All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
7.3.2 - 2025-03-04
- Updated Function Agent to 1.2.1 because of a bugfix (See this issue in Gitlab, fixes #249 on GitHub;
7.3.1 - 2025-01-22
- Upgraded dataio to 2.0.1 incorporating dataio security fixes.
- Upgraded logback-core to 1.5.16 to fix 2 security CVEs.
7.3.0 - 2025-01-22
- Some tests are changed because record error handling has changed.
- Optimization for authentication with CSS Client Credentials
- Update URI of prefix 'rmle:' to persistent w3id URI: ''
- Added all known content types for newline delimited JSON
- Fixed the return type of GREL array slice function in function description.
- Updated all Jena library dependencies to version 5.0.0
- Added explicit dependencies on commons-io:2.18.0, commons-compress-1.27.1 and commons-lang3:3.17.0 to avoid runtime errors.
- Updated rdf4j-client to 5.1.0
- Updated wiremock to 3.9.1 (3.10.0 contains bugs in combination with saxon).
- Updated grel-functions-java to v0.10.0
- Updated dataio to 2.0.0, the reason for most changes ;)
- Updated testcontainers to 1.18.3
- Inconsistencies in test case RMLTC0007h (mapping + all formats) and RMLTC0009a (JSON)
7.2.0 - 2024-12-09
- CLI option
to convert your existing R2RML and older RML mappings to the latest version by the W3C Community Group. - HTTP request targets
- dynamic logical targets
- GREL array functions handling.
7.1.2 - 2024-09-19
now also updatespom.xml
with the given tag.
7.1.1 - 2024-09-19
- Updated idlab-functions-java to 1.3.3 to use correct state path in stateful functions when
environment variable is set.
- CI: use local script for release
7.1.0 - 2024-08-13
- Serialization format TriG is now supported for Logical Targets (fixes GitHub issue 225).
- Crash when null is returned in an XPath function for subject generation (fixes GitHub issue 236)
- Update to DataIO 1.3.1:
value occurring in RDF output when CSV quoted string has newline character in it (fixes GitHub issue 238) - RML Test report script: remove newlines from R2RML targ name
7.0.0 - 2024-06-07
- Gitlab CI R2RML test cases compliance
- Gitlab CI Maven Central retrying on failure due to Maven Central server problems
- Gitlab CI Docker Hub deployment fixed
- Update DataIO dependency to 1.1.0 (fixes GitLab issue 274)
- R2RML Test Report CI script failed in development due to missing pip parameter.
- Optimization for self-joins without join conditions (fixes Gitlab issue 275)
- Optimization for self joins with join condition.
- Updated junit to 5.10.0
- Updated jena to 4.9.0
- Updated testcontainers to 1.18.3
- Added explicit dependency on json-smart, since it was an indirect dependency which changed scope
- Updated idlab-functions-java to 1.3.2, fixing an issue with IncRML
- Updated dataio to 1.2.0
- Changed scope of
dependency toruntime
- Changed basepath from null to (see issue 263)
- gitlab CI pull policy
- Translation to new RML. Only for Core.
6.5.1 - 2023-12-06
- Upgrade logback-classic to 1.4.14.
- Upgrade wiremock-jre8 to 2.35.1.
6.5.0 - 2023-12-06
- Update dependency on
to 1.3.1. This implies three things:- The namespace for IDLab functions FnO descriptions changed, so RMLMapper loads the old and the new one to remain compatible;
- All tests in RMLMapper use the new namespace;
- Stateful functions use a more compact and efficient state.
- Update dependency on
to 1.2.0, the first version released on Maven Central. - Upgraded rdf4j-client dependency to version 4.3.8
- Compile regex patterns for RDF4J store only once for performance.
- Setting option
in a configuration file has no effect (see GitLab issue #269). - Start adhering to Keep a Changelog from now on (
). - Compatibility issue with old IDLab functions FnO descriptions (see GitLab issue #270)
- Test case for working with CSV logical sources without header.
- Test handling Windows CRLF line ending for CSV files (issue #201)
- Added test for empty column handling in csv logical source files (issue #159)
- Tests: let Java handle temporary files.
- pom: upgrade maven-surefire-plugin to 3.2.2
- pom: upgrade nexus-staging-maven-plugin to 1.6.13
- pom: upgrade json-path to 2.8.0
- pom: upgrade logback-classic to 1.4.11
- resources: rml-ldes: avoid symlinks
- pom: upgrade RDB connectors (postgresql 42.6.0, mssql-jdbc 12.4.2.jre11, ojdbc11, mysql-connector-j 8.2.0)
- Use the DataIO library to handle access to files.
- Requires Java 17 language level.
- Refactoring to use interfaces where possible (e.g.
- Test cases: add array initializers to avoid bugs.
- Use correct prefix for
s in tests. - Refactoring of Executor: code deduplication
- Document
6.3.0 - 2023-11-14
- Add support for detecting additions, modifications, and deletions in a Knowledge Graph with FnO functions.
- Verify LDES EventStreamTarget output for additions, modifications, and deletions.
- Added RML-LDES test-cases.
- Added test for mapping with CSV file where column does not match header
- Build Docker image in two stages, reducing the final image size.
- LDES EventStreamTarget properties are now all optional.
- Removed usage of legacy RDF model, using RDF4J instead.
- Don't close output streams that don't need closing.
- Add url decoders to file paths so special characters and spaces work.
- Test cases: add array initializers to avoid bugs.
6.2.2 - 2023-10-05
- Fixed self-joins with join conditions (internal issue #199)
- Upgrade to rdfhdt to 3.0.10 (issue #215)
- Improve docs on deduplication (issue #214)
- Handle plain old Java Arrays as well for FnO return values
- Update dependency to
, fixing issue #218
- Dockerfile: switched to Eclipse OpenJDK Docker base image because OpenJDK is deprecated
- CI: dropped GitHub release automation
- CI: verify if token is valid
- Heavily increased performance of RMLMapper through several optimizations
6.2.1 - 2023-07-06
- Updated idlab-functions-java to v1.0.0
- CSVW 1025 testcase now reads correct logical source
6.2.0 - 2023-06-22
- Updated function-agent-java to v1.1.0
- Updated grel-functions-java to v0.9.1
- Updated idlab-functions-java to v0.3.1
- Updated junit to 5.9.1
- Updated testcontainers to 1.17.6
- Updated logback to 1.4.5
- Updated Saxon-HE to 11.4
- Updated postgresql to 42.5.1
- Detect non existing files early (issue 223)
- Subject of LDES event stream has wrong IRI (internal GitLab issue #253)
- MS SQLServer JDBC driver was only for tests on classpath (internal GitLab issue #255)
- Normalising Double numbers from RDBs went wrong (internal GitLab issue #256, GitHub issue #206)
are omitted when generating LDES metadata.
- A new Maven profile
disables using and
. - Mocked DBpedia Spotlight service (issue #250)
- Update dynamic-loading in
6.1.3 - 2022-12-20
- Reraise execeptions from executor, so that CLI exits with non-zero exit code in the event of errors in execution (issue 194)
6.1.2 - 2022-11-22
6.1.1 - 2022-11-21
6.1.0 - 2022-11-21
- Require Java 11+
- Port all tests to Junit 5
- Database tests are executed with a fresh instance of the required database in a Docker container
- Update of function libraries IDLab functions, GREL functions, Function Agent
- Removed need for (deprecated) SecurityManager
- Dropped dependency on Guava
- Dropped explicit dependency on Jetty
- Dropped dependency on mariaDB4j
had wrong regex to check for Literals when they have a language tag or data type.- Updated RDF4J to 4.2.1
- Updated Jena to 4.6.1
- Updated indirect dependencies to Xerces 2.12.2
- Updated mysql-connector-java to 8.0.31
- Updated postgresql to 42.5.0
- Updated mssql-jdbc to 11.2.1.jre11
- Updated com.fasterxml.jackson.core.* dependencies to 2.14.0
- Updated jsoup to 1.15.3
- Updated opencsv to 5.7.1
- Updated poi-ooxml to 5.2.3
- Updated testcontainers to 1.17.5
- Updated mybatis to 3.5.11
- Updated ojdbc8 to ojdbc11
- Force Wiremock to use commons-fileupload 1.4
- Main: Output paths can again be fully relative
- Dropped dependency on com.spotify.docker-client (issue 231)
- Running multiple pipelines should no longer interfere with each other (issue 245)
- Fixed TriplesMaps detection of MappingConformer issue 251
now checks if the given IRI is valid (issue 249)
- pom.xml: Added Testcontainers library dependencies for databases we test on
- pom.xml: Added JUnit5 dependencies
- Check for changelog changes in a separate lint stage during CI.
6.0.0 - 2022-07-04
- Run all tests in parallel on CI infrastructure
- Upgrade Function Agent to v0.1.0
- Upgrade postgresql JDBC driver to 42.3.3
- Rename
in test resources (see issue 240) - If exception occurs while mapping data, already processed data gets written to output file
- Properly close resources such as input streams
- Github release notes are now properly extracted
- Discard UTF Byte-Order-Marks (BOM) (see issue 171)
- Dropped lib directory for functions as we now use a separate FnO Function Agent
- IDLabFunctions: added functions lookup and lookupWithDelimiter
- IDLabFunctionsTest: added unit tests for lookup functions
- IDLabFunctionsTest: relocate csv files used by tests for lookup function
- IDLabFunctions: silence stack trace
- CSVW: filter out rows with a comment prefix
- Output file path now gets checked before the mapping
- .gitignore: ignore vscode files
- pom.xml: add Saxon-HE v11.3 dependency
- XMLRecord: adjusted to use Saxon
- XMLRecordFactory: adjusted to use Saxon
- SaxNamespaceResolver: added class for resolving namespaces in Saxon. This fixes (#154)[#154].
- Added unit tests for XPath 2/3 expressions and functions
- Loggers across the codebase have been updated to use parameterized strings
- Add support for WoT OAuth2 Security Scheme (see issue 212)
- Integration of independent function handler
5.0.0 - 2022-03-11
- TestCore: enable debug logs when VERBOSE env variable is set (see issue 230)
- Switched to fork of ODFtoolkit (see issue 237)
- Add support for LDES Logical Target
- Add support for generating unique reproducible IRIs for LDES
- Write LDES state to disk when mapping execution is complete.
- Removed deprecated execute() and executeWithFunction() methods, and refactored the executeV5() executeWithFunctionV5() method to execute() and executeWithFunction().
- Clarified Readme for quick start
- No cartesian product when referring to the same logical source (see issue 28])
- If you still want the cartesian product, update your mappings to refer to different logical sources with the same contents
- Upgraded jetty-server and jetty-security to 9.4.44.v20210927
- Upgraded wiremock-jre8 to 2.32.0
- Upgraded ch.qos.logback to 1.2.10
- Upgraded commons-cli to 1.5.0
- Upgraded com.jayway.jsonpath to 2.7.0
- Upgraded ch.vorburger.mariaDB4j to 2.5.3
- Upgraded to 10.2.0.jre8
- Upgraded com.fasterxml.jackson.core to 2.13.1
- Upgraded org.jsoup to 1.14.3
- Upgraded org.apache.poi to 5.0.0
- Resources: functions_grel: use xsd:integer (see issue 234)
- Print error if referenceformulation is unsupported
- Upgrade postgresql JDBC driver to 42.3.2 (see issue 146)
4.15.0 - 2022-02-01
- Bump buildnumber during release (see issue 227)
- Always include xml: prefix (see issue 144)
function uses wrong pattern (see issue 228)- CI: only publish
releases on Github (see issue 145) - CI: make use of templates
- CSVRecordFactory: Replace Apache CSV library with OpenCSV to be able to differentiate between empty string and null (see issue 140)
- CI: use Gitlab's own mirror feature instead of mirroring in a CI job.
- CI: enforce CHANGELOG updates.
- Added functions to normalize dates and datetimes.
- JSONRecordFactory: support JSONL files (see issue 221).
4.14.3 - 2022-01-13
- Github CLI needs to specify a repo to create a release.
4.14.2 - 2022-01-13
- Maven Central automatic builds fixed.
- Upstream R2RML test cases.
- Correctly install Github CLI in CI.
4.14.1 - 2022-01-13
- Mirror development branch to Github when releasing new versions.
- Github Release stage works now properly.
- Build newer version during deployment.
4.14.0 - 2022-01-13
- Mapper_Postgres_CSV_Test: Add test RMLTC1027 to check whether NULLs are ignored in PostgreSQL (see issue 159)
- IDLabFunctions: add isNull function (see issue 219).
- Replaced PowerMock with WireMock (see issue 45)
- FunctionModel: Change the way Lists are processed to take into account generic types
- CSVW: Add support for csvw:null (see issue 217)
- FnO: improve error messages for incomplete descriptions (see issue 222)
- CSVW: Ignore nulls instead of removing (see issue 224)
- Update with up-to-date notes for releasing new versions (see issue 218).
- RELEASE: Fixed Maven Central deployment instructions (see issue 223)
- AccessFactory: Do not clean SPARQL queries by default (see issue 214)
4.13.0 - 2021-11-22
- update dependencies
- cleaned up code
- fixed undefined prefixes
- CI: fix MS SQL Server docker image name
- pom: mark Jena, Docker, Jetty and Fuseki as test dependencies (see issue 127)
- XMLRecord: fallback to STRING if NODESET fails (see issue 128)
- Tests: Updated RML test-cases 0002i and 0003a to no longer expect an error. (see issue 130)
- Tests: Added test case 0002k where no sqlVersion is present, as its presence is not mandatory.
- README: mention RML questions repository (see issue 216)
- XML parsing: allow parsing of fully namespaced xml by injecting xml source's namespaces in the XPath compiler (see issue 134)
- R2RML: No longer add sqlVersion 2008, as its presence is not mandatory.
- CSVRecordFactory: allow empty column names (see issue 124)
- Main: add piping support of mapping rules (see issue 124)
- Logging: Log loaded functions when in verbose mode (see issue 136)
- Mapper_MySQL_R2RML_Test: Add information regarding non-compliance of MySQL for certain tests cases (see issue 189)
- Tests: Add test RMLTC1027 to check whether NULLs are ignored properly for various data sources (see issue 159)
4.12.0 - 2021-08-02
- R2RML: floating point differences between RDBs (see issue 203)
- R2RML: do not percent-encode binary data (see issue 184)
- R2RML: handle binary data differences between RDBs (see issue 200)
- Create an empty output file for empty JSON arrays as well (see issue 98)
- Always output UTF-8 encoded RDF (see issue 119)
- Refactor RDB records for better NULL and empty string handling (see issue 131)
- Align R2RML test cases with kg-construct/r2rml-test-cases (see issue 211)
- FunctionLoader: throw error on missing function parameters (see issue 125)
- HTMLRecordFactory: add CSS3 selector support (see issue 52)
- CSVRecordFactory: add spreadsheet support (see issue 42)
- IDLabFunctions: add slugify to default idlab-fn functions (see issue 209)
- RDBAccess: add XML support for PostgreSQL RDB (see issue 51)
- AccessFactory: add WoT BearerSecurity scheme (see issue 195)
- README: add clarification on where to find standalone release jars (see issue 174)
4.11.0 - 2021-07-05
- R2RML test cases (see issue 192)
- DCAT support
- R2RML support: handle booleans correctly (see issue 187)
- W3C Formats Namespace: use http instead of https
4.10.1 - 2021-06-15
- README Markdown rendering and links
- Follow HTTP redirects for Web APIs (see issue 196)
4.10.0 - 2021-05-05
- Added support for named graphs in RDFJStore.
- Support for Logical Target and exporting to a local file with various serializations and compression, or a SPARQL endpoint using SPARQL UPDATE queries.
- W3C Web of Things Web API access support to retrieve data from Web API with token authentication.
- Use RDF4JStore by default (see issue 108).
- Public API of the Executor has been updated and is available under
, the old API is still available but deprecated. In a future release, the old API will be removed and the new one will drop theV5
- Add remark about duplicate removal and serialization format performance (see issue 108).
- Treat empty values in CSV columns as NULL values in RDBs (see issue 188).
- Fixed reloading the function every iteration, hopefully this gives a speed boost
- Fix R2RML conversion of multiple Triples Maps (see issue 186).
- Fix datatype retrieval when RDB colum names are quoted (see issue 185).
4.9.4 - 2021-03-19
- Link to our Docker images on Dockerhub in README (see issue 109)
- Support @ in JSONPath (see issue 178)
- JSONRecord: ignore 'null' values in JSONArray as well (see issue 103)
4.9.3 - 2021-03-05
- Docker build (see issue 106)
- Consistent builds with Maven
4.9.2 - 2021-03-04
- Endpoints of Oracle and DBpedia Spotlight for tests
- getColumnLabel instead of getColumnName (see issue 92)
- Updated dependencies
- added FnO Grel v0.6.1 which adds toTitlecase, lastIndexOfMapping, sha1, md5
- support SQL queries that have unnamed columns
- Add Logical Target support
- Add Web of Things support
- Add compression support
4.9.1 - 2020-12-04
- Support commas in JSONPath
- Handling of boolean/any FnO parameters (see MR 116)
- Print descriptive error when mapping file does not exist or is invalid Turtle (see Github issue 54)
- Print mapping file path as debug instead of a warning (see issue 172)
4.9.0 - 2020-09-14
- Add to Maven Central (see issue 94)
4.8.2 - 2020-08-17
- Support function on SubjectMap that generates blank nodes (see issue 167)
- Updated licenses on the README
- Documentation updated to reflect metadata generation
- Function objects with types other than String/Boolean don't get discarded (see issue 165)
- Generating metadata in different RDF format (see issue 68)
4.8.1 - 2020-07-03
- updated grel-functions-java to 0.5.2
- ObjectMap with type Blank Node is ignored (see issue 164)
- Support double quotes in references of RDBs (see issue 163)
4.8.0 - 2020-05-25
- Functions support more datatypes:
- Oracle setup file (see issue 161)
4.7.0 - 2020-03-09
- support for list-style parameter arguments for functions (see test
- conform with latest spec
- the old way of describing a link to a JAVA library is currently still supported
- usage of external GREL functions library
- by default, these classes are loaded, even when the function file parameter has another file
- moved some functions to IDLabFunctions
- FunctionLoader takes a
as constructor, not a file - for now, allow fallback on old FnO IRIs
- dynamic function libraries (i.e., jars) are found relative to the cwd
- renamed Utils::getInputStreamFromMOptionValue to Utils::getInputStreamFromFileOrContentString
- changed URL of remote data file src/test/resources/test-cases/RMLTC1003-CSV/mapping.ttl
- moved IDLabFunction tests to its canonical place
- added idlab-fn:inRange function
- in
just adds up to the existingfunctions_idlab.ttl
descriptions to avoid duplication- random generator defaults to "random_string_here" to avoid space characters.
4.6.0 - 2019-11-19
- R2RML support
- QuadFactory (removes need for explicit RDF4J store)
- SQLTestCore created, used between RML SQL tests and R2RML tests
- Username without password is possible
- Completed prefixes in some test mappings
- Generation of blank nodes via Object Maps
4.5.1 - 2019-09-04
- Absolute paths for data source files
4.5.0 - 2019-08-06
- Support for
(see issue 9 of the RML Test cases)
4.4.2 - 2019-07-15
- Configure no-response bot for Github (issue 35)
- Dockerfile
- Add table of contents to README
- Refactor data access and records
- Test case for CSV with special characters
- Base IRI is read from the mapping doc when using CLI
4.4.1 - 2019-06-17
- Javadoc generation
- A file that is mentioned multiple times in the mapping doc is not re-read multiple times
- Turtle output contains datatypes and languages
4.4.0 - 2019-05-16
- support for CSVW
- Support for combining multiple mappings files
- Print function-file path when doing verbose debugging
- FileNotFoundException: actually show which file wasn't found
- Non-conforming language tags are detected
4.3.3 - 2019-03-15
- Non-equals function and getMimeType function
- LICENSE file (MIT) (fixes #25)
- rdf prefix in some test cases
- specified turtle output in cli help and readme (fixes #23)
4.3.2 - 2019-02-27
- DBpedia spotlight can be used as a default NER function within a mapping document
- functions added, to be used for conditions
- updated UML diagrams
- fixed #21 (thanks @mariapoveda)
- support for -- and updates of -- a whole lot more test cases
- Transform data from databases according to their datatypes, where applicable
- Works with @base in mapping
- Use Exception instead of Error (almost everywhere)
- Validate URI
instead ofrr:query
- maven dependency before jitpack dependency to prevent json-ld conflict (#19 thanks @duschu)
4.3.1 - 2019-01-15
- filtering of quads in SimpleQuadStore
4.3.0 - 2018-12-17
- SPARQL endpoint support
- rdf4j version bump to 2.4.1
4.2.0 - 2018-11-14
- support for SPARQL
- output format: hdt
- local build on Windows 7 works
- object with template with an array as input ? return multiple objects
4.1.0 - 2018-10-15
- output formats: turtle, trig, trix, jsonld
- functions with list input
- metadata generation
- use environment variable for RDB testing
- all (including templating) works with function generators
- double join condition
- support quote in literal
- function file path not passed on to the function loader when using the CLI
- when parsing a string into an RDF term, take into account @ is not always a language tag
- parenttriplesmap handling null values
- config file
4.0.0 - 2018-09-03
- support for config file
- no difference between triples and quads when writing output to file
0.2.1 - 2018-08-14
- Create valid temp file for prepackaged functions jars
- Use GrelProcessor.class by default instead of GrelFunctions.jar
0.2.0 - 2018-08-09
- support for functions on Predicate Maps
- support for functions on Graph Maps
- support for relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLServer)
0.1.6 - 2018-08-07
- If no valid graph IRI could be generate, add triple to default graph instead of crashing
0.1.5 - 2018-08-06
- Correct printing of predicates of quads
0.1.4 - 2018-07-16
- Content negotiation done right
0.1.3 - 2018-07-16
- If JSONPath gives a null, just don't create a triple instead of crashing
0.1.2 - 2018-07-02
- getting a resource file doesn't give null pointer exception when using the packaged jar
0.1.1 - 2018-07-02
- outputting quads in stdout correctly
- support for accessing CSV data sources
- support for accessing JSON data sources with JSONPath
- support for accessing XML data sources with XPath
- support for accessing local files
- support for accessing remote files (via HTTP GET)
- basic support for functions