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Modifier characters

Greg Bowler edited this page Jan 24, 2023 · 19 revisions

Bind key modifier characters are special characters that you can add to an element's bind key to add special behaviour.

An example of what this may look like is <button name="do" value="delete" data-bind:disabled="?!isActive">Delete</button>, and <img src="/photo.jpg" data-bind:class=":size" />.

Token modifier :

Adding a colon as the first character of the bind key will have the effect of toggling a token's presence, such as in the element's classList.

The "token" in this case is represented by a DOMTokenList object in the underlying DOM implementation, and represents a set of space-separated tokens. Such a set is returned by Element.classList or HTMLLinkElement.relList, and many others. See DOMTokenList on MDN for more information.

It's very common in web user interfaces to want to add or remove a string token to the class attribute. Using the DOM, this can be achieved by doing $element->classList->add("selected");, for example.


<img src="/cat.jpg" alt="My cat" data-bind:class=":imageCategory" />

This image element will add a token to the class attribute according to the value of imageCategory.


function example(DocumentBinder $binder):void {
	$binder->bindKeyValue("imageCategory", "cat-photo");

Output HTML:

<img src="/cat.jpg" alt="My cat" class="cat-photo" />

Space-separated token modifier

The name of the class you wish to toggle can be added to the HTML, using a space to separate it from the bind key.


<img class="sidebar" src="/cat.jpg" alt="My cat" data-bind:class=":deletedAt deleted" />

This image element will add the deleted token to the class attribute if the deletedAt bind key is not falsey.


function example(DocumentBinder $binder, DateTime|null $dateOfDeletion):void {
	$binder->bindKeyValue("deletedAt", $dateOfDeletion);

Output HTML:

<img class="sidebar deleted" src="/cat.jpg" alt="My cat" />

or if the $dateOfDeletion variable is null:

<img class="sidebar" src="/cat.jpg" alt="My cat" />

Attribute modifier @

// TODO.

Boolean modifier ?

// TODO.

Inverse boolean modifier ?!

// TODO.

Boolean value modifier =

// TODO.