This example utilizes a receiver and a caller for the OnInvoke / Invoke functionality. It will create a gRPC server and bind the OnInvoke method, which gets called after a client sends a direct method invocation.
Note: Make sure to use the latest proto bindings and have them available under
pip3 install dapr dapr-ext-grpc
To run this example, the following steps should be followed:
Compile Protobuf for Custom Response
python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=./proto/ --python_out=./proto/ --grpc_python_out=./proto/ ./proto/response.proto
Start Receiver (expose gRPC server receiver on port 50051)
dapr run --app-id invoke-receiver --app-protocol grpc --app-port 50051 python3
- Start Caller
dapr run --app-id invoke-caller --app-protocol grpc python3
Expected output from caller:
== APP == isSuccess: true
== APP == code: 200
== APP == message: "Hello World - Success!"
== APP ==
Expected output from receiver:
== APP == {'user-agent': ['grpc-go/1.33.1'], 'x-forwarded-host': ['MyPC'], 'x-forwarded-for': ['192. 168.1.3'], 'forwarded': ['for=;by=; host=MyPC'], 'grpc-trace-bin': [b'\x00\x00\x90Zc\x17\xaav?5)L\xcd]>. \x88>\x01\x81\xe9\x9c\xbd\x01x\xfc\xc5\x02\x01']}
- Cleanup
dapr stop --app-id invoke-caller
dapr stop --app-id invoke-receiver