Releases: PebbleTemplates/pebble
Releases · PebbleTemplates/pebble
- Fixed stack overflow error when using multiple levels of the parent() function
- Fixed platform dependent issues with junit tests
- Bug fix regarding the use of different data types passed to same template which broke an internal cache in the GetAttributeExpression
- Bug fix regarding NPE with internal cache
- Bug fix when using suffix with the file loader
- Bug fix for issue regarding multiple for loops only rendering first one
- Performance improvements
- Performance improvements
- Added ServletLoader which is the only built-in loader that works with JBoss/Wildfly
- Added "first" filter
- Added "last" filter
- Added "join" filter
- Fixed lexing issue on windows
- Fixed number comparison issue
- Added "filter" tag
- Added "abs" filter
- Added "sort" filter
- Pebble now uses the exact Map implementation provided by user instead of moving variables into it's own map implementation. This allows for custom "lazy" maps and other unique implementations.
- Arrays and lists can now be accessed by index
- Added verbatim tag
- Removed the LocaleAware interface; filters/functions/tests now get the locale via the EvaluationContext that is passed as a "_context" argument in the argument map
- Added a whitespace control character: "-"
- Fixed bug where macros were being secretly evaluated one too many times
- The ability to call bean methods that require arguments.
- For loop now works with primitive arrays (i.e. no longer just Iterable objects).
- Added "subscript syntax" support for accessing attributes.
- Continuous integration with travis-ci.
- Fixed NPE occurring in ternary expressions.
- Fixed issue with if-then-else expressions
- General code and testing improvements.