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107 lines (91 loc) · 3.14 KB

File metadata and controls

107 lines (91 loc) · 3.14 KB
  1. Provision infrastucture

    cd terraform
    make apply ENV=dev
  2. Create namesapce

    kubectl create ns yatai-system
    kubectl create ns maine-coon
  3. DB secret

    export ROOT_USER="yatai"
    export ROOT_PASSWORD="123qweasdzxc"
    export ROOT_DB="yatai"
    kubectl create secret generic db-secret \
        --from-literal=ROOT_USER="$ROOT_USER" \
        --from-literal=ROOT_PASSWORD="$ROOT_PASSWORD" \
        --from-literal=ROOT_DB="$ROOT_DB" \
        -n yatai-system
  4. Storage secret

    export STORAGE_USERNAME="yatai"
    export STORAGE_PASSWORD="123qweasdzxc"
    export STORAGE_SSL=false
    export STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME="yatai"
    kubectl create secret generic storage-secret \
        --from-literal=STORAGE_USERNAME="$STORAGE_USERNAME" \
        --from-literal=STORAGE_PASSWORD="$STORAGE_PASSWORD" \
        --from-literal=STORAGE_SSL="$STORAGE_SSL" \
        -n yatai-system
  5. Create SA secret to access artifact registry

    export REGISTRY_PASSWORD="`cat ./mlop.json | base64`"
    kubectl create secret generic docker-registry-secret \
        -n yatai-system
  6. Install nginx-ingress

    helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
      --repo \
      --namespace ingress-nginx \
  7. Install cert-manager

    helm repo add jetstack
    helm repo update
    helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
        --namespace cert-manager \
        --version v1.11.0 \
        --create-namespace \
        --set installCRDs=true
    kubectl apply -f cert-manager/cert.yaml
  8. Install Yatai cluster

    helm dependency build ./yatai-cluster
    helm install yatai-cluster ./yatai-cluster \
    -f ./yatai-cluster/values.yaml \
    --namespace yatai-system
  9. Install Argocd by reading

  10. Install Prometenus

    helm repo add prometheus-community
    helm repo update prometheus-community
    helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
    -f ./observability/prometheus-values.yaml \
    --namespace yatai-system
  11. Install Grafana

    helm repo add grafana
    helm repo update grafana
    helm install grafana grafana/grafana \
    -f ./observability/grafana-values.yaml \
    --namespace yatai-system
  12. Install Obervability

kubectl apply -f observability/metric.yaml

kubectl -n yatai-system create configmap bentodeployment-dashboard --from-file=./observability/bentodeployment-dashboard.json
kubectl -n yatai-system label configmap bentodeployment-dashboard grafana_dashboard=1

kubectl -n yatai-system create configmap bentofunction-dashboard --from-file=./observability/bentofunction-dashboard.json
kubectl -n yatai-system label configmap bentofunction-dashboard grafana_dashboard=1