The Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit (KLT) provides a “cloud-native” approach for managing the application release lifecycle with pre- and post-deployment evaluations and tasks. It also supports application health checks, metrics, and observability. It is an incubating project, under the umbrella of the Keptn Application Lifecycle working group.
Status of the different features:
Observability: expose OTel metrics and traces of your deployment.
K8s Custom Metrics: expose your Observability platform via the Custom Metric API.
Release lifecycle: handle pre- and post-checks of your Application deployment.
Certificate Manager: automatically configure TLS certificates with the Keptn Certificate Manager. You can instead configure your own certificate manager to provide secure communication with the Kube API.
The status follows the Kubernetes API versioning schema.
For more info about the features, please refer to our documentation. The documentation also includes information about installing the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit and migrating to it from Keptn v1.
Click to watch it on YouTube:
- Kubernetes >=1.24 is needed to deploy the Lifecycle Toolkit
- The Lifecycle Toolkit is currently not compatible with vcluster
Use the following command sequence to install the latest release of the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit:
helm repo add klt
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install keptn klt/klt -n keptn-lifecycle-toolkit-system --create-namespace --wait
For installing the Lifecycle Toolkit via manifests use:
kubectl apply -f
The Lifecycle Toolkit uses the OpenTelemetry collector to provide a vendor-agnostic implementation of how to receive, process and export telemetry data. To install it, follow their installation instructions. We provide some information about this in our observability example.
The Lifecycle Toolkit includes a Mutating Webhook which requires TLS certificates to be mounted as a volume in its pod. The certificate creation is handled automatically by klt-cert-manager. Versions 0.6.0 and earlier have a hard dependency on the cert-manager. See installation guideline for more info.
The Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit provides Cloud Native teams with the following capabilities:
- Pre-requisite evaluation before deploying workloads and applications
- Finding out when an application (not just a workload) is ready and working
- Checking the Application Health in a declarative (cloud-native) way
- Standardized way to run pre- and post-deployment tasks
- Provide out-of-the-box Observability of the deployment cycle
The Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit can be seen as a general purpose and declarative Level 3 operator for your Application. For this reason, the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit is agnostic to deployment tools that are used and works with any GitOps solution.
The Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit is composed of the following components:
- Keptn Lifecycle Operator
- Keptn Scheduler
The Keptn Lifecycle Operator contains several controllers for Keptn CRDs and a Mutating Webhook. The Keptn Scheduler ensures that Pods are started only after the pre-deployment checks have finished successfully.
A Kubernetes Manifest. which is annotated with Keptn specific annotations, is applied to the Kubernetes Cluster. Afterward, the Keptn Scheduler is injected (via Mutating Webhook), and Kubernetes Events for Pre-Deployment are sent to the event stream. The Event Controller watches for events and triggers a Kubernetes Job to fullfil the Pre-Deployment. After the Pre-Deployment has finished, the Keptn Scheduler schedules the Pod to be deployed. The KeptnApp and KeptnWorkload Controllers watch for the workload resources to finish and then generate a Post-Deployment Event. After the Post-Deployment checks, SLOs can be validated using an interface for retrieving SLI data from a provider e.g, Prometheus. Finally, the Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit exposes Metrics and Traces of the entire Deployment cycle with OpenTelemetry.
Annotating a namespace subjects it to the effects of the mutating webhook:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: podtato-kubectl
annotations: "enabled" # this line tells the webhook to handle the namespace
The mutating webhook only modifies specifically annotated resources in the annotated namespace. When the webhook receives a request for a new pod, it looks for the workload annotations: "some-workload-name"
The mutation consists in changing the scheduler used for the deployment with the Keptn Scheduler. The webhook then creates a workload and app resource per annotated resource. You can also specify a custom app definition with the annotation: "your-app-name"
In this case the webhook does not generate an app,
but it expects that the user will provide one.
Additionally, it computes a version string,
using a hash function that takes certain properties of the pod as parameters
(e.g. the images of its containers).
Next, it looks for an existing instance of a Workload CRD
for the specified workload name:
- If it finds the
, it updates its version according to the previously computed version string. In addition, it includes a reference to the ReplicaSet UID of the pod (i.e. the Pods owner), or the pod itself, if it does not have an owner. - If it does not find a workload instance, it creates one containing the previously computed version string. In addition, it includes a reference to the ReplicaSet UID of the pod (i.e. the Pods owner), or the pod itself, if it does not have an owner.
It uses the following annotations for the specification
of the pre/post deployment checks that should be executed for the Workload
: task1,task2 task1,task2
and for the Evaluations: my-evaluation-definition my-eval-definition
After either one of those actions has been taken, the webhook sets the scheduler of the pod and allows the pod to be scheduled.
After the Webhook mutation, the Keptn-Scheduler handles the annotated resources. The scheduling flow follows the default scheduler behavior, since it implements a scheduler plugin based on the scheduling framework. For each pod, at the very end of the scheduling cycle, the plugin verifies that the pre deployment checks have terminated by retrieving the current status of the WorkloadInstance. Only when that is successful is the pod bound to a node.
The GitHub CLI can be used to download the manifests of the latest CI build.
gh run list --repo keptn/lifecycle-toolkit # find the id of a run
gh run download 3152895000 --repo keptn/lifecycle-toolkit # download the artifacts
kubectl apply -f ./keptn-lifecycle-operator-manifest/release.yaml # install the lifecycle-operator
kubectl apply -f ./scheduler-manifest/release.yaml # install the scheduler
Instead, if you want to build and deploy the operator into your cluster directly from the code, you can type:
# (optional)ARCH=<amd64(default)|arm64v8>
# (optional)CHART_APPVERSION=<YOUR_PREFERRED_TAG (defaulting to current time)>
# Build and deploy the dev images to the current kubernetes cluster
make build-deploy-dev-environment
Please find more information in the LICENSE file.
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