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Table of Contents

Note: Setup must be done

Note: Either Fresh Database Configuration OR Database Import Configuration must be done

Windows Step-by-Step Setup Manual

Warning: Please do not skip any steps

Description Note
Download the mySQL installer for windows at
Select Custom Setup Type
Select MySQL Server, MySQL Workbench, and Connector/ODBC from available products
Execute and proceed until adding password to root account
Proceed until install is done
Open a command prompt
Enter mysql -u root -p and enter password
Enter SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost='';
Enter CREATE DATABASE oaies; Or any other database name. But it must be changed in the file
Open scripts folder (in the python folder in appdata/program) where pip is located in cmd
Enter pip install mysqlclient
Enter pip install django-utils-six
Enter pip install pdfplumber
Enter pip install django-quill-editor
Enter pip install django-tinymce
Enter pip install virtualenv
Enter pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
Enter mkvirtualenv foldername
Download project zip
Unzip downloaded project files into the created virtual env folder
Open the folder containing, enter cmd in the folder path to open a command prompt with the path Always Do This before running the server or performing runserver
Enter python makemigrations
Enter python migrate
Enter python runserver This step is only to confirm it works.

Run this command every time to run server
Close cmd to stop server from running
Perform these steps next - Configuration Must be done before using system/application

MacOS Step-by-Step Setup Manual

Warning: Please do not skip any steps

Warning: Please install homebrew for your specific OS

Description Note
Open a terminal
Enter /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" Install homebrew only for users running macOS High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, or earlier
Enter /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" Install homebrew only for users running macOs Catalina, Mojave, or Big Sur, or later
Enter brew install mysql
Open a terminal window
Enter mysql -u root -p and enter password Note: try mysql.server start if unable to start sql
Enter SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost='';
Enter CREATE DATABASE oaies; Or any other database name. But it must be changed in the file
Enter brew install python3
Enter sudo easy_install pip
Enter sudo pip install virtualenv
Enter virtualenv foldername
Enter cd foldername MUST CD INTO THE FOLDER
Enter python -m pip install Django
Enter pip install mysqlclient
Enter pip install django-utils-six
Enter pip install pdfplumber
Enter pip install django-quill-editor
Enter pip install django-tinymce
Download project zip
Extract downloaded zip to virtual env folder created
Open the folder containing the file,
then, right click on the folder name on the folder path,
then select open in terminal

Or just manually cd into the folder containing the file in terminal
Always Do This before running the server or performing runserver
Enter python makemigrations
Enter python migrate
Enter python runserver This step is only to confirm it works.

Run this command every time to run server
Press ctrl+C to stop server from running
Perform these steps next - Configuration

Step-by-Step One-Time Configuration

Warning: This is required (only once during setup for the first time/or the resetting of the database), if not you cannot use the system/application

Warning: Please do not skip any steps, unless it is an optional steps marked with +

Step Description Screenshot/Note
1 Create a superuser with python createsuperuser Note: If this step fails, or is unable to login, Use step 1.+
1.+ First, Comment out the following in register/

Note: In the original untouched,
all the commented out lines in the screenshot is not commented out by default

Note: This is what it should look like after performing this step
1.+ Then, in register/ uncomment highlighted Guide6

Note: This is what it should look like after performing this step
1.+ Then, in register/ comment out the highlighted

(Note: role field is neccessary to assign user to group)

(Warning: role field will interfere with creating superuser if present)

Note: This is what it should look like after performing this step
1.+ Then, in templates/registerUser.html comment out line3, line4 and line 17 to line 72 Guide9

Note: This is what it should look like after performing this step
1.+ Then, in templates/registerUser.html uncomment line73 and line74

Note: To uncomment,
just remove {% comment %}
and remove {% endcomment %}
from line73 and line74

Note: This is what it should look like after performing this step
2 CD into folder w/ then enter python runserver to run server
3 Go to and create superuser Note: Tick both staff and superuser when registering
+ This error will appear, ignore it Guide8
4 Open a browser and enter
5 Login with the superuser login created
+ If used step 1.+ to create superuser, and is able to login to admin panel, UNDO all step 1.+ Note: VERY IMPORTANT STEP
6 Go to, and select add to add groups

(Note: Please follow order of adding groups)
7 Add the following permissions to the Admin group, then save Guide2
8 Add the following permissions to the Educator group, then save

Filter: build, then choose all

Note: all except admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions permissions
9 Add the following permissions to the Student group, then save Guide3
10 To create admin account,

Comment out group_required only (like in the above step),

Go to and create admin account,

then uncomment group_required again.

(Note: Do this while logged into the superuser account)

(Note: This is important to add users for the application/system)

(Warning: Must uncomment group_required Otherwise, any user can create users)
11 Once admin account(s) is created, Log out of superuser account and login to created admin account
12 (While Logged into the Admin Account)

Create Educator account(s) and Student account(s)

Educator accounts can create test/quizes/modules and etc.

Student accounts can attempt created tests/quizes

Step-by-Step Existing Database Configuration

Step Note
Follow setup manual for your specific OS in the Manuals folder first then perform the below steps
Download MySQL workbench
Open the database folder
Select Instance of mysql connection
Click on data import/restore
Select Dump20220217 folder inside the Database folder to be imported
Superuser Account Credentials

- To access admin panel
Username: Owner

Password: oaies@123
Admin Account Credentials

- Account used to create new admin, educator, and student accounts
Username: Admin

Password: oaies@123

Step-by-Step Manual Superuser Creation

Must have completed the setup and either the new database config or the existing database import config
Use existing superuser account to login to system
Access admin panel @
Create New User
Enter desired credentials/info
Set as staff and superuser status on
Create New Profile
Link the new profile to new user

- important as profile model is linked to the user model

Step-by-Step Manual Admin Creation

Log into the existing admin account
Go to
Create a new admin account

- double check role selection and select Admin

To remove two existing user accounts in existing database imported

Note: Only for those who had used the imported database

Warning: Do not perform this step before creating your own superuser and admin account and before double checking newly created superuser and admin account works

Login to superuser account
Go to
Select accounts to be deleted
Delete them