A multifunctional discord.js v12 BOT🤖!
- a mongo DB database
- a discord BOT
- recommended Node.js version
- in line
put your MongoDB auth - in line
put your bot's support server guild ID - in line
put your log channel ID - in line
put your BOT's ID
- put your BOT's token
- in line
put your MongoDB auth
- in line
put your MongoDB auth
- in line
put your MongoDB auth
- in line
put your MongoDB auth
- in line
put your MongoDB auth
- in line
put your MongoDB auth
in line
put your MongoDB auth -
open a terminal and type:
npm install
- After all the dependencies have been installed, run:
node index.js
All these commands can be seen when using the .help
command in a server
arguments: <optional>, [mandatory]
- .ping - measures latency and API latency
- .meme - posts a meme from reddit
- .covid <country> - shows Covid-19 stats
- .f <@user> - pay respect to someone
- .avatar <@user> - show someone's avatar
- .rgb - puts a nice rgb strip in chat
- .8ball [question] - answers a yes/no question
- .userinfo <@user> - shows info about a user
- .serverinfo - shows info about the server
- .say [message] - say a message
- .weather [city] - shows the weather in that city
- .iq <@user> - shows a random "IQ" number
- .youtube [video name] - show search results from youtube
- .cat - posts a random cat picture
- .dog - posts a random dog picture
- .credits - a list of everyone who helped with this project
- .vote - a list of all the sites where you can vote for CydBot
- .inivte - to invite CydBot to your server
Thank you to ZerioDev for the music part!
- play <name/URL> - play music in a voice channel
- search <name> - open a panel to choose a music and then play it
- pause - pause the current music
- resume - puts the current music back on
- queue - see the next songs
- clear-queue - remove music in the queue
- shuffle - to mix the queue
- nowplaying - see music in progress
- loop - to enable or disable the repeat function
- volume <1 - 100> - change the volume
- skip - skip to next music
- stop - stop all music
- filter <filter> - add / remove filter
- w-filters - see filters
- .kick [@user] <reason> - kick a user from the server
- .ban [@user] <Reason> - ban a user from the server
- .unban [user id] - unban someone from the server
- .softban [@user] - kick someone and delete all their messages
- .mute [@user] <time> <type of time(M for minutes, H for hours , D for days)> - mute someone
- .unmute [@user] - unmute a muted member
- .purge [2-100] - deletes messages
- .warn [@user] - warn a user
- .warnings [@user] - see all warnings that a user has
- developer - Pol528#6969/Pol#6969 (i keep changing it for some reason)
- Music part created by ZerioDev, you can find it here
- Cydbot profile picture - stole it from somewhere, if you are the creator please dm Pol528#6969!
- got help from Grav#6969, discord.js discord server and stackoverflow.com
- inspiration: Grav#6969 and GravBot#7521😊
- thank you to IgorKowalczyk for some commands!