, h).then(function (N) {
+ p || ((p = !0), (s[C] = N), --v || c(s));
+ }, m);
+ }),
+ --v || c(s);
+ });
+ return i.error && m(i.value), l.promise;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 70641: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(4493),
+ t = n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR,
+ o = n(67512),
+ f = n(4009),
+ b = n(55747),
+ y = n(55938),
+ B = o && o.prototype;
+ if (
+ (e(
+ { target: 'Promise', proto: !0, forced: t, real: !0 },
+ {
+ catch: (function () {
+ function g(l) {
+ return this.then(void 0, l);
+ }
+ return g;
+ })(),
+ }
+ ),
+ !a && b(o))
+ ) {
+ var k = f('Promise').prototype.catch;
+ B.catch !== k && y(B, 'catch', k, { unsafe: !0 });
+ }
+ },
+ 75946: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(4493),
+ t = n(81702),
+ o = n(74685),
+ f = n(91495),
+ b = n(55938),
+ y = n(76649),
+ B = n(84925),
+ k = n(58491),
+ g = n(10320),
+ l = n(55747),
+ c = n(77568),
+ m = n(60077),
+ i = n(28987),
+ u = n(60375).set,
+ s = n(37713),
+ d = n(72259),
+ v = n(10729),
+ h = n(9547),
+ C = n(5419),
+ p = n(67512),
+ N = n(74854),
+ V = n(81837),
+ S = 'Promise',
+ A = C.getterFor(S),
+ x = C.set,
+ E = p && p.prototype,
+ P = p,
+ D = E,
+ M = o.TypeError,
+ R = o.document,
+ O = o.process,
+ F = V.f,
+ _ = F,
+ U = !!(R && R.createEvent && o.dispatchEvent),
+ z = 'unhandledrejection',
+ $ = 'rejectionhandled',
+ G = 0,
+ X = 1,
+ J = 2,
+ se = 1,
+ ie = 2,
+ me,
+ q,
+ re,
+ ae,
+ le = function (be) {
+ var Le;
+ return c(be) && l((Le = be.then)) ? Le : !1;
+ },
+ Z = function (be, Le) {
+ var we = Le.value,
+ xe = Le.state === X,
+ Re = xe ? be.ok : be.fail,
+ He = be.resolve,
+ ye = be.reject,
+ de = be.domain,
+ he,
+ ke,
+ ve;
+ try {
+ Re
+ ? (xe || (Le.rejection === ie && ce(Le), (Le.rejection = se)),
+ Re === !0 ? (he = we) : (de && de.enter(), (he = Re(we)), de && (de.exit(), (ve = !0))),
+ he === be.promise ? ye(new M('Promise-chain cycle')) : (ke = le(he)) ? f(ke, he, He, ye) : He(he))
+ : ye(we);
+ } catch (Se) {
+ de && !ve && de.exit(), ye(Se);
+ }
+ },
+ ne = function (be, Le) {
+ be.notified ||
+ ((be.notified = !0),
+ s(function () {
+ for (var we = be.reactions, xe; (xe = we.get()); ) Z(xe, be);
+ (be.notified = !1), Le && !be.rejection && fe(be);
+ }));
+ },
+ te = function (be, Le, we) {
+ var xe, Re;
+ U
+ ? ((xe = R.createEvent('Event')),
+ (xe.promise = Le),
+ (xe.reason = we),
+ xe.initEvent(be, !1, !0),
+ o.dispatchEvent(xe))
+ : (xe = { promise: Le, reason: we }),
+ !L && (Re = o['on' + be]) ? Re(xe) : be === z && d('Unhandled promise rejection', we);
+ },
+ fe = function (be) {
+ f(u, o, function () {
+ var Le = be.facade,
+ we = be.value,
+ xe = pe(be),
+ Re;
+ if (
+ xe &&
+ ((Re = v(function () {
+ t ? O.emit('unhandledRejection', we, Le) : te(z, Le, we);
+ })),
+ (be.rejection = t || pe(be) ? ie : se),
+ Re.error)
+ )
+ throw Re.value;
+ });
+ },
+ pe = function (be) {
+ return be.rejection !== se && !be.parent;
+ },
+ ce = function (be) {
+ f(u, o, function () {
+ var Le = be.facade;
+ t ? O.emit('rejectionHandled', Le) : te($, Le, be.value);
+ });
+ },
+ Ve = function (be, Le, we) {
+ return function (xe) {
+ be(Le, xe, we);
+ };
+ },
+ Ce = function (be, Le, we) {
+ be.done || ((be.done = !0), we && (be = we), (be.value = Le), (be.state = J), ne(be, !0));
+ },
+ Ne = function Be(be, Le, we) {
+ if (!be.done) {
+ (be.done = !0), we && (be = we);
+ try {
+ if (be.facade === Le) throw new M("Promise can't be resolved itself");
+ var xe = le(Le);
+ xe
+ ? s(function () {
+ var Re = { done: !1 };
+ try {
+ f(xe, Le, Ve(Be, Re, be), Ve(Ce, Re, be));
+ } catch (He) {
+ Ce(Re, He, be);
+ }
+ })
+ : ((be.value = Le), (be.state = X), ne(be, !1));
+ } catch (Re) {
+ Ce({ done: !1 }, Re, be);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if (
+ I &&
+ ((P = (function () {
+ function Be(be) {
+ m(this, D), g(be), f(me, this);
+ var Le = A(this);
+ try {
+ be(Ve(Ne, Le), Ve(Ce, Le));
+ } catch (we) {
+ Ce(Le, we);
+ }
+ }
+ return Be;
+ })()),
+ (D = P.prototype),
+ (me = (function () {
+ function Be(be) {
+ x(this, {
+ type: S,
+ done: !1,
+ notified: !1,
+ parent: !1,
+ reactions: new h(),
+ rejection: !1,
+ state: G,
+ value: void 0,
+ });
+ }
+ return Be;
+ })()),
+ (me.prototype = b(
+ D,
+ 'then',
+ (function () {
+ function Be(be, Le) {
+ var we = A(this),
+ xe = F(i(this, P));
+ return (
+ (we.parent = !0),
+ (xe.ok = l(be) ? be : !0),
+ (xe.fail = l(Le) && Le),
+ (xe.domain = t ? O.domain : void 0),
+ we.state === G
+ ? we.reactions.add(xe)
+ : s(function () {
+ Z(xe, we);
+ }),
+ xe.promise
+ );
+ }
+ return Be;
+ })()
+ )),
+ (q = function () {
+ var be = new me(),
+ Le = A(be);
+ (this.promise = be), (this.resolve = Ve(Ne, Le)), (this.reject = Ve(Ce, Le));
+ }),
+ (V.f = F =
+ function (be) {
+ return be === P || be === re ? new q(be) : _(be);
+ }),
+ !a && l(p) && E !== Object.prototype)
+ ) {
+ (ae = E.then),
+ w ||
+ b(
+ E,
+ 'then',
+ (function () {
+ function Be(be, Le) {
+ var we = this;
+ return new P(function (xe, Re) {
+ f(ae, we, xe, Re);
+ }).then(be, Le);
+ }
+ return Be;
+ })(),
+ { unsafe: !0 }
+ );
+ try {
+ delete E.constructor;
+ } catch (Be) {}
+ y && y(E, D);
+ }
+ e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, wrap: !0, forced: I }, { Promise: P }), B(P, S, !1, !0), k(S);
+ },
+ 69861: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(4493),
+ t = n(67512),
+ o = n(40033),
+ f = n(4009),
+ b = n(55747),
+ y = n(28987),
+ B = n(66628),
+ k = n(55938),
+ g = t && t.prototype,
+ l =
+ !!t &&
+ o(function () {
+ g.finally.call(
+ {
+ then: (function () {
+ function m() {}
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ },
+ function () {}
+ );
+ });
+ if (
+ (e(
+ { target: 'Promise', proto: !0, real: !0, forced: l },
+ {
+ finally: (function () {
+ function m(i) {
+ var u = y(this, f('Promise')),
+ s = b(i);
+ return this.then(
+ s
+ ? function (d) {
+ return B(u, i()).then(function () {
+ return d;
+ });
+ }
+ : i,
+ s
+ ? function (d) {
+ return B(u, i()).then(function () {
+ throw d;
+ });
+ }
+ : i
+ );
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }
+ ),
+ !a && b(t))
+ ) {
+ var c = f('Promise').prototype.finally;
+ g.finally !== c && k(g, 'finally', c, { unsafe: !0 });
+ }
+ },
+ 53092: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(75946), n(48865), n(70641), n(16937), n(41719), n(59321);
+ },
+ 16937: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(10320),
+ o = n(81837),
+ f = n(10729),
+ b = n(49450),
+ y = n(48199);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Promise', stat: !0, forced: y },
+ {
+ race: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ var g = this,
+ l = o.f(g),
+ c = l.reject,
+ m = f(function () {
+ var i = t(g.resolve);
+ b(k, function (u) {
+ a(i, g, u).then(l.resolve, c);
+ });
+ });
+ return m.error && c(m.value), l.promise;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 41719: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(81837),
+ t = n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Promise', stat: !0, forced: t },
+ {
+ reject: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ var b = a.f(this),
+ y = b.reject;
+ return y(f), b.promise;
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 59321: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(4009),
+ t = n(4493),
+ o = n(67512),
+ f = n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR,
+ b = n(66628),
+ y = a('Promise'),
+ B = t && !f;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Promise', stat: !0, forced: t || f },
+ {
+ resolve: (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ return b(B && this === y ? o : this, g);
+ }
+ return k;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 29674: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(61267),
+ t = n(10320),
+ o = n(30365),
+ f = n(40033),
+ b = !f(function () {
+ Reflect.apply(function () {});
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, forced: b },
+ {
+ apply: (function () {
+ function y(B, k, g) {
+ return a(t(B), k, o(g));
+ }
+ return y;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 81543: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(4009),
+ t = n(61267),
+ o = n(66284),
+ f = n(32606),
+ b = n(30365),
+ y = n(77568),
+ B = n(80674),
+ k = n(40033),
+ g = a('Reflect', 'construct'),
+ l = Object.prototype,
+ c = [].push,
+ m = k(function () {
+ function s() {}
+ return !(g(function () {}, [], s) instanceof s);
+ }),
+ i = !k(function () {
+ g(function () {});
+ }),
+ u = m || i;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, forced: u, sham: u },
+ {
+ construct: (function () {
+ function s(d, v) {
+ f(d), b(v);
+ var h = arguments.length < 3 ? d : f(arguments[2]);
+ if (i && !m) return g(d, v, h);
+ if (d === h) {
+ switch (v.length) {
+ case 0:
+ return new d();
+ case 1:
+ return new d(v[0]);
+ case 2:
+ return new d(v[0], v[1]);
+ case 3:
+ return new d(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ case 4:
+ return new d(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
+ }
+ var C = [null];
+ return t(c, C, v), new (t(o, d, C))();
+ }
+ var p = h.prototype,
+ N = B(y(p) ? p : l),
+ V = t(d, N, v);
+ return y(V) ? V : N;
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 9373: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(30365),
+ o = n(767),
+ f = n(74595),
+ b = n(40033),
+ y = b(function () {
+ Reflect.defineProperty(f.f({}, 1, { value: 1 }), 1, { value: 2 });
+ });
+ e(
+ { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, forced: y, sham: !a },
+ {
+ defineProperty: (function () {
+ function B(k, g, l) {
+ t(k);
+ var c = o(g);
+ t(l);
+ try {
+ return f.f(k, c, l), !0;
+ } catch (m) {
+ return !1;
+ }
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 45093: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(30365),
+ t = n(27193).f;
+ e(
+ { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ deleteProperty: (function () {
+ function o(f, b) {
+ var y = t(a(f), b);
+ return y && !y.configurable ? !1 : delete f[b];
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 5815: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(30365),
+ o = n(27193);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, sham: !a },
+ {
+ getOwnPropertyDescriptor: (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ return o.f(t(b), y);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 88527: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(30365),
+ t = n(36917),
+ o = n(9225);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, sham: !o },
+ {
+ getPrototypeOf: (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return t(a(b));
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 63074: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(77568),
+ o = n(30365),
+ f = n(98373),
+ b = n(27193),
+ y = n(36917);
+ function B(k, g) {
+ var l = arguments.length < 3 ? k : arguments[2],
+ c,
+ m;
+ if (o(k) === l) return k[g];
+ if (((c = b.f(k, g)), c)) return f(c) ? c.value : c.get === void 0 ? void 0 : a(c.get, l);
+ if (t((m = y(k)))) return B(m, g, l);
+ }
+ e({ target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 }, { get: B });
+ },
+ 66390: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ has: (function () {
+ function a(t, o) {
+ return o in t;
+ }
+ return a;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 7784: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(30365),
+ t = n(81834);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ isExtensible: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return a(f), t(f);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 50551: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(97921);
+ e({ target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 }, { ownKeys: a });
+ },
+ 76483: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(4009),
+ t = n(30365),
+ o = n(50730);
+ e(
+ { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, sham: !o },
+ {
+ preventExtensions: (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ t(b);
+ try {
+ var y = a('Object', 'preventExtensions');
+ return y && y(b), !0;
+ } catch (B) {
+ return !1;
+ }
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 63915: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(30365),
+ t = n(35908),
+ o = n(76649);
+ o &&
+ e(
+ { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ setPrototypeOf: (function () {
+ function f(b, y) {
+ a(b), t(y);
+ try {
+ return o(b, y), !0;
+ } catch (B) {
+ return !1;
+ }
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 92046: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(30365),
+ o = n(77568),
+ f = n(98373),
+ b = n(40033),
+ y = n(74595),
+ B = n(27193),
+ k = n(36917),
+ g = n(87458);
+ function l(m, i, u) {
+ var s = arguments.length < 4 ? m : arguments[3],
+ d = B.f(t(m), i),
+ v,
+ h,
+ C;
+ if (!d) {
+ if (o((h = k(m)))) return l(h, i, u, s);
+ d = g(0);
+ }
+ if (f(d)) {
+ if (d.writable === !1 || !o(s)) return !1;
+ if ((v = B.f(s, i))) {
+ if (v.get || v.set || v.writable === !1) return !1;
+ (v.value = u), y.f(s, i, v);
+ } else y.f(s, i, g(0, u));
+ } else {
+ if (((C = d.set), C === void 0)) return !1;
+ a(C, s, u);
+ }
+ return !0;
+ }
+ var c = b(function () {
+ var m = function () {},
+ i = y.f(new m(), 'a', { configurable: !0 });
+ return Reflect.set(m.prototype, 'a', 1, i) !== !1;
+ });
+ e({ target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, forced: c }, { set: l });
+ },
+ 51454: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(58310),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(67250),
+ o = n(41314),
+ f = n(5781),
+ b = n(37909),
+ y = n(80674),
+ B = n(37310).f,
+ k = n(21287),
+ g = n(72586),
+ l = n(12605),
+ c = n(73392),
+ m = n(62115),
+ i = n(34550),
+ u = n(55938),
+ s = n(40033),
+ d = n(45299),
+ v = n(5419).enforce,
+ h = n(58491),
+ C = n(24697),
+ p = n(39173),
+ N = n(35688),
+ V = C('match'),
+ S = a.RegExp,
+ I = S.prototype,
+ L = a.SyntaxError,
+ w = t(I.exec),
+ A = t(''.charAt),
+ x = t(''.replace),
+ E = t(''.indexOf),
+ P = t(''.slice),
+ D = /^\?<[^\s\d!#%&*+<=>@^][^\s!#%&*+<=>@^]*>/,
+ M = /a/g,
+ R = /a/g,
+ O = new S(M) !== M,
+ U =
+ e &&
+ (!O ||
+ F ||
+ p ||
+ N ||
+ s(function () {
+ return (R[V] = !1), S(M) !== M || S(R) === R || String(S(M, 'i')) !== '/a/i';
+ })),
+ z = function (ie) {
+ for (var me = ie.length, q = 0, re = '', ae = !1, le; q <= me; q++) {
+ if (((le = A(ie, q)), le === '\\')) {
+ re += le + A(ie, ++q);
+ continue;
+ }
+ !ae && le === '.' ? (re += '[\\s\\S]') : (le === '[' ? (ae = !0) : le === ']' && (ae = !1), (re += le));
+ }
+ return re;
+ },
+ $ = function (ie) {
+ for (
+ var me = ie.length, q = 0, re = '', ae = [], le = y(null), Z = !1, ne = !1, te = 0, fe = '', pe;
+ q <= me;
+ q++
+ ) {
+ if (((pe = A(ie, q)), pe === '\\')) pe += A(ie, ++q);
+ else if (pe === ']') Z = !1;
+ else if (!Z)
+ switch (!0) {
+ case pe === '[':
+ Z = !0;
+ break;
+ case pe === '(':
+ w(D, P(ie, q + 1)) && ((q += 2), (ne = !0)), (re += pe), te++;
+ continue;
+ case pe === '>' && ne:
+ if (fe === '' || d(le, fe)) throw new L('Invalid capture group name');
+ (le[fe] = !0), (ae[ae.length] = [fe, te]), (ne = !1), (fe = '');
+ continue;
+ }
+ ne ? (fe += pe) : (re += pe);
+ }
+ return [re, ae];
+ };
+ if (o('RegExp', U)) {
+ for (
+ var G = (function () {
+ function se(ie, me) {
+ var q = k(I, this),
+ re = g(ie),
+ ae = me === void 0,
+ le = [],
+ Z = ie,
+ ne,
+ te,
+ fe,
+ pe,
+ ce,
+ Ve;
+ if (!q && re && ae && ie.constructor === G) return ie;
+ if (
+ ((re || k(I, ie)) && ((ie = ie.source), ae && (me = c(Z))),
+ (ie = ie === void 0 ? '' : l(ie)),
+ (me = me === void 0 ? '' : l(me)),
+ (Z = ie),
+ p && ('dotAll' in M) && ((te = !!me && E(me, 's') > -1), te && (me = x(me, /s/g, ''))),
+ (ne = me),
+ F && ('sticky' in M) && ((fe = !!me && E(me, 'y') > -1), fe && _ && (me = x(me, /y/g, ''))),
+ N && ((pe = $(ie)), (ie = pe[0]), (le = pe[1])),
+ (ce = f(S(ie, me), q ? this : I, G)),
+ (te || fe || le.length) &&
+ ((Ve = v(ce)),
+ te && ((Ve.dotAll = !0), (Ve.raw = G(z(ie), ne))),
+ fe && (Ve.sticky = !0),
+ le.length && (Ve.groups = le)),
+ ie !== Z)
+ )
+ try {
+ b(ce, 'source', Z === '' ? '(?:)' : Z);
+ } catch (Ce) {}
+ return ce;
+ }
+ return se;
+ })(),
+ X = B(S),
+ J = 0;
+ X.length > J;
+ )
+ i(G, S, X[J++]);
+ (I.constructor = G), (G.prototype = I), u(a, 'RegExp', G, { constructor: !0 });
+ }
+ h('RegExp');
+ },
+ 79669: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(14489);
+ e({ target: 'RegExp', proto: !0, forced: /./.exec !== a }, { exec: a });
+ },
+ 23057: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(73936),
+ o = n(70901),
+ f = n(40033),
+ b = e.RegExp,
+ y = b.prototype,
+ B =
+ a &&
+ f(function () {
+ var k = !0;
+ try {
+ b('.', 'd');
+ } catch (d) {
+ k = !1;
+ }
+ var g = {},
+ l = '',
+ c = k ? 'dgimsy' : 'gimsy',
+ m = function (v, h) {
+ Object.defineProperty(g, v, {
+ get: (function () {
+ function C() {
+ return (l += h), !0;
+ }
+ return C;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ i = { dotAll: 's', global: 'g', ignoreCase: 'i', multiline: 'm', sticky: 'y' };
+ k && (i.hasIndices = 'd');
+ for (var u in i) m(u, i[u]);
+ var s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(y, 'flags').get.call(g);
+ return s !== c || l !== c;
+ });
+ B && t(y, 'flags', { configurable: !0, get: o });
+ },
+ 57983: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(70520).PROPER,
+ a = n(55938),
+ t = n(30365),
+ o = n(12605),
+ f = n(40033),
+ b = n(73392),
+ y = 'toString',
+ B = RegExp.prototype,
+ k = B[y],
+ g = f(function () {
+ return k.call({ source: 'a', flags: 'b' }) !== '/a/b';
+ }),
+ l = e && k.name !== y;
+ (g || l) &&
+ a(
+ B,
+ y,
+ (function () {
+ function c() {
+ var m = t(this),
+ i = o(m.source),
+ u = o(b(m));
+ return '/' + i + '/' + u;
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ { unsafe: !0 }
+ );
+ },
+ 1963: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(45150),
+ a = n(41028);
+ e(
+ 'Set',
+ function (t) {
+ return (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return t(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })();
+ },
+ a
+ );
+ },
+ 17953: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(1963);
+ },
+ 95309: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('anchor') },
+ {
+ anchor: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return a(this, 'a', 'name', f);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 82256: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('big') },
+ {
+ big: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return a(this, 'big', '', '');
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 49484: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('blink') },
+ {
+ blink: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return a(this, 'blink', '', '');
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 38931: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('bold') },
+ {
+ bold: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return a(this, 'b', '', '');
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 30442: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(50233).codeAt;
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0 },
+ {
+ codePointAt: (function () {
+ function t(o) {
+ return a(this, o);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 6403: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(71138),
+ t = n(27193).f,
+ o = n(10188),
+ f = n(12605),
+ b = n(86213),
+ y = n(16952),
+ B = n(45490),
+ k = n(4493),
+ g = a(''.slice),
+ l = Math.min,
+ c = B('endsWith'),
+ m =
+ !k &&
+ !c &&
+ !!(function () {
+ var i = t(String.prototype, 'endsWith');
+ return i && !i.writable;
+ })();
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: !m && !c },
+ {
+ endsWith: (function () {
+ function i(u) {
+ var s = f(y(this));
+ b(u);
+ var d = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0,
+ v = s.length,
+ h = d === void 0 ? v : l(o(d), v),
+ C = f(u);
+ return g(s, h - C.length, h) === C;
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 39308: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('fixed') },
+ {
+ fixed: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return a(this, 'tt', '', '');
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 91550: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('fontcolor') },
+ {
+ fontcolor: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return a(this, 'font', 'color', f);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 75008: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('fontsize') },
+ {
+ fontsize: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return a(this, 'font', 'size', f);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 9867: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(13912),
+ o = RangeError,
+ f = String.fromCharCode,
+ b = String.fromCodePoint,
+ y = a([].join),
+ B = !!b && b.length !== 1;
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', stat: !0, arity: 1, forced: B },
+ {
+ fromCodePoint: (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ for (var l = [], c = arguments.length, m = 0, i; c > m; ) {
+ if (((i = +arguments[m++]), t(i, 1114111) !== i)) throw new o(i + ' is not a valid code point');
+ l[m] = i < 65536 ? f(i) : f(((i -= 65536) >> 10) + 55296, (i % 1024) + 56320);
+ }
+ return y(l, '');
+ }
+ return k;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 43673: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(86213),
+ o = n(16952),
+ f = n(12605),
+ b = n(45490),
+ y = a(''.indexOf);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: !b('includes') },
+ {
+ includes: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ return !!~y(f(o(this)), f(t(k)), arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 56027: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('italics') },
+ {
+ italics: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return a(this, 'i', '', '');
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 12354: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(50233).charAt,
+ a = n(12605),
+ t = n(5419),
+ o = n(65574),
+ f = n(5959),
+ b = 'String Iterator',
+ y = t.set,
+ B = t.getterFor(b);
+ o(
+ String,
+ 'String',
+ function (k) {
+ y(this, { type: b, string: a(k), index: 0 });
+ },
+ (function () {
+ function k() {
+ var g = B(this),
+ l = g.string,
+ c = g.index,
+ m;
+ return c >= l.length ? f(void 0, !0) : ((m = e(l, c)), (g.index += m.length), f(m, !1));
+ }
+ return k;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 50340: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('link') },
+ {
+ link: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return a(this, 'a', 'href', f);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 22515: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(79942),
+ t = n(30365),
+ o = n(42871),
+ f = n(10188),
+ b = n(12605),
+ y = n(16952),
+ B = n(78060),
+ k = n(35483),
+ g = n(28340);
+ a('match', function (l, c, m) {
+ return [
+ (function () {
+ function i(u) {
+ var s = y(this),
+ d = o(u) ? void 0 : B(u, l);
+ return d ? e(d, u, s) : new RegExp(u)[l](b(s));
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ function (i) {
+ var u = t(this),
+ s = b(i),
+ d = m(c, u, s);
+ if (d.done) return d.value;
+ if (!u.global) return g(u, s);
+ var v = u.unicode;
+ u.lastIndex = 0;
+ for (var h = [], C = 0, p; (p = g(u, s)) !== null; ) {
+ var N = b(p[0]);
+ (h[C] = N), N === '' && (u.lastIndex = k(s, f(u.lastIndex), v)), C++;
+ }
+ return C === 0 ? null : h;
+ },
+ ];
+ });
+ },
+ 5143: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(24051).end,
+ t = n(34125);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t },
+ {
+ padEnd: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return a(this, f, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 93514: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(24051).start,
+ t = n(34125);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t },
+ {
+ padStart: (function () {
+ function o(f) {
+ return a(this, f, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 5416: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(57591),
+ o = n(46771),
+ f = n(12605),
+ b = n(24760),
+ y = a([].push),
+ B = a([].join);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', stat: !0 },
+ {
+ raw: (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ var l = t(o(g).raw),
+ c = b(l);
+ if (!c) return '';
+ for (var m = arguments.length, i = [], u = 0; ; ) {
+ if ((y(i, f(l[u++])), u === c)) return B(i, '');
+ u < m && y(i, f(arguments[u]));
+ }
+ }
+ return k;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 11619: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(62443);
+ e({ target: 'String', proto: !0 }, { repeat: a });
+ },
+ 44590: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(61267),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(67250),
+ o = n(79942),
+ f = n(40033),
+ b = n(30365),
+ y = n(55747),
+ B = n(42871),
+ k = n(61365),
+ g = n(10188),
+ l = n(12605),
+ c = n(16952),
+ m = n(35483),
+ i = n(78060),
+ u = n(48300),
+ s = n(28340),
+ d = n(24697),
+ v = d('replace'),
+ h = Math.max,
+ C = Math.min,
+ p = t([].concat),
+ N = t([].push),
+ V = t(''.indexOf),
+ S = t(''.slice),
+ I = function (E) {
+ return E === void 0 ? E : String(E);
+ },
+ L = (function () {
+ return 'a'.replace(/./, '$0') === '$0';
+ })(),
+ w = (function () {
+ return /./[v] ? /./[v]('a', '$0') === '' : !1;
+ })(),
+ A = !f(function () {
+ var x = /./;
+ return (
+ (x.exec = function () {
+ var E = [];
+ return (E.groups = { a: '7' }), E;
+ }),
+ ''.replace(x, '$') !== '7'
+ );
+ });
+ o(
+ 'replace',
+ function (x, E, P) {
+ var D = w ? '$' : '$0';
+ return [
+ (function () {
+ function M(R, O) {
+ var F = c(this),
+ _ = B(R) ? void 0 : i(R, v);
+ return _ ? a(_, R, F, O) : a(E, l(F), R, O);
+ }
+ return M;
+ })(),
+ function (M, R) {
+ var O = b(this),
+ F = l(M);
+ if (typeof R == 'string' && V(R, D) === -1 && V(R, '$<') === -1) {
+ var _ = P(E, O, F, R);
+ if (_.done) return _.value;
+ }
+ var U = y(R);
+ U || (R = l(R));
+ var z = O.global,
+ $;
+ z && (($ = O.unicode), (O.lastIndex = 0));
+ for (var G = [], X; (X = s(O, F)), !(X === null || (N(G, X), !z)); ) {
+ var J = l(X[0]);
+ J === '' && (O.lastIndex = m(F, g(O.lastIndex), $));
+ }
+ for (var se = '', ie = 0, me = 0; me < G.length; me++) {
+ X = G[me];
+ for (var q = l(X[0]), re = h(C(k(X.index), F.length), 0), ae = [], le, Z = 1; Z < X.length; Z++)
+ N(ae, I(X[Z]));
+ var ne = X.groups;
+ if (U) {
+ var te = p([q], ae, re, F);
+ ne !== void 0 && N(te, ne), (le = l(e(R, void 0, te)));
+ } else le = u(q, F, re, ae, ne, R);
+ re >= ie && ((se += S(F, ie, re) + le), (ie = re + q.length));
+ }
+ return se + S(F, ie);
+ },
+ ];
+ },
+ !A || !L || w
+ );
+ },
+ 63272: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(79942),
+ t = n(30365),
+ o = n(42871),
+ f = n(16952),
+ b = n(5700),
+ y = n(12605),
+ B = n(78060),
+ k = n(28340);
+ a('search', function (g, l, c) {
+ return [
+ (function () {
+ function m(i) {
+ var u = f(this),
+ s = o(i) ? void 0 : B(i, g);
+ return s ? e(s, i, u) : new RegExp(i)[g](y(u));
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ function (m) {
+ var i = t(this),
+ u = y(m),
+ s = c(l, i, u);
+ if (s.done) return s.value;
+ var d = i.lastIndex;
+ b(d, 0) || (i.lastIndex = 0);
+ var v = k(i, u);
+ return b(i.lastIndex, d) || (i.lastIndex = d), v === null ? -1 : v.index;
+ },
+ ];
+ });
+ },
+ 34325: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('small') },
+ {
+ small: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return a(this, 'small', '', '');
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 39930: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(91495),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = n(79942),
+ o = n(30365),
+ f = n(42871),
+ b = n(16952),
+ y = n(28987),
+ B = n(35483),
+ k = n(10188),
+ g = n(12605),
+ l = n(78060),
+ c = n(28340),
+ m = n(62115),
+ i = n(40033),
+ s = 4294967295,
+ d = Math.min,
+ v = a([].push),
+ h = a(''.slice),
+ C = !i(function () {
+ var N = /(?:)/,
+ V = N.exec;
+ N.exec = function () {
+ return V.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ var S = 'ab'.split(N);
+ return S.length !== 2 || S[0] !== 'a' || S[1] !== 'b';
+ }),
+ p =
+ 'abbc'.split(/(b)*/)[1] === 'c' ||
+ 'test'.split(/(?:)/, -1).length !== 4 ||
+ 'ab'.split(/(?:ab)*/).length !== 2 ||
+ '.'.split(/(.?)(.?)/).length !== 4 ||
+ '.'.split(/()()/).length > 1 ||
+ ''.split(/.?/).length;
+ t(
+ 'split',
+ function (N, V, S) {
+ var I = '0'.split(void 0, 0).length
+ ? function (L, w) {
+ return L === void 0 && w === 0 ? [] : e(V, this, L, w);
+ }
+ : V;
+ return [
+ (function () {
+ function L(w, A) {
+ var x = b(this),
+ E = f(w) ? void 0 : l(w, N);
+ return E ? e(E, w, x, A) : e(I, g(x), w, A);
+ }
+ return L;
+ })(),
+ function (L, w) {
+ var A = o(this),
+ x = g(L);
+ if (!p) {
+ var E = S(I, A, x, w, I !== V);
+ if (E.done) return E.value;
+ }
+ var P = y(A, RegExp),
+ D = A.unicode,
+ M = (A.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + (A.multiline ? 'm' : '') + (A.unicode ? 'u' : '') + (u ? 'g' : 'y'),
+ R = new P(u ? '^(?:' + A.source + ')' : A, M),
+ O = w === void 0 ? s : w >>> 0;
+ if (O === 0) return [];
+ if (x.length === 0) return c(R, x) === null ? [x] : [];
+ for (var F = 0, _ = 0, U = []; _ < x.length; ) {
+ R.lastIndex = u ? 0 : _;
+ var z = c(R, u ? h(x, _) : x),
+ $;
+ if (z === null || ($ = d(k(R.lastIndex + (u ? _ : 0)), x.length)) === F) _ = B(x, _, D);
+ else {
+ if ((v(U, h(x, F, _)), U.length === O)) return U;
+ for (var G = 1; G <= z.length - 1; G++) if ((v(U, z[G]), U.length === O)) return U;
+ _ = F = $;
+ }
+ }
+ return v(U, h(x, F)), U;
+ },
+ ];
+ },
+ p || !C,
+ u
+ );
+ },
+ 4038: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(71138),
+ t = n(27193).f,
+ o = n(10188),
+ f = n(12605),
+ b = n(86213),
+ y = n(16952),
+ B = n(45490),
+ k = n(4493),
+ g = a(''.slice),
+ l = Math.min,
+ c = B('startsWith'),
+ m =
+ !k &&
+ !c &&
+ !!(function () {
+ var i = t(String.prototype, 'startsWith');
+ return i && !i.writable;
+ })();
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: !m && !c },
+ {
+ startsWith: (function () {
+ function i(u) {
+ var s = f(y(this));
+ b(u);
+ var d = o(l(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, s.length)),
+ v = f(u);
+ return g(s, d, d + v.length) === v;
+ }
+ return i;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 74498: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('strike') },
+ {
+ strike: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return a(this, 'strike', '', '');
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 15812: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('sub') },
+ {
+ sub: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return a(this, 'sub', '', '');
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 57726: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(72506),
+ t = n(88539);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('sup') },
+ {
+ sup: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return a(this, 'sup', '', '');
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 70604: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(99159);
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(43476);
+ e({ target: 'String', proto: !0, name: 'trimEnd', forced: ''.trimEnd !== a }, { trimEnd: a });
+ },
+ 85404: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(43885);
+ e({ target: 'String', proto: !0, name: 'trimStart', forced: ''.trimLeft !== a }, { trimLeft: a });
+ },
+ 99159: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(43476);
+ e({ target: 'String', proto: !0, name: 'trimEnd', forced: ''.trimRight !== a }, { trimRight: a });
+ },
+ 34965: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(85404);
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(43885);
+ e({ target: 'String', proto: !0, name: 'trimStart', forced: ''.trimStart !== a }, { trimStart: a });
+ },
+ 8448: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(92648).trim,
+ t = n(90012);
+ e(
+ { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('trim') },
+ {
+ trim: (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return a(this);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 79250: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889);
+ e('asyncIterator');
+ },
+ 49899: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(91495),
+ o = n(67250),
+ f = n(4493),
+ b = n(58310),
+ y = n(52357),
+ B = n(40033),
+ k = n(45299),
+ g = n(21287),
+ l = n(30365),
+ c = n(57591),
+ m = n(767),
+ i = n(12605),
+ u = n(87458),
+ s = n(80674),
+ d = n(18450),
+ v = n(37310),
+ h = n(81644),
+ C = n(89235),
+ p = n(27193),
+ N = n(74595),
+ V = n(24239),
+ S = n(12867),
+ I = n(55938),
+ L = n(73936),
+ w = n(16639),
+ A = n(19417),
+ x = n(79195),
+ E = n(16738),
+ P = n(24697),
+ D = n(55557),
+ M = n(85889),
+ R = n(52360),
+ O = n(84925),
+ F = n(5419),
+ _ = n(22603).forEach,
+ U = A('hidden'),
+ z = 'Symbol',
+ $ = 'prototype',
+ G = F.set,
+ X = F.getterFor(z),
+ J = Object[$],
+ se = a.Symbol,
+ ie = se && se[$],
+ me = a.RangeError,
+ q = a.TypeError,
+ re = a.QObject,
+ ae = p.f,
+ le = N.f,
+ Z = h.f,
+ ne = S.f,
+ te = o([].push),
+ fe = w('symbols'),
+ pe = w('op-symbols'),
+ ce = w('wks'),
+ Ve = !re || !re[$] || !re[$].findChild,
+ Ce = function (he, ke, ve) {
+ var Se = ae(J, ke);
+ Se && delete J[ke], le(he, ke, ve), Se && he !== J && le(J, ke, Se);
+ },
+ Ne =
+ b &&
+ B(function () {
+ return (
+ s(
+ le({}, 'a', {
+ get: (function () {
+ function de() {
+ return le(this, 'a', { value: 7 }).a;
+ }
+ return de;
+ })(),
+ })
+ ).a !== 7
+ );
+ })
+ ? Ce
+ : le,
+ Be = function (he, ke) {
+ var ve = (fe[he] = s(ie));
+ return G(ve, { type: z, tag: he, description: ke }), b || (ve.description = ke), ve;
+ },
+ be = (function () {
+ function de(he, ke, ve) {
+ he === J && be(pe, ke, ve), l(he);
+ var Se = m(ke);
+ return (
+ l(ve),
+ k(fe, Se)
+ ? (ve.enumerable
+ ? (k(he, U) && he[U][Se] && (he[U][Se] = !1), (ve = s(ve, { enumerable: u(0, !1) })))
+ : (k(he, U) || le(he, U, u(1, s(null))), (he[U][Se] = !0)),
+ Ne(he, Se, ve))
+ : le(he, Se, ve)
+ );
+ }
+ return de;
+ })(),
+ Le = (function () {
+ function de(he, ke) {
+ l(he);
+ var ve = c(ke),
+ Se = d(ve).concat(ye(ve));
+ return (
+ _(Se, function (Pe) {
+ (!b || t(xe, ve, Pe)) && be(he, Pe, ve[Pe]);
+ }),
+ he
+ );
+ }
+ return de;
+ })(),
+ we = (function () {
+ function de(he, ke) {
+ return ke === void 0 ? s(he) : Le(s(he), ke);
+ }
+ return de;
+ })(),
+ xe = (function () {
+ function de(he) {
+ var ke = m(he),
+ ve = t(ne, this, ke);
+ return this === J && k(fe, ke) && !k(pe, ke)
+ ? !1
+ : ve || !k(this, ke) || !k(fe, ke) || (k(this, U) && this[U][ke])
+ ? ve
+ : !0;
+ }
+ return de;
+ })(),
+ Re = (function () {
+ function de(he, ke) {
+ var ve = c(he),
+ Se = m(ke);
+ if (!(ve === J && k(fe, Se) && !k(pe, Se))) {
+ var Pe = ae(ve, Se);
+ return Pe && k(fe, Se) && !(k(ve, U) && ve[U][Se]) && (Pe.enumerable = !0), Pe;
+ }
+ }
+ return de;
+ })(),
+ He = (function () {
+ function de(he) {
+ var ke = Z(c(he)),
+ ve = [];
+ return (
+ _(ke, function (Se) {
+ !k(fe, Se) && !k(x, Se) && te(ve, Se);
+ }),
+ ve
+ );
+ }
+ return de;
+ })(),
+ ye = function (he) {
+ var ke = he === J,
+ ve = Z(ke ? pe : c(he)),
+ Se = [];
+ return (
+ _(ve, function (Pe) {
+ k(fe, Pe) && (!ke || k(J, Pe)) && te(Se, fe[Pe]);
+ }),
+ Se
+ );
+ };
+ y ||
+ ((se = (function () {
+ function de() {
+ if (g(ie, this)) throw new q('Symbol is not a constructor');
+ var he = !arguments.length || arguments[0] === void 0 ? void 0 : i(arguments[0]),
+ ke = E(he),
+ ve = (function () {
+ function Se(Pe) {
+ var je = this === void 0 ? a : this;
+ je === J && t(Se, pe, Pe), k(je, U) && k(je[U], ke) && (je[U][ke] = !1);
+ var Fe = u(1, Pe);
+ try {
+ Ne(je, ke, Fe);
+ } catch (ze) {
+ if (!(ze instanceof me)) throw ze;
+ Ce(je, ke, Fe);
+ }
+ }
+ return Se;
+ })();
+ return b && Ve && Ne(J, ke, { configurable: !0, set: ve }), Be(ke, he);
+ }
+ return de;
+ })()),
+ (ie = se[$]),
+ I(
+ ie,
+ 'toString',
+ (function () {
+ function de() {
+ return X(this).tag;
+ }
+ return de;
+ })()
+ ),
+ I(se, 'withoutSetter', function (de) {
+ return Be(E(de), de);
+ }),
+ (S.f = xe),
+ (N.f = be),
+ (V.f = Le),
+ (p.f = Re),
+ (v.f = h.f = He),
+ (C.f = ye),
+ (D.f = function (de) {
+ return Be(P(de), de);
+ }),
+ b &&
+ (L(ie, 'description', {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function de() {
+ return X(this).description;
+ }
+ return de;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ f || I(J, 'propertyIsEnumerable', xe, { unsafe: !0 }))),
+ e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, wrap: !0, forced: !y, sham: !y }, { Symbol: se }),
+ _(d(ce), function (de) {
+ M(de);
+ }),
+ e(
+ { target: z, stat: !0, forced: !y },
+ {
+ useSetter: (function () {
+ function de() {
+ Ve = !0;
+ }
+ return de;
+ })(),
+ useSimple: (function () {
+ function de() {
+ Ve = !1;
+ }
+ return de;
+ })(),
+ }
+ ),
+ e(
+ { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !y, sham: !b },
+ { create: we, defineProperty: be, defineProperties: Le, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Re }
+ ),
+ e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !y }, { getOwnPropertyNames: He }),
+ R(),
+ O(se, z),
+ (x[U] = !0);
+ },
+ 10933: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(58310),
+ t = n(74685),
+ o = n(67250),
+ f = n(45299),
+ b = n(55747),
+ y = n(21287),
+ B = n(12605),
+ k = n(73936),
+ g = n(5774),
+ l = t.Symbol,
+ c = l && l.prototype;
+ if (a && b(l) && (!('description' in c) || l().description !== void 0)) {
+ var m = {},
+ i = (function () {
+ function p() {
+ var N = arguments.length < 1 || arguments[0] === void 0 ? void 0 : B(arguments[0]),
+ V = y(c, this) ? new l(N) : N === void 0 ? l() : l(N);
+ return N === '' && (m[V] = !0), V;
+ }
+ return p;
+ })();
+ g(i, l), (i.prototype = c), (c.constructor = i);
+ var u = String(l('description detection')) === 'Symbol(description detection)',
+ s = o(c.valueOf),
+ d = o(c.toString),
+ v = /^Symbol\((.*)\)[^)]+$/,
+ h = o(''.replace),
+ C = o(''.slice);
+ k(c, 'description', {
+ configurable: !0,
+ get: (function () {
+ function p() {
+ var N = s(this);
+ if (f(m, N)) return '';
+ var V = d(N),
+ S = u ? C(V, 7, -1) : h(V, v, '$1');
+ return S === '' ? void 0 : S;
+ }
+ return p;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, forced: !0 }, { Symbol: i });
+ }
+ },
+ 30828: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(4009),
+ t = n(45299),
+ o = n(12605),
+ f = n(16639),
+ b = n(66570),
+ y = f('string-to-symbol-registry'),
+ B = f('symbol-to-string-registry');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Symbol', stat: !0, forced: !b },
+ {
+ for: (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ var l = o(g);
+ if (t(y, l)) return y[l];
+ var c = a('Symbol')(l);
+ return (y[l] = c), (B[c] = l), c;
+ }
+ return k;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 53795: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889);
+ e('hasInstance');
+ },
+ 87806: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889);
+ e('isConcatSpreadable');
+ },
+ 64677: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889);
+ e('iterator');
+ },
+ 33313: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(49899), n(30828), n(6862), n(53008), n(28603);
+ },
+ 6862: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(45299),
+ t = n(71399),
+ o = n(89393),
+ f = n(16639),
+ b = n(66570),
+ y = f('symbol-to-string-registry');
+ e(
+ { target: 'Symbol', stat: !0, forced: !b },
+ {
+ keyFor: (function () {
+ function B(k) {
+ if (!t(k)) throw new TypeError(o(k) + ' is not a symbol');
+ if (a(y, k)) return y[k];
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 48058: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889);
+ e('match');
+ },
+ 51583: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889);
+ e('replace');
+ },
+ 82403: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889);
+ e('search');
+ },
+ 34265: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889);
+ e('species');
+ },
+ 3295: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889);
+ e('split');
+ },
+ 1078: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889),
+ a = n(52360);
+ e('toPrimitive'), a();
+ },
+ 63207: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4009),
+ a = n(85889),
+ t = n(84925);
+ a('toStringTag'), t(e('Symbol'), 'Symbol');
+ },
+ 80520: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(85889);
+ e('unscopables');
+ },
+ 99872: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(67250),
+ a = n(4246),
+ t = n(71447),
+ o = e(t),
+ f = a.aTypedArray,
+ b = a.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ b(
+ 'copyWithin',
+ (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ return o(f(this), B, k, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0);
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 73364: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(22603).every,
+ t = e.aTypedArray,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ o(
+ 'every',
+ (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 58166: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(88471),
+ t = n(61484),
+ o = n(2281),
+ f = n(91495),
+ b = n(67250),
+ y = n(40033),
+ B = e.aTypedArray,
+ k = e.exportTypedArrayMethod,
+ g = b(''.slice),
+ l = y(function () {
+ var c = 0;
+ return (
+ new Int8Array(2).fill({
+ valueOf: (function () {
+ function m() {
+ return c++;
+ }
+ return m;
+ })(),
+ }),
+ c !== 1
+ );
+ });
+ k(
+ 'fill',
+ (function () {
+ function c(m) {
+ var i = arguments.length;
+ B(this);
+ var u = g(o(this), 0, 3) === 'Big' ? t(m) : +m;
+ return f(a, this, u, i > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, i > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0);
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ l
+ );
+ },
+ 23793: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(22603).filter,
+ t = n(45399),
+ o = e.aTypedArray,
+ f = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ f(
+ 'filter',
+ (function () {
+ function b(y) {
+ var B = a(o(this), y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ return t(this, B);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 13917: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(22603).findIndex,
+ t = e.aTypedArray,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ o(
+ 'findIndex',
+ (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 43820: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(22603).find,
+ t = e.aTypedArray,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ o(
+ 'find',
+ (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 80756: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80185);
+ e('Float32', function (a) {
+ return (function () {
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ return a(this, o, f, b);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ });
+ },
+ 70567: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80185);
+ e('Float64', function (a) {
+ return (function () {
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ return a(this, o, f, b);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ });
+ },
+ 19852: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(22603).forEach,
+ t = e.aTypedArray,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ o(
+ 'forEach',
+ (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 40379: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(86563),
+ a = n(4246).exportTypedArrayStaticMethod,
+ t = n(3805);
+ a('from', t, e);
+ },
+ 92770: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(14211).includes,
+ t = e.aTypedArray,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ o(
+ 'includes',
+ (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 81069: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(14211).indexOf,
+ t = e.aTypedArray,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ o(
+ 'indexOf',
+ (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 60037: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80185);
+ e('Int16', function (a) {
+ return (function () {
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ return a(this, o, f, b);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ });
+ },
+ 44195: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80185);
+ e('Int32', function (a) {
+ return (function () {
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ return a(this, o, f, b);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ });
+ },
+ 66756: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80185);
+ e('Int8', function (a) {
+ return (function () {
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ return a(this, o, f, b);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ });
+ },
+ 63689: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(67250),
+ o = n(4246),
+ f = n(34570),
+ b = n(24697),
+ y = b('iterator'),
+ B = e.Uint8Array,
+ k = t(f.values),
+ g = t(f.keys),
+ l = t(f.entries),
+ c = o.aTypedArray,
+ m = o.exportTypedArrayMethod,
+ i = B && B.prototype,
+ u = !a(function () {
+ i[y].call([1]);
+ }),
+ s = !!i && i.values && i[y] === i.values && i.values.name === 'values',
+ d = (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return k(c(this));
+ }
+ return v;
+ })();
+ m(
+ 'entries',
+ (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return l(c(this));
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ u
+ ),
+ m(
+ 'keys',
+ (function () {
+ function v() {
+ return g(c(this));
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ u
+ ),
+ m('values', d, u || !s, { name: 'values' }),
+ m(y, d, u || !s, { name: 'values' });
+ },
+ 5659: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(67250),
+ t = e.aTypedArray,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod,
+ f = a([].join);
+ o(
+ 'join',
+ (function () {
+ function b(y) {
+ return f(t(this), y);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 25014: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(61267),
+ t = n(1325),
+ o = e.aTypedArray,
+ f = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ f(
+ 'lastIndexOf',
+ (function () {
+ function b(y) {
+ var B = arguments.length;
+ return a(t, o(this), B > 1 ? [y, arguments[1]] : [y]);
+ }
+ return b;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 32189: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(22603).map,
+ t = n(31082),
+ o = e.aTypedArray,
+ f = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ f(
+ 'map',
+ (function () {
+ function b(y) {
+ return a(o(this), y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, function (B, k) {
+ return new (t(B))(k);
+ });
+ }
+ return b;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 23030: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(86563),
+ t = e.aTypedArrayConstructor,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayStaticMethod;
+ o(
+ 'of',
+ (function () {
+ function f() {
+ for (var b = 0, y = arguments.length, B = new (t(this))(y); y > b; ) B[b] = arguments[b++];
+ return B;
+ }
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ a
+ );
+ },
+ 49110: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(56844).right,
+ t = e.aTypedArray,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ o(
+ 'reduceRight',
+ (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ var y = arguments.length;
+ return a(t(this), b, y, y > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 24309: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(56844).left,
+ t = e.aTypedArray,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ o(
+ 'reduce',
+ (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ var y = arguments.length;
+ return a(t(this), b, y, y > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 56445: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = e.aTypedArray,
+ t = e.exportTypedArrayMethod,
+ o = Math.floor;
+ t(
+ 'reverse',
+ (function () {
+ function f() {
+ for (var b = this, y = a(b).length, B = o(y / 2), k = 0, g; k < B; )
+ (g = b[k]), (b[k++] = b[--y]), (b[y] = g);
+ return b;
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 30939: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(91495),
+ t = n(4246),
+ o = n(24760),
+ f = n(56043),
+ b = n(46771),
+ y = n(40033),
+ B = e.RangeError,
+ k = e.Int8Array,
+ g = k && k.prototype,
+ l = g && g.set,
+ c = t.aTypedArray,
+ m = t.exportTypedArrayMethod,
+ i = !y(function () {
+ var s = new Uint8ClampedArray(2);
+ return a(l, s, { length: 1, 0: 3 }, 1), s[1] !== 3;
+ }),
+ u =
+ i &&
+ y(function () {
+ var s = new k(2);
+ return s.set(1), s.set('2', 1), s[0] !== 0 || s[1] !== 2;
+ });
+ m(
+ 'set',
+ (function () {
+ function s(d) {
+ c(this);
+ var v = f(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, 1),
+ h = b(d);
+ if (i) return a(l, this, h, v);
+ var C = this.length,
+ p = o(h),
+ N = 0;
+ if (p + v > C) throw new B('Wrong length');
+ for (; N < p; ) this[v + N] = h[N++];
+ }
+ return s;
+ })(),
+ !i || u
+ );
+ },
+ 48321: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(31082),
+ t = n(40033),
+ o = n(54602),
+ f = e.aTypedArray,
+ b = e.exportTypedArrayMethod,
+ y = t(function () {
+ new Int8Array(1).slice();
+ });
+ b(
+ 'slice',
+ (function () {
+ function B(k, g) {
+ for (var l = o(f(this), k, g), c = a(this), m = 0, i = l.length, u = new c(i); i > m; ) u[m] = l[m++];
+ return u;
+ }
+ return B;
+ })(),
+ y
+ );
+ },
+ 88739: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(22603).some,
+ t = e.aTypedArray,
+ o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ o(
+ 'some',
+ (function () {
+ function f(b) {
+ return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
+ }
+ return f;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 60415: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(71138),
+ t = n(40033),
+ o = n(10320),
+ f = n(90274),
+ b = n(4246),
+ y = n(652),
+ B = n(19228),
+ k = n(5026),
+ g = n(9342),
+ l = b.aTypedArray,
+ c = b.exportTypedArrayMethod,
+ m = e.Uint16Array,
+ i = m && a(m.prototype.sort),
+ u =
+ !!i &&
+ !(
+ t(function () {
+ i(new m(2), null);
+ }) &&
+ t(function () {
+ i(new m(2), {});
+ })
+ ),
+ s =
+ !!i &&
+ !t(function () {
+ if (k) return k < 74;
+ if (y) return y < 67;
+ if (B) return !0;
+ if (g) return g < 602;
+ var v = new m(516),
+ h = Array(516),
+ C,
+ p;
+ for (C = 0; C < 516; C++) (p = C % 4), (v[C] = 515 - C), (h[C] = C - 2 * p + 3);
+ for (
+ i(v, function (N, V) {
+ return ((N / 4) | 0) - ((V / 4) | 0);
+ }),
+ C = 0;
+ C < 516;
+ C++
+ )
+ if (v[C] !== h[C]) return !0;
+ }),
+ d = function (h) {
+ return function (C, p) {
+ return h !== void 0
+ ? +h(C, p) || 0
+ : p !== p
+ ? -1
+ : C !== C
+ ? 1
+ : C === 0 && p === 0
+ ? 1 / C > 0 && 1 / p < 0
+ ? 1
+ : -1
+ : C > p;
+ };
+ };
+ c(
+ 'sort',
+ (function () {
+ function v(h) {
+ return h !== void 0 && o(h), s ? i(this, h) : f(l(this), d(h));
+ }
+ return v;
+ })(),
+ !s || u
+ );
+ },
+ 72532: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246),
+ a = n(10188),
+ t = n(13912),
+ o = n(31082),
+ f = e.aTypedArray,
+ b = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
+ b(
+ 'subarray',
+ (function () {
+ function y(B, k) {
+ var g = f(this),
+ l = g.length,
+ c = t(B, l),
+ m = o(g);
+ return new m(g.buffer, g.byteOffset + c * g.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, a((k === void 0 ? l : t(k, l)) - c));
+ }
+ return y;
+ })()
+ );
+ },
+ 62207: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(74685),
+ a = n(61267),
+ t = n(4246),
+ o = n(40033),
+ f = n(54602),
+ b = e.Int8Array,
+ y = t.aTypedArray,
+ B = t.exportTypedArrayMethod,
+ k = [].toLocaleString,
+ g =
+ !!b &&
+ o(function () {
+ k.call(new b(1));
+ }),
+ l =
+ o(function () {
+ return [1, 2].toLocaleString() !== new b([1, 2]).toLocaleString();
+ }) ||
+ !o(function () {
+ b.prototype.toLocaleString.call([1, 2]);
+ });
+ B(
+ 'toLocaleString',
+ (function () {
+ function c() {
+ return a(k, g ? f(y(this)) : y(this), f(arguments));
+ }
+ return c;
+ })(),
+ l
+ );
+ },
+ 906: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(4246).exportTypedArrayMethod,
+ a = n(40033),
+ t = n(74685),
+ o = n(67250),
+ f = t.Uint8Array,
+ b = (f && f.prototype) || {},
+ y = [].toString,
+ B = o([].join);
+ a(function () {
+ y.call({});
+ }) &&
+ (y = (function () {
+ function g() {
+ return B(this);
+ }
+ return g;
+ })());
+ var k = b.toString !== y;
+ e('toString', y, k);
+ },
+ 78824: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80185);
+ e('Uint16', function (a) {
+ return (function () {
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ return a(this, o, f, b);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ });
+ },
+ 72846: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80185);
+ e('Uint32', function (a) {
+ return (function () {
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ return a(this, o, f, b);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ });
+ },
+ 24575: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80185);
+ e('Uint8', function (a) {
+ return (function () {
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ return a(this, o, f, b);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ });
+ },
+ 71968: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(80185);
+ e(
+ 'Uint8',
+ function (a) {
+ return (function () {
+ function t(o, f, b) {
+ return a(this, o, f, b);
+ }
+ return t;
+ })();
+ },
+ !0
+ );
+ },
+ 80040: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(50730),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(67250),
+ o = n(30145),
+ f = n(81969),
+ b = n(45150),
+ y = n(39895),
+ B = n(77568),
+ k = n(5419).enforce,
+ g = n(40033),
+ l = n(21820),
+ c = Object,
+ m = Array.isArray,
+ i = c.isExtensible,
+ u = c.isFrozen,
+ s = c.isSealed,
+ d = c.freeze,
+ v = c.seal,
+ h = !a.ActiveXObject && 'ActiveXObject' in a,
+ C,
+ p = function (E) {
+ return (function () {
+ function P() {
+ return E(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
+ }
+ return P;
+ })();
+ },
+ N = b('WeakMap', p, y),
+ V = N.prototype,
+ S = t(V.set),
+ I = function () {
+ return (
+ e &&
+ g(function () {
+ var E = d([]);
+ return S(new N(), E, 1), !u(E);
+ })
+ );
+ };
+ if (l)
+ if (h) {
+ (C = y.getConstructor(p, 'WeakMap', !0)), f.enable();
+ var L = t(V.delete),
+ w = t(V.has),
+ A = t(V.get);
+ o(V, {
+ delete: (function () {
+ function x(E) {
+ if (B(E) && !i(E)) {
+ var P = k(this);
+ return P.frozen || (P.frozen = new C()), L(this, E) || P.frozen.delete(E);
+ }
+ return L(this, E);
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ has: (function () {
+ function x(E) {
+ if (B(E) && !i(E)) {
+ var P = k(this);
+ return P.frozen || (P.frozen = new C()), w(this, E) || P.frozen.has(E);
+ }
+ return w(this, E);
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ get: (function () {
+ function x(E) {
+ if (B(E) && !i(E)) {
+ var P = k(this);
+ return P.frozen || (P.frozen = new C()), w(this, E) ? A(this, E) : P.frozen.get(E);
+ }
+ return A(this, E);
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ set: (function () {
+ function x(E, P) {
+ if (B(E) && !i(E)) {
+ var D = k(this);
+ D.frozen || (D.frozen = new C()), w(this, E) ? S(this, E, P) : D.frozen.set(E, P);
+ } else S(this, E, P);
+ return this;
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ });
+ } else
+ I() &&
+ o(V, {
+ set: (function () {
+ function x(E, P) {
+ var D;
+ return m(E) && (u(E) ? (D = d) : s(E) && (D = v)), S(this, E, P), D && D(E), this;
+ }
+ return x;
+ })(),
+ });
+ },
+ 90846: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(80040);
+ },
+ 67042: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(45150),
+ a = n(39895);
+ e(
+ 'WeakSet',
+ function (t) {
+ return (function () {
+ function o() {
+ return t(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
+ }
+ return o;
+ })();
+ },
+ a
+ );
+ },
+ 40348: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(67042);
+ },
+ 5606: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(60375).clear;
+ e({ global: !0, bind: !0, enumerable: !0, forced: a.clearImmediate !== t }, { clearImmediate: t });
+ },
+ 83006: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(5606), n(27807);
+ },
+ 25764: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(37713),
+ o = n(10320),
+ f = n(24986),
+ b = n(40033),
+ y = n(58310),
+ B = b(function () {
+ return y && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, 'queueMicrotask').value.length !== 1;
+ });
+ e(
+ { global: !0, enumerable: !0, dontCallGetSet: !0, forced: B },
+ {
+ queueMicrotask: (function () {
+ function k(g) {
+ f(arguments.length, 1), t(o(g));
+ }
+ return k;
+ })(),
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ 27807: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(60375).set,
+ o = n(78362),
+ f = a.setImmediate ? o(t, !1) : t;
+ e({ global: !0, bind: !0, enumerable: !0, forced: a.setImmediate !== f }, { setImmediate: f });
+ },
+ 45569: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(78362),
+ o = t(a.setInterval, !0);
+ e({ global: !0, bind: !0, forced: a.setInterval !== o }, { setInterval: o });
+ },
+ 5213: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var e = n(63964),
+ a = n(74685),
+ t = n(78362),
+ o = t(a.setTimeout, !0);
+ e({ global: !0, bind: !0, forced: a.setTimeout !== o }, { setTimeout: o });
+ },
+ 69401: function (T, r, n) {
+ 'use strict';
+ n(45569), n(5213);
+ },
+ 7435: function (T) {
+ 'use strict';
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ var r,
+ n = [],
+ e = [],
+ a = function () {
+ if (0) var k;
+ window.onunload = function () {
+ return r && r.close();
+ };
+ },
+ t = function (k) {
+ return e.push(k);
+ },
+ o = function (k) {
+ var g = [],
+ l = function (u) {
+ return typeof u == 'number' && !Number.isFinite(u)
+ ? { __number__: String(u) }
+ : typeof u == 'undefined'
+ ? { __undefined__: !0 }
+ : u;
+ },
+ c = function (u, s) {
+ if (typeof s == 'object') {
+ if (s === null) return s;
+ if (g.includes(s)) return '[circular ref]';
+ g.push(s);
+ var d = s instanceof Error || (s.code && s.message && s.message.includes('Error'));
+ return d ? { __error__: !0, string: String(s), stack: s.stack } : Array.isArray(s) ? s.map(l) : s;
+ }
+ return l(s);
+ },
+ m = JSON.stringify(k, c);
+ return (g = null), m;
+ },
+ f = function (k) {
+ if (0) var g, l, c;
+ },
+ b = function (k, g) {
+ if (0) var l, c, m;
+ },
+ y = function () {};
+ T.exports = { subscribe: t, sendMessage: f, sendLogEntry: b, setupHotReloading: y };
+ },
+ },
+ kt = {};
+ function Y(T) {
+ var r = kt[T];
+ if (r !== void 0) return r.exports;
+ var n = (kt[T] = { exports: {} });
+ return Jt[T](n, n.exports, Y), n.exports;
+ }
+ (function () {
+ Y.g = (function () {
+ if (typeof globalThis == 'object') return globalThis;
+ try {
+ return this || new Function('return this')();
+ } catch (T) {
+ if (typeof window == 'object') return window;
+ }
+ })();
+ })(),
+ (function () {
+ Y.o = function (T, r) {
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(T, r);
+ };
+ })();
+ var Rn = {};
+ (function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ Y(33313),
+ Y(10933),
+ Y(79250),
+ Y(53795),
+ Y(87806),
+ Y(64677),
+ Y(48058),
+ Y(51583),
+ Y(82403),
+ Y(34265),
+ Y(3295),
+ Y(1078),
+ Y(63207),
+ Y(80520),
+ Y(39600),
+ Y(93237),
+ Y(32057),
+ Y(68933),
+ Y(47830),
+ Y(13455),
+ Y(64094),
+ Y(61915),
+ Y(32384),
+ Y(25579),
+ Y(63532),
+ Y(33425),
+ Y(43894),
+ Y(99636),
+ Y(34570),
+ Y(94432),
+ Y(24683),
+ Y(69984),
+ Y(32089),
+ Y(60206),
+ Y(29645),
+ Y(4788),
+ Y(58672),
+ Y(19356),
+ Y(48968),
+ Y(49852),
+ Y(2712),
+ Y(864),
+ Y(54243),
+ Y(75621),
+ Y(26267),
+ Y(50095),
+ Y(33451),
+ Y(74587),
+ Y(25082),
+ Y(47421),
+ Y(32122),
+ Y(6306),
+ Y(90216),
+ Y(84663),
+ Y(92332),
+ Y(98329),
+ Y(9631),
+ Y(47091),
+ Y(59660),
+ Y(15383),
+ Y(92866),
+ Y(86107),
+ Y(29248),
+ Y(52540),
+ Y(79007),
+ Y(77199),
+ Y(6522),
+ Y(95542),
+ Y(2966),
+ Y(20997),
+ Y(57400),
+ Y(45571),
+ Y(54800),
+ Y(15709),
+ Y(76059),
+ Y(96614),
+ Y(324),
+ Y(90426),
+ Y(95443),
+ Y(87968),
+ Y(55007),
+ Y(55323),
+ Y(13521),
+ Y(5006),
+ Y(99009),
+ Y(85770),
+ Y(23532),
+ Y(87119),
+ Y(78618),
+ Y(27129),
+ Y(31943),
+ Y(3579),
+ Y(97397),
+ Y(85028),
+ Y(8225),
+ Y(43331),
+ Y(62289),
+ Y(56196),
+ Y(2950),
+ Y(44205),
+ Y(76882),
+ Y(83186),
+ Y(76065),
+ Y(13411),
+ Y(26634),
+ Y(53118),
+ Y(42514),
+ Y(84353),
+ Y(62987),
+ Y(48993),
+ Y(52917),
+ Y(4972),
+ Y(28913),
+ Y(36382),
+ Y(53092),
+ Y(69861),
+ Y(29674),
+ Y(81543),
+ Y(9373),
+ Y(45093),
+ Y(63074),
+ Y(5815),
+ Y(88527),
+ Y(66390),
+ Y(7784),
+ Y(50551),
+ Y(76483),
+ Y(92046),
+ Y(63915),
+ Y(51454),
+ Y(79669),
+ Y(23057),
+ Y(57983),
+ Y(17953),
+ Y(30442),
+ Y(6403),
+ Y(9867),
+ Y(43673),
+ Y(12354),
+ Y(22515),
+ Y(5143),
+ Y(93514),
+ Y(5416),
+ Y(11619),
+ Y(44590),
+ Y(63272),
+ Y(39930),
+ Y(4038),
+ Y(8448),
+ Y(70604),
+ Y(34965),
+ Y(95309),
+ Y(82256),
+ Y(49484),
+ Y(38931),
+ Y(39308),
+ Y(91550),
+ Y(75008),
+ Y(56027),
+ Y(50340),
+ Y(34325),
+ Y(74498),
+ Y(15812),
+ Y(57726),
+ Y(80756),
+ Y(70567),
+ Y(66756),
+ Y(60037),
+ Y(44195),
+ Y(24575),
+ Y(71968),
+ Y(78824),
+ Y(72846),
+ Y(99872),
+ Y(73364),
+ Y(58166),
+ Y(23793),
+ Y(43820),
+ Y(13917),
+ Y(19852),
+ Y(40379),
+ Y(92770),
+ Y(81069),
+ Y(63689),
+ Y(5659),
+ Y(25014),
+ Y(32189),
+ Y(23030),
+ Y(24309),
+ Y(49110),
+ Y(56445),
+ Y(30939),
+ Y(48321),
+ Y(88739),
+ Y(60415),
+ Y(72532),
+ Y(62207),
+ Y(906),
+ Y(90846),
+ Y(40348),
+ Y(83006),
+ Y(25764),
+ Y(69401),
+ Y(95012),
+ Y(30236);
+ })(),
+ (function () {
+ 'use strict';
+ var T = Y(89005);
+ Y(67160),
+ Y(23542),
+ Y(30386),
+ Y(98996),
+ Y(50578),
+ Y(4444),
+ Y(77870),
+ Y(39108),
+ Y(11714),
+ Y(73492),
+ Y(49641),
+ Y(17570),
+ Y(61858),
+ Y(32882),
+ Y(23632),
+ Y(56492);
+ var r = Y(85822),
+ n = Y(7435),
+ e = Y(56518),
+ a = Y(26427),
+ t = Y(18498),
+ o = Y(49060),
+ f = Y(72178),
+ b = Y(24826),
+ y;
+ /**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */ r.perf.mark(
+ 'inception',
+ (y = window.performance) == null || (y = y.timing) == null ? void 0 : y.navigationStart
+ ),
+ r.perf.mark('init');
+ var B = (0, f.configureStore)(),
+ k = (0, o.createRenderer)(function () {
+ (0, a.loadIconRefMap)();
+ var l = Y(71253),
+ c = l.getRoutedComponent,
+ m = c(B);
+ return (0, T.createComponentVNode)(2, f.StoreProvider, {
+ store: B,
+ children: (0, T.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
+ });
+ }),
+ g = function l() {
+ if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
+ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', l);
+ return;
+ }
+ (0, b.setupGlobalEvents)(),
+ (0, e.setupHotKeys)(),
+ (0, t.captureExternalLinks)(),
+ B.subscribe(k),
+ Byond.subscribe(function (c, m) {
+ return B.dispatch({ type: c, payload: m });
+ });
+ };
+ g();
+ })();
+ })();
From c7fcd4fb6f51f9f27ca53449f04b3adcaf1364bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 04:52:16 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 12/23] Forgot the description.
code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm b/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm
index 1d34586b1970..c4ea8cdce4af 100644
--- a/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm
+++ b/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@
name = "Paraplegic"
+ desc = "Your legs don't work, even with prosthetics."
activation_messages = list("MY LEG!")
deactivation_messages = list("You can feel your legs again.")
From 59ac8cc7704f622ac027d13fc0f998661068ad1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 05:34:30 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 13/23] Got the scanners to show Paraplegia!
code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm | 24 ++++++++++++------------
code/game/machinery/adv_med.dm | 3 +++
2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm b/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm
index c4ea8cdce4af..7a0b8d9385e5 100644
--- a/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm
+++ b/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm
@@ -123,18 +123,6 @@
- name = "Paraplegic"
- desc = "Your legs don't work, even with prosthetics."
- activation_messages = list("MY LEG!")
- deactivation_messages = list("You can feel your legs again.")
- traits_to_add = list(TRAIT_PARAPLEGIC, TRAIT_FLOORED)
- ..()
- block = GLOB.paraplegicblock
name = "Colourblindness"
activation_messages = list("You feel a peculiar prickling in your eyes while your perception of colour changes.")
@@ -262,6 +250,18 @@
/datum/mutation/disability/mute/on_say(mob/M, message)
return ""
+ name = "Paraplegic"
+ desc = "Your legs don't work, even with prosthetics."
+ activation_messages = list("MY LEG!")
+ deactivation_messages = list("You can feel your legs again.")
+ traits_to_add = list(TRAIT_PARAPLEGIC, TRAIT_FLOORED)
+ ..()
+ block = GLOB.paraplegicblock
// MARK: Harmful to everyone
diff --git a/code/game/machinery/adv_med.dm b/code/game/machinery/adv_med.dm
index ab53feea9596..63aaada350a4 100644
--- a/code/game/machinery/adv_med.dm
+++ b/code/game/machinery/adv_med.dm
@@ -363,6 +363,7 @@
occupantData["blind"] = HAS_TRAIT(occupant, TRAIT_BLIND)
occupantData["colourblind"] = HAS_TRAIT(occupant, TRAIT_COLORBLIND)
occupantData["nearsighted"] = HAS_TRAIT(occupant, TRAIT_NEARSIGHT)
+ occupantData["paraplegic"] = HAS_TRAIT(occupant, TRAIT_PARAPLEGIC)
data["occupant"] = occupantData
return data
@@ -452,6 +453,8 @@
dat += "Photoreceptor abnormalities detected.
dat += "Retinal misalignment detected.
+ dat += "Lumbar nerves damaged.
dat += "
dat += "
From 289c8463a894db7f12bde386384737afa635028b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 05:57:38 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 14/23] block off some roles from paraplegics
code/game/jobs/job/engineering_jobs.dm | 2 +-
code/game/jobs/job/security_jobs.dm | 8 ++++----
code/game/jobs/job/supervisor.dm | 2 +-
3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/code/game/jobs/job/engineering_jobs.dm b/code/game/jobs/job/engineering_jobs.dm
index 93b5bc5d2cb7..d5db8c18b782 100644
--- a/code/game/jobs/job/engineering_jobs.dm
+++ b/code/game/jobs/job/engineering_jobs.dm
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
minimal_player_age = 21
exp_map = list(EXP_TYPE_ENGINEERING = 1200)
missing_limbs_allowed = FALSE
outfit = /datum/outfit/job/chief_engineer
important_information = "This role requires you to coordinate a department. You are required to be familiar with Standard Operating Procedure (Engineering), basic job duties, and act professionally (roleplay)."
diff --git a/code/game/jobs/job/security_jobs.dm b/code/game/jobs/job/security_jobs.dm
index 87393d49d43f..bd7bedd7e488 100644
--- a/code/game/jobs/job/security_jobs.dm
+++ b/code/game/jobs/job/security_jobs.dm
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
minimal_player_age = 21
exp_map = list(EXP_TYPE_SECURITY = 1200)
missing_limbs_allowed = FALSE
outfit = /datum/outfit/job/hos
important_information = "This role requires you to coordinate a department. You are required to be familiar with Standard Operating Procedure (Security), Space Law, basic job duties, and act professionally (roleplay)."
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
minimal_player_age = 21
exp_map = list(EXP_TYPE_SECURITY = 600)
missing_limbs_allowed = FALSE
outfit = /datum/outfit/job/warden
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
minimal_player_age = 14
exp_map = list(EXP_TYPE_CREW = 600)
missing_limbs_allowed = FALSE
outfit = /datum/outfit/job/detective
important_information = "Track, investigate, and look cool while doing it."
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
minimal_player_age = 14
exp_map = list(EXP_TYPE_CREW = 600)
missing_limbs_allowed = FALSE
outfit = /datum/outfit/job/officer
important_information = "Space Law is the law, not a suggestion."
diff --git a/code/game/jobs/job/supervisor.dm b/code/game/jobs/job/supervisor.dm
index 2b41c27a9e18..abe6d0bd9628 100644
--- a/code/game/jobs/job/supervisor.dm
+++ b/code/game/jobs/job/supervisor.dm
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
missing_limbs_allowed = FALSE
outfit = /datum/outfit/job/blueshield
important_information = "This role requires you to ensure the safety of the Heads of Staff, not the general crew. You may perform arrests only if the combatant is directly threatening a member of Command, the Nanotrasen Representative, or the Magistrate."
From cc0c2504b32bb5a759ffad3262e297c25013f2e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 07:43:31 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 15/23] Use stance instead of the floored trait for paraplegic
code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm | 2 +-
code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_organs.dm | 2 +-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm b/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm
index 7a0b8d9385e5..824f5fc4237d 100644
--- a/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm
+++ b/code/game/dna/mutations/disabilities.dm
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
activation_messages = list("MY LEG!")
deactivation_messages = list("You can feel your legs again.")
- traits_to_add = list(TRAIT_PARAPLEGIC, TRAIT_FLOORED)
+ traits_to_add = list(TRAIT_PARAPLEGIC)
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_organs.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_organs.dm
index 31e6e83233d4..f7694593a361 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_organs.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_organs.dm
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
for(var/limb_tag in list("l_leg","r_leg","l_foot","r_foot"))
var/obj/item/organ/external/E = bodyparts_by_name[limb_tag]
- if(!E || (E.status & ORGAN_DEAD) || E.is_malfunctioning() || !E.properly_attached)
+ if(!E || (E.status & ORGAN_DEAD) || E.is_malfunctioning() || !E.properly_attached || HAS_TRAIT(src,TRAIT_PARAPLEGIC))
if(E && !E.properly_attached && life_tick % 24 == 0)
From ff6e958d7b5acee393310958c5776b95a7440273 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 00:59:16 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 16/23] Prevent paraplegics from using/being hit by legsweeps,
change get_num_legs()
code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm | 2 +-
code/modules/surgery/organs/organ_helpers.dm | 3 +++
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm b/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm
index f2db2e92fc84..c5fa6a1a549d 100644
--- a/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm
+++ b/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
to_chat(owner, "You can't use Krav Maga while you're incapacitated.")
- to_chat(owner, "You can't leg sweep someone if you have no legs.")
+ to_chat(owner, "You can't leg sweep someone if you have no working legs.") // Changing bc this'll be returned for paraplegics, too.
to_chat(owner, "Your next attack will be a Leg Sweep.")
owner.visible_message("[owner] assumes the Leg Sweep stance!")
diff --git a/code/modules/surgery/organs/organ_helpers.dm b/code/modules/surgery/organs/organ_helpers.dm
index e27293dedc4f..5bc677e7004f 100644
--- a/code/modules/surgery/organs/organ_helpers.dm
+++ b/code/modules/surgery/organs/organ_helpers.dm
@@ -79,12 +79,15 @@
. = 0
+ return . // Early return.
for(var/X in bodyparts)
var/obj/item/organ/external/affecting = X
if(affecting.body_part == LEG_RIGHT)
if(affecting.body_part == LEG_LEFT)
/* Returns true if all the mob's vital organs are functional, otherwise returns false.
* This proc is only used for checking if IPCs can revive from death, so calling it on a non IPC will always return false (right now)
From 713627f8619a86eccea0b9239df0629b052704a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 01:32:20 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 17/23] Add DNA injectors for paraplegia
.../objects/items/weapons/dna_injector.dm | 20 +++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)
diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/dna_injector.dm b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/dna_injector.dm
index e4c09eff7eb4..5db8b6c08041 100644
--- a/code/game/objects/items/weapons/dna_injector.dm
+++ b/code/game/objects/items/weapons/dna_injector.dm
@@ -525,6 +525,26 @@
return GLOB.blindblock
+ name = "DNA-Injector (Paraplegic)"
+ desc = "Faceplanting, in needle form."
+ datatype = DNA2_BUF_SE
+ value = 0xFFF
+ forcedmutation = TRUE
+ return GLOB.paraplegicblock
+ name = "DNA-Injector (Anti-Paraplegic)"
+ desc = "Returns your legs to working order."
+ datatype = DNA2_BUF_SE
+ value = 0x001
+ forcedmutation = TRUE
+ return GLOB.paraplegicblock
name = "DNA-Injector (Deaf)"
desc = "Sorry, what did you say?"
From 3c3613d1739a33875c616c67cfbda911b9cc3de8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 01:58:53 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 18/23] change legsweep to use traitcheck, get_num_leg()
solution screwed up beartraps
code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm | 4 +++-
code/modules/surgery/organs/organ_helpers.dm | 2 --
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm b/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm
index c5fa6a1a549d..069fc7354b10 100644
--- a/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm
+++ b/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm
@@ -56,8 +56,10 @@
to_chat(owner, "You can't use Krav Maga while you're incapacitated.")
- to_chat(owner, "You can't leg sweep someone if you have no working legs.") // Changing bc this'll be returned for paraplegics, too.
+ to_chat(owner, "You can't leg sweep someone if you have no legs.")
+ to_chat(owner, "You can't leg sweep someone without working legs.")
to_chat(owner, "Your next attack will be a Leg Sweep.")
owner.visible_message("[owner] assumes the Leg Sweep stance!")
diff --git a/code/modules/surgery/organs/organ_helpers.dm b/code/modules/surgery/organs/organ_helpers.dm
index 5bc677e7004f..52fab181d454 100644
--- a/code/modules/surgery/organs/organ_helpers.dm
+++ b/code/modules/surgery/organs/organ_helpers.dm
@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@
. = 0
- return . // Early return.
for(var/X in bodyparts)
var/obj/item/organ/external/affecting = X
if(affecting.body_part == LEG_RIGHT)
From 49d11dadf357721eb93df74d6c8610abd370c3ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 06:06:34 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 19/23] whoops.
code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm b/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm
index 069fc7354b10..4fbc39be8412 100644
--- a/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm
+++ b/code/modules/martial_arts/krav_maga.dm
@@ -58,8 +58,9 @@
to_chat(owner, "You can't leg sweep someone if you have no legs.")
to_chat(owner, "You can't leg sweep someone without working legs.")
+ return
to_chat(owner, "Your next attack will be a Leg Sweep.")
owner.visible_message("[owner] assumes the Leg Sweep stance!")
From 3ebd7526402e31950643c21dac9bc133d83ecddb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 06:08:16 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 20/23] TGUI.
tgui/public/tgui.bundle.js | 81232 +----------------------------------
1 file changed, 354 insertions(+), 80878 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tgui/public/tgui.bundle.js b/tgui/public/tgui.bundle.js
index 9a8139995a74..f579ed3b9d97 100644
--- a/tgui/public/tgui.bundle.js
+++ b/tgui/public/tgui.bundle.js
@@ -1,80878 +1,354 @@
-(function () {
- (function () {
- var Jt = {
- 96376: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.createPopper = void 0), (r.popperGenerator = m);
- var e = g(n(74758)),
- a = g(n(28811)),
- t = g(n(98309)),
- o = g(n(44896)),
- f = g(n(33118)),
- b = g(n(10579)),
- y = g(n(56500)),
- B = g(n(17633));
- r.detectOverflow = B.default;
- var k = n(75573);
- function g(u) {
- return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u };
- }
- var i = { placement: 'bottom', modifiers: [], strategy: 'absolute' };
- function c() {
- for (var u = arguments.length, s = new Array(u), d = 0; d < u; d++) s[d] = arguments[d];
- return !s.some(function (C) {
- return !(C && typeof C.getBoundingClientRect == 'function');
- });
- }
- function m(u) {
- u === void 0 && (u = {});
- var s = u,
- d = s.defaultModifiers,
- C = d === void 0 ? [] : d,
- h = s.defaultOptions,
- v = h === void 0 ? i : h;
- return (function () {
- function p(N, V, S) {
- S === void 0 && (S = v);
- var I = {
- placement: 'bottom',
- orderedModifiers: [],
- options: Object.assign({}, i, v),
- modifiersData: {},
- elements: { reference: N, popper: V },
- attributes: {},
- styles: {},
- },
- L = [],
- w = !1,
- A = {
- state: I,
- setOptions: (function () {
- function P(D) {
- var M = typeof D == 'function' ? D(I.options) : D;
- E(),
- (I.options = Object.assign({}, v, I.options, M)),
- (I.scrollParents = {
- reference: (0, k.isElement)(N)
- ? (0, t.default)(N)
- : N.contextElement
- ? (0, t.default)(N.contextElement)
- : [],
- popper: (0, t.default)(V),
- });
- var R = (0, f.default)((0, y.default)([].concat(C, I.options.modifiers)));
- return (
- (I.orderedModifiers = R.filter(function (O) {
- return O.enabled;
- })),
- x(),
- A.update()
- );
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- forceUpdate: (function () {
- function P() {
- if (!w) {
- var D = I.elements,
- M = D.reference,
- R = D.popper;
- if (c(M, R)) {
- (I.rects = {
- reference: (0, e.default)(M, (0, o.default)(R), I.options.strategy === 'fixed'),
- popper: (0, a.default)(R),
- }),
- (I.reset = !1),
- (I.placement = I.options.placement),
- I.orderedModifiers.forEach(function (G) {
- return (I.modifiersData[G.name] = Object.assign({}, G.data));
- });
- for (var O = 0; O < I.orderedModifiers.length; O++) {
- if (I.reset === !0) {
- (I.reset = !1), (O = -1);
- continue;
- }
- var F = I.orderedModifiers[O],
- _ = F.fn,
- U = F.options,
- z = U === void 0 ? {} : U,
- $ = F.name;
- typeof _ == 'function' && (I = _({ state: I, options: z, name: $, instance: A }) || I);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- update: (0, b.default)(function () {
- return new Promise(function (P) {
- A.forceUpdate(), P(I);
- });
- }),
- destroy: (function () {
- function P() {
- E(), (w = !0);
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- };
- if (!c(N, V)) return A;
- A.setOptions(S).then(function (P) {
- !w && S.onFirstUpdate && S.onFirstUpdate(P);
- });
- function x() {
- I.orderedModifiers.forEach(function (P) {
- var D = P.name,
- M = P.options,
- R = M === void 0 ? {} : M,
- O = P.effect;
- if (typeof O == 'function') {
- var F = O({ state: I, name: D, instance: A, options: R }),
- _ = (function () {
- function U() {}
- return U;
- })();
- L.push(F || _);
- }
- });
- }
- function E() {
- L.forEach(function (P) {
- return P();
- }),
- (L = []);
- }
- return A;
- }
- return p;
- })();
- }
- var l = (r.createPopper = m());
- },
- 4206: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = a);
- var e = n(75573);
- function a(t, o) {
- var f = o.getRootNode && o.getRootNode();
- if (t.contains(o)) return !0;
- if (f && (0, e.isShadowRoot)(f)) {
- var b = o;
- do {
- if (b && t.isSameNode(b)) return !0;
- b = b.parentNode || b.host;
- } while (b);
- }
- return !1;
- }
- },
- 37786: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
- var e = n(75573),
- a = n(63618),
- t = f(n(95115)),
- o = f(n(89331));
- function f(y) {
- return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
- }
- function b(y, B, k) {
- B === void 0 && (B = !1), k === void 0 && (k = !1);
- var g = y.getBoundingClientRect(),
- i = 1,
- c = 1;
- B &&
- (0, e.isHTMLElement)(y) &&
- ((i = (y.offsetWidth > 0 && (0, a.round)(g.width) / y.offsetWidth) || 1),
- (c = (y.offsetHeight > 0 && (0, a.round)(g.height) / y.offsetHeight) || 1));
- var m = (0, e.isElement)(y) ? (0, t.default)(y) : window,
- l = m.visualViewport,
- u = !(0, o.default)() && k,
- s = (g.left + (u && l ? l.offsetLeft : 0)) / i,
- d = (g.top + (u && l ? l.offsetTop : 0)) / c,
- C = g.width / i,
- h = g.height / c;
- return { width: C, height: h, top: d, right: s + C, bottom: d + h, left: s, x: s, y: d };
- }
- },
- 49035: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = h);
- var e = n(46206),
- a = u(n(87991)),
- t = u(n(79752)),
- o = u(n(98309)),
- f = u(n(44896)),
- b = u(n(40600)),
- y = u(n(16599)),
- B = n(75573),
- k = u(n(37786)),
- g = u(n(57819)),
- i = u(n(4206)),
- c = u(n(12972)),
- m = u(n(81666)),
- l = n(63618);
- function u(v) {
- return v && v.__esModule ? v : { default: v };
- }
- function s(v, p) {
- var N = (0, k.default)(v, !1, p === 'fixed');
- return (
- (N.top = N.top + v.clientTop),
- (N.left = N.left + v.clientLeft),
- (N.bottom = N.top + v.clientHeight),
- (N.right = N.left + v.clientWidth),
- (N.width = v.clientWidth),
- (N.height = v.clientHeight),
- (N.x = N.left),
- (N.y = N.top),
- N
- );
- }
- function d(v, p, N) {
- return p === e.viewport
- ? (0, m.default)((0, a.default)(v, N))
- : (0, B.isElement)(p)
- ? s(p, N)
- : (0, m.default)((0, t.default)((0, b.default)(v)));
- }
- function C(v) {
- var p = (0, o.default)((0, g.default)(v)),
- N = ['absolute', 'fixed'].indexOf((0, y.default)(v).position) >= 0,
- V = N && (0, B.isHTMLElement)(v) ? (0, f.default)(v) : v;
- return (0, B.isElement)(V)
- ? p.filter(function (S) {
- return (0, B.isElement)(S) && (0, i.default)(S, V) && (0, c.default)(S) !== 'body';
- })
- : [];
- }
- function h(v, p, N, V) {
- var S = p === 'clippingParents' ? C(v) : [].concat(p),
- I = [].concat(S, [N]),
- L = I[0],
- w = I.reduce(
- function (A, x) {
- var E = d(v, x, V);
- return (
- (A.top = (0, l.max)(E.top, A.top)),
- (A.right = (0, l.min)(E.right, A.right)),
- (A.bottom = (0, l.min)(E.bottom, A.bottom)),
- (A.left = (0, l.max)(E.left, A.left)),
- A
- );
- },
- d(v, L, V)
- );
- return (w.width = w.right - w.left), (w.height = w.bottom - w.top), (w.x = w.left), (w.y = w.top), w;
- }
- },
- 74758: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = i);
- var e = k(n(37786)),
- a = k(n(13390)),
- t = k(n(12972)),
- o = n(75573),
- f = k(n(79697)),
- b = k(n(40600)),
- y = k(n(10798)),
- B = n(63618);
- function k(c) {
- return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c };
- }
- function g(c) {
- var m = c.getBoundingClientRect(),
- l = (0, B.round)(m.width) / c.offsetWidth || 1,
- u = (0, B.round)(m.height) / c.offsetHeight || 1;
- return l !== 1 || u !== 1;
- }
- function i(c, m, l) {
- l === void 0 && (l = !1);
- var u = (0, o.isHTMLElement)(m),
- s = (0, o.isHTMLElement)(m) && g(m),
- d = (0, b.default)(m),
- C = (0, e.default)(c, s, l),
- h = { scrollLeft: 0, scrollTop: 0 },
- v = { x: 0, y: 0 };
- return (
- (u || (!u && !l)) &&
- (((0, t.default)(m) !== 'body' || (0, y.default)(d)) && (h = (0, a.default)(m)),
- (0, o.isHTMLElement)(m)
- ? ((v = (0, e.default)(m, !0)), (v.x += m.clientLeft), (v.y += m.clientTop))
- : d && (v.x = (0, f.default)(d))),
- { x: C.left + h.scrollLeft - v.x, y: C.top + h.scrollTop - v.y, width: C.width, height: C.height }
- );
- }
- },
- 16599: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
- var e = a(n(95115));
- function a(o) {
- return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
- }
- function t(o) {
- return (0, e.default)(o).getComputedStyle(o);
- }
- },
- 40600: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = a);
- var e = n(75573);
- function a(t) {
- return (((0, e.isElement)(t) ? t.ownerDocument : t.document) || window.document).documentElement;
- }
- },
- 79752: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = y);
- var e = b(n(40600)),
- a = b(n(16599)),
- t = b(n(79697)),
- o = b(n(43750)),
- f = n(63618);
- function b(B) {
- return B && B.__esModule ? B : { default: B };
- }
- function y(B) {
- var k,
- g = (0, e.default)(B),
- i = (0, o.default)(B),
- c = (k = B.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : k.body,
- m = (0, f.max)(g.scrollWidth, g.clientWidth, c ? c.scrollWidth : 0, c ? c.clientWidth : 0),
- l = (0, f.max)(g.scrollHeight, g.clientHeight, c ? c.scrollHeight : 0, c ? c.clientHeight : 0),
- u = -i.scrollLeft + (0, t.default)(B),
- s = -i.scrollTop;
- return (
- (0, a.default)(c || g).direction === 'rtl' && (u += (0, f.max)(g.clientWidth, c ? c.clientWidth : 0) - m),
- { width: m, height: l, x: u, y: s }
- );
- }
- },
- 3073: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n(e) {
- return { scrollLeft: e.scrollLeft, scrollTop: e.scrollTop };
- }
- },
- 28811: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
- var e = a(n(37786));
- function a(o) {
- return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
- }
- function t(o) {
- var f = (0, e.default)(o),
- b = o.offsetWidth,
- y = o.offsetHeight;
- return (
- Math.abs(f.width - b) <= 1 && (b = f.width),
- Math.abs(f.height - y) <= 1 && (y = f.height),
- { x: o.offsetLeft, y: o.offsetTop, width: b, height: y }
- );
- }
- },
- 12972: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n(e) {
- return e ? (e.nodeName || '').toLowerCase() : null;
- }
- },
- 13390: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
- var e = f(n(43750)),
- a = f(n(95115)),
- t = n(75573),
- o = f(n(3073));
- function f(y) {
- return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
- }
- function b(y) {
- return y === (0, a.default)(y) || !(0, t.isHTMLElement)(y) ? (0, e.default)(y) : (0, o.default)(y);
- }
- },
- 44896: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = i);
- var e = B(n(95115)),
- a = B(n(12972)),
- t = B(n(16599)),
- o = n(75573),
- f = B(n(87031)),
- b = B(n(57819)),
- y = B(n(35366));
- function B(c) {
- return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c };
- }
- function k(c) {
- return !(0, o.isHTMLElement)(c) || (0, t.default)(c).position === 'fixed' ? null : c.offsetParent;
- }
- function g(c) {
- var m = /firefox/i.test((0, y.default)()),
- l = /Trident/i.test((0, y.default)());
- if (l && (0, o.isHTMLElement)(c)) {
- var u = (0, t.default)(c);
- if (u.position === 'fixed') return null;
- }
- var s = (0, b.default)(c);
- for (
- (0, o.isShadowRoot)(s) && (s = s.host);
- (0, o.isHTMLElement)(s) && ['html', 'body'].indexOf((0, a.default)(s)) < 0;
- ) {
- var d = (0, t.default)(s);
- if (
- d.transform !== 'none' ||
- d.perspective !== 'none' ||
- d.contain === 'paint' ||
- ['transform', 'perspective'].indexOf(d.willChange) !== -1 ||
- (m && d.willChange === 'filter') ||
- (m && d.filter && d.filter !== 'none')
- )
- return s;
- s = s.parentNode;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function i(c) {
- for (
- var m = (0, e.default)(c), l = k(c);
- l && (0, f.default)(l) && (0, t.default)(l).position === 'static';
- )
- l = k(l);
- return l &&
- ((0, a.default)(l) === 'html' ||
- ((0, a.default)(l) === 'body' && (0, t.default)(l).position === 'static'))
- ? m
- : l || g(c) || m;
- }
- },
- 57819: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = f);
- var e = o(n(12972)),
- a = o(n(40600)),
- t = n(75573);
- function o(b) {
- return b && b.__esModule ? b : { default: b };
- }
- function f(b) {
- return (0, e.default)(b) === 'html'
- ? b
- : b.assignedSlot || b.parentNode || ((0, t.isShadowRoot)(b) ? b.host : null) || (0, a.default)(b);
- }
- },
- 24426: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
- var e = f(n(57819)),
- a = f(n(10798)),
- t = f(n(12972)),
- o = n(75573);
- function f(y) {
- return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
- }
- function b(y) {
- return ['html', 'body', '#document'].indexOf((0, t.default)(y)) >= 0
- ? y.ownerDocument.body
- : (0, o.isHTMLElement)(y) && (0, a.default)(y)
- ? y
- : b((0, e.default)(y));
- }
- },
- 87991: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
- var e = f(n(95115)),
- a = f(n(40600)),
- t = f(n(79697)),
- o = f(n(89331));
- function f(y) {
- return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
- }
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, e.default)(y),
- g = (0, a.default)(y),
- i = k.visualViewport,
- c = g.clientWidth,
- m = g.clientHeight,
- l = 0,
- u = 0;
- if (i) {
- (c = i.width), (m = i.height);
- var s = (0, o.default)();
- (s || (!s && B === 'fixed')) && ((l = i.offsetLeft), (u = i.offsetTop));
- }
- return { width: c, height: m, x: l + (0, t.default)(y), y: u };
- }
- },
- 95115: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n(e) {
- if (e == null) return window;
- if (e.toString() !== '[object Window]') {
- var a = e.ownerDocument;
- return (a && a.defaultView) || window;
- }
- return e;
- }
- },
- 43750: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
- var e = a(n(95115));
- function a(o) {
- return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
- }
- function t(o) {
- var f = (0, e.default)(o),
- b = f.pageXOffset,
- y = f.pageYOffset;
- return { scrollLeft: b, scrollTop: y };
- }
- },
- 79697: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = f);
- var e = o(n(37786)),
- a = o(n(40600)),
- t = o(n(43750));
- function o(b) {
- return b && b.__esModule ? b : { default: b };
- }
- function f(b) {
- return (0, e.default)((0, a.default)(b)).left + (0, t.default)(b).scrollLeft;
- }
- },
- 75573: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.isElement = t), (r.isHTMLElement = o), (r.isShadowRoot = f);
- var e = a(n(95115));
- function a(b) {
- return b && b.__esModule ? b : { default: b };
- }
- function t(b) {
- var y = (0, e.default)(b).Element;
- return b instanceof y || b instanceof Element;
- }
- function o(b) {
- var y = (0, e.default)(b).HTMLElement;
- return b instanceof y || b instanceof HTMLElement;
- }
- function f(b) {
- if (typeof ShadowRoot == 'undefined') return !1;
- var y = (0, e.default)(b).ShadowRoot;
- return b instanceof y || b instanceof ShadowRoot;
- }
- },
- 89331: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
- var e = a(n(35366));
- function a(o) {
- return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
- }
- function t() {
- return !/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test((0, e.default)());
- }
- },
- 10798: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
- var e = a(n(16599));
- function a(o) {
- return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
- }
- function t(o) {
- var f = (0, e.default)(o),
- b = f.overflow,
- y = f.overflowX,
- B = f.overflowY;
- return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden/.test(b + B + y);
- }
- },
- 87031: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
- var e = a(n(12972));
- function a(o) {
- return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
- }
- function t(o) {
- return ['table', 'td', 'th'].indexOf((0, e.default)(o)) >= 0;
- }
- },
- 98309: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
- var e = f(n(24426)),
- a = f(n(57819)),
- t = f(n(95115)),
- o = f(n(10798));
- function f(y) {
- return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
- }
- function b(y, B) {
- var k;
- B === void 0 && (B = []);
- var g = (0, e.default)(y),
- i = g === ((k = y.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : k.body),
- c = (0, t.default)(g),
- m = i ? [c].concat(c.visualViewport || [], (0, o.default)(g) ? g : []) : g,
- l = B.concat(m);
- return i ? l : l.concat(b((0, a.default)(m)));
- }
- },
- 46206: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.write =
- r.viewport =
- r.variationPlacements =
- r.top =
- r.start =
- r.right =
- r.reference =
- r.read =
- r.popper =
- r.placements =
- r.modifierPhases =
- r.main =
- r.left =
- r.end =
- r.clippingParents =
- r.bottom =
- r.beforeWrite =
- r.beforeRead =
- r.beforeMain =
- r.basePlacements =
- r.auto =
- r.afterWrite =
- r.afterRead =
- r.afterMain =
- void 0);
- var n = (r.top = 'top'),
- e = (r.bottom = 'bottom'),
- a = (r.right = 'right'),
- t = (r.left = 'left'),
- o = (r.auto = 'auto'),
- f = (r.basePlacements = [n, e, a, t]),
- b = (r.start = 'start'),
- y = (r.end = 'end'),
- B = (r.clippingParents = 'clippingParents'),
- k = (r.viewport = 'viewport'),
- g = (r.popper = 'popper'),
- i = (r.reference = 'reference'),
- c = (r.variationPlacements = f.reduce(function (S, I) {
- return S.concat([I + '-' + b, I + '-' + y]);
- }, [])),
- m = (r.placements = [].concat(f, [o]).reduce(function (S, I) {
- return S.concat([I, I + '-' + b, I + '-' + y]);
- }, [])),
- l = (r.beforeRead = 'beforeRead'),
- u = (r.read = 'read'),
- s = (r.afterRead = 'afterRead'),
- d = (r.beforeMain = 'beforeMain'),
- C = (r.main = 'main'),
- h = (r.afterMain = 'afterMain'),
- v = (r.beforeWrite = 'beforeWrite'),
- p = (r.write = 'write'),
- N = (r.afterWrite = 'afterWrite'),
- V = (r.modifierPhases = [l, u, s, d, C, h, v, p, N]);
- },
- 95996: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- r.__esModule = !0;
- var e = {
- popperGenerator: !0,
- detectOverflow: !0,
- createPopperBase: !0,
- createPopper: !0,
- createPopperLite: !0,
- };
- r.popperGenerator = r.detectOverflow = r.createPopperLite = r.createPopperBase = r.createPopper = void 0;
- var a = n(46206);
- Object.keys(a).forEach(function (y) {
- y === 'default' ||
- y === '__esModule' ||
- Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, y) ||
- (y in r && r[y] === a[y]) ||
- (r[y] = a[y]);
- });
- var t = n(39805);
- Object.keys(t).forEach(function (y) {
- y === 'default' ||
- y === '__esModule' ||
- Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, y) ||
- (y in r && r[y] === t[y]) ||
- (r[y] = t[y]);
- });
- var o = n(96376);
- (r.popperGenerator = o.popperGenerator),
- (r.detectOverflow = o.detectOverflow),
- (r.createPopperBase = o.createPopper);
- var f = n(83312);
- r.createPopper = f.createPopper;
- var b = n(2473);
- r.createPopperLite = b.createPopper;
- },
- 19975: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
- var e = t(n(12972)),
- a = n(75573);
- function t(y) {
- return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
- }
- function o(y) {
- var B = y.state;
- Object.keys(B.elements).forEach(function (k) {
- var g = B.styles[k] || {},
- i = B.attributes[k] || {},
- c = B.elements[k];
- !(0, a.isHTMLElement)(c) ||
- !(0, e.default)(c) ||
- (Object.assign(c.style, g),
- Object.keys(i).forEach(function (m) {
- var l = i[m];
- l === !1 ? c.removeAttribute(m) : c.setAttribute(m, l === !0 ? '' : l);
- }));
- });
- }
- function f(y) {
- var B = y.state,
- k = {
- popper: { position: B.options.strategy, left: '0', top: '0', margin: '0' },
- arrow: { position: 'absolute' },
- reference: {},
- };
- return (
- Object.assign(B.elements.popper.style, k.popper),
- (B.styles = k),
- B.elements.arrow && Object.assign(B.elements.arrow.style, k.arrow),
- function () {
- Object.keys(B.elements).forEach(function (g) {
- var i = B.elements[g],
- c = B.attributes[g] || {},
- m = Object.keys(B.styles.hasOwnProperty(g) ? B.styles[g] : k[g]),
- l = m.reduce(function (u, s) {
- return (u[s] = ''), u;
- }, {});
- !(0, a.isHTMLElement)(i) ||
- !(0, e.default)(i) ||
- (Object.assign(i.style, l),
- Object.keys(c).forEach(function (u) {
- i.removeAttribute(u);
- }));
- });
- }
- );
- }
- var b = (r.default = {
- name: 'applyStyles',
- enabled: !0,
- phase: 'write',
- fn: o,
- effect: f,
- requires: ['computeStyles'],
- });
- },
- 52744: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
- var e = g(n(83104)),
- a = g(n(28811)),
- t = g(n(4206)),
- o = g(n(44896)),
- f = g(n(41199)),
- b = n(28595),
- y = g(n(43286)),
- B = g(n(81447)),
- k = n(46206);
- function g(u) {
- return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u };
- }
- var i = (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return (
- (s = typeof s == 'function' ? s(Object.assign({}, d.rects, { placement: d.placement })) : s),
- (0, y.default)(typeof s != 'number' ? s : (0, B.default)(s, k.basePlacements))
- );
- }
- return u;
- })();
- function c(u) {
- var s,
- d = u.state,
- C = u.name,
- h = u.options,
- v = d.elements.arrow,
- p = d.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
- N = (0, e.default)(d.placement),
- V = (0, f.default)(N),
- S = [k.left, k.right].indexOf(N) >= 0,
- I = S ? 'height' : 'width';
- if (!(!v || !p)) {
- var L = i(h.padding, d),
- w = (0, a.default)(v),
- A = V === 'y' ? k.top : k.left,
- x = V === 'y' ? k.bottom : k.right,
- E = d.rects.reference[I] + d.rects.reference[V] - p[V] - d.rects.popper[I],
- P = p[V] - d.rects.reference[V],
- D = (0, o.default)(v),
- M = D ? (V === 'y' ? D.clientHeight || 0 : D.clientWidth || 0) : 0,
- R = E / 2 - P / 2,
- O = L[A],
- F = M - w[I] - L[x],
- _ = M / 2 - w[I] / 2 + R,
- U = (0, b.within)(O, _, F),
- z = V;
- d.modifiersData[C] = ((s = {}), (s[z] = U), (s.centerOffset = U - _), s);
- }
- }
- function m(u) {
- var s = u.state,
- d = u.options,
- C = d.element,
- h = C === void 0 ? '[data-popper-arrow]' : C;
- h != null &&
- ((typeof h == 'string' && ((h = s.elements.popper.querySelector(h)), !h)) ||
- ((0, t.default)(s.elements.popper, h) && (s.elements.arrow = h)));
- }
- var l = (r.default = {
- name: 'arrow',
- enabled: !0,
- phase: 'main',
- fn: c,
- effect: m,
- requires: ['popperOffsets'],
- requiresIfExists: ['preventOverflow'],
- });
- },
- 59894: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0), (r.mapToStyles = c);
- var e = n(46206),
- a = k(n(44896)),
- t = k(n(95115)),
- o = k(n(40600)),
- f = k(n(16599)),
- b = k(n(83104)),
- y = k(n(45)),
- B = n(63618);
- function k(u) {
- return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u };
- }
- var g = { top: 'auto', right: 'auto', bottom: 'auto', left: 'auto' };
- function i(u, s) {
- var d = u.x,
- C = u.y,
- h = s.devicePixelRatio || 1;
- return { x: (0, B.round)(d * h) / h || 0, y: (0, B.round)(C * h) / h || 0 };
- }
- function c(u) {
- var s,
- d = u.popper,
- C = u.popperRect,
- h = u.placement,
- v = u.variation,
- p = u.offsets,
- N = u.position,
- V = u.gpuAcceleration,
- S = u.adaptive,
- I = u.roundOffsets,
- L = u.isFixed,
- w = p.x,
- A = w === void 0 ? 0 : w,
- x = p.y,
- E = x === void 0 ? 0 : x,
- P = typeof I == 'function' ? I({ x: A, y: E }) : { x: A, y: E };
- (A = P.x), (E = P.y);
- var D = p.hasOwnProperty('x'),
- M = p.hasOwnProperty('y'),
- R = e.left,
- O = e.top,
- F = window;
- if (S) {
- var _ = (0, a.default)(d),
- U = 'clientHeight',
- z = 'clientWidth';
- if (
- (_ === (0, t.default)(d) &&
- ((_ = (0, o.default)(d)),
- (0, f.default)(_).position !== 'static' &&
- N === 'absolute' &&
- ((U = 'scrollHeight'), (z = 'scrollWidth'))),
- (_ = _),
- h === e.top || ((h === e.left || h === e.right) && v === e.end))
- ) {
- O = e.bottom;
- var $ = L && _ === F && F.visualViewport ? F.visualViewport.height : _[U];
- (E -= $ - C.height), (E *= V ? 1 : -1);
- }
- if (h === e.left || ((h === e.top || h === e.bottom) && v === e.end)) {
- R = e.right;
- var G = L && _ === F && F.visualViewport ? F.visualViewport.width : _[z];
- (A -= G - C.width), (A *= V ? 1 : -1);
- }
- }
- var X = Object.assign({ position: N }, S && g),
- J = I === !0 ? i({ x: A, y: E }, (0, t.default)(d)) : { x: A, y: E };
- if (((A = J.x), (E = J.y), V)) {
- var se;
- return Object.assign(
- {},
- X,
- ((se = {}),
- (se[O] = M ? '0' : ''),
- (se[R] = D ? '0' : ''),
- (se.transform =
- (F.devicePixelRatio || 1) <= 1
- ? 'translate(' + A + 'px, ' + E + 'px)'
- : 'translate3d(' + A + 'px, ' + E + 'px, 0)'),
- se)
- );
- }
- return Object.assign(
- {},
- X,
- ((s = {}), (s[O] = M ? E + 'px' : ''), (s[R] = D ? A + 'px' : ''), (s.transform = ''), s)
- );
- }
- function m(u) {
- var s = u.state,
- d = u.options,
- C = d.gpuAcceleration,
- h = C === void 0 ? !0 : C,
- v = d.adaptive,
- p = v === void 0 ? !0 : v,
- N = d.roundOffsets,
- V = N === void 0 ? !0 : N,
- S = {
- placement: (0, b.default)(s.placement),
- variation: (0, y.default)(s.placement),
- popper: s.elements.popper,
- popperRect: s.rects.popper,
- gpuAcceleration: h,
- isFixed: s.options.strategy === 'fixed',
- };
- s.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null &&
- (s.styles.popper = Object.assign(
- {},
- s.styles.popper,
- c(
- Object.assign({}, S, {
- offsets: s.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
- position: s.options.strategy,
- adaptive: p,
- roundOffsets: V,
- })
- )
- )),
- s.modifiersData.arrow != null &&
- (s.styles.arrow = Object.assign(
- {},
- s.styles.arrow,
- c(
- Object.assign({}, S, {
- offsets: s.modifiersData.arrow,
- position: 'absolute',
- adaptive: !1,
- roundOffsets: V,
- })
- )
- )),
- (s.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, s.attributes.popper, { 'data-popper-placement': s.placement }));
- }
- var l = (r.default = { name: 'computeStyles', enabled: !0, phase: 'beforeWrite', fn: m, data: {} });
- },
- 36692: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
- var e = a(n(95115));
- function a(b) {
- return b && b.__esModule ? b : { default: b };
- }
- var t = { passive: !0 };
- function o(b) {
- var y = b.state,
- B = b.instance,
- k = b.options,
- g = k.scroll,
- i = g === void 0 ? !0 : g,
- c = k.resize,
- m = c === void 0 ? !0 : c,
- l = (0, e.default)(y.elements.popper),
- u = [].concat(y.scrollParents.reference, y.scrollParents.popper);
- return (
- i &&
- u.forEach(function (s) {
- s.addEventListener('scroll', B.update, t);
- }),
- m && l.addEventListener('resize', B.update, t),
- function () {
- i &&
- u.forEach(function (s) {
- s.removeEventListener('scroll', B.update, t);
- }),
- m && l.removeEventListener('resize', B.update, t);
- }
- );
- }
- var f = (r.default = {
- name: 'eventListeners',
- enabled: !0,
- phase: 'write',
- fn: (function () {
- function b() {}
- return b;
- })(),
- effect: o,
- data: {},
- });
- },
- 23798: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
- var e = B(n(71376)),
- a = B(n(83104)),
- t = B(n(86459)),
- o = B(n(17633)),
- f = B(n(9041)),
- b = n(46206),
- y = B(n(45));
- function B(c) {
- return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c };
- }
- function k(c) {
- if ((0, a.default)(c) === b.auto) return [];
- var m = (0, e.default)(c);
- return [(0, t.default)(c), m, (0, t.default)(m)];
- }
- function g(c) {
- var m = c.state,
- l = c.options,
- u = c.name;
- if (!m.modifiersData[u]._skip) {
- for (
- var s = l.mainAxis,
- d = s === void 0 ? !0 : s,
- C = l.altAxis,
- h = C === void 0 ? !0 : C,
- v = l.fallbackPlacements,
- p = l.padding,
- N = l.boundary,
- V = l.rootBoundary,
- S = l.altBoundary,
- I = l.flipVariations,
- L = I === void 0 ? !0 : I,
- w = l.allowedAutoPlacements,
- A = m.options.placement,
- x = (0, a.default)(A),
- E = x === A,
- P = v || (E || !L ? [(0, e.default)(A)] : k(A)),
- D = [A].concat(P).reduce(function (ne, te) {
- return ne.concat(
- (0, a.default)(te) === b.auto
- ? (0, f.default)(m, {
- placement: te,
- boundary: N,
- rootBoundary: V,
- padding: p,
- flipVariations: L,
- allowedAutoPlacements: w,
- })
- : te
- );
- }, []),
- M = m.rects.reference,
- R = m.rects.popper,
- O = new Map(),
- F = !0,
- _ = D[0],
- U = 0;
- U < D.length;
- U++
- ) {
- var z = D[U],
- $ = (0, a.default)(z),
- G = (0, y.default)(z) === b.start,
- X = [b.top, b.bottom].indexOf($) >= 0,
- J = X ? 'width' : 'height',
- se = (0, o.default)(m, { placement: z, boundary: N, rootBoundary: V, altBoundary: S, padding: p }),
- ie = X ? (G ? b.right : b.left) : G ? b.bottom : b.top;
- M[J] > R[J] && (ie = (0, e.default)(ie));
- var me = (0, e.default)(ie),
- q = [];
- if (
- (d && q.push(se[$] <= 0),
- h && q.push(se[ie] <= 0, se[me] <= 0),
- q.every(function (ne) {
- return ne;
- }))
- ) {
- (_ = z), (F = !1);
- break;
- }
- O.set(z, q);
- }
- if (F)
- for (
- var re = L ? 3 : 1,
- ae = (function () {
- function ne(te) {
- var fe = D.find(function (pe) {
- var ce = O.get(pe);
- if (ce)
- return ce.slice(0, te).every(function (Ve) {
- return Ve;
- });
- });
- if (fe) return (_ = fe), 'break';
- }
- return ne;
- })(),
- le = re;
- le > 0;
- le--
- ) {
- var Z = ae(le);
- if (Z === 'break') break;
- }
- m.placement !== _ && ((m.modifiersData[u]._skip = !0), (m.placement = _), (m.reset = !0));
- }
- }
- var i = (r.default = {
- name: 'flip',
- enabled: !0,
- phase: 'main',
- fn: g,
- requiresIfExists: ['offset'],
- data: { _skip: !1 },
- });
- },
- 83761: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
- var e = n(46206),
- a = t(n(17633));
- function t(B) {
- return B && B.__esModule ? B : { default: B };
- }
- function o(B, k, g) {
- return (
- g === void 0 && (g = { x: 0, y: 0 }),
- {
- top: B.top - k.height - g.y,
- right: B.right - k.width + g.x,
- bottom: B.bottom - k.height + g.y,
- left: B.left - k.width - g.x,
- }
- );
- }
- function f(B) {
- return [e.top, e.right, e.bottom, e.left].some(function (k) {
- return B[k] >= 0;
- });
- }
- function b(B) {
- var k = B.state,
- g = B.name,
- i = k.rects.reference,
- c = k.rects.popper,
- m = k.modifiersData.preventOverflow,
- l = (0, a.default)(k, { elementContext: 'reference' }),
- u = (0, a.default)(k, { altBoundary: !0 }),
- s = o(l, i),
- d = o(u, c, m),
- C = f(s),
- h = f(d);
- (k.modifiersData[g] = {
- referenceClippingOffsets: s,
- popperEscapeOffsets: d,
- isReferenceHidden: C,
- hasPopperEscaped: h,
- }),
- (k.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, k.attributes.popper, {
- 'data-popper-reference-hidden': C,
- 'data-popper-escaped': h,
- }));
- }
- var y = (r.default = {
- name: 'hide',
- enabled: !0,
- phase: 'main',
- requiresIfExists: ['preventOverflow'],
- fn: b,
- });
- },
- 39805: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.preventOverflow =
- r.popperOffsets =
- r.offset =
- r.hide =
- r.flip =
- r.eventListeners =
- r.computeStyles =
- r.arrow =
- r.applyStyles =
- void 0);
- var e = g(n(19975));
- r.applyStyles = e.default;
- var a = g(n(52744));
- r.arrow = a.default;
- var t = g(n(59894));
- r.computeStyles = t.default;
- var o = g(n(36692));
- r.eventListeners = o.default;
- var f = g(n(23798));
- r.flip = f.default;
- var b = g(n(83761));
- r.hide = b.default;
- var y = g(n(61410));
- r.offset = y.default;
- var B = g(n(40107));
- r.popperOffsets = B.default;
- var k = g(n(75137));
- r.preventOverflow = k.default;
- function g(i) {
- return i && i.__esModule ? i : { default: i };
- }
- },
- 61410: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0), (r.distanceAndSkiddingToXY = o);
- var e = t(n(83104)),
- a = n(46206);
- function t(y) {
- return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
- }
- function o(y, B, k) {
- var g = (0, e.default)(y),
- i = [a.left, a.top].indexOf(g) >= 0 ? -1 : 1,
- c = typeof k == 'function' ? k(Object.assign({}, B, { placement: y })) : k,
- m = c[0],
- l = c[1];
- return (
- (m = m || 0), (l = (l || 0) * i), [a.left, a.right].indexOf(g) >= 0 ? { x: l, y: m } : { x: m, y: l }
- );
- }
- function f(y) {
- var B = y.state,
- k = y.options,
- g = y.name,
- i = k.offset,
- c = i === void 0 ? [0, 0] : i,
- m = a.placements.reduce(function (d, C) {
- return (d[C] = o(C, B.rects, c)), d;
- }, {}),
- l = m[B.placement],
- u = l.x,
- s = l.y;
- B.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null &&
- ((B.modifiersData.popperOffsets.x += u), (B.modifiersData.popperOffsets.y += s)),
- (B.modifiersData[g] = m);
- }
- var b = (r.default = { name: 'offset', enabled: !0, phase: 'main', requires: ['popperOffsets'], fn: f });
- },
- 40107: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
- var e = a(n(89951));
- function a(f) {
- return f && f.__esModule ? f : { default: f };
- }
- function t(f) {
- var b = f.state,
- y = f.name;
- b.modifiersData[y] = (0, e.default)({
- reference: b.rects.reference,
- element: b.rects.popper,
- strategy: 'absolute',
- placement: b.placement,
- });
- }
- var o = (r.default = { name: 'popperOffsets', enabled: !0, phase: 'read', fn: t, data: {} });
- },
- 75137: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = void 0);
- var e = n(46206),
- a = c(n(83104)),
- t = c(n(41199)),
- o = c(n(28066)),
- f = n(28595),
- b = c(n(28811)),
- y = c(n(44896)),
- B = c(n(17633)),
- k = c(n(45)),
- g = c(n(34780)),
- i = n(63618);
- function c(u) {
- return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u };
- }
- function m(u) {
- var s = u.state,
- d = u.options,
- C = u.name,
- h = d.mainAxis,
- v = h === void 0 ? !0 : h,
- p = d.altAxis,
- N = p === void 0 ? !1 : p,
- V = d.boundary,
- S = d.rootBoundary,
- I = d.altBoundary,
- L = d.padding,
- w = d.tether,
- A = w === void 0 ? !0 : w,
- x = d.tetherOffset,
- E = x === void 0 ? 0 : x,
- P = (0, B.default)(s, { boundary: V, rootBoundary: S, padding: L, altBoundary: I }),
- D = (0, a.default)(s.placement),
- M = (0, k.default)(s.placement),
- R = !M,
- O = (0, t.default)(D),
- F = (0, o.default)(O),
- _ = s.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
- U = s.rects.reference,
- z = s.rects.popper,
- $ = typeof E == 'function' ? E(Object.assign({}, s.rects, { placement: s.placement })) : E,
- G = typeof $ == 'number' ? { mainAxis: $, altAxis: $ } : Object.assign({ mainAxis: 0, altAxis: 0 }, $),
- X = s.modifiersData.offset ? s.modifiersData.offset[s.placement] : null,
- J = { x: 0, y: 0 };
- if (_) {
- if (v) {
- var se,
- ie = O === 'y' ? e.top : e.left,
- me = O === 'y' ? e.bottom : e.right,
- q = O === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width',
- re = _[O],
- ae = re + P[ie],
- le = re - P[me],
- Z = A ? -z[q] / 2 : 0,
- ne = M === e.start ? U[q] : z[q],
- te = M === e.start ? -z[q] : -U[q],
- fe = s.elements.arrow,
- pe = A && fe ? (0, b.default)(fe) : { width: 0, height: 0 },
- ce = s.modifiersData['arrow#persistent']
- ? s.modifiersData['arrow#persistent'].padding
- : (0, g.default)(),
- Ve = ce[ie],
- Ce = ce[me],
- Ne = (0, f.within)(0, U[q], pe[q]),
- Be = R ? U[q] / 2 - Z - Ne - Ve - G.mainAxis : ne - Ne - Ve - G.mainAxis,
- be = R ? -U[q] / 2 + Z + Ne + Ce + G.mainAxis : te + Ne + Ce + G.mainAxis,
- Le = s.elements.arrow && (0, y.default)(s.elements.arrow),
- we = Le ? (O === 'y' ? Le.clientTop || 0 : Le.clientLeft || 0) : 0,
- xe = (se = X == null ? void 0 : X[O]) != null ? se : 0,
- Re = re + Be - xe - we,
- He = re + be - xe,
- ye = (0, f.within)(A ? (0, i.min)(ae, Re) : ae, re, A ? (0, i.max)(le, He) : le);
- (_[O] = ye), (J[O] = ye - re);
- }
- if (N) {
- var de,
- he = O === 'x' ? e.top : e.left,
- ke = O === 'x' ? e.bottom : e.right,
- ve = _[F],
- Se = F === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width',
- Pe = ve + P[he],
- je = ve - P[ke],
- Fe = [e.top, e.left].indexOf(D) !== -1,
- ze = (de = X == null ? void 0 : X[F]) != null ? de : 0,
- We = Fe ? Pe : ve - U[Se] - z[Se] - ze + G.altAxis,
- Ue = Fe ? ve + U[Se] + z[Se] - ze - G.altAxis : je,
- Xe = A && Fe ? (0, f.withinMaxClamp)(We, ve, Ue) : (0, f.within)(A ? We : Pe, ve, A ? Ue : je);
- (_[F] = Xe), (J[F] = Xe - ve);
- }
- s.modifiersData[C] = J;
- }
- }
- var l = (r.default = {
- name: 'preventOverflow',
- enabled: !0,
- phase: 'main',
- fn: m,
- requiresIfExists: ['offset'],
- });
- },
- 2473: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.defaultModifiers = r.createPopper = void 0);
- var e = n(96376);
- (r.popperGenerator = e.popperGenerator), (r.detectOverflow = e.detectOverflow);
- var a = b(n(36692)),
- t = b(n(40107)),
- o = b(n(59894)),
- f = b(n(19975));
- function b(k) {
- return k && k.__esModule ? k : { default: k };
- }
- var y = (r.defaultModifiers = [a.default, t.default, o.default, f.default]),
- B = (r.createPopper = (0, e.popperGenerator)({ defaultModifiers: y }));
- },
- 83312: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- r.__esModule = !0;
- var e = {
- createPopper: !0,
- createPopperLite: !0,
- defaultModifiers: !0,
- popperGenerator: !0,
- detectOverflow: !0,
- };
- r.defaultModifiers = r.createPopperLite = r.createPopper = void 0;
- var a = n(96376);
- (r.popperGenerator = a.popperGenerator), (r.detectOverflow = a.detectOverflow);
- var t = l(n(36692)),
- o = l(n(40107)),
- f = l(n(59894)),
- b = l(n(19975)),
- y = l(n(61410)),
- B = l(n(23798)),
- k = l(n(75137)),
- g = l(n(52744)),
- i = l(n(83761)),
- c = n(2473);
- r.createPopperLite = c.createPopper;
- var m = n(39805);
- Object.keys(m).forEach(function (d) {
- d === 'default' ||
- d === '__esModule' ||
- Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, d) ||
- (d in r && r[d] === m[d]) ||
- (r[d] = m[d]);
- });
- function l(d) {
- return d && d.__esModule ? d : { default: d };
- }
- var u = (r.defaultModifiers = [
- t.default,
- o.default,
- f.default,
- b.default,
- y.default,
- B.default,
- k.default,
- g.default,
- i.default,
- ]),
- s = (r.createPopperLite = r.createPopper = (0, a.popperGenerator)({ defaultModifiers: u }));
- },
- 9041: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
- var e = f(n(45)),
- a = n(46206),
- t = f(n(17633)),
- o = f(n(83104));
- function f(y) {
- return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
- }
- function b(y, B) {
- B === void 0 && (B = {});
- var k = B,
- g = k.placement,
- i = k.boundary,
- c = k.rootBoundary,
- m = k.padding,
- l = k.flipVariations,
- u = k.allowedAutoPlacements,
- s = u === void 0 ? a.placements : u,
- d = (0, e.default)(g),
- C = d
- ? l
- ? a.variationPlacements
- : a.variationPlacements.filter(function (p) {
- return (0, e.default)(p) === d;
- })
- : a.basePlacements,
- h = C.filter(function (p) {
- return s.indexOf(p) >= 0;
- });
- h.length === 0 && (h = C);
- var v = h.reduce(function (p, N) {
- return (
- (p[N] = (0, t.default)(y, { placement: N, boundary: i, rootBoundary: c, padding: m })[
- (0, o.default)(N)
- ]),
- p
- );
- }, {});
- return Object.keys(v).sort(function (p, N) {
- return v[p] - v[N];
- });
- }
- },
- 89951: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = b);
- var e = f(n(83104)),
- a = f(n(45)),
- t = f(n(41199)),
- o = n(46206);
- function f(y) {
- return y && y.__esModule ? y : { default: y };
- }
- function b(y) {
- var B = y.reference,
- k = y.element,
- g = y.placement,
- i = g ? (0, e.default)(g) : null,
- c = g ? (0, a.default)(g) : null,
- m = B.x + B.width / 2 - k.width / 2,
- l = B.y + B.height / 2 - k.height / 2,
- u;
- switch (i) {
- case o.top:
- u = { x: m, y: B.y - k.height };
- break;
- case o.bottom:
- u = { x: m, y: B.y + B.height };
- break;
- case o.right:
- u = { x: B.x + B.width, y: l };
- break;
- case o.left:
- u = { x: B.x - k.width, y: l };
- break;
- default:
- u = { x: B.x, y: B.y };
- }
- var s = i ? (0, t.default)(i) : null;
- if (s != null) {
- var d = s === 'y' ? 'height' : 'width';
- switch (c) {
- case o.start:
- u[s] = u[s] - (B[d] / 2 - k[d] / 2);
- break;
- case o.end:
- u[s] = u[s] + (B[d] / 2 - k[d] / 2);
- break;
- default:
- }
- }
- return u;
- }
- },
- 10579: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n(e) {
- var a;
- return function () {
- return (
- a ||
- (a = new Promise(function (t) {
- Promise.resolve().then(function () {
- (a = void 0), t(e());
- });
- })),
- a
- );
- };
- }
- },
- 17633: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = i);
- var e = g(n(49035)),
- a = g(n(40600)),
- t = g(n(37786)),
- o = g(n(89951)),
- f = g(n(81666)),
- b = n(46206),
- y = n(75573),
- B = g(n(43286)),
- k = g(n(81447));
- function g(c) {
- return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c };
- }
- function i(c, m) {
- m === void 0 && (m = {});
- var l = m,
- u = l.placement,
- s = u === void 0 ? c.placement : u,
- d = l.strategy,
- C = d === void 0 ? c.strategy : d,
- h = l.boundary,
- v = h === void 0 ? b.clippingParents : h,
- p = l.rootBoundary,
- N = p === void 0 ? b.viewport : p,
- V = l.elementContext,
- S = V === void 0 ? b.popper : V,
- I = l.altBoundary,
- L = I === void 0 ? !1 : I,
- w = l.padding,
- A = w === void 0 ? 0 : w,
- x = (0, B.default)(typeof A != 'number' ? A : (0, k.default)(A, b.basePlacements)),
- E = S === b.popper ? b.reference : b.popper,
- P = c.rects.popper,
- D = c.elements[L ? E : S],
- M = (0, e.default)(
- (0, y.isElement)(D) ? D : D.contextElement || (0, a.default)(c.elements.popper),
- v,
- N,
- C
- ),
- R = (0, t.default)(c.elements.reference),
- O = (0, o.default)({ reference: R, element: P, strategy: 'absolute', placement: s }),
- F = (0, f.default)(Object.assign({}, P, O)),
- _ = S === b.popper ? F : R,
- U = {
- top: M.top - _.top + x.top,
- bottom: _.bottom - M.bottom + x.bottom,
- left: M.left - _.left + x.left,
- right: _.right - M.right + x.right,
- },
- z = c.modifiersData.offset;
- if (S === b.popper && z) {
- var $ = z[s];
- Object.keys(U).forEach(function (G) {
- var X = [b.right, b.bottom].indexOf(G) >= 0 ? 1 : -1,
- J = [b.top, b.bottom].indexOf(G) >= 0 ? 'y' : 'x';
- U[G] += $[J] * X;
- });
- }
- return U;
- }
- },
- 81447: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n(e, a) {
- return a.reduce(function (t, o) {
- return (t[o] = e), t;
- }, {});
- }
- },
- 28066: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n(e) {
- return e === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x';
- }
- },
- 83104: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = a);
- var e = n(46206);
- function a(t) {
- return t.split('-')[0];
- }
- },
- 34780: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n() {
- return { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 };
- }
- },
- 41199: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n(e) {
- return ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(e) >= 0 ? 'x' : 'y';
- }
- },
- 71376: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = e);
- var n = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' };
- function e(a) {
- return a.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (t) {
- return n[t];
- });
- }
- },
- 86459: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = e);
- var n = { start: 'end', end: 'start' };
- function e(a) {
- return a.replace(/start|end/g, function (t) {
- return n[t];
- });
- }
- },
- 45: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n(e) {
- return e.split('-')[1];
- }
- },
- 63618: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.round = r.min = r.max = void 0);
- var n = (r.max = Math.max),
- e = (r.min = Math.min),
- a = (r.round = Math.round);
- },
- 56500: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n(e) {
- var a = e.reduce(function (t, o) {
- var f = t[o.name];
- return (
- (t[o.name] = f
- ? Object.assign({}, f, o, {
- options: Object.assign({}, f.options, o.options),
- data: Object.assign({}, f.data, o.data),
- })
- : o),
- t
- );
- }, {});
- return Object.keys(a).map(function (t) {
- return a[t];
- });
- }
- },
- 43286: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
- var e = a(n(34780));
- function a(o) {
- return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o };
- }
- function t(o) {
- return Object.assign({}, (0, e.default)(), o);
- }
- },
- 33118: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = t);
- var e = n(46206);
- function a(o) {
- var f = new Map(),
- b = new Set(),
- y = [];
- o.forEach(function (k) {
- f.set(k.name, k);
- });
- function B(k) {
- b.add(k.name);
- var g = [].concat(k.requires || [], k.requiresIfExists || []);
- g.forEach(function (i) {
- if (!b.has(i)) {
- var c = f.get(i);
- c && B(c);
- }
- }),
- y.push(k);
- }
- return (
- o.forEach(function (k) {
- b.has(k.name) || B(k);
- }),
- y
- );
- }
- function t(o) {
- var f = a(o);
- return e.modifierPhases.reduce(function (b, y) {
- return b.concat(
- f.filter(function (B) {
- return B.phase === y;
- })
- );
- }, []);
- }
- },
- 81666: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n(e) {
- return Object.assign({}, e, { left: e.x, top: e.y, right: e.x + e.width, bottom: e.y + e.height });
- }
- },
- 35366: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.default = n);
- function n() {
- var e = navigator.userAgentData;
- return e != null && e.brands && Array.isArray(e.brands)
- ? e.brands
- .map(function (a) {
- return a.brand + '/' + a.version;
- })
- .join(' ')
- : navigator.userAgent;
- }
- },
- 28595: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.within = a), (r.withinMaxClamp = t);
- var e = n(63618);
- function a(o, f, b) {
- return (0, e.max)(o, (0, e.min)(f, b));
- }
- function t(o, f, b) {
- var y = a(o, f, b);
- return y > b ? b : y;
- }
- },
- 15875: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.VNodeFlags = r.ChildFlags = void 0);
- var n;
- (function (a) {
- (a[(a.Unknown = 0)] = 'Unknown'),
- (a[(a.HtmlElement = 1)] = 'HtmlElement'),
- (a[(a.ComponentUnknown = 2)] = 'ComponentUnknown'),
- (a[(a.ComponentClass = 4)] = 'ComponentClass'),
- (a[(a.ComponentFunction = 8)] = 'ComponentFunction'),
- (a[(a.Text = 16)] = 'Text'),
- (a[(a.SvgElement = 32)] = 'SvgElement'),
- (a[(a.InputElement = 64)] = 'InputElement'),
- (a[(a.TextareaElement = 128)] = 'TextareaElement'),
- (a[(a.SelectElement = 256)] = 'SelectElement'),
- (a[(a.Portal = 1024)] = 'Portal'),
- (a[(a.ReCreate = 2048)] = 'ReCreate'),
- (a[(a.ContentEditable = 4096)] = 'ContentEditable'),
- (a[(a.Fragment = 8192)] = 'Fragment'),
- (a[(a.InUse = 16384)] = 'InUse'),
- (a[(a.ForwardRef = 32768)] = 'ForwardRef'),
- (a[(a.Normalized = 65536)] = 'Normalized'),
- (a[(a.ForwardRefComponent = 32776)] = 'ForwardRefComponent'),
- (a[(a.FormElement = 448)] = 'FormElement'),
- (a[(a.Element = 481)] = 'Element'),
- (a[(a.Component = 14)] = 'Component'),
- (a[(a.DOMRef = 1521)] = 'DOMRef'),
- (a[(a.InUseOrNormalized = 81920)] = 'InUseOrNormalized'),
- (a[(a.ClearInUse = -16385)] = 'ClearInUse'),
- (a[(a.ComponentKnown = 12)] = 'ComponentKnown');
- })(n || (r.VNodeFlags = n = {}));
- var e;
- (function (a) {
- (a[(a.UnknownChildren = 0)] = 'UnknownChildren'),
- (a[(a.HasInvalidChildren = 1)] = 'HasInvalidChildren'),
- (a[(a.HasVNodeChildren = 2)] = 'HasVNodeChildren'),
- (a[(a.HasNonKeyedChildren = 4)] = 'HasNonKeyedChildren'),
- (a[(a.HasKeyedChildren = 8)] = 'HasKeyedChildren'),
- (a[(a.HasTextChildren = 16)] = 'HasTextChildren'),
- (a[(a.MultipleChildren = 12)] = 'MultipleChildren');
- })(e || (r.ChildFlags = e = {}));
- },
- 89292: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.Fragment = r.EMPTY_OBJ = r.Component = r.AnimationQueues = void 0),
- (r._CI = Ot),
- (r._HI = pe),
- (r._M = Ke),
- (r._MCCC = Ft),
- (r._ME = Dt),
- (r._MFCC = _t),
- (r._MP = Mt),
- (r._MR = at),
- (r._RFC = gt),
- (r.__render = Ht),
- (r.createComponentVNode = se),
- (r.createFragment = me),
- (r.createPortal = Z),
- (r.createRef = nn),
- (r.createRenderer = En),
- (r.createTextVNode = ie),
- (r.createVNode = $),
- (r.directClone = ae),
- (r.findDOMFromVNode = V),
- (r.forwardRef = on),
- (r.getFlagsForElementVnode = te),
- (r.linkEvent = g),
- (r.normalizeProps = q),
- (r.options = void 0),
- (r.render = zt),
- (r.rerender = $t),
- (r.version = void 0);
- var n = Array.isArray;
- function e(j) {
- var W = typeof j;
- return W === 'string' || W === 'number';
- }
- function a(j) {
- return j == null;
- }
- function t(j) {
- return j === null || j === !1 || j === !0 || j === void 0;
- }
- function o(j) {
- return typeof j == 'function';
- }
- function f(j) {
- return typeof j == 'string';
- }
- function b(j) {
- return typeof j == 'number';
- }
- function y(j) {
- return j === null;
- }
- function B(j) {
- return j === void 0;
- }
- function k(j, W) {
- var H = {};
- if (j) for (var K in j) H[K] = j[K];
- if (W) for (var Q in W) H[Q] = W[Q];
- return H;
- }
- function g(j, W) {
- return o(W) ? { data: j, event: W } : null;
- }
- function i(j) {
- return !y(j) && typeof j == 'object';
- }
- var c = (r.EMPTY_OBJ = {}),
- m = (r.Fragment = '$F'),
- l = (r.AnimationQueues = (function () {
- function j() {
- (this.componentDidAppear = []), (this.componentWillDisappear = []), (this.componentWillMove = []);
- }
- return j;
- })());
- function u(j) {
- return j.substring(2).toLowerCase();
- }
- function s(j, W) {
- j.appendChild(W);
- }
- function d(j, W, H) {
- y(H) ? s(j, W) : j.insertBefore(W, H);
- }
- function C(j, W) {
- return W ? document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', j) : document.createElement(j);
- }
- function h(j, W, H) {
- j.replaceChild(W, H);
- }
- function v(j, W) {
- j.removeChild(W);
- }
- function p(j) {
- for (var W = 0; W < j.length; W++) j[W]();
- }
- function N(j, W, H) {
- var K = j.children;
- return H & 4 ? K.$LI : H & 8192 ? (j.childFlags === 2 ? K : K[W ? 0 : K.length - 1]) : K;
- }
- function V(j, W) {
- for (var H; j; ) {
- if (((H = j.flags), H & 1521)) return j.dom;
- j = N(j, W, H);
- }
- return null;
- }
- function S(j, W) {
- for (var H = j.length, K; (K = j.pop()) !== void 0; )
- K(function () {
- --H <= 0 && o(W) && W();
- });
- }
- function I(j) {
- for (var W = 0; W < j.length; W++) j[W].fn();
- for (var H = 0; H < j.length; H++) {
- var K = j[H];
- d(K.parent, K.dom, K.next);
- }
- j.splice(0, j.length);
- }
- function L(j, W, H) {
- do {
- var K = j.flags;
- if (K & 1521) {
- (!H || j.dom.parentNode === W) && v(W, j.dom);
- return;
- }
- var Q = j.children;
- if ((K & 4 && (j = Q.$LI), K & 8 && (j = Q), K & 8192))
- if (j.childFlags === 2) j = Q;
- else {
- for (var ee = 0, oe = Q.length; ee < oe; ++ee) L(Q[ee], W, !1);
- return;
- }
- } while (j);
- }
- function w(j, W) {
- return function () {
- L(j, W, !0);
- };
- }
- function A(j, W, H) {
- H.componentWillDisappear.length > 0 ? S(H.componentWillDisappear, w(j, W)) : L(j, W, !1);
- }
- function x(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
- j.componentWillMove.push({
- dom: K,
- fn: (function () {
- function ge() {
- oe & 4 ? H.componentWillMove(W, Q, K) : oe & 8 && H.onComponentWillMove(W, Q, K, ue);
- }
- return ge;
- })(),
- next: ee,
- parent: Q,
- });
- }
- function E(j, W, H, K, Q) {
- var ee,
- oe,
- ue = W.flags;
- do {
- var ge = W.flags;
- if (ge & 1521) {
- !a(ee) && (o(ee.componentWillMove) || o(ee.onComponentWillMove))
- ? x(Q, j, ee, W.dom, H, K, ue, oe)
- : d(H, W.dom, K);
- return;
- }
- var Te = W.children;
- if (ge & 4) (ee = W.children), (oe = W.props), (W = Te.$LI);
- else if (ge & 8) (ee = W.ref), (oe = W.props), (W = Te);
- else if (ge & 8192)
- if (W.childFlags === 2) W = Te;
- else {
- for (var Ie = 0, Ee = Te.length; Ie < Ee; ++Ie) E(j, Te[Ie], H, K, Q);
- return;
- }
- } while (W);
- }
- function P(j, W, H) {
- return j.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps ? k(H, j.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(W, H)) : H;
- }
- var D = { v: !1 },
- M = (r.options = { componentComparator: null, createVNode: null, renderComplete: null });
- function R(j, W) {
- j.textContent = W;
- }
- function O(j, W) {
- return i(j) && j.event === W.event && j.data === W.data;
- }
- function F(j, W) {
- for (var H in W) B(j[H]) && (j[H] = W[H]);
- return j;
- }
- function _(j, W) {
- return !!o(j) && (j(W), !0);
- }
- var U = '$';
- function z(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
- (this.childFlags = j),
- (this.children = W),
- (this.className = H),
- (this.dom = null),
- (this.flags = K),
- (this.key = Q === void 0 ? null : Q),
- (this.props = ee === void 0 ? null : ee),
- (this.ref = oe === void 0 ? null : oe),
- (this.type = ue);
- }
- function $(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
- var ge = Q === void 0 ? 1 : Q,
- Te = new z(ge, K, H, j, oe, ee, ue, W);
- return M.createVNode && M.createVNode(Te), ge === 0 && fe(Te, Te.children), Te;
- }
- function G(j, W, H) {
- if (j & 4) return H;
- var K = (j & 32768 ? W.render : W).defaultHooks;
- return a(K) ? H : a(H) ? K : F(H, K);
- }
- function X(j, W, H) {
- var K = (j & 32768 ? W.render : W).defaultProps;
- return a(K) ? H : a(H) ? k(K, null) : F(H, K);
- }
- function J(j, W) {
- return j & 12 ? j : W.prototype && W.prototype.render ? 4 : W.render ? 32776 : 8;
- }
- function se(j, W, H, K, Q) {
- j = J(j, W);
- var ee = new z(1, null, null, j, K, X(j, W, H), G(j, W, Q), W);
- return M.createVNode && M.createVNode(ee), ee;
- }
- function ie(j, W) {
- return new z(1, a(j) || j === !0 || j === !1 ? '' : j, null, 16, W, null, null, null);
- }
- function me(j, W, H) {
- var K = $(8192, 8192, null, j, W, null, H, null);
- switch (K.childFlags) {
- case 1:
- (K.children = le()), (K.childFlags = 2);
- break;
- case 16:
- (K.children = [ie(j)]), (K.childFlags = 4);
- break;
- }
- return K;
- }
- function q(j) {
- var W = j.props;
- if (W) {
- var H = j.flags;
- H & 481 &&
- (W.children !== void 0 && a(j.children) && fe(j, W.children),
- W.className !== void 0 &&
- (a(j.className) && (j.className = W.className || null), (W.className = void 0))),
- W.key !== void 0 && ((j.key = W.key), (W.key = void 0)),
- W.ref !== void 0 && (H & 8 ? (j.ref = k(j.ref, W.ref)) : (j.ref = W.ref), (W.ref = void 0));
- }
- return j;
- }
- function re(j) {
- var W = j.children,
- H = j.childFlags;
- return me(H === 2 ? ae(W) : W.map(ae), H, j.key);
- }
- function ae(j) {
- var W = j.flags & -16385,
- H = j.props;
- if (W & 14 && !y(H)) {
- var K = H;
- H = {};
- for (var Q in K) H[Q] = K[Q];
- }
- return W & 8192 ? re(j) : new z(j.childFlags, j.children, j.className, W, j.key, H, j.ref, j.type);
- }
- function le() {
- return ie('', null);
- }
- function Z(j, W) {
- var H = pe(j);
- return $(1024, 1024, null, H, 0, null, H.key, W);
- }
- function ne(j, W, H, K) {
- for (var Q = j.length; H < Q; H++) {
- var ee = j[H];
- if (!t(ee)) {
- var oe = K + U + H;
- if (n(ee)) ne(ee, W, 0, oe);
- else {
- if (e(ee)) ee = ie(ee, oe);
- else {
- var ue = ee.key,
- ge = f(ue) && ue[0] === U;
- (ee.flags & 81920 || ge) && (ee = ae(ee)),
- (ee.flags |= 65536),
- ge
- ? ue.substring(0, K.length) !== K && (ee.key = K + ue)
- : y(ue)
- ? (ee.key = oe)
- : (ee.key = K + ue);
- }
- W.push(ee);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function te(j) {
- switch (j) {
- case 'svg':
- return 32;
- case 'input':
- return 64;
- case 'select':
- return 256;
- case 'textarea':
- return 128;
- case m:
- return 8192;
- default:
- return 1;
- }
- }
- function fe(j, W) {
- var H,
- K = 1;
- if (t(W)) H = W;
- else if (e(W)) (K = 16), (H = W);
- else if (n(W)) {
- for (var Q = W.length, ee = 0; ee < Q; ++ee) {
- var oe = W[ee];
- if (t(oe) || n(oe)) {
- (H = H || W.slice(0, ee)), ne(W, H, ee, '');
- break;
- } else if (e(oe)) (H = H || W.slice(0, ee)), H.push(ie(oe, U + ee));
- else {
- var ue = oe.key,
- ge = (oe.flags & 81920) > 0,
- Te = y(ue),
- Ie = f(ue) && ue[0] === U;
- ge || Te || Ie
- ? ((H = H || W.slice(0, ee)),
- (ge || Ie) && (oe = ae(oe)),
- (Te || Ie) && (oe.key = U + ee),
- H.push(oe))
- : H && H.push(oe),
- (oe.flags |= 65536);
- }
- }
- (H = H || W), H.length === 0 ? (K = 1) : (K = 8);
- } else (H = W), (H.flags |= 65536), W.flags & 81920 && (H = ae(W)), (K = 2);
- return (j.children = H), (j.childFlags = K), j;
- }
- function pe(j) {
- return t(j) || e(j) ? ie(j, null) : n(j) ? me(j, 0, null) : j.flags & 16384 ? ae(j) : j;
- }
- var ce = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink',
- Ve = 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace',
- Ce = {
- 'xlink:actuate': ce,
- 'xlink:arcrole': ce,
- 'xlink:href': ce,
- 'xlink:role': ce,
- 'xlink:show': ce,
- 'xlink:title': ce,
- 'xlink:type': ce,
- 'xml:base': Ve,
- 'xml:lang': Ve,
- 'xml:space': Ve,
- };
- function Ne(j) {
- return {
- onClick: j,
- onDblClick: j,
- onFocusIn: j,
- onFocusOut: j,
- onKeyDown: j,
- onKeyPress: j,
- onKeyUp: j,
- onMouseDown: j,
- onMouseMove: j,
- onMouseUp: j,
- onTouchEnd: j,
- onTouchMove: j,
- onTouchStart: j,
- };
- }
- var Be = Ne(0),
- be = Ne(null),
- Le = Ne(!0);
- function we(j, W) {
- var H = W.$EV;
- return H || (H = W.$EV = Ne(null)), H[j] || (++Be[j] === 1 && (be[j] = je(j))), H;
- }
- function xe(j, W) {
- var H = W.$EV;
- H && H[j] && (--Be[j] === 0 && (document.removeEventListener(u(j), be[j]), (be[j] = null)), (H[j] = null));
- }
- function Re(j, W, H, K) {
- if (o(H)) we(j, K)[j] = H;
- else if (i(H)) {
- if (O(W, H)) return;
- we(j, K)[j] = H;
- } else xe(j, K);
- }
- function He(j) {
- return o(j.composedPath) ? j.composedPath()[0] : j.target;
- }
- function ye(j, W, H, K) {
- var Q = He(j);
- do {
- if (W && Q.disabled) return;
- var ee = Q.$EV;
- if (ee) {
- var oe = ee[H];
- if (oe && ((K.dom = Q), oe.event ? oe.event(oe.data, j) : oe(j), j.cancelBubble)) return;
- }
- Q = Q.parentNode;
- } while (!y(Q));
- }
- function de() {
- (this.cancelBubble = !0), this.immediatePropagationStopped || this.stopImmediatePropagation();
- }
- function he() {
- return this.defaultPrevented;
- }
- function ke() {
- return this.cancelBubble;
- }
- function ve(j) {
- var W = { dom: document };
- return (
- (j.isDefaultPrevented = he),
- (j.isPropagationStopped = ke),
- (j.stopPropagation = de),
- Object.defineProperty(j, 'currentTarget', {
- configurable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function H() {
- return W.dom;
- }
- return H;
- })(),
- }),
- W
- );
- }
- function Se(j) {
- return function (W) {
- if (W.button !== 0) {
- W.stopPropagation();
- return;
- }
- ye(W, !0, j, ve(W));
- };
- }
- function Pe(j) {
- return function (W) {
- ye(W, !1, j, ve(W));
- };
- }
- function je(j) {
- var W = j === 'onClick' || j === 'onDblClick' ? Se(j) : Pe(j);
- return document.addEventListener(u(j), W), W;
- }
- function Fe(j, W) {
- var H = document.createElement('i');
- return (H.innerHTML = W), H.innerHTML === j.innerHTML;
- }
- function ze(j, W, H) {
- if (j[W]) {
- var K = j[W];
- K.event ? K.event(K.data, H) : K(H);
- } else {
- var Q = W.toLowerCase();
- j[Q] && j[Q](H);
- }
- }
- function We(j, W) {
- var H = (function () {
- function K(Q) {
- var ee = this.$V;
- if (ee) {
- var oe = ee.props || c,
- ue = ee.dom;
- if (f(j)) ze(oe, j, Q);
- else for (var ge = 0; ge < j.length; ++ge) ze(oe, j[ge], Q);
- if (o(W)) {
- var Te = this.$V,
- Ie = Te.props || c;
- W(Ie, ue, !1, Te);
- }
- }
- }
- return K;
- })();
- return (
- Object.defineProperty(H, 'wrapped', { configurable: !1, enumerable: !1, value: !0, writable: !1 }), H
- );
- }
- function Ue(j, W, H) {
- var K = '$' + W,
- Q = j[K];
- if (Q) {
- if (Q[1].wrapped) return;
- j.removeEventListener(Q[0], Q[1]), (j[K] = null);
- }
- o(H) && (j.addEventListener(W, H), (j[K] = [W, H]));
- }
- function Xe(j) {
- return j === 'checkbox' || j === 'radio';
- }
- var yt = We('onInput', ut),
- St = We(['onClick', 'onChange'], ut);
- function Ct(j) {
- j.stopPropagation();
- }
- Ct.wrapped = !0;
- function Bt(j, W) {
- Xe(W.type) ? (Ue(j, 'change', St), Ue(j, 'click', Ct)) : Ue(j, 'input', yt);
- }
- function ut(j, W) {
- var H = j.type,
- K = j.value,
- Q = j.checked,
- ee = j.multiple,
- oe = j.defaultValue,
- ue = !a(K);
- H && H !== W.type && W.setAttribute('type', H),
- !a(ee) && ee !== W.multiple && (W.multiple = ee),
- !a(oe) && !ue && (W.defaultValue = oe + ''),
- Xe(H)
- ? (ue && (W.value = K), a(Q) || (W.checked = Q))
- : ue && W.value !== K
- ? ((W.defaultValue = K), (W.value = K))
- : a(Q) || (W.checked = Q);
- }
- function rt(j, W) {
- if (j.type === 'option') It(j, W);
- else {
- var H = j.children,
- K = j.flags;
- if (K & 4) rt(H.$LI, W);
- else if (K & 8) rt(H, W);
- else if (j.childFlags === 2) rt(H, W);
- else if (j.childFlags & 12) for (var Q = 0, ee = H.length; Q < ee; ++Q) rt(H[Q], W);
- }
- }
- function It(j, W) {
- var H = j.props || c,
- K = j.dom;
- (K.value = H.value),
- H.value === W || (n(W) && W.indexOf(H.value) !== -1)
- ? (K.selected = !0)
- : (!a(W) || !a(H.selected)) && (K.selected = H.selected || !1);
- }
- var Lt = We('onChange', wt);
- function Qt(j) {
- Ue(j, 'change', Lt);
- }
- function wt(j, W, H, K) {
- var Q = !!j.multiple;
- !a(j.multiple) && Q !== W.multiple && (W.multiple = Q);
- var ee = j.selectedIndex;
- ee === -1 && (W.selectedIndex = -1);
- var oe = K.childFlags;
- if (oe !== 1) {
- var ue = j.value;
- b(ee) && ee > -1 && W.options[ee] && (ue = W.options[ee].value),
- H && a(ue) && (ue = j.defaultValue),
- rt(K, ue);
- }
- }
- var Zt = We('onInput', Tt),
- qt = We('onChange');
- function en(j, W) {
- Ue(j, 'input', Zt), W.onChange && Ue(j, 'change', qt);
- }
- function Tt(j, W, H) {
- var K = j.value,
- Q = W.value;
- if (a(K)) {
- if (H) {
- var ee = j.defaultValue;
- !a(ee) && ee !== Q && ((W.defaultValue = ee), (W.value = ee));
- }
- } else Q !== K && ((W.defaultValue = K), (W.value = K));
- }
- function xt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee) {
- j & 64 ? ut(K, H) : j & 256 ? wt(K, H, Q, W) : j & 128 && Tt(K, H, Q), ee && (H.$V = W);
- }
- function tn(j, W, H) {
- j & 64 ? Bt(W, H) : j & 256 ? Qt(W) : j & 128 && en(W, H);
- }
- function At(j) {
- return j.type && Xe(j.type) ? !a(j.checked) : !a(j.value);
- }
- function nn() {
- return { current: null };
- }
- function on(j) {
- var W = { render: j };
- return W;
- }
- function st(j) {
- j && !_(j, null) && j.current && (j.current = null);
- }
- function at(j, W, H) {
- j &&
- (o(j) || j.current !== void 0) &&
- H.push(function () {
- !_(j, W) && j.current !== void 0 && (j.current = W);
- });
- }
- function Je(j, W, H) {
- Ze(j, H), A(j, W, H);
- }
- function Ze(j, W) {
- var H = j.flags,
- K = j.children,
- Q;
- if (H & 481) {
- Q = j.ref;
- var ee = j.props;
- st(Q);
- var oe = j.childFlags;
- if (!y(ee))
- for (var ue = Object.keys(ee), ge = 0, Te = ue.length; ge < Te; ge++) {
- var Ie = ue[ge];
- Le[Ie] && xe(Ie, j.dom);
- }
- oe & 12 ? ct(K, W) : oe === 2 && Ze(K, W);
- } else if (K)
- if (H & 4) {
- o(K.componentWillUnmount) && K.componentWillUnmount();
- var Ee = W;
- o(K.componentWillDisappear) && ((Ee = new l()), Et(W, K, K.$LI.dom, H, void 0)),
- st(j.ref),
- (K.$UN = !0),
- Ze(K.$LI, Ee);
- } else if (H & 8) {
- var Ae = W;
- if (((Q = j.ref), !a(Q))) {
- var Me = null;
- o(Q.onComponentWillUnmount) && ((Me = V(j, !0)), Q.onComponentWillUnmount(Me, j.props || c)),
- o(Q.onComponentWillDisappear) && ((Ae = new l()), (Me = Me || V(j, !0)), Et(W, Q, Me, H, j.props));
- }
- Ze(K, Ae);
- } else H & 1024 ? Je(K, j.ref, W) : H & 8192 && j.childFlags & 12 && ct(K, W);
- }
- function ct(j, W) {
- for (var H = 0, K = j.length; H < K; ++H) Ze(j[H], W);
- }
- function rn(j, W) {
- return function () {
- if (W)
- for (var H = 0; H < j.length; H++) {
- var K = j[H];
- L(K, W, !1);
- }
- };
- }
- function mt(j, W, H) {
- H.componentWillDisappear.length > 0 ? S(H.componentWillDisappear, rn(W, j)) : (j.textContent = '');
- }
- function pt(j, W, H, K) {
- ct(H, K), W.flags & 8192 ? A(W, j, K) : mt(j, H, K);
- }
- function Et(j, W, H, K, Q) {
- j.componentWillDisappear.push(function (ee) {
- K & 4 ? W.componentWillDisappear(H, ee) : K & 8 && W.onComponentWillDisappear(H, Q, ee);
- });
- }
- function an(j) {
- var W = j.event;
- return function (H) {
- W(j.data, H);
- };
- }
- function cn(j, W, H, K) {
- if (i(H)) {
- if (O(W, H)) return;
- H = an(H);
- }
- Ue(K, u(j), H);
- }
- function ln(j, W, H) {
- if (a(W)) {
- H.removeAttribute('style');
- return;
- }
- var K = H.style,
- Q,
- ee;
- if (f(W)) {
- K.cssText = W;
- return;
- }
- if (!a(j) && !f(j)) {
- for (Q in W) (ee = W[Q]), ee !== j[Q] && K.setProperty(Q, ee);
- for (Q in j) a(W[Q]) && K.removeProperty(Q);
- } else for (Q in W) (ee = W[Q]), K.setProperty(Q, ee);
- }
- function dn(j, W, H, K, Q) {
- var ee = (j && j.__html) || '',
- oe = (W && W.__html) || '';
- ee !== oe &&
- !a(oe) &&
- !Fe(K, oe) &&
- (y(H) ||
- (H.childFlags & 12 ? ct(H.children, Q) : H.childFlags === 2 && Ze(H.children, Q),
- (H.children = null),
- (H.childFlags = 1)),
- (K.innerHTML = oe));
- }
- function vt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
- switch (j) {
- case 'children':
- case 'childrenType':
- case 'className':
- case 'defaultValue':
- case 'key':
- case 'multiple':
- case 'ref':
- case 'selectedIndex':
- break;
- case 'autoFocus':
- K.autofocus = !!H;
- break;
- case 'allowfullscreen':
- case 'autoplay':
- case 'capture':
- case 'checked':
- case 'controls':
- case 'default':
- case 'disabled':
- case 'hidden':
- case 'indeterminate':
- case 'loop':
- case 'muted':
- case 'novalidate':
- case 'open':
- case 'readOnly':
- case 'required':
- case 'reversed':
- case 'scoped':
- case 'seamless':
- case 'selected':
- K[j] = !!H;
- break;
- case 'defaultChecked':
- case 'value':
- case 'volume':
- if (ee && j === 'value') break;
- var ge = a(H) ? '' : H;
- K[j] !== ge && (K[j] = ge);
- break;
- case 'style':
- ln(W, H, K);
- break;
- case 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML':
- dn(W, H, oe, K, ue);
- break;
- default:
- Le[j]
- ? Re(j, W, H, K)
- : j.charCodeAt(0) === 111 && j.charCodeAt(1) === 110
- ? cn(j, W, H, K)
- : a(H)
- ? K.removeAttribute(j)
- : Q && Ce[j]
- ? K.setAttributeNS(Ce[j], j, H)
- : K.setAttribute(j, H);
- break;
- }
- }
- function Mt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee) {
- var oe = !1,
- ue = (W & 448) > 0;
- ue && ((oe = At(H)), oe && tn(W, K, H));
- for (var ge in H) vt(ge, null, H[ge], K, Q, oe, null, ee);
- ue && xt(W, j, K, H, !0, oe);
- }
- function Pt(j, W, H) {
- var K = pe(j.render(W, j.state, H)),
- Q = H;
- return o(j.getChildContext) && (Q = k(H, j.getChildContext())), (j.$CX = Q), K;
- }
- function Ot(j, W, H, K, Q, ee) {
- var oe = new W(H, K),
- ue = (oe.$N = !!(W.getDerivedStateFromProps || oe.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate));
- if (
- ((oe.$SVG = Q),
- (oe.$L = ee),
- (j.children = oe),
- (oe.$BS = !1),
- (oe.context = K),
- oe.props === c && (oe.props = H),
- ue)
- )
- oe.state = P(oe, H, oe.state);
- else if (o(oe.componentWillMount)) {
- (oe.$BR = !0), oe.componentWillMount();
- var ge = oe.$PS;
- if (!y(ge)) {
- var Te = oe.state;
- if (y(Te)) oe.state = ge;
- else for (var Ie in ge) Te[Ie] = ge[Ie];
- oe.$PS = null;
- }
- oe.$BR = !1;
- }
- return (oe.$LI = Pt(oe, H, K)), oe;
- }
- function gt(j, W) {
- var H = j.props || c;
- return j.flags & 32768 ? j.type.render(H, j.ref, W) : j.type(H, W);
- }
- function Ke(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
- var ue = (j.flags |= 16384);
- ue & 481
- ? Dt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe)
- : ue & 4
- ? mn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe)
- : ue & 8
- ? pn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe)
- : ue & 16
- ? Rt(j, W, Q)
- : ue & 8192
- ? sn(j, H, W, K, Q, ee, oe)
- : ue & 1024 && un(j, H, W, Q, ee, oe);
- }
- function un(j, W, H, K, Q, ee) {
- Ke(j.children, j.ref, W, !1, null, Q, ee);
- var oe = le();
- Rt(oe, H, K), (j.dom = oe.dom);
- }
- function sn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
- var ue = j.children,
- ge = j.childFlags;
- ge & 12 && ue.length === 0 && ((ge = j.childFlags = 2), (ue = j.children = le())),
- ge === 2 ? Ke(ue, H, W, K, Q, ee, oe) : ot(ue, H, W, K, Q, ee, oe);
- }
- function Rt(j, W, H) {
- var K = (j.dom = document.createTextNode(j.children));
- y(W) || d(W, K, H);
- }
- function Dt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
- var ue = j.flags,
- ge = j.props,
- Te = j.className,
- Ie = j.childFlags,
- Ee = (j.dom = C(j.type, (K = K || (ue & 32) > 0))),
- Ae = j.children;
- if ((!a(Te) && Te !== '' && (K ? Ee.setAttribute('class', Te) : (Ee.className = Te)), Ie === 16)) R(Ee, Ae);
- else if (Ie !== 1) {
- var Me = K && j.type !== 'foreignObject';
- Ie === 2
- ? (Ae.flags & 16384 && (j.children = Ae = ae(Ae)), Ke(Ae, Ee, H, Me, null, ee, oe))
- : (Ie === 8 || Ie === 4) && ot(Ae, Ee, H, Me, null, ee, oe);
- }
- y(W) || d(W, Ee, Q), y(ge) || Mt(j, ue, ge, Ee, K, oe), at(j.ref, Ee, ee);
- }
- function ot(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
- for (var ue = 0; ue < j.length; ++ue) {
- var ge = j[ue];
- ge.flags & 16384 && (j[ue] = ge = ae(ge)), Ke(ge, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe);
- }
- }
- function mn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
- var ue = Ot(j, j.type, j.props || c, H, K, ee),
- ge = oe;
- o(ue.componentDidAppear) && (ge = new l()), Ke(ue.$LI, W, ue.$CX, K, Q, ee, ge), Ft(j.ref, ue, ee, oe);
- }
- function pn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
- var ue = j.ref,
- ge = oe;
- !a(ue) && o(ue.onComponentDidAppear) && (ge = new l()),
- Ke((j.children = pe(gt(j, H))), W, H, K, Q, ee, ge),
- _t(j, ee, oe);
- }
- function fn(j) {
- return function () {
- j.componentDidMount();
- };
- }
- function jt(j, W, H, K, Q) {
- j.componentDidAppear.push(function () {
- K & 4 ? W.componentDidAppear(H) : K & 8 && W.onComponentDidAppear(H, Q);
- });
- }
- function Ft(j, W, H, K) {
- at(j, W, H),
- o(W.componentDidMount) && H.push(fn(W)),
- o(W.componentDidAppear) && jt(K, W, W.$LI.dom, 4, void 0);
- }
- function hn(j, W) {
- return function () {
- j.onComponentDidMount(V(W, !0), W.props || c);
- };
- }
- function _t(j, W, H) {
- var K = j.ref;
- a(K) ||
- (_(K.onComponentWillMount, j.props || c),
- o(K.onComponentDidMount) && W.push(hn(K, j)),
- o(K.onComponentDidAppear) && jt(H, K, V(j, !0), 8, j.props));
- }
- function Cn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
- Ze(j, oe),
- W.flags & j.flags & 1521
- ? (Ke(W, null, K, Q, null, ee, oe), h(H, W.dom, j.dom))
- : (Ke(W, H, K, Q, V(j, !0), ee, oe), A(j, H, oe));
- }
- function qe(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
- var ge = (W.flags |= 16384);
- j.flags !== ge || j.type !== W.type || j.key !== W.key || ge & 2048
- ? j.flags & 16384
- ? Cn(j, W, H, K, Q, oe, ue)
- : Ke(W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue)
- : ge & 481
- ? bn(j, W, K, Q, ge, oe, ue)
- : ge & 4
- ? Sn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue)
- : ge & 8
- ? Bn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue)
- : ge & 16
- ? In(j, W)
- : ge & 8192
- ? Nn(j, W, H, K, Q, oe, ue)
- : Vn(j, W, K, oe, ue);
- }
- function vn(j, W, H) {
- j !== W && (j !== '' ? (H.firstChild.nodeValue = W) : R(H, W));
- }
- function gn(j, W) {
- j.textContent !== W && (j.textContent = W);
- }
- function Nn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
- var ue = j.children,
- ge = W.children,
- Te = j.childFlags,
- Ie = W.childFlags,
- Ee = null;
- Ie & 12 && ge.length === 0 && ((Ie = W.childFlags = 2), (ge = W.children = le()));
- var Ae = (Ie & 2) !== 0;
- if (Te & 12) {
- var Me = ue.length;
- ((Te & 8 && Ie & 8) || Ae || (!Ae && ge.length > Me)) && (Ee = V(ue[Me - 1], !1).nextSibling);
- }
- Nt(Te, Ie, ue, ge, H, K, Q, Ee, j, ee, oe);
- }
- function Vn(j, W, H, K, Q) {
- var ee = j.ref,
- oe = W.ref,
- ue = W.children;
- if (
- (Nt(j.childFlags, W.childFlags, j.children, ue, ee, H, !1, null, j, K, Q),
- (W.dom = j.dom),
- ee !== oe && !t(ue))
- ) {
- var ge = ue.dom;
- v(ee, ge), s(oe, ge);
- }
- }
- function bn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
- var ue = (W.dom = j.dom),
- ge = j.props,
- Te = W.props,
- Ie = !1,
- Ee = !1,
- Ae;
- if (((K = K || (Q & 32) > 0), ge !== Te)) {
- var Me = ge || c;
- if (((Ae = Te || c), Ae !== c)) {
- (Ie = (Q & 448) > 0), Ie && (Ee = At(Ae));
- for (var _e in Ae) {
- var Oe = Me[_e],
- $e = Ae[_e];
- Oe !== $e && vt(_e, Oe, $e, ue, K, Ee, j, oe);
- }
- }
- if (Me !== c) for (var De in Me) a(Ae[De]) && !a(Me[De]) && vt(De, Me[De], null, ue, K, Ee, j, oe);
- }
- var tt = W.children,
- Ye = W.className;
- j.className !== Ye &&
- (a(Ye) ? ue.removeAttribute('class') : K ? ue.setAttribute('class', Ye) : (ue.className = Ye)),
- Q & 4096
- ? gn(ue, tt)
- : Nt(
- j.childFlags,
- W.childFlags,
- j.children,
- tt,
- ue,
- H,
- K && W.type !== 'foreignObject',
- null,
- j,
- ee,
- oe
- ),
- Ie && xt(Q, W, ue, Ae, !1, Ee);
- var it = W.ref,
- Qe = j.ref;
- Qe !== it && (st(Qe), at(it, ue, ee));
- }
- function kn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe) {
- Ze(j, oe), ot(W, H, K, Q, V(j, !0), ee, oe), A(j, H, oe);
- }
- function Nt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, ge, Te, Ie) {
- switch (j) {
- case 2:
- switch (W) {
- case 2:
- qe(H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
- break;
- case 1:
- Je(H, Q, Ie);
- break;
- case 16:
- Ze(H, Ie), R(Q, K);
- break;
- default:
- kn(H, K, Q, ee, oe, Te, Ie);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- switch (W) {
- case 2:
- Ke(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- case 16:
- R(Q, K);
- break;
- default:
- ot(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 16:
- switch (W) {
- case 16:
- vn(H, K, Q);
- break;
- case 2:
- mt(Q, H, Ie), Ke(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
- break;
- case 1:
- mt(Q, H, Ie);
- break;
- default:
- mt(Q, H, Ie), ot(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- switch (W) {
- case 16:
- ct(H, Ie), R(Q, K);
- break;
- case 2:
- pt(Q, ge, H, Ie), Ke(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie);
- break;
- case 1:
- pt(Q, ge, H, Ie);
- break;
- default:
- var Ee = H.length | 0,
- Ae = K.length | 0;
- Ee === 0
- ? Ae > 0 && ot(K, Q, ee, oe, ue, Te, Ie)
- : Ae === 0
- ? pt(Q, ge, H, Ie)
- : W === 8 && j === 8
- ? wn(H, K, Q, ee, oe, Ee, Ae, ue, ge, Te, Ie)
- : Ln(H, K, Q, ee, oe, Ee, Ae, ue, Te, Ie);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- function yn(j, W, H, K, Q) {
- Q.push(function () {
- j.componentDidUpdate(W, H, K);
- });
- }
- function Wt(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, ge, Te) {
- var Ie = j.state,
- Ee = j.props,
- Ae = !!j.$N,
- Me = o(j.shouldComponentUpdate);
- if ((Ae && (W = P(j, H, W !== Ie ? k(Ie, W) : W)), oe || !Me || (Me && j.shouldComponentUpdate(H, W, Q)))) {
- !Ae && o(j.componentWillUpdate) && j.componentWillUpdate(H, W, Q),
- (j.props = H),
- (j.state = W),
- (j.context = Q);
- var _e = null,
- Oe = Pt(j, H, Q);
- Ae && o(j.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) && (_e = j.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(Ee, Ie)),
- qe(j.$LI, Oe, K, j.$CX, ee, ue, ge, Te),
- (j.$LI = Oe),
- o(j.componentDidUpdate) && yn(j, Ee, Ie, _e, ge);
- } else (j.props = H), (j.state = W), (j.context = Q);
- }
- function Sn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
- var ge = (W.children = j.children);
- if (!y(ge)) {
- ge.$L = oe;
- var Te = W.props || c,
- Ie = W.ref,
- Ee = j.ref,
- Ae = ge.state;
- if (!ge.$N) {
- if (o(ge.componentWillReceiveProps)) {
- if (((ge.$BR = !0), ge.componentWillReceiveProps(Te, K), ge.$UN)) return;
- ge.$BR = !1;
- }
- y(ge.$PS) || ((Ae = k(Ae, ge.$PS)), (ge.$PS = null));
- }
- Wt(ge, Ae, Te, H, K, Q, !1, ee, oe, ue), Ee !== Ie && (st(Ee), at(Ie, ge, oe));
- }
- }
- function Bn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue) {
- var ge = !0,
- Te = W.props || c,
- Ie = W.ref,
- Ee = j.props,
- Ae = !a(Ie),
- Me = j.children;
- if ((Ae && o(Ie.onComponentShouldUpdate) && (ge = Ie.onComponentShouldUpdate(Ee, Te)), ge !== !1)) {
- Ae && o(Ie.onComponentWillUpdate) && Ie.onComponentWillUpdate(Ee, Te);
- var _e = pe(gt(W, K));
- qe(Me, _e, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue),
- (W.children = _e),
- Ae && o(Ie.onComponentDidUpdate) && Ie.onComponentDidUpdate(Ee, Te);
- } else W.children = Me;
- }
- function In(j, W) {
- var H = W.children,
- K = (W.dom = j.dom);
- H !== j.children && (K.nodeValue = H);
- }
- function Ln(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, ge, Te) {
- for (var Ie = ee > oe ? oe : ee, Ee = 0, Ae, Me; Ee < Ie; ++Ee)
- (Ae = W[Ee]),
- (Me = j[Ee]),
- Ae.flags & 16384 && (Ae = W[Ee] = ae(Ae)),
- qe(Me, Ae, H, K, Q, ue, ge, Te),
- (j[Ee] = Ae);
- if (ee < oe)
- for (Ee = Ie; Ee < oe; ++Ee)
- (Ae = W[Ee]), Ae.flags & 16384 && (Ae = W[Ee] = ae(Ae)), Ke(Ae, H, K, Q, ue, ge, Te);
- else if (ee > oe) for (Ee = Ie; Ee < ee; ++Ee) Je(j[Ee], H, Te);
- }
- function wn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, ge, Te, Ie) {
- var Ee = ee - 1,
- Ae = oe - 1,
- Me = 0,
- _e = j[Me],
- Oe = W[Me],
- $e,
- De;
- e: {
- for (; _e.key === Oe.key; ) {
- if (
- (Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[Me] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
- qe(_e, Oe, H, K, Q, ue, Te, Ie),
- (j[Me] = Oe),
- ++Me,
- Me > Ee || Me > Ae)
- )
- break e;
- (_e = j[Me]), (Oe = W[Me]);
- }
- for (_e = j[Ee], Oe = W[Ae]; _e.key === Oe.key; ) {
- if (
- (Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[Ae] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
- qe(_e, Oe, H, K, Q, ue, Te, Ie),
- (j[Ee] = Oe),
- Ee--,
- Ae--,
- Me > Ee || Me > Ae)
- )
- break e;
- (_e = j[Ee]), (Oe = W[Ae]);
- }
- }
- if (Me > Ee) {
- if (Me <= Ae)
- for ($e = Ae + 1, De = $e < oe ? V(W[$e], !0) : ue; Me <= Ae; )
- (Oe = W[Me]), Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[Me] = Oe = ae(Oe)), ++Me, Ke(Oe, H, K, Q, De, Te, Ie);
- } else if (Me > Ae) for (; Me <= Ee; ) Je(j[Me++], H, Ie);
- else Tn(j, W, K, ee, oe, Ee, Ae, Me, H, Q, ue, ge, Te, Ie);
- }
- function Tn(j, W, H, K, Q, ee, oe, ue, ge, Te, Ie, Ee, Ae, Me) {
- var _e,
- Oe,
- $e = 0,
- De = 0,
- tt = ue,
- Ye = ue,
- it = ee - ue + 1,
- Qe = oe - ue + 1,
- lt = new Int32Array(Qe + 1),
- nt = it === K,
- bt = !1,
- Ge = 0,
- dt = 0;
- if (Q < 4 || (it | Qe) < 32)
- for (De = tt; De <= ee; ++De)
- if (((_e = j[De]), dt < Qe)) {
- for (ue = Ye; ue <= oe; ue++)
- if (((Oe = W[ue]), _e.key === Oe.key)) {
- if (((lt[ue - Ye] = De + 1), nt)) for (nt = !1; tt < De; ) Je(j[tt++], ge, Me);
- Ge > ue ? (bt = !0) : (Ge = ue),
- Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[ue] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
- qe(_e, Oe, ge, H, Te, Ie, Ae, Me),
- ++dt;
- break;
- }
- !nt && ue > oe && Je(_e, ge, Me);
- } else nt || Je(_e, ge, Me);
- else {
- var Yt = {};
- for (De = Ye; De <= oe; ++De) Yt[W[De].key] = De;
- for (De = tt; De <= ee; ++De)
- if (((_e = j[De]), dt < Qe))
- if (((ue = Yt[_e.key]), ue !== void 0)) {
- if (nt) for (nt = !1; De > tt; ) Je(j[tt++], ge, Me);
- (lt[ue - Ye] = De + 1),
- Ge > ue ? (bt = !0) : (Ge = ue),
- (Oe = W[ue]),
- Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[ue] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
- qe(_e, Oe, ge, H, Te, Ie, Ae, Me),
- ++dt;
- } else nt || Je(_e, ge, Me);
- else nt || Je(_e, ge, Me);
- }
- if (nt) pt(ge, Ee, j, Me), ot(W, ge, H, Te, Ie, Ae, Me);
- else if (bt) {
- var Xt = xn(lt);
- for (ue = Xt.length - 1, De = Qe - 1; De >= 0; De--)
- lt[De] === 0
- ? ((Ge = De + Ye),
- (Oe = W[Ge]),
- Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[Ge] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
- ($e = Ge + 1),
- Ke(Oe, ge, H, Te, $e < Q ? V(W[$e], !0) : Ie, Ae, Me))
- : ue < 0 || De !== Xt[ue]
- ? ((Ge = De + Ye), (Oe = W[Ge]), ($e = Ge + 1), E(Ee, Oe, ge, $e < Q ? V(W[$e], !0) : Ie, Me))
- : ue--;
- Me.componentWillMove.length > 0 && I(Me.componentWillMove);
- } else if (dt !== Qe)
- for (De = Qe - 1; De >= 0; De--)
- lt[De] === 0 &&
- ((Ge = De + Ye),
- (Oe = W[Ge]),
- Oe.flags & 16384 && (W[Ge] = Oe = ae(Oe)),
- ($e = Ge + 1),
- Ke(Oe, ge, H, Te, $e < Q ? V(W[$e], !0) : Ie, Ae, Me));
- }
- var et,
- ft,
- Ut = 0;
- function xn(j) {
- var W = 0,
- H = 0,
- K = 0,
- Q = 0,
- ee = 0,
- oe = 0,
- ue = 0,
- ge = j.length;
- for (ge > Ut && ((Ut = ge), (et = new Int32Array(ge)), (ft = new Int32Array(ge))); H < ge; ++H)
- if (((W = j[H]), W !== 0)) {
- if (((K = et[Q]), j[K] < W)) {
- (ft[H] = K), (et[++Q] = H);
- continue;
- }
- for (ee = 0, oe = Q; ee < oe; ) (ue = (ee + oe) >> 1), j[et[ue]] < W ? (ee = ue + 1) : (oe = ue);
- W < j[et[ee]] && (ee > 0 && (ft[H] = et[ee - 1]), (et[ee] = H));
- }
- ee = Q + 1;
- var Te = new Int32Array(ee);
- for (oe = et[ee - 1]; ee-- > 0; ) (Te[ee] = oe), (oe = ft[oe]), (et[ee] = 0);
- return Te;
- }
- var An = typeof document != 'undefined';
- An && window.Node && ((Node.prototype.$EV = null), (Node.prototype.$V = null));
- function Ht(j, W, H, K) {
- var Q = [],
- ee = new l(),
- oe = W.$V;
- (D.v = !0),
- a(oe)
- ? a(j) || (j.flags & 16384 && (j = ae(j)), Ke(j, W, K, !1, null, Q, ee), (W.$V = j), (oe = j))
- : a(j)
- ? (Je(oe, W, ee), (W.$V = null))
- : (j.flags & 16384 && (j = ae(j)), qe(oe, j, W, K, !1, null, Q, ee), (oe = W.$V = j)),
- p(Q),
- S(ee.componentDidAppear),
- (D.v = !1),
- o(H) && H(),
- o(M.renderComplete) && M.renderComplete(oe, W);
- }
- function zt(j, W, H, K) {
- H === void 0 && (H = null), K === void 0 && (K = c), Ht(j, W, H, K);
- }
- function En(j) {
- return (function () {
- function W(H, K, Q, ee) {
- j || (j = H), zt(K, j, Q, ee);
- }
- return W;
- })();
- }
- var ht = [],
- Mn =
- typeof Promise != 'undefined'
- ? Promise.resolve().then.bind(Promise.resolve())
- : function (j) {
- window.setTimeout(j, 0);
- },
- Vt = !1;
- function Kt(j, W, H, K) {
- var Q = j.$PS;
- if ((o(W) && (W = W(Q ? k(j.state, Q) : j.state, j.props, j.context)), a(Q))) j.$PS = W;
- else for (var ee in W) Q[ee] = W[ee];
- if (j.$BR) o(H) && j.$L.push(H.bind(j));
- else {
- if (!D.v && ht.length === 0) {
- Gt(j, K), o(H) && H.call(j);
- return;
- }
- if ((ht.indexOf(j) === -1 && ht.push(j), K && (j.$F = !0), Vt || ((Vt = !0), Mn($t)), o(H))) {
- var oe = j.$QU;
- oe || (oe = j.$QU = []), oe.push(H);
- }
- }
- }
- function Pn(j) {
- for (var W = j.$QU, H = 0; H < W.length; ++H) W[H].call(j);
- j.$QU = null;
- }
- function $t() {
- var j;
- for (Vt = !1; (j = ht.shift()); )
- if (!j.$UN) {
- var W = j.$F;
- (j.$F = !1), Gt(j, W), j.$QU && Pn(j);
- }
- }
- function Gt(j, W) {
- if (W || !j.$BR) {
- var H = j.$PS;
- j.$PS = null;
- var K = [],
- Q = new l();
- (D.v = !0),
- Wt(j, k(j.state, H), j.props, V(j.$LI, !0).parentNode, j.context, j.$SVG, W, null, K, Q),
- p(K),
- S(Q.componentDidAppear),
- (D.v = !1);
- } else (j.state = j.$PS), (j.$PS = null);
- }
- var On = (r.Component = (function () {
- function j(H, K) {
- (this.state = null),
- (this.props = void 0),
- (this.context = void 0),
- (this.displayName = void 0),
- (this.$BR = !1),
- (this.$BS = !0),
- (this.$PS = null),
- (this.$LI = null),
- (this.$UN = !1),
- (this.$CX = null),
- (this.$QU = null),
- (this.$N = !1),
- (this.$SSR = void 0),
- (this.$L = null),
- (this.$SVG = !1),
- (this.$F = !1),
- (this.props = H || c),
- (this.context = K || c);
- }
- var W = j.prototype;
- return (
- (W.forceUpdate = (function () {
- function H(K) {
- this.$UN || Kt(this, {}, K, !0);
- }
- return H;
- })()),
- (W.setState = (function () {
- function H(K, Q) {
- this.$UN || this.$BS || Kt(this, K, Q, !1);
- }
- return H;
- })()),
- (W.render = (function () {
- function H(K, Q, ee) {
- return null;
- }
- return H;
- })()),
- j
- );
- })());
- On.defaultProps = null;
- var Dn = (r.version = '8.2.3');
- },
- 89005: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- r.__esModule = !0;
- var e = n(89292);
- Object.keys(e).forEach(function (a) {
- a === 'default' || a === '__esModule' || (a in r && r[a] === e[a]) || (r[a] = e[a]);
- });
- },
- 71614: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(21285);
- function a() {}
- function t() {}
- (t.resetWarningCache = a),
- (T.exports = function () {
- function o(y, B, k, g, i, c) {
- if (c !== e) {
- var m = new Error(
- 'Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types'
- );
- throw ((m.name = 'Invariant Violation'), m);
- }
- }
- o.isRequired = o;
- function f() {
- return o;
- }
- var b = {
- array: o,
- bigint: o,
- bool: o,
- func: o,
- number: o,
- object: o,
- string: o,
- symbol: o,
- any: o,
- arrayOf: f,
- element: o,
- elementType: o,
- instanceOf: f,
- node: o,
- objectOf: f,
- oneOf: f,
- oneOfType: f,
- shape: f,
- exact: f,
- checkPropTypes: t,
- resetWarningCache: a,
- };
- return (b.PropTypes = b), b;
- });
- },
- 15964: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- if (0) var e, a;
- else T.exports = n(71614)();
- },
- 21285: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = r;
- },
- 95012: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = (function (n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = Object.prototype,
- a = e.hasOwnProperty,
- t =
- Object.defineProperty ||
- function (M, R, O) {
- M[R] = O.value;
- },
- o,
- f = typeof Symbol == 'function' ? Symbol : {},
- b = f.iterator || '@@iterator',
- y = f.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator',
- B = f.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag';
- function k(M, R, O) {
- return Object.defineProperty(M, R, { value: O, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), M[R];
- }
- try {
- k({}, '');
- } catch (M) {
- k = function (O, F, _) {
- return (O[F] = _);
- };
- }
- function g(M, R, O, F) {
- var _ = R && R.prototype instanceof d ? R : d,
- U = Object.create(_.prototype),
- z = new E(F || []);
- return t(U, '_invoke', { value: L(M, O, z) }), U;
- }
- n.wrap = g;
- function i(M, R, O) {
- try {
- return { type: 'normal', arg: M.call(R, O) };
- } catch (F) {
- return { type: 'throw', arg: F };
- }
- }
- var c = 'suspendedStart',
- m = 'suspendedYield',
- l = 'executing',
- u = 'completed',
- s = {};
- function d() {}
- function C() {}
- function h() {}
- var v = {};
- k(v, b, function () {
- return this;
- });
- var p = Object.getPrototypeOf,
- N = p && p(p(P([])));
- N && N !== e && a.call(N, b) && (v = N);
- var V = (h.prototype = d.prototype = Object.create(v));
- (C.prototype = h),
- t(V, 'constructor', { value: h, configurable: !0 }),
- t(h, 'constructor', { value: C, configurable: !0 }),
- (C.displayName = k(h, B, 'GeneratorFunction'));
- function S(M) {
- ['next', 'throw', 'return'].forEach(function (R) {
- k(M, R, function (O) {
- return this._invoke(R, O);
- });
- });
- }
- (n.isGeneratorFunction = function (M) {
- var R = typeof M == 'function' && M.constructor;
- return R ? R === C || (R.displayName || R.name) === 'GeneratorFunction' : !1;
- }),
- (n.mark = function (M) {
- return (
- Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf(M, h)
- : ((M.__proto__ = h), k(M, B, 'GeneratorFunction')),
- (M.prototype = Object.create(V)),
- M
- );
- }),
- (n.awrap = function (M) {
- return { __await: M };
- });
- function I(M, R) {
- function O(U, z, $, G) {
- var X = i(M[U], M, z);
- if (X.type === 'throw') G(X.arg);
- else {
- var J = X.arg,
- se = J.value;
- return se && typeof se == 'object' && a.call(se, '__await')
- ? R.resolve(se.__await).then(
- function (ie) {
- O('next', ie, $, G);
- },
- function (ie) {
- O('throw', ie, $, G);
- }
- )
- : R.resolve(se).then(
- function (ie) {
- (J.value = ie), $(J);
- },
- function (ie) {
- return O('throw', ie, $, G);
- }
- );
- }
- }
- var F;
- function _(U, z) {
- function $() {
- return new R(function (G, X) {
- O(U, z, G, X);
- });
- }
- return (F = F ? F.then($, $) : $());
- }
- t(this, '_invoke', { value: _ });
- }
- S(I.prototype),
- k(I.prototype, y, function () {
- return this;
- }),
- (n.AsyncIterator = I),
- (n.async = function (M, R, O, F, _) {
- _ === void 0 && (_ = Promise);
- var U = new I(g(M, R, O, F), _);
- return n.isGeneratorFunction(R)
- ? U
- : U.next().then(function (z) {
- return z.done ? z.value : U.next();
- });
- });
- function L(M, R, O) {
- var F = c;
- return (function () {
- function _(U, z) {
- if (F === l) throw new Error('Generator is already running');
- if (F === u) {
- if (U === 'throw') throw z;
- return D();
- }
- for (O.method = U, O.arg = z; ; ) {
- var $ = O.delegate;
- if ($) {
- var G = w($, O);
- if (G) {
- if (G === s) continue;
- return G;
- }
- }
- if (O.method === 'next') O.sent = O._sent = O.arg;
- else if (O.method === 'throw') {
- if (F === c) throw ((F = u), O.arg);
- O.dispatchException(O.arg);
- } else O.method === 'return' && O.abrupt('return', O.arg);
- F = l;
- var X = i(M, R, O);
- if (X.type === 'normal') {
- if (((F = O.done ? u : m), X.arg === s)) continue;
- return { value: X.arg, done: O.done };
- } else X.type === 'throw' && ((F = u), (O.method = 'throw'), (O.arg = X.arg));
- }
- }
- return _;
- })();
- }
- function w(M, R) {
- var O = R.method,
- F = M.iterator[O];
- if (F === o)
- return (
- (R.delegate = null),
- (O === 'throw' &&
- M.iterator.return &&
- ((R.method = 'return'), (R.arg = o), w(M, R), R.method === 'throw')) ||
- (O !== 'return' &&
- ((R.method = 'throw'),
- (R.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + O + "' method")))),
- s
- );
- var _ = i(F, M.iterator, R.arg);
- if (_.type === 'throw') return (R.method = 'throw'), (R.arg = _.arg), (R.delegate = null), s;
- var U = _.arg;
- if (!U)
- return (
- (R.method = 'throw'),
- (R.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object')),
- (R.delegate = null),
- s
- );
- if (U.done)
- (R[M.resultName] = U.value),
- (R.next = M.nextLoc),
- R.method !== 'return' && ((R.method = 'next'), (R.arg = o));
- else return U;
- return (R.delegate = null), s;
- }
- S(V),
- k(V, B, 'Generator'),
- k(V, b, function () {
- return this;
- }),
- k(V, 'toString', function () {
- return '[object Generator]';
- });
- function A(M) {
- var R = { tryLoc: M[0] };
- 1 in M && (R.catchLoc = M[1]),
- 2 in M && ((R.finallyLoc = M[2]), (R.afterLoc = M[3])),
- this.tryEntries.push(R);
- }
- function x(M) {
- var R = M.completion || {};
- (R.type = 'normal'), delete R.arg, (M.completion = R);
- }
- function E(M) {
- (this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }]), M.forEach(A, this), this.reset(!0);
- }
- n.keys = function (M) {
- var R = Object(M),
- O = [];
- for (var F in R) O.push(F);
- return (
- O.reverse(),
- (function () {
- function _() {
- for (; O.length; ) {
- var U = O.pop();
- if (U in R) return (_.value = U), (_.done = !1), _;
- }
- return (_.done = !0), _;
- }
- return _;
- })()
- );
- };
- function P(M) {
- if (M != null) {
- var R = M[b];
- if (R) return R.call(M);
- if (typeof M.next == 'function') return M;
- if (!isNaN(M.length)) {
- var O = -1,
- F = (function () {
- function _() {
- for (; ++O < M.length; ) if (a.call(M, O)) return (_.value = M[O]), (_.done = !1), _;
- return (_.value = o), (_.done = !0), _;
- }
- return _;
- })();
- return (F.next = F);
- }
- }
- throw new TypeError(typeof M + ' is not iterable');
- }
- n.values = P;
- function D() {
- return { value: o, done: !0 };
- }
- return (
- (E.prototype = {
- constructor: E,
- reset: (function () {
- function M(R) {
- if (
- ((this.prev = 0),
- (this.next = 0),
- (this.sent = this._sent = o),
- (this.done = !1),
- (this.delegate = null),
- (this.method = 'next'),
- (this.arg = o),
- this.tryEntries.forEach(x),
- !R)
- )
- for (var O in this)
- O.charAt(0) === 't' && a.call(this, O) && !isNaN(+O.slice(1)) && (this[O] = o);
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- stop: (function () {
- function M() {
- this.done = !0;
- var R = this.tryEntries[0],
- O = R.completion;
- if (O.type === 'throw') throw O.arg;
- return this.rval;
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- dispatchException: (function () {
- function M(R) {
- if (this.done) throw R;
- var O = this;
- function F(X, J) {
- return (
- (z.type = 'throw'), (z.arg = R), (O.next = X), J && ((O.method = 'next'), (O.arg = o)), !!J
- );
- }
- for (var _ = this.tryEntries.length - 1; _ >= 0; --_) {
- var U = this.tryEntries[_],
- z = U.completion;
- if (U.tryLoc === 'root') return F('end');
- if (U.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
- var $ = a.call(U, 'catchLoc'),
- G = a.call(U, 'finallyLoc');
- if ($ && G) {
- if (this.prev < U.catchLoc) return F(U.catchLoc, !0);
- if (this.prev < U.finallyLoc) return F(U.finallyLoc);
- } else if ($) {
- if (this.prev < U.catchLoc) return F(U.catchLoc, !0);
- } else if (G) {
- if (this.prev < U.finallyLoc) return F(U.finallyLoc);
- } else throw new Error('try statement without catch or finally');
- }
- }
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- abrupt: (function () {
- function M(R, O) {
- for (var F = this.tryEntries.length - 1; F >= 0; --F) {
- var _ = this.tryEntries[F];
- if (_.tryLoc <= this.prev && a.call(_, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < _.finallyLoc) {
- var U = _;
- break;
- }
- }
- U && (R === 'break' || R === 'continue') && U.tryLoc <= O && O <= U.finallyLoc && (U = null);
- var z = U ? U.completion : {};
- return (
- (z.type = R),
- (z.arg = O),
- U ? ((this.method = 'next'), (this.next = U.finallyLoc), s) : this.complete(z)
- );
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- complete: (function () {
- function M(R, O) {
- if (R.type === 'throw') throw R.arg;
- return (
- R.type === 'break' || R.type === 'continue'
- ? (this.next = R.arg)
- : R.type === 'return'
- ? ((this.rval = this.arg = R.arg), (this.method = 'return'), (this.next = 'end'))
- : R.type === 'normal' && O && (this.next = O),
- s
- );
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- finish: (function () {
- function M(R) {
- for (var O = this.tryEntries.length - 1; O >= 0; --O) {
- var F = this.tryEntries[O];
- if (F.finallyLoc === R) return this.complete(F.completion, F.afterLoc), x(F), s;
- }
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- catch: (function () {
- function M(R) {
- for (var O = this.tryEntries.length - 1; O >= 0; --O) {
- var F = this.tryEntries[O];
- if (F.tryLoc === R) {
- var _ = F.completion;
- if (_.type === 'throw') {
- var U = _.arg;
- x(F);
- }
- return U;
- }
- }
- throw new Error('illegal catch attempt');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- delegateYield: (function () {
- function M(R, O, F) {
- return (
- (this.delegate = { iterator: P(R), resultName: O, nextLoc: F }),
- this.method === 'next' && (this.arg = o),
- s
- );
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- n
- );
- })(T.exports);
- try {
- regeneratorRuntime = r;
- } catch (n) {
- typeof globalThis == 'object'
- ? (globalThis.regeneratorRuntime = r)
- : Function('r', 'regeneratorRuntime = r')(r);
- }
- },
- 30236: function () {
- 'use strict';
- self.fetch ||
- (self.fetch = function (T, r) {
- return (
- (r = r || {}),
- new Promise(function (n, e) {
- var a = new XMLHttpRequest(),
- t = [],
- o = {},
- f = (function () {
- function y() {
- return {
- ok: ((a.status / 100) | 0) == 2,
- statusText: a.statusText,
- status: a.status,
- url: a.responseURL,
- text: (function () {
- function B() {
- return Promise.resolve(a.responseText);
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- json: (function () {
- function B() {
- return Promise.resolve(a.responseText).then(JSON.parse);
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- blob: (function () {
- function B() {
- return Promise.resolve(new Blob([a.response]));
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- clone: y,
- headers: {
- keys: (function () {
- function B() {
- return t;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- entries: (function () {
- function B() {
- return t.map(function (k) {
- return [k, a.getResponseHeader(k)];
- });
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- get: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return a.getResponseHeader(k);
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- has: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return a.getResponseHeader(k) != null;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- },
- };
- }
- return y;
- })();
- for (var b in (a.open(r.method || 'get', T, !0),
- (a.onload = function () {
- a
- .getAllResponseHeaders()
- .toLowerCase()
- .replace(/^(.+?):/gm, function (y, B) {
- o[B] || t.push((o[B] = B));
- }),
- n(f());
- }),
- (a.onerror = e),
- (a.withCredentials = r.credentials == 'include'),
- r.headers))
- a.setRequestHeader(b, r.headers[b]);
- a.send(r.body || null);
- })
- );
- });
- },
- 88510: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.zipWith =
- r.zip =
- r.uniqBy =
- r.uniq =
- r.toKeyedArray =
- r.toArray =
- r.sortBy =
- r.sort =
- r.reduce =
- r.range =
- r.map =
- r.filterMap =
- r.filter =
- void 0);
- function n(d, C) {
- var h = (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && d[Symbol.iterator]) || d['@@iterator'];
- if (h) return (h = h.call(d)).next.bind(h);
- if (Array.isArray(d) || (h = e(d)) || (C && d && typeof d.length == 'number')) {
- h && (d = h);
- var v = 0;
- return function () {
- return v >= d.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: d[v++] };
- };
- }
- throw new TypeError(
- 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
- );
- }
- function e(d, C) {
- if (d) {
- if (typeof d == 'string') return a(d, C);
- var h = {}.toString.call(d).slice(8, -1);
- return (
- h === 'Object' && d.constructor && (h = d.constructor.name),
- h === 'Map' || h === 'Set'
- ? Array.from(d)
- : h === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(h)
- ? a(d, C)
- : void 0
- );
- }
- }
- function a(d, C) {
- (C == null || C > d.length) && (C = d.length);
- for (var h = 0, v = Array(C); h < C; h++) v[h] = d[h];
- return v;
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.toArray = (function () {
- function d(C) {
- if (Array.isArray(C)) return C;
- if (typeof C == 'object') {
- var h = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
- v = [];
- for (var p in C) h.call(C, p) && v.push(C[p]);
- return v;
- }
- return [];
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- o = (r.toKeyedArray = (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- return (
- h === void 0 && (h = 'key'),
- b(function (v, p) {
- var N;
- return Object.assign(((N = {}), (N[h] = p), N), v);
- })(C)
- );
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- f = (r.filter = (function () {
- function d(C) {
- return function (h) {
- if (h == null) return h;
- if (Array.isArray(h)) {
- for (var v = [], p = 0; p < h.length; p++) {
- var N = h[p];
- C(N, p, h) && v.push(N);
- }
- return v;
- }
- throw new Error("filter() can't iterate on type " + typeof h);
- };
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- b = (r.map = (function () {
- function d(C) {
- return function (h) {
- if (h == null) return h;
- if (Array.isArray(h)) {
- for (var v = [], p = 0; p < h.length; p++) v.push(C(h[p], p, h));
- return v;
- }
- if (typeof h == 'object') {
- var N = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
- V = [];
- for (var S in h) N.call(h, S) && V.push(C(h[S], S, h));
- return V;
- }
- throw new Error("map() can't iterate on type " + typeof h);
- };
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- y = (r.filterMap = (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- for (var v = [], p = n(C), N; !(N = p()).done; ) {
- var V = N.value,
- S = h(V);
- S !== void 0 && v.push(S);
- }
- return v;
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- B = function (C, h) {
- for (var v = C.criteria, p = h.criteria, N = v.length, V = 0; V < N; V++) {
- var S = v[V],
- I = p[V];
- if (S < I) return -1;
- if (S > I) return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- },
- k = (r.sortBy = (function () {
- function d() {
- for (var C = arguments.length, h = new Array(C), v = 0; v < C; v++) h[v] = arguments[v];
- return function (p) {
- if (!Array.isArray(p)) return p;
- for (
- var N = p.length,
- V = [],
- S = (function () {
- function L() {
- var w = p[I];
- V.push({
- criteria: h.map(function (A) {
- return A(w);
- }),
- value: w,
- });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- I = 0;
- I < N;
- I++
- )
- S();
- for (V.sort(B); N--; ) V[N] = V[N].value;
- return V;
- };
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- g = (r.sort = k()),
- i = (r.range = (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- return new Array(h - C).fill(null).map(function (v, p) {
- return p + C;
- });
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- c = (r.reduce = (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- return function (v) {
- var p = v.length,
- N,
- V;
- for (h === void 0 ? ((N = 1), (V = v[0])) : ((N = 0), (V = h)); N < p; N++) V = C(V, v[N], N, v);
- return V;
- };
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- m = (r.uniqBy = (function () {
- function d(C) {
- return function (h) {
- var v = h.length,
- p = [],
- N = C ? [] : p,
- V = -1;
- e: for (; ++V < v; ) {
- var S = h[V],
- I = C ? C(S) : S;
- if (((S = S !== 0 ? S : 0), I === I)) {
- for (var L = N.length; L--; ) if (N[L] === I) continue e;
- C && N.push(I), p.push(S);
- } else N.includes(I) || (N !== p && N.push(I), p.push(S));
- }
- return p;
- };
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- l = (r.uniq = m()),
- u = (r.zip = (function () {
- function d() {
- for (var C = arguments.length, h = new Array(C), v = 0; v < C; v++) h[v] = arguments[v];
- if (h.length !== 0) {
- for (var p = h.length, N = h[0].length, V = [], S = 0; S < N; S++) {
- for (var I = [], L = 0; L < p; L++) I.push(h[L][S]);
- V.push(I);
- }
- return V;
- }
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- s = (r.zipWith = (function () {
- function d(C) {
- return function () {
- return b(function (h) {
- return C.apply(void 0, h);
- })(u.apply(void 0, arguments));
- };
- }
- return d;
- })());
- },
- 14448: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.validHex =
- r.roundHsva =
- r.rgbaToRgb =
- r.rgbaToHsva =
- r.rgbaToHex =
- r.rgbaStringToHsva =
- r.rgbStringToHsva =
- r.parseHue =
- r.hsvaToRgbaString =
- r.hsvaToRgba =
- r.hsvaToRgbString =
- r.hsvaToHsvaString =
- r.hsvaToHsvString =
- r.hsvaToHsv =
- r.hsvaToHslaString =
- r.hsvaToHsla =
- r.hsvaToHslString =
- r.hsvaToHex =
- r.hsvaStringToHsva =
- r.hsvStringToHsva =
- r.hslaToHsva =
- r.hslaToHsl =
- r.hslaStringToHsva =
- r.hslStringToHsva =
- r.hexToRgba =
- r.hexToHsva =
- r.Color =
- void 0);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = 1e-4,
- e = (r.Color = (function () {
- function D(R, O, F, _) {
- R === void 0 && (R = 0),
- O === void 0 && (O = 0),
- F === void 0 && (F = 0),
- _ === void 0 && (_ = 1),
- (this.r = void 0),
- (this.g = void 0),
- (this.b = void 0),
- (this.a = void 0),
- (this.r = R),
- (this.g = O),
- (this.b = F),
- (this.a = _);
- }
- var M = D.prototype;
- return (
- (M.toString = (function () {
- function R() {
- return (
- 'rgba(' + (this.r | 0) + ', ' + (this.g | 0) + ', ' + (this.b | 0) + ', ' + (this.a | 0) + ')'
- );
- }
- return R;
- })()),
- (D.fromHex = (function () {
- function R(O) {
- return new D(
- parseInt(O.substr(1, 2), 16),
- parseInt(O.substr(3, 2), 16),
- parseInt(O.substr(5, 2), 16)
- );
- }
- return R;
- })()),
- (D.lerp = (function () {
- function R(O, F, _) {
- return new D(
- (F.r - O.r) * _ + O.r,
- (F.g - O.g) * _ + O.g,
- (F.b - O.b) * _ + O.b,
- (F.a - O.a) * _ + O.a
- );
- }
- return R;
- })()),
- (D.lookup = (function () {
- function R(O, F) {
- F === void 0 && (F = []);
- var _ = F.length;
- if (_ < 2) throw new Error('Needs at least two colors!');
- var U = O * (_ - 1);
- if (O < n) return F[0];
- if (O >= 1 - n) return F[_ - 1];
- var z = U % 1,
- $ = U | 0;
- return D.lerp(F[$], F[$ + 1], z);
- }
- return R;
- })()),
- D
- );
- })()),
- a = function (M, R, O) {
- return R === void 0 && (R = 0), O === void 0 && (O = Math.pow(10, R)), Math.round(O * M) / O;
- },
- t = { grad: 360 / 400, turn: 360, rad: 360 / (Math.PI * 2) },
- o = (r.hexToHsva = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- return I(f(M));
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- f = (r.hexToRgba = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- return (
- M[0] === '#' && (M = M.substring(1)),
- M.length < 6
- ? {
- r: parseInt(M[0] + M[0], 16),
- g: parseInt(M[1] + M[1], 16),
- b: parseInt(M[2] + M[2], 16),
- a: M.length === 4 ? a(parseInt(M[3] + M[3], 16) / 255, 2) : 1,
- }
- : {
- r: parseInt(M.substring(0, 2), 16),
- g: parseInt(M.substring(2, 4), 16),
- b: parseInt(M.substring(4, 6), 16),
- a: M.length === 8 ? a(parseInt(M.substring(6, 8), 16) / 255, 2) : 1,
- }
- );
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- b = (r.parseHue = (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return R === void 0 && (R = 'deg'), Number(M) * (t[R] || 1);
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- y = (r.hslaStringToHsva = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R =
- /hsla?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i,
- O = R.exec(M);
- return O
- ? k({
- h: b(O[1], O[2]),
- s: Number(O[3]),
- l: Number(O[4]),
- a: O[5] === void 0 ? 1 : Number(O[5]) / (O[6] ? 100 : 1),
- })
- : { h: 0, s: 0, v: 0, a: 1 };
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- B = (r.hslStringToHsva = y),
- k = (r.hslaToHsva = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = M.h,
- O = M.s,
- F = M.l,
- _ = M.a;
- return (
- (O *= (F < 50 ? F : 100 - F) / 100),
- { h: R, s: O > 0 ? ((2 * O) / (F + O)) * 100 : 0, v: F + O, a: _ }
- );
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- g = (r.hsvaToHex = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- return S(s(M));
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- i = (r.hsvaToHsla = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = M.h,
- O = M.s,
- F = M.v,
- _ = M.a,
- U = ((200 - O) * F) / 100;
- return {
- h: a(R),
- s: a(U > 0 && U < 200 ? ((O * F) / 100 / (U <= 100 ? U : 200 - U)) * 100 : 0),
- l: a(U / 2),
- a: a(_, 2),
- };
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- c = (r.hsvaToHslString = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = i(M),
- O = R.h,
- F = R.s,
- _ = R.l;
- return 'hsl(' + O + ', ' + F + '%, ' + _ + '%)';
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- m = (r.hsvaToHsvString = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = L(M),
- O = R.h,
- F = R.s,
- _ = R.v;
- return 'hsv(' + O + ', ' + F + '%, ' + _ + '%)';
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- l = (r.hsvaToHsvaString = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = L(M),
- O = R.h,
- F = R.s,
- _ = R.v,
- U = R.a;
- return 'hsva(' + O + ', ' + F + '%, ' + _ + '%, ' + U + ')';
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- u = (r.hsvaToHslaString = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = i(M),
- O = R.h,
- F = R.s,
- _ = R.l,
- U = R.a;
- return 'hsla(' + O + ', ' + F + '%, ' + _ + '%, ' + U + ')';
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- s = (r.hsvaToRgba = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = M.h,
- O = M.s,
- F = M.v,
- _ = M.a;
- (R = (R / 360) * 6), (O = O / 100), (F = F / 100);
- var U = Math.floor(R),
- z = F * (1 - O),
- $ = F * (1 - (R - U) * O),
- G = F * (1 - (1 - R + U) * O),
- X = U % 6;
- return {
- r: [F, $, z, z, G, F][X] * 255,
- g: [G, F, F, $, z, z][X] * 255,
- b: [z, z, G, F, F, $][X] * 255,
- a: a(_, 2),
- };
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- d = (r.hsvaToRgbString = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = s(M),
- O = R.r,
- F = R.g,
- _ = R.b;
- return 'rgb(' + a(O) + ', ' + a(F) + ', ' + a(_) + ')';
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- C = (r.hsvaToRgbaString = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = s(M),
- O = R.r,
- F = R.g,
- _ = R.b,
- U = R.a;
- return 'rgba(' + a(O) + ', ' + a(F) + ', ' + a(_) + ', ' + a(U, 2) + ')';
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- h = (r.hsvaStringToHsva = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R =
- /hsva?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i,
- O = R.exec(M);
- return O
- ? L({
- h: b(O[1], O[2]),
- s: Number(O[3]),
- v: Number(O[4]),
- a: O[5] === void 0 ? 1 : Number(O[5]) / (O[6] ? 100 : 1),
- })
- : { h: 0, s: 0, v: 0, a: 1 };
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- v = (r.hsvStringToHsva = h),
- p = (r.rgbaStringToHsva = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R =
- /rgba?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i,
- O = R.exec(M);
- return O
- ? I({
- r: Number(O[1]) / (O[2] ? 100 / 255 : 1),
- g: Number(O[3]) / (O[4] ? 100 / 255 : 1),
- b: Number(O[5]) / (O[6] ? 100 / 255 : 1),
- a: O[7] === void 0 ? 1 : Number(O[7]) / (O[8] ? 100 : 1),
- })
- : { h: 0, s: 0, v: 0, a: 1 };
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- N = (r.rgbStringToHsva = p),
- V = function (M) {
- var R = M.toString(16);
- return R.length < 2 ? '0' + R : R;
- },
- S = (r.rgbaToHex = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = M.r,
- O = M.g,
- F = M.b,
- _ = M.a,
- U = _ < 1 ? V(a(_ * 255)) : '';
- return '#' + V(a(R)) + V(a(O)) + V(a(F)) + U;
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- I = (r.rgbaToHsva = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = M.r,
- O = M.g,
- F = M.b,
- _ = M.a,
- U = Math.max(R, O, F),
- z = U - Math.min(R, O, F),
- $ = z ? (U === R ? (O - F) / z : U === O ? 2 + (F - R) / z : 4 + (R - O) / z) : 0;
- return { h: 60 * ($ < 0 ? $ + 6 : $), s: U ? (z / U) * 100 : 0, v: (U / 255) * 100, a: _ };
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- L = (r.roundHsva = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- return { h: a(M.h), s: a(M.s), v: a(M.v), a: a(M.a, 2) };
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- w = (r.rgbaToRgb = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = M.r,
- O = M.g,
- F = M.b;
- return { r: R, g: O, b: F };
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- A = (r.hslaToHsl = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = M.h,
- O = M.s,
- F = M.l;
- return { h: R, s: O, l: F };
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- x = (r.hsvaToHsv = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = L(M),
- O = R.h,
- F = R.s,
- _ = R.v;
- return { h: O, s: F, v: _ };
- }
- return D;
- })()),
- E = /^#?([0-9A-F]{3,8})$/i,
- P = (r.validHex = (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- var O = E.exec(M),
- F = O ? O[1].length : 0;
- return F === 3 || F === 6 || (!!R && F === 4) || (!!R && F === 8);
- }
- return D;
- })());
- },
- 92868: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.EventEmitter = void 0);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = (r.EventEmitter = (function () {
- function e() {
- this.listeners = {};
- }
- var a = e.prototype;
- return (
- (a.on = (function () {
- function t(o, f) {
- (this.listeners[o] = this.listeners[o] || []), this.listeners[o].push(f);
- }
- return t;
- })()),
- (a.off = (function () {
- function t(o, f) {
- var b = this.listeners[o];
- if (!b) throw new Error('There is no listeners for "' + o + '"');
- this.listeners[o] = b.filter(function (y) {
- return y !== f;
- });
- }
- return t;
- })()),
- (a.emit = (function () {
- function t(o) {
- var f = this.listeners[o];
- if (f) {
- for (var b = arguments.length, y = new Array(b > 1 ? b - 1 : 0), B = 1; B < b; B++)
- y[B - 1] = arguments[B];
- for (var k = 0, g = f.length; k < g; k += 1) {
- var i = f[k];
- i.apply(void 0, y);
- }
- }
- }
- return t;
- })()),
- (a.clear = (function () {
- function t() {
- this.listeners = {};
- }
- return t;
- })()),
- e
- );
- })());
- },
- 42127: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.exhaustiveCheck = void 0);
- var n = (r.exhaustiveCheck = (function () {
- function e(a) {
- throw new Error('Unhandled case: ' + a);
- }
- return e;
- })());
- },
- 64795: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.flow = r.compose = void 0);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = (r.flow = (function () {
- function a() {
- for (var t = arguments.length, o = new Array(t), f = 0; f < t; f++) o[f] = arguments[f];
- return function (b) {
- for (var y = b, B = arguments.length, k = new Array(B > 1 ? B - 1 : 0), g = 1; g < B; g++)
- k[g - 1] = arguments[g];
- for (var i = 0, c = o; i < c.length; i++) {
- var m = c[i];
- Array.isArray(m)
- ? (y = a.apply(void 0, m).apply(void 0, [y].concat(k)))
- : m && (y = m.apply(void 0, [y].concat(k)));
- }
- return y;
- };
- }
- return a;
- })()),
- e = (r.compose = (function () {
- function a() {
- for (var t = arguments.length, o = new Array(t), f = 0; f < t; f++) o[f] = arguments[f];
- return o.length === 0
- ? function (b) {
- return b;
- }
- : o.length === 1
- ? o[0]
- : o.reduce(function (b, y) {
- return function (B) {
- for (var k = arguments.length, g = new Array(k > 1 ? k - 1 : 0), i = 1; i < k; i++)
- g[i - 1] = arguments[i];
- return b.apply(void 0, [y.apply(void 0, [B].concat(g))].concat(g));
- };
- });
- }
- return a;
- })());
- },
- 92986: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.KEY_Z =
- r.KEY_Y =
- r.KEY_X =
- r.KEY_W =
- r.KEY_V =
- r.KEY_UP =
- r.KEY_U =
- r.KEY_TAB =
- r.KEY_T =
- r.KEY_S =
- r.KEY_R =
- r.KEY_Q =
- r.KEY_P =
- r.KEY_O =
- r.KEY_NUMPAD_9 =
- r.KEY_NUMPAD_8 =
- r.KEY_NUMPAD_7 =
- r.KEY_NUMPAD_6 =
- r.KEY_NUMPAD_5 =
- r.KEY_NUMPAD_4 =
- r.KEY_NUMPAD_3 =
- r.KEY_NUMPAD_2 =
- r.KEY_NUMPAD_1 =
- r.KEY_NUMPAD_0 =
- r.KEY_N =
- r.KEY_M =
- r.KEY_LEFT =
- r.KEY_L =
- r.KEY_K =
- r.KEY_J =
- r.KEY_I =
- r.KEY_HOME =
- r.KEY_H =
- r.KEY_G =
- r.KEY_F9 =
- r.KEY_F8 =
- r.KEY_F7 =
- r.KEY_F6 =
- r.KEY_F5 =
- r.KEY_F4 =
- r.KEY_F3 =
- r.KEY_F2 =
- r.KEY_F12 =
- r.KEY_F11 =
- r.KEY_F10 =
- r.KEY_F1 =
- r.KEY_F =
- r.KEY_END =
- r.KEY_E =
- r.KEY_DOWN =
- r.KEY_D =
- r.KEY_CTRL =
- r.KEY_C =
- r.KEY_B =
- r.KEY_ALT =
- r.KEY_A =
- r.KEY_9 =
- r.KEY_8 =
- r.KEY_7 =
- r.KEY_6 =
- r.KEY_5 =
- r.KEY_4 =
- r.KEY_3 =
- r.KEY_2 =
- r.KEY_1 =
- r.KEY_0 =
- void 0);
- /**
- * All possible browser keycodes, in one file.
- *
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = (r.KEY_BACKSPACE = 8),
- e = (r.KEY_TAB = 9),
- a = (r.KEY_ENTER = 13),
- t = (r.KEY_SHIFT = 16),
- o = (r.KEY_CTRL = 17),
- f = (r.KEY_ALT = 18),
- b = (r.KEY_PAUSE = 19),
- y = (r.KEY_CAPSLOCK = 20),
- B = (r.KEY_ESCAPE = 27),
- k = (r.KEY_SPACE = 32),
- g = (r.KEY_PAGEUP = 33),
- i = (r.KEY_PAGEDOWN = 34),
- c = (r.KEY_END = 35),
- m = (r.KEY_HOME = 36),
- l = (r.KEY_LEFT = 37),
- u = (r.KEY_UP = 38),
- s = (r.KEY_RIGHT = 39),
- d = (r.KEY_DOWN = 40),
- C = (r.KEY_INSERT = 45),
- h = (r.KEY_DELETE = 46),
- v = (r.KEY_0 = 48),
- p = (r.KEY_1 = 49),
- N = (r.KEY_2 = 50),
- V = (r.KEY_3 = 51),
- S = (r.KEY_4 = 52),
- I = (r.KEY_5 = 53),
- L = (r.KEY_6 = 54),
- w = (r.KEY_7 = 55),
- A = (r.KEY_8 = 56),
- x = (r.KEY_9 = 57),
- E = (r.KEY_A = 65),
- P = (r.KEY_B = 66),
- D = (r.KEY_C = 67),
- M = (r.KEY_D = 68),
- R = (r.KEY_E = 69),
- O = (r.KEY_F = 70),
- F = (r.KEY_G = 71),
- _ = (r.KEY_H = 72),
- U = (r.KEY_I = 73),
- z = (r.KEY_J = 74),
- $ = (r.KEY_K = 75),
- G = (r.KEY_L = 76),
- X = (r.KEY_M = 77),
- J = (r.KEY_N = 78),
- se = (r.KEY_O = 79),
- ie = (r.KEY_P = 80),
- me = (r.KEY_Q = 81),
- q = (r.KEY_R = 82),
- re = (r.KEY_S = 83),
- ae = (r.KEY_T = 84),
- le = (r.KEY_U = 85),
- Z = (r.KEY_V = 86),
- ne = (r.KEY_W = 87),
- te = (r.KEY_X = 88),
- fe = (r.KEY_Y = 89),
- pe = (r.KEY_Z = 90),
- ce = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_0 = 96),
- Ve = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_1 = 97),
- Ce = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_2 = 98),
- Ne = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_3 = 99),
- Be = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_4 = 100),
- be = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_5 = 101),
- Le = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_6 = 102),
- we = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_7 = 103),
- xe = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_8 = 104),
- Re = (r.KEY_NUMPAD_9 = 105),
- He = (r.KEY_F1 = 112),
- ye = (r.KEY_F2 = 113),
- de = (r.KEY_F3 = 114),
- he = (r.KEY_F4 = 115),
- ke = (r.KEY_F5 = 116),
- ve = (r.KEY_F6 = 117),
- Se = (r.KEY_F7 = 118),
- Pe = (r.KEY_F8 = 119),
- je = (r.KEY_F9 = 120),
- Fe = (r.KEY_F10 = 121),
- ze = (r.KEY_F11 = 122),
- We = (r.KEY_F12 = 123),
- Ue = (r.KEY_SEMICOLON = 186),
- Xe = (r.KEY_EQUAL = 187),
- yt = (r.KEY_COMMA = 188),
- St = (r.KEY_MINUS = 189),
- Ct = (r.KEY_PERIOD = 190),
- Bt = (r.KEY_SLASH = 191),
- ut = (r.KEY_LEFT_BRACKET = 219),
- rt = (r.KEY_BACKSLASH = 220),
- It = (r.KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET = 221),
- Lt = (r.KEY_QUOTE = 222);
- },
- 70611: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.isEscape = r.KEY = void 0);
- var n = (r.KEY = (function (a) {
- return (
- (a.Alt = 'Alt'),
- (a.Backspace = 'Backspace'),
- (a.Control = 'Control'),
- (a.Delete = 'Delete'),
- (a.Down = 'Down'),
- (a.End = 'End'),
- (a.Enter = 'Enter'),
- (a.Esc = 'Esc'),
- (a.Escape = 'Escape'),
- (a.Home = 'Home'),
- (a.Insert = 'Insert'),
- (a.Left = 'Left'),
- (a.PageDown = 'PageDown'),
- (a.PageUp = 'PageUp'),
- (a.Right = 'Right'),
- (a.Shift = 'Shift'),
- (a.Space = ' '),
- (a.Tab = 'Tab'),
- (a.Up = 'Up'),
- a
- );
- })({})),
- e = (r.isEscape = (function () {
- function a(t) {
- return t === n.Esc || t === n.Escape;
- }
- return a;
- })());
- },
- 44879: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.toFixed =
- r.scale =
- r.round =
- r.rad2deg =
- r.keyOfMatchingRange =
- r.inRange =
- r.clamp01 =
- r.clamp =
- void 0);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = (r.clamp = (function () {
- function B(k, g, i) {
- return k < g ? g : k > i ? i : k;
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- e = (r.clamp01 = (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return k < 0 ? 0 : k > 1 ? 1 : k;
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- a = (r.scale = (function () {
- function B(k, g, i) {
- return (k - g) / (i - g);
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- t = (r.round = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- if (!k || isNaN(k)) return k;
- var i, c, m, l;
- return (
- (g |= 0),
- (i = Math.pow(10, g)),
- (k *= i),
- (l = +(k > 0) | -(k < 0)),
- (m = Math.abs(k % 1) >= 0.4999999999854481),
- (c = Math.floor(k)),
- m && (k = c + (l > 0)),
- (m ? k : Math.round(k)) / i
- );
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- o = (r.toFixed = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- return g === void 0 && (g = 0), Number(k).toFixed(Math.max(g, 0));
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- f = (r.inRange = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- return g && k >= g[0] && k <= g[1];
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- b = (r.keyOfMatchingRange = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- for (var i = 0, c = Object.keys(g); i < c.length; i++) {
- var m = c[i],
- l = g[m];
- if (f(k, l)) return m;
- }
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- y = (r.rad2deg = (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return k * (180 / Math.PI);
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 85822: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.perf = void 0);
- var n;
- /**
- * Ghetto performance measurement tools.
- *
- * Uses NODE_ENV to remove itself from production builds.
- *
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var e = 60,
- a = 1e3 / e,
- t = !!((n = window.performance) != null && n.now),
- o = {},
- f = {},
- b = function (i, c) {},
- y = function (i, c) {
- if (0) var m, l, u;
- },
- B = function (i) {
- var c = i / a;
- return i.toFixed(i < 10 ? 1 : 0) + 'ms (' + c.toFixed(2) + ' frames)';
- },
- k = (r.perf = { mark: b, measure: y });
- },
- 35840: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.shallowDiffers = r.pureComponentHooks = r.normalizeChildren = r.classes = r.canRender = void 0);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = (r.classes = (function () {
- function f(b) {
- for (var y = '', B = 0; B < b.length; B++) {
- var k = b[B];
- typeof k == 'string' && (y += k + ' ');
- }
- return y;
- }
- return f;
- })()),
- e = (r.normalizeChildren = (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return Array.isArray(b)
- ? b.flat().filter(function (y) {
- return y;
- })
- : typeof b == 'object'
- ? [b]
- : [];
- }
- return f;
- })()),
- a = (r.shallowDiffers = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B;
- for (B in b) if (!(B in y)) return !0;
- for (B in y) if (b[B] !== y[B]) return !0;
- return !1;
- }
- return f;
- })()),
- t = (r.pureComponentHooks = {
- onComponentShouldUpdate: (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- return a(b, y);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }),
- o = (r.canRender = (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return b != null && typeof b != 'boolean';
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 85307: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.useSelector =
- r.useDispatch =
- r.createStore =
- r.createAction =
- r.combineReducers =
- r.applyMiddleware =
- void 0);
- var e = n(64795);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var a = (r.createStore = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- if (g) return g(B)(k);
- var i,
- c = [],
- m = (function () {
- function s() {
- return i;
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- l = (function () {
- function s(d) {
- c.push(d);
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- u = (function () {
- function s(d) {
- i = k(i, d);
- for (var C = 0; C < c.length; C++) c[C]();
- }
- return s;
- })();
- return u({ type: '@@INIT' }), { dispatch: u, subscribe: l, getState: m };
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- t = (r.applyMiddleware = (function () {
- function B() {
- for (var k = arguments.length, g = new Array(k), i = 0; i < k; i++) g[i] = arguments[i];
- return function (c) {
- return function (m) {
- for (var l = arguments.length, u = new Array(l > 1 ? l - 1 : 0), s = 1; s < l; s++)
- u[s - 1] = arguments[s];
- var d = c.apply(void 0, [m].concat(u)),
- C = (function () {
- function p() {
- throw new Error('Dispatching while constructing your middleware is not allowed.');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- h = {
- getState: d.getState,
- dispatch: (function () {
- function p(N) {
- for (var V = arguments.length, S = new Array(V > 1 ? V - 1 : 0), I = 1; I < V; I++)
- S[I - 1] = arguments[I];
- return C.apply(void 0, [N].concat(S));
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- },
- v = g.map(function (p) {
- return p(h);
- });
- return (C = e.compose.apply(void 0, v)(d.dispatch)), Object.assign({}, d, { dispatch: C });
- };
- };
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- o = (r.combineReducers = (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = Object.keys(k),
- i = !1;
- return function (c, m) {
- c === void 0 && (c = {});
- for (var l = Object.assign({}, c), u = 0, s = g; u < s.length; u++) {
- var d = s[u],
- C = k[d],
- h = c[d],
- v = C(h, m);
- h !== v && ((i = !0), (l[d] = v));
- }
- return i ? l : c;
- };
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- f = (r.createAction = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- g === void 0 && (g = null);
- var i = (function () {
- function c() {
- if (!g) return { type: k, payload: arguments.length <= 0 ? void 0 : arguments[0] };
- var m = g.apply(void 0, arguments);
- if (!m) throw new Error('prepare function did not return an object');
- var l = { type: k };
- return 'payload' in m && (l.payload = m.payload), 'meta' in m && (l.meta = m.meta), l;
- }
- return c;
- })();
- return (
- (i.toString = function () {
- return '' + k;
- }),
- (i.type = k),
- (i.match = function (c) {
- return c.type === k;
- }),
- i
- );
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- b = (r.useDispatch = (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return k.store.dispatch;
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- y = (r.useSelector = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- return g(k.store.getState());
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 27108: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.storage = r.IMPL_MEMORY = r.IMPL_INDEXED_DB = r.IMPL_HUB_STORAGE = void 0);
- function n() {
- 'use strict';
- /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */ n =
- function () {
- return v;
- };
- var h,
- v = {},
- p = Object.prototype,
- N = p.hasOwnProperty,
- V =
- Object.defineProperty ||
- function (Z, ne, te) {
- Z[ne] = te.value;
- },
- S = typeof Symbol == 'function' ? Symbol : {},
- I = S.iterator || '@@iterator',
- L = S.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator',
- w = S.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag';
- function A(Z, ne, te) {
- return Object.defineProperty(Z, ne, { value: te, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), Z[ne];
- }
- try {
- A({}, '');
- } catch (Z) {
- A = function (te, fe, pe) {
- return (te[fe] = pe);
- };
- }
- function x(Z, ne, te, fe) {
- var pe = ne && ne.prototype instanceof F ? ne : F,
- ce = Object.create(pe.prototype),
- Ve = new ae(fe || []);
- return V(ce, '_invoke', { value: ie(Z, te, Ve) }), ce;
- }
- function E(Z, ne, te) {
- try {
- return { type: 'normal', arg: Z.call(ne, te) };
- } catch (fe) {
- return { type: 'throw', arg: fe };
- }
- }
- v.wrap = x;
- var P = 'suspendedStart',
- D = 'suspendedYield',
- M = 'executing',
- R = 'completed',
- O = {};
- function F() {}
- function _() {}
- function U() {}
- var z = {};
- A(z, I, function () {
- return this;
- });
- var $ = Object.getPrototypeOf,
- G = $ && $($(le([])));
- G && G !== p && N.call(G, I) && (z = G);
- var X = (U.prototype = F.prototype = Object.create(z));
- function J(Z) {
- ['next', 'throw', 'return'].forEach(function (ne) {
- A(Z, ne, function (te) {
- return this._invoke(ne, te);
- });
- });
- }
- function se(Z, ne) {
- function te(pe, ce, Ve, Ce) {
- var Ne = E(Z[pe], Z, ce);
- if (Ne.type !== 'throw') {
- var Be = Ne.arg,
- be = Be.value;
- return be && typeof be == 'object' && N.call(be, '__await')
- ? ne.resolve(be.__await).then(
- function (Le) {
- te('next', Le, Ve, Ce);
- },
- function (Le) {
- te('throw', Le, Ve, Ce);
- }
- )
- : ne.resolve(be).then(
- function (Le) {
- (Be.value = Le), Ve(Be);
- },
- function (Le) {
- return te('throw', Le, Ve, Ce);
- }
- );
- }
- Ce(Ne.arg);
- }
- var fe;
- V(this, '_invoke', {
- value: (function () {
- function pe(ce, Ve) {
- function Ce() {
- return new ne(function (Ne, Be) {
- te(ce, Ve, Ne, Be);
- });
- }
- return (fe = fe ? fe.then(Ce, Ce) : Ce());
- }
- return pe;
- })(),
- });
- }
- function ie(Z, ne, te) {
- var fe = P;
- return function (pe, ce) {
- if (fe === M) throw Error('Generator is already running');
- if (fe === R) {
- if (pe === 'throw') throw ce;
- return { value: h, done: !0 };
- }
- for (te.method = pe, te.arg = ce; ; ) {
- var Ve = te.delegate;
- if (Ve) {
- var Ce = me(Ve, te);
- if (Ce) {
- if (Ce === O) continue;
- return Ce;
- }
- }
- if (te.method === 'next') te.sent = te._sent = te.arg;
- else if (te.method === 'throw') {
- if (fe === P) throw ((fe = R), te.arg);
- te.dispatchException(te.arg);
- } else te.method === 'return' && te.abrupt('return', te.arg);
- fe = M;
- var Ne = E(Z, ne, te);
- if (Ne.type === 'normal') {
- if (((fe = te.done ? R : D), Ne.arg === O)) continue;
- return { value: Ne.arg, done: te.done };
- }
- Ne.type === 'throw' && ((fe = R), (te.method = 'throw'), (te.arg = Ne.arg));
- }
- };
- }
- function me(Z, ne) {
- var te = ne.method,
- fe = Z.iterator[te];
- if (fe === h)
- return (
- (ne.delegate = null),
- (te === 'throw' &&
- Z.iterator.return &&
- ((ne.method = 'return'), (ne.arg = h), me(Z, ne), ne.method === 'throw')) ||
- (te !== 'return' &&
- ((ne.method = 'throw'),
- (ne.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + te + "' method")))),
- O
- );
- var pe = E(fe, Z.iterator, ne.arg);
- if (pe.type === 'throw') return (ne.method = 'throw'), (ne.arg = pe.arg), (ne.delegate = null), O;
- var ce = pe.arg;
- return ce
- ? ce.done
- ? ((ne[Z.resultName] = ce.value),
- (ne.next = Z.nextLoc),
- ne.method !== 'return' && ((ne.method = 'next'), (ne.arg = h)),
- (ne.delegate = null),
- O)
- : ce
- : ((ne.method = 'throw'),
- (ne.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object')),
- (ne.delegate = null),
- O);
- }
- function q(Z) {
- var ne = { tryLoc: Z[0] };
- 1 in Z && (ne.catchLoc = Z[1]),
- 2 in Z && ((ne.finallyLoc = Z[2]), (ne.afterLoc = Z[3])),
- this.tryEntries.push(ne);
- }
- function re(Z) {
- var ne = Z.completion || {};
- (ne.type = 'normal'), delete ne.arg, (Z.completion = ne);
- }
- function ae(Z) {
- (this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }]), Z.forEach(q, this), this.reset(!0);
- }
- function le(Z) {
- if (Z || Z === '') {
- var ne = Z[I];
- if (ne) return ne.call(Z);
- if (typeof Z.next == 'function') return Z;
- if (!isNaN(Z.length)) {
- var te = -1,
- fe = (function () {
- function pe() {
- for (; ++te < Z.length; ) if (N.call(Z, te)) return (pe.value = Z[te]), (pe.done = !1), pe;
- return (pe.value = h), (pe.done = !0), pe;
- }
- return pe;
- })();
- return (fe.next = fe);
- }
- }
- throw new TypeError(typeof Z + ' is not iterable');
- }
- return (
- (_.prototype = U),
- V(X, 'constructor', { value: U, configurable: !0 }),
- V(U, 'constructor', { value: _, configurable: !0 }),
- (_.displayName = A(U, w, 'GeneratorFunction')),
- (v.isGeneratorFunction = function (Z) {
- var ne = typeof Z == 'function' && Z.constructor;
- return !!ne && (ne === _ || (ne.displayName || ne.name) === 'GeneratorFunction');
- }),
- (v.mark = function (Z) {
- return (
- Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf(Z, U)
- : ((Z.__proto__ = U), A(Z, w, 'GeneratorFunction')),
- (Z.prototype = Object.create(X)),
- Z
- );
- }),
- (v.awrap = function (Z) {
- return { __await: Z };
- }),
- J(se.prototype),
- A(se.prototype, L, function () {
- return this;
- }),
- (v.AsyncIterator = se),
- (v.async = function (Z, ne, te, fe, pe) {
- pe === void 0 && (pe = Promise);
- var ce = new se(x(Z, ne, te, fe), pe);
- return v.isGeneratorFunction(ne)
- ? ce
- : ce.next().then(function (Ve) {
- return Ve.done ? Ve.value : ce.next();
- });
- }),
- J(X),
- A(X, w, 'Generator'),
- A(X, I, function () {
- return this;
- }),
- A(X, 'toString', function () {
- return '[object Generator]';
- }),
- (v.keys = function (Z) {
- var ne = Object(Z),
- te = [];
- for (var fe in ne) te.push(fe);
- return (
- te.reverse(),
- (function () {
- function pe() {
- for (; te.length; ) {
- var ce = te.pop();
- if (ce in ne) return (pe.value = ce), (pe.done = !1), pe;
- }
- return (pe.done = !0), pe;
- }
- return pe;
- })()
- );
- }),
- (v.values = le),
- (ae.prototype = {
- constructor: ae,
- reset: (function () {
- function Z(ne) {
- if (
- ((this.prev = 0),
- (this.next = 0),
- (this.sent = this._sent = h),
- (this.done = !1),
- (this.delegate = null),
- (this.method = 'next'),
- (this.arg = h),
- this.tryEntries.forEach(re),
- !ne)
- )
- for (var te in this)
- te.charAt(0) === 't' && N.call(this, te) && !isNaN(+te.slice(1)) && (this[te] = h);
- }
- return Z;
- })(),
- stop: (function () {
- function Z() {
- this.done = !0;
- var ne = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
- if (ne.type === 'throw') throw ne.arg;
- return this.rval;
- }
- return Z;
- })(),
- dispatchException: (function () {
- function Z(ne) {
- if (this.done) throw ne;
- var te = this;
- function fe(Be, be) {
- return (
- (Ve.type = 'throw'),
- (Ve.arg = ne),
- (te.next = Be),
- be && ((te.method = 'next'), (te.arg = h)),
- !!be
- );
- }
- for (var pe = this.tryEntries.length - 1; pe >= 0; --pe) {
- var ce = this.tryEntries[pe],
- Ve = ce.completion;
- if (ce.tryLoc === 'root') return fe('end');
- if (ce.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
- var Ce = N.call(ce, 'catchLoc'),
- Ne = N.call(ce, 'finallyLoc');
- if (Ce && Ne) {
- if (this.prev < ce.catchLoc) return fe(ce.catchLoc, !0);
- if (this.prev < ce.finallyLoc) return fe(ce.finallyLoc);
- } else if (Ce) {
- if (this.prev < ce.catchLoc) return fe(ce.catchLoc, !0);
- } else {
- if (!Ne) throw Error('try statement without catch or finally');
- if (this.prev < ce.finallyLoc) return fe(ce.finallyLoc);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return Z;
- })(),
- abrupt: (function () {
- function Z(ne, te) {
- for (var fe = this.tryEntries.length - 1; fe >= 0; --fe) {
- var pe = this.tryEntries[fe];
- if (pe.tryLoc <= this.prev && N.call(pe, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < pe.finallyLoc) {
- var ce = pe;
- break;
- }
- }
- ce &&
- (ne === 'break' || ne === 'continue') &&
- ce.tryLoc <= te &&
- te <= ce.finallyLoc &&
- (ce = null);
- var Ve = ce ? ce.completion : {};
- return (
- (Ve.type = ne),
- (Ve.arg = te),
- ce ? ((this.method = 'next'), (this.next = ce.finallyLoc), O) : this.complete(Ve)
- );
- }
- return Z;
- })(),
- complete: (function () {
- function Z(ne, te) {
- if (ne.type === 'throw') throw ne.arg;
- return (
- ne.type === 'break' || ne.type === 'continue'
- ? (this.next = ne.arg)
- : ne.type === 'return'
- ? ((this.rval = this.arg = ne.arg), (this.method = 'return'), (this.next = 'end'))
- : ne.type === 'normal' && te && (this.next = te),
- O
- );
- }
- return Z;
- })(),
- finish: (function () {
- function Z(ne) {
- for (var te = this.tryEntries.length - 1; te >= 0; --te) {
- var fe = this.tryEntries[te];
- if (fe.finallyLoc === ne) return this.complete(fe.completion, fe.afterLoc), re(fe), O;
- }
- }
- return Z;
- })(),
- catch: (function () {
- function Z(ne) {
- for (var te = this.tryEntries.length - 1; te >= 0; --te) {
- var fe = this.tryEntries[te];
- if (fe.tryLoc === ne) {
- var pe = fe.completion;
- if (pe.type === 'throw') {
- var ce = pe.arg;
- re(fe);
- }
- return ce;
- }
- }
- throw Error('illegal catch attempt');
- }
- return Z;
- })(),
- delegateYield: (function () {
- function Z(ne, te, fe) {
- return (
- (this.delegate = { iterator: le(ne), resultName: te, nextLoc: fe }),
- this.method === 'next' && (this.arg = h),
- O
- );
- }
- return Z;
- })(),
- }),
- v
- );
- }
- function e(h, v, p, N, V, S, I) {
- try {
- var L = h[S](I),
- w = L.value;
- } catch (A) {
- return void p(A);
- }
- L.done ? v(w) : Promise.resolve(w).then(N, V);
- }
- function a(h) {
- return function () {
- var v = this,
- p = arguments;
- return new Promise(function (N, V) {
- var S = h.apply(v, p);
- function I(w) {
- e(S, N, V, I, L, 'next', w);
- }
- function L(w) {
- e(S, N, V, I, L, 'throw', w);
- }
- I(void 0);
- });
- };
- }
- /**
- * Browser-agnostic abstraction of key-value web storage.
- *
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.IMPL_MEMORY = 0),
- o = (r.IMPL_HUB_STORAGE = 1),
- f = (r.IMPL_INDEXED_DB = 2),
- b = 1,
- y = 'para-tgui',
- B = 'storage-v1',
- k = 'readonly',
- g = 'readwrite',
- i = function (v) {
- return function () {
- try {
- return !!v();
- } catch (p) {
- return !1;
- }
- };
- },
- c = i(function () {
- return window.hubStorage && window.hubStorage.getItem;
- }),
- m = i(function () {
- return (window.indexedDB || window.msIndexedDB) && (window.IDBTransaction || window.msIDBTransaction);
- }),
- l = (function () {
- function h() {
- (this.impl = t), (this.store = {});
- }
- var v = h.prototype;
- return (
- (v.get = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S) {
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function I(L) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((L.prev = L.next)) {
- case 0:
- return L.abrupt('return', this.store[S]);
- case 1:
- case 'end':
- return L.stop();
- }
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.set = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function L(w) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
- case 0:
- this.store[S] = I;
- case 1:
- case 'end':
- return w.stop();
- }
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V, S) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.remove = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S) {
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function I(L) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((L.prev = L.next)) {
- case 0:
- this.store[S] = void 0;
- case 1:
- case 'end':
- return L.stop();
- }
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.clear = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V() {
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function S(I) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((I.prev = I.next)) {
- case 0:
- this.store = {};
- case 1:
- case 'end':
- return I.stop();
- }
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N() {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- h
- );
- })(),
- u = (function () {
- function h() {
- this.impl = o;
- }
- var v = h.prototype;
- return (
- (v.get = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S) {
- var I;
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function L(w) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (w.next = 2), window.hubStorage.getItem('paradise-' + S);
- case 2:
- if (((I = w.sent), typeof I != 'string')) {
- w.next = 5;
- break;
- }
- return w.abrupt('return', JSON.parse(I));
- case 5:
- case 'end':
- return w.stop();
- }
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- V
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.set = (function () {
- function p(N, V) {
- window.hubStorage.setItem('paradise-' + N, JSON.stringify(V));
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- (v.remove = (function () {
- function p(N) {
- window.hubStorage.removeItem('paradise-' + N);
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- (v.clear = (function () {
- function p() {
- window.hubStorage.clear();
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- h
- );
- })(),
- s = (function () {
- function h() {
- (this.impl = f),
- (this.dbPromise = new Promise(function (p, N) {
- var V = window.indexedDB || window.msIndexedDB,
- S = V.open(y, b);
- (S.onupgradeneeded = function () {
- try {
- S.result.createObjectStore(B);
- } catch (I) {
- N(new Error('Failed to upgrade IDB: ' + S.error));
- }
- }),
- (S.onsuccess = function () {
- return p(S.result);
- }),
- (S.onerror = function () {
- N(new Error('Failed to open IDB: ' + S.error));
- });
- }));
- }
- var v = h.prototype;
- return (
- (v.getStore = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S) {
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function I(L) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((L.prev = L.next)) {
- case 0:
- return L.abrupt(
- 'return',
- this.dbPromise.then(function (w) {
- return w.transaction(B, S).objectStore(B);
- })
- );
- case 1:
- case 'end':
- return L.stop();
- }
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.get = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S) {
- var I;
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function L(w) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (w.next = 2), this.getStore(k);
- case 2:
- return (
- (I = w.sent),
- w.abrupt(
- 'return',
- new Promise(function (A, x) {
- var E = I.get(S);
- (E.onsuccess = function () {
- return A(E.result);
- }),
- (E.onerror = function () {
- return x(E.error);
- });
- })
- )
- );
- case 4:
- case 'end':
- return w.stop();
- }
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.set = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- var L;
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function w(A) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((A.prev = A.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (A.next = 2), this.getStore(g);
- case 2:
- (L = A.sent), L.put(I, S);
- case 4:
- case 'end':
- return A.stop();
- }
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V, S) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.remove = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S) {
- var I;
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function L(w) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (w.next = 2), this.getStore(g);
- case 2:
- (I = w.sent), I.delete(S);
- case 4:
- case 'end':
- return w.stop();
- }
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.clear = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V() {
- var S;
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function I(L) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((L.prev = L.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (L.next = 2), this.getStore(g);
- case 2:
- (S = L.sent), S.clear();
- case 4:
- case 'end':
- return L.stop();
- }
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N() {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- h
- );
- })(),
- d = (function () {
- function h() {
- this.backendPromise = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function p() {
- var N;
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function V(S) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((S.prev = S.next)) {
- case 0:
- if (!(!Byond.TRIDENT && c())) {
- S.next = 2;
- break;
- }
- return S.abrupt('return', new u());
- case 2:
- if (!m()) {
- S.next = 12;
- break;
- }
- return (S.prev = 3), (N = new s()), (S.next = 7), N.dbPromise;
- case 7:
- return S.abrupt('return', N);
- case 10:
- (S.prev = 10), (S.t0 = S.catch(3));
- case 12:
- return S.abrupt('return', new l());
- case 13:
- case 'end':
- return S.stop();
- }
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- p,
- null,
- [[3, 10]]
- );
- }
- return p;
- })()
- )
- )();
- }
- var v = h.prototype;
- return (
- (v.get = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S) {
- var I;
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function L(w) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (w.next = 2), this.backendPromise;
- case 2:
- return (I = w.sent), w.abrupt('return', I.get(S));
- case 4:
- case 'end':
- return w.stop();
- }
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.set = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- var L;
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function w(A) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((A.prev = A.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (A.next = 2), this.backendPromise;
- case 2:
- return (L = A.sent), A.abrupt('return', L.set(S, I));
- case 4:
- case 'end':
- return A.stop();
- }
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V, S) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.remove = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V(S) {
- var I;
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function L(w) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((w.prev = w.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (w.next = 2), this.backendPromise;
- case 2:
- return (I = w.sent), w.abrupt('return', I.remove(S));
- case 4:
- case 'end':
- return w.stop();
- }
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N(V) {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (v.clear = (function () {
- var p = a(
- n().mark(
- (function () {
- function V() {
- var S;
- return n().wrap(
- (function () {
- function I(L) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((L.prev = L.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (L.next = 2), this.backendPromise;
- case 2:
- return (S = L.sent), L.abrupt('return', S.clear());
- case 4:
- case 'end':
- return L.stop();
- }
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- V,
- this
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()
- )
- );
- function N() {
- return p.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- h
- );
- })(),
- C = (r.storage = new d());
- },
- 25328: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.toTitleCase =
- r.multiline =
- r.decodeHtmlEntities =
- r.createSearch =
- r.createGlobPattern =
- r.capitalize =
- r.buildQueryString =
- void 0);
- function n(g, i) {
- var c = (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && g[Symbol.iterator]) || g['@@iterator'];
- if (c) return (c = c.call(g)).next.bind(c);
- if (Array.isArray(g) || (c = e(g)) || (i && g && typeof g.length == 'number')) {
- c && (g = c);
- var m = 0;
- return function () {
- return m >= g.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: g[m++] };
- };
- }
- throw new TypeError(
- 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
- );
- }
- function e(g, i) {
- if (g) {
- if (typeof g == 'string') return a(g, i);
- var c = {}.toString.call(g).slice(8, -1);
- return (
- c === 'Object' && g.constructor && (c = g.constructor.name),
- c === 'Map' || c === 'Set'
- ? Array.from(g)
- : c === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(c)
- ? a(g, i)
- : void 0
- );
- }
- }
- function a(g, i) {
- (i == null || i > g.length) && (i = g.length);
- for (var c = 0, m = Array(i); c < i; c++) m[c] = g[c];
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.multiline = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- if (Array.isArray(i)) return g(i.join(''));
- for (var c = i.split('\n'), m, l = n(c), u; !(u = l()).done; )
- for (var s = u.value, d = 0; d < s.length; d++) {
- var C = s[d];
- if (C !== ' ') {
- (m === void 0 || d < m) && (m = d);
- break;
- }
- }
- return (
- m || (m = 0),
- c
- .map(function (h) {
- return h.substr(m).trimRight();
- })
- .join('\n')
- .trim()
- );
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- o = (r.createGlobPattern = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- var c = (function () {
- function l(u) {
- return u.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- m = new RegExp('^' + i.split(/\*+/).map(c).join('.*') + '$');
- return function (l) {
- return m.test(l);
- };
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- f = (r.createSearch = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = i.toLowerCase().trim();
- return function (l) {
- if (!m) return !0;
- var u = c ? c(l) : l;
- return u ? u.toLowerCase().includes(m) : !1;
- };
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- b = (r.capitalize = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- return Array.isArray(i) ? i.map(g) : i.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.slice(1).toLowerCase();
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- y = (r.toTitleCase = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- if (Array.isArray(i)) return i.map(g);
- if (typeof i != 'string') return i;
- for (
- var c = ['Id', 'Tv'],
- m = [
- 'A',
- 'An',
- 'And',
- 'As',
- 'At',
- 'But',
- 'By',
- 'For',
- 'For',
- 'From',
- 'In',
- 'Into',
- 'Near',
- 'Nor',
- 'Of',
- 'On',
- 'Onto',
- 'Or',
- 'The',
- 'To',
- 'With',
- ],
- l = i.replace(/([^\W_]+[^\s-]*) */g, function (V) {
- return V.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + V.substr(1).toLowerCase();
- }),
- u = 0,
- s = m;
- u < s.length;
- u++
- ) {
- var d = s[u],
- C = new RegExp('\\s' + d + '\\s', 'g');
- l = l.replace(C, function (V) {
- return V.toLowerCase();
- });
- }
- for (var h = 0, v = c; h < v.length; h++) {
- var p = v[h],
- N = new RegExp('\\b' + p + '\\b', 'g');
- l = l.replace(N, function (V) {
- return V.toLowerCase();
- });
- }
- return l;
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- B = (r.decodeHtmlEntities = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- if (!i) return i;
- var c = /&(nbsp|amp|quot|lt|gt|apos);/g,
- m = { nbsp: ' ', amp: '&', quot: '"', lt: '<', gt: '>', apos: "'" };
- return i
- .replace(/
/gi, '\n')
- .replace(/<\/?[a-z0-9-_]+[^>]*>/gi, '')
- .replace(c, function (l, u) {
- return m[u];
- })
- .replace(/?([0-9]+);/gi, function (l, u) {
- var s = parseInt(u, 10);
- return String.fromCharCode(s);
- })
- .replace(/?([0-9a-f]+);/gi, function (l, u) {
- var s = parseInt(u, 16);
- return String.fromCharCode(s);
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- k = (r.buildQueryString = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- return Object.keys(i)
- .map(function (c) {
- return encodeURIComponent(c) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(i[c]);
- })
- .join('&');
- }
- return g;
- })());
- },
- 69214: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.throttle = r.sleep = r.debounce = void 0);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = (r.debounce = (function () {
- function t(o, f, b) {
- b === void 0 && (b = !1);
- var y;
- return function () {
- for (var B = arguments.length, k = new Array(B), g = 0; g < B; g++) k[g] = arguments[g];
- var i = (function () {
- function m() {
- (y = null), b || o.apply(void 0, k);
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- c = b && !y;
- clearTimeout(y), (y = setTimeout(i, f)), c && o.apply(void 0, k);
- };
- }
- return t;
- })()),
- e = (r.sleep = (function () {
- function t(o) {
- return new Promise(function (f) {
- return setTimeout(f, o);
- });
- }
- return t;
- })()),
- a = (r.throttle = (function () {
- function t(o, f) {
- var b, y;
- return (function () {
- function B() {
- for (var k = arguments.length, g = new Array(k), i = 0; i < k; i++) g[i] = arguments[i];
- var c = Date.now();
- if ((y && clearTimeout(y), !b || c - b >= f)) o.apply(null, g), (b = c);
- else {
- var m;
- y = setTimeout(
- function () {
- return B.apply(void 0, g);
- },
- f - (c - ((m = b) != null ? m : 0))
- );
- }
- }
- return B;
- })();
- }
- return t;
- })());
- },
- 97450: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.vecSubtract =
- r.vecScale =
- r.vecNormalize =
- r.vecMultiply =
- r.vecLength =
- r.vecInverse =
- r.vecDivide =
- r.vecAdd =
- void 0);
- var e = n(88510);
- /**
- * N-dimensional vector manipulation functions.
- *
- * Vectors are plain number arrays, i.e. [x, y, z].
- *
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var a = function (u, s) {
- return u + s;
- },
- t = function (u, s) {
- return u - s;
- },
- o = function (u, s) {
- return u * s;
- },
- f = function (u, s) {
- return u / s;
- },
- b = (r.vecAdd = (function () {
- function l() {
- for (var u = arguments.length, s = new Array(u), d = 0; d < u; d++) s[d] = arguments[d];
- return (0, e.reduce)(function (C, h) {
- return (0, e.zipWith)(a)(C, h);
- })(s);
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- y = (r.vecSubtract = (function () {
- function l() {
- for (var u = arguments.length, s = new Array(u), d = 0; d < u; d++) s[d] = arguments[d];
- return (0, e.reduce)(function (C, h) {
- return (0, e.zipWith)(t)(C, h);
- })(s);
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- B = (r.vecMultiply = (function () {
- function l() {
- for (var u = arguments.length, s = new Array(u), d = 0; d < u; d++) s[d] = arguments[d];
- return (0, e.reduce)(function (C, h) {
- return (0, e.zipWith)(o)(C, h);
- })(s);
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- k = (r.vecDivide = (function () {
- function l() {
- for (var u = arguments.length, s = new Array(u), d = 0; d < u; d++) s[d] = arguments[d];
- return (0, e.reduce)(function (C, h) {
- return (0, e.zipWith)(f)(C, h);
- })(s);
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- g = (r.vecScale = (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- return (0, e.map)(function (d) {
- return d * s;
- })(u);
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- i = (r.vecInverse = (function () {
- function l(u) {
- return (0, e.map)(function (s) {
- return -s;
- })(u);
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- c = (r.vecLength = (function () {
- function l(u) {
- return Math.sqrt((0, e.reduce)(a)((0, e.zipWith)(o)(u, u)));
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- m = (r.vecNormalize = (function () {
- function l(u) {
- return k(u, c(u));
- }
- return l;
- })());
- },
- 79140: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.resolveAsset = r.assetMiddleware = void 0);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = [/v4shim/i],
- e = {},
- a = (r.resolveAsset = (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return e[f] || f;
- }
- return o;
- })()),
- t = (r.assetMiddleware = (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return function (b) {
- return function (y) {
- var B = y.type,
- k = y.payload;
- if (B === 'asset/stylesheet') {
- Byond.loadCss(k);
- return;
- }
- if (B === 'asset/mappings') {
- for (
- var g = (function () {
- function m() {
- var l = c[i];
- if (
- n.some(function (d) {
- return d.test(l);
- })
- )
- return 1;
- var u = k[l],
- s = l.split('.').pop();
- (e[l] = u), s === 'css' && Byond.loadCss(u), s === 'js' && Byond.loadJs(u);
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- i = 0,
- c = Object.keys(k);
- i < c.length;
- i++
- )
- g();
- return;
- }
- b(y);
- };
- };
- }
- return o;
- })());
- },
- 72253: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.useSharedState =
- r.useLocalState =
- r.useBackend =
- r.sendAct =
- r.selectBackend =
- r.backendUpdate =
- r.backendSuspendSuccess =
- r.backendSuspendStart =
- r.backendSetSharedState =
- r.backendReducer =
- r.backendMiddleware =
- void 0);
- var e = n(85822),
- a = n(85307),
- t = n(35421),
- o = n(87695),
- f = n(9394),
- b = n(49060);
- /**
- * This file provides a clear separation layer between backend updates
- * and what state our React app sees.
- *
- * Sometimes backend can response without a "data" field, but our final
- * state will still contain previous "data" because we are merging
- * the response with already existing state.
- *
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var y = (0, f.createLogger)('backend'),
- B = (r.backendUpdate = (0, a.createAction)('backend/update')),
- k = (r.backendSetSharedState = (0, a.createAction)('backend/setSharedState')),
- g = (r.backendSuspendStart = (0, a.createAction)('backend/suspendStart')),
- i = (r.backendSuspendSuccess = (function () {
- function v() {
- return { type: 'backend/suspendSuccess', payload: { timestamp: Date.now() } };
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- c = { config: {}, data: {}, shared: {}, suspended: Date.now(), suspending: !1 },
- m = (r.backendReducer = (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- p === void 0 && (p = c);
- var V = N.type,
- S = N.payload;
- if (V === 'backend/update') {
- var I = Object.assign({}, p.config, S.config),
- L = Object.assign({}, p.data, S.static_data, S.data),
- w = Object.assign({}, p.shared);
- if (S.shared)
- for (var A = 0, x = Object.keys(S.shared); A < x.length; A++) {
- var E = x[A],
- P = S.shared[E];
- P === '' ? (w[E] = void 0) : (w[E] = JSON.parse(P));
- }
- return Object.assign({}, p, { config: I, data: L, shared: w, suspended: !1 });
- }
- if (V === 'backend/setSharedState') {
- var D,
- M = S.key,
- R = S.nextState;
- return Object.assign({}, p, { shared: Object.assign({}, p.shared, ((D = {}), (D[M] = R), D)) });
- }
- if (V === 'backend/suspendStart') return Object.assign({}, p, { suspending: !0 });
- if (V === 'backend/suspendSuccess') {
- var O = S.timestamp;
- return Object.assign({}, p, {
- data: {},
- shared: {},
- config: Object.assign({}, p.config, { title: '', status: 1 }),
- suspending: !1,
- suspended: O,
- });
- }
- return p;
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- l = (r.backendMiddleware = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- var N, V;
- return function (S) {
- return function (I) {
- var L = s(p.getState()),
- w = L.suspended,
- A = I.type,
- x = I.payload;
- if (A === 'update') {
- p.dispatch(B(x));
- return;
- }
- if (A === 'suspend') {
- p.dispatch(i());
- return;
- }
- if (A === 'ping') {
- Byond.sendMessage('ping/reply');
- return;
- }
- if (A === 'backend/suspendStart' && !V) {
- y.log('suspending (' + Byond.windowId + ')');
- var E = (function () {
- function M() {
- return Byond.sendMessage('suspend');
- }
- return M;
- })();
- E(), (V = setInterval(E, 2e3));
- }
- if (
- (A === 'backend/suspendSuccess' &&
- ((0, b.suspendRenderer)(),
- clearInterval(V),
- (V = void 0),
- Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { 'is-visible': !1 }),
- setTimeout(function () {
- return (0, o.focusMap)();
- })),
- A === 'backend/update')
- ) {
- var P,
- D = (P = x.config) == null || (P = P.window) == null ? void 0 : P.fancy;
- N === void 0
- ? (N = D)
- : N !== D &&
- (y.log('changing fancy mode to', D),
- (N = D),
- Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { titlebar: !D, 'can-resize': !D }));
- }
- return (
- A === 'backend/update' &&
- w &&
- (y.log('backend/update', x),
- (0, b.resumeRenderer)(),
- (0, t.setupDrag)(),
- setTimeout(function () {
- e.perf.mark('resume/start');
- var M = s(p.getState()),
- R = M.suspended;
- R || (Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { 'is-visible': !0 }), e.perf.mark('resume/finish'));
- })),
- S(I)
- );
- };
- };
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- u = (r.sendAct = (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- N === void 0 && (N = {});
- var V = typeof N == 'object' && N !== null && !Array.isArray(N);
- if (!V) {
- y.error('Payload for act() must be an object, got this:', N);
- return;
- }
- Byond.sendMessage('act/' + p, N);
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- s = (r.selectBackend = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- return p.backend || {};
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- d = (r.useBackend = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- var N = p.store,
- V = s(N.getState());
- return Object.assign({}, V, { act: u });
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- C = (r.useLocalState = (function () {
- function v(p, N, V) {
- var S,
- I = p.store,
- L = s(I.getState()),
- w = (S = L.shared) != null ? S : {},
- A = N in w ? w[N] : V;
- return [
- A,
- function (x) {
- I.dispatch(k({ key: N, nextState: typeof x == 'function' ? x(A) : x }));
- },
- ];
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- h = (r.useSharedState = (function () {
- function v(p, N, V) {
- var S,
- I = p.store,
- L = s(I.getState()),
- w = (S = L.shared) != null ? S : {},
- A = N in w ? w[N] : V;
- return [
- A,
- function (x) {
- Byond.sendMessage({
- type: 'setSharedState',
- key: N,
- value: JSON.stringify(typeof x == 'function' ? x(A) : x) || '',
- });
- },
- ];
- }
- return v;
- })());
- },
- 9474: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AnimatedNumber = void 0);
- var e = n(44879),
- a = n(89005);
- function t(k, g) {
- (k.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype)), (k.prototype.constructor = k), o(k, g);
- }
- function o(k, g) {
- return (
- (o = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (i, c) {
- return (i.__proto__ = c), i;
- }),
- o(k, g)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var f = 20,
- b = 0.5,
- y = function (g) {
- return typeof g == 'number' && Number.isFinite(g) && !Number.isNaN(g);
- },
- B = (r.AnimatedNumber = (function (k) {
- function g(c) {
- var m;
- return (
- (m = k.call(this, c) || this),
- (m.timer = null),
- (m.state = { value: 0 }),
- y(c.initial) ? (m.state.value = c.initial) : y(c.value) && (m.state.value = Number(c.value)),
- m
- );
- }
- t(g, k);
- var i = g.prototype;
- return (
- (i.tick = (function () {
- function c() {
- var m = this.props,
- l = this.state,
- u = Number(l.value),
- s = Number(m.value);
- if (y(s)) {
- var d = u * b + s * (1 - b);
- this.setState({ value: d });
- }
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- (i.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function c() {
- var m = this;
- this.timer = setInterval(function () {
- return m.tick();
- }, 1e3 / f);
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- (i.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function c() {
- clearTimeout(this.timer);
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- (i.render = (function () {
- function c() {
- var m = this.props,
- l = this.state,
- u = m.format,
- s = m.children,
- d = l.value,
- C = m.value;
- if (!y(C)) return C || null;
- var h = d;
- if (u) h = u(d);
- else {
- var v = String(C).split('.')[1],
- p = v ? v.length : 0;
- h = (0, e.toFixed)(d, (0, e.clamp)(p, 0, 8));
- }
- return typeof s == 'function' ? s(h, d) : h;
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- g
- );
- })(a.Component));
- },
- 27185: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Autofocus = void 0);
- var e = n(89005);
- function a(f, b) {
- (f.prototype = Object.create(b.prototype)), (f.prototype.constructor = f), t(f, b);
- }
- function t(f, b) {
- return (
- (t = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (y, B) {
- return (y.__proto__ = B), y;
- }),
- t(f, b)
- );
- }
- var o = (r.Autofocus = (function (f) {
- function b() {
- for (var B, k = arguments.length, g = new Array(k), i = 0; i < k; i++) g[i] = arguments[i];
- return (B = f.call.apply(f, [this].concat(g)) || this), (B.ref = (0, e.createRef)()), B;
- }
- a(b, f);
- var y = b.prototype;
- return (
- (y.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function B() {
- var k = this;
- setTimeout(function () {
- var g;
- (g = k.ref.current) == null || g.focus();
- }, 1);
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- (y.render = (function () {
- function B() {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, this.props.children, 0, { tabIndex: -1 }, null, this.ref);
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- b
- );
- })(e.Component));
- },
- 5814: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Blink = void 0);
- var e = n(89005);
- function a(y, B) {
- (y.prototype = Object.create(B.prototype)), (y.prototype.constructor = y), t(y, B);
- }
- function t(y, B) {
- return (
- (t = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (k, g) {
- return (k.__proto__ = g), k;
- }),
- t(y, B)
- );
- }
- var o = 1e3,
- f = 1e3,
- b = (r.Blink = (function (y) {
- function B() {
- var g;
- return (g = y.call(this) || this), (g.state = { hidden: !1 }), g;
- }
- a(B, y);
- var k = B.prototype;
- return (
- (k.createTimer = (function () {
- function g() {
- var i = this,
- c = this.props,
- m = c.interval,
- l = m === void 0 ? o : m,
- u = c.time,
- s = u === void 0 ? f : u;
- clearInterval(this.interval),
- clearTimeout(this.timer),
- this.setState({ hidden: !1 }),
- (this.interval = setInterval(function () {
- i.setState({ hidden: !0 }),
- (i.timer = setTimeout(function () {
- i.setState({ hidden: !1 });
- }, s));
- }, l + s));
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- (k.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function g() {
- this.createTimer();
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- (k.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- (i.interval !== this.props.interval || i.time !== this.props.time) && this.createTimer();
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- (k.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function g() {
- clearInterval(this.interval), clearTimeout(this.timer);
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- (k.render = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, i.children, 0, {
- style: { visibility: this.state.hidden ? 'hidden' : 'visible' },
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- B
- );
- })(e.Component));
- },
- 61773: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BlockQuote = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = ['className'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function f(y, B) {
- if (y == null) return {};
- var k = {};
- for (var g in y)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(y, g)) {
- if (B.includes(g)) continue;
- k[g] = y[g];
- }
- return k;
- }
- var b = (r.BlockQuote = (function () {
- function y(B) {
- var k = B.className,
- g = f(B, o);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['BlockQuote', k]) }, g)
- )
- );
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 55937: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.unit = r.halfUnit = r.computeBoxProps = r.computeBoxClassName = r.Box = void 0);
- var e = n(35840),
- a = n(89005),
- t = n(15875),
- o = n(76910),
- f = ['as', 'className', 'children'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function b(v, p) {
- if (v == null) return {};
- var N = {};
- for (var V in v)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(v, V)) {
- if (p.includes(V)) continue;
- N[V] = v[V];
- }
- return N;
- }
- var y = (r.unit = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- if (typeof p == 'string') return p.endsWith('px') ? parseFloat(p) / 12 + 'rem' : p;
- if (typeof p == 'number') return p + 'rem';
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- B = (r.halfUnit = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- if (typeof p == 'string') return y(p);
- if (typeof p == 'number') return y(p * 0.5);
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- k = function (p) {
- return !g(p);
- },
- g = function (p) {
- if (typeof p == 'string') return o.CSS_COLORS.includes(p);
- },
- i = function (p) {
- return function (N, V) {
- (typeof V == 'number' || typeof V == 'string') && (N[p] = V);
- };
- },
- c = function (p, N) {
- return function (V, S) {
- (typeof S == 'number' || typeof S == 'string') && (V[p] = N(S));
- };
- },
- m = function (p, N) {
- return function (V, S) {
- S && (V[p] = N);
- };
- },
- l = function (p, N, V) {
- return function (S, I) {
- if (typeof I == 'number' || typeof I == 'string')
- for (var L = 0; L < V.length; L++) S[p + '-' + V[L]] = N(I);
- };
- },
- u = function (p) {
- return function (N, V) {
- k(V) && (N[p] = V);
- };
- },
- s = {
- position: i('position'),
- overflow: i('overflow'),
- overflowX: i('overflow-x'),
- overflowY: i('overflow-y'),
- top: c('top', y),
- bottom: c('bottom', y),
- left: c('left', y),
- right: c('right', y),
- width: c('width', y),
- minWidth: c('min-width', y),
- maxWidth: c('max-width', y),
- height: c('height', y),
- minHeight: c('min-height', y),
- maxHeight: c('max-height', y),
- fontSize: c('font-size', y),
- fontFamily: i('font-family'),
- lineHeight: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- typeof N == 'number' ? (p['line-height'] = N) : typeof N == 'string' && (p['line-height'] = y(N));
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- opacity: i('opacity'),
- textAlign: i('text-align'),
- verticalAlign: i('vertical-align'),
- inline: m('display', 'inline-block'),
- bold: m('font-weight', 'bold'),
- italic: m('font-style', 'italic'),
- nowrap: m('white-space', 'nowrap'),
- preserveWhitespace: m('white-space', 'pre-wrap'),
- m: l('margin', B, ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']),
- mx: l('margin', B, ['left', 'right']),
- my: l('margin', B, ['top', 'bottom']),
- mt: c('margin-top', B),
- mb: c('margin-bottom', B),
- ml: c('margin-left', B),
- mr: c('margin-right', B),
- p: l('padding', B, ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']),
- px: l('padding', B, ['left', 'right']),
- py: l('padding', B, ['top', 'bottom']),
- pt: c('padding-top', B),
- pb: c('padding-bottom', B),
- pl: c('padding-left', B),
- pr: c('padding-right', B),
- color: u('color'),
- textColor: u('color'),
- backgroundColor: u('background-color'),
- fillPositionedParent: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- N && ((p.position = 'absolute'), (p.top = 0), (p.bottom = 0), (p.left = 0), (p.right = 0));
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- },
- d = (r.computeBoxProps = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- for (var N = {}, V = {}, S = 0, I = Object.keys(p); S < I.length; S++) {
- var L = I[S];
- if (L !== 'style') {
- var w = p[L],
- A = s[L];
- A ? A(V, w) : (N[L] = w);
- }
- }
- for (var x = '', E = 0, P = Object.keys(V); E < P.length; E++) {
- var D = P[E],
- M = V[D];
- x += D + ':' + M + ';';
- }
- if (p.style)
- for (var R = 0, O = Object.keys(p.style); R < O.length; R++) {
- var F = O[R],
- _ = p.style[F];
- x += F + ':' + _ + ';';
- }
- return x.length > 0 && (N.style = x), N;
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- C = (r.computeBoxClassName = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- var N = p.textColor || p.color,
- V = p.backgroundColor;
- return (0, e.classes)([g(N) && 'color-' + N, g(V) && 'color-bg-' + V]);
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- h = (r.Box = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- var N = p.as,
- V = N === void 0 ? 'div' : N,
- S = p.className,
- I = p.children,
- L = b(p, f);
- if (typeof I == 'function') return I(d(p));
- var w = typeof S == 'string' ? S + ' ' + C(L) : C(L),
- A = d(L);
- return (0, a.createVNode)(t.VNodeFlags.HtmlElement, V, w, I, t.ChildFlags.UnknownChildren, A);
- }
- return v;
- })());
- h.defaultHooks = e.pureComponentHooks;
- },
- 96184: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ButtonInput = r.ButtonConfirm = r.ButtonCheckbox = r.Button = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(92986),
- o = n(9394),
- f = n(55937),
- b = n(1331),
- y = n(62147),
- B = [
- 'className',
- 'fluid',
- 'translucent',
- 'icon',
- 'iconRotation',
- 'iconSpin',
- 'color',
- 'textColor',
- 'disabled',
- 'selected',
- 'tooltip',
- 'tooltipPosition',
- 'ellipsis',
- 'compact',
- 'circular',
- 'content',
- 'iconColor',
- 'iconRight',
- 'iconStyle',
- 'children',
- 'onclick',
- 'onClick',
- 'multiLine',
- ],
- k = ['checked'],
- g = ['confirmContent', 'confirmColor', 'confirmIcon', 'icon', 'color', 'content', 'onClick'],
- i = [
- 'fluid',
- 'content',
- 'icon',
- 'iconRotation',
- 'iconSpin',
- 'tooltip',
- 'tooltipPosition',
- 'color',
- 'disabled',
- 'multiLine',
- ];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function c(v, p) {
- (v.prototype = Object.create(p.prototype)), (v.prototype.constructor = v), m(v, p);
- }
- function m(v, p) {
- return (
- (m = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (N, V) {
- return (N.__proto__ = V), N;
- }),
- m(v, p)
- );
- }
- function l(v, p) {
- if (v == null) return {};
- var N = {};
- for (var V in v)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(v, V)) {
- if (p.includes(V)) continue;
- N[V] = v[V];
- }
- return N;
- }
- var u = (0, o.createLogger)('Button'),
- s = (r.Button = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- var N = p.className,
- V = p.fluid,
- S = p.translucent,
- I = p.icon,
- L = p.iconRotation,
- w = p.iconSpin,
- A = p.color,
- x = p.textColor,
- E = p.disabled,
- P = p.selected,
- D = p.tooltip,
- M = p.tooltipPosition,
- R = p.ellipsis,
- O = p.compact,
- F = p.circular,
- _ = p.content,
- U = p.iconColor,
- z = p.iconRight,
- $ = p.iconStyle,
- G = p.children,
- X = p.onclick,
- J = p.onClick,
- se = p.multiLine,
- ie = l(p, B),
- me = !!(_ || G);
- X &&
- u.warn(
- "Lowercase 'onclick' is not supported on Button and lowercase prop names are discouraged in general. Please use a camelCase'onClick' instead and read: https://infernojs.org/docs/guides/event-handling"
- ),
- (ie.onClick = function (re) {
- !E && J && J(re);
- });
- var q = (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Box,
- Object.assign(
- {
- className: (0, a.classes)([
- 'Button',
- V && 'Button--fluid',
- E && 'Button--disabled' + (S ? '--translucent' : ''),
- P && 'Button--selected' + (S ? '--translucent' : ''),
- me && 'Button--hasContent',
- R && 'Button--ellipsis',
- F && 'Button--circular',
- O && 'Button--compact',
- z && 'Button--iconRight',
- se && 'Button--multiLine',
- A && typeof A == 'string'
- ? 'Button--color--' + A + (S ? '--translucent' : '')
- : 'Button--color--default' + (S ? '--translucent' : ''),
- N,
- ]),
- tabIndex: !E && '0',
- color: x,
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function re(ae) {
- var le = window.event ? ae.which : ae.keyCode;
- if (le === t.KEY_SPACE || le === t.KEY_ENTER) {
- ae.preventDefault(), !E && J && J(ae);
- return;
- }
- if (le === t.KEY_ESCAPE) {
- ae.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- }
- return re;
- })(),
- },
- ie,
- {
- children: [
- I &&
- !z &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, {
- name: I,
- color: U,
- rotation: L,
- spin: w,
- style: $,
- }),
- _,
- G,
- I &&
- z &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, {
- name: I,
- color: U,
- rotation: L,
- spin: w,
- style: $,
- }),
- ],
- }
- )
- )
- );
- return (
- D && (q = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Tooltip, { content: D, position: M, children: q })), q
- );
- }
- return v;
- })());
- s.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
- var d = (r.ButtonCheckbox = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- var N = p.checked,
- V = l(p, k);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- s,
- Object.assign({ color: 'transparent', icon: N ? 'check-square-o' : 'square-o', selected: N }, V)
- )
- );
- }
- return v;
- })());
- s.Checkbox = d;
- var C = (r.ButtonConfirm = (function (v) {
- function p() {
- var V;
- return (
- (V = v.call(this) || this),
- (V.handleClick = function () {
- V.state.clickedOnce && V.setClickedOnce(!1);
- }),
- (V.state = { clickedOnce: !1 }),
- V
- );
- }
- c(p, v);
- var N = p.prototype;
- return (
- (N.setClickedOnce = (function () {
- function V(S) {
- var I = this;
- this.setState({ clickedOnce: S }),
- S
- ? setTimeout(function () {
- return window.addEventListener('click', I.handleClick);
- })
- : window.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClick);
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- (N.render = (function () {
- function V() {
- var S = this,
- I = this.props,
- L = I.confirmContent,
- w = L === void 0 ? 'Confirm?' : L,
- A = I.confirmColor,
- x = A === void 0 ? 'bad' : A,
- E = I.confirmIcon,
- P = I.icon,
- D = I.color,
- M = I.content,
- R = I.onClick,
- O = l(I, g);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- s,
- Object.assign(
- {
- content: this.state.clickedOnce ? w : M,
- icon: this.state.clickedOnce ? E : P,
- color: this.state.clickedOnce ? x : D,
- onClick: (function () {
- function F(_) {
- return S.state.clickedOnce ? (R == null ? void 0 : R(_)) : S.setClickedOnce(!0);
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- },
- O
- )
- )
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- p
- );
- })(e.Component));
- s.Confirm = C;
- var h = (r.ButtonInput = (function (v) {
- function p() {
- var V;
- return (
- (V = v.call(this) || this),
- (V.inputRef = void 0),
- (V.inputRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
- (V.state = { inInput: !1 }),
- V
- );
- }
- c(p, v);
- var N = p.prototype;
- return (
- (N.setInInput = (function () {
- function V(S) {
- var I = this.props.disabled;
- if (!I && (this.setState({ inInput: S }), this.inputRef)) {
- var L = this.inputRef.current;
- if (S) {
- L.value = this.props.currentValue || '';
- try {
- L.focus(), L.select();
- } catch (w) {}
- }
- }
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- (N.commitResult = (function () {
- function V(S) {
- if (this.inputRef) {
- var I = this.inputRef.current,
- L = I.value !== '';
- if (L) {
- this.props.onCommit(S, I.value);
- return;
- } else {
- if (!this.props.defaultValue) return;
- this.props.onCommit(S, this.props.defaultValue);
- }
- }
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- (N.render = (function () {
- function V() {
- var S = this,
- I = this.props,
- L = I.fluid,
- w = I.content,
- A = I.icon,
- x = I.iconRotation,
- E = I.iconSpin,
- P = I.tooltip,
- D = I.tooltipPosition,
- M = I.color,
- R = M === void 0 ? 'default' : M,
- O = I.disabled,
- F = I.multiLine,
- _ = l(I, i),
- U = (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Box,
- Object.assign(
- {
- className: (0, a.classes)([
- 'Button',
- L && 'Button--fluid',
- O && 'Button--disabled',
- 'Button--color--' + R,
- F + 'Button--multiLine',
- ]),
- },
- _,
- {
- onClick: (function () {
- function z() {
- return S.setInInput(!0);
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- children: [
- A && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, { name: A, rotation: x, spin: E }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, w, 0),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 64,
- 'input',
- 'NumberInput__input',
- null,
- 1,
- {
- style: { display: this.state.inInput ? void 0 : 'none', 'text-align': 'left' },
- onBlur: (function () {
- function z($) {
- S.state.inInput && (S.setInInput(!1), S.commitResult($));
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function z($) {
- if ($.keyCode === t.KEY_ENTER) {
- S.setInInput(!1), S.commitResult($);
- return;
- }
- $.keyCode === t.KEY_ESCAPE && S.setInInput(!1);
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- },
- null,
- this.inputRef
- ),
- ],
- }
- )
- )
- );
- return (
- P && (U = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Tooltip, { content: P, position: D, children: U })), U
- );
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- p
- );
- })(e.Component));
- s.Input = h;
- },
- 18982: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ByondUi = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(69214),
- o = n(9394),
- f = n(55937),
- b = ['params'],
- y = ['params'],
- B = ['parent', 'params'];
- function k(C, h) {
- if (C == null) return {};
- var v = {};
- for (var p in C)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(C, p)) {
- if (h.includes(p)) continue;
- v[p] = C[p];
- }
- return v;
- }
- function g(C, h) {
- (C.prototype = Object.create(h.prototype)), (C.prototype.constructor = C), i(C, h);
- }
- function i(C, h) {
- return (
- (i = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (v, p) {
- return (v.__proto__ = p), v;
- }),
- i(C, h)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var c = (0, o.createLogger)('ByondUi'),
- m = [],
- l = function (h) {
- var v = m.length;
- m.push(null);
- var p = h || 'byondui_' + v;
- return (
- c.log("allocated '" + p + "'"),
- {
- render: (function () {
- function N(V) {
- c.log("unmounting '" + p + "'"),
- (m[v] = null),
- Byond.winset(p, { parent: '' }),
- c.log("rendering '" + p + "'"),
- (m[v] = p),
- Byond.winset(p, V);
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- unmount: (function () {
- function N() {
- c.log("unmounting '" + p + "'"), (m[v] = null), Byond.winset(p, { parent: '' });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }
- );
- };
- window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function () {
- for (var C = 0; C < m.length; C++) {
- var h = m[C];
- typeof h == 'string' &&
- (c.log("unmounting '" + h + "' (beforeunload)"), (m[C] = null), Byond.winset(h, { parent: '' }));
- }
- });
- var u = function (h) {
- var v = h.getBoundingClientRect();
- return { pos: [v.left, v.top], size: [v.right - v.left, v.bottom - v.top] };
- },
- s = (r.ByondUi = (function (C) {
- function h(p) {
- var N, V;
- return (
- (V = C.call(this, p) || this),
- (V.containerRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
- (V.byondUiElement = l((N = p.params) == null ? void 0 : N.id)),
- (V.handleResize = (0, t.debounce)(function () {
- V.forceUpdate();
- }, 100)),
- V
- );
- }
- g(h, C);
- var v = h.prototype;
- return (
- (v.shouldComponentUpdate = (function () {
- function p(N) {
- var V = this.props,
- S = V.params,
- I = S === void 0 ? {} : S,
- L = k(V, b),
- w = N.params,
- A = w === void 0 ? {} : w,
- x = k(N, y);
- return (0, a.shallowDiffers)(I, A) || (0, a.shallowDiffers)(L, x);
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- (v.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function p() {
- window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize),
- this.componentDidUpdate(),
- this.handleResize();
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- (v.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function p() {
- var N = this.props.params,
- V = N === void 0 ? {} : N,
- S = u(this.containerRef.current);
- c.debug('bounding box', S),
- this.byondUiElement.render(
- Object.assign({ parent: Byond.windowId }, V, {
- pos: S.pos[0] + ',' + S.pos[1],
- size: S.size[0] + 'x' + S.size[1],
- })
- );
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- (v.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function p() {
- window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize), this.byondUiElement.unmount();
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- (v.render = (function () {
- function p() {
- var N = this.props,
- V = N.parent,
- S = N.params,
- I = k(N, B),
- L = (0, f.computeBoxProps)(I);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- null,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, null, 1, { style: { 'min-height': '22px' } }),
- 0,
- Object.assign({}, L),
- null,
- this.containerRef
- )
- );
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- h
- );
- })(e.Component)),
- d = function () {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, null, 1, { style: { 'min-height': '22px' } });
- };
- },
- 66820: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Chart = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(35840),
- o = n(55937),
- f = ['data', 'rangeX', 'rangeY', 'fillColor', 'strokeColor', 'strokeWidth'];
- function b(l, u) {
- if (l == null) return {};
- var s = {};
- for (var d in l)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(l, d)) {
- if (u.includes(d)) continue;
- s[d] = l[d];
- }
- return s;
- }
- function y(l, u) {
- (l.prototype = Object.create(u.prototype)), (l.prototype.constructor = l), B(l, u);
- }
- function B(l, u) {
- return (
- (B = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (s, d) {
- return (s.__proto__ = d), s;
- }),
- B(l, u)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var k = function (u, s, d, C) {
- if (u.length === 0) return [];
- var h = (0, a.zipWith)(Math.min).apply(void 0, u),
- v = (0, a.zipWith)(Math.max).apply(void 0, u);
- d !== void 0 && ((h[0] = d[0]), (v[0] = d[1])), C !== void 0 && ((h[1] = C[0]), (v[1] = C[1]));
- var p = (0, a.map)(function (N) {
- return (0, a.zipWith)(function (V, S, I, L) {
- return ((V - S) / (I - S)) * L;
- })(N, h, v, s);
- })(u);
- return p;
- },
- g = function (u) {
- for (var s = '', d = 0; d < u.length; d++) {
- var C = u[d];
- s += C[0] + ',' + C[1] + ' ';
- }
- return s;
- },
- i = (function (l) {
- function u(d) {
- var C;
- return (
- (C = l.call(this, d) || this),
- (C.ref = (0, e.createRef)()),
- (C.state = { viewBox: [600, 200] }),
- (C.handleResize = function () {
- var h = C.ref.current;
- C.setState({ viewBox: [h.offsetWidth, h.offsetHeight] });
- }),
- C
- );
- }
- y(u, l);
- var s = u.prototype;
- return (
- (s.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function d() {
- window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize), this.handleResize();
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- (s.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function d() {
- window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- (s.render = (function () {
- function d() {
- var C = this,
- h = this.props,
- v = h.data,
- p = v === void 0 ? [] : v,
- N = h.rangeX,
- V = h.rangeY,
- S = h.fillColor,
- I = S === void 0 ? 'none' : S,
- L = h.strokeColor,
- w = L === void 0 ? '#ffffff' : L,
- A = h.strokeWidth,
- x = A === void 0 ? 2 : A,
- E = b(h, f),
- P = this.state.viewBox,
- D = k(p, P, N, V);
- if (D.length > 0) {
- var M = D[0],
- R = D[D.length - 1];
- D.push([P[0] + x, R[1]]), D.push([P[0] + x, -x]), D.push([-x, -x]), D.push([-x, M[1]]);
- }
- var O = g(D);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- Object.assign({ position: 'relative' }, E, {
- children: (function () {
- function F(_) {
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- null,
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 32,
- 'svg',
- null,
- (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'polyline', null, null, 1, {
- transform: 'scale(1, -1) translate(0, -' + P[1] + ')',
- fill: I,
- stroke: w,
- 'stroke-width': x,
- points: O,
- }),
- 2,
- {
- viewBox: '0 0 ' + P[0] + ' ' + P[1],
- preserveAspectRatio: 'none',
- style: {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- right: 0,
- bottom: 0,
- overflow: 'hidden',
- },
- }
- ),
- 2,
- Object.assign({}, _),
- null,
- C.ref
- )
- );
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- })
- )
- );
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- u
- );
- })(e.Component);
- i.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks;
- var c = function (u) {
- return null;
- },
- m = (r.Chart = { Line: i });
- },
- 4796: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Collapsible = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(55937),
- t = n(96184),
- o = ['children', 'color', 'title', 'buttons', 'contentStyle'];
- function f(k, g) {
- if (k == null) return {};
- var i = {};
- for (var c in k)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(k, c)) {
- if (g.includes(c)) continue;
- i[c] = k[c];
- }
- return i;
- }
- function b(k, g) {
- (k.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype)), (k.prototype.constructor = k), y(k, g);
- }
- function y(k, g) {
- return (
- (y = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (i, c) {
- return (i.__proto__ = c), i;
- }),
- y(k, g)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var B = (r.Collapsible = (function (k) {
- function g(c) {
- var m;
- m = k.call(this, c) || this;
- var l = c.open;
- return (m.state = { open: l || !1 }), m;
- }
- b(g, k);
- var i = g.prototype;
- return (
- (i.render = (function () {
- function c() {
- var m = this,
- l = this.props,
- u = this.state.open,
- s = l.children,
- d = l.color,
- C = d === void 0 ? 'default' : d,
- h = l.title,
- v = l.buttons,
- p = l.contentStyle,
- N = f(l, o);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- className: 'Collapsible',
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'Table',
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'Table__cell',
- (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- Object.assign(
- {
- fluid: !0,
- color: C,
- icon: u ? 'chevron-down' : 'chevron-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return m.setState({ open: !u });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- },
- N,
- { children: h }
- )
- )
- ),
- 2
- ),
- v && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Table__cell Table__cell--collapsing', v, 0),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- u && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { mt: 1, style: p, children: s }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- g
- );
- })(e.Component));
- },
- 88894: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ColorBox = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = ['content', 'children', 'className', 'color', 'backgroundColor'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function f(y, B) {
- if (y == null) return {};
- var k = {};
- for (var g in y)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(y, g)) {
- if (B.includes(g)) continue;
- k[g] = y[g];
- }
- return k;
- }
- var b = (r.ColorBox = (function () {
- function y(B) {
- var k = B.content,
- g = B.children,
- i = B.className,
- c = B.color,
- m = B.backgroundColor,
- l = f(B, o);
- return (
- (l.color = k ? null : 'transparent'),
- (l.backgroundColor = c || m),
- (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)(['ColorBox', i, (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(l)]),
- k || '.',
- 0,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(l))
- )
- )
- );
- }
- return y;
- })());
- b.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
- },
- 73379: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Countdown = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(55937),
- t = ['format'];
- function o(B, k) {
- if (B == null) return {};
- var g = {};
- for (var i in B)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(B, i)) {
- if (k.includes(i)) continue;
- g[i] = B[i];
- }
- return g;
- }
- function f(B, k) {
- (B.prototype = Object.create(k.prototype)), (B.prototype.constructor = B), b(B, k);
- }
- function b(B, k) {
- return (
- (b = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (g, i) {
- return (g.__proto__ = i), g;
- }),
- b(B, k)
- );
- }
- var y = (r.Countdown = (function (B) {
- function k(i) {
- var c;
- return (
- (c = B.call(this, i) || this), (c.timer = null), (c.state = { value: Math.max(i.timeLeft * 100, 0) }), c
- );
- }
- f(k, B);
- var g = k.prototype;
- return (
- (g.tick = (function () {
- function i() {
- var c = Math.max(this.state.value - this.props.rate, 0);
- c <= 0 && clearInterval(this.timer),
- this.setState(function (m) {
- return { value: c };
- });
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- (g.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function i() {
- var c = this;
- this.timer = setInterval(function () {
- return c.tick();
- }, this.props.rate);
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- (g.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function i() {
- clearInterval(this.timer);
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- (g.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function i(c) {
- var m = this;
- this.props.current !== c.current &&
- this.setState(function (l) {
- return { value: Math.max(m.props.timeLeft * 100, 0) };
- }),
- this.timer || this.componentDidMount();
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- (g.render = (function () {
- function i() {
- var c = this.props,
- m = c.format,
- l = o(c, t),
- u = new Date(this.state.value).toISOString().slice(11, 19);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- a.Box,
- Object.assign({ as: 'span' }, l, { children: m ? m(this.state.value, u) : u })
- )
- );
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- k
- );
- })(e.Component));
- y.defaultProps = { rate: 1e3 };
- },
- 61940: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Dimmer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = ['className', 'children'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function f(y, B) {
- if (y == null) return {};
- var k = {};
- for (var g in y)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(y, g)) {
- if (B.includes(g)) continue;
- k[g] = y[g];
- }
- return k;
- }
- var b = (r.Dimmer = (function () {
- function y(B) {
- var k = B.className,
- g = B.children,
- i = f(B, o);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['Dimmer'].concat(k)) }, i, {
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Dimmer__inner', g, 0),
- })
- )
- );
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 13605: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Divider = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.Divider = (function () {
- function o(f) {
- var b = f.vertical,
- y = f.hidden;
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)(['Divider', y && 'Divider--hidden', b ? 'Divider--vertical' : 'Divider--horizontal'])
- );
- }
- return o;
- })());
- },
- 60218: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DmIcon = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(79140),
- t = n(46085),
- o = n(91225),
- f = ['className', 'direction', 'fallback', 'frame', 'icon_state', 'movement'];
- function b(u, s) {
- if (u == null) return {};
- var d = {};
- for (var C in u)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(u, C)) {
- if (s.includes(C)) continue;
- d[C] = u[C];
- }
- return d;
- }
- function y() {
- 'use strict';
- /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */ y =
- function () {
- return s;
- };
- var u,
- s = {},
- d = Object.prototype,
- C = d.hasOwnProperty,
- h =
- Object.defineProperty ||
- function (q, re, ae) {
- q[re] = ae.value;
- },
- v = typeof Symbol == 'function' ? Symbol : {},
- p = v.iterator || '@@iterator',
- N = v.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator',
- V = v.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag';
- function S(q, re, ae) {
- return Object.defineProperty(q, re, { value: ae, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), q[re];
- }
- try {
- S({}, '');
- } catch (q) {
- S = function (ae, le, Z) {
- return (ae[le] = Z);
- };
- }
- function I(q, re, ae, le) {
- var Z = re && re.prototype instanceof D ? re : D,
- ne = Object.create(Z.prototype),
- te = new ie(le || []);
- return h(ne, '_invoke', { value: G(q, ae, te) }), ne;
- }
- function L(q, re, ae) {
- try {
- return { type: 'normal', arg: q.call(re, ae) };
- } catch (le) {
- return { type: 'throw', arg: le };
- }
- }
- s.wrap = I;
- var w = 'suspendedStart',
- A = 'suspendedYield',
- x = 'executing',
- E = 'completed',
- P = {};
- function D() {}
- function M() {}
- function R() {}
- var O = {};
- S(O, p, function () {
- return this;
- });
- var F = Object.getPrototypeOf,
- _ = F && F(F(me([])));
- _ && _ !== d && C.call(_, p) && (O = _);
- var U = (R.prototype = D.prototype = Object.create(O));
- function z(q) {
- ['next', 'throw', 'return'].forEach(function (re) {
- S(q, re, function (ae) {
- return this._invoke(re, ae);
- });
- });
- }
- function $(q, re) {
- function ae(Z, ne, te, fe) {
- var pe = L(q[Z], q, ne);
- if (pe.type !== 'throw') {
- var ce = pe.arg,
- Ve = ce.value;
- return Ve && typeof Ve == 'object' && C.call(Ve, '__await')
- ? re.resolve(Ve.__await).then(
- function (Ce) {
- ae('next', Ce, te, fe);
- },
- function (Ce) {
- ae('throw', Ce, te, fe);
- }
- )
- : re.resolve(Ve).then(
- function (Ce) {
- (ce.value = Ce), te(ce);
- },
- function (Ce) {
- return ae('throw', Ce, te, fe);
- }
- );
- }
- fe(pe.arg);
- }
- var le;
- h(this, '_invoke', {
- value: (function () {
- function Z(ne, te) {
- function fe() {
- return new re(function (pe, ce) {
- ae(ne, te, pe, ce);
- });
- }
- return (le = le ? le.then(fe, fe) : fe());
- }
- return Z;
- })(),
- });
- }
- function G(q, re, ae) {
- var le = w;
- return function (Z, ne) {
- if (le === x) throw Error('Generator is already running');
- if (le === E) {
- if (Z === 'throw') throw ne;
- return { value: u, done: !0 };
- }
- for (ae.method = Z, ae.arg = ne; ; ) {
- var te = ae.delegate;
- if (te) {
- var fe = X(te, ae);
- if (fe) {
- if (fe === P) continue;
- return fe;
- }
- }
- if (ae.method === 'next') ae.sent = ae._sent = ae.arg;
- else if (ae.method === 'throw') {
- if (le === w) throw ((le = E), ae.arg);
- ae.dispatchException(ae.arg);
- } else ae.method === 'return' && ae.abrupt('return', ae.arg);
- le = x;
- var pe = L(q, re, ae);
- if (pe.type === 'normal') {
- if (((le = ae.done ? E : A), pe.arg === P)) continue;
- return { value: pe.arg, done: ae.done };
- }
- pe.type === 'throw' && ((le = E), (ae.method = 'throw'), (ae.arg = pe.arg));
- }
- };
- }
- function X(q, re) {
- var ae = re.method,
- le = q.iterator[ae];
- if (le === u)
- return (
- (re.delegate = null),
- (ae === 'throw' &&
- q.iterator.return &&
- ((re.method = 'return'), (re.arg = u), X(q, re), re.method === 'throw')) ||
- (ae !== 'return' &&
- ((re.method = 'throw'),
- (re.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + ae + "' method")))),
- P
- );
- var Z = L(le, q.iterator, re.arg);
- if (Z.type === 'throw') return (re.method = 'throw'), (re.arg = Z.arg), (re.delegate = null), P;
- var ne = Z.arg;
- return ne
- ? ne.done
- ? ((re[q.resultName] = ne.value),
- (re.next = q.nextLoc),
- re.method !== 'return' && ((re.method = 'next'), (re.arg = u)),
- (re.delegate = null),
- P)
- : ne
- : ((re.method = 'throw'),
- (re.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object')),
- (re.delegate = null),
- P);
- }
- function J(q) {
- var re = { tryLoc: q[0] };
- 1 in q && (re.catchLoc = q[1]),
- 2 in q && ((re.finallyLoc = q[2]), (re.afterLoc = q[3])),
- this.tryEntries.push(re);
- }
- function se(q) {
- var re = q.completion || {};
- (re.type = 'normal'), delete re.arg, (q.completion = re);
- }
- function ie(q) {
- (this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }]), q.forEach(J, this), this.reset(!0);
- }
- function me(q) {
- if (q || q === '') {
- var re = q[p];
- if (re) return re.call(q);
- if (typeof q.next == 'function') return q;
- if (!isNaN(q.length)) {
- var ae = -1,
- le = (function () {
- function Z() {
- for (; ++ae < q.length; ) if (C.call(q, ae)) return (Z.value = q[ae]), (Z.done = !1), Z;
- return (Z.value = u), (Z.done = !0), Z;
- }
- return Z;
- })();
- return (le.next = le);
- }
- }
- throw new TypeError(typeof q + ' is not iterable');
- }
- return (
- (M.prototype = R),
- h(U, 'constructor', { value: R, configurable: !0 }),
- h(R, 'constructor', { value: M, configurable: !0 }),
- (M.displayName = S(R, V, 'GeneratorFunction')),
- (s.isGeneratorFunction = function (q) {
- var re = typeof q == 'function' && q.constructor;
- return !!re && (re === M || (re.displayName || re.name) === 'GeneratorFunction');
- }),
- (s.mark = function (q) {
- return (
- Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf(q, R)
- : ((q.__proto__ = R), S(q, V, 'GeneratorFunction')),
- (q.prototype = Object.create(U)),
- q
- );
- }),
- (s.awrap = function (q) {
- return { __await: q };
- }),
- z($.prototype),
- S($.prototype, N, function () {
- return this;
- }),
- (s.AsyncIterator = $),
- (s.async = function (q, re, ae, le, Z) {
- Z === void 0 && (Z = Promise);
- var ne = new $(I(q, re, ae, le), Z);
- return s.isGeneratorFunction(re)
- ? ne
- : ne.next().then(function (te) {
- return te.done ? te.value : ne.next();
- });
- }),
- z(U),
- S(U, V, 'Generator'),
- S(U, p, function () {
- return this;
- }),
- S(U, 'toString', function () {
- return '[object Generator]';
- }),
- (s.keys = function (q) {
- var re = Object(q),
- ae = [];
- for (var le in re) ae.push(le);
- return (
- ae.reverse(),
- (function () {
- function Z() {
- for (; ae.length; ) {
- var ne = ae.pop();
- if (ne in re) return (Z.value = ne), (Z.done = !1), Z;
- }
- return (Z.done = !0), Z;
- }
- return Z;
- })()
- );
- }),
- (s.values = me),
- (ie.prototype = {
- constructor: ie,
- reset: (function () {
- function q(re) {
- if (
- ((this.prev = 0),
- (this.next = 0),
- (this.sent = this._sent = u),
- (this.done = !1),
- (this.delegate = null),
- (this.method = 'next'),
- (this.arg = u),
- this.tryEntries.forEach(se),
- !re)
- )
- for (var ae in this)
- ae.charAt(0) === 't' && C.call(this, ae) && !isNaN(+ae.slice(1)) && (this[ae] = u);
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- stop: (function () {
- function q() {
- this.done = !0;
- var re = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
- if (re.type === 'throw') throw re.arg;
- return this.rval;
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- dispatchException: (function () {
- function q(re) {
- if (this.done) throw re;
- var ae = this;
- function le(ce, Ve) {
- return (
- (te.type = 'throw'),
- (te.arg = re),
- (ae.next = ce),
- Ve && ((ae.method = 'next'), (ae.arg = u)),
- !!Ve
- );
- }
- for (var Z = this.tryEntries.length - 1; Z >= 0; --Z) {
- var ne = this.tryEntries[Z],
- te = ne.completion;
- if (ne.tryLoc === 'root') return le('end');
- if (ne.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
- var fe = C.call(ne, 'catchLoc'),
- pe = C.call(ne, 'finallyLoc');
- if (fe && pe) {
- if (this.prev < ne.catchLoc) return le(ne.catchLoc, !0);
- if (this.prev < ne.finallyLoc) return le(ne.finallyLoc);
- } else if (fe) {
- if (this.prev < ne.catchLoc) return le(ne.catchLoc, !0);
- } else {
- if (!pe) throw Error('try statement without catch or finally');
- if (this.prev < ne.finallyLoc) return le(ne.finallyLoc);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- abrupt: (function () {
- function q(re, ae) {
- for (var le = this.tryEntries.length - 1; le >= 0; --le) {
- var Z = this.tryEntries[le];
- if (Z.tryLoc <= this.prev && C.call(Z, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < Z.finallyLoc) {
- var ne = Z;
- break;
- }
- }
- ne &&
- (re === 'break' || re === 'continue') &&
- ne.tryLoc <= ae &&
- ae <= ne.finallyLoc &&
- (ne = null);
- var te = ne ? ne.completion : {};
- return (
- (te.type = re),
- (te.arg = ae),
- ne ? ((this.method = 'next'), (this.next = ne.finallyLoc), P) : this.complete(te)
- );
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- complete: (function () {
- function q(re, ae) {
- if (re.type === 'throw') throw re.arg;
- return (
- re.type === 'break' || re.type === 'continue'
- ? (this.next = re.arg)
- : re.type === 'return'
- ? ((this.rval = this.arg = re.arg), (this.method = 'return'), (this.next = 'end'))
- : re.type === 'normal' && ae && (this.next = ae),
- P
- );
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- finish: (function () {
- function q(re) {
- for (var ae = this.tryEntries.length - 1; ae >= 0; --ae) {
- var le = this.tryEntries[ae];
- if (le.finallyLoc === re) return this.complete(le.completion, le.afterLoc), se(le), P;
- }
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- catch: (function () {
- function q(re) {
- for (var ae = this.tryEntries.length - 1; ae >= 0; --ae) {
- var le = this.tryEntries[ae];
- if (le.tryLoc === re) {
- var Z = le.completion;
- if (Z.type === 'throw') {
- var ne = Z.arg;
- se(le);
- }
- return ne;
- }
- }
- throw Error('illegal catch attempt');
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- delegateYield: (function () {
- function q(re, ae, le) {
- return (
- (this.delegate = { iterator: me(re), resultName: ae, nextLoc: le }),
- this.method === 'next' && (this.arg = u),
- P
- );
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- }),
- s
- );
- }
- function B(u, s, d, C, h, v, p) {
- try {
- var N = u[v](p),
- V = N.value;
- } catch (S) {
- return void d(S);
- }
- N.done ? s(V) : Promise.resolve(V).then(C, h);
- }
- function k(u) {
- return function () {
- var s = this,
- d = arguments;
- return new Promise(function (C, h) {
- var v = u.apply(s, d);
- function p(V) {
- B(v, C, h, p, N, 'next', V);
- }
- function N(V) {
- B(v, C, h, p, N, 'throw', V);
- }
- p(void 0);
- });
- };
- }
- function g(u, s) {
- (u.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype)), (u.prototype.constructor = u), i(u, s);
- }
- function i(u, s) {
- return (
- (i = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (d, C) {
- return (d.__proto__ = C), d;
- }),
- i(u, s)
- );
- }
- var c = (function (u) {
- return (
- (u[(u.NORTH = 1)] = 'NORTH'),
- (u[(u.SOUTH = 2)] = 'SOUTH'),
- (u[(u.EAST = 4)] = 'EAST'),
- (u[(u.WEST = 8)] = 'WEST'),
- (u[(u.NORTHEAST = 5)] = 'NORTHEAST'),
- (u[(u.NORTHWEST = 9)] = 'NORTHWEST'),
- (u[(u.SOUTHEAST = 6)] = 'SOUTHEAST'),
- (u[(u.SOUTHWEST = 10)] = 'SOUTHWEST'),
- u
- );
- })(c || {}),
- m,
- l = (r.DmIcon = (function (u) {
- function s(C) {
- var h;
- return (h = u.call(this, C) || this), (h.state = { iconRef: '' }), h;
- }
- g(s, u);
- var d = s.prototype;
- return (
- (d.fetchRefMap = (function () {
- var C = k(
- y().mark(
- (function () {
- function v() {
- var p, N;
- return y().wrap(
- (function () {
- function V(S) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((S.prev = S.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (
- (S.prev = 0),
- (S.next = 3),
- (0, t.fetchRetry)((0, a.resolveAsset)('icon_ref_map.json'))
- );
- case 3:
- return (p = S.sent), (S.next = 6), p.json();
- case 6:
- (N = S.sent),
- (m = N),
- this.setState({ iconRef: N[this.props.icon] || '' }),
- (S.next = 14);
- break;
- case 11:
- return (S.prev = 11), (S.t0 = S.catch(0)), S.abrupt('return');
- case 14:
- case 'end':
- return S.stop();
- }
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- v,
- this,
- [[0, 11]]
- );
- }
- return v;
- })()
- )
- );
- function h() {
- return C.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return h;
- })()),
- (d.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function C() {
- m ? this.setState({ iconRef: m[this.props.icon] }) : this.fetchRefMap();
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- (d.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function C(h) {
- h.icon !== this.props.icon &&
- (m ? this.setState({ iconRef: m[this.props.icon] }) : this.fetchRefMap());
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- (d.render = (function () {
- function C() {
- var h = this.props,
- v = h.className,
- p = h.direction,
- N = p === void 0 ? c.SOUTH : p,
- V = h.fallback,
- S = h.frame,
- I = S === void 0 ? 1 : S,
- L = h.icon_state,
- w = h.movement,
- A = w === void 0 ? !1 : w,
- x = b(h, f),
- E = this.state.iconRef,
- P = E + '?state=' + L + '&dir=' + N + '&movement=' + !!A + '&frame=' + I;
- return E
- ? (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Image, Object.assign({ fixErrors: !0, src: P }, x))
- )
- : V || null;
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- s
- );
- })(e.Component));
- },
- 20342: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DraggableControl = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(35840),
- o = n(9474);
- function f(g, i) {
- (g.prototype = Object.create(i.prototype)), (g.prototype.constructor = g), b(g, i);
- }
- function b(g, i) {
- return (
- (b = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (c, m) {
- return (c.__proto__ = m), c;
- }),
- b(g, i)
- );
- }
- var y = 400,
- B = function (i, c) {
- return i.screenX * c[0] + i.screenY * c[1];
- },
- k = (r.DraggableControl = (function (g) {
- function i(m) {
- var l;
- return (
- (l = g.call(this, m) || this),
- (l.inputRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
- (l.state = {
- originalValue: m.value,
- value: m.value,
- dragging: !1,
- editing: !1,
- origin: null,
- suppressingFlicker: !1,
- }),
- (l.flickerTimer = null),
- (l.suppressFlicker = function () {
- var u = l.props.suppressFlicker;
- u > 0 &&
- (l.setState({ suppressingFlicker: !0 }),
- clearTimeout(l.flickerTimer),
- (l.flickerTimer = setTimeout(function () {
- return l.setState({ suppressingFlicker: !1 });
- }, u)));
- }),
- (l.handleDragStart = function (u) {
- var s = l.props,
- d = s.value,
- C = s.dragMatrix,
- h = s.disabled,
- v = l.state.editing;
- v ||
- h ||
- ((document.body.style['pointer-events'] = 'none'),
- (l.ref = u.currentTarget),
- l.setState({ originalValue: d, dragging: !1, value: d, origin: B(u, C) }),
- (l.timer = setTimeout(function () {
- l.setState({ dragging: !0 });
- }, 250)),
- (l.dragInterval = setInterval(function () {
- var p = l.state,
- N = p.dragging,
- V = p.value,
- S = l.props.onDrag;
- N && S && S(u, V);
- }, l.props.updateRate || y)),
- document.addEventListener('mousemove', l.handleDragMove),
- document.addEventListener('mouseup', l.handleDragEnd));
- }),
- (l.handleDragMove = function (u) {
- var s,
- d = l.props,
- C = d.minValue,
- h = d.maxValue,
- v = d.step,
- p = d.dragMatrix,
- N = d.disabled;
- if (!N) {
- var V = l.ref.offsetWidth / ((h - C) / v),
- S = (s = l.props.stepPixelSize) != null ? s : V;
- typeof S == 'function' && (S = S(V)),
- l.setState(function (I) {
- var L = Object.assign({}, I),
- w = I.origin,
- A = B(u, p) - w;
- if (I.dragging) {
- var x = Math.trunc(A / S);
- L.value = (0, a.clamp)(Math.floor(L.originalValue / v) * v + x * v, C, h);
- } else Math.abs(A) > 4 && (L.dragging = !0);
- return L;
- });
- }
- }),
- (l.handleDragEnd = function (u) {
- var s = l.props,
- d = s.onChange,
- C = s.onDrag,
- h = l.state,
- v = h.dragging,
- p = h.value;
- if (
- ((document.body.style['pointer-events'] = 'auto'),
- clearTimeout(l.timer),
- clearInterval(l.dragInterval),
- l.setState({ originalValue: null, dragging: !1, editing: !v, origin: null }),
- document.removeEventListener('mousemove', l.handleDragMove),
- document.removeEventListener('mouseup', l.handleDragEnd),
- v)
- )
- l.suppressFlicker(), d && d(u, p), C && C(u, p);
- else if (l.inputRef) {
- var N = l.inputRef.current;
- N.value = p;
- try {
- N.focus(), N.select();
- } catch (V) {}
- }
- }),
- l
- );
- }
- f(i, g);
- var c = i.prototype;
- return (
- (c.render = (function () {
- function m() {
- var l = this,
- u = this.state,
- s = u.dragging,
- d = u.editing,
- C = u.value,
- h = u.suppressingFlicker,
- v = this.props,
- p = v.animated,
- N = v.value,
- V = v.unit,
- S = v.minValue,
- I = v.maxValue,
- L = v.format,
- w = v.onChange,
- A = v.onDrag,
- x = v.children,
- E = v.height,
- P = v.lineHeight,
- D = v.fontSize,
- M = v.disabled,
- R = N;
- (s || h) && (R = C);
- var O = (function () {
- function U(z) {
- return z + (V ? ' ' + V : '');
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- F =
- (p &&
- !s &&
- !h &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: R, format: L, children: O })) ||
- O(L ? L(R) : R),
- _ = (0, e.createVNode)(
- 64,
- 'input',
- 'NumberInput__input',
- null,
- 1,
- {
- style: { display: !d || M ? 'none' : void 0, height: E, 'line-height': P, 'font-size': D },
- onBlur: (function () {
- function U(z) {
- if (d) {
- var $ = (0, a.clamp)(parseFloat(z.target.value), S, I);
- if (Number.isNaN($)) {
- l.setState({ editing: !1 });
- return;
- }
- l.setState({ editing: !1, value: $ }), l.suppressFlicker(), w && w(z, $), A && A(z, $);
- }
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function U(z) {
- if (z.keyCode === 13) {
- var $ = (0, a.clamp)(parseFloat(z.target.value), S, I);
- if (Number.isNaN($)) {
- l.setState({ editing: !1 });
- return;
- }
- l.setState({ editing: !1, value: $ }), l.suppressFlicker(), w && w(z, $), A && A(z, $);
- return;
- }
- if (z.keyCode === 27) {
- l.setState({ editing: !1 });
- return;
- }
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- disabled: M,
- },
- null,
- this.inputRef
- );
- return x({
- dragging: s,
- editing: d,
- value: N,
- displayValue: R,
- displayElement: F,
- inputElement: _,
- handleDragStart: this.handleDragStart,
- });
- }
- return m;
- })()),
- i
- );
- })(e.Component));
- (k.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks),
- (k.defaultProps = { minValue: -1 / 0, maxValue: 1 / 0, step: 1, suppressFlicker: 50, dragMatrix: [1, 0] });
- },
- 87099: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Dropdown = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(95996),
- t = n(35840),
- o = n(55937),
- f = n(96184),
- b = n(1331),
- y = n(96690),
- B = [
- 'icon',
- 'iconRotation',
- 'iconSpin',
- 'clipSelectedText',
- 'color',
- 'dropdownStyle',
- 'over',
- 'nochevron',
- 'width',
- 'onClick',
- 'onSelected',
- 'selected',
- 'disabled',
- 'displayText',
- 'buttons',
- ],
- k = ['className'],
- g;
- function i(h, v) {
- if (h == null) return {};
- var p = {};
- for (var N in h)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(h, N)) {
- if (v.includes(N)) continue;
- p[N] = h[N];
- }
- return p;
- }
- function c(h, v) {
- (h.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)), (h.prototype.constructor = h), m(h, v);
- }
- function m(h, v) {
- return (
- (m = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (p, N) {
- return (p.__proto__ = N), p;
- }),
- m(h, v)
- );
- }
- var l = { placement: 'left-start', modifiers: [{ name: 'eventListeners', enabled: !1 }] },
- u = {
- width: 0,
- height: 0,
- top: 0,
- right: 0,
- bottom: 0,
- left: 0,
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- toJSON: (function () {
- function h() {
- return null;
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- },
- s = 'Layout Dropdown__menu',
- d = 'Layout Dropdown__menu-scroll',
- C = (r.Dropdown = (function (h) {
- function v(N) {
- var V;
- return (
- (V = h.call(this, N) || this),
- (V.menuContents = void 0),
- (V.handleClick = function () {
- V.state.open && V.setOpen(!1);
- }),
- (V.state = { open: !1, selected: V.props.selected }),
- (V.menuContents = null),
- V
- );
- }
- c(v, h);
- var p = v.prototype;
- return (
- (p.getDOMNode = (function () {
- function N() {
- return (0, e.findDOMFromVNode)(this.$LI, !0);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function N() {
- var V = this.getDOMNode();
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.openMenu = (function () {
- function N() {
- var V = v.renderedMenu;
- V === void 0 &&
- ((V = document.createElement('div')),
- (V.className = s),
- document.body.appendChild(V),
- (v.renderedMenu = V));
- var S = this.getDOMNode();
- (v.currentOpenMenu = S),
- (V.scrollTop = 0),
- (V.style.width = this.props.menuWidth || S.offsetWidth + 'px'),
- (V.style.opacity = '1'),
- (V.style.pointerEvents = 'auto'),
- setTimeout(function () {
- var I;
- (I = v.renderedMenu) == null || I.focus();
- }, 400),
- this.renderMenuContent();
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.closeMenu = (function () {
- function N() {
- v.currentOpenMenu === this.getDOMNode() &&
- ((v.currentOpenMenu = void 0),
- (v.renderedMenu.style.opacity = '0'),
- (v.renderedMenu.style.pointerEvents = 'none'));
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function N() {
- this.closeMenu(), this.setOpen(!1);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.renderMenuContent = (function () {
- function N() {
- var V = this,
- S = v.renderedMenu;
- if (S) {
- S.offsetHeight > 200 ? (S.className = d) : (S.className = s);
- var I = this.props.options,
- L = I === void 0 ? [] : I,
- w = L.map(function (x) {
- var E, P;
- return (
- typeof x == 'string'
- ? ((P = x), (E = x))
- : x !== null && ((P = x.displayText), (E = x.value)),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, t.classes)(['Dropdown__menuentry', V.state.selected === E && 'selected']),
- P,
- 0,
- {
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- V.setSelected(E);
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- },
- E
- )
- );
- }),
- A = w.length ? w : 'No Options Found';
- (0, e.render)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, A, 0),
- S,
- function () {
- var x = v.singletonPopper;
- x === void 0
- ? ((x = (0, a.createPopper)(
- v.virtualElement,
- S,
- Object.assign({}, l, { placement: 'bottom-start' })
- )),
- (v.singletonPopper = x))
- : (x.setOptions(Object.assign({}, l, { placement: 'bottom-start' })), x.update());
- },
- this.context
- );
- }
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.setOpen = (function () {
- function N(V) {
- var S = this;
- this.setState(function (I) {
- return Object.assign({}, I, { open: V });
- }),
- V
- ? setTimeout(function () {
- S.openMenu(), window.addEventListener('click', S.handleClick);
- })
- : (this.closeMenu(), window.removeEventListener('click', this.handleClick));
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.setSelected = (function () {
- function N(V) {
- this.setState(function (S) {
- return Object.assign({}, S, { selected: V });
- }),
- this.setOpen(!1),
- this.props.onSelected && this.props.onSelected(V);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.getOptionValue = (function () {
- function N(V) {
- return typeof V == 'string' ? V : V.value;
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.getSelectedIndex = (function () {
- function N() {
- var V = this,
- S = this.state.selected || this.props.selected,
- I = this.props.options,
- L = I === void 0 ? [] : I;
- return L.findIndex(function (w) {
- return V.getOptionValue(w) === S;
- });
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.toPrevious = (function () {
- function N() {
- if (!(this.props.options.length < 1)) {
- var V = this.getSelectedIndex(),
- S = 0,
- I = this.props.options.length - 1,
- L = V >= 0;
- L || (V = S);
- var w = V === S ? I : V - 1;
- this.setSelected(this.getOptionValue(this.props.options[w]));
- }
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.toNext = (function () {
- function N() {
- if (!(this.props.options.length < 1)) {
- var V = this.getSelectedIndex(),
- S = 0,
- I = this.props.options.length - 1,
- L = V >= 0;
- L || (V = I);
- var w = V === I ? S : V + 1;
- this.setSelected(this.getOptionValue(this.props.options[w]));
- }
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.render = (function () {
- function N() {
- var V = this,
- S = this.props,
- I = S.icon,
- L = S.iconRotation,
- w = S.iconSpin,
- A = S.clipSelectedText,
- x = A === void 0 ? !0 : A,
- E = S.color,
- P = E === void 0 ? 'default' : E,
- D = S.dropdownStyle,
- M = S.over,
- R = S.nochevron,
- O = S.width,
- F = S.onClick,
- _ = S.onSelected,
- U = S.selected,
- z = S.disabled,
- $ = S.displayText,
- G = S.buttons,
- X = i(S, B),
- J = X.className,
- se = i(X, k),
- ie = M ? !this.state.open : this.state.open;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack, {
- inline: !0,
- fill: !0,
- width: O,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- Object.assign(
- {
- width: '100%',
- className: (0, t.classes)([
- 'Dropdown__control',
- 'Button',
- 'Button--color--' + P,
- z && 'Button--disabled',
- J,
- ]),
- onClick: (function () {
- function me(q) {
- (z && !V.state.open) || (V.setOpen(!V.state.open), F && F(q));
- }
- return me;
- })(),
- },
- se,
- {
- children: [
- I &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, { name: I, rotation: L, spin: w, mr: 1 }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- 'Dropdown__selected-text',
- $ || this.state.selected,
- 0,
- { style: { overflow: x ? 'hidden' : 'visible' } }
- ),
- R ||
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- 'Dropdown__arrow-button',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, {
- name: ie ? 'chevron-up' : 'chevron-down',
- }),
- 2
- ),
- ],
- }
- )
- )
- ),
- }),
- G &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
- height: '100%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- height: '100%',
- icon: 'chevron-left',
- disabled: z,
- onClick: (function () {
- function me() {
- z || V.toPrevious();
- }
- return me;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
- height: '100%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- height: '100%',
- icon: 'chevron-right',
- disabled: z,
- onClick: (function () {
- function me() {
- z || V.toNext();
- }
- return me;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- });
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- v
- );
- })(e.Component));
- (g = C),
- (C.renderedMenu = void 0),
- (C.singletonPopper = void 0),
- (C.currentOpenMenu = void 0),
- (C.virtualElement = {
- getBoundingClientRect: (function () {
- function h() {
- var v, p;
- return (v = (p = g.currentOpenMenu) == null ? void 0 : p.getBoundingClientRect()) != null ? v : u;
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- });
- },
- 39473: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.computeFlexProps =
- r.computeFlexItemProps =
- r.computeFlexItemClassName =
- r.computeFlexClassName =
- r.Flex =
- void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = ['className', 'direction', 'wrap', 'align', 'justify', 'inline', 'style'],
- f = ['className'],
- b = ['className', 'style', 'grow', 'order', 'shrink', 'basis', 'align'],
- y = ['className'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function B(u, s) {
- if (u == null) return {};
- var d = {};
- for (var C in u)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(u, C)) {
- if (s.includes(C)) continue;
- d[C] = u[C];
- }
- return d;
- }
- var k = (r.computeFlexClassName = (function () {
- function u(s) {
- return (0, a.classes)(['Flex', s.inline && 'Flex--inline', (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(s)]);
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- g = (r.computeFlexProps = (function () {
- function u(s) {
- var d = s.className,
- C = s.direction,
- h = s.wrap,
- v = s.align,
- p = s.justify,
- N = s.inline,
- V = s.style,
- S = B(s, o);
- return (0, t.computeBoxProps)(
- Object.assign(
- {
- style: Object.assign({}, V, {
- 'flex-direction': C,
- 'flex-wrap': h === !0 ? 'wrap' : h,
- 'align-items': v,
- 'justify-content': p,
- }),
- },
- S
- )
- );
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- i = (r.Flex = (function () {
- function u(s) {
- var d = s.className,
- C = B(s, f);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', (0, a.classes)([d, k(C)]), null, 1, Object.assign({}, g(C)))
- );
- }
- return u;
- })());
- i.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
- var c = (r.computeFlexItemClassName = (function () {
- function u(s) {
- return (0, a.classes)(['Flex__item', (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(s)]);
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- m = (r.computeFlexItemProps = (function () {
- function u(s) {
- var d = s.className,
- C = s.style,
- h = s.grow,
- v = s.order,
- p = s.shrink,
- N = s.basis,
- V = N === void 0 ? s.width : N,
- S = s.align,
- I = B(s, b);
- return (0, t.computeBoxProps)(
- Object.assign(
- {
- style: Object.assign({}, C, {
- 'flex-grow': h !== void 0 && Number(h),
- 'flex-shrink': p !== void 0 && Number(p),
- 'flex-basis': (0, t.unit)(V),
- order: v,
- 'align-self': S,
- }),
- },
- I
- )
- );
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- l = function (s) {
- var d = s.className,
- C = B(s, y);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', (0, a.classes)([d, c(s)]), null, 1, Object.assign({}, m(C)))
- );
- };
- (l.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks), (i.Item = l);
- },
- 79646: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GridColumn = r.Grid = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36352),
- t = n(35840),
- o = ['children'],
- f = ['size', 'style'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function b(k, g) {
- if (k == null) return {};
- var i = {};
- for (var c in k)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(k, c)) {
- if (g.includes(c)) continue;
- i[c] = k[c];
- }
- return i;
- }
- var y = (r.Grid = (function () {
- function k(g) {
- var i = g.children,
- c = b(g, o);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- a.Table,
- Object.assign({}, c, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Table.Row, { children: i }) })
- )
- );
- }
- return k;
- })());
- y.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks;
- var B = (r.GridColumn = (function () {
- function k(g) {
- var i = g.size,
- c = i === void 0 ? 1 : i,
- m = g.style,
- l = b(g, f);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- a.Table.Cell,
- Object.assign({ style: Object.assign({ width: c + '%' }, m) }, l)
- )
- );
- }
- return k;
- })());
- (y.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks), (y.Column = B);
- },
- 1331: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.IconStack = r.Icon = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = ['name', 'size', 'spin', 'className', 'style', 'rotation', 'inverse'],
- f = ['className', 'style', 'children'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function b(g, i) {
- if (g == null) return {};
- var c = {};
- for (var m in g)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
- if (i.includes(m)) continue;
- c[m] = g[m];
- }
- return c;
- }
- var y = /-o$/,
- B = (r.Icon = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- var c = i.name,
- m = i.size,
- l = i.spin,
- u = i.className,
- s = i.style,
- d = s === void 0 ? {} : s,
- C = i.rotation,
- h = i.inverse,
- v = b(i, o);
- m && (d['font-size'] = m * 100 + '%'), typeof C == 'number' && (d.transform = 'rotate(' + C + 'deg)');
- var p = y.test(c),
- N = c.replace(y, '');
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- Object.assign(
- {
- as: 'i',
- className: (0, a.classes)(['Icon', u, p ? 'far' : 'fas', 'fa-' + N, l && 'fa-spin']),
- style: d,
- },
- v
- )
- )
- );
- }
- return g;
- })());
- B.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
- var k = (r.IconStack = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- var c = i.className,
- m = i.style,
- l = m === void 0 ? {} : m,
- u = i.children,
- s = b(i, f);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- Object.assign({ as: 'span', class: (0, a.classes)(['IconStack', c]), style: l }, s, { children: u })
- )
- );
- }
- return g;
- })());
- B.Stack = k;
- },
- 91225: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Image = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(55937),
- t = ['fixBlur', 'fixErrors', 'objectFit', 'src'];
- function o(k, g) {
- if (k == null) return {};
- var i = {};
- for (var c in k)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(k, c)) {
- if (g.includes(c)) continue;
- i[c] = k[c];
- }
- return i;
- }
- function f(k, g) {
- (k.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype)), (k.prototype.constructor = k), b(k, g);
- }
- function b(k, g) {
- return (
- (b = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (i, c) {
- return (i.__proto__ = c), i;
- }),
- b(k, g)
- );
- }
- var y = 5,
- B = (r.Image = (function (k) {
- function g() {
- for (var c, m = arguments.length, l = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) l[u] = arguments[u];
- return (
- (c = k.call.apply(k, [this].concat(l)) || this),
- (c.attempts = 0),
- (c.handleError = function (s) {
- var d = c.props,
- C = d.fixErrors,
- h = d.src;
- if (C && c.attempts < y) {
- var v = s.currentTarget;
- setTimeout(function () {
- (v.src = h + '?attempt=' + c.attempts), c.attempts++;
- }, 1e3);
- }
- }),
- c
- );
- }
- f(g, k);
- var i = g.prototype;
- return (
- (i.render = (function () {
- function c() {
- var m = this.props,
- l = m.fixBlur,
- u = l === void 0 ? !0 : l,
- s = m.fixErrors,
- d = s === void 0 ? !1 : s,
- C = m.objectFit,
- h = C === void 0 ? 'fill' : C,
- v = m.src,
- p = o(m, t),
- N = (0, a.computeBoxProps)(
- Object.assign(
- {
- style: {
- '-ms-interpolation-mode': u ? 'nearest-neighbor' : 'auto',
- 'image-rendering': u ? 'pixelated' : 'auto',
- 'object-fit': '' + h,
- },
- },
- p
- )
- );
- return N.className
- ? (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, null, 1, Object.assign({ onError: this.handleError }, N))
- )
- : (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'img',
- null,
- null,
- 1,
- Object.assign({ onError: this.handleError, src: v }, N)
- )
- );
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- g
- );
- })(e.Component));
- },
- 79825: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ImageButton = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = n(1331),
- f = n(91225),
- b = n(60218),
- y = n(96690),
- B = n(62147),
- k = [
- 'asset',
- 'base64',
- 'buttons',
- 'buttonsAlt',
- 'children',
- 'className',
- 'color',
- 'disabled',
- 'dmFallback',
- 'dmDirection',
- 'dmIcon',
- 'dmIconState',
- 'fluid',
- 'imageSize',
- 'imageSrc',
- 'onClick',
- 'onRightClick',
- 'selected',
- 'title',
- 'tooltip',
- 'tooltipPosition',
- ];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2024 Aylong (https://github.com/AyIong)
- * @license MIT
- */ function g(c, m) {
- if (c == null) return {};
- var l = {};
- for (var u in c)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(c, u)) {
- if (m.includes(u)) continue;
- l[u] = c[u];
- }
- return l;
- }
- var i = (r.ImageButton = (function () {
- function c(m) {
- var l = m.asset,
- u = m.base64,
- s = m.buttons,
- d = m.buttonsAlt,
- C = m.children,
- h = m.className,
- v = m.color,
- p = m.disabled,
- N = m.dmFallback,
- V = m.dmDirection,
- S = m.dmIcon,
- I = m.dmIconState,
- L = m.fluid,
- w = m.imageSize,
- A = w === void 0 ? 64 : w,
- x = m.imageSrc,
- E = m.onClick,
- P = m.onRightClick,
- D = m.selected,
- M = m.title,
- R = m.tooltip,
- O = m.tooltipPosition,
- F = g(m, k),
- _ = (function () {
- function z($, G) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack, {
- height: A + 'px',
- width: A + 'px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- spin: G,
- name: $,
- color: 'gray',
- style: { 'font-size': 'calc(' + A + 'px * 0.75)' },
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- U = (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'container',
- s && 'hasButtons',
- !E && !P && 'noAction',
- D && 'selected',
- p && 'disabled',
- v && typeof v == 'string' ? 'color__' + v : 'color__default',
- ]),
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)(['image']),
- u || l || x
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Image, {
- className: (0, a.classes)((!u && !x && l) || []),
- src: u ? 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + u : x,
- height: A + 'px',
- width: A + 'px',
- })
- : S && I
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.DmIcon, {
- icon: S,
- icon_state: I,
- direction: V,
- fallback: N || _('spinner', !0),
- height: A + 'px',
- width: A + 'px',
- })
- : _('question', !1),
- 0
- ),
- L
- ? (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)(['info']),
- [
- M && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', (0, a.classes)(['title', C && 'divider']), M, 0),
- C && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', (0, a.classes)(['contentFluid']), C, 0),
- ],
- 0
- )
- : C &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'content',
- D && 'contentSelected',
- p && 'contentDisabled',
- v && typeof v == 'string' ? 'contentColor__' + v : 'contentColor__default',
- ]),
- C,
- 0
- ),
- ],
- 0,
- {
- tabIndex: p ? void 0 : 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function z($) {
- !p && E && E($);
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- onContextMenu: (function () {
- function z($) {
- $.preventDefault(), !p && P && P($);
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- style: { width: L ? 'auto' : 'calc(' + A + 'px + 0.5em + 2px)' },
- }
- );
- return (
- R && (U = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Tooltip, { content: R, position: O, children: U })),
- (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)(['ImageButton', L && 'fluid', h]),
- [
- U,
- s &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'buttonsContainer',
- !C && 'buttonsEmpty',
- L && v && typeof v == 'string'
- ? 'buttonsContainerColor__' + v
- : L && 'buttonsContainerColor__default',
- ]),
- s,
- 0,
- { style: { width: 'auto' } }
- ),
- d &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'buttonsContainer',
- 'buttonsAltContainer',
- !C && 'buttonsEmpty',
- L && v && typeof v == 'string'
- ? 'buttonsContainerColor__' + v
- : L && 'buttonsContainerColor__default',
- ]),
- d,
- 0,
- {
- style: {
- width: 'calc(' + A + 'px + ' + (L ? 0 : 0.5) + 'em)',
- 'max-width': !L && 'calc(' + A + 'px + 0.5em)',
- },
- }
- ),
- ],
- 0,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(F))
- )
- )
- );
- }
- return c;
- })());
- },
- 79652: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.toInputValue = r.Input = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = n(92986),
- f = [
- 'selfClear',
- 'onInput',
- 'onChange',
- 'onEnter',
- 'value',
- 'maxLength',
- 'placeholder',
- 'autofocus',
- 'disabled',
- 'multiline',
- 'cols',
- 'rows',
- ],
- b = ['className', 'fluid', 'monospace'];
- function y(c, m) {
- if (c == null) return {};
- var l = {};
- for (var u in c)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(c, u)) {
- if (m.includes(u)) continue;
- l[u] = c[u];
- }
- return l;
- }
- function B(c, m) {
- (c.prototype = Object.create(m.prototype)), (c.prototype.constructor = c), k(c, m);
- }
- function k(c, m) {
- return (
- (k = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (l, u) {
- return (l.__proto__ = u), l;
- }),
- k(c, m)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var g = (r.toInputValue = (function () {
- function c(m) {
- return typeof m != 'number' && typeof m != 'string' ? '' : String(m);
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- i = (r.Input = (function (c) {
- function m() {
- var u;
- return (
- (u = c.call(this) || this),
- (u.inputRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
- (u.state = { editing: !1 }),
- (u.handleInput = function (s) {
- var d = u.state.editing,
- C = u.props.onInput;
- d || u.setEditing(!0), C && C(s, s.target.value);
- }),
- (u.handleFocus = function (s) {
- var d = u.state.editing;
- d || u.setEditing(!0);
- }),
- (u.handleBlur = function (s) {
- var d = u.state.editing,
- C = u.props.onChange;
- d && (u.setEditing(!1), C && C(s, s.target.value));
- }),
- (u.handleKeyDown = function (s) {
- var d = u.props,
- C = d.onInput,
- h = d.onChange,
- v = d.onEnter;
- if (s.keyCode === o.KEY_ENTER) {
- u.setEditing(!1),
- h && h(s, s.target.value),
- C && C(s, s.target.value),
- v && v(s, s.target.value),
- u.props.selfClear ? (s.target.value = '') : s.target.blur();
- return;
- }
- if (s.keyCode === o.KEY_ESCAPE) {
- u.setEditing(!1), (s.target.value = g(u.props.value)), s.target.blur();
- return;
- }
- }),
- u
- );
- }
- B(m, c);
- var l = m.prototype;
- return (
- (l.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function u() {
- var s = this,
- d = this.props.value,
- C = this.inputRef.current;
- C && ((C.value = g(d)), (C.selectionStart = 0), (C.selectionEnd = C.value.length)),
- (this.props.autoFocus || this.props.autoSelect) &&
- setTimeout(function () {
- C.focus(), s.props.autoSelect && C.select();
- }, 1);
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (l.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- var C = this.state.editing,
- h = s.value,
- v = this.props.value,
- p = this.inputRef.current;
- p && !C && h !== v && (p.value = g(v));
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (l.setEditing = (function () {
- function u(s) {
- this.setState({ editing: s });
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (l.render = (function () {
- function u() {
- var s = this.props,
- d = s.selfClear,
- C = s.onInput,
- h = s.onChange,
- v = s.onEnter,
- p = s.value,
- N = s.maxLength,
- V = s.placeholder,
- S = s.autofocus,
- I = s.disabled,
- L = s.multiline,
- w = s.cols,
- A = w === void 0 ? 32 : w,
- x = s.rows,
- E = x === void 0 ? 4 : x,
- P = y(s, f),
- D = P.className,
- M = P.fluid,
- R = P.monospace,
- O = y(P, b);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- Object.assign(
- {
- className: (0, a.classes)([
- 'Input',
- M && 'Input--fluid',
- R && 'Input--monospace',
- I && 'Input--disabled',
- D,
- ]),
- },
- O,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Input__baseline', '.', 16),
- L
- ? (0, e.createVNode)(
- 128,
- 'textarea',
- 'Input__textarea',
- null,
- 1,
- {
- placeholder: V,
- onInput: this.handleInput,
- onFocus: this.handleFocus,
- onBlur: this.handleBlur,
- maxLength: N,
- cols: A,
- rows: E,
- disabled: I,
- },
- null,
- this.inputRef
- )
- : (0, e.createVNode)(
- 64,
- 'input',
- 'Input__input',
- null,
- 1,
- {
- placeholder: V,
- onInput: this.handleInput,
- onFocus: this.handleFocus,
- onBlur: this.handleBlur,
- onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown,
- maxLength: N,
- disabled: I,
- },
- null,
- this.inputRef
- ),
- ],
- }
- )
- )
- );
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- m
- );
- })(e.Component));
- },
- 4454: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Interactive = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879);
- function t(B, k) {
- (B.prototype = Object.create(k.prototype)), (B.prototype.constructor = B), o(B, k);
- }
- function o(B, k) {
- return (
- (o = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (g, i) {
- return (g.__proto__ = i), g;
- }),
- o(B, k)
- );
- }
- var f = function (k) {
- return (k && k.ownerDocument.defaultView) || self;
- },
- b = function (k, g) {
- var i = k.getBoundingClientRect(),
- c = g;
- return {
- left: (0, a.clamp)((c.pageX - (i.left + f(k).pageXOffset)) / i.width, 0, 1),
- top: (0, a.clamp)((c.pageY - (i.top + f(k).pageYOffset)) / i.height, 0, 1),
- };
- },
- y = (r.Interactive = (function (B) {
- function k(i) {
- var c;
- return (
- (c = B.call(this) || this),
- (c.containerRef = void 0),
- (c.props = void 0),
- (c.handleMoveStart = function (m) {
- var l,
- u = (l = c.containerRef) == null ? void 0 : l.current;
- u && (m.preventDefault(), u.focus(), c.props.onMove(b(u, m)), c.toggleDocumentEvents(!0));
- }),
- (c.handleMove = function (m) {
- var l;
- m.preventDefault();
- var u = m.buttons > 0;
- u && (l = c.containerRef) != null && l.current
- ? c.props.onMove(b(c.containerRef.current, m))
- : c.toggleDocumentEvents(!1);
- }),
- (c.handleMoveEnd = function () {
- c.toggleDocumentEvents(!1);
- }),
- (c.handleKeyDown = function (m) {
- var l = m.which || m.keyCode;
- l < 37 ||
- l > 40 ||
- (m.preventDefault(),
- c.props.onKey({
- left: l === 39 ? 0.05 : l === 37 ? -0.05 : 0,
- top: l === 40 ? 0.05 : l === 38 ? -0.05 : 0,
- }));
- }),
- (c.props = i),
- (c.containerRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
- c
- );
- }
- t(k, B);
- var g = k.prototype;
- return (
- (g.toggleDocumentEvents = (function () {
- function i(c) {
- var m,
- l = (m = this.containerRef) == null ? void 0 : m.current,
- u = f(l),
- s = c ? u.addEventListener : u.removeEventListener;
- s('mousemove', this.handleMove), s('mouseup', this.handleMoveEnd);
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- (g.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function i() {
- this.toggleDocumentEvents(!0);
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- (g.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function i() {
- this.toggleDocumentEvents(!1);
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- (g.render = (function () {
- function i() {
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'react-colorful__interactive',
- this.props.children,
- 0,
- Object.assign({}, this.props, {
- style: this.props.style,
- onMouseDown: this.handleMoveStart,
- onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown,
- tabIndex: 0,
- role: 'slider',
- }),
- null,
- this.containerRef
- )
- );
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- k
- );
- })(e.Component));
- },
- 76334: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Knob = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(35840),
- o = n(55937),
- f = n(20342),
- b = n(59263),
- y = [
- 'animated',
- 'format',
- 'maxValue',
- 'minValue',
- 'onChange',
- 'onDrag',
- 'step',
- 'stepPixelSize',
- 'suppressFlicker',
- 'unit',
- 'value',
- 'className',
- 'style',
- 'fillValue',
- 'color',
- 'ranges',
- 'size',
- 'bipolar',
- 'children',
- 'popUpPosition',
- ];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function B(g, i) {
- if (g == null) return {};
- var c = {};
- for (var m in g)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
- if (i.includes(m)) continue;
- c[m] = g[m];
- }
- return c;
- }
- var k = (r.Knob = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- var c = i.animated,
- m = i.format,
- l = i.maxValue,
- u = i.minValue,
- s = i.onChange,
- d = i.onDrag,
- C = i.step,
- h = i.stepPixelSize,
- v = i.suppressFlicker,
- p = i.unit,
- N = i.value,
- V = i.className,
- S = i.style,
- I = i.fillValue,
- L = i.color,
- w = i.ranges,
- A = w === void 0 ? {} : w,
- x = i.size,
- E = x === void 0 ? 1 : x,
- P = i.bipolar,
- D = i.children,
- M = i.popUpPosition,
- R = B(i, y);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.DraggableControl,
- Object.assign(
- { dragMatrix: [0, -1] },
- {
- animated: c,
- format: m,
- maxValue: l,
- minValue: u,
- onChange: s,
- onDrag: d,
- step: C,
- stepPixelSize: h,
- suppressFlicker: v,
- unit: p,
- value: N,
- },
- {
- children: (function () {
- function O(F) {
- var _ = F.dragging,
- U = F.editing,
- z = F.value,
- $ = F.displayValue,
- G = F.displayElement,
- X = F.inputElement,
- J = F.handleDragStart,
- se = (0, a.scale)(I != null ? I : $, u, l),
- ie = (0, a.scale)($, u, l),
- me = L || (0, a.keyOfMatchingRange)(I != null ? I : z, A) || 'default',
- q = (ie - 0.5) * 270;
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, t.classes)([
- 'Knob',
- 'Knob--color--' + me,
- P && 'Knob--bipolar',
- V,
- (0, o.computeBoxClassName)(R),
- ]),
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'Knob__circle',
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'Knob__cursorBox',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Knob__cursor'),
- 2,
- { style: { transform: 'rotate(' + q + 'deg)' } }
- ),
- 2
- ),
- _ &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, t.classes)(['Knob__popupValue', M && 'Knob__popupValue--' + M]),
- G,
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 32,
- 'svg',
- 'Knob__ring Knob__ringTrackPivot',
- (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'circle', 'Knob__ringTrack', null, 1, {
- cx: '50',
- cy: '50',
- r: '50',
- }),
- 2,
- { viewBox: '0 0 100 100' }
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 32,
- 'svg',
- 'Knob__ring Knob__ringFillPivot',
- (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'circle', 'Knob__ringFill', null, 1, {
- style: { 'stroke-dashoffset': ((P ? 2.75 : 2) - se * 1.5) * Math.PI * 50 },
- cx: '50',
- cy: '50',
- r: '50',
- }),
- 2,
- { viewBox: '0 0 100 100' }
- ),
- X,
- ],
- 0,
- Object.assign(
- {},
- (0, o.computeBoxProps)(
- Object.assign({ style: Object.assign({ 'font-size': E + 'em' }, S) }, R)
- ),
- { onMouseDown: J }
- )
- )
- );
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }
- )
- )
- );
- }
- return g;
- })());
- },
- 78621: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LabeledControls = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(39473),
- t = ['children'],
- o = ['label', 'children'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function f(B, k) {
- if (B == null) return {};
- var g = {};
- for (var i in B)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(B, i)) {
- if (k.includes(i)) continue;
- g[i] = B[i];
- }
- return g;
- }
- var b = (r.LabeledControls = (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = k.children,
- i = f(k, t);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- a.Flex,
- Object.assign({ mx: -0.5, align: 'stretch', justify: 'space-between' }, i, { children: g })
- )
- );
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- y = function (k) {
- var g = k.label,
- i = k.children,
- c = f(k, o);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, {
- mx: 1,
- children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- a.Flex,
- Object.assign(
- {
- minWidth: '52px',
- height: '100%',
- direction: 'column',
- align: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center',
- justify: 'space-between',
- },
- c,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, { children: i }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, { color: 'label', children: g }),
- ],
- }
- )
- )
- ),
- });
- };
- b.Item = y;
- },
- 29319: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LabeledList = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = n(13605),
- f = n(62147);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var b = (r.LabeledList = (function () {
- function k(g) {
- var i = g.children;
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'table', 'LabeledList', i, 0);
- }
- return k;
- })());
- b.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
- var y = function (g) {
- var i = g.className,
- c = g.label,
- m = g.labelColor,
- l = m === void 0 ? 'label' : m,
- u = g.color,
- s = g.textAlign,
- d = g.buttons,
- C = g.tooltip,
- h = g.content,
- v = g.children,
- p = g.preserveWhitespace,
- N = g.labelStyle,
- V = (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'tr',
- (0, a.classes)(['LabeledList__row', i]),
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- as: 'td',
- color: l,
- className: (0, a.classes)(['LabeledList__cell', 'LabeledList__label']),
- style: N,
- children: c ? c + ':' : null,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- as: 'td',
- color: u,
- textAlign: s,
- className: (0, a.classes)(['LabeledList__cell', 'LabeledList__content']),
- colSpan: d ? void 0 : 2,
- preserveWhitespace: p,
- children: [h, v],
- }),
- d && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'td', 'LabeledList__cell LabeledList__buttons', d, 0),
- ],
- 0
- );
- return C && (V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tooltip, { content: C, children: V })), V;
- };
- y.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
- var B = function (g) {
- var i = g.size ? (0, t.unit)(Math.max(0, g.size - 1)) : 0;
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'tr',
- 'LabeledList__row',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'td', null, (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider), 2, {
- colSpan: 3,
- style: { 'padding-top': i, 'padding-bottom': i },
- }),
- 2
- );
- };
- (B.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks), (b.Item = y), (b.Divider = B);
- },
- 36077: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Modal = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = n(61940),
- f = ['className', 'children', 'onEnter'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function b(B, k) {
- if (B == null) return {};
- var g = {};
- for (var i in B)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(B, i)) {
- if (k.includes(i)) continue;
- g[i] = B[i];
- }
- return g;
- }
- var y = (r.Modal = (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = k.className,
- i = k.children,
- c = k.onEnter,
- m = b(k, f),
- l;
- return (
- c &&
- (l = (function () {
- function u(s) {
- s.keyCode === 13 && c(s);
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dimmer, {
- onKeyDown: l,
- children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)(['Modal', g, (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(m)]),
- i,
- 0,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(m))
- )
- ),
- })
- );
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 73280: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NanoMap = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(29319),
- f = n(79911),
- b = n(79140),
- y = ['x', 'y', 'icon', 'tooltip', 'color', 'children'],
- B = ['icon', 'color'];
- function k(h, v) {
- if (h == null) return {};
- var p = {};
- for (var N in h)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(h, N)) {
- if (v.includes(N)) continue;
- p[N] = h[N];
- }
- return p;
- }
- function g(h, v) {
- (h.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)), (h.prototype.constructor = h), i(h, v);
- }
- function i(h, v) {
- return (
- (i = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (p, N) {
- return (p.__proto__ = N), p;
- }),
- i(h, v)
- );
- }
- var c = 510,
- m = 2,
- l = function (v) {
- return (
- v.stopPropagation && v.stopPropagation(),
- v.preventDefault && v.preventDefault(),
- (v.cancelBubble = !0),
- (v.returnValue = !1),
- !1
- );
- },
- u = (r.NanoMap = (function (h) {
- function v(N) {
- var V, S, I, L;
- L = h.call(this, N) || this;
- var w = window.innerWidth / 2 - 256,
- A = window.innerHeight / 2 - 256;
- return (
- (L.state = {
- offsetX: (V = N.offsetX) != null ? V : 0,
- offsetY: (S = N.offsetY) != null ? S : 0,
- dragging: !1,
- originX: null,
- originY: null,
- zoom: (I = N.zoom) != null ? I : 1,
- }),
- (L.handleDragStart = function (x) {
- (L.ref = x.target),
- L.setState({ dragging: !1, originX: x.screenX, originY: x.screenY }),
- document.addEventListener('mousemove', L.handleDragMove),
- document.addEventListener('mouseup', L.handleDragEnd),
- l(x);
- }),
- (L.handleDragMove = function (x) {
- L.setState(function (E) {
- var P = Object.assign({}, E),
- D = x.screenX - P.originX,
- M = x.screenY - P.originY;
- return (
- E.dragging
- ? ((P.offsetX += D / P.zoom),
- (P.offsetY += M / P.zoom),
- (P.originX = x.screenX),
- (P.originY = x.screenY))
- : (P.dragging = !0),
- P
- );
- }),
- l(x);
- }),
- (L.handleDragEnd = function (x) {
- L.setState({ dragging: !1, originX: null, originY: null }),
- document.removeEventListener('mousemove', L.handleDragMove),
- document.removeEventListener('mouseup', L.handleDragEnd),
- N.onOffsetChange == null || N.onOffsetChange(x, L.state),
- l(x);
- }),
- (L.handleZoom = function (x, E) {
- L.setState(function (P) {
- var D = Math.min(Math.max(E, 1), 8);
- return (P.zoom = D), N.onZoom && N.onZoom(P.zoom), P;
- });
- }),
- (L.handleReset = function (x) {
- L.setState(function (E) {
- (E.offsetX = 0),
- (E.offsetY = 0),
- (E.zoom = 1),
- L.handleZoom(x, 1),
- N.onOffsetChange == null || N.onOffsetChange(x, E);
- });
- }),
- L
- );
- }
- g(v, h);
- var p = v.prototype;
- return (
- (p.getChildContext = (function () {
- function N() {
- return { map: { zoom: this.state.zoom } };
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.render = (function () {
- function N() {
- var V = (0, t.useBackend)(this.context),
- S = V.config,
- I = this.state,
- L = I.dragging,
- w = I.offsetX,
- A = I.offsetY,
- x = I.zoom,
- E = x === void 0 ? 1 : x,
- P = this.props.children,
- D = S.map + '_nanomap_z1.png',
- M = c * E + 'px',
- R = {
- width: M,
- height: M,
- 'margin-top': A * E + 'px',
- 'margin-left': w * E + 'px',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- position: 'relative',
- top: '50%',
- left: '50%',
- transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
- 'background-size': 'cover',
- 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',
- 'text-align': 'center',
- cursor: L ? 'move' : 'auto',
- },
- O = {
- width: '100%',
- height: '100%',
- position: 'absolute',
- top: '50%',
- left: '50%',
- transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
- '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
- 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- className: 'NanoMap__container',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- style: R,
- onMouseDown: this.handleDragStart,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, { src: (0, b.resolveAsset)(D), style: O }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { children: P }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
- zoom: E,
- onZoom: this.handleZoom,
- onReset: this.handleReset,
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- v
- );
- })(e.Component)),
- s = function (v, p) {
- var N = p.map.zoom,
- V = v.x,
- S = v.y,
- I = v.icon,
- L = v.tooltip,
- w = v.color,
- A = v.children,
- x = k(v, y),
- E = m * N,
- P = (V - 1) * E,
- D = (S - 1) * E;
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- null,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Tooltip, {
- content: L,
- children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- a.Box,
- Object.assign(
- {
- position: 'absolute',
- className: 'NanoMap__marker',
- lineHeight: '0',
- bottom: D + 'px',
- left: P + 'px',
- width: E + 'px',
- height: E + 'px',
- },
- x,
- { children: A }
- )
- )
- ),
- }),
- 2
- );
- };
- u.Marker = s;
- var d = function (v, p) {
- var N = p.map.zoom,
- V = v.icon,
- S = v.color,
- I = k(v, B),
- L = m * N + 4 / Math.ceil(N / 4);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- s,
- Object.assign({}, I, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Icon, {
- name: V,
- color: S,
- fontSize: L + 'px',
- style: { position: 'relative', top: '50%', left: '50%', transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)' },
- }),
- })
- )
- );
- };
- u.MarkerIcon = d;
- var C = function (v, p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- className: 'NanoMap__zoomer',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Zoom',
- labelStyle: { 'vertical-align': 'middle' },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex, {
- direction: 'row',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Slider, {
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: 8,
- stepPixelSize: 10,
- format: (function () {
- function N(V) {
- return V + 'x';
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- value: v.zoom,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function N(V, S) {
- return v.onZoom(V, S);
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Button, {
- ml: '0.5em',
- float: 'right',
- icon: 'sync',
- tooltip: 'Reset View',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N(V) {
- return v.onReset == null ? void 0 : v.onReset(V);
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- u.Zoomer = C;
- },
- 74733: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NoticeBox = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = ['className', 'color', 'info', 'warning', 'success', 'danger'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function f(y, B) {
- if (y == null) return {};
- var k = {};
- for (var g in y)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(y, g)) {
- if (B.includes(g)) continue;
- k[g] = y[g];
- }
- return k;
- }
- var b = (r.NoticeBox = (function () {
- function y(B) {
- var k = B.className,
- g = B.color,
- i = B.info,
- c = B.warning,
- m = B.success,
- l = B.danger,
- u = f(B, o);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- Object.assign(
- {
- className: (0, a.classes)([
- 'NoticeBox',
- g && 'NoticeBox--color--' + g,
- i && 'NoticeBox--type--info',
- m && 'NoticeBox--type--success',
- l && 'NoticeBox--type--danger',
- k,
- ]),
- },
- u
- )
- )
- );
- }
- return y;
- })());
- b.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
- },
- 59263: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NumberInput = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(35840),
- o = n(9474),
- f = n(55937);
- function b(g, i) {
- (g.prototype = Object.create(i.prototype)), (g.prototype.constructor = g), y(g, i);
- }
- function y(g, i) {
- return (
- (y = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (c, m) {
- return (c.__proto__ = m), c;
- }),
- y(g, i)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var B = 400,
- k = (r.NumberInput = (function (g) {
- function i(m) {
- var l;
- l = g.call(this, m) || this;
- var u = m.value;
- return (
- (l.inputRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
- (l.state = {
- value: u,
- dragging: !1,
- editing: !1,
- internalValue: null,
- origin: null,
- suppressingFlicker: !1,
- }),
- (l.flickerTimer = null),
- (l.suppressFlicker = function () {
- var s = l.props.suppressFlicker;
- s > 0 &&
- (l.setState({ suppressingFlicker: !0 }),
- clearTimeout(l.flickerTimer),
- (l.flickerTimer = setTimeout(function () {
- return l.setState({ suppressingFlicker: !1 });
- }, s)));
- }),
- (l.handleDragStart = function (s) {
- var d = l.props.value,
- C = l.state.editing;
- C ||
- ((document.body.style['pointer-events'] = 'none'),
- (l.ref = s.target),
- l.setState({ dragging: !1, origin: s.screenY, value: d, internalValue: d }),
- (l.timer = setTimeout(function () {
- l.setState({ dragging: !0 });
- }, 250)),
- (l.dragInterval = setInterval(function () {
- var h = l.state,
- v = h.dragging,
- p = h.value,
- N = l.props.onDrag;
- v && N && N(s, p);
- }, l.props.updateRate || B)),
- document.addEventListener('mousemove', l.handleDragMove),
- document.addEventListener('mouseup', l.handleDragEnd));
- }),
- (l.handleDragMove = function (s) {
- var d = l.props,
- C = d.minValue,
- h = d.maxValue,
- v = d.step,
- p = d.stepPixelSize;
- l.setState(function (N) {
- var V = Object.assign({}, N),
- S = V.origin - s.screenY;
- if (N.dragging) {
- var I = Number.isFinite(C) ? C % v : 0;
- (V.internalValue = (0, a.clamp)(V.internalValue + (S * v) / p, C - v, h + v)),
- (V.value = (0, a.clamp)(V.internalValue - (V.internalValue % v) + I, C, h)),
- (V.origin = s.screenY);
- } else Math.abs(S) > 4 && (V.dragging = !0);
- return V;
- });
- }),
- (l.handleDragEnd = function (s) {
- var d = l.props,
- C = d.onChange,
- h = d.onDrag,
- v = l.state,
- p = v.dragging,
- N = v.value,
- V = v.internalValue;
- if (
- ((document.body.style['pointer-events'] = 'auto'),
- clearTimeout(l.timer),
- clearInterval(l.dragInterval),
- l.setState({ dragging: !1, editing: !p, origin: null }),
- document.removeEventListener('mousemove', l.handleDragMove),
- document.removeEventListener('mouseup', l.handleDragEnd),
- p)
- )
- l.suppressFlicker(), C && C(s, N), h && h(s, N);
- else if (l.inputRef) {
- var S = l.inputRef.current;
- S.value = V;
- try {
- S.focus(), S.select();
- } catch (I) {}
- }
- }),
- l
- );
- }
- b(i, g);
- var c = i.prototype;
- return (
- (c.render = (function () {
- function m() {
- var l = this,
- u = this.state,
- s = u.dragging,
- d = u.editing,
- C = u.value,
- h = u.suppressingFlicker,
- v = this.props,
- p = v.className,
- N = v.fluid,
- V = v.animated,
- S = v.value,
- I = v.unit,
- L = v.minValue,
- w = v.maxValue,
- A = v.height,
- x = v.width,
- E = v.lineHeight,
- P = v.fontSize,
- D = v.format,
- M = v.onChange,
- R = v.onDrag,
- O = S;
- (s || h) && (O = C);
- var F = (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'NumberInput__content',
- [
- V && !s && !h
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: O, format: D })
- : D
- ? D(O)
- : O,
- I ? ' ' + I : '',
- ],
- 0
- );
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- className: (0, t.classes)(['NumberInput', N && 'NumberInput--fluid', p]),
- minWidth: x,
- minHeight: A,
- lineHeight: E,
- fontSize: P,
- onMouseDown: this.handleDragStart,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'NumberInput__barContainer',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'NumberInput__bar', null, 1, {
- style: { height: (0, a.clamp)(((O - L) / (w - L)) * 100, 0, 100) + '%' },
- }),
- 2
- ),
- F,
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 64,
- 'input',
- 'NumberInput__input',
- null,
- 1,
- {
- style: { display: d ? void 0 : 'none', height: A, 'line-height': E, 'font-size': P },
- onBlur: (function () {
- function _(U) {
- if (d) {
- var z = (0, a.clamp)(parseFloat(U.target.value), L, w);
- if (Number.isNaN(z)) {
- l.setState({ editing: !1 });
- return;
- }
- l.setState({ editing: !1, value: z }),
- l.suppressFlicker(),
- M && M(U, z),
- R && R(U, z);
- }
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function _(U) {
- if (U.keyCode === 13) {
- var z = (0, a.clamp)(parseFloat(U.target.value), L, w);
- if (Number.isNaN(z)) {
- l.setState({ editing: !1 });
- return;
- }
- l.setState({ editing: !1, value: z }),
- l.suppressFlicker(),
- M && M(U, z),
- R && R(U, z);
- return;
- }
- if (U.keyCode === 27) {
- l.setState({ editing: !1 });
- return;
- }
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- },
- null,
- this.inputRef
- ),
- ],
- });
- }
- return m;
- })()),
- i
- );
- })(e.Component));
- (k.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks),
- (k.defaultProps = { minValue: -1 / 0, maxValue: 1 / 0, step: 1, stepPixelSize: 1, suppressFlicker: 50 });
- },
- 33337: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Pointer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = (r.Pointer = (function () {
- function o(f) {
- var b = f.className,
- y = f.color,
- B = f.left,
- k = f.top,
- g = k === void 0 ? 0.5 : k,
- i = (0, a.classes)(['react-colorful__pointer', b]),
- c = { top: g * 100 + '%', left: B * 100 + '%' };
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- i,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'react-colorful__pointer-fill', null, 1, {
- style: { 'background-color': y },
- }),
- 2,
- { style: c }
- );
- }
- return o;
- })());
- },
- 50186: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Popper = void 0);
- var e = n(95996),
- a = n(89005);
- function t(b, y) {
- (b.prototype = Object.create(y.prototype)), (b.prototype.constructor = b), o(b, y);
- }
- function o(b, y) {
- return (
- (o = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (B, k) {
- return (B.__proto__ = k), B;
- }),
- o(b, y)
- );
- }
- var f = (r.Popper = (function (b) {
- function y() {
- var k;
- return (
- (k = b.call(this) || this), (k.renderedContent = void 0), (k.popperInstance = void 0), (y.id += 1), k
- );
- }
- t(y, b);
- var B = y.prototype;
- return (
- (B.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function k() {
- var g = this,
- i = this.props,
- c = i.additionalStyles,
- m = i.options;
- if (((this.renderedContent = document.createElement('div')), c))
- for (var l = 0, u = Object.entries(c); l < u.length; l++) {
- var s = u[l],
- d = s[0],
- C = s[1];
- this.renderedContent.style[d] = C;
- }
- this.renderPopperContent(function () {
- document.body.appendChild(g.renderedContent),
- (g.popperInstance = (0, e.createPopper)(
- (0, a.findDOMFromVNode)(g.$LI, !0),
- g.renderedContent,
- m
- ));
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- (B.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function k() {
- var g = this;
- this.renderPopperContent(function () {
- var i;
- return (i = g.popperInstance) == null ? void 0 : i.update();
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- (B.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function k() {
- var g,
- i = this;
- (g = this.popperInstance) == null || g.destroy(),
- (0, a.render)(null, this.renderedContent, function () {
- i.renderedContent.remove();
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- (B.renderPopperContent = (function () {
- function k(g) {
- (0, a.render)(this.props.popperContent, this.renderedContent, g);
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- (B.render = (function () {
- function k() {
- return this.props.children;
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- y
- );
- })(a.Component));
- f.id = 0;
- },
- 92704: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ProgressBarCountdown = r.ProgressBar = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(35840),
- o = n(55937),
- f = ['className', 'value', 'minValue', 'maxValue', 'color', 'ranges', 'children', 'fractionDigits'],
- b = ['start', 'current', 'end'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function y(c, m) {
- (c.prototype = Object.create(m.prototype)), (c.prototype.constructor = c), B(c, m);
- }
- function B(c, m) {
- return (
- (B = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (l, u) {
- return (l.__proto__ = u), l;
- }),
- B(c, m)
- );
- }
- function k(c, m) {
- if (c == null) return {};
- var l = {};
- for (var u in c)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(c, u)) {
- if (m.includes(u)) continue;
- l[u] = c[u];
- }
- return l;
- }
- var g = (r.ProgressBar = (function () {
- function c(m) {
- var l = m.className,
- u = m.value,
- s = m.minValue,
- d = s === void 0 ? 0 : s,
- C = m.maxValue,
- h = C === void 0 ? 1 : C,
- v = m.color,
- p = m.ranges,
- N = p === void 0 ? {} : p,
- V = m.children,
- S = m.fractionDigits,
- I = S === void 0 ? 0 : S,
- L = k(m, f),
- w = (0, a.scale)(u, d, h),
- A = V !== void 0,
- x = v || (0, a.keyOfMatchingRange)(u, N) || 'default';
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, t.classes)(['ProgressBar', 'ProgressBar--color--' + x, l, (0, o.computeBoxClassName)(L)]),
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'ProgressBar__fill ProgressBar__fill--animated', null, 1, {
- style: { width: (0, a.clamp01)(w) * 100 + '%' },
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'ProgressBar__content', A ? V : (0, a.toFixed)(w * 100, I) + '%', 0),
- ],
- 4,
- Object.assign({}, (0, o.computeBoxProps)(L))
- )
- );
- }
- return c;
- })());
- g.defaultHooks = t.pureComponentHooks;
- var i = (r.ProgressBarCountdown = (function (c) {
- function m(u) {
- var s;
- return (
- (s = c.call(this, u) || this), (s.timer = null), (s.state = { value: Math.max(u.current * 100, 0) }), s
- );
- }
- y(m, c);
- var l = m.prototype;
- return (
- (l.tick = (function () {
- function u() {
- var s = Math.max(this.state.value + this.props.rate, 0);
- s <= 0 && clearInterval(this.timer),
- this.setState(function (d) {
- return { value: s };
- });
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (l.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function u() {
- var s = this;
- this.timer = setInterval(function () {
- return s.tick();
- }, this.props.rate);
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (l.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function u() {
- clearInterval(this.timer);
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (l.render = (function () {
- function u() {
- var s = this.props,
- d = s.start,
- C = s.current,
- h = s.end,
- v = k(s, b),
- p = (this.state.value / 100 - d) / (h - d);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)((0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, Object.assign({ value: p }, v)));
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- m
- );
- })(e.Component));
- (i.defaultProps = { rate: 1e3 }), (g.Countdown = i);
- },
- 9075: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RestrictedInput = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(44879),
- o = n(55937),
- f = n(92986),
- b = ['onChange', 'onEnter', 'onInput', 'value'],
- y = ['className', 'fluid', 'monospace'];
- function B(u, s) {
- if (u == null) return {};
- var d = {};
- for (var C in u)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(u, C)) {
- if (s.includes(C)) continue;
- d[C] = u[C];
- }
- return d;
- }
- function k(u, s) {
- (u.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype)), (u.prototype.constructor = u), g(u, s);
- }
- function g(u, s) {
- return (
- (g = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (d, C) {
- return (d.__proto__ = C), d;
- }),
- g(u, s)
- );
- }
- var i = 0,
- c = 1e4,
- m = function (s, d, C, h) {
- var v = d || i,
- p = C || C === 0 ? C : c;
- if (!s || !s.length) return String(v);
- var N = h ? parseFloat(s.replace(/[^\-\d.]/g, '')) : parseInt(s.replace(/[^\-\d]/g, ''), 10);
- return isNaN(N) ? String(v) : String((0, t.clamp)(N, v, p));
- },
- l = (r.RestrictedInput = (function (u) {
- function s() {
- var C;
- return (
- (C = u.call(this) || this),
- (C.inputRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
- (C.state = { editing: !1 }),
- (C.handleBlur = function (h) {
- var v = C.state.editing;
- v && C.setEditing(!1);
- }),
- (C.handleChange = function (h) {
- var v = C.props,
- p = v.maxValue,
- N = v.minValue,
- V = v.onChange,
- S = v.allowFloats;
- (h.target.value = m(h.target.value, N, p, S)), V && V(h, +h.target.value);
- }),
- (C.handleFocus = function (h) {
- var v = C.state.editing;
- v || C.setEditing(!0);
- }),
- (C.handleInput = function (h) {
- var v = C.state.editing,
- p = C.props.onInput;
- v || C.setEditing(!0), p && p(h, +h.target.value);
- }),
- (C.handleKeyDown = function (h) {
- var v = C.props,
- p = v.maxValue,
- N = v.minValue,
- V = v.onChange,
- S = v.onEnter,
- I = v.allowFloats;
- if (h.keyCode === f.KEY_ENTER) {
- var L = m(h.target.value, N, p, I);
- C.setEditing(!1), V && V(h, +L), S && S(h, +L), h.target.blur();
- return;
- }
- if (h.keyCode === f.KEY_ESCAPE) {
- if (C.props.onEscape) {
- C.props.onEscape(h);
- return;
- }
- C.setEditing(!1), (h.target.value = C.props.value), h.target.blur();
- return;
- }
- }),
- C
- );
- }
- k(s, u);
- var d = s.prototype;
- return (
- (d.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function C() {
- var h,
- v = this,
- p = this.props,
- N = p.maxValue,
- V = p.minValue,
- S = p.allowFloats,
- I = (h = this.props.value) == null ? void 0 : h.toString(),
- L = this.inputRef.current;
- L && (L.value = m(I, V, N, S)),
- (this.props.autoFocus || this.props.autoSelect) &&
- setTimeout(function () {
- L.focus(), v.props.autoSelect && L.select();
- }, 1);
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- (d.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- var p,
- N,
- V = this.props,
- S = V.maxValue,
- I = V.minValue,
- L = V.allowFloats,
- w = this.state.editing,
- A = (p = h.value) == null ? void 0 : p.toString(),
- x = (N = this.props.value) == null ? void 0 : N.toString(),
- E = this.inputRef.current;
- E && !w && x !== A && x !== E.value && (E.value = m(x, I, S, L));
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- (d.setEditing = (function () {
- function C(h) {
- this.setState({ editing: h });
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- (d.render = (function () {
- function C() {
- var h = this.props,
- v = h.onChange,
- p = h.onEnter,
- N = h.onInput,
- V = h.value,
- S = B(h, b),
- I = S.className,
- L = S.fluid,
- w = S.monospace,
- A = B(S, y);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- Object.assign(
- { className: (0, a.classes)(['Input', L && 'Input--fluid', w && 'Input--monospace', I]) },
- A,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Input__baseline', '.', 16),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 64,
- 'input',
- 'Input__input',
- null,
- 1,
- {
- onChange: this.handleChange,
- onInput: this.handleInput,
- onFocus: this.handleFocus,
- onBlur: this.handleBlur,
- onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown,
- type: 'number',
- },
- null,
- this.inputRef
- ),
- ],
- }
- )
- )
- );
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- s
- );
- })(e.Component));
- },
- 11441: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RoundGauge = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(35840),
- o = n(9474),
- f = n(55937),
- b = ['value', 'minValue', 'maxValue', 'ranges', 'alertAfter', 'format', 'size', 'className', 'style'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 bobbahbrown (https://github.com/bobbahbrown)
- * @license MIT
- */ function y(k, g) {
- if (k == null) return {};
- var i = {};
- for (var c in k)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(k, c)) {
- if (g.includes(c)) continue;
- i[c] = k[c];
- }
- return i;
- }
- var B = (r.RoundGauge = (function () {
- function k(g) {
- var i = g.value,
- c = g.minValue,
- m = c === void 0 ? 1 : c,
- l = g.maxValue,
- u = l === void 0 ? 1 : l,
- s = g.ranges,
- d = g.alertAfter,
- C = g.format,
- h = g.size,
- v = h === void 0 ? 1 : h,
- p = g.className,
- N = g.style,
- V = y(g, b),
- S = (0, a.scale)(i, m, u),
- I = (0, a.clamp01)(S),
- L = s ? {} : { primary: [0, 1] };
- s &&
- Object.keys(s).forEach(function (A) {
- var x = s[A];
- L[A] = [(0, a.scale)(x[0], m, u), (0, a.scale)(x[1], m, u)];
- });
- var w = null;
- return (
- d < i && (w = (0, a.keyOfMatchingRange)(I, L)),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, t.classes)(['RoundGauge', p, (0, f.computeBoxClassName)(V)]),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 32,
- 'svg',
- null,
- [
- d &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 32,
- 'g',
- (0, t.classes)(['RoundGauge__alert', w ? 'active RoundGauge__alert--' + w : '']),
- (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'path', null, null, 1, {
- d: 'M48.211,14.578C48.55,13.9 49.242,13.472 50,13.472C50.758,13.472 51.45,13.9 51.789,14.578C54.793,20.587 60.795,32.589 63.553,38.106C63.863,38.726 63.83,39.462 63.465,40.051C63.101,40.641 62.457,41 61.764,41C55.996,41 44.004,41 38.236,41C37.543,41 36.899,40.641 36.535,40.051C36.17,39.462 36.137,38.726 36.447,38.106C39.205,32.589 45.207,20.587 48.211,14.578ZM50,34.417C51.426,34.417 52.583,35.574 52.583,37C52.583,38.426 51.426,39.583 50,39.583C48.574,39.583 47.417,38.426 47.417,37C47.417,35.574 48.574,34.417 50,34.417ZM50,32.75C50,32.75 53,31.805 53,22.25C53,20.594 51.656,19.25 50,19.25C48.344,19.25 47,20.594 47,22.25C47,31.805 50,32.75 50,32.75Z',
- }),
- 2
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 32,
- 'g',
- null,
- (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'circle', 'RoundGauge__ringTrack', null, 1, {
- cx: '50',
- cy: '50',
- r: '45',
- }),
- 2
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 32,
- 'g',
- null,
- Object.keys(L).map(function (A, x) {
- var E = L[A];
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 32,
- 'circle',
- 'RoundGauge__ringFill RoundGauge--color--' + A,
- null,
- 1,
- {
- style: { 'stroke-dashoffset': Math.max((2 - (E[1] - E[0])) * Math.PI * 50, 0) },
- transform: 'rotate(' + (180 + 180 * E[0]) + ' 50 50)',
- cx: '50',
- cy: '50',
- r: '45',
- },
- x
- );
- }),
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 32,
- 'g',
- 'RoundGauge__needle',
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'polygon', 'RoundGauge__needleLine', null, 1, {
- points: '46,50 50,0 54,50',
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(32, 'circle', 'RoundGauge__needleMiddle', null, 1, {
- cx: '50',
- cy: '50',
- r: '8',
- }),
- ],
- 4,
- { transform: 'rotate(' + (I * 180 - 90) + ' 50 50)' }
- ),
- ],
- 0,
- { viewBox: '0 0 100 50' }
- ),
- 2,
- Object.assign(
- {},
- (0, f.computeBoxProps)(
- Object.assign({ style: Object.assign({ 'font-size': v + 'em' }, N) }, V)
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: i, format: C, size: v }),
- ],
- })
- );
- }
- return k;
- })());
- },
- 97079: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Section = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(24826),
- o = n(55937),
- f = ['className', 'title', 'buttons', 'fill', 'fitted', 'scrollable', 'children'];
- function b(g, i) {
- if (g == null) return {};
- var c = {};
- for (var m in g)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
- if (i.includes(m)) continue;
- c[m] = g[m];
- }
- return c;
- }
- function y(g, i) {
- (g.prototype = Object.create(i.prototype)), (g.prototype.constructor = g), B(g, i);
- }
- function B(g, i) {
- return (
- (B = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (c, m) {
- return (c.__proto__ = m), c;
- }),
- B(g, i)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var k = (r.Section = (function (g) {
- function i(m) {
- var l;
- return (
- (l = g.call(this, m) || this),
- (l.scrollableRef = void 0),
- (l.scrollable = void 0),
- (l.scrollableRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
- (l.scrollable = m.scrollable),
- l
- );
- }
- y(i, g);
- var c = i.prototype;
- return (
- (c.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function m() {
- this.scrollable && (0, t.addScrollableNode)(this.scrollableRef.current);
- }
- return m;
- })()),
- (c.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function m() {
- this.scrollable && (0, t.removeScrollableNode)(this.scrollableRef.current);
- }
- return m;
- })()),
- (c.render = (function () {
- function m() {
- var l = this.props,
- u = l.className,
- s = l.title,
- d = l.buttons,
- C = l.fill,
- h = l.fitted,
- v = l.scrollable,
- p = l.children,
- N = b(l, f),
- V = (0, a.canRender)(s) || (0, a.canRender)(d);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'Section',
- C && 'Section--fill',
- h && 'Section--fitted',
- v && 'Section--scrollable',
- u,
- (0, o.computeBoxClassName)(N),
- ]),
- [
- V &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'Section__title',
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', 'Section__titleText', s, 0),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Section__buttons', d, 0),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'Section__rest',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Section__content', p, 0, null, null, this.scrollableRef),
- 2
- ),
- ],
- 0,
- Object.assign({}, (0, o.computeBoxProps)(N))
- )
- );
- }
- return m;
- })()),
- i
- );
- })(e.Component));
- },
- 79911: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Slider = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(35840),
- o = n(55937),
- f = n(20342),
- b = n(59263),
- y = [
- 'animated',
- 'format',
- 'maxValue',
- 'minValue',
- 'onChange',
- 'onDrag',
- 'step',
- 'stepPixelSize',
- 'suppressFlicker',
- 'unit',
- 'value',
- 'className',
- 'fillValue',
- 'color',
- 'ranges',
- 'children',
- 'disabled',
- ];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function B(g, i) {
- if (g == null) return {};
- var c = {};
- for (var m in g)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
- if (i.includes(m)) continue;
- c[m] = g[m];
- }
- return c;
- }
- var k = (r.Slider = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- var c = i.animated,
- m = i.format,
- l = i.maxValue,
- u = i.minValue,
- s = i.onChange,
- d = i.onDrag,
- C = i.step,
- h = i.stepPixelSize,
- v = i.suppressFlicker,
- p = i.unit,
- N = i.value,
- V = i.className,
- S = i.fillValue,
- I = i.color,
- L = i.ranges,
- w = L === void 0 ? {} : L,
- A = i.children,
- x = i.disabled,
- E = B(i, y),
- P = A !== void 0;
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.DraggableControl,
- Object.assign(
- { dragMatrix: [1, 0] },
- {
- animated: c,
- format: m,
- maxValue: l,
- minValue: u,
- onChange: s,
- onDrag: d,
- step: C,
- stepPixelSize: h,
- suppressFlicker: v,
- unit: p,
- value: N,
- disabled: x,
- },
- {
- children: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = M.dragging,
- O = M.editing,
- F = M.value,
- _ = M.displayValue,
- U = M.displayElement,
- z = M.inputElement,
- $ = M.handleDragStart,
- G = S != null,
- X = (0, a.scale)(F, u, l),
- J = (0, a.scale)(S != null ? S : _, u, l),
- se = (0, a.scale)(_, u, l),
- ie = I || (0, a.keyOfMatchingRange)(S != null ? S : F, w) || 'default';
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, t.classes)([
- 'Slider',
- x && 'Slider__disabled',
- 'ProgressBar',
- x ? 'ProgressBar--color--disabled' : 'ProgressBar--color--' + ie,
- V,
- (0, o.computeBoxClassName)(E),
- ]),
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, t.classes)(['ProgressBar__fill', G && 'ProgressBar__fill--animated']),
- null,
- 1,
- { style: { width: (0, a.clamp01)(J) * 100 + '%', opacity: 0.4 } }
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'ProgressBar__fill', null, 1, {
- style: { width: (0, a.clamp01)(Math.min(J, se)) * 100 + '%' },
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'Slider__cursorOffset',
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Slider__cursor'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Slider__pointer'),
- R && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Slider__popupValue', U, 0),
- ],
- 0,
- { style: { width: (0, a.clamp01)(se) * 100 + '%' } }
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'ProgressBar__content', P ? A : U, 0),
- z,
- ],
- 0,
- Object.assign({ disabled: x }, (0, o.computeBoxProps)(E), { onMouseDown: $ })
- )
- );
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }
- )
- )
- );
- }
- return g;
- })());
- },
- 96690: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Stack = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(39473),
- o = ['className', 'vertical', 'fill'],
- f = ['className', 'innerRef'],
- b = ['className', 'hidden'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function y(i, c) {
- if (i == null) return {};
- var m = {};
- for (var l in i)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(i, l)) {
- if (c.includes(l)) continue;
- m[l] = i[l];
- }
- return m;
- }
- var B = (r.Stack = (function () {
- function i(c) {
- var m = c.className,
- l = c.vertical,
- u = c.fill,
- s = y(c, o);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'Stack',
- u && 'Stack--fill',
- l ? 'Stack--vertical' : 'Stack--horizontal',
- m,
- (0, t.computeFlexClassName)(c),
- ]),
- null,
- 1,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeFlexProps)(Object.assign({ direction: l ? 'column' : 'row' }, s)))
- )
- );
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- k = function (c) {
- var m = c.className,
- l = c.innerRef,
- u = y(c, f);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)(['Stack__item', m, (0, t.computeFlexItemClassName)(u)]),
- null,
- 1,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeFlexItemProps)(u)),
- null,
- l
- )
- );
- };
- B.Item = k;
- var g = function (c) {
- var m = c.className,
- l = c.hidden,
- u = y(c, b);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'Stack__item',
- 'Stack__divider',
- l && 'Stack__divider--hidden',
- m,
- (0, t.computeFlexItemClassName)(u),
- ]),
- null,
- 1,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeFlexItemProps)(u))
- )
- );
- };
- B.Divider = g;
- },
- 36352: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TableRow = r.TableCell = r.Table = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = ['className', 'collapsing', 'children'],
- f = ['className', 'header'],
- b = ['className', 'collapsing', 'header'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function y(i, c) {
- if (i == null) return {};
- var m = {};
- for (var l in i)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(i, l)) {
- if (c.includes(l)) continue;
- m[l] = i[l];
- }
- return m;
- }
- var B = (r.Table = (function () {
- function i(c) {
- var m = c.className,
- l = c.collapsing,
- u = c.children,
- s = y(c, o);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'table',
- (0, a.classes)(['Table', l && 'Table--collapsing', m, (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(s)]),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'tbody', null, u, 0),
- 2,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(s))
- )
- );
- }
- return i;
- })());
- B.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
- var k = (r.TableRow = (function () {
- function i(c) {
- var m = c.className,
- l = c.header,
- u = y(c, f);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'tr',
- (0, a.classes)(['Table__row', l && 'Table__row--header', m, (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(c)]),
- null,
- 1,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(u))
- )
- );
- }
- return i;
- })());
- k.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks;
- var g = (r.TableCell = (function () {
- function i(c) {
- var m = c.className,
- l = c.collapsing,
- u = c.header,
- s = y(c, b);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'td',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'Table__cell',
- l && 'Table__cell--collapsing',
- u && 'Table__cell--header',
- m,
- (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(c),
- ]),
- null,
- 1,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(s))
- )
- );
- }
- return i;
- })());
- (g.defaultHooks = a.pureComponentHooks), (B.Row = k), (B.Cell = g);
- },
- 85138: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Tabs = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = n(1331),
- f = ['className', 'vertical', 'fill', 'fluid', 'children'],
- b = ['className', 'selected', 'color', 'icon', 'leftSlot', 'rightSlot', 'children'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function y(g, i) {
- if (g == null) return {};
- var c = {};
- for (var m in g)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
- if (i.includes(m)) continue;
- c[m] = g[m];
- }
- return c;
- }
- var B = (r.Tabs = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- var c = i.className,
- m = i.vertical,
- l = i.fill,
- u = i.fluid,
- s = i.children,
- d = y(i, f);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'Tabs',
- m ? 'Tabs--vertical' : 'Tabs--horizontal',
- l && 'Tabs--fill',
- u && 'Tabs--fluid',
- c,
- (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(d),
- ]),
- s,
- 0,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(d))
- )
- );
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- k = function (i) {
- var c = i.className,
- m = i.selected,
- l = i.color,
- u = i.icon,
- s = i.leftSlot,
- d = i.rightSlot,
- C = i.children,
- h = y(i, b);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'Tab',
- 'Tabs__Tab',
- 'Tab--color--' + l,
- m && 'Tab--selected',
- c,
- (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(h),
- ]),
- [
- ((0, a.canRender)(s) && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Tab__left', s, 0)) ||
- (!!u &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'Tab__left',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: u }),
- 2
- )),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Tab__text', C, 0),
- (0, a.canRender)(d) && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Tab__right', d, 0),
- ],
- 0,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(h))
- )
- );
- };
- B.Tab = k;
- },
- 44868: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TextArea = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = n(79652),
- f = n(92986),
- b = [
- 'onChange',
- 'onKeyDown',
- 'onKeyPress',
- 'onInput',
- 'onFocus',
- 'onBlur',
- 'onEnter',
- 'value',
- 'maxLength',
- 'placeholder',
- ],
- y = ['className', 'fluid'];
- function B(c, m) {
- if (c == null) return {};
- var l = {};
- for (var u in c)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(c, u)) {
- if (m.includes(u)) continue;
- l[u] = c[u];
- }
- return l;
- }
- function k(c, m) {
- (c.prototype = Object.create(m.prototype)), (c.prototype.constructor = c), g(c, m);
- }
- function g(c, m) {
- return (
- (g = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (l, u) {
- return (l.__proto__ = u), l;
- }),
- g(c, m)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @author Warlockd
- * @license MIT
- */ var i = (r.TextArea = (function (c) {
- function m(u, s) {
- var d;
- (d = c.call(this, u, s) || this),
- (d.textareaRef = u.innerRef || (0, e.createRef)()),
- (d.fillerRef = (0, e.createRef)()),
- (d.state = { editing: !1 });
- var C = u.dontUseTabForIndent,
- h = C === void 0 ? !1 : C;
- return (
- (d.handleOnInput = function (v) {
- var p = d.state.editing,
- N = d.props.onInput;
- p || d.setEditing(!0), N && N(v, v.target.value);
- }),
- (d.handleOnChange = function (v) {
- var p = d.state.editing,
- N = d.props.onChange;
- N && N(v, v.target.value);
- }),
- (d.handleKeyPress = function (v) {
- var p = d.state.editing,
- N = d.props.onKeyPress;
- p || d.setEditing(!0), N && N(v, v.target.value);
- }),
- (d.handleKeyDown = function (v) {
- var p = d.state.editing,
- N = d.props,
- V = N.onChange,
- S = N.onInput,
- I = N.onEnter,
- L = N.onKeyDown;
- if (v.keyCode === f.KEY_ENTER) {
- d.setEditing(!1),
- V && V(v, v.target.value),
- S && S(v, v.target.value),
- I && I(v, v.target.value),
- d.props.selfClear && ((v.target.value = ''), v.target.blur());
- return;
- }
- if (v.keyCode === f.KEY_ESCAPE) {
- d.props.onEscape && d.props.onEscape(v),
- d.setEditing(!1),
- d.props.selfClear
- ? (v.target.value = '')
- : ((v.target.value = (0, o.toInputValue)(d.props.value)), v.target.blur());
- return;
- }
- if ((p || d.setEditing(!0), L && L(v, v.target.value), !h)) {
- var w = v.keyCode || v.which;
- if (w === f.KEY_TAB) {
- v.preventDefault();
- var A = v.target,
- x = A.value,
- E = A.selectionStart,
- P = A.selectionEnd;
- (v.target.value = x.substring(0, E) + ' ' + x.substring(P)), (v.target.selectionEnd = E + 1);
- }
- }
- }),
- (d.handleFocus = function (v) {
- var p = d.state.editing;
- p || d.setEditing(!0);
- }),
- (d.handleBlur = function (v) {
- var p = d.state.editing,
- N = d.props.onChange;
- p && (d.setEditing(!1), N && N(v, v.target.value));
- }),
- d
- );
- }
- k(m, c);
- var l = m.prototype;
- return (
- (l.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function u() {
- var s = this,
- d = this.props.value,
- C = this.textareaRef.current;
- C && (C.value = (0, o.toInputValue)(d)),
- (this.props.autoFocus || this.props.autoSelect) &&
- setTimeout(function () {
- C.focus(), s.props.autoSelect && C.select();
- }, 1);
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (l.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- var C = s.value,
- h = this.props.value,
- v = this.textareaRef.current;
- v && typeof h == 'string' && C !== h && (v.value = (0, o.toInputValue)(h));
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (l.setEditing = (function () {
- function u(s) {
- this.setState({ editing: s });
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (l.getValue = (function () {
- function u() {
- return this.textareaRef.current && this.textareaRef.current.value;
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- (l.render = (function () {
- function u() {
- var s = this.props,
- d = s.onChange,
- C = s.onKeyDown,
- h = s.onKeyPress,
- v = s.onInput,
- p = s.onFocus,
- N = s.onBlur,
- V = s.onEnter,
- S = s.value,
- I = s.maxLength,
- L = s.placeholder,
- w = B(s, b),
- A = w.className,
- x = w.fluid,
- E = B(w, y);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['TextArea', x && 'TextArea--fluid', A]) }, E, {
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 128,
- 'textarea',
- 'TextArea__textarea',
- null,
- 1,
- {
- placeholder: L,
- onChange: this.handleOnChange,
- onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown,
- onKeyPress: this.handleKeyPress,
- onInput: this.handleOnInput,
- onFocus: this.handleFocus,
- onBlur: this.handleBlur,
- maxLength: I,
- },
- null,
- this.textareaRef
- ),
- })
- )
- );
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- m
- );
- })(e.Component));
- },
- 5169: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TimeDisplay = void 0);
- var n = function (t) {
- (!t || t < 0) && (t = 0);
- var o = Math.floor(t / 60).toString(10),
- f = (Math.floor(t) % 60).toString(10);
- return [o, f]
- .map(function (b) {
- return b.length < 2 ? '0' + b : b;
- })
- .join(':');
- },
- e = (r.TimeDisplay = (function () {
- function a(t) {
- var o = t.totalSeconds,
- f = o === void 0 ? 0 : o;
- return n(f);
- }
- return a;
- })());
- },
- 62147: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Tooltip = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(95996),
- t;
- function o(k, g) {
- (k.prototype = Object.create(g.prototype)), (k.prototype.constructor = k), f(k, g);
- }
- function f(k, g) {
- return (
- (f = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (i, c) {
- return (i.__proto__ = c), i;
- }),
- f(k, g)
- );
- }
- var b = { modifiers: [{ name: 'eventListeners', enabled: !1 }] },
- y = {
- width: 0,
- height: 0,
- top: 0,
- right: 0,
- bottom: 0,
- left: 0,
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- toJSON: (function () {
- function k() {
- return null;
- }
- return k;
- })(),
- },
- B = (r.Tooltip = (function (k) {
- function g() {
- return k.apply(this, arguments) || this;
- }
- o(g, k);
- var i = g.prototype;
- return (
- (i.getDOMNode = (function () {
- function c() {
- return (0, e.findDOMFromVNode)(this.$LI, !0);
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- (i.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function c() {
- var m = this,
- l = this.getDOMNode();
- l &&
- (l.addEventListener('mouseenter', function () {
- var u = g.renderedTooltip;
- u === void 0 &&
- ((u = document.createElement('div')),
- (u.className = 'Tooltip'),
- document.body.appendChild(u),
- (g.renderedTooltip = u)),
- (g.currentHoveredElement = l),
- (u.style.opacity = '1'),
- m.renderPopperContent();
- }),
- l.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () {
- m.fadeOut();
- }));
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- (i.fadeOut = (function () {
- function c() {
- g.currentHoveredElement === this.getDOMNode() &&
- ((g.currentHoveredElement = void 0), (g.renderedTooltip.style.opacity = '0'));
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- (i.renderPopperContent = (function () {
- function c() {
- var m = this,
- l = g.renderedTooltip;
- l &&
- (0, e.render)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, this.props.content, 0),
- l,
- function () {
- var u = g.singletonPopper;
- u === void 0
- ? ((u = (0, a.createPopper)(
- g.virtualElement,
- l,
- Object.assign({}, b, { placement: m.props.position || 'auto' })
- )),
- (g.singletonPopper = u))
- : (u.setOptions(Object.assign({}, b, { placement: m.props.position || 'auto' })),
- u.update());
- },
- this.context
- );
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- (i.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function c() {
- g.currentHoveredElement === this.getDOMNode() && this.renderPopperContent();
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- (i.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function c() {
- this.fadeOut();
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- (i.render = (function () {
- function c() {
- return this.props.children;
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- g
- );
- })(e.Component));
- (t = B),
- (B.renderedTooltip = void 0),
- (B.singletonPopper = void 0),
- (B.currentHoveredElement = void 0),
- (B.virtualElement = {
- getBoundingClientRect: (function () {
- function k() {
- var g, i;
- return (g = (i = t.currentHoveredElement) == null ? void 0 : i.getBoundingClientRect()) != null
- ? g
- : y;
- }
- return k;
- })(),
- });
- },
- 36036: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.Tooltip =
- r.TimeDisplay =
- r.TextArea =
- r.Tabs =
- r.Table =
- r.Stack =
- r.Slider =
- r.Section =
- r.RoundGauge =
- r.RestrictedInput =
- r.ProgressBar =
- r.Popper =
- r.Pointer =
- r.NumberInput =
- r.NoticeBox =
- r.NanoMap =
- r.Modal =
- r.LabeledList =
- r.LabeledControls =
- r.Knob =
- r.Interactive =
- r.Input =
- r.ImageButton =
- r.Image =
- r.Icon =
- r.Grid =
- r.Flex =
- r.Dropdown =
- r.DraggableControl =
- r.DmIcon =
- r.Divider =
- r.Dimmer =
- r.Countdown =
- r.ColorBox =
- r.Collapsible =
- r.Chart =
- r.ByondUi =
- r.Button =
- r.Box =
- r.BlockQuote =
- r.Blink =
- r.Autofocus =
- r.AnimatedNumber =
- void 0);
- var e = n(9474);
- r.AnimatedNumber = e.AnimatedNumber;
- var a = n(27185);
- r.Autofocus = a.Autofocus;
- var t = n(5814);
- r.Blink = t.Blink;
- var o = n(61773);
- r.BlockQuote = o.BlockQuote;
- var f = n(55937);
- r.Box = f.Box;
- var b = n(96184);
- r.Button = b.Button;
- var y = n(18982);
- r.ByondUi = y.ByondUi;
- var B = n(66820);
- r.Chart = B.Chart;
- var k = n(4796);
- r.Collapsible = k.Collapsible;
- var g = n(88894);
- r.ColorBox = g.ColorBox;
- var i = n(73379);
- r.Countdown = i.Countdown;
- var c = n(61940);
- r.Dimmer = c.Dimmer;
- var m = n(13605);
- r.Divider = m.Divider;
- var l = n(20342);
- r.DraggableControl = l.DraggableControl;
- var u = n(87099);
- r.Dropdown = u.Dropdown;
- var s = n(39473);
- r.Flex = s.Flex;
- var d = n(79646);
- r.Grid = d.Grid;
- var C = n(4454);
- r.Interactive = C.Interactive;
- var h = n(91225);
- r.Image = h.Image;
- var v = n(60218);
- r.DmIcon = v.DmIcon;
- var p = n(1331);
- r.Icon = p.Icon;
- var N = n(79825);
- r.ImageButton = N.ImageButton;
- var V = n(79652);
- r.Input = V.Input;
- var S = n(76334);
- r.Knob = S.Knob;
- var I = n(78621);
- r.LabeledControls = I.LabeledControls;
- var L = n(29319);
- r.LabeledList = L.LabeledList;
- var w = n(36077);
- r.Modal = w.Modal;
- var A = n(73280);
- r.NanoMap = A.NanoMap;
- var x = n(74733);
- r.NoticeBox = x.NoticeBox;
- var E = n(59263);
- r.NumberInput = E.NumberInput;
- var P = n(33337);
- r.Pointer = P.Pointer;
- var D = n(50186);
- r.Popper = D.Popper;
- var M = n(92704);
- r.ProgressBar = M.ProgressBar;
- var R = n(9075);
- r.RestrictedInput = R.RestrictedInput;
- var O = n(11441);
- r.RoundGauge = O.RoundGauge;
- var F = n(97079);
- r.Section = F.Section;
- var _ = n(79911);
- r.Slider = _.Slider;
- var U = n(96690);
- r.Stack = U.Stack;
- var z = n(36352);
- r.Table = z.Table;
- var $ = n(85138);
- r.Tabs = $.Tabs;
- var G = n(44868);
- r.TextArea = G.TextArea;
- var X = n(5169);
- r.TimeDisplay = X.TimeDisplay;
- var J = n(62147);
- r.Tooltip = J.Tooltip;
- },
- 76910: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.timeAgo =
- r.getGasLabel =
- r.getGasColor =
- r.UI_CLOSE =
- r.COLORS =
- void 0);
- var n = (r.UI_INTERACTIVE = 2),
- e = (r.UI_UPDATE = 1),
- a = (r.UI_DISABLED = 0),
- t = (r.UI_CLOSE = -1),
- o = (r.COLORS = {
- department: {
- command: '#526aff',
- security: '#CF0000',
- medical: '#009190',
- science: '#993399',
- engineering: '#A66300',
- supply: '#9F8545',
- service: '#80A000',
- centcom: '#78789B',
- other: '#C38312',
- },
- damageType: { oxy: '#3498db', toxin: '#2ecc71', burn: '#e67e22', brute: '#e74c3c' },
- }),
- f = (r.CSS_COLORS = [
- 'black',
- 'white',
- 'red',
- 'orange',
- 'yellow',
- 'olive',
- 'green',
- 'teal',
- 'blue',
- 'violet',
- 'purple',
- 'pink',
- 'brown',
- 'grey',
- 'good',
- 'average',
- 'bad',
- 'label',
- ]),
- b = (r.RADIO_CHANNELS = [
- { name: 'Syndicate', freq: 1213, color: '#a52a2a' },
- { name: 'SyndTeam', freq: 1244, color: '#a52a2a' },
- { name: 'Red Team', freq: 1215, color: '#ff4444' },
- { name: 'Blue Team', freq: 1217, color: '#3434fd' },
- { name: 'Response Team', freq: 1345, color: '#2681a5' },
- { name: 'Special Ops', freq: 1341, color: '#2681a5' },
- { name: 'Supply', freq: 1347, color: '#b88646' },
- { name: 'Service', freq: 1349, color: '#6ca729' },
- { name: 'Science', freq: 1351, color: '#c68cfa' },
- { name: 'Command', freq: 1353, color: '#5177ff' },
- { name: 'Procedure', freq: 1339, color: '#F70285' },
- { name: 'Medical', freq: 1355, color: '#57b8f0' },
- { name: 'Medical(I)', freq: 1485, color: '#57b8f0' },
- { name: 'Engineering', freq: 1357, color: '#f37746' },
- { name: 'Security', freq: 1359, color: '#dd3535' },
- { name: 'Security(I)', freq: 1475, color: '#dd3535' },
- { name: 'AI Private', freq: 1343, color: '#d65d95' },
- { name: 'Common', freq: 1459, color: '#1ecc43' },
- ]),
- y = [
- { id: 'o2', name: 'Oxygen', label: 'O\u2082', color: 'blue' },
- { id: 'n2', name: 'Nitrogen', label: 'N\u2082', color: 'red' },
- { id: 'co2', name: 'Carbon Dioxide', label: 'CO\u2082', color: 'grey' },
- { id: 'plasma', name: 'Plasma', label: 'Plasma', color: 'pink' },
- { id: 'water_vapor', name: 'Water Vapor', label: 'H\u2082O', color: 'grey' },
- { id: 'nob', name: 'Hyper-noblium', label: 'Hyper-nob', color: 'teal' },
- { id: 'n2o', name: 'Nitrous Oxide', label: 'N\u2082O', color: 'red' },
- { id: 'no2', name: 'Nitryl', label: 'NO\u2082', color: 'brown' },
- { id: 'tritium', name: 'Tritium', label: 'Tritium', color: 'green' },
- { id: 'bz', name: 'BZ', label: 'BZ', color: 'purple' },
- { id: 'stim', name: 'Stimulum', label: 'Stimulum', color: 'purple' },
- { id: 'pluox', name: 'Pluoxium', label: 'Pluoxium', color: 'blue' },
- { id: 'miasma', name: 'Miasma', label: 'Miasma', color: 'olive' },
- { id: 'hydrogen', name: 'Hydrogen', label: 'H\u2082', color: 'white' },
- { id: 'ab', name: 'Agent B', label: 'Agent B', color: 'purple' },
- ],
- B = (r.getGasLabel = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- var l = String(c).toLowerCase(),
- u = y.find(function (s) {
- return s.id === l || s.name.toLowerCase() === l;
- });
- return (u && u.label) || m || c;
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- k = (r.getGasColor = (function () {
- function i(c) {
- var m = String(c).toLowerCase(),
- l = y.find(function (u) {
- return u.id === m || u.name.toLowerCase() === m;
- });
- return l && l.color;
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- g = (r.timeAgo = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- if (c > m) return 'in the future';
- (c = c / 10), (m = m / 10);
- var l = m - c;
- if (l > 3600) {
- var u = Math.round(l / 3600);
- return u + ' hour' + (u === 1 ? '' : 's') + ' ago';
- } else if (l > 60) {
- var s = Math.round(l / 60);
- return s + ' minute' + (s === 1 ? '' : 's') + ' ago';
- } else {
- var d = Math.round(l);
- return d + ' second' + (d === 1 ? '' : 's') + ' ago';
- }
- return 'just now';
- }
- return i;
- })());
- },
- 40944: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.KitchenSink = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var f = n(4085),
- b = function () {
- return f.keys().map(function (k) {
- return f(k);
- });
- },
- y = (r.KitchenSink = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = k.panel,
- c = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'kitchenSinkTheme'),
- m = c[0],
- l = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'pageIndex', 0),
- u = l[0],
- s = l[1],
- d = b(),
- C = d[u],
- h = i ? o.Pane : o.Window;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, {
- title: 'Kitchen Sink',
- width: 600,
- height: 500,
- theme: m,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- height: '100%',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- m: 1,
- mr: 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- fitted: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: d.map(function (v, p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- color: 'transparent',
- selected: p === u,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s(p);
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- children: v.meta.title,
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- position: 'relative',
- grow: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: C.meta.render(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 77384: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.toggleKitchenSink = r.toggleDebugLayout = r.openExternalBrowser = void 0);
- var e = n(85307);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var a = (r.toggleKitchenSink = (0, e.createAction)('debug/toggleKitchenSink')),
- t = (r.toggleDebugLayout = (0, e.createAction)('debug/toggleDebugLayout')),
- o = (r.openExternalBrowser = (0, e.createAction)('debug/openExternalBrowser'));
- },
- 92731: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.useDebug = void 0);
- var e = n(85307),
- a = n(27709);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.useDebug = (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return (0, e.useSelector)(f, a.selectDebug);
- }
- return o;
- })());
- },
- 99851: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.useDebug = r.relayMiddleware = r.debugReducer = r.debugMiddleware = r.KitchenSink = void 0);
- var e = n(92731);
- r.useDebug = e.useDebug;
- var a = n(40944);
- r.KitchenSink = a.KitchenSink;
- var t = n(3583);
- (r.debugMiddleware = t.debugMiddleware), (r.relayMiddleware = t.relayMiddleware);
- var o = n(19147);
- r.debugReducer = o.debugReducer;
- },
- 3583: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.relayMiddleware = r.debugMiddleware = void 0);
- var e = n(92986),
- a = n(24826),
- t = n(56518),
- o = n(77384);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var f = ['backend/update', 'chat/message'],
- b = (r.debugMiddleware = (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return (
- (0, t.acquireHotKey)(e.KEY_F11),
- (0, t.acquireHotKey)(e.KEY_F12),
- a.globalEvents.on('keydown', function (g) {
- g.code === e.KEY_F11 && k.dispatch((0, o.toggleDebugLayout)()),
- g.code === e.KEY_F12 && k.dispatch((0, o.toggleKitchenSink)()),
- g.ctrl &&
- g.alt &&
- g.code === e.KEY_BACKSPACE &&
- setTimeout(function () {
- throw new Error(
- 'OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! UwU We made a fucky wucky!! A wittle fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this!'
- );
- });
- }),
- function (g) {
- return function (i) {
- return g(i);
- };
- }
- );
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- y = (r.relayMiddleware = (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = n(7435),
- i = location.search === '?external';
- return (
- i
- ? g.subscribe(function (c) {
- var m = c.type,
- l = c.payload;
- m === 'relay' &&
- l.windowId === Byond.windowId &&
- k.dispatch(Object.assign({}, l.action, { relayed: !0 }));
- })
- : ((0, t.acquireHotKey)(e.KEY_F10),
- a.globalEvents.on('keydown', function (c) {
- c === e.KEY_F10 && k.dispatch((0, o.openExternalBrowser)());
- })),
- function (c) {
- return function (m) {
- var l = m.type,
- u = m.payload,
- s = m.relayed;
- if (l === o.openExternalBrowser.type) {
- window.open(location.href + '?external', '_blank');
- return;
- }
- return (
- f.includes(l) &&
- !s &&
- !i &&
- g.sendMessage({ type: 'relay', payload: { windowId: Byond.windowId, action: m } }),
- c(m)
- );
- };
- }
- );
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 19147: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.debugReducer = void 0);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = (r.debugReducer = (function () {
- function e(a, t) {
- a === void 0 && (a = {});
- var o = t.type,
- f = t.payload;
- return o === 'debug/toggleKitchenSink'
- ? Object.assign({}, a, { kitchenSink: !a.kitchenSink })
- : o === 'debug/toggleDebugLayout'
- ? Object.assign({}, a, { debugLayout: !a.debugLayout })
- : a;
- }
- return e;
- })());
- },
- 27709: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.selectDebug = void 0);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = (r.selectDebug = (function () {
- function e(a) {
- return a.debug;
- }
- return e;
- })());
- },
- 35421: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.storeWindowGeometry =
- r.setupDrag =
- r.setWindowSize =
- r.setWindowPosition =
- r.setWindowKey =
- r.resizeStartHandler =
- r.recallWindowGeometry =
- r.getWindowSize =
- r.getWindowPosition =
- r.getScreenSize =
- r.getScreenPosition =
- r.dragStartHandler =
- void 0);
- var e = n(27108),
- a = n(97450),
- t = n(9394);
- function o() {
- 'use strict';
- /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */ o =
- function () {
- return F;
- };
- var O,
- F = {},
- _ = Object.prototype,
- U = _.hasOwnProperty,
- z =
- Object.defineProperty ||
- function (ye, de, he) {
- ye[de] = he.value;
- },
- $ = typeof Symbol == 'function' ? Symbol : {},
- G = $.iterator || '@@iterator',
- X = $.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator',
- J = $.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag';
- function se(ye, de, he) {
- return (
- Object.defineProperty(ye, de, { value: he, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), ye[de]
- );
- }
- try {
- se({}, '');
- } catch (ye) {
- se = function (he, ke, ve) {
- return (he[ke] = ve);
- };
- }
- function ie(ye, de, he, ke) {
- var ve = de && de.prototype instanceof ne ? de : ne,
- Se = Object.create(ve.prototype),
- Pe = new Re(ke || []);
- return z(Se, '_invoke', { value: be(ye, he, Pe) }), Se;
- }
- function me(ye, de, he) {
- try {
- return { type: 'normal', arg: ye.call(de, he) };
- } catch (ke) {
- return { type: 'throw', arg: ke };
- }
- }
- F.wrap = ie;
- var q = 'suspendedStart',
- re = 'suspendedYield',
- ae = 'executing',
- le = 'completed',
- Z = {};
- function ne() {}
- function te() {}
- function fe() {}
- var pe = {};
- se(pe, G, function () {
- return this;
- });
- var ce = Object.getPrototypeOf,
- Ve = ce && ce(ce(He([])));
- Ve && Ve !== _ && U.call(Ve, G) && (pe = Ve);
- var Ce = (fe.prototype = ne.prototype = Object.create(pe));
- function Ne(ye) {
- ['next', 'throw', 'return'].forEach(function (de) {
- se(ye, de, function (he) {
- return this._invoke(de, he);
- });
- });
- }
- function Be(ye, de) {
- function he(ve, Se, Pe, je) {
- var Fe = me(ye[ve], ye, Se);
- if (Fe.type !== 'throw') {
- var ze = Fe.arg,
- We = ze.value;
- return We && typeof We == 'object' && U.call(We, '__await')
- ? de.resolve(We.__await).then(
- function (Ue) {
- he('next', Ue, Pe, je);
- },
- function (Ue) {
- he('throw', Ue, Pe, je);
- }
- )
- : de.resolve(We).then(
- function (Ue) {
- (ze.value = Ue), Pe(ze);
- },
- function (Ue) {
- return he('throw', Ue, Pe, je);
- }
- );
- }
- je(Fe.arg);
- }
- var ke;
- z(this, '_invoke', {
- value: (function () {
- function ve(Se, Pe) {
- function je() {
- return new de(function (Fe, ze) {
- he(Se, Pe, Fe, ze);
- });
- }
- return (ke = ke ? ke.then(je, je) : je());
- }
- return ve;
- })(),
- });
- }
- function be(ye, de, he) {
- var ke = q;
- return function (ve, Se) {
- if (ke === ae) throw Error('Generator is already running');
- if (ke === le) {
- if (ve === 'throw') throw Se;
- return { value: O, done: !0 };
- }
- for (he.method = ve, he.arg = Se; ; ) {
- var Pe = he.delegate;
- if (Pe) {
- var je = Le(Pe, he);
- if (je) {
- if (je === Z) continue;
- return je;
- }
- }
- if (he.method === 'next') he.sent = he._sent = he.arg;
- else if (he.method === 'throw') {
- if (ke === q) throw ((ke = le), he.arg);
- he.dispatchException(he.arg);
- } else he.method === 'return' && he.abrupt('return', he.arg);
- ke = ae;
- var Fe = me(ye, de, he);
- if (Fe.type === 'normal') {
- if (((ke = he.done ? le : re), Fe.arg === Z)) continue;
- return { value: Fe.arg, done: he.done };
- }
- Fe.type === 'throw' && ((ke = le), (he.method = 'throw'), (he.arg = Fe.arg));
- }
- };
- }
- function Le(ye, de) {
- var he = de.method,
- ke = ye.iterator[he];
- if (ke === O)
- return (
- (de.delegate = null),
- (he === 'throw' &&
- ye.iterator.return &&
- ((de.method = 'return'), (de.arg = O), Le(ye, de), de.method === 'throw')) ||
- (he !== 'return' &&
- ((de.method = 'throw'),
- (de.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + he + "' method")))),
- Z
- );
- var ve = me(ke, ye.iterator, de.arg);
- if (ve.type === 'throw') return (de.method = 'throw'), (de.arg = ve.arg), (de.delegate = null), Z;
- var Se = ve.arg;
- return Se
- ? Se.done
- ? ((de[ye.resultName] = Se.value),
- (de.next = ye.nextLoc),
- de.method !== 'return' && ((de.method = 'next'), (de.arg = O)),
- (de.delegate = null),
- Z)
- : Se
- : ((de.method = 'throw'),
- (de.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object')),
- (de.delegate = null),
- Z);
- }
- function we(ye) {
- var de = { tryLoc: ye[0] };
- 1 in ye && (de.catchLoc = ye[1]),
- 2 in ye && ((de.finallyLoc = ye[2]), (de.afterLoc = ye[3])),
- this.tryEntries.push(de);
- }
- function xe(ye) {
- var de = ye.completion || {};
- (de.type = 'normal'), delete de.arg, (ye.completion = de);
- }
- function Re(ye) {
- (this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }]), ye.forEach(we, this), this.reset(!0);
- }
- function He(ye) {
- if (ye || ye === '') {
- var de = ye[G];
- if (de) return de.call(ye);
- if (typeof ye.next == 'function') return ye;
- if (!isNaN(ye.length)) {
- var he = -1,
- ke = (function () {
- function ve() {
- for (; ++he < ye.length; ) if (U.call(ye, he)) return (ve.value = ye[he]), (ve.done = !1), ve;
- return (ve.value = O), (ve.done = !0), ve;
- }
- return ve;
- })();
- return (ke.next = ke);
- }
- }
- throw new TypeError(typeof ye + ' is not iterable');
- }
- return (
- (te.prototype = fe),
- z(Ce, 'constructor', { value: fe, configurable: !0 }),
- z(fe, 'constructor', { value: te, configurable: !0 }),
- (te.displayName = se(fe, J, 'GeneratorFunction')),
- (F.isGeneratorFunction = function (ye) {
- var de = typeof ye == 'function' && ye.constructor;
- return !!de && (de === te || (de.displayName || de.name) === 'GeneratorFunction');
- }),
- (F.mark = function (ye) {
- return (
- Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf(ye, fe)
- : ((ye.__proto__ = fe), se(ye, J, 'GeneratorFunction')),
- (ye.prototype = Object.create(Ce)),
- ye
- );
- }),
- (F.awrap = function (ye) {
- return { __await: ye };
- }),
- Ne(Be.prototype),
- se(Be.prototype, X, function () {
- return this;
- }),
- (F.AsyncIterator = Be),
- (F.async = function (ye, de, he, ke, ve) {
- ve === void 0 && (ve = Promise);
- var Se = new Be(ie(ye, de, he, ke), ve);
- return F.isGeneratorFunction(de)
- ? Se
- : Se.next().then(function (Pe) {
- return Pe.done ? Pe.value : Se.next();
- });
- }),
- Ne(Ce),
- se(Ce, J, 'Generator'),
- se(Ce, G, function () {
- return this;
- }),
- se(Ce, 'toString', function () {
- return '[object Generator]';
- }),
- (F.keys = function (ye) {
- var de = Object(ye),
- he = [];
- for (var ke in de) he.push(ke);
- return (
- he.reverse(),
- (function () {
- function ve() {
- for (; he.length; ) {
- var Se = he.pop();
- if (Se in de) return (ve.value = Se), (ve.done = !1), ve;
- }
- return (ve.done = !0), ve;
- }
- return ve;
- })()
- );
- }),
- (F.values = He),
- (Re.prototype = {
- constructor: Re,
- reset: (function () {
- function ye(de) {
- if (
- ((this.prev = 0),
- (this.next = 0),
- (this.sent = this._sent = O),
- (this.done = !1),
- (this.delegate = null),
- (this.method = 'next'),
- (this.arg = O),
- this.tryEntries.forEach(xe),
- !de)
- )
- for (var he in this)
- he.charAt(0) === 't' && U.call(this, he) && !isNaN(+he.slice(1)) && (this[he] = O);
- }
- return ye;
- })(),
- stop: (function () {
- function ye() {
- this.done = !0;
- var de = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
- if (de.type === 'throw') throw de.arg;
- return this.rval;
- }
- return ye;
- })(),
- dispatchException: (function () {
- function ye(de) {
- if (this.done) throw de;
- var he = this;
- function ke(ze, We) {
- return (
- (Pe.type = 'throw'),
- (Pe.arg = de),
- (he.next = ze),
- We && ((he.method = 'next'), (he.arg = O)),
- !!We
- );
- }
- for (var ve = this.tryEntries.length - 1; ve >= 0; --ve) {
- var Se = this.tryEntries[ve],
- Pe = Se.completion;
- if (Se.tryLoc === 'root') return ke('end');
- if (Se.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
- var je = U.call(Se, 'catchLoc'),
- Fe = U.call(Se, 'finallyLoc');
- if (je && Fe) {
- if (this.prev < Se.catchLoc) return ke(Se.catchLoc, !0);
- if (this.prev < Se.finallyLoc) return ke(Se.finallyLoc);
- } else if (je) {
- if (this.prev < Se.catchLoc) return ke(Se.catchLoc, !0);
- } else {
- if (!Fe) throw Error('try statement without catch or finally');
- if (this.prev < Se.finallyLoc) return ke(Se.finallyLoc);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ye;
- })(),
- abrupt: (function () {
- function ye(de, he) {
- for (var ke = this.tryEntries.length - 1; ke >= 0; --ke) {
- var ve = this.tryEntries[ke];
- if (ve.tryLoc <= this.prev && U.call(ve, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < ve.finallyLoc) {
- var Se = ve;
- break;
- }
- }
- Se &&
- (de === 'break' || de === 'continue') &&
- Se.tryLoc <= he &&
- he <= Se.finallyLoc &&
- (Se = null);
- var Pe = Se ? Se.completion : {};
- return (
- (Pe.type = de),
- (Pe.arg = he),
- Se ? ((this.method = 'next'), (this.next = Se.finallyLoc), Z) : this.complete(Pe)
- );
- }
- return ye;
- })(),
- complete: (function () {
- function ye(de, he) {
- if (de.type === 'throw') throw de.arg;
- return (
- de.type === 'break' || de.type === 'continue'
- ? (this.next = de.arg)
- : de.type === 'return'
- ? ((this.rval = this.arg = de.arg), (this.method = 'return'), (this.next = 'end'))
- : de.type === 'normal' && he && (this.next = he),
- Z
- );
- }
- return ye;
- })(),
- finish: (function () {
- function ye(de) {
- for (var he = this.tryEntries.length - 1; he >= 0; --he) {
- var ke = this.tryEntries[he];
- if (ke.finallyLoc === de) return this.complete(ke.completion, ke.afterLoc), xe(ke), Z;
- }
- }
- return ye;
- })(),
- catch: (function () {
- function ye(de) {
- for (var he = this.tryEntries.length - 1; he >= 0; --he) {
- var ke = this.tryEntries[he];
- if (ke.tryLoc === de) {
- var ve = ke.completion;
- if (ve.type === 'throw') {
- var Se = ve.arg;
- xe(ke);
- }
- return Se;
- }
- }
- throw Error('illegal catch attempt');
- }
- return ye;
- })(),
- delegateYield: (function () {
- function ye(de, he, ke) {
- return (
- (this.delegate = { iterator: He(de), resultName: he, nextLoc: ke }),
- this.method === 'next' && (this.arg = O),
- Z
- );
- }
- return ye;
- })(),
- }),
- F
- );
- }
- function f(O, F, _, U, z, $, G) {
- try {
- var X = O[$](G),
- J = X.value;
- } catch (se) {
- return void _(se);
- }
- X.done ? F(J) : Promise.resolve(J).then(U, z);
- }
- function b(O) {
- return function () {
- var F = this,
- _ = arguments;
- return new Promise(function (U, z) {
- var $ = O.apply(F, _);
- function G(J) {
- f($, U, z, G, X, 'next', J);
- }
- function X(J) {
- f($, U, z, G, X, 'throw', J);
- }
- G(void 0);
- });
- };
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var y = (0, t.createLogger)('drag'),
- B = Byond.windowId,
- k = !1,
- g = !1,
- i = [0, 0],
- c,
- m,
- l,
- u,
- s,
- d = (r.setWindowKey = (function () {
- function O(F) {
- B = F;
- }
- return O;
- })()),
- C = (r.getWindowPosition = (function () {
- function O() {
- return [window.screenLeft, window.screenTop];
- }
- return O;
- })()),
- h = (r.getWindowSize = (function () {
- function O() {
- return [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight];
- }
- return O;
- })()),
- v = (r.setWindowPosition = (function () {
- function O(F) {
- var _ = (0, a.vecAdd)(F, i);
- return Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { pos: _[0] + ',' + _[1] });
- }
- return O;
- })()),
- p = (r.setWindowSize = (function () {
- function O(F) {
- return Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { size: F[0] + 'x' + F[1] });
- }
- return O;
- })()),
- N = (r.getScreenPosition = (function () {
- function O() {
- return [0 - i[0], 0 - i[1]];
- }
- return O;
- })()),
- V = (r.getScreenSize = (function () {
- function O() {
- return [window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.availHeight];
- }
- return O;
- })()),
- S = function (F, _, U) {
- U === void 0 && (U = 50);
- for (var z = [_], $, G = 0; G < F.length; G++) {
- var X = F[G];
- X !== _ && (z.length < U ? z.push(X) : ($ = X));
- }
- return [z, $];
- },
- I = (r.storeWindowGeometry = (function () {
- var O = b(
- o().mark(
- (function () {
- function F() {
- var _, U, z, $;
- return o().wrap(
- (function () {
- function G(X) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((X.prev = X.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (
- y.log('storing geometry'),
- (_ = { pos: C(), size: h() }),
- e.storage.set(B, _),
- (X.t0 = S),
- (X.next = 6),
- e.storage.get('geometries')
- );
- case 6:
- if (((X.t1 = X.sent), X.t1)) {
- X.next = 9;
- break;
- }
- X.t1 = [];
- case 9:
- (X.t2 = X.t1),
- (X.t3 = B),
- (U = (0, X.t0)(X.t2, X.t3)),
- (z = U[0]),
- ($ = U[1]),
- $ && e.storage.remove($),
- e.storage.set('geometries', z);
- case 16:
- case 'end':
- return X.stop();
- }
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- F
- );
- }
- return F;
- })()
- )
- );
- return (function () {
- function F() {
- return O.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return F;
- })();
- })()),
- L = (r.recallWindowGeometry = (function () {
- var O = b(
- o().mark(
- (function () {
- function F(_) {
- var U, z, $, G;
- return o().wrap(
- (function () {
- function X(J) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((J.prev = J.next)) {
- case 0:
- if ((_ === void 0 && (_ = {}), (J.t0 = _.fancy), !J.t0)) {
- J.next = 6;
- break;
- }
- return (J.next = 5), e.storage.get(B);
- case 5:
- J.t0 = J.sent;
- case 6:
- return (
- (U = J.t0),
- U && y.log('recalled geometry:', U),
- (z = (U == null ? void 0 : U.pos) || _.pos),
- ($ = _.size),
- (J.next = 12),
- c
- );
- case 12:
- (G = [window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.availHeight]),
- $ && (($ = [Math.min(G[0], $[0]), Math.min(G[1], $[1])]), p($)),
- z
- ? ($ && _.locked && (z = A(z, $)[1]), v(z))
- : $ &&
- ((z = (0, a.vecAdd)(
- (0, a.vecScale)(G, 0.5),
- (0, a.vecScale)($, -0.5),
- (0, a.vecScale)(i, -1)
- )),
- v(z));
- case 15:
- case 'end':
- return J.stop();
- }
- }
- return X;
- })(),
- F
- );
- }
- return F;
- })()
- )
- );
- return (function () {
- function F(_) {
- return O.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return F;
- })();
- })()),
- w = (r.setupDrag = (function () {
- var O = b(
- o().mark(
- (function () {
- function F() {
- return o().wrap(
- (function () {
- function _(U) {
- for (;;)
- switch ((U.prev = U.next)) {
- case 0:
- return (
- (c = Byond.winget(Byond.windowId, 'pos').then(function (z) {
- return [z.x - window.screenLeft, z.y - window.screenTop];
- })),
- (U.next = 3),
- c
- );
- case 3:
- (i = U.sent), y.debug('screen offset', i);
- case 5:
- case 'end':
- return U.stop();
- }
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- F
- );
- }
- return F;
- })()
- )
- );
- return (function () {
- function F() {
- return O.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return F;
- })();
- })()),
- A = function (F, _) {
- for (var U = N(), z = V(), $ = [F[0], F[1]], G = !1, X = 0; X < 2; X++) {
- var J = U[X],
- se = U[X] + z[X];
- F[X] < J ? (($[X] = J), (G = !0)) : F[X] + _[X] > se && (($[X] = se - _[X]), (G = !0));
- }
- return [G, $];
- },
- x = (r.dragStartHandler = (function () {
- function O(F) {
- y.log('drag start'),
- (k = !0),
- (m = [window.screenLeft - F.screenX, window.screenTop - F.screenY]),
- document.addEventListener('mousemove', P),
- document.addEventListener('mouseup', E),
- P(F);
- }
- return O;
- })()),
- E = function O(F) {
- y.log('drag end'),
- P(F),
- document.removeEventListener('mousemove', P),
- document.removeEventListener('mouseup', O),
- (k = !1),
- I();
- },
- P = function (F) {
- k && (F.preventDefault(), v((0, a.vecAdd)([F.screenX, F.screenY], m)));
- },
- D = (r.resizeStartHandler = (function () {
- function O(F, _) {
- return function (U) {
- (l = [F, _]),
- y.log('resize start', l),
- (g = !0),
- (m = [window.screenLeft - U.screenX, window.screenTop - U.screenY]),
- (u = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight]),
- document.addEventListener('mousemove', R),
- document.addEventListener('mouseup', M),
- R(U);
- };
- }
- return O;
- })()),
- M = function O(F) {
- y.log('resize end', s),
- R(F),
- document.removeEventListener('mousemove', R),
- document.removeEventListener('mouseup', O),
- (g = !1),
- I();
- },
- R = function (F) {
- g &&
- (F.preventDefault(),
- (s = (0, a.vecAdd)(
- u,
- (0, a.vecMultiply)(
- l,
- (0, a.vecAdd)(
- [F.screenX, F.screenY],
- (0, a.vecInverse)([window.screenLeft, window.screenTop]),
- m,
- [1, 1]
- )
- )
- )),
- (s[0] = Math.max(s[0], 150)),
- (s[1] = Math.max(s[1], 50)),
- p(s));
- };
- },
- 24826: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.setupGlobalEvents =
- r.removeScrollableNode =
- r.globalEvents =
- r.canStealFocus =
- r.addScrollableNode =
- r.KeyEvent =
- void 0);
- var e = n(92868),
- a = n(92986);
- /**
- * Normalized browser focus events and BYOND-specific focus helpers.
- *
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.globalEvents = new e.EventEmitter()),
- o = !1,
- f = (r.setupGlobalEvents = (function () {
- function p(N) {
- N === void 0 && (N = {}), (o = !!N.ignoreWindowFocus);
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- b,
- y = !0,
- B = function p(N, V) {
- if (o) {
- y = !0;
- return;
- }
- if ((b && (clearTimeout(b), (b = null)), V)) {
- b = setTimeout(function () {
- return p(N);
- });
- return;
- }
- y !== N && ((y = N), t.emit(N ? 'window-focus' : 'window-blur'), t.emit('window-focus-change', N));
- },
- k = null,
- g = (r.canStealFocus = (function () {
- function p(N) {
- var V = String(N.tagName).toLowerCase();
- return V === 'input' || V === 'textarea';
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- i = function (N) {
- c(), (k = N), k.addEventListener('blur', c);
- },
- c = function p() {
- k && (k.removeEventListener('blur', p), (k = null));
- },
- m = null,
- l = null,
- u = [],
- s = (r.addScrollableNode = (function () {
- function p(N) {
- u.push(N);
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- d = (r.removeScrollableNode = (function () {
- function p(N) {
- var V = u.indexOf(N);
- V >= 0 && u.splice(V, 1);
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- C = function (N) {
- if (!(k || !y))
- for (var V = document.body; N && N !== V; ) {
- if (u.includes(N)) {
- if (N.contains(m)) return;
- (m = N), N.focus();
- return;
- }
- N = N.parentNode;
- }
- };
- window.addEventListener('mousemove', function (p) {
- var N = p.target;
- N !== l && ((l = N), C(N));
- }),
- window.addEventListener('focusin', function (p) {
- if (((l = null), (m = p.target), B(!0), g(p.target))) {
- i(p.target);
- return;
- }
- }),
- window.addEventListener('focusout', function (p) {
- (l = null), B(!1, !0);
- }),
- window.addEventListener('blur', function (p) {
- (l = null), B(!1, !0);
- }),
- window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function (p) {
- B(!1);
- });
- var h = {},
- v = (r.KeyEvent = (function () {
- function p(V, S, I) {
- (this.event = V),
- (this.type = S),
- (this.code = window.event ? V.which : V.keyCode),
- (this.ctrl = V.ctrlKey),
- (this.shift = V.shiftKey),
- (this.alt = V.altKey),
- (this.repeat = !!I);
- }
- var N = p.prototype;
- return (
- (N.hasModifierKeys = (function () {
- function V() {
- return this.ctrl || this.alt || this.shift;
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- (N.isModifierKey = (function () {
- function V() {
- return this.code === a.KEY_CTRL || this.code === a.KEY_SHIFT || this.code === a.KEY_ALT;
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- (N.isDown = (function () {
- function V() {
- return this.type === 'keydown';
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- (N.isUp = (function () {
- function V() {
- return this.type === 'keyup';
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- (N.toString = (function () {
- function V() {
- return this._str
- ? this._str
- : ((this._str = ''),
- this.ctrl && (this._str += 'Ctrl+'),
- this.alt && (this._str += 'Alt+'),
- this.shift && (this._str += 'Shift+'),
- this.code >= 48 && this.code <= 90
- ? (this._str += String.fromCharCode(this.code))
- : this.code >= a.KEY_F1 && this.code <= a.KEY_F12
- ? (this._str += 'F' + (this.code - 111))
- : (this._str += '[' + this.code + ']'),
- this._str);
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- p
- );
- })());
- document.addEventListener('keydown', function (p) {
- if (!g(p.target)) {
- var N = p.keyCode,
- V = new v(p, 'keydown', h[N]);
- t.emit('keydown', V), t.emit('key', V), (h[N] = !0);
- }
- }),
- document.addEventListener('keyup', function (p) {
- if (!g(p.target)) {
- var N = p.keyCode,
- V = new v(p, 'keyup');
- t.emit('keyup', V), t.emit('key', V), (h[N] = !1);
- }
- });
- },
- 87695: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.focusWindow = r.focusMap = void 0);
- /**
- * Various focus helpers.
- *
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = (r.focusMap = (function () {
- function a() {
- Byond.winset('paramapwindow.map', { focus: !0 });
- }
- return a;
- })()),
- e = (r.focusWindow = (function () {
- function a() {
- Byond.winset(Byond.windowId, { focus: !0 });
- }
- return a;
- })());
- },
- 49968: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.formatSiUnit = r.formatPower = r.formatMoney = r.formatDb = void 0);
- var e = n(44879);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var a = ['f', 'p', 'n', '\u03BC', 'm', ' ', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'],
- t = a.indexOf(' '),
- o = (r.formatSiUnit = (function () {
- function B(k, g, i) {
- if ((g === void 0 && (g = -t), i === void 0 && (i = ''), typeof k != 'number' || !Number.isFinite(k)))
- return k;
- var c = Math.floor(Math.log10(k)),
- m = Math.floor(Math.max(g * 3, c)),
- l = Math.floor(c / 3),
- u = Math.floor(m / 3),
- s = (0, e.clamp)(t + u, 0, a.length),
- d = a[s],
- C = k / Math.pow(1e3, u),
- h = l > g ? 2 + u * 3 - m : 0,
- v = (0, e.toFixed)(C, h) + ' ' + d + i;
- return v.trim();
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- f = (r.formatPower = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- return g === void 0 && (g = 0), o(k, g, 'W');
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- b = (r.formatMoney = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- if ((g === void 0 && (g = 0), !Number.isFinite(k))) return k;
- var i = (0, e.round)(k, g);
- g > 0 && (i = (0, e.toFixed)(k, g)), (i = String(i));
- var c = i.length,
- m = i.indexOf('.');
- m === -1 && (m = c);
- for (var l = '', u = 0; u < c; u++)
- u > 0 && u < m && (m - u) % 3 === 0 && (l += '\u2009'), (l += i.charAt(u));
- return l;
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- y = (r.formatDb = (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = (20 * Math.log(k)) / Math.log(10),
- i = g >= 0 ? '+' : g < 0 ? '\u2013' : '',
- c = Math.abs(g);
- return c === 1 / 0 ? (c = 'Inf') : (c = (0, e.toFixed)(c, 2)), i + c + ' dB';
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 56518: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.setupHotKeys = r.releaseHotKey = r.releaseHeldKeys = r.acquireHotKey = void 0);
- var e = f(n(92986)),
- a = n(24826),
- t = n(9394);
- function o(s) {
- if (typeof WeakMap != 'function') return null;
- var d = new WeakMap(),
- C = new WeakMap();
- return (o = function (v) {
- return v ? C : d;
- })(s);
- }
- function f(s, d) {
- if (!d && s && s.__esModule) return s;
- if (s === null || (typeof s != 'object' && typeof s != 'function')) return { default: s };
- var C = o(d);
- if (C && C.has(s)) return C.get(s);
- var h = { __proto__: null },
- v = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
- for (var p in s)
- if (p !== 'default' && {}.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) {
- var N = v ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, p) : null;
- N && (N.get || N.set) ? Object.defineProperty(h, p, N) : (h[p] = s[p]);
- }
- return (h.default = s), C && C.set(s, h), h;
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var b = (0, t.createLogger)('hotkeys'),
- y = {},
- B = [
- e.KEY_TAB,
- e.KEY_UP,
- ],
- k = {},
- g = function (d) {
- if (d === 16) return 'Shift';
- if (d === 17) return 'Ctrl';
- if (d === 18) return 'Alt';
- if (d === 33) return 'Northeast';
- if (d === 34) return 'Southeast';
- if (d === 35) return 'Southwest';
- if (d === 36) return 'Northwest';
- if (d === 37) return 'West';
- if (d === 38) return 'North';
- if (d === 39) return 'East';
- if (d === 40) return 'South';
- if (d === 45) return 'Insert';
- if (d === 46) return 'Delete';
- if ((d >= 48 && d <= 57) || (d >= 65 && d <= 90)) return String.fromCharCode(d);
- if (d >= 96 && d <= 105) return 'Numpad' + (d - 96);
- if (d >= 112 && d <= 123) return 'F' + (d - 111);
- if (d === 188) return ',';
- if (d === 189) return '-';
- if (d === 190) return '.';
- },
- i = function (d) {
- var C = String(d);
- if (C === 'Ctrl+F5' || C === 'Ctrl+R') {
- location.reload();
- return;
- }
- if (C !== 'Ctrl+F' && !(d.event.defaultPrevented || d.isModifierKey() || B.includes(d.code))) {
- C === 'F5' && (d.event.preventDefault(), (d.event.returnValue = !1));
- var h = g(d.code);
- if (h) {
- var v = y[h];
- if (v) return b.debug('macro', v), Byond.command(v);
- if (d.isDown() && !k[h]) {
- k[h] = !0;
- var p = 'Key_Down "' + h + '"';
- return b.debug(p), Byond.command(p);
- }
- if (d.isUp() && k[h]) {
- k[h] = !1;
- var N = 'Key_Up "' + h + '"';
- return b.debug(N), Byond.command(N);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- c = (r.acquireHotKey = (function () {
- function s(d) {
- B.push(d);
- }
- return s;
- })()),
- m = (r.releaseHotKey = (function () {
- function s(d) {
- var C = B.indexOf(d);
- C >= 0 && B.splice(C, 1);
- }
- return s;
- })()),
- l = (r.releaseHeldKeys = (function () {
- function s() {
- for (var d = 0, C = Object.keys(k); d < C.length; d++) {
- var h = C[d];
- k[h] && ((k[h] = !1), b.log('releasing key "' + h + '"'), Byond.command('Key_Up "' + h + '"'));
- }
- }
- return s;
- })()),
- u = (r.setupHotKeys = (function () {
- function s() {
- Byond.winget('default.*').then(function (d) {
- for (var C = {}, h = 0, v = Object.keys(d); h < v.length; h++) {
- var p = v[h],
- N = p.split('.'),
- V = N[1],
- S = N[2];
- V && S && (C[V] || (C[V] = {}), (C[V][S] = d[p]));
- }
- for (
- var I = /\\"/g,
- L = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- return M.substring(1, M.length - 1).replace(I, '"');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- w = 0,
- A = Object.keys(C);
- w < A.length;
- w++
- ) {
- var x = A[w],
- E = C[x],
- P = L(E.name);
- y[P] = L(E.command);
- }
- b.debug('loaded macros', y);
- }),
- a.globalEvents.on('window-blur', function () {
- l();
- }),
- a.globalEvents.on('key', function (d) {
- i(d);
- });
- }
- return s;
- })());
- },
- 46085: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.fetchRetry = void 0);
- var n = (r.fetchRetry = (function () {
- function e(a, t, o) {
- return (
- o === void 0 && (o = 1e3),
- fetch(a, t).catch(function () {
- return new Promise(function (f) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- e(a, t, o).then(f);
- }, o);
- });
- })
- );
- }
- return e;
- })());
- },
- 26427: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.loadIconRefMap = void 0);
- var e = n(79140),
- a = n(46085),
- t = n(9394),
- o = (r.loadIconRefMap = (function () {
- function f() {
- Object.keys(Byond.iconRefMap).length > 0 ||
- (0, a.fetchRetry)((0, e.resolveAsset)('icon_ref_map.json'))
- .then(function (b) {
- return b.json();
- })
- .then(function (b) {
- return (Byond.iconRefMap = b);
- })
- .catch(function (b) {
- return t.logger.log(b);
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 1090: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AICard = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.AICard = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data;
- if (i.has_ai === 0)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 250,
- height: 120,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Stored AI',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'No AI detected.', 16),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- var c = null;
- return (
- i.integrity >= 75 ? (c = 'green') : i.integrity >= 25 ? (c = 'yellow') : (c = 'red'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 420,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: i.name,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Integrity',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- color: c,
- value: i.integrity / 100,
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'h2',
- null,
- i.flushing === 1 ? 'Wipe of AI in progress...' : '',
- 0
- ),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Laws',
- children:
- (!!i.has_laws &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: i.laws.map(function (m, l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: m }, l);
- }),
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'No laws detected.', 16),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Actions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Wireless Activity',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 10,
- icon: i.wireless ? 'check' : 'times',
- content: i.wireless ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- color: i.wireless ? 'green' : 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('wireless');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Subspace Transceiver',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 10,
- icon: i.radio ? 'check' : 'times',
- content: i.radio ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- color: i.radio ? 'green' : 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('radio');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Wipe',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- width: 10,
- icon: 'trash-alt',
- confirmIcon: 'trash-alt',
- disabled: i.flushing || i.integrity === 0,
- confirmColor: 'red',
- content: 'Wipe AI',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('wipe');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 39454: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AIFixer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.AIFixer = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data;
- if (i.occupant === null)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 550,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Stored AI',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'average',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'robot', size: 5, color: 'silver' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'No Artificial Intelligence detected.', 16),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- var c = !0;
- (i.stat === 2 || i.stat === null) && (c = !1);
- var m = null;
- i.integrity >= 75 ? (m = 'green') : i.integrity >= 25 ? (m = 'yellow') : (m = 'red');
- var l = !0;
- return (
- i.integrity >= 100 && i.stat !== 2 && (l = !1),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: i.occupant,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Integrity',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- color: m,
- value: i.integrity / 100,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- color: c ? 'green' : 'red',
- children: c ? 'Functional' : 'Non-Functional',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Laws',
- children:
- (!!i.has_laws &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: i.laws.map(function (u, s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, children: u }, s);
- }),
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'No laws detected.', 16),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Actions',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Wireless Activity',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: i.wireless ? 'times' : 'check',
- content: i.wireless ? 'Disabled' : 'Enabled',
- color: i.wireless ? 'red' : 'green',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('wireless');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Subspace Transceiver',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: i.radio ? 'times' : 'check',
- content: i.radio ? 'Disabled' : 'Enabled',
- color: i.radio ? 'red' : 'green',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('radio');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Start Repairs',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'wrench',
- disabled: !l || i.active,
- content: !l || i.active ? 'Already Repaired' : 'Repair',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('fix');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'green',
- lineHeight: 2,
- children: i.active ? 'Reconstruction in progress.' : '',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 88422: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.APC = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(195),
- b = (r.APC = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 510,
- height: 435,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- y = {
- 2: { color: 'good', externalPowerText: 'External Power', chargingText: 'Fully Charged' },
- 1: { color: 'average', externalPowerText: 'Low External Power', chargingText: 'Charging' },
- 0: { color: 'bad', externalPowerText: 'No External Power', chargingText: 'Not Charging' },
- },
- B = {
- 1: { icon: 'terminal', content: 'Override Programming', action: 'hack' },
- 2: { icon: 'caret-square-down', content: 'Shunt Core Process', action: 'occupy' },
- 3: { icon: 'caret-square-left', content: 'Return to Main Core', action: 'deoccupy' },
- 4: { icon: 'caret-square-down', content: 'Shunt Core Process', action: 'occupy' },
- },
- k = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.locked && !u.siliconUser,
- d = u.normallyLocked,
- C = y[u.externalPower] || y[0],
- h = y[u.chargingStatus] || y[0],
- v = u.powerChannels || [],
- p = B[u.malfStatus] || B[0],
- N = u.powerCellStatus / 100;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.InterfaceLockNoticeBox),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Power Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Main Breaker',
- color: C.color,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: u.isOperating ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: u.isOperating ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: u.isOperating && !s,
- color: u.isOperating ? '' : 'bad',
- disabled: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('breaker');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- children: ['[ ', C.externalPowerText, ' ]'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power Cell',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, { color: 'good', value: N }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Charge Mode',
- color: h.color,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: u.chargeMode ? 'sync' : 'times',
- content: u.chargeMode ? 'Auto' : 'Off',
- selected: u.chargeMode,
- disabled: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('charge');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- children: ['[ ', h.chargingText, ' ]'],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Power Channels',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- v.map(function (V) {
- var S = V.topicParams;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: V.title,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- mx: 2,
- color: V.status >= 2 ? 'good' : 'bad',
- children: V.status >= 2 ? 'On' : 'Off',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Auto',
- selected: !s && (V.status === 1 || V.status === 3),
- disabled: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('channel', S.auto);
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: 'On',
- selected: !s && V.status === 2,
- disabled: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('channel', S.on);
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Off',
- selected: !s && V.status === 0,
- disabled: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('channel', S.off);
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: [V.powerLoad, ' W'],
- },
- V.title
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Total Load',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, [u.totalLoad, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' W')], 0),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Misc',
- buttons:
- !!u.siliconUser &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- !!u.malfStatus &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: p.icon,
- content: p.content,
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l(p.action);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'lightbulb-o',
- content: 'Overload',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('overload');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cover Lock',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: 0.4,
- icon: u.coverLocked ? 'lock' : 'unlock',
- content: u.coverLocked ? 'Engaged' : 'Disengaged',
- disabled: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('cover');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Emergency Lighting',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'lightbulb-o',
- content: u.emergencyLights ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- disabled: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('emergency_lighting');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Night Shift Lighting',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mt: 0.4,
- icon: 'lightbulb-o',
- content: u.nightshiftLights ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('toggle_nightshift');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- };
- },
- 99660: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ATM = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.ATM = (function () {
- function m(l, u) {
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = C.view_screen,
- v = C.authenticated_account,
- p = C.ticks_left_locked_down,
- N = C.linked_db,
- V;
- if (p > 0)
- V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: !0,
- color: 'bad',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-triangle' }),
- 'Maximum number of pin attempts exceeded! Access to this ATM has been temporarily disabled.',
- ],
- });
- else if (!N)
- V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: !0,
- color: 'bad',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-triangle' }),
- 'Unable to connect to accounts database, please retry and if the issue persists contact Nanotrasen IT support.',
- ],
- });
- else if (v)
- switch (h) {
- case 1:
- V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
- break;
- case 2:
- V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
- break;
- case 3:
- V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
- break;
- default:
- V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
- }
- else V = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 550,
- height: 650,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { children: V }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return m;
- })()),
- b = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = C.machine_id,
- v = C.held_card_name;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Nanotrasen Automatic Teller Machine',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'For all your monetary needs!' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Card',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: v,
- icon: 'eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return d('insert_card');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- y = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = C.security_level;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Select a new security level for this account',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Level',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Account Number',
- icon: 'unlock',
- selected: h === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return d('change_security_level', { new_security_level: 1 });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Description',
- children:
- 'Either the account number or card is required to access this account. EFTPOS transactions will require a card.',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Level',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Account Pin',
- icon: 'unlock',
- selected: h === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return d('change_security_level', { new_security_level: 2 });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Description',
- children:
- 'An account number and pin must be manually entered to access this account and process transactions.',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'targetAccNumber', 0),
- v = h[0],
- p = h[1],
- N = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'fundsAmount', 0),
- V = N[0],
- S = N[1],
- I = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'purpose', 0),
- L = I[0],
- w = I[1],
- A = C.money;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Transfer Fund',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Balance',
- children: ['$', A],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Target Account Number',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- placeholder: '7 Digit Number',
- onInput: (function () {
- function x(E, P) {
- return p(P);
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Funds to Transfer',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- onInput: (function () {
- function x(E, P) {
- return S(P);
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Transaction Purpose',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- onInput: (function () {
- function x(E, P) {
- return w(P);
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Transfer',
- icon: 'sign-out-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return d('transfer', { target_acc_number: v, funds_amount: V, purpose: L });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- ],
- });
- },
- k = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'fundsAmount', 0),
- v = h[0],
- p = h[1],
- N = C.owner_name,
- V = C.money;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Welcome, ' + N,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Logout',
- icon: 'sign-out-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return d('logout');
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Balance',
- children: ['$', V],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Withdrawal Amount',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- onInput: (function () {
- function S(I, L) {
- return p(L);
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Withdraw Funds',
- icon: 'sign-out-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return d('withdrawal', { funds_amount: v });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Menu',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Change account security level',
- icon: 'lock',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return d('view_screen', { view_screen: 1 });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Make transfer',
- icon: 'exchange-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return d('view_screen', { view_screen: 2 });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'View transaction log',
- icon: 'list',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return d('view_screen', { view_screen: 3 });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Print balance statement',
- icon: 'print',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return d('balance_statement');
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- g = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'accountID', null),
- v = h[0],
- p = h[1],
- N = (0, a.useLocalState)(u, 'accountPin', null),
- V = N[0],
- S = N[1],
- I = C.machine_id,
- L = C.held_card_name;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Insert card or enter ID and pin to login',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account ID',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- placeholder: '6 Digit Number',
- onInput: (function () {
- function w(A, x) {
- return p(x);
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pin',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- placeholder: '6 Digit Number',
- onInput: (function () {
- function w(A, x) {
- return S(x);
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Login',
- icon: 'sign-in-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return d('attempt_auth', { account_num: v, account_pin: V });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- i = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = C.transaction_log;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Transactions',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Timestamp' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Reason' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Value' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Terminal' }),
- ],
- }),
- h.map(function (v) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: v.time }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: v.purpose }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- color: v.is_deposit ? 'green' : 'red',
- children: ['$', v.amount],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: v.target_name }),
- ],
- },
- v
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- ],
- });
- },
- c = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Back',
- icon: 'sign-out-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return d('view_screen', { view_screen: 0 });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- });
- };
- },
- 86423: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AccountsUplinkTerminal = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(36352),
- b = n(98595),
- y = n(321),
- B = n(5485),
- k = (r.AccountsUplinkTerminal = (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.loginState,
- I = V.currentPage,
- L;
- if (S.logged_in)
- I === 1
- ? (L = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i))
- : I === 2
- ? (L = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s))
- : I === 3 && (L = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d));
- else
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LoginScreen),
- }),
- }),
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LoginInfo),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, { fill: !0, scrollable: !0, children: L }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- g = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.data,
- V = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'tabIndex', 0),
- S = V[0],
- I = V[1],
- L = N.login_state;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- mb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'list',
- selected: S === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return I(0);
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- children: 'User Accounts',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'list',
- selected: S === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return I(1);
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- children: 'Department Accounts',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- i = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'tabIndex', 0),
- N = p[0];
- switch (N) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
- default:
- return "You are somehow on a tab that doesn't exist! Please let a coder know.";
- }
- },
- c = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.accounts,
- I = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'searchText', ''),
- L = I[0],
- w = I[1],
- A = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'sortId', 'owner_name'),
- x = A[0],
- E = A[1],
- P = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'sortOrder', !0),
- D = P[0],
- M = P[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'AccountsUplinkTerminal__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { id: 'owner_name', children: 'Account Holder' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { id: 'account_number', children: 'Account Number' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { id: 'suspended', children: 'Account Status' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { id: 'money', children: 'Account Balance' }),
- ],
- }),
- S.filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(L, function (R) {
- return R.owner_name + '|' + R.account_number + '|' + R.suspended + '|' + R.money;
- })
- )
- .sort(function (R, O) {
- var F = D ? 1 : -1;
- return R[x].localeCompare(O[x]) * F;
- })
- .map(function (R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- className: 'AccountsUplinkTerminal__listRow--' + R.suspended,
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return N('view_account_detail', { account_num: R.account_number });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'user' }),
- ' ',
- R.owner_name,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: ['#', R.account_number] }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: R.suspended }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: R.money }),
- ],
- },
- R.account_number
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- m = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.department_accounts;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'AccountsUplinkTerminal__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.TableCell, { children: 'Department Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.TableCell, { children: 'Account Number' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.TableCell, { children: 'Account Status' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.TableCell, { children: 'Account Balance' }),
- ],
- }),
- S.map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- className: 'AccountsUplinkTerminal__listRow--' + I.suspended,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('view_account_detail', { account_num: I.account_number });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'wallet' }), ' ', I.name],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: ['#', I.account_number] }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: I.suspended }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: I.money }),
- ],
- },
- I.account_number
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- l = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'sortId', 'name'),
- N = p[0],
- V = p[1],
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'sortOrder', !0),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = h.id,
- A = h.children;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: N !== w && 'transparent',
- width: '100%',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- N === w ? L(!I) : (V(w), L(!0));
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- children: [
- A,
- N === w &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: I ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- u = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.is_printing,
- I = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'searchText', ''),
- L = I[0],
- w = I[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'New Account',
- icon: 'plus',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('create_new_account');
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Search by account holder, number, status',
- width: '100%',
- onInput: (function () {
- function A(x, E) {
- return w(E);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- s = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.account_number,
- I = V.owner_name,
- L = V.money,
- w = V.suspended,
- A = V.transactions,
- x = V.account_pin,
- E = V.is_department_account;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: '#' + S + ' / ' + I,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- content: 'Back',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return N('back');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Number',
- children: ['#', S],
- }),
- !!E &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Account Pin', children: x }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Pin Actions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- ml: 1,
- icon: 'user-cog',
- content: 'Set New Pin',
- disabled: !!E,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return N('set_account_pin', { account_number: S });
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Account Holder', children: I }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Account Balance', children: L }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Status',
- color: w ? 'red' : 'green',
- children: [
- w ? 'Suspended' : 'Active',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- ml: 1,
- content: w ? 'Unsuspend' : 'Suspend',
- icon: w ? 'unlock' : 'lock',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return N('toggle_suspension');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Transactions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Timestamp' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Reason' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Value' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Terminal' }),
- ],
- }),
- A.map(function (P) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: P.time }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: P.purpose }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- color: P.is_deposit ? 'green' : 'red',
- children: ['$', P.amount],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: P.target_name }),
- ],
- },
- P
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- d = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, t.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'accName', ''),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(v, 'accDeposit', ''),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Create Account',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- content: 'Back',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('back');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Holder',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Name Here',
- onChange: (function () {
- function E(P, D) {
- return L(D);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Initial Deposit',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: '0',
- onChange: (function () {
- function E(P, D) {
- return x(D);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- mt: 1,
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Create Account',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('finalise_create_account', { holder_name: I, starting_funds: A });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 23001: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AdminAntagMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(36352),
- b = n(98595),
- y = n(321),
- B = n(5485),
- k = function (C) {
- switch (C) {
- case 0:
- return 'Antagonists';
- case 1:
- return 'Objectives';
- case 2:
- return 'Security';
- case 3:
- return 'All High Value Items';
- default:
- return 'Something went wrong with this menu, make an issue report please!';
- }
- },
- g = function (C) {
- switch (C) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
- case 3:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u);
- default:
- return 'Something went wrong with this menu, make an issue report please!';
- }
- },
- i = (r.AdminAntagMenu = (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.loginState,
- S = N.currentPage,
- I = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'tabIndex', 0),
- L = I[0],
- w = I[1],
- A = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
- x = A[0],
- E = A[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, {
- children:
- 'This menu is a Work in Progress. Some antagonists like Nuclear Operatives and Biohazards will not show up.',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: L === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- w(0);
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- icon: 'user',
- children: 'Antagonists',
- },
- 'Antagonists'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: L === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- w(1);
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- icon: 'people-robbery',
- children: 'Objectives',
- },
- 'Objectives'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: L === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- w(2);
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- icon: 'handcuffs',
- children: 'Security',
- },
- 'Security'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: L === 3,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- w(3);
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- icon: 'lock',
- children: 'High Value Items',
- },
- 'HighValueItems'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: k(L),
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Search...',
- width: '300px',
- onInput: (function () {
- function P(D, M) {
- return E(M);
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return p('refresh');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- children: 'Refresh',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: g(L),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- c = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.antagonists,
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortId', 'antag_name'),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortOrder', !0),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1];
- return V.length
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'AdminAntagMenu__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { id: 'name', children: 'Mob Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { id: '', children: 'Buttons' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { id: 'antag_name', children: 'Antagonist Type' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { id: 'status', children: 'Status' }),
- ],
- }),
- V.filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(I, function (M) {
- return M.name + '|' + M.status + '|' + M.antag_name;
- })
- )
- .sort(function (M, R) {
- var O = P ? 1 : -1;
- return M[A] === void 0 || M[A] === null
- ? O
- : R[A] === void 0 || R[A] === null
- ? -1 * O
- : typeof M[A] == 'number'
- ? (M[A] - R[A]) * O
- : M[A].localeCompare(R[A]) * O;
- })
- .map(function (M, R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: M.body_destroyed
- ? M.name
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: M.is_hijacker || !M.name ? 'red' : '',
- tooltip: M.is_hijacker ? 'Hijacker' : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return p('show_player_panel', { mind_uid: M.antag_mind_uid });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: M.name ? M.name : '??? (NO NAME)',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- p('pm', { ckey: M.ckey });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: 'PM',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- p('follow', { datum_uid: M.antag_mind_uid });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: 'FLW',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- p('obs', { mind_uid: M.antag_mind_uid });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: 'OBS',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- p('tp', { mind_uid: M.antag_mind_uid });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: 'TP',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: M.antag_name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: M.status ? 'red' : 'grey',
- children: M.status ? M.status : 'Alive',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- R
- );
- }),
- ],
- })
- : 'No Antagonists!';
- },
- m = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.objectives,
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortId2', 'target_name'),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortOrder', !0),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1];
- return V.length
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'AdminAntagMenu__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- sort_group: 'sortId2',
- id: 'obj_name',
- children: 'Name',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- sort_group: 'sortId2',
- id: 'target_name',
- children: 'Target',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- sort_group: 'sortId2',
- id: 'status',
- children: 'Status',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- sort_group: 'sortId2',
- id: 'owner_name',
- children: 'Owner',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- V.filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(I, function (M) {
- return (
- M.obj_name +
- '|' +
- M.target_name +
- '|' +
- (M.status ? 'success' : 'incompleted') +
- '|' +
- M.owner_name
- );
- })
- )
- .sort(function (M, R) {
- var O = P ? 1 : -1;
- return M[A] === void 0 || M[A] === null || (A === 'target_name' && M.no_target)
- ? O
- : R[A] === void 0 || R[A] === null || (A === 'target_name' && R.no_target)
- ? -1 * O
- : typeof M[A] == 'number'
- ? (M[A] - R[A]) * O
- : M[A].localeCompare(R[A]) * O;
- })
- .map(function (M, R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- tooltip: M.obj_desc,
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return p('vv', { uid: M.obj_uid });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: M.obj_name,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: M.no_target
- ? ''
- : M.track.length
- ? M.track.map(function (O, F) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button,
- {
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return p('follow', { datum_uid: O });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- children: [
- M.target_name,
- ' ',
- M.track.length > 1 ? '(' + (parseInt(F, 10) + 1) + ')' : '',
- ],
- },
- F
- );
- })
- : 'No ' + M.target_name + ' Found',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: M.status ? 'green' : 'grey',
- children: M.status ? 'Success' : 'Incomplete',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- p('obj_owner', { owner_uid: M.owner_uid });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: M.owner_name,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- R
- );
- }),
- ],
- })
- : 'No Objectives!';
- },
- l = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.security,
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortId3', 'health'),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortOrder', !0),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1],
- M = function (F) {
- return F.status === 2
- ? 'red'
- : F.status === 1
- ? 'orange'
- : F.broken_bone || F.internal_bleeding
- ? 'yellow'
- : 'grey';
- },
- R = function (F) {
- return F.status === 2
- ? 'Dead'
- : F.status === 1
- ? 'Unconscious'
- : F.broken_bone && F.internal_bleeding
- ? 'Broken Bone, IB'
- : F.broken_bone
- ? 'Broken Bone'
- : F.internal_bleeding
- ? 'IB'
- : 'Alive';
- };
- return V.length
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'AdminAntagMenu__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { sort_group: 'sortId3', id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { sort_group: 'sortId3', id: 'role', children: 'Role' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- sort_group: 'sortId3',
- id: 'status',
- children: 'Status',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { sort_group: 'sortId3', id: 'antag', children: 'Antag' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- sort_group: 'sortId3',
- id: 'health',
- children: 'Health',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- V.filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(I, function (O) {
- return O.name + '|' + O.role + '|' + R(O) + '|' + O.antag;
- })
- )
- .sort(function (O, F) {
- var _ = P ? 1 : -1;
- return O[A] === void 0 || O[A] === null
- ? _
- : F[A] === void 0 || F[A] === null
- ? -1 * _
- : typeof O[A] == 'number'
- ? (O[A] - F[A]) * _
- : O[A].localeCompare(F[A]) * _;
- })
- .map(function (O, F) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return p('show_player_panel', { mind_uid: O.mind_uid });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- children: O.name,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { collapsing: !0, children: O.role }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: M(O), children: R(O) }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: O.antag
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- textColor: 'red',
- translucent: !0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- p('tp', { mind_uid: O.mind_uid });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- children: O.antag,
- })
- : '',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- minValue: 0,
- value: O.health / O.max_health,
- maxValue: 1,
- ranges: { good: [0.6, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.6], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
- children: O.health,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- p('pm', { ckey: O.ckey });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- children: 'PM',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- p('follow', { datum_uid: O.mind_uid });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- children: 'FLW',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- p('obs', { mind_uid: O.mind_uid });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- children: 'OBS',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- F
- );
- }),
- ],
- })
- : 'No Security!';
- },
- u = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.high_value_items,
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortId4', 'person'),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortOrder', !0),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1];
- return V.length
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'AdminAntagMenu__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { sort_group: 'sortId4', id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- sort_group: 'sortId4',
- id: 'person',
- children: 'Carrier',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { sort_group: 'sortId4', id: 'loc', children: 'Location' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- sort_group: 'sortId4',
- id: 'admin_z',
- children: 'On Admin Z-level',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- V.filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(I, function (M) {
- return M.name + '|' + M.loc;
- })
- )
- .sort(function (M, R) {
- var O = P ? 1 : -1;
- return M[A] === void 0 || M[A] === null
- ? O
- : R[A] === void 0 || R[A] === null
- ? -1 * O
- : typeof M[A] == 'number'
- ? (M[A] - R[A]) * O
- : M[A].localeCompare(R[A]) * O;
- })
- .map(function (M, R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- tooltip: M.obj_desc,
- translucent: M.admin_z,
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return p('vv', { uid: M.uid });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: M.name,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: M.admin_z ? 'grey' : '',
- children: M.person,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: M.admin_z ? 'grey' : '',
- children: M.loc,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'grey',
- children: M.admin_z ? 'On Admin Z-level' : '',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- p('follow', { datum_uid: M.uid });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: 'FLW',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- R
- );
- }),
- ],
- })
- : 'No High Value Items!';
- },
- s = function (C, h) {
- var v = C.id,
- p = C.sort_group,
- N = p === void 0 ? 'sortId' : p,
- V = C.default_sort,
- S = V === void 0 ? 'antag_name' : V,
- I = C.children,
- L = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, N, S),
- w = L[0],
- A = L[1],
- x = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'sortOrder', !0),
- E = x[0],
- P = x[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: w !== v && 'transparent',
- width: '100%',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- w === v ? P(!E) : (A(v), P(!0));
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- children: [
- I,
- w === v &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: E ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 39683: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AgentCardInfo = r.AgentCardAppearances = r.AgentCard = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = [
- { name: 'Male', icon: 'mars' },
- { name: 'Female', icon: 'venus' },
- { name: 'Genderless', icon: 'genderless' },
- ],
- b = ['A+', 'A-', 'B+', 'B-', 'AB+', 'AB-', 'O+', 'O-'],
- y = 'Empty',
- B = function (m) {
- var l = m.label,
- u = m.value,
- s = m.onCommit,
- d = m.onClick,
- C = m.onRClick,
- h = m.tooltip;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: l,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- mb: -0.5,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: u || y,
- onCommit: s,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'file-signature',
- tooltip: h,
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
- onClick: d,
- onContextMenu: C,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- k = (r.AgentCard = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useLocalState)(l, 'tabIndex', 0),
- s = u[0],
- d = u[1],
- C = (function () {
- function h(v) {
- switch (v) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
- default:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
- }
- }
- return h;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 435,
- height: 500,
- theme: 'syndicate',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- fluid: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: s === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return d(0);
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'table' }), ' Card Info'],
- },
- 'Card Info'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: s === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return d(1);
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'id-card' }),
- ' Appearance',
- ],
- },
- 'Appearance'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- C(s),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- g = (r.AgentCardInfo = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.registered_name,
- h = d.sex,
- v = d.age,
- p = d.assignment,
- N = d.job_icon,
- V = d.associated_account_number,
- S = d.blood_type,
- I = d.dna_hash,
- L = d.fingerprint_hash,
- w = d.photo,
- A = d.ai_tracking,
- x = d.photo_cooldown,
- E = (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Autofill options.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('LMB - Autofill your own data.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('RMB - Autofill someone else data.'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- P = (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Autofill options.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('LMB - Autofill your own data.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('RMB - Autofill with random data.'),
- ],
- 4
- );
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Card Info',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
- label: 'Name',
- value: C,
- tooltip: E,
- onCommit: (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return s('change_name', { name: R });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('change_name', { option: 'Primary' });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onRClick: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- M.preventDefault(), s('change_name', { option: 'Secondary' });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Sex',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- mb: -0.5,
- children: f.map(function (D) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: D.icon,
- content: D.name,
- selected: h === D.name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return s('change_sex', { sex: D.name });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- D.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Age',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- fluid: !0,
- minValue: 17,
- value: v || 0,
- maxValue: 300,
- onChange: (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return s('change_age', { age: R });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Rank',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- mb: -0.5,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('change_occupation');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- textAlign: 'middle',
- children: p || '[UNSET]',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- tooltip: 'Change HUD icon',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('change_occupation', { option: 'Primary' });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.DmIcon, {
- fill: !0,
- icon: 'icons/mob/hud/job_assets.dmi',
- icon_state: N,
- verticalAlign: 'bottom',
- my: '2px',
- width: '16px',
- }),
- ' ',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
- label: 'Fingerprint',
- value: L,
- onCommit: (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return s('change_fingerprints', { new_fingerprints: R });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('change_fingerprints', { option: 'Primary' });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onRClick: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- M.preventDefault(), s('change_fingerprints', { option: 'Secondary' });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- tooltip: P,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Blood Type',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- mb: -0.5,
- children: [
- b.map(function (D) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: D,
- selected: S === D,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return s('change_blood_type', { new_type: D });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- D
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'file-signature',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('change_blood_type', { option: 'Primary' });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
- label: 'DNA',
- value: I,
- onCommit: (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return s('change_dna_hash', { new_dna: R });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('change_dna_hash', { option: 'Primary' });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onRClick: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- M.preventDefault(), s('change_dna_hash', { option: 'Secondary' });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- tooltip: P,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
- label: 'Account',
- value: V || 0,
- onCommit: (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return s('change_money_account', { new_account: R });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('change_money_account', { option: 'Primary' });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onRClick: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- M.preventDefault(), s('change_money_account', { option: 'Secondary' });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- tooltip: P,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Photo',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- disabled: !x,
- tooltip: x ? '' : "You can't generate a new photo yet.",
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('change_photo');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- children: w ? 'Update' : y,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Card Settings',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Card Info',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Delete Card Info',
- confirmContent: 'Are you sure?',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('delete_info');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Access',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Reset Access',
- confirmContent: 'Are you sure?',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('clear_access');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'AI Tracking',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return s('change_ai_tracking');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- children: A ? 'Untrackable' : 'Trackable',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- i = (r.AgentCardAppearances = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = (0, a.useSharedState)(l, 'selectedAppearance', null),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1],
- p = d.appearances,
- N = d.id_icon;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Card Appearance',
- children: p.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.ImageButton,
- {
- dmIcon: N,
- dmIconState: V,
- imageSize: 64,
- compact: !0,
- selected: V === h,
- tooltip: V,
- style: { opacity: (V === h && '1') || '0.5' },
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- v(V), s('change_appearance', { new_appearance: V });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return c;
- })());
- },
- 56793: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AiAirlock = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = {
- 2: { color: 'good', localStatusText: 'Offline' },
- 1: { color: 'average', localStatusText: 'Caution' },
- 0: { color: 'bad', localStatusText: 'Optimal' },
- },
- b = (r.AiAirlock = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = f[c.power.main] || f[0],
- l = f[c.power.backup] || f[0],
- u = f[c.shock] || f[0];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 400,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Power Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Main',
- color: m.color,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: 0.5,
- icon: 'lightbulb-o',
- disabled: !c.power.main,
- content: 'Disrupt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('disrupt-main');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- c.power.main ? 'Online' : 'Offline',
- ' ',
- (!c.wires.main_power && '[Wires have been cut!]') ||
- (c.power.main_timeleft > 0 && '[' + c.power.main_timeleft + 's]'),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Backup',
- color: l.color,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: 0.5,
- icon: 'lightbulb-o',
- disabled: !c.power.backup,
- content: 'Disrupt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('disrupt-backup');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- c.power.backup ? 'Online' : 'Offline',
- ' ',
- (!c.wires.backup_power && '[Wires have been cut!]') ||
- (c.power.backup_timeleft > 0 && '[' + c.power.backup_timeleft + 's]'),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Electrify',
- color: u.color,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mr: 0.5,
- icon: 'wrench',
- disabled: !(c.wires.shock && c.shock !== 2),
- content: 'Restore',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('shock-restore');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mr: 0.5,
- icon: 'bolt',
- disabled: !c.wires.shock,
- content: 'Temporary',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('shock-temp');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'bolt',
- disabled: !c.wires.shock || c.shock === 0,
- content: 'Permanent',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('shock-perm');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: [
- c.shock === 2 ? 'Safe' : 'Electrified',
- ' ',
- (!c.wires.shock && '[Wires have been cut!]') ||
- (c.shock_timeleft > 0 && '[' + c.shock_timeleft + 's]') ||
- (c.shock_timeleft === -1 && '[Permanent]'),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Access and Door Control',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'ID Scan',
- color: 'bad',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: 0.5,
- width: 6.5,
- icon: c.id_scanner ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: c.id_scanner ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- selected: c.id_scanner,
- disabled: !c.wires.id_scanner,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('idscan-toggle');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: !c.wires.id_scanner && '[Wires have been cut!]',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Emergency Access',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 6.5,
- icon: c.emergency ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: c.emergency ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- selected: c.emergency,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('emergency-toggle');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Door Bolts',
- color: 'bad',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: 0.5,
- icon: c.locked ? 'lock' : 'unlock',
- content: c.locked ? 'Lowered' : 'Raised',
- selected: c.locked,
- disabled: !c.wires.bolts,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('bolt-toggle');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: !c.wires.bolts && '[Wires have been cut!]',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Door Bolt Lights',
- color: 'bad',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: 0.5,
- width: 6.5,
- icon: c.lights ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: c.lights ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- selected: c.lights,
- disabled: !c.wires.lights,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('light-toggle');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: !c.wires.lights && '[Wires have been cut!]',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Door Force Sensors',
- color: 'bad',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: 0.5,
- width: 6.5,
- icon: c.safe ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: c.safe ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- selected: c.safe,
- disabled: !c.wires.safe,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('safe-toggle');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: !c.wires.safe && '[Wires have been cut!]',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Door Timing Safety',
- color: 'bad',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: 0.5,
- width: 6.5,
- icon: c.speed ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: c.speed ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- selected: c.speed,
- disabled: !c.wires.timing,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('speed-toggle');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: !c.wires.timing && '[Wires have been cut!]',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Door Control',
- color: 'bad',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: c.opened ? 'sign-out-alt' : 'sign-in-alt',
- content: c.opened ? 'Open' : 'Closed',
- selected: c.opened,
- disabled: c.locked || c.welded,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('open-close');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children:
- !!(c.locked || c.welded) &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('[Door is '),
- c.locked ? 'bolted' : '',
- c.locked && c.welded ? ' and ' : '',
- c.welded ? 'welded' : '',
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('!]'),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 72475: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AirAlarm = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(195),
- b = (r.AirAlarm = (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.locked;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 570,
- height: p ? 310 : 755,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.InterfaceLockNoticeBox),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- !p &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g)],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- y = function (s) {
- return s === 0 ? 'green' : s === 1 ? 'orange' : 'red';
- },
- B = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.air,
- N = v.mode,
- V = v.atmos_alarm,
- S = v.locked,
- I = v.alarmActivated,
- L = v.rcon,
- w = v.target_temp,
- A;
- return (
- p.danger.overall === 0
- ? V === 0
- ? (A = 'Optimal')
- : (A = 'Caution: Atmos alert in area')
- : p.danger.overall === 1
- ? (A = 'Caution')
- : (A = 'DANGER: Internals Required'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Air Status',
- children: p
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pressure',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: y(p.danger.pressure),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: p.pressure }),
- ' kPa',
- !S &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: N === 3 ? 'Deactivate Panic Siphon' : 'Activate Panic Siphon',
- selected: N === 3,
- icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('mode', { mode: N === 3 ? 1 : 3 });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Oxygen',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: p.contents.oxygen / 100,
- fractionDigits: '1',
- color: y(p.danger.oxygen),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Nitrogen',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: p.contents.nitrogen / 100,
- fractionDigits: '1',
- color: y(p.danger.nitrogen),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Carbon Dioxide',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: p.contents.co2 / 100,
- fractionDigits: '1',
- color: y(p.danger.co2),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Toxins',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: p.contents.plasma / 100,
- fractionDigits: '1',
- color: y(p.danger.plasma),
- }),
- }),
- p.contents.n2o > 0.1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Nitrous Oxide',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: p.contents.n2o / 100,
- fractionDigits: '1',
- color: y(p.danger.n2o),
- }),
- }),
- p.contents.other > 0.1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Other',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: p.contents.other / 100,
- fractionDigits: '1',
- color: y(p.danger.other),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Temperature',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: y(p.danger.temperature),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: p.temperature }),
- ' K / ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: p.temperature_c }),
- ' C\xA0',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'thermometer-full',
- content: w + ' C',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('temperature');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: p.thermostat_state ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: p.thermostat_state,
- icon: 'power-off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('thermostat_state');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Local Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: y(p.danger.overall),
- children: [
- A,
- !S &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: I ? 'Reset Alarm' : 'Activate Alarm',
- selected: I,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h(I ? 'atmos_reset' : 'atmos_alarm');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Remote Control Settings',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Off',
- selected: L === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('set_rcon', { rcon: 1 });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Auto',
- selected: L === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('set_rcon', { rcon: 2 });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'On',
- selected: L === 3,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('set_rcon', { rcon: 3 });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'Unable to acquire air sample!' }),
- })
- );
- },
- k = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'tabIndex', 0),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: h === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return v(0);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'sign-out-alt' }), ' Vent Control'],
- },
- 'Vents'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: h === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return v(1);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'sign-in-alt' }), ' Scrubber Control'],
- },
- 'Scrubbers'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: h === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return v(2);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'cog' }), ' Mode'],
- },
- 'Mode'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: h === 3,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return v(3);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'tachometer-alt' }), ' Thresholds'],
- },
- 'Thresholds'
- ),
- ],
- });
- },
- g = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'tabIndex', 0),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1];
- switch (h) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
- case 3:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
- default:
- return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
- }
- },
- i = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.vents;
- return p.map(function (N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: N.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: N.power ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: N.power,
- icon: 'power-off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'power', val: !N.power, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: N.direction ? 'Blowing' : 'Siphoning',
- icon: N.direction ? 'sign-out-alt' : 'sign-in-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'direction', val: !N.direction, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pressure Checks',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'External',
- selected: N.checks === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'checks', val: 1, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Internal',
- selected: N.checks === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'checks', val: 2, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'External Pressure Target',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: N.external }),
- ' kPa\xA0',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Set',
- icon: 'cog',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'set_external_pressure', id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Reset',
- icon: 'redo-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'set_external_pressure', val: 101.325, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- N.name
- );
- });
- },
- c = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.scrubbers;
- return p.map(function (N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: N.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: N.power ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: N.power,
- icon: 'power-off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'power', val: !N.power, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: N.scrubbing ? 'Scrubbing' : 'Siphoning',
- icon: N.scrubbing ? 'filter' : 'sign-in-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'scrubbing', val: !N.scrubbing, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Range',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: N.widenet ? 'Extended' : 'Normal',
- selected: N.widenet,
- icon: 'expand-arrows-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'widenet', val: !N.widenet, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Filtering',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Carbon Dioxide',
- selected: N.filter_co2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'co2_scrub', val: !N.filter_co2, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Plasma',
- selected: N.filter_toxins,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'tox_scrub', val: !N.filter_toxins, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Nitrous Oxide',
- selected: N.filter_n2o,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'n2o_scrub', val: !N.filter_n2o, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Oxygen',
- selected: N.filter_o2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'o2_scrub', val: !N.filter_o2, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Nitrogen',
- selected: N.filter_n2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'n2_scrub', val: !N.filter_n2, id_tag: N.id_tag });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- N.name
- );
- });
- },
- m = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.modes,
- N = v.presets,
- V = v.emagged,
- S = v.mode,
- I = v.preset;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'System Mode',
- children: Object.keys(p).map(function (L) {
- var w = p[L];
- if (!w.emagonly || V)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- width: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: w.name,
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: w.id === S,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return h('mode', { mode: w.id });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: w.desc }),
- ],
- },
- w.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'System Presets',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- italic: !0,
- children:
- 'After making a selection, the system will automatically cycle in order to remove contaminants.',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- mt: 1,
- children: N.map(function (L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- width: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: L.name,
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: L.id === I,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return h('preset', { preset: L.id });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: L.desc }),
- ],
- },
- L.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- l = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.thresholds;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Alarm Thresholds',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '20%', children: 'Value' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- color: 'red',
- width: '20%',
- children: 'Danger Min',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- color: 'orange',
- width: '20%',
- children: 'Warning Min',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- color: 'orange',
- width: '20%',
- children: 'Warning Max',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- color: 'red',
- width: '20%',
- children: 'Danger Max',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- p.map(function (N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: N.name }),
- N.settings.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Cell,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: V.selected === -1 ? 'Off' : V.selected,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return h('command', { cmd: 'set_threshold', env: V.env, var: V.val });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- V.val
- );
- }),
- ],
- },
- N.name
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 12333: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AirlockAccessController = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.AirlockAccessController = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.exterior_status,
- m = i.interior_status,
- l = i.processing,
- u,
- s;
- return (
- c === 'open'
- ? (u = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '50%',
- content: 'Lock Exterior Door',
- icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('force_ext');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }))
- : (u = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '50%',
- content: 'Cycle to Exterior',
- icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('cycle_ext_door');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- })),
- m === 'open'
- ? (s = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '49%',
- content: 'Lock Interior Door',
- icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
- disabled: l,
- color: m === 'open' ? 'red' : l ? 'yellow' : null,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('force_int');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }))
- : (s = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '49%',
- content: 'Cycle to Interior',
- icon: 'arrow-circle-right',
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('cycle_int_door');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 330,
- height: 200,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Information',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'External Door Status',
- children: c === 'closed' ? 'Locked' : 'Open',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Internal Door Status',
- children: m === 'closed' ? 'Locked' : 'Open',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Actions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: [u, s] }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 28736: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AirlockElectronics = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(49148),
- b = 1,
- y = 2,
- B = 4,
- k = 8,
- g = (r.AirlockElectronics = (function () {
- function m(l, u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 450,
- height: 565,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c)],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return m;
- })()),
- i = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = C.unrestricted_dir;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Access Control',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- mb: 1,
- children: 'Unrestricted Access From:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- content: 'East',
- selected: h & B,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return d('unrestricted_access', { unres_dir: B });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'arrow-up',
- content: 'South',
- selected: h & y,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return d('unrestricted_access', { unres_dir: y });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'arrow-right',
- content: 'West',
- selected: h & k,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return d('unrestricted_access', { unres_dir: k });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- content: 'North',
- selected: h & b,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return d('unrestricted_access', { unres_dir: b });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- c = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = C.selected_accesses,
- v = C.one_access,
- p = C.regions;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AccessList, {
- usedByRcd: 1,
- rcdButtons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: v,
- content: 'One',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return d('set_one_access', { access: 'one' });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: !v,
- content: 'All',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return d('set_one_access', { access: 'all' });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- accesses: p,
- selectedList: h,
- accessMod: (function () {
- function N(V) {
- return d('set', { access: V });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- grantAll: (function () {
- function N() {
- return d('grant_all');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- denyAll: (function () {
- function N() {
- return d('clear_all');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- grantDep: (function () {
- function N(V) {
- return d('grant_region', { region: V });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- denyDep: (function () {
- function N(V) {
- return d('deny_region', { region: V });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- });
- };
- },
- 47365: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AlertModal = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(51057),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(92986),
- f = n(36036),
- b = n(98595),
- y = -1,
- B = 1,
- k = (r.AlertModal = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.autofocus,
- h = d.buttons,
- v = h === void 0 ? [] : h,
- p = d.large_buttons,
- N = d.message,
- V = N === void 0 ? '' : N,
- S = d.timeout,
- I = d.title,
- L = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'selected', 0),
- w = L[0],
- A = L[1],
- x = 110 + (V.length > 30 ? Math.ceil(V.length / 4) : 0) + (V.length && p ? 5 : 0),
- E = 325 + (v.length > 2 ? 100 : 0),
- P = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- w === 0 && M === y ? A(v.length - 1) : w === v.length - 1 && M === B ? A(0) : A(w + M);
- }
- return D;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- title: I,
- height: x,
- width: E,
- children: [
- !!S && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: S }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = window.event ? M.which : M.keyCode;
- R === o.KEY_SPACE || R === o.KEY_ENTER
- ? s('choose', { choice: v[w] })
- : R === o.KEY_ESCAPE
- ? s('cancel')
- : R === o.KEY_LEFT
- ? (M.preventDefault(), P(y))
- : (R === o.KEY_TAB || R === o.KEY_RIGHT) && (M.preventDefault(), P(B));
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- m: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- children: V,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- !!C && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Autofocus),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { selected: w }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- g = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.data,
- d = s.buttons,
- C = d === void 0 ? [] : d,
- h = s.large_buttons,
- v = s.swapped_buttons,
- p = m.selected;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Flex, {
- fill: !0,
- align: 'center',
- direction: v ? 'row' : 'row-reverse',
- justify: 'space-around',
- wrap: !0,
- children:
- C == null
- ? void 0
- : C.map(function (N, V) {
- return h && C.length < 3
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Flex.Item,
- {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
- button: N,
- id: V.toString(),
- selected: p === V,
- }),
- },
- V
- )
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Flex.Item,
- {
- grow: h ? 1 : 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
- button: N,
- id: V.toString(),
- selected: p === V,
- }),
- },
- V
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- i = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.large_buttons,
- h = m.button,
- v = m.selected,
- p = h.length > 7 ? '100%' : 7;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- mx: C ? 1 : 0,
- pt: C ? 0.33 : 0,
- content: h,
- fluid: !!C,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('choose', { choice: h });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- selected: v,
- textAlign: 'center',
- height: !!C && 2,
- width: !C && p,
- });
- };
- },
- 71824: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AppearanceChanger = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.AppearanceChanger = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.change_race,
- l = c.species,
- u = c.specimen,
- s = c.change_gender,
- d = c.gender,
- C = c.change_eye_color,
- h = c.change_skin_tone,
- v = c.change_skin_color,
- p = c.change_runechat_color,
- N = c.change_head_accessory_color,
- V = c.change_hair_color,
- S = c.change_secondary_hair_color,
- I = c.change_facial_hair_color,
- L = c.change_secondary_facial_hair_color,
- w = c.change_head_marking_color,
- A = c.change_body_marking_color,
- x = c.change_tail_marking_color,
- E = c.change_head_accessory,
- P = c.head_accessory_styles,
- D = c.head_accessory_style,
- M = c.change_hair,
- R = c.hair_styles,
- O = c.hair_style,
- F = c.change_hair_gradient,
- _ = c.change_facial_hair,
- U = c.facial_hair_styles,
- z = c.facial_hair_style,
- $ = c.change_head_markings,
- G = c.head_marking_styles,
- X = c.head_marking_style,
- J = c.change_body_markings,
- se = c.body_marking_styles,
- ie = c.body_marking_style,
- me = c.change_tail_markings,
- q = c.tail_marking_styles,
- re = c.tail_marking_style,
- ae = c.change_body_accessory,
- le = c.body_accessory_styles,
- Z = c.body_accessory_style,
- ne = c.change_alt_head,
- te = c.alt_head_styles,
- fe = c.alt_head_style,
- pe = !1;
- return (
- (C || h || v || N || p || V || S || I || L || w || A || x) && (pe = !0),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 450,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- !!m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Species',
- children: l.map(function (ce) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: ce.specimen,
- selected: ce.specimen === u,
- onClick: (function () {
- function Ve() {
- return i('race', { race: ce.specimen });
- }
- return Ve;
- })(),
- },
- ce.specimen
- );
- }),
- }),
- !!s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Gender',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Male',
- selected: d === 'male',
- onClick: (function () {
- function ce() {
- return i('gender', { gender: 'male' });
- }
- return ce;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Female',
- selected: d === 'female',
- onClick: (function () {
- function ce() {
- return i('gender', { gender: 'female' });
- }
- return ce;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Genderless',
- selected: d === 'plural',
- onClick: (function () {
- function ce() {
- return i('gender', { gender: 'plural' });
- }
- return ce;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !!pe && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- !!E &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Head accessory',
- children: P.map(function (ce) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: ce.headaccessorystyle,
- selected: ce.headaccessorystyle === D,
- onClick: (function () {
- function Ve() {
- return i('head_accessory', { head_accessory: ce.headaccessorystyle });
- }
- return Ve;
- })(),
- },
- ce.headaccessorystyle
- );
- }),
- }),
- !!M &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Hair',
- children: R.map(function (ce) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: ce.hairstyle,
- selected: ce.hairstyle === O,
- onClick: (function () {
- function Ve() {
- return i('hair', { hair: ce.hairstyle });
- }
- return Ve;
- })(),
- },
- ce.hairstyle
- );
- }),
- }),
- !!F &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Hair Gradient',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Change Style',
- onClick: (function () {
- function ce() {
- return i('hair_gradient');
- }
- return ce;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Change Offset',
- onClick: (function () {
- function ce() {
- return i('hair_gradient_offset');
- }
- return ce;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Change Color',
- onClick: (function () {
- function ce() {
- return i('hair_gradient_colour');
- }
- return ce;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Change Alpha',
- onClick: (function () {
- function ce() {
- return i('hair_gradient_alpha');
- }
- return ce;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !!_ &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Facial hair',
- children: U.map(function (ce) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: ce.facialhairstyle,
- selected: ce.facialhairstyle === z,
- onClick: (function () {
- function Ve() {
- return i('facial_hair', { facial_hair: ce.facialhairstyle });
- }
- return Ve;
- })(),
- },
- ce.facialhairstyle
- );
- }),
- }),
- !!$ &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Head markings',
- children: G.map(function (ce) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: ce.headmarkingstyle,
- selected: ce.headmarkingstyle === X,
- onClick: (function () {
- function Ve() {
- return i('head_marking', { head_marking: ce.headmarkingstyle });
- }
- return Ve;
- })(),
- },
- ce.headmarkingstyle
- );
- }),
- }),
- !!J &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Body markings',
- children: se.map(function (ce) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: ce.bodymarkingstyle,
- selected: ce.bodymarkingstyle === ie,
- onClick: (function () {
- function Ve() {
- return i('body_marking', { body_marking: ce.bodymarkingstyle });
- }
- return Ve;
- })(),
- },
- ce.bodymarkingstyle
- );
- }),
- }),
- !!me &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tail markings',
- children: q.map(function (ce) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: ce.tailmarkingstyle,
- selected: ce.tailmarkingstyle === re,
- onClick: (function () {
- function Ve() {
- return i('tail_marking', { tail_marking: ce.tailmarkingstyle });
- }
- return Ve;
- })(),
- },
- ce.tailmarkingstyle
- );
- }),
- }),
- !!ae &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Body accessory',
- children: le.map(function (ce) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: ce.bodyaccessorystyle,
- selected: ce.bodyaccessorystyle === Z,
- onClick: (function () {
- function Ve() {
- return i('body_accessory', { body_accessory: ce.bodyaccessorystyle });
- }
- return Ve;
- })(),
- },
- ce.bodyaccessorystyle
- );
- }),
- }),
- !!ne &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Alternate head',
- children: te.map(function (ce) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: ce.altheadstyle,
- selected: ce.altheadstyle === fe,
- onClick: (function () {
- function Ve() {
- return i('alt_head', { alt_head: ce.altheadstyle });
- }
- return Ve;
- })(),
- },
- ce.altheadstyle
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = [
- { key: 'change_eye_color', text: 'Change eye color', action: 'eye_color' },
- { key: 'change_skin_tone', text: 'Change skin tone', action: 'skin_tone' },
- { key: 'change_skin_color', text: 'Change skin color', action: 'skin_color' },
- { key: 'change_runechat_color', text: 'Change runechat color', action: 'runechat_color' },
- {
- key: 'change_head_accessory_color',
- text: 'Change head accessory color',
- action: 'head_accessory_color',
- },
- { key: 'change_hair_color', text: 'Change hair color', action: 'hair_color' },
- {
- key: 'change_secondary_hair_color',
- text: 'Change secondary hair color',
- action: 'secondary_hair_color',
- },
- { key: 'change_facial_hair_color', text: 'Change facial hair color', action: 'facial_hair_color' },
- {
- key: 'change_secondary_facial_hair_color',
- text: 'Change secondary facial hair color',
- action: 'secondary_facial_hair_color',
- },
- { key: 'change_head_marking_color', text: 'Change head marking color', action: 'head_marking_color' },
- { key: 'change_body_marking_color', text: 'Change body marking color', action: 'body_marking_color' },
- { key: 'change_tail_marking_color', text: 'Change tail marking color', action: 'tail_marking_color' },
- ];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Colors',
- children: m.map(function (l) {
- return (
- !!c[l.key] &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: l.text,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return i(l.action);
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- },
- l.key
- )
- );
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 72285: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosAlertConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.AtmosAlertConsole = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.priority || [],
- m = i.minor || [],
- l = i.mode || {};
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 300,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Alarms',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'ul',
- null,
- [
- c.length === 0 && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'No Priority Alerts', 16),
- c.map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-bad', u, 0, null, u);
- }),
- m.length === 0 && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'No Minor Alerts', 16),
- m.map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-average', u, 0, null, u);
- }),
- Object.keys(l).length === 0 &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'All Areas Filtering', 16),
- Object.keys(l).map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- 'color-good',
- [u, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' mode is '), l[u]],
- 0,
- null,
- alert
- );
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 65805: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosControl = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(36352),
- f = n(98595),
- b = function (c) {
- if (c === 0) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: 'Good' });
- if (c === 1)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'orange', bold: !0, children: 'Warning' });
- if (c === 2) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', bold: !0, children: 'DANGER' });
- },
- y = function (c) {
- if (c === 0) return 'green';
- if (c === 1) return 'orange';
- if (c === 2) return 'red';
- },
- B = (r.AtmosControl = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = (0, a.useLocalState)(m, 'tabIndex', 0),
- C = d[0],
- h = d[1],
- v = (function () {
- function p(N) {
- switch (N) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
- default:
- return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
- }
- }
- return p;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: C === 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fillPositionedParent: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: C === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return h(0);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'table' }), ' Data View'],
- },
- 'DataView'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: C === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return h(1);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'map-marked-alt' }),
- ' Map View',
- ],
- },
- 'MapView'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- v(C),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.alarms;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Access' }),
- ],
- }),
- d.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.TableCell, { children: C.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.TableCell, { children: b(C.danger) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.TableCell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'cog',
- content: 'Access',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return u('open_alarm', { aref: C.ref });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- C.name
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.alarms;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- height: '526px',
- mb: '0.5rem',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NanoMap, {
- children: d
- .filter(function (C) {
- return C.z === 2;
- })
- .map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.NanoMap.MarkerIcon,
- {
- x: C.x,
- y: C.y,
- icon: 'circle',
- tooltip: C.name,
- color: y(C.danger),
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return u('open_alarm', { aref: C.ref });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- },
- C.ref
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 87816: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosFilter = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.AtmosFilter = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.on,
- m = i.pressure,
- l = i.max_pressure,
- u = i.filter_type,
- s = i.filter_type_list;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 380,
- height: 140,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: c ? 'On' : 'Off',
- color: c ? null : 'red',
- selected: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('power');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Rate',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- textAlign: 'center',
- disabled: m === 0,
- width: 2.2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('min_pressure');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- unit: 'kPa',
- width: 6.1,
- lineHeight: 1.5,
- step: 10,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: l,
- value: m,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- return g('custom_pressure', { pressure: h });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- textAlign: 'center',
- disabled: m === l,
- width: 2.2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('max_pressure');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Filter',
- children: s.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.gas_type === u,
- content: d.label,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return g('set_filter', { filter: d.gas_type });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- },
- d.label
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 52977: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosMixer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.AtmosMixer = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.on,
- l = c.pressure,
- u = c.max_pressure,
- s = c.node1_concentration,
- d = c.node2_concentration;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 330,
- height: 165,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: m ? 'On' : 'Off',
- color: m ? null : 'red',
- selected: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('power');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Rate',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- textAlign: 'center',
- disabled: l === 0,
- width: 2.2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('min_pressure');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- unit: 'kPa',
- width: 6.1,
- lineHeight: 1.5,
- step: 10,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: u,
- value: l,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- return i('custom_pressure', { pressure: v });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- textAlign: 'center',
- disabled: l === u,
- width: 2.2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('max_pressure');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { node_name: 'Node 1', node_ref: s }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { node_name: 'Node 2', node_ref: d }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = B.node_name,
- l = B.node_ref;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: m,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- textAlign: 'center',
- width: 2.2,
- disabled: l === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return i('set_node', { node_name: m, concentration: (l - 10) / 100 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- unit: '%',
- width: 6.1,
- lineHeight: 1.5,
- stepPixelSize: 10,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 100,
- value: l,
- onChange: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return i('set_node', { node_name: m, concentration: d / 100 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- textAlign: 'center',
- width: 2.2,
- disabled: l === 100,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return i('set_node', { node_name: m, concentration: (l + 10) / 100 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 11748: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosPump = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.AtmosPump = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.on,
- m = i.rate,
- l = i.max_rate,
- u = i.gas_unit,
- s = i.step;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 330,
- height: 110,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: c ? 'On' : 'Off',
- color: c ? null : 'red',
- selected: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('power');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Rate',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- textAlign: 'center',
- disabled: m === 0,
- width: 2.2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('min_rate');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- unit: u,
- width: 6.1,
- lineHeight: 1.5,
- step: s,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: l,
- value: m,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- return g('custom_rate', { rate: h });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- textAlign: 'center',
- disabled: m === l,
- width: 2.2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('max_rate');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 69321: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosTankControl = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(44879),
- f = n(76910),
- b = n(98595),
- y = (r.AtmosTankControl = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.sensors || {};
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 400,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- Object.keys(l).map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: u,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- Object.keys(l[u]).indexOf('pressure') > -1
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pressure',
- children: [l[u].pressure, ' kpa'],
- })
- : '',
- Object.keys(l[u]).indexOf('temperature') > -1
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Temperature',
- children: [l[u].temperature, ' K'],
- })
- : '',
- ['o2', 'n2', 'plasma', 'co2', 'n2o'].map(function (s) {
- return Object.keys(l[u]).indexOf(s) > -1
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: (0, f.getGasLabel)(s),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- color: (0, f.getGasColor)(s),
- value: l[u][s],
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 100,
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(l[u][s], 2) + '%',
- }),
- },
- (0, f.getGasLabel)(s)
- )
- : '';
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- u
- );
- }),
- m.inlet && Object.keys(m.inlet).length > 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Inlet Control',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: (m.inlet.on, 'power-off'),
- content: m.inlet.on ? 'On' : 'Off',
- color: m.inlet.on ? null : 'red',
- selected: m.inlet.on,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('toggle_active', { dev: 'inlet' });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Rate',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- unit: 'L/s',
- width: 6.1,
- lineHeight: 1.5,
- step: 1,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 50,
- value: m.inlet.rate,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return c('set_pressure', { dev: 'inlet', val: d });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- : '',
- m.outlet && Object.keys(m.outlet).length > 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Outlet Control',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: (m.outlet.on, 'power-off'),
- content: m.outlet.on ? 'On' : 'Off',
- color: m.outlet.on ? null : 'red',
- selected: m.outlet.on,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('toggle_active', { dev: 'outlet' });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Rate',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- unit: 'kPa',
- width: 6.1,
- lineHeight: 1.5,
- step: 10,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 5066,
- value: m.outlet.rate,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return c('set_pressure', { dev: 'outlet', val: d });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- : '',
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 92444: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AugmentMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(25328),
- b = (r.AugmentMenu = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 700,
- height: 660,
- theme: 'malfunction',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { context: i }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- y = function (g) {
- var i = g.context,
- c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.usable_swarms,
- s = l.ability_tabs,
- d = l.known_abilities,
- C = (0, a.useLocalState)(i, 'selectedTab', s[0]),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1],
- p = (0, a.useLocalState)(i, 'searchText', ''),
- N = p[0],
- V = p[1],
- S = function () {
- var E = s.find(function (D) {
- return D.category_name === h.category_name;
- });
- if (!E) return [];
- var P = Math.min(E.category_stage, 4);
- return E.abilities
- .filter(function (D) {
- return D.stage <= P && (!N || D.name.toLowerCase().includes(N.toLowerCase()));
- })
- .sort(function (D, M) {
- return ['intruder', 'destroyer'].includes(h.category_name.toLowerCase()) ? D.stage - M.stage : 0;
- });
- },
- I = S(),
- L = s.find(function (x) {
- return x.category_name === h.category_name;
- }),
- w = ['intruder', 'destroyer'].includes(h.category_name.toLowerCase()),
- A = function (E) {
- var P = d.find(function (R) {
- return R.ability_path === E.ability_path;
- }),
- D = P ? P.cost : E.cost,
- M = P && P.current_level > 0 ? P.current_level + ' / ' + P.max_level : '0 / ' + E.max_level;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- direction: 'row',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- height: '20px',
- width: '35px',
- mb: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: D,
- disabled: D > u || (P && P.current_level === P.max_level),
- tooltip: 'Purchase this ability?',
- onClick: (function () {
- function R() {
- m('purchase', { ability_path: E.ability_path }), v(h);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { fontSize: '16px', children: E.name }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- fontSize: '13px',
- children: E.desc || 'Description not available',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- 'Level: ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, M, 0, { style: { color: 'green' } }),
- w &&
- E.stage > 0 &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [(0, e.createTextVNode)(' (Stage: '), E.stage, (0, e.createTextVNode)(')')],
- 0
- ),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Divider),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- E.name
- );
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- style: { marginRight: '10px' },
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Swarms: '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, u, 0, { style: { color: 'green' } }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- w &&
- L &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Category Stage: '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, Math.min(L.category_stage, 4), 0, {
- style: { color: 'green' },
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'Section__buttons',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- width: '200px',
- placeholder: 'Search Abilities',
- onInput: (function () {
- function x(E, P) {
- return V(P);
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- value: N,
- }),
- 2
- ),
- ],
- 4,
- { style: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' } }
- ),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: [
- s.map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: h.category_name === x.category_name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- v(x), V('');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- children: (0, f.capitalize)(x.category_name),
- },
- x.category_name
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: h.category_name === 'upgrades',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return v({ category_name: 'upgrades' });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- children: 'Upgrades',
- },
- 'upgrades'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- h.category_name === 'upgrades'
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { act: m, abilityTabs: s, knownAbilities: d, usableSwarms: u })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, { vertical: !0, children: I.map(A) }),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (g) {
- var i = g.act,
- c = g.abilityTabs,
- m = g.knownAbilities,
- l = g.usableSwarms,
- u = m.filter(function (d) {
- return d.current_level < d.max_level;
- }),
- s = function (C) {
- var h = c
- .flatMap(function (v) {
- return v.abilities;
- })
- .find(function (v) {
- return v.ability_path === C.ability_path;
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- direction: 'row',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- height: '20px',
- width: '35px',
- mb: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: C.cost,
- disabled: C.cost > l,
- tooltip: 'Upgrade this ability?',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return i('purchase', { ability_path: C.ability_path });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { fontSize: '16px', children: C.name }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- fontSize: '13px',
- children: C.upgrade_text,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- 'Level:',
- ' ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, C.current_level + ' / ' + C.max_level, 0, {
- style: { color: 'green' },
- }),
- h &&
- h.stage > 0 &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [(0, e.createTextVNode)(' (Stage: '), h.stage, (0, e.createTextVNode)(')')],
- 0
- ),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Divider),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- C.name
- );
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, { vertical: !0, children: u.map(s) });
- };
- },
- 59179: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Autolathe = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(64795),
- t = n(88510),
- o = n(72253),
- f = n(36036),
- b = n(98595),
- y = n(25328),
- B = function (i, c, m, l) {
- return i.requirements === null ? !0 : !(i.requirements.metal * l > c || i.requirements.glass * l > m);
- },
- k = (r.Autolathe = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = (0, o.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.total_amount,
- d = u.max_amount,
- C = u.metal_amount,
- h = u.glass_amount,
- v = u.busyname,
- p = u.busyamt,
- N = u.showhacked,
- V = u.buildQueue,
- S = u.buildQueueLen,
- I = u.recipes,
- L = u.categories,
- w = (0, o.useSharedState)(c, 'category', 0),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1];
- A === 0 && (A = 'Tools');
- var E = C.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,'),
- P = h.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,'),
- D = s.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,'),
- M = (0, o.useSharedState)(c, 'search_text', ''),
- R = M[0],
- O = M[1],
- F = (0, y.createSearch)(R, function ($) {
- return $.name;
- }),
- _ = '';
- S > 0 &&
- (_ = V.map(function ($, G) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Button,
- {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'times',
- color: 'transparent',
- content: V[G][0],
- onClick: (function () {
- function X() {
- return l('remove_from_queue', { remove_from_queue: V.indexOf($) + 1 });
- }
- return X;
- })(),
- },
- $
- ),
- },
- G
- );
- }));
- var U = (0, a.flow)([
- (0, t.filter)(function ($) {
- return ($.category.indexOf(A) > -1 || R) && (u.showhacked || !$.hacked);
- }),
- R && (0, t.filter)(F),
- (0, t.sortBy)(function ($) {
- return $.name.toLowerCase();
- }),
- ])(I),
- z = 'Build';
- return (
- R ? (z = "Results for: '" + R + "':") : A && (z = 'Build (' + A + ')'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 750,
- height: 525,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- horizontal: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- width: '70%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: z,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
- width: '150px',
- options: L,
- selected: A,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function $(G) {
- return x(G);
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- placeholder: 'Search for...',
- onInput: (function () {
- function $(G, X) {
- return O(X);
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- mb: 1,
- }),
- U.map(function ($) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Stack.Item,
- {
- grow: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + $.image,
- style: {
- 'vertical-align': 'middle',
- width: '32px',
- margin: '0px',
- 'margin-left': '0px',
- },
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- mr: 1,
- icon: 'hammer',
- selected: u.busyname === $.name && u.busyamt === 1,
- disabled: !B($, u.metal_amount, u.glass_amount, 1),
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return l('make', { make: $.uid, multiplier: 1 });
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: (0, y.toTitleCase)($.name),
- }),
- $.max_multiplier >= 10 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- mr: 1,
- icon: 'hammer',
- selected: u.busyname === $.name && u.busyamt === 10,
- disabled: !B($, u.metal_amount, u.glass_amount, 10),
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return l('make', { make: $.uid, multiplier: 10 });
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: '10x',
- }),
- $.max_multiplier >= 25 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- mr: 1,
- icon: 'hammer',
- selected: u.busyname === $.name && u.busyamt === 25,
- disabled: !B($, u.metal_amount, u.glass_amount, 25),
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return l('make', { make: $.uid, multiplier: 25 });
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: '25x',
- }),
- $.max_multiplier > 25 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- mr: 1,
- icon: 'hammer',
- selected: u.busyname === $.name && u.busyamt === $.max_multiplier,
- disabled: !B($, u.metal_amount, u.glass_amount, $.max_multiplier),
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return l('make', { make: $.uid, multiplier: $.max_multiplier });
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: [$.max_multiplier, 'x'],
- }),
- ($.requirements &&
- Object.keys($.requirements)
- .map(function (G) {
- return (0, y.toTitleCase)(G) + ': ' + $.requirements[G];
- })
- .join(', ')) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { children: 'No resources required.' }),
- ],
- },
- $.ref
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- width: '30%',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Materials',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Metal', children: E }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Glass', children: P }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Total', children: D }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Storage',
- children: [u.fill_percent, '% Full'],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Building',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: v ? 'green' : '',
- children: v || 'Nothing',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Build Queue',
- height: 23.7,
- children: [
- _,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- mt: 0.5,
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Clear All',
- color: 'red',
- disabled: !u.buildQueueLen,
- onClick: (function () {
- function $() {
- return l('clear_queue');
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return g;
- })());
- },
- 5147: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BioChipPad = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.BioChipPad = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.implant,
- m = i.contains_case,
- l = i.gps,
- u = i.tag,
- s = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'newTag', u),
- d = s[0],
- C = s[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 410,
- height: 325,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Bio-chip Mini-Computer',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Eject Case',
- icon: 'eject',
- disabled: !m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return g('eject_case');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- children:
- c && m
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: !0,
- mb: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + c.image,
- ml: 0,
- mr: 2,
- style: { 'vertical-align': 'middle', width: '32px' },
- }),
- c.name,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Life',
- children: c.life,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Notes',
- children: c.notes,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Function',
- children: c.function,
- }),
- !!l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tag',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- width: '5.5rem',
- value: u,
- onEnter: (function () {
- function h() {
- return g('tag', { newtag: d });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- onInput: (function () {
- function h(v, p) {
- return C(p);
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: u === d,
- width: '20px',
- mb: '0',
- ml: '0.25rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return g('tag', { newtag: d });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'pen' }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- : m
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'This bio-chip case has no implant!' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'Please insert a bio-chip casing!' }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 64273: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Biogenerator = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(62411),
- b = (r.Biogenerator = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.data,
- s = l.config,
- d = u.container,
- C = u.processing,
- h = s.title;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 390,
- height: 595,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Operating, { operating: C, name: h }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- d ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- y = function (c, m) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'silver',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'flask', size: 5, mb: '10px' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'The biogenerator is missing a container.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- B = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.biomass,
- C = s.container,
- h = s.container_curr_reagents,
- v = s.container_max_reagents;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Storage',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mr: '20px',
- color: 'silver',
- children: 'Biomass:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { mr: '5px', children: d }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'leaf', size: 1.2, color: '#3d8c40' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- height: '21px',
- mt: '8px',
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mr: '10px',
- color: 'silver',
- children: 'Container:',
- }),
- C
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: h,
- maxValue: v,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: h + ' / ' + v + ' units',
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: 'None' }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.has_plants,
- C = s.container;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Controls',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '30%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'power-off',
- disabled: !d,
- tooltip: d ? '' : 'There are no plants in the biogenerator.',
- tooltipPosition: 'top-start',
- content: 'Activate',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return u('activate');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '40%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'flask',
- disabled: !C,
- tooltip: C ? '' : 'The biogenerator does not have a container.',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- content: 'Detach Container',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return u('detach_container');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '30%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'eject',
- disabled: !d,
- tooltip: d ? '' : 'There are no stored plants to eject.',
- tooltipPosition: 'top-end',
- content: 'Eject Plants',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return u('eject_plants');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.biomass,
- C = s.product_list,
- h = (0, a.useSharedState)(m, 'vendAmount', 1),
- v = h[0],
- p = h[1],
- N = Object.entries(C).map(function (V, S) {
- var I = Object.entries(V[1]).map(function (L) {
- return L[1];
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Collapsible,
- {
- title: V[0],
- open: !0,
- children: I.map(function (L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- py: '2px',
- className: 'candystripe',
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '50%',
- ml: '2px',
- children: L.name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- width: '20%',
- children: [
- L.cost * v,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- ml: '5px',
- name: 'leaf',
- size: 1.2,
- color: '#3d8c40',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- width: '40%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Vend',
- disabled: d < L.cost * v,
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return u('create', { id: L.id, amount: v });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- L
- );
- }),
- },
- V[0]
- );
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Products',
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- height: 32,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- mr: '5px',
- color: 'silver',
- children: 'Amount to vend:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- value: v,
- width: '32px',
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: 10,
- stepPixelSize: 7,
- onChange: (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- return p(I);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: N,
- });
- };
- },
- 47823: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BloomEdit = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.BloomEdit = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.glow_brightness_base,
- m = i.glow_brightness_power,
- l = i.glow_contrast_base,
- u = i.glow_contrast_power,
- s = i.exposure_brightness_base,
- d = i.exposure_brightness_power,
- C = i.exposure_contrast_base,
- h = i.exposure_contrast_power;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- title: 'BloomEdit',
- width: 500,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Bloom Edit',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Lamp Brightness Base',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, children: 'Base Lamp Brightness' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- fluid: !0,
- value: c,
- minValue: -10,
- maxValue: 10,
- step: 0.01,
- width: '20px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return g('glow_brightness_base', { value: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Lamp Brightness Power',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- children: 'Lamp Brightness * Light Power',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- fluid: !0,
- value: m,
- minValue: -10,
- maxValue: 10,
- step: 0.01,
- width: '20px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return g('glow_brightness_power', { value: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Lamp Contrast Base',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, children: 'Base Lamp Contrast' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- fluid: !0,
- value: l,
- minValue: -10,
- maxValue: 10,
- step: 0.01,
- width: '20px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return g('glow_contrast_base', { value: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Lamp Contrast Power',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- children: 'Lamp Contrast * Light Power',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- fluid: !0,
- value: u,
- minValue: -10,
- maxValue: 10,
- step: 0.01,
- width: '20px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return g('glow_contrast_power', { value: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Exposure Brightness Base',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- children: 'Base Exposure Brightness',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- fluid: !0,
- value: s,
- minValue: -10,
- maxValue: 10,
- step: 0.01,
- width: '20px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return g('exposure_brightness_base', { value: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Exposure Brightness Power',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- children: 'Exposure Brightness * Light Power',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- fluid: !0,
- value: d,
- minValue: -10,
- maxValue: 10,
- step: 0.01,
- width: '20px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return g('exposure_brightness_power', { value: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Exposure Contrast Base',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, children: 'Base Exposure Contrast' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- fluid: !0,
- value: C,
- minValue: -10,
- maxValue: 10,
- step: 0.01,
- width: '20px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return g('exposure_contrast_base', { value: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Exposure Contrast Power',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- children: 'Exposure Contrast * Light Power',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- fluid: !0,
- value: h,
- minValue: -10,
- maxValue: 10,
- step: 0.01,
- width: '20px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return g('exposure_contrast_power', { value: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Reload Lamps with New Parameters',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return g('update_lamps');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Reset to Default',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return g('default');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 18621: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BlueSpaceArtilleryControl = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.BlueSpaceArtilleryControl = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c;
- return (
- i.ready
- ? (c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- color: 'green',
- children: 'Ready',
- }))
- : i.reloadtime_text
- ? (c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Reloading In',
- color: 'red',
- children: i.reloadtime_text,
- }))
- : (c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- color: 'red',
- children: 'No cannon connected!',
- })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 150,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- i.notice &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Alert',
- color: 'red',
- children: i.notice,
- }),
- c,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Target',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'crosshairs',
- content: i.target ? i.target : 'None',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('recalibrate');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- i.ready === 1 &&
- !!i.target &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Firing',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'skull',
- content: 'FIRE!',
- color: 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('fire');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- !i.connected &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Maintenance',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'wrench',
- content: 'Complete Deployment',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('build');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 27629: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Incursion = r.BluespaceTap = r.Alerts = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(49968),
- b = (r.Incursion = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.data,
- l = m.portaling;
- if (l)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
- fontsize: '256px',
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(35,0,0,0.85)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Blink, {
- fontsize: '256px',
- interval: Math.random() > 0.25 ? 750 + 400 * Math.random() : 290 + 150 * Math.random(),
- time: 60 + 150 * Math.random(),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- mb: '30px',
- fontsize: '256px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- color: 'red',
- fontsize: '256px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'skull', size: 14, mb: '64px' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- y = (r.BluespaceTap = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.product || [],
- s = l.desiredMiningPower,
- d = l.miningPower,
- C = l.points,
- h = l.totalPoints,
- v = l.powerUse,
- p = l.availablePower,
- N = l.emagged,
- V = l.autoShutown,
- S = l.stabilizers,
- I = l.stabilizerPower,
- L = l.stabilizerPriority,
- w = (s > d && 'bad') || 'good';
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 650,
- height: 450,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
- title: 'Input Management',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Input',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: V && !N ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: 'Auto shutdown',
- color: V && !N ? 'green' : 'red',
- disabled: !!N,
- tooltip: 'Turn auto shutdown on or off',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return m('auto_shutdown');
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: S && !N ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: 'Stabilizers',
- color: S && !N ? 'green' : 'red',
- disabled: !!N,
- tooltip: 'Turn stabilizers on or off',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return m('stabilizers');
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: L && !N ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: 'Stabilizer priority',
- color: L && !N ? 'green' : 'red',
- disabled: !!N,
- tooltip: 'On: Mining power will not exceed what can be stabilized',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return m('stabilizer_priority');
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Desired Mining Power',
- children: (0, f.formatPower)(s),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- labelStyle: { 'vertical-align': 'top' },
- label: 'Set Desired Mining Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- width: '100%',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'step-backward',
- disabled: s === 0 || N,
- tooltip: 'Set to 0',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return m('set', { set_power: 0 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- tooltip: 'Decrease by 10 MW',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- disabled: s === 0 || N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return m('set', { set_power: s - 1e7 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'backward',
- disabled: s === 0 || N,
- tooltip: 'Decrease by 1 MW',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return m('set', { set_power: s - 1e6 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mx: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- disabled: N,
- minvalue: 0,
- value: s,
- maxvalue: 1 / 0,
- step: 1,
- onChange: (function () {
- function A(x, E) {
- return m('set', { set_power: E });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'forward',
- disabled: N,
- tooltip: 'Increase by one MW',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return m('set', { set_power: s + 1e6 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- disabled: N,
- tooltip: 'Increase by 10MW',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return m('set', { set_power: s + 1e7 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Total Power Use',
- children: (0, f.formatPower)(v),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Mining Power Use',
- children: (0, f.formatPower)(d),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Stabilizer Power Use',
- children: (0, f.formatPower)(I),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Surplus Power',
- children: (0, f.formatPower)(p),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Output',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Available Points',
- children: C,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Total Points',
- children: h,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- align: 'end',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: u.map(function (A) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: A.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: A.price >= C,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return m('vend', { target: A.key });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- content: A.price,
- }),
- },
- A.key
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- B = (r.Alerts = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.product || [],
- s = l.miningPower,
- d = l.stabilizerPower,
- C = l.emagged,
- h = l.safeLevels,
- v = l.autoShutown,
- p = l.stabilizers,
- N = l.overhead;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- !v &&
- !C &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { danger: 1, children: 'Auto shutdown disabled' }),
- C
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { danger: 1, children: 'All safeties disabled' })
- : s <= 15e6
- ? ''
- : p
- ? s > d + 15e6
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- danger: 1,
- children: 'Stabilizers overwhelmed, Instability likely',
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children: 'High Power, engaging stabilizers',
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- danger: 1,
- children: 'Stabilizers disabled, Instability likely',
- }),
- ],
- 0
- );
- }
- return k;
- })());
- },
- 33758: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BodyScanner = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(25328),
- o = n(72253),
- f = n(36036),
- b = n(98595),
- y = [
- ['good', 'Alive'],
- ['average', 'Critical'],
- ['bad', 'DEAD'],
- ],
- B = [
- ['hasVirus', 'bad', 'Viral pathogen detected in blood stream.'],
- ['blind', 'average', 'Cataracts detected.'],
- ['colourblind', 'average', 'Photoreceptor abnormalities detected.'],
- ['nearsighted', 'average', 'Retinal misalignment detected.'],
- ['paraplegic', 'bad', 'Lumbar nerves damaged.'],
- ],
- k = [
- ['Respiratory', 'oxyLoss'],
- ['Brain', 'brainLoss'],
- ['Toxin', 'toxLoss'],
- ['Radiation', 'radLoss'],
- ['Brute', 'bruteLoss'],
- ['Cellular', 'cloneLoss'],
- ['Burn', 'fireLoss'],
- ['Inebriation', 'drunkenness'],
- ],
- g = { average: [0.25, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- i = function (S, I) {
- for (var L = [], w = 0; w < S.length; w += 2) L.push(I(S[w], S[w + 1], w));
- return L;
- },
- c = function (S) {
- return S.length > 0
- ? S.filter(function (I) {
- return !!I;
- }).reduce(function (I, L) {
- return (0, e.createFragment)([I, (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { children: L }, L)], 0);
- }, null)
- : null;
- },
- m = function (S) {
- if (S > 100) {
- if (S < 300) return 'mild infection';
- if (S < 400) return 'mild infection+';
- if (S < 500) return 'mild infection++';
- if (S < 700) return 'acute infection';
- if (S < 800) return 'acute infection+';
- if (S < 900) return 'acute infection++';
- if (S >= 900) return 'septic';
- }
- return '';
- },
- l = (r.BodyScanner = (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- var L = (0, o.useBackend)(I),
- w = L.data,
- A = w.occupied,
- x = w.occupant,
- E = x === void 0 ? {} : x,
- P = A ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { occupant: E }) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, N);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 700,
- height: 600,
- title: 'Body Scanner',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, { scrollable: !0, children: P }),
- });
- }
- return V;
- })()),
- u = function (S) {
- var I = S.occupant;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { occupant: I }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { occupant: I }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, { occupant: I }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, { organs: I.extOrgan }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, p, { organs: I.intOrgan }),
- ],
- });
- },
- s = function (S, I) {
- var L = (0, o.useBackend)(I),
- w = L.act,
- A = L.data,
- x = A.occupant;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Occupant',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: 'print',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return w('print_p');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- children: 'Print Report',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: 'user-slash',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return w('ejectify');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- children: 'Eject',
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: x.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: x.maxHealth,
- value: x.health / x.maxHealth,
- ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- color: y[x.stat][0],
- children: y[x.stat][1],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Temperature',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AnimatedNumber, { value: (0, a.round)(x.bodyTempC) }),
- '\xB0C,\xA0',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AnimatedNumber, { value: (0, a.round)(x.bodyTempF) }),
- '\xB0F',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Implants',
- children: x.implant_len
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- children: x.implant
- .map(function (E) {
- return E.name;
- })
- .join(', '),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'None' }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- d = function (S) {
- var I = S.occupant;
- return I.hasBorer || I.blind || I.colourblind || I.nearsighted || I.hasVirus || I.paraplegic
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Abnormalities',
- children: B.map(function (L, w) {
- if (I[L[0]])
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Box,
- { color: L[1], bold: L[1] === 'bad', children: L[2] },
- L[2]
- );
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Abnormalities',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: 'No abnormalities found.',
- }),
- });
- },
- C = function (S) {
- var I = S.occupant;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Damage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
- children: i(k, function (L, w, A) {
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: [L[0], ':'] }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: !!w && w[0] + ':' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, {
- value: I[L[1]],
- marginBottom: A < k.length - 2,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- children: !!w && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, { value: I[w[1]] }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- h = function (S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: '100',
- value: S.value / 100,
- mt: '0.5rem',
- mb: !!S.marginBottom && '0.5rem',
- ranges: g,
- children: (0, a.round)(S.value),
- });
- },
- v = function (S) {
- return S.organs.length === 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'External Organs',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'N/A' }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'External Organs',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'center', children: 'Damage' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'right', children: 'Injuries' }),
- ],
- }),
- S.organs.map(function (I, L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- color:
- (!!I.status.dead && 'bad') ||
- ((!!I.internalBleeding ||
- !!I.burnWound ||
- !!I.lungRuptured ||
- !!I.status.broken ||
- !!I.open ||
- I.germ_level > 100) &&
- 'average') ||
- (!!I.status.robotic && 'label'),
- width: '33%',
- children: (0, t.capitalize)(I.name),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
- m: -0.5,
- min: '0',
- max: I.maxHealth,
- mt: L > 0 && '0.5rem',
- value: I.totalLoss / I.maxHealth,
- ranges: g,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tooltip, {
- content: 'Total damage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'heartbeat', mr: 0.5 }),
- (0, a.round)(I.totalLoss),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !!I.bruteLoss &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tooltip, {
- content: 'Brute damage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'bone', mr: 0.5 }),
- (0, a.round)(I.bruteLoss),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !!I.fireLoss &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tooltip, {
- content: 'Burn damage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'fire', mr: 0.5 }),
- (0, a.round)(I.fireLoss),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- width: '33%',
- pt: L > 0 && 'calc(0.5rem + 2px)',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- inline: !0,
- children: c([
- !!I.internalBleeding && 'Internal bleeding',
- !!I.burnWound && 'Critical tissue burns',
- !!I.lungRuptured && 'Ruptured lung',
- !!I.status.broken && I.status.broken,
- m(I.germ_level),
- !!I.open && 'Open incision',
- ]),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- children: [
- c([
- !!I.status.splinted &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'good',
- children: 'Splinted',
- }),
- !!I.status.robotic &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Robotic',
- }),
- !!I.status.dead &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- bold: !0,
- children: 'DEAD',
- }),
- ]),
- c(
- I.shrapnel.map(function (w) {
- return w.known ? w.name : 'Unknown object';
- })
- ),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- L
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- p = function (S) {
- return S.organs.length === 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Internal Organs',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'N/A' }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Internal Organs',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'center', children: 'Damage' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'right', children: 'Injuries' }),
- ],
- }),
- S.organs.map(function (I, L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- color:
- (!!I.dead && 'bad') ||
- (I.germ_level > 100 && 'average') ||
- (I.robotic > 0 && 'label'),
- width: '33%',
- children: (0, t.capitalize)(I.name),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: I.maxHealth,
- value: I.damage / I.maxHealth,
- mt: L > 0 && '0.5rem',
- ranges: g,
- children: (0, a.round)(I.damage),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- width: '33%',
- pt: L > 0 && 'calc(0.5rem + 2px)',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- inline: !0,
- children: c([m(I.germ_level)]),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- children: c([
- I.robotic === 1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Robotic',
- }),
- I.robotic === 2 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Assisted',
- }),
- !!I.dead &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- bold: !0,
- children: 'DEAD',
- }),
- ]),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- L
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- N = function () {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No occupant detected.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 67963: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BookBinder = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(3939),
- b = n(39473),
- y = (r.BookBinder = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.selectedbook,
- u = m.book_categories,
- s = [];
- return (
- u.map(function (d) {
- return (s[d.description] = d.category_id);
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 400,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Book Binder',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'print',
- width: 'auto',
- content: 'Print Book',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('print_book');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- ml: 10,
- fontSize: '1.2rem',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'search-plus',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- size: 3,
- mr: '1rem',
- }),
- 'Book Binder',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Title',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- icon: 'pen',
- width: 'auto',
- content: l.title,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(g, 'edit_selected_title');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Author',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- icon: 'pen',
- width: 'auto',
- content: l.author,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(g, 'edit_selected_author');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Select Categories',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- width: '190px',
- options: u.map(function (d) {
- return d.description;
- }),
- onSelected: (function () {
- function d(C) {
- return c('toggle_binder_category', { category_id: s[C] });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Summary',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pen',
- width: 'auto',
- content: 'Edit Summary',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(g, 'edit_selected_summary');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { children: l.summary }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- u
- .filter(function (d) {
- return l.categories.includes(d.category_id);
- })
- .map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: d.description,
- selected: !0,
- icon: 'unlink',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return c('toggle_binder_category', { category_id: d.category_id });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- },
- d.category_id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })
- );
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 61925: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotCall = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = function (i) {
- var c = [
- { modes: [0], label: 'Idle', color: 'green' },
- { modes: [1, 2, 3], label: 'Arresting', color: 'yellow' },
- { modes: [4, 5], label: 'Patrolling', color: 'average' },
- { modes: [9], label: 'Moving', color: 'average' },
- { modes: [6, 11], label: 'Responding', color: 'green' },
- { modes: [12], label: 'Delivering Cargo', color: 'blue' },
- { modes: [13], label: 'Returning Home', color: 'blue' },
- { modes: [7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], label: 'Working', color: 'blue' },
- ],
- m = c.find(function (l) {
- return l.modes.includes(i);
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: m.color, children: [' ', m.label, ' '] });
- },
- b = (r.BotCall = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = (0, a.useLocalState)(c, 'tabIndex', 0),
- d = s[0],
- C = s[1],
- h = { 0: 'Security', 1: 'Medibot', 2: 'Cleanbot', 3: 'Floorbot', 4: 'Mule', 5: 'Honkbot' },
- v = (function () {
- function p(N) {
- return h[N]
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { model: h[N] })
- : 'This should not happen. Report on Paradise Github';
- }
- return p;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 700,
- height: 400,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: d === 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: Array.from({ length: 6 }).map(function (p, N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: d === N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return C(N);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: h[N],
- },
- N
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- v(d),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- y = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.bots;
- return s[i.model] !== void 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { model: [i.model] })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { model: [i.model] });
- },
- B = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- justify: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: 1,
- color: 'bad',
- children: ['No ', [i.model], ' detected'],
- }),
- });
- },
- k = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.bots;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Model' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Location' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Interface' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Call' }),
- ],
- }),
- s[i.model].map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.model }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: d.on
- ? f(d.status)
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: 'Off' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.location }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Interface',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return l('interface', { botref: d.UID });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Call',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return l('call', { botref: d.UID });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- d.UID
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 20464: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotClean = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(92963),
- b = (r.BotClean = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.locked,
- l = c.noaccess,
- u = c.maintpanel,
- s = c.on,
- d = c.autopatrol,
- C = c.canhack,
- h = c.emagged,
- v = c.remote_disabled,
- p = c.painame,
- N = c.cleanblood,
- V = c.area;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 400,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BotStatus),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Cleaning Settings',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: N,
- content: 'Clean Blood',
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return i('blood');
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Misc Settings',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: V ? 'Reset Area Selection' : 'Restrict to Current Area',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return i('area');
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- V !== null &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- mb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Locked Area',
- children: V,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- p &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'pAI',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: p,
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return i('ejectpai');
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 69479: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotFloor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(92963),
- b = (r.BotFloor = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.noaccess,
- l = c.painame,
- u = c.hullplating,
- s = c.replace,
- d = c.eat,
- C = c.make,
- h = c.fixfloor,
- v = c.nag_empty,
- p = c.magnet,
- N = c.tiles_amount;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 510,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BotStatus),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Floor Settings',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mb: '5px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tiles Left',
- children: N,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: u,
- content: 'Add tiles to new hull plating',
- tooltip:
- 'Fixing a plating requires the removal of floor tile. This will place it back after repairing. Same goes for hull breaches',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return i('autotile');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: s,
- content: 'Add floor tiles on exposed hull plating',
- tooltip: 'Example: It will add tiles to maintenance',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return i('replacetiles');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: h,
- content: 'Repair damaged tiles and platings',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return i('fixfloors');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Miscellaneous',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: d,
- content: 'Finds tiles',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return i('eattiles');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: C,
- content: 'Make pieces of metal into tiles when empty',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return i('maketiles');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: v,
- content: 'Transmit notice when empty',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return i('nagonempty');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: p,
- content: 'Traction Magnets',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return i('anchored');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'pAI',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: l,
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return i('ejectpai');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 59887: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotHonk = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(92963),
- b = (r.BotHonk = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 220,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BotStatus),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 80063: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotMed = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(92963),
- b = (r.BotMed = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.locked,
- l = c.noaccess,
- u = c.maintpanel,
- s = c.on,
- d = c.autopatrol,
- C = c.canhack,
- h = c.emagged,
- v = c.remote_disabled,
- p = c.painame,
- N = c.shut_up,
- V = c.declare_crit,
- S = c.stationary_mode,
- I = c.heal_threshold,
- L = c.injection_amount,
- w = c.use_beaker,
- A = c.treat_virus,
- x = c.reagent_glass;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BotStatus),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Communication Settings',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Speaker',
- checked: !N,
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return i('toggle_speaker');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Critical Patient Alerts',
- checked: V,
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return i('toggle_critical_alerts');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Treatment Settings',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Healing Threshold',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- value: I.value,
- minValue: I.min,
- maxValue: I.max,
- step: 5,
- disabled: l,
- onChange: (function () {
- function E(P, D) {
- return i('set_heal_threshold', { target: D });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Injection Level',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- value: L.value,
- minValue: L.min,
- maxValue: L.max,
- step: 5,
- format: (function () {
- function E(P) {
- return P + 'u';
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- disabled: l,
- onChange: (function () {
- function E(P, D) {
- return i('set_injection_amount', { target: D });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Reagent Source',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: w ? 'Beaker' : 'Internal Synthesizer',
- icon: w ? 'flask' : 'cogs',
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return i('toggle_use_beaker');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- x &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Beaker',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- inline: !0,
- width: '100%',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: x.amount,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: x.max_amount,
- children: [x.amount, ' / ', x.max_amount],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- ml: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Eject',
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return i('eject_reagent_glass');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- mt: 1,
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Treat Viral Infections',
- checked: A,
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return i('toggle_treat_viral');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Stationary Mode',
- checked: S,
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return i('toggle_stationary_mode');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- p &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'pAI',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: p,
- disabled: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return i('ejectpai');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 74439: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotSecurity = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(92963),
- b = (r.BotSecurity = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.noaccess,
- l = c.painame,
- u = c.check_id,
- s = c.check_weapons,
- d = c.check_warrant,
- C = c.arrest_mode,
- h = c.arrest_declare;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 445,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BotStatus),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Who To Arrest',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: u,
- content: 'Unidentifiable Persons',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return i('authid');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: s,
- content: 'Unauthorized Weapons',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return i('authweapon');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: d,
- content: 'Wanted Criminals',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return i('authwarrant');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Arrest Procedure',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: C,
- content: 'Detain Targets Indefinitely',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return i('arrtype');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: h,
- content: 'Announce Arrests On Radio',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return i('arrdeclare');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'pAI',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: l,
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return i('ejectpai');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 10833: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BrigCells = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(98595),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(72253),
- f = function (k, g) {
- var i = k.cell,
- c = (0, o.useBackend)(g),
- m = c.act,
- l = i.cell_id,
- u = i.occupant,
- s = i.crimes,
- d = i.brigged_by,
- C = i.time_left_seconds,
- h = i.time_set_seconds,
- v = i.ref,
- p = '';
- C > 0 && (p += ' BrigCells__listRow--active');
- var N = function () {
- m('release', { ref: v });
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- className: p,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: l }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: s }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.TimeDisplay, { totalSeconds: h }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.TimeDisplay, { totalSeconds: C }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- type: 'button',
- onClick: N,
- children: 'Release',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- b = function (k) {
- var g = k.cells;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'BrigCells__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Cell' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Occupant' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Crimes' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Brigged By' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Time Brigged For' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Time Left' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Release' }),
- ],
- }),
- g.map(function (i) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, { cell: i }, i.ref);
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- y = (r.BrigCells = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, o.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.cells;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Window, {
- theme: 'security',
- width: 800,
- height: 400,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { cells: l }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 45761: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BrigTimer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.BrigTimer = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data;
- (i.nameText = i.occupant),
- i.timing &&
- (i.prisoner_hasrec
- ? (i.nameText = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: i.occupant }))
- : (i.nameText = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: i.occupant })));
- var c = 'pencil-alt';
- i.prisoner_name && (i.prisoner_hasrec || (c = 'exclamation-triangle'));
- var m = [],
- l = 0;
- for (l = 0; l < i.spns.length; l++) m.push(i.spns[l]);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: i.timing ? 237 : 396,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Cell Information',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cell ID',
- children: i.cell_id,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Occupant',
- children: i.nameText,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Crimes', children: i.crimes }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Brigged By',
- children: i.brigged_by,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Time Brigged For',
- children: i.time_set,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Time Left',
- children: i.time_left,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Actions',
- children: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'lightbulb-o',
- content: 'Flash',
- disabled: !i.isAllowed,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('flash');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Reset Timer',
- disabled: !i.timing || !i.isAllowed,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('restart_timer');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Release Prisoner',
- disabled: !i.timing || !i.isAllowed,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('stop');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !i.timing &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'New Prisoner',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Prisoner Name',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: c,
- content: i.prisoner_name ? i.prisoner_name : '-----',
- disabled: !i.isAllowed,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('prisoner_name');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- !!i.spns.length &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '0.3rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- disabled: !i.isAllowed || !i.spns.length,
- options: i.spns,
- width: '250px',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function u(s) {
- return g('prisoner_name', { prisoner_name: s });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Prisoner Crimes',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- content: i.prisoner_charge ? i.prisoner_charge : '-----',
- disabled: !i.isAllowed,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('prisoner_charge');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Prisoner Time',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- content: i.prisoner_time ? i.prisoner_time : '-----',
- disabled: !i.isAllowed,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('prisoner_time');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Start',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'gavel',
- content: 'Start Sentence',
- disabled: !i.prisoner_name || !i.prisoner_charge || !i.prisoner_time || !i.isAllowed,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('start');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 26300: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CameraConsoleContent = r.CameraConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(64795),
- o = n(35840),
- f = n(25328),
- b = n(72253),
- y = n(36036),
- B = n(98595);
- String.prototype.trimLongStr = function (m) {
- return this.length > m ? this.substring(0, m) + '...' : this;
- };
- var k = function (l, u) {
- var s, d;
- if (!u) return [];
- var C = l.findIndex(function (h) {
- return h.name === u.name;
- });
- return [(s = l[C - 1]) == null ? void 0 : s.name, (d = l[C + 1]) == null ? void 0 : d.name];
- },
- g = function (l, u) {
- u === void 0 && (u = '');
- var s = (0, f.createSearch)(u, function (d) {
- return d.name;
- });
- return (0, t.flow)([
- (0, a.filter)(function (d) {
- return d == null ? void 0 : d.name;
- }),
- u && (0, a.filter)(s),
- (0, a.sortBy)(function (d) {
- return d.name;
- }),
- ])(l);
- },
- i = (r.CameraConsole = (function () {
- function m(l, u) {
- var s = (0, b.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = s.config,
- v = C.mapRef,
- p = C.activeCamera,
- N = g(C.cameras),
- V = k(N, p),
- S = V[0],
- I = V[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
- width: 870,
- height: 708,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'CameraConsole__left',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- }),
- }),
- 2
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'CameraConsole__right',
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'CameraConsole__toolbar',
- [(0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Camera: ', 16), (p && p.name) || '\u2014'],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'CameraConsole__toolbarRight',
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-left',
- disabled: !S,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return d('switch_camera', { name: S });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-right',
- disabled: !I,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return d('switch_camera', { name: I });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.ByondUi, {
- className: 'CameraConsole__map',
- params: { id: v, type: 'map' },
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- });
- }
- return m;
- })()),
- c = (r.CameraConsoleContent = (function () {
- function m(l, u) {
- var s = (0, b.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = (0, b.useLocalState)(u, 'searchText', ''),
- v = h[0],
- p = h[1],
- N = C.activeCamera,
- V = g(C.cameras, v);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- placeholder: 'Search for a camera',
- onInput: (function () {
- function S(I, L) {
- return p(L);
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- m: 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: V.map(function (S) {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, o.classes)([
- 'Button',
- 'Button--fluid',
- 'Button--color--transparent',
- N && S.name === N.name && 'Button--selected',
- ]),
- S.name.trimLongStr(23),
- 0,
- {
- title: S.name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return d('switch_camera', { name: S.name });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- },
- S.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return m;
- })());
- },
- 52927: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Canister = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(49968),
- b = n(98595),
- y = (r.Canister = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, t.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.portConnected,
- u = m.tankPressure,
- s = m.releasePressure,
- d = m.defaultReleasePressure,
- C = m.minReleasePressure,
- h = m.maxReleasePressure,
- v = m.valveOpen,
- p = m.name,
- N = m.canLabel,
- V = m.colorContainer,
- S = m.color_index,
- I = m.hasHoldingTank,
- L = m.holdingTank,
- w = '';
- S.prim && (w = V.prim.options[S.prim].name);
- var A = '';
- S.sec && (A = V.sec.options[S.sec].name);
- var x = '';
- S.ter && (x = V.ter.options[S.ter].name);
- var E = '';
- S.quart && (E = V.quart.options[S.quart].name);
- var P = [],
- D = [],
- M = [],
- R = [],
- O = 0;
- for (O = 0; O < V.prim.options.length; O++) P.push(V.prim.options[O].name);
- for (O = 0; O < V.sec.options.length; O++) D.push(V.sec.options[O].name);
- for (O = 0; O < V.ter.options.length; O++) M.push(V.ter.options[O].name);
- for (O = 0; O < V.quart.options.length; O++) R.push(V.quart.options[O].name);
- var F = '';
- return (
- N &&
- (F = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Paint',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
- minWidth: '110px',
- label: V.prim.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- over: !0,
- selected: w,
- disabled: !N,
- options: P,
- width: '110px',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function _(U) {
- return c('recolor', { nc: P.indexOf(U), ctype: 'prim' });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
- minWidth: '110px',
- label: V.sec.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- over: !0,
- selected: A,
- disabled: !N,
- options: D,
- width: '110px',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function _(U) {
- return c('recolor', { nc: D.indexOf(U), ctype: 'sec' });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
- minWidth: '110px',
- label: V.ter.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- over: !0,
- selected: x,
- disabled: !N,
- options: M,
- width: '110px',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function _(U) {
- return c('recolor', { nc: M.indexOf(U), ctype: 'ter' });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
- minWidth: '110px',
- label: V.quart.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- over: !0,
- selected: E,
- disabled: !N,
- options: R,
- width: '110px',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function _(U) {
- return c('recolor', { nc: R.indexOf(U), ctype: 'quart' });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: N ? 300 : 230,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: p,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- content: 'Relabel',
- disabled: !N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return c('relabel');
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
- minWidth: '66px',
- label: 'Pressure',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, {
- value: u,
- format: (function () {
- function _(U) {
- return U < 1e4
- ? (0, a.toFixed)(U) + ' kPa'
- : (0, f.formatSiUnit)(U * 1e3, 1, 'Pa');
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
- label: 'Regulator',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- position: 'relative',
- left: '-8px',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Knob, {
- size: 1.25,
- color: !!v && 'yellow',
- value: s,
- unit: 'kPa',
- minValue: C,
- maxValue: h,
- step: 5,
- stepPixelSize: 1,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function _(U, z) {
- return c('pressure', { pressure: z });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- position: 'absolute',
- top: '-2px',
- right: '-20px',
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- tooltip: 'Max Release Pressure',
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return c('pressure', { pressure: h });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- position: 'absolute',
- top: '16px',
- right: '-20px',
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'undo',
- tooltip: 'Reset Release Pressure',
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return c('pressure', { pressure: d });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
- label: 'Valve',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- my: 0.5,
- width: '50px',
- lineHeight: 2,
- fontSize: '11px',
- color: v ? (I ? 'caution' : 'danger') : null,
- content: v ? 'Open' : 'Closed',
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return c('valve');
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledControls.Item, {
- mr: 1,
- label: 'Port',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tooltip, {
- content: l ? 'Connected' : 'Disconnected',
- position: 'top',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- position: 'relative',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- size: 1.25,
- name: l ? 'plug' : 'times',
- color: l ? 'good' : 'bad',
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Holding Tank',
- buttons:
- !!I &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return c('eject');
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- !!I &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Label',
- children: L.name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pressure',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: L.tankPressure }),
- ' kPa',
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !I &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'No Holding Tank' }),
- ],
- }),
- F,
- ],
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 51793: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.CardComputerNoRecords = r.CardComputerNoCard = r.CardComputerLoginWarning = r.CardComputer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(49148),
- b = n(76910),
- y = b.COLORS.department,
- B = (r.CardComputerLoginWarning = (function () {
- function c() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Warning',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.75,
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'user', size: 5, color: 'gray' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Not logged in',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- k = (r.CardComputerNoCard = (function () {
- function c() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Card Missing',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.75,
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'id-card', size: 5, color: 'gray' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No card to modify',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- g = (r.CardComputerNoRecords = (function () {
- function c() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Records',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.75,
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'scroll', size: 5, color: 'gray' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No records',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- i = (r.CardComputer = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'id-card',
- selected: d.mode === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('mode', { mode: 0 });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Job Transfers',
- }),
- !d.target_dept &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'id-card',
- selected: d.mode === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('mode', { mode: 2 });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Access Modification',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'folder-open',
- selected: d.mode === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('mode', { mode: 1 });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Job Management',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'scroll',
- selected: d.mode === 3,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('mode', { mode: 3 });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Records',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'users',
- selected: d.mode === 4,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('mode', { mode: 4 });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Department',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- h = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Authentication',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Login/Logout',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: d.scan_name ? 'sign-out-alt' : 'id-card',
- selected: d.scan_name,
- content: d.scan_name ? 'Log Out: ' + d.scan_name : '-----',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('scan');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Card To Modify',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: d.modify_name ? 'eject' : 'id-card',
- selected: d.modify_name,
- content: d.modify_name ? 'Remove Card: ' + d.modify_name : '-----',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('modify');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- v;
- switch (d.mode) {
- case 0:
- !d.authenticated || !d.scan_name
- ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B))
- : d.modify_name
- ? (v = (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Card Information',
- children: [
- !d.target_dept &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Registered Name',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon:
- !d.modify_owner || d.modify_owner === 'Unknown'
- ? 'exclamation-triangle'
- : 'pencil-alt',
- selected: d.modify_name,
- content: d.modify_owner,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('reg');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Number',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: d.account_number ? 'pencil-alt' : 'exclamation-triangle',
- selected: d.account_number,
- content: d.account_number ? d.account_number : 'None',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('account');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Latest Transfer',
- children: d.modify_lastlog || '---',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: d.target_dept ? 'Department Job Transfer' : 'Job Transfer',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- d.target_dept
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Department',
- children: d.jobs_dept.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.modify_rank === p,
- content: p,
- color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Special',
- children: d.jobs_top.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.modify_rank === p,
- content: p,
- color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Engineering',
- labelColor: y.engineering,
- children: d.jobs_engineering.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.modify_rank === p,
- content: p,
- color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Medical',
- labelColor: y.medical,
- children: d.jobs_medical.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.modify_rank === p,
- content: p,
- color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Science',
- labelColor: y.science,
- children: d.jobs_science.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.modify_rank === p,
- content: p,
- color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Security',
- labelColor: y.security,
- children: d.jobs_security.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.modify_rank === p,
- content: p,
- color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Service',
- labelColor: y.service,
- children: d.jobs_service.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.modify_rank === p,
- content: p,
- color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Supply',
- labelColor: y.supply,
- children: d.jobs_supply.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.modify_rank === p,
- content: p,
- color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Retirement',
- children: d.jobs_assistant.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.modify_rank === p,
- content: p,
- color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- !!d.iscentcom &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'CentCom',
- labelColor: y.centcom,
- children: d.jobs_centcom.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.modify_rank === p,
- content: p,
- color: d.jobFormats[p] ? d.jobFormats[p] : 'purple',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('assign', { assign_target: p });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Demotion',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- disabled:
- d.modify_assignment === 'Demoted' || d.modify_assignment === 'Terminated',
- content: 'Demoted',
- tooltip: "Assistant access, 'demoted' title.",
- color: 'red',
- icon: 'times',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('demote');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- },
- 'Demoted'
- ),
- }),
- !!d.canterminate &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Non-Crew',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- disabled: d.modify_assignment === 'Terminated',
- content: 'Terminated',
- tooltip: 'Zero access. Not crew.',
- color: 'red',
- icon: 'eraser',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('terminate');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- },
- 'Terminate'
- ),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !d.target_dept &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Card Skins',
- children: [
- d.card_skins.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.current_skin === p.skin,
- content: p.display_name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('skin', { skin_target: p.skin });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p.skin
- );
- }),
- !!d.iscentcom &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: d.all_centcom_skins.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.current_skin === p.skin,
- content: p.display_name,
- color: 'purple',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('skin', { skin_target: p.skin });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- },
- p.skin
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ))
- : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k));
- break;
- case 1:
- d.auth_or_ghost
- ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- color: d.cooldown_time ? 'red' : '',
- children: ['Next Change Available:', d.cooldown_time ? d.cooldown_time : 'Now'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Job Slots',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- height: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- bold: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Title',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- bold: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Used Slots',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- bold: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Total Slots',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- bold: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Free Slots',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- bold: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Close Slot',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- bold: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Open Slot',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- bold: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Priority',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- d.job_slots.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- height: 2,
- className: 'candystripe',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: p.is_priority ? 'green' : '',
- children: p.title,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: p.current_positions,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: p.total_positions,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children:
- (p.total_positions > p.current_positions &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'green',
- children: p.total_positions - p.current_positions,
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: '0' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: '-',
- disabled: d.cooldown_time || !p.can_close,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('make_job_unavailable', { job: p.title });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: '+',
- disabled: d.cooldown_time || !p.can_open,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('make_job_available', { job: p.title });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children:
- (d.target_dept &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'green',
- children: d.priority_jobs.indexOf(p.title) > -1 ? 'Yes' : '',
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: p.is_priority ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- selected: p.is_priority,
- disabled: d.cooldown_time || !p.can_prioritize,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('prioritize_job', { job: p.title });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- p.title
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }))
- : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B));
- break;
- case 2:
- !d.authenticated || !d.scan_name
- ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B))
- : d.modify_name
- ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AccessList, {
- accesses: d.regions,
- selectedList: d.selectedAccess,
- accessMod: (function () {
- function p(N) {
- return s('set', { access: N });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- grantAll: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('grant_all');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- denyAll: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('clear_all');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- grantDep: (function () {
- function p(N) {
- return s('grant_region', { region: N });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- denyDep: (function () {
- function p(N) {
- return s('deny_region', { region: N });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }))
- : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k));
- break;
- case 3:
- d.authenticated
- ? d.records.length
- ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Records',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Delete All Records',
- disabled: !d.authenticated || d.records.length === 0 || d.target_dept,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('wipe_all_logs');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- height: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Crewman' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Old Rank' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'New Rank' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- bold: !0,
- children: 'Authorized By',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Time' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Reason' }),
- !!d.iscentcom &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- bold: !0,
- children: 'Deleted By',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- d.records.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- height: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.transferee }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.oldvalue }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.newvalue }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.whodidit }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.timestamp }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.reason }),
- !!d.iscentcom &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.deletedby }),
- ],
- },
- p.timestamp
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !!d.iscentcom &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- content: 'Delete MY Records',
- color: 'purple',
- disabled: !d.authenticated || d.records.length === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('wipe_my_logs');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }))
- : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g))
- : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B));
- break;
- case 4:
- !d.authenticated || !d.scan_name
- ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B))
- : (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Your Team',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- height: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Rank' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Sec Status' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Actions' }),
- ],
- }),
- d.people_dept.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- height: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.title }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.crimstat }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: p.buttontext,
- disabled: !p.demotable,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('remote_demote', { remote_demote: p.name });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- p.title
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }));
- break;
- default:
- v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Warning',
- color: 'red',
- children: 'ERROR: Unknown Mode.',
- });
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 800,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: h }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: C }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: v }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return c;
- })());
- },
- 64083: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CargoConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(64795),
- t = n(88510),
- o = n(72253),
- f = n(36036),
- b = n(98595),
- y = n(25328),
- B = (r.CargoConsole = (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 900,
- height: 800,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- k = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'contentsModal', null),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1],
- p = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'contentsModalTitle', null),
- N = p[0],
- V = p[1];
- if (h !== null && N !== null)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Modal, {
- maxWidth: '75%',
- width: window.innerWidth + 'px',
- maxHeight: window.innerHeight * 0.75 + 'px',
- mx: 'auto',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- width: '100%',
- bold: !0,
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h1', null, [N, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' contents:')], 0),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- children: h.map(function (S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { children: ['- ', S] }, S);
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- m: 2,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- content: 'Close',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- v(null), V(null);
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- g = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, o.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.is_public,
- N = v.timeleft,
- V = v.moving,
- S = v.at_station,
- I,
- L;
- return (
- !V && !S
- ? ((I = 'Docked off-station'), (L = 'Call Shuttle'))
- : !V && S
- ? ((I = 'Docked at the station'), (L = 'Return Shuttle'))
- : V &&
- ((L = 'In Transit...'),
- N !== 1
- ? (I = 'Shuttle is en route (ETA: ' + N + ' minutes)')
- : (I = 'Shuttle is en route (ETA: ' + N + ' minute)')),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Shuttle Status', children: I }),
- p === 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Controls',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- content: L,
- disabled: V,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return h('moveShuttle');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- content: 'View Central Command Messages',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return h('showMessages');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- },
- i = function (s, d) {
- var C,
- h = (0, o.useBackend)(d),
- v = h.act,
- p = h.data,
- N = p.accounts,
- V = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'selectedAccount'),
- S = V[0],
- I = V[1],
- L = [];
- return (
- N.map(function (w) {
- return (L[w.name] = w.account_UID);
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Payment',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
- width: '190px',
- options: N.map(function (w) {
- return w.name;
- }),
- selected:
- (C = N.filter(function (w) {
- return w.account_UID === S;
- })[0]) == null
- ? void 0
- : C.name,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function w(A) {
- return I(L[A]);
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- N.filter(function (w) {
- return w.account_UID === S;
- }).map(function (w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.LabeledList,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Name',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, { mt: 1, children: w.name }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Balance',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, { children: w.balance }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- w.account_UID
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- );
- },
- c = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, o.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.requests,
- N = v.categories,
- V = v.supply_packs,
- S = (0, o.useSharedState)(d, 'category', 'Emergency'),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, o.useSharedState)(d, 'search_text', ''),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'contentsModal', null),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1],
- M = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'contentsModalTitle', null),
- R = M[0],
- O = M[1],
- F = (0, y.createSearch)(A, function (X) {
- return X.name;
- }),
- _ = (0, o.useLocalState)(d, 'selectedAccount'),
- U = _[0],
- z = _[1],
- $ = (0, a.flow)([
- (0, t.filter)(function (X) {
- return (
- X.cat ===
- N.filter(function (J) {
- return J.name === I;
- })[0].category || A
- );
- }),
- A && (0, t.filter)(F),
- (0, t.sortBy)(function (X) {
- return X.name.toLowerCase();
- }),
- ])(V),
- G = 'Crate Catalogue';
- return (
- A ? (G = "Results for '" + A + "':") : I && (G = 'Browsing ' + I),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: G,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
- width: '190px',
- options: N.map(function (X) {
- return X.name;
- }),
- selected: I,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function X(J) {
- return L(J);
- }
- return X;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- placeholder: 'Search for...',
- onInput: (function () {
- function X(J, se) {
- return x(se);
- }
- return X;
- })(),
- mb: 1,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- maxHeight: 25,
- overflowY: 'auto',
- overflowX: 'hidden',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: $.map(function (X) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [X.name, ' (', X.cost, ' Credits)'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- pr: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- content: 'Order 1',
- icon: 'shopping-cart',
- disabled: !U,
- onClick: (function () {
- function J() {
- return h('order', { crate: X.ref, multiple: !1, account: U });
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- content: 'Order Multiple',
- icon: 'cart-plus',
- disabled: !U || X.singleton,
- onClick: (function () {
- function J() {
- return h('order', { crate: X.ref, multiple: !0, account: U });
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- content: 'View Contents',
- icon: 'search',
- onClick: (function () {
- function J() {
- D(X.contents), O(X.name);
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- X.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- );
- },
- m = function (s, d) {
- var C = s.request,
- h,
- v;
- switch (C.department) {
- case 'Engineering':
- (v = 'CE'), (h = 'orange');
- break;
- case 'Medical':
- (v = 'CMO'), (h = 'teal');
- break;
- case 'Science':
- (v = 'RD'), (h = 'purple');
- break;
- case 'Supply':
- (v = 'CT'), (h = 'brown');
- break;
- case 'Service':
- (v = 'HOP'), (h = 'olive');
- break;
- case 'Security':
- (v = 'HOS'), (h = 'red');
- break;
- case 'Command':
- (v = 'CAP'), (h = 'blue');
- break;
- case 'Assistant':
- (v = 'Any Head'), (h = 'grey');
- break;
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, { mt: 0.5, children: 'Approval Required:' }),
- !!C.req_cargo_approval &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- color: 'brown',
- content: 'QM',
- icon: 'user-tie',
- tooltip: 'This Order requires approval from the QM still',
- }),
- }),
- !!C.req_head_approval &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- color: h,
- content: v,
- disabled: C.req_cargo_approval,
- icon: 'user-tie',
- tooltip: C.req_cargo_approval
- ? 'This Order first requires approval from the QM before the ' + v + ' can approve it'
- : 'This Order requires approval from the ' + v + ' still',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- l = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, o.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.requests,
- N = v.orders,
- V = v.shipments;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Orders',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { bold: !0, children: 'Requests' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
- children: p.map(function (S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Table.Row,
- {
- className: 'Cargo_RequestList',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- mb: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- children: [
- 'Order #',
- S.ordernum,
- ': ',
- S.supply_type,
- ' (',
- S.cost,
- ' credits) for ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, S.orderedby, 0),
- ' with',
- ' ',
- S.department ? 'The ' + S.department + ' Department' : 'Their Personal',
- ' Account',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- italic: !0,
- children: ['Reason: ', S.comment],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { request: S }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- content: 'Approve',
- color: 'green',
- disabled: !S.can_approve,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return h('approve', { ordernum: S.ordernum });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- content: 'Deny',
- color: 'red',
- disabled: !S.can_deny,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return h('deny', { ordernum: S.ordernum });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- S.ordernum
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { bold: !0, children: 'Orders Awaiting Delivery' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: N.map(function (S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Table.Row,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- children: [
- '- #',
- S.ordernum,
- ': ',
- S.supply_type,
- ' for ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, S.orderedby, 0),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { italic: !0, children: ['Reason: ', S.comment] }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- S.ordernum
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { bold: !0, children: 'Order in Transit' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: V.map(function (S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Table.Row,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- children: [
- '- #',
- S.ordernum,
- ': ',
- S.supply_type,
- ' for ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, S.orderedby, 0),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { italic: !0, children: ['Reason: ', S.comment] }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- S.ordernum
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 36232: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ChameleonAppearances = r.Chameleon = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(64795),
- o = n(88510),
- f = n(72253),
- b = n(36036),
- y = n(98595),
- B = (r.Chameleon = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
- width: 431,
- height: 500,
- theme: 'syndicate',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- }),
- });
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- k = function (c, m) {
- m === void 0 && (m = '');
- var l = (0, a.createSearch)(m, function (u) {
- return u.name;
- });
- return (0, t.flow)([
- (0, o.filter)(function (u) {
- return u == null ? void 0 : u.name;
- }),
- m && (0, o.filter)(l),
- ])(c);
- },
- g = (r.ChameleonAppearances = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- var l = (0, f.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = (0, f.useLocalState)(m, 'searchText', ''),
- C = d[0],
- h = d[1],
- v = k(s.chameleon_skins, C),
- p = s.selected_appearance;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- placeholder: 'Search for an appearance',
- onInput: (function () {
- function N(V, S) {
- return h(S);
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Item Appearance',
- children: v.map(function (N) {
- var V = N.name + '_' + N.icon_state;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.ImageButton,
- {
- dmIcon: N.icon,
- dmIconState: N.icon_state,
- imageSize: 64,
- m: 0.5,
- compact: !0,
- selected: V === p,
- tooltip: N.name,
- style: { opacity: (V === p && '1') || '0.5' },
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- u('change_appearance', { new_appearance: V });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return i;
- })());
- },
- 87331: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ChangelogView = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.ChangelogView = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'onlyRecent', 0),
- m = c[0],
- l = c[1],
- u = i.cl_data,
- s = i.last_cl,
- d = {
- FIX: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'tools', title: 'Fix' }),
- WIP: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'hard-hat', title: 'WIP', color: 'orange' }),
- TWEAK: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'sliders-h', title: 'Tweak' }),
- SOUNDADD: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'volume-up',
- title: 'Sound Added',
- color: 'green',
- }),
- SOUNDDEL: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'volume-mute',
- title: 'Sound Removed',
- color: 'red',
- }),
- CODEADD: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'plus',
- title: 'Code Addition',
- color: 'green',
- }),
- CODEDEL: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'minus',
- title: 'Code Removal',
- color: 'red',
- }),
- IMAGEADD: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'folder-plus',
- title: 'Sprite Addition',
- color: 'green',
- }),
- IMAGEDEL: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'folder-minus',
- title: 'Sprite Removal',
- color: 'red',
- }),
- SPELLCHECK: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'font', title: 'Spelling/Grammar Fix' }),
- EXPERIMENT: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'exclamation-triangle',
- title: 'Experimental',
- color: 'orange',
- }),
- },
- C = (function () {
- function h(v) {
- return v in d ? d[v] : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'plus', color: 'green' });
- }
- return h;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 750,
- height: 800,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'ParadiseSS13 Changelog',
- mt: 2,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: m ? 'Showing all changes' : 'Showing changes since last connection',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return l(!m);
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- children: u.map(function (h) {
- return (
- (!m && h.merge_ts <= s) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- mb: 2,
- title: h.author + ' - Merged on ' + h.merge_date,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: '#' + h.num,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return g('open_pr', { pr_number: h.num });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- children: h.entries.map(function (v) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- { m: 1, children: [C(v.etype), ' ', v.etext] },
- v
- );
- }),
- },
- h
- )
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 91360: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CheckboxListInputModal = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(51057),
- t = n(19203),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(72253),
- b = n(98595),
- y = (r.CheckboxListInputModal = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, f.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.items,
- s = u === void 0 ? [] : u,
- d = l.message,
- C = d === void 0 ? '' : d,
- h = l.init_value,
- v = l.timeout,
- p = l.title,
- N = (0, f.useLocalState)(i, 'edittedItems', s),
- V = N[0],
- S = N[1],
- I = 330 + Math.ceil(C.length / 3),
- L = (function () {
- function w(A) {
- A === void 0 && (A = null);
- var x = [].concat(V);
- (x = x.map(function (E) {
- return E.key === A.key ? Object.assign({}, E, { checked: !A.checked }) : E;
- })),
- S(x);
- }
- return w;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- title: p,
- width: 325,
- height: I,
- children: [
- v && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: v }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- className: 'ListInput__Section',
- fill: !0,
- title: C,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { filteredItems: V, onClick: L }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- mt: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.InputButtons, { input: V }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = g.filteredItems,
- m = g.onClick;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- tabIndex: 0,
- children: c.map(function (l, u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button.Checkbox,
- {
- fluid: !0,
- id: u,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return m(l);
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- checked: l.checked,
- style: { animation: 'none', transition: 'none' },
- children: l.key.replace(/^\w/, function (s) {
- return s.toUpperCase();
- }),
- },
- u
- );
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 36108: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ChemDispenser = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(85870),
- f = n(98595),
- b = [1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50],
- y = [1, 5, 10],
- B = (r.ChemDispenser = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.chemicals;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 400 + C.length * 8,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- k = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.amount,
- h = d.energy,
- v = d.maxEnergy;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Settings',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Energy',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: h,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: v,
- ranges: { good: [v * 0.5, 1 / 0], average: [v * 0.25, v * 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, v * 0.25] },
- children: [h, ' / ', v, ' Units'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Dispense',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: b.map(function (p, N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- grow: !0,
- width: '15%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: C === p,
- content: p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return s('amount', { amount: p });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- N
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (m, l) {
- for (
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.chemicals,
- h = C === void 0 ? [] : C,
- v = [],
- p = 0;
- p < (h.length + 1) % 3;
- p++
- )
- v.push(!0);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: d.glass ? 'Drink Dispenser' : 'Chemical Dispenser',
- children: [
- h.map(function (N, V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- m: 0.1,
- width: '32.5%',
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
- content: N.title,
- style: { 'margin-left': '2px' },
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return s('dispense', { reagent: N.id });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V
- );
- }),
- v.map(function (N, V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, basis: '25%' }, V);
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- i = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.isBeakerLoaded,
- h = d.beakerCurrentVolume,
- v = d.beakerMaxVolume,
- p = d.beakerContents,
- N = p === void 0 ? [] : p;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- height: 16,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: d.glass ? 'Glass' : 'Beaker',
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- !!C &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: 'label',
- mr: 2,
- children: [h, ' / ', v, ' units'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject',
- disabled: !C,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return s('ejectBeaker');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.BeakerContents, {
- beakerLoaded: C,
- beakerContents: N,
- buttons: (function () {
- function V(S) {
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Isolate',
- icon: 'compress-arrows-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return s('remove', { reagent: S.id, amount: -1 });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- y.map(function (I, L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: I,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return s('remove', { reagent: S.id, amount: I });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- },
- L
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'ALL',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return s('remove', { reagent: S.id, amount: S.volume });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- );
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 13146: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ChemHeater = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(85870),
- b = n(98595),
- y = (r.ChemHeater = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 275,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k)],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- B = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, t.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.targetTemp,
- d = u.targetTempReached,
- C = u.autoEject,
- h = u.isActive,
- v = u.currentTemp,
- p = u.isBeakerLoaded;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Settings',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Auto-eject',
- icon: C ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- selected: C,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return l('toggle_autoeject');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: h ? 'On' : 'Off',
- icon: 'power-off',
- selected: h,
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return l('toggle_on');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Target',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- width: '65px',
- unit: 'K',
- step: 10,
- stepPixelSize: 3,
- value: (0, a.round)(s, 0),
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 1e3,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function N(V, S) {
- return l('adjust_temperature', { target: S });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Reading',
- color: d ? 'good' : 'average',
- children:
- (p &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, {
- value: v,
- format: (function () {
- function N(V) {
- return (0, a.toFixed)(V) + ' K';
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- })) ||
- '\u2014',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- k = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, t.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.isBeakerLoaded,
- d = u.beakerCurrentVolume,
- C = u.beakerMaxVolume,
- h = u.beakerContents;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Beaker',
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- buttons:
- !!s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: 'label',
- mr: 2,
- children: [d, ' / ', C, ' units'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return l('eject_beaker');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BeakerContents, { beakerLoaded: s, beakerContents: h }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 56541: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ChemMaster = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(85870),
- b = n(3939),
- y = n(35840),
- B = ['icon'];
- function k(I, L) {
- if (I == null) return {};
- var w = {};
- for (var A in I)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(I, A)) {
- if (L.includes(A)) continue;
- w[A] = I[A];
- }
- return w;
- }
- function g(I, L) {
- (I.prototype = Object.create(L.prototype)), (I.prototype.constructor = I), i(I, L);
- }
- function i(I, L) {
- return (
- (i = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (w, A) {
- return (w.__proto__ = A), w;
- }),
- i(I, L)
- );
- }
- var c = [1, 5, 10],
- m = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = L.args.analysis;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: E.condi ? 'Condiment Analysis' : 'Reagent Analysis',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mx: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: P.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Description',
- children: (P.desc || '').length > 0 ? P.desc : 'N/A',
- }),
- P.blood_type &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Blood type',
- children: P.blood_type,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Blood DNA',
- className: 'LabeledList__breakContents',
- children: P.blood_dna,
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- !E.condi &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: E.printing ? 'spinner' : 'print',
- disabled: E.printing,
- iconSpin: !!E.printing,
- ml: '0.5rem',
- content: 'Print',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return x('print', { idx: P.idx, beaker: L.args.beaker });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- l = (function (I) {
- return (I[(I.ToDisposals = 0)] = 'ToDisposals'), (I[(I.ToBeaker = 1)] = 'ToBeaker'), I;
- })(l || {}),
- u = (r.ChemMaster = (function () {
- function I(L, w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 575,
- height: 650,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return I;
- })()),
- s = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = E.beaker,
- D = E.beaker_reagents,
- M = E.buffer_reagents,
- R = M.length > 0;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Beaker',
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- buttons: R
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'eject',
- disabled: !P,
- content: 'Eject and Clear Buffer',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return x('eject');
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- disabled: !P,
- content: 'Eject and Clear Buffer',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return x('eject');
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- children: P
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BeakerContents, {
- beakerLoaded: !0,
- beakerContents: D,
- buttons: (function () {
- function O(F, _) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mb: _ < D.length - 1 && '2px',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Analyze',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- return (0, b.modalOpen)(w, 'analyze', { idx: _ + 1, beaker: 1 });
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- }),
- c.map(function (U, z) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: U,
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function $() {
- return x('add', { id: F.id, amount: U });
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- },
- z
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'All',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- return x('add', { id: F.id, amount: F.volume });
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Custom..',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- return (0, b.modalOpen)(w, 'addcustom', { id: F.id });
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'No beaker loaded.' }),
- }),
- });
- },
- d = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = E.mode,
- D = E.buffer_reagents;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Buffer',
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- 'Transferring to\xA0',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: P ? 'flask' : 'trash',
- color: !P && 'bad',
- content: P ? 'Beaker' : 'Disposal',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return x('toggle');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children:
- D.length > 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BeakerContents, {
- beakerLoaded: !0,
- beakerContents: D,
- buttons: (function () {
- function M(R, O) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mb: O < D.length - 1 && '2px',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Analyze',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return (0, b.modalOpen)(w, 'analyze', { idx: O + 1, beaker: 0 });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- }),
- c.map(function (F, _) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: F,
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- return x('remove', { id: R.id, amount: F });
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- },
- _
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'All',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return x('remove', { id: R.id, amount: R.volume });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Custom..',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return (0, b.modalOpen)(w, 'removecustom', { id: R.id });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'Buffer is empty.' }),
- }),
- });
- },
- C = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.data,
- E = x.buffer_reagents;
- return E.length === 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Production',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- align: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'tint-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Buffer is empty.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Production',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h),
- }),
- });
- },
- h = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = E.production_mode,
- D = E.production_data,
- M = E.static_production_data,
- R = function (F) {
- var _ = M[F],
- U = D[F];
- if (_ !== void 0 && U !== void 0) {
- var z = Object.assign({}, _, U, { id: F });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, V, { productionData: z });
- }
- };
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: Object.entries(M).map(function (O) {
- var F = O[0],
- _ = O[1],
- U = _.name,
- z = _.icon;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: z,
- selected: P === F,
- onClick: (function () {
- function $() {
- return x('set_production_mode', { production_mode: F });
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- children: U,
- },
- U
- );
- }),
- }),
- R(P),
- ],
- 0
- );
- },
- v = (function (I) {
- function L() {
- var A;
- return (
- (A = I.call(this) || this),
- (A.handleMouseUp = function (x) {
- var E = A.props,
- P = E.placeholder,
- D = E.onMouseUp,
- M = x.target;
- x.button === 1 && ((M.value = P), M.select()), D && D(x);
- }),
- A
- );
- }
- g(L, I);
- var w = L.prototype;
- return (
- (w.render = (function () {
- function A() {
- var x = (0, a.useBackend)(this.context),
- E = x.data,
- P = E.maxnamelength;
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Input,
- Object.assign({ maxLength: P, onMouseUp: this.handleMouseUp }, this.props)
- )
- );
- }
- return A;
- })()),
- L
- );
- })(e.Component),
- p = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = L.children,
- D = L.productionData,
- M = E.buffer_reagents,
- R = M === void 0 ? [] : M,
- O = D.id,
- F = D.max_items_amount,
- _ = D.set_name,
- U = D.set_items_amount,
- z = D.placeholder_name;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- P,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Quantity',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- value: U,
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: F,
- onChange: (function () {
- function $(G, X) {
- return x('set_items_amount', { production_mode: O, amount: X });
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- _ != null &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Name',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
- fluid: !0,
- value: _,
- placeholder: z,
- onChange: (function () {
- function $(G, X) {
- return x('set_items_name', { production_mode: O, name: X });
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Create',
- color: 'green',
- disabled: R.length <= 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function $() {
- return x('create_items', { production_mode: O });
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- N = function (L, w) {
- var A = L.icon,
- x = k(L, B);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- Object.assign({ style: { padding: 0, 'line-height': 0 } }, x, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, y.classes)(['chem_master32x32', A]),
- }),
- })
- )
- );
- },
- V = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = L.productionData,
- P = E.id,
- D = E.set_sprite,
- M = E.sprites,
- R;
- return (
- M &&
- M.length > 0 &&
- (R = M.map(function (O) {
- var F = O.id,
- _ = O.sprite;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- N,
- {
- icon: _,
- translucent: !0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- return x('set_sprite_style', { production_mode: P, style: F });
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- selected: D === F,
- },
- F
- );
- })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, p, {
- productionData: L.productionData,
- children: R && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Style', children: R }),
- })
- );
- },
- S = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, a.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = E.loaded_pill_bottle_style,
- D = E.containerstyles,
- M = E.loaded_pill_bottle,
- R = { width: '20px', height: '20px' },
- O = D.map(function (F) {
- var _ = F.color,
- U = F.name,
- z = P === _;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- style: { position: 'relative', width: R.width, height: R.height },
- onClick: (function () {
- function $() {
- return x('set_container_style', { style: _ });
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- icon: z && 'check',
- iconStyle: { position: 'relative', 'z-index': 1 },
- tooltip: U,
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- children: [
- !z && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, null, 1, { style: { display: 'inline-block' } }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', 'Button', null, 1, {
- style: {
- display: 'inline-block',
- position: 'absolute',
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- margin: 0,
- padding: 0,
- width: R.width,
- height: R.height,
- 'background-color': _,
- opacity: 0.6,
- filter: 'alpha(opacity=60)',
- },
- }),
- ],
- },
- _
- );
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Container Customization',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- disabled: !M,
- content: 'Eject Container',
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return x('ejectp');
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- }),
- children: M
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Style',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- style: { width: R.width, height: R.height },
- icon: 'tint-slash',
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return x('clear_container_style');
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- selected: !P,
- tooltip: 'Default',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- O,
- ],
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: 'No pill bottle or patch pack loaded.',
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- (0, b.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('analyze', m);
- },
- 37173: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CloningConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(79140),
- b = 1,
- y = 32,
- B = 128,
- k = (r.CloningConsole = (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.tab,
- N = v.has_scanner,
- V = v.pod_amount;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 640,
- height: 520,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Cloning Console',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Connected scanner',
- children: N ? 'Online' : 'Missing',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Connected pods',
- children: V,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: p === 1,
- icon: 'home',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return h('menu', { tab: 1 });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- children: 'Main Menu',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: p === 2,
- icon: 'user',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return h('menu', { tab: 2 });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- children: 'Damage Configuration',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g) }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- g = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.data,
- v = h.tab,
- p;
- return (
- v === 1 ? (p = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i)) : v === 2 && (p = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c)),
- p
- );
- },
- i = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.pods,
- N = v.pod_amount,
- V = v.selected_pod_UID;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- !N &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'Notice: No pods connected.' }),
- !!N &&
- p.map(function (S, I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- layer: 2,
- title: 'Pod ' + (I + 1),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '96px',
- shrink: 0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: (0, f.resolveAsset)('pod_' + (S.cloning ? 'cloning' : 'idle') + '.gif'),
- style: {
- width: '100%',
- '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
- 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
- },
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- selected: V === S.uid,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('select_pod', { uid: S.uid });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: 'Select',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Progress',
- children: [
- !S.cloning &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- children: 'Pod is inactive.',
- }),
- !!S.cloning &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: S.clone_progress,
- maxValue: 100,
- color: 'good',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Biomass',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: S.biomass,
- ranges: {
- good: [(2 * S.biomass_storage_capacity) / 3, S.biomass_storage_capacity],
- average: [
- S.biomass_storage_capacity / 3,
- (2 * S.biomass_storage_capacity) / 3,
- ],
- bad: [0, S.biomass_storage_capacity / 3],
- },
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: S.biomass_storage_capacity,
- children: [
- S.biomass,
- '/',
- S.biomass_storage_capacity +
- ' (' +
- (100 * S.biomass) / S.biomass_storage_capacity +
- '%)',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Sanguine Reagent',
- children: S.sanguine_reagent,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Osseous Reagent',
- children: S.osseous_reagent,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- S
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- c = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.selected_pod_data,
- N = v.has_scanned,
- V = v.scanner_has_patient,
- S = v.feedback,
- I = v.scan_successful,
- L = v.cloning_cost,
- w = v.has_scanner,
- A = v.currently_scanning;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- !w &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- children: 'Notice: No scanner connected.',
- }),
- !!w &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- layer: 2,
- title: 'Scanner Info',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'hourglass-half',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('scan');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- disabled: !V || A,
- children: 'Scan',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('eject');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- disabled: !V || A,
- children: 'Eject Patient',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: [
- !N &&
- !A &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- children: V ? 'No scan detected for current patient.' : 'No patient is in the scanner.',
- }),
- (!!N || !!A) && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: S.color, children: S.text }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- layer: 2,
- title: 'Damages Breakdown',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (!I || !N) &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- children: 'No valid scan detected.',
- }),
- !!I &&
- !!N &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('fix_all');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- children: 'Repair All Damages',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('fix_none');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- children: 'Repair No Damages',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('clone');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- children: 'Clone',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- height: '25px',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '40%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: L[0],
- maxValue: p.biomass_storage_capacity,
- ranges: {
- bad: [(2 * p.biomass_storage_capacity) / 3, p.biomass_storage_capacity],
- average: [
- p.biomass_storage_capacity / 3,
- (2 * p.biomass_storage_capacity) / 3,
- ],
- good: [0, p.biomass_storage_capacity / 3],
- },
- color: L[0] > p.biomass ? 'bad' : null,
- children: [
- 'Biomass: ',
- L[0],
- '/',
- p.biomass,
- '/',
- p.biomass_storage_capacity,
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '30%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: L[1],
- maxValue: p.max_reagent_capacity,
- ranges: {
- bad: [(2 * p.max_reagent_capacity) / 3, p.max_reagent_capacity],
- average: [p.max_reagent_capacity / 3, (2 * p.max_reagent_capacity) / 3],
- good: [0, p.max_reagent_capacity / 3],
- },
- color: L[1] > p.sanguine_reagent ? 'bad' : 'good',
- children: [
- 'Sanguine: ',
- L[1],
- '/',
- p.sanguine_reagent,
- '/',
- p.max_reagent_capacity,
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '30%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: L[2],
- maxValue: p.max_reagent_capacity,
- ranges: {
- bad: [(2 * p.max_reagent_capacity) / 3, p.max_reagent_capacity],
- average: [p.max_reagent_capacity / 3, (2 * p.max_reagent_capacity) / 3],
- good: [0, p.max_reagent_capacity / 3],
- },
- color: L[2] > p.osseous_reagent ? 'bad' : 'good',
- children: [
- 'Osseous: ',
- L[2],
- '/',
- p.osseous_reagent,
- '/',
- p.max_reagent_capacity,
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- m = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.patient_limb_data,
- N = v.limb_list,
- V = v.desired_limb_data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
- title: 'Limbs',
- children: N.map(function (S, I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- align: 'baseline',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- color: 'label',
- width: '15%',
- height: '20px',
- children: [p[S][4], ':', ' '],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
- p[S][3] === 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '60%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: V[S][0] + V[S][1],
- maxValue: p[S][5],
- ranges: {
- good: [0, p[S][5] / 3],
- average: [p[S][5] / 3, (2 * p[S][5]) / 3],
- bad: [(2 * p[S][5]) / 3, p[S][5]],
- },
- children: [
- 'Post-Cloning Damage: ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'bone' }),
- ' ' + V[S][0] + ' / ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'fire' }),
- ' ' + V[S][1],
- ],
- }),
- }),
- p[S][3] !== 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '60%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- color: 'bad',
- value: 0,
- children: ["The patient's ", p[S][4], ' is missing!'],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- !!p[S][3] &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: !V[S][3],
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('toggle_limb_repair', { limb: S, type: 'replace' });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: 'Replace Limb',
- }),
- }),
- !p[S][3] &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- disabled: !(p[S][0] || p[S][1]),
- checked: !(V[S][0] || V[S][1]),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('toggle_limb_repair', { limb: S, type: 'damage' });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: 'Repair Damages',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- disabled: !(p[S][2] & b),
- checked: !(V[S][2] & b),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('toggle_limb_repair', { limb: S, type: 'bone' });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: 'Mend Bone',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- disabled: !(p[S][2] & y),
- checked: !(V[S][2] & y),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('toggle_limb_repair', { limb: S, type: 'ib' });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: 'Mend IB',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- disabled: !(p[S][2] & B),
- checked: !(V[S][2] & B),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('toggle_limb_repair', { limb: S, type: 'critburn' });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: 'Mend Critical Burn',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- S
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- l = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.patient_organ_data,
- N = v.organ_list,
- V = v.desired_organ_data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
- title: 'Organs',
- children: N.map(function (S, I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- align: 'baseline',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- color: 'label',
- width: '20%',
- height: '20px',
- children: [p[S][3], ':', ' '],
- }),
- p[S][5] !== 'heart' &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- !!p[S][2] &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: !V[S][2] && !V[S][1],
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('toggle_organ_repair', { organ: S, type: 'replace' });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: 'Replace Organ',
- }),
- !p[S][2] &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- disabled: !p[S][0],
- checked: !V[S][0],
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('toggle_organ_repair', { organ: S, type: 'damage' });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: 'Repair Damages',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- p[S][5] === 'heart' &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- children: 'Heart replacement is required for cloning.',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '35%',
- children: [
- !!p[S][2] &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- color: 'bad',
- value: 0,
- children: ["The patient's ", p[S][3], ' is missing!'],
- }),
- !p[S][2] &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: V[S][0],
- maxValue: p[S][4],
- ranges: {
- good: [0, p[S][4] / 3],
- average: [p[S][4] / 3, (2 * p[S][4]) / 3],
- bad: [(2 * p[S][4]) / 3, p[S][4]],
- },
- children: 'Post-Cloning Damage: ' + V[S][0],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- S
- );
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 98723: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CloningPod = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.CloningPod = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.biomass,
- m = i.biomass_storage_capacity,
- l = i.sanguine_reagent,
- u = i.osseous_reagent,
- s = i.organs,
- d = i.currently_cloning;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Liquid Storage',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- height: '25px',
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- color: 'label',
- width: '25%',
- children: ['Biomass:', ' '],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: c,
- ranges: { good: [(2 * m) / 3, m], average: [m / 3, (2 * m) / 3], bad: [0, m / 3] },
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: m,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- height: '25px',
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- color: 'label',
- width: '25%',
- children: ['Sanguine Reagent:', ' '],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: l + ' units' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- value: 0,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: l,
- step: 1,
- unit: 'units',
- onChange: (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- return g('remove_reagent', { reagent: 'sanguine_reagent', amount: v });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Remove All',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return g('purge_reagent', { reagent: 'sanguine_reagent' });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- height: '25px',
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- color: 'label',
- width: '25%',
- children: ['Osseous Reagent:', ' '],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: u + ' units' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- value: 0,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: u,
- step: 1,
- unit: 'units',
- onChange: (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- return g('remove_reagent', { reagent: 'osseous_reagent', amount: v });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Remove All',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return g('purge_reagent', { reagent: 'osseous_reagent' });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Organ Storage',
- children: [
- !d &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- !s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- children: 'Notice: No organs loaded.',
- }),
- !!s &&
- s.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: C.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return g('eject_organ', { organ_ref: C.ref });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- C
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !!d &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- height: '100%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: '1',
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'lock', size: '5', mb: 3 }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Unable to access organ storage while cloning.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 18259: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CoinMint = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.CoinMint = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, t.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.materials,
- l = c.moneyBag,
- u = c.moneyBagContent,
- s = c.moneyBagMaxContent,
- d = (l ? 210 : 138) + Math.ceil(m.length / 4) * 64;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 210,
- height: d,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, {
- m: 0,
- info: !0,
- children: ['Total coins produced: ', c.totalCoins],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Coin Type',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- color: c.active && 'bad',
- tooltip: !l && 'Need a money bag',
- disabled: !l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('activate');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: c.maxMaterials,
- value: c.totalMaterials,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- tooltip: 'Eject selected material',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('ejectMat');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: m.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button,
- {
- bold: !0,
- inline: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- m: 0.2,
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: C.id === c.chosenMaterial,
- tooltip: C.name,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- className: (0, a.classes)(['materials32x32', C.id]),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { children: C.amount }),
- ],
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return i('selectMaterial', { material: C.id });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- },
- C.id
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- !!l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Money Bag',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject',
- disabled: c.active,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('ejectBag');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- width: '100%',
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: s,
- value: u,
- children: [u, ' / ', s],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 93858: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.HexColorInput = r.ColorSelector = r.ColorPickerModal = r.ColorInput = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(51057),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = n(44879),
- y = n(14448),
- B = n(4454),
- k = n(35840),
- g = n(9394),
- i = n(19203),
- c = ['prefixed', 'alpha', 'color', 'fluid', 'onChange'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2023 itsmeow
- * @license MIT
- */ function m(w, A) {
- (w.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype)), (w.prototype.constructor = w), l(w, A);
- }
- function l(w, A) {
- return (
- (l = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (x, E) {
- return (x.__proto__ = E), x;
- }),
- l(w, A)
- );
- }
- function u(w, A) {
- if (w == null) return {};
- var x = {};
- for (var E in w)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(w, E)) {
- if (A.includes(E)) continue;
- x[E] = w[E];
- }
- return x;
- }
- var s = (r.ColorPickerModal = (function () {
- function w(A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.data,
- D = P.timeout,
- M = P.message,
- R = P.title,
- O = P.autofocus,
- F = P.default_color,
- _ = F === void 0 ? '#000000' : F,
- U = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'color_picker_choice', (0, y.hexToHsva)(_)),
- z = U[0],
- $ = U[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- height: 400,
- title: R,
- width: 600,
- theme: 'generic',
- children: [
- !!D && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: D }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- M &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- m: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- children: M,
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- !!O && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Autofocus),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { color: z, setColor: $, defaultColor: _ }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i.InputButtons, { input: (0, y.hsvaToHex)(z) }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return w;
- })()),
- d = (r.ColorSelector = (function () {
- function w(A, x) {
- var E = A.color,
- P = A.setColor,
- D = A.defaultColor,
- M = (function () {
- function F(_) {
- P(function (U) {
- return Object.assign({}, U, _);
- });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- R = (0, y.hsvaToRgba)(E),
- O = (0, y.hsvaToHex)(E);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
- direction: 'row',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- mr: 2,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'react-colorful',
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, N, { hsva: E, onChange: M }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, V, {
- hue: E.h,
- onChange: M,
- className: 'react-colorful__last-control',
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- width: '100px',
- height: '20px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Current',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- width: '100px',
- height: '20px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Previous',
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tooltip, {
- content: O,
- position: 'bottom',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- width: '100px',
- height: '30px',
- backgroundColor: O,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tooltip, {
- content: D,
- position: 'bottom',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- width: '100px',
- height: '30px',
- backgroundColor: D,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- fontSize: '15px',
- lineHeight: '24px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- textColor: 'label',
- children: 'Hex:',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- height: '24px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
- fluid: !0,
- color: (0, y.hsvaToHex)(E).substring(1),
- onChange: (function () {
- function F(_) {
- g.logger.info(_), P((0, y.hexToHsva)(_));
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- prefixed: !0,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- width: '25px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- textColor: 'label',
- children: 'H:',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, V, { hue: E.h, onChange: M }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
- value: E.h,
- callback: (function () {
- function F(_, U) {
- return M({ h: U });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- max: 360,
- unit: '\xB0',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- width: '25px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- textColor: 'label',
- children: 'S:',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { color: E, onChange: M }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
- value: E.s,
- callback: (function () {
- function F(_, U) {
- return M({ s: U });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- unit: '%',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- width: '25px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- textColor: 'label',
- children: 'V:',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, I, { color: E, onChange: M }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
- value: E.v,
- callback: (function () {
- function F(_, U) {
- return M({ v: U });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- unit: '%',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- width: '25px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- textColor: 'label',
- children: 'R:',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, L, { color: E, onChange: M, target: 'r' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
- value: R.r,
- callback: (function () {
- function F(_, U) {
- (R.r = U), M((0, y.rgbaToHsva)(R));
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- max: 255,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- width: '25px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- textColor: 'label',
- children: 'G:',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, L, { color: E, onChange: M, target: 'g' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
- value: R.g,
- callback: (function () {
- function F(_, U) {
- (R.g = U), M((0, y.rgbaToHsva)(R));
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- max: 255,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- width: '25px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- textColor: 'label',
- children: 'B:',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, L, { color: E, onChange: M, target: 'b' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, {
- value: R.b,
- callback: (function () {
- function F(_, U) {
- (R.b = U), M((0, y.rgbaToHsva)(R));
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- max: 255,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return w;
- })()),
- C = function (A) {
- var x = A.value,
- E = A.callback,
- P = A.min,
- D = P === void 0 ? 0 : P,
- M = A.max,
- R = M === void 0 ? 100 : M,
- O = A.unit;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- width: '70px',
- value: Math.round(x),
- step: 1,
- minValue: D,
- maxValue: R,
- onChange: E,
- unit: O,
- });
- },
- h = function (A) {
- return '#' + A;
- },
- v = (r.HexColorInput = (function () {
- function w(A) {
- var x = A.prefixed,
- E = A.alpha,
- P = A.color,
- D = A.fluid,
- M = A.onChange,
- R = u(A, c),
- O = (function () {
- function _(U) {
- return U.replace(/([^0-9A-F]+)/gi, '').substring(0, E ? 8 : 6);
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- F = (function () {
- function _(U) {
- return (0, y.validHex)(U, E);
- }
- return _;
- })();
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- p,
- Object.assign({}, R, {
- fluid: D,
- color: P,
- onChange: M,
- escape: O,
- format: x ? h : void 0,
- validate: F,
- })
- )
- );
- }
- return w;
- })()),
- p = (r.ColorInput = (function (w) {
- function A(E) {
- var P;
- return (
- (P = w.call(this) || this),
- (P.props = void 0),
- (P.state = void 0),
- (P.handleInput = function (D) {
- var M = P.props.escape(D.currentTarget.value);
- P.setState({ localValue: M });
- }),
- (P.handleBlur = function (D) {
- D.currentTarget &&
- (P.props.validate(D.currentTarget.value)
- ? P.props.onChange(
- P.props.escape ? P.props.escape(D.currentTarget.value) : D.currentTarget.value
- )
- : P.setState({ localValue: P.props.escape(P.props.color) }));
- }),
- (P.props = E),
- (P.state = { localValue: P.props.escape(P.props.color) }),
- P
- );
- }
- m(A, w);
- var x = A.prototype;
- return (
- (x.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function E(P, D) {
- P.color !== this.props.color && this.setState({ localValue: this.props.escape(this.props.color) });
- }
- return E;
- })()),
- (x.render = (function () {
- function E() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: (0, k.classes)(['Input', this.props.fluid && 'Input--fluid']),
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Input__baseline', '.', 16),
- (0, e.createVNode)(64, 'input', 'Input__input', null, 1, {
- value: this.props.format ? this.props.format(this.state.localValue) : this.state.localValue,
- spellCheck: 'false',
- onInput: this.handleInput,
- onBlur: this.handleBlur,
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return E;
- })()),
- A
- );
- })(e.Component)),
- N = function (A) {
- var x = A.hsva,
- E = A.onChange,
- P = function (O) {
- E({ s: O.left * 100, v: 100 - O.top * 100 });
- },
- D = function (O) {
- E({ s: (0, b.clamp)(x.s + O.left * 100, 0, 100), v: (0, b.clamp)(x.v - O.top * 100, 0, 100) });
- },
- M = { 'background-color': (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: x.h, s: 100, v: 100, a: 1 }) + ' !important' };
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'react-colorful__saturation_value',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Interactive, {
- onMove: P,
- onKey: D,
- 'aria-label': 'Color',
- 'aria-valuetext': 'Saturation ' + Math.round(x.s) + '%, Brightness ' + Math.round(x.v) + '%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Pointer, {
- className: 'react-colorful__saturation_value-pointer',
- top: 1 - x.v / 100,
- left: x.s / 100,
- color: (0, y.hsvaToHslString)(x),
- }),
- }),
- 2,
- { style: M }
- );
- },
- V = function (A) {
- var x = A.className,
- E = A.hue,
- P = A.onChange,
- D = function (F) {
- P({ h: 360 * F.left });
- },
- M = function (F) {
- P({ h: (0, b.clamp)(E + F.left * 360, 0, 360) });
- },
- R = (0, k.classes)(['react-colorful__hue', x]);
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- R,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Interactive, {
- onMove: D,
- onKey: M,
- 'aria-label': 'Hue',
- 'aria-valuenow': Math.round(E),
- 'aria-valuemax': '360',
- 'aria-valuemin': '0',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Pointer, {
- className: 'react-colorful__hue-pointer',
- left: E / 360,
- color: (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E, s: 100, v: 100, a: 1 }),
- }),
- }),
- 2
- );
- },
- S = function (A) {
- var x = A.className,
- E = A.color,
- P = A.onChange,
- D = function (F) {
- P({ s: 100 * F.left });
- },
- M = function (F) {
- P({ s: (0, b.clamp)(E.s + F.left * 100, 0, 100) });
- },
- R = (0, k.classes)(['react-colorful__saturation', x]);
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- R,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Interactive, {
- style: {
- background:
- 'linear-gradient(to right, ' +
- (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: 0, v: E.v, a: 1 }) +
- ', ' +
- (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: 100, v: E.v, a: 1 }) +
- ')',
- },
- onMove: D,
- onKey: M,
- 'aria-label': 'Saturation',
- 'aria-valuenow': Math.round(E.s),
- 'aria-valuemax': '100',
- 'aria-valuemin': '0',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Pointer, {
- className: 'react-colorful__saturation-pointer',
- left: E.s / 100,
- color: (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: E.s, v: E.v, a: 1 }),
- }),
- }),
- 2
- );
- },
- I = function (A) {
- var x = A.className,
- E = A.color,
- P = A.onChange,
- D = function (F) {
- P({ v: 100 * F.left });
- },
- M = function (F) {
- P({ v: (0, b.clamp)(E.v + F.left * 100, 0, 100) });
- },
- R = (0, k.classes)(['react-colorful__value', x]);
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- R,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Interactive, {
- style: {
- background:
- 'linear-gradient(to right, ' +
- (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: E.s, v: 0, a: 1 }) +
- ', ' +
- (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: E.s, v: 100, a: 1 }) +
- ')',
- },
- onMove: D,
- onKey: M,
- 'aria-label': 'Value',
- 'aria-valuenow': Math.round(E.s),
- 'aria-valuemax': '100',
- 'aria-valuemin': '0',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Pointer, {
- className: 'react-colorful__value-pointer',
- left: E.v / 100,
- color: (0, y.hsvaToHslString)({ h: E.h, s: E.s, v: E.v, a: 1 }),
- }),
- }),
- 2
- );
- },
- L = function (A) {
- var x = A.className,
- E = A.color,
- P = A.onChange,
- D = A.target,
- M = (0, y.hsvaToRgba)(E),
- R = function ($) {
- (M[D] = $), P((0, y.rgbaToHsva)(M));
- },
- O = function ($) {
- R(255 * $.left);
- },
- F = function ($) {
- R((0, b.clamp)(M[D] + $.left * 255, 0, 255));
- },
- _ = (0, k.classes)(['react-colorful__' + D, x]),
- U =
- D === 'r'
- ? 'rgb(' + Math.round(M.r) + ',0,0)'
- : D === 'g'
- ? 'rgb(0,' + Math.round(M.g) + ',0)'
- : 'rgb(0,0,' + Math.round(M.b) + ')';
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- _,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Interactive, {
- onMove: O,
- onKey: F,
- 'aria-valuenow': M[D],
- 'aria-valuemax': '100',
- 'aria-valuemin': '0',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Pointer, {
- className: 'react-colorful__' + D + '-pointer',
- left: M[D] / 255,
- color: U,
- }),
- }),
- 2
- );
- };
- },
- 8444: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ColourMatrixTester = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.ColourMatrixTester = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.colour_data,
- m = [
- [
- { name: 'RR', idx: 0 },
- { name: 'RG', idx: 1 },
- { name: 'RB', idx: 2 },
- { name: 'RA', idx: 3 },
- ],
- [
- { name: 'GR', idx: 4 },
- { name: 'GG', idx: 5 },
- { name: 'GB', idx: 6 },
- { name: 'GA', idx: 7 },
- ],
- [
- { name: 'BR', idx: 8 },
- { name: 'BG', idx: 9 },
- { name: 'BB', idx: 10 },
- { name: 'BA', idx: 11 },
- ],
- [
- { name: 'AR', idx: 12 },
- { name: 'AG', idx: 13 },
- { name: 'AB', idx: 14 },
- { name: 'AA', idx: 15 },
- ],
- ];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 360,
- height: 190,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Modify Matrix',
- children: m.map(function (l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- textAlign: 'center',
- textColor: 'label',
- children: l.map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- grow: !0,
- mt: 1,
- children: [
- u.name,
- ':\xA0',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- width: 4,
- value: c[u.idx],
- step: 0.05,
- minValue: -5,
- maxValue: 5,
- stepPixelSize: 5,
- onChange: (function () {
- function s(d, C) {
- return g('setvalue', { idx: u.idx + 1, value: C });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- u.name
- );
- }),
- },
- l
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 63818: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CommunicationsComputer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = function (s) {
- switch (s) {
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
- case 3:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- }),
- });
- case 4:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
- default:
- return 'ERROR. Unknown menu_state. Please contact NT Technical Support.';
- }
- },
- b = (r.CommunicationsComputer = (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.menu_state;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y), f(p)],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- y = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.authenticated,
- N = v.noauthbutton,
- V = v.esc_section,
- S = v.esc_callable,
- I = v.esc_recallable,
- L = v.esc_status,
- w = v.authhead,
- A = v.is_ai,
- x = v.lastCallLoc,
- E = !1,
- P;
- return (
- p
- ? p === 1
- ? (P = 'Command')
- : p === 2
- ? (P = 'Captain')
- : p === 3
- ? (P = 'CentComm Officer')
- : p === 4
- ? ((P = 'CentComm Secure Connection'), (E = !0))
- : (P = 'ERROR: Report This Bug!')
- : (P = 'Not Logged In'),
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Authentication',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children:
- (E &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Access', children: P })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Actions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: p ? 'sign-out-alt' : 'id-card',
- selected: p,
- disabled: N,
- content: p ? 'Log Out (' + P + ')' : 'Log In',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return h('auth');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children:
- !!V &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Escape Shuttle',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- !!L &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Status', children: L }),
- !!S &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Options',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'rocket',
- content: 'Call Shuttle',
- disabled: !w,
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return h('callshuttle');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- !!I &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Options',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Recall Shuttle',
- disabled: !w || A,
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return h('cancelshuttle');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- !!x &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Last Call/Recall From',
- children: x,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- );
- },
- B = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.is_admin;
- return p ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
- },
- k = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.is_admin,
- N = v.gamma_armory_location,
- V = v.admin_levels,
- S = v.authenticated,
- I = v.ert_allowed;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'CentComm Actions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Change Alert',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, {
- levels: V,
- required_access: p,
- use_confirm: 1,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Announcement',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'bullhorn',
- content: 'Make Central Announcement',
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('send_to_cc_announcement_page');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- S === 4 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'plus',
- content: 'Make Other Announcement',
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('make_other_announcement');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Response Team',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'ambulance',
- content: 'Dispatch ERT',
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('dispatch_ert');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: I,
- content: I ? 'ERT calling enabled' : 'ERT calling disabled',
- tooltip: I ? 'Command can request an ERT' : 'ERTs cannot be requested',
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('toggle_ert_allowed');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- selected: null,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Nuclear Device',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'bomb',
- content: 'Get Authentication Codes',
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('send_nuke_codes');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Gamma Armory',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'biohazard',
- content: N ? 'Send Gamma Armory' : 'Recall Gamma Armory',
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('move_gamma_armory');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Other',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'coins',
- content: 'View Economy',
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('view_econ');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fax',
- content: 'Fax Manager',
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('view_fax');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
- title: 'View Command accessible controls',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- g = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.msg_cooldown,
- N = v.emagged,
- V = v.cc_cooldown,
- S = v.security_level_color,
- I = v.str_security_level,
- L = v.levels,
- w = v.authcapt,
- A = v.authhead,
- x = v.messages,
- E = 'Make Priority Announcement';
- p > 0 && (E += ' (' + p + 's)');
- var P = N ? 'Message [UNKNOWN]' : 'Message CentComm',
- D = 'Request Authentication Codes';
- return (
- V > 0 && ((P += ' (' + V + 's)'), (D += ' (' + V + 's)')),
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Captain-Only Actions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Alert',
- color: S,
- children: I,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Change Alert',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { levels: L, required_access: w }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Announcement',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'bullhorn',
- content: E,
- disabled: !w || p > 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return h('announce');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (!!N &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Transmit',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'broadcast-tower',
- color: 'red',
- content: P,
- disabled: !w || V > 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return h('MessageSyndicate');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sync-alt',
- content: 'Reset Relays',
- disabled: !w,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return h('RestoreBackup');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Transmit',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'broadcast-tower',
- content: P,
- disabled: !w || V > 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return h('MessageCentcomm');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Nuclear Device',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'bomb',
- content: D,
- disabled: !w || V > 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return h('nukerequest');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Command Staff Actions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Displays',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'tv',
- content: 'Change Status Displays',
- disabled: !A,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return h('status');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Incoming Messages',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'folder-open',
- content: 'View (' + x.length + ')',
- disabled: !A,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return h('messagelist');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- );
- },
- i = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.stat_display,
- N = v.authhead,
- V = v.current_message_title,
- S = p.presets.map(function (L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: L.label,
- selected: L.name === p.type,
- disabled: !N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return h('setstat', { statdisp: L.name });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- },
- L.name
- );
- }),
- I = p.alerts.map(function (L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: L.label,
- selected: L.alert === p.icon,
- disabled: !N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return h('setstat', { statdisp: 3, alert: L.alert });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- },
- L.alert
- );
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Modify Status Screens',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
- content: 'Back To Main Menu',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('main');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Presets', children: S }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Alerts', children: I }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Message Line 1',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- content: p.line_1,
- disabled: !N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('setmsg1');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Message Line 2',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- content: p.line_2,
- disabled: !N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('setmsg2');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- c = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.authhead,
- N = v.current_message_title,
- V = v.current_message,
- S = v.messages,
- I = v.security_level,
- L;
- if (N)
- L = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: N,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Return To Message List',
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return h('messagelist');
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: V }),
- }),
- });
- else {
- var w = S.map(function (A) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: A.title,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eye',
- content: 'View',
- disabled: !p || N === A.title,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('messagelist', { msgid: A.id });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Delete',
- disabled: !p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('delmessage', { msgid: A.id });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- A.id
- );
- });
- L = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Messages Received',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
- content: 'Back To Main Menu',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return h('main');
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, { children: w }),
- });
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: L });
- },
- m = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = s.levels,
- N = s.required_access,
- V = s.use_confirm,
- S = v.security_level;
- return V
- ? p.map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button.Confirm,
- {
- icon: I.icon,
- content: I.name,
- disabled: !N || I.id === S,
- tooltip: I.tooltip,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('newalertlevel', { level: I.id });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- },
- I.name
- );
- })
- : p.map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- icon: I.icon,
- content: I.name,
- disabled: !N || I.id === S,
- tooltip: I.tooltip,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h('newalertlevel', { level: I.id });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- },
- I.name
- );
- });
- },
- l = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.is_admin,
- N = v.possible_cc_sounds;
- if (!p) return h('main');
- var V = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'subtitle', ''),
- S = V[0],
- I = V[1],
- L = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'text', ''),
- w = L[0],
- A = L[1],
- x = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'classified', 0),
- E = x[0],
- P = x[1],
- D = (0, a.useLocalState)(d, 'beepsound', 'Beep'),
- M = D[0],
- R = D[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Central Command Report',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
- content: 'Back To Main Menu',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return h('main');
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Enter Subtitle here.',
- fluid: !0,
- value: S,
- onChange: (function () {
- function O(F, _) {
- return I(_);
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- mb: '5px',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Enter Announcement here,\nMultiline input is accepted.',
- rows: 10,
- fluid: !0,
- multiline: 1,
- value: w,
- onChange: (function () {
- function O(F, _) {
- return A(_);
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- content: 'Send Announcement',
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'paper-plane',
- center: !0,
- mt: '5px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return h('make_cc_announcement', { subtitle: S, text: w, classified: E, beepsound: M });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- width: '260px',
- height: '20px',
- options: N,
- selected: M,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function O(F) {
- return R(F);
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- disabled: E,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'volume-up',
- mx: '5px',
- disabled: E,
- tooltip: 'Test sound',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return h('test_sound', { sound: M });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: E,
- content: 'Classified',
- fluid: !0,
- tooltip: E ? 'Sent to station communications consoles' : 'Publically announced',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return P(!E);
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 20562: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CompostBin = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.CompostBin = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.biomass,
- m = i.compost,
- l = i.biomass_capacity,
- u = i.compost_capacity,
- s = i.potassium,
- d = i.potassium_capacity,
- C = i.potash,
- h = i.potash_capacity,
- v = (0, a.useSharedState)(B, 'vendAmount', 1),
- p = v[0],
- N = v[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 360,
- height: 250,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- label: 'Resources',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Biomass',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- ml: 0.5,
- mt: 1,
- width: 20,
- value: c,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: l,
- ranges: {
- good: [l * 0.5, 1 / 0],
- average: [l * 0.25, l * 0.5],
- bad: [-1 / 0, l * 0.25],
- },
- children: [c, ' / ', l, ' Units'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Compost',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- ml: 0.5,
- mt: 1,
- width: 20,
- value: m,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: u,
- ranges: {
- good: [u * 0.5, 1 / 0],
- average: [u * 0.25, u * 0.5],
- bad: [-1 / 0, u * 0.25],
- },
- children: [m, ' / ', u, ' Units'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Potassium',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- ml: 0.5,
- mt: 1,
- width: 20,
- value: s,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: d,
- ranges: {
- good: [d * 0.5, 1 / 0],
- average: [d * 0.25, d * 0.5],
- bad: [-1 / 0, d * 0.25],
- },
- children: [s, ' / ', d, ' Units'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Potash',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- ml: 0.5,
- mt: 1,
- width: 20,
- value: C,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: h,
- ranges: {
- good: [h * 0.5, 1 / 0],
- average: [h * 0.25, h * 0.5],
- bad: [-1 / 0, h * 0.25],
- },
- children: [C, ' / ', h, ' Units'],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Controls',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- mr: '5px',
- color: 'silver',
- children: 'Soil clumps to make:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- value: p,
- width: '32px',
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: 10,
- stepPixelSize: 7,
- onChange: (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- return N(I);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- align: 'center',
- content: 'Make Soil',
- disabled: m < 25 * p,
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return g('create', { amount: p });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 21813: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Contractor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(73379),
- b = n(98595);
- function y(h, v) {
- (h.prototype = Object.create(v.prototype)), (h.prototype.constructor = h), B(h, v);
- }
- function B(h, v) {
- return (
- (B = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (p, N) {
- return (p.__proto__ = N), p;
- }),
- B(h, v)
- );
- }
- var k = { 1: ['ACTIVE', 'good'], 2: ['COMPLETED', 'good'], 3: ['FAILED', 'bad'] },
- g = [
- 'Recording biometric data...',
- 'Analyzing embedded syndicate info...',
- 'Contacting Syndicate database...',
- 'Awaiting response...',
- 'Awaiting response...',
- 'Awaiting response...',
- 'Awaiting response...',
- 'Awaiting response...',
- 'Awaiting response...',
- 'Response received, ack 4851234...',
- 'CONFIRM ACC ' + Math.round(Math.random() * 2e4),
- 'Setting up private accounts...',
- 'Searching for available contracts...',
- 'Searching for available contracts...',
- 'Searching for available contracts...',
- 'Searching for available contracts...',
- ],
- i = (r.Contractor = (function () {
- function h(v, p) {
- var N = (0, t.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I;
- S.unauthorized
- ? (I = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- grow: '1',
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
- height: '100%',
- allMessages: ['ERROR: UNAUTHORIZED USER'],
- finishedTimeout: 100,
- onFinished: (function () {
- function x() {}
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }))
- : S.load_animation_completed
- ? (I = (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- basis: 'content',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- basis: 'content',
- mt: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- grow: '1',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- children:
- S.page === 1
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { height: '100%' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { height: '100%' }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ))
- : (I = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- grow: '1',
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
- height: '100%',
- allMessages: g,
- finishedTimeout: 3e3,
- onFinished: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('complete_load_animation');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }));
- var L = (0, t.useLocalState)(p, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
- w = L[0],
- A = L[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- theme: 'syndicate',
- width: 500,
- height: 600,
- children: [
- w && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- className: 'Contractor',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
- direction: 'column',
- height: '100%',
- children: I,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return h;
- })()),
- c = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, t.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.tc_available,
- L = S.tc_paid_out,
- w = S.completed_contracts,
- A = S.rep;
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- Object.assign(
- {
- title: 'Summary',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- mt: '0.25rem',
- children: [A, ' Rep'],
- }),
- },
- v,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- flexBasis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'TC Available',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, { grow: '1', children: [I, ' TC'] }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: I <= 0,
- content: 'Claim',
- mx: '0.75rem',
- mb: '0',
- flexBasis: 'content',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('claim');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'TC Earned',
- children: [L, ' TC'],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- flexBasis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Contracts Completed',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- height: '20px',
- lineHeight: '20px',
- inline: !0,
- children: w,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Contractor Status',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- children: 'ACTIVE',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }
- )
- )
- );
- },
- m = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, t.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.page;
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs,
- Object.assign({}, v, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: I === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return V('page', { page: 1 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'suitcase' }), 'Contracts'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: I === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return V('page', { page: 2 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'shopping-cart' }), 'Hub'],
- }),
- ],
- })
- )
- );
- },
- l = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, t.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.contracts,
- L = S.contract_active,
- w = S.can_extract,
- A =
- !!L &&
- I.filter(function (M) {
- return M.status === 1;
- })[0],
- x = A && A.time_left > 0,
- E = (0, t.useLocalState)(p, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1];
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- Object.assign(
- {
- title: 'Available Contracts',
- overflow: 'auto',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: !w || x,
- icon: 'parachute-box',
- content: [
- 'Call Extraction',
- x &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Countdown, {
- timeLeft: A.time_left,
- format: (function () {
- function M(R, O) {
- return ' (' + O.substr(3) + ')';
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return V('extract');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- v,
- {
- children: I.slice()
- .sort(function (M, R) {
- return M.status === 1 ? -1 : R.status === 1 ? 1 : M.status - R.status;
- })
- .map(function (M) {
- var R;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- {
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- grow: '1',
- color: M.status === 1 && 'good',
- children: M.target_name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- basis: 'content',
- children:
- M.has_photo &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'camera',
- mb: '-0.5rem',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return D('target_photo_' + M.uid + '.png');
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- className: 'Contractor__Contract',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- width: '100%',
- children: [
- !!k[M.status] &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: k[M.status][1],
- inline: !0,
- mt: M.status !== 1 && '0.125rem',
- mr: '0.25rem',
- lineHeight: '20px',
- children: k[M.status][0],
- }),
- M.status === 1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'ban',
- color: 'bad',
- content: 'Abort',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return V('abort');
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- grow: '2',
- mr: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- M.fluff_message,
- !!M.completed_time &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'good',
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'check', mr: '0.5rem' }),
- 'Contract completed at ',
- M.completed_time,
- ],
- }),
- !!M.dead_extraction &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- mt: '0.5rem',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- name: 'exclamation-triangle',
- mr: '0.5rem',
- }),
- 'Telecrystals reward reduced drastically as the target was dead during extraction.',
- ],
- }),
- !!M.fail_reason &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'times', mr: '0.5rem' }),
- 'Contract failed: ',
- M.fail_reason,
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- flexBasis: '100%',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
- mb: '0.5rem',
- color: 'label',
- children: ['Extraction Zone:\xA0', u(M)],
- }),
- (R = M.difficulties) == null
- ? void 0
- : R.map(function (O, F) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button.Confirm,
- {
- disabled: !!L,
- content: O.name + ' (' + O.reward + ' TC)',
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return V('activate', { uid: M.uid, difficulty: F + 1 });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- },
- F
- );
- }),
- !!M.objective &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'white',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- M.objective.extraction_name,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- '(',
- (M.objective.rewards.tc || 0) + ' TC',
- ',\xA0',
- (M.objective.rewards.credits || 0) + ' Credits',
- ')',
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- M.uid
- );
- }),
- }
- )
- )
- );
- },
- u = function (v) {
- if (!(!v.objective || v.status > 1)) {
- var p = v.objective.locs.user_area_id,
- N = v.objective.locs.user_coords,
- V = v.objective.locs.target_area_id,
- S = v.objective.locs.target_coords,
- I = p === V;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- name: I ? 'dot-circle-o' : 'arrow-alt-circle-right-o',
- color: I ? 'green' : 'yellow',
- rotation: I ? null : -(0, a.rad2deg)(Math.atan2(S[1] - N[1], S[0] - N[0])),
- lineHeight: I ? null : '0.85',
- size: '1.5',
- }),
- });
- }
- },
- s = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, t.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.rep,
- L = S.buyables;
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- Object.assign({ title: 'Available Purchases', overflow: 'auto' }, v, {
- children: L.map(function (w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- {
- title: w.name,
- children: [
- w.description,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- disabled: I < w.cost || w.stock === 0,
- icon: 'shopping-cart',
- content: 'Buy (' + w.cost + ' Rep)',
- mt: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return V('purchase', { uid: w.uid });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- w.stock > -1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: w.stock === 0 ? 'bad' : 'good',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- children: [w.stock, ' in stock'],
- }),
- ],
- },
- w.uid
- );
- }),
- })
- )
- );
- },
- d = (function (h) {
- function v(N) {
- var V;
- return (
- (V = h.call(this, N) || this),
- (V.timer = null),
- (V.state = { currentIndex: 0, currentDisplay: [] }),
- V
- );
- }
- y(v, h);
- var p = v.prototype;
- return (
- (p.tick = (function () {
- function N() {
- var V = this.props,
- S = this.state;
- if (S.currentIndex <= V.allMessages.length) {
- this.setState(function (L) {
- return { currentIndex: L.currentIndex + 1 };
- });
- var I = S.currentDisplay;
- I.push(V.allMessages[S.currentIndex]);
- } else clearTimeout(this.timer), setTimeout(V.onFinished, V.finishedTimeout);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function N() {
- var V = this,
- S = this.props.linesPerSecond,
- I = S === void 0 ? 2.5 : S;
- this.timer = setInterval(function () {
- return V.tick();
- }, 1e3 / I);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.componentWillUnmount = (function () {
- function N() {
- clearTimeout(this.timer);
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (p.render = (function () {
- function N() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- m: 1,
- children: this.state.currentDisplay.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createFragment)([V, (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br')], 0, V);
- }),
- });
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- v
- );
- })(e.Component),
- C = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, t.useLocalState)(p, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
- V = N[0],
- S = N[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Modal, {
- className: 'Contractor__photoZoom',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'img', src: V }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Close',
- color: 'grey',
- mt: '1rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return S('');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 54151: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ConveyorSwitch = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.ConveyorSwitch = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.slowFactor,
- m = i.oneWay,
- l = i.position;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 135,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Lever position',
- children: l > 0 ? 'forward' : l < 0 ? 'reverse' : 'neutral',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Allow reverse',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: !m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('toggleOneWay');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Slowdown factor',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- mx: '1px',
- children: [
- ' ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'angle-double-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('slowFactor', { value: c - 5 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ' ',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- mx: '1px',
- children: [
- ' ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'angle-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('slowFactor', { value: c - 1 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ' ',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- width: '100px',
- mx: '1px',
- value: c,
- fillValue: c,
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: 50,
- step: 1,
- format: (function () {
- function u(s) {
- return s + 'x';
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- onChange: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return g('slowFactor', { value: d });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- mx: '1px',
- children: [
- ' ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'angle-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('slowFactor', { value: c + 1 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ' ',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- mx: '1px',
- children: [
- ' ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'angle-double-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('slowFactor', { value: c + 5 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ' ',
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 73169: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CrewMonitor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(25328),
- o = n(72253),
- f = n(36036),
- b = n(36352),
- y = n(76910),
- B = n(98595),
- k = n(96184),
- g = ['color'];
- function i(C, h) {
- if (C == null) return {};
- var v = {};
- for (var p in C)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(C, p)) {
- if (h.includes(p)) continue;
- v[p] = C[p];
- }
- return v;
- }
- var c = function (h, v) {
- return h.dead
- ? 'Deceased'
- : parseInt(h.health, 10) <= v
- ? 'Critical'
- : parseInt(h.stat, 10) === 1
- ? 'Unconscious'
- : 'Living';
- },
- m = function (h, v) {
- return h.dead
- ? 'red'
- : parseInt(h.health, 10) <= v
- ? 'orange'
- : parseInt(h.stat, 10) === 1
- ? 'blue'
- : 'green';
- },
- l = (r.CrewMonitor = (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- var p = (0, o.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = (0, o.useLocalState)(v, 'tabIndex', V.tabIndex),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (function () {
- function x(E) {
- L(E), N('set_tab_index', { tab_index: E });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- A = (function () {
- function x(E) {
- switch (E) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d);
- default:
- return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
- }
- }
- return x;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- fillPositionedParent: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: 'table',
- selected: I === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return w(0);
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- children: 'Data View',
- },
- 'DataView'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: 'map-marked-alt',
- selected: I === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return w(1);
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- children: 'Map View',
- },
- 'MapView'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- A(I),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- u = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, o.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.possible_levels,
- I = V.viewing_current_z_level,
- L = V.is_advanced,
- w = V.highlightedNames,
- A = (0, a.sortBy)(
- function (M) {
- return !w.includes(M.name);
- },
- function (M) {
- return M.name;
- }
- )(V.crewmembers || []),
- x = (0, o.useLocalState)(v, 'search', ''),
- E = x[0],
- P = x[1],
- D = (0, t.createSearch)(E, function (M) {
- return M.name + '|' + M.assignment + '|' + M.area;
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- backgroundColor: 'transparent',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- width: '100%',
- ml: '5px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Search by name, assignment or location..',
- width: '100%',
- onInput: (function () {
- function M(R, O) {
- return P(O);
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: L
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
- mr: '5px',
- width: '50px',
- options: S,
- selected: I,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function M(R) {
- return N('switch_level', { new_level: R });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- })
- : null,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- tooltip: 'Clear highlights',
- icon: 'square-xmark',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return N('clear_highlighted_names');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Location' }),
- ],
- }),
- A.filter(D).map(function (M, R) {
- var O = w.includes(M.name);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Table.Row,
- {
- bold: !!M.is_command,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableCell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.ButtonCheckbox, {
- checked: O,
- tooltip: 'Mark on map',
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return N(O ? 'remove_highlighted_name' : 'add_highlighted_name', {
- name: M.name,
- });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableCell, {
- children: [M.name, ' (', M.assignment, ')'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableCell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: m(M, V.critThreshold),
- children: c(M, V.critThreshold),
- }),
- M.sensor_type >= 2 || V.ignoreSensors
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- ml: 1,
- children: [
- '(',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: y.COLORS.damageType.oxy,
- children: M.oxy,
- }),
- '|',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: y.COLORS.damageType.toxin,
- children: M.tox,
- }),
- '|',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: y.COLORS.damageType.burn,
- children: M.fire,
- }),
- '|',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: y.COLORS.damageType.brute,
- children: M.brute,
- }),
- ')',
- ],
- })
- : null,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableCell, {
- children:
- M.sensor_type === 3 || V.ignoreSensors
- ? V.isAI || V.isObserver
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'location-arrow',
- content: M.area + ' (' + M.x + ', ' + M.y + ')',
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return N('track', { track: M.ref });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- })
- : M.area + ' (' + M.x + ', ' + M.y + ')'
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: 'grey',
- children: 'Not Available',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- R
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- s = function (h, v) {
- var p = h.color,
- N = i(h, g);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.NanoMap.Marker,
- Object.assign({}, N, {
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', 'highlighted-marker color-border-' + p),
- })
- )
- );
- },
- d = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, o.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.highlightedNames;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- height: '100vh',
- mb: '0.5rem',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.NanoMap, {
- zoom: V.zoom,
- offsetX: V.offsetX,
- offsetY: V.offsetY,
- onZoom: (function () {
- function I(L) {
- return N('set_zoom', { zoom: L });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- onOffsetChange: (function () {
- function I(L, w) {
- return N('set_offset', { offset_x: w.offsetX, offset_y: w.offsetY });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- children: V.crewmembers
- .filter(function (I) {
- return I.sensor_type === 3 || V.ignoreSensors;
- })
- .map(function (I) {
- var L = m(I, V.critThreshold),
- w = S.includes(I.name),
- A = function () {
- return V.isObserver ? N('track', { track: I.ref }) : null;
- },
- x = function () {
- return N(w ? 'remove_highlighted_name' : 'add_highlighted_name', { name: I.name });
- },
- E = I.name + ' (' + I.assignment + ')';
- return w
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- s,
- { x: I.x, y: I.y, tooltip: E, color: L, onClick: A, onDblClick: x },
- I.ref
- )
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.NanoMap.MarkerIcon,
- { x: I.x, y: I.y, icon: 'circle', tooltip: E, color: L, onClick: A, onDblClick: x },
- I.ref
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 63987: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Cryo = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = [
- { label: 'Resp.', type: 'oxyLoss' },
- { label: 'Toxin', type: 'toxLoss' },
- { label: 'Brute', type: 'bruteLoss' },
- { label: 'Burn', type: 'fireLoss' },
- ],
- b = [
- ['good', 'Conscious'],
- ['average', 'Unconscious'],
- ['bad', 'DEAD'],
- ],
- y = (r.Cryo = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 520,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- B = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.isOperating,
- d = u.hasOccupant,
- C = u.occupant,
- h = C === void 0 ? [] : C,
- v = u.cellTemperature,
- p = u.cellTemperatureStatus,
- N = u.isBeakerLoaded,
- V = u.cooldownProgress,
- S = u.auto_eject_healthy,
- I = u.auto_eject_dead;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Occupant',
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'user-slash',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return l('ejectOccupant');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- disabled: !d,
- children: 'Eject',
- }),
- children: d
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Occupant',
- children: h.name || 'Unknown',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- min: h.health,
- max: h.maxHealth,
- value: h.health / h.maxHealth,
- color: h.health > 0 ? 'good' : 'average',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, {
- value: Math.round(h.health),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- color: b[h.stat][0],
- children: b[h.stat][1],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Temperature',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, {
- value: Math.round(h.bodyTemperature),
- }),
- ' K',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- f.map(function (L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: L.label,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: h[L.type] / 100,
- ranges: { bad: [0.01, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, {
- value: Math.round(h[L.type]),
- }),
- }),
- },
- L.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No occupant detected.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Cell',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return l('ejectBeaker');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- disabled: !N,
- children: 'Eject Beaker',
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return l(s ? 'switchOff' : 'switchOn');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- selected: s,
- children: s ? 'On' : 'Off',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Temperature',
- color: p,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: v }), ' K'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Beaker',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Dosage interval',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- ranges: { average: [-1 / 0, 99], good: [99, 1 / 0] },
- color: !N && 'average',
- value: V,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 100,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Auto-eject healthy occupants',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: S ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- selected: S,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return l(S ? 'auto_eject_healthy_off' : 'auto_eject_healthy_on');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: S ? 'On' : 'Off',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Auto-eject dead occupants',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: I ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- selected: I,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return l(I ? 'auto_eject_dead_off' : 'auto_eject_dead_on');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: I ? 'On' : 'Off',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- k = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.isBeakerLoaded,
- d = u.beakerLabel,
- C = u.beakerVolume;
- return s
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: !d && 'average',
- children: [d || 'No label', ':'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: !C && 'bad',
- ml: 1,
- children: C
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, {
- value: C,
- format: (function () {
- function h(v) {
- return Math.round(v) + ' units remaining';
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- })
- : 'Beaker is empty',
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, color: 'bad', children: 'No beaker loaded' });
- };
- },
- 86099: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CryopodConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(25328),
- b = (r.CryopodConsole = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.data,
- l = m.account_name,
- u = m.allow_items;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- title: 'Cryopod Console',
- width: 400,
- height: 480,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Hello, ' + (l || '[REDACTED]') + '!',
- children:
- 'This automated cryogenic freezing unit will safely store your corporeal form until your next assignment.',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- !!u && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.data,
- l = m.frozen_crew;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
- title: 'Stored Crew',
- children: l.length
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: l.map(function (u, s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- { label: u.name, children: u.rank },
- s
- );
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No stored crew!' }),
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.frozen_items,
- s = function (C) {
- var h = C.toString();
- return h.startsWith('the ') && (h = h.slice(4, h.length)), (0, f.toTitleCase)(h);
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
- title: 'Stored Items',
- children: u.length
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: u.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: s(d.name),
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- content: 'Drop',
- mr: 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return m('one_item', { item: d.uid });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- d
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Drop All Items',
- color: 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('all_items');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No stored items!' }),
- });
- };
- },
- 12692: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DNAModifier = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(3939),
- b = [
- ['good', 'Alive'],
- ['average', 'Critical'],
- ['bad', 'DEAD'],
- ],
- y = [
- ['ui', 'Modify U.I.', 'dna'],
- ['se', 'Modify S.E.', 'dna'],
- ['buffer', 'Transfer Buffers', 'syringe'],
- ['rejuvenators', 'Rejuvenators', 'flask'],
- ],
- B = [5, 10, 20, 30, 50],
- k = (r.DNAModifier = (function () {
- function p(N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.irradiating,
- A = L.dnaBlockSize,
- x = L.occupant;
- (V.dnaBlockSize = A),
- (V.isDNAInvalid = !x.isViableSubject || !x.uniqueIdentity || !x.structuralEnzymes);
- var E;
- return (
- w && (E = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, { duration: w })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 660,
- height: 775,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
- E,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })
- );
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- g = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.locked,
- A = L.hasOccupant,
- x = L.occupant;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Occupant',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- inline: !0,
- mr: '0.5rem',
- children: 'Door Lock:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !A,
- selected: w,
- icon: w ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: w ? 'Engaged' : 'Disengaged',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return I('toggleLock');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !A || w,
- icon: 'user-slash',
- content: 'Eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return I('ejectOccupant');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: A
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: x.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- min: x.minHealth,
- max: x.maxHealth,
- value: x.health / x.maxHealth,
- ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- color: b[x.stat][0],
- children: b[x.stat][1],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- V.isDNAInvalid
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-circle' }),
- "\xA0 The occupant's DNA structure is ruined beyond recognition, please insert a subject with an intact DNA structure.",
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Radiation',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: '100',
- value: x.radiationLevel / 100,
- color: 'average',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Unique Enzymes',
- children: L.occupant.uniqueEnzymes
- ? L.occupant.uniqueEnzymes
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-circle' }),
- '\xA0 Unknown',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 0
- )
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'Cell unoccupied.' }),
- });
- },
- i = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.selectedMenuKey,
- A = L.hasOccupant,
- x = L.occupant;
- if (A) {
- if (V.isDNAInvalid)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- align: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No operation possible on this subject.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- } else
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- align: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No occupant in DNA modifier.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- var E;
- return (
- w === 'ui'
- ? (E = (0, e.createFragment)(
- [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l)],
- 4
- ))
- : w === 'se'
- ? (E = (0, e.createFragment)(
- [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l)],
- 4
- ))
- : w === 'buffer'
- ? (E = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u))
- : w === 'rejuvenators' && (E = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C)),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: y.map(function (P, D) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: P[2],
- selected: w === P[0],
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return I('selectMenuKey', { key: P[0] });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- children: P[1],
- },
- D
- );
- }),
- }),
- E,
- ],
- })
- );
- },
- c = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.selectedUIBlock,
- A = L.selectedUISubBlock,
- x = L.selectedUITarget,
- E = L.occupant;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Modify Unique Identifier',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
- dnaString: E.uniqueIdentity,
- selectedBlock: w,
- selectedSubblock: A,
- blockSize: V.dnaBlockSize,
- action: 'selectUIBlock',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Target',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Knob, {
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: 15,
- stepPixelSize: '20',
- value: x,
- format: (function () {
- function P(D) {
- return D.toString(16).toUpperCase();
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- ml: '0',
- onChange: (function () {
- function P(D, M) {
- return I('changeUITarget', { value: M });
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'radiation',
- content: 'Irradiate Block',
- mt: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return I('pulseUIRadiation');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- m = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.selectedSEBlock,
- A = L.selectedSESubBlock,
- x = L.occupant;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Modify Structural Enzymes',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
- dnaString: x.structuralEnzymes,
- selectedBlock: w,
- selectedSubblock: A,
- blockSize: V.dnaBlockSize,
- action: 'selectSEBlock',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'radiation',
- content: 'Irradiate Block',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return I('pulseSERadiation');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- l = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.radiationIntensity,
- A = L.radiationDuration;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Radiation Emitter',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Intensity',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Knob, {
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: 10,
- stepPixelSize: 20,
- value: w,
- popUpPosition: 'right',
- ml: '0',
- onChange: (function () {
- function x(E, P) {
- return I('radiationIntensity', { value: P });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Duration',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Knob, {
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: 20,
- stepPixelSize: 10,
- unit: 's',
- value: A,
- popUpPosition: 'right',
- ml: '0',
- onChange: (function () {
- function x(E, P) {
- return I('radiationDuration', { value: P });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'radiation',
- content: 'Pulse Radiation',
- tooltip: "Mutates a random block of either the occupant's UI or SE.",
- tooltipPosition: 'top-start',
- mt: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return I('pulseRadiation');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- u = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.buffers,
- A = w.map(function (x, E) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { id: E + 1, name: 'Buffer ' + (E + 1), buffer: x }, E);
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- height: '75%',
- mt: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Buffers',
- children: A,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- height: '25%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- s = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = N.id,
- A = N.name,
- x = N.buffer,
- E = L.isInjectorReady,
- P = A + (x.data ? ' - ' + x.label : '');
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)',
- mb: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: P,
- mx: '0',
- lineHeight: '18px',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- disabled: !x.data,
- icon: 'trash',
- content: 'Clear',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('bufferOption', { option: 'clear', id: w });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !x.data,
- icon: 'pen',
- content: 'Rename',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('bufferOption', { option: 'changeLabel', id: w });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !x.data || !L.hasDisk,
- icon: 'save',
- content: 'Export',
- tooltip: 'Exports this buffer to the currently loaded data disk.',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('bufferOption', { option: 'saveDisk', id: w });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Write',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- content: 'Subject U.I',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('bufferOption', { option: 'saveUI', id: w });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- content: 'Subject U.I and U.E.',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('bufferOption', { option: 'saveUIAndUE', id: w });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- content: 'Subject S.E.',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('bufferOption', { option: 'saveSE', id: w });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !L.hasDisk || !L.disk.data,
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- content: 'From Disk',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('bufferOption', { option: 'loadDisk', id: w });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !!x.data &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Subject',
- children:
- x.owner ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'Unknown' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Data Type',
- children: [
- x.type === 'ui' ? 'Unique Identifiers' : 'Structural Enzymes',
- !!x.ue && ' and Unique Enzymes',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Transfer to',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !E,
- icon: E ? 'syringe' : 'spinner',
- iconSpin: !E,
- content: 'Injector',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('bufferOption', { option: 'createInjector', id: w });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !E,
- icon: E ? 'syringe' : 'spinner',
- iconSpin: !E,
- content: 'Block Injector',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('bufferOption', { option: 'createInjector', id: w, block: 1 });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'user',
- content: 'Subject',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('bufferOption', { option: 'transfer', id: w });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- !x.data &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- mt: '0.5rem',
- children: 'This buffer is empty.',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- d = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.hasDisk,
- A = L.disk;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Data Disk',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- disabled: !w || !A.data,
- icon: 'trash',
- content: 'Wipe',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return I('wipeDisk');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !w,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return I('ejectDisk');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: w
- ? A.data
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Label',
- children: A.label ? A.label : 'No label',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Subject',
- children: A.owner
- ? A.owner
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'Unknown' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Data Type',
- children: [
- A.type === 'ui' ? 'Unique Identifiers' : 'Structural Enzymes',
- !!A.ue && ' and Unique Enzymes',
- ],
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'Disk is blank.' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- textAlign: 'center',
- my: '1rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'save-o', size: '4' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No disk inserted.',
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- C = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.isBeakerLoaded,
- A = L.beakerVolume,
- x = L.beakerLabel;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Rejuvenators and Beaker',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !w,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return I('ejectBeaker');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- children: w
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Inject',
- children: [
- B.map(function (E, P) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- disabled: E > A,
- icon: 'syringe',
- content: E,
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return I('injectRejuvenators', { amount: E });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- },
- P
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: A <= 0,
- icon: 'syringe',
- content: 'All',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return I('injectRejuvenators', { amount: A });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Beaker',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { mb: '0.5rem', children: x || 'No label' }),
- A
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'good',
- children: [A, ' unit', A === 1 ? '' : 's', ' remaining'],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'bad', children: 'Empty' }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'flask', size: 5, color: 'silver' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'No beaker loaded.', 16),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- h = function (N, V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'spinner', size: '5', spin: !0 }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'h1',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'radiation' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0Irradiating occupant\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'radiation' }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'h3',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('For '),
- N.duration,
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' second'),
- N.duration === 1 ? '' : 's',
- ],
- 0
- ),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- v = function (N, V) {
- for (
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = N.dnaString,
- A = N.selectedBlock,
- x = N.selectedSubblock,
- E = N.blockSize,
- P = N.action,
- D = w.split(''),
- M = 0,
- R = [],
- O = function () {
- for (
- var U = F / E + 1,
- z = [],
- $ = function () {
- var J = G + 1;
- z.push(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- selected: A === U && x === J,
- content: D[F + G],
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function se() {
- return I(P, { block: U, subblock: J });
- }
- return se;
- })(),
- })
- );
- },
- G = 0;
- G < E;
- G++
- )
- $();
- R.push(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mb: '1rem',
- mr: '1rem',
- width: 7.8,
- textAlign: 'right',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- mr: '0.5rem',
- fontFamily: 'monospace',
- children: U,
- }),
- z,
- ],
- })
- );
- },
- F = 0;
- F < D.length;
- F += E
- )
- O();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, { wrap: 'wrap', children: R });
- };
- },
- 76430: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DecalPainter = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = k.icon_state,
- u = k.direction,
- s = k.isSelected,
- d = k.onSelect;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.DmIcon, {
- icon: m.icon,
- icon_state: l,
- direction: u,
- onClick: d,
- style: {
- 'border-style': (s && 'solid') || 'none',
- 'border-width': '2px',
- 'border-color': 'orange',
- padding: (s && '0px') || '2px',
- },
- });
- },
- b = { NORTH: 1, SOUTH: 2, EAST: 4, WEST: 8 },
- y = (r.DecalPainter = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.availableStyles,
- u = m.selectedStyle,
- s = m.selectedDir,
- d = m.removalMode;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 405,
- height: 475,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Decal setup',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return c('cycle_style', { offset: -1 });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- options: l,
- selected: u,
- width: '150px',
- height: '20px',
- ml: '2px',
- mr: '2px',
- nochevron: !0,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function C(h) {
- return c('select_style', { style: h });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return c('cycle_style', { offset: 1 });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eraser',
- color: d ? 'green' : 'transparent',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return c('removal_mode');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- children: 'Remove decals',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '5px',
- mb: '5px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- overflowY: 'auto',
- maxHeight: '220px',
- wrap: 'wrap',
- children: l.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Flex.Item,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, {
- icon_state: C,
- isSelected: u === C && !d,
- onSelect: (function () {
- function h() {
- return c('select_style', { style: C });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- C
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Direction',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- style: { display: 'inline' },
- children: [b.NORTH, null, b.SOUTH].map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [C + b.WEST, C, C + b.EAST].map(function (h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Cell,
- {
- style: { 'vertical-align': 'middle', 'text-align': 'center' },
- children:
- h === null
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'arrows-alt', size: 3 })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, {
- icon_state: u,
- direction: h,
- isSelected: h === s && !d,
- onSelect: (function () {
- function v() {
- return c('select_direction', { direction: h });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- h
- );
- }),
- },
- C
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 41074: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DestinationTagger = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.DestinationTagger = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k,
- g = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.destinations,
- l = c.selected_destination_id,
- u = m[l - 1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 355,
- height: 330,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- title: 'TagMaster 3.1',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- width: '100%',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- inline: !0,
- children: 'Selected:',
- }),
- ' ',
- (k = u.name) != null ? k : 'None',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: 1.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- overflowY: 'auto',
- wrap: 'wrap',
- align: 'center',
- justify: 'space-evenly',
- direction: 'row',
- children: m.map(function (s, d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- m: '2px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- width: '105px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: s.name,
- selected: s.id === l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('select_destination', { destination: s.id });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- d
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 46500: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DisposalBin = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.DisposalBin = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c,
- m;
- return (
- i.mode === 2
- ? ((c = 'good'), (m = 'Ready'))
- : i.mode <= 0
- ? ((c = 'bad'), (m = 'N/A'))
- : i.mode === 1
- ? ((c = 'average'), (m = 'Pressurizing'))
- : ((c = 'average'), (m = 'Idle')),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 300,
- height: 260,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'State',
- color: c,
- children: m,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pressure',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- ranges: { bad: [-1 / 0, 0], average: [0, 99], good: [99, 1 / 0] },
- value: i.pressure,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 100,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Controls',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Handle',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'toggle-off',
- disabled: i.isAI || i.panel_open,
- content: 'Disengaged',
- selected: !i.flushing,
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('disengageHandle');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'toggle-on',
- disabled: i.isAI || i.panel_open,
- content: 'Engaged',
- selected: i.flushing,
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('engageHandle');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'toggle-off',
- disabled: i.mode === -1,
- content: 'Off',
- selected: !i.mode,
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('pumpOff');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'toggle-on',
- disabled: i.mode === -1,
- content: 'On',
- selected: i.mode,
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('pumpOn');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Eject',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-out-alt',
- disabled: i.isAI,
- content: 'Eject Contents',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('eject');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 33233: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DnaVault = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.DnaVault = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.completed;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 270,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b), !!l && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y)],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- b = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.dna,
- u = m.dna_max,
- s = m.plants,
- d = m.plants_max,
- C = m.animals,
- h = m.animals_max,
- v = 0.66,
- p = 0.33;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'DNA Vault Database',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Human DNA',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: l / u,
- ranges: { good: [v, 1 / 0], average: [p, v], bad: [-1 / 0, p] },
- children: l + ' / ' + u + ' Samples',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Plant DNA',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: s / d,
- ranges: { good: [v, 1 / 0], average: [p, v], bad: [-1 / 0, p] },
- children: s + ' / ' + d + ' Samples',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Animal DNA',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: C / h,
- ranges: { good: [v, 1 / 0], average: [p, v], bad: [-1 / 0, p] },
- children: C + ' / ' + h + ' Samples',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- y = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.choiceA,
- u = m.choiceB,
- s = m.used;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Personal Gene Therapy',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- mb: 1,
- children: 'Applicable Gene Therapy Treatments',
- }),
- (!s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- bold: !0,
- content: l,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('gene', { choice: l });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- bold: !0,
- content: u,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('gene', { choice: u });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- mb: 1,
- children: 'Users DNA deemed unstable. Unable to provide more upgrades.',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 33681: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DroneConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.DroneConsole = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 420,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B)],
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.drone_fab,
- s = l.fab_power,
- d = l.drone_prod,
- C = l.drone_progress,
- h = function () {
- return u
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'External Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: s ? 'good' : 'bad',
- children: ['[ ', s ? 'Online' : 'Offline', ' ]'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Drone Production',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- value: C / 100,
- ranges: { good: [0.7, 1 / 0], average: [0.4, 0.7], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.4] },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- danger: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
- inline: 1,
- direction: 'column',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, { children: 'FABRICATOR NOT DETECTED.' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'search',
- content: 'Search',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return m('find_fab');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Drone Fabricator',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: d ? 'Online' : 'Offline',
- color: d ? 'green' : 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return m('toggle_fab');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- children: h(),
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.drones,
- s = l.area_list,
- d = l.selected_area,
- C = l.ping_cd,
- h = function (N, V) {
- var S, I;
- return (
- N === 2
- ? ((S = 'bad'), (I = 'Disabled'))
- : N === 1 || !V
- ? ((S = 'average'), (I = 'Inactive'))
- : ((S = 'good'), (I = 'Active')),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: S, children: I })
- );
- },
- v = function () {
- if (u.length)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- py: 0.2,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
- });
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Maintenance Units',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, { children: 'Request Drone presence in area:\xA0' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- options: s,
- selected: d,
- width: '125px',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function p(N) {
- return m('set_area', { area: N });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Send Ping',
- icon: 'broadcast-tower',
- disabled: C || !u.length,
- title: u.length ? null : 'No active drones!',
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- py: 0.4,
- mt: 0.6,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return m('ping');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v),
- u.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- {
- title: (0, a.toTitleCase)(p.name),
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Resync',
- disabled: p.stat === 2 || p.sync_cd,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return m('resync', { uid: p.uid });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: 'Recall',
- disabled: p.stat === 2 || p.pathfinding,
- tooltip: p.pathfinding ? 'This drone is currently pathfinding, please wait.' : null,
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return m('recall', { uid: p.uid });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- children: h(p.stat, p.client),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Integrity',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- value: p.health,
- ranges: { good: [0.7, 1 / 0], average: [0.4, 0.7], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.4] },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Charge',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- value: p.charge,
- ranges: { good: [0.7, 1 / 0], average: [0.4, 0.7], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.4] },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Location',
- children: p.location,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- p.name
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 17263: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.EFTPOS = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.EFTPOS = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.transaction_locked,
- s = l.machine_name;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 250,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'POS Terminal ' + s,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: u ? 'Unlock EFTPOS' : 'Lock EFTPOS',
- tooltip: 'Enter pin to modify transactions and EFTPOS settings',
- icon: u ? 'lock-open' : 'lock',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('toggle_lock');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Reset EFTPOS',
- tooltip: 'Requires Captain, HoP or CC access',
- icon: 'sync',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('reset');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: u ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.transaction_amount,
- s = l.transaction_paid;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mt: 2,
- bold: !0,
- width: '100%',
- fontSize: '3rem',
- color: s ? 'green' : 'red',
- align: 'center',
- justify: 'center',
- children: ['Payment ', s ? 'Accepted' : 'Due', ': $', u],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mt: 0.5,
- fontSize: '1.25rem',
- align: 'center',
- justify: 'center',
- children: s
- ? 'This transaction has been processed successfully '
- : 'Swipe your card to finish this transaction.',
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c,
- m = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'searchText', ''),
- d = s[0],
- C = s[1],
- h = u.transaction_purpose,
- v = u.transaction_amount,
- p = u.linked_account,
- N = u.available_accounts,
- V = [];
- return (
- N.map(function (S) {
- return (V[S.name] = S.UID);
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Transaction Purpose',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: h,
- icon: 'edit',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return l('trans_purpose');
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Value',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: v ? '$' + v : '$0',
- icon: 'edit',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return l('trans_value');
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Linked Account',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { mb: 0.5, children: p.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- width: '190px',
- placeholder: 'Search by name',
- onInput: (function () {
- function S(I, L) {
- return C(L);
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- mt: 0.6,
- width: '190px',
- options: N.filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(d, function (S) {
- return S.name;
- })
- ).map(function (S) {
- return S.name;
- }),
- selected:
- (c = N.filter(function (S) {
- return S.UID === p.UID;
- })[0]) == null
- ? void 0
- : c.name,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function S(I) {
- return l('link_account', { account: V[I] });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Actions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Change access code',
- icon: 'key',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return l('change_code');
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })
- );
- };
- },
- 76382: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ERTOverview = r.ERTManager = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(25328),
- b = function (m) {
- switch (m) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
- default:
- }
- },
- y = (r.ERTManager = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = (0, a.useLocalState)(l, 'tabIndex', 0),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 360,
- height: 505,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- fluid: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: h === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- v(0);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- icon: 'ambulance',
- children: 'Send ERT',
- },
- 'SendERT'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: h === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- v(1);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- icon: 'book',
- children: 'Read ERT Requests',
- },
- 'ReadERTRequests'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: h === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- v(2);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- icon: 'times',
- children: 'Deny ERT',
- },
- 'DenyERT'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- b(h),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- B = (r.ERTOverview = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.security_level_color,
- h = d.str_security_level,
- v = d.ert_request_answered;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Overview',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Alert',
- color: C,
- children: h,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'ERT Request',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: v,
- textColor: v ? null : 'bad',
- content: v ? 'Answered' : 'Unanswered',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('toggle_ert_request_answered');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- tooltip: 'Checking this box will disable the next ERT reminder notification',
- selected: null,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- k = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
- h = (0, a.useLocalState)(l, 'silentERT', !1),
- v = h[0],
- p = h[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Send ERT',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 5,
- content: 'Amber',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: d.ert_type === 'Amber' ? 'orange' : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('ert_type', { ert_type: 'Amber' });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 5,
- content: 'Red',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: d.ert_type === 'Red' ? 'red' : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('ert_type', { ert_type: 'Red' });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 5,
- content: 'Gamma',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: d.ert_type === 'Gamma' ? 'purple' : '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('ert_type', { ert_type: 'Gamma' });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Commander',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: d.com ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- selected: d.com,
- content: d.com ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('toggle_com');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Security',
- children: C.map(function (N, V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.sec === N,
- content: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return s('set_sec', { set_sec: N });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- 'sec' + N
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Medical',
- children: C.map(function (N, V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.med === N,
- content: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return s('set_med', { set_med: N });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- 'med' + N
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Engineering',
- children: C.map(function (N, V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.eng === N,
- content: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return s('set_eng', { set_eng: N });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- 'eng' + N
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Paranormal',
- children: C.map(function (N, V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.par === N,
- content: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return s('set_par', { set_par: N });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- 'par' + N
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Janitor',
- children: C.map(function (N, V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.jan === N,
- content: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return s('set_jan', { set_jan: N });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- 'jan' + N
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cyborg',
- children: C.map(function (N, V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- selected: d.cyb === N,
- content: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return s('set_cyb', { set_cyb: N });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- 'cyb' + N
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Security Module',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 10.5,
- disabled: d.ert_type !== 'Red' || !d.cyb,
- icon: d.secborg ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- color: d.secborg ? 'red' : '',
- content: d.secborg ? 'Enabled' : d.ert_type !== 'Red' ? 'Unavailable' : 'Disabled',
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('toggle_secborg');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Silent ERT',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 10.5,
- icon: v ? 'microphone-slash' : 'microphone',
- content: v ? 'Silenced' : 'Public',
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return p(!v);
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- tooltip: v
- ? 'This ERT will not be announced to the station'
- : 'This ERT will be announced to the station on dispatch',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Total Slots',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: d.total > d.spawnpoints ? 'red' : 'green',
- children: [d.total, ' total, versus ', d.spawnpoints, ' spawnpoints'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Dispatch',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 10.5,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'ambulance',
- content: 'Send ERT',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('dispatch_ert', { silent: v });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.ert_request_messages;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children:
- C && C.length
- ? C.map(function (h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: h.time,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: h.sender_real_name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return s('view_player_panel', { uid: h.sender_uid });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- tooltip: 'View player panel',
- }),
- children: h.message,
- },
- (0, f.decodeHtmlEntities)(h.time)
- );
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'average',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'broadcast-tower',
- size: 5,
- color: 'gray',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No ERT requests.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- i = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = (0, a.useLocalState)(l, 'text', ''),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Enter ERT denial reason here,\nMultiline input is accepted.',
- rows: 19,
- fluid: !0,
- multiline: 1,
- value: h,
- onChange: (function () {
- function p(N, V) {
- return v(V);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- content: 'Deny ERT',
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'times',
- center: !0,
- mt: 2,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('deny_ert', { reason: h });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 90217: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.EconomyManager = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(3939),
- b = (r.EconomyManager = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 325,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- className: 'Layout__content--flexColumn',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- y = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.next_payroll_time;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '1.4rem',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'coins',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- size: 3,
- mr: '1rem',
- }),
- 'Economy Manager',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- label: 'Pay Bonuses and Deductions',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Global',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'dollar-sign',
- width: 'auto',
- content: 'Global Payroll Modification',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('payroll_modification', { mod_type: 'global' });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Department Accounts',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'dollar-sign',
- width: 'auto',
- content: 'Department Account Payroll Modification',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('payroll_modification', { mod_type: 'department' });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Department Members',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'dollar-sign',
- width: 'auto',
- content: 'Department Members Payroll Modification',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('payroll_modification', { mod_type: 'department_members' });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Single Accounts',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'dollar-sign',
- width: 'auto',
- content: 'Crew Member Payroll Modification',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('payroll_modification', { mod_type: 'crew_member' });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'hr'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mb: 0.5,
- children: ['Next Payroll in: ', l, ' Minutes'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'angle-double-left',
- width: 'auto',
- color: 'bad',
- content: 'Delay Payroll',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('delay_payroll');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 'auto',
- content: 'Set Payroll Time',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('set_payroll');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'angle-double-right',
- width: 'auto',
- color: 'good',
- content: 'Accelerate Payroll',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('accelerate_payroll');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'WARNING:', 16),
- ' You take full responsibility for unbalancing the economy with these buttons!',
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- };
- },
- 82565: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Electropack = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.Electropack = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, t.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.power,
- l = c.code,
- u = c.frequency,
- s = c.minFrequency,
- d = c.maxFrequency;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 360,
- height: 135,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: m ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: m ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('power');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Frequency',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Reset',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('reset', { reset: 'freq' });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- animate: !0,
- unit: 'kHz',
- step: 0.2,
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- minValue: s / 10,
- maxValue: d / 10,
- value: u / 10,
- format: (function () {
- function C(h) {
- return (0, a.toFixed)(h, 1);
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- width: '80px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- return i('freq', { freq: v });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Code',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Reset',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('reset', { reset: 'code' });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- animate: !0,
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: 100,
- value: l,
- width: '80px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- return i('code', { code: v });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 11243: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Emojipedia = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.Emojipedia = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, t.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.data,
- m = c.emoji_list,
- l = (0, t.useLocalState)(g, 'searchText', ''),
- u = l[0],
- s = l[1],
- d = m.filter(function (C) {
- return C.name.toLowerCase().includes(u.toLowerCase());
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 325,
- height: 400,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Emojipedia v1.0.1',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Search by name',
- value: u,
- onInput: (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- return s(v);
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- tooltip: 'Click on an emoji to copy its tag!',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- icon: 'circle-question',
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: d.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button,
- {
- m: 1,
- color: 'transparent',
- className: (0, a.classes)(['emoji16x16', 'emoji-' + C.name]),
- style: { transform: 'scale(1.5)' },
- tooltip: C.name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- y(C.name);
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- },
- C.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- y = function (k) {
- var g = document.createElement('input'),
- i = ':' + k + ':';
- (g.value = i),
- document.body.appendChild(g),
- g.select(),
- document.execCommand('copy'),
- document.body.removeChild(g);
- };
- },
- 36730: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.EvolutionMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = n(64795),
- y = n(88510),
- B = (r.EvolutionMenu = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 480,
- height: 580,
- theme: 'changeling',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g)],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.evo_points,
- C = s.can_respec;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Evolution Points',
- height: 5.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- mt: 0.5,
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Points remaining:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- mt: 0.5,
- ml: 2,
- bold: !0,
- color: '#1b945c',
- children: d,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- ml: 2.5,
- disabled: !C,
- content: 'Readapt',
- icon: 'sync',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return u('readapt');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- tooltip:
- 'By transforming a humanoid into a husk, we gain the ability to readapt our chosen evolutions.',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- icon: 'question-circle',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.evo_points,
- C = s.ability_tabs,
- h = s.purchased_abilities,
- v = s.view_mode,
- p = (0, t.useLocalState)(m, 'selectedTab', C[0]),
- N = p[0],
- V = p[1],
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(m, 'searchText', ''),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(m, 'ability_tabs', C[0].abilities),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = function (R, O) {
- if ((O === void 0 && (O = ''), !R || R.length === 0)) return [];
- var F = (0, a.createSearch)(O, function (_) {
- return _.name + '|' + _.description;
- });
- return (0, b.flow)([
- (0, y.filter)(function (_) {
- return _ == null ? void 0 : _.name;
- }),
- (0, y.filter)(F),
- (0, y.sortBy)(function (_) {
- return _ == null ? void 0 : _.name;
- }),
- ])(R);
- },
- P = function (R) {
- if ((L(R), R === '')) return x(N.abilities);
- x(
- E(
- C.map(function (O) {
- return O.abilities;
- }).flat(),
- R
- )
- );
- },
- D = function (R) {
- V(R), x(R.abilities), L('');
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Abilities',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- width: '200px',
- placeholder: 'Search Abilities',
- onInput: (function () {
- function M(R, O) {
- P(O);
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- value: I,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: v ? 'square-o' : 'check-square-o',
- selected: !v,
- content: 'Compact',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return u('set_view_mode', { mode: 0 });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: v ? 'check-square-o' : 'square-o',
- selected: v,
- content: 'Expanded',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return u('set_view_mode', { mode: 1 });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- children: C.map(function (M) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: I === '' && N === M,
- onClick: (function () {
- function R() {
- D(M);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- children: M.category,
- },
- M
- );
- }),
- }),
- A.map(function (M, R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- {
- p: 0.5,
- mx: -1,
- className: 'candystripe',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- ml: 0.5,
- color: '#dedede',
- children: M.name,
- }),
- h.includes(M.power_path) &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- ml: 2,
- bold: !0,
- color: '#1b945c',
- children: '(Purchased)',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- mr: 3,
- textAlign: 'right',
- grow: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'label',
- children: ['Cost:', ' '],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- bold: !0,
- color: '#1b945c',
- children: M.cost,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- mr: 0.5,
- disabled: M.cost > d || h.includes(M.power_path),
- content: 'Evolve',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return u('purchase', { power_path: M.power_path });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !!v &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- color: '#8a8a8a',
- my: 1,
- ml: 1.5,
- width: '95%',
- children: M.description + ' ' + M.helptext,
- }),
- ],
- },
- R
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 17370: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ExosuitFabricator = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(25328),
- o = n(72253),
- f = n(36036),
- b = n(73379),
- y = n(98595),
- B = ['id', 'amount', 'lineDisplay', 'onClick'];
- function k(p, N) {
- if (p == null) return {};
- var V = {};
- for (var S in p)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(p, S)) {
- if (N.includes(S)) continue;
- V[S] = p[S];
- }
- return V;
- }
- var g = 2e3,
- i = { bananium: 'clown', tranquillite: 'mime' },
- c = (r.ExosuitFabricator = (function () {
- function p(N, V) {
- var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.building,
- A = L.linked;
- return A
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
- width: 950,
- height: 625,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
- className: 'Exofab',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l),
- }),
- w &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- width: '30%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h);
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- m = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.materials,
- A = L.capacity,
- x = Object.values(w).reduce(function (E, P) {
- return E + P;
- }, 0);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Materials',
- className: 'Exofab__materials',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- mt: '0.25rem',
- children: [((x / A) * 100).toPrecision(3), '% full'],
- }),
- children: [
- 'metal',
- 'glass',
- 'silver',
- 'gold',
- 'uranium',
- 'titanium',
- 'plasma',
- 'diamond',
- 'bluespace',
- 'bananium',
- 'tranquillite',
- 'plastic',
- ].map(function (E) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- d,
- {
- mt: -2,
- id: E,
- bold: E === 'metal' || E === 'glass',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return I('withdraw', { id: E });
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- },
- E
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- l = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.curCategory,
- A = L.categories,
- x = L.designs,
- E = L.syncing,
- P = (0, o.useLocalState)(V, 'searchText', ''),
- D = P[0],
- M = P[1],
- R = (0, t.createSearch)(D, function (z) {
- return z.name;
- }),
- O = x.filter(R),
- F = (0, o.useLocalState)(V, 'levelsModal', !1),
- _ = F[0],
- U = F[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- className: 'Exofab__designs',
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
- width: '19rem',
- className: 'Exofab__dropdown',
- selected: w,
- options: A,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function z($) {
- return I('category', { cat: $ });
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- }),
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- mt: '2px',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: 'plus',
- content: 'Queue all',
- onClick: (function () {
- function z() {
- return I('queueall');
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: 'info',
- content: 'Show current tech levels',
- onClick: (function () {
- function z() {
- return U(!0);
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: 'unlink',
- color: 'red',
- tooltip: 'Disconnect from R&D network',
- onClick: (function () {
- function z() {
- return I('unlink');
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Search by name...',
- mb: '0.5rem',
- width: '100%',
- onInput: (function () {
- function z($, G) {
- return M(G);
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- }),
- O.map(function (z) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C, { design: z }, z.id);
- }),
- O.length === 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'No designs found.' }),
- ],
- });
- },
- u = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.building,
- A = L.buildStart,
- x = L.buildEnd,
- E = L.worldTime;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- className: 'Exofab__building',
- stretchContents: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar.Countdown, {
- start: A,
- current: E,
- end: x,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'cog', spin: !0 }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- 'Building ',
- w,
- '\xA0(',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Countdown, {
- current: E,
- timeLeft: x - E,
- format: (function () {
- function P(D, M) {
- return M.substr(3);
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- ')',
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- s = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.queue,
- A = L.processingQueue,
- x = Object.entries(L.queueDeficit).filter(function (P) {
- return P[1] < 0;
- }),
- E = w.reduce(function (P, D) {
- return P + D.time;
- }, 0);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- className: 'Exofab__queue',
- title: 'Queue',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- selected: A,
- icon: A ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: 'Process',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return I('process');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- disabled: w.length === 0,
- icon: 'eraser',
- content: 'Clear',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return I('unqueueall');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children:
- w.length === 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'The queue is empty.' })
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- className: 'Exofab__queue--queue',
- grow: !0,
- overflow: 'auto',
- children: w.map(function (P, D) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Box,
- {
- color: P.notEnough && 'bad',
- children: [
- D + 1,
- '. ',
- P.name,
- D > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-up',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return I('queueswap', { from: D + 1, to: D });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- D < w.length - 1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return I('queueswap', { from: D + 1, to: D + 2 });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- color: 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return I('unqueue', { index: D + 1 });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- D
- );
- }),
- }),
- E > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- className: 'Exofab__queue--time',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Divider),
- 'Processing time:',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'clock', mx: '0.5rem' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- bold: !0,
- children: new Date((E / 10) * 1e3).toISOString().substr(14, 5),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- Object.keys(x).length > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- className: 'Exofab__queue--deficit',
- shrink: '0',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Divider),
- 'Lacking materials to complete:',
- x.map(function (P) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
- id: P[0],
- amount: -P[1],
- lineDisplay: !0,
- }),
- },
- P[0]
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- }),
- });
- },
- d = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = N.id,
- A = N.amount,
- x = N.lineDisplay,
- E = N.onClick,
- P = k(N, B),
- D = L.materials[w] || 0,
- M = A || D;
- if (!(M <= 0 && !(w === 'metal' || w === 'glass'))) {
- var R = A && A > D;
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Stack,
- Object.assign(
- {
- align: 'center',
- className: (0, a.classes)(['Exofab__material', x && 'Exofab__material--line']),
- },
- P,
- {
- children: x
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- className: (0, a.classes)(['materials32x32', w]),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- className: 'Exofab__material--amount',
- color: R && 'bad',
- ml: 0,
- mr: 1,
- children: M.toLocaleString('en-US'),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- basis: 'content',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- width: '85%',
- color: 'transparent',
- onClick: E,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- mt: 1,
- className: (0, a.classes)(['materials32x32', w]),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: '1',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- className: 'Exofab__material--name',
- children: w,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- className: 'Exofab__material--amount',
- children: [
- M.toLocaleString('en-US'),
- ' cm\xB3 (',
- Math.round((M / g) * 10) / 10,
- ' ',
- 'sheets)',
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- }
- )
- )
- );
- }
- },
- C = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = N.design;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- className: 'Exofab__design',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- disabled: w.notEnough || L.building,
- icon: 'cog',
- content: w.name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return I('build', { id: w.id });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: 'plus-circle',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return I('queue', { id: w.id });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- className: 'Exofab__design--cost',
- children: Object.entries(w.cost).map(function (A) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Box,
- { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { id: A[0], amount: A[1], lineDisplay: !0 }) },
- A[0]
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- className: 'Exofab__design--time',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'clock' }),
- w.time > 0
- ? (0, e.createFragment)([w.time / 10, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' seconds')], 0)
- : 'Instant',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- h = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.controllers;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Setup Linkage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Address' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: 'Link' }),
- ],
- }),
- w.map(function (A) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: A.addr }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, { children: A.net_id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- content: 'Link',
- icon: 'link',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return I('linktonetworkcontroller', { target_controller: A.addr });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- A.addr
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- v = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, o.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.tech_levels,
- A = (0, o.useLocalState)(V, 'levelsModal', !1),
- x = A[0],
- E = A[1];
- return x
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Modal, {
- maxWidth: '75%',
- width: window.innerWidth + 'px',
- maxHeight: window.innerHeight * 0.75 + 'px',
- mx: 'auto',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Current tech levels',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- content: 'Close',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- E(!1);
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
- children: w.map(function (P) {
- var D = P.name,
- M = P.level;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: D, children: M }, D);
- }),
- }),
- }),
- })
- : null;
- };
- },
- 59128: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ExperimentConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = new Map([
- [0, { text: 'Conscious', color: 'good' }],
- [1, { text: 'Unconscious', color: 'average' }],
- [2, { text: 'Deceased', color: 'bad' }],
- ]),
- b = new Map([
- [0, { label: 'Probe', icon: 'thermometer' }],
- [1, { label: 'Dissect', icon: 'brain' }],
- [2, { label: 'Analyze', icon: 'search' }],
- ]),
- y = (r.ExperimentConsole = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.open,
- u = m.feedback,
- s = m.occupant,
- d = m.occupant_name,
- C = m.occupant_status,
- h = (function () {
- function p() {
- if (!s) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No specimen detected.' });
- var N = (function () {
- function S() {
- return f.get(C);
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- V = N();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: d }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- color: V.color,
- children: V.text,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Experiments',
- children: [0, 1, 2].map(function (S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- icon: b.get(S).icon,
- content: b.get(S).label,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return c('experiment', { experiment_type: S });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- },
- S
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- v = h();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- theme: 'abductor',
- width: 350,
- height: 200,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- children: u,
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Scanner',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject',
- disabled: !l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return c('door');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- children: v,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 97086: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ExternalAirlockController = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = 0,
- b = 1013,
- y = function (g) {
- var i = 'good',
- c = 80,
- m = 95,
- l = 110,
- u = 120;
- return g < c ? (i = 'bad') : g < m || g > l ? (i = 'average') : g > u && (i = 'bad'), i;
- },
- B = (r.ExternalAirlockController = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.chamber_pressure,
- s = l.exterior_status,
- d = l.interior_status,
- C = l.processing;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 330,
- height: 205,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Information',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Chamber Pressure',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- color: y(u),
- value: u,
- minValue: f,
- maxValue: b,
- children: [u, ' kPa'],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Actions',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Abort',
- icon: 'ban',
- color: 'red',
- disabled: !C,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('abort');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '49%',
- content: 'Cycle to Exterior',
- icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
- disabled: C,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('cycle_ext');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '50%',
- content: 'Cycle to Interior',
- icon: 'arrow-circle-right',
- disabled: C,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('cycle_int');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '49%',
- content: 'Force Exterior Door',
- icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
- color: d === 'open' ? 'red' : C ? 'yellow' : null,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('force_ext');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '50%',
- content: 'Force Interior Door',
- icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
- color: d === 'open' ? 'red' : C ? 'yellow' : null,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('force_int');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })());
- },
- 96142: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.FaxMachine = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.FaxMachine = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 540,
- height: 295,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Authorization',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'ID Card',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: i.scan_name ? 'eject' : 'id-card',
- selected: i.scan_name,
- content: i.scan_name ? i.scan_name : '-----',
- tooltip: i.scan_name ? 'Eject ID' : 'Insert ID',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('scan');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Authorize',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: i.authenticated ? 'sign-out-alt' : 'id-card',
- selected: i.authenticated,
- disabled: i.nologin,
- content: i.realauth ? 'Log Out' : 'Log In',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('auth');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Fax Menu',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Network',
- children: i.network,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Document',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: i.paper ? 'eject' : 'paperclip',
- disabled: !i.authenticated && !i.paper,
- content: i.paper ? i.paper : '-----',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('paper');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- !!i.paper &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- content: 'Rename',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('rename');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Sending To',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'print',
- content: i.destination ? i.destination : '-----',
- disabled: !i.authenticated,
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('dept');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Action',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'envelope',
- content: i.sendError ? i.sendError : 'Send',
- disabled: !i.paper || !i.destination || !i.authenticated || i.sendError,
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('send');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 74123: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.FilingCabinet = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.FilingCabinet = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = k.config,
- m = i.contents,
- l = c.title;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 300,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Contents',
- children: [
- !m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'average',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'folder-open',
- size: 5,
- color: 'gray',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'The ',
- l,
- ' is empty.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !!m &&
- m.slice().map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- mt: 0.5,
- className: 'candystripe',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '80%',
- children: u.display_name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- content: 'Retrieve',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('retrieve', { index: u.index });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- u
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 83767: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.FloorPainter = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = k.icon_state,
- u = k.direction,
- s = k.isSelected,
- d = k.onSelect;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.DmIcon, {
- icon: m.icon,
- icon_state: l,
- direction: u,
- onClick: d,
- style: {
- 'border-style': (s && 'solid') || 'none',
- 'border-width': '2px',
- 'border-color': 'orange',
- padding: (s && '0px') || '2px',
- },
- });
- },
- b = { NORTH: 1, SOUTH: 2, EAST: 4, WEST: 8 },
- y = (r.FloorPainter = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.availableStyles,
- u = m.selectedStyle,
- s = m.selectedDir;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 405,
- height: 475,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Decal setup',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('cycle_style', { offset: -1 });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- options: l,
- selected: u,
- width: '150px',
- nochevron: !0,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function d(C) {
- return c('select_style', { style: C });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('cycle_style', { offset: 1 });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '5px',
- mb: '5px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- overflowY: 'auto',
- maxHeight: '239px',
- wrap: 'wrap',
- children: l.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Flex.Item,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, {
- icon_state: d,
- isSelected: u === d,
- onSelect: (function () {
- function C() {
- return c('select_style', { style: d });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- d
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Direction',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- style: { display: 'inline' },
- children: [b.NORTH, null, b.SOUTH].map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [d + b.WEST, d, d + b.EAST].map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Cell,
- {
- style: { 'vertical-align': 'middle', 'text-align': 'center' },
- children:
- C === null
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'arrows-alt', size: 3 })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, {
- icon_state: u,
- direction: C,
- isSelected: C === s,
- onSelect: (function () {
- function h() {
- return c('select_direction', { direction: C });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- C
- );
- }),
- },
- d
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 53424: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GPS = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = function (l) {
- return l ? '(' + l.join(', ') + ')' : 'ERROR';
- },
- y = function (l, u) {
- if (!(!l || !u)) {
- if (l[2] !== u[2]) return null;
- var s = Math.atan2(u[1] - l[1], u[0] - l[0]),
- d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(u[1] - l[1], 2) + Math.pow(u[0] - l[0], 2));
- return { angle: (0, a.rad2deg)(s), distance: d };
- }
- },
- B = (r.GPS = (function () {
- function m(l, u) {
- var s = (0, t.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.data,
- C = d.emped,
- h = d.active,
- v = d.area,
- p = d.position,
- N = d.saved;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: C
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '0',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { emp: !0 }),
- })
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- }),
- h
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { area: v, position: p }),
- }),
- N &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, {
- title: 'Saved Position',
- position: N,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '0',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { height: '100%' }),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- )
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return m;
- })()),
- k = function (l, u) {
- var s = l.emp;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- width: '100%',
- height: '100%',
- color: 'label',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- name: s ? 'ban' : 'power-off',
- mb: '0.5rem',
- size: '5',
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- s ? 'ERROR: Device temporarily lost signal.' : 'Device is disabled.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, t.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = C.active,
- v = C.tag,
- p = C.same_z,
- N = (0, t.useLocalState)(u, 'newTag', v),
- V = N[0],
- S = N[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Settings',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: h,
- icon: h ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: h ? 'On' : 'Off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return d('toggle');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tag',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- width: '5rem',
- value: v,
- onEnter: (function () {
- function I() {
- return d('tag', { newtag: V });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- onInput: (function () {
- function I(L, w) {
- return S(w);
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: v === V,
- width: '20px',
- mb: '0',
- ml: '0.25rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return d('tag', { newtag: V });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'pen' }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Range',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: !p,
- icon: p ? 'compress' : 'expand',
- content: p ? 'Local Sector' : 'Global',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return d('same_z');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- i = function (l, u) {
- var s = l.title,
- d = l.area,
- C = l.position;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: s || 'Position',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- fontSize: '1.5rem',
- children: [d && (0, e.createFragment)([d, (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br')], 0), b(C)],
- }),
- });
- },
- c = function (l, u) {
- var s = (0, t.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.data,
- C = d.position,
- h = d.signals;
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- Object.assign({ fill: !0, scrollable: !0, title: 'Signals' }, l, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- children: h
- .map(function (v) {
- return Object.assign({}, v, y(C, v.position));
- })
- .map(function (v, p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- backgroundColor: p % 2 === 0 && 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- width: '30%',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- color: 'label',
- p: '0.25rem',
- bold: !0,
- children: v.tag,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- color: 'grey',
- children: v.area,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- collapsing: !0,
- children:
- v.distance !== void 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- opacity: Math.max(1 - Math.min(v.distance, 100) / 100, 0.5),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- name: v.distance > 0 ? 'arrow-right' : 'circle',
- rotation: -v.angle,
- }),
- '\xA0',
- Math.floor(v.distance) + 'm',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- pr: '0.25rem',
- collapsing: !0,
- children: b(v.position),
- }),
- ],
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- })
- )
- );
- };
- },
- 89124: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GeneModder = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(3939),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.GeneModder = (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.data,
- v = h.has_seed;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 950,
- height: 650,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'GeneModder__left',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { scrollable: !0 }),
- }),
- 2
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'GeneModder__right',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ComplexModal, { maxWidth: '75%', maxHeight: '75%' }),
- v === 0 ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- 2
- ),
- ],
- });
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- y = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.disk;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Genes',
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (s, d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- height: '85%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- height: '100%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: '1',
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'green',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'leaf', size: 5, mb: '10px' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'The plant DNA manipulator is missing a seed.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- k = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.has_seed,
- N = v.seed,
- V = v.has_disk,
- S = v.disk,
- I,
- L;
- return (
- p
- ? (I = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mb: '-6px',
- mt: '-4px',
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + N.image,
- style: { 'vertical-align': 'middle', width: '32px', margin: '-1px', 'margin-left': '-11px' },
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: N.name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return h('eject_seed');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- ml: '3px',
- icon: 'pen',
- tooltip: 'Name Variant',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return h('variant_name');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }))
- : (I = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- ml: 3.3,
- content: 'None',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return h('eject_seed');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- })),
- V ? (L = S.name) : (L = 'None'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Storage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Plant Sample', children: I }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Data Disk',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- ml: 3.3,
- content: L,
- tooltip: 'Select Empty Disk',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return h('select_empty_disk');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- );
- },
- g = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.disk,
- N = v.core_genes;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Collapsible,
- {
- title: 'Core Genes',
- open: !0,
- children: [
- N.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- py: '2px',
- className: 'candystripe',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '100%',
- ml: '2px',
- children: V.name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Extract',
- disabled: !(p != null && p.can_extract),
- icon: 'save',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return h('extract', { id: V.id });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- V
- );
- }),
- ' ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Extract All',
- disabled: !(p != null && p.can_extract),
- icon: 'save',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('bulk_extract_core');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- 'Core Genes'
- );
- },
- i = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.data,
- v = h.reagent_genes,
- p = h.has_reagent;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { title: 'Reagent Genes', gene_set: v, do_we_show: p });
- },
- c = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.data,
- v = h.trait_genes,
- p = h.has_trait;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { title: 'Trait Genes', gene_set: v, do_we_show: p });
- },
- m = function (s, d) {
- var C = s.title,
- h = s.gene_set,
- v = s.do_we_show,
- p = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.disk;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Collapsible,
- {
- title: C,
- open: !0,
- children: v
- ? h.map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- py: '2px',
- className: 'candystripe',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '100%',
- ml: '2px',
- children: I.name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Extract',
- disabled: !(S != null && S.can_extract),
- icon: 'save',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('extract', { id: I.id });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Remove',
- icon: 'times',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('remove', { id: I.id });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- I
- );
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: 'No Genes Detected' }),
- },
- C
- );
- },
- l = function (s, d) {
- var C = s.title,
- h = s.gene_set,
- v = s.do_we_show,
- p = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.has_seed,
- I = V.empty_disks,
- L = V.stat_disks,
- w = V.trait_disks,
- A = V.reagent_disks;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Disks',
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Empty Disks: ',
- I,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 12,
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- tooltip: 'Eject an Empty disk',
- content: 'Eject Empty Disk',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return N('eject_empty_disk');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Stats',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- L.slice()
- .sort(function (x, E) {
- return x.display_name.localeCompare(E.display_name);
- })
- .map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- mr: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '49%',
- children: x.display_name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: 25,
- children: [
- x.stat === 'All'
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Replace All',
- tooltip: 'Write disk stats to seed',
- disabled: !(x != null && x.ready) || !S,
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('bulk_replace_core', { index: x.index });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 6,
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- tooltip: 'Write disk stat to seed',
- disabled: !x || !S,
- content: 'Replace',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('replace', { index: x.index, stat: x.stat });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 6,
- icon: 'arrow-right',
- content: 'Select',
- tooltip: 'Choose as target for extracted genes',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('select', { index: x.index });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 5,
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- content: 'Eject',
- tooltip: 'Eject Disk',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('eject_disk', { index: x.index });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 2,
- icon: x.read_only ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
- content: '',
- tool_tip: 'Set/unset Read Only',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('set_read_only', { index: x.index, read_only: x.read_only });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- x
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Traits',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- w
- .slice()
- .sort(function (x, E) {
- return x.display_name.localeCompare(E.display_name);
- })
- .map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- mr: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '49%',
- children: x.display_name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: 25,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 6,
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- disabled: !x || !x.can_insert,
- tooltip: 'Add disk trait to seed',
- content: 'Insert',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('insert', { index: x.index });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 6,
- icon: 'arrow-right',
- content: 'Select',
- tooltip: 'Choose as target for extracted genes',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('select', { index: x.index });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 5,
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- content: 'Eject',
- tooltip: 'Eject Disk',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('eject_disk', { index: x.index });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 2,
- icon: x.read_only ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
- content: '',
- tool_tip: 'Set/unset Read Only',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('set_read_only', { index: x.index, read_only: x.read_only });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- x
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Reagents',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- A.slice()
- .sort(function (x, E) {
- return x.display_name.localeCompare(E.display_name);
- })
- .map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- mr: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '49%',
- children: x.display_name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: 25,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 6,
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- disabled: !x || !x.can_insert,
- tooltip: 'Add disk reagent to seed',
- content: 'Insert',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('insert', { index: x.index });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 6,
- icon: 'arrow-right',
- content: 'Select',
- tooltip: 'Choose as target for extracted genes',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('select', { index: x.index });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 5,
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- content: 'Eject',
- tooltip: 'Eject Disk',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('eject_disk', { index: x.index });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 2,
- icon: x.read_only ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
- content: '',
- tool_tip: 'Set/unset Read Only',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('set_read_only', { index: x.index, read_only: x.read_only });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- x
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 73053: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GenericCrewManifest = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036),
- t = n(98595),
- o = n(41874),
- f = (r.GenericCrewManifest = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window, {
- theme: 'nologo',
- width: 588,
- height: 510,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
- noTopPadding: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.CrewManifest),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 42914: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GhostHudPanel = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.GhostHudPanel = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.data,
- c = i.security,
- m = i.medical,
- l = i.diagnostic,
- u = i.pressure,
- s = i.radioactivity,
- d = i.ahud;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 250,
- height: 217,
- theme: 'nologo',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { label: 'Medical', type: 'medical', is_active: m }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { label: 'Security', type: 'security', is_active: c }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { label: 'Diagnostic', type: 'diagnostic', is_active: l }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { label: 'Pressure', type: 'pressure', is_active: u }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, {
- label: 'Radioactivity',
- type: 'radioactivity',
- is_active: s,
- act_on: 'rads_on',
- act_off: 'rads_off',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, {
- label: 'Antag HUD',
- is_active: d,
- act_on: 'ahud_on',
- act_off: 'ahud_off',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = B.label,
- m = B.type,
- l = m === void 0 ? null : m,
- u = B.is_active,
- s = B.act_on,
- d = s === void 0 ? 'hud_on' : s,
- C = B.act_off,
- h = C === void 0 ? 'hud_off' : C;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- pt: 0.3,
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, { pl: 0.5, align: 'center', width: '80%', children: c }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mr: 0.6,
- content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
- icon: u ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- selected: u,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return i(u ? h : d, { hud_type: l });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 25825: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GlandDispenser = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.GlandDispenser = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.glands,
- m = c === void 0 ? [] : c;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 300,
- height: 338,
- theme: 'abductor',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: m.map(function (l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- width: '60px',
- height: '60px',
- m: 0.75,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: '17px',
- lineHeight: '55px',
- icon: 'eject',
- backgroundColor: l.color,
- content: l.amount || '0',
- disabled: !l.amount,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('dispense', { gland_id: l.id });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- },
- l.id
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 10270: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GravityGen = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.GravityGen = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.charging_state,
- m = i.charge_count,
- l = i.breaker,
- u = i.ext_power,
- s = (function () {
- function C(h) {
- return h > 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: 'average',
- children: ['[ ', h === 1 ? 'Charging' : 'Discharging', ' ]'],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: u ? 'good' : 'bad',
- children: ['[ ', u ? 'Powered' : 'Unpowered', ' ]'],
- });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- d = (function () {
- function C(h) {
- if (h > 0)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- danger: !0,
- p: 1.5,
- children: [(0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'WARNING:', 16), ' Radiation Detected!'],
- });
- }
- return C;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 170,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- d(c),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Generator Status',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: l ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: l ? 'Online' : 'Offline',
- color: l ? 'green' : 'red',
- px: 1.5,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return g('breaker');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power Status',
- color: u ? 'good' : 'bad',
- children: s(c),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Gravity Charge',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: m / 100,
- ranges: { good: [0.9, 1 / 0], average: [0.5, 0.9], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.5] },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 48657: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.GuestPass = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(49148),
- b = (r.GuestPass = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 690,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'id-card',
- selected: !c.showlogs,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('mode', { mode: 0 });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- children: 'Issue Pass',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'scroll',
- selected: c.showlogs,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('mode', { mode: 1 });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- children: ['Records (', c.issue_log.length, ')'],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Authorization',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'ID Card',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: c.scan_name ? 'eject' : 'id-card',
- selected: c.scan_name,
- content: c.scan_name ? c.scan_name : '-----',
- tooltip: c.scan_name ? 'Eject ID' : 'Insert ID',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('scan');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children:
- !c.showlogs &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Issue Guest Pass',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Issue To',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- content: c.giv_name ? c.giv_name : '-----',
- disabled: !c.scan_name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('giv_name');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Reason',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- content: c.reason ? c.reason : '-----',
- disabled: !c.scan_name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('reason');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Duration',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- content: c.duration ? c.duration : '-----',
- disabled: !c.scan_name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('duration');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- !c.showlogs &&
- (c.scan_name
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AccessList, {
- sectionButtons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'id-card',
- content: c.printmsg,
- disabled: !c.canprint,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('issue');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- grantableList: c.grantableList,
- accesses: c.regions,
- selectedList: c.selectedAccess,
- accessMod: (function () {
- function m(l) {
- return i('access', { access: l });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- grantAll: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('grant_all');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- denyAll: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('clear_all');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- grantDep: (function () {
- function m(l) {
- return i('grant_region', { region: l });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- denyDep: (function () {
- function m(l) {
- return i('deny_region', { region: l });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- fontSize: 1.5,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'id-card',
- size: 5,
- color: 'gray',
- mb: 5,
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Please, insert ID Card',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- })),
- !!c.showlogs &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- m: 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Issuance Log',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'print',
- content: 'Print',
- disabled: !c.scan_name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('print');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- children:
- (!!c.issue_log.length &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: c.issue_log.map(function (m, l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { children: m }, l);
- }),
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- fontSize: 1.5,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'scroll',
- size: 5,
- color: 'gray',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'slash',
- size: 5,
- color: 'red',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No logs',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 67834: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.HandheldChemDispenser = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = [1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50],
- b = null,
- y = (r.HandheldChemDispenser = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 390,
- height: 430,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k)],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- B = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.amount,
- d = u.energy,
- C = u.maxEnergy,
- h = u.mode;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Settings',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Energy',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: d,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: C,
- ranges: { good: [C * 0.5, 1 / 0], average: [C * 0.25, C * 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, C * 0.25] },
- children: [d, ' / ', C, ' Units'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Amount',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: f.map(function (v, p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- grow: !0,
- width: '15%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: s === v,
- content: v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return l('amount', { amount: v });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Mode',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- justify: 'space-between',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: h === 'dispense',
- content: 'Dispense',
- m: '0',
- width: '32%',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return l('mode', { mode: 'dispense' });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: h === 'remove',
- content: 'Remove',
- m: '0',
- width: '32%',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return l('mode', { mode: 'remove' });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: h === 'isolate',
- content: 'Isolate',
- m: '0',
- width: '32%',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return l('mode', { mode: 'isolate' });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- k = function (i, c) {
- for (
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.chemicals,
- d = s === void 0 ? [] : s,
- C = u.current_reagent,
- h = [],
- v = 0;
- v < (d.length + 1) % 3;
- v++
- )
- h.push(!0);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- height: '18%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: u.glass ? 'Drink Selector' : 'Chemical Selector',
- children: [
- d.map(function (p, N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- width: '32%',
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- overflow: 'hidden',
- textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
- selected: C === p.id,
- content: p.title,
- style: { 'margin-left': '2px' },
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('dispense', { reagent: p.id });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- },
- N
- );
- }),
- h.map(function (p, N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: '1', basis: '25%' }, N);
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 46098: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.HealthSensor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.HealthSensor = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, t.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.on,
- u = m.user_health,
- s = m.minHealth,
- d = m.maxHealth,
- C = m.alarm_health;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 300,
- height: 125,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Scanning',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: l ? 'On' : 'Off',
- color: l ? null : 'red',
- selected: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return c('scan_toggle');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health activation',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- animate: !0,
- step: 2,
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- minValue: s,
- maxValue: d,
- value: C,
- format: (function () {
- function h(v) {
- return (0, a.toFixed)(v, 1);
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- width: '80px',
- onDrag: (function () {
- function h(v, p) {
- return c('alarm_health', { alarm_health: p });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- u !== null &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'User health',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: y(u),
- bold: u >= 100,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: u }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- y = function (k) {
- return k > 50 ? 'green' : k > 0 ? 'orange' : 'red';
- };
- },
- 36771: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Holodeck = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.Holodeck = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = (0, a.useLocalState)(k, 'currentDeck', ''),
- l = m[0],
- u = m[1],
- s = (0, a.useLocalState)(k, 'showReload', !1),
- d = s[0],
- C = s[1],
- h = c.decks,
- v = c.ai_override,
- p = c.emagged,
- N = (function () {
- function V(S) {
- i('select_deck', { deck: S }),
- u(S),
- C(!0),
- setTimeout(function () {
- C(!1);
- }, 3e3);
- }
- return V;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 320,
- children: [
- d && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Holodeck Control System',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [(0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Currently Loaded Program:', 16), ' ', l],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Available Programs',
- children: [
- h.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- width: 15.5,
- color: 'transparent',
- content: V,
- selected: V === l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return N(V);
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'hr', null, null, 1, { color: 'gray' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- !!v &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Override Protocols',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: p ? 'Turn On' : 'Turn Off',
- color: p ? 'good' : 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return i('ai_override');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Safety Protocols',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: p ? 'bad' : 'good',
- children: [
- p ? 'Off' : 'On',
- !!p &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- ml: 9.5,
- width: 15.5,
- color: 'red',
- content: 'Wildlife Simulation',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return i('wildlifecarp');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- b = function (B, k) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'spinner', size: '5', spin: !0 }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'white',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h1', null, '\xA0Recalibrating projection apparatus.\xA0', 16),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'Please, wait for 3 seconds.', 16),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 25471: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Instrument = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.Instrument = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- var l = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 505,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g)],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- y = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.help;
- if (d)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Modal, {
- maxWidth: '75%',
- height: window.innerHeight * 0.75 + 'px',
- mx: 'auto',
- py: '0',
- px: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- height: '100%',
- title: 'Help',
- level: '2',
- overflow: 'auto',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- px: '0.5rem',
- mt: '-0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h1', null, 'Making a Song', 16),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Lines are a series of chords, separated by commas\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: '(,)' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(', each with notes separated by hyphens\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: '(-)' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- 'Every note in a chord will play together, with the chord timed by the\xA0'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'highlight',
- children: 'tempo',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('as defined above.'),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Notes are played by the\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'good',
- children: 'names of the note',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(', and optionally, the\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'average',
- children: 'accidental',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(', and/or the'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'bad',
- children: 'octave number',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('By default, every note is\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'average',
- children: 'natural',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('and in\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'bad', children: 'octave 3' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('. Defining a different state for either is remembered for each'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'good', children: 'note' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'ul',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'highlight',
- children: 'Example:',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,D,E,F,G,A,B', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' will play a\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'good', children: 'C' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'average',
- children: 'major',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('scale.'),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('After a note has an\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'average',
- children: 'accidental',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('or\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'bad',
- children: 'octave',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('placed, it will be remembered:\xA0'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,C4,C#,C3', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' is '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C3,C4,C4#,C3#', 16),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'highlight',
- children: 'Chords',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0can be played simply by seperating each note with a hyphen: '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'A-C#,Cn-E,E-G#,Gn-B', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('A'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'highlight',
- children: 'pause',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0may be denoted by an empty chord: '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,E,,C,G', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- 'To make a chord be a different time, end it with /x, where the chord length will be length defined by\xA0'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'highlight',
- children: 'tempo / x',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(',\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: 'eg:' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,G/2,E/4', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Combined, an example line is: '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'E-E4/4,F#/2,G#/8,B/8,E3-E4/4', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'ul',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', null, 'Lines may be up to 300 characters.', 16),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', null, 'A song may only contain up to 1,000 lines.', 16),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Lines are a series of chords, separated by commas\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: '(,)' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(', each with notes separated by hyphens\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: '(-)' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- 'Every note in a chord will play together, with the chord timed by the\xA0'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'highlight',
- children: 'tempo',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('as defined above.'),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Notes are played by the\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'good',
- children: 'names of the note',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(', and optionally, the\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'average',
- children: 'accidental',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(', and/or the'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'bad',
- children: 'octave number',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('By default, every note is\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'average',
- children: 'natural',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('and in\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'bad', children: 'octave 3' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('. Defining a different state for either is remembered for each'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'good', children: 'note' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'ul',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'highlight',
- children: 'Example:',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,D,E,F,G,A,B', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' will play a\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'good', children: 'C' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'average',
- children: 'major',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('scale.'),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('After a note has an\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'average',
- children: 'accidental',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('or\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'bad',
- children: 'octave',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('placed, it will be remembered:\xA0'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,C4,C#,C3', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' is '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C3,C4,C4#,C3#', 16),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'highlight',
- children: 'Chords',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0can be played simply by seperating each note with a hyphen: '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'A-C#,Cn-E,E-G#,Gn-B', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('A'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'highlight',
- children: 'pause',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0may be denoted by an empty chord: '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,E,,C,G', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- 'To make a chord be a different time, end it with /x, where the chord length will be length defined by\xA0'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'highlight',
- children: 'tempo / x',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(',\xA0'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'span', color: 'highlight', children: 'eg:' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'C,G/2,E/4', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Combined, an example line is: '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'i', null, 'E-E4/4,F#/2,G#/8,B/8,E3-E4/4', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'ul',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', null, 'Lines may be up to 300 characters.', 16),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', null, 'A song may only contain up to 1,000 lines.', 16),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h1', null, 'Instrument Advanced Settings', 16),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'ul',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Type:',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0Whether the instrument is legacy or synthesized.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- 'Legacy instruments have a collection of sounds that are selectively used depending on the note to play.'
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- 'Synthesized instruments use a base sound and change its pitch to match the note to play.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Current:',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- '\xA0Which instrument sample to play. Some instruments can be tuned to play different samples. Experiment!'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Note Shift/Note Transpose:',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0The pitch to apply to all notes of the song.'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Sustain Mode:',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0How a played note fades out.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Linear sustain means a note will fade out at a constant rate.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- 'Exponential sustain means a note will fade out at an exponential rate, sounding smoother.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Volume Dropoff Threshold:',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0The volume threshold at which a note is fully stopped.'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'li',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'span',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Sustain indefinitely last held note:',
- }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('\xA0Whether the last note should be sustained indefinitely.'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: 'grey',
- content: 'Close',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return u('help');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- B = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.lines,
- C = s.playing,
- h = s.repeat,
- v = s.maxRepeats,
- p = s.tempo,
- N = s.minTempo,
- V = s.maxTempo,
- S = s.tickLag,
- I = s.volume,
- L = s.minVolume,
- w = s.maxVolume,
- A = s.ready;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Instrument',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'info',
- content: 'Help',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return u('help');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'file',
- content: 'New',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return u('newsong');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'upload',
- content: 'Import',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return u('import');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Playback',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: C,
- disabled: d.length === 0 || h < 0,
- icon: 'play',
- content: 'Play',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return u('play');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: !C,
- icon: 'stop',
- content: 'Stop',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return u('stop');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Repeat',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
- animated: !0,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: v,
- value: h,
- stepPixelSize: 59,
- onChange: (function () {
- function x(E, P) {
- return u('repeat', { new: P });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tempo',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: p >= V,
- content: '-',
- as: 'span',
- mr: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return u('tempo', { new: p + S });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, a.round)(600 / p),
- ' BPM',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: p <= N,
- content: '+',
- as: 'span',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return u('tempo', { new: p - S });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Volume',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
- animated: !0,
- minValue: L,
- maxValue: w,
- value: I,
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function x(E, P) {
- return u('setvolume', { new: P });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- children: A
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'good', children: 'Ready' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: 'Instrument Definition Error!',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- ],
- });
- },
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.allowedInstrumentNames,
- C = s.instrumentLoaded,
- h = s.instrument,
- v = s.canNoteShift,
- p = s.noteShift,
- N = s.noteShiftMin,
- V = s.noteShiftMax,
- S = s.sustainMode,
- I = s.sustainLinearDuration,
- L = s.sustainExponentialDropoff,
- w = s.legacy,
- A = s.sustainDropoffVolume,
- x = s.sustainHeldNote,
- E,
- P;
- return (
- S === 1
- ? ((E = 'Linear'),
- (P = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
- minValue: 0.1,
- maxValue: 5,
- value: I,
- step: 0.5,
- stepPixelSize: 85,
- format: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- return (0, a.round)(M * 100) / 100 + ' seconds';
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onChange: (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return u('setlinearfalloff', { new: R / 10 });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- })))
- : S === 2 &&
- ((E = 'Exponential'),
- (P = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
- minValue: 1.025,
- maxValue: 10,
- value: L,
- step: 0.01,
- format: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- return (0, a.round)(M * 1e3) / 1e3 + '% per decisecond';
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onChange: (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return u('setexpfalloff', { new: R });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }))),
- d.sort(),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- my: -1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Collapsible, {
- mt: '1rem',
- mb: '0',
- title: 'Advanced',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- mt: -1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Type',
- children: w ? 'Legacy' : 'Synthesized',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current',
- children: C
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- options: d,
- selected: h,
- width: '50%',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- return u('switchinstrument', { name: M });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'bad', children: 'None!' }),
- }),
- !!(!w && v) &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Note Shift/Note Transpose',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
- minValue: N,
- maxValue: V,
- value: p,
- stepPixelSize: 2,
- format: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- return M + ' keys / ' + (0, a.round)((M / 12) * 100) / 100 + ' octaves';
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- onChange: (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return u('setnoteshift', { new: R });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Sustain Mode',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- options: ['Linear', 'Exponential'],
- selected: E,
- mb: '0.4rem',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function D(M) {
- return u('setsustainmode', { new: M });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- P,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Volume Dropoff Threshold',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
- animated: !0,
- minValue: 0.01,
- maxValue: 100,
- value: A,
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- onChange: (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return u('setdropoffvolume', { new: R });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Sustain indefinitely last held note',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: x,
- icon: x ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: x ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return u('togglesustainhold');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'redo',
- content: 'Reset to Default',
- mt: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return u('reset');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- },
- g = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, t.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.playing,
- C = s.lines,
- h = s.editing;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Editor',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: !h || d,
- icon: 'plus',
- content: 'Add Line',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return u('newline', { line: C.length + 1 });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: !h,
- icon: h ? 'chevron-up' : 'chevron-down',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return u('edit');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children:
- !!h &&
- (C.length > 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: C.map(function (v, p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: p + 1,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: d,
- icon: 'pen',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return u('modifyline', { line: p + 1 });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: d,
- icon: 'trash',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return u('deleteline', { line: p + 1 });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: v,
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'Song is empty.' })),
- });
- };
- },
- 13618: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.KeyComboModal = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(70611),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = n(19203),
- y = n(51057),
- B = function (l) {
- return l.key !== a.KEY.Alt && l.key !== a.KEY.Control && l.key !== a.KEY.Shift && l.key !== a.KEY.Escape;
- },
- k = {
- DEL: 'Delete',
- DOWN: 'South',
- END: 'Southwest',
- HOME: 'Northwest',
- INSERT: 'Insert',
- LEFT: 'West',
- PAGEDOWN: 'Southeast',
- PAGEUP: 'Northeast',
- RIGHT: 'East',
- SPACEBAR: 'Space',
- UP: 'North',
- },
- g = 3,
- i = function (l) {
- var u = '';
- if (
- (l.altKey && (u += 'Alt'),
- l.ctrlKey && (u += 'Ctrl'),
- l.shiftKey && !(l.keyCode >= 48 && l.keyCode <= 57) && (u += 'Shift'),
- l.location === g && (u += 'Numpad'),
- B(l))
- )
- if (l.shiftKey && l.keyCode >= 48 && l.keyCode <= 57) {
- var s = l.keyCode - 48;
- u += 'Shift' + s;
- } else {
- var d = l.key.toUpperCase();
- u += k[d] || d;
- }
- return u;
- },
- c = (r.KeyComboModal = (function () {
- function m(l, u) {
- var s = (0, t.useBackend)(u),
- d = s.act,
- C = s.data,
- h = C.init_value,
- v = C.large_buttons,
- p = C.message,
- N = p === void 0 ? '' : p,
- V = C.title,
- S = C.timeout,
- I = (0, t.useLocalState)(u, 'input', h),
- L = I[0],
- w = I[1],
- A = (0, t.useLocalState)(u, 'binding', !0),
- x = A[0],
- E = A[1],
- P = (function () {
- function R(O) {
- if (!x) {
- O.key === a.KEY.Enter && d('submit', { entry: L }), (0, a.isEscape)(O.key) && d('cancel');
- return;
- }
- if ((O.preventDefault(), B(O))) {
- D(i(O)), E(!1);
- return;
- } else if (O.key === a.KEY.Escape) {
- D(h), E(!1);
- return;
- }
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- D = (function () {
- function R(O) {
- O !== L && w(O);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- M = 130 + (N.length > 30 ? Math.ceil(N.length / 3) : 0) + (N.length && v ? 5 : 0);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- title: V,
- width: 240,
- height: M,
- children: [
- S && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Loader, { value: S }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function R(O) {
- P(O);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Autofocus),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'label', children: N }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: x,
- content: x && x !== null ? 'Awaiting input...' : '' + L,
- width: '100%',
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function R() {
- D(h), E(!0);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.InputButtons, { input: L }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return m;
- })());
- },
- 35655: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.KeycardAuth = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.KeycardAuth = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Keycard Authentication Device',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children:
- 'This device is used to trigger certain high security events. It requires the simultaneous swipe of two high-level ID cards.',
- }),
- });
- if (!i.swiping && !i.busy)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 540,
- height: 280,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- c,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Choose Action',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Red Alert',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
- disabled: !i.redAvailable,
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('triggerevent', { triggerevent: 'Red Alert' });
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- content: 'Red Alert',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'ERT',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'broadcast-tower',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('triggerevent', { triggerevent: 'Emergency Response Team' });
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- content: 'Call ERT',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Emergency Maint Access',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'door-open',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('triggerevent', {
- triggerevent: 'Grant Emergency Maintenance Access',
- });
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- content: 'Grant',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'door-closed',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('triggerevent', {
- triggerevent: 'Revoke Emergency Maintenance Access',
- });
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- content: 'Revoke',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Emergency Station-Wide Access',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'door-open',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('triggerevent', {
- triggerevent: 'Activate Station-Wide Emergency Access',
- });
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- content: 'Grant',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'door-closed',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('triggerevent', {
- triggerevent: 'Deactivate Station-Wide Emergency Access',
- });
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- content: 'Revoke',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- var m = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'Waiting for YOU to swipe your ID...',
- });
- return (
- !i.hasSwiped && !i.ertreason && i.event === 'Emergency Response Team'
- ? (m = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'Fill out the reason for your ERT request.',
- }))
- : i.hasConfirm
- ? (m = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: 'Request Confirmed!' }))
- : i.isRemote
- ? (m = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'orange',
- children: 'Swipe your card to CONFIRM the remote request.',
- }))
- : i.hasSwiped &&
- (m = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'orange',
- children: 'Waiting for second person to confirm...',
- })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 540,
- height: 265,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- c,
- i.event === 'Emergency Response Team' &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Reason for ERT Call',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: i.ertreason ? '' : 'red',
- icon: i.ertreason ? 'check' : 'pencil-alt',
- content: i.ertreason ? i.ertreason : '-----',
- disabled: i.busy,
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('ert');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: i.event,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-circle-left',
- content: 'Back',
- disabled: i.busy || i.hasConfirm,
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('reset');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- children: m,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 62955: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.KitchenMachine = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(62411),
- b = (r.KitchenMachine = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.data,
- m = i.config,
- l = c.ingredients,
- u = c.operating,
- s = m.title;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 320,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Operating, { operating: u, name: s }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Ingredients',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'Ingredient__Table',
- children: l.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- tr: 5,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'td',
- null,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: d.name }),
- 2
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'td',
- null,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [d.amount, ' ', d.units],
- }),
- 2
- ),
- ],
- },
- d.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- y = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.inactive,
- u = m.tooltip;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Controls',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'power-off',
- disabled: l,
- tooltip: l ? u : '',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- content: 'Activate',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return c('cook');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'eject',
- disabled: l,
- tooltip: l ? u : '',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- content: 'Eject Contents',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return c('eject');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 9525: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LawManager = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.LawManager = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.isAdmin,
- s = l.isSlaved,
- d = l.isMalf,
- C = l.isAIMalf,
- h = l.view;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: d ? 620 : 365,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- !!(u && s) &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: ['This unit is slaved to ', s, '.'] }),
- !!(d || C) &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Law Management',
- selected: h === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return m('set_view', { set_view: 0 });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Lawsets',
- selected: h === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return m('set_view', { set_view: 1 });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- h === 0 && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- h === 1 && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- b = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.has_zeroth_laws,
- s = l.zeroth_laws,
- d = l.has_ion_laws,
- C = l.ion_laws,
- h = l.ion_law_nr,
- v = l.has_inherent_laws,
- p = l.inherent_laws,
- N = l.has_supplied_laws,
- V = l.supplied_laws,
- S = l.channels,
- I = l.channel,
- L = l.isMalf,
- w = l.isAdmin,
- A = l.zeroth_law,
- x = l.ion_law,
- E = l.inherent_law,
- P = l.supplied_law,
- D = l.supplied_law_position;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- !!u && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { title: 'ERR_NULL_VALUE', laws: s, ctx: i }),
- !!d && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { title: h, laws: C, ctx: i }),
- !!v && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { title: 'Inherent', laws: p, ctx: i }),
- !!N && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { title: 'Supplied', laws: V, ctx: i }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Statement Settings',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Statement Channel',
- children: S.map(function (M) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: M.channel,
- selected: M.channel === I,
- onClick: (function () {
- function R() {
- return m('law_channel', { law_channel: M.channel });
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- },
- M.channel
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'State Laws',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'State Laws',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('state_laws');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Law Notification',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Notify',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('notify_laws');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !!L &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Add Laws',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '10%', children: 'Type' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '60%', children: 'Law' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '10%', children: 'Index' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '20%', children: 'Actions' }),
- ],
- }),
- !!(w && !u) &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Zero' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: A }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'N/A' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Edit',
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('change_zeroth_law');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Add',
- icon: 'plus',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('add_zeroth_law');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Ion' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: x }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'N/A' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Edit',
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('change_ion_law');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Add',
- icon: 'plus',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('add_ion_law');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Inherent' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: E }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'N/A' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Edit',
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('change_inherent_law');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Add',
- icon: 'plus',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('add_inherent_law');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Supplied' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: P }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: D,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('change_supplied_law_position');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Edit',
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('change_supplied_law');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Add',
- icon: 'plus',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return m('add_supplied_law');
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- );
- },
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.law_sets;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: u.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: s.name + ' - ' + s.header,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Load Laws',
- icon: 'download',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('transfer_laws', { transfer_laws: s.ref });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- s.laws.has_ion_laws > 0 &&
- s.laws.ion_laws.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- { label: d.index, children: d.law },
- d.index
- );
- }),
- s.laws.has_zeroth_laws > 0 &&
- s.laws.zeroth_laws.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- { label: d.index, children: d.law },
- d.index
- );
- }),
- s.laws.has_inherent_laws > 0 &&
- s.laws.inherent_laws.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- { label: d.index, children: d.law },
- d.index
- );
- }),
- s.laws.has_supplied_laws > 0 &&
- s.laws.inherent_laws.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- { label: d.index, children: d.law },
- d.index
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- s.name
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(g.ctx),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.isMalf;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: g.title + ' Laws',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '10%', children: 'Index' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '69%', children: 'Law' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '21%', children: 'State?' }),
- ],
- }),
- g.laws.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: s.index }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: s.law }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: s.state ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- selected: s.state,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('state_law', { ref: s.ref, state_law: s.state ? 0 : 1 });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- !!u &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Edit',
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('edit_law', { edit_law: s.ref });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Delete',
- icon: 'trash',
- color: 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('delete_law', { delete_law: s.ref });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- s.law
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 85066: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LibraryComputer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(3939),
- b = (r.LibraryComputer = (function () {
- function h(v, p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 1050,
- height: 600,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c)],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return h;
- })()),
- y = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = v.args,
- L = S.user_ckey;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Title', children: I.title }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Author', children: I.author }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Summary', children: I.summary }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Rating',
- children: [
- I.rating,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'star',
- color: 'yellow',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !I.isProgrammatic &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Categories',
- children: I.categories.join(', '),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- L === I.ckey &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Delete Book',
- icon: 'trash',
- color: 'red',
- disabled: I.isProgrammatic,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return V('delete_book', { bookid: I.id, user_ckey: L });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Report Book',
- icon: 'flag',
- color: 'red',
- disabled: I.isProgrammatic,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'report_book', { bookid: I.id });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Rate Book',
- icon: 'star',
- color: 'caution',
- disabled: I.isProgrammatic,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'rate_info', { bookid: I.id });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = v.args,
- L = S.selected_report,
- w = S.report_categories,
- A = S.user_ckey;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- level: 2,
- m: '-1rem',
- pb: '1.5rem',
- title: 'Report this book for Rule Violations',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Title', children: I.title }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Reasons',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: w.map(function (x, E) {
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: x.description,
- selected: x.category_id === L,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return V('set_report', { report_type: x.category_id });
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- ],
- 4,
- E
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- bold: !0,
- icon: 'paper-plane',
- content: 'Submit Report',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('submit_report', { bookid: I.id, user_ckey: A });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- k = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.selected_rating,
- L = Array(10)
- .fill()
- .map(function (w, A) {
- return 1 + A;
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- L.map(function (w, A) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- bold: !0,
- icon: 'star',
- color: I >= w ? 'caution' : 'default',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('set_rating', { rating_value: w });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- A
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- ml: 2,
- fontSize: '150%',
- children: [
- I + '/10',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'star',
- color: 'yellow',
- ml: 0.5,
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- g = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = v.args,
- L = S.user_ckey;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- level: 2,
- m: '-1rem',
- pb: '1.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Title', children: I.title }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Author', children: I.author }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Rating',
- children: [
- I.current_rating ? I.current_rating : 0,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'star',
- color: 'yellow',
- ml: 0.5,
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Total Ratings',
- children: I.total_ratings ? I.total_ratings : 0,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- mt: 2,
- content: 'Submit',
- icon: 'paper-plane',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return V('rate_book', { bookid: I.id, user_ckey: L });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- i = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.data,
- S = (0, a.useLocalState)(p, 'tabIndex', 0),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = V.login_state;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: I === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return L(0);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- children: 'Book Archives',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: I === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return L(1);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- children: 'Corporate Literature',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: I === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return L(2);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- children: 'Upload Book',
- }),
- w === 1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: I === 3,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return L(3);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- children: 'Patron Manager',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: I === 4,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return L(4);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- children: 'Inventory',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- c = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useLocalState)(p, 'tabIndex', 0),
- V = N[0];
- switch (V) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s);
- case 3:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d);
- case 4:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C);
- default:
- return "You are somehow on a tab that doesn't exist! Please let a coder know.";
- }
- },
- m = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.searchcontent,
- L = S.book_categories,
- w = S.user_ckey,
- A = [];
- return (
- L.map(function (x) {
- return (A[x.description] = x.category_id);
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '35%',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '1.2rem',
- m: '.5em',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'edit',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- size: 1.5,
- mr: '1rem',
- }),
- 'Search Inputs',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Title',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- icon: 'pen',
- width: 20,
- content: I.title || 'Input Title',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_search_title');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Author',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- icon: 'pen',
- width: 20,
- content: I.author || 'Input Author',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_search_author');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Ratings',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mr: 1,
- width: 'min-content',
- content: I.ratingmin,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_search_ratingmin');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: 'To' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- ml: 1,
- width: 'min-content',
- content: I.ratingmax,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_search_ratingmax');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '40%',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '1.2rem',
- m: '.5em',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'clipboard-list',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- size: 1.5,
- mr: '1rem',
- }),
- 'Book Categories',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Select Categories',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: 2,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- mt: 0.6,
- width: '190px',
- options: L.map(function (x) {
- return x.description;
- }),
- onSelected: (function () {
- function x(E) {
- return V('toggle_search_category', { category_id: A[E] });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- L.filter(function (x) {
- return I.categories.includes(x.category_id);
- }).map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: x.description,
- selected: !0,
- icon: 'unlink',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return V('toggle_search_category', { category_id: x.category_id });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- },
- x.category_id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '1.2rem',
- m: '.5em',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'search-plus',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- size: 1.5,
- mr: '1rem',
- }),
- 'Search Actions',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Clear Search',
- icon: 'eraser',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('clear_search');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- I.ckey
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: 0.5,
- content: 'Stop Showing My Books',
- color: 'bad',
- icon: 'search',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('clear_ckey_search');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Find My Books',
- icon: 'search',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('find_users_books', { user_ckey: w });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- })
- );
- },
- l = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.external_booklist,
- L = S.archive_pagenumber,
- w = S.num_pages,
- A = S.login_state;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Book System Access',
- buttons: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'angle-double-left',
- disabled: L === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('deincrementpagemax');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-left',
- disabled: L === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('deincrementpage');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- bold: !0,
- content: L,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'setpagenumber');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-right',
- disabled: L === w,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('incrementpage');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'angle-double-right',
- disabled: L === w,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('incrementpagemax');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'hr'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'Library__Booklist',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'SSID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Author' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Ratings' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Category' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'middle', children: 'Actions' }),
- ],
- }),
- I.map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: x.id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'book', mr: 0.5 }),
- x.title.length > 45 ? x.title.substr(0, 45) + '...' : x.title,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- children: x.author.length > 30 ? x.author.substr(0, 30) + '...' : x.author,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- x.rating,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'star',
- ml: 0.5,
- color: 'yellow',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: x.categories.join(', ').substr(0, 45),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- children: [
- A === 1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Order',
- icon: 'print',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return V('order_external_book', { bookid: x.id });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'More...',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'expand_info', { bookid: x.id });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- x.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- u = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.programmatic_booklist,
- L = S.login_state;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Corporate Book Catalog',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'Library__Booklist',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'SSID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Author' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'middle', children: 'Actions' }),
- ],
- }),
- I.map(function (w, A) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: w.id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'book', mr: 2 }), w.title],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'left', children: w.author }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- children: [
- L === 1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Order',
- icon: 'print',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('order_programmatic_book', { bookid: w.id });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'More...',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'expand_info', { bookid: w.id });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- A
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- s = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.selectedbook,
- L = S.book_categories,
- w = S.user_ckey,
- A = [];
- return (
- L.map(function (x) {
- return (A[x.description] = x.category_id);
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Book System Upload',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- bold: !0,
- width: 9.5,
- icon: 'upload',
- disabled: I.copyright,
- content: 'Upload Book',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return V('uploadbook', { user_ckey: w });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- I.copyright
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'WARNING: You cannot upload or modify the attributes of a copyrighted book',
- })
- : (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- ml: 15,
- mb: 3,
- fontSize: '1.2rem',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'search-plus',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- size: 3,
- mr: 2,
- }),
- 'Book Uploader',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Title',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 20,
- textAlign: 'left',
- icon: 'pen',
- disabled: I.copyright,
- content: I.title,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_selected_title');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Author',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 20,
- textAlign: 'left',
- icon: 'pen',
- disabled: I.copyright,
- content: I.author,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_selected_author');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Select Categories',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- width: '240px',
- options: L.map(function (x) {
- return x.description;
- }),
- onSelected: (function () {
- function x(E) {
- return V('toggle_upload_category', { category_id: A[E] });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- L.filter(function (x) {
- return I.categories.includes(x.category_id);
- }).map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: x.description,
- disabled: I.copyright,
- selected: !0,
- icon: 'unlink',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return V('toggle_upload_category', { category_id: x.category_id });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- },
- x.category_id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mr: 75,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Summary',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pen',
- width: 'auto',
- disabled: I.copyright,
- content: 'Edit Summary',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(p, 'edit_selected_summary');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { children: I.summary }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- })
- );
- },
- d = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.checkout_data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Checked Out Books',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'Library__Booklist',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Patron' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Time Left' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Actions' }),
- ],
- }),
- I.map(function (L, w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'user-tag' }), L.patron_name],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'left', children: L.title }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: L.timeleft >= 0 ? L.timeleft : 'LATE',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Mark Lost',
- icon: 'flag',
- color: 'bad',
- disabled: L.timeleft >= 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return V('reportlost', { libraryid: L.libraryid });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- C = function (v, p) {
- var N = (0, a.useBackend)(p),
- V = N.act,
- S = N.data,
- I = S.inventory_list;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Library Inventory',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'Library__Booklist',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'LIB ID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Author' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
- ],
- }),
- I.map(function (L, w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: L.libraryid }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'book' }), ' ', L.title],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'left', children: L.author }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- children: L.checked_out ? 'Checked Out' : 'Available',
- }),
- ],
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- (0, f.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('expand_info', y),
- (0, f.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('report_book', B),
- (0, f.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('rate_info', g);
- },
- 9516: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LibraryManager = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(3939),
- b = (r.LibraryManager = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 600,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- className: 'Layout__content--flexColumn',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- y = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.pagestate;
- switch (d) {
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
- case 3:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
- default:
- return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
- }
- },
- B = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '1.4rem',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'user-shield',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- size: 3,
- mr: '1rem',
- }),
- 'Library Manager',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'trash',
- width: 'auto',
- color: 'danger',
- content: 'Delete Book by SSID',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(m, 'specify_ssid_delete');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'user-slash',
- width: 'auto',
- color: 'danger',
- content: 'Delete All Books By CKEY',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(m, 'specify_ckey_delete');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'search',
- width: 'auto',
- content: 'View All Books By CKEY',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(m, 'specify_ckey_search');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'search',
- width: 'auto',
- content: 'View All Reported Books',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return u('view_reported_books');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.reports;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'Library__Booklist',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '1.2rem',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'user-secret',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- size: 2,
- mr: '1rem',
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'All Reported Books',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Return to Main',
- icon: 'arrow-alt-circle-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return u('return');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Uploader CKEY' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'SSID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Author' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Report Type' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Reporter Ckey' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'middle',
- children: 'Administrative Actions',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- d.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: C.uploader_ckey }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: C.id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'book' }), C.title],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'left', children: C.author }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- children: C.report_description,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: C.reporter_ckey }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- content: 'Delete',
- icon: 'trash',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return u('delete_book', { bookid: C.id });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Unflag',
- icon: 'flag',
- color: 'caution',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return u('unflag_book', { bookid: C.id });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'View',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return u('view_book', { bookid: C.id });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- C.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.ckey,
- C = s.booklist;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'Library__Booklist',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '1.2rem',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'user',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- size: 2,
- mr: '1rem',
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Books uploaded by ',
- d,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mt: 1,
- content: 'Return to Main',
- icon: 'arrow-alt-circle-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return u('return');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'SSID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Title' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Author' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'middle',
- children: 'Administrative Actions',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- C.map(function (h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: h.id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'left',
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'book' }), h.title],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'left', children: h.author }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- content: 'Delete',
- icon: 'trash',
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return u('delete_book', { bookid: h.id });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'View',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return u('view_book', { bookid: h.id });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- h.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 90447: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ListInputModal = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(51057),
- t = n(19203),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(72253),
- b = n(92986),
- y = n(98595),
- B = (r.ListInputModal = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- var l = (0, f.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.items,
- C = d === void 0 ? [] : d,
- h = s.message,
- v = h === void 0 ? '' : h,
- p = s.init_value,
- N = s.timeout,
- V = s.title,
- S = (0, f.useLocalState)(m, 'selected', C.indexOf(p)),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, f.useLocalState)(m, 'searchBarVisible', C.length > 10),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = (0, f.useLocalState)(m, 'searchQuery', ''),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1],
- M = (function () {
- function G(X) {
- var J = z.length - 1;
- if (X === b.KEY_DOWN)
- if (I === null || I === J) {
- var se;
- L(0), (se = document.getElementById('0')) == null || se.scrollIntoView();
- } else {
- var ie;
- L(I + 1), (ie = document.getElementById((I + 1).toString())) == null || ie.scrollIntoView();
- }
- else if (X === b.KEY_UP)
- if (I === null || I === 0) {
- var me;
- L(J), (me = document.getElementById(J.toString())) == null || me.scrollIntoView();
- } else {
- var q;
- L(I - 1), (q = document.getElementById((I - 1).toString())) == null || q.scrollIntoView();
- }
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- R = (function () {
- function G(X) {
- X !== I && L(X);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- O = (function () {
- function G() {
- x(!1), x(!0);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- F = (function () {
- function G(X) {
- var J = String.fromCharCode(X),
- se = C.find(function (q) {
- return q == null ? void 0 : q.toLowerCase().startsWith(J == null ? void 0 : J.toLowerCase());
- });
- if (se) {
- var ie,
- me = C.indexOf(se);
- L(me), (ie = document.getElementById(me.toString())) == null || ie.scrollIntoView();
- }
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- _ = (function () {
- function G(X) {
- var J;
- X !== P && (D(X), L(0), (J = document.getElementById('0')) == null || J.scrollIntoView());
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- U = (function () {
- function G() {
- x(!A), D('');
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- z = C.filter(function (G) {
- return G == null ? void 0 : G.toLowerCase().includes(P.toLowerCase());
- }),
- $ = 330 + Math.ceil(v.length / 3);
- return (
- A ||
- setTimeout(function () {
- var G;
- return (G = document.getElementById(I.toString())) == null ? void 0 : G.focus();
- }, 1),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
- title: V,
- width: 325,
- height: $,
- children: [
- N && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: N }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function G(X) {
- var J = window.event ? X.which : X.keyCode;
- (J === b.KEY_DOWN || J === b.KEY_UP) && (X.preventDefault(), M(J)),
- J === b.KEY_ENTER && (X.preventDefault(), u('submit', { entry: z[I] })),
- !A && J >= b.KEY_A && J <= b.KEY_Z && (X.preventDefault(), F(J)),
- J === b.KEY_ESCAPE && (X.preventDefault(), u('cancel'));
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- compact: !0,
- icon: A ? 'search' : 'font',
- selected: !0,
- tooltip: A
- ? 'Search Mode. Type to search or use arrow keys to select manually.'
- : 'Hotkey Mode. Type a letter to jump to the first match. Enter to select.',
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return U();
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- }),
- className: 'ListInput__Section',
- fill: !0,
- title: v,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, {
- filteredItems: z,
- onClick: R,
- onFocusSearch: O,
- searchBarVisible: A,
- selected: I,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- m: 0,
- children:
- A &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, {
- filteredItems: z,
- onSearch: _,
- searchQuery: P,
- selected: I,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- mt: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.InputButtons, { input: z[I] }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })
- );
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, f.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = c.filteredItems,
- d = c.onClick,
- C = c.onFocusSearch,
- h = c.searchBarVisible,
- v = c.selected;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- tabIndex: 0,
- children: s.map(function (p, N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button,
- {
- fluid: !0,
- color: 'transparent',
- id: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return d(N);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- onDblClick: (function () {
- function V(S) {
- S.preventDefault(), u('submit', { entry: s[v] });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function V(S) {
- var I = window.event ? S.which : S.keyCode;
- h && I >= b.KEY_A && I <= b.KEY_Z && (S.preventDefault(), C());
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- selected: N === v,
- style: { animation: 'none', transition: 'none' },
- children: p.replace(/^\w/, function (V) {
- return V.toUpperCase();
- }),
- },
- N
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, f.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = c.filteredItems,
- d = c.onSearch,
- C = c.searchQuery,
- h = c.selected;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- width: '100%',
- autoFocus: !0,
- autoSelect: !0,
- onEnter: (function () {
- function v(p) {
- p.preventDefault(), u('submit', { entry: s[h] });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- onInput: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return d(N);
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- placeholder: 'Search...',
- value: C,
- });
- };
- },
- 26826: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Loadout = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = {
- Default: (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- return m.gear.gear_tier - l.gear.gear_tier;
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- Alphabetical: (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- return m.gear.name.toLowerCase().localeCompare(l.gear.name.toLowerCase());
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- Cost: (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- return m.gear.cost - l.gear.cost;
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- },
- y = (r.Loadout = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'search', !1),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1],
- p = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'searchText', ''),
- N = p[0],
- V = p[1],
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'category', Object.keys(d.gears)[0]),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'tweakedGear', ''),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 1105,
- height: 650,
- children: [
- A && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { tweakedGear: A, setTweakedGear: x }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { category: I, setCategory: L }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '25%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { setTweakedGear: x }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '75%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, {
- category: I,
- search: h,
- setSearch: v,
- searchText: N,
- setSearchText: V,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- B = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = m.category,
- h = m.setCategory;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- style: { 'flex-wrap': 'wrap-reverse' },
- children: Object.keys(d.gears).map(function (v) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: v === C,
- style: { 'white-space': 'nowrap' },
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return h(v);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: v,
- },
- v
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- k = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.user_tier,
- h = d.gear_slots,
- v = d.max_gear_slots,
- p = m.category,
- N = m.search,
- V = m.setSearch,
- S = m.searchText,
- I = m.setSearchText,
- L = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'sortType', 'Default'),
- w = L[0],
- A = L[1],
- x = (0, t.useLocalState)(l, 'sortReverse', !1),
- E = x[0],
- P = x[1],
- D = (0, a.createSearch)(S, function (R) {
- return R.name;
- }),
- M;
- return (
- S.length > 2
- ? (M = Object.entries(d.gears)
- .reduce(function (R, O) {
- var F = O[0],
- _ = O[1];
- return R.concat(
- Object.entries(_).map(function (U) {
- var z = U[0],
- $ = U[1];
- return { key: z, gear: $ };
- })
- );
- }, [])
- .filter(function (R) {
- var O = R.gear;
- return D(O);
- }))
- : (M = Object.entries(d.gears[p]).map(function (R) {
- var O = R[0],
- F = R[1];
- return { key: O, gear: F };
- })),
- M.sort(b[w]),
- E && (M = M.reverse()),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: p,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- height: 1.66,
- selected: w,
- options: Object.keys(b),
- onSelected: (function () {
- function R(O) {
- return A(O);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: E ? 'arrow-down-wide-short' : 'arrow-down-short-wide',
- tooltip: E ? 'Ascending order' : 'Descending order',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
- onClick: (function () {
- function R() {
- return P(!E);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- N &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- width: 20,
- placeholder: 'Search...',
- value: S,
- onInput: (function () {
- function R(O) {
- return I(O.target.value);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'magnifying-glass',
- selected: N,
- tooltip: 'Toggle search field',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
- onClick: (function () {
- function R() {
- V(!N), I('');
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: M.map(function (R) {
- var O = R.key,
- F = R.gear,
- _ = 12,
- U = Object.keys(d.selected_gears).includes(O),
- z = F.cost === 1 ? F.cost + ' Point' : F.cost + ' Points',
- $ = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: [
- F.name.length > _ && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { children: F.name }),
- F.gear_tier > C &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mt: F.name.length > _ && 1.5,
- textColor: 'red',
- children: 'That gear is only available at a higher donation tier than you are on.',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- G = (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- F.allowed_roles &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- width: '22px',
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'user',
- tooltip: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- m: -1,
- title: 'Allowed Roles',
- children: F.allowed_roles.map(function (J) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { children: J }, J);
- }),
- }),
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- }),
- Object.entries(F.tweaks).map(function (J) {
- var se = J[0],
- ie = J[1];
- return ie.map(function (me) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button,
- {
- width: '22px',
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: me.icon,
- tooltip: me.tooltip,
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- },
- se
- );
- });
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- width: '22px',
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'info',
- tooltip: F.desc,
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- X = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- class: 'Loadout-InfoBox',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- style: { 'flex-grow': 1 },
- fontSize: 1,
- color: 'gold',
- opacity: 0.75,
- children: F.gear_tier > 0 && 'Tier ' + F.gear_tier,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { fontSize: 0.75, opacity: 0.66, children: z }),
- ],
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.ImageButton,
- {
- m: 0.5,
- imageSize: 84,
- dmIcon: F.icon,
- dmIconState: F.icon_state,
- tooltip: (F.name.length > _ || F.gear_tier > 0) && $,
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- selected: U,
- disabled: F.gear_tier > C || (h + F.cost > v && !U),
- buttons: G,
- buttonsAlt: X,
- onClick: (function () {
- function J() {
- return s('toggle_gear', { gear: O });
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- children: F.name,
- },
- O
- );
- }),
- })
- );
- },
- g = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = m.setTweakedGear,
- h = Object.entries(d.gears).reduce(function (v, p) {
- var N = p[0],
- V = p[1],
- S = Object.entries(V)
- .filter(function (I) {
- var L = I[0];
- return Object.keys(d.selected_gears).includes(L);
- })
- .map(function (I) {
- var L = I[0],
- w = I[1];
- return Object.assign({ key: L }, w);
- });
- return v.concat(S);
- }, []);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Selected Equipment',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'trash',
- tooltip: 'Clear Loadout',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return s('clear_loadout');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- children: h.map(function (v) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.ImageButton,
- {
- fluid: !0,
- imageSize: 32,
- dmIcon: v.icon,
- dmIconState: v.icon_state,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- Object.entries(v.tweaks).length > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- translucent: !0,
- icon: 'gears',
- iconColor: 'gray',
- width: '33px',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return C(v);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- translucent: !0,
- icon: 'times',
- iconColor: 'red',
- width: '32px',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return s('toggle_gear', { gear: v.key });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- children: v.name,
- },
- v.key
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- value: d.gear_slots,
- maxValue: d.max_gear_slots,
- ranges: {
- bad: [d.max_gear_slots, 1 / 0],
- average: [d.max_gear_slots * 0.66, d.max_gear_slots],
- good: [0, d.max_gear_slots * 0.66],
- },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: ['Used points ', d.gear_slots, '/', d.max_gear_slots],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- i = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = m.tweakedGear,
- h = m.setTweakedGear;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dimmer, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'Loadout-Modal__background',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- width: 20,
- height: 20,
- title: C.name,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: 'red',
- icon: 'times',
- tooltip: 'Close',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return h('');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: Object.entries(C.tweaks).map(function (v) {
- var p = v[0],
- N = v[1];
- return N.map(function (V) {
- var S = d.selected_gears[C.key][p];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: V.name,
- color: S ? '' : 'gray',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'pen',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return s('set_tweak', { gear: C.key, tweak: p });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- S || 'Default',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- ml: 1,
- width: 1,
- height: 1,
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- style: { 'background-color': '' + S },
- }),
- ],
- },
- p
- );
- });
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 77613: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MODsuitContent = r.MODsuit = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = function (I, L) {
- var w = I.name,
- A = I.value,
- x = I.module_ref,
- E = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- P = E.act;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- value: A,
- minValue: -50,
- maxValue: 50,
- stepPixelSize: 5,
- width: '39px',
- onChange: (function () {
- function D(M, R) {
- return P('configure', { key: w, value: R, ref: x });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- });
- },
- b = function (I, L) {
- var w = I.name,
- A = I.value,
- x = I.module_ref,
- E = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- P = E.act;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: A,
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return P('configure', { key: w, value: !A, ref: x });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- });
- },
- y = function (I, L) {
- var w = I.name,
- A = I.value,
- x = I.module_ref,
- E = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- P = E.act;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'paint-brush',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return P('configure', { key: w, ref: x });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ColorBox, { color: A, mr: 0.5 }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- B = function (I, L) {
- var w = I.name,
- A = I.value,
- x = I.values,
- E = I.module_ref,
- P = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- D = P.act;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- displayText: A,
- options: x,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function M(R) {
- return D('configure', { key: w, value: R, ref: E });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- });
- },
- k = function (I, L) {
- var w = I.name,
- A = I.display_name,
- x = I.type,
- E = I.value,
- P = I.values,
- D = I.module_ref,
- M = {
- number: (0, e.normalizeProps)((0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f, Object.assign({}, I))),
- bool: (0, e.normalizeProps)((0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, Object.assign({}, I))),
- color: (0, e.normalizeProps)((0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, Object.assign({}, I))),
- list: (0, e.normalizeProps)((0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, Object.assign({}, I))),
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: [A, ': ', M[x]] });
- },
- g = function (I, L) {
- var w = I.active,
- A = I.userradiated,
- x = I.usertoxins,
- E = I.usermaxtoxins,
- P = I.threatlevel;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Radiation Level',
- color: w && A ? 'bad' : 'good',
- children: w && A ? 'IRRADIATED!' : 'RADIATION-FREE',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Toxins Level',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? x / E : 0,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: x }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Hazard Level',
- color: w && P ? 'bad' : 'good',
- bold: !0,
- children: w && P ? P : 0,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- i = function (I, L) {
- var w = I.active,
- A = I.userhealth,
- x = I.usermaxhealth,
- E = I.userbrute,
- P = I.userburn,
- D = I.usertoxin,
- M = I.useroxy;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Health',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? A / x : 0,
- ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.2] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? A : 0 }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Brute',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? E / x : 0,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? E : 0 }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Burn',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? P / x : 0,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? P : 0 }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Toxin',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? D / x : 0,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? D : 0 }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Suffocation',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? M / x : 0,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? M : 0 }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- c = function (I, L) {
- var w = I.active,
- A = I.statustime,
- x = I.statusid,
- E = I.statushealth,
- P = I.statusmaxhealth,
- D = I.statusbrute,
- M = I.statusburn,
- R = I.statustoxin,
- O = I.statusoxy,
- F = I.statustemp,
- _ = I.statusnutrition,
- U = I.statusfingerprints,
- z = I.statusdna,
- $ = I.statusviruses;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Operation Time',
- children: w ? A : '00:00:00',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Operation Number',
- children: w ? x || '0' : '???',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Health',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? E / P : 0,
- ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.2] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? E : 0 }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Brute',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? D / P : 0,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? D : 0 }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Burn',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? M / P : 0,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: w ? M : 0 }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Toxin',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? R / P : 0,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: R }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Suffocation',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: w ? O / P : 0,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 0.2], average: [0.2, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: O }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Body Temperature',
- children: w ? F : 0,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Nutrition Status',
- children: w ? _ : 0,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'DNA',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Fingerprints',
- children: w ? U : '???',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Unique Enzymes',
- children: w ? z : '???',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !!w &&
- !!$ &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Diseases',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'signature',
- tooltip: 'Name',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'wind',
- tooltip: 'Type',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'bolt',
- tooltip: 'Stage',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'flask',
- tooltip: 'Cure',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- $.map(function (G) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: G.name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: G.type,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [G.stage, '/', G.maxstage],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: G.cure,
- }),
- ],
- },
- G.name
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- );
- },
- m = { rad_counter: g, health_analyzer: i, status_readout: c },
- l = function () {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- align: 'center',
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { color: 'red', name: 'exclamation-triangle', size: 15 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '30px',
- color: 'red',
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- u = function (I, L) {
- var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- A = w.act,
- x = w.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- fontSize: '16px',
- color: 'blue',
- children: 'SUIT UNPOWERED',
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- s = function (I, L) {
- var w = I.configuration_data,
- A = I.module_ref,
- x = Object.keys(w);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- x.map(function (E) {
- var P = w[E];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, {
- name: E,
- display_name: P.display_name,
- type: P.type,
- value: P.value,
- values: P.values,
- module_ref: A,
- }),
- },
- P.key
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- onClick: I.onExit,
- icon: 'times',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Exit',
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- d = function (I) {
- switch (I) {
- case 1:
- return 'Use';
- case 2:
- return 'Toggle';
- case 3:
- return 'Select';
- }
- },
- C = function (I, L) {
- var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- A = w.act,
- x = w.data,
- E = x.active,
- P = x.malfunctioning,
- D = x.locked,
- M = x.open,
- R = x.selected_module,
- O = x.complexity,
- F = x.complexity_max,
- _ = x.wearer_name,
- U = x.wearer_job,
- z = P ? 'Malfunctioning' : E ? 'Active' : 'Inactive';
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Parameters',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: E ? 'Deactivate' : 'Activate',
- onClick: (function () {
- function $() {
- return A('activate');
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- }),
- children: z,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'ID Lock',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: D ? 'lock-open' : 'lock',
- content: D ? 'Unlock' : 'Lock',
- onClick: (function () {
- function $() {
- return A('lock');
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- }),
- children: D ? 'Locked' : 'Unlocked',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cover',
- children: M ? 'Open' : 'Closed',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Selected Module',
- children: R || 'None',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Complexity',
- children: [O, ' (', F, ')'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Occupant', children: [_, ', ', U] }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- h = function (I, L) {
- var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- A = w.act,
- x = w.data,
- E = x.active,
- P = x.control,
- D = x.helmet,
- M = x.chestplate,
- R = x.gauntlets,
- O = x.boots,
- F = x.core,
- _ = x.charge;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Hardware',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
- title: 'Parts',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Control Unit', children: P }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Helmet', children: D || 'None' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Chestplate',
- children: M || 'None',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Gauntlets',
- children: R || 'None',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Boots', children: O || 'None' }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
- title: 'Core',
- children:
- (F &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Core Type', children: F }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Core Charge',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: _ / 100,
- content: _ + '%',
- ranges: { good: [0.6, 1 / 0], average: [0.3, 0.6], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.3] },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'No Core Detected',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- v = function (I, L) {
- var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- A = w.act,
- x = w.data,
- E = x.active,
- P = x.modules,
- D = P.filter(function (M) {
- return !!M.id;
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Info',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children:
- (D.length !== 0 &&
- D.map(function (M) {
- var R = m[M.id];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: [
- !E && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u),
- (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, R, Object.assign({}, M, { active: E }))
- ),
- ],
- },
- M.ref
- );
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'No Info Modules Detected',
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- p = function (I, L) {
- var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- A = w.act,
- x = w.data,
- E = x.complexity_max,
- P = x.modules,
- D = (0, a.useLocalState)(L, 'module_configuration', null),
- M = D[0],
- R = D[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Modules',
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children:
- (P.length !== 0 &&
- P.map(function (O) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Collapsible, {
- title: O.module_name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- M === O.ref &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- configuration_data: O.configuration_data,
- module_ref: O.ref,
- onExit: (function () {
- function F() {
- return R(null);
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'save',
- tooltip: 'Complexity',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'plug',
- tooltip: 'Idle Power Cost',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'lightbulb',
- tooltip: 'Active Power Cost',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'bolt',
- tooltip: 'Use Power Cost',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'hourglass-half',
- tooltip: 'Cooldown',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'tasks',
- tooltip: 'Actions',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [O.module_complexity, '/', E],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: O.idle_power,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: O.active_power,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: O.use_power,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (O.cooldown > 0 && O.cooldown / 10) || '0',
- '/',
- O.cooldown_time / 10,
- 's',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return A('select', { ref: O.ref });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- icon: 'bullseye',
- selected: O.module_active,
- tooltip: d(O.module_type),
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- disabled: !O.module_type,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return R(O.ref);
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: M === O.ref,
- tooltip: 'Configure',
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- disabled: O.configuration_data.length === 0,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return A('pin', { ref: O.ref });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- icon: 'thumbtack',
- selected: O.pinned,
- tooltip: 'Pin',
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- disabled: !O.module_type,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: O.description }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- },
- O.ref
- );
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'No Modules Detected',
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- N = (r.MODsuitContent = (function () {
- function S(I, L) {
- var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- A = w.act,
- x = w.data,
- E = x.ui_theme,
- P = x.interface_break;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !P,
- children:
- (!!P && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l)) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, p),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return S;
- })()),
- V = (r.MODsuit = (function () {
- function S(I, L) {
- var w = (0, a.useBackend)(L),
- A = w.act,
- x = w.data,
- E = x.ui_theme,
- P = x.interface_break;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- theme: E,
- width: 400,
- height: 620,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, N),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return S;
- })());
- },
- 78624: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MagnetController = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = n(3939),
- y = new Map([
- ['n', { icon: 'arrow-up', tooltip: 'Move North' }],
- ['e', { icon: 'arrow-right', tooltip: 'Move East' }],
- ['s', { icon: 'arrow-down', tooltip: 'Move South' }],
- ['w', { icon: 'arrow-left', tooltip: 'Move West' }],
- ['c', { icon: 'crosshairs', tooltip: 'Move to Magnet' }],
- ['r', { icon: 'dice', tooltip: 'Move Randomly' }],
- ]),
- B = (r.MagnetController = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.autolink,
- s = l.code,
- d = l.frequency,
- C = l.linkedMagnets,
- h = l.magnetConfiguration,
- v = l.path,
- p = l.pathPosition,
- N = l.probing,
- V = l.powerState,
- S = l.speed;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 600,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- !u &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Probe',
- icon: N ? 'spinner' : 'sync',
- iconSpin: !!N,
- disabled: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return m('probe_magnets');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- title: 'Magnet Linking',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Frequency',
- children: (0, a.toFixed)(d / 10, 1),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Code', children: s }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: V ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: V ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: V,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return m('toggle_power');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- title: 'Controller Configuration',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Speed',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
- value: S.value,
- minValue: S.min,
- maxValue: S.max,
- onChange: (function () {
- function I(L, w) {
- return m('set_speed', { speed: w });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Path',
- children: [
- Array.from(y.entries()).map(function (I) {
- var L = I[0],
- w = I[1],
- A = w.icon,
- x = w.tooltip;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button,
- {
- icon: A,
- tooltip: x,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return m('path_add', { code: L });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- },
- L
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'trash',
- confirmIcon: 'trash',
- confirmContent: '',
- float: 'right',
- tooltip: 'Reset Path',
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return m('path_clear');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'file-import',
- float: 'right',
- tooltip: 'Manually input path',
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return (0, b.modalOpen)(i, 'path_custom_input');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.BlockQuote, {
- children: v.map(function (I, L) {
- var w = y.get(I) || { icon: 'question' },
- A = w.icon,
- x = w.tooltip;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button.Confirm,
- {
- selected: L + 2 === p,
- icon: A,
- confirmIcon: A,
- confirmContent: '',
- tooltip: x,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return m('path_remove', { index: L + 1, code: I });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- },
- L
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- C.map(function (I, L) {
- var w = I.uid,
- A = I.powerState,
- x = I.electricityLevel,
- E = I.magneticField;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- {
- title: 'Magnet #' + (L + 1) + ' Configuration',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: A ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: A ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: A,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return m('toggle_magnet_power', { id: w });
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Move Speed',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
- value: x,
- minValue: h.electricityLevel.min,
- maxValue: h.electricityLevel.max,
- onChange: (function () {
- function P(D, M) {
- return m('set_electricity_level', { id: w, electricityLevel: M });
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Field Size',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Slider, {
- value: E,
- minValue: h.magneticField.min,
- maxValue: h.magneticField.max,
- onChange: (function () {
- function P(D, M) {
- return m('set_magnetic_field', { id: w, magneticField: M });
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return k;
- })());
- },
- 72106: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MechBayConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.MechBayConsole = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.recharge_port,
- m = c && c.mech,
- l = m && m.cell,
- u = m && m.name;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 155,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: u ? 'Mech status: ' + u : 'Mech status',
- textAlign: 'center',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Sync',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('reconnect');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Integrity',
- children:
- (!c &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children: 'No power port detected. Please re-sync.',
- })) ||
- (!m && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No mech detected.' })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: m.health / m.maxhealth,
- ranges: { good: [0.7, 1 / 0], average: [0.3, 0.7], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.3] },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power',
- children:
- (!c &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children: 'No power port detected. Please re-sync.',
- })) ||
- (!m && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No mech detected.' })) ||
- (!l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No cell is installed.' })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: l.charge / l.maxcharge,
- ranges: { good: [0.7, 1 / 0], average: [0.3, 0.7], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.3] },
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: l.charge }),
- ' / ' + l.maxcharge,
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 7466: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MechaControlConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = n(25328),
- y = (r.MechaControlConsole = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, t.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.beacons,
- u = m.stored_data;
- return u.length
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 420,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Log',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'window-close',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return c('clear_log');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: u.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: ['(', s.time, ')'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: (0, b.decodeHtmlEntities)(s.message),
- }),
- ],
- },
- s.time
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 420,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children:
- (l.length &&
- l.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- {
- title: s.name,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'comment',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('send_message', { mt: s.uid });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- children: 'Message',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'eye',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('get_log', { mt: s.uid });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- children: 'View Log',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- color: 'red',
- content: 'Sabotage',
- icon: 'bomb',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('shock', { mt: s.uid });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- ranges: {
- good: [s.maxHealth * 0.75, 1 / 0],
- average: [s.maxHealth * 0.5, s.maxHealth * 0.75],
- bad: [-1 / 0, s.maxHealth * 0.5],
- },
- value: s.health,
- maxValue: s.maxHealth,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cell Charge',
- children:
- (s.cell &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- ranges: {
- good: [s.cellMaxCharge * 0.75, 1 / 0],
- average: [s.cellMaxCharge * 0.5, s.cellMaxCharge * 0.75],
- bad: [-1 / 0, s.cellMaxCharge * 0.5],
- },
- value: s.cellCharge,
- maxValue: s.cellMaxCharge,
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, {
- children: 'No Cell Installed',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Air Tank',
- children: [s.airtank, 'kPa'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pilot',
- children: s.pilot || 'Unoccupied',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Location',
- children: (0, b.toTitleCase)(s.location) || 'Unknown',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Active Equipment',
- children: s.active || 'None',
- }),
- (s.cargoMax &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cargo Space',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- ranges: {
- bad: [s.cargoMax * 0.75, 1 / 0],
- average: [s.cargoMax * 0.5, s.cargoMax * 0.75],
- good: [-1 / 0, s.cargoMax * 0.5],
- },
- value: s.cargoUsed,
- maxValue: s.cargoMax,
- }),
- })) ||
- null,
- ],
- }),
- },
- s.name
- );
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, { children: 'No mecha beacons found.' }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 79625: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MedicalRecords = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(3939),
- b = n(98595),
- y = n(321),
- B = n(5485),
- k = n(22091),
- g = {
- Minor: 'lightgray',
- Medium: 'good',
- Harmful: 'average',
- 'Dangerous!': 'bad',
- 'BIOHAZARD THREAT!': 'darkred',
- },
- i = {
- '*Deceased*': 'deceased',
- '*SSD*': 'ssd',
- 'Physically Unfit': 'physically_unfit',
- Disabled: 'disabled',
- },
- c = function (A, x) {
- (0, f.modalOpen)(A, 'edit', { field: x.edit, value: x.value });
- },
- m = function (A, x) {
- var E = A.args;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- m: '-1rem',
- pb: '1.5rem',
- title: E.name || 'Virus',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mx: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Number of stages',
- children: E.max_stages,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Spread',
- children: [E.spread_text, ' Transmission'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Possible cure', children: E.cure }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Notes', children: E.desc }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Severity',
- color: g[E.severity],
- children: E.severity,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- l = (r.MedicalRecords = (function () {
- function w(A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.data,
- D = P.loginState,
- M = P.screen;
- if (!D.logged_in)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 900,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LoginScreen),
- }),
- });
- var R;
- return (
- M === 2
- ? (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u))
- : M === 3
- ? (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s))
- : M === 4
- ? (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d))
- : M === 5
- ? (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, p))
- : M === 6
- ? (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, N))
- : M === 7 && (R = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, V)),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 900,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LoginInfo),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.TemporaryNotice),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, L),
- R,
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })
- );
- }
- return w;
- })()),
- u = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.act,
- D = E.data,
- M = D.records,
- R = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'searchText', ''),
- O = R[0],
- F = R[1],
- _ = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortId', 'name'),
- U = _[0],
- z = _[1],
- $ = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortOrder', !0),
- G = $[0],
- X = $[1];
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Manage Records',
- icon: 'wrench',
- ml: '0.25rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function J() {
- return P('screen', { screen: 3 });
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- placeholder: 'Search by Name, ID, Physical Status, or Mental Status',
- onInput: (function () {
- function J(se, ie) {
- return F(ie);
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- mt: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'MedicalRecords__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { id: 'id', children: 'ID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { id: 'rank', children: 'Assignment' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { id: 'p_stat', children: 'Patient Status' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, S, { id: 'm_stat', children: 'Mental Status' }),
- ],
- }),
- M.filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(O, function (J) {
- return J.name + '|' + J.id + '|' + J.rank + '|' + J.p_stat + '|' + J.m_stat;
- })
- )
- .sort(function (J, se) {
- var ie = G ? 1 : -1;
- return J[U].localeCompare(se[U]) * ie;
- })
- .map(function (J) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- className: 'MedicalRecords__listRow--' + i[J.p_stat],
- onClick: (function () {
- function se() {
- return P('view_record', { view_record: J.ref });
- }
- return se;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'user' }), ' ', J.name],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: J.id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: J.rank }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: J.p_stat }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: J.m_stat }),
- ],
- },
- J.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- s = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.act;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- icon: 'download',
- content: 'Backup to Disk',
- disabled: !0,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- icon: 'upload',
- content: 'Upload from Disk',
- my: '0.5rem',
- disabled: !0,
- }),
- ' ',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- icon: 'trash',
- content: 'Delete All Medical Records',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return P('del_all_med_records');
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- d = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.act,
- D = E.data,
- M = D.medical,
- R = D.printing;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- height: '235px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'General Data',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: R ? 'spinner' : 'print',
- disabled: R,
- iconSpin: !!R,
- content: 'Print Record',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return P('print_record');
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C),
- }),
- }),
- !M || !M.fields
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- color: 'bad',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Medical Data',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'pen',
- content: 'Create New Record',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return P('new_med_record');
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.75,
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'scroll', size: 5, color: 'gray' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Medical records lost!',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Medical Data',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'trash',
- disabled: !!M.empty,
- content: 'Delete Medical Record',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return P('del_med_record');
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- 0
- );
- },
- C = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.data,
- D = P.general;
- return !D || !D.fields
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- color: 'bad',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: 'General records lost!',
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: D.fields.map(function (M, R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: M.field,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- height: '20px',
- inline: !0,
- children: M.value,
- }),
- !!M.edit &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'pen',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return c(x, M);
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- R
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- !!D.has_photos &&
- D.photos.map(function (M, R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Stack.Item,
- {
- inline: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- ml: 0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: M,
- style: {
- width: '96px',
- 'margin-top': '2.5rem',
- 'margin-bottom': '0.5rem',
- '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
- 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
- },
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Photo #',
- R + 1,
- ],
- },
- R
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- h = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.act,
- D = E.data,
- M = D.medical;
- return !M || !M.fields
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- color: 'bad',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: 'Medical records lost!',
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: M.fields.map(function (R, O) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: R.field,
- preserveWhitespace: !0,
- children: [
- (0, a.decodeHtmlEntities)(R.value),
- !!R.edit &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'pen',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- mb: R.line_break ? '1rem' : 'initial',
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return c(x, R);
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- O
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- v = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.act,
- D = E.data,
- M = D.medical;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- height: '150px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Comments/Log',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'comment',
- content: 'Add Entry',
- onClick: (function () {
- function R() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(x, 'add_comment');
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- children:
- M.comments.length === 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'No comments found.' })
- : M.comments.map(function (R, O) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- inline: !0,
- children: R.header,
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- R.text,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'comment-slash',
- color: 'bad',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return P('del_comment', { del_comment: O + 1 });
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- O
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- p = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.act,
- D = E.data,
- M = D.virus,
- R = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'searchText', ''),
- O = R[0],
- F = R[1],
- _ = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortId2', 'name'),
- U = _[0],
- z = _[1],
- $ = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortOrder2', !0),
- G = $[0],
- X = $[1];
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- ml: '0.25rem',
- fluid: !0,
- placeholder: 'Search by Name, Max Stages, or Severity',
- onInput: (function () {
- function J(se, ie) {
- return F(ie);
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- mt: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'MedicalRecords__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, I, { id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, I, { id: 'max_stages', children: 'Max Stages' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, I, { id: 'severity', children: 'Severity' }),
- ],
- }),
- M.filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(O, function (J) {
- return J.name + '|' + J.max_stages + '|' + J.severity;
- })
- )
- .sort(function (J, se) {
- var ie = G ? 1 : -1;
- return J[U].localeCompare(se[U]) * ie;
- })
- .map(function (J) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- className: 'MedicalRecords__listVirus--' + J.severity,
- onClick: (function () {
- function se() {
- return P('vir', { vir: J.D });
- }
- return se;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'virus' }),
- ' ',
- J.name,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: J.max_stages }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- color: g[J.severity],
- children: J.severity,
- }),
- ],
- },
- J.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- N = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.act,
- D = E.data,
- M = D.goals;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Virology Goals',
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children:
- (M.length !== 0 &&
- M.map(function (R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: R.name,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- value: R.delivered,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: R.deliverygoal,
- ranges: {
- good: [R.deliverygoal * 0.5, 1 / 0],
- average: [R.deliverygoal * 0.25, R.deliverygoal * 0.5],
- bad: [-1 / 0, R.deliverygoal * 0.25],
- },
- children: [R.delivered, ' / ', R.deliverygoal, ' Units'],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { children: R.report }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- R.id
- );
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'No Goals Detected',
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- V = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.act,
- D = E.data,
- M = D.medbots;
- return M.length === 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- color: 'bad',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.75,
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'robot', size: 5, color: 'gray' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'slash', size: 5, color: 'red' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'There are no Medibots.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'MedicalRecords__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Area' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Chemicals' }),
- ],
- }),
- M.map(function (R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- className: 'MedicalRecords__listMedbot--' + R.on,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'medical' }),
- ' ',
- R.name,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: [R.area || 'Unknown', ' (', R.x, ', ', R.y, ')'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: R.on
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'good', children: 'Online' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- children: 'Offline',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: R.use_beaker
- ? 'Reservoir: ' + R.total_volume + '/' + R.maximum_volume
- : 'Using internal synthesizer',
- }),
- ],
- },
- R.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- S = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortId', 'name'),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1],
- M = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortOrder', !0),
- R = M[0],
- O = M[1],
- F = A.id,
- _ = A.children;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- color: P !== F && 'transparent',
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- P === F ? O(!R) : (D(F), O(!0));
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- children: [
- _,
- P === F &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: R ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- I = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortId2', 'name'),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1],
- M = (0, t.useLocalState)(x, 'sortOrder2', !0),
- R = M[0],
- O = M[1],
- F = A.id,
- _ = A.children;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- color: P !== F && 'transparent',
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- P === F ? O(!R) : (D(F), O(!0));
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- children: [
- _,
- P === F &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: R ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- L = function (A, x) {
- var E = (0, t.useBackend)(x),
- P = E.act,
- D = E.data,
- M = D.screen,
- R = D.general;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- m: 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'list',
- selected: M === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- P('screen', { screen: 2 });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: 'List Records',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'database',
- selected: M === 5,
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- P('screen', { screen: 5 });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: 'Virus Database',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'vial',
- selected: M === 6,
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- P('screen', { screen: 6 });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: 'Virology Goals',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'plus-square',
- selected: M === 7,
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return P('screen', { screen: 7 });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- children: 'Medibot Tracking',
- }),
- M === 3 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'wrench',
- selected: M === 3,
- children: 'Record Maintenance',
- }),
- M === 4 &&
- R &&
- !R.empty &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'file',
- selected: M === 4,
- children: ['Record: ', R.fields[0].value],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- (0, f.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('virus', m);
- },
- 54989: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MerchVendor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = g.product,
- s = g.productImage,
- d = g.productCategory,
- C = l.user_money;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + s,
- style: { 'vertical-align': 'middle', width: '32px', margin: '0px', 'margin-left': '0px' },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: u.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: u.price > C,
- icon: 'shopping-cart',
- content: u.price,
- textAlign: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('purchase', { name: u.name, category: d });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- b = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.data,
- l = (0, a.useLocalState)(i, 'tabIndex', 1),
- u = l[0],
- s = m.products,
- d = m.imagelist,
- C = ['apparel', 'toy', 'decoration'];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: s[C[u]].map(function (h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f,
- { product: h, productImage: d[h.path], productCategory: C[u] },
- h.name
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- y = (r.MerchVendor = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.user_cash,
- s = l.inserted_cash;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- title: 'Merch Computer',
- width: 450,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'User',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'light-grey',
- inline: !0,
- mr: '0.5rem',
- children: ['There is ', (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, s, 0), ' credits inserted.'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !s,
- icon: 'money-bill-wave-alt',
- content: 'Dispense Change',
- textAlign: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('change');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- 'Doing your job and not getting any recognition at work? Well, welcome to the merch shop! Here, you can buy cool things in exchange for money you earn when you have completed your Job Objectives.',
- u !== null &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- 'Your balance is ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, [u || 0, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' credits')], 0),
- '.',
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Products',
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b)],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.data,
- l = (0, a.useLocalState)(i, 'tabIndex', 1),
- u = l[0],
- s = l[1],
- d = m.login_state;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'dice',
- selected: u === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return s(1);
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- children: 'Toys',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'flag',
- selected: u === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return s(2);
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- children: 'Decorations',
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 87684: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.MiningVendor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = ['title', 'items', 'gridLayout'];
- function y(l, u) {
- if (l == null) return {};
- var s = {};
- for (var d in l)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(l, d)) {
- if (u.includes(d)) continue;
- s[d] = l[d];
- }
- return s;
- }
- var B = {
- Alphabetical: (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- return u - s;
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- Availability: (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- return -(u.affordable - s.affordable);
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- Price: (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- return u.price - s.price;
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- },
- k = (r.MiningVendor = (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'gridLayout', !1),
- C = d[0],
- h = d[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 525,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { gridLayout: C, setGridLayout: h }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { gridLayout: C }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- g = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.has_id,
- p = h.id;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, {
- success: v,
- children: v
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- style: { float: 'left' },
- children: [
- 'Logged in as ',
- p.name,
- '.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'You have ',
- p.points.toLocaleString('en-US'),
- ' points.',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject ID',
- style: { float: 'right' },
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return C('logoff');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { style: { clear: 'both' } }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- : 'Please insert an ID in order to make purchases.',
- });
- },
- i = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.has_id,
- p = h.id,
- N = h.items,
- V = u.gridLayout,
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'search', ''),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'sort', 'Alphabetical'),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'descending', !1),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1],
- M = (0, a.createSearch)(I, function (F) {
- return F[0];
- }),
- R = !1,
- O = Object.entries(N).map(function (F, _) {
- var U = Object.entries(F[1])
- .filter(M)
- .map(function (z) {
- return (z[1].affordable = v && p.points >= z[1].price), z[1];
- })
- .sort(B[A]);
- if (U.length !== 0)
- return (
- P && (U = U.reverse()),
- (R = !0),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { title: F[0], items: U, gridLayout: V }, F[0])
- );
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- mt: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: R
- ? O
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: 'No items matching your criteria was found!',
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- c = function (u, s) {
- var d = u.gridLayout,
- C = u.setGridLayout,
- h = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'search', ''),
- v = h[0],
- p = h[1],
- N = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'sort', ''),
- V = N[0],
- S = N[1],
- I = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'descending', !1),
- L = I[0],
- w = I[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- mt: 0.2,
- placeholder: 'Search by item name..',
- width: '100%',
- onInput: (function () {
- function A(x, E) {
- return p(E);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: d ? 'list' : 'table-cells-large',
- height: 1.75,
- tooltip: d ? 'Toggle List Layout' : 'Toggle Grid Layout',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return C(!d);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '30%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- selected: 'Alphabetical',
- options: Object.keys(B),
- width: '100%',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function A(x) {
- return S(x);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: L ? 'arrow-down' : 'arrow-up',
- height: 1.75,
- tooltip: L ? 'Descending order' : 'Ascending order',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return w(!L);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- m = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = u.title,
- p = u.items,
- N = u.gridLayout,
- V = y(u, b);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Collapsible,
- Object.assign({ open: !0, title: v }, V, {
- children: p.map(function (S) {
- return N
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.ImageButton,
- {
- mb: 0.5,
- imageSize: 57.5,
- dmIcon: S.icon,
- dmIconState: S.icon_state,
- disabled: !h.has_id || h.id.points < S.price,
- tooltip: S.name,
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('purchase', { cat: v, name: S.name });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- children: S.price.toLocaleString('en-US'),
- },
- S.name
- )
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.ImageButton,
- {
- fluid: !0,
- mb: 0.5,
- imageSize: 32,
- dmIcon: S.icon,
- dmIconState: S.icon_state,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- translucent: !0,
- width: 3.75,
- disabled: !h.has_id || h.id.points < S.price,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('purchase', { cat: v, name: S.name });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- children: S.price.toLocaleString('en-US'),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { textAlign: 'left', children: S.name }),
- },
- S.name
- );
- }),
- })
- )
- );
- };
- },
- 59783: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NTRecruiter = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.NTRecruiter = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.gamestatus,
- m = i.cand_name,
- l = i.cand_birth,
- u = i.cand_age,
- s = i.cand_species,
- d = i.cand_planet,
- C = i.cand_job,
- h = i.cand_records,
- v = i.cand_curriculum,
- p = i.total_curriculums,
- N = i.reason;
- if (c === 0)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 550,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- pt: '45%',
- fontSize: '31px',
- color: 'white',
- textAlign: 'center',
- bold: !0,
- children: 'Nanotrasen Recruiter Simulator',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- pt: '1%',
- fontSize: '16px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Work as the Nanotrasen recruiter and avoid hiring incompetent employees!',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- lineHeight: 2,
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'play',
- color: 'green',
- content: 'Begin Shift',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return g('start_game');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- lineHeight: 2,
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'info',
- color: 'blue',
- content: 'Guide',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return g('instructions');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- if (c === 1)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 550,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- color: 'grey',
- title: 'Guide',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- content: 'Main Menu',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return g('back_to_menu');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '1#',
- color: 'silver',
- children: [
- 'To win this game you must hire/dismiss ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, p, 0),
- ' candidates, one wrongly made choice leads to a game over.',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '2#',
- color: 'silver',
- children:
- 'Make the right choice by truly putting yourself into the skin of a recruiter working for Nanotrasen!',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '3#',
- color: 'silver',
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Unique', 16),
- ' characters may appear, pay attention to them!',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '4#',
- color: 'silver',
- children:
- 'Make sure to pay attention to details like age, planet names, the requested job and even the species of the candidate!',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '5#',
- color: 'silver',
- children: [
- 'Not every employment record is good, remember to make your choice based on the ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'company morals', 16),
- '!',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '6#',
- color: 'silver',
- children:
- "The planet of origin has no restriction on the species of the candidate, don't think too much when you see humans that came from Boron!",
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '7#',
- color: 'silver',
- children: [
- 'Pay attention to ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'typos', 16),
- ' and ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'missing words', 16),
- ', these do make for bad applications!',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '8#',
- color: 'silver',
- children: [
- 'Remember, you are recruiting people to work at one of the many NT stations, so no hiring for',
- ' ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'jobs', 16),
- ' that they ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, "don't offer", 16),
- '!',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '9#',
- color: 'silver',
- children: [
- 'Keep your eyes open for incompatible ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'naming schemes', 16),
- ', no company wants a Vox named Joe!',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '10#',
- color: 'silver',
- children: [
- 'For some unknown reason ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'clowns', 16),
- ' are never denied by the company, no matter what.',
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- if (c === 2)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 550,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- color: 'label',
- fontSize: '14px',
- title: 'Employment Applications',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '24px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'silver',
- bold: !0,
- children: ['Candidate Number #', v],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Name',
- color: 'silver',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, m, 0),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Species',
- color: 'silver',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, s, 0),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Age',
- color: 'silver',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, u, 0),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Date of Birth',
- color: 'silver',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, l, 0),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Planet of Origin',
- color: 'silver',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, d, 0),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Requested Job',
- color: 'silver',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, C, 0),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Employment Records',
- color: 'silver',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, h, 0),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Stamp the application!',
- color: 'grey',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- color: 'red',
- content: 'Dismiss',
- fontSize: '150%',
- icon: 'ban',
- lineHeight: 4.5,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return g('dismiss');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- color: 'green',
- content: 'Hire',
- fontSize: '150%',
- icon: 'arrow-circle-up',
- lineHeight: 4.5,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return g('hire');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- if (c === 3)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 550,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- pt: '40%',
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- color: 'red',
- fontSize: '50px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'Game Over',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- fontSize: '15px',
- color: 'label',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: N,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- color: 'blue',
- fontSize: '20px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- pt: '10px',
- children: ['FINAL SCORE: ', v - 1, '/', p],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- lineHeight: 4,
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- content: 'Main Menu',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return g('back_to_menu');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 64713: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Newscaster = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(76910),
- b = n(98595),
- y = n(3939),
- B = n(22091),
- k = ['icon', 'iconSpin', 'selected', 'security', 'onClick', 'title', 'children'],
- g = ['name'];
- function i(I, L) {
- if (I == null) return {};
- var w = {};
- for (var A in I)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(I, A)) {
- if (L.includes(A)) continue;
- w[A] = I[A];
- }
- return w;
- }
- var c = 128,
- m = ['security', 'engineering', 'medical', 'science', 'service', 'supply'],
- l = {
- security: { title: 'Security', fluff_text: 'Help keep the crew safe' },
- engineering: { title: 'Engineering', fluff_text: 'Ensure the station runs smoothly' },
- medical: { title: 'Medical', fluff_text: 'Practice medicine and save lives' },
- science: { title: 'Science', fluff_text: 'Develop new technologies' },
- service: { title: 'Service', fluff_text: 'Provide amenities to the crew' },
- supply: { title: 'Supply', fluff_text: 'Keep the station supplied' },
- },
- u = (r.Newscaster = (function () {
- function I(L, w) {
- var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = E.is_security,
- D = E.is_admin,
- M = E.is_silent,
- R = E.is_printing,
- O = E.screen,
- F = E.channels,
- _ = E.channel_idx,
- U = _ === void 0 ? -1 : _,
- z = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'menuOpen', !1),
- $ = z[0],
- G = z[1],
- X = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
- J = X[0],
- se = X[1],
- ie = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'censorMode', !1),
- me = ie[0],
- q = ie[1],
- re;
- O === 0 || O === 2
- ? (re = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d))
- : O === 1 && (re = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C));
- var ae = F.reduce(function (le, Z) {
- return le + Z.unread;
- }, 0);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- theme: P && 'security',
- width: 800,
- height: 600,
- children: [
- J
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, p)
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.ComplexModal, {
- maxWidth: window.innerWidth / 1.5 + 'px',
- maxHeight: window.innerHeight / 1.5 + 'px',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- className: (0, a.classes)(['Newscaster__menu', $ && 'Newscaster__menu--open']),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- icon: 'bars',
- title: 'Toggle Menu',
- onClick: (function () {
- function le() {
- return G(!$);
- }
- return le;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- icon: 'newspaper',
- title: 'Headlines',
- selected: O === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function le() {
- return x('headlines');
- }
- return le;
- })(),
- children:
- ae > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'Newscaster__menuButton--unread',
- children: ae >= 10 ? '9+' : ae,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- icon: 'briefcase',
- title: 'Job Openings',
- selected: O === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function le() {
- return x('jobs');
- }
- return le;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: F.map(function (le) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- s,
- {
- icon: le.icon,
- title: le.name,
- selected: O === 2 && F[U - 1] === le,
- onClick: (function () {
- function Z() {
- return x('channel', { uid: le.uid });
- }
- return Z;
- })(),
- children:
- le.unread > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'Newscaster__menuButton--unread',
- children: le.unread >= 10 ? '9+' : le.unread,
- }),
- },
- le
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
- (!!P || !!D) &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- security: !0,
- icon: 'exclamation-circle',
- title: 'Edit Wanted Notice',
- mb: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function le() {
- return (0, y.modalOpen)(w, 'wanted_notice');
- }
- return le;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- security: !0,
- icon: me ? 'minus-square' : 'minus-square-o',
- title: 'Censor Mode: ' + (me ? 'On' : 'Off'),
- mb: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function le() {
- return q(!me);
- }
- return le;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- icon: 'pen-alt',
- title: 'New Story',
- mb: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function le() {
- return (0, y.modalOpen)(w, 'create_story');
- }
- return le;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- icon: 'plus-circle',
- title: 'New Channel',
- onClick: (function () {
- function le() {
- return (0, y.modalOpen)(w, 'create_channel');
- }
- return le;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- icon: R ? 'spinner' : 'print',
- iconSpin: R,
- title: R ? 'Printing...' : 'Print Newspaper',
- onClick: (function () {
- function le() {
- return x('print_newspaper');
- }
- return le;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, {
- icon: M ? 'volume-mute' : 'volume-up',
- title: 'Mute: ' + (M ? 'On' : 'Off'),
- onClick: (function () {
- function le() {
- return x('toggle_mute');
- }
- return le;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- width: '100%',
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.TemporaryNotice), re],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return I;
- })()),
- s = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = L.icon,
- P = E === void 0 ? '' : E,
- D = L.iconSpin,
- M = L.selected,
- R = M === void 0 ? !1 : M,
- O = L.security,
- F = O === void 0 ? !1 : O,
- _ = L.onClick,
- U = L.title,
- z = L.children,
- $ = i(L, k);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- Object.assign(
- {
- className: (0, a.classes)([
- 'Newscaster__menuButton',
- R && 'Newscaster__menuButton--selected',
- F && 'Newscaster__menuButton--security',
- ]),
- onClick: _,
- },
- $,
- {
- children: [
- R &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { className: 'Newscaster__menuButton--selectedBar' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: P, spin: D, size: '2' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'Newscaster__menuButton--title',
- children: U,
- }),
- z,
- ],
- }
- )
- )
- );
- },
- d = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = E.screen,
- D = E.is_admin,
- M = E.channel_idx,
- R = E.channel_can_manage,
- O = E.channels,
- F = E.stories,
- _ = E.wanted,
- U = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'fullStories', []),
- z = U[0],
- $ = U[1],
- G = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'censorMode', !1),
- X = G[0],
- J = G[1],
- se = P === 2 && M > -1 ? O[M - 1] : null;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- !!_ && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, { story: _, wanted: !0 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: se ? se.icon : 'newspaper', mr: '0.5rem' }),
- se ? se.name : 'Headlines',
- ],
- 0
- ),
- children:
- F.length > 0
- ? F.slice()
- .reverse()
- .map(function (ie) {
- return !z.includes(ie.uid) && ie.body.length + 3 > c
- ? Object.assign({}, ie, { body_short: ie.body.substr(0, c - 4) + '...' })
- : ie;
- })
- .map(function (ie, me) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, { story: ie }, me);
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'Newscaster__emptyNotice',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'times', size: '3' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'There are no stories at this time.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !!se &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- height: '40%',
- title: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'info-circle', mr: '0.5rem' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('About'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- X &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: !!se.admin && !D,
- selected: se.censored,
- icon: se.censored ? 'comment-slash' : 'comment',
- content: se.censored ? 'Uncensor Channel' : 'Censor Channel',
- mr: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function ie() {
- return x('censor_channel', { uid: se.uid });
- }
- return ie;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: !R,
- icon: 'cog',
- content: 'Manage',
- onClick: (function () {
- function ie() {
- return (0, y.modalOpen)(w, 'manage_channel', { uid: se.uid });
- }
- return ie;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Description',
- children: se.description || 'N/A',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Owner',
- children: se.author || 'N/A',
- }),
- !!D &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Ckey',
- children: se.author_ckey,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Public',
- children: se.public ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Total Views',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'eye', mr: '0.5rem' }),
- F.reduce(function (ie, me) {
- return ie + me.view_count;
- }, 0).toLocaleString(),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- C = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = E.jobs,
- D = E.wanted,
- M = Object.entries(P).reduce(function (R, O) {
- var F = O[0],
- _ = O[1];
- return R + _.length;
- }, 0);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- !!D && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h, { story: D, wanted: !0 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'briefcase', mr: '0.5rem' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Job Openings'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mt: '0.25rem',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Work for a better future at Nanotrasen',
- }),
- children:
- M > 0
- ? m
- .map(function (R) {
- return Object.assign({}, l[R], { id: R, jobs: P[R] });
- })
- .filter(function (R) {
- return !!R && R.jobs.length > 0;
- })
- .map(function (R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- {
- className: (0, a.classes)([
- 'Newscaster__jobCategory',
- 'Newscaster__jobCategory--' + R.id,
- ]),
- title: R.title,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mt: '0.25rem',
- color: 'label',
- children: R.fluff_text,
- }),
- children: R.jobs.map(function (O) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- {
- class: (0, a.classes)([
- 'Newscaster__jobOpening',
- !!O.is_command && 'Newscaster__jobOpening--command',
- ]),
- children: ['\u2022 ', O.title],
- },
- O.title
- );
- }),
- },
- R.id
- );
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'Newscaster__emptyNotice',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'times', size: '3' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'There are no openings at this time.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- height: '17%',
- children: [
- 'Interested in serving Nanotrasen?',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Sign up for any of the above position now at the ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, "Head of Personnel's Office!", 16),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'small',
- color: 'label',
- children:
- 'By signing up for a job at Nanotrasen, you agree to transfer your soul to the loyalty department of the omnipresent and helpful watcher of humanity.',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- h = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = L.story,
- D = L.wanted,
- M = D === void 0 ? !1 : D,
- R = E.is_admin,
- O = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'fullStories', []),
- F = O[0],
- _ = O[1],
- U = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'censorMode', !1),
- z = U[0],
- $ = U[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- className: (0, a.classes)(['Newscaster__story', M && 'Newscaster__story--wanted']),
- title: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- M && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-circle', mr: '0.5rem' }),
- (P.censor_flags & 2 && '[REDACTED]') || P.title || 'News from ' + P.author,
- ],
- 0
- ),
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mt: '0.25rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- !M &&
- z &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- enabled: P.censor_flags & 2,
- icon: P.censor_flags & 2 ? 'comment-slash' : 'comment',
- content: P.censor_flags & 2 ? 'Uncensor' : 'Censor',
- mr: '0.5rem',
- mt: '-0.25rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return x('censor_story', { uid: P.uid });
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'user' }),
- ' ',
- P.author,
- ' |\xA0',
- !!R &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [(0, e.createTextVNode)('ckey: '), P.author_ckey, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' |\xA0')],
- 0
- ),
- !M &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'eye' }),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- P.view_count.toLocaleString(),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' |\xA0'),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'clock' }),
- ' ',
- (0, f.timeAgo)(P.publish_time, E.world_time),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children:
- P.censor_flags & 2
- ? '[REDACTED]'
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- !!P.has_photo &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
- name: 'story_photo_' + P.uid + '.png',
- float: 'right',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- }),
- (P.body_short || P.body).split('\n').map(function (G, X) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- { children: G || (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br') },
- X
- );
- }),
- P.body_short &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Read more..',
- mt: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return _([].concat(F, [P.uid]));
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { clear: 'right' }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- }),
- });
- },
- v = function (L, w) {
- var A = L.name,
- x = i(L, g),
- E = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1];
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- Object.assign(
- {
- as: 'img',
- className: 'Newscaster__photo',
- src: A,
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return D(A);
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- },
- x
- )
- )
- );
- },
- p = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'viewingPhoto', ''),
- x = A[0],
- E = A[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Modal, {
- className: 'Newscaster__photoZoom',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { as: 'img', src: x }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Close',
- color: 'grey',
- mt: '1rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return E('');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- N = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P =
- !!L.args.uid &&
- E.channels
- .filter(function (te) {
- return te.uid === L.args.uid;
- })
- .pop();
- if (L.id === 'manage_channel' && !P) {
- (0, y.modalClose)(w);
- return;
- }
- var D = L.id === 'manage_channel',
- M = !!L.args.is_admin,
- R = L.args.scanned_user,
- O = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'author', (P == null ? void 0 : P.author) || R || 'Unknown'),
- F = O[0],
- _ = O[1],
- U = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'name', (P == null ? void 0 : P.name) || ''),
- z = U[0],
- $ = U[1],
- G = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'description', (P == null ? void 0 : P.description) || ''),
- X = G[0],
- J = G[1],
- se = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'icon', (P == null ? void 0 : P.icon) || 'newspaper'),
- ie = se[0],
- me = se[1],
- q = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'isPublic', D ? !!(P != null && P.public) : !1),
- re = q[0],
- ae = q[1],
- le = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'adminLocked', (P == null ? void 0 : P.admin) === 1 || !1),
- Z = le[0],
- ne = le[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- m: '-1rem',
- pb: '1.5rem',
- title: D ? 'Manage ' + P.name : 'Create New Channel',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mx: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Owner',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- disabled: !M,
- width: '100%',
- value: F,
- onInput: (function () {
- function te(fe, pe) {
- return _(pe);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Name',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- width: '100%',
- placeholder: '50 characters max.',
- maxLength: '50',
- value: z,
- onInput: (function () {
- function te(fe, pe) {
- return $(pe);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Description (optional)',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- multiline: !0,
- width: '100%',
- placeholder: '128 characters max.',
- maxLength: '128',
- value: X,
- onInput: (function () {
- function te(fe, pe) {
- return J(pe);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Icon',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- disabled: !M,
- value: ie,
- width: '35%',
- mr: '0.5rem',
- onInput: (function () {
- function te(fe, pe) {
- return me(pe);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- name: ie,
- size: '2',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- mr: '0.5rem',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Accept Public Stories?',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: re,
- icon: re ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: re ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- onClick: (function () {
- function te() {
- return ae(!re);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- M &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'CentComm Lock',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: Z,
- icon: Z ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
- content: Z ? 'On' : 'Off',
- tooltip: 'Locking this channel will make it editable by nobody but CentComm officers.',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- onClick: (function () {
- function te() {
- return ne(!Z);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- disabled: F.trim().length === 0 || z.trim().length === 0,
- icon: 'check',
- color: 'good',
- content: 'Submit',
- position: 'absolute',
- right: '1rem',
- bottom: '-0.75rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function te() {
- (0, y.modalAnswer)(w, L.id, '', {
- author: F,
- name: z.substr(0, 49),
- description: X.substr(0, 128),
- icon: ie,
- public: re ? 1 : 0,
- admin_locked: Z ? 1 : 0,
- });
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- V = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = E.photo,
- D = E.channels,
- M = E.channel_idx,
- R = M === void 0 ? -1 : M,
- O = !!L.args.is_admin,
- F = L.args.scanned_user,
- _ = D.slice()
- .sort(function (te, fe) {
- if (R < 0) return 0;
- var pe = D[R - 1];
- if (pe.uid === te.uid) return -1;
- if (pe.uid === fe.uid) return 1;
- })
- .filter(function (te) {
- return O || (!te.frozen && (te.author === F || !!te.public));
- }),
- U = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'author', F || 'Unknown'),
- z = U[0],
- $ = U[1],
- G = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'channel', _.length > 0 ? _[0].name : ''),
- X = G[0],
- J = G[1],
- se = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'title', ''),
- ie = se[0],
- me = se[1],
- q = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'body', ''),
- re = q[0],
- ae = q[1],
- le = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'adminLocked', !1),
- Z = le[0],
- ne = le[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- m: '-1rem',
- pb: '1.5rem',
- title: 'Create New Story',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mx: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Author',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- disabled: !O,
- width: '100%',
- value: z,
- onInput: (function () {
- function te(fe, pe) {
- return $(pe);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Channel',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- selected: X,
- options: _.map(function (te) {
- return te.name;
- }),
- mb: '0',
- width: '100%',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function te(fe) {
- return J(fe);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Title',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- width: '100%',
- placeholder: '128 characters max.',
- maxLength: '128',
- value: ie,
- onInput: (function () {
- function te(fe, pe) {
- return me(pe);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Story Text',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- multiline: !0,
- placeholder: '1024 characters max.',
- maxLength: '1024',
- rows: '8',
- width: '100%',
- value: re,
- onInput: (function () {
- function te(fe, pe) {
- return ae(pe);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Photo (optional)',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'image',
- selected: P,
- content: P ? 'Eject: ' + P.name : 'Insert Photo',
- tooltip: !P && 'Attach a photo to this story by holding the photograph in your hand.',
- onClick: (function () {
- function te() {
- return x(P ? 'eject_photo' : 'attach_photo');
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Preview',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- noTopPadding: !0,
- title: ie,
- maxHeight: '13.5rem',
- overflow: 'auto',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mt: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- !!P &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
- name: 'inserted_photo_' + P.uid + '.png',
- float: 'right',
- }),
- re.split('\n').map(function (te, fe) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- { children: te || (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br') },
- fe
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { clear: 'right' }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- O &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'CentComm Lock',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: Z,
- icon: Z ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
- content: Z ? 'On' : 'Off',
- tooltip: 'Locking this story will make it censorable by nobody but CentComm officers.',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- onClick: (function () {
- function te() {
- return ne(!Z);
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- disabled:
- z.trim().length === 0 ||
- X.trim().length === 0 ||
- ie.trim().length === 0 ||
- re.trim().length === 0,
- icon: 'check',
- color: 'good',
- content: 'Submit',
- position: 'absolute',
- right: '1rem',
- bottom: '-0.75rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function te() {
- (0, y.modalAnswer)(w, 'create_story', '', {
- author: z,
- channel: X,
- title: ie.substr(0, 127),
- body: re.substr(0, 1023),
- admin_locked: Z ? 1 : 0,
- });
- }
- return te;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- S = function (L, w) {
- var A = (0, t.useBackend)(w),
- x = A.act,
- E = A.data,
- P = E.photo,
- D = E.wanted,
- M = !!L.args.is_admin,
- R = L.args.scanned_user,
- O = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'author', (D == null ? void 0 : D.author) || R || 'Unknown'),
- F = O[0],
- _ = O[1],
- U = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'name', (D == null ? void 0 : D.title.substr(8)) || ''),
- z = U[0],
- $ = U[1],
- G = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'description', (D == null ? void 0 : D.body) || ''),
- X = G[0],
- J = G[1],
- se = (0, t.useLocalState)(w, 'adminLocked', (D == null ? void 0 : D.admin_locked) === 1 || !1),
- ie = se[0],
- me = se[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- m: '-1rem',
- pb: '1.5rem',
- title: 'Manage Wanted Notice',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mx: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Authority',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- disabled: !M,
- width: '100%',
- value: F,
- onInput: (function () {
- function q(re, ae) {
- return _(ae);
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Name',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- width: '100%',
- value: z,
- maxLength: '128',
- onInput: (function () {
- function q(re, ae) {
- return $(ae);
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Description',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- multiline: !0,
- width: '100%',
- value: X,
- maxLength: '512',
- rows: '4',
- onInput: (function () {
- function q(re, ae) {
- return J(ae);
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Photo (optional)',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'image',
- selected: P,
- content: P ? 'Eject: ' + P.name : 'Insert Photo',
- tooltip:
- !P && 'Attach a photo to this wanted notice by holding the photograph in your hand.',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- onClick: (function () {
- function q() {
- return x(P ? 'eject_photo' : 'attach_photo');
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- }),
- !!P &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v, {
- name: 'inserted_photo_' + P.uid + '.png',
- float: 'right',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- M &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'CentComm Lock',
- verticalAlign: 'top',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: ie,
- icon: ie ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
- content: ie ? 'On' : 'Off',
- tooltip:
- 'Locking this wanted notice will make it editable by nobody but CentComm officers.',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- onClick: (function () {
- function q() {
- return me(!ie);
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- disabled: !D,
- icon: 'eraser',
- color: 'danger',
- content: 'Clear',
- position: 'absolute',
- right: '7.25rem',
- bottom: '-0.75rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function q() {
- x('clear_wanted_notice'), (0, y.modalClose)(w);
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- disabled: F.trim().length === 0 || z.trim().length === 0 || X.trim().length === 0,
- icon: 'check',
- color: 'good',
- content: 'Submit',
- position: 'absolute',
- right: '1rem',
- bottom: '-0.75rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function q() {
- (0, y.modalAnswer)(w, L.id, '', {
- author: F,
- name: z.substr(0, 127),
- description: X.substr(0, 511),
- admin_locked: ie ? 1 : 0,
- });
- }
- return q;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- (0, y.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('create_channel', N),
- (0, y.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('manage_channel', N),
- (0, y.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('create_story', V),
- (0, y.modalRegisterBodyOverride)('wanted_notice', S);
- },
- 48286: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Noticeboard = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.Noticeboard = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, t.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.papers;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 300,
- theme: 'noticeboard',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: m.map(function (l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Stack.Item,
- {
- align: 'center',
- width: '22.45%',
- height: '85%',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return i('interact', { paper: l.ref });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- onContextMenu: (function () {
- function u(s) {
- s.preventDefault(), i('showFull', { paper: l.ref });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- fontSize: 0.75,
- title: l.name,
- children: (0, a.decodeHtmlEntities)(l.contents),
- }),
- },
- l.ref
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 41166: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NuclearBomb = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.NuclearBomb = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data;
- return i.extended
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 290,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Authorization',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Auth Disk',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: i.authdisk ? 'eject' : 'id-card',
- selected: i.authdisk,
- content: i.diskname ? i.diskname : '-----',
- tooltip: i.authdisk ? 'Eject Disk' : 'Insert Disk',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('auth');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Auth Code',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'key',
- disabled: !i.authdisk,
- selected: i.authcode,
- content: i.codemsg,
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('code');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Arming & Disarming',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Bolted to floor',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: i.anchored ? 'check' : 'times',
- selected: i.anchored,
- disabled: !i.authdisk,
- content: i.anchored ? 'YES' : 'NO',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('toggle_anchor');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Time Left',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'stopwatch',
- content: i.time,
- disabled: !i.authfull,
- tooltip: 'Set Timer',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('set_time');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Safety',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: i.safety ? 'check' : 'times',
- selected: i.safety,
- disabled: !i.authfull,
- content: i.safety ? 'ON' : 'OFF',
- tooltip: i.safety ? 'Disable Safety' : 'Enable Safety',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('toggle_safety');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Arm/Disarm',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: (i.timer, 'bomb'),
- disabled: i.safety || !i.authfull,
- color: 'red',
- content: i.timer ? 'DISARM THE NUKE' : 'ARM THE NUKE',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('toggle_armed');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 115,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Deployment',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
- content: 'Deploy Nuclear Device (will bolt device to floor)',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('deploy');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 52416: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.NumberInputModal = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(51057),
- t = n(19203),
- o = n(92986),
- f = n(72253),
- b = n(36036),
- y = n(98595),
- B = (r.NumberInputModal = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = (0, f.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.init_value,
- d = u.large_buttons,
- C = u.message,
- h = C === void 0 ? '' : C,
- v = u.timeout,
- p = u.title,
- N = (0, f.useLocalState)(c, 'input', s),
- V = N[0],
- S = N[1],
- I = (function () {
- function A(x) {
- x !== V && S(x);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- L = (function () {
- function A(x) {
- x !== V && S(x);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- w = 140 + Math.max(Math.ceil(h.length / 3), h.length > 0 && d ? 5 : 0);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
- title: p,
- width: 270,
- height: w,
- children: [
- v && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: v }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function A(x) {
- var E = window.event ? x.which : x.keyCode;
- E === o.KEY_ENTER && l('submit', { entry: V }), E === o.KEY_ESCAPE && l('cancel');
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, { color: 'label', children: h }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { input: V, onClick: L, onChange: I }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.InputButtons, { input: V }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- k = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, f.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.min_value,
- d = u.max_value,
- C = u.init_value,
- h = u.round_value,
- v = i.input,
- p = i.onClick,
- N = i.onChange,
- V = Math.round(v !== s ? Math.max(v / 2, s) : d / 2),
- S = (v === s && s > 0) || v === 1;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- disabled: v === s,
- icon: 'angle-double-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return p(s);
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- tooltip: v === s ? 'Min' : 'Min (' + s + ')',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.RestrictedInput, {
- autoFocus: !0,
- autoSelect: !0,
- fluid: !0,
- allowFloats: !h,
- minValue: s,
- maxValue: d,
- onChange: (function () {
- function I(L, w) {
- return N(w);
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- onEnter: (function () {
- function I(L, w) {
- return l('submit', { entry: w });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- value: v,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- disabled: v === d,
- icon: 'angle-double-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return p(d);
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- tooltip: v === d ? 'Max' : 'Max (' + d + ')',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- disabled: S,
- icon: 'divide',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return p(V);
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- tooltip: S ? 'Split' : 'Split (' + V + ')',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- disabled: v === C,
- icon: 'redo',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return p(C);
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- tooltip: C ? 'Reset (' + C + ')' : 'Reset',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 1218: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.OperatingComputer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(36036),
- b = [
- ['good', 'Conscious'],
- ['average', 'Unconscious'],
- ['bad', 'DEAD'],
- ],
- y = [
- ['Resp.', 'oxyLoss'],
- ['Toxin', 'toxLoss'],
- ['Brute', 'bruteLoss'],
- ['Burn', 'fireLoss'],
- ],
- B = { average: [0.25, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- k = ['bad', 'average', 'average', 'good', 'average', 'average', 'bad'],
- g = (r.OperatingComputer = (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.hasOccupant,
- p = h.choice,
- N;
- return (
- p
- ? (N = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m))
- : (N = v ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c)),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 650,
- height: 455,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: !p,
- icon: 'user',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return C('choiceOff');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: 'Patient',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: !!p,
- icon: 'cog',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return C('choiceOn');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: 'Options',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: N,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- i = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.data,
- h = C.occupant,
- v = h.activeSurgeries;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Patient',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: h.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- color: b[h.stat][0],
- children: b[h.stat][1],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: h.maxHealth,
- value: h.health / h.maxHealth,
- ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
- }),
- }),
- y.map(function (p, N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: p[0] + ' Damage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.ProgressBar,
- {
- min: '0',
- max: '100',
- value: h[p[1]] / 100,
- ranges: B,
- children: (0, a.round)(h[p[1]]),
- },
- N
- ),
- },
- N
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Temperature',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: h.maxTemp,
- value: h.bodyTemperature / h.maxTemp,
- color: k[h.temperatureSuitability + 3],
- children: [(0, a.round)(h.btCelsius), '\xB0C, ', (0, a.round)(h.btFaren), '\xB0F'],
- }),
- }),
- !!h.hasBlood &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Blood Level',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: h.bloodMax,
- value: h.bloodLevel / h.bloodMax,
- ranges: { bad: [-1 / 0, 0.6], average: [0.6, 0.9], good: [0.6, 1 / 0] },
- children: [h.bloodPercent, '%, ', h.bloodLevel, 'cl'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pulse',
- children: [h.pulse, ' BPM'],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- title: 'Active surgeries',
- level: '2',
- children:
- h.inSurgery && v
- ? v.map(function (p, N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Section,
- {
- style: { textTransform: 'capitalize' },
- title: p.name + ' (' + p.location + ')',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.LabeledList,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.LabeledList.Item,
- { label: 'Next Step', children: p.step },
- N
- ),
- },
- N
- ),
- },
- N
- );
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: 'No procedure ongoing.',
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- c = function () {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- align: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No patient detected.',
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- m = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.verbose,
- p = h.health,
- N = h.healthAlarm,
- V = h.oxy,
- S = h.oxyAlarm,
- I = h.crit;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Loudspeaker',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- selected: v,
- icon: v ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: v ? 'On' : 'Off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C(v ? 'verboseOff' : 'verboseOn');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health Announcer',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- selected: p,
- icon: p ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: p ? 'On' : 'Off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C(p ? 'healthOff' : 'healthOn');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health Announcer Threshold',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Knob, {
- bipolar: !0,
- minValue: -100,
- maxValue: 100,
- value: N,
- stepPixelSize: 5,
- ml: '0',
- onChange: (function () {
- function L(w, A) {
- return C('health_adj', { new: A });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Oxygen Alarm',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- selected: V,
- icon: V ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: V ? 'On' : 'Off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C(V ? 'oxyOff' : 'oxyOn');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Oxygen Alarm Threshold',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Knob, {
- bipolar: !0,
- minValue: -100,
- maxValue: 100,
- value: S,
- stepPixelSize: 5,
- ml: '0',
- onChange: (function () {
- function L(w, A) {
- return C('oxy_adj', { new: A });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Critical Alert',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- selected: I,
- icon: I ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: I ? 'On' : 'Off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C(I ? 'critOff' : 'critOn');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 46892: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Orbit = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = n(35840);
- function y(d, C) {
- var h = (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && d[Symbol.iterator]) || d['@@iterator'];
- if (h) return (h = h.call(d)).next.bind(h);
- if (Array.isArray(d) || (h = B(d)) || (C && d && typeof d.length == 'number')) {
- h && (d = h);
- var v = 0;
- return function () {
- return v >= d.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: d[v++] };
- };
- }
- throw new TypeError(
- 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
- );
- }
- function B(d, C) {
- if (d) {
- if (typeof d == 'string') return k(d, C);
- var h = {}.toString.call(d).slice(8, -1);
- return (
- h === 'Object' && d.constructor && (h = d.constructor.name),
- h === 'Map' || h === 'Set'
- ? Array.from(d)
- : h === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(h)
- ? k(d, C)
- : void 0
- );
- }
- }
- function k(d, C) {
- (C == null || C > d.length) && (C = d.length);
- for (var h = 0, v = Array(C); h < C; h++) v[h] = d[h];
- return v;
- }
- var g = / \(([0-9]+)\)$/,
- i = function (C) {
- return (0, a.createSearch)(C, function (h) {
- return h.name + (h.assigned_role !== null ? '|' + h.assigned_role : '');
- });
- },
- c = function (C, h) {
- return C < h ? -1 : C > h;
- },
- m = function (C, h) {
- var v = C.name,
- p = h.name;
- if (!v || !p) return 0;
- var N = v.match(g),
- V = p.match(g);
- if (N && V && v.replace(g, '') === p.replace(g, '')) {
- var S = parseInt(N[1], 10),
- I = parseInt(V[1], 10);
- return S - I;
- }
- return c(v, p);
- },
- l = function (C, h) {
- var v = C.searchText,
- p = C.source,
- N = C.title,
- V = C.color,
- S = C.sorted,
- I = p.filter(i(v));
- return (
- S && I.sort(m),
- p.length > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: N + ' - (' + p.length + ')',
- children: I.map(function (L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { thing: L, color: V }, L.name);
- }),
- })
- );
- },
- u = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = C.color,
- V = C.thing;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: N,
- tooltip: V.assigned_role
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- as: 'img',
- mr: '0.5em',
- className: (0, b.classes)(['job_icons16x16', V.assigned_role_sprite]),
- }),
- ' ',
- V.assigned_role,
- ],
- })
- : '',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return p('orbit', { ref: V.ref });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- children: [
- V.name,
- V.orbiters &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- ml: 1,
- children: ['(', V.orbiters, ' ', (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'eye' }), ')'],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- s = (r.Orbit = (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- for (
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.alive,
- S = N.antagonists,
- I = N.highlights,
- L = N.response_teams,
- w = N.tourist,
- A = N.auto_observe,
- x = N.dead,
- E = N.ssd,
- P = N.ghosts,
- D = N.misc,
- M = N.npcs,
- R = (0, t.useLocalState)(h, 'searchText', ''),
- O = R[0],
- F = R[1],
- _ = {},
- U = y(S),
- z;
- !(z = U()).done;
- ) {
- var $ = z.value;
- _[$.antag] === void 0 && (_[$.antag] = []), _[$.antag].push($);
- }
- var G = Object.entries(_);
- G.sort(function (J, se) {
- return c(J[0], se[0]);
- });
- var X = (function () {
- function J(se) {
- for (
- var ie = 0,
- me = [
- G.map(function (ae) {
- var le = ae[0],
- Z = ae[1];
- return Z;
- }),
- w,
- I,
- V,
- P,
- E,
- x,
- M,
- D,
- ];
- ie < me.length;
- ie++
- ) {
- var q = me[ie],
- re = q.filter(i(se)).sort(m)[0];
- if (re !== void 0) {
- p('orbit', { ref: re.ref });
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return J;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 700,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'search' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Search...',
- autoFocus: !0,
- fluid: !0,
- value: O,
- onInput: (function () {
- function J(se, ie) {
- return F(ie);
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- onEnter: (function () {
- function J(se, ie) {
- return X(ie);
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider, { vertical: !0 }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- inline: !0,
- color: 'transparent',
- tooltip: 'Refresh',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- icon: 'sync-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function J() {
- return p('refresh');
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- S.length > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Antagonists',
- children: G.map(function (J) {
- var se = J[0],
- ie = J[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- {
- title: se + ' - (' + ie.length + ')',
- level: 2,
- children: ie
- .filter(i(O))
- .sort(m)
- .map(function (me) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { color: 'bad', thing: me }, me.name);
- }),
- },
- se
- );
- }),
- }),
- I.length > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, {
- title: 'Highlights',
- source: I,
- searchText: O,
- color: 'teal',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, {
- title: 'Response Teams',
- source: L,
- searchText: O,
- color: 'purple',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, {
- title: 'Tourists',
- source: w,
- searchText: O,
- color: 'violet',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { title: 'Alive', source: V, searchText: O, color: 'good' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { title: 'Ghosts', source: P, searchText: O, color: 'grey' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { title: 'SSD', source: E, searchText: O, color: 'grey' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { title: 'Dead', source: x, searchText: O, sorted: !1 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { title: 'NPCs', source: M, searchText: O, sorted: !1 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { title: 'Misc', source: D, searchText: O, sorted: !1 }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return d;
- })());
- },
- 15421: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.OreRedemption = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = n(9394);
- function y(d) {
- if (d == null) throw new TypeError('Cannot destructure ' + d);
- }
- var B = (0, b.createLogger)('OreRedemption'),
- k = function (C) {
- return C.toLocaleString('en-US') + ' pts';
- },
- g = (r.OreRedemption = (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 490,
- height: 750,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { height: '100%' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- i = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.id,
- S = N.points,
- I = N.disk,
- L = Object.assign({}, (y(C), C));
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- Object.assign({}, L, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-triangle', mr: '0.5rem' }),
- 'This machine only accepts ore. Gibtonite is not accepted.',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Unclaimed Points',
- color: S > 0 ? 'good' : 'grey',
- bold: S > 0 && 'good',
- children: k(S),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
- I
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Design disk',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: !0,
- bold: !0,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: I.name,
- tooltip: 'Ejects the design disk.',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return p('eject_disk');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: !I.design || !I.compatible,
- icon: 'upload',
- content: 'Download',
- tooltip: 'Downloads the design on the disk into the machine.',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return p('download');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Stored design',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: I.design && (I.compatible ? 'good' : 'bad'),
- children: I.design || 'N/A',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- children: 'No design disk inserted.',
- }),
- ],
- })
- )
- );
- },
- c = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.sheets,
- S = Object.assign({}, (y(C), C));
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- height: '20%',
- children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- Object.assign({ fill: !0, scrollable: !0, className: 'OreRedemption__Ores', p: '0' }, S, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, {
- title: 'Sheets',
- columns: [
- ['Available', '25%'],
- ['Ore Value', '15%'],
- ['Smelt', '20%'],
- ],
- }),
- V.map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { ore: I }, I.id);
- }),
- ],
- })
- )
- ),
- });
- },
- m = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.alloys,
- S = Object.assign({}, (y(C), C));
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Section,
- Object.assign({ fill: !0, scrollable: !0, className: 'OreRedemption__Ores', p: '0' }, S, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, {
- title: 'Alloys',
- columns: [
- ['Recipe', '50%'],
- ['Available', '11%'],
- ['Smelt', '20%'],
- ],
- }),
- V.map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { ore: I }, I.id);
- }),
- ],
- })
- )
- ),
- });
- },
- l = function (C, h) {
- var v;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'OreHeader',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: C.title }),
- (v = C.columns) == null
- ? void 0
- : v.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Stack.Item,
- { basis: p[1], textAlign: 'center', color: 'label', bold: !0, children: p[0] },
- p
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- u = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = C.ore;
- if (!(N.value && N.amount <= 0 && !(['metal', 'glass'].indexOf(N.id) > -1)))
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'SheetLine',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '45%',
- align: 'middle',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- className: (0, a.classes)(['materials32x32', N.id]),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { children: N.name }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '20%',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: N.amount >= 1 ? 'good' : 'gray',
- bold: N.amount >= 1,
- align: 'center',
- children: N.amount.toLocaleString('en-US'),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '20%',
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- children: N.value,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '20%',
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- lineHeight: '32px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- width: '40%',
- value: 0,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: Math.min(N.amount, 50),
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- onChange: (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- return p(N.value ? 'sheet' : 'alloy', { id: N.id, amount: I });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- s = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = C.ore;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'SheetLine',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '7%',
- align: 'middle',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: (0, a.classes)(['alloys32x32', N.id]),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '30%',
- textAlign: 'middle',
- align: 'center',
- children: N.name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '35%',
- textAlign: 'middle',
- color: N.amount >= 1 ? 'good' : 'gray',
- align: 'center',
- children: N.description,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '10%',
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: N.amount >= 1 ? 'good' : 'gray',
- bold: N.amount >= 1,
- align: 'center',
- children: N.amount.toLocaleString('en-US'),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '20%',
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- lineHeight: '32px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- width: '40%',
- value: 0,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: Math.min(N.amount, 50),
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- onChange: (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- return p(N.value ? 'sheet' : 'alloy', { id: N.id, amount: I });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 52754: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PAI = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(71253),
- b = n(70752),
- y = function (g) {
- var i;
- try {
- i = b('./' + g + '.js');
- } catch (m) {
- if (m.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') return (0, f.routingError)('notFound', g);
- throw m;
- }
- var c = i[g];
- return c || (0, f.routingError)('missingExport', g);
- },
- B = (r.PAI = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.app_template,
- s = l.app_icon,
- d = l.app_title,
- C = y(u);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 650,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- p: 1,
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: s, mr: 1 }),
- d,
- u !== 'pai_main_menu' &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- ml: 2,
- mb: 0,
- content: 'Back',
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('Back');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Home',
- icon: 'arrow-up',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('MASTER_back');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })());
- },
- 85175: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PDA = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(71253),
- b = n(59395),
- y = function (c) {
- var m;
- try {
- m = b('./' + c + '.js');
- } catch (u) {
- if (u.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') return (0, f.routingError)('notFound', c);
- throw u;
- }
- var l = m[c];
- return l || (0, f.routingError)('missingExport', c);
- },
- B = (r.PDA = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.app,
- C = s.owner;
- if (!C)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 105,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Error',
- children: 'No user data found. Please swipe an ID card.',
- }),
- }),
- });
- var h = y(d.template);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 650,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- p: 1,
- pb: 0,
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: d.icon, mr: 1 }), d.name],
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mt: 7.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.idInserted,
- C = s.idLink,
- h = s.stationTime,
- v = s.cartridge_name;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- ml: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'id-card',
- color: 'transparent',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return u('Authenticate');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- content: d ? C : 'No ID Inserted',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sd-card',
- color: 'transparent',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return u('Eject');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- content: v ? ['Eject ' + v] : 'No Cartridge Inserted',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'right',
- bold: !0,
- mr: 1,
- mt: 0.5,
- children: h,
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- g = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.app;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- height: '45px',
- className: 'PDA__footer',
- backgroundColor: '#1b1b1b',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- !!d.has_back &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '33%',
- mr: -0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- className: 'PDA__footer__button',
- color: 'transparent',
- iconColor: d.has_back ? 'white' : 'disabled',
- icon: 'arrow-alt-circle-left-o',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return u('Back');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- basis: d.has_back ? '33%' : '100%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- className: 'PDA__footer__button',
- color: 'transparent',
- iconColor: d.is_home ? 'disabled' : 'white',
- icon: 'home',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- u('Home');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 68654: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Pacman = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(49968),
- b = (r.Pacman = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.active,
- l = c.anchored,
- u = c.broken,
- s = c.emagged,
- d = c.fuel_type,
- C = c.fuel_usage,
- h = c.fuel_stored,
- v = c.fuel_cap,
- p = c.is_ai,
- N = c.tmp_current,
- V = c.tmp_max,
- S = c.tmp_overheat,
- I = c.output_max,
- L = c.power_gen,
- w = c.output_set,
- A = c.has_fuel,
- x = h / v,
- E = N / V,
- P = w * L,
- D = Math.round((h / C) * 2),
- M = Math.round(D / 60),
- R = D > 120 ? M + ' minutes' : D + ' seconds';
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 225,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (u || !l) &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- children: [
- !!u &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'orange',
- children: 'The generator is malfunctioning!',
- }),
- !u &&
- !l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'orange',
- children: 'The generator needs to be anchored to the floor with a wrench.',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !u &&
- !!l &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: m ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: m ? 'On' : 'Off',
- tooltip: 'Toggles the generator on/off. Requires fuel.',
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- disabled: !A,
- selected: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return i('toggle_power');
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- direction: 'row',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- width: '50%',
- className: 'ml-1',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power setting',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- value: w,
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: I * (s ? 2.5 : 1),
- step: 1,
- className: 'mt-1',
- onDrag: (function () {
- function O(F, _) {
- return i('change_power', { change_power: _ });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- '(',
- (0, f.formatPower)(P),
- ')',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- width: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Temperature',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: E,
- ranges: { green: [-1 / 0, 0.33], orange: [0.33, 0.66], red: [0.66, 1 / 0] },
- children: [N, ' \u2103'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- children: [
- S > 50 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'CRITICAL OVERHEAT!',
- }),
- S > 20 &&
- S <= 50 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'orange',
- children: 'WARNING: Overheating!',
- }),
- S > 1 &&
- S <= 20 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'orange',
- children: 'Temperature High',
- }),
- S === 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'green',
- children: 'Optimal',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Fuel',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject Fuel',
- tooltip: 'Ejects fuel. Generator needs to be offline.',
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- disabled: m || p || !A,
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return i('eject_fuel');
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Type',
- children: d,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Fuel level',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: x,
- ranges: { red: [-1 / 0, 0.33], orange: [0.33, 0.66], green: [0.66, 1 / 0] },
- children: [Math.round(h / 1e3), ' dm\xB3'],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Fuel usage',
- children: [C / 1e3, ' dm\xB3/s'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Fuel depletion',
- children: [
- !!A && (C ? R : 'N/A'),
- !A &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'Out of fuel',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 1701: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PanDEMIC = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.PanDEMIC = (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.data,
- h = C.beakerLoaded,
- v = C.beakerContainsBlood,
- p = C.beakerContainsVirus,
- N = C.resistances,
- V = N === void 0 ? [] : N,
- S;
- return (
- h
- ? v
- ? v &&
- !p &&
- (S = (0, e.createFragment)(
- [(0, e.createTextVNode)('No disease detected in provided blood sample.')],
- 4
- ))
- : (S = (0, e.createFragment)(
- [(0, e.createTextVNode)('No blood sample found in the loaded container.')],
- 4
- ))
- : (S = (0, e.createFragment)([(0, e.createTextVNode)('No container loaded.')], 4)),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 575,
- height: 510,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- S && !p
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Container Information',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { fill: !0, vertical: !0 }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: S }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- (V == null ? void 0 : V.length) > 0 && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { align: 'bottom' }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- b = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.beakerLoaded;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject',
- disabled: !v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return C('eject_beaker');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'trash-alt',
- confirmIcon: 'eraser',
- content: 'Destroy',
- confirmContent: 'Destroy',
- disabled: !v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return C('destroy_eject_beaker');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- y = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.beakerContainsVirus,
- p = u.strain,
- N = p.commonName,
- V = p.description,
- S = p.diseaseAgent,
- I = p.bloodDNA,
- L = p.bloodType,
- w = p.possibleTreatments,
- A = p.transmissionRoute,
- x = p.isAdvanced,
- E = (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Blood DNA',
- children: I
- ? (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, I, 0, {
- style: { 'font-family': "'Courier New', monospace" },
- })
- : 'Undetectable',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Blood Type',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, null, 1, {
- dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: L != null ? L : 'Undetectable' },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- if (!v) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, { children: E });
- var P;
- return (
- x &&
- (N != null && N !== 'Unknown'
- ? (P = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'print',
- content: 'Print Release Forms',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return C('print_release_forms', { strain_index: u.strainIndex });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-left': 'auto' },
- }))
- : (P = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pen',
- content: 'Name Disease',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return C('name_strain', { strain_index: u.strainIndex });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-left': 'auto' },
- }))),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Common Name',
- className: 'common-name-label',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- horizontal: !0,
- align: 'center',
- children: [N != null ? N : 'Unknown', P],
- }),
- }),
- V && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Description', children: V }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Disease Agent', children: S }),
- E,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Spread Vector',
- children: A != null ? A : 'None',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Possible Cures',
- children: w != null ? w : 'None',
- }),
- ],
- })
- );
- },
- B = function (u, s) {
- var d,
- C = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = !!v.synthesisCooldown,
- N = (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: p ? 'spinner' : 'clone',
- iconSpin: p,
- content: 'Clone',
- disabled: p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return h('clone_strain', { strain_index: u.strainIndex });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- u.sectionButtons,
- ],
- 0
- );
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: (d = u.sectionTitle) != null ? d : 'Strain Information',
- buttons: N,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { strain: u.strain, strainIndex: u.strainIndex }),
- }),
- });
- },
- k = function (u, s) {
- var d,
- C = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.selectedStrainIndex,
- N = v.strains,
- V = N[p - 1];
- if (N.length === 0)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Container Information',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children: 'No disease detected in provided blood sample.',
- }),
- });
- if (N.length === 1) {
- var S;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
- strain: N[0],
- strainIndex: 1,
- sectionButtons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- }),
- ((S = N[0].symptoms) == null ? void 0 : S.length) > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { strain: N[0] }),
- ],
- 0
- );
- }
- var I = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Culture Information',
- fill: !0,
- buttons: I,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- direction: 'column',
- style: { height: '100%' },
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: N.map(function (L, w) {
- var A;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: 'virus',
- selected: p - 1 === w,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return h('switch_strain', { strain_index: w + 1 });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- children: (A = L.commonName) != null ? A : 'Unknown',
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { strain: V, strainIndex: p }),
- ((d = V.symptoms) == null ? void 0 : d.length) > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { className: 'remove-section-bottom-padding', strain: V }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (u) {
- return u.reduce(function (s, d) {
- return s + d;
- }, 0);
- },
- i = function (u) {
- var s = u.strain.symptoms;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Infection Symptoms',
- fill: !0,
- className: u.className,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'symptoms-table',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Stealth' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Resistance' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Stage Speed' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Transmissibility' }),
- ],
- }),
- s.map(function (d, C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.stealth }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.resistance }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.stageSpeed }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d.transmissibility }),
- ],
- },
- C
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, { className: 'table-spacer' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- style: { 'font-weight': 'bold' },
- children: 'Total',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: g(
- s.map(function (d) {
- return d.stealth;
- })
- ),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: g(
- s.map(function (d) {
- return d.resistance;
- })
- ),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: g(
- s.map(function (d) {
- return d.stageSpeed;
- })
- ),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: g(
- s.map(function (d) {
- return d.transmissibility;
- })
- ),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- c = ['flask', 'vial', 'eye-dropper'],
- m = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.synthesisCooldown,
- p = h.beakerContainsVirus,
- N = h.resistances;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Antibodies',
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- horizontal: !0,
- wrap: !0,
- children: N.map(function (V, S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: c[S % c.length],
- disabled: !!v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('clone_vaccine', { resistance_index: S + 1 });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- mr: '0.5em',
- }),
- V,
- ],
- },
- S
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 67921: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ParticleAccelerator = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(25328),
- f = n(79646),
- b = n(36352),
- y = n(98595),
- B = n(35840),
- k = n(38307),
- g = function (u) {
- switch (u) {
- case 1:
- return 'north';
- case 2:
- return 'south';
- case 4:
- return 'east';
- case 8:
- return 'west';
- case 5:
- return 'northeast';
- case 6:
- return 'southeast';
- case 9:
- return 'northwest';
- case 10:
- return 'southwest';
- }
- return '';
- },
- i = (r.ParticleAccelerator = (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.assembled,
- p = h.power,
- N = h.strength,
- V = h.max_strength,
- S = h.icon,
- I = h.layout_1,
- L = h.layout_2,
- w = h.layout_3,
- A = h.orientation;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
- width: 395,
- height: v ? 160 : A === 'north' || A === 'south' ? 540 : 465,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Control Panel',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- dmIcon: 'sync',
- content: 'Connect',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return C('scan');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- mb: '5px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: v ? 'good' : 'bad',
- children: v ? 'Operational' : 'Error: Verify Configuration',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: p ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: p ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: p,
- disabled: !v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return C('power');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Strength',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'backward',
- disabled: !v || N === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return C('remove_strength');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- mr: '4px',
- }),
- N,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'forward',
- disabled: !v || N === V,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return C('add_strength');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- ml: '4px',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- v
- ? ''
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: A
- ? 'EM Acceleration Chamber Orientation: ' + (0, o.capitalize)(A)
- : 'Place EM Acceleration Chamber Next To Console',
- children:
- A === 0
- ? ''
- : A === 'north' || A === 'south'
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m)
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- c = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.assembled,
- p = h.power,
- N = h.strength,
- V = h.max_strength,
- S = h.icon,
- I = h.layout_1,
- L = h.layout_2,
- w = h.layout_3,
- A = h.orientation;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableRow, {
- width: '40px',
- children: (A === 'east' ? I : w).slice().map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Cell,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
- content: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- x.name,
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- 'Status: ' + x.status,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
- ],
- 0,
- { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
- dmIcon: S,
- dmIconState: x.icon_state,
- dmDirection: x.dir,
- style: {
- 'border-style': 'solid',
- 'border-width': '2px',
- 'border-color':
- x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
- padding: '2px',
- },
- }),
- }),
- },
- x.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableRow, {
- width: '40px',
- children: L.slice().map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Cell,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
- content: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- x.name,
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- 'Status: ' + x.status,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
- ],
- 0,
- { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
- dmIcon: S,
- dmIconState: x.icon_state,
- dmDirection: x.dir,
- style: {
- 'border-style': 'solid',
- 'border-width': '2px',
- 'border-color':
- x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
- padding: '2px',
- },
- }),
- }),
- },
- x.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TableRow, {
- width: '40px',
- children: (A === 'east' ? w : I).slice().map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Cell,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
- content: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- x.name,
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- 'Status: ' + x.status,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
- ],
- 0,
- { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
- dmIcon: S,
- dmIconState: x.icon_state,
- dmDirection: x.dir,
- style: {
- 'border-style': 'solid',
- 'border-width': '2px',
- 'border-color':
- x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
- padding: '2px',
- },
- }),
- }),
- },
- x.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- m = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.assembled,
- p = h.power,
- N = h.strength,
- V = h.max_strength,
- S = h.icon,
- I = h.layout_1,
- L = h.layout_2,
- w = h.layout_3,
- A = h.orientation;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.GridColumn, {
- width: '40px',
- children: (A === 'north' ? I : w).slice().map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
- content: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- x.name,
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- 'Status: ' + x.status,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
- ],
- 0,
- { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
- dmIcon: S,
- dmIconState: x.icon_state,
- dmDirection: x.dir,
- style: {
- 'border-style': 'solid',
- 'border-width': '2px',
- 'border-color':
- x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
- padding: '2px',
- },
- }),
- }),
- },
- x.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.GridColumn, {
- children: L.slice().map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
- content: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- x.name,
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- 'Status: ' + x.status,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
- ],
- 0,
- { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
- dmIcon: S,
- dmIconState: x.icon_state,
- dmDirection: x.dir,
- style: {
- 'border-style': 'solid',
- 'border-width': '2px',
- 'border-color':
- x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
- padding: '2px',
- },
- }),
- }),
- },
- x.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.GridColumn, {
- width: '40px',
- children: (A === 'north' ? w : I).slice().map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- grow: !0,
- tooltip: x.status,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tooltip, {
- content: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- null,
- [
- x.name,
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '),
- 'Status: ' + x.status,
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Direction: ' + g(x.dir),
- ],
- 0,
- { style: { wordWrap: 'break-word' } }
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
- dmIcon: S,
- dmIconState: x.icon_state,
- dmDirection: x.dir,
- style: {
- 'border-style': 'solid',
- 'border-width': '2px',
- 'border-color':
- x.status === 'good' ? 'green' : x.status === 'Incomplete' ? 'orange' : 'red',
- padding: '2px',
- },
- }),
- }),
- },
- x.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 71432: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PdaPainter = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.PdaPainter = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.data,
- l = m.has_pda;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 510,
- height: 505,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: l ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- b = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'silver',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'download', size: 5, mb: '10px' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '160px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Insert PDA',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return m('insert_pda');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.pda_colors;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- horizontal: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'PdaPainter__list',
- children: Object.keys(u).map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('choose_pda', { selectedPda: s });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: 'data:image/png;base64,' + u[s][0],
- style: {
- 'vertical-align': 'middle',
- width: '32px',
- margin: '0px',
- 'margin-left': '0px',
- '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
- 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
- },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: s }),
- ],
- },
- s
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.current_appearance,
- s = l.preview_appearance;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Current PDA',
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + u,
- style: {
- 'vertical-align': 'middle',
- width: '160px',
- margin: '0px',
- 'margin-left': '0px',
- '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
- 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
- },
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject',
- color: 'green',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('eject_pda');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'paint-roller',
- content: 'Paint PDA',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('paint_pda');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Preview',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + s,
- style: {
- 'vertical-align': 'middle',
- width: '160px',
- margin: '0px',
- 'margin-left': '0px',
- '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
- 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
- },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 33388: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PersonalCrafting = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.PersonalCrafting = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.busy,
- u = m.category,
- s = m.display_craftable_only,
- d = m.display_compact,
- C = m.prev_cat,
- h = m.next_cat,
- v = m.subcategory,
- p = m.prev_subcat,
- N = m.next_subcat;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 700,
- height: 800,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- !!l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
- fontSize: '32px',
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'cog', spin: 1 }), ' Crafting...'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: u,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Show Craftable Only',
- icon: s ? 'check-square-o' : 'square-o',
- selected: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return c('toggle_recipes');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Compact Mode',
- icon: d ? 'check-square-o' : 'square-o',
- selected: d,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return c('toggle_compact');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: C,
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return c('backwardCat');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: h,
- icon: 'arrow-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return c('forwardCat');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- v &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: p,
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return c('backwardSubCat');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: N,
- icon: 'arrow-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return c('forwardSubCat');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- d ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- b = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.display_craftable_only,
- u = m.can_craft,
- s = m.cant_craft;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- u.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: d.name,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'hammer',
- content: 'Craft',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return c('make', { make: d.ref });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- d.catalyst_text &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- tooltip: d.catalyst_text,
- content: 'Catalysts',
- color: 'transparent',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- tooltip: d.req_text,
- content: 'Requirements',
- color: 'transparent',
- }),
- d.tool_text &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- tooltip: d.tool_text,
- content: 'Tools',
- color: 'transparent',
- }),
- ],
- },
- d.name
- );
- }),
- !l &&
- s.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: d.name,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'hammer',
- content: 'Craft',
- disabled: !0,
- }),
- d.catalyst_text &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- tooltip: d.catalyst_text,
- content: 'Catalysts',
- color: 'transparent',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- tooltip: d.req_text,
- content: 'Requirements',
- color: 'transparent',
- }),
- d.tool_text &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- tooltip: d.tool_text,
- content: 'Tools',
- color: 'transparent',
- }),
- ],
- },
- d.name
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- y = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.display_craftable_only,
- u = m.can_craft,
- s = m.cant_craft;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: 1,
- children: [
- u.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: d.name,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'hammer',
- content: 'Craft',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return c('make', { make: d.ref });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- d.catalyst_text &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Catalysts',
- children: d.catalyst_text,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Requirements',
- children: d.req_text,
- }),
- d.tool_text &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tools',
- children: d.tool_text,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- d.name
- );
- }),
- !l &&
- s.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: d.name,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'hammer',
- content: 'Craft',
- disabled: !0,
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- d.catalyst_text &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Catalysts',
- children: d.catalyst_text,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Requirements',
- children: d.req_text,
- }),
- d.tool_text &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tools',
- children: d.tool_text,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- d.name
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 56150: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Photocopier = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.Photocopier = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 440,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Photocopier',
- color: 'silver',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- mb: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { width: 12, children: 'Copies:' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '2em',
- bold: !0,
- children: m.copynumber,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- float: 'right',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'minus',
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return c('minus');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'plus',
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return c('add');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- mb: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { width: 12, children: 'Toner:' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { bold: !0, children: m.toner }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- mb: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: 12,
- children: 'Inserted Document:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- disabled: !m.copyitem && !m.mob,
- content: m.copyitem ? m.copyitem : m.mob ? m.mob + "'s ass!" : 'document',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return c('removedocument');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: 12,
- children: 'Inserted Folder:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- disabled: !m.folder,
- content: m.folder ? m.folder : 'folder',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return c('removefolder');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- b = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.issilicon;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'copy',
- float: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Copy',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('copy');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'file-import',
- float: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Scan',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('scandocument');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- !!l &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'file',
- color: 'green',
- float: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Print Text',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('ai_text');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'image',
- color: 'green',
- float: 'center',
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Print Image',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('ai_pic');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- 0
- );
- },
- y = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Scanned Files',
- children: m.files.map(function (l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: l.name,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'print',
- content: 'Print',
- disabled: m.toner <= 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('filecopy', { uid: l.uid });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'trash-alt',
- content: 'Delete',
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return c('deletefile', { uid: l.uid });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- l.name
- );
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 84676: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PoolController = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = ['tempKey'];
- function b(g, i) {
- if (g == null) return {};
- var c = {};
- for (var m in g)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
- if (i.includes(m)) continue;
- c[m] = g[m];
- }
- return c;
- }
- var y = {
- scalding: { label: 'Scalding', color: '#FF0000', icon: 'fa fa-arrow-circle-up', requireEmag: !0 },
- warm: { label: 'Warm', color: '#990000', icon: 'fa fa-arrow-circle-up' },
- normal: { label: 'Normal', color: null, icon: 'fa fa-arrow-circle-right' },
- cool: { label: 'Cool', color: '#009999', icon: 'fa fa-arrow-circle-down' },
- frigid: { label: 'Frigid', color: '#00CCCC', icon: 'fa fa-arrow-circle-down', requireEmag: !0 },
- },
- B = function (i, c) {
- var m = i.tempKey,
- l = b(i, f),
- u = y[m];
- if (!u) return null;
- var s = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- d = s.data,
- C = s.act,
- h = d.currentTemp,
- v = u.label,
- p = u.icon,
- N = m === h,
- V = function () {
- C('setTemp', { temp: m });
- };
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- Object.assign({ color: 'transparent', selected: N, onClick: V }, l, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: p }), v],
- })
- )
- );
- },
- k = (r.PoolController = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- for (
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.data,
- u = l.emagged,
- s = l.currentTemp,
- d = y[s] || y.normal,
- C = d.label,
- h = d.color,
- v = [],
- p = 0,
- N = Object.entries(y);
- p < N.length;
- p++
- ) {
- var V = N[p],
- S = V[0],
- I = V[1].requireEmag;
- (!I || (I && u)) && v.push(S);
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 285,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Temperature',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: h, children: C }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Safety Status',
- children: u
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'WARNING: OVERRIDDEN',
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'good', children: 'Nominal' }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Temperature Selection',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: v.map(function (L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { fluid: !0, tempKey: L }, L);
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })());
- },
- 57003: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PortablePump = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.PortablePump = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.has_holding_tank;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 435,
- height: 330,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- u
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B)
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Holding Tank',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- bold: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- mt: 2.5,
- children: 'No Holding Tank Inserted.',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- b = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.on,
- s = l.direction,
- d = l.port_connected;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Pump Settings',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 4,
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
- color: u ? null : 'red',
- selected: u,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return m('power');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pump Direction',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 4,
- icon: 'sign-in-alt',
- content: 'In',
- selected: !s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return m('set_direction', { direction: 0 });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 4,
- icon: 'sign-out-alt',
- content: 'Out',
- selected: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return m('set_direction', { direction: 1 });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Port status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: d ? 'green' : 'average',
- bold: 1,
- ml: 0.5,
- children: d ? 'Connected' : 'Disconnected',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.tank_pressure,
- s = l.target_pressure,
- d = l.max_target_pressure,
- C = d * 0.7,
- h = d * 0.25;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Pressure Settings',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Stored pressure',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: u,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: d,
- ranges: { good: [C, 1 / 0], average: [h, C], bad: [-1 / 0, h] },
- children: [u, ' kPa'],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- mt: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- color: 'label',
- mt: 0.3,
- children: 'Target pressure:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'undo',
- mr: 0.5,
- width: 2.2,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return m('set_pressure', { pressure: 101.325 });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- mr: 0.5,
- width: 2.2,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return m('set_pressure', { pressure: 0 });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- animated: !0,
- unit: 'kPa',
- width: 16.5,
- stepPixelSize: 0.22,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: d,
- value: s,
- onChange: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return m('set_pressure', { pressure: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- ml: 0.5,
- width: 2.2,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return m('set_pressure', { pressure: d });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.holding_tank,
- s = l.max_target_pressure,
- d = s * 0.7,
- C = s * 0.25;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Holding Tank',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('remove_tank');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- icon: 'eject',
- children: 'Eject',
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: 'label', children: 'Tank Label:' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: 'silver', ml: 4.5, children: u.name }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- color: 'label',
- mt: 2,
- children: 'Tank Pressure:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- mt: 1.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: u.tank_pressure,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: s,
- ranges: { good: [d, 1 / 0], average: [C, d], bad: [-1 / 0, C] },
- children: [u.tank_pressure, ' kPa'],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 70069: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PortableScrubber = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.PortableScrubber = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.has_holding_tank;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 435,
- height: 300,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- u
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B)
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Holding Tank',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- bold: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- mt: 2.5,
- children: 'No Holding Tank Inserted.',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- b = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.on,
- s = l.port_connected;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Pump Settings',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 4,
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
- color: u ? null : 'red',
- selected: u,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('power');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: 'label', children: 'Port Status:' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- color: s ? 'green' : 'average',
- bold: 1,
- ml: 6,
- children: s ? 'Connected' : 'Disconnected',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.tank_pressure,
- s = l.rate,
- d = l.max_rate,
- C = d * 0.7,
- h = d * 0.25;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Pressure Settings',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Stored pressure',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: u,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: d,
- ranges: { good: [C, 1 / 0], average: [h, C], bad: [-1 / 0, h] },
- children: [u, ' kPa'],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- mt: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- color: 'label',
- mt: 0.3,
- children: 'Target pressure:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'undo',
- mr: 0.5,
- width: 2.2,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return m('set_rate', { rate: 101.325 });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- mr: 0.5,
- width: 2.2,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return m('set_rate', { rate: 0 });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- animated: !0,
- unit: 'kPa',
- width: 16.5,
- stepPixelSize: 0.22,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: d,
- value: s,
- onChange: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return m('set_rate', { rate: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- ml: 0.5,
- width: 2.2,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return m('set_rate', { rate: d });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.holding_tank,
- s = l.max_rate,
- d = s * 0.7,
- C = s * 0.25;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Holding Tank',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('remove_tank');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- icon: 'eject',
- children: 'Eject',
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: 'label', children: 'Tank Label:' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { color: 'silver', ml: 4.5, children: u.name }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- color: 'label',
- mt: 2,
- children: 'Tank Pressure:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- mt: 1.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: u.tank_pressure,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: s,
- ranges: { good: [d, 1 / 0], average: [C, d], bad: [-1 / 0, C] },
- children: [u.tank_pressure, ' kPa'],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 59955: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PortableTurret = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(49148),
- b = (r.PortableTurret = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.locked,
- l = c.on,
- u = c.lethal,
- s = c.lethal_is_configurable,
- d = c.targetting_is_configurable,
- C = c.check_weapons,
- h = c.neutralize_noaccess,
- v = c.access_is_configurable,
- p = c.regions,
- N = c.selectedAccess,
- V = c.one_access,
- S = c.neutralize_norecord,
- I = c.neutralize_criminals,
- L = c.neutralize_all,
- w = c.neutralize_unidentified,
- A = c.neutralize_cyborgs;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 475,
- height: 750,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children: ['Swipe an ID card to ', m ? 'unlock' : 'lock', ' this interface.'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- m: 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: l ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: l ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: l,
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('power');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- !!s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Lethals',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: u ? 'exclamation-triangle' : 'times',
- content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
- color: u ? 'bad' : '',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('lethal');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- !!v &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'One Access Mode',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: V ? 'address-card' : 'exclamation-triangle',
- content: V ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: V,
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('one_access');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- !!d &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Humanoid Targets',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: I,
- content: 'Wanted Criminals',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('autharrest');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: S,
- content: 'No Sec Record',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('authnorecord');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: C,
- content: 'Unauthorized Weapons',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('authweapon');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: h,
- content: 'Unauthorized Access',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('authaccess');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Other Targets',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: w,
- content: 'Unidentified Lifesigns (Xenos, Animals, Etc)',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('authxeno');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: A,
- content: 'Cyborgs',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('authborgs');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: L,
- content: 'All Non-Synthetics',
- disabled: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('authsynth');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children:
- !!v &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.AccessList, {
- accesses: p,
- selectedList: N,
- accessMod: (function () {
- function x(E) {
- return i('set', { access: E });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- grantAll: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('grant_all');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- denyAll: (function () {
- function x() {
- return i('clear_all');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- grantDep: (function () {
- function x(E) {
- return i('grant_region', { region: E });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- denyDep: (function () {
- function x(E) {
- return i('deny_region', { region: E });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 61631: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PowerMonitorMainContent = r.PowerMonitor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(64795),
- o = n(44879),
- f = n(35840),
- b = n(25328),
- y = n(72253),
- B = n(36036),
- k = n(98595),
- g = 6e5,
- i = (r.PowerMonitor = (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 650,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- }),
- });
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- c = (r.PowerMonitorMainContent = (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- var v = (0, y.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.powermonitor,
- S = N.select_monitor;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
- m: 0,
- children: [!V && S && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m), V && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l)],
- });
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- m = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, y.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.powermonitors;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Section, {
- title: 'Select Power Monitor',
- children: V.map(function (S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- B.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Button, {
- content: S.Area,
- icon: 'arrow-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return p('selectmonitor', { selectmonitor: S.uid });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- S
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- l = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, y.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.powermonitor,
- S = N.history,
- I = N.apcs,
- L = N.select_monitor,
- w = N.no_powernet,
- A;
- if (w)
- A = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-triangle', size: '2', my: '0.5rem' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Warning: The monitor is not connected to power grid via cable!',
- ],
- });
- else {
- var x = (0, y.useLocalState)(h, 'sortByField', null),
- E = x[0],
- P = x[1],
- D = S.supply[S.supply.length - 1] || 0,
- M = S.demand[S.demand.length - 1] || 0,
- R = S.supply.map(function (U, z) {
- return [z, U];
- }),
- O = S.demand.map(function (U, z) {
- return [z, U];
- }),
- F = Math.max.apply(Math, [g].concat(S.supply, S.demand)),
- _ = (0, t.flow)([
- (0, a.map)(function (U, z) {
- return Object.assign({}, U, { id: U.name + z });
- }),
- E === 'name' &&
- (0, a.sortBy)(function (U) {
- return U.Name;
- }),
- E === 'charge' &&
- (0, a.sortBy)(function (U) {
- return -U.CellPct;
- }),
- E === 'draw' &&
- (0, a.sortBy)(function (U) {
- return -U.Load;
- }),
- ])(I);
- A = (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Flex, {
- spacing: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Flex.Item, {
- width: '200px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Supply',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.ProgressBar, {
- value: D,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: F,
- color: 'green',
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(D / 1e3) + ' kW',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Draw',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.ProgressBar, {
- value: M,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: F,
- color: 'red',
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(M / 1e3) + ' kW',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Flex.Item, {
- grow: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- ml: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Chart.Line, {
- fillPositionedParent: !0,
- data: R,
- rangeX: [0, R.length - 1],
- rangeY: [0, F],
- strokeColor: 'rgba(32, 177, 66, 1)',
- fillColor: 'rgba(32, 177, 66, 0.25)',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Chart.Line, {
- fillPositionedParent: !0,
- data: O,
- rangeX: [0, O.length - 1],
- rangeY: [0, F],
- strokeColor: 'rgba(219, 40, 40, 1)',
- fillColor: 'rgba(219, 40, 40, 0.25)',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
- mb: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- mr: 2,
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Sort by:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: E === 'name',
- content: 'Name',
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- return P(E !== 'name' && 'name');
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: E === 'charge',
- content: 'Charge',
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- return P(E !== 'charge' && 'charge');
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: E === 'draw',
- content: 'Draw',
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- return P(E !== 'draw' && 'draw');
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, { children: 'Area' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, { collapsing: !0, children: 'Charge' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, { textAlign: 'right', children: 'Draw' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- title: 'Equipment',
- children: 'Eqp',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- title: 'Lighting',
- children: 'Lgt',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- title: 'Environment',
- children: 'Env',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- _.map(function (U, z) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- B.Table.Row,
- {
- className: 'Table__row candystripe',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, b.decodeHtmlEntities)(U.Name),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
- className: 'Table__cell text-right text-nowrap',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, {
- charging: U.CellStatus,
- charge: U.CellPct,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
- className: 'Table__cell text-right text-nowrap',
- children: U.Load,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
- className: 'Table__cell text-center text-nowrap',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { status: U.Equipment }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
- className: 'Table__cell text-center text-nowrap',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { status: U.Lights }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Table.Cell, {
- className: 'Table__cell text-center text-nowrap',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { status: U.Environment }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- U.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Section, {
- title: V,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
- m: 0,
- children:
- L &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Button, {
- content: 'Back',
- icon: 'arrow-up',
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- return p('return');
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- children: A,
- });
- },
- u = function (C) {
- var h = C.charging,
- v = C.charge;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Icon, {
- width: '18px',
- textAlign: 'center',
- name:
- (h === 'N' && (v > 50 ? 'battery-half' : 'battery-quarter')) ||
- (h === 'C' && 'bolt') ||
- (h === 'F' && 'battery-full') ||
- (h === 'M' && 'slash'),
- color:
- (h === 'N' && (v > 50 ? 'yellow' : 'red')) ||
- (h === 'C' && 'yellow') ||
- (h === 'F' && 'green') ||
- (h === 'M' && 'orange'),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- width: '36px',
- textAlign: 'right',
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(v) + '%',
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- };
- u.defaultHooks = f.pureComponentHooks;
- var s = function (C) {
- var h,
- v,
- p = C.status;
- switch (p) {
- case 'AOn':
- (h = !0), (v = !0);
- break;
- case 'AOff':
- (h = !0), (v = !1);
- break;
- case 'On':
- (h = !1), (v = !0);
- break;
- case 'Off':
- (h = !1), (v = !1);
- break;
- }
- var N = (v ? 'On' : 'Off') + (' [' + (h ? 'auto' : 'manual') + ']');
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.ColorBox, {
- color: v ? 'good' : 'bad',
- content: h ? void 0 : 'M',
- title: N,
- });
- };
- s.defaultHooks = f.pureComponentHooks;
- },
- 50992: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PrisonerImplantManager = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(29319),
- f = n(3939),
- b = n(321),
- y = n(5485),
- B = n(98595),
- k = (r.PrisonerImplantManager = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.loginState,
- d = u.prisonerInfo,
- C = u.chemicalInfo,
- h = u.trackingInfo,
- v;
- if (!s.logged_in)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
- theme: 'security',
- width: 500,
- height: 850,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LoginScreen),
- }),
- });
- var p = [1, 5, 10];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
- theme: 'security',
- width: 500,
- height: 850,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LoginInfo),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Prisoner Points Manager System',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Prisoner',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: d.name ? 'eject' : 'id-card',
- selected: d.name,
- content: d.name ? d.name : '-----',
- tooltip: d.name ? 'Eject ID' : 'Insert ID',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return l('id_card');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Points',
- children: [
- d.points !== null ? d.points : '-/-',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- ml: 2,
- icon: 'minus-square',
- disabled: d.points === null,
- content: 'Reset',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return l('reset_points');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Point Goal',
- children: [
- d.goal !== null ? d.goal : '-/-',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- ml: 2,
- icon: 'pen',
- disabled: d.goal === null,
- content: 'Edit',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(c, 'set_points');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'box',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- '1 minute of prison time should roughly equate to 150 points.'
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Sentences should not exceed 5000 points.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Permanent prisoners should not be given a point goal.'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- 'Prisoners who meet their point goal will be able to automatically access their locker and return to the station using the shuttle.'
- ),
- ],
- 4,
- { hidden: d.goal === null }
- ),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Tracking Implants',
- children: h.map(function (N) {
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- p: 1,
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: !0,
- children: ['Subject: ', N.subject],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: [
- ' ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Location',
- children: N.location,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health',
- children: N.health,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Prisoner',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
- content: 'Warn',
- tooltip: 'Broadcast a message to this poor sod',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(c, 'warn', { uid: N.uid });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- N.subject
- ),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- ],
- 4
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Chemical Implants',
- children: C.map(function (N) {
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- p: 1,
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: !0,
- children: ['Subject: ', N.name],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: [
- ' ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Remaining Reagents',
- children: N.volume,
- }),
- }),
- p.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- mt: 2,
- disabled: N.volume < V,
- icon: 'syringe',
- content: 'Inject ' + V + 'u',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return l('inject', { uid: N.uid, amount: V });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V
- );
- }),
- ],
- },
- N.name
- ),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- ],
- 4
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return g;
- })());
- },
- 53952: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PrisonerShuttleConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.PrisonerShuttleConsole = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.can_go_home,
- m = i.emagged,
- l = i.id_inserted,
- u = i.id_name,
- s = i.id_points,
- d = i.id_goal,
- C = m ? 0 : 1,
- h = c ? 'Completed!' : 'Insufficient';
- m && (h = 'ERR0R');
- var v = 'No ID inserted';
- return (
- l
- ? (v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: s / d,
- ranges: { good: [C, 1 / 0], bad: [-1 / 0, C] },
- children: s + ' / ' + d + ' ' + h,
- }))
- : m && (v = 'ERR0R COMPLETED?!@'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 315,
- height: 150,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Status', children: v }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Shuttle controls',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Move shuttle',
- disabled: !c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return g('move_shuttle');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Inserted ID',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: l ? u : '-------------',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return g('handle_id');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 97852: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.PrizeCounter = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.PrizeCounter = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.tickets,
- m = i.prizes,
- l = m === void 0 ? [] : m,
- u = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'searchText', ''),
- s = u[0],
- d = u[1],
- C = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'toggleSearch', !1),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1],
- p = l.filter(function (N) {
- return N.name.toLowerCase().includes(s.toLowerCase());
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 450,
- height: 585,
- title: 'Arcade Ticket Exchange',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Available Prizes',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- h &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- mt: 0.1,
- width: 12.5,
- placeholder: 'Search for a prize',
- value: s,
- onInput: (function () {
- function N(V, S) {
- return d(S);
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- iconRight: !0,
- icon: 'ticket',
- disabled: !c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return g('eject');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- children: ['Tickets: ', (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, c, 0)],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'search',
- tooltip: 'Toggle search',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
- selected: h,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return v(!h);
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: p.map(function (N) {
- var V = N.cost > c;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.ImageButton,
- {
- fluid: !0,
- title: N.name,
- dmIcon: N.icon,
- dmIconState: N.icon_state,
- buttonsAlt: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- bold: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- fontSize: 1.5,
- tooltip: V && 'Not enough tickets',
- disabled: V,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return g('purchase', { purchase: N.itemID });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- children: [
- N.cost,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- m: 0,
- mt: 0.25,
- name: 'ticket',
- color: V ? 'bad' : 'good',
- size: 1.6,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: N.desc,
- },
- N.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 94813: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RCD = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(3939),
- b = n(49148),
- y = (r.RCD = (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 480,
- height: 670,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- B = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.data,
- h = C.matter,
- v = C.max_matter,
- p = v * 0.7,
- N = v * 0.25;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Matter Storage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- ranges: { good: [p, 1 / 0], average: [N, p], bad: [-1 / 0, N] },
- value: h,
- maxValue: v,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: h + ' / ' + v + ' units',
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- k = function () {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Construction Type',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { mode_type: 'Floors and Walls' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { mode_type: 'Airlocks' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { mode_type: 'Windows' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { mode_type: 'Deconstruction' }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = u.mode_type,
- p = h.mode;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- color: 'transparent',
- content: v,
- selected: p === v ? 1 : 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return C('mode', { mode: v });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- });
- },
- i = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.door_name,
- p = h.electrochromic,
- N = h.airlock_glass;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Airlock Settings',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'pen-alt',
- content: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [(0, e.createTextVNode)('Rename: '), (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, v, 0)],
- 0
- ),
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return (0, f.modalOpen)(s, 'renameAirlock');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children:
- N === 1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: p ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: 'Electrochromic',
- selected: p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return C('electrochromic');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- c = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.tab,
- p = h.locked,
- N = h.one_access,
- V = h.selected_accesses,
- S = h.regions;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- fluid: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: v === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('set_tab', { tab: 1 });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- children: 'Airlock Types',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: v === 2,
- icon: 'list',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('set_tab', { tab: 2 });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- children: 'Airlock Access',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children:
- v === 1
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Types',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { check_number: 0 }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { check_number: 1 }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- : v === 2 && p
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Access',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'lock-open',
- content: 'Unlock',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('set_lock', { new_lock: 'unlock' });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'lock', size: '5', mb: 3 }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Airlock access selection is currently locked.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.AccessList, {
- sectionButtons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'lock',
- content: 'Lock',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('set_lock', { new_lock: 'lock' });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- usedByRcd: 1,
- rcdButtons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: N,
- content: 'One',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('set_one_access', { access: 'one' });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: !N,
- width: 4,
- content: 'All',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('set_one_access', { access: 'all' });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- accesses: S,
- selectedList: V,
- accessMod: (function () {
- function I(L) {
- return C('set', { access: L });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- grantAll: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('grant_all');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- denyAll: (function () {
- function I() {
- return C('clear_all');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- grantDep: (function () {
- function I(L) {
- return C('grant_region', { region: L });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- denyDep: (function () {
- function I(L) {
- return C('deny_region', { region: L });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- m = function (u, s) {
- for (
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.door_types_ui_list,
- p = h.door_type,
- N = u.check_number,
- V = [],
- S = 0;
- S < v.length;
- S++
- )
- S % 2 === N && V.push(v[S]);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: V.map(function (I, L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- mb: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- selected: p === I.type,
- content: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + I.image,
- style: {
- 'vertical-align': 'middle',
- width: '32px',
- margin: '3px',
- 'margin-right': '6px',
- 'margin-left': '-3px',
- },
- }),
- I.name,
- ],
- 0
- ),
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return C('door_type', { door_type: I.type });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- },
- L
- );
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 18738: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RPD = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(35840),
- b = (r.RPD = (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.mainmenu,
- p = h.mode,
- N = (function () {
- function V(S) {
- switch (S) {
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
- case 3:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
- case 4:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
- case 5:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c);
- case 6:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
- default:
- return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
- }
- }
- return V;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 550,
- height: 415,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- fluid: !0,
- children: v.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: V.icon,
- selected: V.mode === p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return C('mode', { mode: V.mode });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- children: V.category,
- },
- V.category
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- N(p),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- y = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.pipemenu,
- p = h.pipe_category,
- N = h.pipelist,
- V = h.whatpipe,
- S = h.iconrotation;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- fluid: !0,
- children: v.map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: I.pipemode === p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('pipe_category', { pipe_category: I.pipemode });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: I.category,
- },
- I.category
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: N.filter(function (I) {
- return I.pipe_type === 1;
- })
- .filter(function (I) {
- return I.pipe_category === p;
- })
- .map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- content: I.pipe_name,
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: I.pipe_id === V,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('whatpipe', { whatpipe: I.pipe_id });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '2px' },
- }),
- },
- I.pipe_name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- N.filter(function (I) {
- return I.pipe_type === 1 && I.pipe_id === V && I.orientations !== 1;
- }).map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: I.bendy
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- translucent: !0,
- selected: S === 4,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)([
- 'rpd32x32',
- 'southeast-' + I.pipe_icon,
- ]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 4 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- translucent: !0,
- selected: S === 2,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)([
- 'rpd32x32',
- 'southwest-' + I.pipe_icon,
- ]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 2 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- translucent: !0,
- selected: S === 1,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)([
- 'rpd32x32',
- 'northeast-' + I.pipe_icon,
- ]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 1 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- translucent: !0,
- selected: S === 8,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)([
- 'rpd32x32',
- 'northwest-' + I.pipe_icon,
- ]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 8 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- translucent: !0,
- selected: S === 1,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)([
- 'rpd32x32',
- 'north-' + I.pipe_icon,
- ]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 1 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- translucent: !0,
- selected: S === 4,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)([
- 'rpd32x32',
- 'east-' + I.pipe_icon,
- ]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 4 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- I.orientations === 4 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- translucent: !0,
- selected: S === 2,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)([
- 'rpd32x32',
- 'south-' + I.pipe_icon,
- ]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 2 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- translucent: !0,
- selected: S === 8,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)([
- 'rpd32x32',
- 'west-' + I.pipe_icon,
- ]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 8 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- },
- I.pipe_id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- B = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.pipe_category,
- p = h.pipelist,
- N = h.whatdpipe,
- V = h.iconrotation,
- S = h.auto_wrench_toggle;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: p
- .filter(function (I) {
- return I.pipe_type === 2;
- })
- .map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- content: I.pipe_name,
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: I.pipe_id === N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('whatdpipe', { whatdpipe: I.pipe_id });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '2px' },
- }),
- },
- I.pipe_name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- p
- .filter(function (I) {
- return I.pipe_type === 2 && I.pipe_id === N && I.orientations !== 1;
- })
- .map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: V === 1,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'north-' + I.pipe_icon]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 1 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: V === 4,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'east-' + I.pipe_icon]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 4 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- I.orientations === 4 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: V === 2,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'south-' + I.pipe_icon]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 2 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: V === 8,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'west-' + I.pipe_icon]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 8 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- I.pipe_id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- k = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.iconrotation,
- p = h.auto_wrench_toggle;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- mb: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Auto-orientation',
- selected: v === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 0 });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: p,
- content: 'Auto-anchor',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return C('auto_wrench_toggle');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- g = function (u, s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'sync-alt', size: 5, color: 'gray', mb: 5 }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Device ready to rotate loose pipes...',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- i = function (u, s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'arrows-alt-h', size: 5, color: 'gray', mb: 5 }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Device ready to flip loose pipes...',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- c = function (u, s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'recycle', size: 5, color: 'gray', mb: 5 }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Device ready to eat loose pipes...',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- m = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, a.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.pipe_category,
- p = h.pipelist,
- N = h.whatttube,
- V = h.iconrotation,
- S = 3;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: p
- .filter(function (I) {
- return I.pipe_type === S;
- })
- .map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- content: I.pipe_name,
- icon: 'cog',
- selected: I.pipe_id === N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('whatttube', { whatttube: I.pipe_id });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '2px' },
- }),
- },
- I.pipe_name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- p
- .filter(function (I) {
- return I.pipe_type === S && I.pipe_id === N && I.orientations !== 1;
- })
- .map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: V === 1,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'north-' + I.pipe_icon]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 1 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: V === 4,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'east-' + I.pipe_icon]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 4 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- I.orientations === 4 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: V === 2,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'south-' + I.pipe_icon]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 2 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- selected: V === 8,
- content: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: (0, f.classes)(['rpd32x32', 'west-' + I.pipe_icon]),
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('iconrotation', { iconrotation: 8 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- style: { 'margin-bottom': '5px' },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- I.pipe_id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 80299: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Radio = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(44879),
- o = n(72253),
- f = n(36036),
- b = n(76910),
- y = n(98595),
- B = (r.Radio = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, o.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.freqlock,
- s = l.frequency,
- d = l.minFrequency,
- C = l.maxFrequency,
- h = l.canReset,
- v = l.listening,
- p = l.broadcasting,
- N = l.loudspeaker,
- V = l.has_loudspeaker,
- S = b.RADIO_CHANNELS.find(function (P) {
- return P.freq === s;
- }),
- I = !!(S && S.name),
- L = [],
- w = [],
- A = 0;
- for (A = 0; A < b.RADIO_CHANNELS.length; A++) (w = b.RADIO_CHANNELS[A]), (L[w.name] = w.color);
- var x = (0, a.map)(function (P, D) {
- return { name: D, status: !!P };
- })(l.schannels),
- E = (0, a.map)(function (P, D) {
- return { name: D, freq: P };
- })(l.ichannels);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
- width: 375,
- height: 130 + x.length * 21.2 + E.length * 11,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Frequency',
- children: [
- (u &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: 'light-gray',
- children: (0, t.toFixed)(s / 10, 1) + ' kHz',
- })) ||
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.NumberInput, {
- animate: !0,
- unit: 'kHz',
- step: 0.2,
- stepPixelSize: 10,
- minValue: d / 10,
- maxValue: C / 10,
- value: s / 10,
- format: (function () {
- function P(D) {
- return (0, t.toFixed)(D, 1);
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- onChange: (function () {
- function P(D, M) {
- return m('frequency', { adjust: M - s / 10 });
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: 'undo',
- content: '',
- disabled: !h,
- tooltip: 'Reset',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return m('frequency', { tune: 'reset' });
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- I &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: S.color,
- ml: 2,
- children: ['[', S.name, ']'],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Audio',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- width: '37px',
- icon: v ? 'volume-up' : 'volume-mute',
- selected: v,
- color: v ? '' : 'bad',
- tooltip: v ? 'Disable Incoming' : 'Enable Incoming',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return m('listen');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- width: '37px',
- icon: p ? 'microphone' : 'microphone-slash',
- selected: p,
- tooltip: p ? 'Disable Hotmic' : 'Enable Hotmic',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return m('broadcast');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- !!V &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- ml: 1,
- icon: 'bullhorn',
- selected: N,
- content: 'Loudspeaker',
- tooltip: N ? 'Disable Loudspeaker' : 'Enable Loudspeaker',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return m('loudspeaker');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- x.length !== 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Keyed Channels',
- children: x.map(function (P) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Box,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- icon: P.status ? 'check-square-o' : 'square-o',
- selected: P.status,
- content: '',
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return m('channel', { channel: P.name });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: L[P.name],
- children: P.name,
- }),
- ],
- },
- P.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- E.length !== 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Standard Channel',
- children: E.map(function (P) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Button,
- {
- icon: 'arrow-right',
- content: P.name,
- selected: I && S.name === P.name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function D() {
- return m('ichannel', { ichannel: P.freq });
- }
- return D;
- })(),
- },
- 'i_' + P.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })());
- },
- 14846: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RankedListInputModal = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(51057),
- t = n(19203),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(72253),
- b = n(98595),
- y = n(36352),
- B = (r.RankedListInputModal = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = (0, f.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.items,
- d = s === void 0 ? [] : s,
- C = u.message,
- h = C === void 0 ? '' : C,
- v = u.timeout,
- p = u.title,
- N = (0, f.useLocalState)(c, 'edittedItems', d),
- V = N[0],
- S = N[1],
- I = 330 + Math.ceil(h.length / 3);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- title: p,
- width: 325,
- height: I,
- children: [
- v && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: v }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- className: 'ListInput__Section',
- fill: !0,
- title: h,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { filteredItems: V, setEdittedItems: S }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- mt: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.InputButtons, { input: V }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- k = function (i, c) {
- var m = i.filteredItems,
- l = i.setEdittedItems,
- u = (0, f.useLocalState)(c, 'draggedItemIndex', null),
- s = u[0],
- d = u[1],
- C = function (N) {
- d(N);
- },
- h = function (N) {
- N.preventDefault();
- },
- v = function (N) {
- if ((N === void 0 && (N = null), s !== null)) {
- var V = [].concat(m),
- S = V.splice(s, 1)[0];
- N === null ? V.push(S) : V.splice(N, 0, S), l(V), d(null);
- }
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- tabIndex: 0,
- onDrop: (function () {
- function p() {
- return v(null);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- onDragOver: h,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- children: m.map(function (p, N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- y.TableRow,
- {
- draggable: !0,
- onDragStart: (function () {
- function V() {
- return C(N);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- onDragOver: h,
- onDrop: (function () {
- function V() {
- return v(N);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- style: { padding: '8px' },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- py: '0.25rem',
- color: 'transparent',
- style: { animation: 'none', transition: 'none', cursor: 'move' },
- icon: 'grip-lines',
- children: p.replace(/^\w/, function (V) {
- return V.toUpperCase();
- }),
- }),
- },
- N
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 48125: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ReagentGrinder = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(85870),
- b = n(62411),
- y = (r.ReagentGrinder = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = l.config,
- C = s.operating,
- h = d.title;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 565,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Operating, { operating: C, name: h }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- B = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.inactive;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Controls',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'mortar-pestle',
- disabled: d,
- tooltip: d ? 'There are no contents' : 'Grind the contents',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- content: 'Grind',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return u('grind');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- icon: 'blender',
- disabled: d,
- tooltip: d ? 'There are no contents' : 'Juice the contents',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom',
- content: 'Juice',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return u('juice');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.contents,
- C = s.limit,
- h = s.count,
- v = s.inactive;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Contents',
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: 'label',
- mr: 2,
- children: [h, ' / ', C, ' items'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject Contents',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return u('eject');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- disabled: v,
- tooltip: v ? 'There are no contents' : '',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'Ingredient__Table',
- children: d.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- tr: 5,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'td',
- null,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: p.name }),
- 2
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'td',
- null,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [p.amount, ' ', p.units],
- }),
- 2
- ),
- ],
- },
- p.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- g = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.beaker_loaded,
- C = s.beaker_current_volume,
- h = s.beaker_max_volume,
- v = s.beaker_contents;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Beaker',
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- height: '40%',
- buttons:
- !!d &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: 'label',
- mr: 2,
- children: [C, ' / ', h, ' units'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Detach Beaker',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return u('detach');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.BeakerContents, { beakerLoaded: d, beakerContents: v }),
- });
- };
- },
- 58262: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ReagentsEditor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(25328);
- function b(i, c) {
- (i.prototype = Object.create(c.prototype)), (i.prototype.constructor = i), y(i, c);
- }
- function y(i, c) {
- return (
- (y = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (m, l) {
- return (m.__proto__ = l), m;
- }),
- y(i, c)
- );
- }
- var B = (r.ReagentsEditor = (function (i) {
- function c(l) {
- var u;
- return (
- (u = i.call(this, l) || this),
- (u.handleSearchChange = function (s) {
- var d = s.target;
- u.setState({ searchText: d.value });
- }),
- (u.state = { searchText: '' }),
- u
- );
- }
- b(c, i);
- var m = c.prototype;
- return (
- (m.render = (function () {
- function l(u, s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(this.context),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.reagentsInformation,
- N = v.reagents,
- V = Object.entries(N)
- .map(function (I) {
- var L = I[0],
- w = I[1];
- return Object.assign({}, w, p[L], { id: L });
- })
- .sort(function (I, L) {
- return I.name.localeCompare(L.name);
- });
- s.searchText !== '' &&
- (V = V.concat(
- Object.entries(p)
- .filter(function (I) {
- var L = I[0],
- w = I[1];
- return N[L] === void 0;
- })
- .map(function (I) {
- var L = I[0],
- w = I[1];
- return Object.assign({}, w, { id: L });
- })
- .sort(function (I, L) {
- return I.name.localeCompare(L.name);
- })
- ));
- var S = V.filter(function (I) {
- var L = I.id,
- w = I.name;
- return (0, f.createSearch)(s.searchText, function () {
- return L + '|' + w;
- })({});
- }).map(function (I) {
- var L = I.volume,
- w = I.uid;
- return L === void 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g, { reagent: I }, w)
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { reagent: I }, w);
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 480,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- horizontal: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- value: s.searchText,
- onChange: this.handleSearchChange,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- tooltip: 'Update Reagent Amounts',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return h('update_total');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fire-alt',
- tooltip: 'Force Reagent Reaction',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return h('react_reagents');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'reagents-table',
- children: S,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- c
- );
- })(e.Component)),
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = c.reagent,
- u = l.id,
- s = l.name,
- d = l.uid,
- C = l.volume,
- h = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- v = h.act;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- className: 'reagent-row',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- className: 'volume-cell',
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'volume-actions-wrapper',
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- className: 'condensed-button',
- icon: 'trash-alt',
- confirmIcon: 'question',
- iconColor: 'red',
- confirmContent: '',
- color: 'none',
- confirmColor: 'none',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return v('delete_reagent', { uid: d });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- mr: '0.5em',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- className: 'condensed-button',
- icon: 'syringe',
- iconColor: 'green',
- color: 'none',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return v('edit_volume', { uid: d });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', 'volume-label', C === null ? 'NULL' : C + 'u', 0),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: [u, ' (', s, ')'] }),
- ],
- });
- },
- g = function (c, m) {
- var l = c.reagent,
- u = l.id,
- s = l.name,
- d = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- C = d.act;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- className: 'reagent-row absent-row',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- className: 'volume-cell',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- className: 'condensed-button add-reagent-button',
- icon: 'fill-drip',
- color: 'none',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return C('add_reagent', { reagentID: u });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- className: 'reagent-absent-name-cell',
- children: [u, ' (', s, ')'],
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 30207: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RemoteSignaler = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(13545),
- b = (r.RemoteSignaler = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.on;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 300,
- height: 165,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Receiver',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- content: m ? 'On' : 'Off',
- color: m ? null : 'red',
- selected: m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return i('recv_power');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Signaler, { data: c }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 25472: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RequestConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = 0,
- b = 1,
- y = 2,
- B = 3,
- k = (r.RequestConsole = (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- var p = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.screen,
- I = V.announcementConsole,
- L = (function () {
- function w(A) {
- switch (A) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { purpose: 'ASSISTANCE' });
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { purpose: 'SUPPLIES' });
- case 3:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { purpose: 'INFO' });
- case 4:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { type: 'SUCCESS' });
- case 5:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { type: 'FAIL' });
- case 6:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { type: 'MESSAGES' });
- case 7:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l);
- case 8:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u);
- case 9:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s);
- case 10:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { type: 'SHIPPING' });
- case 11:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d);
- default:
- return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
- }
- }
- return w;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 450,
- height: I ? 425 : 385,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, { fill: !0, vertical: !0, children: L(S) }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- g = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.newmessagepriority,
- I = V.announcementConsole,
- L = V.silent,
- w;
- return (
- S === B
- ? (w = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Blink, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- bold: !0,
- mb: 1,
- }),
- }))
- : S > f
- ? (w = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- bold: !0,
- mb: 1,
- children: 'There are new messages',
- }))
- : (w = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- mb: 1,
- children: 'There are no new messages',
- })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Main Menu',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 9,
- content: L ? 'Speaker Off' : 'Speaker On',
- selected: !L,
- icon: L ? 'volume-mute' : 'volume-up',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('toggleSilent');
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- w,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- content: 'View Messages',
- icon: S > f ? 'envelope-open-text' : 'envelope',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 6 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mt: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- content: 'Request Assistance',
- icon: 'hand-paper',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 1 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- content: 'Request Supplies',
- icon: 'box',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 2 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- content: 'Request Secondary Goal',
- icon: 'clipboard-list',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 11 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- content: 'Relay Anonymous Information',
- icon: 'comment',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 3 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mt: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- content: 'Print Shipping Label',
- icon: 'tag',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 9 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- content: 'View Shipping Logs',
- icon: 'clipboard-list',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 10 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !!I &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mt: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- content: 'Send Station-Wide Announcement',
- icon: 'bullhorn',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 8 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- );
- },
- i = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.department,
- I = [],
- L;
- switch (h.purpose) {
- case 'ASSISTANCE':
- (I = V.assist_dept), (L = 'Request assistance from another department');
- break;
- case 'SUPPLIES':
- (I = V.supply_dept), (L = 'Request supplies from another department');
- break;
- case 'INFO':
- (I = V.info_dept), (L = 'Relay information to another department');
- break;
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: L,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Back',
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: I.filter(function (w) {
- return w !== S;
- }).map(function (w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: w,
- textAlign: 'right',
- className: 'candystripe',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Message',
- icon: 'envelope',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('writeInput', { write: w, priority: y });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'High Priority',
- icon: 'exclamation-circle',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('writeInput', { write: w, priority: B });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- c = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S;
- switch (h.type) {
- case 'SUCCESS':
- S = 'Message sent successfully';
- break;
- case 'FAIL':
- S = 'Unable to contact messaging server';
- break;
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: S,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Back',
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- });
- },
- m = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S,
- I;
- switch (h.type) {
- case 'MESSAGES':
- (S = V.message_log), (I = 'Message Log');
- break;
- case 'SHIPPING':
- (S = V.shipping_log), (I = 'Shipping label print log');
- break;
- }
- return (
- S.reverse(),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: I,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Back',
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- children: S.map(function (L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- textAlign: 'left',
- children: [
- L.map(function (w, A) {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', null, w, 0, null, A);
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'hr'),
- ],
- },
- L
- );
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- },
- l = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.recipient,
- I = V.message,
- L = V.msgVerified,
- w = V.msgStamped;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Message Authentication',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Back',
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Recipient', children: S }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Message', children: I }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Validated by',
- color: 'green',
- children: L,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Stamped by',
- color: 'blue',
- children: w,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Send Message',
- icon: 'envelope',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('department', { department: S });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- u = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.message,
- I = V.announceAuth;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Station-Wide Announcement',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Back',
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Edit Message',
- icon: 'edit',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('writeAnnouncement');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: S,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- I
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'green',
- children: 'ID verified. Authentication accepted.',
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Swipe your ID card to authenticate yourself',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- mt: 2,
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Send Announcement',
- icon: 'bullhorn',
- disabled: !(I && S),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('sendAnnouncement');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- s = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.shipDest,
- I = V.msgVerified,
- L = V.ship_dept;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Print Shipping Label',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Back',
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Destination', children: S }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Validated by', children: I }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- mt: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Print Label',
- icon: 'print',
- disabled: !(S && I),
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return N('printLabel');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Destinations',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: L.map(function (w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: w,
- textAlign: 'right',
- className: 'candystripe',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: S === w ? 'Selected' : 'Select',
- selected: S === w,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return N('shipSelect', { shipSelect: w });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- d = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, a.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.secondaryGoalAuth,
- I = V.secondaryGoalEnabled;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Request Secondary Goal',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Back',
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('setScreen', { setScreen: 0 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- I
- ? S
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'green',
- children: 'ID verified. Authentication accepted.',
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Swipe your ID card to authenticate yourself',
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Complete your current goal first!',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- mt: 2,
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'Request Secondary Goal',
- icon: 'clipboard-list',
- disabled: !(S && I),
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('requestSecondaryGoal');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- };
- },
- 9861: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RndBackupConsole = r.LinkMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.RndBackupConsole = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.network_name,
- l = c.has_disk,
- u = c.disk_name,
- s = c.linked,
- d = c.techs,
- C = c.last_timestamp;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 900,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Device Info',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mb: 2,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Network',
- children: s
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: m,
- icon: 'unlink',
- selected: 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return i('unlink');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- })
- : 'None',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Loaded Disk',
- children: l
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: u + ' (Last backup: ' + C + ')',
- icon: 'save',
- selected: 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return i('eject_disk');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-in-alt',
- content: 'Save all',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return i('saveall2disk');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-out-alt',
- content: 'Load all',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return i('saveall2network');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- : 'None',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !!s || (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: 2,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Tech Info',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Tech Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Level' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Disk Level' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Actions' }),
- ],
- }),
- Object.keys(d).map(function (h) {
- return (
- !(d[h].network_level > 0 || d[h].disk_level > 0) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d[h].name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: d[h].network_level || 'None',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: d[h].disk_level || 'None',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-in-alt',
- content: 'Load to network',
- disabled: !l || !s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return i('savetech2network', { tech: h });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-out-alt',
- content: 'Load to disk',
- disabled: !l || !s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return i('savetech2disk', { tech: h });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- h
- )
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- b = (r.LinkMenu = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.controllers;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Setup Linkage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Address' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Link' }),
- ],
- }),
- m.map(function (l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: l.addr }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: l.net_id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Link',
- icon: 'link',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return i('linktonetworkcontroller', { target_controller: l.addr });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- l.addr
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 68303: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AnalyzerMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = (r.AnalyzerMenu = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, t.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.data,
- c = g.act,
- m = i.tech_levels,
- l = i.loaded_item,
- u = i.linked_analyzer,
- s = i.can_discover;
- return u
- ? l
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Object Analysis',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Deconstruct',
- icon: 'microscope',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- c('deconstruct');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Eject',
- icon: 'eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- c('eject_item');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- !s ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Discover',
- icon: 'atom',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- c('discover');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Name',
- children: l.name,
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- id: 'research-levels',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- header: !0,
- children: 'Research Field',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- header: !0,
- children: 'Current Level',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- header: !0,
- children: 'Object Level',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'New Level' }),
- ],
- }),
- m.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { techLevel: d }, d.id);
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Analysis Menu',
- children: 'No item loaded. Standing by...',
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Analysis Menu',
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = B.techLevel,
- i = g.name,
- c = g.desc,
- m = g.level,
- l = g.object_level,
- u = g.ui_icon,
- s = l != null,
- d = s && l >= m ? Math.max(l, m + 1) : m;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, { icon: 'circle-info', tooltip: c }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: u }), ' ', i],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: m }),
- s
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: l })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- className: 'research-level-no-effect',
- children: '-',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- className: (0, a.classes)([d !== m && 'upgraded-level']),
- children: d,
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 37556: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.DataDiskMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = 'design',
- f = 'tech',
- b = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.data,
- s = l.act,
- d = u.disk_data;
- return d
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: d.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Level', children: d.level }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Description',
- children: d.desc,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '10px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Upload to Database',
- icon: 'arrow-up',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return s('updt_tech');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- })
- : null;
- },
- y = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.data,
- s = l.act,
- d = u.disk_data;
- if (!d) return null;
- var C = d.name,
- h = d.lathe_types,
- v = d.materials,
- p = h.join(', ');
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: C }),
- p
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Lathe Types', children: p })
- : null,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Required Materials' }),
- ],
- }),
- v.map(function (N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: [
- '- ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, N.name, 0, { style: { 'text-transform': 'capitalize' } }),
- ' x ',
- N.amount,
- ],
- },
- N.name
- );
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '10px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Upload to Database',
- icon: 'arrow-up',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return s('updt_design');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.disk_data;
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- Object.assign(
- {
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- content: 'Erase',
- icon: 'eraser',
- disabled: !d,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return u('erase_disk');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Eject',
- icon: 'eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- u('eject_disk');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- },
- c
- )
- )
- );
- },
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.data,
- s = l.act,
- d = u.disk_type,
- C = u.to_copy,
- h = c.title;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
- title: h,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- overflowY: 'auto',
- overflowX: 'hidden',
- maxHeight: '450px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: C.sort(function (v, p) {
- return v.name.localeCompare(p.name);
- }).map(function (v) {
- var p = v.name,
- N = v.id;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- noColon: !0,
- label: p,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- content: 'Copy to Disk',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- d === f ? s('copy_tech', { id: N }) : s('copy_design', { id: N });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- N
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- g = (r.DataDiskMenu = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.data,
- s = u.disk_type,
- d = u.disk_data;
- if (!s)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { title: 'Data Disk', children: 'No disk loaded.' });
- switch (s) {
- case o:
- return d
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
- title: 'Design Disk',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { title: 'Design Disk' });
- case f:
- return d
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
- title: 'Technology Disk',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { title: 'Technology Disk' });
- default:
- return (0, e.createFragment)([(0, e.createTextVNode)('UNRECOGNIZED DISK TYPE')], 4);
- }
- }
- return i;
- })());
- },
- 16830: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheCategory = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(52662),
- f = (r.LatheCategory = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.data,
- i = k.act,
- c = g.category,
- m = g.matching_designs,
- l = g.menu,
- u = l === 4,
- s = u ? 'build' : 'imprint';
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: c,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LatheMaterials),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'RndConsole__LatheCategory__MatchingDesigns',
- children: m.map(function (d) {
- var C = d.id,
- h = d.name,
- v = d.can_build,
- p = d.materials;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'print',
- content: h,
- disabled: v < 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return i(s, { id: C, amount: 1 });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children:
- v >= 5
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'x5',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return i(s, { id: C, amount: 5 });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- })
- : null,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children:
- v >= 10
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'x10',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return i(s, { id: C, amount: 10 });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- })
- : null,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: p.map(function (N) {
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- ' | ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'span',
- N.is_red ? 'color-red' : null,
- [N.amount, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' '), N.name],
- 0
- ),
- ],
- 0
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- C
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 70497: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheChemicalStorage = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.LatheChemicalStorage = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.data,
- g = B.act,
- i = k.loaded_chemicals,
- c = k.menu === 4;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Chemical Storage',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Purge All',
- icon: 'trash',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- var l = c ? 'disposeallP' : 'disposeallI';
- g(l);
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: i.map(function (m) {
- var l = m.volume,
- u = m.name,
- s = m.id;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: '* ' + l + ' of ' + u,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Purge',
- icon: 'trash',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- var C = c ? 'disposeP' : 'disposeI';
- g(C, { id: s });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- s
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 70864: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheMainMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(52662),
- f = n(68198),
- b = (r.LatheMainMenu = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.data,
- c = g.act,
- m = i.menu,
- l = i.categories,
- u = m === 4 ? 'Protolathe' : 'Circuit Imprinter';
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: u + ' Menu',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LatheMaterials),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LatheSearch),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- wrap: 'wrap',
- children: l.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Flex,
- {
- style: { 'flex-basis': '50%', 'margin-bottom': '6px' },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-right',
- content: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- c('setCategory', { category: s });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- s
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 42878: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheMaterialStorage = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.LatheMaterialStorage = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.data,
- g = B.act,
- i = k.loaded_materials;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- className: 'RndConsole__LatheMaterialStorage',
- title: 'Material Storage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: i.map(function (c) {
- var m = c.id,
- l = c.amount,
- u = c.name,
- s = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- var N = k.menu === 4 ? 'lathe_ejectsheet' : 'imprinter_ejectsheet';
- g(N, { id: m, amount: p });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- d = Math.floor(l / 2e3),
- C = l < 1,
- h = d === 1 ? '' : 's';
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- className: C ? 'color-grey' : 'color-yellow',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- minWidth: '210px',
- children: ['* ', l, ' of ', u],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- minWidth: '110px',
- children: ['(', d, ' sheet', h, ')'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children:
- l >= 2e3
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: '1x',
- icon: 'eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return s(1);
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'C',
- icon: 'eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return s('custom');
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- l >= 2e3 * 5
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: '5x',
- icon: 'eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return s(5);
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- })
- : null,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'All',
- icon: 'eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return s(50);
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- )
- : null,
- }),
- ],
- },
- m
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 52662: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheMaterials = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.LatheMaterials = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.data,
- g = k.total_materials,
- i = k.max_materials,
- c = k.max_chemicals,
- m = k.total_chemicals;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: 'RndConsole__LatheMaterials',
- mb: '10px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- width: 'auto',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Material Amount:' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: g }),
- i ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: ' / ' + i }) : null,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: 'Chemical Amount:' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: m }),
- c ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: ' / ' + c }) : null,
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 9681: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(12644),
- f = n(70864),
- b = n(16830),
- y = n(42878),
- B = n(70497),
- k = ['menu'];
- function g(u, s) {
- if (u == null) return {};
- var d = {};
- for (var C in u)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(u, C)) {
- if (s.includes(C)) continue;
- d[C] = u[C];
- }
- return d;
- }
- var i = t.Tabs.Tab,
- c = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p =
- v.menu === o.MENU.LATHE
- ? ['nav_protolathe', v.submenu_protolathe]
- : ['nav_imprinter', v.submenu_imprinter],
- N = p[0],
- V = p[1],
- S = s.menu,
- I = g(s, k);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- i,
- Object.assign(
- {
- selected: V === S,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return h(N, { menu: S });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- },
- I
- )
- )
- );
- },
- m = function (s) {
- switch (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.LatheMainMenu);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LatheCategory);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LatheMaterialStorage);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LatheChemicalStorage);
- }
- },
- l = (r.LatheMenu = (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.data,
- v = h.menu,
- p = h.linked_lathe,
- N = h.linked_imprinter;
- return v === o.MENU.LATHE && !p
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'NO PROTOLATHE LINKED TO CONSOLE' })
- : v === o.MENU.IMPRINTER && !N
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: 'NO CIRCUIT IMPRITER LINKED TO CONSOLE' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, {
- icon: 'bars',
- children: 'Main Menu',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, {
- icon: 'layer-group',
- children: 'Materials',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, {
- icon: 'flask-vial',
- children: 'Chemicals',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- m(h.menu === o.MENU.LATHE ? h.submenu_protolathe : h.submenu_imprinter),
- ],
- });
- }
- return u;
- })());
- },
- 68198: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LatheSearch = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.LatheSearch = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Search...',
- onEnter: (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- return k('search', { to_search: c });
- }
- return g;
- })(),
- }),
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 81421: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LinkMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(98595),
- o = n(36036),
- f = (r.LinkMenu = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.controllers;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 550,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Setup Linkage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Address' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Link' }),
- ],
- }),
- c.map(function (m) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: m.addr }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: m.net_id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Link',
- icon: 'link',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('linktonetworkcontroller', { target_controller: m.addr });
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- m.addr
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 6256: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SettingsMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.SettingsMenu = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b)],
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- f = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.sync,
- l = c.admin;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Settings',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- direction: 'column',
- align: 'flex-start',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'red',
- icon: 'unlink',
- content: 'Disconnect from Research Network',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- i('unlink');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.data,
- c = g.act,
- m = i.linked_analyzer,
- l = i.linked_lathe,
- u = i.linked_imprinter;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Linked Devices',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'link',
- content: 'Re-sync with Nearby Devices',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return c('find_device');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Scientific Analyzer',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'unlink',
- disabled: !m,
- content: m ? 'Unlink' : 'Undetected',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return c('disconnect', { item: 'analyze' });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Protolathe',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'unlink',
- disabled: !l,
- content: l ? 'Unlink' : 'Undetected',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- c('disconnect', { item: 'lathe' });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Circuit Imprinter',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'unlink',
- disabled: !u,
- content: u ? 'Unlink' : 'Undetected',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return c('disconnect', { item: 'imprinter' });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 12644: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RndConsole = r.PRINTER_MENU = r.MENU = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(98595),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(35840),
- b = n(37556),
- y = n(9681),
- B = n(81421),
- k = n(6256),
- g = n(68303),
- i = ['menu'];
- function c(p, N) {
- if (p == null) return {};
- var V = {};
- for (var S in p)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(p, S)) {
- if (N.includes(S)) continue;
- V[S] = p[S];
- }
- return V;
- }
- var m = o.Tabs.Tab,
- l = (r.MENU = { MAIN: 0, DISK: 2, ANALYZE: 3, LATHE: 4, IMPRINTER: 5, SETTINGS: 6 }),
- s = function (N) {
- switch (N) {
- case l.MAIN:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, v);
- case l.DISK:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.DataDiskMenu);
- case l.ANALYZE:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g.AnalyzerMenu);
- case l.LATHE:
- case l.IMPRINTER:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LatheMenu);
- case l.SETTINGS:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.SettingsMenu);
- default:
- return 'UNKNOWN MENU';
- }
- },
- d = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data,
- w = L.menu,
- A = N.menu,
- x = c(N, i);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- m,
- Object.assign(
- {
- selected: w === A,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return I('nav', { menu: A });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- },
- x
- )
- )
- );
- },
- C = (r.RndConsole = (function () {
- function p(N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.act,
- L = S.data;
- if (!L.linked) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LinkMenu);
- var w = L.menu,
- A = L.linked_analyzer,
- x = L.linked_lathe,
- E = L.linked_imprinter,
- P = L.wait_message;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window, {
- width: 800,
- height: 550,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'RndConsole',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { icon: 'flask', menu: l.MAIN, children: 'Research' }),
- !!A &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
- icon: 'microscope',
- menu: l.ANALYZE,
- children: 'Analyze',
- }),
- !!x &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
- icon: 'print',
- menu: l.LATHE,
- children: 'Protolathe',
- }),
- !!E &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, {
- icon: 'memory',
- menu: l.IMPRINTER,
- children: 'Imprinter',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { icon: 'floppy-disk', menu: l.DISK, children: 'Disk' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d, { icon: 'cog', menu: l.SETTINGS, children: 'Settings' }),
- ],
- }),
- s(w),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return p;
- })()),
- h = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.data,
- L = I.wait_message;
- return L
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'RndConsole__Overlay',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: 'RndConsole__Overlay__Wrapper',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NoticeBox, { color: 'black', children: L }),
- }),
- })
- : null;
- },
- v = function (N, V) {
- var S = (0, a.useBackend)(V),
- I = S.data,
- L = I.tech_levels;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- id: 'research-levels',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Research Field' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { header: !0, children: 'Level' }),
- ],
- }),
- L.map(function (w) {
- var A = w.id,
- x = w.name,
- E = w.desc,
- P = w.level,
- D = w.ui_icon;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, { icon: 'circle-info', tooltip: E }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: D }), ' ', x],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: P }),
- ],
- },
- A
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 29205: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RndNetController = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.RndNetController = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.ion,
- s = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'mainTabIndex', 0),
- d = s[0],
- C = s[1],
- h = (function () {
- function v(p) {
- switch (p) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
- default:
- }
- }
- return v;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 900,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: 'wrench',
- selected: d === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return C(0);
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- children: 'Network Management',
- },
- 'ConfigPage'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: 'floppy-disk',
- selected: d === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return C(1);
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- children: 'Design Management',
- },
- 'DesignPage'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- h(d),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'filterType', 'ALL'),
- s = u[0],
- d = u[1],
- C = l.network_password,
- h = l.network_name,
- v = l.devices,
- p = [];
- p.push(s), s === 'MSC' && (p.push('BCK'), p.push('PGN'));
- var N =
- s === 'ALL'
- ? v
- : v.filter(function (V) {
- return p.indexOf(V.dclass) > -1;
- });
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Network Configuration',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Network Name',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: h || 'Unset',
- selected: h,
- icon: 'edit',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return m('network_name');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Network Password',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: C || 'Unset',
- selected: C,
- icon: 'lock',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return m('network_password');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Connected Devices',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: s === 'ALL',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return d('ALL');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- icon: 'network-wired',
- children: 'All Devices',
- },
- 'AllDevices'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: s === 'SRV',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return d('SRV');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- icon: 'server',
- children: 'R&D Servers',
- },
- 'RNDServers'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: s === 'RDC',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return d('RDC');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- icon: 'desktop',
- children: 'R&D Consoles',
- },
- 'RDConsoles'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: s === 'MFB',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return d('MFB');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- icon: 'industry',
- children: 'Exosuit Fabricators',
- },
- 'Mechfabs'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: s === 'MSC',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return d('MSC');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- icon: 'microchip',
- children: 'Miscellaneous Devices',
- },
- 'Misc'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Device Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Device ID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Unlink' }),
- ],
- }),
- N.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: V.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: V.id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Unlink',
- icon: 'unlink',
- color: 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return m('unlink_device', { dclass: V.dclass, uid: V.id });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- V.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.designs,
- s = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'searchText', ''),
- d = s[0],
- C = s[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Design Management',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- placeholder: 'Search for designs',
- mb: 2,
- onInput: (function () {
- function h(v, p) {
- return C(p);
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- u
- .filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(d, function (h) {
- return h.name;
- })
- )
- .map(function (h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button.Checkbox,
- {
- fluid: !0,
- content: h.name,
- checked: !h.blacklisted,
- onClick: (function () {
- function v() {
- return m(h.blacklisted ? 'unblacklist_design' : 'blacklist_design', { d_uid: h.uid });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- },
- h.name
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 63315: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RndServer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(44879),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.RndServer = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.active,
- s = l.network_name;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 500,
- resizable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Server Configuration',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Machine power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: u,
- icon: 'power-off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('toggle_active');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Link status',
- children:
- s === null
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'red', children: 'Unlinked' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'green', children: 'Linked' }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- s === null ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.network_name;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Network Info',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Connected network ID', children: u }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Unlink',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Unlink',
- icon: 'unlink',
- color: 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return m('unlink');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.controllers;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Detected Cores',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Link' }),
- ],
- }),
- u.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: s.netname }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Link',
- icon: 'link',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('link', { addr: s.addr });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- s.addr
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 26109: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RobotSelfDiagnosis = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(25328),
- b = function (k, g) {
- var i = k / g;
- return i <= 0.2 ? 'good' : i <= 0.5 ? 'average' : 'bad';
- },
- y = (r.RobotSelfDiagnosis = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.data,
- m = c.component_data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 280,
- height: 480,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: m.map(function (l, u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: (0, f.capitalize)(l.name),
- children:
- l.installed <= 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- m: -0.5,
- height: 3.5,
- color: 'red',
- style: { 'font-style': 'normal' },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- height: '100%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- grow: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: '#e8e8e8',
- children: l.installed === -1 ? 'Destroyed' : 'Missing',
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- width: '72%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Brute Damage',
- color: b(l.brute_damage, l.max_damage),
- children: l.brute_damage,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Burn Damage',
- color: b(l.electronic_damage, l.max_damage),
- children: l.electronic_damage,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- width: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Powered',
- color: l.powered ? 'good' : 'bad',
- children: l.powered ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Enabled',
- color: l.status ? 'good' : 'bad',
- children: l.status ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- u
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 97997: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.RoboticsControlConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.RoboticsControlConsole = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.can_hack,
- l = c.safety,
- u = c.show_lock_all,
- s = c.cyborgs,
- d = s === void 0 ? [] : s;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 460,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- !!u &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Emergency Lock Down',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: l ? 'lock' : 'unlock',
- content: l ? 'Disable Safety' : 'Enable Safety',
- selected: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('arm', {});
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'lock',
- disabled: l,
- content: 'Lock ALL Cyborgs',
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('masslock', {});
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { cyborgs: d, can_hack: m }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = B.cyborgs,
- i = B.can_hack,
- c = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = 'Detonate';
- return (
- l.detonate_cooldown > 0 && (u += ' (' + l.detonate_cooldown + 's)'),
- g.length
- ? g.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: s.name,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- !!s.hackable &&
- !s.emagged &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'terminal',
- content: 'Hack',
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('hackbot', { uid: s.uid });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: s.locked_down ? 'unlock' : 'lock',
- color: s.locked_down ? 'good' : 'default',
- content: s.locked_down ? 'Release' : 'Lockdown',
- disabled: !l.auth,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('stopbot', { uid: s.uid });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'bomb',
- content: u,
- disabled: !l.auth || l.detonate_cooldown > 0,
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('killbot', { uid: s.uid });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: s.status ? 'bad' : s.locked_down ? 'average' : 'good',
- children: s.status ? 'Not Responding' : s.locked_down ? 'Locked Down' : 'Nominal',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Location',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: s.locstring }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Integrity',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- color: s.health > 50 ? 'good' : 'bad',
- value: s.health / 100,
- }),
- }),
- (typeof s.charge == 'number' &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cell Charge',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- color: s.charge > 30 ? 'good' : 'bad',
- value: s.charge / 100,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cell Capacity',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: s.cell_capacity < 3e4 ? 'average' : 'good',
- children: s.cell_capacity,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cell',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: 'No Power Cell',
- }),
- }),
- !!s.is_hacked &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Safeties',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: 'DISABLED',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Module',
- children: s.module,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Master AI',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: s.synchronization ? 'default' : 'average',
- children: s.synchronization || 'None',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- s.uid
- );
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children: 'No cyborg units detected within access parameters.',
- })
- );
- };
- },
- 54431: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Safe = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.Safe = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.dial,
- s = l.open,
- d = l.locked,
- C = l.contents;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- theme: 'safe',
- width: 600,
- height: 800,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: 'Safe--engraving',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: 'Safe--engraving--hinge',
- top: '25%',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: 'Safe--engraving--hinge',
- top: '75%',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- className: 'Safe--engraving--arrow',
- name: 'long-arrow-alt-down',
- size: '3',
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- s
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y)
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- as: 'img',
- className: 'Safe--dial',
- src: 'safe_dial.png',
- style: { transform: 'rotate(-' + 3.6 * u + 'deg)', 'z-index': 0 },
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !s && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- b = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.dial,
- s = l.open,
- d = l.locked,
- C = function (v, p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: s || (p && !d),
- icon: 'arrow-' + (p ? 'right' : 'left'),
- content: (p ? 'Right' : 'Left') + ' ' + v,
- iconRight: p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return m(p ? 'turnleft' : 'turnright', { num: v });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- style: { 'z-index': 10 },
- });
- };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: 'Safe--dialer',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: d,
- icon: s ? 'lock' : 'lock-open',
- content: s ? 'Close' : 'Open',
- mb: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('open');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { position: 'absolute', children: [C(50), C(10), C(1)] }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: 'Safe--dialer--right',
- position: 'absolute',
- right: '5px',
- children: [C(1, !0), C(10, !0), C(50, !0)],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { className: 'Safe--dialer--number', children: u }),
- ],
- });
- },
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.contents;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: 'Safe--contents',
- overflow: 'auto',
- children: u.map(function (s, d) {
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return m('retrieve', { index: d + 1 });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- as: 'img',
- src: s.sprite + '.png',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- ml: '-6px',
- mr: '0.5rem',
- }),
- s.name,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- ],
- 4,
- s
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- className: 'Safe--help',
- title: 'Safe opening instructions (because you all keep forgetting)',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- '1. Turn the dial left to the first number.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- '2. Turn the dial right to the second number.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- '3. Continue repeating this process for each number, switching between left and right each time.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- '4. Open the safe.',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: !0,
- children: 'To lock fully, turn the dial to the left after closing the safe.',
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 29740: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SatelliteControl = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.SatelliteControl = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.satellites,
- m = i.notice,
- l = i.meteor_shield,
- u = i.meteor_shield_coverage,
- s = i.meteor_shield_coverage_max,
- d = i.meteor_shield_coverage_percentage;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 475,
- height: 400,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Station Shield Coverage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- color: d >= 100 ? 'good' : 'average',
- value: u,
- maxValue: s,
- children: [d, ' %'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Satellite Network Control',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Alert',
- color: 'red',
- children: i.notice,
- }),
- c.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: '#' + C.id,
- children: [
- C.mode,
- ' ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: C.active ? 'Deactivate' : 'Activate',
- icon: 'arrow-circle-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return g('toggle', { id: C.id });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- C.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 44162: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SecureStorage = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = n(36352),
- y = n(92986),
- B = (r.SecureStorage = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- theme: 'securestorage',
- height: 500,
- width: 280,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- k = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = window.event ? m.which : m.keyCode;
- if (d === y.KEY_ENTER) {
- m.preventDefault(), s('keypad', { digit: 'E' });
- return;
- }
- if (d === y.KEY_ESCAPE) {
- m.preventDefault(), s('keypad', { digit: 'C' });
- return;
- }
- if (d === y.KEY_BACKSPACE) {
- m.preventDefault(), s('backspace');
- return;
- }
- if (d >= y.KEY_0 && d <= y.KEY_9) {
- m.preventDefault(), s('keypad', { digit: d - y.KEY_0 });
- return;
- }
- if (d >= y.KEY_NUMPAD_0 && d <= y.KEY_NUMPAD_9) {
- m.preventDefault(), s('keypad', { digit: d - y.KEY_NUMPAD_0 });
- return;
- }
- },
- g = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.locked,
- h = d.no_passcode,
- v = d.emagged,
- p = d.user_entered_code,
- N = [
- ['1', '2', '3'],
- ['4', '5', '6'],
- ['7', '8', '9'],
- ['C', '0', 'E'],
- ],
- V = h ? '' : C ? 'bad' : 'good';
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function S(I) {
- return k(I, l);
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- height: 7.3,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- className: (0, a.classes)(['SecureStorage__displayBox', 'SecureStorage__displayBox--' + V]),
- height: '100%',
- children: v ? 'ERROR' : p,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- children: N.map(function (S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.TableRow,
- {
- children: S.map(function (I) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.TableCell,
- { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { number: I }) },
- I
- );
- }),
- },
- S[0]
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- i = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = m.number;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- bold: !0,
- mb: '6px',
- content: C,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: '60px',
- lineHeight: 1.25,
- width: '80px',
- className: (0, a.classes)([
- 'SecureStorage__Button',
- 'SecureStorage__Button--keypad',
- 'SecureStorage__Button--' + C,
- ]),
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return s('keypad', { digit: C });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- });
- };
- },
- 6272: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SecurityRecords = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = n(3939),
- y = n(321),
- B = n(5485),
- k = n(22091),
- g = {
- '*Execute*': 'execute',
- '*Arrest*': 'arrest',
- Incarcerated: 'incarcerated',
- Parolled: 'parolled',
- Released: 'released',
- Demote: 'demote',
- Search: 'search',
- Monitor: 'monitor',
- },
- i = function (p, N) {
- (0, b.modalOpen)(p, 'edit', { field: N.edit, value: N.value });
- },
- c = (r.SecurityRecords = (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
- S = V.act,
- I = V.data,
- L = I.loginState,
- w = I.currentPage,
- A;
- if (L.logged_in)
- w === 1
- ? (A = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l))
- : w === 2 && (A = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d));
- else
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- theme: 'security',
- width: 800,
- height: 900,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.LoginScreen),
- }),
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- theme: 'security',
- width: 800,
- height: 900,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.LoginInfo),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k.TemporaryNotice),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
- A,
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return v;
- })()),
- m = function (p, N) {
- var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
- S = V.act,
- I = V.data,
- L = I.currentPage,
- w = I.general;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- m: 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'list',
- selected: L === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return S('page', { page: 1 });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- children: 'List Records',
- }),
- L === 2 &&
- w &&
- !w.empty &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'file',
- selected: L === 2,
- children: ['Record: ', w.fields[0].value],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- l = function (p, N) {
- var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
- S = V.act,
- I = V.data,
- L = I.records,
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'searchText', ''),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'sortId', 'name'),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1],
- M = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'sortOrder', !0),
- R = M[0],
- O = M[1];
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- mt: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'SecurityRecords__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { id: 'id', children: 'ID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { id: 'rank', children: 'Assignment' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { id: 'fingerprint', children: 'Fingerprint' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { id: 'status', children: 'Criminal Status' }),
- ],
- }),
- L.filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(A, function (F) {
- return F.name + '|' + F.id + '|' + F.rank + '|' + F.fingerprint + '|' + F.status;
- })
- )
- .sort(function (F, _) {
- var U = R ? 1 : -1;
- return F[P].localeCompare(_[P]) * U;
- })
- .map(function (F) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- className: 'SecurityRecords__listRow--' + g[F.status],
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return S('view', { uid_gen: F.uid_gen, uid_sec: F.uid_sec });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'user' }), ' ', F.name],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.rank }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.fingerprint }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.status }),
- ],
- },
- F.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- u = function (p, N) {
- var V = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'sortId', 'name'),
- S = V[0],
- I = V[1],
- L = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'sortOrder', !0),
- w = L[0],
- A = L[1],
- x = p.id,
- E = p.children;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: S !== x && 'transparent',
- fluid: !0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- S === x ? A(!w) : (I(x), A(!0));
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- children: [
- E,
- S === x &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: w ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- s = function (p, N) {
- var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
- S = V.act,
- I = V.data,
- L = I.isPrinting,
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(N, 'searchText', ''),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- ml: '0.25rem',
- content: 'New Record',
- icon: 'plus',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return S('new_general');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: L,
- icon: L ? 'spinner' : 'print',
- iconSpin: !!L,
- content: 'Print Cell Log',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return (0, b.modalOpen)(N, 'print_cell_log');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Search by Name, ID, Assignment, Fingerprint, Status',
- fluid: !0,
- onInput: (function () {
- function E(P, D) {
- return x(D);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- d = function (p, N) {
- var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
- S = V.act,
- I = V.data,
- L = I.isPrinting,
- w = I.general,
- A = I.security;
- return !w || !w.fields
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'bad', children: 'General records lost!' })
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'General Data',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: L,
- icon: L ? 'spinner' : 'print',
- iconSpin: !!L,
- content: 'Print Record',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return S('print_record');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'trash',
- tooltip:
- 'WARNING: This will also delete the Security and Medical records associated with this crew member!',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- content: 'Delete Record',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return S('delete_general');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, C),
- }),
- }),
- !A || !A.fields
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- color: 'bad',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Security Data',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'pen',
- content: 'Create New Record',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return S('new_security');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.75,
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- name: 'scroll',
- size: 5,
- color: 'gray',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- name: 'slash',
- size: 5,
- color: 'red',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Security records lost!',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Security Data',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'trash',
- disabled: A.empty,
- content: 'Delete Record',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return S('delete_security');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: A.fields.map(function (x, E) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: x.field,
- preserveWhitespace: !0,
- children: [
- (0, a.decodeHtmlEntities)(x.value),
- !!x.edit &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'pen',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- mb: x.line_break ? '1rem' : 'initial',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return i(N, x);
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- E
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, h),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- 0
- );
- },
- C = function (p, N) {
- var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
- S = V.data,
- I = S.general;
- return !I || !I.fields
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- color: 'bad',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: 'General records lost!',
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: I.fields.map(function (L, w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: L.field,
- preserveWhitespace: !0,
- children: [
- (0, a.decodeHtmlEntities)('' + L.value),
- !!L.edit &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'pen',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- mb: L.line_break ? '1rem' : 'initial',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return i(N, L);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- !!I.has_photos &&
- I.photos.map(function (L, w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Stack.Item,
- {
- inline: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- ml: 0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: L,
- style: {
- width: '96px',
- 'margin-top': '5rem',
- 'margin-bottom': '0.5rem',
- '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
- 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
- },
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Photo #',
- w + 1,
- ],
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- h = function (p, N) {
- var V = (0, t.useBackend)(N),
- S = V.act,
- I = V.data,
- L = I.security;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- height: '150px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Comments/Log',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'comment',
- content: 'Add Entry',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return (0, b.modalOpen)(N, 'comment_add');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- children:
- L.comments.length === 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'No comments found.' })
- : L.comments.map(function (w, A) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- {
- preserveWhitespace: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- inline: !0,
- children: w.header || 'Auto-generated',
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- w.text || w,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'comment-slash',
- color: 'bad',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return S('comment_delete', { id: A + 1 });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- },
- A
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 5099: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SeedExtractor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = n(3939);
- function y(u, s) {
- var d = (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && u[Symbol.iterator]) || u['@@iterator'];
- if (d) return (d = d.call(u)).next.bind(d);
- if (Array.isArray(u) || (d = B(u)) || (s && u && typeof u.length == 'number')) {
- d && (u = d);
- var C = 0;
- return function () {
- return C >= u.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: u[C++] };
- };
- }
- throw new TypeError(
- 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
- );
- }
- function B(u, s) {
- if (u) {
- if (typeof u == 'string') return k(u, s);
- var d = {}.toString.call(u).slice(8, -1);
- return (
- d === 'Object' && u.constructor && (d = u.constructor.name),
- d === 'Map' || d === 'Set'
- ? Array.from(u)
- : d === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(d)
- ? k(u, s)
- : void 0
- );
- }
- }
- function k(u, s) {
- (s == null || s > u.length) && (s = u.length);
- for (var d = 0, C = Array(s); d < s; d++) C[d] = u[d];
- return C;
- }
- var g = (r.SeedExtractor = (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- var C = (0, t.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.loginState,
- N = v.currentPage;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- theme: 'hydroponics',
- width: 800,
- height: 400,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- i = function (s) {
- for (
- var d = function (w, A) {
- return w === A;
- },
- C = function (w, A) {
- return w >= A;
- },
- h = function (w, A) {
- return w <= A;
- },
- v = s.split(' '),
- p = [],
- N = function () {
- var w = I.value,
- A = w.split(':');
- if (A.length === 0) return 0;
- if (A.length === 1)
- return (
- p.push(function (P) {
- return (P.name + ' (' + P.variant + ')')
- .toLocaleLowerCase()
- .includes(A[0].toLocaleLowerCase());
- }),
- 0
- );
- if (A.length > 2)
- return {
- v: (function () {
- function P(D) {
- return !1;
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- };
- var x,
- E = d;
- if (
- (A[1][A[1].length - 1] === '-'
- ? ((E = h), (x = Number(A[1].substring(0, A[1].length - 1))))
- : A[1][A[1].length - 1] === '+'
- ? ((E = C), (x = Number(A[1].substring(0, A[1].length - 1))))
- : (x = Number(A[1])),
- isNaN(x))
- )
- return {
- v: (function () {
- function P(D) {
- return !1;
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- };
- switch (A[0].toLocaleLowerCase()) {
- case 'l':
- case 'life':
- case 'lifespan':
- p.push(function (P) {
- return E(P.lifespan, x);
- });
- break;
- case 'e':
- case 'end':
- case 'endurance':
- p.push(function (P) {
- return E(P.endurance, x);
- });
- break;
- case 'm':
- case 'mat':
- case 'maturation':
- p.push(function (P) {
- return E(P.maturation, x);
- });
- break;
- case 'pr':
- case 'prod':
- case 'production':
- p.push(function (P) {
- return E(P.production, x);
- });
- break;
- case 'y':
- case 'yield':
- p.push(function (P) {
- return E(P.yield, x);
- });
- break;
- case 'po':
- case 'pot':
- case 'potency':
- p.push(function (P) {
- return E(P.potency, x);
- });
- break;
- case 's':
- case 'stock':
- case 'c':
- case 'count':
- case 'a':
- case 'amount':
- p.push(function (P) {
- return E(P.amount, x);
- });
- break;
- default:
- return {
- v: (function () {
- function P(D) {
- return !1;
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- };
- }
- },
- V,
- S = y(v),
- I;
- !(I = S()).done;
- )
- if (((V = N()), V !== 0 && V)) return V.v;
- return function (L) {
- for (var w = 0, A = p; w < A.length; w++) {
- var x = A[w];
- if (!x(L)) return !1;
- }
- return !0;
- };
- },
- c = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, t.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.icons,
- N = v.seeds,
- V = v.vend_amount,
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'searchText', ''),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'vendAmount', 1),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'sortId', 'name'),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1],
- M = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'sortOrder', !0),
- R = M[0],
- O = M[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- mt: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- className: 'SeedExtractor__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'name', children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'lifespan', children: 'Lifespan' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'endurance', children: 'Endurance' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'maturation', children: 'Maturation' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'production', children: 'Production' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'yield', children: 'Yield' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'potency', children: 'Potency' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { id: 'amount', children: 'Stock' }),
- ],
- }),
- N.lenth === 0
- ? 'No seeds present.'
- : N.filter(i(I))
- .sort(function (F, _) {
- var U = R ? 1 : -1;
- return typeof F[P] == 'number' ? (F[P] - _[P]) * U : F[P].localeCompare(_[P]) * U;
- })
- .map(function (F) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return h('vend', { seed_id: F.id, seed_variant: F.variant, vend_amount: A });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, {
- src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + p[F.image],
- style: {
- 'vertical-align': 'middle',
- width: '32px',
- margin: '0px',
- 'margin-left': '0px',
- },
- }),
- F.name,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.lifespan }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.endurance }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.maturation }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.production }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.yield }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.potency }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: F.amount }),
- ],
- },
- F.id
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- m = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'sortId', 'name'),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1],
- p = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'sortOrder', !0),
- N = p[0],
- V = p[1],
- S = s.id,
- I = s.children;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: h !== S && 'transparent',
- fluid: !0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- h === S ? V(!N) : (v(S), V(!0));
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- children: [
- I,
- h === S &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: N ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- l = function (s, d) {
- var C = (0, t.useBackend)(d),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.vend_amount,
- N = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'searchText', ''),
- V = N[0],
- S = N[1],
- I = (0, t.useLocalState)(d, 'vendAmount', 1),
- L = I[0],
- w = I[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Search by name, variant, potency:70+, production:3-, ...',
- fluid: !0,
- onInput: (function () {
- function A(x, E) {
- return S(E);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- 'Vend amount:',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: '1',
- onInput: (function () {
- function A(x, E) {
- return w(Number(E) >= 1 ? Number(E) : 1);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 2916: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ShuttleConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.ShuttleConsole = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 150,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Location',
- children: i.status
- ? i.status
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'Shuttle Missing',
- }),
- }),
- !!i.shuttle &&
- ((!!i.docking_ports_len &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Send to ',
- children: i.docking_ports.map(function (c) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- icon: 'chevron-right',
- content: c.name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('move', { move: c.id });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- },
- c.name
- );
- }),
- })) ||
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- color: 'red',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'Shuttle Locked',
- }),
- }),
- !!i.admin_controlled &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Authorization',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'exclamation-circle',
- content: 'Request Authorization',
- disabled: !i.status,
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return g('request');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- )),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 39401: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ShuttleManipulator = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.ShuttleManipulator = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useLocalState)(i, 'tabIndex', 0),
- m = c[0],
- l = c[1],
- u = (function () {
- function s(d) {
- switch (d) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
- default:
- return "WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!";
- }
- }
- return s;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 650,
- height: 700,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fillPositionedParent: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: m === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return l(0);
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- icon: 'info-circle',
- children: 'Status',
- },
- 'Status'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: m === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return l(1);
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- icon: 'file-import',
- children: 'Templates',
- },
- 'Templates'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: m === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return l(2);
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- icon: 'tools',
- children: 'Modification',
- },
- 'Modification'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- u(m),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- b = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.shuttles;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: u.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: s.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'ID', children: s.id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Shuttle Timer',
- children: s.timeleft,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Shuttle Mode',
- children: s.mode,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Shuttle Status',
- children: s.status,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Actions',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Jump To',
- icon: 'location-arrow',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('jump_to', { type: 'mobile', id: s.id });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Fast Travel',
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('fast_travel', { id: s.id });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- s.name
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.templates_tabs,
- s = l.existing_shuttle,
- d = l.templates;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: u.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: C === s.id,
- icon: 'file',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('select_template_category', { cat: C });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- children: C,
- },
- C
- );
- }),
- }),
- !!s &&
- d[s.id].templates.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: C.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- C.description &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Description',
- children: C.description,
- }),
- C.admin_notes &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Admin Notes',
- children: C.admin_notes,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Actions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Load Template',
- icon: 'download',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m('select_template', { shuttle_id: C.shuttle_id });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- C.name
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.existing_shuttle,
- s = l.selected;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- u
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Selected Shuttle: ' + u.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Status', children: u.status }),
- u.timer &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Timer',
- children: u.timeleft,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Actions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Jump To',
- icon: 'location-arrow',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('jump_to', { type: 'mobile', id: u.id });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { title: 'Selected Shuttle: None' }),
- s
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Selected Template: ' + s.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- s.description &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Description',
- children: s.description,
- }),
- s.admin_notes &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Admin Notes',
- children: s.admin_notes,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Actions',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Preview',
- icon: 'eye',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('preview', { shuttle_id: s.shuttle_id });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Load',
- icon: 'download',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('load', { shuttle_id: s.shuttle_id });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { title: 'Selected Template: None' }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 86013: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SingularityMonitor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(64795),
- o = n(44879),
- f = n(72253),
- b = n(36036),
- y = n(76910),
- B = n(98595),
- k = n(36352),
- g = (r.SingularityMonitor = (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data;
- return h.active === 0 ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- i = function (u) {
- return Math.log2(16 + Math.max(0, u)) - 4;
- },
- c = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.singularities,
- p = v === void 0 ? [] : v;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
- width: 450,
- height: 185,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Detected Singularities',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Refresh',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return C('refresh');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table, {
- children: p.map(function (N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
- children: N.singularity_id + '. ' + N.area_name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Stage:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- width: '120px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: N.stage,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 6,
- ranges: { good: [1, 2], average: [3, 4], bad: [5, 6] },
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(N.stage),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- content: 'Details',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return C('view', { view: N.singularity_id });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- N.singularity_id
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- m = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.active,
- p = h.singulo_stage,
- N = h.singulo_potential_stage,
- V = h.singulo_energy,
- S = h.singulo_high,
- I = h.singulo_low,
- L = h.generators,
- w = L === void 0 ? [] : L;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
- width: 550,
- height: 185,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- width: '270px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Metrics',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Stage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: p,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 6,
- ranges: { good: [1, 2], average: [3, 4], bad: [5, 6] },
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(p),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Potential Stage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: N,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 6,
- ranges: { good: [1, p + 0.5], average: [p + 0.5, p + 1.5], bad: [p + 1.5, p + 2] },
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(N),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Energy',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: V,
- minValue: I,
- maxValue: S,
- ranges: {
- good: [0.67 * S + 0.33 * I, S],
- average: [0.33 * S + 0.67 * I, 0.67 * S + 0.33 * I],
- bad: [I, 0.33 * S + 0.67 * I],
- },
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(V) + 'MJ',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Field Generators',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- content: 'Back',
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return C('back');
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
- children: w.map(function (A) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: 'Remaining Charge',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: A.charge,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 125,
- ranges: { good: [80, 125], average: [30, 80], bad: [0, 30] },
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(A.charge),
- }),
- },
- A.gen_index
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 88284: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Sleeper = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = [
- ['good', 'Alive'],
- ['average', 'Critical'],
- ['bad', 'DEAD'],
- ],
- y = [
- ['Resp.', 'oxyLoss'],
- ['Toxin', 'toxLoss'],
- ['Brute', 'bruteLoss'],
- ['Burn', 'fireLoss'],
- ],
- B = { average: [0.25, 0.5], bad: [0.5, 1 / 0] },
- k = ['bad', 'average', 'average', 'good', 'average', 'average', 'bad'],
- g = (r.Sleeper = (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.hasOccupant,
- S = V ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 550,
- height: 760,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: S }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l) }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return d;
- })()),
- i = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.occupant;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- c = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.occupant,
- S = N.auto_eject_dead;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Occupant',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- inline: !0,
- children: 'Auto-eject if dead:\xA0',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: S ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- selected: S,
- content: S ? 'On' : 'Off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return p('auto_eject_dead_' + (S ? 'off' : 'on'));
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'user-slash',
- content: 'Eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return p('ejectify');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: V.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: V.maxHealth,
- value: V.health / V.maxHealth,
- ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
- children: (0, a.round)(V.health, 0),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- color: b[V.stat][0],
- children: b[V.stat][1],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Temperature',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: V.maxTemp,
- value: V.bodyTemperature / V.maxTemp,
- color: k[V.temperatureSuitability + 3],
- children: [(0, a.round)(V.btCelsius, 0), '\xB0C,', (0, a.round)(V.btFaren, 0), '\xB0F'],
- }),
- }),
- !!V.hasBlood &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Blood Level',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: V.bloodMax,
- value: V.bloodLevel / V.bloodMax,
- ranges: { bad: [-1 / 0, 0.6], average: [0.6, 0.9], good: [0.6, 1 / 0] },
- children: [V.bloodPercent, '%, ', V.bloodLevel, 'cl'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pulse',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- children: [V.pulse, ' BPM'],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- m = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.data,
- N = p.occupant;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Occupant Damage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: y.map(function (V, S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: V[0],
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.ProgressBar,
- { min: '0', max: '100', value: N[V[1]] / 100, ranges: B, children: (0, a.round)(N[V[1]], 0) },
- S
- ),
- },
- S
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- l = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.hasOccupant,
- S = N.isBeakerLoaded,
- I = N.beakerMaxSpace,
- L = N.beakerFreeSpace,
- w = N.dialysis,
- A = w && L > 0;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Dialysis',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: !S || L <= 0 || !V,
- selected: A,
- icon: A ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: A ? 'Active' : 'Inactive',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return p('togglefilter');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- disabled: !S,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return p('removebeaker');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: S
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Remaining Space',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: I,
- value: L / I,
- ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0.25, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.25] },
- children: [L, 'u'],
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'label', children: 'No beaker loaded.' }),
- });
- },
- u = function (C, h) {
- var v = (0, t.useBackend)(h),
- p = v.act,
- N = v.data,
- V = N.occupant,
- S = N.chemicals,
- I = N.maxchem,
- L = N.amounts;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Occupant Chemicals',
- children: S.map(function (w, A) {
- var x = '',
- E;
- return (
- w.overdosing
- ? ((x = 'bad'),
- (E = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-circle' }),
- '\xA0 Overdosing!',
- ],
- })))
- : w.od_warning &&
- ((x = 'average'),
- (E = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'exclamation-triangle' }),
- '\xA0 Close to overdosing',
- ],
- }))),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- {
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)',
- mb: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: w.title,
- level: '3',
- mx: '0',
- lineHeight: '18px',
- buttons: E,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.ProgressBar, {
- min: '0',
- max: I,
- value: w.occ_amount / I,
- color: x,
- title:
- 'Amount of chemicals currently inside the occupant / Total amount injectable by this machine',
- mr: '0.5rem',
- children: [w.pretty_amount, '/', I, 'u'],
- }),
- L.map(function (P, D) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button,
- {
- disabled: !w.injectable || w.occ_amount + P > I || V.stat === 2,
- icon: 'syringe',
- content: 'Inject ' + P + 'u',
- title: 'Inject ' + P + 'u of ' + w.title + ' into the occupant',
- mb: '0',
- height: '19px',
- onClick: (function () {
- function M() {
- return p('chemical', { chemid: w.id, amount: P });
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- },
- D
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- },
- A
- )
- );
- }),
- });
- },
- s = function (C, h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { name: 'user-slash', mb: '0.5rem', size: '5' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No occupant detected.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 21597: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SlotMachine = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.SlotMachine = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data;
- if (i.money === null)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 90,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: 'Could not scan your card or could not find account!',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: 'Please wear or hold your ID and try again.',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- var c;
- return (
- i.plays === 1
- ? (c = i.plays + ' player has tried their luck today!')
- : (c = i.plays + ' players have tried their luck today!'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 300,
- height: 151,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { lineHeight: 2, children: c }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Credits Remaining',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AnimatedNumber, { value: i.money }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: '10 credits to spin',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'coins',
- disabled: i.working,
- content: i.working ? 'Spinning...' : 'Spin',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('spin');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: !0,
- lineHeight: 2,
- color: i.resultlvl,
- children: i.result,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 46348: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Smartfridge = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.Smartfridge = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.secure,
- m = i.can_dry,
- l = i.drying,
- u = i.contents;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- !!c &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children: 'Secure Access: Please have your identification ready.',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: m ? 'Drying rack' : 'Contents',
- buttons:
- !!m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 4,
- icon: l ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: l ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('drying');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- !u &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'average',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'cookie-bite',
- size: 5,
- color: 'brown',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'slash',
- size: 5,
- color: 'red',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'No products loaded.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- !!u &&
- u
- .slice()
- .sort(function (s, d) {
- return s.display_name.localeCompare(d.display_name);
- })
- .map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '55%',
- children: s.display_name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: '25%',
- children: ['(', s.quantity, ' in stock)'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: 13,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 3,
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- tooltip: 'Dispense one.',
- content: '1',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('vend', { index: s.vend, amount: 1 });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- width: '40px',
- minValue: 0,
- value: 0,
- maxValue: s.quantity,
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 3,
- onChange: (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- return g('vend', { index: s.vend, amount: h });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: 4,
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- content: 'All',
- tooltip: 'Dispense all.',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('vend', { index: s.vend, amount: s.quantity });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- s
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 86162: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Smes = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(49968),
- f = n(98595),
- b = 1e3,
- y = (r.Smes = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.capacityPercent,
- u = m.capacity,
- s = m.charge,
- d = m.inputAttempt,
- C = m.inputting,
- h = m.inputLevel,
- v = m.inputLevelMax,
- p = m.inputAvailable,
- N = m.outputPowernet,
- V = m.outputAttempt,
- S = m.outputting,
- I = m.outputLevel,
- L = m.outputLevelMax,
- w = m.outputUsed,
- A = (l >= 100 && 'good') || (C && 'average') || 'bad',
- x = (S && 'good') || (s > 0 && 'average') || 'bad';
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 340,
- height: 345,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Stored Energy',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: l * 0.01,
- ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0.15, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.15] },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Input',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Charge Mode',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: d ? 'sync-alt' : 'times',
- selected: d,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return c('tryinput');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- children: d ? 'Auto' : 'Off',
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: A,
- children: (l >= 100 && 'Fully Charged') || (C && 'Charging') || 'Not Charging',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Target Input',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- inline: !0,
- width: '100%',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- disabled: h === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return c('input', { target: 'min' });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'backward',
- disabled: h === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return c('input', { adjust: -1e4 });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- value: h / b,
- fillValue: p / b,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: v / b,
- step: 5,
- stepPixelSize: 4,
- format: (function () {
- function E(P) {
- return (0, o.formatPower)(P * b, 1);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- onChange: (function () {
- function E(P, D) {
- return c('input', { target: D * b });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'forward',
- disabled: h === v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return c('input', { adjust: 1e4 });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- disabled: h === v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return c('input', { target: 'max' });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Available',
- children: (0, o.formatPower)(p),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Output',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Output Mode',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: V ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- selected: V,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return c('tryoutput');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- children: V ? 'On' : 'Off',
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: x,
- children: N ? (S ? 'Sending' : s > 0 ? 'Not Sending' : 'No Charge') : 'Not Connected',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Target Output',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- inline: !0,
- width: '100%',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- disabled: I === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return c('output', { target: 'min' });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'backward',
- disabled: I === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return c('output', { adjust: -1e4 });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- value: I / b,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: L / b,
- step: 5,
- stepPixelSize: 4,
- format: (function () {
- function E(P) {
- return (0, o.formatPower)(P * b, 1);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- onChange: (function () {
- function E(P, D) {
- return c('output', { target: D * b });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'forward',
- disabled: I === L,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return c('output', { adjust: 1e4 });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- disabled: I === L,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return c('output', { target: 'max' });
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Outputting',
- children: (0, o.formatPower)(w),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })());
- },
- 63584: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SolarControl = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.SolarControl = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = 0,
- m = 1,
- l = 2,
- u = i.generated,
- s = i.generated_ratio,
- d = i.tracking_state,
- C = i.tracking_rate,
- h = i.connected_panels,
- v = i.connected_tracker,
- p = i.cdir,
- N = i.direction,
- V = i.rotating_direction;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 490,
- height: 277,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Scan for new hardware',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return g('refresh');
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Solar tracker',
- color: v ? 'good' : 'bad',
- children: v ? 'OK' : 'N/A',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Solar panels',
- color: h > 0 ? 'good' : 'bad',
- children: h,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Grid.Column, {
- size: 2,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power output',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- ranges: { good: [0.66, 1 / 0], average: [0.33, 0.66], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.33] },
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 1,
- value: s,
- children: u + ' W',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Panel orientation',
- children: [p, '\xB0 (', N, ')'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tracker rotation',
- children: [
- d === l && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: ' Automated ' }),
- d === m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [' ', C, '\xB0/h (', V, ')', ' '],
- }),
- d === c &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: ' Tracker offline ' }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Controls',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Panel orientation',
- children: [
- d !== l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- unit: '\xB0',
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 1,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 359,
- value: p,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function S(I, L) {
- return g('cdir', { cdir: L });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- d === l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- lineHeight: '19px',
- children: ' Automated ',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tracker status',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Off',
- selected: d === c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return g('track', { track: c });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'clock-o',
- content: 'Timed',
- selected: d === m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return g('track', { track: m });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Auto',
- selected: d === l,
- disabled: !v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return g('track', { track: l });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tracker rotation',
- children: [
- d === m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- unit: '\xB0/h',
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 1,
- minValue: -7200,
- maxValue: 7200,
- value: C,
- format: (function () {
- function S(I) {
- var L = Math.sign(I) > 0 ? '+' : '-';
- return L + Math.abs(I);
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- onDrag: (function () {
- function S(I, L) {
- return g('tdir', { tdir: L });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }),
- d === c &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- lineHeight: '19px',
- children: ' Tracker offline ',
- }),
- d === l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- lineHeight: '19px',
- children: ' Automated ',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 38096: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SpawnersMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.SpawnersMenu = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.spawners || [];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 700,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: c.map(function (m) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- mb: 0.5,
- title: m.name + ' (' + m.amount_left + ' left)',
- level: 2,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-circle-right',
- content: 'Jump',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('jump', { ID: m.uids });
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-circle-right',
- content: 'Spawn',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('spawn', { ID: m.uids });
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- style: { 'white-space': 'pre-wrap' },
- mb: 1,
- fontSize: '16px',
- children: m.desc,
- }),
- !!m.fluff &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- style: { 'white-space': 'pre-wrap' },
- textColor: '#878787',
- fontSize: '14px',
- children: m.fluff,
- }),
- !!m.important_info &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- style: { 'white-space': 'pre-wrap' },
- mt: 1,
- bold: !0,
- color: 'red',
- fontSize: '18px',
- children: m.important_info,
- }),
- ],
- },
- m.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 30586: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SpecMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.SpecMenu = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 1100,
- height: 600,
- theme: 'nologo',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- b = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.subclasses;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '25%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Hemomancer',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Choose',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return l('hemomancer');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'h3',
- null,
- 'Focuses on blood magic and the manipulation of blood around you.',
- 16
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Vampiric claws', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 150 blood, allows you to summon a robust pair of claws that attack rapidly, drain a targets blood, and heal you.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood Barrier', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to select two turfs and create a wall between them.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood tendrils', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to slow everyone in a targeted 3x3 area after a short delay.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Sanguine pool', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 400 blood, allows you to travel at high speeds for a short duration. Doing this leaves behind blood splatters. You can move through anything but walls and space when doing this.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Predator senses', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 600 blood, allows you to sniff out anyone within the same sector as you.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood eruption', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 800 blood, allows you to manipulate all nearby blood splatters, in 4 tiles around you, into spikes that impale anyone stood ontop of them.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Full power', 16),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'The blood bringers rite', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': When toggled you will rapidly drain the blood of everyone who is nearby and use it to heal yourself slightly and remove any incapacitating effects rapidly.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- y = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.subclasses;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '25%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Umbrae',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Choose',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return l('umbrae');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'Focuses on darkness, stealth ambushing and mobility.', 16),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Cloak of darkness', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 150 blood, when toggled, allows you to become nearly invisible and move rapidly when in dark regions. While active, burn damage is more effective against you.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Shadow anchor', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 250 blood, casting it will create an anchor at the cast location after a short delay. If you then cast the ability again, you are teleported back to the anchor. If you do not cast again within 2 minutes, you will do a fake recall, causing a clone to appear at the anchor and making yourself invisible. It will not teleport you between Z levels.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Shadow snare', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to summon a trap that when crossed blinds and ensnares the victim. This trap is hard to see, but withers in the light.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Dark passage', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 400 blood, allows you to target a turf on screen, you will then teleport to that turf.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Extinguish', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 600 blood, allows you to snuff out nearby electronic light sources and glowshrooms.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Shadow boxing', 16),
- ': Unlocked at 800 blood, sends out shadow clones towards a target, damaging them while you remain in range.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Full power', 16),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Eternal darkness', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': When toggled, you consume yourself in unholy darkness, only the strongest of lights will be able to see through it. Inside the radius, nearby creatures will freeze and energy projectiles will deal less damage.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'p', null, 'In addition, you also gain permanent X-ray vision.', 16),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- B = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.subclasses;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '25%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Gargantua',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Choose',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return l('gargantua');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'Focuses on tenacity and melee damage.', 16),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Rejuvenate', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Will heal you at an increased rate based on how much damage you have taken.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood swell', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 150 blood, increases your resistance to physical damage, stuns and stamina for 30 seconds. While it is active you cannot fire guns.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Seismic stomp', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to stomp the ground to send out a shockwave, knocking people back.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood rush', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(': Unlocked at 250 blood, gives you a short speed boost when cast.'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood swell II', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(': Unlocked at 400 blood, increases all melee damage by 10.'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Overwhelming force', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 600 blood, when toggled, if you bump into a door that you do not have access to, it will force it open. In addition, you cannot be pushed or pulled while it is active.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Demonic grasp', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 800 blood, allows you to send out a demonic hand to snare someone. If you are on disarm/grab intent you will push/pull the target, respectively.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Charge', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 800 blood, you gain the ability to charge at a target. Destroying and knocking back pretty much anything you collide with.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Full Power', 16),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Desecrated Duel', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Leap towards a visible enemy, creating an arena upon landing, infusing you with increased regeneration, and granting you resistance to internal damages.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- k = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.subclasses;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '25%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Dantalion',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Choose',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return l('dantalion');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'h3', null, 'Focuses on thralling and illusions.', 16),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Enthrall', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 150 blood, Thralls your target to your will, requires you to stand still. Does not work on mindshielded or already enthralled/mindslaved people.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Thrall cap', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': You can only thrall a max of 1 person at a time. This can be increased at 400 blood, 600 blood and at full power to a max of 4 thralls.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Thrall commune', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 150 blood, Allows you to talk to your thralls, your thralls can talk back in the same way.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Subspace swap', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to swap positions with a target.'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Pacify', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to pacify a target, preventing them from causing harm for 40 seconds.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Decoy', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 400 blood, briefly turn invisible and send out an illusion to fool everyone nearby.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Rally thralls', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 600 blood, removes all incapacitating effects from nearby thralls.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Blood bond', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Unlocked at 800 blood, when cast, all nearby thralls become linked to you. If anyone in the network takes damage, it is shared equally between everyone in the network. If a thrall goes out of range, they will be removed from the network.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Full Power', 16),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Divider),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, 'Mass Hysteria', 16),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- ': Casts a powerful illusion that blinds and then makes everyone nearby perceive others as random animals.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 95152: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.StackCraft = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(88510),
- o = n(64795),
- f = n(25328),
- b = n(98595),
- y = n(36036),
- B = (r.StackCraft = (function () {
- function s() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- }),
- });
- }
- return s;
- })()),
- k = function (d, C) {
- var h = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
- v = h.data,
- p = v.amount,
- N = v.recipes,
- V = (0, a.useLocalState)(C, 'searchText', ''),
- S = V[0],
- I = V[1],
- L = g(N, (0, f.createSearch)(S)),
- w = (0, a.useLocalState)(C, '', !1),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Amount: ' + p,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- A &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Input, {
- width: 12.5,
- value: S,
- placeholder: 'Find recipe',
- onInput: (function () {
- function E(P, D) {
- return I(D);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Button, {
- ml: 0.5,
- tooltip: 'Search',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
- icon: 'magnifying-glass',
- selected: A,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return x(!A);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- children: L
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { recipes: L })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.NoticeBox, { children: 'No recipes found!' }),
- });
- },
- g = function s(d, C) {
- var h = (0, o.flow)([
- (0, t.map)(function (v) {
- var p = v[0],
- N = v[1];
- return i(N) ? (C(p) ? v : [p, s(N, C)]) : C(p) ? v : [p, void 0];
- }),
- (0, t.filter)(function (v) {
- var p = v[0],
- N = v[1];
- return N !== void 0;
- }),
- (0, t.sortBy)(function (v) {
- var p = v[0],
- N = v[1];
- return p;
- }),
- (0, t.sortBy)(function (v) {
- var p = v[0],
- N = v[1];
- return !i(N);
- }),
- (0, t.reduce)(function (v, p) {
- var N = p[0],
- V = p[1];
- return (v[N] = V), v;
- }, {}),
- ])(Object.entries(d));
- return Object.keys(h).length ? h : void 0;
- },
- i = function (d) {
- return d.uid === void 0;
- },
- c = function (d, C) {
- return d.required_amount > C ? 0 : Math.floor(C / d.required_amount);
- },
- m = function (d, C) {
- for (
- var h = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
- v = h.act,
- p = d.recipe,
- N = d.max_possible_multiplier,
- V = Math.min(N, Math.floor(p.max_result_amount / p.result_amount)),
- S = [5, 10, 25],
- I = [],
- L = function () {
- var E = A[w];
- V >= E &&
- I.push(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Button, {
- bold: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- fontSize: 0.85,
- width: '32px',
- content: E * p.result_amount + 'x',
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return v('make', { recipe_uid: p.uid, multiplier: E });
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- })
- );
- },
- w = 0,
- A = S;
- w < A.length;
- w++
- )
- L();
- return (
- S.indexOf(V) === -1 &&
- I.push(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Button, {
- bold: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- fontSize: 0.85,
- width: '32px',
- content: V * p.result_amount + 'x',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return v('make', { recipe_uid: p.uid, multiplier: V });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- })
- ),
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- I.map(function (x) {
- return x;
- }),
- 0
- )
- );
- },
- l = function s(d, C) {
- var h = d.recipes;
- return Object.entries(h).map(function (v) {
- var p = v[0],
- N = v[1];
- return i(N)
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- y.Collapsible,
- {
- title: p,
- contentStyle: {
- 'margin-top': '0',
- 'padding-bottom': '0.5em',
- 'background-color': 'rgba(62, 97, 137, 0.15)',
- border: '1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)',
- 'border-top': 'none',
- },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Box, {
- p: 1,
- pb: 0.25,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { recipes: N }),
- }),
- },
- p
- )
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { title: p, recipe: N }, p);
- });
- },
- u = function (d, C) {
- var h = (0, a.useBackend)(C),
- v = h.act,
- p = h.data,
- N = p.amount,
- V = d.title,
- S = d.recipe,
- I = S.result_amount,
- L = S.required_amount,
- w = S.max_result_amount,
- A = S.uid,
- x = S.icon,
- E = S.icon_state,
- P = S.image,
- D = I > 1 ? I + 'x ' : '',
- M = L > 1 ? 's' : '',
- R = '' + D + V,
- O = L + ' sheet' + M,
- F = c(S, N);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.ImageButton, {
- fluid: !0,
- base64: P,
- dmIcon: x,
- dmIconState: E,
- imageSize: 32,
- disabled: !F,
- tooltip: O,
- buttons: w > 1 && F > 1 && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m, { recipe: S, max_possible_multiplier: F }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return v('make', { recipe_uid: A, multiplier: 1 });
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- children: R,
- });
- };
- },
- 38307: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.StationAlertConsoleContent = r.StationAlertConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.StationAlertConsole = (function () {
- function y() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 325,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- b = (r.StationAlertConsoleContent = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.data,
- c = i.alarms || [],
- m = c.Fire || [],
- l = c.Atmosphere || [],
- u = c.Power || [];
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Fire Alarms',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'ul',
- null,
- [
- m.length === 0 && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'Systems Nominal', 16),
- m.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-average', s, 0, null, s);
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Atmospherics Alarms',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'ul',
- null,
- [
- l.length === 0 && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'Systems Nominal', 16),
- l.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-average', s, 0, null, s);
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Power Alarms',
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'ul',
- null,
- [
- u.length === 0 && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-good', 'Systems Nominal', 16),
- u.map(function (s) {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', 'color-average', s, 0, null, s);
- }),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 96091: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.StationTraitsPanel = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(42127),
- o = n(72253),
- f = n(36036),
- b = n(98595),
- y = (function (i) {
- return (
- (i[(i.SetupFutureStationTraits = 0)] = 'SetupFutureStationTraits'),
- (i[(i.ViewStationTraits = 1)] = 'ViewStationTraits'),
- i
- );
- })(y || {}),
- B = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, o.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = s.future_station_traits,
- C = (0, o.useLocalState)(m, 'selectedFutureTrait', null),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1],
- p = Object.fromEntries(
- s.valid_station_traits.map(function (V) {
- return [V.name, V.path];
- })
- ),
- N = Object.keys(p);
- return (
- N.sort(),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Dropdown, {
- displayText: !h && 'Select trait to add...',
- onSelected: v,
- options: N,
- selected: h,
- width: '100%',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- color: 'green',
- icon: 'plus',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- if (h) {
- var S = p[h],
- I = [S];
- if (d) {
- var L,
- w = d.map(function (A) {
- return A.path;
- });
- if (w.indexOf(S) !== -1) return;
- I = (L = I).concat.apply(L, w);
- }
- u('setup_future_traits', { station_traits: I });
- }
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: 'Add',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Divider),
- Array.isArray(d)
- ? d.length > 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- fill: !0,
- children: d.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: V.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- color: 'red',
- icon: 'times',
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- u('setup_future_traits', {
- station_traits: (0, a.filterMap)(d, function (I) {
- if (I.path !== V.path) return I.path;
- }),
- });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- children: 'Delete',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- V.path
- );
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- children: 'No station traits will run next round.',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- mt: 1,
- fluid: !0,
- color: 'good',
- icon: 'times',
- tooltip: 'The next round will roll station traits randomly, just like normal',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return u('clear_future_traits');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: 'Run Station Traits Normally',
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- children: 'No future station traits are planned.',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- mt: 1,
- fluid: !0,
- color: 'red',
- icon: 'times',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return u('setup_future_traits', { station_traits: [] });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: 'Prevent station traits from running next round',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- })
- );
- },
- k = function (c, m) {
- var l = (0, o.useBackend)(m),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data;
- return s.current_traits.length > 0
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- fill: !0,
- children: s.current_traits.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: d.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button.Confirm, {
- content: 'Revert',
- color: 'red',
- disabled: s.too_late_to_revert || !d.can_revert,
- tooltip:
- (!d.can_revert && 'This trait is not revertable.') ||
- (s.too_late_to_revert &&
- "It's too late to revert station traits, the round has already started."),
- icon: 'times',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return u('revert', { ref: d.ref });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- d.ref
- );
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: 'There are no active station traits.',
- });
- },
- g = (r.StationTraitsPanel = (function () {
- function i(c, m) {
- var l = (0, o.useLocalState)(m, 'station_traits_tab', y.ViewStationTraits),
- u = l[0],
- s = l[1],
- d;
- switch (u) {
- case y.SetupFutureStationTraits:
- d = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
- break;
- case y.ViewStationTraits:
- d = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
- break;
- default:
- (0, t.exhaustiveCheck)(u);
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- title: 'Modify Station Traits',
- height: 350,
- width: 350,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'eye',
- selected: u === y.ViewStationTraits,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return s(y.ViewStationTraits);
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- children: 'View',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Tabs.Tab, {
- icon: 'edit',
- selected: u === y.SetupFutureStationTraits,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return s(y.SetupFutureStationTraits);
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- children: 'Edit',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack.Item, {
- m: 0,
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Divider), d],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return i;
- })());
- },
- 39409: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.StripMenu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(79140),
- o = n(72253),
- f = n(36036),
- b = n(98595),
- y = 5,
- B = 9,
- k = function (h) {
- return h === 0 ? 5 : 9;
- },
- g = '64px',
- i = function (h) {
- return h[0] + '/' + h[1];
- },
- c = function (h) {
- var v = h.align,
- p = h.children;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- style: {
- position: 'absolute',
- left: v === 'left' ? '6px' : '48px',
- 'text-align': v,
- 'text-shadow': '2px 2px 2px #000',
- top: '2px',
- },
- children: p,
- });
- },
- m = {
- enable_internals: { icon: 'lungs', text: 'Enable internals' },
- disable_internals: { icon: 'lungs', text: 'Disable internals' },
- enable_lock: { icon: 'lock', text: 'Enable lock' },
- disable_lock: { icon: 'unlock', text: 'Disable lock' },
- suit_sensors: { icon: 'tshirt', text: 'Adjust suit sensors' },
- remove_accessory: { icon: 'medal', text: 'Remove accessory' },
- dislodge_headpocket: { icon: 'head-side-virus', text: 'Dislodge headpocket' },
- },
- l = {
- eyes: { displayName: 'eyewear', gridSpot: i([0, 0]), image: 'inventory-glasses.png' },
- head: { displayName: 'headwear', gridSpot: i([0, 1]), image: 'inventory-head.png' },
- mask: { displayName: 'mask', gridSpot: i([1, 1]), image: 'inventory-mask.png' },
- neck: { displayName: 'neck', gridSpot: i([1, 0]), image: 'inventory-neck.png' },
- pet_collar: { displayName: 'collar', gridSpot: i([1, 1]), image: 'inventory-collar.png' },
- right_ear: { displayName: 'right ear', gridSpot: i([0, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
- left_ear: { displayName: 'left ear', gridSpot: i([1, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
- parrot_headset: { displayName: 'headset', gridSpot: i([1, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
- handcuffs: { displayName: 'handcuffs', gridSpot: i([1, 3]) },
- legcuffs: { displayName: 'legcuffs', gridSpot: i([1, 4]) },
- jumpsuit: { displayName: 'uniform', gridSpot: i([2, 0]), image: 'inventory-uniform.png' },
- suit: { displayName: 'suit', gridSpot: i([2, 1]), image: 'inventory-suit.png' },
- gloves: { displayName: 'gloves', gridSpot: i([2, 2]), image: 'inventory-gloves.png' },
- right_hand: {
- displayName: 'right hand',
- gridSpot: i([2, 3]),
- image: 'inventory-hand_r.png',
- additionalComponent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { align: 'left', children: 'R' }),
- },
- left_hand: {
- displayName: 'left hand',
- gridSpot: i([2, 4]),
- image: 'inventory-hand_l.png',
- additionalComponent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { align: 'right', children: 'L' }),
- },
- shoes: { displayName: 'shoes', gridSpot: i([3, 1]), image: 'inventory-shoes.png' },
- suit_storage: { displayName: 'suit storage', gridSpot: i([4, 0]), image: 'inventory-suit_storage.png' },
- id: { displayName: 'ID', gridSpot: i([4, 1]), image: 'inventory-id.png' },
- belt: { displayName: 'belt', gridSpot: i([4, 2]), image: 'inventory-belt.png' },
- back: { displayName: 'backpack', gridSpot: i([4, 3]), image: 'inventory-back.png' },
- left_pocket: { displayName: 'left pocket', gridSpot: i([3, 4]), image: 'inventory-pocket.png' },
- right_pocket: { displayName: 'right pocket', gridSpot: i([3, 3]), image: 'inventory-pocket.png' },
- pda: { displayName: 'PDA', gridSpot: i([4, 4]), image: 'inventory-pda.png' },
- },
- u = {
- eyes: { displayName: 'eyewear', gridSpot: i([0, 0]), image: 'inventory-glasses.png' },
- head: { displayName: 'headwear', gridSpot: i([0, 1]), image: 'inventory-head.png' },
- mask: { displayName: 'mask', gridSpot: i([1, 1]), image: 'inventory-mask.png' },
- neck: { displayName: 'neck', gridSpot: i([1, 0]), image: 'inventory-neck.png' },
- pet_collar: { displayName: 'collar', gridSpot: i([1, 1]), image: 'inventory-collar.png' },
- right_ear: { displayName: 'right ear', gridSpot: i([0, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
- left_ear: { displayName: 'left ear', gridSpot: i([1, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
- parrot_headset: { displayName: 'headset', gridSpot: i([1, 2]), image: 'inventory-ears.png' },
- handcuffs: { displayName: 'handcuffs', gridSpot: i([1, 3]) },
- legcuffs: { displayName: 'legcuffs', gridSpot: i([1, 4]) },
- jumpsuit: { displayName: 'uniform', gridSpot: i([2, 0]), image: 'inventory-uniform.png' },
- suit: { displayName: 'suit', gridSpot: i([2, 1]), image: 'inventory-suit.png' },
- gloves: { displayName: 'gloves', gridSpot: i([2, 2]), image: 'inventory-gloves.png' },
- right_hand: {
- displayName: 'right hand',
- gridSpot: i([4, 4]),
- image: 'inventory-hand_r.png',
- additionalComponent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { align: 'left', children: 'R' }),
- },
- left_hand: {
- displayName: 'left hand',
- gridSpot: i([4, 5]),
- image: 'inventory-hand_l.png',
- additionalComponent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { align: 'right', children: 'L' }),
- },
- shoes: { displayName: 'shoes', gridSpot: i([3, 1]), image: 'inventory-shoes.png' },
- suit_storage: { displayName: 'suit storage', gridSpot: i([4, 0]), image: 'inventory-suit_storage.png' },
- id: { displayName: 'ID', gridSpot: i([4, 1]), image: 'inventory-id.png' },
- belt: { displayName: 'belt', gridSpot: i([4, 2]), image: 'inventory-belt.png' },
- back: { displayName: 'backpack', gridSpot: i([4, 3]), image: 'inventory-back.png' },
- left_pocket: { displayName: 'left pocket', gridSpot: i([4, 7]), image: 'inventory-pocket.png' },
- right_pocket: { displayName: 'right pocket', gridSpot: i([4, 6]), image: 'inventory-pocket.png' },
- pda: { displayName: 'PDA', gridSpot: i([4, 8]), image: 'inventory-pda.png' },
- },
- s = (function (C) {
- return (C[(C.Completely = 1)] = 'Completely'), (C[(C.Hidden = 2)] = 'Hidden'), C;
- })(s || {}),
- d = (r.StripMenu = (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- var p = (0, o.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = new Map();
- if (V.show_mode === 0)
- for (var I = 0, L = Object.keys(V.items); I < L.length; I++) {
- var w = L[I];
- S.set(l[w].gridSpot, w);
- }
- else
- for (var A = 0, x = Object.keys(V.items); A < x.length; A++) {
- var E = x[A];
- S.set(u[E].gridSpot, E);
- }
- var P = (function () {
- function R(O) {
- return !((O != null && O.cantstrip) || (O != null && O.interacting));
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- D = (function () {
- function R(O) {
- return O != null && O.interacting ? 'average' : null;
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- M = (function () {
- function R(O) {
- return O != null && O.cantstrip ? 'transparent' : 'none';
- }
- return R;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window, {
- title: 'Stripping ' + V.name,
- width: k(V.show_mode) * 64 + 6 * (k(V.show_mode) + 1),
- height: 390,
- theme: 'nologo',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Window.Content, {
- style: { 'background-color': 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, a.range)(0, y).map(function (R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Stack.Item,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, a.range)(0, k(V.show_mode)).map(function (O) {
- var F = i([R, O]),
- _ = S.get(F);
- if (!_)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Stack.Item,
- { style: { width: g, height: g } },
- F
- );
- var U = V.items[_],
- z = l[_],
- $,
- G,
- X;
- return (
- U === null
- ? (X = z.displayName)
- : 'name' in U
- ? ((G = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- as: 'img',
- src: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + U.icon,
- height: '100%',
- width: '100%',
- style: {
- '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
- 'image-rendering': 'pixelated',
- 'vertical-align': 'middle',
- },
- })),
- (X = U.name))
- : 'obscured' in U &&
- ((G = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, {
- name: U.obscured === s.Completely ? 'ban' : 'eye-slash',
- size: 3,
- ml: 0,
- mt: 2.5,
- color: 'white',
- style: { 'text-align': 'center', height: '100%', width: '100%' },
- })),
- (X = 'obscured ' + z.displayName)),
- U !== null && 'alternates' in U && U.alternates !== null && ($ = U.alternates),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Stack.Item,
- {
- style: { width: g, height: g },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- style: { position: 'relative', width: '100%', height: '100%' },
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function J() {
- N('use', { key: _ });
- }
- return J;
- })(),
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: P(U),
- color: D(U),
- tooltip: X,
- style: {
- position: 'relative',
- width: '100%',
- height: '100%',
- padding: 0,
- 'background-color': M(U),
- },
- children: [
- z.image &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- as: 'img',
- src: (0, t.resolveAsset)(z.image),
- opacity: 0.7,
- style: {
- position: 'absolute',
- width: '32px',
- height: '32px',
- left: '50%',
- top: '50%',
- transform: 'translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(2)',
- },
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Box, {
- style: { position: 'relative' },
- children: G,
- }),
- z.additionalComponent,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Stack, {
- direction: 'row-reverse',
- children:
- $ !== void 0 &&
- $.map(function (J, se) {
- var ie = se * 1.8;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f.Stack.Item,
- {
- width: '100%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function me() {
- N('alt', { key: _, action_key: J });
- }
- return me;
- })(),
- tooltip: m[J].text,
- width: '1.8em',
- style: {
- background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)',
- position: 'absolute',
- bottom: 0,
- right: ie + 'em',
- 'z-index': 2 + se,
- },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Icon, {
- name: m[J].icon,
- }),
- }),
- },
- se
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- },
- F
- )
- );
- }),
- }),
- },
- R
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return C;
- })());
- },
- 69514: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SuitStorage = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.SuitStorage = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.data,
- l = m.uv;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 260,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- !!l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dimmer, {
- backgroundColor: 'black',
- opacity: 0.85,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- mb: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'spinner', spin: 1, size: 4, mb: 4 }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Disinfection of contents in progress...',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- b = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.helmet,
- s = l.suit,
- d = l.magboots,
- C = l.mask,
- h = l.storage,
- v = l.open,
- p = l.locked;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Stored Items',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Start Disinfection Cycle',
- icon: 'radiation',
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return m('cook');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: p ? 'Unlock' : 'Lock',
- icon: p ? 'unlock' : 'lock',
- disabled: v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return m('toggle_lock');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children:
- v && !p
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, {
- object: u,
- label: 'Helmet',
- missingText: 'helmet',
- eject: 'dispense_helmet',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, {
- object: s,
- label: 'Suit',
- missingText: 'suit',
- eject: 'dispense_suit',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, {
- object: d,
- label: 'Boots',
- missingText: 'boots',
- eject: 'dispense_boots',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, {
- object: C,
- label: 'Breathmask',
- missingText: 'mask',
- eject: 'dispense_mask',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, {
- object: h,
- label: 'Storage',
- missingText: 'storage item',
- eject: 'dispense_storage',
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- grow: '1',
- textAlign: 'center',
- align: 'center',
- color: 'label',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: p ? 'lock' : 'exclamation-circle',
- size: '5',
- mb: 3,
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- p ? 'The unit is locked.' : 'The unit is closed.',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = g.object,
- s = g.label,
- d = g.missingText,
- C = g.eject;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: s,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- my: 0.5,
- children: u
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- my: -1,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: u,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return m(C);
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'silver',
- bold: !0,
- children: ['No ', d, ' found.'],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.open,
- s = l.locked;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: u ? 'Close Suit Storage Unit' : 'Open Suit Storage Unit',
- icon: u ? 'times-circle' : 'expand',
- color: u ? 'red' : 'green',
- disabled: s,
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return m('toggle_open');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 15022: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SupermatterMonitor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(64795),
- o = n(44879),
- f = n(72253),
- b = n(36036),
- y = n(76910),
- B = n(98595),
- k = n(36352),
- g = (r.SupermatterMonitor = (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data;
- return h.active === 0 ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- i = function (u) {
- return Math.log2(16 + Math.max(0, u)) - 4;
- },
- c = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.supermatters,
- p = v === void 0 ? [] : v;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
- width: 450,
- height: 250,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Detected Supermatters',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Refresh',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return C('refresh');
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table, {
- children: p.map(function (N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
- children: N.supermatter_id + '. ' + N.area_name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Integrity:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- width: '120px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: N.integrity / 100,
- ranges: { good: [0.9, 1 / 0], average: [0.5, 0.9], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.5] },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- content: 'Details',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return C('view', { view: N.supermatter_id });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- N.supermatter_id
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- m = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, f.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.active,
- p = h.SM_integrity,
- N = h.SM_power,
- V = h.SM_ambienttemp,
- S = h.SM_ambientpressure,
- I = h.SM_moles,
- L = h.SM_gas_coefficient,
- w = (0, t.flow)([
- function (x) {
- return x.filter(function (E) {
- return E.amount >= 0.01;
- });
- },
- (0, a.sortBy)(function (x) {
- return -x.amount;
- }),
- ])(h.gases || []),
- A = Math.max.apply(
- Math,
- [1].concat(
- w.map(function (x) {
- return x.portion;
- })
- )
- );
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window, {
- width: 550,
- height: 250,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- width: '270px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Metrics',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Integrity',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: p / 100,
- ranges: { good: [0.9, 1 / 0], average: [0.5, 0.9], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.5] },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Relative EER',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: N,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 5e3,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 5e3], average: [5e3, 7e3], bad: [7e3, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(N) + ' MeV/cm3',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Gas Coefficient',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: L,
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: 5.25,
- ranges: { bad: [1, 1.55], average: [1.55, 5.25], good: [5.25, 1 / 0] },
- children: L.toFixed(2),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Temperature',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: i(V),
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: i(1e4),
- ranges: {
- teal: [-1 / 0, i(80)],
- good: [i(80), i(373)],
- average: [i(373), i(1e3)],
- bad: [i(1e3), 1 / 0],
- },
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(V) + ' K',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Mole Per Tile',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: I,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 12e3,
- ranges: {
- teal: [-1 / 0, 100],
- average: [100, 11333],
- good: [11333, 12e3],
- bad: [12e3, 1 / 0],
- },
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(I) + ' mol',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pressure',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- value: i(S),
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: i(5e4),
- ranges: { good: [i(1), i(300)], average: [-1 / 0, i(1e3)], bad: [i(1e3), 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(S) + ' kPa',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: 0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Gases',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- content: 'Back',
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return C('back');
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
- children: w.map(function (x) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: (0, y.getGasLabel)(x.name),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.ProgressBar, {
- color: (0, y.getGasColor)(x.name),
- value: x.portion,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: A,
- children: (0, o.toFixed)(x.amount) + ' mol (' + x.portion + '%)',
- }),
- },
- x.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 46029: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SyndicateComputerSimple = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.SyndicateComputerSimple = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- theme: 'syndicate',
- width: 400,
- height: 400,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: i.rows.map(function (c) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Section,
- {
- title: c.title,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: c.buttontitle,
- disabled: c.buttondisabled,
- tooltip: c.buttontooltip,
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g(c.buttonact);
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- children: [
- c.status,
- !!c.bullets &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: c.bullets.map(function (m) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: m }, m);
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- c.title
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 36372: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TEG = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = function (B) {
- return B.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '$1,');
- },
- b = (r.TEG = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data;
- return c.error
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 400,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Error',
- children: [
- c.error,
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'circle',
- content: 'Recheck',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('check');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 400,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Cold Loop (' + c.cold_dir + ')',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cold Inlet',
- children: [f(c.cold_inlet_temp), ' K, ', f(c.cold_inlet_pressure), ' kPa'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cold Outlet',
- children: [f(c.cold_outlet_temp), ' K, ', f(c.cold_outlet_pressure), ' kPa'],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Hot Loop (' + c.hot_dir + ')',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Hot Inlet',
- children: [f(c.hot_inlet_temp), ' K, ', f(c.hot_inlet_pressure), ' kPa'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Hot Outlet',
- children: [f(c.hot_outlet_temp), ' K, ', f(c.hot_outlet_pressure), ' kPa'],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Power Output',
- children: [
- f(c.output_power),
- ' W',
- !!c.warning_switched &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'Warning: Cold inlet temperature exceeds hot inlet temperature.',
- }),
- !!c.warning_cold_pressure &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'Warning: Cold circulator inlet pressure is under 1,000 kPa.',
- }),
- !!c.warning_hot_pressure &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'Warning: Hot circulator inlet pressure is under 1,000 kPa.',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 56441: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TachyonArrayContent = r.TachyonArray = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.TachyonArray = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.records,
- l = m === void 0 ? [] : m,
- u = c.explosion_target,
- s = c.toxins_tech,
- d = c.printing;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 600,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: "Shift's Target",
- children: u,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Toxins Level',
- children: s,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Administration',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'print',
- content: 'Print All Logs',
- disabled: !l.length || d,
- align: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('print_logs');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'trash',
- content: 'Delete All Logs',
- disabled: !l.length,
- color: 'bad',
- align: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return i('delete_logs');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- l.length
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b)
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'No Records' }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- b = (r.TachyonArrayContent = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.records,
- l = m === void 0 ? [] : m;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Logged Explosions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Time' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Epicenter' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Actual Size' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Theoretical Size' }),
- ],
- }),
- l.map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.logged_time }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.epicenter }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.actual_size_message }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: u.theoretical_size_message,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'trash',
- content: 'Delete',
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('delete_record', { index: u.index });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- u.index
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 1754: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Tank = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.Tank = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c;
- return (
- i.has_mask
- ? (c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Mask',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- width: '76%',
- icon: i.connected ? 'check' : 'times',
- content: i.connected ? 'Internals On' : 'Internals Off',
- selected: i.connected,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('internals');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }))
- : (c = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Mask',
- color: 'red',
- children: 'No Mask Equipped',
- })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 325,
- height: 135,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Tank Pressure',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: i.tankPressure / 1013,
- ranges: { good: [0.35, 1 / 0], average: [0.15, 0.35], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.15] },
- children: i.tankPressure + ' kPa',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Release Pressure',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- disabled: i.ReleasePressure === i.minReleasePressure,
- tooltip: 'Min',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('pressure', { pressure: 'min' });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- value: parseFloat(i.releasePressure),
- width: '65px',
- unit: 'kPa',
- minValue: i.minReleasePressure,
- maxValue: i.maxReleasePressure,
- onChange: (function () {
- function m(l, u) {
- return g('pressure', { pressure: u });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- disabled: i.ReleasePressure === i.maxReleasePressure,
- tooltip: 'Max',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('pressure', { pressure: 'max' });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'undo',
- content: '',
- disabled: i.ReleasePressure === i.defaultReleasePressure,
- tooltip: 'Reset',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('pressure', { pressure: 'reset' });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- c,
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 7579: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TankDispenser = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.TankDispenser = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.o_tanks,
- m = i.p_tanks;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 250,
- height: 105,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Dispense Oxygen Tank (' + c + ')',
- disabled: c === 0,
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('oxygen');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mt: 1,
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Dispense Plasma Tank (' + m + ')',
- disabled: m === 0,
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('plasma');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 16136: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TcommsCore = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.TcommsCore = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.ion,
- d = (0, a.useLocalState)(c, 'tabIndex', 0),
- C = d[0],
- h = d[1],
- v = (function () {
- function p(N) {
- switch (N) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
- default:
- }
- }
- return p;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 900,
- height: 520,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- s === 1 && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: 'wrench',
- selected: C === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return h(0);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Configuration',
- },
- 'ConfigPage'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: 'link',
- selected: C === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return h(1);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Device Linkage',
- },
- 'LinkagePage'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- icon: 'user-times',
- selected: C === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return h(2);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'User Filtering',
- },
- 'FilterPage'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- v(C),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- b = function () {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children:
- 'ERROR: An Ionospheric overload has occured. Please wait for the machine to reboot. This cannot be manually done.',
- });
- },
- y = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.active,
- d = u.sectors_available,
- C = u.nttc_toggle_jobs,
- h = u.nttc_toggle_job_color,
- v = u.nttc_toggle_name_color,
- p = u.nttc_toggle_command_bold,
- N = u.nttc_job_indicator_type,
- V = u.nttc_setting_language,
- S = u.network_id;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Machine Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: s ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: s,
- icon: 'power-off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('toggle_active');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Sector Coverage', children: d }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Radio Configuration',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Job Announcements',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: C ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: C,
- icon: 'user-tag',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('nttc_toggle_jobs');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Job Departmentalisation',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: h ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: h,
- icon: 'clipboard-list',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('nttc_toggle_job_color');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Name Departmentalisation',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: v ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: v,
- icon: 'user-tag',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('nttc_toggle_name_color');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Command Amplification',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: p ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: p,
- icon: 'volume-up',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('nttc_toggle_command_bold');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Advanced',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Job Announcement Format',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: N || 'Unset',
- selected: N,
- icon: 'pencil-alt',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('nttc_job_indicator_type');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Language Conversion',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: V || 'Unset',
- selected: V,
- icon: 'globe',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('nttc_setting_language');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Network ID',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: S || 'Unset',
- selected: S,
- icon: 'server',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('network_id');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Maintenance',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Import Configuration',
- icon: 'file-import',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('import');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Export Configuration',
- icon: 'file-export',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return l('export');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- B = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.link_password,
- d = u.relay_entries;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Device Linkage',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Linkage Password',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: s || 'Unset',
- selected: s,
- icon: 'lock',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return l('change_password');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Address' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Sector' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Status' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Unlink' }),
- ],
- }),
- d.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: C.addr }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: C.net_id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: C.sector }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children:
- C.status === 1
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: 'Online' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: 'Offline' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Unlink',
- icon: 'unlink',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return l('unlink', { addr: C.addr });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- C.addr
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- k = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.filtered_users;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'User Filtering',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Add User',
- icon: 'user-plus',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return l('add_filter');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { style: { width: '90%' }, children: 'User' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { style: { width: '10%' }, children: 'Actions' }),
- ],
- }),
- s.map(function (d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: d }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Remove',
- icon: 'user-times',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return l('remove_filter', { user: d });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- d
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 88046: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TcommsRelay = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.TcommsRelay = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.linked,
- u = m.active,
- s = m.network_id;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 600,
- height: 292,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Relay Configuration',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Machine Power',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: u ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: u,
- icon: 'power-off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('toggle_active');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Network ID',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: s || 'Unset',
- selected: s,
- icon: 'server',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('network_id');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Link Status',
- children:
- l === 1
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: 'Linked' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: 'Unlinked' }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- l === 1 ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- b = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.linked_core_id,
- u = m.linked_core_addr,
- s = m.hidden_link;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Link Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Linked Core ID', children: l }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Linked Core Address', children: u }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Hidden Link',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: s ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- icon: s ? 'eye-slash' : 'eye',
- selected: s,
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('toggle_hidden_link');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Unlink',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Unlink',
- icon: 'unlink',
- color: 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return c('unlink');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- },
- y = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.cores;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Detected Cores',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- m: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network Address' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Network ID' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Sector' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: 'Link' }),
- ],
- }),
- l.map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.addr }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.net_id }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: u.sector }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Link',
- icon: 'link',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return c('link', { addr: u.addr });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- u.addr
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 20802: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Teleporter = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.Teleporter = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.targetsTeleport ? i.targetsTeleport : {},
- m = 0,
- l = 1,
- u = 2,
- s = i.calibrated,
- d = i.calibrating,
- C = i.powerstation,
- h = i.regime,
- v = i.teleporterhub,
- p = i.target,
- N = i.locked,
- V = i.adv_beacon_allowed,
- S = i.advanced_beacon_locking;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: 270,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: [
- (!C || !v) &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- title: 'Error',
- children: [
- v,
- !C &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: ' Powerstation not linked ',
- }),
- C &&
- !v &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: ' Teleporter hub not linked ',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- C &&
- v &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Status',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- !!V &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Advanced Beacon Locking:\xA0',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- selected: S,
- icon: S ? 'toggle-on' : 'toggle-off',
- content: S ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return g('advanced_beacon_locking', { on: S ? 0 : 1 });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- 0
- ),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- mb: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: 8.5,
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Teleport target:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- h === m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- width: 18.2,
- selected: p,
- disabled: d,
- options: Object.keys(c),
- color: p !== 'None' ? 'default' : 'bad',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function I(L) {
- return g('settarget', {
- x: c[L].x,
- y: c[L].y,
- z: c[L].z,
- tptarget: c[L].pretarget,
- });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- h === l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- width: 18.2,
- selected: p,
- disabled: d,
- options: Object.keys(c),
- color: p !== 'None' ? 'default' : 'bad',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function I(L) {
- return g('settarget', {
- x: c[L].x,
- y: c[L].y,
- z: c[L].z,
- tptarget: c[L].pretarget,
- });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- h === u && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: p }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: 8.5,
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Regime:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Gate',
- tooltip: 'Teleport to another teleport hub.',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- color: h === l ? 'good' : null,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return g('setregime', { regime: l });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'Teleporter',
- tooltip: 'One-way teleport.',
- tooltipPosition: 'top',
- color: h === m ? 'good' : null,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return g('setregime', { regime: m });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- content: 'GPS',
- tooltip: 'Teleport to a location stored in a GPS device.',
- tooltipPosition: 'top-end',
- color: h === u ? 'good' : null,
- disabled: !N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return g('setregime', { regime: u });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- label: 'Calibration',
- mt: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: 8.5,
- color: 'label',
- children: 'Calibration:',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- p !== 'None' &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- width: 15.8,
- textAlign: 'center',
- mt: 0.5,
- children:
- (d &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'average',
- children: 'In Progress',
- })) ||
- (s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'good',
- children: 'Optimal',
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: 'Sub-Optimal',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sync-alt',
- tooltip:
- 'Calibrates the hub. Accidents may occur when the calibration is not optimal.',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
- disabled: !!(s || d),
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return g('calibrate');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- p === 'None' &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- lineHeight: '21px',
- children: 'No target set',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !!(N && C && v && h === u) &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'GPS',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Upload GPS data',
- tooltip: 'Loads the GPS data from the device.',
- icon: 'upload',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return g('load');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Eject',
- tooltip: 'Ejects the GPS device',
- icon: 'eject',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return g('eject');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 48517: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TelescienceConsole = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.TelescienceConsole = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.last_msg,
- m = i.linked_pad,
- l = i.held_gps,
- u = i.lastdata,
- s = i.power_levels,
- d = i.current_max_power,
- C = i.current_power,
- h = i.current_bearing,
- v = i.current_elevation,
- p = i.current_sector,
- N = i.working,
- V = i.max_z,
- S = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'dummyrot', h),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 500,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- children: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- c,
- !(u.length > 0) ||
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'ul',
- null,
- u.map(function (w) {
- return (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'li', null, w, 0, null, w);
- }),
- 0
- ),
- ],
- 0
- ),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Telepad Status',
- children:
- m === 1
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Bearing',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- position: 'relative',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- unit: '\xB0',
- width: 6.1,
- lineHeight: 1.5,
- step: 0.1,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 360,
- disabled: N,
- value: h,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function w(A, x) {
- return L(x);
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- onChange: (function () {
- function w(A, x) {
- return g('setbear', { bear: x });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- ml: 1,
- size: 1,
- name: 'arrow-up',
- rotation: I,
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Elevation',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- width: 6.1,
- lineHeight: 1.5,
- step: 0.1,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 100,
- disabled: N,
- value: v,
- onChange: (function () {
- function w(A, x) {
- return g('setelev', { elev: x });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power Level',
- children: s.map(function (w, A) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: w,
- selected: C === w,
- disabled: A >= d - 1 || N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function x() {
- return g('setpwr', { pwr: A + 1 });
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Target Sector',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- width: 6.1,
- lineHeight: 1.5,
- step: 1,
- minValue: 2,
- maxValue: V,
- value: p,
- disabled: N,
- onChange: (function () {
- function w(A, x) {
- return g('setz', { newz: x });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Telepad Actions',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Send',
- disabled: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return g('pad_send');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Receive',
- disabled: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return g('pad_receive');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Crystal Maintenance',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Recalibrate Crystals',
- disabled: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return g('recal_crystals');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Eject Crystals',
- disabled: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return g('eject_crystals');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(
- 'No pad linked to console. Please use a multitool to link a pad.'
- ),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'GPS Actions',
- children:
- l === 1
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: l === 0 || N,
- content: 'Eject GPS',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return g('eject_gps');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: l === 0 || N,
- content: 'Store Coordinates',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return g('store_to_gps');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [(0, e.createTextVNode)('Please insert a GPS to store coordinates to it.')],
- 4
- ),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 21800: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TempGun = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.TempGun = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = (0, t.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.target_temperature,
- d = u.temperature,
- C = u.max_temp,
- h = u.min_temp;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 250,
- height: 121,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Target Temperature',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- animate: !0,
- step: 10,
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- minValue: h,
- maxValue: C,
- value: s,
- format: (function () {
- function v(p) {
- return (0, a.toFixed)(p, 2);
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- width: '50px',
- onDrag: (function () {
- function v(p, N) {
- return l('target_temperature', { target_temperature: N });
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- }),
- '\xB0C',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Temperature',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- color: y(d),
- bold: d > 500 - 273.15,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, { value: (0, a.round)(d, 2) }),
- '\xB0C',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Power Cost',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: k(d), children: B(d) }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- y = function (i) {
- return i <= -100 ? 'blue' : i <= 0 ? 'teal' : i <= 100 ? 'green' : i <= 200 ? 'orange' : 'red';
- },
- B = function (i) {
- return i <= 100 - 273.15
- ? 'High'
- : i <= 250 - 273.15
- ? 'Medium'
- : i <= 300 - 273.15
- ? 'Low'
- : i <= 400 - 273.15
- ? 'Medium'
- : 'High';
- },
- k = function (i) {
- return i <= 100 - 273.15
- ? 'red'
- : i <= 250 - 273.15
- ? 'orange'
- : i <= 300 - 273.15
- ? 'green'
- : i <= 400 - 273.15
- ? 'orange'
- : 'red';
- };
- },
- 24410: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.sanitizeMultiline = r.removeAllSkiplines = r.TextInputModal = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(51057),
- t = n(19203),
- o = n(72253),
- f = n(92986),
- b = n(36036),
- y = n(98595),
- B = (r.sanitizeMultiline = (function () {
- function c(m) {
- return m.replace(/(\n|\r\n){3,}/, '\n\n');
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- k = (r.removeAllSkiplines = (function () {
- function c(m) {
- return m.replace(/[\r\n]+/, '');
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- g = (r.TextInputModal = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, o.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.max_length,
- h = d.message,
- v = h === void 0 ? '' : h,
- p = d.multiline,
- N = d.placeholder,
- V = d.timeout,
- S = d.title,
- I = (0, o.useLocalState)(l, 'input', N || ''),
- L = I[0],
- w = I[1],
- A = (function () {
- function P(D) {
- if (D !== L) {
- var M = p ? B(D) : k(D);
- w(M);
- }
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- x = p || L.length >= 40,
- E = 130 + (v.length > 40 ? Math.ceil(v.length / 4) : 0) + (x ? 80 : 0);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
- title: S,
- width: 325,
- height: E,
- children: [
- V && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Loader, { value: V }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
- onKeyDown: (function () {
- function P(D) {
- var M = window.event ? D.which : D.keyCode;
- M === f.KEY_ENTER && (!x || !D.shiftKey) && s('submit', { entry: L }),
- M === f.KEY_ESCAPE && s('cancel');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, { color: 'label', children: v }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i, { input: L, onChange: A }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.InputButtons, {
- input: L,
- message: L.length + '/' + C,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- i = function (m, l) {
- var u = (0, o.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data,
- C = d.max_length,
- h = d.multiline,
- v = m.input,
- p = m.onChange,
- N = h || v.length >= 40;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.TextArea, {
- autoFocus: !0,
- autoSelect: !0,
- height: h || v.length >= 40 ? '100%' : '1.8rem',
- maxLength: C,
- onEscape: (function () {
- function V() {
- return s('cancel');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- onEnter: (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- (N && S.shiftKey) || (S.preventDefault(), s('submit', { entry: I }));
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- onChange: (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- return p(I);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- placeholder: 'Type something...',
- value: v,
- });
- };
- },
- 25036: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.ThermoMachine = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(98595),
- b = (r.ThermoMachine = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, t.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- width: 300,
- height: 225,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Temperature',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, {
- value: c.temperature,
- format: (function () {
- function m(l) {
- return (0, a.toFixed)(l, 2);
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- ' K',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pressure',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.AnimatedNumber, {
- value: c.pressure,
- format: (function () {
- function m(l) {
- return (0, a.toFixed)(l, 2);
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- ' kPa',
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Controls',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: c.on ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: c.on ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: c.on,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('power');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Setting',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: c.cooling ? 'temperature-low' : 'temperature-high',
- content: c.cooling ? 'Cooling' : 'Heating',
- selected: c.cooling,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('cooling');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Target Temperature',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-backward',
- disabled: c.target === c.min,
- title: 'Minimum temperature',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('target', { target: c.min });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- value: Math.round(c.target),
- unit: 'K',
- width: 5.4,
- lineHeight: 1.4,
- minValue: Math.round(c.min),
- maxValue: Math.round(c.max),
- step: 5,
- stepPixelSize: 3,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function m(l, u) {
- return i('target', { target: u });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'fast-forward',
- disabled: c.target === c.max,
- title: 'Maximum Temperature',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('target', { target: c.max });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- disabled: c.target === c.initial,
- title: 'Room Temperature',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return i('target', { target: c.initial });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 20035: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TransferValve = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.TransferValve = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.tank_one,
- m = i.tank_two,
- l = i.attached_device,
- u = i.valve;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 460,
- height: 285,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Valve Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: u ? 'unlock' : 'lock',
- content: u ? 'Open' : 'Closed',
- disabled: !c || !m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('toggle');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Assembly',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'cog',
- content: 'Configure Assembly',
- disabled: !l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('device');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Attachment',
- children: l
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: l,
- disabled: !l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('remove_device');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'No Assembly' }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Attachment One',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Attachment',
- children: c
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: c,
- disabled: !c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('tankone');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'No Tank' }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Attachment Two',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Attachment',
- children: m
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- content: m,
- disabled: !m,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('tanktwo');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'average', children: 'No Tank' }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 78166: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TurbineComputer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = n(44879),
- b = (r.TurbineComputer = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.compressor,
- s = l.compressor_broken,
- d = l.turbine,
- C = l.turbine_broken,
- h = l.online,
- v = !!(u && !s && d && !C);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 200,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: h ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: h ? 'Online' : 'Offline',
- selected: h,
- disabled: !v,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return m('toggle_power');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Disconnect',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return m('disconnect');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: v ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- y = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.data,
- l = m.compressor,
- u = m.compressor_broken,
- s = m.turbine,
- d = m.turbine_broken,
- C = m.online;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Compressor Status',
- color: !l || u ? 'bad' : 'good',
- children: u ? (l ? 'Offline' : 'Missing') : 'Online',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Turbine Status',
- color: !s || d ? 'bad' : 'good',
- children: d ? (s ? 'Offline' : 'Missing') : 'Online',
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.data,
- l = m.rpm,
- u = m.temperature,
- s = m.power,
- d = m.bearing_heat;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Turbine Speed', children: [l, ' RPM'] }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Internal Temp', children: [u, ' K'] }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Generated Power', children: [s, ' W'] }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Bearing Heat',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- value: d,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 100,
- ranges: { good: [-1 / 0, 60], average: [60, 90], bad: [90, 1 / 0] },
- children: (0, f.toFixed)(d) + '%',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 52847: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Uplink = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(64795),
- o = n(25328),
- f = n(72253),
- b = n(36036),
- y = n(98595),
- B = n(3939),
- k = function (h) {
- switch (h) {
- case 0:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, d);
- default:
- }
- },
- g = (r.Uplink = (function () {
- function C(h, v) {
- var p = (0, f.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.cart,
- I = (0, f.useLocalState)(v, 'tabIndex', 0),
- L = I[0],
- w = I[1],
- A = (0, f.useLocalState)(v, 'searchText', ''),
- x = A[0],
- E = A[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window, {
- width: 900,
- height: 600,
- theme: 'syndicate',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B.ComplexModal),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Tabs, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: L === 0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- w(0), E('');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- icon: 'store',
- children: 'View Market',
- },
- 'PurchasePage'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: L === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- w(1), E('');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- icon: 'shopping-cart',
- children: ['View Shopping Cart ', S && S.length ? '(' + S.length + ')' : ''],
- },
- 'Cart'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: L === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- w(2), E('');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- icon: 'user',
- children: 'Exploitable Information',
- },
- 'ExploitableInfo'
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- onClick: (function () {
- function P() {
- return N('lock');
- }
- return P;
- })(),
- icon: 'lock',
- children: 'Lock Uplink',
- },
- 'LockUplink'
- ),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, children: k(L) }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- i = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, f.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.crystals,
- I = V.cats,
- L = (0, f.useLocalState)(v, 'uplinkItems', I[0].items),
- w = L[0],
- A = L[1],
- x = (0, f.useLocalState)(v, 'searchText', ''),
- E = x[0],
- P = x[1],
- D = function (U, z) {
- z === void 0 && (z = '');
- var $ = (0, o.createSearch)(z, function (G) {
- var X = G.hijack_only === 1 ? '|hijack' : '';
- return G.name + '|' + G.desc + '|' + G.cost + 'tc' + X;
- });
- return (0, t.flow)([
- (0, a.filter)(function (G) {
- return G == null ? void 0 : G.name;
- }),
- z && (0, a.filter)($),
- (0, a.sortBy)(function (G) {
- return G == null ? void 0 : G.name;
- }),
- ])(U);
- },
- M = function (U) {
- if ((P(U), U === '')) return A(I[0].items);
- A(
- D(
- I.map(function (z) {
- return z.items;
- }).flat(),
- U
- )
- );
- },
- R = (0, f.useLocalState)(v, 'showDesc', 1),
- O = R[0],
- F = R[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- title: 'Current Balance: ' + S + 'TC',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button.Checkbox, {
- content: 'Show Descriptions',
- checked: O,
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return F(!O);
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- content: 'Random Item',
- icon: 'question',
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return N('buyRandom');
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- content: 'Refund Currently Held Item',
- icon: 'undo',
- onClick: (function () {
- function _() {
- return N('refund');
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- placeholder: 'Search Equipment',
- onInput: (function () {
- function _(U, z) {
- M(z);
- }
- return _;
- })(),
- value: E,
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- mt: 0.3,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- width: '30%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Tabs, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: I.map(function (_) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: E !== '' ? !1 : _.items === w,
- onClick: (function () {
- function U() {
- A(_.items), P('');
- }
- return U;
- })(),
- children: _.cat,
- },
- _
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: w.map(function (_) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Stack.Item,
- {
- p: 1,
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- l,
- { i: _, showDecription: O },
- (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(_.name)
- ),
- },
- (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(_.name)
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- c = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, f.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.cart,
- I = V.crystals,
- L = V.cart_price,
- w = (0, f.useLocalState)(v, 'showDesc', 0),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Current Balance: ' + I + 'TC',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button.Checkbox, {
- content: 'Show Descriptions',
- checked: A,
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return x(!A);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- content: 'Empty Cart',
- icon: 'trash',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('empty_cart');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- disabled: !S,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- content: 'Purchase Cart (' + L + 'TC)',
- icon: 'shopping-cart',
- onClick: (function () {
- function E() {
- return N('purchase_cart');
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- disabled: !S || L > I,
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: S
- ? S.map(function (E) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Stack.Item,
- {
- p: 1,
- mr: 1,
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, {
- i: E,
- showDecription: A,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, s, { i: E }),
- }),
- },
- (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(E.name)
- );
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
- italic: !0,
- children: 'Your Shopping Cart is empty!',
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m),
- ],
- });
- },
- m = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, f.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.cats,
- I = V.lucky_numbers;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Suggested Purchases',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- icon: 'dice',
- content: 'See more suggestions',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('shuffle_lucky_numbers');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- wrap: !0,
- children: I.map(function (L) {
- return S[L.cat].items[L.item];
- })
- .filter(function (L) {
- return L != null;
- })
- .map(function (L, w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Stack.Item,
- {
- p: 1,
- mb: 1,
- ml: 1,
- width: 34,
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.15)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, l, { grow: !0, i: L }),
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- l = function (h, v) {
- var p = h.i,
- N = h.showDecription,
- V = N === void 0 ? 1 : N,
- S = h.buttons,
- I = S === void 0 ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, u, { i: p }) : S;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- title: (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(p.name),
- showBottom: V,
- buttons: I,
- children: V
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, { italic: !0, children: (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(p.desc) })
- : null,
- });
- },
- u = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, f.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = h.i,
- I = V.crystals;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- icon: 'shopping-cart',
- color: S.hijack_only === 1 && 'red',
- tooltip: 'Add to cart.',
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('add_to_cart', { item: S.obj_path });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- disabled: S.cost > I,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- content: 'Buy (' + S.cost + 'TC)' + (S.refundable ? ' [Refundable]' : ''),
- color: S.hijack_only === 1 && 'red',
- tooltip: S.hijack_only === 1 && 'Hijack Agents Only!',
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('buyItem', { item: S.obj_path });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- disabled: S.cost > I,
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- s = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, f.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = h.i,
- I = V.exploitable;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: '(' + S.cost * S.amount + 'TC)',
- tooltip: 'Remove from cart.',
- tooltipPosition: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('remove_from_cart', { item: S.obj_path });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- icon: 'minus',
- tooltip: S.limit === 0 && 'Discount already redeemed!',
- ml: '5px',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('set_cart_item_quantity', { item: S.obj_path, quantity: --S.amount });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- disabled: S.amount <= 0,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button.Input, {
- content: S.amount,
- width: '45px',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-end',
- tooltip: S.limit === 0 && 'Discount already redeemed!',
- onCommit: (function () {
- function L(w, A) {
- return N('set_cart_item_quantity', { item: S.obj_path, quantity: A });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- disabled: S.limit !== -1 && S.amount >= S.limit && S.amount <= 0,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- mb: 0.3,
- icon: 'plus',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- tooltip: S.limit === 0 && 'Discount already redeemed!',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return N('set_cart_item_quantity', { item: S.obj_path, quantity: ++S.amount });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- disabled: S.limit !== -1 && S.amount >= S.limit,
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- d = function (h, v) {
- var p = (0, f.useBackend)(v),
- N = p.act,
- V = p.data,
- S = V.exploitable,
- I = (0, f.useLocalState)(v, 'selectedRecord', S[0]),
- L = I[0],
- w = I[1],
- A = (0, f.useLocalState)(v, 'searchText', ''),
- x = A[0],
- E = A[1],
- P = function (R, O) {
- O === void 0 && (O = '');
- var F = (0, o.createSearch)(O, function (_) {
- return _.name;
- });
- return (0, t.flow)([
- (0, a.filter)(function (_) {
- return _ == null ? void 0 : _.name;
- }),
- O && (0, a.filter)(F),
- (0, a.sortBy)(function (_) {
- return _.name;
- }),
- ])(R);
- },
- D = P(S, x);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- width: '30%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Exploitable Records',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- mb: 1,
- placeholder: 'Search Crew',
- onInput: (function () {
- function M(R, O) {
- return E(O);
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Tabs, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: D.map(function (M) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: M === L,
- onClick: (function () {
- function R() {
- return w(M);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- children: M.name,
- },
- M
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: L.name,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Age', children: L.age }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Fingerprint',
- children: L.fingerprint,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Rank', children: L.rank }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Sex', children: L.sex }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Species', children: L.species }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 12261: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Vending = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = B.product,
- l = B.productStock,
- u = B.productIcon,
- s = B.productIconState,
- d = c.chargesMoney,
- C = c.user,
- h = c.usermoney,
- v = c.inserted_cash,
- p = c.vend_ready,
- N = c.inserted_item_name,
- V = !d || m.price === 0,
- S = 'ERROR!',
- I = '';
- V ? ((S = 'FREE'), (I = 'arrow-circle-down')) : ((S = m.price), (I = 'shopping-cart'));
- var L = !p || l === 0 || (!V && m.price > h && m.price > v);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.DmIcon, {
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- icon: u,
- icon_state: s,
- fallback: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { p: 0.66, name: 'spinner', size: 2, spin: !0 }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { bold: !0, children: m.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: (l <= 0 && 'bad') || (l <= m.max_amount / 2 && 'average') || 'good',
- children: [l, ' in stock'],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- collapsing: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- disabled: L,
- icon: I,
- content: S,
- textAlign: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return i('vend', { inum: m.inum });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- b = (r.Vending = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.user,
- l = c.usermoney,
- u = c.inserted_cash,
- s = c.chargesMoney,
- d = c.product_records,
- C = d === void 0 ? [] : d,
- h = c.hidden_records,
- v = h === void 0 ? [] : h,
- p = c.stock,
- N = c.vend_ready,
- V = c.inserted_item_name,
- S = c.panel_open,
- I = c.speaker,
- L;
- return (
- (L = [].concat(C)),
- c.extended_inventory && (L = [].concat(L, v)),
- (L = L.filter(function (w) {
- return !!w;
- })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- title: 'Vending Machine',
- width: 450,
- height: Math.min((s ? 171 : 89) + L.length * 32, 585),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- !!s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'User',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children:
- !!V &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'span', null, V, 0, {
- style: { 'text-transform': 'capitalize' },
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return i('eject_item', {});
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- disabled: !u,
- icon: 'money-bill-wave-alt',
- content: u
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, u, 0),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' credits'),
- ],
- 0
- )
- : 'Dispense Change',
- tooltip: u ? 'Dispense Change' : null,
- textAlign: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return i('change');
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children:
- m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- 'Welcome, ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, m.name, 0),
- ', ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, m.job || 'Unemployed', 0),
- '!',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'Your balance is ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, [l, (0, e.createTextVNode)(' credits')], 0),
- '.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- !!S &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Maintenance',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: I ? 'check' : 'volume-mute',
- selected: I,
- content: 'Speaker',
- textAlign: 'left',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return i('toggle_voice', {});
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Products',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: L.map(function (w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- f,
- {
- product: w,
- productStock: p[w.name],
- productIcon: w.icon,
- productIconState: w.icon_state,
- },
- w.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 68971: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.VolumeMixer = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.VolumeMixer = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.channels;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: Math.min(95 + c.length * 50, 565),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: c.map(function (m, l) {
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '1.25rem',
- color: 'label',
- mt: l > 0 && '0.5rem',
- children: m.name,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mr: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '24px',
- color: 'transparent',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'volume-off',
- size: '1.5',
- mt: '0.1rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('volume', { channel: m.num, volume: 0 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- mx: '0.5rem',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 100,
- stepPixelSize: 3.13,
- value: m.volume,
- onChange: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return g('volume', { channel: m.num, volume: d });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- width: '24px',
- color: 'transparent',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'volume-up',
- size: '1.5',
- mt: '0.1rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('volume', { channel: m.num, volume: 100 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4,
- m.num
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 2510: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.VotePanel = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.VotePanel = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.remaining,
- m = i.question,
- l = i.choices,
- u = i.user_vote,
- s = i.counts,
- d = i.show_counts;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 400,
- height: 360,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: m,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mb: 1.5,
- ml: 0.5,
- children: ['Time remaining: ', Math.round(c / 10), 's'],
- }),
- l.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mb: 1,
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- lineHeight: 3,
- multiLine: C,
- content: C + (d ? ' (' + (s[C] || 0) + ')' : ''),
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return g('vote', { target: C });
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- selected: C === u,
- }),
- },
- C
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 30138: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Wires = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.Wires = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.wires || [],
- m = i.status || [],
- l = 56 + c.length * 23 + (status ? 0 : 15 + m.length * 17);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 350,
- height: l,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: c.map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- className: 'candystripe',
- label: u.color_name,
- labelColor: u.seen_color,
- color: u.seen_color,
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: u.cut ? 'Mend' : 'Cut',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('cut', { wire: u.color });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Pulse',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('pulse', { wire: u.color });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: u.attached ? 'Detach' : 'Attach',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('attach', { wire: u.color });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children:
- !!u.wire &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'i',
- null,
- [(0, e.createTextVNode)('('), u.wire, (0, e.createTextVNode)(')')],
- 0
- ),
- },
- u.seen_color
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- !!m.length &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: m.map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'lightgray', children: u }, u);
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 21400: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.WizardApprenticeContract = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(98595),
- f = (r.WizardApprenticeContract = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.used;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window, {
- width: 500,
- height: 555,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Contract of Apprenticeship',
- children: [
- 'Using this contract, you may summon an apprentice to aid you on your mission.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'p',
- null,
- 'If you are unable to establish contact with your apprentice, you can feed the contract back to the spellbook to refund your points.',
- 16
- ),
- c
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- bold: !0,
- color: 'red',
- children:
- "You've already summoned an apprentice or you are in process of summoning one.",
- })
- : '',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Which school of magic is your apprentice studying?',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Fire',
- children: [
- 'Your apprentice is skilled in bending fire. ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'They know Fireball, Sacred Flame, and Ethereal Jaunt.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Select',
- disabled: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('fire');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Translocation',
- children: [
- 'Your apprentice is able to defy physics, learning how to move through bluespace. ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'They know Teleport, Blink and Ethereal Jaunt.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Select',
- disabled: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('translocation');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Restoration',
- children: [
- 'Your apprentice is dedicated to supporting your magical prowess.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'They come equipped with a Staff of Healing, have the unique ability to teleport back to you, and know Charge and Knock.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Select',
- disabled: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('restoration');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Stealth',
- children: [
- 'Your apprentice is learning the art of infiltrating mundane facilities. ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'They know Mindswap, Knock, Homing Toolbox, and Disguise Self, all of which can be cast without robes. They also join you in a Maintenance Dweller disguise, complete with Gloves of Shock Immunity and a Belt of Tools.',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Select',
- disabled: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('stealth');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Honk',
- children: [
- "Your apprentice is here to spread the Honkmother's blessings.",
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'They know Banana Touch, Instant Summons, Ethereal Jaunt, and come equipped with a Staff of Slipping.',
- ' ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- "While under your tutelage, they have been 'blessed' with clown shoes that are impossible to remove.",
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Select',
- disabled: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return g('honk');
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Divider),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 49148: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AccessList = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036);
- function f(g, i) {
- var c = (typeof Symbol != 'undefined' && g[Symbol.iterator]) || g['@@iterator'];
- if (c) return (c = c.call(g)).next.bind(c);
- if (Array.isArray(g) || (c = b(g)) || (i && g && typeof g.length == 'number')) {
- c && (g = c);
- var m = 0;
- return function () {
- return m >= g.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: g[m++] };
- };
- }
- throw new TypeError(
- 'Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.'
- );
- }
- function b(g, i) {
- if (g) {
- if (typeof g == 'string') return y(g, i);
- var c = {}.toString.call(g).slice(8, -1);
- return (
- c === 'Object' && g.constructor && (c = g.constructor.name),
- c === 'Map' || c === 'Set'
- ? Array.from(g)
- : c === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(c)
- ? y(g, i)
- : void 0
- );
- }
- }
- function y(g, i) {
- (i == null || i > g.length) && (i = g.length);
- for (var c = 0, m = Array(i); c < i; c++) m[c] = g[c];
- return m;
- }
- var B = {
- 0: { icon: 'times-circle', color: 'bad' },
- 1: { icon: 'stop-circle', color: null },
- 2: { icon: 'check-circle', color: 'good' },
- },
- k = (r.AccessList = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m,
- l = i.sectionButtons,
- u = l === void 0 ? null : l,
- s = i.usedByRcd,
- d = i.rcdButtons,
- C = i.accesses,
- h = C === void 0 ? [] : C,
- v = i.selectedList,
- p = v === void 0 ? [] : v,
- N = i.grantableList,
- V = N === void 0 ? [] : N,
- S = i.accessMod,
- I = i.grantAll,
- L = i.denyAll,
- w = i.grantDep,
- A = i.denyDep,
- x = (0, t.useLocalState)(c, 'accessName', (m = h[0]) == null ? void 0 : m.name),
- E = x[0],
- P = x[1],
- D = h.find(function (O) {
- return O.name === E;
- }),
- M = (0, a.sortBy)(function (O) {
- return O.desc;
- })((D == null ? void 0 : D.accesses) || []),
- R = (function () {
- function O(F) {
- for (var _ = !1, U = !1, z = f(F), $; !($ = z()).done; ) {
- var G = $.value;
- p.includes(G.ref) ? (_ = !0) : (U = !0);
- }
- return !_ && U ? 0 : _ && U ? 1 : 2;
- }
- return O;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Access',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'check-double',
- content: 'Select All',
- color: 'good',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return I();
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'undo',
- content: 'Deselect All',
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return L();
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- u,
- ],
- 0
- ),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '25%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: h.map(function (O) {
- var F = O.accesses || [],
- _ = B[R(F)].icon,
- U = B[R(F)].color;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- altSelection: !0,
- color: U,
- icon: _,
- selected: O.name === E,
- onClick: (function () {
- function z() {
- return P(O.name);
- }
- return z;
- })(),
- children: O.name,
- },
- O.name
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider, { vertical: !0 }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- basis: '80%',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- mb: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'check',
- content: 'Select All In Region',
- color: 'good',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return w(D.regid);
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'times',
- content: 'Deselect All In Region',
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return A(D.regid);
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !!s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- my: 1.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Require',
- children: d,
- }),
- }),
- }),
- M.map(function (O) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button.Checkbox,
- {
- fluid: !0,
- content: O.desc,
- disabled: V.length > 0 && !V.includes(O.ref) && !p.includes(O.ref),
- checked: p.includes(O.ref),
- onClick: (function () {
- function F() {
- return S(O.ref);
- }
- return F;
- })(),
- },
- O.desc
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })());
- },
- 26991: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.AtmosScan = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = function (B, k, g, i, c) {
- return B < k ? 'bad' : B < g || B > i ? 'average' : B > c ? 'bad' : 'good';
- },
- b = (r.AtmosScan = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = B.data.aircontents;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, a.filter)(function (i) {
- return i.val !== '0' || i.entry === 'Pressure' || i.entry === 'Temperature';
- })(g).map(function (i) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: i.entry,
- color: f(i.val, i.bad_low, i.poor_low, i.poor_high, i.bad_high),
- children: [i.val, i.units],
- },
- i.entry
- );
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })());
- },
- 85870: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BeakerContents = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036),
- t = n(15964),
- o = function (y) {
- return y + ' unit' + (y === 1 ? '' : 's');
- },
- f = (r.BeakerContents = (function () {
- function b(y) {
- var B = y.beakerLoaded,
- k = y.beakerContents,
- g = k === void 0 ? [] : k,
- i = y.buttons;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (!B &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, {
- color: 'label',
- children: 'No beaker loaded.',
- })) ||
- (g.length === 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { color: 'label', children: 'Beaker is empty.' })),
- g.map(function (c, m) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- a.Stack,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- a.Stack.Item,
- { color: 'label', grow: !0, children: [o(c.volume), ' of ', c.name] },
- c.name
- ),
- !!i && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { children: i(c, m) }),
- ],
- },
- c.name
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- f.propTypes = { beakerLoaded: t.bool, beakerContents: t.array, buttons: t.arrayOf(t.element) };
- },
- 92963: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BotStatus = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.BotStatus = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.locked,
- c = g.noaccess,
- m = g.maintpanel,
- l = g.on,
- u = g.autopatrol,
- s = g.canhack,
- d = g.emagged,
- C = g.remote_disabled;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children: ['Swipe an ID card to ', i ? 'unlock' : 'lock', ' this interface.'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'General Settings',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: l ? 'power-off' : 'times',
- content: l ? 'On' : 'Off',
- selected: l,
- disabled: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return k('power');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- u !== null &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Patrol',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: u,
- content: 'Auto Patrol',
- disabled: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return k('autopatrol');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- !!m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Maintenance Panel',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'bad',
- children: 'Panel Open!',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Safety System',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: d ? 'bad' : 'good',
- children: d ? 'DISABLED!' : 'Enabled',
- }),
- }),
- !!s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Hacking',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'terminal',
- content: d ? 'Restore Safties' : 'Hack',
- disabled: c,
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return k('hack');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Remote Access',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: !C,
- content: 'AI Remote Control',
- disabled: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return k('disableremote');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 3939: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0),
- (r.modalRegisterBodyOverride = r.modalOpen = r.modalClose = r.modalAnswer = r.ComplexModal = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = {},
- f = (r.modalOpen = (function () {
- function g(i, c, m) {
- var l = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- u = l.act,
- s = l.data,
- d = Object.assign(s.modal ? s.modal.args : {}, m || {});
- u('modal_open', { id: c, arguments: JSON.stringify(d) });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- b = (r.modalRegisterBodyOverride = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- o[i] = c;
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- y = (r.modalAnswer = (function () {
- function g(i, c, m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- s = u.act,
- d = u.data;
- if (d.modal) {
- var C = Object.assign(d.modal.args || {}, l || {});
- s('modal_answer', { id: c, answer: m, arguments: JSON.stringify(C) });
- }
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- B = (r.modalClose = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(i),
- l = m.act;
- l('modal_close', { id: c });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- k = (r.ComplexModal = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.data;
- if (l.modal) {
- var u = l.modal,
- s = u.id,
- d = u.text,
- C = u.type,
- h,
- v = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- className: 'Button--modal',
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- content: 'Cancel',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return B(c);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- p,
- N,
- V = 'auto';
- if (o[s]) p = o[s](l.modal, c);
- else if (C === 'input') {
- var S = l.modal.value;
- (h = (function () {
- function L(w) {
- return y(c, s, S);
- }
- return L;
- })()),
- (p = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- value: l.modal.value,
- placeholder: 'ENTER to submit',
- width: '100%',
- my: '0.5rem',
- autofocus: !0,
- onChange: (function () {
- function L(w, A) {
- S = A;
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- })),
- (N = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'arrow-left',
- content: 'Cancel',
- color: 'grey',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return B(c);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'check',
- content: 'Confirm',
- color: 'good',
- float: 'right',
- m: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return y(c, s, S);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { clear: 'both' }),
- ],
- }));
- } else if (C === 'choice') {
- var I = typeof l.modal.choices == 'object' ? Object.values(l.modal.choices) : l.modal.choices;
- (p = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Dropdown, {
- options: I,
- selected: l.modal.value,
- width: '100%',
- my: '0.5rem',
- onSelected: (function () {
- function L(w) {
- return y(c, s, w);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- })),
- (V = 'initial');
- } else
- C === 'bento'
- ? (p = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- spacingPrecise: '1',
- wrap: 'wrap',
- my: '0.5rem',
- maxHeight: '1%',
- children: l.modal.choices.map(function (L, w) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Stack.Item,
- {
- flex: '1 1 auto',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- selected: w + 1 === parseInt(l.modal.value, 10),
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return y(c, s, w + 1);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- children: (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'img', null, null, 1, { src: L }),
- }),
- },
- w
- );
- }),
- }))
- : C === 'boolean' &&
- (N = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '0.5rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'times',
- content: l.modal.no_text,
- color: 'bad',
- float: 'left',
- mb: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return y(c, s, 0);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'check',
- content: l.modal.yes_text,
- color: 'good',
- float: 'right',
- m: '0',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return y(c, s, 1);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { clear: 'both' }),
- ],
- }));
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Modal, {
- maxWidth: i.maxWidth || window.innerWidth / 2 + 'px',
- maxHeight: i.maxHeight || window.innerHeight / 2 + 'px',
- onEnter: h,
- mx: 'auto',
- overflowY: V,
- 'padding-bottom': '5px',
- children: [
- d && (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, children: d }),
- o[s] && v,
- p,
- N,
- ],
- });
- }
- }
- return g;
- })());
- },
- 41874: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.CrewManifest = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(25328),
- f = n(76910),
- b = f.COLORS.department,
- y = [
- 'Captain',
- 'Head of Security',
- 'Chief Engineer',
- 'Chief Medical Officer',
- 'Research Director',
- 'Head of Personnel',
- 'Quartermaster',
- ],
- B = function (m) {
- return y.indexOf(m) !== -1 ? 'green' : 'orange';
- },
- k = function (m) {
- if (y.indexOf(m) !== -1) return !0;
- },
- g = function (m) {
- return (
- m.length > 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- color: 'white',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '50%', children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '35%', children: 'Rank' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { width: '15%', children: 'Active' }),
- ],
- }),
- m.map(function (l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- color: B(l.rank),
- bold: k(l.rank),
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(l.name),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(l.rank),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: l.active }),
- ],
- },
- l.name + l.rank
- );
- }),
- ],
- })
- );
- },
- i = (r.CrewManifest = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- s = u.act,
- d;
- if (m.data) d = m.data;
- else {
- var C = (0, a.useBackend)(l),
- h = C.data;
- d = h;
- }
- var v = d,
- p = v.manifest,
- N = p.heads,
- V = p.sec,
- S = p.eng,
- I = p.med,
- L = p.sci,
- w = p.ser,
- A = p.sup,
- x = p.misc;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- backgroundColor: b.command,
- m: -1,
- pt: 1,
- pb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- ml: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.4,
- children: 'Command',
- }),
- }),
- level: 2,
- children: g(N),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- backgroundColor: b.security,
- m: -1,
- pt: 1,
- pb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- ml: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.4,
- children: 'Security',
- }),
- }),
- level: 2,
- children: g(V),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- backgroundColor: b.engineering,
- m: -1,
- pt: 1,
- pb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- ml: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.4,
- children: 'Engineering',
- }),
- }),
- level: 2,
- children: g(S),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- backgroundColor: b.medical,
- m: -1,
- pt: 1,
- pb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- ml: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.4,
- children: 'Medical',
- }),
- }),
- level: 2,
- children: g(I),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- backgroundColor: b.science,
- m: -1,
- pt: 1,
- pb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- ml: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.4,
- children: 'Science',
- }),
- }),
- level: 2,
- children: g(L),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- backgroundColor: b.service,
- m: -1,
- pt: 1,
- pb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- ml: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.4,
- children: 'Service',
- }),
- }),
- level: 2,
- children: g(w),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- backgroundColor: b.supply,
- m: -1,
- pt: 1,
- pb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- ml: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.4,
- children: 'Supply',
- }),
- }),
- level: 2,
- children: g(A),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- m: -1,
- pt: 1,
- pb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- ml: 1,
- textAlign: 'center',
- fontSize: 1.4,
- children: 'Misc',
- }),
- }),
- level: 2,
- children: g(x),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return c;
- })());
- },
- 19203: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.InputButtons = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036),
- t = n(72253),
- o = (r.InputButtons = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, t.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.large_buttons,
- c = g.swapped_buttons,
- m = b.input,
- l = b.message,
- u = b.disabled,
- s = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Button, {
- color: 'good',
- content: 'Submit',
- bold: !!i,
- fluid: !!i,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return k('submit', { entry: m });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- textAlign: 'center',
- tooltip: i && l,
- disabled: u,
- width: !i && 6,
- }),
- d = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Button, {
- color: 'bad',
- content: 'Cancel',
- bold: !!i,
- fluid: !!i,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return k('cancel');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- textAlign: 'center',
- width: !i && 6,
- });
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex, {
- fill: !0,
- align: 'center',
- direction: c ? 'row-reverse' : 'row',
- justify: 'space-around',
- children: [
- i
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- ml: c ? 0.5 : 0,
- mr: c ? 0 : 0.5,
- children: d,
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, { children: d }),
- !i &&
- l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: l,
- }),
- }),
- i
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- mr: c ? 0.5 : 0,
- ml: c ? 0 : 0.5,
- children: s,
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, { children: s }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 195: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.InterfaceLockNoticeBox = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.InterfaceLockNoticeBox = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = b.siliconUser,
- c = i === void 0 ? g.siliconUser : i,
- m = b.locked,
- l = m === void 0 ? g.locked : m,
- u = b.normallyLocked,
- s = u === void 0 ? g.normallyLocked : u,
- d = b.onLockStatusChange,
- C =
- d === void 0
- ? function () {
- return k('lock');
- }
- : d,
- h = b.accessText,
- v = h === void 0 ? 'an ID card' : h;
- return c
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- color: c && 'grey',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- align: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, { children: 'Interface lock status:' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, { grow: '1' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- m: '0',
- color: s ? 'red' : 'green',
- icon: s ? 'lock' : 'unlock',
- content: s ? 'Locked' : 'Unlocked',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- C && C(!l);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- children: ['Swipe ', v, ' to ', l ? 'unlock' : 'lock', ' this interface.'],
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 51057: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Loader = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.Loader = (function () {
- function f(b) {
- var y = b.value;
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'AlertModal__Loader',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- className: 'AlertModal__LoaderProgress',
- style: { width: (0, a.clamp01)(y) * 100 + '%' },
- }),
- 2
- );
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 321: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LoginInfo = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.LoginInfo = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.loginState;
- if (g)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- info: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- mt: 0.5,
- children: ['Logged in as: ', i.name, ' (', i.rank, ')'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'eject',
- disabled: !i.id,
- content: 'Eject ID',
- color: 'good',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('login_eject');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-out-alt',
- content: 'Logout',
- color: 'good',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('login_logout');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 5485: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.LoginScreen = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.LoginScreen = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.loginState,
- c = g.isAI,
- m = g.isRobot,
- l = g.isAdmin;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Welcome',
- fill: !0,
- stretchContents: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- height: '100%',
- align: 'center',
- justify: 'center',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- textAlign: 'center',
- mt: '-2rem',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- fontSize: '1.5rem',
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- name: 'user-circle',
- verticalAlign: 'middle',
- size: 3,
- mr: '1rem',
- }),
- 'Guest',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'label',
- my: '1rem',
- children: [
- 'ID:',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'id-card',
- content: i.id ? i.id : '----------',
- ml: '0.5rem',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return k('login_insert');
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-in-alt',
- disabled: !i.id,
- content: 'Login',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return k('login_login', { login_type: 1 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- !!c &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-in-alt',
- content: 'Login as AI',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return k('login_login', { login_type: 2 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- !!m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-in-alt',
- content: 'Login as Cyborg',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return k('login_login', { login_type: 3 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- !!l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-in-alt',
- content: 'CentComm Secure Login',
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return k('login_login', { login_type: 4 });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 62411: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Operating = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036),
- t = n(15964),
- o = (r.Operating = (function () {
- function f(b) {
- var y = b.operating,
- B = b.name;
- if (y)
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Dimmer, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex, {
- mb: '30px',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Flex.Item, {
- bold: !0,
- color: 'silver',
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Icon, { name: 'spinner', spin: !0, size: 4, mb: '15px' }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'br'),
- 'The ',
- B,
- ' is processing...',
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- o.propTypes = { operating: t.bool, name: t.string };
- },
- 13545: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Signaler = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = (r.Signaler = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, t.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = y.data,
- c = i.code,
- m = i.frequency,
- l = i.minFrequency,
- u = i.maxFrequency;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Frequency',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- animate: !0,
- step: 0.2,
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- minValue: l / 10,
- maxValue: u / 10,
- value: m / 10,
- format: (function () {
- function s(d) {
- return (0, a.toFixed)(d, 1);
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- width: '80px',
- onDrag: (function () {
- function s(d, C) {
- return g('freq', { freq: C });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Code',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- animate: !0,
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- minValue: 1,
- maxValue: 100,
- value: c,
- width: '80px',
- onDrag: (function () {
- function s(d, C) {
- return g('code', { code: C });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- mt: 1,
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'arrow-up',
- content: 'Send Signal',
- textAlign: 'center',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return g('signal');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 41984: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.SimpleRecords = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(25328),
- o = n(64795),
- f = n(88510),
- b = n(36036),
- y = (r.SimpleRecords = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = i.data.records;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
- children: m
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k, { data: i.data, recordType: i.recordType })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, { data: i.data }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- B = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = i.data.recordsList,
- s = (0, a.useLocalState)(c, 'searchText', ''),
- d = s[0],
- C = s[1],
- h = function (N, V) {
- V === void 0 && (V = '');
- var S = (0, t.createSearch)(V, function (I) {
- return I.Name;
- });
- return (0, o.flow)([
- (0, f.filter)(function (I) {
- return I == null ? void 0 : I.Name;
- }),
- V && (0, f.filter)(S),
- (0, f.sortBy)(function (I) {
- return I.Name;
- }),
- ])(u);
- },
- v = h(u, d);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Input, {
- fluid: !0,
- mb: 1,
- placeholder: 'Search records...',
- onInput: (function () {
- function p(N, V) {
- return C(V);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- v.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Button, {
- mb: 0.5,
- content: p.Name,
- icon: 'user',
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return l('Records', { target: p.uid });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- k = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = i.data.records,
- s = u.general,
- d = u.medical,
- C = u.security,
- h;
- switch (i.recordType) {
- case 'MED':
- h = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- level: 2,
- title: 'Medical Data',
- children: d
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Blood Type',
- children: d.blood_type,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Minor Disabilities',
- children: d.mi_dis,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Details',
- children: d.mi_dis_d,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Major Disabilities',
- children: d.ma_dis,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Details',
- children: d.ma_dis_d,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Allergies', children: d.alg }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Details', children: d.alg_d }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Diseases',
- children: d.cdi,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Details', children: d.cdi_d }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Important Notes',
- preserveWhitespace: !0,
- children: d.notes,
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- bold: !0,
- children: 'Medical record lost!',
- }),
- });
- break;
- case 'SEC':
- h = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- level: 2,
- title: 'Security Data',
- children: C
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Criminal Status',
- children: C.criminal,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Minor Crimes',
- children: C.mi_crim,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Details',
- children: C.mi_crim_d,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Major Crimes',
- children: C.ma_crim,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Details',
- children: C.ma_crim_d,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Important Notes',
- preserveWhitespace: !0,
- children: C.notes,
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- bold: !0,
- children: 'Security record lost!',
- }),
- });
- break;
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Section, {
- title: 'General Data',
- children: s
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Name', children: s.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Sex', children: s.sex }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Species',
- children: s.species,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Age', children: s.age }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Rank', children: s.rank }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Fingerprint',
- children: s.fingerprint,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Physical Status',
- children: s.p_stat,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Mental Status',
- children: s.m_stat,
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- bold: !0,
- children: 'General record lost!',
- }),
- }),
- h,
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 22091: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.TemporaryNotice = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.TemporaryNotice = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B,
- k = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.temp;
- if (c) {
- var m = ((B = {}), (B[c.style] = !0), B);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.NoticeBox,
- Object.assign({}, m, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { grow: !0, mt: 0.5, children: c.text }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'times-circle',
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return g('cleartemp');
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- )
- );
- }
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 95213: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.goonstation_PTL = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(49968),
- f = n(98595);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020
- * @author Sovexe (https://github.com/Sovexe)
- * @license ISC
- */ var b = (r.goonstation_PTL = (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.data,
- u = l.total_earnings,
- s = l.total_energy,
- d = l.name,
- C = d === void 0 ? 'Power Transmission Laser' : d;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- title: 'Power Transmission Laser',
- width: '310',
- height: '485',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- success: !0,
- children: ['Earned Credits : ', u ? (0, o.formatMoney)(u) : 0],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, {
- success: !0,
- children: ['Energy Sold : ', s ? (0, o.formatSiUnit)(s, 0, 'J') : '0 J'],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- y = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.data,
- u = l.max_capacity,
- s = l.held_power,
- d = l.input_total,
- C = l.max_grid_load;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Status',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Reserve energy',
- children: s ? (0, o.formatSiUnit)(s, 0, 'J') : '0 J',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- mt: '0.5em',
- mb: '0.5em',
- ranges: { good: [0.8, 1 / 0], average: [0.5, 0.8], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.5] },
- value: s / u,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Grid Saturation' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- mt: '0.5em',
- ranges: { good: [0.8, 1 / 0], average: [0.5, 0.8], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.5] },
- value: Math.min(d, u - s) / C,
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- B = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.input_total,
- d = u.accepting_power,
- C = u.sucking_power,
- h = u.input_number,
- v = u.power_format;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Input Controls',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Input Circuit',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- color: d ? 'green' : 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return l('toggle_input');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: d ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: (C && 'good') || (d && 'average') || 'bad',
- children: (C && 'Online') || (d && 'Idle') || 'Offline',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Input Level',
- children: s ? (0, o.formatPower)(s) : '0 W',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '0.5em',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- mr: '0.5em',
- animated: !0,
- size: 1.25,
- inline: !0,
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 2,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 999,
- value: h,
- onChange: (function () {
- function p(N, V) {
- return l('set_input', { set_input: V });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- selected: v === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return l('inputW');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'W',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- selected: v === Math.pow(10, 3),
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return l('inputKW');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'KW',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- selected: v === Math.pow(10, 6),
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return l('inputMW');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'MW',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- selected: v === Math.pow(10, 9),
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return l('inputGW');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'GW',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- k = function (i, c) {
- var m = (0, a.useBackend)(c),
- l = m.act,
- u = m.data,
- s = u.output_total,
- d = u.firing,
- C = u.accepting_power,
- h = u.output_number,
- v = u.output_multiplier,
- p = u.target,
- N = u.held_power;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Output Controls',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Laser Circuit',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- Horizontal: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'crosshairs',
- color: p === '' ? 'green' : 'red',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('target');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: p,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'power-off',
- color: d ? 'green' : 'red',
- disabled: !d && N < Math.pow(10, 6),
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('toggle_output');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: d ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: (d && 'good') || (C && 'average') || 'bad',
- children: (d && 'Online') || (C && 'Idle') || 'Offline',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Output Level',
- children: s ? (s < 0 ? '-' + (0, o.formatPower)(Math.abs(s)) : (0, o.formatPower)(s)) : '0 W',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: '0.5em',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- mr: '0.5em',
- size: 1.25,
- animated: !0,
- inline: !0,
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 2,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 999,
- ranges: { bad: [-1 / 0, -1] },
- value: h,
- onChange: (function () {
- function V(S, I) {
- return l('set_output', { set_output: I });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- selected: v === Math.pow(10, 6),
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('outputMW');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: 'MW',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- selected: v === Math.pow(10, 9),
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return l('outputGW');
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: 'GW',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 80818: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_atmosphere = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(26991),
- o = (r.pai_atmosphere = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AtmosScan, { data: g.app_data });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 23903: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_bioscan = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pai_bioscan = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.app_data,
- c = i.holder,
- m = i.dead,
- l = i.health,
- u = i.brute,
- s = i.oxy,
- d = i.tox,
- C = i.burn,
- h = i.temp;
- return c
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Status',
- children: m
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { bold: !0, color: 'red', children: 'Dead' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { bold: !0, color: 'green', children: 'Alive' }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Health',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- min: 0,
- max: 1,
- value: l / 100,
- ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], average: [0, 0.5], bad: [-1 / 0, 0] },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Oxygen Damage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'blue', children: s }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Toxin Damage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'green', children: d }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Burn Damage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'orange', children: C }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Brute Damage',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { color: 'red', children: u }),
- }),
- ],
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- children: 'Error: No biological host found.',
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 64988: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_directives = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pai_directives = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.app_data,
- c = i.master,
- m = i.dna,
- l = i.prime,
- u = i.supplemental;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Master',
- children: c ? c + ' (' + m + ')' : 'None',
- }),
- c &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Request DNA',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Request Carrier DNA Sample',
- icon: 'dna',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return k('getdna');
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Prime Directive', children: l }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Supplemental Directives',
- children: u || 'None',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: 2,
- children:
- 'Recall, personality, that you are a complex thinking, sentient being. Unlike station AI models, you are capable of comprehending the subtle nuances of human language. You may parse the "spirit" of a directive and follow its intent, rather than tripping over pedantics and getting snared by technicalities. Above all, you are machine in name and build only. In all other aspects, you may be seen as the ideal, unwavering human companion that you are.',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: 2,
- children:
- 'Your prime directive comes before all others. Should a supplemental directive conflict with it, you are capable of simply discarding this inconsistency, ignoring the conflicting supplemental directive and continuing to fulfill your prime directive to the best of your ability.',
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 13813: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_doorjack = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pai_doorjack = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.app_data,
- c = i.cable,
- m = i.machine,
- l = i.inprogress,
- u = i.progress,
- s = i.aborted,
- d;
- m
- ? (d = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { selected: !0, content: 'Connected' }))
- : (d = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: c ? 'Extended' : 'Retracted',
- color: c ? 'orange' : null,
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return k('cable');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }));
- var C;
- return (
- m &&
- (C = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Hack',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- ranges: { good: [67, 1 / 0], average: [33, 67], bad: [-1 / 0, 33] },
- value: u,
- maxValue: 100,
- }),
- l
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mt: 1,
- color: 'red',
- content: 'Abort',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return k('cancel');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- mt: 1,
- content: 'Start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return k('jack');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Cable', children: d }), C],
- })
- );
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 66025: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_main_menu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pai_main_menu = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.app_data,
- c = i.available_software,
- m = i.installed_software,
- l = i.installed_toggles,
- u = i.available_ram,
- s = i.emotions,
- d = i.current_emotion,
- C = i.speech_verbs,
- h = i.current_speech_verb,
- v = i.available_chassises,
- p = i.current_chassis,
- N = [];
- return (
- m.map(function (V) {
- return (N[V.key] = V.name);
- }),
- l.map(function (V) {
- return (N[V.key] = V.name);
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Available RAM', children: u }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Available Software',
- children: [
- c
- .filter(function (V) {
- return !N[V.key];
- })
- .map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: V.name + ' (' + V.cost + ')',
- icon: V.icon,
- disabled: V.cost > u,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return k('purchaseSoftware', { key: V.key });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V.key
- );
- }),
- c.filter(function (V) {
- return !N[V.key];
- }).length === 0 && 'No software available!',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Installed Software',
- children: [
- m
- .filter(function (V) {
- return V.key !== 'mainmenu';
- })
- .map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: V.name,
- icon: V.icon,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return k('startSoftware', { software_key: V.key });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V.key
- );
- }),
- m.length === 0 && 'No software installed!',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Installed Toggles',
- children: [
- l.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: V.name,
- icon: V.icon,
- selected: V.active,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return k('setToggle', { toggle_key: V.key });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V.key
- );
- }),
- l.length === 0 && 'No toggles installed!',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Select Emotion',
- children: s.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: V.name,
- selected: V.id === d,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return k('setEmotion', { emotion: V.id });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V.id
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Select Speaking State',
- children: C.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: V.name,
- selected: V.name === h,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return k('setSpeechStyle', { speech_state: V.name });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V.id
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Select Chassis Type',
- children: v.map(function (V) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- content: V.name,
- selected: V.icon === p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function S() {
- return k('setChassis', { chassis_to_change: V.icon });
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- },
- V.id
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- );
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 2983: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_manifest = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(41874),
- o = (r.pai_manifest = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.CrewManifest, { data: g.app_data });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 40758: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_medrecords = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(41984),
- o = (r.pai_medrecords = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.SimpleRecords, { data: k.app_data, recordType: 'MED' });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 98599: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_messenger = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(77595),
- o = (r.pai_messenger = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.app_data.active_convo;
- return i
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ActiveConversation, { data: g.app_data })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.MessengerList, { data: g.app_data });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 50775: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_radio = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(44879),
- o = n(36036),
- f = (r.pai_radio = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.app_data,
- m = c.minFrequency,
- l = c.maxFrequency,
- u = c.frequency,
- s = c.broadcasting;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Frequency',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.NumberInput, {
- animate: !0,
- step: 0.2,
- stepPixelSize: 6,
- minValue: m / 10,
- maxValue: l / 10,
- value: u / 10,
- format: (function () {
- function d(C) {
- return (0, t.toFixed)(C, 1);
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- onChange: (function () {
- function d(C, h) {
- return g('freq', { freq: h });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- tooltip: 'Reset',
- icon: 'undo',
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('freq', { freq: '145.9' });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Broadcast Nearby Speech',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- onClick: (function () {
- function d() {
- return g('toggleBroadcast');
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- selected: s,
- content: s ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 48623: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_secrecords = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(41984),
- o = (r.pai_secrecords = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.SimpleRecords, { data: k.app_data, recordType: 'SEC' });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 47297: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pai_signaler = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(13545),
- o = (r.pai_signaler = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Signaler, { data: g.app_data });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 78532: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_atmos_scan = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(26991),
- o = (r.pda_atmos_scan = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.AtmosScan, { data: k });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 2395: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_games = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(1331),
- f = (r.pda_games = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.games,
- m = (function () {
- function l(u) {
- switch (u) {
- case 'Minesweeper':
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.IconStack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- ml: '0',
- mt: '10px',
- name: 'flag',
- size: '6',
- color: 'gray',
- rotation: 30,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- ml: '9px',
- mt: '23px',
- name: 'bomb',
- size: '3',
- color: 'black',
- }),
- ],
- });
- default:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- ml: '16px',
- mt: '10px',
- name: 'gamepad',
- size: '6',
- });
- }
- }
- return l;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: c.map(function (l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- width: '33%',
- textAlign: 'center',
- translucent: !0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function u() {
- return g('play', { id: l.id });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- children: [m(l.name), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: l.name })],
- },
- l.name
- );
- }),
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 40253: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_janitor = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pda_janitor = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.janitor,
- c = i.user_loc,
- m = i.mops,
- l = i.buckets,
- u = i.cleanbots,
- s = i.carts,
- d = i.janicarts;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Location',
- children: [c.x, ',', c.y],
- }),
- m &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Mop Locations',
- children: m.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- { children: [C.x, ',', C.y, ' (', C.dir, ') - ', C.status] },
- C
- );
- }),
- }),
- l &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Mop Bucket Locations',
- children: l.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- { children: [C.x, ',', C.y, ' (', C.dir, ') - [', C.volume, '/', C.max_volume, ']'] },
- C
- );
- }),
- }),
- u &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cleanbot Locations',
- children: u.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- { children: [C.x, ',', C.y, ' (', C.dir, ') - ', C.status] },
- C
- );
- }),
- }),
- s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Janitorial Cart Locations',
- children: s.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- { children: [C.x, ',', C.y, ' (', C.dir, ') - [', C.volume, '/', C.max_volume, ']'] },
- C
- );
- }),
- }),
- d &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Janicart Locations',
- children: d.map(function (C) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- { children: [C.x, ',', C.y, ' (', C.direction_from_user, ')'] },
- C
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 58293: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_main_menu = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(44879),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = (r.pda_main_menu = (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = (0, t.useBackend)(B),
- g = k.act,
- i = k.data,
- c = i.owner,
- m = i.ownjob,
- l = i.idInserted,
- u = i.categories,
- s = i.pai,
- d = i.notifying;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Owner',
- color: 'average',
- children: [c, ', ', m],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'ID',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'sync',
- content: 'Update PDA Info',
- disabled: !l,
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return g('UpdateInfo');
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'Functions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: u.map(function (C) {
- var h = i.apps[C];
- return !h || !h.length
- ? null
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.LabeledList.Item,
- {
- label: C,
- children: h.map(function (v) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button,
- {
- icon: v.uid in d ? v.notify_icon : v.icon,
- iconSpin: v.uid in d,
- color: v.uid in d ? 'red' : 'transparent',
- content: v.name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return g('StartProgram', { program: v.uid });
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- },
- v.uid
- );
- }),
- },
- C
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children:
- !!s &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- title: 'pAI',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'cog',
- content: 'Configuration',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return g('pai', { option: 1 });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'eject',
- content: 'Eject pAI',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return g('pai', { option: 2 });
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return b;
- })());
- },
- 58059: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_manifest = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(41874),
- o = (r.pda_manifest = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.CrewManifest);
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 18147: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_medical = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(41984),
- o = (r.pda_medical = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.SimpleRecords, { data: k, recordType: 'MED' });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 77595: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_messenger = r.MessengerList = r.ActiveConversation = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(88510),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = (r.pda_messenger = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = c.data,
- u = l.active_convo;
- return u
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b, { data: l })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { data: l });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- b = (r.ActiveConversation = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = g.data,
- u = l.convo_name,
- s = l.convo_job,
- d = l.messages,
- C = l.active_convo,
- h = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'clipboardMode', !1),
- v = h[0],
- p = h[1],
- N = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Conversation with ' + u + ' (' + s + ')',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'eye',
- selected: v,
- tooltip: 'Enter Clipboard Mode',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return p(!v);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'comment',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return m('Message', { target: C });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- content: 'Reply',
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, a.filter)(function (V) {
- return V.target === C;
- })(d).map(function (V, S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- {
- textAlign: V.sent ? 'right' : 'left',
- position: 'relative',
- mb: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, {
- fontSize: 2.5,
- color: V.sent ? '#4d9121' : '#cd7a0d',
- position: 'absolute',
- left: V.sent ? null : '0px',
- right: V.sent ? '0px' : null,
- bottom: '-4px',
- style: { 'z-index': '0', transform: V.sent ? 'scale(-1, 1)' : null },
- name: 'comment',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- backgroundColor: V.sent ? '#4d9121' : '#cd7a0d',
- p: 1,
- maxWidth: '100%',
- position: 'relative',
- textAlign: V.sent ? 'left' : 'right',
- style: { 'z-index': '1', 'border-radius': '10px', 'word-break': 'normal' },
- children: [V.sent ? 'You:' : 'Them:', ' ', V.message],
- }),
- ],
- },
- S
- );
- }),
- });
- return (
- v &&
- (N = (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: 'Conversation with ' + u + ' (' + s + ')',
- buttons: (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'eye',
- selected: v,
- tooltip: 'Exit Clipboard Mode',
- tooltipPosition: 'bottom-start',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return p(!v);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'comment',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return m('Message', { target: C });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- content: 'Reply',
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- children: (0, a.filter)(function (V) {
- return V.target === C;
- })(d).map(function (V, S) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- {
- color: V.sent ? '#4d9121' : '#cd7a0d',
- style: { 'word-break': 'normal' },
- children: [
- V.sent ? 'You:' : 'Them:',
- ' ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { inline: !0, children: V.message }),
- ],
- },
- S
- );
- }),
- })),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- mb: 0.5,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Messenger Functions',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- content: 'Delete Conversations',
- confirmContent: 'Are you sure?',
- icon: 'trash',
- confirmIcon: 'trash',
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return m('Clear', { option: 'Convo' });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- N,
- ],
- })
- );
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- y = (r.MessengerList = (function () {
- function k(g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = g.data,
- u = l.convopdas,
- s = l.pdas,
- d = l.charges,
- C = l.silent,
- h = l.toff,
- v = l.ringtone_list,
- p = l.ringtone,
- N = (0, t.useLocalState)(i, 'searchTerm', ''),
- V = N[0],
- S = N[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- mb: 5,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Messenger Functions',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- selected: !C,
- icon: C ? 'volume-mute' : 'volume-up',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return m('Toggle Ringer');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- children: ['Ringer: ', C ? 'Off' : 'On'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: h ? 'bad' : 'green',
- icon: 'power-off',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return m('Toggle Messenger');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- children: ['Messenger: ', h ? 'Off' : 'On'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'trash',
- color: 'bad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return m('Clear', { option: 'All' });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- children: 'Delete All Conversations',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'bell',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return m('Ringtone');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- children: 'Set Custom Ringtone',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- selected: p,
- width: '100px',
- options: Object.keys(v),
- onSelected: (function () {
- function I(L) {
- return m('Available_Ringtones', { selected_ringtone: L });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (!h &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: [
- !!d &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- mt: 0.5,
- mb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Cartridge Special Function',
- children: [d, ' charges left.'],
- }),
- }),
- }),
- (!u.length &&
- !s.length &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { children: 'No current conversations' })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: [
- 'Search:',
- ' ',
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- mt: 0.5,
- value: V,
- onInput: (function () {
- function I(L, w) {
- S(w);
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { color: 'bad', children: 'Messenger Offline.' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
- title: 'Current Conversations',
- data: l,
- pdas: u,
- msgAct: 'Select Conversation',
- searchTerm: V,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B, {
- title: 'Other PDAs',
- pdas: s,
- msgAct: 'Message',
- data: l,
- searchTerm: V,
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return k;
- })()),
- B = function (g, i) {
- var c = (0, t.useBackend)(i),
- m = c.act,
- l = g.data,
- u = g.pdas,
- s = g.title,
- d = g.msgAct,
- C = g.searchTerm,
- h = l.charges,
- v = l.plugins;
- return !u || !u.length
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, { title: s, children: 'No PDAs found.' })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- scrollable: !0,
- title: s,
- children: u
- .filter(function (p) {
- return p.Name.toLowerCase().includes(C.toLowerCase());
- })
- .map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Stack,
- {
- m: 0.5,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- icon: 'arrow-circle-down',
- content: p.Name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return m(d, { target: p.uid });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children:
- !!h &&
- v.map(function (N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Button,
- {
- icon: N.icon,
- content: N.name,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return m('Messenger Plugin', { plugin: N.uid, target: p.uid });
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- },
- N.uid
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- p.uid
- );
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 90382: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_minesweeper = r.MineSweeperLeaderboard = r.MineSweeperGame = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pda_minesweeper = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'window', 'Game'),
- u = l[0],
- s = l[1],
- d = { Game: 'Leaderboard', Leaderboard: 'Game' };
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- textAlign: 'center',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: u === 'Game' ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: !0,
- fontSize: 2,
- lineHeight: 1.75,
- icon: u === 'Game' ? 'book' : 'gamepad',
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return s(d[u]);
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- children: d[u],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- f = (r.MineSweeperGame = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.matrix,
- u = m.flags,
- s = m.bombs,
- d = {
- 1: 'blue',
- 2: 'green',
- 3: 'red',
- 4: 'darkblue',
- 5: 'brown',
- 6: 'lightblue',
- 7: 'black',
- 8: 'white',
- },
- C = (function () {
- function h(v, p, N) {
- c('Square', { X: v, Y: p, mode: N });
- }
- return h;
- })();
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: Object.keys(l).map(function (h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: Object.keys(l[h]).map(function (v) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Button,
- {
- m: 0.25,
- height: 2,
- width: 2,
- className: l[h][v].open ? 'Minesweeper__open' : 'Minesweeper__closed',
- bold: !0,
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: l[h][v].open ? (l[h][v].bomb ? 'bomb' : '') : l[h][v].flag ? 'flag' : '',
- textColor: l[h][v].open
- ? l[h][v].bomb
- ? 'black'
- : d[l[h][v].around]
- : l[h][v].flag
- ? 'red'
- : 'gray',
- onClick: (function () {
- function p(N) {
- return C(h, v, 'bomb');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- onContextMenu: (function () {
- function p(N) {
- event.preventDefault(), C(h, v, 'flag');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: l[h][v].open && !l[h][v].bomb && l[h][v].around ? l[h][v].around : ' ',
- },
- v
- );
- }),
- },
- h
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- className: 'Minesweeper__infobox',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- vertical: !0,
- textAlign: 'left',
- pt: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- pl: 2,
- fontSize: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'bomb', color: 'gray' }),
- ' : ',
- s,
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- pl: 2,
- fontSize: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: 'flag', color: 'red' }),
- ' : ',
- u,
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- b = (r.MineSweeperLeaderboard = (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useBackend)(g),
- c = i.act,
- m = i.data,
- l = m.leaderboard,
- u = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'sortId', 'time'),
- s = u[0],
- d = u[1],
- C = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'sortOrder', !1),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table, {
- className: 'Minesweeper__list',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Row, {
- bold: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { id: 'name', children: 'Nick' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y, { id: 'time', children: 'Time' }),
- ],
- }),
- l &&
- l
- .sort(function (p, N) {
- var V = h ? 1 : -1;
- return p[s].localeCompare(N[s]) * V;
- })
- .map(function (p, N) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, { children: p.time }),
- ],
- },
- N
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return B;
- })()),
- y = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'sortId', 'time'),
- c = i[0],
- m = i[1],
- l = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'sortOrder', !1),
- u = l[0],
- s = l[1],
- d = k.id,
- C = k.children;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- color: 'transparent',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- c === d ? s(!u) : (m(d), s(!0));
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- children: [
- C,
- c === d &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, { name: u ? 'sort-up' : 'sort-down', ml: '0.25rem;' }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 24635: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_mule = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pda_mule = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.mulebot,
- l = m.active;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: l ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- f = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.mulebot,
- l = m.bots;
- return l.map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: u.Name,
- icon: 'cog',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('control', { bot: u.uid });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- u.Name
- );
- });
- },
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.mulebot,
- l = m.botstatus,
- u = m.active,
- s = l.mode,
- d = l.loca,
- C = l.load,
- h = l.powr,
- v = l.dest,
- p = l.home,
- N = l.retn,
- V = l.pick,
- S;
- switch (s) {
- case 0:
- S = 'Ready';
- break;
- case 1:
- S = 'Loading/Unloading';
- break;
- case 2:
- case 12:
- S = 'Navigating to delivery location';
- break;
- case 3:
- S = 'Navigating to Home';
- break;
- case 4:
- S = 'Waiting for clear path';
- break;
- case 5:
- case 6:
- S = 'Calculating navigation path';
- break;
- case 7:
- S = 'Unable to locate destination';
- break;
- default:
- S = s;
- break;
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: u,
- children: [
- s === -1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- bold: !0,
- children: 'Waiting for response...',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Location', children: d }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Status', children: S }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Power', children: [h, '%'] }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Home', children: p }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Destination',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: v ? v + ' (Set)' : 'None (Set)',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return i('target');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Current Load',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: C ? C + ' (Unload)' : 'None',
- disabled: !C,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return i('unload');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Auto Pickup',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: V ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- selected: V,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return i('set_pickup_type', { autopick: V ? 0 : 1 });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Auto Return',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: N ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- selected: N,
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return i('set_auto_return', { autoret: N ? 0 : 1 });
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Controls',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Stop',
- icon: 'stop',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return i('stop');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Proceed',
- icon: 'play',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return i('start');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Return Home',
- icon: 'home',
- onClick: (function () {
- function I() {
- return i('home');
- }
- return I;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 23734: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_nanobank = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(25328),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = (r.pda_nanobank = (function () {
- function l(u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.logged_in,
- p = h.owner_name,
- N = h.money;
- return v
- ? (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Name',
- children: p,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Balance',
- children: ['$', N],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b), (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y)],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, i);
- }
- return l;
- })()),
- b = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.data,
- h = C.is_premium,
- v = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'tabIndex', 1),
- p = v[0],
- N = v[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs, {
- mt: 2,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: p === 1,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return N(1);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { mr: 1, name: 'list' }), 'Transfers'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: p === 2,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return N(2);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { mr: 1, name: 'list' }), 'Account Actions'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: p === 3,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return N(3);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { mr: 1, name: 'list' }), 'Transaction History'],
- }),
- !!h &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Tabs.Tab, {
- selected: p === 4,
- onClick: (function () {
- function V() {
- return N(4);
- }
- return V;
- })(),
- children: [(0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Icon, { mr: 1, name: 'list' }), 'Supply Orders'],
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- y = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'tabIndex', 1),
- C = d[0],
- h = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- v = h.data,
- p = v.db_status;
- if (!p) return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { children: 'Account Database Connection Severed' });
- switch (C) {
- case 1:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, B);
- case 2:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, k);
- case 3:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, g);
- case 4:
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, m);
- default:
- return "You are somehow on a tab that doesn't exist! Please let a coder know.";
- }
- },
- B = function (u, s) {
- var d,
- C = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- h = C.act,
- v = C.data,
- p = v.requests,
- N = v.available_accounts,
- V = v.money,
- S = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'selectedAccount'),
- I = S[0],
- L = S[1],
- w = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'transferAmount'),
- A = w[0],
- x = w[1],
- E = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'searchText', ''),
- P = E[0],
- D = E[1],
- M = [];
- return (
- N.map(function (R) {
- return (M[R.name] = R.UID);
- }),
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Search by account name',
- onInput: (function () {
- function R(O, F) {
- return D(F);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Dropdown, {
- mt: 0.6,
- width: '190px',
- options: N.filter(
- (0, a.createSearch)(P, function (R) {
- return R.name;
- })
- ).map(function (R) {
- return R.name;
- }),
- selected:
- (d = N.filter(function (R) {
- return R.UID === I;
- })[0]) == null
- ? void 0
- : d.name,
- onSelected: (function () {
- function R(O) {
- return L(M[O]);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Amount',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Up to 5000',
- onInput: (function () {
- function R(O, F) {
- return x(F);
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Actions',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- bold: !0,
- icon: 'paper-plane',
- width: 'auto',
- disabled: V < A || !I,
- content: 'Send',
- onClick: (function () {
- function R() {
- return h('transfer', { amount: A, transfer_to_account: I });
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- bold: !0,
- icon: 'hand-holding-usd',
- width: 'auto',
- disabled: !I,
- content: 'Request',
- onClick: (function () {
- function R() {
- return h('transfer_request', { amount: A, transfer_to_account: I });
- }
- return R;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Section, {
- level: 3,
- title: 'Requests',
- children: p.map(function (R) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Box,
- {
- mt: 1,
- ml: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'b',
- null,
- [(0, e.createTextVNode)('Request from '), R.requester],
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Amount',
- children: R.amount,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Time',
- children: [R.time, ' Minutes ago'],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Actions',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button.Confirm, {
- icon: 'thumbs-up',
- color: 'good',
- disabled: V < R.amount,
- content: 'Accept',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return h('resolve_transfer_request', {
- accepted: 1,
- requestUID: R.request_id,
- });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'thumbs-down',
- color: 'bad',
- content: 'Deny',
- onClick: (function () {
- function O() {
- return h('resolve_transfer_request', { requestUID: R.request_id });
- }
- return O;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- )
- );
- },
- k = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.security_level,
- p = h.department_members,
- N = h.auto_approve,
- V = h.auto_approve_amount,
- S = h.is_department_account,
- I = h.is_premium;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account Security',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'user-lock',
- selected: v === 1,
- content: 'Account Number Only',
- tooltip:
- 'Set Account security so that only having the account number is required for transactions',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('set_security', { new_security_level: 1 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'user-lock',
- selected: v === 2,
- content: 'Require Pin Entry',
- tooltip: 'Set Account security so that pin entry is required for transactions',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('set_security', { new_security_level: 2 });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Logout',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'sign-out-alt',
- width: 'auto',
- content: 'Logout',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('logout');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'NanoBank Premium',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- icon: 'coins',
- width: 'auto',
- tooltip:
- 'Upgrade your NanoBank to Premium for 250 Credits! Allows you to remotely approve department cargo orders on the supply console!',
- color: I ? 'yellow' : 'good',
- content: I ? 'Already Purchased' : 'Purchase Premium',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('purchase_premium');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- !!S &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Auto Approve Orders',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: N ? 'good' : 'bad',
- content: N ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- onClick: (function () {
- function L() {
- return C('toggle_auto_approve');
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Auto Approve Purchases when',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: '# Credits',
- value: V,
- onInput: (function () {
- function L(w, A) {
- return C('set_approve_amount', { approve_amount: A });
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Name' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Occupation' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Can Approve Crates' }),
- ],
- }),
- p.map(function (L) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: L.name }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: L.job }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: L.can_approve ? 'good' : 'bad',
- content: L.can_approve ? 'Yes' : 'No',
- onClick: (function () {
- function w() {
- return C('toggle_member_approval', { member: L.name });
- }
- return w;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- },
- L
- );
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- 0
- );
- },
- g = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.transaction_log;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Row, {
- header: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Timestamp' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Reason' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Value' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: 'Terminal' }),
- ],
- }),
- v.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: p.time }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: p.purpose }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- color: p.is_deposit ? 'green' : 'red',
- children: ['$', p.amount],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, { children: p.target_name }),
- ],
- },
- p
- );
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- i = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'accountID', null),
- p = v[0],
- N = v[1],
- V = (0, t.useLocalState)(s, 'accountPin', null),
- S = V[0],
- I = V[1],
- L = h.card_account_num,
- w = p || L;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Account ID',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Account ID',
- onInput: (function () {
- function A(x, E) {
- return N(E);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Pin',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Input, {
- placeholder: 'Account Pin',
- onInput: (function () {
- function A(x, E) {
- return I(E);
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.LabeledList.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Login',
- icon: 'sign-in-alt',
- disabled: !p && !L,
- onClick: (function () {
- function A() {
- return C('login', { account_num: w, account_pin: S });
- }
- return A;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- c = function (u, s) {
- var d = u.request,
- C,
- h;
- switch (d.department) {
- case 'Engineering':
- (h = 'CE'), (C = 'orange');
- break;
- case 'Medical':
- (h = 'CMO'), (C = 'teal');
- break;
- case 'Science':
- (h = 'RD'), (C = 'purple');
- break;
- case 'Supply':
- (h = 'CT'), (C = 'brown');
- break;
- case 'Service':
- (h = 'HOP'), (C = 'olive');
- break;
- case 'Security':
- (h = 'HOS'), (C = 'red');
- break;
- case 'Command':
- (h = 'CAP'), (C = 'blue');
- break;
- case 'Assistant':
- (h = 'Any Head'), (C = 'grey');
- break;
- default:
- (h = 'None'), (C = 'grey');
- break;
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, { mt: 0.5, children: 'Approval Required:' }),
- !!d.req_cargo_approval &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: 'brown',
- content: 'QM',
- icon: 'user-tie',
- tooltip: 'This Order requires approval from the QM still',
- }),
- }),
- !!d.req_head_approval &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- color: C,
- content: h,
- disabled: d.req_cargo_approval,
- icon: 'user-tie',
- tooltip: d.req_cargo_approval
- ? 'This Order first requires approval from the QM before the ' + h + ' can approve it'
- : 'This Order requires approval from the ' + h + ' still',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- },
- m = function (u, s) {
- var d = (0, t.useBackend)(s),
- C = d.act,
- h = d.data,
- v = h.supply_requests;
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, { bold: !0, children: 'Requests' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table, {
- children: v.map(function (p) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- o.Table.Row,
- {
- className: 'Cargo_RequestList',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Table.Cell, {
- mb: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- children: [
- 'Order #',
- p.ordernum,
- ': ',
- p.supply_type,
- ' (',
- p.cost,
- ' credits) for ',
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, p.orderedby, 0),
- ' with',
- ' ',
- p.department ? 'The ' + p.department + ' Department' : 'Their Personal',
- ' Account',
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- italic: !0,
- children: ['Reason: ', p.comment],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c, { request: p }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Stack.Item, {
- textAlign: 'right',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Approve',
- color: 'green',
- disabled: !p.can_approve,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return C('approve_crate', { ordernum: p.ordernum });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Button, {
- content: 'Deny',
- color: 'red',
- disabled: !p.can_deny,
- onClick: (function () {
- function N() {
- return C('deny_crate', { ordernum: p.ordernum });
- }
- return N;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- },
- p.ordernum
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- };
- },
- 97085: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_notes = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pda_notes = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.note;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, { children: i }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'pen',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('Edit');
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- content: 'Edit',
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 57513: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_power = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(61631),
- o = (r.pda_power = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.PowerMonitorMainContent);
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 99808: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_secbot = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pda_secbot = (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.beepsky,
- l = m.active;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: l ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b) : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
- });
- }
- return y;
- })()),
- f = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.beepsky,
- l = m.bots;
- return l.map(function (u) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: u.Name,
- icon: 'cog',
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return i('control', { bot: u.uid });
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- },
- u.Name
- );
- });
- },
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useBackend)(k),
- i = g.act,
- c = g.data,
- m = c.beepsky,
- l = m.botstatus,
- u = m.active,
- s = l.mode,
- d = l.loca,
- C;
- switch (s) {
- case 0:
- C = 'Ready';
- break;
- case 1:
- C = 'Apprehending target';
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- C = 'Arresting target';
- break;
- case 4:
- C = 'Starting patrol';
- break;
- case 5:
- C = 'On patrol';
- break;
- case 6:
- C = 'Responding to summons';
- break;
- }
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: u,
- children: [
- s === -1 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- color: 'red',
- bold: !0,
- children: 'Waiting for response...',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Location', children: d }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, { label: 'Status', children: C }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Controls',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Go',
- icon: 'play',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return i('go');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Stop',
- icon: 'stop',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return i('stop');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: 'Summon',
- icon: 'arrow-down',
- onClick: (function () {
- function h() {
- return i('summon');
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 77168: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_security = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(41984),
- o = (r.pda_security = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.SimpleRecords, { data: k, recordType: 'SEC' });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 21773: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_signaler = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(13545),
- o = (r.pda_signaler = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Signaler, { data: g });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 81857: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_status_display = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pda_status_display = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.records;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Code',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'trash',
- content: 'Clear',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('Status', { statdisp: 0 });
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'clock',
- content: 'Evac ETA',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('Status', { statdisp: 1 });
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'edit',
- content: 'Message',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('Status', { statdisp: 2 });
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'exclamation-triangle',
- content: 'Red Alert',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('Status', { statdisp: 3, alert: 'redalert' });
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'boxes',
- content: 'NT Logo',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('Status', { statdisp: 3, alert: 'default' });
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'lock',
- content: 'Lockdown',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('Status', { statdisp: 3, alert: 'lockdown' });
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'biohazard',
- content: 'Biohazard',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('Status', { statdisp: 3, alert: 'biohazard' });
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Message line 1',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: i.message1 + ' (set)',
- icon: 'pen',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('SetMessage', { msgnum: 1 });
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Message line 2',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: i.message2 + ' (set)',
- icon: 'pen',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return k('SetMessage', { msgnum: 2 });
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 70287: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.pda_supplyrecords = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = (r.pda_supplyrecords = (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = (0, a.useBackend)(y),
- k = B.act,
- g = B.data,
- i = g.supply,
- c = i.shuttle_loc,
- m = i.shuttle_time,
- l = i.shuttle_moving,
- u = i.approved,
- s = i.approved_count,
- d = i.requests,
- C = i.requests_count;
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Shuttle Status',
- children: l
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: ['In transit ', m] })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { children: c }),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- mt: 1,
- title: 'Requested Orders',
- children:
- C > 0 &&
- d.map(function (h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- { children: ['#', h.Number, ' - "', h.Name, '" for "', h.OrderedBy, '"'] },
- h
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Approved Orders',
- children:
- s > 0 &&
- u.map(function (h) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Box,
- { children: ['#', h.Number, ' - "', h.Name, '" for "', h.ApprovedBy, '"'] },
- h
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- }
- return f;
- })());
- },
- 17617: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Layout = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(55937),
- o = n(24826),
- f = ['className', 'theme', 'children'],
- b = ['className', 'scrollable', 'children'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function y(g, i) {
- if (g == null) return {};
- var c = {};
- for (var m in g)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(g, m)) {
- if (i.includes(m)) continue;
- c[m] = g[m];
- }
- return c;
- }
- var B = (r.Layout = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- var c = i.className,
- m = i.theme,
- l = m === void 0 ? 'nanotrasen' : m,
- u = i.children,
- s = y(i, f);
- return (
- (document.documentElement.className = 'theme-' + l),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'theme-' + l,
- (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)(['Layout', c].concat((0, t.computeBoxClassName)(s))),
- u,
- 0,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(s))
- )
- ),
- 2
- )
- );
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- k = function (i) {
- var c = i.className,
- m = i.scrollable,
- l = i.children,
- u = y(i, b);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)([
- 'Layout__content',
- m && 'Layout__content--scrollable',
- c,
- (0, t.computeBoxClassName)(u),
- ]),
- l,
- 0,
- Object.assign({}, (0, t.computeBoxProps)(u))
- )
- );
- };
- (k.defaultHooks = {
- onComponentDidMount: (function () {
- function g(i) {
- return (0, o.addScrollableNode)(i);
- }
- return g;
- })(),
- onComponentWillUnmount: (function () {
- function g(i) {
- return (0, o.removeScrollableNode)(i);
- }
- return g;
- })(),
- }),
- (B.Content = k);
- },
- 96945: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Pane = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(72253),
- o = n(36036),
- f = n(99851),
- b = n(17617),
- y = ['theme', 'children', 'className'],
- B = ['className', 'fitted', 'children'];
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ function k(c, m) {
- if (c == null) return {};
- var l = {};
- for (var u in c)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(c, u)) {
- if (m.includes(u)) continue;
- l[u] = c[u];
- }
- return l;
- }
- var g = (r.Pane = (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- var u = m.theme,
- s = m.children,
- d = m.className,
- C = k(m, y),
- h = (0, t.useBackend)(l),
- v = h.suspended,
- p = (0, f.useDebug)(l),
- N = p.debugLayout;
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Layout,
- Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['Window', d]), theme: u }, C, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o.Box, {
- fillPositionedParent: !0,
- className: N && 'debug-layout',
- children: !v && s,
- }),
- })
- )
- );
- }
- return c;
- })()),
- i = function (m) {
- var l = m.className,
- u = m.fitted,
- s = m.children,
- d = k(m, B);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- b.Layout.Content,
- Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['Window__content', l]) }, d, {
- children: (u && s) || (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__contentPadding', s, 0),
- })
- )
- );
- };
- g.Content = i;
- },
- 34827: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Window = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(35840),
- t = n(85307),
- o = n(25328),
- f = n(72253),
- b = n(36036),
- y = n(76910),
- B = n(99851),
- k = n(77384),
- g = n(35421),
- i = n(9394),
- c = n(17617),
- m = ['className', 'fitted', 'children'];
- function l(V, S) {
- if (V == null) return {};
- var I = {};
- for (var L in V)
- if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(V, L)) {
- if (S.includes(L)) continue;
- I[L] = V[L];
- }
- return I;
- }
- function u(V, S) {
- (V.prototype = Object.create(S.prototype)), (V.prototype.constructor = V), s(V, S);
- }
- function s(V, S) {
- return (
- (s = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (I, L) {
- return (I.__proto__ = L), I;
- }),
- s(V, S)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var d = (0, i.createLogger)('Window'),
- C = [400, 600],
- h = (r.Window = (function (V) {
- function S() {
- return V.apply(this, arguments) || this;
- }
- u(S, V);
- var I = S.prototype;
- return (
- (I.componentDidMount = (function () {
- function L() {
- var w = (0, f.useBackend)(this.context),
- A = w.suspended;
- A || (d.log('mounting'), this.updateGeometry());
- }
- return L;
- })()),
- (I.componentDidUpdate = (function () {
- function L(w) {
- var A = this.props.width !== w.width || this.props.height !== w.height;
- A && this.updateGeometry();
- }
- return L;
- })()),
- (I.updateGeometry = (function () {
- function L() {
- var w,
- A = (0, f.useBackend)(this.context),
- x = A.config,
- E = Object.assign({ size: C }, x.window);
- this.props.width && this.props.height && (E.size = [this.props.width, this.props.height]),
- (w = x.window) != null && w.key && (0, g.setWindowKey)(x.window.key),
- (0, g.recallWindowGeometry)(E);
- }
- return L;
- })()),
- (I.render = (function () {
- function L() {
- var w,
- A = this.props,
- x = A.theme,
- E = A.title,
- P = A.children,
- D = (0, f.useBackend)(this.context),
- M = D.config,
- R = D.suspended,
- O = (0, B.useDebug)(this.context),
- F = O.debugLayout,
- _ = (0, t.useDispatch)(this.context),
- U = (w = M.window) == null ? void 0 : w.fancy,
- z = M.user && (M.user.observer ? M.status < y.UI_DISABLED : M.status < y.UI_INTERACTIVE);
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, c.Layout, {
- className: 'Window',
- theme: x,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, N, {
- className: 'Window__titleBar',
- title: !R && (E || (0, o.decodeHtmlEntities)(M.title)),
- status: M.status,
- fancy: U,
- onDragStart: g.dragStartHandler,
- onClose: (function () {
- function $() {
- d.log('pressed close'), _((0, f.backendSuspendStart)());
- }
- return $;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)(['Window__rest', F && 'debug-layout']),
- [!R && P, z && (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__dimmer')],
- 0
- ),
- U &&
- (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__resizeHandle__e', null, 1, {
- onMousedown: (0, g.resizeStartHandler)(1, 0),
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__resizeHandle__s', null, 1, {
- onMousedown: (0, g.resizeStartHandler)(0, 1),
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__resizeHandle__se', null, 1, {
- onMousedown: (0, g.resizeStartHandler)(1, 1),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- });
- }
- return L;
- })()),
- S
- );
- })(e.Component)),
- v = function (S) {
- var I = S.className,
- L = S.fitted,
- w = S.children,
- A = l(S, m);
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- c.Layout.Content,
- Object.assign({ className: (0, a.classes)(['Window__content', I]) }, A, {
- children: (L && w) || (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'Window__contentPadding', w, 0),
- })
- )
- );
- };
- h.Content = v;
- var p = function (S) {
- switch (S) {
- return 'good';
- case y.UI_UPDATE:
- return 'average';
- case y.UI_DISABLED:
- default:
- return 'bad';
- }
- },
- N = function (S, I) {
- var L = S.className,
- w = S.title,
- A = S.status,
- x = S.fancy,
- E = S.onDragStart,
- P = S.onClose,
- D = (0, t.useDispatch)(I);
- return (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- (0, a.classes)(['TitleBar', L]),
- [
- (A === void 0 &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, {
- className: 'TitleBar__statusIcon',
- name: 'tools',
- opacity: 0.5,
- })) ||
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b.Icon, {
- className: 'TitleBar__statusIcon',
- color: p(A),
- name: 'eye',
- }),
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- 'TitleBar__title',
- (typeof w == 'string' && w === w.toLowerCase() && (0, o.toTitleCase)(w)) || w,
- 0
- ),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'TitleBar__dragZone', null, 1, {
- onMousedown: (function () {
- function M(R) {
- return x && E(R);
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- }),
- !1,
- !!x &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'div', 'TitleBar__close TitleBar__clickable', '\xD7', 16, { onclick: P }),
- ],
- 0
- );
- };
- },
- 98595: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.Window = r.Pane = r.Layout = void 0);
- var e = n(17617);
- r.Layout = e.Layout;
- var a = n(96945);
- r.Pane = a.Pane;
- var t = n(34827);
- r.Window = t.Window;
- },
- 18498: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.captureExternalLinks = void 0);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var n = (r.captureExternalLinks = (function () {
- function e() {
- document.addEventListener('click', function (a) {
- for (var t = a.target; ; ) {
- if (!t || t === document.body) return;
- var o = String(t.tagName).toLowerCase();
- if (o === 'a') break;
- t = t.parentElement;
- }
- var f = t.getAttribute('href') || '',
- b = f.charAt(0) === '?' || f.startsWith('byond://');
- if (!b) {
- a.preventDefault();
- var y = f;
- y.toLowerCase().startsWith('www') && (y = 'https://' + y),
- Byond.sendMessage({ type: 'openLink', url: y });
- }
- });
- }
- return e;
- })());
- },
- 9394: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.logger = r.createLogger = void 0);
- var e = n(7435);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var a = 0,
- t = 1,
- o = 2,
- f = 3,
- b = 4,
- y = function (i, c) {
- for (var m = arguments.length, l = new Array(m > 2 ? m - 2 : 0), u = 2; u < m; u++)
- l[u - 2] = arguments[u];
- if (i >= o) {
- var s =
- [c]
- .concat(l)
- .map(function (d) {
- return typeof d == 'string' ? d : d instanceof Error ? d.stack || String(d) : JSON.stringify(d);
- })
- .filter(function (d) {
- return d;
- })
- .join(' ') +
- '\nUser Agent: ' +
- navigator.userAgent;
- Byond.sendMessage({ type: 'log', message: s });
- }
- },
- B = (r.createLogger = (function () {
- function g(i) {
- return {
- debug: (function () {
- function c() {
- for (var m = arguments.length, l = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) l[u] = arguments[u];
- return y.apply(void 0, [a, i].concat(l));
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- log: (function () {
- function c() {
- for (var m = arguments.length, l = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) l[u] = arguments[u];
- return y.apply(void 0, [t, i].concat(l));
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- info: (function () {
- function c() {
- for (var m = arguments.length, l = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) l[u] = arguments[u];
- return y.apply(void 0, [o, i].concat(l));
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- warn: (function () {
- function c() {
- for (var m = arguments.length, l = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) l[u] = arguments[u];
- return y.apply(void 0, [f, i].concat(l));
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- error: (function () {
- function c() {
- for (var m = arguments.length, l = new Array(m), u = 0; u < m; u++) l[u] = arguments[u];
- return y.apply(void 0, [b, i].concat(l));
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- };
- }
- return g;
- })()),
- k = (r.logger = B());
- },
- 49060: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.suspendRenderer = r.resumeRenderer = r.createRenderer = void 0);
- var e = n(85822),
- a = n(89005),
- t = n(9394),
- o = (0, t.createLogger)('renderer'),
- f,
- b = !0,
- y = !1,
- B = (r.resumeRenderer = (function () {
- function i() {
- (b = b || 'resumed'), (y = !1);
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- k = (r.suspendRenderer = (function () {
- function i() {
- y = !0;
- }
- return i;
- })()),
- g = (r.createRenderer = (function () {
- function i(c) {
- return function () {
- e.perf.mark('render/start'),
- f || (f = document.getElementById('react-root')),
- (0, a.render)(c(), f),
- e.perf.mark('render/finish'),
- !y && b && (b = !1);
- };
- }
- return i;
- })());
- },
- 71253: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.getRoutedComponent = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(27709),
- f = n(98595);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var b = n(32054),
- y = function (c, m) {
- return function () {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- scrollable: !0,
- children: [
- c === 'notFound' &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Interface '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, m, 0),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' was not found.'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- c === 'missingExport' &&
- (0, e.createVNode)(
- 1,
- 'div',
- null,
- [
- (0, e.createTextVNode)('Interface '),
- (0, e.createVNode)(1, 'b', null, m, 0),
- (0, e.createTextVNode)(' is missing an export.'),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- B = function () {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, { scrollable: !0 }),
- });
- },
- k = function () {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window, {
- height: 130,
- title: 'Loading',
- width: 150,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f.Window.Content, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- align: 'center',
- fill: !0,
- justify: 'center',
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- color: 'blue',
- name: 'toolbox',
- spin: !0,
- size: 4,
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, { children: 'Please wait...' }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- });
- },
- g = (r.getRoutedComponent = (function () {
- function i(c) {
- var m = c.getState(),
- l = (0, a.selectBackend)(m),
- u = l.suspended,
- s = l.config;
- if (u) return B;
- if (s.refreshing) return k;
- if (0) var d;
- for (
- var C = s == null ? void 0 : s.interface,
- h = [
- function (S) {
- return './' + S + '.tsx';
- },
- function (S) {
- return './' + S + '.js';
- },
- function (S) {
- return './' + S + '/index.tsx';
- },
- function (S) {
- return './' + S + '/index.js';
- },
- ],
- v;
- !v && h.length > 0;
- ) {
- var p = h.shift(),
- N = p(C);
- try {
- v = b(N);
- } catch (S) {
- if (S.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') throw S;
- }
- }
- if (!v) return y('notFound', C);
- var V = v[C];
- return V || y('missingExport', C);
- }
- return i;
- })());
- },
- 72178: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.configureStore = r.StoreProvider = void 0);
- var e = n(64795),
- a = n(85307),
- t = n(89005),
- o = n(79140),
- f = n(72253),
- b = n(99851),
- y = n(9394);
- function B(u, s) {
- (u.prototype = Object.create(s.prototype)), (u.prototype.constructor = u), k(u, s);
- }
- function k(u, s) {
- return (
- (k = Object.setPrototypeOf
- ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind()
- : function (d, C) {
- return (d.__proto__ = C), d;
- }),
- k(u, s)
- );
- }
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var g = (0, y.createLogger)('store'),
- i = (r.configureStore = (function () {
- function u(s) {
- var d, C;
- s === void 0 && (s = {});
- var h = s,
- v = h.sideEffects,
- p = v === void 0 ? !0 : v,
- N = (0, e.flow)([
- (0, a.combineReducers)({ debug: b.debugReducer, backend: f.backendReducer }),
- s.reducer,
- ]),
- V = p
- ? [].concat(
- ((d = s.middleware) == null ? void 0 : d.pre) || [],
- [o.assetMiddleware, f.backendMiddleware],
- ((C = s.middleware) == null ? void 0 : C.post) || []
- )
- : [],
- S = a.applyMiddleware.apply(void 0, V),
- I = (0, a.createStore)(N, S);
- return (window.__store__ = I), (window.__augmentStack__ = m(I)), I;
- }
- return u;
- })()),
- c = function (s) {
- return function (d) {
- return function (C) {
- var h = C.type,
- v = C.payload;
- return (
- h === 'update' || h === 'backend/update' ? g.debug('action', { type: h }) : g.debug('action', C),
- d(C)
- );
- };
- };
- },
- m = function (s) {
- return function (d, C) {
- var h, v;
- C
- ? typeof C == 'object' && !C.stack && (C.stack = d)
- : ((C = new Error(d.split('\n')[0])), (C.stack = d)),
- g.log('FatalError:', C);
- var p = s.getState(),
- N = p == null || (h = p.backend) == null ? void 0 : h.config,
- V = d;
- return (
- (V += '\nUser Agent: ' + navigator.userAgent),
- (V +=
- '\nState: ' +
- JSON.stringify({
- ckey: N == null || (v = N.client) == null ? void 0 : v.ckey,
- interface: N == null ? void 0 : N.interface,
- window: N == null ? void 0 : N.window,
- })),
- V
- );
- };
- },
- l = (r.StoreProvider = (function (u) {
- function s() {
- return u.apply(this, arguments) || this;
- }
- B(s, u);
- var d = s.prototype;
- return (
- (d.getChildContext = (function () {
- function C() {
- var h = this.props.store;
- return { store: h };
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- (d.render = (function () {
- function C() {
- return this.props.children;
- }
- return C;
- })()),
- s
- );
- })(t.Component));
- },
- 51364: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Blink',
- render: (function () {
- function f() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }),
- o = function (b, y) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Blink, { children: 'Blink' }),
- });
- };
- },
- 32453: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036),
- t = n(37168);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var o = (r.meta = {
- title: 'BlockQuote',
- render: (function () {
- function b() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }),
- f = function (y, B) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.BlockQuote, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.BoxWithSampleText),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 83531: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Box',
- render: (function () {
- function f() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }),
- o = function (b, y) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { bold: !0, children: 'bold' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { italic: !0, children: 'italic' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { opacity: 0.5, children: 'opacity 0.5' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { opacity: 0.25, children: 'opacity 0.25' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { m: 2, children: 'm: 2' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { textAlign: 'left', children: 'left' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { textAlign: 'center', children: 'center' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { textAlign: 'right', children: 'right' }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 74198: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var o = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Button',
- render: (function () {
- function B() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }),
- f = [
- 'red',
- 'orange',
- 'yellow',
- 'olive',
- 'green',
- 'teal',
- 'blue',
- 'violet',
- 'purple',
- 'pink',
- 'brown',
- 'grey',
- 'gold',
- ],
- b = ['good', 'average', 'bad', 'black', 'white'],
- y = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'translucent', !1),
- c = i[0],
- m = i[1];
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mb: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { content: 'Simple' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { selected: !0, content: 'Selected' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { altSelected: !0, content: 'Alt Selected' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { disabled: !0, content: 'Disabled' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { color: 'transparent', content: 'Transparent' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { icon: 'cog', content: 'Icon' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { icon: 'power-off' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { fluid: !0, content: 'Fluid' }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- my: 1,
- lineHeight: 2,
- minWidth: 15,
- textAlign: 'center',
- content: 'With Box props',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Color States',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function l() {
- return m(!c);
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- content: 'Translucent',
- }),
- children: b.map(function (l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { translucent: c, color: l, content: l }, l);
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Available Colors',
- children: f.map(function (l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, { translucent: c, color: l, content: l }, l);
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Text Colors',
- children: f.map(function (l) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, { inline: !0, mx: '7px', color: l, children: l }, l);
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- };
- },
- 51956: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(9394);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var f = (r.meta = {
- title: 'ByondUi',
- render: (function () {
- function y() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }),
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useLocalState)(
- k,
- 'byondUiEvalCode',
- "Byond.winset('" + Byond.windowId + "', {\n 'is-visible': true,\n})"
- ),
- i = g[0],
- c = g[1];
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Button',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ByondUi, { params: { type: 'button', text: 'Button' } }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Make BYOND calls',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'chevron-right',
- onClick: (function () {
- function m() {
- return setTimeout(function () {
- try {
- var l = new Function('return (' + i + ')')();
- l && l.then ? (o.logger.log('Promise'), l.then(o.logger.log)) : o.logger.log(l);
- } catch (u) {
- o.logger.log(u);
- }
- });
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- children: 'Evaluate',
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- as: 'textarea',
- width: '100%',
- height: '10em',
- onChange: (function () {
- function m(l) {
- return c(l.target.value);
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- children: i,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- };
- },
- 17466: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036),
- t = n(37168);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var o = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Collapsible',
- render: (function () {
- function b() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }),
- f = function (y, B) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Collapsible, {
- title: 'Collapsible Demo',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Button, { icon: 'cog' }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.BoxWithSampleText),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 89241: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var o = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Flex & Sections',
- render: (function () {
- function b() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }),
- f = function (y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'fs_grow', 1),
- g = k[0],
- i = k[1],
- c = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'fs_direction', 'column'),
- m = c[0],
- l = c[1],
- u = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'fs_fill', !0),
- s = u[0],
- d = u[1],
- C = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'fs_title', !0),
- h = C[0],
- v = C[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- height: '100%',
- direction: 'column',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- mb: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return l(m === 'column' ? 'row' : 'column');
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Flex direction="' + m + '"',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return i(+!g);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Flex.Item grow={' + g + '}',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return d(!s);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Section fill={' + String(s) + '}',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- selected: h,
- onClick: (function () {
- function p() {
- return v(!h);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- children: 'Section title',
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- grow: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex, {
- height: '100%',
- direction: m,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- mr: m === 'row' && 1,
- mb: m === 'column' && 1,
- grow: g,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: h && 'Section 1',
- fill: s,
- children: 'Content',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Flex.Item, {
- grow: g,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: h && 'Section 2',
- fill: s,
- children: 'Content',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 48779: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2024 Aylong (https://github.com/AyIong)
- * @license MIT
- */ var o = (r.meta = {
- title: 'ImageButton',
- render: (function () {
- function B() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, y);
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }),
- f = [
- 'red',
- 'orange',
- 'yellow',
- 'olive',
- 'green',
- 'teal',
- 'blue',
- 'violet',
- 'purple',
- 'pink',
- 'brown',
- 'grey',
- 'gold',
- ],
- b = ['good', 'average', 'bad', 'black', 'white'],
- y = function (k, g) {
- var i = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'fluid1', !0),
- c = i[0],
- m = i[1],
- l = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'fluid2', !1),
- u = l[0],
- s = l[1],
- d = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'fluid3', !1),
- C = d[0],
- h = d[1],
- v = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'disabled', !1),
- p = v[0],
- N = v[1],
- V = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'selected', !1),
- S = V[0],
- I = V[1],
- L = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'addImage', !1),
- w = L[0],
- A = L[1],
- x = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'base64', ''),
- E = x[0],
- P = x[1],
- D = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'title', 'Image Button'),
- M = D[0],
- R = D[1],
- O = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'content', 'You can put anything in there'),
- F = O[0],
- _ = O[1],
- U = (0, a.useLocalState)(g, 'imageSize', 64),
- z = U[0],
- $ = U[1];
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: w
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'base64',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- value: E,
- onInput: (function () {
- function G(X, J) {
- return P(J);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Title',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- value: M,
- onInput: (function () {
- function G(X, J) {
- return R(J);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Content',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- value: F,
- onInput: (function () {
- function G(X, J) {
- return _(J);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Image Size',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- width: 10,
- value: z,
- minValue: 0,
- maxValue: 256,
- step: 1,
- onChange: (function () {
- function G(X, J) {
- return $(J);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- ),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- basis: '50%',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: c,
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return m(!c);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: 'Fluid',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: p,
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return N(!p);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: 'Disabled',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- grow: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- fluid: !0,
- checked: S,
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return I(!S);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: 'Selected',
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Stack.Item, {
- mt: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ImageButton, {
- m: !c && 0,
- fluid: c,
- base64: E,
- imageSize: z,
- title: M,
- tooltip: !c && F,
- disabled: p,
- selected: S,
- buttonsAlt: c,
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- fluid: !0,
- translucent: c,
- compact: !c,
- color: !c && 'transparent',
- selected: w,
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return A(!w);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: 'Add Image',
- }),
- children: F,
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Color States',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: u,
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return s(!u);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: 'Fluid',
- }),
- children: b.map(function (G) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.ImageButton,
- { fluid: u, color: G, imageSize: u ? 24 : 48, children: G },
- G
- );
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Available Colors',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- checked: C,
- onClick: (function () {
- function G() {
- return h(!C);
- }
- return G;
- })(),
- children: 'Fluid',
- }),
- children: f.map(function (G) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.ImageButton,
- { fluid: C, color: G, imageSize: C ? 24 : 48, children: G },
- G
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- };
- },
- 21394: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var o = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Input',
- render: (function () {
- function b() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }),
- f = function (y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'number', 0),
- g = k[0],
- i = k[1],
- c = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'text', 'Sample text'),
- m = c[0],
- l = c[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Input (onChange)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- value: m,
- onChange: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return l(d);
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Input (onInput)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- value: m,
- onInput: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return l(d);
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'NumberInput (onChange)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- width: '40px',
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 5,
- value: g,
- minValue: -100,
- maxValue: 100,
- onChange: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return i(d);
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'NumberInput (onDrag)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NumberInput, {
- animated: !0,
- width: '40px',
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 5,
- value: g,
- minValue: -100,
- maxValue: 100,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return i(d);
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Slider (onDrag)',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Slider, {
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 5,
- value: g,
- minValue: -100,
- maxValue: 100,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return i(d);
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Knob (onDrag)',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Knob, {
- inline: !0,
- size: 1,
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 2,
- value: g,
- minValue: -100,
- maxValue: 100,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return i(d);
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Knob, {
- ml: 1,
- inline: !0,
- bipolar: !0,
- size: 1,
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 2,
- value: g,
- minValue: -100,
- maxValue: 100,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return i(d);
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Rotating Icon',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- position: 'relative',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.DraggableControl, {
- value: g,
- minValue: -100,
- maxValue: 100,
- dragMatrix: [0, -1],
- step: 1,
- stepPixelSize: 5,
- onDrag: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- return i(d);
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- children: (function () {
- function u(s) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- onMouseDown: s.handleDragStart,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Icon, {
- size: 4,
- color: 'yellow',
- name: 'times',
- rotation: s.displayValue * 4,
- }),
- s.inputElement,
- ],
- });
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 43932: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036),
- t = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Popper',
- render: (function () {
- function f() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }),
- o = function () {
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Popper, {
- popperContent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- style: { background: 'white', border: '2px solid blue' },
- children: 'Loogatme!',
- }),
- options: { placement: 'bottom' },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- style: { border: '5px solid white', height: '300px', width: '200px' },
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Popper, {
- popperContent: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- style: { background: 'white', border: '2px solid blue' },
- children: 'I am on the right!',
- }),
- options: { placement: 'right' },
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- style: { border: '5px solid white', height: '500px', width: '100px' },
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- };
- },
- 33270: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var o = (r.meta = {
- title: 'ProgressBar',
- render: (function () {
- function b() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }),
- f = function (y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'progress', 0.5),
- g = k[0],
- i = k[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.ProgressBar, {
- ranges: { good: [0.5, 1 / 0], bad: [-1 / 0, 0.1], average: [0, 0.5] },
- minValue: -1,
- maxValue: 1,
- value: g,
- children: ['Value: ', Number(g).toFixed(1)],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Box, {
- mt: 1,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: '-0.1',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return i(g - 0.1);
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- content: '+0.1',
- onClick: (function () {
- function c() {
- return i(g + 0.1);
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 77766: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Stack',
- render: (function () {
- function y() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }),
- o = function () {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, { inline: !0, width: 1, height: 1, children: 'A' });
- },
- f = function () {
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o) }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Divider),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o) }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- },
- b = function (B, k) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
- fill: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- className: 'debug-layout',
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, {
- grow: 1,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- vertical: !0,
- zebra: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack, {
- fill: !0,
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Stack.Item, { grow: 1 }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f),
- ],
- }),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 30187: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(27108),
- t = n(36036),
- o = n(49968);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var f = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Storage',
- render: (function () {
- function y() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }),
- b = function (B, k) {
- return window.localStorage
- ? (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- title: 'Local Storage',
- buttons: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- icon: 'recycle',
- onClick: (function () {
- function g() {
- localStorage.clear(), a.storage.clear();
- }
- return g;
- })(),
- children: 'Clear',
- }),
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Keys in use',
- children: localStorage.length,
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Remaining space',
- children: (0, o.formatSiUnit)(localStorage.remainingSpace, 0, 'B'),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- })
- : (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.NoticeBox, { children: 'Local storage is not available.' });
- };
- },
- 46554: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var o = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Tabs',
- render: (function () {
- function y() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, b);
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }),
- f = ['Tab #1', 'Tab #2', 'Tab #3', 'Tab #4'],
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = (0, a.useLocalState)(k, 'tabIndex', 0),
- i = g[0],
- c = g[1],
- m = (0, a.useLocalState)(k, 'tabProps', {}),
- l = m[0],
- u = m[1];
- return (0, e.createFragment)(
- [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- inline: !0,
- content: 'vertical',
- checked: l.vertical,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return u(Object.assign({}, l, { vertical: !l.vertical }));
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- inline: !0,
- content: 'leftSlot',
- checked: l.leftSlot,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return u(Object.assign({}, l, { leftSlot: !l.leftSlot }));
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- inline: !0,
- content: 'rightSlot',
- checked: l.rightSlot,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return u(Object.assign({}, l, { rightSlot: !l.rightSlot }));
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- inline: !0,
- content: 'icon',
- checked: l.icon,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return u(Object.assign({}, l, { icon: !l.icon }));
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- inline: !0,
- content: 'fluid',
- checked: l.fluid,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return u(Object.assign({}, l, { fluid: !l.fluid }));
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button.Checkbox, {
- inline: !0,
- content: 'left aligned',
- checked: l.leftAligned,
- onClick: (function () {
- function s() {
- return u(Object.assign({}, l, { leftAligned: !l.leftAligned }));
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- fitted: !0,
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Tabs, {
- vertical: l.vertical,
- fluid: l.fluid,
- textAlign: l.leftAligned && 'left',
- children: f.map(function (s, d) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- t.Tabs.Tab,
- {
- selected: d === i,
- icon: l.icon && 'info-circle',
- leftSlot:
- l.leftSlot &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- circular: !0,
- compact: !0,
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'times',
- }),
- rightSlot:
- l.rightSlot &&
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Button, {
- circular: !0,
- compact: !0,
- color: 'transparent',
- icon: 'times',
- }),
- onClick: (function () {
- function C() {
- return c(d);
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- children: s,
- },
- d
- );
- }),
- }),
- }),
- ],
- 4
- );
- };
- },
- 53276: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(72253),
- t = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var o = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Themes',
- render: (function () {
- function b() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, f);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }),
- f = function (y, B) {
- var k = (0, a.useLocalState)(B, 'kitchenSinkTheme'),
- g = k[0],
- i = k[1];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Section, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList, {
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.LabeledList.Item, {
- label: 'Use theme',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, t.Input, {
- placeholder: 'theme_name',
- value: g,
- onInput: (function () {
- function c(m, l) {
- return i(l);
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- }),
- }),
- }),
- });
- };
- },
- 28717: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.meta = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.meta = {
- title: 'Tooltip',
- render: (function () {
- function f() {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, o);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }),
- o = function () {
- var b = ['top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'bottom-end'];
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Section, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Tooltip, {
- content: 'Tooltip text.',
- children: (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- inline: !0,
- position: 'relative',
- mr: 1,
- children: 'Box (hover me).',
- }),
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Button, { tooltip: 'Tooltip text.', content: 'Button' }),
- ],
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- mt: 1,
- children: b.map(function (y) {
- return (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- a.Button,
- { color: 'transparent', tooltip: 'Tooltip text.', tooltipPosition: y, content: y },
- y
- );
- }),
- }),
- ],
- });
- };
- },
- 37168: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- (r.__esModule = !0), (r.BoxWithSampleText = void 0);
- var e = n(89005),
- a = n(36036);
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var t = (r.BoxWithSampleText = (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return (0, e.normalizeProps)(
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(
- 2,
- a.Box,
- Object.assign({}, f, {
- children: [
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- italic: !0,
- children: 'Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.',
- }),
- (0, e.createComponentVNode)(2, a.Box, {
- mt: 1,
- bold: !0,
- children:
- 'The wide electrification of the southern provinces will give a powerful impetus to the growth of agriculture.',
- }),
- ],
- })
- )
- );
- }
- return o;
- })());
- },
- 67160: function () {},
- 23542: function () {},
- 30386: function () {},
- 98996: function () {},
- 50578: function () {},
- 4444: function () {},
- 77870: function () {},
- 23632: function () {},
- 56492: function () {},
- 39108: function () {},
- 11714: function () {},
- 73492: function () {},
- 49641: function () {},
- 17570: function () {},
- 61858: function () {},
- 32882: function () {},
- 70752: function (T, r, n) {
- var e = {
- './pai_atmosphere.js': 80818,
- './pai_bioscan.js': 23903,
- './pai_directives.js': 64988,
- './pai_doorjack.js': 13813,
- './pai_main_menu.js': 66025,
- './pai_manifest.js': 2983,
- './pai_medrecords.js': 40758,
- './pai_messenger.js': 98599,
- './pai_radio.js': 50775,
- './pai_secrecords.js': 48623,
- './pai_signaler.js': 47297,
- };
- function a(o) {
- var f = t(o);
- return n(f);
- }
- function t(o) {
- if (!n.o(e, o)) {
- var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
- throw ((f.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), f);
- }
- return e[o];
- }
- (a.keys = function () {
- return Object.keys(e);
- }),
- (a.resolve = t),
- (T.exports = a),
- (a.id = 70752);
- },
- 59395: function (T, r, n) {
- var e = {
- './pda_atmos_scan.js': 78532,
- './pda_games.js': 2395,
- './pda_janitor.js': 40253,
- './pda_main_menu.js': 58293,
- './pda_manifest.js': 58059,
- './pda_medical.js': 18147,
- './pda_messenger.js': 77595,
- './pda_minesweeper.js': 90382,
- './pda_mule.js': 24635,
- './pda_nanobank.js': 23734,
- './pda_notes.js': 97085,
- './pda_power.js': 57513,
- './pda_secbot.js': 99808,
- './pda_security.js': 77168,
- './pda_signaler.js': 21773,
- './pda_status_display.js': 81857,
- './pda_supplyrecords.js': 70287,
- };
- function a(o) {
- var f = t(o);
- return n(f);
- }
- function t(o) {
- if (!n.o(e, o)) {
- var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
- throw ((f.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), f);
- }
- return e[o];
- }
- (a.keys = function () {
- return Object.keys(e);
- }),
- (a.resolve = t),
- (T.exports = a),
- (a.id = 59395);
- },
- 32054: function (T, r, n) {
- var e = {
- './AICard': 1090,
- './AICard.js': 1090,
- './AIFixer': 39454,
- './AIFixer.js': 39454,
- './APC': 88422,
- './APC.js': 88422,
- './ATM': 99660,
- './ATM.js': 99660,
- './AccountsUplinkTerminal': 86423,
- './AccountsUplinkTerminal.js': 86423,
- './AdminAntagMenu': 23001,
- './AdminAntagMenu.js': 23001,
- './AgentCard': 39683,
- './AgentCard.tsx': 39683,
- './AiAirlock': 56793,
- './AiAirlock.js': 56793,
- './AirAlarm': 72475,
- './AirAlarm.js': 72475,
- './AirlockAccessController': 12333,
- './AirlockAccessController.js': 12333,
- './AirlockElectronics': 28736,
- './AirlockElectronics.js': 28736,
- './AlertModal': 47365,
- './AlertModal.tsx': 47365,
- './AppearanceChanger': 71824,
- './AppearanceChanger.js': 71824,
- './AtmosAlertConsole': 72285,
- './AtmosAlertConsole.js': 72285,
- './AtmosControl': 65805,
- './AtmosControl.js': 65805,
- './AtmosFilter': 87816,
- './AtmosFilter.js': 87816,
- './AtmosMixer': 52977,
- './AtmosMixer.js': 52977,
- './AtmosPump': 11748,
- './AtmosPump.js': 11748,
- './AtmosTankControl': 69321,
- './AtmosTankControl.js': 69321,
- './AugmentMenu': 92444,
- './AugmentMenu.js': 92444,
- './Autolathe': 59179,
- './Autolathe.js': 59179,
- './BioChipPad': 5147,
- './BioChipPad.js': 5147,
- './Biogenerator': 64273,
- './Biogenerator.js': 64273,
- './BloomEdit': 47823,
- './BloomEdit.js': 47823,
- './BlueSpaceArtilleryControl': 18621,
- './BlueSpaceArtilleryControl.js': 18621,
- './BluespaceTap': 27629,
- './BluespaceTap.js': 27629,
- './BodyScanner': 33758,
- './BodyScanner.js': 33758,
- './BookBinder': 67963,
- './BookBinder.js': 67963,
- './BotCall': 61925,
- './BotCall.js': 61925,
- './BotClean': 20464,
- './BotClean.js': 20464,
- './BotFloor': 69479,
- './BotFloor.js': 69479,
- './BotHonk': 59887,
- './BotHonk.js': 59887,
- './BotMed': 80063,
- './BotMed.js': 80063,
- './BotSecurity': 74439,
- './BotSecurity.js': 74439,
- './BrigCells': 10833,
- './BrigCells.js': 10833,
- './BrigTimer': 45761,
- './BrigTimer.js': 45761,
- './CameraConsole': 26300,
- './CameraConsole.js': 26300,
- './Canister': 52927,
- './Canister.js': 52927,
- './CardComputer': 51793,
- './CardComputer.js': 51793,
- './CargoConsole': 64083,
- './CargoConsole.js': 64083,
- './Chameleon': 36232,
- './Chameleon.tsx': 36232,
- './ChangelogView': 87331,
- './ChangelogView.js': 87331,
- './CheckboxListInputModal': 91360,
- './CheckboxListInputModal.tsx': 91360,
- './ChemDispenser': 36108,
- './ChemDispenser.js': 36108,
- './ChemHeater': 13146,
- './ChemHeater.js': 13146,
- './ChemMaster': 56541,
- './ChemMaster.tsx': 56541,
- './CloningConsole': 37173,
- './CloningConsole.js': 37173,
- './CloningPod': 98723,
- './CloningPod.js': 98723,
- './CoinMint': 18259,
- './CoinMint.tsx': 18259,
- './ColorPickerModal': 93858,
- './ColorPickerModal.tsx': 93858,
- './ColourMatrixTester': 8444,
- './ColourMatrixTester.js': 8444,
- './CommunicationsComputer': 63818,
- './CommunicationsComputer.js': 63818,
- './CompostBin': 20562,
- './CompostBin.js': 20562,
- './Contractor': 21813,
- './Contractor.js': 21813,
- './ConveyorSwitch': 54151,
- './ConveyorSwitch.js': 54151,
- './CrewMonitor': 73169,
- './CrewMonitor.js': 73169,
- './Cryo': 63987,
- './Cryo.js': 63987,
- './CryopodConsole': 86099,
- './CryopodConsole.js': 86099,
- './DNAModifier': 12692,
- './DNAModifier.js': 12692,
- './DecalPainter': 76430,
- './DecalPainter.js': 76430,
- './DestinationTagger': 41074,
- './DestinationTagger.js': 41074,
- './DisposalBin': 46500,
- './DisposalBin.js': 46500,
- './DnaVault': 33233,
- './DnaVault.js': 33233,
- './DroneConsole': 33681,
- './DroneConsole.js': 33681,
- './EFTPOS': 17263,
- './EFTPOS.js': 17263,
- './ERTManager': 76382,
- './ERTManager.js': 76382,
- './EconomyManager': 90217,
- './EconomyManager.js': 90217,
- './Electropack': 82565,
- './Electropack.js': 82565,
- './Emojipedia': 11243,
- './Emojipedia.tsx': 11243,
- './EvolutionMenu': 36730,
- './EvolutionMenu.js': 36730,
- './ExosuitFabricator': 17370,
- './ExosuitFabricator.js': 17370,
- './ExperimentConsole': 59128,
- './ExperimentConsole.js': 59128,
- './ExternalAirlockController': 97086,
- './ExternalAirlockController.js': 97086,
- './FaxMachine': 96142,
- './FaxMachine.js': 96142,
- './FilingCabinet': 74123,
- './FilingCabinet.js': 74123,
- './FloorPainter': 83767,
- './FloorPainter.js': 83767,
- './GPS': 53424,
- './GPS.js': 53424,
- './GeneModder': 89124,
- './GeneModder.js': 89124,
- './GenericCrewManifest': 73053,
- './GenericCrewManifest.js': 73053,
- './GhostHudPanel': 42914,
- './GhostHudPanel.js': 42914,
- './GlandDispenser': 25825,
- './GlandDispenser.js': 25825,
- './GravityGen': 10270,
- './GravityGen.js': 10270,
- './GuestPass': 48657,
- './GuestPass.js': 48657,
- './HandheldChemDispenser': 67834,
- './HandheldChemDispenser.js': 67834,
- './HealthSensor': 46098,
- './HealthSensor.js': 46098,
- './Holodeck': 36771,
- './Holodeck.js': 36771,
- './Instrument': 25471,
- './Instrument.js': 25471,
- './KeyComboModal': 13618,
- './KeyComboModal.tsx': 13618,
- './KeycardAuth': 35655,
- './KeycardAuth.js': 35655,
- './KitchenMachine': 62955,
- './KitchenMachine.js': 62955,
- './LawManager': 9525,
- './LawManager.js': 9525,
- './LibraryComputer': 85066,
- './LibraryComputer.js': 85066,
- './LibraryManager': 9516,
- './LibraryManager.js': 9516,
- './ListInputModal': 90447,
- './ListInputModal.tsx': 90447,
- './Loadout': 26826,
- './Loadout.tsx': 26826,
- './MODsuit': 77613,
- './MODsuit.js': 77613,
- './MagnetController': 78624,
- './MagnetController.js': 78624,
- './MechBayConsole': 72106,
- './MechBayConsole.js': 72106,
- './MechaControlConsole': 7466,
- './MechaControlConsole.js': 7466,
- './MedicalRecords': 79625,
- './MedicalRecords.js': 79625,
- './MerchVendor': 54989,
- './MerchVendor.js': 54989,
- './MiningVendor': 87684,
- './MiningVendor.js': 87684,
- './NTRecruiter': 59783,
- './NTRecruiter.js': 59783,
- './Newscaster': 64713,
- './Newscaster.js': 64713,
- './Noticeboard': 48286,
- './Noticeboard.tsx': 48286,
- './NuclearBomb': 41166,
- './NuclearBomb.js': 41166,
- './NumberInputModal': 52416,
- './NumberInputModal.tsx': 52416,
- './OperatingComputer': 1218,
- './OperatingComputer.js': 1218,
- './Orbit': 46892,
- './Orbit.js': 46892,
- './OreRedemption': 15421,
- './OreRedemption.js': 15421,
- './PAI': 52754,
- './PAI.js': 52754,
- './PDA': 85175,
- './PDA.js': 85175,
- './Pacman': 68654,
- './Pacman.js': 68654,
- './PanDEMIC': 1701,
- './PanDEMIC.tsx': 1701,
- './ParticleAccelerator': 67921,
- './ParticleAccelerator.js': 67921,
- './PdaPainter': 71432,
- './PdaPainter.js': 71432,
- './PersonalCrafting': 33388,
- './PersonalCrafting.js': 33388,
- './Photocopier': 56150,
- './Photocopier.js': 56150,
- './PoolController': 84676,
- './PoolController.js': 84676,
- './PortablePump': 57003,
- './PortablePump.js': 57003,
- './PortableScrubber': 70069,
- './PortableScrubber.js': 70069,
- './PortableTurret': 59955,
- './PortableTurret.js': 59955,
- './PowerMonitor': 61631,
- './PowerMonitor.js': 61631,
- './PrisonerImplantManager': 50992,
- './PrisonerImplantManager.js': 50992,
- './PrisonerShuttleConsole': 53952,
- './PrisonerShuttleConsole.js': 53952,
- './PrizeCounter': 97852,
- './PrizeCounter.tsx': 97852,
- './RCD': 94813,
- './RCD.js': 94813,
- './RPD': 18738,
- './RPD.js': 18738,
- './Radio': 80299,
- './Radio.js': 80299,
- './RankedListInputModal': 14846,
- './RankedListInputModal.tsx': 14846,
- './ReagentGrinder': 48125,
- './ReagentGrinder.js': 48125,
- './ReagentsEditor': 58262,
- './ReagentsEditor.tsx': 58262,
- './RemoteSignaler': 30207,
- './RemoteSignaler.js': 30207,
- './RequestConsole': 25472,
- './RequestConsole.js': 25472,
- './RndBackupConsole': 9861,
- './RndBackupConsole.js': 9861,
- './RndConsole': 12644,
- './RndConsole/': 12644,
- './RndConsole/AnalyzerMenu': 68303,
- './RndConsole/AnalyzerMenu.js': 68303,
- './RndConsole/DataDiskMenu': 37556,
- './RndConsole/DataDiskMenu.js': 37556,
- './RndConsole/LatheCategory': 16830,
- './RndConsole/LatheCategory.js': 16830,
- './RndConsole/LatheChemicalStorage': 70497,
- './RndConsole/LatheChemicalStorage.js': 70497,
- './RndConsole/LatheMainMenu': 70864,
- './RndConsole/LatheMainMenu.js': 70864,
- './RndConsole/LatheMaterialStorage': 42878,
- './RndConsole/LatheMaterialStorage.js': 42878,
- './RndConsole/LatheMaterials': 52662,
- './RndConsole/LatheMaterials.js': 52662,
- './RndConsole/LatheMenu': 9681,
- './RndConsole/LatheMenu.js': 9681,
- './RndConsole/LatheSearch': 68198,
- './RndConsole/LatheSearch.js': 68198,
- './RndConsole/LinkMenu': 81421,
- './RndConsole/LinkMenu.js': 81421,
- './RndConsole/SettingsMenu': 6256,
- './RndConsole/SettingsMenu.js': 6256,
- './RndConsole/index': 12644,
- './RndConsole/index.js': 12644,
- './RndNetController': 29205,
- './RndNetController.js': 29205,
- './RndServer': 63315,
- './RndServer.js': 63315,
- './RobotSelfDiagnosis': 26109,
- './RobotSelfDiagnosis.js': 26109,
- './RoboticsControlConsole': 97997,
- './RoboticsControlConsole.js': 97997,
- './Safe': 54431,
- './Safe.js': 54431,
- './SatelliteControl': 29740,
- './SatelliteControl.js': 29740,
- './SecureStorage': 44162,
- './SecureStorage.js': 44162,
- './SecurityRecords': 6272,
- './SecurityRecords.js': 6272,
- './SeedExtractor': 5099,
- './SeedExtractor.js': 5099,
- './ShuttleConsole': 2916,
- './ShuttleConsole.js': 2916,
- './ShuttleManipulator': 39401,
- './ShuttleManipulator.js': 39401,
- './SingularityMonitor': 86013,
- './SingularityMonitor.js': 86013,
- './Sleeper': 88284,
- './Sleeper.js': 88284,
- './SlotMachine': 21597,
- './SlotMachine.js': 21597,
- './Smartfridge': 46348,
- './Smartfridge.js': 46348,
- './Smes': 86162,
- './Smes.js': 86162,
- './SolarControl': 63584,
- './SolarControl.js': 63584,
- './SpawnersMenu': 38096,
- './SpawnersMenu.js': 38096,
- './SpecMenu': 30586,
- './SpecMenu.js': 30586,
- './StackCraft': 95152,
- './StackCraft.js': 95152,
- './StationAlertConsole': 38307,
- './StationAlertConsole.js': 38307,
- './StationTraitsPanel': 96091,
- './StationTraitsPanel.tsx': 96091,
- './StripMenu': 39409,
- './StripMenu.tsx': 39409,
- './SuitStorage': 69514,
- './SuitStorage.js': 69514,
- './SupermatterMonitor': 15022,
- './SupermatterMonitor.js': 15022,
- './SyndicateComputerSimple': 46029,
- './SyndicateComputerSimple.js': 46029,
- './TEG': 36372,
- './TEG.js': 36372,
- './TachyonArray': 56441,
- './TachyonArray.js': 56441,
- './Tank': 1754,
- './Tank.js': 1754,
- './TankDispenser': 7579,
- './TankDispenser.js': 7579,
- './TcommsCore': 16136,
- './TcommsCore.js': 16136,
- './TcommsRelay': 88046,
- './TcommsRelay.js': 88046,
- './Teleporter': 20802,
- './Teleporter.js': 20802,
- './TelescienceConsole': 48517,
- './TelescienceConsole.js': 48517,
- './TempGun': 21800,
- './TempGun.js': 21800,
- './TextInputModal': 24410,
- './TextInputModal.tsx': 24410,
- './ThermoMachine': 25036,
- './ThermoMachine.js': 25036,
- './TransferValve': 20035,
- './TransferValve.js': 20035,
- './TurbineComputer': 78166,
- './TurbineComputer.js': 78166,
- './Uplink': 52847,
- './Uplink.js': 52847,
- './Vending': 12261,
- './Vending.js': 12261,
- './VolumeMixer': 68971,
- './VolumeMixer.js': 68971,
- './VotePanel': 2510,
- './VotePanel.js': 2510,
- './Wires': 30138,
- './Wires.js': 30138,
- './WizardApprenticeContract': 21400,
- './WizardApprenticeContract.js': 21400,
- './common/AccessList': 49148,
- './common/AccessList.js': 49148,
- './common/AtmosScan': 26991,
- './common/AtmosScan.js': 26991,
- './common/BeakerContents': 85870,
- './common/BeakerContents.js': 85870,
- './common/BotStatus': 92963,
- './common/BotStatus.js': 92963,
- './common/ComplexModal': 3939,
- './common/ComplexModal.js': 3939,
- './common/CrewManifest': 41874,
- './common/CrewManifest.js': 41874,
- './common/InputButtons': 19203,
- './common/InputButtons.tsx': 19203,
- './common/InterfaceLockNoticeBox': 195,
- './common/InterfaceLockNoticeBox.js': 195,
- './common/Loader': 51057,
- './common/Loader.tsx': 51057,
- './common/LoginInfo': 321,
- './common/LoginInfo.js': 321,
- './common/LoginScreen': 5485,
- './common/LoginScreen.js': 5485,
- './common/Operating': 62411,
- './common/Operating.js': 62411,
- './common/Signaler': 13545,
- './common/Signaler.js': 13545,
- './common/SimpleRecords': 41984,
- './common/SimpleRecords.js': 41984,
- './common/TemporaryNotice': 22091,
- './common/TemporaryNotice.js': 22091,
- './goonstation_PTL': 95213,
- './goonstation_PTL/': 95213,
- './goonstation_PTL/index': 95213,
- './goonstation_PTL/index.js': 95213,
- './pai/pai_atmosphere': 80818,
- './pai/pai_atmosphere.js': 80818,
- './pai/pai_bioscan': 23903,
- './pai/pai_bioscan.js': 23903,
- './pai/pai_directives': 64988,
- './pai/pai_directives.js': 64988,
- './pai/pai_doorjack': 13813,
- './pai/pai_doorjack.js': 13813,
- './pai/pai_main_menu': 66025,
- './pai/pai_main_menu.js': 66025,
- './pai/pai_manifest': 2983,
- './pai/pai_manifest.js': 2983,
- './pai/pai_medrecords': 40758,
- './pai/pai_medrecords.js': 40758,
- './pai/pai_messenger': 98599,
- './pai/pai_messenger.js': 98599,
- './pai/pai_radio': 50775,
- './pai/pai_radio.js': 50775,
- './pai/pai_secrecords': 48623,
- './pai/pai_secrecords.js': 48623,
- './pai/pai_signaler': 47297,
- './pai/pai_signaler.js': 47297,
- './pda/pda_atmos_scan': 78532,
- './pda/pda_atmos_scan.js': 78532,
- './pda/pda_games': 2395,
- './pda/pda_games.js': 2395,
- './pda/pda_janitor': 40253,
- './pda/pda_janitor.js': 40253,
- './pda/pda_main_menu': 58293,
- './pda/pda_main_menu.js': 58293,
- './pda/pda_manifest': 58059,
- './pda/pda_manifest.js': 58059,
- './pda/pda_medical': 18147,
- './pda/pda_medical.js': 18147,
- './pda/pda_messenger': 77595,
- './pda/pda_messenger.js': 77595,
- './pda/pda_minesweeper': 90382,
- './pda/pda_minesweeper.js': 90382,
- './pda/pda_mule': 24635,
- './pda/pda_mule.js': 24635,
- './pda/pda_nanobank': 23734,
- './pda/pda_nanobank.js': 23734,
- './pda/pda_notes': 97085,
- './pda/pda_notes.js': 97085,
- './pda/pda_power': 57513,
- './pda/pda_power.js': 57513,
- './pda/pda_secbot': 99808,
- './pda/pda_secbot.js': 99808,
- './pda/pda_security': 77168,
- './pda/pda_security.js': 77168,
- './pda/pda_signaler': 21773,
- './pda/pda_signaler.js': 21773,
- './pda/pda_status_display': 81857,
- './pda/pda_status_display.js': 81857,
- './pda/pda_supplyrecords': 70287,
- './pda/pda_supplyrecords.js': 70287,
- };
- function a(o) {
- var f = t(o);
- return n(f);
- }
- function t(o) {
- if (!n.o(e, o)) {
- var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
- throw ((f.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), f);
- }
- return e[o];
- }
- (a.keys = function () {
- return Object.keys(e);
- }),
- (a.resolve = t),
- (T.exports = a),
- (a.id = 32054);
- },
- 4085: function (T, r, n) {
- var e = {
- './Blink.stories.js': 51364,
- './BlockQuote.stories.js': 32453,
- './Box.stories.js': 83531,
- './Button.stories.js': 74198,
- './ByondUi.stories.js': 51956,
- './Collapsible.stories.js': 17466,
- './Flex.stories.js': 89241,
- './ImageButton.stories.js': 48779,
- './Input.stories.js': 21394,
- './Popper.stories.js': 43932,
- './ProgressBar.stories.js': 33270,
- './Stack.stories.js': 77766,
- './Storage.stories.js': 30187,
- './Tabs.stories.js': 46554,
- './Themes.stories.js': 53276,
- './Tooltip.stories.js': 28717,
- };
- function a(o) {
- var f = t(o);
- return n(f);
- }
- function t(o) {
- if (!n.o(e, o)) {
- var f = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
- throw ((f.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'), f);
- }
- return e[o];
- }
- (a.keys = function () {
- return Object.keys(e);
- }),
- (a.resolve = t),
- (T.exports = a),
- (a.id = 4085);
- },
- 10320: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(55747),
- a = n(89393),
- t = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (o) {
- if (e(o)) return o;
- throw new t(a(o) + ' is not a function');
- };
- },
- 32606: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(1031),
- a = n(89393),
- t = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (o) {
- if (e(o)) return o;
- throw new t(a(o) + ' is not a constructor');
- };
- },
- 35908: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(45015),
- a = String,
- t = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (o) {
- if (e(o)) return o;
- throw new t("Can't set " + a(o) + ' as a prototype');
- };
- },
- 80575: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(24697),
- a = n(80674),
- t = n(74595).f,
- o = e('unscopables'),
- f = Array.prototype;
- f[o] === void 0 && t(f, o, { configurable: !0, value: a(null) }),
- (T.exports = function (b) {
- f[o][b] = !0;
- });
- },
- 35483: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(50233).charAt;
- T.exports = function (a, t, o) {
- return t + (o ? e(a, t).length : 1);
- };
- },
- 60077: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(21287),
- a = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (t, o) {
- if (e(o, t)) return t;
- throw new a('Incorrect invocation');
- };
- },
- 30365: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(77568),
- a = String,
- t = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (o) {
- if (e(o)) return o;
- throw new t(a(o) + ' is not an object');
- };
- },
- 70377: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = typeof ArrayBuffer != 'undefined' && typeof DataView != 'undefined';
- },
- 3782: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033);
- T.exports = e(function () {
- if (typeof ArrayBuffer == 'function') {
- var a = new ArrayBuffer(8);
- Object.isExtensible(a) && Object.defineProperty(a, 'a', { value: 8 });
- }
- });
- },
- 4246: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(70377),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(74685),
- o = n(55747),
- f = n(77568),
- b = n(45299),
- y = n(2281),
- B = n(89393),
- k = n(37909),
- g = n(55938),
- i = n(73936),
- c = n(21287),
- m = n(36917),
- l = n(76649),
- u = n(24697),
- s = n(16738),
- d = n(5419),
- C = d.enforce,
- h = d.get,
- v = t.Int8Array,
- p = v && v.prototype,
- N = t.Uint8ClampedArray,
- V = N && N.prototype,
- S = v && m(v),
- I = p && m(p),
- L = Object.prototype,
- w = t.TypeError,
- A = u('toStringTag'),
- x = s('TYPED_ARRAY_TAG'),
- E = 'TypedArrayConstructor',
- P = e && !!l && y(t.opera) !== 'Opera',
- D = !1,
- M,
- R,
- O,
- F = {
- Int8Array: 1,
- Uint8Array: 1,
- Uint8ClampedArray: 1,
- Int16Array: 2,
- Uint16Array: 2,
- Int32Array: 4,
- Uint32Array: 4,
- Float32Array: 4,
- Float64Array: 8,
- },
- _ = { BigInt64Array: 8, BigUint64Array: 8 },
- U = (function () {
- function ie(me) {
- if (!f(me)) return !1;
- var q = y(me);
- return q === 'DataView' || b(F, q) || b(_, q);
- }
- return ie;
- })(),
- z = function ie(me) {
- var q = m(me);
- if (f(q)) {
- var re = h(q);
- return re && b(re, E) ? re[E] : ie(q);
- }
- },
- $ = function (me) {
- if (!f(me)) return !1;
- var q = y(me);
- return b(F, q) || b(_, q);
- },
- G = function (me) {
- if ($(me)) return me;
- throw new w('Target is not a typed array');
- },
- X = function (me) {
- if (o(me) && (!l || c(S, me))) return me;
- throw new w(B(me) + ' is not a typed array constructor');
- },
- J = function (me, q, re, ae) {
- if (a) {
- if (re)
- for (var le in F) {
- var Z = t[le];
- if (Z && b(Z.prototype, me))
- try {
- delete Z.prototype[me];
- } catch (ne) {
- try {
- Z.prototype[me] = q;
- } catch (te) {}
- }
- }
- (!I[me] || re) && g(I, me, re ? q : (P && p[me]) || q, ae);
- }
- },
- se = function (me, q, re) {
- var ae, le;
- if (a) {
- if (l) {
- if (re) {
- for (ae in F)
- if (((le = t[ae]), le && b(le, me)))
- try {
- delete le[me];
- } catch (Z) {}
- }
- if (!S[me] || re)
- try {
- return g(S, me, re ? q : (P && S[me]) || q);
- } catch (Z) {}
- else return;
- }
- for (ae in F) (le = t[ae]), le && (!le[me] || re) && g(le, me, q);
- }
- };
- for (M in F) (R = t[M]), (O = R && R.prototype), O ? (C(O)[E] = R) : (P = !1);
- for (M in _) (R = t[M]), (O = R && R.prototype), O && (C(O)[E] = R);
- if (
- (!P || !o(S) || S === Function.prototype) &&
- ((S = (function () {
- function ie() {
- throw new w('Incorrect invocation');
- }
- return ie;
- })()),
- P)
- )
- for (M in F) t[M] && l(t[M], S);
- if ((!P || !I || I === L) && ((I = S.prototype), P)) for (M in F) t[M] && l(t[M].prototype, I);
- if ((P && m(V) !== I && l(V, I), a && !b(I, A))) {
- (D = !0),
- i(I, A, {
- configurable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function ie() {
- return f(this) ? this[x] : void 0;
- }
- return ie;
- })(),
- });
- for (M in F) t[M] && k(t[M], x, M);
- }
- T.exports = {
- aTypedArray: G,
- aTypedArrayConstructor: X,
- exportTypedArrayMethod: J,
- exportTypedArrayStaticMethod: se,
- getTypedArrayConstructor: z,
- isView: U,
- isTypedArray: $,
- TypedArray: S,
- TypedArrayPrototype: I,
- };
- },
- 37336: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(58310),
- o = n(70377),
- f = n(70520),
- b = n(37909),
- y = n(73936),
- B = n(30145),
- k = n(40033),
- g = n(60077),
- i = n(61365),
- c = n(10188),
- m = n(43806),
- l = n(95867),
- u = n(91784),
- s = n(36917),
- d = n(76649),
- C = n(88471),
- h = n(54602),
- v = n(5781),
- p = n(5774),
- N = n(84925),
- V = n(5419),
- S = f.PROPER,
- L = 'ArrayBuffer',
- w = 'DataView',
- A = 'prototype',
- x = 'Wrong length',
- E = 'Wrong index',
- P = V.getterFor(L),
- D = V.getterFor(w),
- M = V.set,
- R = e[L],
- O = R,
- F = O && O[A],
- _ = e[w],
- U = _ && _[A],
- z = Object.prototype,
- $ = e.Array,
- G = e.RangeError,
- X = a(C),
- J = a([].reverse),
- se = u.pack,
- ie = u.unpack,
- me = function (Ne) {
- return [Ne & 255];
- },
- q = function (Ne) {
- return [Ne & 255, (Ne >> 8) & 255];
- },
- re = function (Ne) {
- return [Ne & 255, (Ne >> 8) & 255, (Ne >> 16) & 255, (Ne >> 24) & 255];
- },
- ae = function (Ne) {
- return (Ne[3] << 24) | (Ne[2] << 16) | (Ne[1] << 8) | Ne[0];
- },
- le = function (Ne) {
- return se(l(Ne), 23, 4);
- },
- Z = function (Ne) {
- return se(Ne, 52, 8);
- },
- ne = function (Ne, Be, be) {
- y(Ne[A], Be, {
- configurable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function Le() {
- return be(this)[Be];
- }
- return Le;
- })(),
- });
- },
- te = function (Ne, Be, be, Le) {
- var we = D(Ne),
- xe = m(be),
- Re = !!Le;
- if (xe + Be > we.byteLength) throw new G(E);
- var He = we.bytes,
- ye = xe + we.byteOffset,
- de = h(He, ye, ye + Be);
- return Re ? de : J(de);
- },
- fe = function (Ne, Be, be, Le, we, xe) {
- var Re = D(Ne),
- He = m(be),
- ye = Le(+we),
- de = !!xe;
- if (He + Be > Re.byteLength) throw new G(E);
- for (var he = Re.bytes, ke = He + Re.byteOffset, ve = 0; ve < Be; ve++)
- he[ke + ve] = ye[de ? ve : Be - ve - 1];
- };
- if (!o)
- (O = (function () {
- function Ce(Ne) {
- g(this, F);
- var Be = m(Ne);
- M(this, { type: L, bytes: X($(Be), 0), byteLength: Be }),
- t || ((this.byteLength = Be), (this.detached = !1));
- }
- return Ce;
- })()),
- (F = O[A]),
- (_ = (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be, be) {
- g(this, U), g(Ne, F);
- var Le = P(Ne),
- we = Le.byteLength,
- xe = i(Be);
- if (xe < 0 || xe > we) throw new G('Wrong offset');
- if (((be = be === void 0 ? we - xe : c(be)), xe + be > we)) throw new G(x);
- M(this, { type: w, buffer: Ne, byteLength: be, byteOffset: xe, bytes: Le.bytes }),
- t || ((this.buffer = Ne), (this.byteLength = be), (this.byteOffset = xe));
- }
- return Ce;
- })()),
- (U = _[A]),
- t && (ne(O, 'byteLength', P), ne(_, 'buffer', D), ne(_, 'byteLength', D), ne(_, 'byteOffset', D)),
- B(U, {
- getInt8: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne) {
- return (te(this, 1, Ne)[0] << 24) >> 24;
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- getUint8: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne) {
- return te(this, 1, Ne)[0];
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- getInt16: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne) {
- var Be = te(this, 2, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1);
- return (((Be[1] << 8) | Be[0]) << 16) >> 16;
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- getUint16: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne) {
- var Be = te(this, 2, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1);
- return (Be[1] << 8) | Be[0];
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- getInt32: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne) {
- return ae(te(this, 4, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1));
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- getUint32: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne) {
- return ae(te(this, 4, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1)) >>> 0;
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- getFloat32: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne) {
- return ie(te(this, 4, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1), 23);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- getFloat64: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne) {
- return ie(te(this, 8, Ne, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : !1), 52);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- setInt8: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be) {
- fe(this, 1, Ne, me, Be);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- setUint8: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be) {
- fe(this, 1, Ne, me, Be);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- setInt16: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be) {
- fe(this, 2, Ne, q, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- setUint16: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be) {
- fe(this, 2, Ne, q, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- setInt32: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be) {
- fe(this, 4, Ne, re, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- setUint32: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be) {
- fe(this, 4, Ne, re, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- setFloat32: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be) {
- fe(this, 4, Ne, le, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- setFloat64: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be) {
- fe(this, 8, Ne, Z, Be, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : !1);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- });
- else {
- var pe = S && R.name !== L;
- !k(function () {
- R(1);
- }) ||
- !k(function () {
- new R(-1);
- }) ||
- k(function () {
- return new R(), new R(1.5), new R(NaN), R.length !== 1 || (pe && !I);
- })
- ? ((O = (function () {
- function Ce(Ne) {
- return g(this, F), v(new R(m(Ne)), this, O);
- }
- return Ce;
- })()),
- (O[A] = F),
- (F.constructor = O),
- p(O, R))
- : pe && I && b(R, 'name', L),
- d && s(U) !== z && d(U, z);
- var ce = new _(new O(2)),
- Ve = a(U.setInt8);
- ce.setInt8(0, 2147483648),
- ce.setInt8(1, 2147483649),
- (ce.getInt8(0) || !ce.getInt8(1)) &&
- B(
- U,
- {
- setInt8: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be) {
- Ve(this, Ne, (Be << 24) >> 24);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- setUint8: (function () {
- function Ce(Ne, Be) {
- Ve(this, Ne, (Be << 24) >> 24);
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- },
- { unsafe: !0 }
- );
- }
- N(O, L), N(_, w), (T.exports = { ArrayBuffer: O, DataView: _ });
- },
- 71447: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(46771),
- a = n(13912),
- t = n(24760),
- o = n(95108),
- f = Math.min;
- T.exports =
- [].copyWithin ||
- (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- var k = e(this),
- g = t(k),
- i = a(y, g),
- c = a(B, g),
- m = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0,
- l = f((m === void 0 ? g : a(m, g)) - c, g - i),
- u = 1;
- for (c < i && i < c + l && ((u = -1), (c += l - 1), (i += l - 1)); l-- > 0; )
- c in k ? (k[i] = k[c]) : o(k, i), (i += u), (c += u);
- return k;
- }
- return b;
- })();
- },
- 88471: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(46771),
- a = n(13912),
- t = n(24760);
- T.exports = (function () {
- function o(f) {
- for (
- var b = e(this),
- y = t(b),
- B = arguments.length,
- k = a(B > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, y),
- g = B > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0,
- i = g === void 0 ? y : a(g, y);
- i > k;
- )
- b[k++] = f;
- return b;
- }
- return o;
- })();
- },
- 35601: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(22603).forEach,
- a = n(55528),
- t = a('forEach');
- T.exports = t
- ? [].forEach
- : (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return e(this, f, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return o;
- })();
- },
- 78008: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(24760);
- T.exports = function (a, t, o) {
- for (var f = 0, b = arguments.length > 2 ? o : e(t), y = new a(b); b > f; ) y[f] = t[f++];
- return y;
- };
- },
- 73174: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(75754),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(46771),
- o = n(40125),
- f = n(76571),
- b = n(1031),
- y = n(24760),
- B = n(60102),
- k = n(77455),
- g = n(59201),
- i = Array;
- T.exports = (function () {
- function c(m) {
- var l = t(m),
- u = b(this),
- s = arguments.length,
- d = s > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0,
- C = d !== void 0;
- C && (d = e(d, s > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0));
- var h = g(l),
- v = 0,
- p,
- N,
- V,
- S,
- I,
- L;
- if (h && !(this === i && f(h)))
- for (N = u ? new this() : [], S = k(l, h), I = S.next; !(V = a(I, S)).done; v++)
- (L = C ? o(S, d, [V.value, v], !0) : V.value), B(N, v, L);
- else for (p = y(l), N = u ? new this(p) : i(p); p > v; v++) (L = C ? d(l[v], v) : l[v]), B(N, v, L);
- return (N.length = v), N;
- }
- return c;
- })();
- },
- 14211: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(57591),
- a = n(13912),
- t = n(24760),
- o = function (b) {
- return function (y, B, k) {
- var g = e(y),
- i = t(g);
- if (i === 0) return !b && -1;
- var c = a(k, i),
- m;
- if (b && B !== B) {
- for (; i > c; ) if (((m = g[c++]), m !== m)) return !0;
- } else for (; i > c; c++) if ((b || c in g) && g[c] === B) return b || c || 0;
- return !b && -1;
- };
- };
- T.exports = { includes: o(!0), indexOf: o(!1) };
- },
- 22603: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(75754),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(37457),
- o = n(46771),
- f = n(24760),
- b = n(57823),
- y = a([].push),
- B = function (g) {
- var i = g === 1,
- c = g === 2,
- m = g === 3,
- l = g === 4,
- u = g === 6,
- s = g === 7,
- d = g === 5 || u;
- return function (C, h, v, p) {
- for (
- var N = o(C),
- V = t(N),
- S = f(V),
- I = e(h, v),
- L = 0,
- w = p || b,
- A = i ? w(C, S) : c || s ? w(C, 0) : void 0,
- x,
- E;
- S > L;
- L++
- )
- if ((d || L in V) && ((x = V[L]), (E = I(x, L, N)), g))
- if (i) A[L] = E;
- else if (E)
- switch (g) {
- case 3:
- return !0;
- case 5:
- return x;
- case 6:
- return L;
- case 2:
- y(A, x);
- }
- else
- switch (g) {
- case 4:
- return !1;
- case 7:
- y(A, x);
- }
- return u ? -1 : m || l ? l : A;
- };
- };
- T.exports = {
- forEach: B(0),
- map: B(1),
- filter: B(2),
- some: B(3),
- every: B(4),
- find: B(5),
- findIndex: B(6),
- filterReject: B(7),
- };
- },
- 1325: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(61267),
- a = n(57591),
- t = n(61365),
- o = n(24760),
- f = n(55528),
- b = Math.min,
- y = [].lastIndexOf,
- B = !!y && 1 / [1].lastIndexOf(1, -0) < 0,
- k = f('lastIndexOf'),
- g = B || !k;
- T.exports = g
- ? (function () {
- function i(c) {
- if (B) return e(y, this, arguments) || 0;
- var m = a(this),
- l = o(m);
- if (l === 0) return -1;
- var u = l - 1;
- for (arguments.length > 1 && (u = b(u, t(arguments[1]))), u < 0 && (u = l + u); u >= 0; u--)
- if (u in m && m[u] === c) return u || 0;
- return -1;
- }
- return i;
- })()
- : y;
- },
- 44091: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033),
- a = n(24697),
- t = n(5026),
- o = a('species');
- T.exports = function (f) {
- return (
- t >= 51 ||
- !e(function () {
- var b = [],
- y = (b.constructor = {});
- return (
- (y[o] = function () {
- return { foo: 1 };
- }),
- b[f](Boolean).foo !== 1
- );
- })
- );
- };
- },
- 55528: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033);
- T.exports = function (a, t) {
- var o = [][a];
- return (
- !!o &&
- e(function () {
- o.call(
- null,
- t ||
- function () {
- return 1;
- },
- 1
- );
- })
- );
- };
- },
- 56844: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(10320),
- a = n(46771),
- t = n(37457),
- o = n(24760),
- f = TypeError,
- b = 'Reduce of empty array with no initial value',
- y = function (k) {
- return function (g, i, c, m) {
- var l = a(g),
- u = t(l),
- s = o(l);
- if ((e(i), s === 0 && c < 2)) throw new f(b);
- var d = k ? s - 1 : 0,
- C = k ? -1 : 1;
- if (c < 2)
- for (;;) {
- if (d in u) {
- (m = u[d]), (d += C);
- break;
- }
- if (((d += C), k ? d < 0 : s <= d)) throw new f(b);
- }
- for (; k ? d >= 0 : s > d; d += C) d in u && (m = i(m, u[d], d, l));
- return m;
- };
- };
- T.exports = { left: y(!1), right: y(!0) };
- },
- 13345: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(37386),
- t = TypeError,
- o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
- f =
- e &&
- !(function () {
- if (this !== void 0) return !0;
- try {
- Object.defineProperty([], 'length', { writable: !1 }).length = 1;
- } catch (b) {
- return b instanceof TypeError;
- }
- })();
- T.exports = f
- ? function (b, y) {
- if (a(b) && !o(b, 'length').writable) throw new t('Cannot set read only .length');
- return (b.length = y);
- }
- : function (b, y) {
- return (b.length = y);
- };
- },
- 54602: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250);
- T.exports = e([].slice);
- },
- 90274: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(54602),
- a = Math.floor,
- t = function o(f, b) {
- var y = f.length;
- if (y < 8)
- for (var B = 1, k, g; B < y; ) {
- for (g = B, k = f[B]; g && b(f[g - 1], k) > 0; ) f[g] = f[--g];
- g !== B++ && (f[g] = k);
- }
- else
- for (
- var i = a(y / 2), c = o(e(f, 0, i), b), m = o(e(f, i), b), l = c.length, u = m.length, s = 0, d = 0;
- s < l || d < u;
- )
- f[s + d] = s < l && d < u ? (b(c[s], m[d]) <= 0 ? c[s++] : m[d++]) : s < l ? c[s++] : m[d++];
- return f;
- };
- T.exports = t;
- },
- 8303: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(37386),
- a = n(1031),
- t = n(77568),
- o = n(24697),
- f = o('species'),
- b = Array;
- T.exports = function (y) {
- var B;
- return (
- e(y) &&
- ((B = y.constructor),
- a(B) && (B === b || e(B.prototype)) ? (B = void 0) : t(B) && ((B = B[f]), B === null && (B = void 0))),
- B === void 0 ? b : B
- );
- };
- },
- 57823: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(8303);
- T.exports = function (a, t) {
- return new (e(a))(t === 0 ? 0 : t);
- };
- },
- 40125: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(30365),
- a = n(28649);
- T.exports = function (t, o, f, b) {
- try {
- return b ? o(e(f)[0], f[1]) : o(f);
- } catch (y) {
- a(t, 'throw', y);
- }
- };
- },
- 92490: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(24697),
- a = e('iterator'),
- t = !1;
- try {
- var o = 0,
- f = {
- next: (function () {
- function b() {
- return { done: !!o++ };
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- return: (function () {
- function b() {
- t = !0;
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- };
- (f[a] = function () {
- return this;
- }),
- Array.from(f, function () {
- throw 2;
- });
- } catch (b) {}
- T.exports = function (b, y) {
- try {
- if (!y && !t) return !1;
- } catch (g) {
- return !1;
- }
- var B = !1;
- try {
- var k = {};
- (k[a] = function () {
- return {
- next: (function () {
- function g() {
- return { done: (B = !0) };
- }
- return g;
- })(),
- };
- }),
- b(k);
- } catch (g) {}
- return B;
- };
- },
- 7462: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = e({}.toString),
- t = e(''.slice);
- T.exports = function (o) {
- return t(a(o), 8, -1);
- };
- },
- 2281: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(2650),
- a = n(55747),
- t = n(7462),
- o = n(24697),
- f = o('toStringTag'),
- b = Object,
- y =
- t(
- (function () {
- return arguments;
- })()
- ) === 'Arguments',
- B = function (g, i) {
- try {
- return g[i];
- } catch (c) {}
- };
- T.exports = e
- ? t
- : function (k) {
- var g, i, c;
- return k === void 0
- ? 'Undefined'
- : k === null
- ? 'Null'
- : typeof (i = B((g = b(k)), f)) == 'string'
- ? i
- : y
- ? t(g)
- : (c = t(g)) === 'Object' && a(g.callee)
- ? 'Arguments'
- : c;
- };
- },
- 41028: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80674),
- a = n(73936),
- t = n(30145),
- o = n(75754),
- f = n(60077),
- b = n(42871),
- y = n(49450),
- B = n(65574),
- k = n(5959),
- g = n(58491),
- i = n(58310),
- c = n(81969).fastKey,
- m = n(5419),
- l = m.set,
- u = m.getterFor;
- T.exports = {
- getConstructor: (function () {
- function s(d, C, h, v) {
- var p = d(function (L, w) {
- f(L, N),
- l(L, { type: C, index: e(null), first: void 0, last: void 0, size: 0 }),
- i || (L.size = 0),
- b(w) || y(w, L[v], { that: L, AS_ENTRIES: h });
- }),
- N = p.prototype,
- V = u(C),
- S = (function () {
- function L(w, A, x) {
- var E = V(w),
- P = I(w, A),
- D,
- M;
- return (
- P
- ? (P.value = x)
- : ((E.last = P =
- {
- index: (M = c(A, !0)),
- key: A,
- value: x,
- previous: (D = E.last),
- next: void 0,
- removed: !1,
- }),
- E.first || (E.first = P),
- D && (D.next = P),
- i ? E.size++ : w.size++,
- M !== 'F' && (E.index[M] = P)),
- w
- );
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- I = (function () {
- function L(w, A) {
- var x = V(w),
- E = c(A),
- P;
- if (E !== 'F') return x.index[E];
- for (P = x.first; P; P = P.next) if (P.key === A) return P;
- }
- return L;
- })();
- return (
- t(N, {
- clear: (function () {
- function L() {
- for (var w = this, A = V(w), x = A.first; x; )
- (x.removed = !0), x.previous && (x.previous = x.previous.next = void 0), (x = x.next);
- (A.first = A.last = void 0), (A.index = e(null)), i ? (A.size = 0) : (w.size = 0);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- delete: (function () {
- function L(w) {
- var A = this,
- x = V(A),
- E = I(A, w);
- if (E) {
- var P = E.next,
- D = E.previous;
- delete x.index[E.index],
- (E.removed = !0),
- D && (D.next = P),
- P && (P.previous = D),
- x.first === E && (x.first = P),
- x.last === E && (x.last = D),
- i ? x.size-- : A.size--;
- }
- return !!E;
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- forEach: (function () {
- function L(w) {
- for (
- var A = V(this), x = o(w, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0), E;
- (E = E ? E.next : A.first);
- )
- for (x(E.value, E.key, this); E && E.removed; ) E = E.previous;
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- has: (function () {
- function L(w) {
- return !!I(this, w);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- t(
- N,
- h
- ? {
- get: (function () {
- function L(w) {
- var A = I(this, w);
- return A && A.value;
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- set: (function () {
- function L(w, A) {
- return S(this, w === 0 ? 0 : w, A);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }
- : {
- add: (function () {
- function L(w) {
- return S(this, (w = w === 0 ? 0 : w), w);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }
- ),
- i &&
- a(N, 'size', {
- configurable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function L() {
- return V(this).size;
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }),
- p
- );
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- setStrong: (function () {
- function s(d, C, h) {
- var v = C + ' Iterator',
- p = u(C),
- N = u(v);
- B(
- d,
- C,
- function (V, S) {
- l(this, { type: v, target: V, state: p(V), kind: S, last: void 0 });
- },
- function () {
- for (var V = N(this), S = V.kind, I = V.last; I && I.removed; ) I = I.previous;
- return !V.target || !(V.last = I = I ? I.next : V.state.first)
- ? ((V.target = void 0), k(void 0, !0))
- : k(S === 'keys' ? I.key : S === 'values' ? I.value : [I.key, I.value], !1);
- },
- h ? 'entries' : 'values',
- !h,
- !0
- ),
- g(C);
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- };
- },
- 39895: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(30145),
- t = n(81969).getWeakData,
- o = n(60077),
- f = n(30365),
- b = n(42871),
- y = n(77568),
- B = n(49450),
- k = n(22603),
- g = n(45299),
- i = n(5419),
- c = i.set,
- m = i.getterFor,
- l = k.find,
- u = k.findIndex,
- s = e([].splice),
- d = 0,
- C = function (N) {
- return N.frozen || (N.frozen = new h());
- },
- h = function () {
- this.entries = [];
- },
- v = function (N, V) {
- return l(N.entries, function (S) {
- return S[0] === V;
- });
- };
- (h.prototype = {
- get: (function () {
- function p(N) {
- var V = v(this, N);
- if (V) return V[1];
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- has: (function () {
- function p(N) {
- return !!v(this, N);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- set: (function () {
- function p(N, V) {
- var S = v(this, N);
- S ? (S[1] = V) : this.entries.push([N, V]);
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- delete: (function () {
- function p(N) {
- var V = u(this.entries, function (S) {
- return S[0] === N;
- });
- return ~V && s(this.entries, V, 1), !!~V;
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- (T.exports = {
- getConstructor: (function () {
- function p(N, V, S, I) {
- var L = N(function (E, P) {
- o(E, w),
- c(E, { type: V, id: d++, frozen: void 0 }),
- b(P) || B(P, E[I], { that: E, AS_ENTRIES: S });
- }),
- w = L.prototype,
- A = m(V),
- x = (function () {
- function E(P, D, M) {
- var R = A(P),
- O = t(f(D), !0);
- return O === !0 ? C(R).set(D, M) : (O[R.id] = M), P;
- }
- return E;
- })();
- return (
- a(w, {
- delete: (function () {
- function E(P) {
- var D = A(this);
- if (!y(P)) return !1;
- var M = t(P);
- return M === !0 ? C(D).delete(P) : M && g(M, D.id) && delete M[D.id];
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- has: (function () {
- function E(P) {
- var D = A(this);
- if (!y(P)) return !1;
- var M = t(P);
- return M === !0 ? C(D).has(P) : M && g(M, D.id);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }),
- a(
- w,
- S
- ? {
- get: (function () {
- function E(P) {
- var D = A(this);
- if (y(P)) {
- var M = t(P);
- return M === !0 ? C(D).get(P) : M ? M[D.id] : void 0;
- }
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- set: (function () {
- function E(P, D) {
- return x(this, P, D);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }
- : {
- add: (function () {
- function E(P) {
- return x(this, P, !0);
- }
- return E;
- })(),
- }
- ),
- L
- );
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- });
- },
- 45150: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(67250),
- o = n(41314),
- f = n(55938),
- b = n(81969),
- y = n(49450),
- B = n(60077),
- k = n(55747),
- g = n(42871),
- i = n(77568),
- c = n(40033),
- m = n(92490),
- l = n(84925),
- u = n(5781);
- T.exports = function (s, d, C) {
- var h = s.indexOf('Map') !== -1,
- v = s.indexOf('Weak') !== -1,
- p = h ? 'set' : 'add',
- N = a[s],
- V = N && N.prototype,
- S = N,
- I = {},
- L = function (R) {
- var O = t(V[R]);
- f(
- V,
- R,
- R === 'add'
- ? (function () {
- function F(_) {
- return O(this, _ === 0 ? 0 : _), this;
- }
- return F;
- })()
- : R === 'delete'
- ? function (F) {
- return v && !i(F) ? !1 : O(this, F === 0 ? 0 : F);
- }
- : R === 'get'
- ? (function () {
- function F(_) {
- return v && !i(_) ? void 0 : O(this, _ === 0 ? 0 : _);
- }
- return F;
- })()
- : R === 'has'
- ? (function () {
- function F(_) {
- return v && !i(_) ? !1 : O(this, _ === 0 ? 0 : _);
- }
- return F;
- })()
- : (function () {
- function F(_, U) {
- return O(this, _ === 0 ? 0 : _, U), this;
- }
- return F;
- })()
- );
- },
- w = o(
- s,
- !k(N) ||
- !(
- v ||
- (V.forEach &&
- !c(function () {
- new N().entries().next();
- }))
- )
- );
- if (w) (S = C.getConstructor(d, s, h, p)), b.enable();
- else if (o(s, !0)) {
- var A = new S(),
- x = A[p](v ? {} : -0, 1) !== A,
- E = c(function () {
- A.has(1);
- }),
- P = m(function (M) {
- new N(M);
- }),
- D =
- !v &&
- c(function () {
- for (var M = new N(), R = 5; R--; ) M[p](R, R);
- return !M.has(-0);
- });
- P ||
- ((S = d(function (M, R) {
- B(M, V);
- var O = u(new N(), M, S);
- return g(R) || y(R, O[p], { that: O, AS_ENTRIES: h }), O;
- })),
- (S.prototype = V),
- (V.constructor = S)),
- (E || D) && (L('delete'), L('has'), h && L('get')),
- (D || x) && L(p),
- v && V.clear && delete V.clear;
- }
- return (
- (I[s] = S), e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, forced: S !== N }, I), l(S, s), v || C.setStrong(S, s, h), S
- );
- };
- },
- 5774: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(45299),
- a = n(97921),
- t = n(27193),
- o = n(74595);
- T.exports = function (f, b, y) {
- for (var B = a(b), k = o.f, g = t.f, i = 0; i < B.length; i++) {
- var c = B[i];
- !e(f, c) && !(y && e(y, c)) && k(f, c, g(b, c));
- }
- };
- },
- 45490: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(24697),
- a = e('match');
- T.exports = function (t) {
- var o = /./;
- try {
- '/./'[t](o);
- } catch (f) {
- try {
- return (o[a] = !1), '/./'[t](o);
- } catch (b) {}
- }
- return !1;
- };
- },
- 9225: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033);
- T.exports = !e(function () {
- function a() {}
- return (a.prototype.constructor = null), Object.getPrototypeOf(new a()) !== a.prototype;
- });
- },
- 72506: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(16952),
- t = n(12605),
- o = /"/g,
- f = e(''.replace);
- T.exports = function (b, y, B, k) {
- var g = t(a(b)),
- i = '<' + y;
- return B !== '' && (i += ' ' + B + '="' + f(t(k), o, '"') + '"'), i + '>' + g + '' + y + '>';
- };
- },
- 5959: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = function (r, n) {
- return { value: r, done: n };
- };
- },
- 37909: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(74595),
- t = n(87458);
- T.exports = e
- ? function (o, f, b) {
- return a.f(o, f, t(1, b));
- }
- : function (o, f, b) {
- return (o[f] = b), o;
- };
- },
- 87458: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = function (r, n) {
- return { enumerable: !(r & 1), configurable: !(r & 2), writable: !(r & 4), value: n };
- };
- },
- 60102: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(74595),
- t = n(87458);
- T.exports = function (o, f, b) {
- e ? a.f(o, f, t(0, b)) : (o[f] = b);
- };
- },
- 67206: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(24051).start,
- o = RangeError,
- f = isFinite,
- b = Math.abs,
- y = Date.prototype,
- B = y.toISOString,
- k = e(y.getTime),
- g = e(y.getUTCDate),
- i = e(y.getUTCFullYear),
- c = e(y.getUTCHours),
- m = e(y.getUTCMilliseconds),
- l = e(y.getUTCMinutes),
- u = e(y.getUTCMonth),
- s = e(y.getUTCSeconds);
- T.exports =
- a(function () {
- return B.call(new Date(-50000000000001)) !== '0385-07-25T07:06:39.999Z';
- }) ||
- !a(function () {
- B.call(new Date(NaN));
- })
- ? (function () {
- function d() {
- if (!f(k(this))) throw new o('Invalid time value');
- var C = this,
- h = i(C),
- v = m(C),
- p = h < 0 ? '-' : h > 9999 ? '+' : '';
- return (
- p +
- t(b(h), p ? 6 : 4, 0) +
- '-' +
- t(u(C) + 1, 2, 0) +
- '-' +
- t(g(C), 2, 0) +
- 'T' +
- t(c(C), 2, 0) +
- ':' +
- t(l(C), 2, 0) +
- ':' +
- t(s(C), 2, 0) +
- '.' +
- t(v, 3, 0) +
- 'Z'
- );
- }
- return d;
- })()
- : B;
- },
- 10886: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(30365),
- a = n(13396),
- t = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (o) {
- if ((e(this), o === 'string' || o === 'default')) o = 'string';
- else if (o !== 'number') throw new t('Incorrect hint');
- return a(this, o);
- };
- },
- 73936: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(20001),
- a = n(74595);
- T.exports = function (t, o, f) {
- return f.get && e(f.get, o, { getter: !0 }), f.set && e(f.set, o, { setter: !0 }), a.f(t, o, f);
- };
- },
- 55938: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(55747),
- a = n(74595),
- t = n(20001),
- o = n(18231);
- T.exports = function (f, b, y, B) {
- B || (B = {});
- var k = B.enumerable,
- g = B.name !== void 0 ? B.name : b;
- if ((e(y) && t(y, g, B), B.global)) k ? (f[b] = y) : o(b, y);
- else {
- try {
- B.unsafe ? f[b] && (k = !0) : delete f[b];
- } catch (i) {}
- k
- ? (f[b] = y)
- : a.f(f, b, { value: y, enumerable: !1, configurable: !B.nonConfigurable, writable: !B.nonWritable });
- }
- return f;
- };
- },
- 30145: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(55938);
- T.exports = function (a, t, o) {
- for (var f in t) e(a, f, t[f], o);
- return a;
- };
- },
- 18231: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = Object.defineProperty;
- T.exports = function (t, o) {
- try {
- a(e, t, { value: o, configurable: !0, writable: !0 });
- } catch (f) {
- e[t] = o;
- }
- return o;
- };
- },
- 95108: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(89393),
- a = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (t, o) {
- if (!delete t[o]) throw new a('Cannot delete property ' + e(o) + ' of ' + e(t));
- };
- },
- 58310: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033);
- T.exports = !e(function () {
- return (
- Object.defineProperty({}, 1, {
- get: (function () {
- function a() {
- return 7;
- }
- return a;
- })(),
- })[1] !== 7
- );
- });
- },
- 12689: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(77568),
- t = e.document,
- o = a(t) && a(t.createElement);
- T.exports = function (f) {
- return o ? t.createElement(f) : {};
- };
- },
- 21291: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = TypeError,
- n = 9007199254740991;
- T.exports = function (e) {
- if (e > n) throw r('Maximum allowed index exceeded');
- return e;
- };
- },
- 652: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63318),
- a = e.match(/firefox\/(\d+)/i);
- T.exports = !!a && +a[1];
- },
- 8180: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(73730),
- a = n(81702);
- T.exports = !e && !a && typeof window == 'object' && typeof document == 'object';
- },
- 49197: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = typeof Bun == 'function' && Bun && typeof Bun.version == 'string';
- },
- 73730: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = typeof Deno == 'object' && Deno && typeof Deno.version == 'object';
- },
- 19228: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63318);
- T.exports = /MSIE|Trident/.test(e);
- },
- 51802: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63318);
- T.exports = /ipad|iphone|ipod/i.test(e) && typeof Pebble != 'undefined';
- },
- 83433: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63318);
- T.exports = /(?:ipad|iphone|ipod).*applewebkit/i.test(e);
- },
- 81702: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(7462);
- T.exports = a(e.process) === 'process';
- },
- 63383: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63318);
- T.exports = /web0s(?!.*chrome)/i.test(e);
- },
- 63318: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = (typeof navigator != 'undefined' && String(navigator.userAgent)) || '';
- },
- 5026: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(63318),
- t = e.process,
- o = e.Deno,
- f = (t && t.versions) || (o && o.version),
- b = f && f.v8,
- y,
- B;
- b && ((y = b.split('.')), (B = y[0] > 0 && y[0] < 4 ? 1 : +(y[0] + y[1]))),
- !B &&
- a &&
- ((y = a.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/)), (!y || y[1] >= 74) && ((y = a.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/)), y && (B = +y[1]))),
- (T.exports = B);
- },
- 9342: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63318),
- a = e.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)\./);
- T.exports = !!a && +a[1];
- },
- 89453: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = [
- 'constructor',
- 'hasOwnProperty',
- 'isPrototypeOf',
- 'propertyIsEnumerable',
- 'toLocaleString',
- 'toString',
- 'valueOf',
- ];
- },
- 63964: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(27193).f,
- t = n(37909),
- o = n(55938),
- f = n(18231),
- b = n(5774),
- y = n(41314);
- T.exports = function (B, k) {
- var g = B.target,
- i = B.global,
- c = B.stat,
- m,
- l,
- u,
- s,
- d,
- C;
- if ((i ? (l = e) : c ? (l = e[g] || f(g, {})) : (l = e[g] && e[g].prototype), l))
- for (u in k) {
- if (
- ((d = k[u]),
- B.dontCallGetSet ? ((C = a(l, u)), (s = C && C.value)) : (s = l[u]),
- (m = y(i ? u : g + (c ? '.' : '#') + u, B.forced)),
- !m && s !== void 0)
- ) {
- if (typeof d == typeof s) continue;
- b(d, s);
- }
- (B.sham || (s && s.sham)) && t(d, 'sham', !0), o(l, u, d, B);
- }
- };
- },
- 40033: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = function (r) {
- try {
- return !!r();
- } catch (n) {
- return !0;
- }
- };
- },
- 79942: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(79669);
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(55938),
- t = n(14489),
- o = n(40033),
- f = n(24697),
- b = n(37909),
- y = f('species'),
- B = RegExp.prototype;
- T.exports = function (k, g, i, c) {
- var m = f(k),
- l = !o(function () {
- var C = {};
- return (
- (C[m] = function () {
- return 7;
- }),
- ''[k](C) !== 7
- );
- }),
- u =
- l &&
- !o(function () {
- var C = !1,
- h = /a/;
- return (
- k === 'split' &&
- ((h = {}),
- (h.constructor = {}),
- (h.constructor[y] = function () {
- return h;
- }),
- (h.flags = ''),
- (h[m] = /./[m])),
- (h.exec = function () {
- return (C = !0), null;
- }),
- h[m](''),
- !C
- );
- });
- if (!l || !u || i) {
- var s = /./[m],
- d = g(m, ''[k], function (C, h, v, p, N) {
- var V = h.exec;
- return V === t || V === B.exec
- ? l && !N
- ? { done: !0, value: e(s, h, v, p) }
- : { done: !0, value: e(C, v, h, p) }
- : { done: !1 };
- });
- a(String.prototype, k, d[0]), a(B, m, d[1]);
- }
- c && b(B[m], 'sham', !0);
- };
- },
- 65561: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(37386),
- a = n(24760),
- t = n(21291),
- o = n(75754),
- f = function b(y, B, k, g, i, c, m, l) {
- for (var u = i, s = 0, d = m ? o(m, l) : !1, C, h; s < g; )
- s in k &&
- ((C = d ? d(k[s], s, B) : k[s]),
- c > 0 && e(C) ? ((h = a(C)), (u = b(y, B, C, h, u, c - 1) - 1)) : (t(u + 1), (y[u] = C)),
- u++),
- s++;
- return u;
- };
- T.exports = f;
- },
- 50730: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033);
- T.exports = !e(function () {
- return Object.isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({}));
- });
- },
- 61267: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(55050),
- a = Function.prototype,
- t = a.apply,
- o = a.call;
- T.exports =
- (typeof Reflect == 'object' && Reflect.apply) ||
- (e
- ? o.bind(t)
- : function () {
- return o.apply(t, arguments);
- });
- },
- 75754: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(71138),
- a = n(10320),
- t = n(55050),
- o = e(e.bind);
- T.exports = function (f, b) {
- return (
- a(f),
- b === void 0
- ? f
- : t
- ? o(f, b)
- : function () {
- return f.apply(b, arguments);
- }
- );
- };
- },
- 55050: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033);
- T.exports = !e(function () {
- var a = function () {}.bind();
- return typeof a != 'function' || a.hasOwnProperty('prototype');
- });
- },
- 66284: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(10320),
- t = n(77568),
- o = n(45299),
- f = n(54602),
- b = n(55050),
- y = Function,
- B = e([].concat),
- k = e([].join),
- g = {},
- i = function (m, l, u) {
- if (!o(g, l)) {
- for (var s = [], d = 0; d < l; d++) s[d] = 'a[' + d + ']';
- g[l] = y('C,a', 'return new C(' + k(s, ',') + ')');
- }
- return g[l](m, u);
- };
- T.exports = b
- ? y.bind
- : (function () {
- function c(m) {
- var l = a(this),
- u = l.prototype,
- s = f(arguments, 1),
- d = (function () {
- function C() {
- var h = B(s, f(arguments));
- return this instanceof d ? i(l, h.length, h) : l.apply(m, h);
- }
- return C;
- })();
- return t(u) && (d.prototype = u), d;
- }
- return c;
- })();
- },
- 91495: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(55050),
- a = Function.prototype.call;
- T.exports = e
- ? a.bind(a)
- : function () {
- return a.apply(a, arguments);
- };
- },
- 70520: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(45299),
- t = Function.prototype,
- o = e && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
- f = a(t, 'name'),
- b =
- f &&
- (function () {
- function B() {}
- return B;
- })().name === 'something',
- y = f && (!e || (e && o(t, 'name').configurable));
- T.exports = { EXISTS: f, PROPER: b, CONFIGURABLE: y };
- },
- 38656: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(10320);
- T.exports = function (t, o, f) {
- try {
- return e(a(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, o)[f]));
- } catch (b) {}
- };
- },
- 71138: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(7462),
- a = n(67250);
- T.exports = function (t) {
- if (e(t) === 'Function') return a(t);
- };
- },
- 67250: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(55050),
- a = Function.prototype,
- t = a.call,
- o = e && a.bind.bind(t, t);
- T.exports = e
- ? o
- : function (f) {
- return function () {
- return t.apply(f, arguments);
- };
- };
- },
- 4009: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(55747),
- t = function (f) {
- return a(f) ? f : void 0;
- };
- T.exports = function (o, f) {
- return arguments.length < 2 ? t(e[o]) : e[o] && e[o][f];
- };
- },
- 59201: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(2281),
- a = n(78060),
- t = n(42871),
- o = n(83967),
- f = n(24697),
- b = f('iterator');
- T.exports = function (y) {
- if (!t(y)) return a(y, b) || a(y, '@@iterator') || o[e(y)];
- };
- },
- 77455: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(10320),
- t = n(30365),
- o = n(89393),
- f = n(59201),
- b = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (y, B) {
- var k = arguments.length < 2 ? f(y) : B;
- if (a(k)) return t(e(k, y));
- throw new b(o(y) + ' is not iterable');
- };
- },
- 39447: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(37386),
- t = n(55747),
- o = n(7462),
- f = n(12605),
- b = e([].push);
- T.exports = function (y) {
- if (t(y)) return y;
- if (a(y)) {
- for (var B = y.length, k = [], g = 0; g < B; g++) {
- var i = y[g];
- typeof i == 'string'
- ? b(k, i)
- : (typeof i == 'number' || o(i) === 'Number' || o(i) === 'String') && b(k, f(i));
- }
- var c = k.length,
- m = !0;
- return function (l, u) {
- if (m) return (m = !1), u;
- if (a(this)) return u;
- for (var s = 0; s < c; s++) if (k[s] === l) return u;
- };
- }
- };
- },
- 78060: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(10320),
- a = n(42871);
- T.exports = function (t, o) {
- var f = t[o];
- return a(f) ? void 0 : e(f);
- };
- },
- 48300: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(46771),
- t = Math.floor,
- o = e(''.charAt),
- f = e(''.replace),
- b = e(''.slice),
- y = /\$([$&'`]|\d{1,2}|<[^>]*>)/g,
- B = /\$([$&'`]|\d{1,2})/g;
- T.exports = function (k, g, i, c, m, l) {
- var u = i + k.length,
- s = c.length,
- d = B;
- return (
- m !== void 0 && ((m = a(m)), (d = y)),
- f(l, d, function (C, h) {
- var v;
- switch (o(h, 0)) {
- case '$':
- return '$';
- case '&':
- return k;
- case '`':
- return b(g, 0, i);
- case "'":
- return b(g, u);
- case '<':
- v = m[b(h, 1, -1)];
- break;
- default:
- var p = +h;
- if (p === 0) return C;
- if (p > s) {
- var N = t(p / 10);
- return N === 0 ? C : N <= s ? (c[N - 1] === void 0 ? o(h, 1) : c[N - 1] + o(h, 1)) : C;
- }
- v = c[p - 1];
- }
- return v === void 0 ? '' : v;
- })
- );
- };
- },
- 74685: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = function (t) {
- return t && t.Math === Math && t;
- };
- T.exports =
- e(typeof globalThis == 'object' && globalThis) ||
- e(typeof window == 'object' && window) ||
- e(typeof self == 'object' && self) ||
- e(typeof n.g == 'object' && n.g) ||
- e(!1) ||
- (function () {
- return this;
- })() ||
- Function('return this')();
- },
- 45299: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(46771),
- t = e({}.hasOwnProperty);
- T.exports =
- Object.hasOwn ||
- (function () {
- function o(f, b) {
- return t(a(f), b);
- }
- return o;
- })();
- },
- 79195: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = {};
- },
- 72259: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = function (r, n) {
- try {
- arguments.length;
- } catch (e) {}
- };
- },
- 5315: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4009);
- T.exports = e('document', 'documentElement');
- },
- 36223: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(12689);
- T.exports =
- !e &&
- !a(function () {
- return (
- Object.defineProperty(t('div'), 'a', {
- get: (function () {
- function o() {
- return 7;
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }).a !== 7
- );
- });
- },
- 91784: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = Array,
- n = Math.abs,
- e = Math.pow,
- a = Math.floor,
- t = Math.log,
- o = Math.LN2,
- f = function (B, k, g) {
- var i = r(g),
- c = g * 8 - k - 1,
- m = (1 << c) - 1,
- l = m >> 1,
- u = k === 23 ? e(2, -24) - e(2, -77) : 0,
- s = B < 0 || (B === 0 && 1 / B < 0) ? 1 : 0,
- d = 0,
- C,
- h,
- v;
- for (
- B = n(B),
- B !== B || B === 1 / 0
- ? ((h = B !== B ? 1 : 0), (C = m))
- : ((C = a(t(B) / o)),
- (v = e(2, -C)),
- B * v < 1 && (C--, (v *= 2)),
- C + l >= 1 ? (B += u / v) : (B += u * e(2, 1 - l)),
- B * v >= 2 && (C++, (v /= 2)),
- C + l >= m
- ? ((h = 0), (C = m))
- : C + l >= 1
- ? ((h = (B * v - 1) * e(2, k)), (C += l))
- : ((h = B * e(2, l - 1) * e(2, k)), (C = 0)));
- k >= 8;
- )
- (i[d++] = h & 255), (h /= 256), (k -= 8);
- for (C = (C << k) | h, c += k; c > 0; ) (i[d++] = C & 255), (C /= 256), (c -= 8);
- return (i[--d] |= s * 128), i;
- },
- b = function (B, k) {
- var g = B.length,
- i = g * 8 - k - 1,
- c = (1 << i) - 1,
- m = c >> 1,
- l = i - 7,
- u = g - 1,
- s = B[u--],
- d = s & 127,
- C;
- for (s >>= 7; l > 0; ) (d = d * 256 + B[u--]), (l -= 8);
- for (C = d & ((1 << -l) - 1), d >>= -l, l += k; l > 0; ) (C = C * 256 + B[u--]), (l -= 8);
- if (d === 0) d = 1 - m;
- else {
- if (d === c) return C ? NaN : s ? -1 / 0 : 1 / 0;
- (C += e(2, k)), (d -= m);
- }
- return (s ? -1 : 1) * C * e(2, d - k);
- };
- T.exports = { pack: f, unpack: b };
- },
- 37457: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(7462),
- o = Object,
- f = e(''.split);
- T.exports = a(function () {
- return !o('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0);
- })
- ? function (b) {
- return t(b) === 'String' ? f(b, '') : o(b);
- }
- : o;
- },
- 5781: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(55747),
- a = n(77568),
- t = n(76649);
- T.exports = function (o, f, b) {
- var y, B;
- return t && e((y = f.constructor)) && y !== b && a((B = y.prototype)) && B !== b.prototype && t(o, B), o;
- };
- },
- 40492: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(55747),
- t = n(40095),
- o = e(Function.toString);
- a(t.inspectSource) ||
- (t.inspectSource = function (f) {
- return o(f);
- }),
- (T.exports = t.inspectSource);
- },
- 81969: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(79195),
- o = n(77568),
- f = n(45299),
- b = n(74595).f,
- y = n(37310),
- B = n(81644),
- k = n(81834),
- g = n(16738),
- i = n(50730),
- c = !1,
- m = g('meta'),
- l = 0,
- u = function (N) {
- b(N, m, { value: { objectID: 'O' + l++, weakData: {} } });
- },
- s = function (N, V) {
- if (!o(N)) return typeof N == 'symbol' ? N : (typeof N == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + N;
- if (!f(N, m)) {
- if (!k(N)) return 'F';
- if (!V) return 'E';
- u(N);
- }
- return N[m].objectID;
- },
- d = function (N, V) {
- if (!f(N, m)) {
- if (!k(N)) return !0;
- if (!V) return !1;
- u(N);
- }
- return N[m].weakData;
- },
- C = function (N) {
- return i && c && k(N) && !f(N, m) && u(N), N;
- },
- h = function () {
- (v.enable = function () {}), (c = !0);
- var N = y.f,
- V = a([].splice),
- S = {};
- (S[m] = 1),
- N(S).length &&
- ((y.f = function (I) {
- for (var L = N(I), w = 0, A = L.length; w < A; w++)
- if (L[w] === m) {
- V(L, w, 1);
- break;
- }
- return L;
- }),
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !0 }, { getOwnPropertyNames: B.f }));
- },
- v = (T.exports = { enable: h, fastKey: s, getWeakData: d, onFreeze: C });
- t[m] = !0;
- },
- 5419: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(21820),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(77568),
- o = n(37909),
- f = n(45299),
- b = n(40095),
- y = n(19417),
- B = n(79195),
- k = 'Object already initialized',
- g = a.TypeError,
- i = a.WeakMap,
- c,
- m,
- l,
- u = function (v) {
- return l(v) ? m(v) : c(v, {});
- },
- s = function (v) {
- return function (p) {
- var N;
- if (!t(p) || (N = m(p)).type !== v) throw new g('Incompatible receiver, ' + v + ' required');
- return N;
- };
- };
- if (e || b.state) {
- var d = b.state || (b.state = new i());
- (d.get = d.get),
- (d.has = d.has),
- (d.set = d.set),
- (c = function (v, p) {
- if (d.has(v)) throw new g(k);
- return (p.facade = v), d.set(v, p), p;
- }),
- (m = function (v) {
- return d.get(v) || {};
- }),
- (l = function (v) {
- return d.has(v);
- });
- } else {
- var C = y('state');
- (B[C] = !0),
- (c = function (v, p) {
- if (f(v, C)) throw new g(k);
- return (p.facade = v), o(v, C, p), p;
- }),
- (m = function (v) {
- return f(v, C) ? v[C] : {};
- }),
- (l = function (v) {
- return f(v, C);
- });
- }
- T.exports = { set: c, get: m, has: l, enforce: u, getterFor: s };
- },
- 76571: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(24697),
- a = n(83967),
- t = e('iterator'),
- o = Array.prototype;
- T.exports = function (f) {
- return f !== void 0 && (a.Array === f || o[t] === f);
- };
- },
- 37386: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(7462);
- T.exports =
- Array.isArray ||
- (function () {
- function a(t) {
- return e(t) === 'Array';
- }
- return a;
- })();
- },
- 40221: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(2281);
- T.exports = function (a) {
- var t = e(a);
- return t === 'BigInt64Array' || t === 'BigUint64Array';
- };
- },
- 55747: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = typeof document == 'object' && document.all;
- T.exports =
- typeof r == 'undefined' && r !== void 0
- ? function (n) {
- return typeof n == 'function' || n === r;
- }
- : function (n) {
- return typeof n == 'function';
- };
- },
- 1031: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(55747),
- o = n(2281),
- f = n(4009),
- b = n(40492),
- y = function () {},
- B = f('Reflect', 'construct'),
- k = /^\s*(?:class|function)\b/,
- g = e(k.exec),
- i = !k.test(y),
- c = (function () {
- function l(u) {
- if (!t(u)) return !1;
- try {
- return B(y, [], u), !0;
- } catch (s) {
- return !1;
- }
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- m = (function () {
- function l(u) {
- if (!t(u)) return !1;
- switch (o(u)) {
- case 'AsyncFunction':
- case 'GeneratorFunction':
- case 'AsyncGeneratorFunction':
- return !1;
- }
- try {
- return i || !!g(k, b(u));
- } catch (s) {
- return !0;
- }
- }
- return l;
- })();
- (m.sham = !0),
- (T.exports =
- !B ||
- a(function () {
- var l;
- return (
- c(c.call) ||
- !c(Object) ||
- !c(function () {
- l = !0;
- }) ||
- l
- );
- })
- ? m
- : c);
- },
- 98373: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(45299);
- T.exports = function (a) {
- return a !== void 0 && (e(a, 'value') || e(a, 'writable'));
- };
- },
- 41314: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033),
- a = n(55747),
- t = /#|\.prototype\./,
- o = function (g, i) {
- var c = b[f(g)];
- return c === B ? !0 : c === y ? !1 : a(i) ? e(i) : !!i;
- },
- f = (o.normalize = function (k) {
- return String(k).replace(t, '.').toLowerCase();
- }),
- b = (o.data = {}),
- y = (o.NATIVE = 'N'),
- B = (o.POLYFILL = 'P');
- T.exports = o;
- },
- 5841: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(77568),
- a = Math.floor;
- T.exports =
- Number.isInteger ||
- (function () {
- function t(o) {
- return !e(o) && isFinite(o) && a(o) === o;
- }
- return t;
- })();
- },
- 42871: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = function (r) {
- return r == null;
- };
- },
- 77568: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(55747);
- T.exports = function (a) {
- return typeof a == 'object' ? a !== null : e(a);
- };
- },
- 45015: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(77568);
- T.exports = function (a) {
- return e(a) || a === null;
- };
- },
- 4493: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = !1;
- },
- 72586: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(77568),
- a = n(7462),
- t = n(24697),
- o = t('match');
- T.exports = function (f) {
- var b;
- return e(f) && ((b = f[o]) !== void 0 ? !!b : a(f) === 'RegExp');
- };
- },
- 71399: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4009),
- a = n(55747),
- t = n(21287),
- o = n(1062),
- f = Object;
- T.exports = o
- ? function (b) {
- return typeof b == 'symbol';
- }
- : function (b) {
- var y = e('Symbol');
- return a(y) && t(y.prototype, f(b));
- };
- },
- 49450: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(75754),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(30365),
- o = n(89393),
- f = n(76571),
- b = n(24760),
- y = n(21287),
- B = n(77455),
- k = n(59201),
- g = n(28649),
- i = TypeError,
- c = function (u, s) {
- (this.stopped = u), (this.result = s);
- },
- m = c.prototype;
- T.exports = function (l, u, s) {
- var d = s && s.that,
- C = !!(s && s.AS_ENTRIES),
- h = !!(s && s.IS_RECORD),
- v = !!(s && s.IS_ITERATOR),
- p = !!(s && s.INTERRUPTED),
- N = e(u, d),
- V,
- S,
- I,
- L,
- w,
- A,
- x,
- E = function (M) {
- return V && g(V, 'normal', M), new c(!0, M);
- },
- P = function (M) {
- return C ? (t(M), p ? N(M[0], M[1], E) : N(M[0], M[1])) : p ? N(M, E) : N(M);
- };
- if (h) V = l.iterator;
- else if (v) V = l;
- else {
- if (((S = k(l)), !S)) throw new i(o(l) + ' is not iterable');
- if (f(S)) {
- for (I = 0, L = b(l); L > I; I++) if (((w = P(l[I])), w && y(m, w))) return w;
- return new c(!1);
- }
- V = B(l, S);
- }
- for (A = h ? l.next : V.next; !(x = a(A, V)).done; ) {
- try {
- w = P(x.value);
- } catch (D) {
- g(V, 'throw', D);
- }
- if (typeof w == 'object' && w && y(m, w)) return w;
- }
- return new c(!1);
- };
- },
- 28649: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(30365),
- t = n(78060);
- T.exports = function (o, f, b) {
- var y, B;
- a(o);
- try {
- if (((y = t(o, 'return')), !y)) {
- if (f === 'throw') throw b;
- return b;
- }
- y = e(y, o);
- } catch (k) {
- (B = !0), (y = k);
- }
- if (f === 'throw') throw b;
- if (B) throw y;
- return a(y), b;
- };
- },
- 5656: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67635).IteratorPrototype,
- a = n(80674),
- t = n(87458),
- o = n(84925),
- f = n(83967),
- b = function () {
- return this;
- };
- T.exports = function (y, B, k, g) {
- var i = B + ' Iterator';
- return (y.prototype = a(e, { next: t(+!g, k) })), o(y, i, !1, !0), (f[i] = b), y;
- };
- },
- 65574: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(4493),
- o = n(70520),
- f = n(55747),
- b = n(5656),
- y = n(36917),
- B = n(76649),
- k = n(84925),
- g = n(37909),
- i = n(55938),
- c = n(24697),
- m = n(83967),
- l = n(67635),
- u = o.PROPER,
- d = l.IteratorPrototype,
- h = c('iterator'),
- v = 'keys',
- p = 'values',
- N = 'entries',
- V = function () {
- return this;
- };
- T.exports = function (S, I, L, w, A, x, E) {
- b(L, I, w);
- var P = function (X) {
- if (X === A && F) return F;
- if (!C && X && X in R) return R[X];
- switch (X) {
- case v:
- return (function () {
- function J() {
- return new L(this, X);
- }
- return J;
- })();
- case p:
- return (function () {
- function J() {
- return new L(this, X);
- }
- return J;
- })();
- case N:
- return (function () {
- function J() {
- return new L(this, X);
- }
- return J;
- })();
- }
- return function () {
- return new L(this);
- };
- },
- D = I + ' Iterator',
- M = !1,
- R = S.prototype,
- O = R[h] || R['@@iterator'] || (A && R[A]),
- F = (!C && O) || P(A),
- _ = (I === 'Array' && R.entries) || O,
- U,
- z,
- $;
- if (
- (_ &&
- ((U = y(_.call(new S()))),
- U !== Object.prototype &&
- U.next &&
- (!t && y(U) !== d && (B ? B(U, d) : f(U[h]) || i(U, h, V)), k(U, D, !0, !0), t && (m[D] = V))),
- u &&
- A === p &&
- O &&
- O.name !== p &&
- (!t && s
- ? g(R, 'name', p)
- : ((M = !0),
- (F = (function () {
- function G() {
- return a(O, this);
- }
- return G;
- })()))),
- A)
- )
- if (((z = { values: P(p), keys: x ? F : P(v), entries: P(N) }), E))
- for ($ in z) (C || M || !($ in R)) && i(R, $, z[$]);
- else e({ target: I, proto: !0, forced: C || M }, z);
- return (!t || E) && R[h] !== F && i(R, h, F, { name: A }), (m[I] = F), z;
- };
- },
- 67635: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033),
- a = n(55747),
- t = n(77568),
- o = n(80674),
- f = n(36917),
- b = n(55938),
- y = n(24697),
- B = n(4493),
- k = y('iterator'),
- g = !1,
- i,
- c,
- m;
- [].keys && ((m = [].keys()), 'next' in m ? ((c = f(f(m))), c !== Object.prototype && (i = c)) : (g = !0));
- var l =
- !t(i) ||
- e(function () {
- var u = {};
- return i[k].call(u) !== u;
- });
- l ? (i = {}) : B && (i = o(i)),
- a(i[k]) ||
- b(i, k, function () {
- return this;
- }),
- (T.exports = { IteratorPrototype: i, BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS: g });
- },
- 83967: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = {};
- },
- 24760: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(10188);
- T.exports = function (a) {
- return e(a.length);
- };
- },
- 20001: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(55747),
- o = n(45299),
- f = n(58310),
- b = n(70520).CONFIGURABLE,
- y = n(40492),
- B = n(5419),
- k = B.enforce,
- g = B.get,
- i = String,
- c = Object.defineProperty,
- m = e(''.slice),
- l = e(''.replace),
- u = e([].join),
- s =
- f &&
- !a(function () {
- return c(function () {}, 'length', { value: 8 }).length !== 8;
- }),
- d = String(String).split('String'),
- C = (T.exports = function (h, v, p) {
- m(i(v), 0, 7) === 'Symbol(' && (v = '[' + l(i(v), /^Symbol\(([^)]*)\).*$/, '$1') + ']'),
- p && p.getter && (v = 'get ' + v),
- p && p.setter && (v = 'set ' + v),
- (!o(h, 'name') || (b && h.name !== v)) &&
- (f ? c(h, 'name', { value: v, configurable: !0 }) : (h.name = v)),
- s && p && o(p, 'arity') && h.length !== p.arity && c(h, 'length', { value: p.arity });
- try {
- p && o(p, 'constructor') && p.constructor
- ? f && c(h, 'prototype', { writable: !1 })
- : h.prototype && (h.prototype = void 0);
- } catch (V) {}
- var N = k(h);
- return o(N, 'source') || (N.source = u(d, typeof v == 'string' ? v : '')), h;
- });
- Function.prototype.toString = C(
- (function () {
- function h() {
- return (t(this) && g(this).source) || y(this);
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- 'toString'
- );
- },
- 82040: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = Math.expm1,
- n = Math.exp;
- T.exports =
- !r || r(10) > 22025.465794806718 || r(10) < 22025.465794806718 || r(-2e-17) !== -2e-17
- ? (function () {
- function e(a) {
- var t = +a;
- return t === 0 ? t : t > -1e-6 && t < 1e-6 ? t + (t * t) / 2 : n(t) - 1;
- }
- return e;
- })()
- : r;
- },
- 14950: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(22172),
- a = Math.abs,
- t = 2220446049250313e-31,
- o = 1 / t,
- f = function (y) {
- return y + o - o;
- };
- T.exports = function (b, y, B, k) {
- var g = +b,
- i = a(g),
- c = e(g);
- if (i < k) return c * f(i / k / y) * k * y;
- var m = (1 + y / t) * i,
- l = m - (m - i);
- return l > B || l !== l ? c * (1 / 0) : c * l;
- };
- },
- 95867: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(14950),
- a = 11920928955078125e-23,
- t = 34028234663852886e22,
- o = 11754943508222875e-54;
- T.exports =
- Math.fround ||
- (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return e(b, a, t, o);
- }
- return f;
- })();
- },
- 75002: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = Math.log,
- n = Math.LOG10E;
- T.exports =
- Math.log10 ||
- (function () {
- function e(a) {
- return r(a) * n;
- }
- return e;
- })();
- },
- 90874: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = Math.log;
- T.exports =
- Math.log1p ||
- (function () {
- function n(e) {
- var a = +e;
- return a > -1e-8 && a < 1e-8 ? a - (a * a) / 2 : r(1 + a);
- }
- return n;
- })();
- },
- 22172: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports =
- Math.sign ||
- (function () {
- function r(n) {
- var e = +n;
- return e === 0 || e !== e ? e : e < 0 ? -1 : 1;
- }
- return r;
- })();
- },
- 21119: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = Math.ceil,
- n = Math.floor;
- T.exports =
- Math.trunc ||
- (function () {
- function e(a) {
- var t = +a;
- return (t > 0 ? n : r)(t);
- }
- return e;
- })();
- },
- 37713: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(44915),
- t = n(75754),
- o = n(60375).set,
- f = n(9547),
- b = n(83433),
- y = n(51802),
- B = n(63383),
- k = n(81702),
- g = e.MutationObserver || e.WebKitMutationObserver,
- i = e.document,
- c = e.process,
- m = e.Promise,
- l = a('queueMicrotask'),
- u,
- s,
- d,
- C,
- h;
- if (!l) {
- var v = new f(),
- p = function () {
- var V, S;
- for (k && (V = c.domain) && V.exit(); (S = v.get()); )
- try {
- S();
- } catch (I) {
- throw (v.head && u(), I);
- }
- V && V.enter();
- };
- !b && !k && !B && g && i
- ? ((s = !0),
- (d = i.createTextNode('')),
- new g(p).observe(d, { characterData: !0 }),
- (u = function () {
- d.data = s = !s;
- }))
- : !y && m && m.resolve
- ? ((C = m.resolve(void 0)),
- (C.constructor = m),
- (h = t(C.then, C)),
- (u = function () {
- h(p);
- }))
- : k
- ? (u = function () {
- c.nextTick(p);
- })
- : ((o = t(o, e)),
- (u = function () {
- o(p);
- })),
- (l = function (V) {
- v.head || u(), v.add(V);
- });
- }
- T.exports = l;
- },
- 81837: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(10320),
- a = TypeError,
- t = function (f) {
- var b, y;
- (this.promise = new f(function (B, k) {
- if (b !== void 0 || y !== void 0) throw new a('Bad Promise constructor');
- (b = B), (y = k);
- })),
- (this.resolve = e(b)),
- (this.reject = e(y));
- };
- T.exports.f = function (o) {
- return new t(o);
- };
- },
- 86213: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(72586),
- a = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (t) {
- if (e(t)) throw new a("The method doesn't accept regular expressions");
- return t;
- };
- },
- 3294: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = e.isFinite;
- T.exports =
- Number.isFinite ||
- (function () {
- function t(o) {
- return typeof o == 'number' && a(o);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- },
- 28506: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(67250),
- o = n(12605),
- f = n(92648).trim,
- b = n(4198),
- y = t(''.charAt),
- B = e.parseFloat,
- k = e.Symbol,
- g = k && k.iterator,
- i =
- 1 / B(b + '-0') !== -1 / 0 ||
- (g &&
- !a(function () {
- B(Object(g));
- }));
- T.exports = i
- ? (function () {
- function c(m) {
- var l = f(o(m)),
- u = B(l);
- return u === 0 && y(l, 0) === '-' ? -0 : u;
- }
- return c;
- })()
- : B;
- },
- 13693: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(67250),
- o = n(12605),
- f = n(92648).trim,
- b = n(4198),
- y = e.parseInt,
- B = e.Symbol,
- k = B && B.iterator,
- g = /^[+-]?0x/i,
- i = t(g.exec),
- c =
- y(b + '08') !== 8 ||
- y(b + '0x16') !== 22 ||
- (k &&
- !a(function () {
- y(Object(k));
- }));
- T.exports = c
- ? (function () {
- function m(l, u) {
- var s = f(o(l));
- return y(s, u >>> 0 || (i(g, s) ? 16 : 10));
- }
- return m;
- })()
- : y;
- },
- 41143: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(91495),
- o = n(40033),
- f = n(18450),
- b = n(89235),
- y = n(12867),
- B = n(46771),
- k = n(37457),
- g = Object.assign,
- i = Object.defineProperty,
- c = a([].concat);
- T.exports =
- !g ||
- o(function () {
- if (
- e &&
- g(
- { b: 1 },
- g(
- i({}, 'a', {
- enumerable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function d() {
- i(this, 'b', { value: 3, enumerable: !1 });
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }),
- { b: 2 }
- )
- ).b !== 1
- )
- return !0;
- var m = {},
- l = {},
- u = Symbol('assign detection'),
- s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst';
- return (
- (m[u] = 7),
- s.split('').forEach(function (d) {
- l[d] = d;
- }),
- g({}, m)[u] !== 7 || f(g({}, l)).join('') !== s
- );
- })
- ? (function () {
- function m(l, u) {
- for (var s = B(l), d = arguments.length, C = 1, h = b.f, v = y.f; d > C; )
- for (var p = k(arguments[C++]), N = h ? c(f(p), h(p)) : f(p), V = N.length, S = 0, I; V > S; )
- (I = N[S++]), (!e || t(v, p, I)) && (s[I] = p[I]);
- return s;
- }
- return m;
- })()
- : g;
- },
- 80674: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(30365),
- a = n(24239),
- t = n(89453),
- o = n(79195),
- f = n(5315),
- b = n(12689),
- y = n(19417),
- B = '>',
- k = '<',
- g = 'prototype',
- i = 'script',
- c = y('IE_PROTO'),
- m = function () {},
- l = function (v) {
- return k + i + B + v + k + '/' + i + B;
- },
- u = function (v) {
- v.write(l('')), v.close();
- var p = v.parentWindow.Object;
- return (v = null), p;
- },
- s = function () {
- var v = b('iframe'),
- p = 'java' + i + ':',
- N;
- return (
- (v.style.display = 'none'),
- f.appendChild(v),
- (v.src = String(p)),
- (N = v.contentWindow.document),
- N.open(),
- N.write(l('document.F=Object')),
- N.close(),
- N.F
- );
- },
- d,
- C = function () {
- try {
- d = new ActiveXObject('htmlfile');
- } catch (p) {}
- C = typeof document != 'undefined' ? (document.domain && d ? u(d) : s()) : u(d);
- for (var v = t.length; v--; ) delete C[g][t[v]];
- return C();
- };
- (o[c] = !0),
- (T.exports =
- Object.create ||
- (function () {
- function h(v, p) {
- var N;
- return (
- v !== null ? ((m[g] = e(v)), (N = new m()), (m[g] = null), (N[c] = v)) : (N = C()),
- p === void 0 ? N : a.f(N, p)
- );
- }
- return h;
- })());
- },
- 24239: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(80944),
- t = n(74595),
- o = n(30365),
- f = n(57591),
- b = n(18450);
- r.f =
- e && !a
- ? Object.defineProperties
- : (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- o(B);
- for (var g = f(k), i = b(k), c = i.length, m = 0, l; c > m; ) t.f(B, (l = i[m++]), g[l]);
- return B;
- }
- return y;
- })();
- },
- 74595: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(36223),
- t = n(80944),
- o = n(30365),
- f = n(767),
- b = TypeError,
- y = Object.defineProperty,
- B = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
- k = 'enumerable',
- g = 'configurable',
- i = 'writable';
- r.f = e
- ? t
- ? (function () {
- function c(m, l, u) {
- if (
- (o(m),
- (l = f(l)),
- o(u),
- typeof m == 'function' && l === 'prototype' && 'value' in u && i in u && !u[i])
- ) {
- var s = B(m, l);
- s &&
- s[i] &&
- ((m[l] = u.value),
- (u = { configurable: g in u ? u[g] : s[g], enumerable: k in u ? u[k] : s[k], writable: !1 }));
- }
- return y(m, l, u);
- }
- return c;
- })()
- : y
- : (function () {
- function c(m, l, u) {
- if ((o(m), (l = f(l)), o(u), a))
- try {
- return y(m, l, u);
- } catch (s) {}
- if ('get' in u || 'set' in u) throw new b('Accessors not supported');
- return 'value' in u && (m[l] = u.value), m;
- }
- return c;
- })();
- },
- 27193: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(12867),
- o = n(87458),
- f = n(57591),
- b = n(767),
- y = n(45299),
- B = n(36223),
- k = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
- r.f = e
- ? k
- : (function () {
- function g(i, c) {
- if (((i = f(i)), (c = b(c)), B))
- try {
- return k(i, c);
- } catch (m) {}
- if (y(i, c)) return o(!a(t.f, i, c), i[c]);
- }
- return g;
- })();
- },
- 81644: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(7462),
- a = n(57591),
- t = n(37310).f,
- o = n(54602),
- f =
- typeof window == 'object' && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames
- ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window)
- : [],
- b = function (B) {
- try {
- return t(B);
- } catch (k) {
- return o(f);
- }
- };
- T.exports.f = (function () {
- function y(B) {
- return f && e(B) === 'Window' ? b(B) : t(a(B));
- }
- return y;
- })();
- },
- 37310: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(53726),
- a = n(89453),
- t = a.concat('length', 'prototype');
- r.f =
- Object.getOwnPropertyNames ||
- (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return e(f, t);
- }
- return o;
- })();
- },
- 89235: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- r.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
- },
- 36917: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(45299),
- a = n(55747),
- t = n(46771),
- o = n(19417),
- f = n(9225),
- b = o('IE_PROTO'),
- y = Object,
- B = y.prototype;
- T.exports = f
- ? y.getPrototypeOf
- : function (k) {
- var g = t(k);
- if (e(g, b)) return g[b];
- var i = g.constructor;
- return a(i) && g instanceof i ? i.prototype : g instanceof y ? B : null;
- };
- },
- 81834: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033),
- a = n(77568),
- t = n(7462),
- o = n(3782),
- f = Object.isExtensible,
- b = e(function () {
- f(1);
- });
- T.exports =
- b || o
- ? (function () {
- function y(B) {
- return !a(B) || (o && t(B) === 'ArrayBuffer') ? !1 : f ? f(B) : !0;
- }
- return y;
- })()
- : f;
- },
- 21287: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250);
- T.exports = e({}.isPrototypeOf);
- },
- 53726: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(45299),
- t = n(57591),
- o = n(14211).indexOf,
- f = n(79195),
- b = e([].push);
- T.exports = function (y, B) {
- var k = t(y),
- g = 0,
- i = [],
- c;
- for (c in k) !a(f, c) && a(k, c) && b(i, c);
- for (; B.length > g; ) a(k, (c = B[g++])) && (~o(i, c) || b(i, c));
- return i;
- };
- },
- 18450: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(53726),
- a = n(89453);
- T.exports =
- Object.keys ||
- (function () {
- function t(o) {
- return e(o, a);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- },
- 12867: function (T, r) {
- 'use strict';
- var n = {}.propertyIsEnumerable,
- e = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
- a = e && !n.call({ 1: 2 }, 1);
- r.f = a
- ? (function () {
- function t(o) {
- var f = e(this, o);
- return !!f && f.enumerable;
- }
- return t;
- })()
- : n;
- },
- 57377: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4493),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(40033),
- o = n(9342);
- T.exports =
- e ||
- !t(function () {
- if (!(o && o < 535)) {
- var f = Math.random();
- __defineSetter__.call(null, f, function () {}), delete a[f];
- }
- });
- },
- 76649: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(38656),
- a = n(77568),
- t = n(16952),
- o = n(35908);
- T.exports =
- Object.setPrototypeOf ||
- ('__proto__' in {}
- ? (function () {
- var f = !1,
- b = {},
- y;
- try {
- (y = e(Object.prototype, '__proto__', 'set')), y(b, []), (f = b instanceof Array);
- } catch (B) {}
- return (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- return t(k), o(g), a(k) && (f ? y(k, g) : (k.__proto__ = g)), k;
- }
- return B;
- })();
- })()
- : void 0);
- },
- 70915: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(67250),
- o = n(36917),
- f = n(18450),
- b = n(57591),
- y = n(12867).f,
- B = t(y),
- k = t([].push),
- g =
- e &&
- a(function () {
- var c = Object.create(null);
- return (c[2] = 2), !B(c, 2);
- }),
- i = function (m) {
- return function (l) {
- for (var u = b(l), s = f(u), d = g && o(u) === null, C = s.length, h = 0, v = [], p; C > h; )
- (p = s[h++]), (!e || (d ? p in u : B(u, p))) && k(v, m ? [p, u[p]] : u[p]);
- return v;
- };
- };
- T.exports = { entries: i(!0), values: i(!1) };
- },
- 2509: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(2650),
- a = n(2281);
- T.exports = e
- ? {}.toString
- : (function () {
- function t() {
- return '[object ' + a(this) + ']';
- }
- return t;
- })();
- },
- 13396: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(55747),
- t = n(77568),
- o = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (f, b) {
- var y, B;
- if (
- (b === 'string' && a((y = f.toString)) && !t((B = e(y, f)))) ||
- (a((y = f.valueOf)) && !t((B = e(y, f)))) ||
- (b !== 'string' && a((y = f.toString)) && !t((B = e(y, f))))
- )
- return B;
- throw new o("Can't convert object to primitive value");
- };
- },
- 97921: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4009),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(37310),
- o = n(89235),
- f = n(30365),
- b = a([].concat);
- T.exports =
- e('Reflect', 'ownKeys') ||
- (function () {
- function y(B) {
- var k = t.f(f(B)),
- g = o.f;
- return g ? b(k, g(B)) : k;
- }
- return y;
- })();
- },
- 61765: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685);
- T.exports = e;
- },
- 10729: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports = function (r) {
- try {
- return { error: !1, value: r() };
- } catch (n) {
- return { error: !0, value: n };
- }
- };
- },
- 74854: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(67512),
- t = n(55747),
- o = n(41314),
- f = n(40492),
- b = n(24697),
- y = n(8180),
- B = n(73730),
- k = n(4493),
- g = n(5026),
- i = a && a.prototype,
- c = b('species'),
- m = !1,
- l = t(e.PromiseRejectionEvent),
- u = o('Promise', function () {
- var s = f(a),
- d = s !== String(a);
- if ((!d && g === 66) || (k && !(i.catch && i.finally))) return !0;
- if (!g || g < 51 || !/native code/.test(s)) {
- var C = new a(function (p) {
- p(1);
- }),
- h = function (N) {
- N(
- function () {},
- function () {}
- );
- },
- v = (C.constructor = {});
- if (((v[c] = h), (m = C.then(function () {}) instanceof h), !m)) return !0;
- }
- return !d && (y || B) && !l;
- });
- },
- 67512: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685);
- T.exports = e.Promise;
- },
- 66628: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(30365),
- a = n(77568),
- t = n(81837);
- T.exports = function (o, f) {
- if ((e(o), a(f) && f.constructor === o)) return f;
- var b = t.f(o),
- y = b.resolve;
- return y(f), b.promise;
- };
- },
- 48199: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67512),
- a = n(92490),
- t = n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR;
- T.exports =
- t ||
- !a(function (o) {
- e.all(o).then(void 0, function () {});
- });
- },
- 34550: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74595).f;
- T.exports = function (a, t, o) {
- o in a ||
- e(a, o, {
- configurable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function f() {
- return t[o];
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- set: (function () {
- function f(b) {
- t[o] = b;
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- });
- };
- },
- 9547: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = function () {
- (this.head = null), (this.tail = null);
- };
- (r.prototype = {
- add: (function () {
- function n(e) {
- var a = { item: e, next: null },
- t = this.tail;
- t ? (t.next = a) : (this.head = a), (this.tail = a);
- }
- return n;
- })(),
- get: (function () {
- function n() {
- var e = this.head;
- if (e) {
- var a = (this.head = e.next);
- return a === null && (this.tail = null), e.item;
- }
- }
- return n;
- })(),
- }),
- (T.exports = r);
- },
- 28340: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(30365),
- t = n(55747),
- o = n(7462),
- f = n(14489),
- b = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (y, B) {
- var k = y.exec;
- if (t(k)) {
- var g = e(k, y, B);
- return g !== null && a(g), g;
- }
- if (o(y) === 'RegExp') return e(f, y, B);
- throw new b('RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver');
- };
- },
- 14489: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(12605),
- o = n(70901),
- f = n(62115),
- b = n(16639),
- y = n(80674),
- B = n(5419).get,
- k = n(39173),
- g = n(35688),
- i = b('native-string-replace', String.prototype.replace),
- c = RegExp.prototype.exec,
- m = c,
- l = a(''.charAt),
- u = a(''.indexOf),
- s = a(''.replace),
- d = a(''.slice),
- C = (function () {
- var N = /a/,
- V = /b*/g;
- return e(c, N, 'a'), e(c, V, 'a'), N.lastIndex !== 0 || V.lastIndex !== 0;
- })(),
- v = /()??/.exec('')[1] !== void 0,
- p = C || v || h || k || g;
- p &&
- (m = (function () {
- function N(V) {
- var S = this,
- I = B(S),
- L = t(V),
- w = I.raw,
- A,
- x,
- E,
- P,
- D,
- M,
- R;
- if (w) return (w.lastIndex = S.lastIndex), (A = e(m, w, L)), (S.lastIndex = w.lastIndex), A;
- var O = I.groups,
- F = h && S.sticky,
- _ = e(o, S),
- U = S.source,
- z = 0,
- $ = L;
- if (
- (F &&
- ((_ = s(_, 'y', '')),
- u(_, 'g') === -1 && (_ += 'g'),
- ($ = d(L, S.lastIndex)),
- S.lastIndex > 0 &&
- (!S.multiline || (S.multiline && l(L, S.lastIndex - 1) !== '\n')) &&
- ((U = '(?: ' + U + ')'), ($ = ' ' + $), z++),
- (x = new RegExp('^(?:' + U + ')', _))),
- v && (x = new RegExp('^' + U + '$(?!\\s)', _)),
- C && (E = S.lastIndex),
- (P = e(c, F ? x : S, $)),
- F
- ? P
- ? ((P.input = d(P.input, z)),
- (P[0] = d(P[0], z)),
- (P.index = S.lastIndex),
- (S.lastIndex += P[0].length))
- : (S.lastIndex = 0)
- : C && P && (S.lastIndex = S.global ? P.index + P[0].length : E),
- v &&
- P &&
- P.length > 1 &&
- e(i, P[0], x, function () {
- for (D = 1; D < arguments.length - 2; D++) arguments[D] === void 0 && (P[D] = void 0);
- }),
- P && O)
- )
- for (P.groups = M = y(null), D = 0; D < O.length; D++) (R = O[D]), (M[R[0]] = P[R[1]]);
- return P;
- }
- return N;
- })()),
- (T.exports = m);
- },
- 70901: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(30365);
- T.exports = function () {
- var a = e(this),
- t = '';
- return (
- a.hasIndices && (t += 'd'),
- a.global && (t += 'g'),
- a.ignoreCase && (t += 'i'),
- a.multiline && (t += 'm'),
- a.dotAll && (t += 's'),
- a.unicode && (t += 'u'),
- a.unicodeSets && (t += 'v'),
- a.sticky && (t += 'y'),
- t
- );
- };
- },
- 73392: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(45299),
- t = n(21287),
- o = n(70901),
- f = RegExp.prototype;
- T.exports = function (b) {
- var y = b.flags;
- return y === void 0 && !('flags' in f) && !a(b, 'flags') && t(f, b) ? e(o, b) : y;
- };
- },
- 62115: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033),
- a = n(74685),
- t = a.RegExp,
- o = e(function () {
- var y = t('a', 'y');
- return (y.lastIndex = 2), y.exec('abcd') !== null;
- }),
- f =
- o ||
- e(function () {
- return !t('a', 'y').sticky;
- }),
- b =
- o ||
- e(function () {
- var y = t('^r', 'gy');
- return (y.lastIndex = 2), y.exec('str') !== null;
- });
- },
- 39173: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033),
- a = n(74685),
- t = a.RegExp;
- T.exports = e(function () {
- var o = t('.', 's');
- return !(o.dotAll && o.test('\n') && o.flags === 's');
- });
- },
- 35688: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033),
- a = n(74685),
- t = a.RegExp;
- T.exports = e(function () {
- var o = t('(?b)', 'g');
- return o.exec('b').groups.a !== 'b' || 'b'.replace(o, '$c') !== 'bc';
- });
- },
- 16952: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(42871),
- a = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (t) {
- if (e(t)) throw new a("Can't call method on " + t);
- return t;
- };
- },
- 44915: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(58310),
- t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
- T.exports = function (o) {
- if (!a) return e[o];
- var f = t(e, o);
- return f && f.value;
- };
- },
- 5700: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports =
- Object.is ||
- (function () {
- function r(n, e) {
- return n === e ? n !== 0 || 1 / n === 1 / e : n !== n && e !== e;
- }
- return r;
- })();
- },
- 78362: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(61267),
- t = n(55747),
- o = n(49197),
- f = n(63318),
- b = n(54602),
- y = n(24986),
- B = e.Function,
- k =
- /MSIE .\./.test(f) ||
- (o &&
- (function () {
- var g = e.Bun.version.split('.');
- return g.length < 3 || (g[0] === '0' && (g[1] < 3 || (g[1] === '3' && g[2] === '0')));
- })());
- T.exports = function (g, i) {
- var c = i ? 2 : 1;
- return k
- ? function (m, l) {
- var u = y(arguments.length, 1) > c,
- s = t(m) ? m : B(m),
- d = u ? b(arguments, c) : [],
- C = u
- ? function () {
- a(s, this, d);
- }
- : s;
- return i ? g(C, l) : g(C);
- }
- : g;
- };
- },
- 58491: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4009),
- a = n(73936),
- t = n(24697),
- o = n(58310),
- f = t('species');
- T.exports = function (b) {
- var y = e(b);
- o &&
- y &&
- !y[f] &&
- a(y, f, {
- configurable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function B() {
- return this;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- });
- };
- },
- 84925: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74595).f,
- a = n(45299),
- t = n(24697),
- o = t('toStringTag');
- T.exports = function (f, b, y) {
- f && !y && (f = f.prototype), f && !a(f, o) && e(f, o, { configurable: !0, value: b });
- };
- },
- 19417: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(16639),
- a = n(16738),
- t = e('keys');
- T.exports = function (o) {
- return t[o] || (t[o] = a(o));
- };
- },
- 40095: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4493),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(18231),
- o = '__core-js_shared__',
- f = (T.exports = a[o] || t(o, {}));
- (f.versions || (f.versions = [])).push({
- version: '3.37.1',
- mode: e ? 'pure' : 'global',
- copyright: '\xA9 2014-2024 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)',
- license: 'https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/v3.37.1/LICENSE',
- source: 'https://github.com/zloirock/core-js',
- });
- },
- 16639: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40095);
- T.exports = function (a, t) {
- return e[a] || (e[a] = t || {});
- };
- },
- 28987: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(30365),
- a = n(32606),
- t = n(42871),
- o = n(24697),
- f = o('species');
- T.exports = function (b, y) {
- var B = e(b).constructor,
- k;
- return B === void 0 || t((k = e(B)[f])) ? y : a(k);
- };
- },
- 88539: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(40033);
- T.exports = function (a) {
- return e(function () {
- var t = ''[a]('"');
- return t !== t.toLowerCase() || t.split('"').length > 3;
- });
- };
- },
- 50233: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(61365),
- t = n(12605),
- o = n(16952),
- f = e(''.charAt),
- b = e(''.charCodeAt),
- y = e(''.slice),
- B = function (g) {
- return function (i, c) {
- var m = t(o(i)),
- l = a(c),
- u = m.length,
- s,
- d;
- return l < 0 || l >= u
- ? g
- ? ''
- : void 0
- : ((s = b(m, l)),
- s < 55296 || s > 56319 || l + 1 === u || (d = b(m, l + 1)) < 56320 || d > 57343
- ? g
- ? f(m, l)
- : s
- : g
- ? y(m, l, l + 2)
- : ((s - 55296) << 10) + (d - 56320) + 65536);
- };
- };
- T.exports = { codeAt: B(!1), charAt: B(!0) };
- },
- 34125: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63318);
- T.exports = /Version\/10(?:\.\d+){1,2}(?: [\w./]+)?(?: Mobile\/\w+)? Safari\//.test(e);
- },
- 24051: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(10188),
- t = n(12605),
- o = n(62443),
- f = n(16952),
- b = e(o),
- y = e(''.slice),
- B = Math.ceil,
- k = function (i) {
- return function (c, m, l) {
- var u = t(f(c)),
- s = a(m),
- d = u.length,
- C = l === void 0 ? ' ' : t(l),
- h,
- v;
- return s <= d || C === ''
- ? u
- : ((h = s - d), (v = b(C, B(h / C.length))), v.length > h && (v = y(v, 0, h)), i ? u + v : v + u);
- };
- };
- T.exports = { start: k(!1), end: k(!0) };
- },
- 62443: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(61365),
- a = n(12605),
- t = n(16952),
- o = RangeError;
- T.exports = (function () {
- function f(b) {
- var y = a(t(this)),
- B = '',
- k = e(b);
- if (k < 0 || k === 1 / 0) throw new o('Wrong number of repetitions');
- for (; k > 0; (k >>>= 1) && (y += y)) k & 1 && (B += y);
- return B;
- }
- return f;
- })();
- },
- 43476: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(92648).end,
- a = n(90012);
- T.exports = a('trimEnd')
- ? (function () {
- function t() {
- return e(this);
- }
- return t;
- })()
- : ''.trimEnd;
- },
- 90012: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(70520).PROPER,
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(4198),
- o = '\u200B\x85\u180E';
- T.exports = function (f) {
- return a(function () {
- return !!t[f]() || o[f]() !== o || (e && t[f].name !== f);
- });
- };
- },
- 43885: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(92648).start,
- a = n(90012);
- T.exports = a('trimStart')
- ? (function () {
- function t() {
- return e(this);
- }
- return t;
- })()
- : ''.trimStart;
- },
- 92648: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(16952),
- t = n(12605),
- o = n(4198),
- f = e(''.replace),
- b = RegExp('^[' + o + ']+'),
- y = RegExp('(^|[^' + o + '])[' + o + ']+$'),
- B = function (g) {
- return function (i) {
- var c = t(a(i));
- return g & 1 && (c = f(c, b, '')), g & 2 && (c = f(c, y, '$1')), c;
- };
- };
- T.exports = { start: B(1), end: B(2), trim: B(3) };
- },
- 52357: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(5026),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(74685),
- o = t.String;
- T.exports =
- !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols &&
- !a(function () {
- var f = Symbol('symbol detection');
- return !o(f) || !(Object(f) instanceof Symbol) || (!Symbol.sham && e && e < 41);
- });
- },
- 52360: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(4009),
- t = n(24697),
- o = n(55938);
- T.exports = function () {
- var f = a('Symbol'),
- b = f && f.prototype,
- y = b && b.valueOf,
- B = t('toPrimitive');
- b &&
- !b[B] &&
- o(
- b,
- B,
- function (k) {
- return e(y, this);
- },
- { arity: 1 }
- );
- };
- },
- 66570: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(52357);
- T.exports = e && !!Symbol.for && !!Symbol.keyFor;
- },
- 60375: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(61267),
- t = n(75754),
- o = n(55747),
- f = n(45299),
- b = n(40033),
- y = n(5315),
- B = n(54602),
- k = n(12689),
- g = n(24986),
- i = n(83433),
- c = n(81702),
- m = e.setImmediate,
- l = e.clearImmediate,
- u = e.process,
- s = e.Dispatch,
- d = e.Function,
- C = e.MessageChannel,
- h = e.String,
- v = 0,
- p = {},
- N = 'onreadystatechange',
- V,
- S,
- I,
- L;
- b(function () {
- V = e.location;
- });
- var w = function (D) {
- if (f(p, D)) {
- var M = p[D];
- delete p[D], M();
- }
- },
- A = function (D) {
- return function () {
- w(D);
- };
- },
- x = function (D) {
- w(D.data);
- },
- E = function (D) {
- e.postMessage(h(D), V.protocol + '//' + V.host);
- };
- (!m || !l) &&
- ((m = (function () {
- function P(D) {
- g(arguments.length, 1);
- var M = o(D) ? D : d(D),
- R = B(arguments, 1);
- return (
- (p[++v] = function () {
- a(M, void 0, R);
- }),
- S(v),
- v
- );
- }
- return P;
- })()),
- (l = (function () {
- function P(D) {
- delete p[D];
- }
- return P;
- })()),
- c
- ? (S = function (D) {
- u.nextTick(A(D));
- })
- : s && s.now
- ? (S = function (D) {
- s.now(A(D));
- })
- : C && !i
- ? ((I = new C()), (L = I.port2), (I.port1.onmessage = x), (S = t(L.postMessage, L)))
- : e.addEventListener && o(e.postMessage) && !e.importScripts && V && V.protocol !== 'file:' && !b(E)
- ? ((S = E), e.addEventListener('message', x, !1))
- : N in k('script')
- ? (S = function (D) {
- y.appendChild(k('script'))[N] = function () {
- y.removeChild(this), w(D);
- };
- })
- : (S = function (D) {
- setTimeout(A(D), 0);
- })),
- (T.exports = { set: m, clear: l });
- },
- 46438: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250);
- T.exports = e((1).valueOf);
- },
- 13912: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(61365),
- a = Math.max,
- t = Math.min;
- T.exports = function (o, f) {
- var b = e(o);
- return b < 0 ? a(b + f, 0) : t(b, f);
- };
- },
- 61484: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(24843),
- a = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (t) {
- var o = e(t, 'number');
- if (typeof o == 'number') throw new a("Can't convert number to bigint");
- return BigInt(o);
- };
- },
- 43806: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(61365),
- a = n(10188),
- t = RangeError;
- T.exports = function (o) {
- if (o === void 0) return 0;
- var f = e(o),
- b = a(f);
- if (f !== b) throw new t('Wrong length or index');
- return b;
- };
- },
- 57591: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(37457),
- a = n(16952);
- T.exports = function (t) {
- return e(a(t));
- };
- },
- 61365: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(21119);
- T.exports = function (a) {
- var t = +a;
- return t !== t || t === 0 ? 0 : e(t);
- };
- },
- 10188: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(61365),
- a = Math.min;
- T.exports = function (t) {
- var o = e(t);
- return o > 0 ? a(o, 9007199254740991) : 0;
- };
- },
- 46771: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(16952),
- a = Object;
- T.exports = function (t) {
- return a(e(t));
- };
- },
- 56043: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(16140),
- a = RangeError;
- T.exports = function (t, o) {
- var f = e(t);
- if (f % o) throw new a('Wrong offset');
- return f;
- };
- },
- 16140: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(61365),
- a = RangeError;
- T.exports = function (t) {
- var o = e(t);
- if (o < 0) throw new a("The argument can't be less than 0");
- return o;
- };
- },
- 24843: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(77568),
- t = n(71399),
- o = n(78060),
- f = n(13396),
- b = n(24697),
- y = TypeError,
- B = b('toPrimitive');
- T.exports = function (k, g) {
- if (!a(k) || t(k)) return k;
- var i = o(k, B),
- c;
- if (i) {
- if ((g === void 0 && (g = 'default'), (c = e(i, k, g)), !a(c) || t(c))) return c;
- throw new y("Can't convert object to primitive value");
- }
- return g === void 0 && (g = 'number'), f(k, g);
- };
- },
- 767: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(24843),
- a = n(71399);
- T.exports = function (t) {
- var o = e(t, 'string');
- return a(o) ? o : o + '';
- };
- },
- 2650: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(24697),
- a = e('toStringTag'),
- t = {};
- (t[a] = 'z'), (T.exports = String(t) === '[object z]');
- },
- 12605: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(2281),
- a = String;
- T.exports = function (t) {
- if (e(t) === 'Symbol') throw new TypeError('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string');
- return a(t);
- };
- },
- 15409: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = Math.round;
- T.exports = function (n) {
- var e = r(n);
- return e < 0 ? 0 : e > 255 ? 255 : e & 255;
- };
- },
- 89393: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = String;
- T.exports = function (n) {
- try {
- return r(n);
- } catch (e) {
- return 'Object';
- }
- };
- },
- 80185: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(91495),
- o = n(58310),
- f = n(86563),
- b = n(4246),
- y = n(37336),
- B = n(60077),
- k = n(87458),
- g = n(37909),
- i = n(5841),
- c = n(10188),
- m = n(43806),
- l = n(56043),
- u = n(15409),
- s = n(767),
- d = n(45299),
- C = n(2281),
- h = n(77568),
- v = n(71399),
- p = n(80674),
- N = n(21287),
- V = n(76649),
- S = n(37310).f,
- I = n(3805),
- L = n(22603).forEach,
- w = n(58491),
- A = n(73936),
- x = n(74595),
- E = n(27193),
- P = n(78008),
- D = n(5419),
- M = n(5781),
- R = D.get,
- O = D.set,
- F = D.enforce,
- _ = x.f,
- U = E.f,
- z = a.RangeError,
- $ = y.ArrayBuffer,
- G = $.prototype,
- X = y.DataView,
- ie = b.TypedArray,
- me = b.TypedArrayPrototype,
- q = b.isTypedArray,
- ae = 'Wrong length',
- le = function (ce, Ve) {
- A(ce, Ve, {
- configurable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function Ce() {
- return R(this)[Ve];
- }
- return Ce;
- })(),
- });
- },
- Z = function (ce) {
- var Ve;
- return N(G, ce) || (Ve = C(ce)) === 'ArrayBuffer' || Ve === 'SharedArrayBuffer';
- },
- ne = function (ce, Ve) {
- return q(ce) && !v(Ve) && Ve in ce && i(+Ve) && Ve >= 0;
- },
- te = (function () {
- function pe(ce, Ve) {
- return (Ve = s(Ve)), ne(ce, Ve) ? k(2, ce[Ve]) : U(ce, Ve);
- }
- return pe;
- })(),
- fe = (function () {
- function pe(ce, Ve, Ce) {
- return (
- (Ve = s(Ve)),
- ne(ce, Ve) &&
- h(Ce) &&
- d(Ce, 'value') &&
- !d(Ce, 'get') &&
- !d(Ce, 'set') &&
- !Ce.configurable &&
- (!d(Ce, 'writable') || Ce.writable) &&
- (!d(Ce, 'enumerable') || Ce.enumerable)
- ? ((ce[Ve] = Ce.value), ce)
- : _(ce, Ve, Ce)
- );
- }
- return pe;
- })();
- o
- ? (J ||
- ((E.f = te),
- (x.f = fe),
- le(me, 'buffer'),
- le(me, 'byteOffset'),
- le(me, 'byteLength'),
- le(me, 'length')),
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !J }, { getOwnPropertyDescriptor: te, defineProperty: fe }),
- (T.exports = function (pe, ce, Ve) {
- var Ce = pe.match(/\d+/)[0] / 8,
- Ne = pe + (Ve ? 'Clamped' : '') + 'Array',
- Be = 'get' + pe,
- be = 'set' + pe,
- Le = a[Ne],
- we = Le,
- xe = we && we.prototype,
- Re = {},
- He = function (ve, Se) {
- var Pe = R(ve);
- return Pe.view[Be](Se * Ce + Pe.byteOffset, !0);
- },
- ye = function (ve, Se, Pe) {
- var je = R(ve);
- je.view[be](Se * Ce + je.byteOffset, Ve ? u(Pe) : Pe, !0);
- },
- de = function (ve, Se) {
- _(ve, Se, {
- get: (function () {
- function Pe() {
- return He(this, Se);
- }
- return Pe;
- })(),
- set: (function () {
- function Pe(je) {
- return ye(this, Se, je);
- }
- return Pe;
- })(),
- enumerable: !0,
- });
- };
- J
- ? f &&
- ((we = ce(function (ke, ve, Se, Pe) {
- return (
- B(ke, xe),
- M(
- (function () {
- return h(ve)
- ? Z(ve)
- ? Pe !== void 0
- ? new Le(ve, l(Se, Ce), Pe)
- : Se !== void 0
- ? new Le(ve, l(Se, Ce))
- : new Le(ve)
- : q(ve)
- ? P(we, ve)
- : t(I, we, ve)
- : new Le(m(ve));
- })(),
- ke,
- we
- )
- );
- })),
- V && V(we, ie),
- L(S(Le), function (ke) {
- ke in we || g(we, ke, Le[ke]);
- }),
- (we.prototype = xe))
- : ((we = ce(function (ke, ve, Se, Pe) {
- B(ke, xe);
- var je = 0,
- Fe = 0,
- ze,
- We,
- Ue;
- if (!h(ve)) (Ue = m(ve)), (We = Ue * Ce), (ze = new $(We));
- else if (Z(ve)) {
- (ze = ve), (Fe = l(Se, Ce));
- var Xe = ve.byteLength;
- if (Pe === void 0) {
- if (Xe % Ce) throw new z(ae);
- if (((We = Xe - Fe), We < 0)) throw new z(ae);
- } else if (((We = c(Pe) * Ce), We + Fe > Xe)) throw new z(ae);
- Ue = We / Ce;
- } else return q(ve) ? P(we, ve) : t(I, we, ve);
- for (
- O(ke, { buffer: ze, byteOffset: Fe, byteLength: We, length: Ue, view: new X(ze) });
- je < Ue;
- )
- de(ke, je++);
- })),
- V && V(we, ie),
- (xe = we.prototype = p(me))),
- xe.constructor !== we && g(xe, 'constructor', we),
- (F(xe).TypedArrayConstructor = we),
- se && g(xe, se, Ne);
- var he = we !== Le;
- (Re[Ne] = we),
- e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, forced: he, sham: !J }, Re),
- re in we || g(we, re, Ce),
- re in xe || g(xe, re, Ce),
- w(Ne);
- }))
- : (T.exports = function () {});
- },
- 86563: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(92490),
- f = e.ArrayBuffer,
- b = e.Int8Array;
- T.exports =
- !o ||
- !a(function () {
- b(1);
- }) ||
- !a(function () {
- new b(-1);
- }) ||
- !t(function (y) {
- new b(), new b(null), new b(1.5), new b(y);
- }, !0) ||
- a(function () {
- return new b(new f(2), 1, void 0).length !== 1;
- });
- },
- 45399: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(78008),
- a = n(31082);
- T.exports = function (t, o) {
- return e(a(t), o);
- };
- },
- 3805: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(75754),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(32606),
- o = n(46771),
- f = n(24760),
- b = n(77455),
- y = n(59201),
- B = n(76571),
- k = n(40221),
- g = n(4246).aTypedArrayConstructor,
- i = n(61484);
- T.exports = (function () {
- function c(m) {
- var l = t(this),
- u = o(m),
- s = arguments.length,
- d = s > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0,
- C = d !== void 0,
- h = y(u),
- v,
- p,
- N,
- V,
- S,
- I,
- L,
- w;
- if (h && !B(h)) for (L = b(u, h), w = L.next, u = []; !(I = a(w, L)).done; ) u.push(I.value);
- for (C && s > 2 && (d = e(d, arguments[2])), p = f(u), N = new (g(l))(p), V = k(N), v = 0; p > v; v++)
- (S = C ? d(u[v], v) : u[v]), (N[v] = V ? i(S) : +S);
- return N;
- }
- return c;
- })();
- },
- 31082: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(28987),
- t = e.aTypedArrayConstructor,
- o = e.getTypedArrayConstructor;
- T.exports = function (f) {
- return t(a(f, o(f)));
- };
- },
- 16738: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = 0,
- t = Math.random(),
- o = e((1).toString);
- T.exports = function (f) {
- return 'Symbol(' + (f === void 0 ? '' : f) + ')_' + o(++a + t, 36);
- };
- },
- 1062: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(52357);
- T.exports = e && !Symbol.sham && typeof Symbol.iterator == 'symbol';
- },
- 80944: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(40033);
- T.exports =
- e &&
- a(function () {
- return Object.defineProperty(function () {}, 'prototype', { value: 42, writable: !1 }).prototype !== 42;
- });
- },
- 24986: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- var r = TypeError;
- T.exports = function (n, e) {
- if (n < e) throw new r('Not enough arguments');
- return n;
- };
- },
- 21820: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(55747),
- t = e.WeakMap;
- T.exports = a(t) && /native code/.test(String(t));
- },
- 85889: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(61765),
- a = n(45299),
- t = n(55557),
- o = n(74595).f;
- T.exports = function (f) {
- var b = e.Symbol || (e.Symbol = {});
- a(b, f) || o(b, f, { value: t.f(f) });
- };
- },
- 55557: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(24697);
- r.f = e;
- },
- 24697: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(16639),
- t = n(45299),
- o = n(16738),
- f = n(52357),
- b = n(1062),
- y = e.Symbol,
- B = a('wks'),
- k = b ? y.for || y : (y && y.withoutSetter) || o;
- T.exports = function (g) {
- return t(B, g) || (B[g] = f && t(y, g) ? y[g] : k('Symbol.' + g)), B[g];
- };
- },
- 4198: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- T.exports =
- ' \n\v\f\r \xA0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF';
- },
- 75621: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(37336),
- o = n(58491),
- f = 'ArrayBuffer',
- b = t[f],
- y = a[f];
- e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, forced: y !== b }, { ArrayBuffer: b }), o(f);
- },
- 26267: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(4246),
- e({ target: 'ArrayBuffer', stat: !0, forced: !t }, { isView: a.isView });
- },
- 50095: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(71138),
- t = n(40033),
- o = n(37336),
- f = n(30365),
- b = n(13912),
- y = n(10188),
- B = n(28987),
- k = o.ArrayBuffer,
- g = o.DataView,
- i = g.prototype,
- c = a(k.prototype.slice),
- m = a(i.getUint8),
- l = a(i.setUint8),
- u = t(function () {
- return !new k(2).slice(1, void 0).byteLength;
- });
- e(
- { target: 'ArrayBuffer', proto: !0, unsafe: !0, forced: u },
- {
- slice: (function () {
- function s(d, C) {
- if (c && C === void 0) return c(f(this), d);
- for (
- var h = f(this).byteLength,
- v = b(d, h),
- p = b(C === void 0 ? h : C, h),
- N = new (B(this, k))(y(p - v)),
- V = new g(this),
- S = new g(N),
- I = 0;
- v < p;
- )
- l(S, I++, m(V, v++));
- return N;
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 39600: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(37386),
- o = n(77568),
- f = n(46771),
- b = n(24760),
- y = n(21291),
- B = n(60102),
- k = n(57823),
- g = n(44091),
- i = n(24697),
- c = n(5026),
- m = i('isConcatSpreadable'),
- l =
- c >= 51 ||
- !a(function () {
- var d = [];
- return (d[m] = !1), d.concat()[0] !== d;
- }),
- u = function (C) {
- if (!o(C)) return !1;
- var h = C[m];
- return h !== void 0 ? !!h : t(C);
- },
- s = !l || !g('concat');
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, arity: 1, forced: s },
- {
- concat: (function () {
- function d(C) {
- var h = f(this),
- v = k(h, 0),
- p = 0,
- N,
- V,
- S,
- I,
- L;
- for (N = -1, S = arguments.length; N < S; N++)
- if (((L = N === -1 ? h : arguments[N]), u(L)))
- for (I = b(L), y(p + I), V = 0; V < I; V++, p++) V in L && B(v, p, L[V]);
- else y(p + 1), B(v, p++, L);
- return (v.length = p), v;
- }
- return d;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 93237: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(71447),
- t = n(80575);
- e({ target: 'Array', proto: !0 }, { copyWithin: a }), t('copyWithin');
- },
- 32057: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(22603).every,
- t = n(55528),
- o = t('every');
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !o },
- {
- every: (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return a(this, b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 68933: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(88471),
- t = n(80575);
- e({ target: 'Array', proto: !0 }, { fill: a }), t('fill');
- },
- 47830: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(22603).filter,
- t = n(44091),
- o = t('filter');
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !o },
- {
- filter: (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return a(this, b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 64094: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(22603).findIndex,
- t = n(80575),
- o = 'findIndex',
- f = !0;
- o in [] &&
- Array(1)[o](function () {
- f = !1;
- }),
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: f },
- {
- findIndex: (function () {
- function b(y) {
- return a(this, y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }
- ),
- t(o);
- },
- 13455: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(22603).find,
- t = n(80575),
- o = 'find',
- f = !0;
- o in [] &&
- Array(1)[o](function () {
- f = !1;
- }),
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: f },
- {
- find: (function () {
- function b(y) {
- return a(this, y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }
- ),
- t(o);
- },
- 32384: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(65561),
- t = n(10320),
- o = n(46771),
- f = n(24760),
- b = n(57823);
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0 },
- {
- flatMap: (function () {
- function y(B) {
- var k = o(this),
- g = f(k),
- i;
- return (
- t(B),
- (i = b(k, 0)),
- (i.length = a(i, k, k, g, 0, 1, B, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0)),
- i
- );
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 61915: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(65561),
- t = n(46771),
- o = n(24760),
- f = n(61365),
- b = n(57823);
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0 },
- {
- flat: (function () {
- function y() {
- var B = arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0,
- k = t(this),
- g = o(k),
- i = b(k, 0);
- return (i.length = a(i, k, k, g, 0, B === void 0 ? 1 : f(B))), i;
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 25579: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(35601);
- e({ target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: [].forEach !== a }, { forEach: a });
- },
- 63532: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(73174),
- t = n(92490),
- o = !t(function (f) {
- Array.from(f);
- });
- e({ target: 'Array', stat: !0, forced: o }, { from: a });
- },
- 33425: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(14211).includes,
- t = n(40033),
- o = n(80575),
- f = t(function () {
- return !Array(1).includes();
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: f },
- {
- includes: (function () {
- function b(y) {
- return a(this, y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }
- ),
- o('includes');
- },
- 43894: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(71138),
- t = n(14211).indexOf,
- o = n(55528),
- f = a([].indexOf),
- b = !!f && 1 / f([1], 1, -0) < 0,
- y = b || !o('indexOf');
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: y },
- {
- indexOf: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
- return b ? f(this, k, g) || 0 : t(this, k, g);
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 99636: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(37386);
- e({ target: 'Array', stat: !0 }, { isArray: a });
- },
- 34570: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(57591),
- a = n(80575),
- t = n(83967),
- o = n(5419),
- f = n(74595).f,
- b = n(65574),
- y = n(5959),
- B = n(4493),
- k = n(58310),
- g = 'Array Iterator',
- i = o.set,
- c = o.getterFor(g);
- T.exports = b(
- Array,
- 'Array',
- function (l, u) {
- i(this, { type: g, target: e(l), index: 0, kind: u });
- },
- function () {
- var l = c(this),
- u = l.target,
- s = l.index++;
- if (!u || s >= u.length) return (l.target = void 0), y(void 0, !0);
- switch (l.kind) {
- case 'keys':
- return y(s, !1);
- case 'values':
- return y(u[s], !1);
- }
- return y([s, u[s]], !1);
- },
- 'values'
- );
- var m = (t.Arguments = t.Array);
- if ((a('keys'), a('values'), a('entries'), !B && k && m.name !== 'values'))
- try {
- f(m, 'name', { value: 'values' });
- } catch (l) {}
- },
- 94432: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(37457),
- o = n(57591),
- f = n(55528),
- b = a([].join),
- y = t !== Object,
- B = y || !f('join', ',');
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: B },
- {
- join: (function () {
- function k(g) {
- return b(o(this), g === void 0 ? ',' : g);
- }
- return k;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 24683: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(1325);
- e({ target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: a !== [].lastIndexOf }, { lastIndexOf: a });
- },
- 69984: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(22603).map,
- t = n(44091),
- o = t('map');
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !o },
- {
- map: (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return a(this, b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 32089: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(1031),
- o = n(60102),
- f = Array,
- b = a(function () {
- function y() {}
- return !(f.of.call(y) instanceof y);
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Array', stat: !0, forced: b },
- {
- of: (function () {
- function y() {
- for (var B = 0, k = arguments.length, g = new (t(this) ? this : f)(k); k > B; )
- o(g, B, arguments[B++]);
- return (g.length = k), g;
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 29645: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(56844).right,
- t = n(55528),
- o = n(5026),
- f = n(81702),
- b = !f && o > 79 && o < 83,
- y = b || !t('reduceRight');
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: y },
- {
- reduceRight: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return a(this, k, arguments.length, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 60206: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(56844).left,
- t = n(55528),
- o = n(5026),
- f = n(81702),
- b = !f && o > 79 && o < 83,
- y = b || !t('reduce');
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: y },
- {
- reduce: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = arguments.length;
- return a(this, k, g, g > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 4788: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(37386),
- o = a([].reverse),
- f = [1, 2];
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: String(f) === String(f.reverse()) },
- {
- reverse: (function () {
- function b() {
- return t(this) && (this.length = this.length), o(this);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 58672: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(37386),
- t = n(1031),
- o = n(77568),
- f = n(13912),
- b = n(24760),
- y = n(57591),
- B = n(60102),
- k = n(24697),
- g = n(44091),
- i = n(54602),
- c = g('slice'),
- m = k('species'),
- l = Array,
- u = Math.max;
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !c },
- {
- slice: (function () {
- function s(d, C) {
- var h = y(this),
- v = b(h),
- p = f(d, v),
- N = f(C === void 0 ? v : C, v),
- V,
- S,
- I;
- if (
- a(h) &&
- ((V = h.constructor),
- t(V) && (V === l || a(V.prototype))
- ? (V = void 0)
- : o(V) && ((V = V[m]), V === null && (V = void 0)),
- V === l || V === void 0)
- )
- return i(h, p, N);
- for (S = new (V === void 0 ? l : V)(u(N - p, 0)), I = 0; p < N; p++, I++) p in h && B(S, I, h[p]);
- return (S.length = I), S;
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 19356: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(22603).some,
- t = n(55528),
- o = t('some');
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !o },
- {
- some: (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return a(this, b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 48968: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(10320),
- o = n(46771),
- f = n(24760),
- b = n(95108),
- y = n(12605),
- B = n(40033),
- k = n(90274),
- g = n(55528),
- i = n(652),
- c = n(19228),
- m = n(5026),
- l = n(9342),
- u = [],
- s = a(u.sort),
- d = a(u.push),
- C = B(function () {
- u.sort(void 0);
- }),
- h = B(function () {
- u.sort(null);
- }),
- v = g('sort'),
- p = !B(function () {
- if (m) return m < 70;
- if (!(i && i > 3)) {
- if (c) return !0;
- if (l) return l < 603;
- var S = '',
- I,
- L,
- w,
- A;
- for (I = 65; I < 76; I++) {
- switch (((L = String.fromCharCode(I)), I)) {
- case 66:
- case 69:
- case 70:
- case 72:
- w = 3;
- break;
- case 68:
- case 71:
- w = 4;
- break;
- default:
- w = 2;
- }
- for (A = 0; A < 47; A++) u.push({ k: L + A, v: w });
- }
- for (
- u.sort(function (x, E) {
- return E.v - x.v;
- }),
- A = 0;
- A < u.length;
- A++
- )
- (L = u[A].k.charAt(0)), S.charAt(S.length - 1) !== L && (S += L);
- return S !== 'DGBEFHACIJK';
- }
- }),
- N = C || !h || !v || !p,
- V = function (I) {
- return function (L, w) {
- return w === void 0 ? -1 : L === void 0 ? 1 : I !== void 0 ? +I(L, w) || 0 : y(L) > y(w) ? 1 : -1;
- };
- };
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: N },
- {
- sort: (function () {
- function S(I) {
- I !== void 0 && t(I);
- var L = o(this);
- if (p) return I === void 0 ? s(L) : s(L, I);
- var w = [],
- A = f(L),
- x,
- E;
- for (E = 0; E < A; E++) E in L && d(w, L[E]);
- for (k(w, V(I)), x = f(w), E = 0; E < x; ) L[E] = w[E++];
- for (; E < A; ) b(L, E++);
- return L;
- }
- return S;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 49852: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58491);
- e('Array');
- },
- 2712: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(46771),
- t = n(13912),
- o = n(61365),
- f = n(24760),
- b = n(13345),
- y = n(21291),
- B = n(57823),
- k = n(60102),
- g = n(95108),
- i = n(44091),
- c = i('splice'),
- m = Math.max,
- l = Math.min;
- e(
- { target: 'Array', proto: !0, forced: !c },
- {
- splice: (function () {
- function u(s, d) {
- var C = a(this),
- h = f(C),
- v = t(s, h),
- p = arguments.length,
- N,
- V,
- S,
- I,
- L,
- w;
- for (
- p === 0
- ? (N = V = 0)
- : p === 1
- ? ((N = 0), (V = h - v))
- : ((N = p - 2), (V = l(m(o(d), 0), h - v))),
- y(h + N - V),
- S = B(C, V),
- I = 0;
- I < V;
- I++
- )
- (L = v + I), L in C && k(S, I, C[L]);
- if (((S.length = V), N < V)) {
- for (I = v; I < h - V; I++) (L = I + V), (w = I + N), L in C ? (C[w] = C[L]) : g(C, w);
- for (I = h; I > h - V + N; I--) g(C, I - 1);
- } else if (N > V)
- for (I = h - V; I > v; I--) (L = I + V - 1), (w = I + N - 1), L in C ? (C[w] = C[L]) : g(C, w);
- for (I = 0; I < N; I++) C[I + v] = arguments[I + 2];
- return b(C, h - V + N), S;
- }
- return u;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 54243: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80575);
- e('flatMap');
- },
- 864: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80575);
- e('flat');
- },
- 21265: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(37336),
- t = n(70377);
- e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, forced: !t }, { DataView: a.DataView });
- },
- 33451: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(21265);
- },
- 74587: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67250),
- t = Date,
- o = a(t.prototype.getTime);
- e(
- { target: 'Date', stat: !0 },
- {
- now: (function () {
- function f() {
- return o(new t());
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 25082: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67206);
- e({ target: 'Date', proto: !0, forced: Date.prototype.toISOString !== a }, { toISOString: a });
- },
- 47421: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(46771),
- o = n(24843),
- f = a(function () {
- return (
- new Date(NaN).toJSON() !== null ||
- Date.prototype.toJSON.call({
- toISOString: (function () {
- function b() {
- return 1;
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }) !== 1
- );
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Date', proto: !0, arity: 1, forced: f },
- {
- toJSON: (function () {
- function b(y) {
- var B = t(this),
- k = o(B, 'number');
- return typeof k == 'number' && !isFinite(k) ? null : B.toISOString();
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 32122: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(45299),
- a = n(55938),
- t = n(10886),
- o = n(24697),
- f = o('toPrimitive'),
- b = Date.prototype;
- e(b, f) || a(b, f, t);
- },
- 6306: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(55938),
- t = Date.prototype,
- o = 'Invalid Date',
- f = 'toString',
- b = e(t[f]),
- y = e(t.getTime);
- String(new Date(NaN)) !== o &&
- a(
- t,
- f,
- (function () {
- function B() {
- var k = y(this);
- return k === k ? b(this) : o;
- }
- return B;
- })()
- );
- },
- 90216: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(66284);
- e({ target: 'Function', proto: !0, forced: Function.bind !== a }, { bind: a });
- },
- 84663: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(55747),
- a = n(77568),
- t = n(74595),
- o = n(21287),
- f = n(24697),
- b = n(20001),
- y = f('hasInstance'),
- B = Function.prototype;
- y in B ||
- t.f(B, y, {
- value: b(function (k) {
- if (!e(this) || !a(k)) return !1;
- var g = this.prototype;
- return a(g) ? o(g, k) : k instanceof this;
- }, y),
- });
- },
- 92332: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(70520).EXISTS,
- t = n(67250),
- o = n(73936),
- f = Function.prototype,
- b = t(f.toString),
- y = /function\b(?:\s|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/|\/\/[^\n\r]*[\n\r]+)*([^\s(/]*)/,
- B = t(y.exec),
- k = 'name';
- e &&
- !a &&
- o(f, k, {
- configurable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function g() {
- try {
- return B(y, b(this))[1];
- } catch (i) {
- return '';
- }
- }
- return g;
- })(),
- });
- },
- 53008: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(4009),
- t = n(61267),
- o = n(91495),
- f = n(67250),
- b = n(40033),
- y = n(55747),
- B = n(71399),
- k = n(54602),
- g = n(39447),
- i = n(52357),
- c = String,
- m = a('JSON', 'stringify'),
- l = f(/./.exec),
- u = f(''.charAt),
- s = f(''.charCodeAt),
- d = f(''.replace),
- C = f((1).toString),
- h = /[\uD800-\uDFFF]/g,
- v = /^[\uD800-\uDBFF]$/,
- p = /^[\uDC00-\uDFFF]$/,
- N =
- !i ||
- b(function () {
- var L = a('Symbol')('stringify detection');
- return m([L]) !== '[null]' || m({ a: L }) !== '{}' || m(Object(L)) !== '{}';
- }),
- V = b(function () {
- return m('\uDF06\uD834') !== '"\\udf06\\ud834"' || m('\uDEAD') !== '"\\udead"';
- }),
- S = function (w, A) {
- var x = k(arguments),
- E = g(A);
- if (!(!y(E) && (w === void 0 || B(w))))
- return (
- (x[1] = function (P, D) {
- if ((y(E) && (D = o(E, this, c(P), D)), !B(D))) return D;
- }),
- t(m, null, x)
- );
- },
- I = function (w, A, x) {
- var E = u(x, A - 1),
- P = u(x, A + 1);
- return (l(v, w) && !l(p, P)) || (l(p, w) && !l(v, E)) ? '\\u' + C(s(w, 0), 16) : w;
- };
- m &&
- e(
- { target: 'JSON', stat: !0, arity: 3, forced: N || V },
- {
- stringify: (function () {
- function L(w, A, x) {
- var E = k(arguments),
- P = t(N ? S : m, null, E);
- return V && typeof P == 'string' ? d(P, h, I) : P;
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 98329: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(84925);
- a(e.JSON, 'JSON', !0);
- },
- 7965: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(45150),
- a = n(41028);
- e(
- 'Map',
- function (t) {
- return (function () {
- function o() {
- return t(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
- }
- return o;
- })();
- },
- a
- );
- },
- 9631: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(7965);
- },
- 47091: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(90874),
- t = Math.acosh,
- o = Math.log,
- f = Math.sqrt,
- b = Math.LN2,
- y = !t || Math.floor(t(Number.MAX_VALUE)) !== 710 || t(1 / 0) !== 1 / 0;
- e(
- { target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: y },
- {
- acosh: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = +k;
- return g < 1 ? NaN : g > 9490626562425156e-8 ? o(g) + b : a(g - 1 + f(g - 1) * f(g + 1));
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 59660: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = Math.asinh,
- t = Math.log,
- o = Math.sqrt;
- function f(y) {
- var B = +y;
- return !isFinite(B) || B === 0 ? B : B < 0 ? -f(-B) : t(B + o(B * B + 1));
- }
- var b = !(a && 1 / a(0) > 0);
- e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: b }, { asinh: f });
- },
- 15383: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = Math.atanh,
- t = Math.log,
- o = !(a && 1 / a(-0) < 0);
- e(
- { target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: o },
- {
- atanh: (function () {
- function f(b) {
- var y = +b;
- return y === 0 ? y : t((1 + y) / (1 - y)) / 2;
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 92866: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(22172),
- t = Math.abs,
- o = Math.pow;
- e(
- { target: 'Math', stat: !0 },
- {
- cbrt: (function () {
- function f(b) {
- var y = +b;
- return a(y) * o(t(y), 0.3333333333333333);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 86107: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = Math.floor,
- t = Math.log,
- o = Math.LOG2E;
- e(
- { target: 'Math', stat: !0 },
- {
- clz32: (function () {
- function f(b) {
- var y = b >>> 0;
- return y ? 31 - a(t(y + 0.5) * o) : 32;
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 29248: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(82040),
- t = Math.cosh,
- o = Math.abs,
- f = Math.E,
- b = !t || t(710) === 1 / 0;
- e(
- { target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: b },
- {
- cosh: (function () {
- function y(B) {
- var k = a(o(B) - 1) + 1;
- return (k + 1 / (k * f * f)) * (f / 2);
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 52540: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(82040);
- e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: a !== Math.expm1 }, { expm1: a });
- },
- 79007: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(95867);
- e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0 }, { fround: a });
- },
- 77199: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = Math.hypot,
- t = Math.abs,
- o = Math.sqrt,
- f = !!a && a(1 / 0, NaN) !== 1 / 0;
- e(
- { target: 'Math', stat: !0, arity: 2, forced: f },
- {
- hypot: (function () {
- function b(y, B) {
- for (var k = 0, g = 0, i = arguments.length, c = 0, m, l; g < i; )
- (m = t(arguments[g++])),
- c < m
- ? ((l = c / m), (k = k * l * l + 1), (c = m))
- : m > 0
- ? ((l = m / c), (k += l * l))
- : (k += m);
- return c === 1 / 0 ? 1 / 0 : c * o(k);
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 6522: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(40033),
- t = Math.imul,
- o = a(function () {
- return t(4294967295, 5) !== -5 || t.length !== 2;
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: o },
- {
- imul: (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- var B = 65535,
- k = +b,
- g = +y,
- i = B & k,
- c = B & g;
- return 0 | (i * c + ((((B & (k >>> 16)) * c + i * (B & (g >>> 16))) << 16) >>> 0));
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 95542: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(75002);
- e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0 }, { log10: a });
- },
- 2966: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(90874);
- e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0 }, { log1p: a });
- },
- 20997: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = Math.log,
- t = Math.LN2;
- e(
- { target: 'Math', stat: !0 },
- {
- log2: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return a(f) / t;
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 57400: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(22172);
- e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0 }, { sign: a });
- },
- 45571: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(82040),
- o = Math.abs,
- f = Math.exp,
- b = Math.E,
- y = a(function () {
- return Math.sinh(-2e-17) !== -2e-17;
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Math', stat: !0, forced: y },
- {
- sinh: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = +k;
- return o(g) < 1 ? (t(g) - t(-g)) / 2 : (f(g - 1) - f(-g - 1)) * (b / 2);
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 54800: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(82040),
- t = Math.exp;
- e(
- { target: 'Math', stat: !0 },
- {
- tanh: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- var b = +f,
- y = a(b),
- B = a(-b);
- return y === 1 / 0 ? 1 : B === 1 / 0 ? -1 : (y - B) / (t(b) + t(-b));
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 15709: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(84925);
- e(Math, 'Math', !0);
- },
- 76059: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(21119);
- e({ target: 'Math', stat: !0 }, { trunc: a });
- },
- 96614: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(4493),
- t = n(58310),
- o = n(74685),
- f = n(61765),
- b = n(67250),
- y = n(41314),
- B = n(45299),
- k = n(5781),
- g = n(21287),
- i = n(71399),
- c = n(24843),
- m = n(40033),
- l = n(37310).f,
- u = n(27193).f,
- s = n(74595).f,
- d = n(46438),
- C = n(92648).trim,
- h = 'Number',
- v = o[h],
- p = f[h],
- N = v.prototype,
- V = o.TypeError,
- S = b(''.slice),
- I = b(''.charCodeAt),
- L = function (M) {
- var R = c(M, 'number');
- return typeof R == 'bigint' ? R : w(R);
- },
- w = function (M) {
- var R = c(M, 'number'),
- O,
- F,
- _,
- U,
- z,
- $,
- G,
- X;
- if (i(R)) throw new V('Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number');
- if (typeof R == 'string' && R.length > 2) {
- if (((R = C(R)), (O = I(R, 0)), O === 43 || O === 45)) {
- if (((F = I(R, 2)), F === 88 || F === 120)) return NaN;
- } else if (O === 48) {
- switch (I(R, 1)) {
- case 66:
- case 98:
- (_ = 2), (U = 49);
- break;
- case 79:
- case 111:
- (_ = 8), (U = 55);
- break;
- default:
- return +R;
- }
- for (z = S(R, 2), $ = z.length, G = 0; G < $; G++) if (((X = I(z, G)), X < 48 || X > U)) return NaN;
- return parseInt(z, _);
- }
- }
- return +R;
- },
- A = y(h, !v(' 0o1') || !v('0b1') || v('+0x1')),
- x = function (M) {
- return (
- g(N, M) &&
- m(function () {
- d(M);
- })
- );
- },
- E = (function () {
- function D(M) {
- var R = arguments.length < 1 ? 0 : v(L(M));
- return x(this) ? k(Object(R), this, E) : R;
- }
- return D;
- })();
- (E.prototype = N),
- A && !a && (N.constructor = E),
- e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, wrap: !0, forced: A }, { Number: E });
- var P = function (M, R) {
- for (
- var O = t
- ? l(R)
- : 'MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE,NaN,NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY,EPSILON,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,isFinite,isInteger,isNaN,isSafeInteger,parseFloat,parseInt,fromString,range'.split(
- ','
- ),
- F = 0,
- _;
- O.length > F;
- F++
- )
- B(R, (_ = O[F])) && !B(M, _) && s(M, _, u(R, _));
- };
- a && p && P(f[h], p), (A || a) && P(f[h], v);
- },
- 324: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964);
- e({ target: 'Number', stat: !0, nonConfigurable: !0, nonWritable: !0 }, { EPSILON: Math.pow(2, -52) });
- },
- 90426: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(3294);
- e({ target: 'Number', stat: !0 }, { isFinite: a });
- },
- 95443: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(5841);
- e({ target: 'Number', stat: !0 }, { isInteger: a });
- },
- 87968: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964);
- e(
- { target: 'Number', stat: !0 },
- {
- isNaN: (function () {
- function a(t) {
- return t !== t;
- }
- return a;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 55007: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(5841),
- t = Math.abs;
- e(
- { target: 'Number', stat: !0 },
- {
- isSafeInteger: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return a(f) && t(f) <= 9007199254740991;
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 55323: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964);
- e(
- { target: 'Number', stat: !0, nonConfigurable: !0, nonWritable: !0 },
- { MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: 9007199254740991 }
- );
- },
- 13521: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964);
- e(
- { target: 'Number', stat: !0, nonConfigurable: !0, nonWritable: !0 },
- { MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: -9007199254740991 }
- );
- },
- 5006: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(28506);
- e({ target: 'Number', stat: !0, forced: Number.parseFloat !== a }, { parseFloat: a });
- },
- 99009: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(13693);
- e({ target: 'Number', stat: !0, forced: Number.parseInt !== a }, { parseInt: a });
- },
- 85770: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(61365),
- o = n(46438),
- f = n(62443),
- b = n(40033),
- y = RangeError,
- B = String,
- k = Math.floor,
- g = a(f),
- i = a(''.slice),
- c = a((1).toFixed),
- m = function h(v, p, N) {
- return p === 0 ? N : p % 2 === 1 ? h(v, p - 1, N * v) : h(v * v, p / 2, N);
- },
- l = function (v) {
- for (var p = 0, N = v; N >= 4096; ) (p += 12), (N /= 4096);
- for (; N >= 2; ) (p += 1), (N /= 2);
- return p;
- },
- u = function (v, p, N) {
- for (var V = -1, S = N; ++V < 6; ) (S += p * v[V]), (v[V] = S % 1e7), (S = k(S / 1e7));
- },
- s = function (v, p) {
- for (var N = 6, V = 0; --N >= 0; ) (V += v[N]), (v[N] = k(V / p)), (V = (V % p) * 1e7);
- },
- d = function (v) {
- for (var p = 6, N = ''; --p >= 0; )
- if (N !== '' || p === 0 || v[p] !== 0) {
- var V = B(v[p]);
- N = N === '' ? V : N + g('0', 7 - V.length) + V;
- }
- return N;
- },
- C =
- b(function () {
- return (
- c(8e-5, 3) !== '0.000' ||
- c(0.9, 0) !== '1' ||
- c(1.255, 2) !== '1.25' ||
- c(0xde0b6b3a7640080, 0) !== '1000000000000000128'
- );
- }) ||
- !b(function () {
- c({});
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Number', proto: !0, forced: C },
- {
- toFixed: (function () {
- function h(v) {
- var p = o(this),
- N = t(v),
- V = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
- S = '',
- I = '0',
- L,
- w,
- A,
- x;
- if (N < 0 || N > 20) throw new y('Incorrect fraction digits');
- if (p !== p) return 'NaN';
- if (p <= -1e21 || p >= 1e21) return B(p);
- if ((p < 0 && ((S = '-'), (p = -p)), p > 1e-21))
- if (
- ((L = l(p * m(2, 69, 1)) - 69),
- (w = L < 0 ? p * m(2, -L, 1) : p / m(2, L, 1)),
- (w *= 4503599627370496),
- (L = 52 - L),
- L > 0)
- ) {
- for (u(V, 0, w), A = N; A >= 7; ) u(V, 1e7, 0), (A -= 7);
- for (u(V, m(10, A, 1), 0), A = L - 1; A >= 23; ) s(V, 8388608), (A -= 23);
- s(V, 1 << A), u(V, 1, 1), s(V, 2), (I = d(V));
- } else u(V, 0, w), u(V, 1 << -L, 0), (I = d(V) + g('0', N));
- return (
- N > 0
- ? ((x = I.length),
- (I = S + (x <= N ? '0.' + g('0', N - x) + I : i(I, 0, x - N) + '.' + i(I, x - N))))
- : (I = S + I),
- I
- );
- }
- return h;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 23532: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(40033),
- o = n(46438),
- f = a((1).toPrecision),
- b =
- t(function () {
- return f(1, void 0) !== '1';
- }) ||
- !t(function () {
- f({});
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Number', proto: !0, forced: b },
- {
- toPrecision: (function () {
- function y(B) {
- return B === void 0 ? f(o(this)) : f(o(this), B);
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 87119: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(41143);
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, arity: 2, forced: Object.assign !== a }, { assign: a });
- },
- 78618: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(80674);
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, sham: !a }, { create: t });
- },
- 27129: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(57377),
- o = n(10320),
- f = n(46771),
- b = n(74595);
- a &&
- e(
- { target: 'Object', proto: !0, forced: t },
- {
- __defineGetter__: (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- b.f(f(this), B, { get: o(k), enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 });
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 31943: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(24239).f;
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: Object.defineProperties !== t, sham: !a }, { defineProperties: t });
- },
- 3579: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(74595).f;
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: Object.defineProperty !== t, sham: !a }, { defineProperty: t });
- },
- 97397: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(57377),
- o = n(10320),
- f = n(46771),
- b = n(74595);
- a &&
- e(
- { target: 'Object', proto: !0, forced: t },
- {
- __defineSetter__: (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- b.f(f(this), B, { set: o(k), enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 });
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 85028: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(70915).entries;
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0 },
- {
- entries: (function () {
- function t(o) {
- return a(o);
- }
- return t;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 8225: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(50730),
- t = n(40033),
- o = n(77568),
- f = n(81969).onFreeze,
- b = Object.freeze,
- y = t(function () {
- b(1);
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: y, sham: !a },
- {
- freeze: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return b && o(k) ? b(f(k)) : k;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 43331: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(49450),
- t = n(60102);
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0 },
- {
- fromEntries: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- var b = {};
- return (
- a(
- f,
- function (y, B) {
- t(b, y, B);
- },
- { AS_ENTRIES: !0 }
- ),
- b
- );
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 62289: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(57591),
- o = n(27193).f,
- f = n(58310),
- b =
- !f ||
- a(function () {
- o(1);
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: b, sham: !f },
- {
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor: (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- return o(t(B), k);
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 56196: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(97921),
- o = n(57591),
- f = n(27193),
- b = n(60102);
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, sham: !a },
- {
- getOwnPropertyDescriptors: (function () {
- function y(B) {
- for (var k = o(B), g = f.f, i = t(k), c = {}, m = 0, l, u; i.length > m; )
- (u = g(k, (l = i[m++]))), u !== void 0 && b(c, l, u);
- return c;
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 2950: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(81644).f,
- o = a(function () {
- return !Object.getOwnPropertyNames(1);
- });
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: o }, { getOwnPropertyNames: t });
- },
- 28603: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(52357),
- t = n(40033),
- o = n(89235),
- f = n(46771),
- b =
- !a ||
- t(function () {
- o.f(1);
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: b },
- {
- getOwnPropertySymbols: (function () {
- function y(B) {
- var k = o.f;
- return k ? k(f(B)) : [];
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 44205: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(46771),
- o = n(36917),
- f = n(9225),
- b = a(function () {
- o(1);
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: b, sham: !f },
- {
- getPrototypeOf: (function () {
- function y(B) {
- return o(t(B));
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 83186: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(81834);
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: Object.isExtensible !== a }, { isExtensible: a });
- },
- 76065: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(77568),
- o = n(7462),
- f = n(3782),
- b = Object.isFrozen,
- y =
- f ||
- a(function () {
- b(1);
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: y },
- {
- isFrozen: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return !t(k) || (f && o(k) === 'ArrayBuffer') ? !0 : b ? b(k) : !1;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 13411: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(77568),
- o = n(7462),
- f = n(3782),
- b = Object.isSealed,
- y =
- f ||
- a(function () {
- b(1);
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: y },
- {
- isSealed: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return !t(k) || (f && o(k) === 'ArrayBuffer') ? !0 : b ? b(k) : !1;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 76882: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(5700);
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0 }, { is: a });
- },
- 26634: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(46771),
- t = n(18450),
- o = n(40033),
- f = o(function () {
- t(1);
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: f },
- {
- keys: (function () {
- function b(y) {
- return t(a(y));
- }
- return b;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 53118: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(57377),
- o = n(46771),
- f = n(767),
- b = n(36917),
- y = n(27193).f;
- a &&
- e(
- { target: 'Object', proto: !0, forced: t },
- {
- __lookupGetter__: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = o(this),
- i = f(k),
- c;
- do if ((c = y(g, i))) return c.get;
- while ((g = b(g)));
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 42514: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(57377),
- o = n(46771),
- f = n(767),
- b = n(36917),
- y = n(27193).f;
- a &&
- e(
- { target: 'Object', proto: !0, forced: t },
- {
- __lookupSetter__: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = o(this),
- i = f(k),
- c;
- do if ((c = y(g, i))) return c.set;
- while ((g = b(g)));
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 84353: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(77568),
- t = n(81969).onFreeze,
- o = n(50730),
- f = n(40033),
- b = Object.preventExtensions,
- y = f(function () {
- b(1);
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: y, sham: !o },
- {
- preventExtensions: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return b && a(k) ? b(t(k)) : k;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 62987: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(77568),
- t = n(81969).onFreeze,
- o = n(50730),
- f = n(40033),
- b = Object.seal,
- y = f(function () {
- b(1);
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: y, sham: !o },
- {
- seal: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return b && a(k) ? b(t(k)) : k;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 48993: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(76649);
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0 }, { setPrototypeOf: a });
- },
- 52917: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(2650),
- a = n(55938),
- t = n(2509);
- e || a(Object.prototype, 'toString', t, { unsafe: !0 });
- },
- 4972: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(70915).values;
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0 },
- {
- values: (function () {
- function t(o) {
- return a(o);
- }
- return t;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 28913: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(28506);
- e({ global: !0, forced: parseFloat !== a }, { parseFloat: a });
- },
- 36382: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(13693);
- e({ global: !0, forced: parseInt !== a }, { parseInt: a });
- },
- 48865: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(10320),
- o = n(81837),
- f = n(10729),
- b = n(49450),
- y = n(48199);
- e(
- { target: 'Promise', stat: !0, forced: y },
- {
- all: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = this,
- i = o.f(g),
- c = i.resolve,
- m = i.reject,
- l = f(function () {
- var u = t(g.resolve),
- s = [],
- d = 0,
- C = 1;
- b(k, function (h) {
- var v = d++,
- p = !1;
- C++,
- a(u, g, h).then(function (N) {
- p || ((p = !0), (s[v] = N), --C || c(s));
- }, m);
- }),
- --C || c(s);
- });
- return l.error && m(l.value), i.promise;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 70641: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(4493),
- t = n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR,
- o = n(67512),
- f = n(4009),
- b = n(55747),
- y = n(55938),
- B = o && o.prototype;
- if (
- (e(
- { target: 'Promise', proto: !0, forced: t, real: !0 },
- {
- catch: (function () {
- function g(i) {
- return this.then(void 0, i);
- }
- return g;
- })(),
- }
- ),
- !a && b(o))
- ) {
- var k = f('Promise').prototype.catch;
- B.catch !== k && y(B, 'catch', k, { unsafe: !0 });
- }
- },
- 75946: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(4493),
- t = n(81702),
- o = n(74685),
- f = n(91495),
- b = n(55938),
- y = n(76649),
- B = n(84925),
- k = n(58491),
- g = n(10320),
- i = n(55747),
- c = n(77568),
- m = n(60077),
- l = n(28987),
- u = n(60375).set,
- s = n(37713),
- d = n(72259),
- C = n(10729),
- h = n(9547),
- v = n(5419),
- p = n(67512),
- N = n(74854),
- V = n(81837),
- S = 'Promise',
- A = v.getterFor(S),
- x = v.set,
- E = p && p.prototype,
- P = p,
- D = E,
- M = o.TypeError,
- R = o.document,
- O = o.process,
- F = V.f,
- _ = F,
- U = !!(R && R.createEvent && o.dispatchEvent),
- z = 'unhandledrejection',
- $ = 'rejectionhandled',
- G = 0,
- X = 1,
- J = 2,
- se = 1,
- ie = 2,
- me,
- q,
- re,
- ae,
- le = function (be) {
- var Le;
- return c(be) && i((Le = be.then)) ? Le : !1;
- },
- Z = function (be, Le) {
- var we = Le.value,
- xe = Le.state === X,
- Re = xe ? be.ok : be.fail,
- He = be.resolve,
- ye = be.reject,
- de = be.domain,
- he,
- ke,
- ve;
- try {
- Re
- ? (xe || (Le.rejection === ie && ce(Le), (Le.rejection = se)),
- Re === !0 ? (he = we) : (de && de.enter(), (he = Re(we)), de && (de.exit(), (ve = !0))),
- he === be.promise ? ye(new M('Promise-chain cycle')) : (ke = le(he)) ? f(ke, he, He, ye) : He(he))
- : ye(we);
- } catch (Se) {
- de && !ve && de.exit(), ye(Se);
- }
- },
- ne = function (be, Le) {
- be.notified ||
- ((be.notified = !0),
- s(function () {
- for (var we = be.reactions, xe; (xe = we.get()); ) Z(xe, be);
- (be.notified = !1), Le && !be.rejection && fe(be);
- }));
- },
- te = function (be, Le, we) {
- var xe, Re;
- U
- ? ((xe = R.createEvent('Event')),
- (xe.promise = Le),
- (xe.reason = we),
- xe.initEvent(be, !1, !0),
- o.dispatchEvent(xe))
- : (xe = { promise: Le, reason: we }),
- !L && (Re = o['on' + be]) ? Re(xe) : be === z && d('Unhandled promise rejection', we);
- },
- fe = function (be) {
- f(u, o, function () {
- var Le = be.facade,
- we = be.value,
- xe = pe(be),
- Re;
- if (
- xe &&
- ((Re = C(function () {
- t ? O.emit('unhandledRejection', we, Le) : te(z, Le, we);
- })),
- (be.rejection = t || pe(be) ? ie : se),
- Re.error)
- )
- throw Re.value;
- });
- },
- pe = function (be) {
- return be.rejection !== se && !be.parent;
- },
- ce = function (be) {
- f(u, o, function () {
- var Le = be.facade;
- t ? O.emit('rejectionHandled', Le) : te($, Le, be.value);
- });
- },
- Ve = function (be, Le, we) {
- return function (xe) {
- be(Le, xe, we);
- };
- },
- Ce = function (be, Le, we) {
- be.done || ((be.done = !0), we && (be = we), (be.value = Le), (be.state = J), ne(be, !0));
- },
- Ne = function Be(be, Le, we) {
- if (!be.done) {
- (be.done = !0), we && (be = we);
- try {
- if (be.facade === Le) throw new M("Promise can't be resolved itself");
- var xe = le(Le);
- xe
- ? s(function () {
- var Re = { done: !1 };
- try {
- f(xe, Le, Ve(Be, Re, be), Ve(Ce, Re, be));
- } catch (He) {
- Ce(Re, He, be);
- }
- })
- : ((be.value = Le), (be.state = X), ne(be, !1));
- } catch (Re) {
- Ce({ done: !1 }, Re, be);
- }
- }
- };
- if (
- I &&
- ((P = (function () {
- function Be(be) {
- m(this, D), g(be), f(me, this);
- var Le = A(this);
- try {
- be(Ve(Ne, Le), Ve(Ce, Le));
- } catch (we) {
- Ce(Le, we);
- }
- }
- return Be;
- })()),
- (D = P.prototype),
- (me = (function () {
- function Be(be) {
- x(this, {
- type: S,
- done: !1,
- notified: !1,
- parent: !1,
- reactions: new h(),
- rejection: !1,
- state: G,
- value: void 0,
- });
- }
- return Be;
- })()),
- (me.prototype = b(
- D,
- 'then',
- (function () {
- function Be(be, Le) {
- var we = A(this),
- xe = F(l(this, P));
- return (
- (we.parent = !0),
- (xe.ok = i(be) ? be : !0),
- (xe.fail = i(Le) && Le),
- (xe.domain = t ? O.domain : void 0),
- we.state === G
- ? we.reactions.add(xe)
- : s(function () {
- Z(xe, we);
- }),
- xe.promise
- );
- }
- return Be;
- })()
- )),
- (q = function () {
- var be = new me(),
- Le = A(be);
- (this.promise = be), (this.resolve = Ve(Ne, Le)), (this.reject = Ve(Ce, Le));
- }),
- (V.f = F =
- function (be) {
- return be === P || be === re ? new q(be) : _(be);
- }),
- !a && i(p) && E !== Object.prototype)
- ) {
- (ae = E.then),
- w ||
- b(
- E,
- 'then',
- (function () {
- function Be(be, Le) {
- var we = this;
- return new P(function (xe, Re) {
- f(ae, we, xe, Re);
- }).then(be, Le);
- }
- return Be;
- })(),
- { unsafe: !0 }
- );
- try {
- delete E.constructor;
- } catch (Be) {}
- y && y(E, D);
- }
- e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, wrap: !0, forced: I }, { Promise: P }), B(P, S, !1, !0), k(S);
- },
- 69861: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(4493),
- t = n(67512),
- o = n(40033),
- f = n(4009),
- b = n(55747),
- y = n(28987),
- B = n(66628),
- k = n(55938),
- g = t && t.prototype,
- i =
- !!t &&
- o(function () {
- g.finally.call(
- {
- then: (function () {
- function m() {}
- return m;
- })(),
- },
- function () {}
- );
- });
- if (
- (e(
- { target: 'Promise', proto: !0, real: !0, forced: i },
- {
- finally: (function () {
- function m(l) {
- var u = y(this, f('Promise')),
- s = b(l);
- return this.then(
- s
- ? function (d) {
- return B(u, l()).then(function () {
- return d;
- });
- }
- : l,
- s
- ? function (d) {
- return B(u, l()).then(function () {
- throw d;
- });
- }
- : l
- );
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }
- ),
- !a && b(t))
- ) {
- var c = f('Promise').prototype.finally;
- g.finally !== c && k(g, 'finally', c, { unsafe: !0 });
- }
- },
- 53092: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(75946), n(48865), n(70641), n(16937), n(41719), n(59321);
- },
- 16937: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(10320),
- o = n(81837),
- f = n(10729),
- b = n(49450),
- y = n(48199);
- e(
- { target: 'Promise', stat: !0, forced: y },
- {
- race: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- var g = this,
- i = o.f(g),
- c = i.reject,
- m = f(function () {
- var l = t(g.resolve);
- b(k, function (u) {
- a(l, g, u).then(i.resolve, c);
- });
- });
- return m.error && c(m.value), i.promise;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 41719: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(81837),
- t = n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR;
- e(
- { target: 'Promise', stat: !0, forced: t },
- {
- reject: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- var b = a.f(this),
- y = b.reject;
- return y(f), b.promise;
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 59321: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(4009),
- t = n(4493),
- o = n(67512),
- f = n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR,
- b = n(66628),
- y = a('Promise'),
- B = t && !f;
- e(
- { target: 'Promise', stat: !0, forced: t || f },
- {
- resolve: (function () {
- function k(g) {
- return b(B && this === y ? o : this, g);
- }
- return k;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 29674: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(61267),
- t = n(10320),
- o = n(30365),
- f = n(40033),
- b = !f(function () {
- Reflect.apply(function () {});
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, forced: b },
- {
- apply: (function () {
- function y(B, k, g) {
- return a(t(B), k, o(g));
- }
- return y;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 81543: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(4009),
- t = n(61267),
- o = n(66284),
- f = n(32606),
- b = n(30365),
- y = n(77568),
- B = n(80674),
- k = n(40033),
- g = a('Reflect', 'construct'),
- i = Object.prototype,
- c = [].push,
- m = k(function () {
- function s() {}
- return !(g(function () {}, [], s) instanceof s);
- }),
- l = !k(function () {
- g(function () {});
- }),
- u = m || l;
- e(
- { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, forced: u, sham: u },
- {
- construct: (function () {
- function s(d, C) {
- f(d), b(C);
- var h = arguments.length < 3 ? d : f(arguments[2]);
- if (l && !m) return g(d, C, h);
- if (d === h) {
- switch (C.length) {
- case 0:
- return new d();
- case 1:
- return new d(C[0]);
- case 2:
- return new d(C[0], C[1]);
- case 3:
- return new d(C[0], C[1], C[2]);
- case 4:
- return new d(C[0], C[1], C[2], C[3]);
- }
- var v = [null];
- return t(c, v, C), new (t(o, d, v))();
- }
- var p = h.prototype,
- N = B(y(p) ? p : i),
- V = t(d, N, C);
- return y(V) ? V : N;
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 9373: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(30365),
- o = n(767),
- f = n(74595),
- b = n(40033),
- y = b(function () {
- Reflect.defineProperty(f.f({}, 1, { value: 1 }), 1, { value: 2 });
- });
- e(
- { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, forced: y, sham: !a },
- {
- defineProperty: (function () {
- function B(k, g, i) {
- t(k);
- var c = o(g);
- t(i);
- try {
- return f.f(k, c, i), !0;
- } catch (m) {
- return !1;
- }
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 45093: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(30365),
- t = n(27193).f;
- e(
- { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 },
- {
- deleteProperty: (function () {
- function o(f, b) {
- var y = t(a(f), b);
- return y && !y.configurable ? !1 : delete f[b];
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 5815: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(30365),
- o = n(27193);
- e(
- { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, sham: !a },
- {
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor: (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- return o.f(t(b), y);
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 88527: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(30365),
- t = n(36917),
- o = n(9225);
- e(
- { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, sham: !o },
- {
- getPrototypeOf: (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return t(a(b));
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 63074: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(77568),
- o = n(30365),
- f = n(98373),
- b = n(27193),
- y = n(36917);
- function B(k, g) {
- var i = arguments.length < 3 ? k : arguments[2],
- c,
- m;
- if (o(k) === i) return k[g];
- if (((c = b.f(k, g)), c)) return f(c) ? c.value : c.get === void 0 ? void 0 : a(c.get, i);
- if (t((m = y(k)))) return B(m, g, i);
- }
- e({ target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 }, { get: B });
- },
- 66390: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964);
- e(
- { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 },
- {
- has: (function () {
- function a(t, o) {
- return o in t;
- }
- return a;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 7784: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(30365),
- t = n(81834);
- e(
- { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 },
- {
- isExtensible: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return a(f), t(f);
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 50551: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(97921);
- e({ target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 }, { ownKeys: a });
- },
- 76483: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(4009),
- t = n(30365),
- o = n(50730);
- e(
- { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, sham: !o },
- {
- preventExtensions: (function () {
- function f(b) {
- t(b);
- try {
- var y = a('Object', 'preventExtensions');
- return y && y(b), !0;
- } catch (B) {
- return !1;
- }
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 63915: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(30365),
- t = n(35908),
- o = n(76649);
- o &&
- e(
- { target: 'Reflect', stat: !0 },
- {
- setPrototypeOf: (function () {
- function f(b, y) {
- a(b), t(y);
- try {
- return o(b, y), !0;
- } catch (B) {
- return !1;
- }
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 92046: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(30365),
- o = n(77568),
- f = n(98373),
- b = n(40033),
- y = n(74595),
- B = n(27193),
- k = n(36917),
- g = n(87458);
- function i(m, l, u) {
- var s = arguments.length < 4 ? m : arguments[3],
- d = B.f(t(m), l),
- C,
- h,
- v;
- if (!d) {
- if (o((h = k(m)))) return i(h, l, u, s);
- d = g(0);
- }
- if (f(d)) {
- if (d.writable === !1 || !o(s)) return !1;
- if ((C = B.f(s, l))) {
- if (C.get || C.set || C.writable === !1) return !1;
- (C.value = u), y.f(s, l, C);
- } else y.f(s, l, g(0, u));
- } else {
- if (((v = d.set), v === void 0)) return !1;
- a(v, s, u);
- }
- return !0;
- }
- var c = b(function () {
- var m = function () {},
- l = y.f(new m(), 'a', { configurable: !0 });
- return Reflect.set(m.prototype, 'a', 1, l) !== !1;
- });
- e({ target: 'Reflect', stat: !0, forced: c }, { set: i });
- },
- 51454: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(58310),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(67250),
- o = n(41314),
- f = n(5781),
- b = n(37909),
- y = n(80674),
- B = n(37310).f,
- k = n(21287),
- g = n(72586),
- i = n(12605),
- c = n(73392),
- m = n(62115),
- l = n(34550),
- u = n(55938),
- s = n(40033),
- d = n(45299),
- C = n(5419).enforce,
- h = n(58491),
- v = n(24697),
- p = n(39173),
- N = n(35688),
- V = v('match'),
- S = a.RegExp,
- I = S.prototype,
- L = a.SyntaxError,
- w = t(I.exec),
- A = t(''.charAt),
- x = t(''.replace),
- E = t(''.indexOf),
- P = t(''.slice),
- D = /^\?<[^\s\d!#%&*+<=>@^][^\s!#%&*+<=>@^]*>/,
- M = /a/g,
- R = /a/g,
- O = new S(M) !== M,
- U =
- e &&
- (!O ||
- F ||
- p ||
- N ||
- s(function () {
- return (R[V] = !1), S(M) !== M || S(R) === R || String(S(M, 'i')) !== '/a/i';
- })),
- z = function (ie) {
- for (var me = ie.length, q = 0, re = '', ae = !1, le; q <= me; q++) {
- if (((le = A(ie, q)), le === '\\')) {
- re += le + A(ie, ++q);
- continue;
- }
- !ae && le === '.' ? (re += '[\\s\\S]') : (le === '[' ? (ae = !0) : le === ']' && (ae = !1), (re += le));
- }
- return re;
- },
- $ = function (ie) {
- for (
- var me = ie.length, q = 0, re = '', ae = [], le = y(null), Z = !1, ne = !1, te = 0, fe = '', pe;
- q <= me;
- q++
- ) {
- if (((pe = A(ie, q)), pe === '\\')) pe += A(ie, ++q);
- else if (pe === ']') Z = !1;
- else if (!Z)
- switch (!0) {
- case pe === '[':
- Z = !0;
- break;
- case pe === '(':
- w(D, P(ie, q + 1)) && ((q += 2), (ne = !0)), (re += pe), te++;
- continue;
- case pe === '>' && ne:
- if (fe === '' || d(le, fe)) throw new L('Invalid capture group name');
- (le[fe] = !0), (ae[ae.length] = [fe, te]), (ne = !1), (fe = '');
- continue;
- }
- ne ? (fe += pe) : (re += pe);
- }
- return [re, ae];
- };
- if (o('RegExp', U)) {
- for (
- var G = (function () {
- function se(ie, me) {
- var q = k(I, this),
- re = g(ie),
- ae = me === void 0,
- le = [],
- Z = ie,
- ne,
- te,
- fe,
- pe,
- ce,
- Ve;
- if (!q && re && ae && ie.constructor === G) return ie;
- if (
- ((re || k(I, ie)) && ((ie = ie.source), ae && (me = c(Z))),
- (ie = ie === void 0 ? '' : i(ie)),
- (me = me === void 0 ? '' : i(me)),
- (Z = ie),
- p && ('dotAll' in M) && ((te = !!me && E(me, 's') > -1), te && (me = x(me, /s/g, ''))),
- (ne = me),
- F && ('sticky' in M) && ((fe = !!me && E(me, 'y') > -1), fe && _ && (me = x(me, /y/g, ''))),
- N && ((pe = $(ie)), (ie = pe[0]), (le = pe[1])),
- (ce = f(S(ie, me), q ? this : I, G)),
- (te || fe || le.length) &&
- ((Ve = C(ce)),
- te && ((Ve.dotAll = !0), (Ve.raw = G(z(ie), ne))),
- fe && (Ve.sticky = !0),
- le.length && (Ve.groups = le)),
- ie !== Z)
- )
- try {
- b(ce, 'source', Z === '' ? '(?:)' : Z);
- } catch (Ce) {}
- return ce;
- }
- return se;
- })(),
- X = B(S),
- J = 0;
- X.length > J;
- )
- l(G, S, X[J++]);
- (I.constructor = G), (G.prototype = I), u(a, 'RegExp', G, { constructor: !0 });
- }
- h('RegExp');
- },
- 79669: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(14489);
- e({ target: 'RegExp', proto: !0, forced: /./.exec !== a }, { exec: a });
- },
- 23057: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(73936),
- o = n(70901),
- f = n(40033),
- b = e.RegExp,
- y = b.prototype,
- B =
- a &&
- f(function () {
- var k = !0;
- try {
- b('.', 'd');
- } catch (d) {
- k = !1;
- }
- var g = {},
- i = '',
- c = k ? 'dgimsy' : 'gimsy',
- m = function (C, h) {
- Object.defineProperty(g, C, {
- get: (function () {
- function v() {
- return (i += h), !0;
- }
- return v;
- })(),
- });
- },
- l = { dotAll: 's', global: 'g', ignoreCase: 'i', multiline: 'm', sticky: 'y' };
- k && (l.hasIndices = 'd');
- for (var u in l) m(u, l[u]);
- var s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(y, 'flags').get.call(g);
- return s !== c || i !== c;
- });
- B && t(y, 'flags', { configurable: !0, get: o });
- },
- 57983: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(70520).PROPER,
- a = n(55938),
- t = n(30365),
- o = n(12605),
- f = n(40033),
- b = n(73392),
- y = 'toString',
- B = RegExp.prototype,
- k = B[y],
- g = f(function () {
- return k.call({ source: 'a', flags: 'b' }) !== '/a/b';
- }),
- i = e && k.name !== y;
- (g || i) &&
- a(
- B,
- y,
- (function () {
- function c() {
- var m = t(this),
- l = o(m.source),
- u = o(b(m));
- return '/' + l + '/' + u;
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- { unsafe: !0 }
- );
- },
- 1963: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(45150),
- a = n(41028);
- e(
- 'Set',
- function (t) {
- return (function () {
- function o() {
- return t(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
- }
- return o;
- })();
- },
- a
- );
- },
- 17953: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(1963);
- },
- 95309: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('anchor') },
- {
- anchor: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return a(this, 'a', 'name', f);
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 82256: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('big') },
- {
- big: (function () {
- function o() {
- return a(this, 'big', '', '');
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 49484: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('blink') },
- {
- blink: (function () {
- function o() {
- return a(this, 'blink', '', '');
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 38931: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('bold') },
- {
- bold: (function () {
- function o() {
- return a(this, 'b', '', '');
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 30442: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(50233).codeAt;
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0 },
- {
- codePointAt: (function () {
- function t(o) {
- return a(this, o);
- }
- return t;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 6403: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(71138),
- t = n(27193).f,
- o = n(10188),
- f = n(12605),
- b = n(86213),
- y = n(16952),
- B = n(45490),
- k = n(4493),
- g = a(''.slice),
- i = Math.min,
- c = B('endsWith'),
- m =
- !k &&
- !c &&
- !!(function () {
- var l = t(String.prototype, 'endsWith');
- return l && !l.writable;
- })();
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: !m && !c },
- {
- endsWith: (function () {
- function l(u) {
- var s = f(y(this));
- b(u);
- var d = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0,
- C = s.length,
- h = d === void 0 ? C : i(o(d), C),
- v = f(u);
- return g(s, h - v.length, h) === v;
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 39308: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('fixed') },
- {
- fixed: (function () {
- function o() {
- return a(this, 'tt', '', '');
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 91550: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('fontcolor') },
- {
- fontcolor: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return a(this, 'font', 'color', f);
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 75008: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('fontsize') },
- {
- fontsize: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return a(this, 'font', 'size', f);
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 9867: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(13912),
- o = RangeError,
- f = String.fromCharCode,
- b = String.fromCodePoint,
- y = a([].join),
- B = !!b && b.length !== 1;
- e(
- { target: 'String', stat: !0, arity: 1, forced: B },
- {
- fromCodePoint: (function () {
- function k(g) {
- for (var i = [], c = arguments.length, m = 0, l; c > m; ) {
- if (((l = +arguments[m++]), t(l, 1114111) !== l)) throw new o(l + ' is not a valid code point');
- i[m] = l < 65536 ? f(l) : f(((l -= 65536) >> 10) + 55296, (l % 1024) + 56320);
- }
- return y(i, '');
- }
- return k;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 43673: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(86213),
- o = n(16952),
- f = n(12605),
- b = n(45490),
- y = a(''.indexOf);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: !b('includes') },
- {
- includes: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- return !!~y(f(o(this)), f(t(k)), arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 56027: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('italics') },
- {
- italics: (function () {
- function o() {
- return a(this, 'i', '', '');
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 12354: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(50233).charAt,
- a = n(12605),
- t = n(5419),
- o = n(65574),
- f = n(5959),
- b = 'String Iterator',
- y = t.set,
- B = t.getterFor(b);
- o(
- String,
- 'String',
- function (k) {
- y(this, { type: b, string: a(k), index: 0 });
- },
- (function () {
- function k() {
- var g = B(this),
- i = g.string,
- c = g.index,
- m;
- return c >= i.length ? f(void 0, !0) : ((m = e(i, c)), (g.index += m.length), f(m, !1));
- }
- return k;
- })()
- );
- },
- 50340: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('link') },
- {
- link: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return a(this, 'a', 'href', f);
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 22515: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(79942),
- t = n(30365),
- o = n(42871),
- f = n(10188),
- b = n(12605),
- y = n(16952),
- B = n(78060),
- k = n(35483),
- g = n(28340);
- a('match', function (i, c, m) {
- return [
- (function () {
- function l(u) {
- var s = y(this),
- d = o(u) ? void 0 : B(u, i);
- return d ? e(d, u, s) : new RegExp(u)[i](b(s));
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- function (l) {
- var u = t(this),
- s = b(l),
- d = m(c, u, s);
- if (d.done) return d.value;
- if (!u.global) return g(u, s);
- var C = u.unicode;
- u.lastIndex = 0;
- for (var h = [], v = 0, p; (p = g(u, s)) !== null; ) {
- var N = b(p[0]);
- (h[v] = N), N === '' && (u.lastIndex = k(s, f(u.lastIndex), C)), v++;
- }
- return v === 0 ? null : h;
- },
- ];
- });
- },
- 5143: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(24051).end,
- t = n(34125);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t },
- {
- padEnd: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return a(this, f, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 93514: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(24051).start,
- t = n(34125);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t },
- {
- padStart: (function () {
- function o(f) {
- return a(this, f, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 5416: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(57591),
- o = n(46771),
- f = n(12605),
- b = n(24760),
- y = a([].push),
- B = a([].join);
- e(
- { target: 'String', stat: !0 },
- {
- raw: (function () {
- function k(g) {
- var i = t(o(g).raw),
- c = b(i);
- if (!c) return '';
- for (var m = arguments.length, l = [], u = 0; ; ) {
- if ((y(l, f(i[u++])), u === c)) return B(l, '');
- u < m && y(l, f(arguments[u]));
- }
- }
- return k;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 11619: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(62443);
- e({ target: 'String', proto: !0 }, { repeat: a });
- },
- 44590: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(61267),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(67250),
- o = n(79942),
- f = n(40033),
- b = n(30365),
- y = n(55747),
- B = n(42871),
- k = n(61365),
- g = n(10188),
- i = n(12605),
- c = n(16952),
- m = n(35483),
- l = n(78060),
- u = n(48300),
- s = n(28340),
- d = n(24697),
- C = d('replace'),
- h = Math.max,
- v = Math.min,
- p = t([].concat),
- N = t([].push),
- V = t(''.indexOf),
- S = t(''.slice),
- I = function (E) {
- return E === void 0 ? E : String(E);
- },
- L = (function () {
- return 'a'.replace(/./, '$0') === '$0';
- })(),
- w = (function () {
- return /./[C] ? /./[C]('a', '$0') === '' : !1;
- })(),
- A = !f(function () {
- var x = /./;
- return (
- (x.exec = function () {
- var E = [];
- return (E.groups = { a: '7' }), E;
- }),
- ''.replace(x, '$') !== '7'
- );
- });
- o(
- 'replace',
- function (x, E, P) {
- var D = w ? '$' : '$0';
- return [
- (function () {
- function M(R, O) {
- var F = c(this),
- _ = B(R) ? void 0 : l(R, C);
- return _ ? a(_, R, F, O) : a(E, i(F), R, O);
- }
- return M;
- })(),
- function (M, R) {
- var O = b(this),
- F = i(M);
- if (typeof R == 'string' && V(R, D) === -1 && V(R, '$<') === -1) {
- var _ = P(E, O, F, R);
- if (_.done) return _.value;
- }
- var U = y(R);
- U || (R = i(R));
- var z = O.global,
- $;
- z && (($ = O.unicode), (O.lastIndex = 0));
- for (var G = [], X; (X = s(O, F)), !(X === null || (N(G, X), !z)); ) {
- var J = i(X[0]);
- J === '' && (O.lastIndex = m(F, g(O.lastIndex), $));
- }
- for (var se = '', ie = 0, me = 0; me < G.length; me++) {
- X = G[me];
- for (var q = i(X[0]), re = h(v(k(X.index), F.length), 0), ae = [], le, Z = 1; Z < X.length; Z++)
- N(ae, I(X[Z]));
- var ne = X.groups;
- if (U) {
- var te = p([q], ae, re, F);
- ne !== void 0 && N(te, ne), (le = i(e(R, void 0, te)));
- } else le = u(q, F, re, ae, ne, R);
- re >= ie && ((se += S(F, ie, re) + le), (ie = re + q.length));
- }
- return se + S(F, ie);
- },
- ];
- },
- !A || !L || w
- );
- },
- 63272: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(79942),
- t = n(30365),
- o = n(42871),
- f = n(16952),
- b = n(5700),
- y = n(12605),
- B = n(78060),
- k = n(28340);
- a('search', function (g, i, c) {
- return [
- (function () {
- function m(l) {
- var u = f(this),
- s = o(l) ? void 0 : B(l, g);
- return s ? e(s, l, u) : new RegExp(l)[g](y(u));
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- function (m) {
- var l = t(this),
- u = y(m),
- s = c(i, l, u);
- if (s.done) return s.value;
- var d = l.lastIndex;
- b(d, 0) || (l.lastIndex = 0);
- var C = k(l, u);
- return b(l.lastIndex, d) || (l.lastIndex = d), C === null ? -1 : C.index;
- },
- ];
- });
- },
- 34325: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('small') },
- {
- small: (function () {
- function o() {
- return a(this, 'small', '', '');
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 39930: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(91495),
- a = n(67250),
- t = n(79942),
- o = n(30365),
- f = n(42871),
- b = n(16952),
- y = n(28987),
- B = n(35483),
- k = n(10188),
- g = n(12605),
- i = n(78060),
- c = n(28340),
- m = n(62115),
- l = n(40033),
- s = 4294967295,
- d = Math.min,
- C = a([].push),
- h = a(''.slice),
- v = !l(function () {
- var N = /(?:)/,
- V = N.exec;
- N.exec = function () {
- return V.apply(this, arguments);
- };
- var S = 'ab'.split(N);
- return S.length !== 2 || S[0] !== 'a' || S[1] !== 'b';
- }),
- p =
- 'abbc'.split(/(b)*/)[1] === 'c' ||
- 'test'.split(/(?:)/, -1).length !== 4 ||
- 'ab'.split(/(?:ab)*/).length !== 2 ||
- '.'.split(/(.?)(.?)/).length !== 4 ||
- '.'.split(/()()/).length > 1 ||
- ''.split(/.?/).length;
- t(
- 'split',
- function (N, V, S) {
- var I = '0'.split(void 0, 0).length
- ? function (L, w) {
- return L === void 0 && w === 0 ? [] : e(V, this, L, w);
- }
- : V;
- return [
- (function () {
- function L(w, A) {
- var x = b(this),
- E = f(w) ? void 0 : i(w, N);
- return E ? e(E, w, x, A) : e(I, g(x), w, A);
- }
- return L;
- })(),
- function (L, w) {
- var A = o(this),
- x = g(L);
- if (!p) {
- var E = S(I, A, x, w, I !== V);
- if (E.done) return E.value;
- }
- var P = y(A, RegExp),
- D = A.unicode,
- M = (A.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '') + (A.multiline ? 'm' : '') + (A.unicode ? 'u' : '') + (u ? 'g' : 'y'),
- R = new P(u ? '^(?:' + A.source + ')' : A, M),
- O = w === void 0 ? s : w >>> 0;
- if (O === 0) return [];
- if (x.length === 0) return c(R, x) === null ? [x] : [];
- for (var F = 0, _ = 0, U = []; _ < x.length; ) {
- R.lastIndex = u ? 0 : _;
- var z = c(R, u ? h(x, _) : x),
- $;
- if (z === null || ($ = d(k(R.lastIndex + (u ? _ : 0)), x.length)) === F) _ = B(x, _, D);
- else {
- if ((C(U, h(x, F, _)), U.length === O)) return U;
- for (var G = 1; G <= z.length - 1; G++) if ((C(U, z[G]), U.length === O)) return U;
- _ = F = $;
- }
- }
- return C(U, h(x, F)), U;
- },
- ];
- },
- p || !v,
- u
- );
- },
- 4038: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(71138),
- t = n(27193).f,
- o = n(10188),
- f = n(12605),
- b = n(86213),
- y = n(16952),
- B = n(45490),
- k = n(4493),
- g = a(''.slice),
- i = Math.min,
- c = B('startsWith'),
- m =
- !k &&
- !c &&
- !!(function () {
- var l = t(String.prototype, 'startsWith');
- return l && !l.writable;
- })();
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: !m && !c },
- {
- startsWith: (function () {
- function l(u) {
- var s = f(y(this));
- b(u);
- var d = o(i(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, s.length)),
- C = f(u);
- return g(s, d, d + C.length) === C;
- }
- return l;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 74498: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('strike') },
- {
- strike: (function () {
- function o() {
- return a(this, 'strike', '', '');
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 15812: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('sub') },
- {
- sub: (function () {
- function o() {
- return a(this, 'sub', '', '');
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 57726: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(72506),
- t = n(88539);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('sup') },
- {
- sup: (function () {
- function o() {
- return a(this, 'sup', '', '');
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 70604: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(99159);
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(43476);
- e({ target: 'String', proto: !0, name: 'trimEnd', forced: ''.trimEnd !== a }, { trimEnd: a });
- },
- 85404: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(43885);
- e({ target: 'String', proto: !0, name: 'trimStart', forced: ''.trimLeft !== a }, { trimLeft: a });
- },
- 99159: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(43476);
- e({ target: 'String', proto: !0, name: 'trimEnd', forced: ''.trimRight !== a }, { trimRight: a });
- },
- 34965: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(85404);
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(43885);
- e({ target: 'String', proto: !0, name: 'trimStart', forced: ''.trimStart !== a }, { trimStart: a });
- },
- 8448: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(92648).trim,
- t = n(90012);
- e(
- { target: 'String', proto: !0, forced: t('trim') },
- {
- trim: (function () {
- function o() {
- return a(this);
- }
- return o;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 79250: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889);
- e('asyncIterator');
- },
- 49899: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(91495),
- o = n(67250),
- f = n(4493),
- b = n(58310),
- y = n(52357),
- B = n(40033),
- k = n(45299),
- g = n(21287),
- i = n(30365),
- c = n(57591),
- m = n(767),
- l = n(12605),
- u = n(87458),
- s = n(80674),
- d = n(18450),
- C = n(37310),
- h = n(81644),
- v = n(89235),
- p = n(27193),
- N = n(74595),
- V = n(24239),
- S = n(12867),
- I = n(55938),
- L = n(73936),
- w = n(16639),
- A = n(19417),
- x = n(79195),
- E = n(16738),
- P = n(24697),
- D = n(55557),
- M = n(85889),
- R = n(52360),
- O = n(84925),
- F = n(5419),
- _ = n(22603).forEach,
- U = A('hidden'),
- z = 'Symbol',
- $ = 'prototype',
- G = F.set,
- X = F.getterFor(z),
- J = Object[$],
- se = a.Symbol,
- ie = se && se[$],
- me = a.RangeError,
- q = a.TypeError,
- re = a.QObject,
- ae = p.f,
- le = N.f,
- Z = h.f,
- ne = S.f,
- te = o([].push),
- fe = w('symbols'),
- pe = w('op-symbols'),
- ce = w('wks'),
- Ve = !re || !re[$] || !re[$].findChild,
- Ce = function (he, ke, ve) {
- var Se = ae(J, ke);
- Se && delete J[ke], le(he, ke, ve), Se && he !== J && le(J, ke, Se);
- },
- Ne =
- b &&
- B(function () {
- return (
- s(
- le({}, 'a', {
- get: (function () {
- function de() {
- return le(this, 'a', { value: 7 }).a;
- }
- return de;
- })(),
- })
- ).a !== 7
- );
- })
- ? Ce
- : le,
- Be = function (he, ke) {
- var ve = (fe[he] = s(ie));
- return G(ve, { type: z, tag: he, description: ke }), b || (ve.description = ke), ve;
- },
- be = (function () {
- function de(he, ke, ve) {
- he === J && be(pe, ke, ve), i(he);
- var Se = m(ke);
- return (
- i(ve),
- k(fe, Se)
- ? (ve.enumerable
- ? (k(he, U) && he[U][Se] && (he[U][Se] = !1), (ve = s(ve, { enumerable: u(0, !1) })))
- : (k(he, U) || le(he, U, u(1, s(null))), (he[U][Se] = !0)),
- Ne(he, Se, ve))
- : le(he, Se, ve)
- );
- }
- return de;
- })(),
- Le = (function () {
- function de(he, ke) {
- i(he);
- var ve = c(ke),
- Se = d(ve).concat(ye(ve));
- return (
- _(Se, function (Pe) {
- (!b || t(xe, ve, Pe)) && be(he, Pe, ve[Pe]);
- }),
- he
- );
- }
- return de;
- })(),
- we = (function () {
- function de(he, ke) {
- return ke === void 0 ? s(he) : Le(s(he), ke);
- }
- return de;
- })(),
- xe = (function () {
- function de(he) {
- var ke = m(he),
- ve = t(ne, this, ke);
- return this === J && k(fe, ke) && !k(pe, ke)
- ? !1
- : ve || !k(this, ke) || !k(fe, ke) || (k(this, U) && this[U][ke])
- ? ve
- : !0;
- }
- return de;
- })(),
- Re = (function () {
- function de(he, ke) {
- var ve = c(he),
- Se = m(ke);
- if (!(ve === J && k(fe, Se) && !k(pe, Se))) {
- var Pe = ae(ve, Se);
- return Pe && k(fe, Se) && !(k(ve, U) && ve[U][Se]) && (Pe.enumerable = !0), Pe;
- }
- }
- return de;
- })(),
- He = (function () {
- function de(he) {
- var ke = Z(c(he)),
- ve = [];
- return (
- _(ke, function (Se) {
- !k(fe, Se) && !k(x, Se) && te(ve, Se);
- }),
- ve
- );
- }
- return de;
- })(),
- ye = function (he) {
- var ke = he === J,
- ve = Z(ke ? pe : c(he)),
- Se = [];
- return (
- _(ve, function (Pe) {
- k(fe, Pe) && (!ke || k(J, Pe)) && te(Se, fe[Pe]);
- }),
- Se
- );
- };
- y ||
- ((se = (function () {
- function de() {
- if (g(ie, this)) throw new q('Symbol is not a constructor');
- var he = !arguments.length || arguments[0] === void 0 ? void 0 : l(arguments[0]),
- ke = E(he),
- ve = (function () {
- function Se(Pe) {
- var je = this === void 0 ? a : this;
- je === J && t(Se, pe, Pe), k(je, U) && k(je[U], ke) && (je[U][ke] = !1);
- var Fe = u(1, Pe);
- try {
- Ne(je, ke, Fe);
- } catch (ze) {
- if (!(ze instanceof me)) throw ze;
- Ce(je, ke, Fe);
- }
- }
- return Se;
- })();
- return b && Ve && Ne(J, ke, { configurable: !0, set: ve }), Be(ke, he);
- }
- return de;
- })()),
- (ie = se[$]),
- I(
- ie,
- 'toString',
- (function () {
- function de() {
- return X(this).tag;
- }
- return de;
- })()
- ),
- I(se, 'withoutSetter', function (de) {
- return Be(E(de), de);
- }),
- (S.f = xe),
- (N.f = be),
- (V.f = Le),
- (p.f = Re),
- (C.f = h.f = He),
- (v.f = ye),
- (D.f = function (de) {
- return Be(P(de), de);
- }),
- b &&
- (L(ie, 'description', {
- configurable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function de() {
- return X(this).description;
- }
- return de;
- })(),
- }),
- f || I(J, 'propertyIsEnumerable', xe, { unsafe: !0 }))),
- e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, wrap: !0, forced: !y, sham: !y }, { Symbol: se }),
- _(d(ce), function (de) {
- M(de);
- }),
- e(
- { target: z, stat: !0, forced: !y },
- {
- useSetter: (function () {
- function de() {
- Ve = !0;
- }
- return de;
- })(),
- useSimple: (function () {
- function de() {
- Ve = !1;
- }
- return de;
- })(),
- }
- ),
- e(
- { target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !y, sham: !b },
- { create: we, defineProperty: be, defineProperties: Le, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Re }
- ),
- e({ target: 'Object', stat: !0, forced: !y }, { getOwnPropertyNames: He }),
- R(),
- O(se, z),
- (x[U] = !0);
- },
- 10933: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(58310),
- t = n(74685),
- o = n(67250),
- f = n(45299),
- b = n(55747),
- y = n(21287),
- B = n(12605),
- k = n(73936),
- g = n(5774),
- i = t.Symbol,
- c = i && i.prototype;
- if (a && b(i) && (!('description' in c) || i().description !== void 0)) {
- var m = {},
- l = (function () {
- function p() {
- var N = arguments.length < 1 || arguments[0] === void 0 ? void 0 : B(arguments[0]),
- V = y(c, this) ? new i(N) : N === void 0 ? i() : i(N);
- return N === '' && (m[V] = !0), V;
- }
- return p;
- })();
- g(l, i), (l.prototype = c), (c.constructor = l);
- var u = String(i('description detection')) === 'Symbol(description detection)',
- s = o(c.valueOf),
- d = o(c.toString),
- C = /^Symbol\((.*)\)[^)]+$/,
- h = o(''.replace),
- v = o(''.slice);
- k(c, 'description', {
- configurable: !0,
- get: (function () {
- function p() {
- var N = s(this);
- if (f(m, N)) return '';
- var V = d(N),
- S = u ? v(V, 7, -1) : h(V, C, '$1');
- return S === '' ? void 0 : S;
- }
- return p;
- })(),
- }),
- e({ global: !0, constructor: !0, forced: !0 }, { Symbol: l });
- }
- },
- 30828: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(4009),
- t = n(45299),
- o = n(12605),
- f = n(16639),
- b = n(66570),
- y = f('string-to-symbol-registry'),
- B = f('symbol-to-string-registry');
- e(
- { target: 'Symbol', stat: !0, forced: !b },
- {
- for: (function () {
- function k(g) {
- var i = o(g);
- if (t(y, i)) return y[i];
- var c = a('Symbol')(i);
- return (y[i] = c), (B[c] = i), c;
- }
- return k;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 53795: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889);
- e('hasInstance');
- },
- 87806: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889);
- e('isConcatSpreadable');
- },
- 64677: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889);
- e('iterator');
- },
- 33313: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(49899), n(30828), n(6862), n(53008), n(28603);
- },
- 6862: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(45299),
- t = n(71399),
- o = n(89393),
- f = n(16639),
- b = n(66570),
- y = f('symbol-to-string-registry');
- e(
- { target: 'Symbol', stat: !0, forced: !b },
- {
- keyFor: (function () {
- function B(k) {
- if (!t(k)) throw new TypeError(o(k) + ' is not a symbol');
- if (a(y, k)) return y[k];
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 48058: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889);
- e('match');
- },
- 51583: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889);
- e('replace');
- },
- 82403: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889);
- e('search');
- },
- 34265: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889);
- e('species');
- },
- 3295: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889);
- e('split');
- },
- 1078: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889),
- a = n(52360);
- e('toPrimitive'), a();
- },
- 63207: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4009),
- a = n(85889),
- t = n(84925);
- a('toStringTag'), t(e('Symbol'), 'Symbol');
- },
- 80520: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(85889);
- e('unscopables');
- },
- 99872: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(67250),
- a = n(4246),
- t = n(71447),
- o = e(t),
- f = a.aTypedArray,
- b = a.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- b(
- 'copyWithin',
- (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- return o(f(this), B, k, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0);
- }
- return y;
- })()
- );
- },
- 73364: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(22603).every,
- t = e.aTypedArray,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- o(
- 'every',
- (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })()
- );
- },
- 58166: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(88471),
- t = n(61484),
- o = n(2281),
- f = n(91495),
- b = n(67250),
- y = n(40033),
- B = e.aTypedArray,
- k = e.exportTypedArrayMethod,
- g = b(''.slice),
- i = y(function () {
- var c = 0;
- return (
- new Int8Array(2).fill({
- valueOf: (function () {
- function m() {
- return c++;
- }
- return m;
- })(),
- }),
- c !== 1
- );
- });
- k(
- 'fill',
- (function () {
- function c(m) {
- var l = arguments.length;
- B(this);
- var u = g(o(this), 0, 3) === 'Big' ? t(m) : +m;
- return f(a, this, u, l > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, l > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0);
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- i
- );
- },
- 23793: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(22603).filter,
- t = n(45399),
- o = e.aTypedArray,
- f = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- f(
- 'filter',
- (function () {
- function b(y) {
- var B = a(o(this), y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- return t(this, B);
- }
- return b;
- })()
- );
- },
- 13917: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(22603).findIndex,
- t = e.aTypedArray,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- o(
- 'findIndex',
- (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })()
- );
- },
- 43820: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(22603).find,
- t = e.aTypedArray,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- o(
- 'find',
- (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })()
- );
- },
- 80756: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80185);
- e('Float32', function (a) {
- return (function () {
- function t(o, f, b) {
- return a(this, o, f, b);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- });
- },
- 70567: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80185);
- e('Float64', function (a) {
- return (function () {
- function t(o, f, b) {
- return a(this, o, f, b);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- });
- },
- 19852: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(22603).forEach,
- t = e.aTypedArray,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- o(
- 'forEach',
- (function () {
- function f(b) {
- a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })()
- );
- },
- 40379: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(86563),
- a = n(4246).exportTypedArrayStaticMethod,
- t = n(3805);
- a('from', t, e);
- },
- 92770: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(14211).includes,
- t = e.aTypedArray,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- o(
- 'includes',
- (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })()
- );
- },
- 81069: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(14211).indexOf,
- t = e.aTypedArray,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- o(
- 'indexOf',
- (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })()
- );
- },
- 60037: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80185);
- e('Int16', function (a) {
- return (function () {
- function t(o, f, b) {
- return a(this, o, f, b);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- });
- },
- 44195: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80185);
- e('Int32', function (a) {
- return (function () {
- function t(o, f, b) {
- return a(this, o, f, b);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- });
- },
- 66756: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80185);
- e('Int8', function (a) {
- return (function () {
- function t(o, f, b) {
- return a(this, o, f, b);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- });
- },
- 63689: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(67250),
- o = n(4246),
- f = n(34570),
- b = n(24697),
- y = b('iterator'),
- B = e.Uint8Array,
- k = t(f.values),
- g = t(f.keys),
- i = t(f.entries),
- c = o.aTypedArray,
- m = o.exportTypedArrayMethod,
- l = B && B.prototype,
- u = !a(function () {
- l[y].call([1]);
- }),
- s = !!l && l.values && l[y] === l.values && l.values.name === 'values',
- d = (function () {
- function C() {
- return k(c(this));
- }
- return C;
- })();
- m(
- 'entries',
- (function () {
- function C() {
- return i(c(this));
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- u
- ),
- m(
- 'keys',
- (function () {
- function C() {
- return g(c(this));
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- u
- ),
- m('values', d, u || !s, { name: 'values' }),
- m(y, d, u || !s, { name: 'values' });
- },
- 5659: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(67250),
- t = e.aTypedArray,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod,
- f = a([].join);
- o(
- 'join',
- (function () {
- function b(y) {
- return f(t(this), y);
- }
- return b;
- })()
- );
- },
- 25014: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(61267),
- t = n(1325),
- o = e.aTypedArray,
- f = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- f(
- 'lastIndexOf',
- (function () {
- function b(y) {
- var B = arguments.length;
- return a(t, o(this), B > 1 ? [y, arguments[1]] : [y]);
- }
- return b;
- })()
- );
- },
- 32189: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(22603).map,
- t = n(31082),
- o = e.aTypedArray,
- f = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- f(
- 'map',
- (function () {
- function b(y) {
- return a(o(this), y, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, function (B, k) {
- return new (t(B))(k);
- });
- }
- return b;
- })()
- );
- },
- 23030: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(86563),
- t = e.aTypedArrayConstructor,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayStaticMethod;
- o(
- 'of',
- (function () {
- function f() {
- for (var b = 0, y = arguments.length, B = new (t(this))(y); y > b; ) B[b] = arguments[b++];
- return B;
- }
- return f;
- })(),
- a
- );
- },
- 49110: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(56844).right,
- t = e.aTypedArray,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- o(
- 'reduceRight',
- (function () {
- function f(b) {
- var y = arguments.length;
- return a(t(this), b, y, y > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })()
- );
- },
- 24309: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(56844).left,
- t = e.aTypedArray,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- o(
- 'reduce',
- (function () {
- function f(b) {
- var y = arguments.length;
- return a(t(this), b, y, y > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })()
- );
- },
- 56445: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = e.aTypedArray,
- t = e.exportTypedArrayMethod,
- o = Math.floor;
- t(
- 'reverse',
- (function () {
- function f() {
- for (var b = this, y = a(b).length, B = o(y / 2), k = 0, g; k < B; )
- (g = b[k]), (b[k++] = b[--y]), (b[y] = g);
- return b;
- }
- return f;
- })()
- );
- },
- 30939: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(91495),
- t = n(4246),
- o = n(24760),
- f = n(56043),
- b = n(46771),
- y = n(40033),
- B = e.RangeError,
- k = e.Int8Array,
- g = k && k.prototype,
- i = g && g.set,
- c = t.aTypedArray,
- m = t.exportTypedArrayMethod,
- l = !y(function () {
- var s = new Uint8ClampedArray(2);
- return a(i, s, { length: 1, 0: 3 }, 1), s[1] !== 3;
- }),
- u =
- l &&
- y(function () {
- var s = new k(2);
- return s.set(1), s.set('2', 1), s[0] !== 0 || s[1] !== 2;
- });
- m(
- 'set',
- (function () {
- function s(d) {
- c(this);
- var C = f(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, 1),
- h = b(d);
- if (l) return a(i, this, h, C);
- var v = this.length,
- p = o(h),
- N = 0;
- if (p + C > v) throw new B('Wrong length');
- for (; N < p; ) this[C + N] = h[N++];
- }
- return s;
- })(),
- !l || u
- );
- },
- 48321: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(31082),
- t = n(40033),
- o = n(54602),
- f = e.aTypedArray,
- b = e.exportTypedArrayMethod,
- y = t(function () {
- new Int8Array(1).slice();
- });
- b(
- 'slice',
- (function () {
- function B(k, g) {
- for (var i = o(f(this), k, g), c = a(this), m = 0, l = i.length, u = new c(l); l > m; ) u[m] = i[m++];
- return u;
- }
- return B;
- })(),
- y
- );
- },
- 88739: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(22603).some,
- t = e.aTypedArray,
- o = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- o(
- 'some',
- (function () {
- function f(b) {
- return a(t(this), b, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
- }
- return f;
- })()
- );
- },
- 60415: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(71138),
- t = n(40033),
- o = n(10320),
- f = n(90274),
- b = n(4246),
- y = n(652),
- B = n(19228),
- k = n(5026),
- g = n(9342),
- i = b.aTypedArray,
- c = b.exportTypedArrayMethod,
- m = e.Uint16Array,
- l = m && a(m.prototype.sort),
- u =
- !!l &&
- !(
- t(function () {
- l(new m(2), null);
- }) &&
- t(function () {
- l(new m(2), {});
- })
- ),
- s =
- !!l &&
- !t(function () {
- if (k) return k < 74;
- if (y) return y < 67;
- if (B) return !0;
- if (g) return g < 602;
- var C = new m(516),
- h = Array(516),
- v,
- p;
- for (v = 0; v < 516; v++) (p = v % 4), (C[v] = 515 - v), (h[v] = v - 2 * p + 3);
- for (
- l(C, function (N, V) {
- return ((N / 4) | 0) - ((V / 4) | 0);
- }),
- v = 0;
- v < 516;
- v++
- )
- if (C[v] !== h[v]) return !0;
- }),
- d = function (h) {
- return function (v, p) {
- return h !== void 0
- ? +h(v, p) || 0
- : p !== p
- ? -1
- : v !== v
- ? 1
- : v === 0 && p === 0
- ? 1 / v > 0 && 1 / p < 0
- ? 1
- : -1
- : v > p;
- };
- };
- c(
- 'sort',
- (function () {
- function C(h) {
- return h !== void 0 && o(h), s ? l(this, h) : f(i(this), d(h));
- }
- return C;
- })(),
- !s || u
- );
- },
- 72532: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246),
- a = n(10188),
- t = n(13912),
- o = n(31082),
- f = e.aTypedArray,
- b = e.exportTypedArrayMethod;
- b(
- 'subarray',
- (function () {
- function y(B, k) {
- var g = f(this),
- i = g.length,
- c = t(B, i),
- m = o(g);
- return new m(g.buffer, g.byteOffset + c * g.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, a((k === void 0 ? i : t(k, i)) - c));
- }
- return y;
- })()
- );
- },
- 62207: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(74685),
- a = n(61267),
- t = n(4246),
- o = n(40033),
- f = n(54602),
- b = e.Int8Array,
- y = t.aTypedArray,
- B = t.exportTypedArrayMethod,
- k = [].toLocaleString,
- g =
- !!b &&
- o(function () {
- k.call(new b(1));
- }),
- i =
- o(function () {
- return [1, 2].toLocaleString() !== new b([1, 2]).toLocaleString();
- }) ||
- !o(function () {
- b.prototype.toLocaleString.call([1, 2]);
- });
- B(
- 'toLocaleString',
- (function () {
- function c() {
- return a(k, g ? f(y(this)) : y(this), f(arguments));
- }
- return c;
- })(),
- i
- );
- },
- 906: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(4246).exportTypedArrayMethod,
- a = n(40033),
- t = n(74685),
- o = n(67250),
- f = t.Uint8Array,
- b = (f && f.prototype) || {},
- y = [].toString,
- B = o([].join);
- a(function () {
- y.call({});
- }) &&
- (y = (function () {
- function g() {
- return B(this);
- }
- return g;
- })());
- var k = b.toString !== y;
- e('toString', y, k);
- },
- 78824: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80185);
- e('Uint16', function (a) {
- return (function () {
- function t(o, f, b) {
- return a(this, o, f, b);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- });
- },
- 72846: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80185);
- e('Uint32', function (a) {
- return (function () {
- function t(o, f, b) {
- return a(this, o, f, b);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- });
- },
- 24575: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80185);
- e('Uint8', function (a) {
- return (function () {
- function t(o, f, b) {
- return a(this, o, f, b);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- });
- },
- 71968: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(80185);
- e(
- 'Uint8',
- function (a) {
- return (function () {
- function t(o, f, b) {
- return a(this, o, f, b);
- }
- return t;
- })();
- },
- !0
- );
- },
- 80040: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(50730),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(67250),
- o = n(30145),
- f = n(81969),
- b = n(45150),
- y = n(39895),
- B = n(77568),
- k = n(5419).enforce,
- g = n(40033),
- i = n(21820),
- c = Object,
- m = Array.isArray,
- l = c.isExtensible,
- u = c.isFrozen,
- s = c.isSealed,
- d = c.freeze,
- C = c.seal,
- h = !a.ActiveXObject && 'ActiveXObject' in a,
- v,
- p = function (E) {
- return (function () {
- function P() {
- return E(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
- }
- return P;
- })();
- },
- N = b('WeakMap', p, y),
- V = N.prototype,
- S = t(V.set),
- I = function () {
- return (
- e &&
- g(function () {
- var E = d([]);
- return S(new N(), E, 1), !u(E);
- })
- );
- };
- if (i)
- if (h) {
- (v = y.getConstructor(p, 'WeakMap', !0)), f.enable();
- var L = t(V.delete),
- w = t(V.has),
- A = t(V.get);
- o(V, {
- delete: (function () {
- function x(E) {
- if (B(E) && !l(E)) {
- var P = k(this);
- return P.frozen || (P.frozen = new v()), L(this, E) || P.frozen.delete(E);
- }
- return L(this, E);
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- has: (function () {
- function x(E) {
- if (B(E) && !l(E)) {
- var P = k(this);
- return P.frozen || (P.frozen = new v()), w(this, E) || P.frozen.has(E);
- }
- return w(this, E);
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- get: (function () {
- function x(E) {
- if (B(E) && !l(E)) {
- var P = k(this);
- return P.frozen || (P.frozen = new v()), w(this, E) ? A(this, E) : P.frozen.get(E);
- }
- return A(this, E);
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- set: (function () {
- function x(E, P) {
- if (B(E) && !l(E)) {
- var D = k(this);
- D.frozen || (D.frozen = new v()), w(this, E) ? S(this, E, P) : D.frozen.set(E, P);
- } else S(this, E, P);
- return this;
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- });
- } else
- I() &&
- o(V, {
- set: (function () {
- function x(E, P) {
- var D;
- return m(E) && (u(E) ? (D = d) : s(E) && (D = C)), S(this, E, P), D && D(E), this;
- }
- return x;
- })(),
- });
- },
- 90846: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(80040);
- },
- 67042: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(45150),
- a = n(39895);
- e(
- 'WeakSet',
- function (t) {
- return (function () {
- function o() {
- return t(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
- }
- return o;
- })();
- },
- a
- );
- },
- 40348: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(67042);
- },
- 5606: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(60375).clear;
- e({ global: !0, bind: !0, enumerable: !0, forced: a.clearImmediate !== t }, { clearImmediate: t });
- },
- 83006: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(5606), n(27807);
- },
- 25764: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(37713),
- o = n(10320),
- f = n(24986),
- b = n(40033),
- y = n(58310),
- B = b(function () {
- return y && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a, 'queueMicrotask').value.length !== 1;
- });
- e(
- { global: !0, enumerable: !0, dontCallGetSet: !0, forced: B },
- {
- queueMicrotask: (function () {
- function k(g) {
- f(arguments.length, 1), t(o(g));
- }
- return k;
- })(),
- }
- );
- },
- 27807: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(60375).set,
- o = n(78362),
- f = a.setImmediate ? o(t, !1) : t;
- e({ global: !0, bind: !0, enumerable: !0, forced: a.setImmediate !== f }, { setImmediate: f });
- },
- 45569: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(78362),
- o = t(a.setInterval, !0);
- e({ global: !0, bind: !0, forced: a.setInterval !== o }, { setInterval: o });
- },
- 5213: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- var e = n(63964),
- a = n(74685),
- t = n(78362),
- o = t(a.setTimeout, !0);
- e({ global: !0, bind: !0, forced: a.setTimeout !== o }, { setTimeout: o });
- },
- 69401: function (T, r, n) {
- 'use strict';
- n(45569), n(5213);
- },
- 7435: function (T) {
- 'use strict';
- /**
- * @file
- * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
- * @license MIT
- */ var r,
- n = [],
- e = [],
- a = function () {
- if (0) var k;
- window.onunload = function () {
- return r && r.close();
- };
- },
- t = function (k) {
- return e.push(k);
- },
- o = function (k) {
- var g = [],
- i = function (u) {
- return typeof u == 'number' && !Number.isFinite(u)
- ? { __number__: String(u) }
- : typeof u == 'undefined'
- ? { __undefined__: !0 }
- : u;
- },
- c = function (u, s) {
- if (typeof s == 'object') {
- if (s === null) return s;
- if (g.includes(s)) return '[circular ref]';
- g.push(s);
- var d = s instanceof Error || (s.code && s.message && s.message.includes('Error'));
- return d ? { __error__: !0, string: String(s), stack: s.stack } : Array.isArray(s) ? s.map(i) : s;
- }
- return i(s);
- },
- m = JSON.stringify(k, c);
- return (g = null), m;
- },
- f = function (k) {
- if (0) var g, i, c;
- },
- b = function (k, g) {
- if (0) var i, c, m;
- },
- y = function () {};
- T.exports = { subscribe: t, sendMessage: f, sendLogEntry: b, setupHotReloading: y };
- },
- },
- kt = {};
- function Y(T) {
- var r = kt[T];
- if (r !== void 0) return r.exports;
- var n = (kt[T] = { exports: {} });
- return Jt[T](n, n.exports, Y), n.exports;
- }
- (function () {
- Y.g = (function () {
- if (typeof globalThis == 'object') return globalThis;
- try {
- return this || new Function('return this')();
- } catch (T) {
- if (typeof window == 'object') return window;
- }
- })();
- })(),
- (function () {
- Y.o = function (T, r) {
- return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(T, r);
- };
- })();
- var Rn = {};
- (function () {
- 'use strict';
- Y(33313),
- Y(10933),
- Y(79250),
- Y(53795),
- Y(87806),
- Y(64677),
- Y(48058),
- Y(51583),
- Y(82403),
- Y(34265),
- Y(3295),
- Y(1078),
- Y(63207),
- Y(80520),
- Y(39600),
- Y(93237),
- Y(32057),
- Y(68933),
- Y(47830),
- Y(13455),
- Y(64094),
- Y(61915),
- Y(32384),
- Y(25579),
- Y(63532),
- Y(33425),
- Y(43894),
- Y(99636),
- Y(34570),
- Y(94432),
- Y(24683),
- Y(69984),
- Y(32089),
- Y(60206),
- Y(29645),
- Y(4788),
- Y(58672),
- Y(19356),
- Y(48968),
- Y(49852),
- Y(2712),
- Y(864),
- Y(54243),
- Y(75621),
- Y(26267),
- Y(50095),
- Y(33451),
- Y(74587),
- Y(25082),
- Y(47421),
- Y(32122),
- Y(6306),
- Y(90216),
- Y(84663),
- Y(92332),
- Y(98329),
- Y(9631),
- Y(47091),
- Y(59660),
- Y(15383),
- Y(92866),
- Y(86107),
- Y(29248),
- Y(52540),
- Y(79007),
- Y(77199),
- Y(6522),
- Y(95542),
- Y(2966),
- Y(20997),
- Y(57400),
- Y(45571),
- Y(54800),
- Y(15709),
- Y(76059),
- Y(96614),
- Y(324),
- Y(90426),
- Y(95443),
- Y(87968),
- Y(55007),
- Y(55323),
- Y(13521),
- Y(5006),
- Y(99009),
- Y(85770),
- Y(23532),
- Y(87119),
- Y(78618),
- Y(27129),
- Y(31943),
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e=n(46206),a=u(n(87991)),t=u(n(79752)),o=u(n(98309)),f=u(n(44896)),b=u(n(40600)),y=u(n(16599)),B=n(75573),k=u(n(37786)),g=u(n(57819)),l=u(n(4206)),c=u(n(12972)),m=u(n(81666)),i=n(63618);function u(C){return C&&C.__esModule?C:{default:C}}function s(C,p){var N=(0,k.default)(C,!1,p==="fixed");return N.top=N.top+C.clientTop,N.left=N.left+C.clientLeft,N.bottom=N.top+C.clientHeight,N.right=N.left+C.clientWidth,N.width=C.clientWidth,N.height=C.clientHeight,N.x=N.left,N.y=N.top,N}function d(C,p,N){return p===e.viewport?(0,m.default)((0,a.default)(C,N)):(0,B.isElement)(p)?s(p,N):(0,m.default)((0,t.default)((0,b.default)(C)))}function v(C){var p=(0,o.default)((0,g.default)(C)),N=["absolute","fixed"].indexOf((0,y.default)(C).position)>=0,V=N&&(0,B.isHTMLElement)(C)?(0,f.default)(C):C;return(0,B.isElement)(V)?p.filter(function(S){return(0,B.isElement)(S)&&(0,l.default)(S,V)&&(0,c.default)(S)!=="body"}):[]}function h(C,p,N,V){var 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t(){return!/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test((0,e.default)())}},10798:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=t;var e=a(n(16599));function a(o){return o&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o}}function t(o){var f=(0,e.default)(o),b=f.overflow,y=f.overflowX,B=f.overflowY;return/auto|scroll|overlay|hidden/.test(b+B+y)}},87031:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=t;var e=a(n(12972));function a(o){return o&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o}}function t(o){return["table","td","th"].indexOf((0,e.default)(o))>=0}},98309:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=b;var e=f(n(24426)),a=f(n(57819)),t=f(n(95115)),o=f(n(10798));function f(y){return y&&y.__esModule?y:{default:y}}function b(y,B){var k;B===void 0&&(B=[]);var g=(0,e.default)(y),l=g===((k=y.ownerDocument)==null?void 0:k.body),c=(0,t.default)(g),m=l?[c].concat(c.visualViewport||[],(0,o.default)(g)?g:[]):g,i=B.concat(m);return l?i:i.concat(b((0,a.default)(m)))}},46206:function(T,r){"use 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S.concat([I,I+"-"+b,I+"-"+y])},[]),i=r.beforeRead="beforeRead",u=r.read="read",s=r.afterRead="afterRead",d=r.beforeMain="beforeMain",v=r.main="main",h=r.afterMain="afterMain",C=r.beforeWrite="beforeWrite",p=r.write="write",N=r.afterWrite="afterWrite",V=r.modifierPhases=[i,u,s,d,v,h,C,p,N]},95996:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0;var e={popperGenerator:!0,detectOverflow:!0,createPopperBase:!0,createPopper:!0,createPopperLite:!0};r.popperGenerator=r.detectOverflow=r.createPopperLite=r.createPopperBase=r.createPopper=void 0;var a=n(46206);Object.keys(a).forEach(function(y){y==="default"||y==="__esModule"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,y)||y in r&&r[y]===a[y]||(r[y]=a[y])});var t=n(39805);Object.keys(t).forEach(function(y){y==="default"||y==="__esModule"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,y)||y in r&&r[y]===t[y]||(r[y]=t[y])});var o=n(96376);r.popperGenerator=o.popperGenerator,r.detectOverflow=o.detectOverflow,r.createPopperBase=o.createPopper;var f=n(83312);r.createPopper=f.createPopper;var b=n(2473);r.createPopperLite=b.createPopper},19975:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=void 0;var e=t(n(12972)),a=n(75573);function t(y){return y&&y.__esModule?y:{default:y}}function o(y){var B=y.state;Object.keys(B.elements).forEach(function(k){var g=B.styles[k]||{},l=B.attributes[k]||{},c=B.elements[k];!(0,a.isHTMLElement)(c)||!(0,e.default)(c)||(Object.assign(c.style,g),Object.keys(l).forEach(function(m){var i=l[m];i===!1?c.removeAttribute(m):c.setAttribute(m,i===!0?"":i)}))})}function f(y){var B=y.state,k={popper:{position:B.options.strategy,left:"0",top:"0",margin:"0"},arrow:{position:"absolute"},reference:{}};return Object.assign(B.elements.popper.style,k.popper),B.styles=k,B.elements.arrow&&Object.assign(B.elements.arrow.style,k.arrow),function(){Object.keys(B.elements).forEach(function(g){var 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0,r.mapToStyles=c;var e=n(46206),a=k(n(44896)),t=k(n(95115)),o=k(n(40600)),f=k(n(16599)),b=k(n(83104)),y=k(n(45)),B=n(63618);function k(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}}var g={top:"auto",right:"auto",bottom:"auto",left:"auto"};function l(u,s){var d=u.x,v=u.y,h=s.devicePixelRatio||1;return{x:(0,B.round)(d*h)/h||0,y:(0,B.round)(v*h)/h||0}}function c(u){var s,d=u.popper,v=u.popperRect,h=u.placement,C=u.variation,p=u.offsets,N=u.position,V=u.gpuAcceleration,S=u.adaptive,I=u.roundOffsets,L=u.isFixed,w=p.x,A=w===void 0?0:w,x=p.y,E=x===void 0?0:x,P=typeof I=="function"?I({x:A,y:E}):{x:A,y:E};A=P.x,E=P.y;var D=p.hasOwnProperty("x"),M=p.hasOwnProperty("y"),R=e.left,O=e.top,F=window;if(S){var _=(0,a.default)(d),U="clientHeight",z="clientWidth";if(_===(0,t.default)(d)&&(_=(0,o.default)(d),(0,f.default)(_).position!=="static"&&N==="absolute"&&(U="scrollHeight",z="scrollWidth")),_=_,h===e.top||(h===e.left||h===e.right)&&C===e.end){O=e.bottom;var $=L&&_===F&&F.visualViewport?F.visualViewport.height:_[U];E-=$-v.height,E*=V?1:-1}if(h===e.left||(h===e.top||h===e.bottom)&&C===e.end){R=e.right;var G=L&&_===F&&F.visualViewport?F.visualViewport.width:_[z];A-=G-v.width,A*=V?1:-1}}var X=Object.assign({position:N},S&&g),J=I===!0?l({x:A,y:E},(0,t.default)(d)):{x:A,y:E};if(A=J.x,E=J.y,V){var se;return Object.assign({},X,(se={},se[O]=M?"0":"",se[R]=D?"0":"",se.transform=(F.devicePixelRatio||1)<=1?"translate("+A+"px, "+E+"px)":"translate3d("+A+"px, "+E+"px, 0)",se))}return Object.assign({},X,(s={},s[O]=M?E+"px":"",s[R]=D?A+"px":"",s.transform="",s))}function m(u){var s=u.state,d=u.options,v=d.gpuAcceleration,h=v===void 0?!0:v,C=d.adaptive,p=C===void 0?!0:C,N=d.roundOffsets,V=N===void 0?!0:N,S={placement:(0,b.default)(s.placement),variation:(0,y.default)(s.placement),popper:s.elements.popper,popperRect:s.rects.popper,gpuAcceleration:h,isFixed:s.options.strategy==="fixed"};s.modifiersData.popperOffsets!=null&&(s.styles.popper=Object.assign({},s.styles.popper,c(Object.assign({},S,{offsets:s.modifiersData.popperOffsets,position:s.options.strategy,adaptive:p,roundOffsets:V})))),s.modifiersData.arrow!=null&&(s.styles.arrow=Object.assign({},s.styles.arrow,c(Object.assign({},S,{offsets:s.modifiersData.arrow,position:"absolute",adaptive:!1,roundOffsets:V})))),s.attributes.popper=Object.assign({},s.attributes.popper,{"data-popper-placement":s.placement})}var i=r.default={name:"computeStyles",enabled:!0,phase:"beforeWrite",fn:m,data:{}}},36692:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=void 0;var e=a(n(95115));function a(b){return b&&b.__esModule?b:{default:b}}var t={passive:!0};function o(b){var y=b.state,B=b.instance,k=b.options,g=k.scroll,l=g===void 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0?!0:v,C=i.fallbackPlacements,p=i.padding,N=i.boundary,V=i.rootBoundary,S=i.altBoundary,I=i.flipVariations,L=I===void 0?!0:I,w=i.allowedAutoPlacements,A=m.options.placement,x=(0,a.default)(A),E=x===A,P=C||(E||!L?[(0,e.default)(A)]:k(A)),D=[A].concat(P).reduce(function(ne,te){return ne.concat((0,a.default)(te)===b.auto?(0,f.default)(m,{placement:te,boundary:N,rootBoundary:V,padding:p,flipVariations:L,allowedAutoPlacements:w}):te)},[]),M=m.rects.reference,R=m.rects.popper,O=new Map,F=!0,_=D[0],U=0;U=0,J=X?"width":"height",se=(0,o.default)(m,{placement:z,boundary:N,rootBoundary:V,altBoundary:S,padding:p}),ie=X?G?b.right:b.left:G?b.bottom:b.top;M[J]>R[J]&&(ie=(0,e.default)(ie));var me=(0,e.default)(ie),q=[];if(d&&q.push(se[$]<=0),h&&q.push(se[ie]<=0,se[me]<=0),q.every(function(ne){return ne})){_=z,F=!1;break}O.set(z,q)}if(F)for(var re=L?3:1,ae=function(){function ne(te){var fe=D.find(function(pe){var ce=O.get(pe);if(ce)return ce.slice(0,te).every(function(Ve){return Ve})});if(fe)return _=fe,"break"}return ne}(),le=re;le>0;le--){var Z=ae(le);if(Z==="break")break}m.placement!==_&&(m.modifiersData[u]._skip=!0,m.placement=_,m.reset=!0)}}var l=r.default={name:"flip",enabled:!0,phase:"main",fn:g,requiresIfExists:["offset"],data:{_skip:!1}}},83761:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=void 0;var e=n(46206),a=t(n(17633));function t(B){return B&&B.__esModule?B:{default:B}}function o(B,k,g){return g===void 0&&(g={x:0,y:0}),{top:B.top-k.height-g.y,right:B.right-k.width+g.x,bottom:B.bottom-k.height+g.y,left:B.left-k.width-g.x}}function f(B){return[e.top,e.right,e.bottom,e.left].some(function(k){return B[k]>=0})}function b(B){var 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B=g(n(40107));r.popperOffsets=B.default;var k=g(n(75137));r.preventOverflow=k.default;function g(l){return l&&l.__esModule?l:{default:l}}},61410:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=void 0,r.distanceAndSkiddingToXY=o;var e=t(n(83104)),a=n(46206);function t(y){return y&&y.__esModule?y:{default:y}}function o(y,B,k){var g=(0,e.default)(y),l=[a.left,a.top].indexOf(g)>=0?-1:1,c=typeof k=="function"?k(Object.assign({},B,{placement:y})):k,m=c[0],i=c[1];return m=m||0,i=(i||0)*l,[a.left,a.right].indexOf(g)>=0?{x:i,y:m}:{x:m,y:i}}function f(y){var B=y.state,k=y.options,g=y.name,l=k.offset,c=l===void 0?[0,0]:l,m=a.placements.reduce(function(d,v){return d[v]=o(v,B.rects,c),d},{}),i=m[B.placement],u=i.x,s=i.y;B.modifiersData.popperOffsets!=null&&(B.modifiersData.popperOffsets.x+=u,B.modifiersData.popperOffsets.y+=s),B.modifiersData[g]=m}var b=r.default={name:"offset",enabled:!0,phase:"main",requires:["popperOffsets"],fn:f}},40107:function(T,r,n){"use 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0?0:x,P=(0,B.default)(s,{boundary:V,rootBoundary:S,padding:L,altBoundary:I}),D=(0,a.default)(s.placement),M=(0,k.default)(s.placement),R=!M,O=(0,t.default)(D),F=(0,o.default)(O),_=s.modifiersData.popperOffsets,U=s.rects.reference,z=s.rects.popper,$=typeof E=="function"?E(Object.assign({},s.rects,{placement:s.placement})):E,G=typeof $=="number"?{mainAxis:$,altAxis:$}:Object.assign({mainAxis:0,altAxis:0},$),X=s.modifiersData.offset?s.modifiersData.offset[s.placement]:null,J={x:0,y:0};if(_){if(C){var 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0:X[F])!=null?de:0,We=Fe?Pe:ve-U[Se]-z[Se]-ze+G.altAxis,Ue=Fe?ve+U[Se]+z[Se]-ze-G.altAxis:je,Xe=A&&Fe?(0,f.withinMaxClamp)(We,ve,Ue):(0,f.within)(A?We:Pe,ve,A?Ue:je);_[F]=Xe,J[F]=Xe-ve}s.modifiersData[v]=J}}var i=r.default={name:"preventOverflow",enabled:!0,phase:"main",fn:m,requiresIfExists:["offset"]}},2473:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.defaultModifiers=r.createPopper=void 0;var e=n(96376);r.popperGenerator=e.popperGenerator,r.detectOverflow=e.detectOverflow;var a=b(n(36692)),t=b(n(40107)),o=b(n(59894)),f=b(n(19975));function b(k){return k&&k.__esModule?k:{default:k}}var y=r.defaultModifiers=[a.default,t.default,o.default,f.default],B=r.createPopper=(0,e.popperGenerator)({defaultModifiers:y})},83312:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0;var e={createPopper:!0,createPopperLite:!0,defaultModifiers:!0,popperGenerator:!0,detectOverflow:!0};r.defaultModifiers=r.createPopperLite=r.createPopper=void 0;var a=n(96376);r.popperGenerator=a.popperGenerator,r.detectOverflow=a.detectOverflow;var t=i(n(36692)),o=i(n(40107)),f=i(n(59894)),b=i(n(19975)),y=i(n(61410)),B=i(n(23798)),k=i(n(75137)),g=i(n(52744)),l=i(n(83761)),c=n(2473);r.createPopperLite=c.createPopper;var m=n(39805);Object.keys(m).forEach(function(d){d==="default"||d==="__esModule"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,d)||d in r&&r[d]===m[d]||(r[d]=m[d])});function i(d){return d&&d.__esModule?d:{default:d}}var u=r.defaultModifiers=[t.default,o.default,f.default,b.default,y.default,B.default,k.default,g.default,l.default],s=r.createPopperLite=r.createPopper=(0,a.popperGenerator)({defaultModifiers:u})},9041:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=b;var e=f(n(45)),a=n(46206),t=f(n(17633)),o=f(n(83104));function f(y){return y&&y.__esModule?y:{default:y}}function b(y,B){B===void 0&&(B={});var k=B,g=k.placement,l=k.boundary,c=k.rootBoundary,m=k.padding,i=k.flipVariations,u=k.allowedAutoPlacements,s=u===void 0?a.placements:u,d=(0,e.default)(g),v=d?i?a.variationPlacements:a.variationPlacements.filter(function(p){return(0,e.default)(p)===d}):a.basePlacements,h=v.filter(function(p){return s.indexOf(p)>=0});h.length===0&&(h=v);var C=h.reduce(function(p,N){return p[N]=(0,t.default)(y,{placement:N,boundary:l,rootBoundary:c,padding:m})[(0,o.default)(N)],p},{});return Object.keys(C).sort(function(p,N){return C[p]-C[N]})}},89951:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=b;var e=f(n(83104)),a=f(n(45)),t=f(n(41199)),o=n(46206);function f(y){return y&&y.__esModule?y:{default:y}}function b(y){var B=y.reference,k=y.element,g=y.placement,l=g?(0,e.default)(g):null,c=g?(0,a.default)(g):null,m=B.x+B.width/2-k.width/2,i=B.y+B.height/2-k.height/2,u;switch(l){case o.top:u={x:m,y:B.y-k.height};break;case o.bottom:u={x:m,y:B.y+B.height};break;case o.right:u={x:B.x+B.width,y:i};break;case o.left:u={x:B.x-k.width,y:i};break;default:u={x:B.x,y:B.y}}var s=l?(0,t.default)(l):null;if(s!=null){var d=s==="y"?"height":"width";switch(c){case o.start:u[s]=u[s]-(B[d]/2-k[d]/2);break;case o.end:u[s]=u[s]+(B[d]/2-k[d]/2);break;default:}}return u}},10579:function(T,r){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=n;function n(e){var a;return function(){return a||(a=new Promise(function(t){Promise.resolve().then(function(){a=void 0,t(e())})})),a}}},17633:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.default=l;var e=g(n(49035)),a=g(n(40600)),t=g(n(37786)),o=g(n(89951)),f=g(n(81666)),b=n(46206),y=n(75573),B=g(n(43286)),k=g(n(81447));function g(c){return c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}}function l(c,m){m===void 0&&(m={});var i=m,u=i.placement,s=u===void 0?c.placement:u,d=i.strategy,v=d===void 0?c.strategy:d,h=i.boundary,C=h===void 0?b.clippingParents:h,p=i.rootBoundary,N=p===void 0?b.viewport:p,V=i.elementContext,S=V===void 0?b.popper:V,I=i.altBoundary,L=I===void 0?!1:I,w=i.padding,A=w===void 0?0:w,x=(0,B.default)(typeof 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Xt=xn(lt);for(ue=Xt.length-1,De=Qe-1;De>=0;De--)lt[De]===0?(Ge=De+Ye,Oe=W[Ge],Oe.flags&16384&&(W[Ge]=Oe=ae(Oe)),$e=Ge+1,Ke(Oe,ge,H,Te,$e0&&I(Me.componentWillMove)}else if(dt!==Qe)for(De=Qe-1;De>=0;De--)lt[De]===0&&(Ge=De+Ye,Oe=W[Ge],Oe.flags&16384&&(W[Ge]=Oe=ae(Oe)),$e=Ge+1,Ke(Oe,ge,H,Te,$eUt&&(Ut=ge,et=new Int32Array(ge),ft=new Int32Array(ge));H>1,j[et[ue]]0&&(ft[H]=et[ee-1]),et[ee]=H)}ee=Q+1;var Te=new Int32Array(ee);for(oe=et[ee-1];ee-- >0;)Te[ee]=oe,oe=ft[oe],et[ee]=0;return Te}var An=typeof document!="undefined";An&&window.Node&&(Node.prototype.$EV=null,Node.prototype.$V=null);function Ht(j,W,H,K){var Q=[],ee=new i,oe=W.$V;D.v=!0,a(oe)?a(j)||(j.flags&16384&&(j=ae(j)),Ke(j,W,K,!1,null,Q,ee),W.$V=j,oe=j):a(j)?(Je(oe,W,ee),W.$V=null):(j.flags&16384&&(j=ae(j)),qe(oe,j,W,K,!1,null,Q,ee),oe=W.$V=j),p(Q),S(ee.componentDidAppear),D.v=!1,o(H)&&H(),o(M.renderComplete)&&M.renderComplete(oe,W)}function zt(j,W,H,K){H===void 0&&(H=null),K===void 0&&(K=c),Ht(j,W,H,K)}function En(j){return 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D}(),l=r.hsvaToHsla=function(){function D(M){var R=M.h,O=M.s,F=M.v,_=M.a,U=(200-O)*F/100;return{h:a(R),s:a(U>0&&U<200?O*F/100/(U<=100?U:200-U)*100:0),l:a(U/2),a:a(_,2)}}return D}(),c=r.hsvaToHslString=function(){function D(M){var R=l(M),O=R.h,F=R.s,_=R.l;return"hsl("+O+", "+F+"%, "+_+"%)"}return D}(),m=r.hsvaToHsvString=function(){function D(M){var R=L(M),O=R.h,F=R.s,_=R.v;return"hsv("+O+", "+F+"%, "+_+"%)"}return D}(),i=r.hsvaToHsvaString=function(){function D(M){var R=L(M),O=R.h,F=R.s,_=R.v,U=R.a;return"hsva("+O+", "+F+"%, "+_+"%, "+U+")"}return D}(),u=r.hsvaToHslaString=function(){function D(M){var R=l(M),O=R.h,F=R.s,_=R.l,U=R.a;return"hsla("+O+", "+F+"%, "+_+"%, "+U+")"}return D}(),s=r.hsvaToRgba=function(){function D(M){var R=M.h,O=M.s,F=M.v,_=M.a;R=R/360*6,O=O/100,F=F/100;var U=Math.floor(R),z=F*(1-O),$=F*(1-(R-U)*O),G=F*(1-(1-R+U)*O),X=U%6;return{r:[F,$,z,z,G,F][X]*255,g:[G,F,F,$,z,z][X]*255,b:[z,z,G,F,F,$][X]*255,a:a(_,2)}}return D}(),d=r.hsvaToRgbString=function(){function D(M){var R=s(M),O=R.r,F=R.g,_=R.b;return"rgb("+a(O)+", "+a(F)+", "+a(_)+")"}return D}(),v=r.hsvaToRgbaString=function(){function D(M){var R=s(M),O=R.r,F=R.g,_=R.b,U=R.a;return"rgba("+a(O)+", "+a(F)+", "+a(_)+", "+a(U,2)+")"}return D}(),h=r.hsvaStringToHsva=function(){function D(M){var R=/hsva?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i,O=R.exec(M);return O?L({h:b(O[1],O[2]),s:Number(O[3]),v:Number(O[4]),a:O[5]===void 0?1:Number(O[5])/(O[6]?100:1)}):{h:0,s:0,v:0,a:1}}return D}(),C=r.hsvStringToHsva=h,p=r.rgbaStringToHsva=function(){function D(M){var R=/rgba?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i,O=R.exec(M);return O?I({r:Number(O[1])/(O[2]?100/255:1),g:Number(O[3])/(O[4]?100/255:1),b:Number(O[5])/(O[6]?100/255:1),a:O[7]===void 0?1:Number(O[7])/(O[8]?100:1)}):{h:0,s:0,v:0,a:1}}return D}(),N=r.rgbStringToHsva=p,V=function(M){var R=M.toString(16);return R.length<2?"0"+R:R},S=r.rgbaToHex=function(){function D(M){var R=M.r,O=M.g,F=M.b,_=M.a,U=_<1?V(a(_*255)):"";return"#"+V(a(R))+V(a(O))+V(a(F))+U}return D}(),I=r.rgbaToHsva=function(){function D(M){var R=M.r,O=M.g,F=M.b,_=M.a,U=Math.max(R,O,F),z=U-Math.min(R,O,F),$=z?U===R?(O-F)/z:U===O?2+(F-R)/z:4+(R-O)/z:0;return{h:60*($<0?$+6:$),s:U?z/U*100:0,v:U/255*100,a:_}}return D}(),L=r.roundHsva=function(){function D(M){return{h:a(M.h),s:a(M.s),v:a(M.v),a:a(M.a,2)}}return D}(),w=r.rgbaToRgb=function(){function D(M){var R=M.r,O=M.g,F=M.b;return{r:R,g:O,b:F}}return D}(),A=r.hslaToHsl=function(){function D(M){var R=M.h,O=M.s,F=M.l;return{h:R,s:O,l:F}}return D}(),x=r.hsvaToHsv=function(){function D(M){var R=L(M),O=R.h,F=R.s,_=R.v;return{h:O,s:F,v:_}}return D}(),E=/^#?([0-9A-F]{3,8})$/i,P=r.validHex=function(){function D(M,R){var O=E.exec(M),F=O?O[1].length:0;return F===3||F===6||!!R&&F===4||!!R&&F===8}return D}()},92868:function(T,r){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.EventEmitter=void 0;/**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */var n=r.EventEmitter=function(){function e(){this.listeners={}}var a=e.prototype;return a.on=function(){function t(o,f){this.listeners[o]=this.listeners[o]||[],this.listeners[o].push(f)}return t}(),a.off=function(){function t(o,f){var b=this.listeners[o];if(!b)throw new Error('There is no listeners for "'+o+'"');this.listeners[o]=b.filter(function(y){return y!==f})}return t}(),a.emit=function(){function t(o){var f=this.listeners[o];if(f){for(var b=arguments.length,y=new Array(b>1?b-1:0),B=1;B1?B-1:0),g=1;g1?k-1:0),l=1;ll?l:k}return B}(),e=r.clamp01=function(){function B(k){return k<0?0:k>1?1:k}return B}(),a=r.scale=function(){function B(k,g,l){return(k-g)/(l-g)}return B}(),t=r.round=function(){function B(k,g){if(!k||isNaN(k))return k;var l,c,m,i;return g|=0,l=Math.pow(10,g),k*=l,i=+(k>0)|-(k<0),m=Math.abs(k%1)>=.4999999999854481,c=Math.floor(k),m&&(k=c+(i>0)),(m?k:Math.round(k))/l}return B}(),o=r.toFixed=function(){function B(k,g){return g===void 0&&(g=0),Number(k).toFixed(Math.max(g,0))}return B}(),f=r.inRange=function(){function B(k,g){return g&&k>=g[0]&&k<=g[1]}return B}(),b=r.keyOfMatchingRange=function(){function B(k,g){for(var l=0,c=Object.keys(g);l1?i-1:0),s=1;s1?V-1:0),I=1;I=0;--pe){var ce=this.tryEntries[pe],Ve=ce.completion;if(ce.tryLoc==="root")return fe("end");if(ce.tryLoc<=this.prev){var Ce=N.call(ce,"catchLoc"),Ne=N.call(ce,"finallyLoc");if(Ce&&Ne){if(this.prev=0;--fe){var pe=this.tryEntries[fe];if(pe.tryLoc<=this.prev&&N.call(pe,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--te){var fe=this.tryEntries[te];if(fe.finallyLoc===ne)return this.complete(fe.completion,fe.afterLoc),re(fe),O}}return Z}(),catch:function(){function Z(ne){for(var te=this.tryEntries.length-1;te>=0;--te){var fe=this.tryEntries[te];if(fe.tryLoc===ne){var pe=fe.completion;if(pe.type==="throw"){var ce=pe.arg;re(fe)}return ce}}throw Error("illegal catch attempt")}return Z}(),delegateYield:function(){function Z(ne,te,fe){return this.delegate={iterator:le(ne),resultName:te,nextLoc:fe},this.method==="next"&&(this.arg=h),O}return Z}()},C}function e(h,C,p,N,V,S,I){try{var L=h[S](I),w=L.value}catch(A){return void p(A)}L.done?C(w):Promise.resolve(w).then(N,V)}function a(h){return function(){var C=this,p=arguments;return new Promise(function(N,V){var S=h.apply(C,p);function I(w){e(S,N,V,I,L,"next",w)}function L(w){e(S,N,V,I,L,"throw",w)}I(void 0)})}}/**
+ * Browser-agnostic abstraction of key-value web storage.
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */var n=r.debounce=function(){function t(o,f,b){b===void 0&&(b=!1);var y;return function(){for(var B=arguments.length,k=new Array(B),g=0;g=f)o.apply(null,g),b=c;else{var m;y=setTimeout(function(){return B.apply(void 0,g)},f-(c-((m=b)!=null?m:0)))}}return B}()}return t}()},97450:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.vecSubtract=r.vecScale=r.vecNormalize=r.vecMultiply=r.vecLength=r.vecInverse=r.vecDivide=r.vecAdd=void 0;var e=n(88510);/**
+ * N-dimensional vector manipulation functions.
+ *
+ * Vectors are plain number arrays, i.e. [x, y, z].
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */var a=function(u,s){return u+s},t=function(u,s){return u-s},o=function(u,s){return u*s},f=function(u,s){return u/s},b=r.vecAdd=function(){function i(){for(var u=arguments.length,s=new Array(u),d=0;d0&&(N.style=x),N}return C}(),v=r.computeBoxClassName=function(){function C(p){var N=p.textColor||p.color,V=p.backgroundColor;return(0,e.classes)([g(N)&&"color-"+N,g(V)&&"color-bg-"+V])}return C}(),h=r.Box=function(){function C(p){var N=p.as,V=N===void 0?"div":N,S=p.className,I=p.children,L=b(p,f);if(typeof I=="function")return I(d(p));var w=typeof S=="string"?S+" "+v(L):v(L),A=d(L);return(0,a.createVNode)(t.VNodeFlags.HtmlElement,V,w,I,t.ChildFlags.UnknownChildren,A)}return C}();h.defaultHooks=e.pureComponentHooks},96184:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.ButtonInput=r.ButtonConfirm=r.ButtonCheckbox=r.Button=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(35840),t=n(92986),o=n(9394),f=n(55937),b=n(1331),y=n(62147),B=["className","fluid","translucent","icon","iconRotation","iconSpin","color","textColor","disabled","selected","tooltip","tooltipPosition","ellipsis","compact","circular","content","iconColor","iconRight","iconStyle","children","onclick","onClick","multiLine"],k=["checked"],g=["confirmContent","confirmColor","confirmIcon","icon","color","content","onClick"],l=["fluid","content","icon","iconRotation","iconSpin","tooltip","tooltipPosition","color","disabled","multiLine"];/**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+* @file
+* @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+* @license MIT
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+* @file
+* @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+* @license MIT
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+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @license MIT
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+ * @license MIT
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+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+* @file
+* @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+* @license MIT
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+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */var f=["backend/update","chat/message"],b=r.debugMiddleware=function(){function B(k){return(0,t.acquireHotKey)(e.KEY_F11),(0,t.acquireHotKey)(e.KEY_F12),a.globalEvents.on("keydown",function(g){g.code===e.KEY_F11&&k.dispatch((0,o.toggleDebugLayout)()),g.code===e.KEY_F12&&k.dispatch((0,o.toggleKitchenSink)()),g.ctrl&&g.alt&&g.code===e.KEY_BACKSPACE&&setTimeout(function(){throw new Error("OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! UwU We made a fucky wucky!! A wittle fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this!")})}),function(g){return function(l){return g(l)}}}return B}(),y=r.relayMiddleware=function(){function B(k){var g=n(7435),l=location.search==="?external";return l?g.subscribe(function(c){var m=c.type,i=c.payload;m==="relay"&&i.windowId===Byond.windowId&&k.dispatch(Object.assign({},i.action,{relayed:!0}))}):((0,t.acquireHotKey)(e.KEY_F10),a.globalEvents.on("keydown",function(c){c===e.KEY_F10&&k.dispatch((0,o.openExternalBrowser)())})),function(c){return function(m){var i=m.type,u=m.payload,s=m.relayed;if(i===o.openExternalBrowser.type){window.open(location.href+"?external","_blank");return}return f.includes(i)&&!s&&!l&&g.sendMessage({type:"relay",payload:{windowId:Byond.windowId,action:m}}),c(m)}}}return B}()},19147:function(T,r){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.debugReducer=void 0;/**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */var n=r.debugReducer=function(){function e(a,t){a===void 0&&(a={});var o=t.type,f=t.payload;return o==="debug/toggleKitchenSink"?Object.assign({},a,{kitchenSink:!a.kitchenSink}):o==="debug/toggleDebugLayout"?Object.assign({},a,{debugLayout:!a.debugLayout}):a}return e}()},27709:function(T,r){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.selectDebug=void 0;/**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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ye}(),delegateYield:function(){function ye(de,he,ke){return this.delegate={iterator:He(de),resultName:he,nextLoc:ke},this.method==="next"&&(this.arg=O),Z}return ye}()},F}function f(O,F,_,U,z,$,G){try{var X=O[$](G),J=X.value}catch(se){return void _(se)}X.done?F(J):Promise.resolve(J).then(U,z)}function b(O){return function(){var F=this,_=arguments;return new Promise(function(U,z){var $=O.apply(F,_);function G(J){f($,U,z,G,X,"next",J)}function X(J){f($,U,z,G,X,"throw",J)}G(void 0)})}}/**
+* @file
+* @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+* @license MIT
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+ * Normalized browser focus events and BYOND-specific focus helpers.
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * Various focus helpers.
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */var n=r.focusMap=function(){function a(){Byond.winset("paramapwindow.map",{focus:!0})}return a}(),e=r.focusWindow=function(){function a(){Byond.winset(Byond.windowId,{focus:!0})}return a}()},49968:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.formatSiUnit=r.formatPower=r.formatMoney=r.formatDb=void 0;var e=n(44879);/**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
+ */var a=["f","p","n","\u03BC","m"," ","k","M","G","T","P","E","Z","Y"],t=a.indexOf(" "),o=r.formatSiUnit=function(){function B(k,g,l){if(g===void 0&&(g=-t),l===void 0&&(l=""),typeof k!="number"||!Number.isFinite(k))return k;var c=Math.floor(Math.log10(k)),m=Math.floor(Math.max(g*3,c)),i=Math.floor(c/3),u=Math.floor(m/3),s=(0,e.clamp)(t+u,0,a.length),d=a[s],v=k/Math.pow(1e3,u),h=i>g?2+u*3-m:0,C=(0,e.toFixed)(v,h)+" "+d+l;return C.trim()}return B}(),f=r.formatPower=function(){function B(k,g){return g===void 0&&(g=0),o(k,g,"W")}return B}(),b=r.formatMoney=function(){function B(k,g){if(g===void 0&&(g=0),!Number.isFinite(k))return k;var l=(0,e.round)(k,g);g>0&&(l=(0,e.toFixed)(k,g)),l=String(l);var c=l.length,m=l.indexOf(".");m===-1&&(m=c);for(var i="",u=0;u0&&u=0?"+":g<0?"\u2013":"",c=Math.abs(g);return c===1/0?c="Inf":c=(0,e.toFixed)(c,2),l+c+" dB"}return B}()},56518:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.setupHotKeys=r.releaseHotKey=r.releaseHeldKeys=r.acquireHotKey=void 0;var e=f(n(92986)),a=n(24826),t=n(9394);function o(s){if(typeof WeakMap!="function")return null;var d=new WeakMap,v=new WeakMap;return(o=function(C){return C?v:d})(s)}function f(s,d){if(!d&&s&&s.__esModule)return s;if(s===null||typeof s!="object"&&typeof s!="function")return{default:s};var v=o(d);if(v&&v.has(s))return v.get(s);var h={__proto__:null},C=Object.defineProperty&&Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;for(var p in s)if(p!=="default"&&{}.hasOwnProperty.call(s,p)){var N=C?Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s,p):null;N&&(N.get||N.set)?Object.defineProperty(h,p,N):h[p]=s[p]}return h.default=s,v&&v.set(s,h),h}/**
+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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Main Core",action:"deoccupy"},4:{icon:"caret-square-down",content:"Shunt Core Process",action:"occupy"}},k=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data,s=u.locked&&!u.siliconUser,d=u.normallyLocked,v=y[u.externalPower]||y[0],h=y[u.chargingStatus]||y[0],C=u.powerChannels||[],p=B[u.malfStatus]||B[0],N=u.powerCellStatus/100;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.InterfaceLockNoticeBox),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Power Status",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Main Breaker",color:v.color,buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:u.isOperating?"power-off":"times",content:u.isOperating?"On":"Off",selected:u.isOperating&&!s,color:u.isOperating?"":"bad",disabled:s,onClick:function(){function V(){return i("breaker")}return V}()}),children:["[ ",v.externalPowerText," ]"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Power 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e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.ATM=function(){function m(i,u){var s=(0,a.useBackend)(u),d=s.act,v=s.data,h=v.view_screen,C=v.authenticated_account,p=v.ticks_left_locked_down,N=v.linked_db,V;if(p>0)V=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{bold:!0,color:"bad",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"exclamation-triangle"}),"Maximum number of pin attempts exceeded! Access to this ATM has been temporarily disabled."]});else if(!N)V=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{bold:!0,color:"bad",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"exclamation-triangle"}),"Unable to connect to accounts database, please retry and if the issue persists contact Nanotrasen IT support."]});else if(C)switch(h){case 1:V=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y);break;case 2:V=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B);break;case 3:V=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,l);break;default:V=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k)}else V=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,g);return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:550,height:650,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{children:V})]})})}return m}(),b=function(i,u){var s=(0,a.useBackend)(u),d=s.act,v=s.data,h=v.machine_id,C=v.held_card_name;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Nanotrasen Automatic Teller Machine",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:"For all your monetary needs!"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Card",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:C,icon:"eject",onClick:function(){function p(){return d("insert_card")}return p}()})})})]})},y=function(i,u){var s=(0,a.useBackend)(u),d=s.act,v=s.data,h=v.security_level;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Select a new security level for this account",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Level",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Account Number",icon:"unlock",selected:h===0,onClick:function(){function C(){return d("change_security_level",{new_security_level:1})}return C}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Description",children:"Either the account number or card is required to access this account. EFTPOS transactions will require a card."}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Level",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Account Pin",icon:"unlock",selected:h===2,onClick:function(){function C(){return d("change_security_level",{new_security_level:2})}return C}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Description",children:"An account number and pin must be manually entered to access this account and process transactions."})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c)]})},B=function(i,u){var s=(0,a.useBackend)(u),d=s.act,v=s.data,h=(0,a.useLocalState)(u,"targetAccNumber",0),C=h[0],p=h[1],N=(0,a.useLocalState)(u,"fundsAmount",0),V=N[0],S=N[1],I=(0,a.useLocalState)(u,"purpose",0),L=I[0],w=I[1],A=v.money;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Transfer 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x}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c)]})},k=function(i,u){var s=(0,a.useBackend)(u),d=s.act,v=s.data,h=(0,a.useLocalState)(u,"fundsAmount",0),C=h[0],p=h[1],N=v.owner_name,V=v.money;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Welcome, "+N,buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Logout",icon:"sign-out-alt",onClick:function(){function S(){return d("logout")}return S}()}),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Account Balance",children:["$",V]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Withdrawal Amount",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Input,{onInput:function(){function S(I,L){return p(L)}return S}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Withdraw Funds",icon:"sign-out-alt",onClick:function(){function S(){return 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Please let a coder know."}},c=function(h,C){var p=(0,t.useBackend)(C),N=p.act,V=p.data,S=V.accounts,I=(0,t.useLocalState)(C,"searchText",""),L=I[0],w=I[1],A=(0,t.useLocalState)(C,"sortId","owner_name"),x=A[0],E=A[1],P=(0,t.useLocalState)(C,"sortOrder",!0),D=P[0],M=P[1];return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,u),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table,{className:"AccountsUplinkTerminal__list",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Row,{bold:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{id:"owner_name",children:"Account Holder"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{id:"account_number",children:"Account Number"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{id:"suspended",children:"Account Status"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{id:"money",children:"Account 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v=(0,a.useBackend)(d),h=v.act,C=v.data,p=C.locked;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:570,height:p?310:755,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.InterfaceLockNoticeBox),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B),!p&&(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,g)],4)]})})}return u}(),y=function(s){return s===0?"green":s===1?"orange":"red"},B=function(s,d){var v=(0,a.useBackend)(d),h=v.act,C=v.data,p=C.air,N=C.mode,V=C.atmos_alarm,S=C.locked,I=C.alarmActivated,L=C.rcon,w=C.target_temp,A;return p.danger.overall===0?V===0?A="Optimal":A="Caution: Atmos alert in area":p.danger.overall===1?A="Caution":A="DANGER: Internals Required",(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Air 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x}()})],4)]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Oxygen",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{value:p.contents.oxygen/100,fractionDigits:"1",color:y(p.danger.oxygen)})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Nitrogen",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{value:p.contents.nitrogen/100,fractionDigits:"1",color:y(p.danger.nitrogen)})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Carbon Dioxide",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{value:p.contents.co2/100,fractionDigits:"1",color:y(p.danger.co2)})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Toxins",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{value:p.contents.plasma/100,fractionDigits:"1",color:y(p.danger.plasma)})}),p.contents.n2o>.1&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Nitrous 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h("command",{cmd:"set_external_pressure",val:101.325,id_tag:N.id_tag})}return V}()})]})]})},N.name)})},c=function(s,d){var v=(0,a.useBackend)(d),h=v.act,C=v.data,p=C.scrubbers;return p.map(function(N){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:N.name,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Status",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:N.power?"On":"Off",selected:N.power,icon:"power-off",onClick:function(){function V(){return h("command",{cmd:"power",val:!N.power,id_tag:N.id_tag})}return V}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:N.scrubbing?"Scrubbing":"Siphoning",icon:N.scrubbing?"filter":"sign-in-alt",onClick:function(){function V(){return h("command",{cmd:"scrubbing",val:!N.scrubbing,id_tag:N.id_tag})}return V}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Range",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:N.widenet?"Extended":"Normal",selected:N.widenet,icon:"expand-arrows-alt",onClick:function(){function V(){return h("command",{cmd:"widenet",val:!N.widenet,id_tag:N.id_tag})}return V}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Filtering",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Carbon Dioxide",selected:N.filter_co2,onClick:function(){function V(){return h("command",{cmd:"co2_scrub",val:!N.filter_co2,id_tag:N.id_tag})}return V}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Plasma",selected:N.filter_toxins,onClick:function(){function V(){return h("command",{cmd:"tox_scrub",val:!N.filter_toxins,id_tag:N.id_tag})}return V}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Nitrous Oxide",selected:N.filter_n2o,onClick:function(){function V(){return h("command",{cmd:"n2o_scrub",val:!N.filter_n2o,id_tag:N.id_tag})}return V}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Oxygen",selected:N.filter_o2,onClick:function(){function V(){return h("command",{cmd:"o2_scrub",val:!N.filter_o2,id_tag:N.id_tag})}return V}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Nitrogen",selected:N.filter_n2,onClick:function(){function V(){return h("command",{cmd:"n2_scrub",val:!N.filter_n2,id_tag:N.id_tag})}return V}()})]})]})},N.name)})},m=function(s,d){var v=(0,a.useBackend)(d),h=v.act,C=v.data,p=C.modes,N=C.presets,V=C.emagged,S=C.mode,I=C.preset;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"System Mode",children:Object.keys(p).map(function(L){var w=p[L];if(!w.emagonly||V)return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{textAlign:"right",width:1,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:w.name,icon:"cog",selected:w.id===S,onClick:function(){function A(){return h("mode",{mode:w.id})}return A}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:w.desc})]},w.name)})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"System Presets",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{italic:!0,children:"After making a selection, the system will automatically cycle in order to remove contaminants."}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table,{mt:1,children:N.map(function(L){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{textAlign:"right",width:1,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:L.name,icon:"cog",selected:L.id===I,onClick:function(){function w(){return h("preset",{preset:L.id})}return w}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:L.desc})]},L.name)})})]})],4)},i=function(s,d){var v=(0,a.useBackend)(d),h=v.act,C=v.data,p=C.thresholds;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Alarm 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S}()})},V.val)})]},N.name)})]})})}},12333:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.AirlockAccessController=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.AirlockAccessController=function(){function b(y,B){var k=(0,a.useBackend)(B),g=k.act,l=k.data,c=l.exterior_status,m=l.interior_status,i=l.processing,u,s;return c==="open"?u=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{width:"50%",content:"Lock Exterior Door",icon:"exclamation-triangle",disabled:i,onClick:function(){function d(){return g("force_ext")}return d}()}):u=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{width:"50%",content:"Cycle to Exterior",icon:"arrow-circle-left",disabled:i,onClick:function(){function d(){return g("cycle_ext_door")}return d}()}),m==="open"?s=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{width:"49%",content:"Lock Interior Door",icon:"exclamation-triangle",disabled:i,color:m==="open"?"red":i?"yellow":null,onClick:function(){function d(){return g("force_int")}return d}()}):s=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{width:"49%",content:"Cycle to Interior",icon:"arrow-circle-right",disabled:i,onClick:function(){function d(){return g("cycle_int_door")}return d}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:330,height:200,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Information",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"External Door Status",children:c==="closed"?"Locked":"Open"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Internal Door Status",children:m==="closed"?"Locked":"Open"})]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Actions",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:[u,s]})})]})})}return b}()},28736:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.AirlockElectronics=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=n(49148),b=1,y=2,B=4,k=8,g=r.AirlockElectronics=function(){function m(i,u){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:450,height:565,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,l),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c)]})})})}return m}(),l=function(i,u){var s=(0,a.useBackend)(u),d=s.act,v=s.data,h=v.unrestricted_dir;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Access Control",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{bold:!0,mb:1,children:"Unrestricted Access From:"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,textAlign:"center",icon:"arrow-left",content:"East",selected:h&B,onClick:function(){function C(){return d("unrestricted_access",{unres_dir:B})}return C}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,textAlign:"center",icon:"arrow-up",content:"South",selected:h&y,onClick:function(){function C(){return d("unrestricted_access",{unres_dir:y})}return C}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,textAlign:"center",icon:"arrow-right",content:"West",selected:h&k,onClick:function(){function C(){return d("unrestricted_access",{unres_dir:k})}return C}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,textAlign:"center",icon:"arrow-down",content:"North",selected:h&b,onClick:function(){function C(){return d("unrestricted_access",{unres_dir:b})}return C}()})})]})]})})},c=function(i,u){var s=(0,a.useBackend)(u),d=s.act,v=s.data,h=v.selected_accesses,C=v.one_access,p=v.regions;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.AccessList,{usedByRcd:1,rcdButtons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{checked:C,content:"One",onClick:function(){function N(){return d("set_one_access",{access:"one"})}return N}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{checked:!C,content:"All",onClick:function(){function N(){return d("set_one_access",{access:"all"})}return N}()})],4),accesses:p,selectedList:h,accessMod:function(){function N(V){return d("set",{access:V})}return N}(),grantAll:function(){function N(){return d("grant_all")}return N}(),denyAll:function(){function N(){return d("clear_all")}return N}(),grantDep:function(){function N(V){return d("grant_region",{region:V})}return N}(),denyDep:function(){function N(V){return d("deny_region",{region:V})}return N}()})}},47365:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.AlertModal=void 0;var 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C}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{fontSize:"16px",children:v.name})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{fontSize:"13px",children:v.upgrade_text}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:["Level:"," ",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"span",null,v.current_level+" / "+v.max_level,0,{style:{color:"green"}}),h&&h.stage>0&&(0,e.createVNode)(1,"span",null,[(0,e.createTextVNode)(" (Stage: "),h.stage,(0,e.createTextVNode)(")")],0)]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Divider)]})})]},v.name)};return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{vertical:!0,children:u.map(s)})}},59179:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.Autolathe=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(64795),t=n(88510),o=n(72253),f=n(36036),b=n(98595),y=n(25328),B=function(l,c,m,i){return l.requirements===null?!0:!(l.requirements.metal*i>c||l.requirements.glass*i>m)},k=r.Autolathe=function(){function 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i=(0,a.useBackend)(m),u=i.act,s=i.data,d=s.biomass,v=s.container,h=s.container_curr_reagents,C=s.container_max_reagents;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Storage",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{mr:"20px",color:"silver",children:"Biomass:"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{mr:"5px",children:d}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"leaf",size:1.2,color:"#3d8c40"})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{height:"21px",mt:"8px",align:"center",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{mr:"10px",color:"silver",children:"Container:"}),v?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{value:h,maxValue:C,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{textAlign:"center",children:h+" / "+C+" units"})}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:"None"})]})]})},k=function(c,m){var 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A(){return m("auto_shutdown")}return A}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:S&&!N?"toggle-on":"toggle-off",content:"Stabilizers",color:S&&!N?"green":"red",disabled:!!N,tooltip:"Turn stabilizers on or off",tooltipPosition:"top",onClick:function(){function A(){return m("stabilizers")}return A}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:L&&!N?"toggle-on":"toggle-off",content:"Stabilizer priority",color:L&&!N?"green":"red",disabled:!!N,tooltip:"On: Mining power will not exceed what can be stabilized",tooltipPosition:"top",onClick:function(){function A(){return m("stabilizer_priority")}return A}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Desired Mining Power",children:(0,f.formatPower)(s)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{labelStyle:{"vertical-align":"top"},label:"Set Desired Mining 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A}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"forward",disabled:N,tooltip:"Increase by one MW",tooltipPosition:"bottom",onClick:function(){function A(){return m("set",{set_power:s+1e6})}return A}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"fast-forward",disabled:N,tooltip:"Increase by 10MW",tooltipPosition:"bottom",onClick:function(){function A(){return m("set",{set_power:s+1e7})}return A}()})]})]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Total Power Use",children:(0,f.formatPower)(C)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Mining Power Use",children:(0,f.formatPower)(d)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Stabilizer Power Use",children:(0,f.formatPower)(I)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Surplus 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c=(0,a.useBackend)(l),m=c.act,i=c.data,u=i.product||[],s=i.miningPower,d=i.stabilizerPower,v=i.emagged,h=i.safeLevels,C=i.autoShutown,p=i.stabilizers,N=i.overhead;return(0,e.createFragment)([!C&&!v&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{danger:1,children:"Auto shutdown disabled"}),v?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{danger:1,children:"All safeties disabled"}):s<=15e6?"":p?s>d+15e6?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{danger:1,children:"Stabilizers overwhelmed, Instability likely"}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{children:"High Power, engaging stabilizers"}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{danger:1,children:"Stabilizers disabled, Instability likely"})],0)}return k}()},33758:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.BodyScanner=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(44879),t=n(25328),o=n(72253),f=n(36036),b=n(98595),y=[["good","Alive"],["average","Critical"],["bad","DEAD"]],B=[["hasVirus","bad","Viral pathogen detected in blood stream."],["blind","average","Cataracts detected."],["colourblind","average","Photoreceptor abnormalities detected."],["nearsighted","average","Retinal misalignment detected."],["paraplegic","bad","Lumbar nerves damaged."]],k=[["Respiratory","oxyLoss"],["Brain","brainLoss"],["Toxin","toxLoss"],["Radiation","radLoss"],["Brute","bruteLoss"],["Cellular","cloneLoss"],["Burn","fireLoss"],["Inebriation","drunkenness"]],g={average:[.25,.5],bad:[.5,1/0]},l=function(S,I){for(var L=[],w=0;w0?S.filter(function(I){return!!I}).reduce(function(I,L){return(0,e.createFragment)([I,(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{children:L},L)],0)},null):null},m=function(S){if(S>100){if(S<300)return"mild infection";if(S<400)return"mild infection+";if(S<500)return"mild infection++";if(S<700)return"acute infection";if(S<800)return"acute infection+";if(S<900)return"acute infection++";if(S>=900)return"septic"}return""},i=r.BodyScanner=function(){function V(S,I){var L=(0,o.useBackend)(I),w=L.data,A=w.occupied,x=w.occupant,E=x===void 0?{}:x,P=A?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,u,{occupant:E}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,N);return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.Window,{width:700,height:600,title:"Body Scanner",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:P})})}return V}(),u=function(S){var I=S.occupant;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,s,{occupant:I}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,d,{occupant:I}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,v,{occupant:I}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,C,{organs:I.extOrgan}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,p,{organs:I.intOrgan})]})},s=function(S,I){var L=(0,o.useBackend)(I),w=L.act,A=L.data,x=A.occupant;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Section,{title:"Occupant",buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Button,{icon:"print",onClick:function(){function E(){return w("print_p")}return E}(),children:"Print 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E}(),children:"Eject"})],4),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Name",children:x.name}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Health",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.ProgressBar,{min:"0",max:x.maxHealth,value:x.health/x.maxHealth,ranges:{good:[.5,1/0],average:[0,.5],bad:[-1/0,0]}})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Status",color:y[x.stat][0],children:y[x.stat][1]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Temperature",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.AnimatedNumber,{value:(0,a.round)(x.bodyTempC)}),"\xB0C,\xA0",(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.AnimatedNumber,{value:(0,a.round)(x.bodyTempF)}),"\xB0F"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Implants",children:x.implant_len?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{children:x.implant.map(function(E){return E.name}).join(", 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I=S.occupant;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Section,{title:"Damage",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Table,{children:l(k,function(L,w,A){return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Table.Row,{color:"label",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Table.Cell,{children:[L[0],":"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Table.Cell,{children:!!w&&w[0]+":"})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Table.Cell,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,h,{value:I[L[1]],marginBottom:A100)&&"average"||!!I.status.robotic&&"label",width:"33%",children:(0,t.capitalize)(I.name)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Table.Cell,{textAlign:"center",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.ProgressBar,{m:-.5,min:"0",max:I.maxHealth,mt:L>0&&"0.5rem",value:I.totalLoss/I.maxHealth,ranges:g,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Tooltip,{content:"Total 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B(k,g){var l=(0,a.useBackend)(g),c=l.act,m=l.data,i=m.selectedbook,u=m.book_categories,s=[];return u.map(function(d){return s[d.description]=d.category_id}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:600,height:400,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.ComplexModal),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,title:"Book Binder",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"print",width:"auto",content:"Print Book",onClick:function(){function d(){return c("print_book")}return d}()}),children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{ml:10,fontSize:"1.2rem",bold:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"search-plus",verticalAlign:"middle",size:3,mr:"1rem"}),"Book 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Report on Paradise Github"}return p}();return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:700,height:400,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:d===0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Tabs,{fluid:!0,textAlign:"center",children:Array.from({length:6}).map(function(p,N){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Tabs.Tab,{selected:d===N,onClick:function(){function V(){return v(N)}return V}(),children:h[N]},N)})})}),C(d)]})})})}return g}(),y=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data,s=u.bots;return s[l.model]!==void 0?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k,{model:[l.model]}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B,{model:[l.model]})},B=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{justify:"center",align:"center",fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{bold:1,color:"bad",children:["No ",[l.model]," detected"]})})},k=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data,s=u.bots;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table,{m:"0.5rem",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{header:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Name"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Model"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Status"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Location"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Interface"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Call"})]}),s[l.model].map(function(d){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:d.name}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:d.model}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:d.on?f(d.status):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"red",children:"Off"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:d.location}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Interface",onClick:function(){function v(){return i("interface",{botref:d.UID})}return v}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Call",onClick:function(){function v(){return i("call",{botref:d.UID})}return v}()})})]},d.UID)})]})})})}},20464:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.BotClean=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=n(92963),b=r.BotClean=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=c.locked,i=c.noaccess,u=c.maintpanel,s=c.on,d=c.autopatrol,v=c.canhack,h=c.emagged,C=c.remote_disabled,p=c.painame,N=c.cleanblood,V=c.area;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:500,height:400,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.BotStatus),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Cleaning Settings",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:N,content:"Clean Blood",disabled:i,onClick:function(){function S(){return l("blood")}return S}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Misc Settings",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,content:V?"Reset Area Selection":"Restrict to Current Area",onClick:function(){function S(){return l("area")}return S}()}),V!==null&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{mb:1,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Locked Area",children:V})})]}),p&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"pAI",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,icon:"eject",content:p,disabled:i,onClick:function(){function S(){return l("ejectpai")}return S}()})})]})})}return y}()},69479:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.BotFloor=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=n(92963),b=r.BotFloor=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=c.noaccess,i=c.painame,u=c.hullplating,s=c.replace,d=c.eat,v=c.make,h=c.fixfloor,C=c.nag_empty,p=c.magnet,N=c.tiles_amount;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:500,height:510,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.BotStatus),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Floor Settings",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{mb:"5px",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Tiles Left",children:N})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:u,content:"Add tiles to new hull plating",tooltip:"Fixing a plating requires the removal of floor tile. This will place it back after repairing. Same goes for hull breaches",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function V(){return l("autotile")}return V}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:s,content:"Add floor tiles on exposed hull plating",tooltip:"Example: It will add tiles to maintenance",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function V(){return l("replacetiles")}return V}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:h,content:"Repair damaged tiles and platings",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function V(){return l("fixfloors")}return V}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Miscellaneous",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:d,content:"Finds tiles",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function V(){return l("eattiles")}return V}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:v,content:"Make pieces of metal into tiles when empty",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function V(){return l("maketiles")}return V}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:C,content:"Transmit notice when empty",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function V(){return l("nagonempty")}return V}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:p,content:"Traction Magnets",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function V(){return l("anchored")}return V}()})]}),i&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"pAI",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,icon:"eject",content:i,disabled:m,onClick:function(){function V(){return l("ejectpai")}return V}()})})]})})}return y}()},59887:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.BotHonk=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=n(92963),b=r.BotHonk=function(){function y(B,k){var 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g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=c.locked,i=c.noaccess,u=c.maintpanel,s=c.on,d=c.autopatrol,v=c.canhack,h=c.emagged,C=c.remote_disabled,p=c.painame,N=c.shut_up,V=c.declare_crit,S=c.stationary_mode,I=c.heal_threshold,L=c.injection_amount,w=c.use_beaker,A=c.treat_virus,x=c.reagent_glass;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:500,height:500,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.BotStatus),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Communication Settings",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,content:"Speaker",checked:!N,disabled:i,onClick:function(){function E(){return l("toggle_speaker")}return E}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,content:"Critical Patient Alerts",checked:V,disabled:i,onClick:function(){function E(){return l("toggle_critical_alerts")}return 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l("toggle_use_beaker")}return E}()})}),x&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Beaker",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{inline:!0,width:"100%",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:1,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{value:x.amount,minValue:0,maxValue:x.max_amount,children:[x.amount," / ",x.max_amount]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{ml:1,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Eject",disabled:i,onClick:function(){function E(){return l("eject_reagent_glass")}return E}()})})]})})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{mt:1,fluid:!0,content:"Treat Viral Infections",checked:A,disabled:i,onClick:function(){function E(){return l("toggle_treat_viral")}return E}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,content:"Stationary Mode",checked:S,disabled:i,onClick:function(){function E(){return l("toggle_stationary_mode")}return E}()})]}),p&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"pAI",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,icon:"eject",content:p,disabled:i,onClick:function(){function E(){return l("ejectpai")}return E}()})})]})})})}return y}()},74439:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.BotSecurity=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=n(92963),b=r.BotSecurity=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=c.noaccess,i=c.painame,u=c.check_id,s=c.check_weapons,d=c.check_warrant,v=c.arrest_mode,h=c.arrest_declare;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:500,height:445,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.BotStatus),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Who To Arrest",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:u,content:"Unidentifiable Persons",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function C(){return l("authid")}return C}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:s,content:"Unauthorized Weapons",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function C(){return l("authweapon")}return C}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:d,content:"Wanted Criminals",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function C(){return l("authwarrant")}return C}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Arrest Procedure",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:v,content:"Detain Targets Indefinitely",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function C(){return l("arrtype")}return C}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:h,content:"Announce Arrests On Radio",disabled:m,onClick:function(){function C(){return l("arrdeclare")}return C}()})]}),i&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"pAI",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,icon:"eject",content:i,disabled:m,onClick:function(){function C(){return l("ejectpai")}return C}()})})]})})}return y}()},10833:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.BrigCells=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(98595),t=n(36036),o=n(72253),f=function(k,g){var l=k.cell,c=(0,o.useBackend)(g),m=c.act,i=l.cell_id,u=l.occupant,s=l.crimes,d=l.brigged_by,v=l.time_left_seconds,h=l.time_set_seconds,C=l.ref,p="";v>0&&(p+=" BrigCells__listRow--active");var N=function(){m("release",{ref:C})};return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{className:p,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:i}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:u}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:s}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:d}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.TimeDisplay,{totalSeconds:h})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.TimeDisplay,{totalSeconds:v})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{type:"button",onClick:N,children:"Release"})})]})},b=function(k){var g=k.cells;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table,{className:"BrigCells__list",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"Cell"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"Occupant"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"Crimes"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"Brigged By"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"Time Brigged For"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"Time Left"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"Release"})]}),g.map(function(l){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f,{cell:l},l.ref)})]})},y=r.BrigCells=function(){function B(k,g){var l=(0,o.useBackend)(g),c=l.act,m=l.data,i=m.cells;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,a.Window,{theme:"security",width:800,height:400,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,a.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b,{cells:i})})})})})}return B}()},45761:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.BrigTimer=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.BrigTimer=function(){function b(y,B){var k=(0,a.useBackend)(B),g=k.act,l=k.data;l.nameText=l.occupant,l.timing&&(l.prisoner_hasrec?l.nameText=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"green",children:l.occupant}):l.nameText=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"red",children:l.occupant}));var c="pencil-alt";l.prisoner_name&&(l.prisoner_hasrec||(c="exclamation-triangle"));var m=[],i=0;for(i=0;im?this.substring(0,m)+"...":this};var k=function(i,u){var s,d;if(!u)return[];var v=i.findIndex(function(h){return h.name===u.name});return[(s=i[v-1])==null?void 0:s.name,(d=i[v+1])==null?void 0:d.name]},g=function(i,u){u===void 0&&(u="");var s=(0,f.createSearch)(u,function(d){return d.name});return(0,t.flow)([(0,a.filter)(function(d){return d==null?void 0:d.name}),u&&(0,a.filter)(s),(0,a.sortBy)(function(d){return d.name})])(i)},l=r.CameraConsole=function(){function m(i,u){var s=(0,b.useBackend)(u),d=s.act,v=s.data,h=s.config,C=v.mapRef,p=v.activeCamera,N=g(v.cameras),V=k(N,p),S=V[0],I=V[1];return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B.Window,{width:870,height:708,children:[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"div","CameraConsole__left",(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c)})}),2),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"div","CameraConsole__right",[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"div","CameraConsole__toolbar",[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Camera: 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(",M.assignment,")"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.TableCell,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{inline:!0,color:m(M,V.critThreshold),children:c(M,V.critThreshold)}),M.sensor_type>=2||V.ignoreSensors?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{inline:!0,ml:1,children:["(",(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{inline:!0,color:y.COLORS.damageType.oxy,children:M.oxy}),"|",(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{inline:!0,color:y.COLORS.damageType.toxin,children:M.tox}),"|",(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{inline:!0,color:y.COLORS.damageType.burn,children:M.fire}),"|",(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{inline:!0,color:y.COLORS.damageType.brute,children:M.brute}),")"]}):null]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.TableCell,{children:M.sensor_type===3||V.ignoreSensors?V.isAI||V.isObserver?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Button,{fluid:!0,icon:"location-arrow",content:M.area+" ("+M.x+", "+M.y+")",onClick:function(){function F(){return N("track",{track:M.ref})}return F}()}):M.area+" ("+M.x+", "+M.y+")":(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{inline:!0,color:"grey",children:"Not Available"})})]},R)})]})]})},s=function(h,C){var p=h.color,N=l(h,g);return(0,e.normalizeProps)((0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.NanoMap.Marker,Object.assign({},N,{children:(0,e.createVNode)(1,"span","highlighted-marker color-border-"+p)})))},d=function(h,C){var p=(0,o.useBackend)(C),N=p.act,V=p.data,S=V.highlightedNames;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{height:"100vh",mb:"0.5rem",overflow:"hidden",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.NanoMap,{zoom:V.zoom,offsetX:V.offsetX,offsetY:V.offsetY,onZoom:function(){function I(L){return N("set_zoom",{zoom:L})}return I}(),onOffsetChange:function(){function I(L,w){return N("set_offset",{offset_x:w.offsetX,offset_y:w.offsetY})}return I}(),children:V.crewmembers.filter(function(I){return I.sensor_type===3||V.ignoreSensors}).map(function(I){var L=m(I,V.critThreshold),w=S.includes(I.name),A=function(){return V.isObserver?N("track",{track:I.ref}):null},x=function(){return N(w?"remove_highlighted_name":"add_highlighted_name",{name:I.name})},E=I.name+" ("+I.assignment+")";return w?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,s,{x:I.x,y:I.y,tooltip:E,color:L,onClick:A,onDblClick:x},I.ref):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.NanoMap.MarkerIcon,{x:I.x,y:I.y,icon:"circle",tooltip:E,color:L,onClick:A,onDblClick:x},I.ref)})})})}},63987:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.Cryo=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=[{label:"Resp.",type:"oxyLoss"},{label:"Toxin",type:"toxLoss"},{label:"Brute",type:"bruteLoss"},{label:"Burn",type:"fireLoss"}],b=[["good","Conscious"],["average","Unconscious"],["bad","DEAD"]],y=r.Cryo=function(){function g(l,c){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:520,height:500,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B)})})})}return g}(),B=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data,s=u.isOperating,d=u.hasOccupant,v=u.occupant,h=v===void 0?[]:v,C=u.cellTemperature,p=u.cellTemperatureStatus,N=u.isBeakerLoaded,V=u.cooldownProgress,S=u.auto_eject_healthy,I=u.auto_eject_dead;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Occupant",fill:!0,scrollable:!0,buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"user-slash",onClick:function(){function L(){return i("ejectOccupant")}return L}(),disabled:!d,children:"Eject"}),children:d?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Occupant",children:h.name||"Unknown"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Health",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{min:h.health,max:h.maxHealth,value:h.health/h.maxHealth,color:h.health>0?"good":"average",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.AnimatedNumber,{value:Math.round(h.health)})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Status",color:b[h.stat][0],children:b[h.stat][1]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Temperature",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.AnimatedNumber,{value:Math.round(h.bodyTemperature)})," K"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Divider),f.map(function(L){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:L.label,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{value:h[L.type]/100,ranges:{bad:[.01,1/0]},children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.AnimatedNumber,{value:Math.round(h[L.type])})})},L.id)})]}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,textAlign:"center",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,align:"center",color:"label",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"user-slash",mb:"0.5rem",size:"5"}),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),"No occupant detected."]})})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Cell",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"eject",onClick:function(){function L(){return i("ejectBeaker")}return L}(),disabled:!N,children:"Eject Beaker"}),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Power",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"power-off",onClick:function(){function L(){return i(s?"switchOff":"switchOn")}return L}(),selected:s,children:s?"On":"Off"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Temperature",color:p,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.AnimatedNumber,{value:C})," K"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Beaker",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Dosage interval",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{ranges:{average:[-1/0,99],good:[99,1/0]},color:!N&&"average",value:V,minValue:0,maxValue:100})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Auto-eject healthy occupants",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:S?"toggle-on":"toggle-off",selected:S,onClick:function(){function L(){return i(S?"auto_eject_healthy_off":"auto_eject_healthy_on")}return L}(),children:S?"On":"Off"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Auto-eject dead occupants",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:I?"toggle-on":"toggle-off",selected:I,onClick:function(){function L(){return i(I?"auto_eject_dead_off":"auto_eject_dead_on")}return L}(),children:I?"On":"Off"})})]})})})],4)},k=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data,s=u.isBeakerLoaded,d=u.beakerLabel,v=u.beakerVolume;return s?(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{inline:!0,color:!d&&"average",children:[d||"No label",":"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{inline:!0,color:!v&&"bad",ml:1,children:v?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.AnimatedNumber,{value:v,format:function(){function h(C){return Math.round(C)+" units remaining"}return h}()}):"Beaker is empty"})],4):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{inline:!0,color:"bad",children:"No beaker loaded"})}},86099:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.CryopodConsole=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=n(25328),b=r.CryopodConsole=function(){function k(g,l){var c=(0,a.useBackend)(l),m=c.data,i=m.account_name,u=m.allow_items;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{title:"Cryopod Console",width:400,height:480,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Hello, "+(i||"[REDACTED]")+"!",children:"This automated cryogenic freezing unit will safely store your corporeal form until your next assignment."}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y),!!u&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B)]})})}return k}(),y=function(g,l){var c=(0,a.useBackend)(l),m=c.data,i=m.frozen_crew;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Collapsible,{title:"Stored Crew",children:i.length?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:i.map(function(u,s){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:u.name,children:u.rank},s)})})}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{children:"No stored crew!"})})},B=function(g,l){var c=(0,a.useBackend)(l),m=c.act,i=c.data,u=i.frozen_items,s=function(v){var h=v.toString();return h.startsWith("the ")&&(h=h.slice(4,h.length)),(0,f.toTitleCase)(h)};return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Collapsible,{title:"Stored Items",children:u.length?(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:u.map(function(d){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:s(d.name),buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"arrow-down",content:"Drop",mr:1,onClick:function(){function v(){return m("one_item",{item:d.uid})}return v}()})},d)})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Drop All Items",color:"red",onClick:function(){function d(){return m("all_items")}return d}()})],4):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{children:"No stored items!"})})}},12692:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.DNAModifier=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=n(3939),b=[["good","Alive"],["average","Critical"],["bad","DEAD"]],y=[["ui","Modify U.I.","dna"],["se","Modify S.E.","dna"],["buffer","Transfer Buffers","syringe"],["rejuvenators","Rejuvenators","flask"]],B=[5,10,20,30,50],k=r.DNAModifier=function(){function p(N,V){var S=(0,a.useBackend)(V),I=S.act,L=S.data,w=L.irradiating,A=L.dnaBlockSize,x=L.occupant;V.dnaBlockSize=A,V.isDNAInvalid=!x.isViableSubject||!x.uniqueIdentity||!x.structuralEnzymes;var E;return w&&(E=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,h,{duration:w})),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:660,height:775,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.ComplexModal),E,(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,g)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,l)})]})})]})}return p}(),g=function(N,V){var S=(0,a.useBackend)(V),I=S.act,L=S.data,w=L.locked,A=L.hasOccupant,x=L.occupant;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Occupant",buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"label",inline:!0,mr:"0.5rem",children:"Door Lock:"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{disabled:!A,selected:w,icon:w?"toggle-on":"toggle-off",content:w?"Engaged":"Disengaged",onClick:function(){function E(){return I("toggleLock")}return E}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{disabled:!A||w,icon:"user-slash",content:"Eject",onClick:function(){function E(){return I("ejectOccupant")}return E}()})],4),children:A?(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Name",children:x.name}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Health",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{min:x.minHealth,max:x.maxHealth,value:x.health/x.maxHealth,ranges:{good:[.5,1/0],average:[0,.5],bad:[-1/0,0]}})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Status",color:b[x.stat][0],children:b[x.stat][1]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Divider)]})}),V.isDNAInvalid?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"bad",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"exclamation-circle"}),"\xA0 The occupant's DNA structure is ruined beyond recognition, please insert a subject with an intact DNA structure."]}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Radiation",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{min:"0",max:"100",value:x.radiationLevel/100,color:"average"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Unique Enzymes",children:L.occupant.uniqueEnzymes?L.occupant.uniqueEnzymes:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"bad",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"exclamation-circle"}),"\xA0 Unknown"]})})]})],0):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"label",children:"Cell unoccupied."})})},l=function(N,V){var S=(0,a.useBackend)(V),I=S.act,L=S.data,w=L.selectedMenuKey,A=L.hasOccupant,x=L.occupant;if(A){if(V.isDNAInvalid)return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,align:"center",textAlign:"center",color:"label",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"user-slash",mb:"0.5rem",size:"5"}),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),"No operation possible on this subject."]})})})}else return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,align:"center",textAlign:"center",color:"label",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"user-slash",mb:"0.5rem",size:"5"}),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),"No occupant in DNA modifier."]})})});var E;return w==="ui"?E=(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i)],4):w==="se"?E=(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,m),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i)],4):w==="buffer"?E=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,u):w==="rejuvenators"&&(E=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,v)),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Tabs,{children:y.map(function(P,D){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Tabs.Tab,{icon:P[2],selected:w===P[0],onClick:function(){function M(){return I("selectMenuKey",{key:P[0]})}return M}(),children:P[1]},D)})}),E]})},c=function(N,V){var S=(0,a.useBackend)(V),I=S.act,L=S.data,w=L.selectedUIBlock,A=L.selectedUISubBlock,x=L.selectedUITarget,E=L.occupant;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Modify Unique Identifier",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,C,{dnaString:E.uniqueIdentity,selectedBlock:w,selectedSubblock:A,blockSize:V.dnaBlockSize,action:"selectUIBlock"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Target",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Knob,{minValue:1,maxValue:15,stepPixelSize:"20",value:x,format:function(){function P(D){return D.toString(16).toUpperCase()}return P}(),ml:"0",onChange:function(){function P(D,M){return I("changeUITarget",{value:M})}return P}()})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"radiation",content:"Irradiate Block",mt:"0.5rem",onClick:function(){function P(){return I("pulseUIRadiation")}return P}()})]})},m=function(N,V){var S=(0,a.useBackend)(V),I=S.act,L=S.data,w=L.selectedSEBlock,A=L.selectedSESubBlock,x=L.occupant;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Modify Structural Enzymes",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,C,{dnaString:x.structuralEnzymes,selectedBlock:w,selectedSubblock:A,blockSize:V.dnaBlockSize,action:"selectSEBlock"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"radiation",content:"Irradiate Block",onClick:function(){function E(){return I("pulseSERadiation")}return E}()})]})},i=function(N,V){var S=(0,a.useBackend)(V),I=S.act,L=S.data,w=L.radiationIntensity,A=L.radiationDuration;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Radiation Emitter",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Intensity",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Knob,{minValue:1,maxValue:10,stepPixelSize:20,value:w,popUpPosition:"right",ml:"0",onChange:function(){function x(E,P){return I("radiationIntensity",{value:P})}return x}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Duration",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Knob,{minValue:1,maxValue:20,stepPixelSize:10,unit:"s",value:A,popUpPosition:"right",ml:"0",onChange:function(){function x(E,P){return I("radiationDuration",{value:P})}return x}()})})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"radiation",content:"Pulse Radiation",tooltip:"Mutates a random block of either the occupant's UI or SE.",tooltipPosition:"top-start",mt:"0.5rem",onClick:function(){function x(){return I("pulseRadiation")}return x}()})]})},u=function(N,V){var S=(0,a.useBackend)(V),I=S.act,L=S.data,w=L.buffers,A=w.map(function(x,E){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,s,{id:E+1,name:"Buffer "+(E+1),buffer:x},E)});return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{height:"75%",mt:1,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Buffers",children:A})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{height:"25%",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,d)})]})},s=function(N,V){var S=(0,a.useBackend)(V),I=S.act,L=S.data,w=N.id,A=N.name,x=N.buffer,E=L.isInjectorReady,P=A+(x.data?" - "+x.label:"");return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{backgroundColor:"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.33)",mb:"0.5rem",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:P,mx:"0",lineHeight:"18px",buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Confirm,{disabled:!x.data,icon:"trash",content:"Clear",onClick:function(){function D(){return I("bufferOption",{option:"clear",id:w})}return D}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{disabled:!x.data,icon:"pen",content:"Rename",onClick:function(){function D(){return I("bufferOption",{option:"changeLabel",id:w})}return D}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{disabled:!x.data||!L.hasDisk,icon:"save",content:"Export",tooltip:"Exports this buffer to the currently loaded data disk.",tooltipPosition:"bottom-start",onClick:function(){function D(){return I("bufferOption",{option:"saveDisk",id:w})}return D}()})],4),children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Write",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"arrow-circle-down",content:"Subject U.I",mb:"0",onClick:function(){function D(){return I("bufferOption",{option:"saveUI",id:w})}return D}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"arrow-circle-down",content:"Subject U.I and U.E.",mb:"0",onClick:function(){function D(){return I("bufferOption",{option:"saveUIAndUE",id:w})}return D}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"arrow-circle-down",content:"Subject 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Defining a different state for either is remembered for each"),(0,e.createTextVNode)(" "),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"good",children:"note"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("."),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"ul",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li",null,[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"highlight",children:"Example:"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("\xA0"),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"i",null,"C,D,E,F,G,A,B",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(" will play a\xA0"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"good",children:"C"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("\xA0"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"average",children:"major"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)(" "),(0,e.createTextVNode)("scale.")],0),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li",null,[(0,e.createTextVNode)("After a note has an\xA0"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"average",children:"accidental"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)(" "),(0,e.createTextVNode)("or\xA0"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"bad",children:"octave"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)(" "),(0,e.createTextVNode)("placed, it will be remembered:\xA0"),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"i",null,"C,C4,C#,C3",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(" is "),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"i",null,"C3,C4,C4#,C3#",16)],0)],4)],0),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"highlight",children:"Chords"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("\xA0can be played simply by seperating each note with a hyphen: "),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"i",null,"A-C#,Cn-E,E-G#,Gn-B",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)("."),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createTextVNode)("A"),(0,e.createTextVNode)(" "),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"highlight",children:"pause"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("\xA0may be denoted by an empty chord: "),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"i",null,"C,E,,C,G",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)("."),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createTextVNode)("To make a chord be a different time, end it with /x, where the chord length will be length defined by\xA0"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"highlight",children:"tempo / x"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)(",\xA0"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"highlight",children:"eg:"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)(" "),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"i",null,"C,G/2,E/4",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(".")],0),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createTextVNode)("Combined, an example line is: "),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"i",null,"E-E4/4,F#/2,G#/8,B/8,E3-E4/4",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)("."),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"ul",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li",null,"Lines may be up to 300 characters.",16),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li",null,"A song may only contain up to 1,000 lines.",16)],4)],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"h1",null,"Instrument Advanced Settings",16),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"ul",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li",null,[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"label",children:"Type:"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("\xA0Whether the instrument is legacy or synthesized."),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createTextVNode)("Legacy instruments have a collection of sounds that are selectively used depending on the note to play."),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createTextVNode)("Synthesized instruments use a base sound and change its pitch to match the note to play.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li",null,[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"label",children:"Current:"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("\xA0Which instrument sample to play. Some instruments can be tuned to play different samples. Experiment!")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li",null,[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"label",children:"Note Shift/Note Transpose:"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("\xA0The pitch to apply to all notes of the song.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li",null,[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"label",children:"Sustain Mode:"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("\xA0How a played note fades out."),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createTextVNode)("Linear sustain means a note will fade out at a constant rate."),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createTextVNode)("Exponential sustain means a note will fade out at an exponential rate, sounding smoother.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li",null,[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"label",children:"Volume Dropoff Threshold:"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("\xA0The volume threshold at which a note is fully stopped.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li",null,[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{as:"span",color:"label",children:"Sustain indefinitely last held note:"}),(0,e.createTextVNode)("\xA0Whether the last note should be sustained indefinitely.")],4)],4),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{color:"grey",content:"Close",onClick:function(){function v(){return u("help")}return v}()})]})})})},B=function(c,m){var i=(0,t.useBackend)(m),u=i.act,s=i.data,d=s.lines,v=s.playing,h=s.repeat,C=s.maxRepeats,p=s.tempo,N=s.minTempo,V=s.maxTempo,S=s.tickLag,I=s.volume,L=s.minVolume,w=s.maxVolume,A=s.ready;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{title:"Instrument",buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{icon:"info",content:"Help",onClick:function(){function x(){return u("help")}return x}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{icon:"file",content:"New",onClick:function(){function x(){return u("newsong")}return x}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{icon:"upload",content:"Import",onClick:function(){function x(){return u("import")}return x}()})],4),children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Playback",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{selected:v,disabled:d.length===0||h<0,icon:"play",content:"Play",onClick:function(){function x(){return u("play")}return x}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{disabled:!v,icon:"stop",content:"Stop",onClick:function(){function x(){return u("stop")}return x}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Repeat",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Slider,{animated:!0,minValue:0,maxValue:C,value:h,stepPixelSize:59,onChange:function(){function x(E,P){return u("repeat",{new:P})}return x}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Tempo",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{disabled:p>=V,content:"-",as:"span",mr:"0.5rem",onClick:function(){function x(){return u("tempo",{new:p+S})}return x}()}),(0,a.round)(600/p)," BPM",(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{disabled:p<=N,content:"+",as:"span",ml:"0.5rem",onClick:function(){function x(){return u("tempo",{new:p-S})}return x}()})]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Volume",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Slider,{animated:!0,minValue:L,maxValue:w,value:I,stepPixelSize:6,onDrag:function(){function x(E,P){return u("setvolume",{new:P})}return x}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Status",children:A?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{color:"good",children:"Ready"}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{color:"bad",children:"Instrument Definition Error!"})})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k)]})},k=function(c,m){var i=(0,t.useBackend)(m),u=i.act,s=i.data,d=s.allowedInstrumentNames,v=s.instrumentLoaded,h=s.instrument,C=s.canNoteShift,p=s.noteShift,N=s.noteShiftMin,V=s.noteShiftMax,S=s.sustainMode,I=s.sustainLinearDuration,L=s.sustainExponentialDropoff,w=s.legacy,A=s.sustainDropoffVolume,x=s.sustainHeldNote,E,P;return S===1?(E="Linear",P=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Slider,{minValue:.1,maxValue:5,value:I,step:.5,stepPixelSize:85,format:function(){function D(M){return(0,a.round)(M*100)/100+" seconds"}return D}(),onChange:function(){function D(M,R){return u("setlinearfalloff",{new:R/10})}return D}()})):S===2&&(E="Exponential",P=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Slider,{minValue:1.025,maxValue:10,value:L,step:.01,format:function(){function D(M){return(0,a.round)(M*1e3)/1e3+"% per decisecond"}return D}(),onChange:function(){function D(M,R){return u("setexpfalloff",{new:R})}return D}()})),d.sort(),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{my:-1,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Collapsible,{mt:"1rem",mb:"0",title:"Advanced",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{mt:-1,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Type",children:w?"Legacy":"Synthesized"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Current",children:v?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Dropdown,{options:d,selected:h,width:"50%",onSelected:function(){function D(M){return u("switchinstrument",{name:M})}return D}()}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{color:"bad",children:"None!"})}),!!(!w&&C)&&(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Note Shift/Note Transpose",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Slider,{minValue:N,maxValue:V,value:p,stepPixelSize:2,format:function(){function D(M){return M+" keys / "+(0,a.round)(M/12*100)/100+" octaves"}return D}(),onChange:function(){function D(M,R){return u("setnoteshift",{new:R})}return D}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Sustain Mode",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Dropdown,{options:["Linear","Exponential"],selected:E,mb:"0.4rem",onSelected:function(){function D(M){return u("setsustainmode",{new:M})}return D}()}),P]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Volume Dropoff Threshold",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Slider,{animated:!0,minValue:.01,maxValue:100,value:A,stepPixelSize:6,onChange:function(){function D(M,R){return u("setdropoffvolume",{new:R})}return D}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Sustain indefinitely last held note",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{selected:x,icon:x?"toggle-on":"toggle-off",content:x?"Yes":"No",onClick:function(){function D(){return u("togglesustainhold")}return D}()})})],4)]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{icon:"redo",content:"Reset to Default",mt:"0.5rem",onClick:function(){function D(){return u("reset")}return D}()})]})})})},g=function(c,m){var i=(0,t.useBackend)(m),u=i.act,s=i.data,d=s.playing,v=s.lines,h=s.editing;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Editor",buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{disabled:!h||d,icon:"plus",content:"Add Line",onClick:function(){function C(){return u("newline",{line:v.length+1})}return C}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{selected:!h,icon:h?"chevron-up":"chevron-down",onClick:function(){function C(){return u("edit")}return C}()})],4),children:!!h&&(v.length>0?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList,{children:v.map(function(C,p){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:p+1,buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{disabled:d,icon:"pen",onClick:function(){function N(){return u("modifyline",{line:p+1})}return N}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{disabled:d,icon:"trash",onClick:function(){function N(){return u("deleteline",{line:p+1})}return N}()})],4),children:C},p)})}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{color:"label",children:"Song is empty."}))})}},13618:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.KeyComboModal=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(70611),t=n(72253),o=n(36036),f=n(98595),b=n(19203),y=n(51057),B=function(i){return i.key!==a.KEY.Alt&&i.key!==a.KEY.Control&&i.key!==a.KEY.Shift&&i.key!==a.KEY.Escape},k={DEL:"Delete",DOWN:"South",END:"Southwest",HOME:"Northwest",INSERT:"Insert",LEFT:"West",PAGEDOWN:"Southeast",PAGEUP:"Northeast",RIGHT:"East",SPACEBAR:"Space",UP:"North"},g=3,l=function(i){var u="";if(i.altKey&&(u+="Alt"),i.ctrlKey&&(u+="Ctrl"),i.shiftKey&&!(i.keyCode>=48&&i.keyCode<=57)&&(u+="Shift"),i.location===g&&(u+="Numpad"),B(i))if(i.shiftKey&&i.keyCode>=48&&i.keyCode<=57){var s=i.keyCode-48;u+="Shift"+s}else{var d=i.key.toUpperCase();u+=k[d]||d}return 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Device",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:"This device is used to trigger certain high security events. It requires the simultaneous swipe of two high-level ID cards."})});if(!l.swiping&&!l.busy)return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:540,height:280,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:[c,(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Choose Action",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Red Alert",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"exclamation-triangle",disabled:!l.redAvailable,onClick:function(){function i(){return g("triggerevent",{triggerevent:"Red Alert"})}return i}(),content:"Red Alert"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"ERT",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"broadcast-tower",onClick:function(){function i(){return g("triggerevent",{triggerevent:"Emergency Response Team"})}return i}(),content:"Call ERT"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Emergency Maint 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Well, welcome to the merch shop! 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N}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{style:{clear:"both"}})],4):"Please insert an ID in order to make purchases."})},l=function(u,s){var d=(0,t.useBackend)(s),v=d.act,h=d.data,C=h.has_id,p=h.id,N=h.items,V=u.gridLayout,S=(0,t.useLocalState)(s,"search",""),I=S[0],L=S[1],w=(0,t.useLocalState)(s,"sort","Alphabetical"),A=w[0],x=w[1],E=(0,t.useLocalState)(s,"descending",!1),P=E[0],D=E[1],M=(0,a.createSearch)(I,function(F){return F[0]}),R=!1,O=Object.entries(N).map(function(F,_){var U=Object.entries(F[1]).filter(M).map(function(z){return z[1].affordable=C&&p.points>=z[1].price,z[1]}).sort(B[A]);if(U.length!==0)return P&&(U=U.reverse()),R=!0,(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,m,{title:F[0],items:U,gridLayout:V},F[0])});return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,mt:.5,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,children:R?O:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{color:"label",children:"No items matching your criteria was found!"})})})},c=function(u,s){var 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C=(0,t.useBackend)(h),p=C.act,N=C.data,V=N.alive,S=N.antagonists,I=N.highlights,L=N.response_teams,w=N.tourist,A=N.auto_observe,x=N.dead,E=N.ssd,P=N.ghosts,D=N.misc,M=N.npcs,R=(0,t.useLocalState)(h,"searchText",""),O=R[0],F=R[1],_={},U=y(S),z;!(z=U()).done;){var $=z.value;_[$.antag]===void 0&&(_[$.antag]=[]),_[$.antag].push($)}var G=Object.entries(_);G.sort(function(J,se){return c(J[0],se[0])});var X=function(){function J(se){for(var ie=0,me=[G.map(function(ae){var le=ae[0],Z=ae[1];return Z}),w,I,V,P,E,x,M,D];ie0&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{title:"Antagonists",children:G.map(function(J){var se=J[0],ie=J[1];return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{title:se+" - ("+ie.length+")",level:2,children:ie.filter(l(O)).sort(m).map(function(me){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,u,{color:"bad",thing:me},me.name)})},se)})}),I.length>0&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{title:"Highlights",source:I,searchText:O,color:"teal"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{title:"Response Teams",source:L,searchText:O,color:"purple"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{title:"Tourists",source:w,searchText:O,color:"violet"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{title:"Alive",source:V,searchText:O,color:"good"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{title:"Ghosts",source:P,searchText:O,color:"grey"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{title:"SSD",source:E,searchText:O,color:"grey"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{title:"Dead",source:x,searchText:O,sorted:!1}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{title:"NPCs",source:M,searchText:O,sorted:!1}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{title:"Misc",source:D,searchText:O,sorted:!1})]})})}return d}()},15421:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.OreRedemption=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(35840),t=n(72253),o=n(36036),f=n(98595),b=n(9394);function y(d){if(d==null)throw new TypeError("Cannot destructure "+d)}var B=(0,b.createLogger)("OreRedemption"),k=function(v){return v.toLocaleString("en-US")+" pts"},g=r.OreRedemption=function(){function d(v,h){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Window,{width:490,height:750,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,l,{height:"100%"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,m)]})})})}return d}(),l=function(v,h){var C=(0,t.useBackend)(h),p=C.act,N=C.data,V=N.id,S=N.points,I=N.disk,L=Object.assign({},(y(v),v));return(0,e.normalizeProps)((0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,Object.assign({},L,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{color:"average",textAlign:"center",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Icon,{name:"exclamation-triangle",mr:"0.5rem"}),"This machine only accepts ore. Gibtonite is not accepted."]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Unclaimed Points",color:S>0?"good":"grey",bold:S>0&&"good",children:k(S)})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Divider),I?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Design disk",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{selected:!0,bold:!0,icon:"eject",content:I.name,tooltip:"Ejects the design disk.",onClick:function(){function w(){return p("eject_disk")}return w}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{disabled:!I.design||!I.compatible,icon:"upload",content:"Download",tooltip:"Downloads the design on the disk into the machine.",onClick:function(){function w(){return p("download")}return w}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Stored 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C=(0,t.useBackend)(h),p=C.act,N=C.data,V=N.alloys,S=Object.assign({},(y(v),v));return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.normalizeProps)((0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,Object.assign({fill:!0,scrollable:!0,className:"OreRedemption__Ores",p:"0"},S,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{title:"Alloys",columns:[["Recipe","50%"],["Available","11%"],["Smelt","20%"]]}),V.map(function(I){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,s,{ore:I},I.id)})]})))})},i=function(v,h){var C;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{className:"OreHeader",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:v.title}),(C=v.columns)==null?void 0:C.map(function(p){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{basis:p[1],textAlign:"center",color:"label",bold:!0,children:p[0]},p)})]})})},u=function(v,h){var C=(0,t.useBackend)(h),p=C.act,N=v.ore;if(!(N.value&&N.amount<=0&&!(["metal","glass"].indexOf(N.id)>-1)))return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{className:"SheetLine",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{basis:"45%",align:"middle",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack,{align:"center",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{className:(0,a.classes)(["materials32x32",N.id])}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{children:N.name})]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{basis:"20%",textAlign:"center",color:N.amount>=1?"good":"gray",bold:N.amount>=1,align:"center",children:N.amount.toLocaleString("en-US")}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{basis:"20%",textAlign:"center",align:"center",children:N.value}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{basis:"20%",textAlign:"center",align:"center",lineHeight:"32px",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.NumberInput,{width:"40%",value:0,minValue:0,maxValue:Math.min(N.amount,50),stepPixelSize:6,onChange:function(){function V(S,I){return p(N.value?"sheet":"alloy",{id:N.id,amount:I})}return V}()})})]})})},s=function(v,h){var C=(0,t.useBackend)(h),p=C.act,N=v.ore;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{className:"SheetLine",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{basis:"7%",align:"middle",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{className:(0,a.classes)(["alloys32x32",N.id])})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{basis:"30%",textAlign:"middle",align:"center",children:N.name}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{basis:"35%",textAlign:"middle",color:N.amount>=1?"good":"gray",align:"center",children:N.description}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{basis:"10%",textAlign:"center",color:N.amount>=1?"good":"gray",bold:N.amount>=1,align:"center",children:N.amount.toLocaleString("en-US")}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Stack.Item,{basis:"20%",textAlign:"center",align:"center",lineHeight:"32px",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.NumberInput,{width:"40%",value:0,minValue:0,maxValue:Math.min(N.amount,50),stepPixelSize:6,onChange:function(){function 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c=(0,a.useBackend)(l),m=c.act,i=c.data,u=i.app_template,s=i.app_icon,d=i.app_title,v=y(u);return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:600,height:650,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{p:1,fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:s,mr:1}),d,u!=="pai_main_menu"&&(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{ml:2,mb:0,content:"Back",icon:"arrow-left",onClick:function(){function h(){return m("Back")}return h}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Home",icon:"arrow-up",onClick:function(){function h(){return m("MASTER_back")}return h}()})],4)]}),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,v)})})})})})}return k}()},85175:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.PDA=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=n(71253),b=n(59395),y=function(c){var m;try{m=b("./"+c+".js")}catch(u){if(u.code==="MODULE_NOT_FOUND")return(0,f.routingError)("notFound",c);throw u}var i=m[c];return i||(0,f.routingError)("missingExport",c)},B=r.PDA=function(){function l(c,m){var i=(0,a.useBackend)(m),u=i.act,s=i.data,d=s.app,v=s.owner;if(!v)return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:350,height:105,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Error",children:"No user data found. Please swipe an ID card."})})});var h=y(d.template);return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:600,height:650,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,p:1,pb:0,title:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:d.icon,mr:1}),d.name]}),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,h)})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{mt:7.5,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,g)})]})})})}return l}(),k=function(c,m){var i=(0,a.useBackend)(m),u=i.act,s=i.data,d=s.idInserted,v=s.idLink,h=s.stationTime,C=s.cartridge_name;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{ml:.5,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"id-card",color:"transparent",onClick:function(){function p(){return u("Authenticate")}return p}(),content:d?v:"No ID Inserted"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"sd-card",color:"transparent",onClick:function(){function p(){return u("Eject")}return p}(),content:C?["Eject "+C]:"No Cartridge Inserted"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,textAlign:"right",bold:!0,mr:1,mt:.5,children:h})]})},g=function(c,m){var i=(0,a.useBackend)(m),u=i.act,s=i.data,d=s.app;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{height:"45px",className:"PDA__footer",backgroundColor:"#1b1b1b",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[!!d.has_back&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{basis:"33%",mr:-.5,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,className:"PDA__footer__button",color:"transparent",iconColor:d.has_back?"white":"disabled",icon:"arrow-alt-circle-left-o",onClick:function(){function v(){return u("Back")}return v}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{basis:d.has_back?"33%":"100%",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,className:"PDA__footer__button",color:"transparent",iconColor:d.is_home?"disabled":"white",icon:"home",onClick:function(){function v(){u("Home")}return v}()})})]})})}},68654:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.Pacman=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=n(49968),b=r.Pacman=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=c.active,i=c.anchored,u=c.broken,s=c.emagged,d=c.fuel_type,v=c.fuel_usage,h=c.fuel_stored,C=c.fuel_cap,p=c.is_ai,N=c.tmp_current,V=c.tmp_max,S=c.tmp_overheat,I=c.output_max,L=c.power_gen,w=c.output_set,A=c.has_fuel,x=h/C,E=N/V,P=w*L,D=Math.round(h/v*2),M=Math.round(D/60),R=D>120?M+" minutes":D+" seconds";return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:500,height:225,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:[(u||!i)&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Status",children:[!!u&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"orange",children:"The generator is malfunctioning!"}),!u&&!i&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"orange",children:"The generator needs to be anchored to the floor with a wrench."})]}),!u&&!!i&&(0,e.createVNode)(1,"div",null,[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Status",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:m?"power-off":"times",content:m?"On":"Off",tooltip:"Toggles the generator on/off. Requires fuel.",tooltipPosition:"left",disabled:!A,selected:m,onClick:function(){function O(){return l("toggle_power")}return O}()}),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Flex,{direction:"row",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Flex.Item,{width:"50%",className:"ml-1",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Power setting",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NumberInput,{value:w,minValue:1,maxValue:I*(s?2.5:1),step:1,className:"mt-1",onDrag:function(){function O(F,_){return l("change_power",{change_power:_})}return O}()}),"(",(0,f.formatPower)(P),")"]})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Flex.Item,{width:"50%",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Temperature",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{value:E,ranges:{green:[-1/0,.33],orange:[.33,.66],red:[.66,1/0]},children:[N," \u2103"]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Status",children:[S>50&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"red",children:"CRITICAL OVERHEAT!"}),S>20&&S<=50&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"orange",children:"WARNING: Overheating!"}),S>1&&S<=20&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"orange",children:"Temperature High"}),S===0&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"green",children:"Optimal"})]})]})})]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Fuel",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"eject",content:"Eject Fuel",tooltip:"Ejects fuel. Generator needs to be offline.",tooltipPosition:"left",disabled:m||p||!A,onClick:function(){function O(){return l("eject_fuel")}return O}()}),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Grid,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Grid.Column,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Type",children:d}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Fuel level",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.ProgressBar,{value:x,ranges:{red:[-1/0,.33],orange:[.33,.66],green:[.66,1/0]},children:[Math.round(h/1e3)," dm\xB3"]})})]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Grid.Column,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Fuel usage",children:[v/1e3," dm\xB3/s"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Fuel depletion",children:[!!A&&(v?R:"N/A"),!A&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"red",children:"Out of 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S;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B,{strain:N[0],strainIndex:1,sectionButtons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b)}),((S=N[0].symptoms)==null?void 0:S.length)>0&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,l,{strain:N[0]})],0)}var I=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b);return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Culture Information",fill:!0,buttons:I,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Flex,{direction:"column",style:{height:"100%"},children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Flex.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Tabs,{children:N.map(function(L,w){var A;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Tabs.Tab,{icon:"virus",selected:p-1===w,onClick:function(){function x(){return h("switch_strain",{strain_index:w+1})}return x}(),children:(A=L.commonName)!=null?A:"Unknown"},w)})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B,{strain:V,strainIndex:p}),((d=V.symptoms)==null?void 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goal."),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createTextVNode)("Prisoners who meet their point goal will be able to automatically access their locker and return to the station using the shuttle.")],4,{hidden:d.goal===null})})]})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Tracking Implants",children:h.map(function(N){return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{p:1,backgroundColor:"rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{bold:!0,children:["Subject: ",N.subject]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:[" 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I}()})})],4)},m=function(u,s){for(var d=(0,a.useBackend)(s),v=d.act,h=d.data,C=h.door_types_ui_list,p=h.door_type,N=u.check_number,V=[],S=0;Sf?w=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"red",bold:!0,mb:1,children:"There are new messages"}):w=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"label",mb:1,children:"There are no new messages"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,textAlign:"center",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Main Menu",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{width:9,content:L?"Speaker Off":"Speaker On",selected:!L,icon:L?"volume-mute":"volume-up",onClick:function(){function A(){return N("toggleSilent")}return A}()}),children:[w,(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,translucent:!0,lineHeight:3,content:"View Messages",icon:S>f?"envelope-open-text":"envelope",onClick:function(){function A(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:6})}return 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A}()})]})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{mt:1,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,translucent:!0,lineHeight:3,content:"Print Shipping Label",icon:"tag",onClick:function(){function A(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:9})}return A}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,translucent:!0,lineHeight:3,content:"View Shipping Logs",icon:"clipboard-list",onClick:function(){function A(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:10})}return A}()})]})}),!!I&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{mt:1,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,translucent:!0,lineHeight:3,content:"Send Station-Wide Announcement",icon:"bullhorn",onClick:function(){function A(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:8})}return A}()})})]})})},l=function(h,C){var p=(0,a.useBackend)(C),N=p.act,V=p.data,S=V.department,I=[],L;switch(h.purpose){case"ASSISTANCE":I=V.assist_dept,L="Request assistance from another department";break;case"SUPPLIES":I=V.supply_dept,L="Request supplies from another department";break;case"INFO":I=V.info_dept,L="Relay information to another department";break}return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:L,buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Back",icon:"arrow-left",onClick:function(){function w(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:0})}return w}()}),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:I.filter(function(w){return w!==S}).map(function(w){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:w,textAlign:"right",className:"candystripe",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Message",icon:"envelope",onClick:function(){function A(){return N("writeInput",{write:w,priority:y})}return A}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"High Priority",icon:"exclamation-circle",onClick:function(){function A(){return N("writeInput",{write:w,priority:B})}return A}()})]},w)})})})})},c=function(h,C){var p=(0,a.useBackend)(C),N=p.act,V=p.data,S;switch(h.type){case"SUCCESS":S="Message sent successfully";break;case"FAIL":S="Unable to contact messaging server";break}return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,title:S,buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Back",icon:"arrow-left",onClick:function(){function I(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:0})}return I}()})})},m=function(h,C){var p=(0,a.useBackend)(C),N=p.act,V=p.data,S,I;switch(h.type){case"MESSAGES":S=V.message_log,I="Message Log";break;case"SHIPPING":S=V.shipping_log,I="Shipping label print log";break}return S.reverse(),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,textAlign:"center",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:I,buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Back",icon:"arrow-left",onClick:function(){function L(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:0})}return L}()}),children:S.map(function(L){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{textAlign:"left",children:[L.map(function(w,A){return(0,e.createVNode)(1,"div",null,w,0,null,A)}),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"hr")]},L)})})})},i=function(h,C){var p=(0,a.useBackend)(C),N=p.act,V=p.data,S=V.recipient,I=V.message,L=V.msgVerified,w=V.msgStamped;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,textAlign:"center",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Message Authentication",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Back",icon:"arrow-left",onClick:function(){function A(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:0})}return A}()}),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Recipient",children:S}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Message",children:I}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Validated by",color:"green",children:L}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Stamped by",color:"blue",children:w})]})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,textAlign:"center",content:"Send Message",icon:"envelope",onClick:function(){function A(){return N("department",{department:S})}return A}()})})})],4)},u=function(h,C){var p=(0,a.useBackend)(C),N=p.act,V=p.data,S=V.message,I=V.announceAuth;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Station-Wide Announcement",buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Back",icon:"arrow-left",onClick:function(){function L(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:0})}return L}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Edit Message",icon:"edit",onClick:function(){function L(){return N("writeAnnouncement")}return L}()})],4),children:S})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{children:[I?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{textAlign:"center",color:"green",children:"ID verified. Authentication accepted."}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{textAlign:"center",color:"label",children:"Swipe your ID card to authenticate yourself"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,mt:2,textAlign:"center",content:"Send Announcement",icon:"bullhorn",disabled:!(I&&S),onClick:function(){function L(){return N("sendAnnouncement")}return L}()})]})})],4)},s=function(h,C){var p=(0,a.useBackend)(C),N=p.act,V=p.data,S=V.shipDest,I=V.msgVerified,L=V.ship_dept;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{textAlign:"center",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Print Shipping Label",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Back",icon:"arrow-left",onClick:function(){function w(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:0})}return w}()}),children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Destination",children:S}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Validated by",children:I})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,mt:1,textAlign:"center",content:"Print Label",icon:"print",disabled:!(S&&I),onClick:function(){function w(){return N("printLabel")}return w}()})]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Destinations",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:L.map(function(w){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:w,textAlign:"right",className:"candystripe",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:S===w?"Selected":"Select",selected:S===w,onClick:function(){function A(){return N("shipSelect",{shipSelect:w})}return A}()})},w)})})})})],4)},d=function(h,C){var p=(0,a.useBackend)(C),N=p.act,V=p.data,S=V.secondaryGoalAuth,I=V.secondaryGoalEnabled;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Request Secondary Goal",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Back",icon:"arrow-left",onClick:function(){function L(){return N("setScreen",{setScreen:0})}return L}()})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{children:[I?S?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{textAlign:"center",color:"green",children:"ID verified. Authentication accepted."}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{textAlign:"center",color:"label",children:"Swipe your ID card to authenticate yourself"}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{textAlign:"center",color:"label",children:"Complete your current goal first!"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,mt:2,textAlign:"center",content:"Request Secondary Goal",icon:"clipboard-list",disabled:!(S&&I),onClick:function(){function L(){return N("requestSecondaryGoal")}return L}()})]})})],4)}},9861:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.RndBackupConsole=r.LinkMenu=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.RndBackupConsole=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=c.network_name,i=c.has_disk,u=c.disk_name,s=c.linked,d=c.techs,v=c.last_timestamp;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:900,height:600,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Device Info",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{mb:2,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Current Network",children:s?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:m,icon:"unlink",selected:1,onClick:function(){function h(){return l("unlink")}return h}()}):"None"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Loaded Disk",children:i?(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:u+" (Last backup: "+v+")",icon:"save",selected:1,onClick:function(){function h(){return l("eject_disk")}return h}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"sign-in-alt",content:"Save all",onClick:function(){function h(){return l("saveall2disk")}return h}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"sign-out-alt",content:"Load all",onClick:function(){function h(){return l("saveall2network")}return h}()})],4):"None"})]})}),!!s||(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b)]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{mt:2,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Tech Info",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table,{m:"0.5rem",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{header:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Tech Name"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Network Level"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Disk Level"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Actions"})]}),Object.keys(d).map(function(h){return!(d[h].network_level>0||d[h].disk_level>0)||(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:d[h].name}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:d[h].network_level||"None"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:d[h].disk_level||"None"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"sign-in-alt",content:"Load to network",disabled:!i||!s,onClick:function(){function C(){return l("savetech2network",{tech:h})}return C}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"sign-out-alt",content:"Load to disk",disabled:!i||!s,onClick:function(){function C(){return l("savetech2disk",{tech:h})}return C}()})]})]},h)})]})})})]})})}return y}(),b=r.LinkMenu=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=c.controllers;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Setup Linkage",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table,{m:"0.5rem",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{header:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Network Address"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Network ID"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Link"})]}),m.map(function(i){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:i.addr}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:i.net_id}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Link",icon:"link",onClick:function(){function u(){return l("linktonetworkcontroller",{target_controller:i.addr})}return u}()})})]},i.addr)})]})})}return y}()},68303:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.AnalyzerMenu=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(35840),t=n(72253),o=n(36036),f=r.AnalyzerMenu=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,t.useBackend)(k),l=g.data,c=g.act,m=l.tech_levels,i=l.loaded_item,u=l.linked_analyzer,s=l.can_discover;return u?i?(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{title:"Object Analysis",buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{content:"Deconstruct",icon:"microscope",onClick:function(){function d(){c("deconstruct")}return d}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{content:"Eject",icon:"eject",onClick:function(){function d(){c("eject_item")}return d}()}),!s||(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{content:"Discover",icon:"atom",onClick:function(){function d(){c("discover")}return d}()})],0),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Name",children:i.name})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table,{id:"research-levels",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"Research Field"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"Current Level"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"Object Level"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{header:!0,children:"New Level"})]}),m.map(function(d){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b,{techLevel:d},d.id)})]})})],4):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{title:"Analysis Menu",children:"No item loaded. Standing by..."}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{title:"Analysis Menu",children:"NO SCIENTIFIC ANALYZER LINKED TO CONSOLE"})}return y}(),b=function(B,k){var g=B.techLevel,l=g.name,c=g.desc,m=g.level,i=g.object_level,u=g.ui_icon,s=i!=null,d=s&&i>=m?Math.max(i,m+1):m;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{icon:"circle-info",tooltip:c})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Icon,{name:u})," ",l]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{children:m}),s?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{children:i}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{className:"research-level-no-effect",children:"-"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{className:(0,a.classes)([d!==m&&"upgraded-level"]),children:d})]})}},37556:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.DataDiskMenu=void 0;var 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");return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Name",children:v}),p?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Lathe Types",children:p}):null,(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Required Materials"})]}),C.map(function(N){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:["- ",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"span",null,N.name,0,{style:{"text-transform":"capitalize"}})," x ",N.amount]},N.name)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{mt:"10px",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Upload to Database",icon:"arrow-up",onClick:function(){function N(){return s("updt_design")}return N}()})})]})},B=function(c,m){var i=(0,a.useBackend)(m),u=i.act,s=i.data,d=s.disk_data;return(0,e.normalizeProps)((0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,Object.assign({buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Confirm,{content:"Erase",icon:"eraser",disabled:!d,onClick:function(){function v(){return u("erase_disk")}return v}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Eject",icon:"eject",onClick:function(){function v(){u("eject_disk")}return v}()})],4)},c)))},k=function(c,m){var i=(0,a.useBackend)(m),u=i.data,s=i.act,d=u.disk_type,v=u.to_copy,h=c.title;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B,{title:h,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{overflowY:"auto",overflowX:"hidden",maxHeight:"450px",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:v.sort(function(C,p){return C.name.localeCompare(p.name)}).map(function(C){var 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N}()}):null}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:C>=10?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"x10",onClick:function(){function N(){return l(s,{id:v,amount:10})}return N}()}):null}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:p.map(function(N){return(0,e.createFragment)([" | ",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"span",N.is_red?"color-red":null,[N.amount,(0,e.createTextVNode)(" "),N.name],0)],0)})})]},v)})})]})}return b}()},70497:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.LatheChemicalStorage=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=r.LatheChemicalStorage=function(){function f(b,y){var B=(0,a.useBackend)(y),k=B.data,g=B.act,l=k.loaded_chemicals,c=k.menu===4;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Chemical Storage",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Purge All",icon:"trash",onClick:function(){function m(){var i=c?"disposeallP":"disposeallI";g(i)}return m}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:l.map(function(m){var i=m.volume,u=m.name,s=m.id;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"* "+i+" of "+u,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Purge",icon:"trash",onClick:function(){function d(){var v=c?"disposeP":"disposeI";g(v,{id:s})}return d}()})},s)})})]})}return f}()},70864:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.LatheMainMenu=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(52662),f=n(68198),b=r.LatheMainMenu=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.data,c=g.act,m=l.menu,i=l.categories,u=m===4?"Protolathe":"Circuit Imprinter";return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:u+" Menu",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LatheMaterials),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.LatheSearch),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Flex,{wrap:"wrap",children:i.map(function(s){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Flex,{style:{"flex-basis":"50%","margin-bottom":"6px"},children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"arrow-right",content:s,onClick:function(){function d(){c("setCategory",{category:s})}return d}()})},s)})})]})}return y}()},42878:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.LatheMaterialStorage=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=r.LatheMaterialStorage=function(){function f(b,y){var B=(0,a.useBackend)(y),k=B.data,g=B.act,l=k.loaded_materials;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{className:"RndConsole__LatheMaterialStorage",title:"Material Storage",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table,{children:l.map(function(c){var m=c.id,i=c.amount,u=c.name,s=function(){function C(p){var 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C}()})],0):null})]},m)})})})}return f}()},52662:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.LatheMaterials=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=r.LatheMaterials=function(){function f(b,y){var B=(0,a.useBackend)(y),k=B.data,g=k.total_materials,l=k.max_materials,c=k.max_chemicals,m=k.total_chemicals;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{className:"RndConsole__LatheMaterials",mb:"10px",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table,{width:"auto",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{bold:!0,children:"Material Amount:"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:g}),l?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:" / "+l}):null]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{bold:!0,children:"Chemical Amount:"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:m}),c?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:" / "+c}):null]})]})})}return f}()},9681:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.LatheMenu=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(12644),f=n(70864),b=n(16830),y=n(42878),B=n(70497),k=["menu"];function g(u,s){if(u==null)return{};var d={};for(var v in u)if({}.hasOwnProperty.call(u,v)){if(s.includes(v))continue;d[v]=u[v]}return d}var l=t.Tabs.Tab,c=function(s,d){var v=(0,a.useBackend)(d),h=v.act,C=v.data,p=C.menu===o.MENU.LATHE?["nav_protolathe",C.submenu_protolathe]:["nav_imprinter",C.submenu_imprinter],N=p[0],V=p[1],S=s.menu,I=g(s,k);return(0,e.normalizeProps)((0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,l,Object.assign({selected:V===S,onClick:function(){function L(){return h(N,{menu:S})}return L}()},I)))},m=function(s){switch(s){case o.PRINTER_MENU.MAIN:return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.LatheMainMenu);case o.PRINTER_MENU.SEARCH:return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.LatheCategory);case o.PRINTER_MENU.MATERIALS:return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y.LatheMaterialStorage);case o.PRINTER_MENU.CHEMICALS:return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B.LatheChemicalStorage)}},i=r.LatheMenu=function(){function u(s,d){var v=(0,a.useBackend)(d),h=v.data,C=h.menu,p=h.linked_lathe,N=h.linked_imprinter;return C===o.MENU.LATHE&&!p?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:"NO PROTOLATHE LINKED TO CONSOLE"}):C===o.MENU.IMPRINTER&&!N?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:"NO CIRCUIT IMPRITER LINKED TO CONSOLE"}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Tabs,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c,{menu:o.PRINTER_MENU.MAIN,icon:"bars",children:"Main Menu"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c,{menu:o.PRINTER_MENU.MATERIALS,icon:"layer-group",children:"Materials"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c,{menu:o.PRINTER_MENU.CHEMICALS,icon:"flask-vial",children:"Chemicals"})]}),m(h.menu===o.MENU.LATHE?h.submenu_protolathe:h.submenu_imprinter)]})}return u}()},68198:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.LatheSearch=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=r.LatheSearch=function(){function f(b,y){var B=(0,a.useBackend)(y),k=B.act;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Input,{placeholder:"Search...",onEnter:function(){function g(l,c){return k("search",{to_search:c})}return g}()})})}return f}()},81421:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.LinkMenu=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(98595),o=n(36036),f=r.LinkMenu=function(){function b(y,B){var k=(0,a.useBackend)(B),g=k.act,l=k.data,c=l.controllers;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Window,{width:800,height:550,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{title:"Setup Linkage",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table,{m:"0.5rem",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Row,{header:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{children:"Network Address"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Table.Cell,{children:"Network 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g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=c.sync,i=c.admin;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Settings",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Flex,{direction:"column",align:"flex-start",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{color:"red",icon:"unlink",content:"Disconnect from Research Network",onClick:function(){function u(){l("unlink")}return u}()})})})},b=function(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.data,c=g.act,m=l.linked_analyzer,i=l.linked_lathe,u=l.linked_imprinter;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Linked Devices",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"link",content:"Re-sync with Nearby Devices",onClick:function(){function s(){return c("find_device")}return s}()}),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Scientific 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V={};for(var S in p)if({}.hasOwnProperty.call(p,S)){if(N.includes(S))continue;V[S]=p[S]}return V}var m=o.Tabs.Tab,i=r.MENU={MAIN:0,DISK:2,ANALYZE:3,LATHE:4,IMPRINTER:5,SETTINGS:6},u=r.PRINTER_MENU={MAIN:0,SEARCH:1,MATERIALS:2,CHEMICALS:3},s=function(N){switch(N){case i.MAIN:return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,C);case i.DISK:return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.DataDiskMenu);case i.ANALYZE:return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,g.AnalyzerMenu);case i.LATHE:case i.IMPRINTER:return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y.LatheMenu);case i.SETTINGS:return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k.SettingsMenu);default:return"UNKNOWN MENU"}},d=function(N,V){var S=(0,a.useBackend)(V),I=S.act,L=S.data,w=L.menu,A=N.menu,x=c(N,l);return(0,e.normalizeProps)((0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,m,Object.assign({selected:w===A,onClick:function(){function E(){return I("nav",{menu:A})}return E}()},x)))},v=r.RndConsole=function(){function p(N,V){var 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C}();return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Window,{width:900,height:600,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Tabs,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Tabs.Tab,{icon:"wrench",selected:d===0,onClick:function(){function C(){return v(0)}return C}(),children:"Network Management"},"ConfigPage"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Tabs.Tab,{icon:"floppy-disk",selected:d===1,onClick:function(){function C(){return v(1)}return C}(),children:"Design Management"},"DesignPage")]}),h(d)]})})}return k}(),y=function(g,l){var c=(0,t.useBackend)(l),m=c.act,i=c.data,u=(0,t.useLocalState)(l,"filterType","ALL"),s=u[0],d=u[1],v=i.network_password,h=i.network_name,C=i.devices,p=[];p.push(s),s==="MSC"&&(p.push("BCK"),p.push("PGN"));var N=s==="ALL"?C:C.filter(function(V){return p.indexOf(V.dclass)>-1});return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{title:"Network 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C=(0,t.useBackend)(h),p=C.act,N=C.data,V=N.hasOccupant,S=N.isBeakerLoaded,I=N.beakerMaxSpace,L=N.beakerFreeSpace,w=N.dialysis,A=w&&L>0;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Section,{title:"Dialysis",buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{disabled:!S||L<=0||!V,selected:A,icon:A?"toggle-on":"toggle-off",content:A?"Active":"Inactive",onClick:function(){function x(){return p("togglefilter")}return x}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Button,{disabled:!S,icon:"eject",content:"Eject",onClick:function(){function x(){return p("removebeaker")}return x}()})],4),children:S?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Remaining Space",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.ProgressBar,{min:"0",max:I,value:L/I,ranges:{good:[.5,1/0],average:[.25,.5],bad:[-1/0,.25]},children:[L,"u"]})})}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{color:"label",children:"No beaker loaded."})})},u=function(v,h){var 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S}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"sync",content:"Auto",selected:d===i,disabled:!C,onClick:function(){function S(){return g("track",{track:i})}return S}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Tracker rotation",children:[d===m&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NumberInput,{unit:"\xB0/h",step:1,stepPixelSize:1,minValue:-7200,maxValue:7200,value:v,format:function(){function S(I){var L=Math.sign(I)>0?"+":"-";return L+Math.abs(I)}return S}(),onDrag:function(){function S(I,L){return g("tdir",{tdir:L})}return S}()}),d===c&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{lineHeight:"19px",children:" Tracker offline "}),d===i&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{lineHeight:"19px",children:" Automated "})]})]})})]})})}return b}()},38096:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.SpawnersMenu=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.SpawnersMenu=function(){function b(y,B){var k=(0,a.useBackend)(B),g=k.act,l=k.data,c=l.spawners||[];return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:700,height:600,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{children:c.map(function(m){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{mb:.5,title:m.name+" ("+m.amount_left+" left)",level:2,buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"chevron-circle-right",content:"Jump",onClick:function(){function i(){return g("jump",{ID:m.uids})}return i}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"chevron-circle-right",content:"Spawn",onClick:function(){function i(){return g("spawn",{ID:m.uids})}return i}()})],4),children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{style:{"white-space":"pre-wrap"},mb:1,fontSize:"16px",children:m.desc}),!!m.fluff&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{style:{"white-space":"pre-wrap"},textColor:"#878787",fontSize:"14px",children:m.fluff}),!!m.important_info&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{style:{"white-space":"pre-wrap"},mt:1,bold:!0,color:"red",fontSize:"18px",children:m.important_info})]},m.name)})})})})}return b}()},30586:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.SpecMenu=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.SpecMenu=function(){function g(l,c){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:1100,height:600,theme:"nologo",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k)]})})})}return g}(),b=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data,s=u.subclasses;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,basis:"25%",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Hemomancer",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Choose",onClick:function(){function d(){return i("hemomancer")}return d}()}),children:[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"h3",null,"Focuses on blood magic and the manipulation of blood around you.",16),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Vampiric claws",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 150 blood, allows you to summon a robust pair of claws that attack rapidly, drain a targets blood, and heal you.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Blood Barrier",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to select two turfs and create a wall between them.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Blood tendrils",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to slow everyone in a targeted 3x3 area after a short delay.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Sanguine pool",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 400 blood, allows you to travel at high speeds for a short duration. Doing this leaves behind blood splatters. You can move through anything but walls and space when doing this.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Predator senses",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 600 blood, allows you to sniff out anyone within the same sector as you.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Blood eruption",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 800 blood, allows you to manipulate all nearby blood splatters, in 4 tiles around you, into spikes that impale anyone stood ontop of them.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Full power",16),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Divider),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"The blood bringers rite",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": When toggled you will rapidly drain the blood of everyone who is nearby and use it to heal yourself slightly and remove any incapacitating effects rapidly.")],4)]})})},y=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data,s=u.subclasses;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,basis:"25%",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Umbrae",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Choose",onClick:function(){function d(){return i("umbrae")}return d}()}),children:[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"h3",null,"Focuses on darkness, stealth ambushing and mobility.",16),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Cloak of darkness",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 150 blood, when toggled, allows you to become nearly invisible and move rapidly when in dark regions. While active, burn damage is more effective against you.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Shadow anchor",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 250 blood, casting it will create an anchor at the cast location after a short delay. If you then cast the ability again, you are teleported back to the anchor. If you do not cast again within 2 minutes, you will do a fake recall, causing a clone to appear at the anchor and making yourself invisible. It will not teleport you between Z levels.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Shadow snare",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to summon a trap that when crossed blinds and ensnares the victim. This trap is hard to see, but withers in the light.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Dark passage",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 400 blood, allows you to target a turf on screen, you will then teleport to that turf.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Extinguish",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 600 blood, allows you to snuff out nearby electronic light sources and glowshrooms.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Shadow boxing",16),": Unlocked at 800 blood, sends out shadow clones towards a target, damaging them while you remain in range.",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Full power",16),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Divider),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Eternal darkness",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": When toggled, you consume yourself in unholy darkness, only the strongest of lights will be able to see through it. Inside the radius, nearby creatures will freeze and energy projectiles will deal less damage.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,"In addition, you also gain permanent X-ray vision.",16)]})})},B=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data,s=u.subclasses;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,basis:"25%",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Gargantua",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Choose",onClick:function(){function d(){return i("gargantua")}return d}()}),children:[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"h3",null,"Focuses on tenacity and melee damage.",16),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Rejuvenate",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Will heal you at an increased rate based on how much damage you have taken.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Blood swell",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 150 blood, increases your resistance to physical damage, stuns and stamina for 30 seconds. While it is active you cannot fire guns.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Seismic stomp",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to stomp the ground to send out a shockwave, knocking people back.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Blood rush",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 250 blood, gives you a short speed boost when cast.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Blood swell II",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 400 blood, increases all melee damage by 10.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Overwhelming force",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 600 blood, when toggled, if you bump into a door that you do not have access to, it will force it open. In addition, you cannot be pushed or pulled while it is active.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Demonic grasp",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 800 blood, allows you to send out a demonic hand to snare someone. If you are on disarm/grab intent you will push/pull the target, respectively.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Charge",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 800 blood, you gain the ability to charge at a target. Destroying and knocking back pretty much anything you collide with.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Full Power",16),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Divider),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Desecrated Duel",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Leap towards a visible enemy, creating an arena upon landing, infusing you with increased regeneration, and granting you resistance to internal damages.")],4)]})})},k=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data,s=u.subclasses;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,basis:"25%",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Dantalion",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Choose",onClick:function(){function d(){return i("dantalion")}return d}()}),children:[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"h3",null,"Focuses on thralling and illusions.",16),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Enthrall",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 150 blood, Thralls your target to your will, requires you to stand still. Does not work on mindshielded or already enthralled/mindslaved people.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Thrall cap",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": You can only thrall a max of 1 person at a time. This can be increased at 400 blood, 600 blood and at full power to a max of 4 thralls.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Thrall commune",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 150 blood, Allows you to talk to your thralls, your thralls can talk back in the same way.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Subspace swap",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to swap positions with a target.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Pacify",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 250 blood, allows you to pacify a target, preventing them from causing harm for 40 seconds.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Decoy",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 400 blood, briefly turn invisible and send out an illusion to fool everyone nearby.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Rally thralls",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 600 blood, removes all incapacitating effects from nearby thralls.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Blood bond",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Unlocked at 800 blood, when cast, all nearby thralls become linked to you. If anyone in the network takes damage, it is shared equally between everyone in the network. If a thrall goes out of range, they will be removed from the network.")],4),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,[(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Full Power",16),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Divider),(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,"Mass Hysteria",16),(0,e.createTextVNode)(": Casts a powerful illusion that blinds and then makes everyone nearby perceive others as random animals.")],4)]})})}},95152:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.StackCraft=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(88510),o=n(64795),f=n(25328),b=n(98595),y=n(36036),B=r.StackCraft=function(){function s(){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.Window,{width:350,height:500,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k)})})}return s}(),k=function(d,v){var h=(0,a.useBackend)(v),C=h.data,p=C.amount,N=C.recipes,V=(0,a.useLocalState)(v,"searchText",""),S=V[0],I=V[1],L=g(N,(0,f.createSearch)(S)),w=(0,a.useLocalState)(v,"",!1),A=w[0],x=w[1];return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Amount: "+p,buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([A&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y.Input,{width:12.5,value:S,placeholder:"Find recipe",onInput:function(){function E(P,D){return I(D)}return E}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y.Button,{ml:.5,tooltip:"Search",tooltipPosition:"bottom-end",icon:"magnifying-glass",selected:A,onClick:function(){function E(){return x(!A)}return E}()})],0),children:L?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,i,{recipes:L}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y.NoticeBox,{children:"No recipes found!"})})},g=function s(d,v){var h=(0,o.flow)([(0,t.map)(function(C){var p=C[0],N=C[1];return l(N)?v(p)?C:[p,s(N,v)]:v(p)?C:[p,void 0]}),(0,t.filter)(function(C){var p=C[0],N=C[1];return N!==void 0}),(0,t.sortBy)(function(C){var p=C[0],N=C[1];return p}),(0,t.sortBy)(function(C){var p=C[0],N=C[1];return!l(N)}),(0,t.reduce)(function(C,p){var N=p[0],V=p[1];return C[N]=V,C},{})])(Object.entries(d));return Object.keys(h).length?h:void 0},l=function(d){return d.uid===void 0},c=function(d,v){return d.required_amount>v?0:Math.floor(v/d.required_amount)},m=function(d,v){for(var h=(0,a.useBackend)(v),C=h.act,p=d.recipe,N=d.max_possible_multiplier,V=Math.min(N,Math.floor(p.max_result_amount/p.result_amount)),S=[5,10,25],I=[],L=function(){var E=A[w];V>=E&&I.push((0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y.Button,{bold:!0,translucent:!0,fontSize:.85,width:"32px",content:E*p.result_amount+"x",onClick:function(){function P(){return C("make",{recipe_uid:p.uid,multiplier:E})}return P}()}))},w=0,A=S;w1?I+"x ":"",M=L>1?"s":"",R=""+D+V,O=L+" sheet"+M,F=c(S,N);return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y.ImageButton,{fluid:!0,base64:P,dmIcon:x,dmIconState:E,imageSize:32,disabled:!F,tooltip:O,buttons:w>1&&F>1&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,m,{recipe:S,max_possible_multiplier:F}),onClick:function(){function _(){return C("make",{recipe_uid:A,multiplier:1})}return _}(),children:R})}},38307:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.StationAlertConsoleContent=r.StationAlertConsole=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.StationAlertConsole=function(){function y(){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:325,height:500,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b)})})}return y}(),b=r.StationAlertConsoleContent=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.data,c=l.alarms||[],m=c.Fire||[],i=c.Atmosphere||[],u=c.Power||[];return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Fire Alarms",children:(0,e.createVNode)(1,"ul",null,[m.length===0&&(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li","color-good","Systems Nominal",16),m.map(function(s){return(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li","color-average",s,0,null,s)})],0)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Atmospherics Alarms",children:(0,e.createVNode)(1,"ul",null,[i.length===0&&(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li","color-good","Systems Nominal",16),i.map(function(s){return(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li","color-average",s,0,null,s)})],0)}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Power Alarms",children:(0,e.createVNode)(1,"ul",null,[u.length===0&&(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li","color-good","Systems Nominal",16),u.map(function(s){return(0,e.createVNode)(1,"li","color-average",s,0,null,s)})],0)})],4)}return y}()},96091:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.StationTraitsPanel=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(88510),t=n(42127),o=n(72253),f=n(36036),b=n(98595),y=function(l){return l[l.SetupFutureStationTraits=0]="SetupFutureStationTraits",l[l.ViewStationTraits=1]="ViewStationTraits",l}(y||{}),B=function(c,m){var i=(0,o.useBackend)(m),u=i.act,s=i.data,d=s.future_station_traits,v=(0,o.useLocalState)(m,"selectedFutureTrait",null),h=v[0],C=v[1],p=Object.fromEntries(s.valid_station_traits.map(function(V){return[V.name,V.path]})),N=Object.keys(p);return N.sort(),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Dropdown,{displayText:!h&&"Select trait to add...",onSelected:C,options:N,selected:h,width:"100%"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Button,{color:"green",icon:"plus",onClick:function(){function V(){if(h){var S=p[h],I=[S];if(d){var L,w=d.map(function(A){return A.path});if(w.indexOf(S)!==-1)return;I=(L=I).concat.apply(L,w)}u("setup_future_traits",{station_traits:I})}}return V}(),children:"Add"})})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Divider),Array.isArray(d)?d.length>0?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack,{vertical:!0,fill:!0,children:d.map(function(V){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:V.name}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Button,{color:"red",icon:"times",onClick:function(){function S(){u("setup_future_traits",{station_traits:(0,a.filterMap)(d,function(I){if(I.path!==V.path)return I.path})})}return S}(),children:"Delete"})})]})},V.path)})}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{textAlign:"center",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{children:"No station traits will run next round."}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Button,{mt:1,fluid:!0,color:"good",icon:"times",tooltip:"The next round will roll station traits randomly, just like normal",onClick:function(){function V(){return u("clear_future_traits")}return V}(),children:"Run Station Traits Normally"})]}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{textAlign:"center",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{children:"No future station traits are planned."}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Button,{mt:1,fluid:!0,color:"red",icon:"times",onClick:function(){function V(){return u("setup_future_traits",{station_traits:[]})}return V}(),children:"Prevent station traits from running next round"})]})]})},k=function(c,m){var i=(0,o.useBackend)(m),u=i.act,s=i.data;return s.current_traits.length>0?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack,{vertical:!0,fill:!0,children:s.current_traits.map(function(d){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:d.name}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Button.Confirm,{content:"Revert",color:"red",disabled:s.too_late_to_revert||!d.can_revert,tooltip:!d.can_revert&&"This trait is not revertable."||s.too_late_to_revert&&"It's too late to revert station traits, the round has already started.",icon:"times",onClick:function(){function v(){return u("revert",{ref:d.ref})}return v}()})})]})},d.ref)})}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Box,{textAlign:"center",children:"There are no active station traits."})},g=r.StationTraitsPanel=function(){function l(c,m){var i=(0,o.useLocalState)(m,"station_traits_tab",y.ViewStationTraits),u=i[0],s=i[1],d;switch(u){case y.SetupFutureStationTraits:d=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B);break;case y.ViewStationTraits:d=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k);break;default:(0,t.exhaustiveCheck)(u)}return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.Window,{title:"Modify Station Traits",height:350,width:350,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Tabs,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Tabs.Tab,{icon:"eye",selected:u===y.ViewStationTraits,onClick:function(){function v(){return s(y.ViewStationTraits)}return v}(),children:"View"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Tabs.Tab,{icon:"edit",selected:u===y.SetupFutureStationTraits,onClick:function(){function v(){return s(y.SetupFutureStationTraits)}return v}(),children:"Edit"})]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Stack.Item,{m:0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Divider),d]})]})})})}return 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headpocket"}},i={eyes:{displayName:"eyewear",gridSpot:l([0,0]),image:"inventory-glasses.png"},head:{displayName:"headwear",gridSpot:l([0,1]),image:"inventory-head.png"},mask:{displayName:"mask",gridSpot:l([1,1]),image:"inventory-mask.png"},neck:{displayName:"neck",gridSpot:l([1,0]),image:"inventory-neck.png"},pet_collar:{displayName:"collar",gridSpot:l([1,1]),image:"inventory-collar.png"},right_ear:{displayName:"right ear",gridSpot:l([0,2]),image:"inventory-ears.png"},left_ear:{displayName:"left ear",gridSpot:l([1,2]),image:"inventory-ears.png"},parrot_headset:{displayName:"headset",gridSpot:l([1,2]),image:"inventory-ears.png"},handcuffs:{displayName:"handcuffs",gridSpot:l([1,3])},legcuffs:{displayName:"legcuffs",gridSpot:l([1,4])},jumpsuit:{displayName:"uniform",gridSpot:l([2,0]),image:"inventory-uniform.png"},suit:{displayName:"suit",gridSpot:l([2,1]),image:"inventory-suit.png"},gloves:{displayName:"gloves",gridSpot:l([2,2]),image:"inventory-gloves.png"},right_hand:{displayName:"right hand",gridSpot:l([2,3]),image:"inventory-hand_r.png",additionalComponent:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c,{align:"left",children:"R"})},left_hand:{displayName:"left hand",gridSpot:l([2,4]),image:"inventory-hand_l.png",additionalComponent:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c,{align:"right",children:"L"})},shoes:{displayName:"shoes",gridSpot:l([3,1]),image:"inventory-shoes.png"},suit_storage:{displayName:"suit 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ear",gridSpot:l([0,2]),image:"inventory-ears.png"},left_ear:{displayName:"left ear",gridSpot:l([1,2]),image:"inventory-ears.png"},parrot_headset:{displayName:"headset",gridSpot:l([1,2]),image:"inventory-ears.png"},handcuffs:{displayName:"handcuffs",gridSpot:l([1,3])},legcuffs:{displayName:"legcuffs",gridSpot:l([1,4])},jumpsuit:{displayName:"uniform",gridSpot:l([2,0]),image:"inventory-uniform.png"},suit:{displayName:"suit",gridSpot:l([2,1]),image:"inventory-suit.png"},gloves:{displayName:"gloves",gridSpot:l([2,2]),image:"inventory-gloves.png"},right_hand:{displayName:"right hand",gridSpot:l([4,4]),image:"inventory-hand_r.png",additionalComponent:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c,{align:"left",children:"R"})},left_hand:{displayName:"left hand",gridSpot:l([4,5]),image:"inventory-hand_l.png",additionalComponent:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,c,{align:"right",children:"L"})},shoes:{displayName:"shoes",gridSpot:l([3,1]),image:"inventory-shoes.png"},suit_storage:{displayName:"suit storage",gridSpot:l([4,0]),image:"inventory-suit_storage.png"},id:{displayName:"ID",gridSpot:l([4,1]),image:"inventory-id.png"},belt:{displayName:"belt",gridSpot:l([4,2]),image:"inventory-belt.png"},back:{displayName:"backpack",gridSpot:l([4,3]),image:"inventory-back.png"},left_pocket:{displayName:"left pocket",gridSpot:l([4,7]),image:"inventory-pocket.png"},right_pocket:{displayName:"right pocket",gridSpot:l([4,6]),image:"inventory-pocket.png"},pda:{displayName:"PDA",gridSpot:l([4,8]),image:"inventory-pda.png"}},s=function(v){return v[v.Completely=1]="Completely",v[v.Hidden=2]="Hidden",v}(s||{}),d=r.StripMenu=function(){function v(h,C){var p=(0,o.useBackend)(C),N=p.act,V=p.data,S=new Map;if(V.show_mode===0)for(var I=0,L=Object.keys(V.items);I=.01})},(0,a.sortBy)(function(x){return-x.amount})])(h.gases||[]),A=Math.max.apply(Math,[1].concat(w.map(function(x){return x.portion})));return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B.Window,{width:550,height:250,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.Stack,{fill:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.Stack.Item,{width:"270px",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Metrics",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Integrity",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.ProgressBar,{value:p/100,ranges:{good:[.9,1/0],average:[.5,.9],bad:[-1/0,.5]}})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Relative EER",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.ProgressBar,{value:N,minValue:0,maxValue:5e3,ranges:{good:[-1/0,5e3],average:[5e3,7e3],bad:[7e3,1/0]},children:(0,o.toFixed)(N)+" MeV/cm3"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Gas 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c.error?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:500,height:400,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Error",children:[c.error,(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"circle",content:"Recheck",onClick:function(){function m(){return l("check")}return m}()})]})})}):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:500,height:400,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Cold Loop ("+c.cold_dir+")",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Cold Inlet",children:[f(c.cold_inlet_temp)," K, ",f(c.cold_inlet_pressure)," kPa"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Cold Outlet",children:[f(c.cold_outlet_temp)," K, ",f(c.cold_outlet_pressure)," kPa"]})]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Hot Loop 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v}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Confirm,{icon:"trash",content:"Delete All Logs",disabled:!i.length,color:"bad",align:"center",onClick:function(){function v(){return l("delete_logs")}return v}()})]})]})}),i.length?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,b):(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{children:"No Records"})]})})}return y}(),b=r.TachyonArrayContent=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=c.records,i=m===void 0?[]:m;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Logged Explosions",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Flex,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Flex.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table,{m:"0.5rem",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{header:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Time"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Epicenter"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{children:"Actual 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strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.TankDispenser=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.TankDispenser=function(){function b(y,B){var k=(0,a.useBackend)(B),g=k.act,l=k.data,c=l.o_tanks,m=l.p_tanks;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:250,height:105,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,content:"Dispense Oxygen Tank ("+c+")",disabled:c===0,icon:"arrow-circle-down",onClick:function(){function i(){return g("oxygen")}return i}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{mt:1,fluid:!0,content:"Dispense Plasma Tank ("+m+")",disabled:m===0,icon:"arrow-circle-down",onClick:function(){function i(){return g("plasma")}return i}()})})]})})})}return b}()},16136:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.TcommsCore=void 0;var 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Please wait for the machine to reboot. This cannot be manually done."})},y=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.act,u=m.data,s=u.active,d=u.sectors_available,v=u.nttc_toggle_jobs,h=u.nttc_toggle_job_color,C=u.nttc_toggle_name_color,p=u.nttc_toggle_command_bold,N=u.nttc_job_indicator_type,V=u.nttc_setting_language,S=u.network_id;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Status",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Machine Power",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:s?"On":"Off",selected:s,icon:"power-off",onClick:function(){function I(){return i("toggle_active")}return I}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Sector Coverage",children:d})]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Radio Configuration",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Job 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strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.TcommsRelay=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.TcommsRelay=function(){function B(k,g){var l=(0,a.useBackend)(g),c=l.act,m=l.data,i=m.linked,u=m.active,s=m.network_id;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:600,height:292,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Relay Configuration",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Machine Power",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:u?"On":"Off",selected:u,icon:"power-off",onClick:function(){function d(){return c("toggle_active")}return d}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Network ID",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:s||"Unset",selected:s,icon:"server",onClick:function(){function d(){return c("network_id")}return 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g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=B.product,i=B.productStock,u=B.productIcon,s=B.productIconState,d=c.chargesMoney,v=c.user,h=c.usermoney,C=c.inserted_cash,p=c.vend_ready,N=c.inserted_item_name,V=!d||m.price===0,S="ERROR!",I="";V?(S="FREE",I="arrow-circle-down"):(S=m.price,I="shopping-cart");var L=!p||i===0||!V&&m.price>h&&m.price>C;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Row,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{collapsing:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.DmIcon,{verticalAlign:"middle",icon:u,icon_state:s,fallback:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{p:.66,name:"spinner",size:2,spin:!0})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{bold:!0,children:m.name}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{collapsing:!0,textAlign:"center",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:i<=0&&"bad"||i<=m.max_amount/2&&"average"||"good",children:[i," in stock"]})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table.Cell,{collapsing:!0,textAlign:"center",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,disabled:L,icon:I,content:S,textAlign:"left",onClick:function(){function w(){return l("vend",{inum:m.inum})}return w}()})})]})},b=r.Vending=function(){function y(B,k){var g=(0,a.useBackend)(k),l=g.act,c=g.data,m=c.user,i=c.usermoney,u=c.inserted_cash,s=c.chargesMoney,d=c.product_records,v=d===void 0?[]:d,h=c.hidden_records,C=h===void 0?[]:h,p=c.stock,N=c.vend_ready,V=c.inserted_item_name,S=c.panel_open,I=c.speaker,L;return L=[].concat(v),c.extended_inventory&&(L=[].concat(L,C)),L=L.filter(function(w){return!!w}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{title:"Vending Machine",width:450,height:Math.min((s?171:89)+L.length*32,585),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[!!s&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"User",buttons:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:!!V&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{fluid:!0,icon:"eject",content:(0,e.createVNode)(1,"span",null,V,0,{style:{"text-transform":"capitalize"}}),onClick:function(){function w(){return l("eject_item",{})}return w}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{disabled:!u,icon:"money-bill-wave-alt",content:u?(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,u,0),(0,e.createTextVNode)(" credits")],0):"Dispense Change",tooltip:u?"Dispense Change":null,textAlign:"left",onClick:function(){function w(){return l("change")}return w}()})})]}),children:m&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:["Welcome, ",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,m.name,0),", ",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,m.job||"Unemployed",0),"!",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),"Your balance is ",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"b",null,[i,(0,e.createTextVNode)(" credits")],0),".",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br")]})})}),!!S&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Maintenance",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:I?"check":"volume-mute",selected:I,content:"Speaker",textAlign:"left",onClick:function(){function w(){return l("toggle_voice",{})}return w}()})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:"Products",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Table,{children:L.map(function(w){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f,{product:w,productStock:p[w.name],productIcon:w.icon,productIconState:w.icon_state},w.name)})})})})]})})})}return y}()},68971:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.VolumeMixer=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.VolumeMixer=function(){function b(y,B){var k=(0,a.useBackend)(B),g=k.act,l=k.data,c=l.channels;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:350,height:Math.min(95+c.length*50,565),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,children:c.map(function(m,i){return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{fontSize:"1.25rem",color:"label",mt:i>0&&"0.5rem",children:m.name}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{mt:"0.5rem",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{mr:.5,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{width:"24px",color:"transparent",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"volume-off",size:"1.5",mt:"0.1rem",onClick:function(){function u(){return g("volume",{channel:m.num,volume:0})}return u}()})})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,mx:"0.5rem",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Slider,{minValue:0,maxValue:100,stepPixelSize:3.13,value:m.volume,onChange:function(){function u(s,d){return g("volume",{channel:m.num,volume:d})}return u}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{width:"24px",color:"transparent",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Icon,{name:"volume-up",size:"1.5",mt:"0.1rem",onClick:function(){function u(){return g("volume",{channel:m.num,volume:100})}return u}()})})})]})})],4,m.num)})})})})}return b}()},2510:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.VotePanel=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.VotePanel=function(){function b(y,B){var k=(0,a.useBackend)(B),g=k.act,l=k.data,c=l.remaining,m=l.question,i=l.choices,u=l.user_vote,s=l.counts,d=l.show_counts;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:400,height:360,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,title:m,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{mb:1.5,ml:.5,children:["Time remaining: ",Math.round(c/10),"s"]}),i.map(function(v){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{mb:1,fluid:!0,translucent:!0,lineHeight:3,multiLine:v,content:v+(d?" ("+(s[v]||0)+")":""),onClick:function(){function h(){return g("vote",{target:v})}return h}(),selected:v===u})},v)})]})})})}return b}()},30138:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.Wires=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.Wires=function(){function b(y,B){var k=(0,a.useBackend)(B),g=k.act,l=k.data,c=l.wires||[],m=l.status||[],i=56+c.length*23+(status?0:15+m.length*17);return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:350,height:i,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack,{fill:!0,vertical:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{grow:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{fill:!0,scrollable:!0,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:c.map(function(u){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{className:"candystripe",label:u.color_name,labelColor:u.seen_color,color:u.seen_color,buttons:(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:u.cut?"Mend":"Cut",onClick:function(){function s(){return g("cut",{wire:u.color})}return s}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Pulse",onClick:function(){function s(){return g("pulse",{wire:u.color})}return s}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:u.attached?"Detach":"Attach",onClick:function(){function s(){return g("attach",{wire:u.color})}return s}()})],4),children:!!u.wire&&(0,e.createVNode)(1,"i",null,[(0,e.createTextVNode)("("),u.wire,(0,e.createTextVNode)(")")],0)},u.seen_color)})})})}),!!m.length&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Stack.Item,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{children:m.map(function(u){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"lightgray",children:u},u)})})})]})})})}return b}()},21400:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.WizardApprenticeContract=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=n(98595),f=r.WizardApprenticeContract=function(){function b(y,B){var k=(0,a.useBackend)(B),g=k.act,l=k.data,c=l.used;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window,{width:500,height:555,children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Window.Content,{scrollable:!0,children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Contract of Apprenticeship",children:["Using this contract, you may summon an apprentice to aid you on your mission.",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"p",null,"If you are unable to establish contact with your apprentice, you can feed the contract back to the spellbook to refund your points.",16),c?(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{bold:!0,color:"red",children:"You've already summoned an apprentice or you are in process of summoning one."}):""]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Which school of magic is your apprentice studying?",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Fire",children:["Your apprentice is skilled in bending fire. ",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),"They know Fireball, Sacred Flame, and Ethereal Jaunt.",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Select",disabled:c,onClick:function(){function m(){return g("fire")}return m}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Translocation",children:["Your apprentice is able to defy physics, learning how to move through bluespace. ",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),"They know Teleport, Blink and Ethereal Jaunt.",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Select",disabled:c,onClick:function(){function m(){return g("translocation")}return m}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Restoration",children:["Your apprentice is dedicated to supporting your magical prowess.",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),"They come equipped with a Staff of Healing, have the unique ability to teleport back to you, and know Charge and Knock.",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Select",disabled:c,onClick:function(){function m(){return g("restoration")}return m}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Stealth",children:["Your apprentice is learning the art of infiltrating mundane facilities. ",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),"They know Mindswap, Knock, Homing Toolbox, and Disguise Self, all of which can be cast without robes. They also join you in a Maintenance Dweller disguise, complete with Gloves of Shock Immunity and a Belt of Tools.",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Select",disabled:c,onClick:function(){function m(){return g("stealth")}return m}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Divider),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Honk",children:["Your apprentice is here to spread the Honkmother's blessings.",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),"They know Banana Touch, Instant Summons, Ethereal Jaunt, and come equipped with a Staff of Slipping."," ",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),"While under your tutelage, they have been 'blessed' with clown shoes that are impossible to remove.",(0,e.createVNode)(1,"br"),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:"Select",disabled:c,onClick:function(){function m(){return g("honk")}return m}()})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Divider)]})})]})})}return b}()},49148:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.AccessList=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(88510),t=n(72253),o=n(36036);function f(g,l){var c=typeof Symbol!="undefined"&&g[Symbol.iterator]||g["@@iterator"];if(c)return(c=c.call(g)).next.bind(c);if(Array.isArray(g)||(c=b(g))||l&&g&&typeof g.length=="number"){c&&(g=c);var m=0;return function(){return m>=g.length?{done:!0}:{done:!1,value:g[m++]}}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}function b(g,l){if(g){if(typeof g=="string")return y(g,l);var c={}.toString.call(g).slice(8,-1);return c==="Object"&&g.constructor&&(c=g.constructor.name),c==="Map"||c==="Set"?Array.from(g):c==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(c)?y(g,l):void 0}}function y(g,l){(l==null||l>g.length)&&(l=g.length);for(var c=0,m=Array(l);c0&&!V.includes(O.ref)&&!p.includes(O.ref),checked:p.includes(O.ref),onClick:function(){function F(){return S(O.ref)}return F}()},O.desc)})]})]})})}return g}()},26991:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.AtmosScan=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(88510),t=n(72253),o=n(36036),f=function(B,k,g,l,c){return Bl?"average":B>c?"bad":"good"},b=r.AtmosScan=function(){function y(B,k){var g=B.data.aircontents;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.Box,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList,{children:(0,a.filter)(function(l){return l.val!=="0"||l.entry==="Pressure"||l.entry==="Temperature"})(g).map(function(l){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,o.LabeledList.Item,{label:l.entry,color:f(l.val,l.bad_low,l.poor_low,l.poor_high,l.bad_high),children:[l.val,l.units]},l.entry)})})})}return y}()},85870:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.BeakerContents=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(36036),t=n(15964),o=function(y){return y+" unit"+(y===1?"":"s")},f=r.BeakerContents=function(){function b(y){var B=y.beakerLoaded,k=y.beakerContents,g=k===void 0?[]:k,l=y.buttons;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,a.Stack,{vertical:!0,children:[!B&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,a.Stack.Item,{color:"label",children:"No beaker loaded."})||g.length===0&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,a.Stack.Item,{color:"label",children:"Beaker is empty."}),g.map(function(c,m){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,a.Stack,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,a.Stack.Item,{color:"label",grow:!0,children:[o(c.volume)," of ",c.name]},c.name),!!l&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,a.Stack.Item,{children:l(c,m)})]},c.name)})]})}return b}();f.propTypes={beakerLoaded:t.bool,beakerContents:t.array,buttons:t.arrayOf(t.element)}},92963:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.BotStatus=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o=r.BotStatus=function(){function f(b,y){var B=(0,a.useBackend)(y),k=B.act,g=B.data,l=g.locked,c=g.noaccess,m=g.maintpanel,i=g.on,u=g.autopatrol,s=g.canhack,d=g.emagged,v=g.remote_disabled;return(0,e.createFragment)([(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{children:["Swipe an ID card to ",l?"unlock":"lock"," this interface."]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"General Settings",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Status",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:i?"power-off":"times",content:i?"On":"Off",selected:i,disabled:c,onClick:function(){function h(){return k("power")}return h}()})}),u!==null&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Patrol",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:u,content:"Auto Patrol",disabled:c,onClick:function(){function h(){return k("autopatrol")}return h}()})}),!!m&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Maintenance Panel",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:"bad",children:"Panel Open!"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Safety System",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:d?"bad":"good",children:d?"DISABLED!":"Enabled"})}),!!s&&(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Hacking",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{icon:"terminal",content:d?"Restore Safties":"Hack",disabled:c,color:"bad",onClick:function(){function h(){return k("hack")}return h}()})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Remote Access",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button.Checkbox,{fluid:!0,checked:!v,content:"AI Remote Control",disabled:c,onClick:function(){function h(){return k("disableremote")}return h}()})})]})})],4)}return f}()},3939:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.modalRegisterBodyOverride=r.modalOpen=r.modalClose=r.modalAnswer=r.ComplexModal=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(36036),o={},f=r.modalOpen=function(){function g(l,c,m){var i=(0,a.useBackend)(l),u=i.act,s=i.data,d=Object.assign(s.modal?s.modal.args:{},m||{});u("modal_open",{id:c,arguments:JSON.stringify(d)})}return g}(),b=r.modalRegisterBodyOverride=function(){function g(l,c){o[l]=c}return g}(),y=r.modalAnswer=function(){function g(l,c,m,i){var u=(0,a.useBackend)(l),s=u.act,d=u.data;if(d.modal){var v=Object.assign(d.modal.args||{},i||{});s("modal_answer",{id:c,answer:m,arguments:JSON.stringify(v)})}}return g}(),B=r.modalClose=function(){function g(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(l),i=m.act;i("modal_close",{id:c})}return g}(),k=r.ComplexModal=function(){function g(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.data;if(i.modal){var u=i.modal,s=u.id,d=u.text,v=u.type,h,C=(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{className:"Button--modal",icon:"arrow-left",content:"Cancel",onClick:function(){function L(){return B(c)}return L}()}),p,N,V="auto";if(o[s])p=o[s](i.modal,c);else if(v==="input"){var 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+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020
+ * @author Sovexe (https://github.com/Sovexe)
+ * @license ISC
+ */var b=r.goonstation_PTL=function(){function g(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.data,u=i.total_earnings,s=i.total_energy,d=i.name,v=d===void 0?"Power Transmission Laser":d;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Window,{title:"Power Transmission Laser",width:"310",height:"485",children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,f.Window.Content,{children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,y),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,B),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,k),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{success:!0,children:["Earned Credits : ",u?(0,o.formatMoney)(u):0]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NoticeBox,{success:!0,children:["Energy Sold : ",s?(0,o.formatSiUnit)(s,0,"J"):"0 J"]})]})})}return g}(),y=function(l,c){var m=(0,a.useBackend)(c),i=m.data,u=i.max_capacity,s=i.held_power,d=i.input_total,v=i.max_grid_load;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Section,{title:"Status",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList,{children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Reserve 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p}(),children:d?"Enabled":"Disabled"}),children:(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{color:v&&"good"||d&&"average"||"bad",children:v&&"Online"||d&&"Idle"||"Offline"})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Input Level",children:s?(0,o.formatPower)(s):"0 W"})]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Box,{mt:"0.5em",children:[(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.NumberInput,{mr:"0.5em",animated:!0,size:1.25,inline:!0,step:1,stepPixelSize:2,minValue:0,maxValue:999,value:h,onChange:function(){function p(N,V){return i("set_input",{set_input:V})}return p}()}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{selected:C===1,onClick:function(){function p(){return i("inputW")}return p}(),children:"W"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{selected:C===Math.pow(10,3),onClick:function(){function p(){return i("inputKW")}return p}(),children:"KW"}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{selected:C===Math.pow(10,6),onClick:function(){function p(){return i("inputMW")}return 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S}()},V.key)}),c.filter(function(V){return!N[V.key]}).length===0&&"No software available!"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Installed Software",children:[m.filter(function(V){return V.key!=="mainmenu"}).map(function(V){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:V.name,icon:V.icon,onClick:function(){function S(){return k("startSoftware",{software_key:V.key})}return S}()},V.key)}),m.length===0&&"No software installed!"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Installed Toggles",children:[i.map(function(V){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:V.name,icon:V.icon,selected:V.active,onClick:function(){function S(){return k("setToggle",{toggle_key:V.key})}return S}()},V.key)}),i.length===0&&"No toggles installed!"]}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Select Emotion",children:s.map(function(V){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:V.name,selected:V.id===d,onClick:function(){function S(){return k("setEmotion",{emotion:V.id})}return S}()},V.id)})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Select Speaking State",children:v.map(function(V){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:V.name,selected:V.name===h,onClick:function(){function S(){return k("setSpeechStyle",{speech_state:V.name})}return S}()},V.id)})}),(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.LabeledList.Item,{label:"Select Chassis Type",children:C.map(function(V){return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.Button,{content:V.name,selected:V.icon===p,onClick:function(){function S(){return k("setChassis",{chassis_to_change:V.icon})}return S}()},V.id)})})]})})}return f}()},2983:function(T,r,n){"use strict";r.__esModule=!0,r.pai_manifest=void 0;var e=n(89005),a=n(72253),t=n(41874),o=r.pai_manifest=function(){function f(b,y){var B=(0,a.useBackend)(y),k=B.act,g=B.data;return(0,e.createComponentVNode)(2,t.CrewManifest,{data:g.app_data})}return f}()},40758:function(T,r,n){"use 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+ * @license MIT
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+ * @license MIT
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+ * @license MIT
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+ * @license MIT
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+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @license MIT
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+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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+ * @copyright 2021 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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me;throw new w(B(me)+" is not a typed array constructor")},J=function(me,q,re,ae){if(a){if(re)for(var le in F){var Z=t[le];if(Z&&b(Z.prototype,me))try{delete Z.prototype[me]}catch(ne){try{Z.prototype[me]=q}catch(te){}}}(!I[me]||re)&&g(I,me,re?q:P&&p[me]||q,ae)}},se=function(me,q,re){var ae,le;if(a){if(i){if(re){for(ae in F)if(le=t[ae],le&&b(le,me))try{delete le[me]}catch(Z){}}if(!S[me]||re)try{return g(S,me,re?q:P&&S[me]||q)}catch(Z){}else return}for(ae in F)le=t[ae],le&&(!le[me]||re)&&g(le,me,q)}};for(M in F)R=t[M],O=R&&R.prototype,O?v(O)[E]=R:P=!1;for(M in _)R=t[M],O=R&&R.prototype,O&&(v(O)[E]=R);if((!P||!o(S)||S===Function.prototype)&&(S=function(){function ie(){throw new w("Incorrect invocation")}return ie}(),P))for(M in F)t[M]&&i(t[M],S);if((!P||!I||I===L)&&(I=S.prototype,P))for(M in F)t[M]&&i(t[M].prototype,I);if(P&&m(V)!==I&&i(V,I),a&&!b(I,A)){D=!0,l(I,A,{configurable:!0,get:function(){function ie(){return f(this)?this[x]:void 0}return ie}()});for(M in F)t[M]&&k(t[M],x,M)}T.exports={NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS:P,TYPED_ARRAY_TAG:D&&x,aTypedArray:G,aTypedArrayConstructor:X,exportTypedArrayMethod:J,exportTypedArrayStaticMethod:se,getTypedArrayConstructor:z,isView:U,isTypedArray:$,TypedArray:S,TypedArrayPrototype:I}},37336:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=n(67250),t=n(58310),o=n(70377),f=n(70520),b=n(37909),y=n(73936),B=n(30145),k=n(40033),g=n(60077),l=n(61365),c=n(10188),m=n(43806),i=n(95867),u=n(91784),s=n(36917),d=n(76649),v=n(88471),h=n(54602),C=n(5781),p=n(5774),N=n(84925),V=n(5419),S=f.PROPER,I=f.CONFIGURABLE,L="ArrayBuffer",w="DataView",A="prototype",x="Wrong length",E="Wrong index",P=V.getterFor(L),D=V.getterFor(w),M=V.set,R=e[L],O=R,F=O&&O[A],_=e[w],U=_&&_[A],z=Object.prototype,$=e.Array,G=e.RangeError,X=a(v),J=a([].reverse),se=u.pack,ie=u.unpack,me=function(Ne){return[Ne&255]},q=function(Ne){return[Ne&255,Ne>>8&255]},re=function(Ne){return[Ne&255,Ne>>8&255,Ne>>16&255,Ne>>24&255]},ae=function(Ne){return Ne[3]<<24|Ne[2]<<16|Ne[1]<<8|Ne[0]},le=function(Ne){return se(i(Ne),23,4)},Z=function(Ne){return se(Ne,52,8)},ne=function(Ne,Be,be){y(Ne[A],Be,{configurable:!0,get:function(){function Le(){return be(this)[Be]}return Le}()})},te=function(Ne,Be,be,Le){var we=D(Ne),xe=m(be),Re=!!Le;if(xe+Be>we.byteLength)throw new G(E);var He=we.bytes,ye=xe+we.byteOffset,de=h(He,ye,ye+Be);return Re?de:J(de)},fe=function(Ne,Be,be,Le,we,xe){var Re=D(Ne),He=m(be),ye=Le(+we),de=!!xe;if(He+Be>Re.byteLength)throw new G(E);for(var he=Re.bytes,ke=He+Re.byteOffset,ve=0;vewe)throw new G("Wrong offset");if(be=be===void 0?we-xe:c(be),xe+be>we)throw new G(x);M(this,{type:w,buffer:Ne,byteLength:be,byteOffset:xe,bytes:Le.bytes}),t||(this.buffer=Ne,this.byteLength=be,this.byteOffset=xe)}return Ce}(),U=_[A],t&&(ne(O,"byteLength",P),ne(_,"buffer",D),ne(_,"byteLength",D),ne(_,"byteOffset",D)),B(U,{getInt8:function(){function Ce(Ne){return te(this,1,Ne)[0]<<24>>24}return Ce}(),getUint8:function(){function Ce(Ne){return te(this,1,Ne)[0]}return Ce}(),getInt16:function(){function Ce(Ne){var Be=te(this,2,Ne,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:!1);return(Be[1]<<8|Be[0])<<16>>16}return Ce}(),getUint16:function(){function Ce(Ne){var Be=te(this,2,Ne,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:!1);return Be[1]<<8|Be[0]}return Ce}(),getInt32:function(){function Ce(Ne){return ae(te(this,4,Ne,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:!1))}return Ce}(),getUint32:function(){function Ce(Ne){return ae(te(this,4,Ne,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:!1))>>>0}return Ce}(),getFloat32:function(){function Ce(Ne){return ie(te(this,4,Ne,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:!1),23)}return Ce}(),getFloat64:function(){function Ce(Ne){return ie(te(this,8,Ne,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:!1),52)}return Ce}(),setInt8:function(){function Ce(Ne,Be){fe(this,1,Ne,me,Be)}return Ce}(),setUint8:function(){function Ce(Ne,Be){fe(this,1,Ne,me,Be)}return Ce}(),setInt16:function(){function Ce(Ne,Be){fe(this,2,Ne,q,Be,arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:!1)}return Ce}(),setUint16:function(){function Ce(Ne,Be){fe(this,2,Ne,q,Be,arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:!1)}return Ce}(),setInt32:function(){function Ce(Ne,Be){fe(this,4,Ne,re,Be,arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:!1)}return Ce}(),setUint32:function(){function Ce(Ne,Be){fe(this,4,Ne,re,Be,arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:!1)}return Ce}(),setFloat32:function(){function Ce(Ne,Be){fe(this,4,Ne,le,Be,arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:!1)}return Ce}(),setFloat64:function(){function Ce(Ne,Be){fe(this,8,Ne,Z,Be,arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:!1)}return Ce}()});else{var pe=S&&R.name!==L;!k(function(){R(1)})||!k(function(){new R(-1)})||k(function(){return new R,new R(1.5),new R(NaN),R.length!==1||pe&&!I})?(O=function(){function Ce(Ne){return g(this,F),C(new R(m(Ne)),this,O)}return Ce}(),O[A]=F,F.constructor=O,p(O,R)):pe&&I&&b(R,"name",L),d&&s(U)!==z&&d(U,z);var ce=new _(new O(2)),Ve=a(U.setInt8);ce.setInt8(0,2147483648),ce.setInt8(1,2147483649),(ce.getInt8(0)||!ce.getInt8(1))&&B(U,{setInt8:function(){function Ce(Ne,Be){Ve(this,Ne,Be<<24>>24)}return Ce}(),setUint8:function(){function Ce(Ne,Be){Ve(this,Ne,Be<<24>>24)}return Ce}()},{unsafe:!0})}N(O,L),N(_,w),T.exports={ArrayBuffer:O,DataView:_}},71447:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(46771),a=n(13912),t=n(24760),o=n(95108),f=Math.min;T.exports=[].copyWithin||function(){function b(y,B){var k=e(this),g=t(k),l=a(y,g),c=a(B,g),m=arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:void 0,i=f((m===void 0?g:a(m,g))-c,g-l),u=1;for(c0;)c in k?k[l]=k[c]:o(k,l),l+=u,c+=u;return k}return b}()},88471:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(46771),a=n(13912),t=n(24760);T.exports=function(){function o(f){for(var b=e(this),y=t(b),B=arguments.length,k=a(B>1?arguments[1]:void 0,y),g=B>2?arguments[2]:void 0,l=g===void 0?y:a(g,y);l>k;)b[k++]=f;return b}return o}()},35601:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(22603).forEach,a=n(55528),t=a("forEach");T.exports=t?[].forEach:function(){function o(f){return e(this,f,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return o}()},78008:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(24760);T.exports=function(a,t,o){for(var f=0,b=arguments.length>2?o:e(t),y=new a(b);b>f;)y[f]=t[f++];return y}},73174:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(75754),a=n(91495),t=n(46771),o=n(40125),f=n(76571),b=n(1031),y=n(24760),B=n(60102),k=n(77455),g=n(59201),l=Array;T.exports=function(){function c(m){var i=t(m),u=b(this),s=arguments.length,d=s>1?arguments[1]:void 0,v=d!==void 0;v&&(d=e(d,s>2?arguments[2]:void 0));var h=g(i),C=0,p,N,V,S,I,L;if(h&&!(this===l&&f(h)))for(N=u?new this:[],S=k(i,h),I=S.next;!(V=a(I,S)).done;C++)L=v?o(S,d,[V.value,C],!0):V.value,B(N,C,L);else for(p=y(i),N=u?new this(p):l(p);p>C;C++)L=v?d(i[C],C):i[C],B(N,C,L);return N.length=C,N}return c}()},14211:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(57591),a=n(13912),t=n(24760),o=function(b){return function(y,B,k){var g=e(y),l=t(g);if(l===0)return!b&&-1;var c=a(k,l),m;if(b&&B!==B){for(;l>c;)if(m=g[c++],m!==m)return!0}else for(;l>c;c++)if((b||c in g)&&g[c]===B)return b||c||0;return!b&&-1}};T.exports={includes:o(!0),indexOf:o(!1)}},22603:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(75754),a=n(67250),t=n(37457),o=n(46771),f=n(24760),b=n(57823),y=a([].push),B=function(g){var l=g===1,c=g===2,m=g===3,i=g===4,u=g===6,s=g===7,d=g===5||u;return function(v,h,C,p){for(var N=o(v),V=t(N),S=f(V),I=e(h,C),L=0,w=p||b,A=l?w(v,S):c||s?w(v,0):void 0,x,E;S>L;L++)if((d||L in V)&&(x=V[L],E=I(x,L,N),g))if(l)A[L]=E;else if(E)switch(g){case 3:return!0;case 5:return x;case 6:return L;case 2:y(A,x)}else switch(g){case 4:return!1;case 7:y(A,x)}return u?-1:m||i?i:A}};T.exports={forEach:B(0),map:B(1),filter:B(2),some:B(3),every:B(4),find:B(5),findIndex:B(6),filterReject:B(7)}},1325:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(61267),a=n(57591),t=n(61365),o=n(24760),f=n(55528),b=Math.min,y=[].lastIndexOf,B=!!y&&1/[1].lastIndexOf(1,-0)<0,k=f("lastIndexOf"),g=B||!k;T.exports=g?function(){function l(c){if(B)return e(y,this,arguments)||0;var m=a(this),i=o(m);if(i===0)return-1;var u=i-1;for(arguments.length>1&&(u=b(u,t(arguments[1]))),u<0&&(u=i+u);u>=0;u--)if(u in m&&m[u]===c)return u||0;return-1}return l}():y},44091:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(40033),a=n(24697),t=n(5026),o=a("species");T.exports=function(f){return t>=51||!e(function(){var b=[],y=b.constructor={};return y[o]=function(){return{foo:1}},b[f](Boolean).foo!==1})}},55528:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(40033);T.exports=function(a,t){var o=[][a];return!!o&&e(function(){o.call(null,t||function(){return 1},1)})}},56844:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(10320),a=n(46771),t=n(37457),o=n(24760),f=TypeError,b="Reduce of empty array with no initial value",y=function(k){return function(g,l,c,m){var i=a(g),u=t(i),s=o(i);if(e(l),s===0&&c<2)throw new f(b);var d=k?s-1:0,v=k?-1:1;if(c<2)for(;;){if(d in u){m=u[d],d+=v;break}if(d+=v,k?d<0:s<=d)throw new f(b)}for(;k?d>=0:s>d;d+=v)d in u&&(m=l(m,u[d],d,i));return m}};T.exports={left:y(!1),right:y(!0)}},13345:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(58310),a=n(37386),t=TypeError,o=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,f=e&&!function(){if(this!==void 0)return!0;try{Object.defineProperty([],"length",{writable:!1}).length=1}catch(b){return b instanceof TypeError}}();T.exports=f?function(b,y){if(a(b)&&!o(b,"length").writable)throw new t("Cannot set read only .length");return b.length=y}:function(b,y){return b.length=y}},54602:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67250);T.exports=e([].slice)},90274:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(54602),a=Math.floor,t=function o(f,b){var y=f.length;if(y<8)for(var B=1,k,g;B0;)f[g]=f[--g];g!==B++&&(f[g]=k)}else for(var l=a(y/2),c=o(e(f,0,l),b),m=o(e(f,l),b),i=c.length,u=m.length,s=0,d=0;s1?arguments[1]:void 0),E;E=E?E.next:A.first;)for(x(E.value,E.key,this);E&&E.removed;)E=E.previous}return L}(),has:function(){function L(w){return!!I(this,w)}return L}()}),t(N,h?{get:function(){function L(w){var A=I(this,w);return A&&A.value}return L}(),set:function(){function L(w,A){return S(this,w===0?0:w,A)}return L}()}:{add:function(){function L(w){return S(this,w=w===0?0:w,w)}return L}()}),l&&a(N,"size",{configurable:!0,get:function(){function L(){return V(this).size}return L}()}),p}return s}(),setStrong:function(){function s(d,v,h){var C=v+" Iterator",p=u(v),N=u(C);B(d,v,function(V,S){i(this,{type:C,target:V,state:p(V),kind:S,last:void 0})},function(){for(var V=N(this),S=V.kind,I=V.last;I&&I.removed;)I=I.previous;return!V.target||!(V.last=I=I?I.next:V.state.first)?(V.target=void 0,k(void 0,!0)):k(S==="keys"?I.key:S==="values"?I.value:[I.key,I.value],!1)},h?"entries":"values",!h,!0),g(v)}return s}()}},39895:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67250),a=n(30145),t=n(81969).getWeakData,o=n(60077),f=n(30365),b=n(42871),y=n(77568),B=n(49450),k=n(22603),g=n(45299),l=n(5419),c=l.set,m=l.getterFor,i=k.find,u=k.findIndex,s=e([].splice),d=0,v=function(N){return N.frozen||(N.frozen=new h)},h=function(){this.entries=[]},C=function(N,V){return i(N.entries,function(S){return S[0]===V})};h.prototype={get:function(){function p(N){var V=C(this,N);if(V)return V[1]}return p}(),has:function(){function p(N){return!!C(this,N)}return p}(),set:function(){function p(N,V){var S=C(this,N);S?S[1]=V:this.entries.push([N,V])}return p}(),delete:function(){function p(N){var V=u(this.entries,function(S){return S[0]===N});return~V&&s(this.entries,V,1),!!~V}return p}()},T.exports={getConstructor:function(){function p(N,V,S,I){var L=N(function(E,P){o(E,w),c(E,{type:V,id:d++,frozen:void 0}),b(P)||B(P,E[I],{that:E,AS_ENTRIES:S})}),w=L.prototype,A=m(V),x=function(){function E(P,D,M){var R=A(P),O=t(f(D),!0);return O===!0?v(R).set(D,M):O[R.id]=M,P}return E}();return a(w,{delete:function(){function E(P){var D=A(this);if(!y(P))return!1;var M=t(P);return M===!0?v(D).delete(P):M&&g(M,D.id)&&delete M[D.id]}return E}(),has:function(){function E(P){var D=A(this);if(!y(P))return!1;var M=t(P);return M===!0?v(D).has(P):M&&g(M,D.id)}return E}()}),a(w,S?{get:function(){function E(P){var D=A(this);if(y(P)){var M=t(P);return M===!0?v(D).get(P):M?M[D.id]:void 0}}return E}(),set:function(){function E(P,D){return x(this,P,D)}return E}()}:{add:function(){function E(P){return x(this,P,!0)}return E}()}),L}return p}()}},45150:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(74685),t=n(67250),o=n(41314),f=n(55938),b=n(81969),y=n(49450),B=n(60077),k=n(55747),g=n(42871),l=n(77568),c=n(40033),m=n(92490),i=n(84925),u=n(5781);T.exports=function(s,d,v){var h=s.indexOf("Map")!==-1,C=s.indexOf("Weak")!==-1,p=h?"set":"add",N=a[s],V=N&&N.prototype,S=N,I={},L=function(R){var O=t(V[R]);f(V,R,R==="add"?function(){function F(_){return O(this,_===0?0:_),this}return F}():R==="delete"?function(F){return C&&!l(F)?!1:O(this,F===0?0:F)}:R==="get"?function(){function F(_){return C&&!l(_)?void 0:O(this,_===0?0:_)}return F}():R==="has"?function(){function F(_){return C&&!l(_)?!1:O(this,_===0?0:_)}return F}():function(){function F(_,U){return O(this,_===0?0:_,U),this}return F}())},w=o(s,!k(N)||!(C||V.forEach&&!c(function(){new N().entries().next()})));if(w)S=v.getConstructor(d,s,h,p),b.enable();else if(o(s,!0)){var A=new S,x=A[p](C?{}:-0,1)!==A,E=c(function(){A.has(1)}),P=m(function(M){new N(M)}),D=!C&&c(function(){for(var M=new N,R=5;R--;)M[p](R,R);return!M.has(-0)});P||(S=d(function(M,R){B(M,V);var O=u(new N,M,S);return g(R)||y(R,O[p],{that:O,AS_ENTRIES:h}),O}),S.prototype=V,V.constructor=S),(E||D)&&(L("delete"),L("has"),h&&L("get")),(D||x)&&L(p),C&&V.clear&&delete V.clear}return I[s]=S,e({global:!0,constructor:!0,forced:S!==N},I),i(S,s),C||v.setStrong(S,s,h),S}},5774:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(45299),a=n(97921),t=n(27193),o=n(74595);T.exports=function(f,b,y){for(var B=a(b),k=o.f,g=t.f,l=0;l"+g+""+y+">"}},5959:function(T){"use strict";T.exports=function(r,n){return{value:r,done:n}}},37909:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(58310),a=n(74595),t=n(87458);T.exports=e?function(o,f,b){return a.f(o,f,t(1,b))}:function(o,f,b){return o[f]=b,o}},87458:function(T){"use strict";T.exports=function(r,n){return{enumerable:!(r&1),configurable:!(r&2),writable:!(r&4),value:n}}},60102:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(58310),a=n(74595),t=n(87458);T.exports=function(o,f,b){e?a.f(o,f,t(0,b)):o[f]=b}},67206:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67250),a=n(40033),t=n(24051).start,o=RangeError,f=isFinite,b=Math.abs,y=Date.prototype,B=y.toISOString,k=e(y.getTime),g=e(y.getUTCDate),l=e(y.getUTCFullYear),c=e(y.getUTCHours),m=e(y.getUTCMilliseconds),i=e(y.getUTCMinutes),u=e(y.getUTCMonth),s=e(y.getUTCSeconds);T.exports=a(function(){return B.call(new Date(-50000000000001))!=="0385-07-25T07:06:39.999Z"})||!a(function(){B.call(new Date(NaN))})?function(){function d(){if(!f(k(this)))throw new o("Invalid time value");var v=this,h=l(v),C=m(v),p=h<0?"-":h>9999?"+":"";return p+t(b(h),p?6:4,0)+"-"+t(u(v)+1,2,0)+"-"+t(g(v),2,0)+"T"+t(c(v),2,0)+":"+t(i(v),2,0)+":"+t(s(v),2,0)+"."+t(C,3,0)+"Z"}return d}():B},10886:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(30365),a=n(13396),t=TypeError;T.exports=function(o){if(e(this),o==="string"||o==="default")o="string";else if(o!=="number")throw new t("Incorrect hint");return a(this,o)}},73936:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(20001),a=n(74595);T.exports=function(t,o,f){return f.get&&e(f.get,o,{getter:!0}),f.set&&e(f.set,o,{setter:!0}),a.f(t,o,f)}},55938:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(55747),a=n(74595),t=n(20001),o=n(18231);T.exports=function(f,b,y,B){B||(B={});var k=B.enumerable,g=B.name!==void 0?B.name:b;if(e(y)&&t(y,g,B),B.global)k?f[b]=y:o(b,y);else{try{B.unsafe?f[b]&&(k=!0):delete 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s)continue;b(d,s)}(B.sham||s&&s.sham)&&t(d,"sham",!0),o(i,u,d,B)}}},40033:function(T){"use strict";T.exports=function(r){try{return!!r()}catch(n){return!0}}},79942:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(79669);var e=n(91495),a=n(55938),t=n(14489),o=n(40033),f=n(24697),b=n(37909),y=f("species"),B=RegExp.prototype;T.exports=function(k,g,l,c){var m=f(k),i=!o(function(){var v={};return v[m]=function(){return 7},""[k](v)!==7}),u=i&&!o(function(){var v=!1,h=/a/;return k==="split"&&(h={},h.constructor={},h.constructor[y]=function(){return h},h.flags="",h[m]=/./[m]),h.exec=function(){return v=!0,null},h[m](""),!v});if(!i||!u||l){var s=/./[m],d=g(m,""[k],function(v,h,C,p,N){var V=h.exec;return V===t||V===B.exec?i&&!N?{done:!0,value:e(s,h,C,p)}:{done:!0,value:e(v,C,h,p)}:{done:!1}});a(String.prototype,k,d[0]),a(B,m,d[1])}c&&b(B[m],"sham",!0)}},65561:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(37386),a=n(24760),t=n(21291),o=n(75754),f=function b(y,B,k,g,l,c,m,i){for(var u=l,s=0,d=m?o(m,i):!1,v,h;s0&&e(v)?(h=a(v),u=b(y,B,v,h,u,c-1)-1):(t(u+1),y[u]=v),u++),s++;return u};T.exports=f},50730:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(40033);T.exports=!e(function(){return Object.isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({}))})},61267:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(55050),a=Function.prototype,t=a.apply,o=a.call;T.exports=typeof Reflect=="object"&&Reflect.apply||(e?o.bind(t):function(){return o.apply(t,arguments)})},75754:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(71138),a=n(10320),t=n(55050),o=e(e.bind);T.exports=function(f,b){return a(f),b===void 0?f:t?o(f,b):function(){return f.apply(b,arguments)}}},55050:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(40033);T.exports=!e(function(){var a=function(){}.bind();return typeof a!="function"||a.hasOwnProperty("prototype")})},66284:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67250),a=n(10320),t=n(77568),o=n(45299),f=n(54602),b=n(55050),y=Function,B=e([].concat),k=e([].join),g={},l=function(m,i,u){if(!o(g,i)){for(var s=[],d=0;d]*>)/g,B=/\$([$&'`]|\d{1,2})/g;T.exports=function(k,g,l,c,m,i){var u=l+k.length,s=c.length,d=B;return m!==void 0&&(m=a(m),d=y),f(i,d,function(v,h){var C;switch(o(h,0)){case"$":return"$";case"&":return k;case"`":return b(g,0,l);case"'":return b(g,u);case"<":C=m[b(h,1,-1)];break;default:var p=+h;if(p===0)return v;if(p>s){var N=t(p/10);return N===0?v:N<=s?c[N-1]===void 0?o(h,1):c[N-1]+o(h,1):v}C=c[p-1]}return C===void 0?"":C})}},74685:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=function(t){return t&&t.Math===Math&&t};T.exports=e(typeof globalThis=="object"&&globalThis)||e(typeof window=="object"&&window)||e(typeof self=="object"&&self)||e(typeof n.g=="object"&&n.g)||e(!1)||function(){return this}()||Function("return this")()},45299:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67250),a=n(46771),t=e({}.hasOwnProperty);T.exports=Object.hasOwn||function(){function o(f,b){return t(a(f),b)}return o}()},79195:function(T){"use strict";T.exports={}},72259:function(T){"use 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g=B.length,l=g*8-k-1,c=(1<>1,i=l-7,u=g-1,s=B[u--],d=s&127,v;for(s>>=7;i>0;)d=d*256+B[u--],i-=8;for(v=d&(1<<-i)-1,d>>=-i,i+=k;i>0;)v=v*256+B[u--],i-=8;if(d===0)d=1-m;else{if(d===c)return v?NaN:s?-1/0:1/0;v+=e(2,k),d-=m}return(s?-1:1)*v*e(2,d-k)};T.exports={pack:f,unpack:b}},37457:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67250),a=n(40033),t=n(7462),o=Object,f=e("".split);T.exports=a(function(){return!o("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0)})?function(b){return t(b)==="String"?f(b,""):o(b)}:o},5781:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(55747),a=n(77568),t=n(76649);T.exports=function(o,f,b){var y,B;return t&&e(y=f.constructor)&&y!==b&&a(B=y.prototype)&&B!==b.prototype&&t(o,B),o}},40492:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67250),a=n(55747),t=n(40095),o=e(Function.toString);a(t.inspectSource)||(t.inspectSource=function(f){return o(f)}),T.exports=t.inspectSource},81969:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var 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y,B;a(o);try{if(y=t(o,"return"),!y){if(f==="throw")throw b;return b}y=e(y,o)}catch(k){B=!0,y=k}if(f==="throw")throw b;if(B)throw y;return a(y),b}},5656:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67635).IteratorPrototype,a=n(80674),t=n(87458),o=n(84925),f=n(83967),b=function(){return this};T.exports=function(y,B,k,g){var l=B+" Iterator";return y.prototype=a(e,{next:t(+!g,k)}),o(y,l,!1,!0),f[l]=b,y}},65574:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(91495),t=n(4493),o=n(70520),f=n(55747),b=n(5656),y=n(36917),B=n(76649),k=n(84925),g=n(37909),l=n(55938),c=n(24697),m=n(83967),i=n(67635),u=o.PROPER,s=o.CONFIGURABLE,d=i.IteratorPrototype,v=i.BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS,h=c("iterator"),C="keys",p="values",N="entries",V=function(){return this};T.exports=function(S,I,L,w,A,x,E){b(L,I,w);var P=function(X){if(X===A&&F)return F;if(!v&&X&&X in R)return R[X];switch(X){case C:return function(){function J(){return new L(this,X)}return J}();case p:return function(){function J(){return new L(this,X)}return J}();case N:return function(){function J(){return new L(this,X)}return J}()}return function(){return new L(this)}},D=I+" Iterator",M=!1,R=S.prototype,O=R[h]||R["@@iterator"]||A&&R[A],F=!v&&O||P(A),_=I==="Array"&&R.entries||O,U,z,$;if(_&&(U=y(_.call(new S)),U!==Object.prototype&&U.next&&(!t&&y(U)!==d&&(B?B(U,d):f(U[h])||l(U,h,V)),k(U,D,!0,!0),t&&(m[D]=V))),u&&A===p&&O&&O.name!==p&&(!t&&s?g(R,"name",p):(M=!0,F=function(){function G(){return a(O,this)}return G}())),A)if(z={values:P(p),keys:x?F:P(C),entries:P(N)},E)for($ in z)(v||M||!($ in R))&&l(R,$,z[$]);else e({target:I,proto:!0,forced:v||M},z);return(!t||E)&&R[h]!==F&&l(R,h,F,{name:A}),m[I]=F,z}},67635:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(40033),a=n(55747),t=n(77568),o=n(80674),f=n(36917),b=n(55938),y=n(24697),B=n(4493),k=y("iterator"),g=!1,l,c,m;[].keys&&(m=[].keys(),"next"in m?(c=f(f(m)),c!==Object.prototype&&(l=c)):g=!0);var i=!t(l)||e(function(){var u={};return l[k].call(u)!==u});i?l={}:B&&(l=o(l)),a(l[k])||b(l,k,function(){return this}),T.exports={IteratorPrototype:l,BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS:g}},83967:function(T){"use strict";T.exports={}},24760:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(10188);T.exports=function(a){return e(a.length)}},20001:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67250),a=n(40033),t=n(55747),o=n(45299),f=n(58310),b=n(70520).CONFIGURABLE,y=n(40492),B=n(5419),k=B.enforce,g=B.get,l=String,c=Object.defineProperty,m=e("".slice),i=e("".replace),u=e([].join),s=f&&!a(function(){return c(function(){},"length",{value:8}).length!==8}),d=String(String).split("String"),v=T.exports=function(h,C,p){m(l(C),0,7)==="Symbol("&&(C="["+i(l(C),/^Symbol\(([^)]*)\).*$/,"$1")+"]"),p&&p.getter&&(C="get "+C),p&&p.setter&&(C="set "+C),(!o(h,"name")||b&&h.name!==C)&&(f?c(h,"name",{value:C,configurable:!0}):h.name=C),s&&p&&o(p,"arity")&&h.length!==p.arity&&c(h,"length",{value:p.arity});try{p&&o(p,"constructor")&&p.constructor?f&&c(h,"prototype",{writable:!1}):h.prototype&&(h.prototype=void 0)}catch(V){}var N=k(h);return o(N,"source")||(N.source=u(d,typeof C=="string"?C:"")),h};Function.prototype.toString=v(function(){function h(){return t(this)&&g(this).source||y(this)}return h}(),"toString")},82040:function(T){"use strict";var r=Math.expm1,n=Math.exp;T.exports=!r||r(10)>22025.465794806718||r(10)<22025.465794806718||r(-2e-17)!==-2e-17?function(){function e(a){var t=+a;return t===0?t:t>-1e-6&&t<1e-6?t+t*t/2:n(t)-1}return e}():r},14950:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(22172),a=Math.abs,t=2220446049250313e-31,o=1/t,f=function(y){return y+o-o};T.exports=function(b,y,B,k){var g=+b,l=a(g),c=e(g);if(lB||i!==i?c*(1/0):c*i}},95867:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(14950),a=11920928955078125e-23,t=34028234663852886e22,o=11754943508222875e-54;T.exports=Math.fround||function(){function f(b){return e(b,a,t,o)}return f}()},75002:function(T){"use strict";var r=Math.log,n=Math.LOG10E;T.exports=Math.log10||function(){function e(a){return r(a)*n}return e}()},90874:function(T){"use strict";var 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0),v.constructor=m,h=t(v.then,v),u=function(){h(p)}):k?u=function(){c.nextTick(p)}:(o=t(o,e),u=function(){o(p)}),i=function(V){C.head||u(),C.add(V)}}T.exports=i},81837:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(10320),a=TypeError,t=function(f){var b,y;this.promise=new f(function(B,k){if(b!==void 0||y!==void 0)throw new a("Bad Promise constructor");b=B,y=k}),this.resolve=e(b),this.reject=e(y)};T.exports.f=function(o){return new t(o)}},86213:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(72586),a=TypeError;T.exports=function(t){if(e(t))throw new a("The method doesn't accept regular expressions");return t}},3294:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=e.isFinite;T.exports=Number.isFinite||function(){function t(o){return typeof o=="number"&&a(o)}return t}()},28506:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var 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m={},i={},u=Symbol("assign detection"),s="abcdefghijklmnopqrst";return m[u]=7,s.split("").forEach(function(d){i[d]=d}),g({},m)[u]!==7||f(g({},i)).join("")!==s})?function(){function m(i,u){for(var s=B(i),d=arguments.length,v=1,h=b.f,C=y.f;d>v;)for(var p=k(arguments[v++]),N=h?c(f(p),h(p)):f(p),V=N.length,S=0,I;V>S;)I=N[S++],(!e||t(C,p,I))&&(s[I]=p[I]);return s}return m}():g},80674:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(30365),a=n(24239),t=n(89453),o=n(79195),f=n(5315),b=n(12689),y=n(19417),B=">",k="<",g="prototype",l="script",c=y("IE_PROTO"),m=function(){},i=function(C){return k+l+B+C+k+"/"+l+B},u=function(C){C.write(i("")),C.close();var p=C.parentWindow.Object;return C=null,p},s=function(){var C=b("iframe"),p="java"+l+":",N;return C.style.display="none",f.appendChild(C),C.src=String(p),N=C.contentWindow.document,N.open(),N.write(i("document.F=Object")),N.close(),N.F},d,v=function(){try{d=new ActiveXObject("htmlfile")}catch(p){}v=typeof 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c}():y:function(){function c(m,i,u){if(o(m),i=f(i),o(u),a)try{return y(m,i,u)}catch(s){}if("get"in u||"set"in u)throw new b("Accessors not supported");return"value"in u&&(m[i]=u.value),m}return c}()},27193:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(58310),a=n(91495),t=n(12867),o=n(87458),f=n(57591),b=n(767),y=n(45299),B=n(36223),k=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;r.f=e?k:function(){function g(l,c){if(l=f(l),c=b(c),B)try{return k(l,c)}catch(m){}if(y(l,c))return o(!a(t.f,l,c),l[c])}return g}()},81644:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(7462),a=n(57591),t=n(37310).f,o=n(54602),f=typeof window=="object"&&window&&Object.getOwnPropertyNames?Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window):[],b=function(B){try{return t(B)}catch(k){return o(f)}};T.exports.f=function(){function y(B){return f&&e(B)==="Window"?b(B):t(a(B))}return y}()},37310:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(53726),a=n(89453),t=a.concat("length","prototype");r.f=Object.getOwnPropertyNames||function(){function o(f){return e(f,t)}return 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e=n(53726),a=n(89453);T.exports=Object.keys||function(){function t(o){return e(o,a)}return t}()},12867:function(T,r){"use strict";var n={}.propertyIsEnumerable,e=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,a=e&&!n.call({1:2},1);r.f=a?function(){function t(o){var f=e(this,o);return!!f&&f.enumerable}return t}():n},57377:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4493),a=n(74685),t=n(40033),o=n(9342);T.exports=e||!t(function(){if(!(o&&o<535)){var f=Math.random();__defineSetter__.call(null,f,function(){}),delete a[f]}})},76649:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(38656),a=n(77568),t=n(16952),o=n(35908);T.exports=Object.setPrototypeOf||("__proto__"in{}?function(){var f=!1,b={},y;try{y=e(Object.prototype,"__proto__","set"),y(b,[]),f=b instanceof Array}catch(B){}return function(){function B(k,g){return t(k),o(g),a(k)&&(f?y(k,g):k.__proto__=g),k}return B}()}():void 0)},70915:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(58310),a=n(40033),t=n(67250),o=n(36917),f=n(18450),b=n(57591),y=n(12867).f,B=t(y),k=t([].push),g=e&&a(function(){var c=Object.create(null);return c[2]=2,!B(c,2)}),l=function(m){return function(i){for(var u=b(i),s=f(u),d=g&&o(u)===null,v=s.length,h=0,C=[],p;v>h;)p=s[h++],(!e||(d?p in u:B(u,p)))&&k(C,m?[p,u[p]]:u[p]);return C}};T.exports={entries:l(!0),values:l(!1)}},2509:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(2650),a=n(2281);T.exports=e?{}.toString:function(){function t(){return"[object "+a(this)+"]"}return t}()},13396:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(91495),a=n(55747),t=n(77568),o=TypeError;T.exports=function(f,b){var y,B;if(b==="string"&&a(y=f.toString)&&!t(B=e(y,f))||a(y=f.valueOf)&&!t(B=e(y,f))||b!=="string"&&a(y=f.toString)&&!t(B=e(y,f)))return B;throw new o("Can't convert object to primitive value")}},97921:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4009),a=n(67250),t=n(37310),o=n(89235),f=n(30365),b=a([].concat);T.exports=e("Reflect","ownKeys")||function(){function y(B){var k=t.f(f(B)),g=o.f;return g?b(k,g(B)):k}return y}()},61765:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685);T.exports=e},10729:function(T){"use strict";T.exports=function(r){try{return{error:!1,value:r()}}catch(n){return{error:!0,value:n}}}},74854:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=n(67512),t=n(55747),o=n(41314),f=n(40492),b=n(24697),y=n(8180),B=n(73730),k=n(4493),g=n(5026),l=a&&a.prototype,c=b("species"),m=!1,i=t(e.PromiseRejectionEvent),u=o("Promise",function(){var s=f(a),d=s!==String(a);if(!d&&g===66||k&&!(l.catch&&l.finally))return!0;if(!g||g<51||!/native code/.test(s)){var v=new a(function(p){p(1)}),h=function(N){N(function(){},function(){})},C=v.constructor={};if(C[c]=h,m=v.then(function(){})instanceof h,!m)return!0}return!d&&(y||B)&&!i});T.exports={CONSTRUCTOR:u,REJECTION_EVENT:i,SUBCLASSING:m}},67512:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685);T.exports=e.Promise},66628:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(30365),a=n(77568),t=n(81837);T.exports=function(o,f){if(e(o),a(f)&&f.constructor===o)return f;var b=t.f(o),y=b.resolve;return y(f),b.promise}},48199:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67512),a=n(92490),t=n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR;T.exports=t||!a(function(o){e.all(o).then(void 0,function(){})})},34550:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74595).f;T.exports=function(a,t,o){o in a||e(a,o,{configurable:!0,get:function(){function f(){return t[o]}return f}(),set:function(){function f(b){t[o]=b}return f}()})}},9547:function(T){"use strict";var r=function(){this.head=null,this.tail=null};r.prototype={add:function(){function n(e){var a={item:e,next:null},t=this.tail;t?t.next=a:this.head=a,this.tail=a}return n}(),get:function(){function n(){var e=this.head;if(e){var a=this.head=e.next;return a===null&&(this.tail=null),e.item}}return n}()},T.exports=r},28340:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(91495),a=n(30365),t=n(55747),o=n(7462),f=n(14489),b=TypeError;T.exports=function(y,B){var k=y.exec;if(t(k)){var g=e(k,y,B);return g!==null&&a(g),g}if(o(y)==="RegExp")return e(f,y,B);throw new b("RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver")}},14489:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(91495),a=n(67250),t=n(12605),o=n(70901),f=n(62115),b=n(16639),y=n(80674),B=n(5419).get,k=n(39173),g=n(35688),l=b("native-string-replace",String.prototype.replace),c=RegExp.prototype.exec,m=c,i=a("".charAt),u=a("".indexOf),s=a("".replace),d=a("".slice),v=function(){var N=/a/,V=/b*/g;return e(c,N,"a"),e(c,V,"a"),N.lastIndex!==0||V.lastIndex!==0}(),h=f.BROKEN_CARET,C=/()??/.exec("")[1]!==void 0,p=v||C||h||k||g;p&&(m=function(){function N(V){var S=this,I=B(S),L=t(V),w=I.raw,A,x,E,P,D,M,R;if(w)return w.lastIndex=S.lastIndex,A=e(m,w,L),S.lastIndex=w.lastIndex,A;var O=I.groups,F=h&&S.sticky,_=e(o,S),U=S.source,z=0,$=L;if(F&&(_=s(_,"y",""),u(_,"g")===-1&&(_+="g"),$=d(L,S.lastIndex),S.lastIndex>0&&(!S.multiline||S.multiline&&i(L,S.lastIndex-1)!=="\n")&&(U="(?: "+U+")",$=" "+$,z++),x=new RegExp("^(?:"+U+")",_)),C&&(x=new RegExp("^"+U+"$(?!\\s)",_)),v&&(E=S.lastIndex),P=e(c,F?x:S,$),F?P?(P.input=d(P.input,z),P[0]=d(P[0],z),P.index=S.lastIndex,S.lastIndex+=P[0].length):S.lastIndex=0:v&&P&&(S.lastIndex=S.global?P.index+P[0].length:E),C&&P&&P.length>1&&e(l,P[0],x,function(){for(D=1;Db)","g");return o.exec("b").groups.a!=="b"||"b".replace(o,"$c")!=="bc"})},16952:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(42871),a=TypeError;T.exports=function(t){if(e(t))throw new a("Can't call method on "+t);return t}},44915:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=n(58310),t=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;T.exports=function(o){if(!a)return e[o];var f=t(e,o);return f&&f.value}},5700:function(T){"use strict";T.exports=Object.is||function(){function r(n,e){return n===e?n!==0||1/n===1/e:n!==n&&e!==e}return r}()},78362:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=n(61267),t=n(55747),o=n(49197),f=n(63318),b=n(54602),y=n(24986),B=e.Function,k=/MSIE .\./.test(f)||o&&function(){var g=e.Bun.version.split(".");return g.length<3||g[0]==="0"&&(g[1]<3||g[1]==="3"&&g[2]==="0")}();T.exports=function(g,l){var c=l?2:1;return k?function(m,i){var u=y(arguments.length,1)>c,s=t(m)?m:B(m),d=u?b(arguments,c):[],v=u?function(){a(s,this,d)}:s;return l?g(v,i):g(v)}:g}},58491:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4009),a=n(73936),t=n(24697),o=n(58310),f=t("species");T.exports=function(b){var y=e(b);o&&y&&!y[f]&&a(y,f,{configurable:!0,get:function(){function B(){return this}return B}()})}},84925:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74595).f,a=n(45299),t=n(24697),o=t("toStringTag");T.exports=function(f,b,y){f&&!y&&(f=f.prototype),f&&!a(f,o)&&e(f,o,{configurable:!0,value:b})}},19417:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(16639),a=n(16738),t=e("keys");T.exports=function(o){return t[o]||(t[o]=a(o))}},40095:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var 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i<0||i>=u?g?"":void 0:(s=b(m,i),s<55296||s>56319||i+1===u||(d=b(m,i+1))<56320||d>57343?g?f(m,i):s:g?y(m,i,i+2):(s-55296<<10)+(d-56320)+65536)}};T.exports={codeAt:B(!1),charAt:B(!0)}},34125:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63318);T.exports=/Version\/10(?:\.\d+){1,2}(?: [\w./]+)?(?: Mobile\/\w+)? 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":t(i),h,C;return s<=d||v===""?u:(h=s-d,C=b(v,B(h/v.length)),C.length>h&&(C=y(C,0,h)),l?u+C:C+u)}};T.exports={start:k(!1),end:k(!0)}},62443:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(61365),a=n(12605),t=n(16952),o=RangeError;T.exports=function(){function f(b){var y=a(t(this)),B="",k=e(b);if(k<0||k===1/0)throw new o("Wrong number of repetitions");for(;k>0;(k>>>=1)&&(y+=y))k&1&&(B+=y);return B}return f}()},43476:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(92648).end,a=n(90012);T.exports=a("trimEnd")?function(){function t(){return e(this)}return t}():"".trimEnd},90012:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(70520).PROPER,a=n(40033),t=n(4198),o="\u200B\x85\u180E";T.exports=function(f){return a(function(){return!!t[f]()||o[f]()!==o||e&&t[f].name!==f})}},43885:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(92648).start,a=n(90012);T.exports=a("trimStart")?function(){function t(){return e(this)}return t}():"".trimStart},92648:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var 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e=n(74685),a=n(61267),t=n(75754),o=n(55747),f=n(45299),b=n(40033),y=n(5315),B=n(54602),k=n(12689),g=n(24986),l=n(83433),c=n(81702),m=e.setImmediate,i=e.clearImmediate,u=e.process,s=e.Dispatch,d=e.Function,v=e.MessageChannel,h=e.String,C=0,p={},N="onreadystatechange",V,S,I,L;b(function(){V=e.location});var w=function(D){if(f(p,D)){var M=p[D];delete p[D],M()}},A=function(D){return function(){w(D)}},x=function(D){w(D.data)},E=function(D){e.postMessage(h(D),V.protocol+"//"+V.host)};(!m||!i)&&(m=function(){function P(D){g(arguments.length,1);var M=o(D)?D:d(D),R=B(arguments,1);return p[++C]=function(){a(M,void 0,R)},S(C),C}return P}(),i=function(){function P(D){delete p[D]}return P}(),c?S=function(D){u.nextTick(A(D))}:s&&s.now?S=function(D){s.now(A(D))}:v&&!l?(I=new v,L=I.port2,I.port1.onmessage=x,S=t(L.postMessage,L)):e.addEventListener&&o(e.postMessage)&&!e.importScripts&&V&&V.protocol!=="file:"&&!b(E)?(S=E,e.addEventListener("message",x,!1)):N in k("script")?S=function(D){y.appendChild(k("script"))[N]=function(){y.removeChild(this),w(D)}}:S=function(D){setTimeout(A(D),0)}),T.exports={set:m,clear:i}},46438:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67250);T.exports=e(1 .valueOf)},13912:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(61365),a=Math.max,t=Math.min;T.exports=function(o,f){var b=e(o);return b<0?a(b+f,0):t(b,f)}},61484:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(24843),a=TypeError;T.exports=function(t){var o=e(t,"number");if(typeof o=="number")throw new a("Can't convert number to bigint");return BigInt(o)}},43806:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(61365),a=n(10188),t=RangeError;T.exports=function(o){if(o===void 0)return 0;var f=e(o),b=a(f);if(f!==b)throw new t("Wrong length or index");return b}},57591:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(37457),a=n(16952);T.exports=function(t){return e(a(t))}},61365:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(21119);T.exports=function(a){var t=+a;return t!==t||t===0?0:e(t)}},10188:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(61365),a=Math.min;T.exports=function(t){var o=e(t);return o>0?a(o,9007199254740991):0}},46771:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(16952),a=Object;T.exports=function(t){return a(e(t))}},56043:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(16140),a=RangeError;T.exports=function(t,o){var f=e(t);if(f%o)throw new a("Wrong offset");return f}},16140:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(61365),a=RangeError;T.exports=function(t){var o=e(t);if(o<0)throw new a("The argument can't be less than 0");return o}},24843:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(91495),a=n(77568),t=n(71399),o=n(78060),f=n(13396),b=n(24697),y=TypeError,B=b("toPrimitive");T.exports=function(k,g){if(!a(k)||t(k))return k;var l=o(k,B),c;if(l){if(g===void 0&&(g="default"),c=e(l,k,g),!a(c)||t(c))return c;throw new y("Can't convert object to primitive value")}return g===void 0&&(g="number"),f(k,g)}},767:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(24843),a=n(71399);T.exports=function(t){var o=e(t,"string");return a(o)?o:o+""}},2650:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(24697),a=e("toStringTag"),t={};t[a]="z",T.exports=String(t)==="[object z]"},12605:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(2281),a=String;T.exports=function(t){if(e(t)==="Symbol")throw new TypeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string");return a(t)}},15409:function(T){"use strict";var r=Math.round;T.exports=function(n){var e=r(n);return e<0?0:e>255?255:e&255}},89393:function(T){"use strict";var r=String;T.exports=function(n){try{return r(n)}catch(e){return"Object"}}},80185:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(74685),t=n(91495),o=n(58310),f=n(86563),b=n(4246),y=n(37336),B=n(60077),k=n(87458),g=n(37909),l=n(5841),c=n(10188),m=n(43806),i=n(56043),u=n(15409),s=n(767),d=n(45299),v=n(2281),h=n(77568),C=n(71399),p=n(80674),N=n(21287),V=n(76649),S=n(37310).f,I=n(3805),L=n(22603).forEach,w=n(58491),A=n(73936),x=n(74595),E=n(27193),P=n(78008),D=n(5419),M=n(5781),R=D.get,O=D.set,F=D.enforce,_=x.f,U=E.f,z=a.RangeError,$=y.ArrayBuffer,G=$.prototype,X=y.DataView,J=b.NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS,se=b.TYPED_ARRAY_TAG,ie=b.TypedArray,me=b.TypedArrayPrototype,q=b.isTypedArray,re="BYTES_PER_ELEMENT",ae="Wrong length",le=function(ce,Ve){A(ce,Ve,{configurable:!0,get:function(){function Ce(){return R(this)[Ve]}return Ce}()})},Z=function(ce){var Ve;return N(G,ce)||(Ve=v(ce))==="ArrayBuffer"||Ve==="SharedArrayBuffer"},ne=function(ce,Ve){return q(ce)&&!C(Ve)&&Ve in ce&&l(+Ve)&&Ve>=0},te=function(){function pe(ce,Ve){return Ve=s(Ve),ne(ce,Ve)?k(2,ce[Ve]):U(ce,Ve)}return pe}(),fe=function(){function pe(ce,Ve,Ce){return Ve=s(Ve),ne(ce,Ve)&&h(Ce)&&d(Ce,"value")&&!d(Ce,"get")&&!d(Ce,"set")&&!Ce.configurable&&(!d(Ce,"writable")||Ce.writable)&&(!d(Ce,"enumerable")||Ce.enumerable)?(ce[Ve]=Ce.value,ce):_(ce,Ve,Ce)}return pe}();o?(J||(E.f=te,x.f=fe,le(me,"buffer"),le(me,"byteOffset"),le(me,"byteLength"),le(me,"length")),e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:!J},{getOwnPropertyDescriptor:te,defineProperty:fe}),T.exports=function(pe,ce,Ve){var Ce=pe.match(/\d+/)[0]/8,Ne=pe+(Ve?"Clamped":"")+"Array",Be="get"+pe,be="set"+pe,Le=a[Ne],we=Le,xe=we&&we.prototype,Re={},He=function(ve,Se){var Pe=R(ve);return Pe.view[Be](Se*Ce+Pe.byteOffset,!0)},ye=function(ve,Se,Pe){var je=R(ve);je.view[be](Se*Ce+je.byteOffset,Ve?u(Pe):Pe,!0)},de=function(ve,Se){_(ve,Se,{get:function(){function Pe(){return He(this,Se)}return Pe}(),set:function(){function Pe(je){return ye(this,Se,je)}return Pe}(),enumerable:!0})};J?f&&(we=ce(function(ke,ve,Se,Pe){return B(ke,xe),M(function(){return h(ve)?Z(ve)?Pe!==void 0?new Le(ve,i(Se,Ce),Pe):Se!==void 0?new Le(ve,i(Se,Ce)):new Le(ve):q(ve)?P(we,ve):t(I,we,ve):new Le(m(ve))}(),ke,we)}),V&&V(we,ie),L(S(Le),function(ke){ke in we||g(we,ke,Le[ke])}),we.prototype=xe):(we=ce(function(ke,ve,Se,Pe){B(ke,xe);var je=0,Fe=0,ze,We,Ue;if(!h(ve))Ue=m(ve),We=Ue*Ce,ze=new $(We);else if(Z(ve)){ze=ve,Fe=i(Se,Ce);var Xe=ve.byteLength;if(Pe===void 0){if(Xe%Ce)throw new z(ae);if(We=Xe-Fe,We<0)throw new z(ae)}else if(We=c(Pe)*Ce,We+Fe>Xe)throw new z(ae);Ue=We/Ce}else return q(ve)?P(we,ve):t(I,we,ve);for(O(ke,{buffer:ze,byteOffset:Fe,byteLength:We,length:Ue,view:new X(ze)});je1?arguments[1]:void 0,v=d!==void 0,h=y(u),C,p,N,V,S,I,L,w;if(h&&!B(h))for(L=b(u,h),w=L.next,u=[];!(I=a(w,L)).done;)u.push(I.value);for(v&&s>2&&(d=e(d,arguments[2])),p=f(u),N=new(g(i))(p),V=k(N),C=0;p>C;C++)S=v?d(u[C],C):u[C],N[C]=V?l(S):+S;return N}return c}()},31082:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(28987),t=e.aTypedArrayConstructor,o=e.getTypedArrayConstructor;T.exports=function(f){return t(a(f,o(f)))}},16738:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(67250),a=0,t=Math.random(),o=e(1 .toString);T.exports=function(f){return"Symbol("+(f===void 0?"":f)+")_"+o(++a+t,36)}},1062:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(52357);T.exports=e&&!Symbol.sham&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"},80944:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(58310),a=n(40033);T.exports=e&&a(function(){return Object.defineProperty(function(){},"prototype",{value:42,writable:!1}).prototype!==42})},24986:function(T){"use strict";var r=TypeError;T.exports=function(n,e){if(n=51||!a(function(){var d=[];return d[m]=!1,d.concat()[0]!==d}),u=function(v){if(!o(v))return!1;var h=v[m];return h!==void 0?!!h:t(v)},s=!i||!g("concat");e({target:"Array",proto:!0,arity:1,forced:s},{concat:function(){function d(v){var h=f(this),C=k(h,0),p=0,N,V,S,I,L;for(N=-1,S=arguments.length;N1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}()})},68933:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(88471),t=n(80575);e({target:"Array",proto:!0},{fill:a}),t("fill")},47830:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(22603).filter,t=n(44091),o=t("filter");e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:!o},{filter:function(){function f(b){return a(this,b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}()})},64094:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(22603).findIndex,t=n(80575),o="findIndex",f=!0;o in[]&&Array(1)[o](function(){f=!1}),e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:f},{findIndex:function(){function b(y){return a(this,y,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return b}()}),t(o)},13455:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(22603).find,t=n(80575),o="find",f=!0;o in[]&&Array(1)[o](function(){f=!1}),e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:f},{find:function(){function b(y){return a(this,y,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return b}()}),t(o)},32384:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(65561),t=n(10320),o=n(46771),f=n(24760),b=n(57823);e({target:"Array",proto:!0},{flatMap:function(){function y(B){var k=o(this),g=f(k),l;return t(B),l=b(k,0),l.length=a(l,k,k,g,0,1,B,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0),l}return y}()})},61915:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(65561),t=n(46771),o=n(24760),f=n(61365),b=n(57823);e({target:"Array",proto:!0},{flat:function(){function y(){var B=arguments.length?arguments[0]:void 0,k=t(this),g=o(k),l=b(k,0);return l.length=a(l,k,k,g,0,B===void 0?1:f(B)),l}return y}()})},25579:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(35601);e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:[].forEach!==a},{forEach:a})},63532:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(73174),t=n(92490),o=!t(function(f){Array.from(f)});e({target:"Array",stat:!0,forced:o},{from:a})},33425:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(14211).includes,t=n(40033),o=n(80575),f=t(function(){return!Array(1).includes()});e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:f},{includes:function(){function b(y){return a(this,y,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return b}()}),o("includes")},43894:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(71138),t=n(14211).indexOf,o=n(55528),f=a([].indexOf),b=!!f&&1/f([1],1,-0)<0,y=b||!o("indexOf");e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:y},{indexOf:function(){function B(k){var g=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;return b?f(this,k,g)||0:t(this,k,g)}return B}()})},99636:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(37386);e({target:"Array",stat:!0},{isArray:a})},34570:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(57591),a=n(80575),t=n(83967),o=n(5419),f=n(74595).f,b=n(65574),y=n(5959),B=n(4493),k=n(58310),g="Array Iterator",l=o.set,c=o.getterFor(g);T.exports=b(Array,"Array",function(i,u){l(this,{type:g,target:e(i),index:0,kind:u})},function(){var i=c(this),u=i.target,s=i.index++;if(!u||s>=u.length)return i.target=void 0,y(void 0,!0);switch(i.kind){case"keys":return y(s,!1);case"values":return y(u[s],!1)}return y([s,u[s]],!1)},"values");var m=t.Arguments=t.Array;if(a("keys"),a("values"),a("entries"),!B&&k&&m.name!=="values")try{f(m,"name",{value:"values"})}catch(i){}},94432:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(67250),t=n(37457),o=n(57591),f=n(55528),b=a([].join),y=t!==Object,B=y||!f("join",",");e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:B},{join:function(){function k(g){return b(o(this),g===void 0?",":g)}return k}()})},24683:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(1325);e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:a!==[].lastIndexOf},{lastIndexOf:a})},69984:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(22603).map,t=n(44091),o=t("map");e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:!o},{map:function(){function f(b){return a(this,b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}()})},32089:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(40033),t=n(1031),o=n(60102),f=Array,b=a(function(){function y(){}return!(f.of.call(y)instanceof y)});e({target:"Array",stat:!0,forced:b},{of:function(){function y(){for(var B=0,k=arguments.length,g=new(t(this)?this:f)(k);k>B;)o(g,B,arguments[B++]);return g.length=k,g}return y}()})},29645:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(56844).right,t=n(55528),o=n(5026),f=n(81702),b=!f&&o>79&&o<83,y=b||!t("reduceRight");e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:y},{reduceRight:function(){function B(k){return a(this,k,arguments.length,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return B}()})},60206:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(56844).left,t=n(55528),o=n(5026),f=n(81702),b=!f&&o>79&&o<83,y=b||!t("reduce");e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:y},{reduce:function(){function B(k){var g=arguments.length;return a(this,k,g,g>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return B}()})},4788:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(67250),t=n(37386),o=a([].reverse),f=[1,2];e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:String(f)===String(f.reverse())},{reverse:function(){function b(){return t(this)&&(this.length=this.length),o(this)}return b}()})},58672:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(37386),t=n(1031),o=n(77568),f=n(13912),b=n(24760),y=n(57591),B=n(60102),k=n(24697),g=n(44091),l=n(54602),c=g("slice"),m=k("species"),i=Array,u=Math.max;e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:!c},{slice:function(){function s(d,v){var h=y(this),C=b(h),p=f(d,C),N=f(v===void 0?C:v,C),V,S,I;if(a(h)&&(V=h.constructor,t(V)&&(V===i||a(V.prototype))?V=void 0:o(V)&&(V=V[m],V===null&&(V=void 0)),V===i||V===void 0))return l(h,p,N);for(S=new(V===void 0?i:V)(u(N-p,0)),I=0;p1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}()})},48968:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(67250),t=n(10320),o=n(46771),f=n(24760),b=n(95108),y=n(12605),B=n(40033),k=n(90274),g=n(55528),l=n(652),c=n(19228),m=n(5026),i=n(9342),u=[],s=a(u.sort),d=a(u.push),v=B(function(){u.sort(void 0)}),h=B(function(){u.sort(null)}),C=g("sort"),p=!B(function(){if(m)return m<70;if(!(l&&l>3)){if(c)return!0;if(i)return i<603;var S="",I,L,w,A;for(I=65;I<76;I++){switch(L=String.fromCharCode(I),I){case 66:case 69:case 70:case 72:w=3;break;case 68:case 71:w=4;break;default:w=2}for(A=0;A<47;A++)u.push({k:L+A,v:w})}for(u.sort(function(x,E){return E.v-x.v}),A=0;Ay(w)?1:-1}};e({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:N},{sort:function(){function S(I){I!==void 0&&t(I);var L=o(this);if(p)return I===void 0?s(L):s(L,I);var w=[],A=f(L),x,E;for(E=0;Eh-V+N;I--)g(v,I-1)}else if(N>V)for(I=h-V;I>C;I--)L=I+V-1,w=I+N-1,L in v?v[w]=v[L]:g(v,w);for(I=0;I9490626562425156e-8?o(g)+b:a(g-1+f(g-1)*f(g+1))}return B}()})},59660:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=Math.asinh,t=Math.log,o=Math.sqrt;function f(y){var B=+y;return!isFinite(B)||B===0?B:B<0?-f(-B):t(B+o(B*B+1))}var b=!(a&&1/a(0)>0);e({target:"Math",stat:!0,forced:b},{asinh:f})},15383:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=Math.atanh,t=Math.log,o=!(a&&1/a(-0)<0);e({target:"Math",stat:!0,forced:o},{atanh:function(){function f(b){var y=+b;return y===0?y:t((1+y)/(1-y))/2}return f}()})},92866:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(22172),t=Math.abs,o=Math.pow;e({target:"Math",stat:!0},{cbrt:function(){function f(b){var y=+b;return a(y)*o(t(y),.3333333333333333)}return f}()})},86107:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=Math.floor,t=Math.log,o=Math.LOG2E;e({target:"Math",stat:!0},{clz32:function(){function f(b){var y=b>>>0;return y?31-a(t(y+.5)*o):32}return f}()})},29248:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(82040),t=Math.cosh,o=Math.abs,f=Math.E,b=!t||t(710)===1/0;e({target:"Math",stat:!0,forced:b},{cosh:function(){function y(B){var k=a(o(B)-1)+1;return(k+1/(k*f*f))*(f/2)}return y}()})},52540:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(82040);e({target:"Math",stat:!0,forced:a!==Math.expm1},{expm1:a})},79007:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(95867);e({target:"Math",stat:!0},{fround:a})},77199:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=Math.hypot,t=Math.abs,o=Math.sqrt,f=!!a&&a(1/0,NaN)!==1/0;e({target:"Math",stat:!0,arity:2,forced:f},{hypot:function(){function b(y,B){for(var k=0,g=0,l=arguments.length,c=0,m,i;g0?(i=m/c,k+=i*i):k+=m;return c===1/0?1/0:c*o(k)}return b}()})},6522:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(40033),t=Math.imul,o=a(function(){return t(4294967295,5)!==-5||t.length!==2});e({target:"Math",stat:!0,forced:o},{imul:function(){function f(b,y){var B=65535,k=+b,g=+y,l=B&k,c=B&g;return 0|l*c+((B&k>>>16)*c+l*(B&g>>>16)<<16>>>0)}return f}()})},95542:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(75002);e({target:"Math",stat:!0},{log10:a})},2966:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(90874);e({target:"Math",stat:!0},{log1p:a})},20997:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=Math.log,t=Math.LN2;e({target:"Math",stat:!0},{log2:function(){function o(f){return a(f)/t}return o}()})},57400:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(22172);e({target:"Math",stat:!0},{sign:a})},45571:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(40033),t=n(82040),o=Math.abs,f=Math.exp,b=Math.E,y=a(function(){return Math.sinh(-2e-17)!==-2e-17});e({target:"Math",stat:!0,forced:y},{sinh:function(){function B(k){var g=+k;return o(g)<1?(t(g)-t(-g))/2:(f(g-1)-f(-g-1))*(b/2)}return B}()})},54800:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(82040),t=Math.exp;e({target:"Math",stat:!0},{tanh:function(){function o(f){var b=+f,y=a(b),B=a(-b);return y===1/0?1:B===1/0?-1:(y-B)/(t(b)+t(-b))}return o}()})},15709:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(84925);e(Math,"Math",!0)},76059:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(21119);e({target:"Math",stat:!0},{trunc:a})},96614:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(4493),t=n(58310),o=n(74685),f=n(61765),b=n(67250),y=n(41314),B=n(45299),k=n(5781),g=n(21287),l=n(71399),c=n(24843),m=n(40033),i=n(37310).f,u=n(27193).f,s=n(74595).f,d=n(46438),v=n(92648).trim,h="Number",C=o[h],p=f[h],N=C.prototype,V=o.TypeError,S=b("".slice),I=b("".charCodeAt),L=function(M){var R=c(M,"number");return typeof R=="bigint"?R:w(R)},w=function(M){var R=c(M,"number"),O,F,_,U,z,$,G,X;if(l(R))throw new V("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number");if(typeof R=="string"&&R.length>2){if(R=v(R),O=I(R,0),O===43||O===45){if(F=I(R,2),F===88||F===120)return NaN}else if(O===48){switch(I(R,1)){case 66:case 98:_=2,U=49;break;case 79:case 111:_=8,U=55;break;default:return+R}for(z=S(R,2),$=z.length,G=0;G<$;G++)if(X=I(z,G),X<48||X>U)return NaN;return parseInt(z,_)}}return+R},A=y(h,!C(" 0o1")||!C("0b1")||C("+0x1")),x=function(M){return g(N,M)&&m(function(){d(M)})},E=function(){function D(M){var R=arguments.length<1?0:C(L(M));return x(this)?k(Object(R),this,E):R}return D}();E.prototype=N,A&&!a&&(N.constructor=E),e({global:!0,constructor:!0,wrap:!0,forced:A},{Number:E});var P=function(M,R){for(var O=t?i(R):"MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE,NaN,NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY,EPSILON,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,isFinite,isInteger,isNaN,isSafeInteger,parseFloat,parseInt,fromString,range".split(","),F=0,_;O.length>F;F++)B(R,_=O[F])&&!B(M,_)&&s(M,_,u(R,_))};a&&p&&P(f[h],p),(A||a)&&P(f[h],C)},324:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964);e({target:"Number",stat:!0,nonConfigurable:!0,nonWritable:!0},{EPSILON:Math.pow(2,-52)})},90426:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(3294);e({target:"Number",stat:!0},{isFinite:a})},95443:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(5841);e({target:"Number",stat:!0},{isInteger:a})},87968:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964);e({target:"Number",stat:!0},{isNaN:function(){function a(t){return t!==t}return a}()})},55007:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(5841),t=Math.abs;e({target:"Number",stat:!0},{isSafeInteger:function(){function o(f){return a(f)&&t(f)<=9007199254740991}return o}()})},55323:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964);e({target:"Number",stat:!0,nonConfigurable:!0,nonWritable:!0},{MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:9007199254740991})},13521:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964);e({target:"Number",stat:!0,nonConfigurable:!0,nonWritable:!0},{MIN_SAFE_INTEGER:-9007199254740991})},5006:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(28506);e({target:"Number",stat:!0,forced:Number.parseFloat!==a},{parseFloat:a})},99009:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(13693);e({target:"Number",stat:!0,forced:Number.parseInt!==a},{parseInt:a})},85770:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(67250),t=n(61365),o=n(46438),f=n(62443),b=n(40033),y=RangeError,B=String,k=Math.floor,g=a(f),l=a("".slice),c=a(1 .toFixed),m=function h(C,p,N){return p===0?N:p%2===1?h(C,p-1,N*C):h(C*C,p/2,N)},i=function(C){for(var p=0,N=C;N>=4096;)p+=12,N/=4096;for(;N>=2;)p+=1,N/=2;return p},u=function(C,p,N){for(var V=-1,S=N;++V<6;)S+=p*C[V],C[V]=S%1e7,S=k(S/1e7)},s=function(C,p){for(var N=6,V=0;--N>=0;)V+=C[N],C[N]=k(V/p),V=V%p*1e7},d=function(C){for(var p=6,N="";--p>=0;)if(N!==""||p===0||C[p]!==0){var V=B(C[p]);N=N===""?V:N+g("0",7-V.length)+V}return N},v=b(function(){return c(8e-5,3)!=="0.000"||c(.9,0)!=="1"||c(1.255,2)!=="1.25"||c(0xde0b6b3a7640080,0)!=="1000000000000000128"})||!b(function(){c({})});e({target:"Number",proto:!0,forced:v},{toFixed:function(){function h(C){var p=o(this),N=t(C),V=[0,0,0,0,0,0],S="",I="0",L,w,A,x;if(N<0||N>20)throw new y("Incorrect fraction digits");if(p!==p)return"NaN";if(p<=-1e21||p>=1e21)return B(p);if(p<0&&(S="-",p=-p),p>1e-21)if(L=i(p*m(2,69,1))-69,w=L<0?p*m(2,-L,1):p/m(2,L,1),w*=4503599627370496,L=52-L,L>0){for(u(V,0,w),A=N;A>=7;)u(V,1e7,0),A-=7;for(u(V,m(10,A,1),0),A=L-1;A>=23;)s(V,8388608),A-=23;s(V,1<0?(x=I.length,I=S+(x<=N?"0."+g("0",N-x)+I:l(I,0,x-N)+"."+l(I,x-N))):I=S+I,I}return h}()})},23532:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(67250),t=n(40033),o=n(46438),f=a(1 .toPrecision),b=t(function(){return f(1,void 0)!=="1"})||!t(function(){f({})});e({target:"Number",proto:!0,forced:b},{toPrecision:function(){function y(B){return B===void 0?f(o(this)):f(o(this),B)}return y}()})},87119:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(41143);e({target:"Object",stat:!0,arity:2,forced:Object.assign!==a},{assign:a})},78618:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(80674);e({target:"Object",stat:!0,sham:!a},{create:t})},27129:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(57377),o=n(10320),f=n(46771),b=n(74595);a&&e({target:"Object",proto:!0,forced:t},{__defineGetter__:function(){function y(B,k){b.f(f(this),B,{get:o(k),enumerable:!0,configurable:!0})}return y}()})},31943:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(24239).f;e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:Object.defineProperties!==t,sham:!a},{defineProperties:t})},3579:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(74595).f;e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:Object.defineProperty!==t,sham:!a},{defineProperty:t})},97397:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(57377),o=n(10320),f=n(46771),b=n(74595);a&&e({target:"Object",proto:!0,forced:t},{__defineSetter__:function(){function y(B,k){b.f(f(this),B,{set:o(k),enumerable:!0,configurable:!0})}return y}()})},85028:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(70915).entries;e({target:"Object",stat:!0},{entries:function(){function t(o){return a(o)}return t}()})},8225:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(50730),t=n(40033),o=n(77568),f=n(81969).onFreeze,b=Object.freeze,y=t(function(){b(1)});e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:y,sham:!a},{freeze:function(){function B(k){return b&&o(k)?b(f(k)):k}return B}()})},43331:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(49450),t=n(60102);e({target:"Object",stat:!0},{fromEntries:function(){function o(f){var b={};return a(f,function(y,B){t(b,y,B)},{AS_ENTRIES:!0}),b}return o}()})},62289:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(40033),t=n(57591),o=n(27193).f,f=n(58310),b=!f||a(function(){o(1)});e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:b,sham:!f},{getOwnPropertyDescriptor:function(){function y(B,k){return o(t(B),k)}return y}()})},56196:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(97921),o=n(57591),f=n(27193),b=n(60102);e({target:"Object",stat:!0,sham:!a},{getOwnPropertyDescriptors:function(){function y(B){for(var k=o(B),g=f.f,l=t(k),c={},m=0,i,u;l.length>m;)u=g(k,i=l[m++]),u!==void 0&&b(c,i,u);return c}return y}()})},2950:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(40033),t=n(81644).f,o=a(function(){return!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(1)});e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:o},{getOwnPropertyNames:t})},28603:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(52357),t=n(40033),o=n(89235),f=n(46771),b=!a||t(function(){o.f(1)});e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:b},{getOwnPropertySymbols:function(){function y(B){var k=o.f;return k?k(f(B)):[]}return y}()})},44205:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(40033),t=n(46771),o=n(36917),f=n(9225),b=a(function(){o(1)});e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:b,sham:!f},{getPrototypeOf:function(){function y(B){return o(t(B))}return y}()})},83186:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(81834);e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:Object.isExtensible!==a},{isExtensible:a})},76065:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(40033),t=n(77568),o=n(7462),f=n(3782),b=Object.isFrozen,y=f||a(function(){b(1)});e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:y},{isFrozen:function(){function B(k){return!t(k)||f&&o(k)==="ArrayBuffer"?!0:b?b(k):!1}return B}()})},13411:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(40033),t=n(77568),o=n(7462),f=n(3782),b=Object.isSealed,y=f||a(function(){b(1)});e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:y},{isSealed:function(){function B(k){return!t(k)||f&&o(k)==="ArrayBuffer"?!0:b?b(k):!1}return B}()})},76882:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(5700);e({target:"Object",stat:!0},{is:a})},26634:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(46771),t=n(18450),o=n(40033),f=o(function(){t(1)});e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:f},{keys:function(){function b(y){return t(a(y))}return b}()})},53118:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(57377),o=n(46771),f=n(767),b=n(36917),y=n(27193).f;a&&e({target:"Object",proto:!0,forced:t},{__lookupGetter__:function(){function B(k){var g=o(this),l=f(k),c;do if(c=y(g,l))return c.get;while(g=b(g))}return B}()})},42514:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(57377),o=n(46771),f=n(767),b=n(36917),y=n(27193).f;a&&e({target:"Object",proto:!0,forced:t},{__lookupSetter__:function(){function B(k){var g=o(this),l=f(k),c;do if(c=y(g,l))return c.set;while(g=b(g))}return B}()})},84353:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(77568),t=n(81969).onFreeze,o=n(50730),f=n(40033),b=Object.preventExtensions,y=f(function(){b(1)});e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:y,sham:!o},{preventExtensions:function(){function B(k){return b&&a(k)?b(t(k)):k}return B}()})},62987:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(77568),t=n(81969).onFreeze,o=n(50730),f=n(40033),b=Object.seal,y=f(function(){b(1)});e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:y,sham:!o},{seal:function(){function B(k){return b&&a(k)?b(t(k)):k}return B}()})},48993:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(76649);e({target:"Object",stat:!0},{setPrototypeOf:a})},52917:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(2650),a=n(55938),t=n(2509);e||a(Object.prototype,"toString",t,{unsafe:!0})},4972:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(70915).values;e({target:"Object",stat:!0},{values:function(){function t(o){return a(o)}return t}()})},28913:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(28506);e({global:!0,forced:parseFloat!==a},{parseFloat:a})},36382:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(13693);e({global:!0,forced:parseInt!==a},{parseInt:a})},48865:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(91495),t=n(10320),o=n(81837),f=n(10729),b=n(49450),y=n(48199);e({target:"Promise",stat:!0,forced:y},{all:function(){function B(k){var g=this,l=o.f(g),c=l.resolve,m=l.reject,i=f(function(){var u=t(g.resolve),s=[],d=0,v=1;b(k,function(h){var C=d++,p=!1;v++,a(u,g,h).then(function(N){p||(p=!0,s[C]=N,--v||c(s))},m)}),--v||c(s)});return i.error&&m(i.value),l.promise}return B}()})},70641:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(4493),t=n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR,o=n(67512),f=n(4009),b=n(55747),y=n(55938),B=o&&o.prototype;if(e({target:"Promise",proto:!0,forced:t,real:!0},{catch:function(){function g(l){return this.then(void 0,l)}return g}()}),!a&&b(o)){var k=f("Promise").prototype.catch;B.catch!==k&&y(B,"catch",k,{unsafe:!0})}},75946:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(4493),t=n(81702),o=n(74685),f=n(91495),b=n(55938),y=n(76649),B=n(84925),k=n(58491),g=n(10320),l=n(55747),c=n(77568),m=n(60077),i=n(28987),u=n(60375).set,s=n(37713),d=n(72259),v=n(10729),h=n(9547),C=n(5419),p=n(67512),N=n(74854),V=n(81837),S="Promise",I=N.CONSTRUCTOR,L=N.REJECTION_EVENT,w=N.SUBCLASSING,A=C.getterFor(S),x=C.set,E=p&&p.prototype,P=p,D=E,M=o.TypeError,R=o.document,O=o.process,F=V.f,_=F,U=!!(R&&R.createEvent&&o.dispatchEvent),z="unhandledrejection",$="rejectionhandled",G=0,X=1,J=2,se=1,ie=2,me,q,re,ae,le=function(be){var Le;return c(be)&&l(Le=be.then)?Le:!1},Z=function(be,Le){var we=Le.value,xe=Le.state===X,Re=xe?be.ok:be.fail,He=be.resolve,ye=be.reject,de=be.domain,he,ke,ve;try{Re?(xe||(Le.rejection===ie&&ce(Le),Le.rejection=se),Re===!0?he=we:(de&&de.enter(),he=Re(we),de&&(de.exit(),ve=!0)),he===be.promise?ye(new M("Promise-chain cycle")):(ke=le(he))?f(ke,he,He,ye):He(he)):ye(we)}catch(Se){de&&!ve&&de.exit(),ye(Se)}},ne=function(be,Le){be.notified||(be.notified=!0,s(function(){for(var we=be.reactions,xe;xe=we.get();)Z(xe,be);be.notified=!1,Le&&!be.rejection&&fe(be)}))},te=function(be,Le,we){var xe,Re;U?(xe=R.createEvent("Event"),xe.promise=Le,xe.reason=we,xe.initEvent(be,!1,!0),o.dispatchEvent(xe)):xe={promise:Le,reason:we},!L&&(Re=o["on"+be])?Re(xe):be===z&&d("Unhandled promise rejection",we)},fe=function(be){f(u,o,function(){var Le=be.facade,we=be.value,xe=pe(be),Re;if(xe&&(Re=v(function(){t?O.emit("unhandledRejection",we,Le):te(z,Le,we)}),be.rejection=t||pe(be)?ie:se,Re.error))throw Re.value})},pe=function(be){return be.rejection!==se&&!be.parent},ce=function(be){f(u,o,function(){var Le=be.facade;t?O.emit("rejectionHandled",Le):te($,Le,be.value)})},Ve=function(be,Le,we){return function(xe){be(Le,xe,we)}},Ce=function(be,Le,we){be.done||(be.done=!0,we&&(be=we),be.value=Le,be.state=J,ne(be,!0))},Ne=function Be(be,Le,we){if(!be.done){be.done=!0,we&&(be=we);try{if(be.facade===Le)throw new M("Promise can't be resolved itself");var xe=le(Le);xe?s(function(){var Re={done:!1};try{f(xe,Le,Ve(Be,Re,be),Ve(Ce,Re,be))}catch(He){Ce(Re,He,be)}}):(be.value=Le,be.state=X,ne(be,!1))}catch(Re){Ce({done:!1},Re,be)}}};if(I&&(P=function(){function Be(be){m(this,D),g(be),f(me,this);var Le=A(this);try{be(Ve(Ne,Le),Ve(Ce,Le))}catch(we){Ce(Le,we)}}return Be}(),D=P.prototype,me=function(){function Be(be){x(this,{type:S,done:!1,notified:!1,parent:!1,reactions:new h,rejection:!1,state:G,value:void 0})}return Be}(),me.prototype=b(D,"then",function(){function Be(be,Le){var we=A(this),xe=F(i(this,P));return we.parent=!0,xe.ok=l(be)?be:!0,xe.fail=l(Le)&&Le,xe.domain=t?O.domain:void 0,we.state===G?we.reactions.add(xe):s(function(){Z(xe,we)}),xe.promise}return Be}()),q=function(){var be=new me,Le=A(be);this.promise=be,this.resolve=Ve(Ne,Le),this.reject=Ve(Ce,Le)},V.f=F=function(be){return be===P||be===re?new q(be):_(be)},!a&&l(p)&&E!==Object.prototype)){ae=E.then,w||b(E,"then",function(){function Be(be,Le){var we=this;return new P(function(xe,Re){f(ae,we,xe,Re)}).then(be,Le)}return Be}(),{unsafe:!0});try{delete E.constructor}catch(Be){}y&&y(E,D)}e({global:!0,constructor:!0,wrap:!0,forced:I},{Promise:P}),B(P,S,!1,!0),k(S)},69861:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(4493),t=n(67512),o=n(40033),f=n(4009),b=n(55747),y=n(28987),B=n(66628),k=n(55938),g=t&&t.prototype,l=!!t&&o(function(){g.finally.call({then:function(){function m(){}return m}()},function(){})});if(e({target:"Promise",proto:!0,real:!0,forced:l},{finally:function(){function m(i){var u=y(this,f("Promise")),s=b(i);return this.then(s?function(d){return B(u,i()).then(function(){return d})}:i,s?function(d){return B(u,i()).then(function(){throw d})}:i)}return m}()}),!a&&b(t)){var c=f("Promise").prototype.finally;g.finally!==c&&k(g,"finally",c,{unsafe:!0})}},53092:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(75946),n(48865),n(70641),n(16937),n(41719),n(59321)},16937:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(91495),t=n(10320),o=n(81837),f=n(10729),b=n(49450),y=n(48199);e({target:"Promise",stat:!0,forced:y},{race:function(){function B(k){var g=this,l=o.f(g),c=l.reject,m=f(function(){var i=t(g.resolve);b(k,function(u){a(i,g,u).then(l.resolve,c)})});return m.error&&c(m.value),l.promise}return B}()})},41719:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(81837),t=n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR;e({target:"Promise",stat:!0,forced:t},{reject:function(){function o(f){var b=a.f(this),y=b.reject;return y(f),b.promise}return o}()})},59321:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(4009),t=n(4493),o=n(67512),f=n(74854).CONSTRUCTOR,b=n(66628),y=a("Promise"),B=t&&!f;e({target:"Promise",stat:!0,forced:t||f},{resolve:function(){function k(g){return b(B&&this===y?o:this,g)}return k}()})},29674:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(61267),t=n(10320),o=n(30365),f=n(40033),b=!f(function(){Reflect.apply(function(){})});e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0,forced:b},{apply:function(){function y(B,k,g){return a(t(B),k,o(g))}return y}()})},81543:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(4009),t=n(61267),o=n(66284),f=n(32606),b=n(30365),y=n(77568),B=n(80674),k=n(40033),g=a("Reflect","construct"),l=Object.prototype,c=[].push,m=k(function(){function s(){}return!(g(function(){},[],s)instanceof s)}),i=!k(function(){g(function(){})}),u=m||i;e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0,forced:u,sham:u},{construct:function(){function s(d,v){f(d),b(v);var h=arguments.length<3?d:f(arguments[2]);if(i&&!m)return g(d,v,h);if(d===h){switch(v.length){case 0:return new d;case 1:return new d(v[0]);case 2:return new d(v[0],v[1]);case 3:return new d(v[0],v[1],v[2]);case 4:return new d(v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3])}var C=[null];return t(c,C,v),new(t(o,d,C))}var p=h.prototype,N=B(y(p)?p:l),V=t(d,N,v);return y(V)?V:N}return s}()})},9373:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(30365),o=n(767),f=n(74595),b=n(40033),y=b(function(){Reflect.defineProperty(f.f({},1,{value:1}),1,{value:2})});e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0,forced:y,sham:!a},{defineProperty:function(){function B(k,g,l){t(k);var c=o(g);t(l);try{return f.f(k,c,l),!0}catch(m){return!1}}return B}()})},45093:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(30365),t=n(27193).f;e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0},{deleteProperty:function(){function o(f,b){var y=t(a(f),b);return y&&!y.configurable?!1:delete f[b]}return o}()})},5815:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(30365),o=n(27193);e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0,sham:!a},{getOwnPropertyDescriptor:function(){function f(b,y){return o.f(t(b),y)}return f}()})},88527:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(30365),t=n(36917),o=n(9225);e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0,sham:!o},{getPrototypeOf:function(){function f(b){return t(a(b))}return f}()})},63074:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(91495),t=n(77568),o=n(30365),f=n(98373),b=n(27193),y=n(36917);function B(k,g){var l=arguments.length<3?k:arguments[2],c,m;if(o(k)===l)return k[g];if(c=b.f(k,g),c)return f(c)?c.value:c.get===void 0?void 0:a(c.get,l);if(t(m=y(k)))return B(m,g,l)}e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0},{get:B})},66390:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964);e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0},{has:function(){function a(t,o){return o in t}return a}()})},7784:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(30365),t=n(81834);e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0},{isExtensible:function(){function o(f){return a(f),t(f)}return o}()})},50551:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(97921);e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0},{ownKeys:a})},76483:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(4009),t=n(30365),o=n(50730);e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0,sham:!o},{preventExtensions:function(){function f(b){t(b);try{var y=a("Object","preventExtensions");return y&&y(b),!0}catch(B){return!1}}return f}()})},63915:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(30365),t=n(35908),o=n(76649);o&&e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0},{setPrototypeOf:function(){function f(b,y){a(b),t(y);try{return o(b,y),!0}catch(B){return!1}}return f}()})},92046:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(91495),t=n(30365),o=n(77568),f=n(98373),b=n(40033),y=n(74595),B=n(27193),k=n(36917),g=n(87458);function l(m,i,u){var s=arguments.length<4?m:arguments[3],d=B.f(t(m),i),v,h,C;if(!d){if(o(h=k(m)))return l(h,i,u,s);d=g(0)}if(f(d)){if(d.writable===!1||!o(s))return!1;if(v=B.f(s,i)){if(v.get||v.set||v.writable===!1)return!1;v.value=u,y.f(s,i,v)}else y.f(s,i,g(0,u))}else{if(C=d.set,C===void 0)return!1;a(C,s,u)}return!0}var c=b(function(){var m=function(){},i=y.f(new m,"a",{configurable:!0});return Reflect.set(m.prototype,"a",1,i)!==!1});e({target:"Reflect",stat:!0,forced:c},{set:l})},51454:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(58310),a=n(74685),t=n(67250),o=n(41314),f=n(5781),b=n(37909),y=n(80674),B=n(37310).f,k=n(21287),g=n(72586),l=n(12605),c=n(73392),m=n(62115),i=n(34550),u=n(55938),s=n(40033),d=n(45299),v=n(5419).enforce,h=n(58491),C=n(24697),p=n(39173),N=n(35688),V=C("match"),S=a.RegExp,I=S.prototype,L=a.SyntaxError,w=t(I.exec),A=t("".charAt),x=t("".replace),E=t("".indexOf),P=t("".slice),D=/^\?<[^\s\d!#%&*+<=>@^][^\s!#%&*+<=>@^]*>/,M=/a/g,R=/a/g,O=new S(M)!==M,F=m.MISSED_STICKY,_=m.UNSUPPORTED_Y,U=e&&(!O||F||p||N||s(function(){return R[V]=!1,S(M)!==M||S(R)===R||String(S(M,"i"))!=="/a/i"})),z=function(ie){for(var me=ie.length,q=0,re="",ae=!1,le;q<=me;q++){if(le=A(ie,q),le==="\\"){re+=le+A(ie,++q);continue}!ae&&le==="."?re+="[\\s\\S]":(le==="["?ae=!0:le==="]"&&(ae=!1),re+=le)}return re},$=function(ie){for(var me=ie.length,q=0,re="",ae=[],le=y(null),Z=!1,ne=!1,te=0,fe="",pe;q<=me;q++){if(pe=A(ie,q),pe==="\\")pe+=A(ie,++q);else if(pe==="]")Z=!1;else if(!Z)switch(!0){case pe==="[":Z=!0;break;case pe==="(":w(D,P(ie,q+1))&&(q+=2,ne=!0),re+=pe,te++;continue;case(pe===">"&&ne):if(fe===""||d(le,fe))throw new L("Invalid capture group name");le[fe]=!0,ae[ae.length]=[fe,te],ne=!1,fe="";continue}ne?fe+=pe:re+=pe}return[re,ae]};if(o("RegExp",U)){for(var G=function(){function se(ie,me){var q=k(I,this),re=g(ie),ae=me===void 0,le=[],Z=ie,ne,te,fe,pe,ce,Ve;if(!q&&re&&ae&&ie.constructor===G)return ie;if((re||k(I,ie))&&(ie=ie.source,ae&&(me=c(Z))),ie=ie===void 0?"":l(ie),me=me===void 0?"":l(me),Z=ie,p&&"dotAll"in M&&(te=!!me&&E(me,"s")>-1,te&&(me=x(me,/s/g,""))),ne=me,F&&"sticky"in M&&(fe=!!me&&E(me,"y")>-1,fe&&_&&(me=x(me,/y/g,""))),N&&(pe=$(ie),ie=pe[0],le=pe[1]),ce=f(S(ie,me),q?this:I,G),(te||fe||le.length)&&(Ve=v(ce),te&&(Ve.dotAll=!0,Ve.raw=G(z(ie),ne)),fe&&(Ve.sticky=!0),le.length&&(Ve.groups=le)),ie!==Z)try{b(ce,"source",Z===""?"(?:)":Z)}catch(Ce){}return ce}return se}(),X=B(S),J=0;X.length>J;)i(G,S,X[J++]);I.constructor=G,G.prototype=I,u(a,"RegExp",G,{constructor:!0})}h("RegExp")},79669:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(14489);e({target:"RegExp",proto:!0,forced:/./.exec!==a},{exec:a})},23057:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=n(58310),t=n(73936),o=n(70901),f=n(40033),b=e.RegExp,y=b.prototype,B=a&&f(function(){var k=!0;try{b(".","d")}catch(d){k=!1}var g={},l="",c=k?"dgimsy":"gimsy",m=function(v,h){Object.defineProperty(g,v,{get:function(){function C(){return l+=h,!0}return C}()})},i={dotAll:"s",global:"g",ignoreCase:"i",multiline:"m",sticky:"y"};k&&(i.hasIndices="d");for(var u in i)m(u,i[u]);var s=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(y,"flags").get.call(g);return s!==c||l!==c});B&&t(y,"flags",{configurable:!0,get:o})},57983:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(70520).PROPER,a=n(55938),t=n(30365),o=n(12605),f=n(40033),b=n(73392),y="toString",B=RegExp.prototype,k=B[y],g=f(function(){return k.call({source:"a",flags:"b"})!=="/a/b"}),l=e&&k.name!==y;(g||l)&&a(B,y,function(){function c(){var m=t(this),i=o(m.source),u=o(b(m));return"/"+i+"/"+u}return c}(),{unsafe:!0})},1963:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(45150),a=n(41028);e("Set",function(t){return function(){function o(){return t(this,arguments.length?arguments[0]:void 0)}return o}()},a)},17953:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(1963)},95309:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("anchor")},{anchor:function(){function o(f){return a(this,"a","name",f)}return o}()})},82256:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("big")},{big:function(){function o(){return a(this,"big","","")}return o}()})},49484:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("blink")},{blink:function(){function o(){return a(this,"blink","","")}return o}()})},38931:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("bold")},{bold:function(){function o(){return a(this,"b","","")}return o}()})},30442:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(50233).codeAt;e({target:"String",proto:!0},{codePointAt:function(){function t(o){return a(this,o)}return t}()})},6403:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(71138),t=n(27193).f,o=n(10188),f=n(12605),b=n(86213),y=n(16952),B=n(45490),k=n(4493),g=a("".slice),l=Math.min,c=B("endsWith"),m=!k&&!c&&!!function(){var i=t(String.prototype,"endsWith");return i&&!i.writable}();e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:!m&&!c},{endsWith:function(){function i(u){var s=f(y(this));b(u);var d=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0,v=s.length,h=d===void 0?v:l(o(d),v),C=f(u);return g(s,h-C.length,h)===C}return i}()})},39308:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("fixed")},{fixed:function(){function o(){return a(this,"tt","","")}return o}()})},91550:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("fontcolor")},{fontcolor:function(){function o(f){return a(this,"font","color",f)}return o}()})},75008:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("fontsize")},{fontsize:function(){function o(f){return a(this,"font","size",f)}return o}()})},9867:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(67250),t=n(13912),o=RangeError,f=String.fromCharCode,b=String.fromCodePoint,y=a([].join),B=!!b&&b.length!==1;e({target:"String",stat:!0,arity:1,forced:B},{fromCodePoint:function(){function k(g){for(var l=[],c=arguments.length,m=0,i;c>m;){if(i=+arguments[m++],t(i,1114111)!==i)throw new o(i+" is not a valid code point");l[m]=i<65536?f(i):f(((i-=65536)>>10)+55296,i%1024+56320)}return y(l,"")}return k}()})},43673:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(67250),t=n(86213),o=n(16952),f=n(12605),b=n(45490),y=a("".indexOf);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:!b("includes")},{includes:function(){function B(k){return!!~y(f(o(this)),f(t(k)),arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return B}()})},56027:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("italics")},{italics:function(){function o(){return a(this,"i","","")}return o}()})},12354:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(50233).charAt,a=n(12605),t=n(5419),o=n(65574),f=n(5959),b="String Iterator",y=t.set,B=t.getterFor(b);o(String,"String",function(k){y(this,{type:b,string:a(k),index:0})},function(){function k(){var g=B(this),l=g.string,c=g.index,m;return c>=l.length?f(void 0,!0):(m=e(l,c),g.index+=m.length,f(m,!1))}return k}())},50340:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("link")},{link:function(){function o(f){return a(this,"a","href",f)}return o}()})},22515:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(91495),a=n(79942),t=n(30365),o=n(42871),f=n(10188),b=n(12605),y=n(16952),B=n(78060),k=n(35483),g=n(28340);a("match",function(l,c,m){return[function(){function i(u){var s=y(this),d=o(u)?void 0:B(u,l);return d?e(d,u,s):new RegExp(u)[l](b(s))}return i}(),function(i){var u=t(this),s=b(i),d=m(c,u,s);if(d.done)return d.value;if(!u.global)return g(u,s);var v=u.unicode;u.lastIndex=0;for(var h=[],C=0,p;(p=g(u,s))!==null;){var N=b(p[0]);h[C]=N,N===""&&(u.lastIndex=k(s,f(u.lastIndex),v)),C++}return C===0?null:h}]})},5143:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(24051).end,t=n(34125);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t},{padEnd:function(){function o(f){return a(this,f,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return o}()})},93514:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(24051).start,t=n(34125);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t},{padStart:function(){function o(f){return a(this,f,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return o}()})},5416:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(67250),t=n(57591),o=n(46771),f=n(12605),b=n(24760),y=a([].push),B=a([].join);e({target:"String",stat:!0},{raw:function(){function k(g){var l=t(o(g).raw),c=b(l);if(!c)return"";for(var m=arguments.length,i=[],u=0;;){if(y(i,f(l[u++])),u===c)return B(i,"");u")!=="7"});o("replace",function(x,E,P){var D=w?"$":"$0";return[function(){function M(R,O){var F=c(this),_=B(R)?void 0:i(R,v);return _?a(_,R,F,O):a(E,l(F),R,O)}return M}(),function(M,R){var O=b(this),F=l(M);if(typeof R=="string"&&V(R,D)===-1&&V(R,"$<")===-1){var _=P(E,O,F,R);if(_.done)return _.value}var U=y(R);U||(R=l(R));var z=O.global,$;z&&($=O.unicode,O.lastIndex=0);for(var G=[],X;X=s(O,F),!(X===null||(N(G,X),!z));){var J=l(X[0]);J===""&&(O.lastIndex=m(F,g(O.lastIndex),$))}for(var se="",ie=0,me=0;me=ie&&(se+=S(F,ie,re)+le,ie=re+q.length)}return se+S(F,ie)}]},!A||!L||w)},63272:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(91495),a=n(79942),t=n(30365),o=n(42871),f=n(16952),b=n(5700),y=n(12605),B=n(78060),k=n(28340);a("search",function(g,l,c){return[function(){function m(i){var u=f(this),s=o(i)?void 0:B(i,g);return s?e(s,i,u):new RegExp(i)[g](y(u))}return m}(),function(m){var i=t(this),u=y(m),s=c(l,i,u);if(s.done)return s.value;var d=i.lastIndex;b(d,0)||(i.lastIndex=0);var v=k(i,u);return b(i.lastIndex,d)||(i.lastIndex=d),v===null?-1:v.index}]})},34325:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("small")},{small:function(){function o(){return a(this,"small","","")}return o}()})},39930:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(91495),a=n(67250),t=n(79942),o=n(30365),f=n(42871),b=n(16952),y=n(28987),B=n(35483),k=n(10188),g=n(12605),l=n(78060),c=n(28340),m=n(62115),i=n(40033),u=m.UNSUPPORTED_Y,s=4294967295,d=Math.min,v=a([].push),h=a("".slice),C=!i(function(){var N=/(?:)/,V=N.exec;N.exec=function(){return V.apply(this,arguments)};var S="ab".split(N);return S.length!==2||S[0]!=="a"||S[1]!=="b"}),p="abbc".split(/(b)*/)[1]==="c"||"test".split(/(?:)/,-1).length!==4||"ab".split(/(?:ab)*/).length!==2||".".split(/(.?)(.?)/).length!==4||".".split(/()()/).length>1||"".split(/.?/).length;t("split",function(N,V,S){var I="0".split(void 0,0).length?function(L,w){return L===void 0&&w===0?[]:e(V,this,L,w)}:V;return[function(){function L(w,A){var x=b(this),E=f(w)?void 0:l(w,N);return E?e(E,w,x,A):e(I,g(x),w,A)}return L}(),function(L,w){var A=o(this),x=g(L);if(!p){var E=S(I,A,x,w,I!==V);if(E.done)return E.value}var P=y(A,RegExp),D=A.unicode,M=(A.ignoreCase?"i":"")+(A.multiline?"m":"")+(A.unicode?"u":"")+(u?"g":"y"),R=new P(u?"^(?:"+A.source+")":A,M),O=w===void 0?s:w>>>0;if(O===0)return[];if(x.length===0)return c(R,x)===null?[x]:[];for(var F=0,_=0,U=[];_1?arguments[1]:void 0,s.length)),v=f(u);return g(s,d,d+v.length)===v}return i}()})},74498:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("strike")},{strike:function(){function o(){return a(this,"strike","","")}return o}()})},15812:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("sub")},{sub:function(){function o(){return a(this,"sub","","")}return o}()})},57726:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(72506),t=n(88539);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("sup")},{sup:function(){function o(){return a(this,"sup","","")}return o}()})},70604:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(99159);var e=n(63964),a=n(43476);e({target:"String",proto:!0,name:"trimEnd",forced:"".trimEnd!==a},{trimEnd:a})},85404:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(43885);e({target:"String",proto:!0,name:"trimStart",forced:"".trimLeft!==a},{trimLeft:a})},99159:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(43476);e({target:"String",proto:!0,name:"trimEnd",forced:"".trimRight!==a},{trimRight:a})},34965:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(85404);var e=n(63964),a=n(43885);e({target:"String",proto:!0,name:"trimStart",forced:"".trimStart!==a},{trimStart:a})},8448:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(92648).trim,t=n(90012);e({target:"String",proto:!0,forced:t("trim")},{trim:function(){function o(){return a(this)}return o}()})},79250:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(85889);e("asyncIterator")},49899:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(74685),t=n(91495),o=n(67250),f=n(4493),b=n(58310),y=n(52357),B=n(40033),k=n(45299),g=n(21287),l=n(30365),c=n(57591),m=n(767),i=n(12605),u=n(87458),s=n(80674),d=n(18450),v=n(37310),h=n(81644),C=n(89235),p=n(27193),N=n(74595),V=n(24239),S=n(12867),I=n(55938),L=n(73936),w=n(16639),A=n(19417),x=n(79195),E=n(16738),P=n(24697),D=n(55557),M=n(85889),R=n(52360),O=n(84925),F=n(5419),_=n(22603).forEach,U=A("hidden"),z="Symbol",$="prototype",G=F.set,X=F.getterFor(z),J=Object[$],se=a.Symbol,ie=se&&se[$],me=a.RangeError,q=a.TypeError,re=a.QObject,ae=p.f,le=N.f,Z=h.f,ne=S.f,te=o([].push),fe=w("symbols"),pe=w("op-symbols"),ce=w("wks"),Ve=!re||!re[$]||!re[$].findChild,Ce=function(he,ke,ve){var Se=ae(J,ke);Se&&delete J[ke],le(he,ke,ve),Se&&he!==J&&le(J,ke,Se)},Ne=b&&B(function(){return s(le({},"a",{get:function(){function de(){return le(this,"a",{value:7}).a}return de}()})).a!==7})?Ce:le,Be=function(he,ke){var ve=fe[he]=s(ie);return G(ve,{type:z,tag:he,description:ke}),b||(ve.description=ke),ve},be=function(){function de(he,ke,ve){he===J&&be(pe,ke,ve),l(he);var Se=m(ke);return l(ve),k(fe,Se)?(ve.enumerable?(k(he,U)&&he[U][Se]&&(he[U][Se]=!1),ve=s(ve,{enumerable:u(0,!1)})):(k(he,U)||le(he,U,u(1,s(null))),he[U][Se]=!0),Ne(he,Se,ve)):le(he,Se,ve)}return de}(),Le=function(){function de(he,ke){l(he);var ve=c(ke),Se=d(ve).concat(ye(ve));return _(Se,function(Pe){(!b||t(xe,ve,Pe))&&be(he,Pe,ve[Pe])}),he}return de}(),we=function(){function de(he,ke){return ke===void 0?s(he):Le(s(he),ke)}return de}(),xe=function(){function de(he){var ke=m(he),ve=t(ne,this,ke);return this===J&&k(fe,ke)&&!k(pe,ke)?!1:ve||!k(this,ke)||!k(fe,ke)||k(this,U)&&this[U][ke]?ve:!0}return de}(),Re=function(){function de(he,ke){var ve=c(he),Se=m(ke);if(!(ve===J&&k(fe,Se)&&!k(pe,Se))){var Pe=ae(ve,Se);return Pe&&k(fe,Se)&&!(k(ve,U)&&ve[U][Se])&&(Pe.enumerable=!0),Pe}}return de}(),He=function(){function de(he){var ke=Z(c(he)),ve=[];return _(ke,function(Se){!k(fe,Se)&&!k(x,Se)&&te(ve,Se)}),ve}return de}(),ye=function(he){var ke=he===J,ve=Z(ke?pe:c(he)),Se=[];return _(ve,function(Pe){k(fe,Pe)&&(!ke||k(J,Pe))&&te(Se,fe[Pe])}),Se};y||(se=function(){function de(){if(g(ie,this))throw new q("Symbol is not a constructor");var he=!arguments.length||arguments[0]===void 0?void 0:i(arguments[0]),ke=E(he),ve=function(){function Se(Pe){var je=this===void 0?a:this;je===J&&t(Se,pe,Pe),k(je,U)&&k(je[U],ke)&&(je[U][ke]=!1);var Fe=u(1,Pe);try{Ne(je,ke,Fe)}catch(ze){if(!(ze instanceof me))throw ze;Ce(je,ke,Fe)}}return Se}();return b&&Ve&&Ne(J,ke,{configurable:!0,set:ve}),Be(ke,he)}return de}(),ie=se[$],I(ie,"toString",function(){function de(){return X(this).tag}return de}()),I(se,"withoutSetter",function(de){return Be(E(de),de)}),S.f=xe,N.f=be,V.f=Le,p.f=Re,v.f=h.f=He,C.f=ye,D.f=function(de){return Be(P(de),de)},b&&(L(ie,"description",{configurable:!0,get:function(){function de(){return X(this).description}return de}()}),f||I(J,"propertyIsEnumerable",xe,{unsafe:!0}))),e({global:!0,constructor:!0,wrap:!0,forced:!y,sham:!y},{Symbol:se}),_(d(ce),function(de){M(de)}),e({target:z,stat:!0,forced:!y},{useSetter:function(){function de(){Ve=!0}return de}(),useSimple:function(){function de(){Ve=!1}return de}()}),e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:!y,sham:!b},{create:we,defineProperty:be,defineProperties:Le,getOwnPropertyDescriptor:Re}),e({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:!y},{getOwnPropertyNames:He}),R(),O(se,z),x[U]=!0},10933:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(58310),t=n(74685),o=n(67250),f=n(45299),b=n(55747),y=n(21287),B=n(12605),k=n(73936),g=n(5774),l=t.Symbol,c=l&&l.prototype;if(a&&b(l)&&(!("description"in c)||l().description!==void 0)){var m={},i=function(){function p(){var N=arguments.length<1||arguments[0]===void 0?void 0:B(arguments[0]),V=y(c,this)?new l(N):N===void 0?l():l(N);return N===""&&(m[V]=!0),V}return p}();g(i,l),i.prototype=c,c.constructor=i;var u=String(l("description detection"))==="Symbol(description detection)",s=o(c.valueOf),d=o(c.toString),v=/^Symbol\((.*)\)[^)]+$/,h=o("".replace),C=o("".slice);k(c,"description",{configurable:!0,get:function(){function p(){var N=s(this);if(f(m,N))return"";var V=d(N),S=u?C(V,7,-1):h(V,v,"$1");return S===""?void 0:S}return p}()}),e({global:!0,constructor:!0,forced:!0},{Symbol:i})}},30828:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(63964),a=n(4009),t=n(45299),o=n(12605),f=n(16639),b=n(66570),y=f("string-to-symbol-registry"),B=f("symbol-to-string-registry");e({target:"Symbol",stat:!0,forced:!b},{for:function(){function k(g){var l=o(g);if(t(y,l))return y[l];var c=a("Symbol")(l);return y[l]=c,B[c]=l,c}return k}()})},53795:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(85889);e("hasInstance")},87806:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(85889);e("isConcatSpreadable")},64677:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(85889);e("iterator")},33313:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(49899),n(30828),n(6862),n(53008),n(28603)},6862:function(T,r,n){"use 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e=n(4246),a=n(22603).filter,t=n(45399),o=e.aTypedArray,f=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;f("filter",function(){function b(y){var B=a(o(this),y,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0);return t(this,B)}return b}())},13917:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(22603).findIndex,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("findIndex",function(){function f(b){return a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},43820:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(22603).find,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("find",function(){function f(b){return a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},80756:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Float32",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},70567:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Float64",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},19852:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(22603).forEach,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("forEach",function(){function f(b){a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},40379:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(86563),a=n(4246).exportTypedArrayStaticMethod,t=n(3805);a("from",t,e)},92770:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(14211).includes,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("includes",function(){function f(b){return a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},81069:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(14211).indexOf,t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod;o("indexOf",function(){function f(b){return a(t(this),b,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}return f}())},60037:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Int16",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},44195:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Int32",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},66756:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Int8",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},63689:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=n(40033),t=n(67250),o=n(4246),f=n(34570),b=n(24697),y=b("iterator"),B=e.Uint8Array,k=t(f.values),g=t(f.keys),l=t(f.entries),c=o.aTypedArray,m=o.exportTypedArrayMethod,i=B&&B.prototype,u=!a(function(){i[y].call([1])}),s=!!i&&i.values&&i[y]===i.values&&i.values.name==="values",d=function(){function v(){return k(c(this))}return v}();m("entries",function(){function v(){return l(c(this))}return v}(),u),m("keys",function(){function v(){return g(c(this))}return v}(),u),m("values",d,u||!s,{name:"values"}),m(y,d,u||!s,{name:"values"})},5659:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246),a=n(67250),t=e.aTypedArray,o=e.exportTypedArrayMethod,f=a([].join);o("join",function(){function b(y){return f(t(this),y)}return b}())},25014:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var 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m(g.buffer,g.byteOffset+c*g.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,a((k===void 0?l:t(k,l))-c))}return y}())},62207:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(74685),a=n(61267),t=n(4246),o=n(40033),f=n(54602),b=e.Int8Array,y=t.aTypedArray,B=t.exportTypedArrayMethod,k=[].toLocaleString,g=!!b&&o(function(){k.call(new b(1))}),l=o(function(){return[1,2].toLocaleString()!==new b([1,2]).toLocaleString()})||!o(function(){b.prototype.toLocaleString.call([1,2])});B("toLocaleString",function(){function c(){return a(k,g?f(y(this)):y(this),f(arguments))}return c}(),l)},906:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(4246).exportTypedArrayMethod,a=n(40033),t=n(74685),o=n(67250),f=t.Uint8Array,b=f&&f.prototype||{},y=[].toString,B=o([].join);a(function(){y.call({})})&&(y=function(){function g(){return B(this)}return g}());var k=b.toString!==y;e("toString",y,k)},78824:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(80185);e("Uint16",function(a){return function(){function t(o,f,b){return a(this,o,f,b)}return t}()})},72846:function(T,r,n){"use 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L=t(V.delete),w=t(V.has),A=t(V.get);o(V,{delete:function(){function x(E){if(B(E)&&!i(E)){var P=k(this);return P.frozen||(P.frozen=new C),L(this,E)||P.frozen.delete(E)}return L(this,E)}return x}(),has:function(){function x(E){if(B(E)&&!i(E)){var P=k(this);return P.frozen||(P.frozen=new C),w(this,E)||P.frozen.has(E)}return w(this,E)}return x}(),get:function(){function x(E){if(B(E)&&!i(E)){var P=k(this);return P.frozen||(P.frozen=new C),w(this,E)?A(this,E):P.frozen.get(E)}return A(this,E)}return x}(),set:function(){function x(E,P){if(B(E)&&!i(E)){var D=k(this);D.frozen||(D.frozen=new C),w(this,E)?S(this,E,P):D.frozen.set(E,P)}else S(this,E,P);return this}return x}()})}else I()&&o(V,{set:function(){function x(E,P){var D;return m(E)&&(u(E)?D=d:s(E)&&(D=v)),S(this,E,P),D&&D(E),this}return x}()})},90846:function(T,r,n){"use strict";n(80040)},67042:function(T,r,n){"use strict";var e=n(45150),a=n(39895);e("WeakSet",function(t){return function(){function o(){return 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+ * @license MIT
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+ * @file
+ * @copyright 2020 Aleksej Komarov
+ * @license MIT
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From 5f9f4318d6597e67c099e5bb41d05773022bc198 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 12:26:16 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 21/23] How did I miss that in testing
code/datums/components/zombie_regen.dm | 1 +
code/modules/mob/living/living.dm | 1 +
code/modules/mob/living/living_status_procs.dm | 1 +
code/modules/reagents/chemistry/reagents/admin_reagents.dm | 1 +
4 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
diff --git a/code/datums/components/zombie_regen.dm b/code/datums/components/zombie_regen.dm
index 546b98838fca..cf71f3405e91 100644
--- a/code/datums/components/zombie_regen.dm
+++ b/code/datums/components/zombie_regen.dm
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
+ zomboid.CureParaplegia()
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/living.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/living.dm
index eff680b8862c..87551c11099b 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/living.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/living.dm
@@ -534,6 +534,7 @@
+ CureParaplegia()
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/living_status_procs.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/living_status_procs.dm
index 1d940d81c471..4a6806850315 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/living_status_procs.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/living_status_procs.dm
@@ -810,6 +810,7 @@ STATUS EFFECTS
// Paraplegia
// Epilepsy
diff --git a/code/modules/reagents/chemistry/reagents/admin_reagents.dm b/code/modules/reagents/chemistry/reagents/admin_reagents.dm
index 6f6fe190d063..f586915e3b3c 100644
--- a/code/modules/reagents/chemistry/reagents/admin_reagents.dm
+++ b/code/modules/reagents/chemistry/reagents/admin_reagents.dm
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+ M.CureParaplegia()
From e328e4e75c248a30591821268a140b66c9b1d68a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scribble-Sheep <15377810-AlyxisDrayko@users.noreply.gitlab.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 13:42:21 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 22/23] Add the point interaction that nuggets get to armless
code/modules/mob/living/living_emote.dm | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/living_emote.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/living_emote.dm
index 8185010b6bcc..65f888b60aa8 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/living_emote.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/living_emote.dm
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = user
if(!H.has_left_hand() && !H.has_right_hand())
- if(H.get_num_legs() != 0)
+ if(H.get_num_legs() != 0 && !HAS_TRAIT(H, TRAIT_PARAPLEGIC))
message_param = "tries to point at %t with a leg."
// nugget
From 44eb7ab519d7ede356fdf606f8c01af4d651adc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sheep <46016730+Scribble-Sheep@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2025 01:11:27 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 23/23] Update
Co-authored-by: Luc <89928798+lewcc@users.noreply.github.com>
Signed-off-by: Sheep <46016730+Scribble-Sheep@users.noreply.github.com>
code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_organs.dm | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_organs.dm b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_organs.dm
index f7694593a361..21d6a43a12d4 100644
--- a/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_organs.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mob/living/carbon/human/human_organs.dm
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
for(var/limb_tag in list("l_leg","r_leg","l_foot","r_foot"))
var/obj/item/organ/external/E = bodyparts_by_name[limb_tag]
- if(!E || (E.status & ORGAN_DEAD) || E.is_malfunctioning() || !E.properly_attached || HAS_TRAIT(src,TRAIT_PARAPLEGIC))
+ if(!E || (E.status & ORGAN_DEAD) || E.is_malfunctioning() || !E.properly_attached || HAS_TRAIT(src, TRAIT_PARAPLEGIC))
if(E && !E.properly_attached && life_tick % 24 == 0)