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Model Library Overview


Based on the ImageNet1k classification dataset, the 23 classification network structures supported by PaddleClas and the corresponding 117 image classification pretrained models are shown below. Training trick, a brief introduction to each series of network structures, and performance evaluation will be shown in the corresponding chapters.

Evaluation environment

  • CPU evaluation environment is based on Snapdragon 855 (SD855).
  • The GPU evaluation environment is based on V100 and TensorRT, and the evaluation script is as follows.
#!/usr/bin/env bash


python tools/infer/ \
    --model_file='pretrained/infer/model' \
    --params_file='pretrained/infer/params' \
    --enable_benchmark=True \
    --model_name=ResNet50_vd \
    --use_tensorrt=True \
    --use_fp16=False \

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Pretrained model list and download address

Note: The pretrained models of EfficientNetB1-B7 in the above models are transferred from pytorch version of EfficientNet, and the ResNeXt101_wsl series of pretrained models are transferred from Official repo, the remaining pretrained models are obtained by training with the PaddlePaddle framework, and the corresponding training hyperparameters are given in configs.


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