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EN: Chapter 1: Yolang's data types

This is XiaoDeng edited this page Oct 22, 2022 · 1 revision

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In this chapter, you will learn about the data types in Yolang and use them

In Yolang, data types are divided into basic data types and composite data types, and the following is a table of basic data types and composite data types.

Basic data types

Represented keywords/NativeClass name/symbolic name Explanation
integer keyword, integer, which is often referred to as an integer (with sign)
decimal keyword, floating point, which is often referred to as decimal (with sign)
boolean keyword, a boolean type with only two values, true or false
null keyword, null type, can be used as both a value and a type keyword
string NativeClass name, a string
object symbolic name, stands for all instantiable types, including struct, class

Composite data types

compositeName explanation representation
list list type [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
list_like_struct A structure of type list {1, "hello", true, null}
struct initialized structure `{a: 1, b: "hello", c: true, d: null}
(this example is not accepted in yolang, it is written to visually represent the difference between list-like structure and struct)
ref Reference types (not yet implemented in the current version) not implemented, no examples available
norm ordinary types, i.e., types other than other composite types are used to distinguish composite types from other composite types, which is the most common representation, e.g., 123

where, for a list composite type, its type identifier should be written like this


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