Evryone has it's own style. Here are some resources that we have used sueccefully in the past, and can be useful in the future.
- Office green
- hex: #008000
- rgb: [0, 128, 0]
- Steel blue
- hex: #4682b4
- rgb: [70, 130, 180]
- Dark goldenrod
- hex: #b8860b
- rgb: [184, 134, 11]
And alternative to dark goldenrod:
- Orange
- hex: #b8860b
- rgb: [230, 104, 38]
The RColorBrewer
package offers several color palette for R. For Diverging palettes we can use Set2
But remember to check readbility and color-blindness compatibility!
install.packages("RColorBrewer") # CRAN version
colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = my_n, name = "Set2")
Better use them in vectorial format.
- Data viz by Dan Larremore.
- How to make your data POP by Paula Martín (EBD seminar series).