Name | Url | |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
app.authConfigFile | string | "auth.json" |
Auth configuration file for the application |
app.catalogConfigFile | string | "GETQueryResponse.json" |
catalog configuration file for the application |
app.confDir | string | "/opt/lta/config" |
Config directory for the application |
app.port | int | 5000 |
Port for the application |
app.workDir | string | "/app" |
Working directory for the application |
helmResourcePolicy | string | "keep" |
Keep the ressources for PVC and ConfigMap. Default is to keep. |
image.PullPolicy | string | "Always" |
Image pull policy | | string | "rs-testmeans_lta-station-mock" |
Image name |
image.registry | string | "" |
Image registry |
image.repository | string | "rs-python" |
Image repository |
image.version | string | "c002be0" |
Image version, can be a tag or a digest |
namespace | string | "processing" |
Namespace for the deployment |
probe.liveness.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
InitialDelaySeconds for the liveness probe |
probe.liveness.path | string | "/health" |
Path for the liveness probe |
probe.liveness.periodSeconds | int | 30 |
periodSeconds for the liveness probe |
probe.liveness.port | int | 5000 |
Port for the liveness probe |
probe.liveness.timeoutSeconds | int | 5 |
timeoutSeconds for the liveness probe |
probe.readiness.initialDelaySeconds | int | 30 |
InitialDelaySeconds for the readiness probe |
probe.readiness.path | string | "/health" |
Path for the readiness probe |
probe.readiness.periodSeconds | int | 30 |
periodSeconds for the readiness probe |
probe.readiness.port | int | 5000 |
Port for the readiness probe |
probe.readiness.timeoutSeconds | int | 5 |
timeoutSeconds for the readiness probe |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
Number of replicas for the deployment |
resources.limit.cpu | string | "500m" |
Pod CPU limit |
resources.limit.ram | string | "1000Mi" |
Pod memory limit |
resources.request.cpu | string | "100m" |
Pod CPU request |
resources.request.ram | string | "256Mi" |
Pod memory request |
service.port | int | 8080 |
Port for the service |
volume.accessModes | string | "ReadWriteOnce" |
AccessMode of the database volume |
volume.size | string | "10Gi" |
Size of the database volume |
volume.storageClassName | string | "csi-cinder-sc-retain" |
StorageClass of the database volume |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.12.0