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META MESH | Contact |
Do you want to help build PittMesh? Let us know.
We maintain an IRC channel on FreeNode: irc://
We adhere to a Code of Conduct that governs how we interact with each other and our community.
Our mailing list traffic is pretty low, and is only used for major announcements.
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While we prefer to help interested people set up nodes to connect to PittMesh, we also accept donations to drive our rollout.
We accept donated hardware.
For routers, our primary requirement is that routers are able to run OSLRd. For the most part, this means that we want routers that can run OpenWRT or routers that can run DD-WRT. If the router you want to donate is on either of those lists as supported, then we can put it to good use! If it is not on that list, and your other option is to discard it, we will happily take it anyway, donating it to Goodwill if we cannot use it.
For spare computers, we are in need of rack servers, 1U or 2U, that were manufactured in the last five years.
We could also use antennas, antenna mounting equipment, spare Ethernet cabling, and other miscellaneous items. Let us know!
Our preferred donation method is Bitcoin. Our anonymous donation address is 1meshQDzpXUQJSdNVH7BujkudqfatFxnq{:.coin} but consider sending us a message so that we can credit you somehow for your generousity. We also accept Dogecoin{:.coin} and Litecoin{:.coin}. Otherwise, we accept WePay and can take credit cards directly via Square. Contact us for more information on those and other donation methods, including other cryptocurrencies.
META MESH is a for-profit, but bootstrapped company the beneficial community focus of which may lead the average person to believe that it is a non-profit. Unfortunately, donations to META MESH are not tax deductible.
Do you have time and skills you can donate? Or perhaps a rooftop with a sturdy chimney or other place to mount an antenna or three? Let us know.
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