Adds a publishing page
Add-PnPPublishingPage -PageName <String>
-PageTemplateName <String>
[-Title <String>]
[-FolderPath <String>]
[-Publish [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-Web <WebPipeBind>]
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
PageName | String | True | The name of the page to be added as an aspx file |
PageTemplateName | String | True | The name of the page layout you want to use. Specify without the .aspx extension. So 'ArticleLeft' or 'BlankWebPartPage' |
FolderPath | String | False | The site relative folder path of the page to be added |
Publish | SwitchParameter | False | Publishes the page. Also Approves it if moderation is enabled on the Pages library. |
Title | String | False | The title of the page |
Web | WebPipeBind | False | The web to apply the command to. Omit this parameter to use the current web. |
PS:> Add-PnPPublishingPage -PageName 'OurNewPage' -Title 'Our new page' -PageTemplateName 'ArticleLeft'
Creates a new page based on the pagelayout 'ArticleLeft'
PS:> Add-PnPPublishingPage -PageName 'OurNewPage' -Title 'Our new page' -PageTemplateName 'ArticleLeft' -Folder '/Pages/folder'
Creates a new page based on the pagelayout 'ArticleLeft' with a site relative folder path