An unofficial repository.
W3.JS is a JavaScript library designed to simplify web development projects:
- Easy to learn and easy to use.
- Designed for fast application development.
- Designed for all devices: PC, Tablet, and Mobile.
- Free to use. No licenses.
See the official website:
I created this repository in GitHub as a direct download from the official website for these reasons:
- There's no official repo (that I can find at this moment, anyway)
- I like to have my projects dependencies in git repos and mentioned in documentation / package.json / deployment instructions
- I have some needs for a few projects that this library resolves but some slight improvements may (or may not) be required. When and if I improve anything, will make it public through this repo.
- 1.04 Changed innerHTML to innerText in w3.filterHTML and w3.sortHTML.
- 1.03 HTML Include now continues to the next include when the page is not found.
- 1.01 Added slideshow.
- 1.0 January 2018.