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Freefrom Compensation Backend


FreeFrom is a nonprofit dedicated to helping survivors of domestic violence achieve financial stability. On their website they have a compensation tool where users can answer a series of questions in order to get information about financial resources that are available to them depending on their state.

This repository contains the new Rails backend for the compensation tool and the CMS that allows FreeFrom administrators to change the content in the tool.

Local Development Setup

Install Ruby

Make sure you have ruby version 2.6.3 installed on your local machine, or install it using this guide:

Install PostgreSQL

Install and run a PostgreSQL version 11.4.

Set up database roles

  1. Start a Postgres client session: psql
  2. Create a new user: create user "freefrom-compensation-api-user";
  3. Give that user special permissions: alter user "freefrom-compensation-api-user" with superuser;
  4. Exit out of the client session: exit

Install Rails

Run the command gem install rails (make sure rails --version returns 5.2.3)

Set up app

  1. Clone this repository onto your local machine
  2. cd into the freefrom-compensation-api folder
  3. Run bundle install to install the app's dependencies (run gem install bundler if that doesn't work)
  4. Run rake db:setup to create the test and development databases
  5. Run rake db:migrate to set up the necessary database tables
  6. Run bundle exec rake import_data to import the seed data
  7. Run bundle exec rails s to start the server

API Documentation

Resource Categories

POST /resource_categories**

Creates a new Resource Category.

Request Payload: This endpoint does not require any request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 201 Created status and a new resource category object in the response body.

  "id": 1,
  "name": null,
  "short_description": null,
  "description": null,
  "icon": null,
  "seo_title": null,
  "seo_description": null,
  "seo_keywords": [],
  "share_image": null,
  "created_at": "2019-08-02T16:16:36.282Z",
  "updated_at": "2019-08-02T16:16:36.282Z"

PUT /resource_categories/:id**

Updates an existing Resource Category.

Request Payload: The request payload may include any of the following fields. To leave a field unchanged, just do not include it in the request payload. (Including a field and setting it's value to null in the request payload will erase that field value from the Resource Category.)

Field name Type
short_description string
name string
description string
icon binary
seo_title string
seo_description string
seo_keywords array[string]
share_image binary

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success response and the updated Resource Category in the response body. If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the Resource Category doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

DELETE /resource_categories/:id**

Deletes an existing Resource Category.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 204 No Content response and an empty response body. If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the Resource Category doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

GET /resource_categories/:id

Fetches an existing Resource Category.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success status and a Resource Category in the response body. If the Resource Category doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

GET /resource_categories/

Fetches all existing Resource Category.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success status and an array of Resource Categories in the response body.


POST /resource_categories/:id/resources?state=:state**

Creates a new Resource.

Request Params: This endpoint requires that a valid US state code (e.g. "NY" or "ME") be passed in with the state param.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 201 Created status and a new resource object in the response body.

  "id": 1,
  "state": "NY",
  "time": null,
  "cost": null,
  "award": null,
  "likelihood": null,
  "safety": null,
  "story": null,
  "challenges": null,
  "resource_category_id": 2,
  "who": null,
  "when": null,
  "covered_expenses": null,
  "attorney": null,
  "tips": null,
  "created_at": "2019-08-02T16:36:09.933Z",
  "updated_at": "2019-08-02T16:36:09.933Z"

If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the Resource Category ID or state parameter are invalid, this endpoint will return a 400 Bad Request response, along with an error message explaining what went wrong.

PUT /resources/:id**

Updates an existing Resource.

Request Payload: The request payload may include any of the following fields. To leave a field unchanged, just do not include it in the request payload. (Including a field and setting it's value to null in the request payload will erase that field value from the Resource.)

Field name Type
state string
time string
cost string
award string
likelihood string
safety string
story string
challenges string
who string
when string
covered_expenses string
attorney string
tips array[string]
resource_category_id int

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success response and the updated Resource in the response body. If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the Resource doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

DELETE /resources/:id**

Deletes an existing Resource.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 204 No Content response and an empty response body. If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the Resource doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

GET /resources/:id

Fetches an existing Resource.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success status and a Resource in the response body. If the Resource doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

GET /mindsets/:mindset_id/resources?state=:state

Fetches a resource for a particular mindset and state.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires that a valid US state code (e.g. "NY" or "ME") be passed in with the state param.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success status and a Resource in the response body. If the Mindset or Resource doesn't exist, the endpoint will return a 404 Not Found response.


POST /resource_categories/:id/mindsets**

Creates a new Mindset.

Request Params: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 201 Created status and a new Mindset in the response body.

  "id": 1,
  "description": null,
  "name": null,
  "resource_category_id": 1,
  "created_at": "2019-08-02T16:55:56.098Z",
  "updated_at": "2019-08-02T16:55:56.098Z"

If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the ResourceCategory ID is invalid, this endpoint will return a 400 Bad Request response, along with an error message explaining what went wrong.

PUT /mindsets/:id**

Updates an existing Mindset.

Request Payload: The request payload may include any of the following fields. To leave a field unchanged, just do not include it in the request payload. (Including a field and setting its value to null in the request payload will erase that field value from the Mindset.)

Field name Type
name string
description string
resource_category_id int

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success response and the updated Mindset in the response body. If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the Mindset doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

DELETE /mindsets/:id**

Deletes an existing Mindset.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 204 No Content response and an empty response body. If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the Mindset doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

GET /mindsets/:id

Fetches an existing Mindset.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success status and a Mindset in the response body. If the Mindset doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response

GET /mindsets

Fetches all existing Mindsets.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success status and an array of Mindsets (or an empty array if no Mindsets exist) in the response body.


POST /quiz_questions/**

Creates a new Quiz Question.

Request Params: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 201 Created status and a new Quiz Question in the response body.

  "id": 1,
  "title": null,
  "description": null,
  "created_at": "2019-08-02T16:55:56.098Z",
  "updated_at": "2019-08-02T16:55:56.098Z"

If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status.

PUT /quiz_questions/:id**

Updates an existing QuizQuestion.

Request Payload: The request payload may include any of the following fields. To leave a field unchanged, just do not include it in the request payload. (Including a field and setting its value to null in the request payload will erase that field value from the QuizQuestion.)

Field name Type
title string
description string

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success response and the updated Quiz Question in the response body. If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the Quiz Question doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

DELETE /quiz_questions/:id**

Deletes an existing Quiz Question.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 204 No Content response and an empty response body. If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the Quiz Question doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

GET /quiz_questions/:id

Fetches an existing Quiz Question.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success status and a Quiz Question in the response body. If the Quiz Question doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response

GET /quiz_questions

Fetches all existing QuizQuestions.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success status and an array of QuizQuestions

GET /quiz_questions/quiz_responses

Fetches all QuizResponses associated with a QuizQuestion.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success status and a list of Quiz Responses in the response body. If the Quiz Question doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.


POST /quiz_questions/:id/quiz_responses**

Creates a new QuizResponse.

Request Params: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 201 Created status and a new QuizResponse in the response body.

  "id": 1,
  "text": null,
  "quiz_question_id": 1,
  "created_at": "2019-08-02T16:55:56.098Z",
  "updated_at": "2019-08-02T16:55:56.098Z"

If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the QuizQuestion ID is invalid, this endpoint will return a 400 Bad Request response, along with an error message explaining what went wrong.

PUT /quiz_responses/:id**

Updates an existing QuizResponse.

Request Payload: The request payload may include any of the following fields. To leave a field unchanged, just do not include it in the request payload. (Including a field and setting its value to null in the request payload will erase that field value from the QuizResponse.)

Field name Type
text string
quiz_question_id int
mindset_ids array[int]

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success response and the updated QuizResponse in the response body. If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the QuizResponse doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

DELETE /quiz_responses/:id**

Deletes an existing QuizResponse.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 204 No Content response and an empty response body. If the request was unauthorized, it will return a 302 Redirected status. If the QuizResponse doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found response.

GET /quiz_responses/:id

Fetches an existing QuizResponse.

Request Payload: This endpoint requires no request payload.

Response Payload: On success, this endpoint will return a 200 Success status and a QuizResponse in the response body. If the QuizResponse doesn't exist, it will return a 404 Not Found respons (or an empty array if no QuizQuestions exist) in the response body.

** Requires a user logged in


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