diff --git a/packages/rscontext/rscontext/layer_descriptions.json b/packages/rscontext/rscontext/layer_descriptions.json index a593d25b3..1ced8dff1 100644 --- a/packages/rscontext/rscontext/layer_descriptions.json +++ b/packages/rscontext/rscontext/layer_descriptions.json @@ -1,145 +1,247 @@ { - "DEM": ["National Elevation Dataset (NED) Digital Elevation Models (DEM). These DEMs are downloaded from Science Base and mosaiced into a single 10m DEM that covers the riverscapes context project extent. The output raster data extent is clipped to the watershed boundary.", - "https://gdg.sc.egov.usda.gov/Catalog/ProductDescription/NED.html", - ""], - "HILLSHADE": ["Hillshade raster generated from the NED DEM using the gdal_dem tool specifying the hillshade option. This raster has the same raster properties and data extent as the DEM.", - "https://gdal.org/programs/gdaldem.html", - ""], - "SLOPE": ["Slope raster generated from the NED DEM using gdal_dem tool specifying the slope option. Units are in percent. This raster has the same raster properties and data extent as the DEM.", - "https://gdal.org/programs/gdaldem.html", - ""], - "EXVEG": ["LandFire Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) raster: Complexes of plant communities representing NatureServe's terrestrial Ecological Systems classification. Version 2.1.0 LF REMAP 2019: Reflects change and disturbance since completion of LF 2016 Remap, including the years of 2017, 2018, and 2019. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent. This raster has the same raster properties and data extent as the DEM.", - "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", - "2.2.0"], - "HISTVEG": ["LandFire BioPhysical Settings (BPS) raster: Vegetation system that may have been dominant on the landscape pre Euro-American settlement. Version 2.1.0 LF REMAP 2019: Reflects change and disturbance since completion of LF 2016 Remap, including the years of 2017, 2018, and 2019. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", - "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", - "2.2.0"], - "VEGCOVER": ["LandFire Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) raster: Vertically projected percent cover of the live canopy layer for a specific area. Version 2.2.0: Reflects adjustments to vegetation and fuels since LF 2016 Remap in disturbed areas for disturbances recorded in 2017-2020. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", - "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", - "2.2.0"], - "VEGHEIGHT": ["LandFire Existing Vegetation Height (EVH) raster: Average height of the dominant vegetation. Version 2.2.0: Reflects adjustments to vegetation and fuels since LF 2016 Remap in disturbed areas for disturbances recorded in 2017-2020. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", - "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", - "2.2.0"], - "HDIST": ["LandFire Historical Disturbance (HDst) raster: The latest 10 years of Annual Disturbance products are used to identify disturbance year, type, and severity. Starting with LF Remap, HDist replaces VDist from previous LF versions incorporating pre-disturbance vegetation logic (based on disturbance year and vegetation type). The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", - "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", - "2.2.0"], - "FDIST": ["LandFire Fuel Disturbance (FDst) raster: The latest 10 years of Annual Disturbance products representing disturbance year and original disturbance code. FDist was a refinement of VDist in LF 1.x products and is a refinement of Historical Disturbance in LF Remap to more accurately represent disturbance scenarios within the fuels environment. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", - "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", - "2.2.0"], - "FCCS": ["LandFire Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS) raster: Describes the phsical characteristics of a relatively uniform unit on a lanscape that represents a distinct fire environment; provides land managers, regulators, and scientists with a nationally consistent and durable procedure to characterize and classify fuelbed characteristics to predict fuel consumption and smoke production. For LF Remap, FCCS will be released as part of the final release for CONUS. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", - "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", - "2.2.0"], - "VEGCONDITION": ["LandFire Vegetation Condition Class (VCC) raster: A discrete metric that quantifies the amount that current vegetation has departed from the simulated historical vegetation reference conditions. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", - "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", - "2.2.0"], - "VEGDEPARTURE": ["LandFire Vegetation Depature (VDEP) raster: Range from 0-100 depicting the amount that current vegetation has departed from simulated historical vegetation reference. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", - "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", - "2.2.0"], - "SCLASS": ["LandFire Succession Classes (SCla) raster: Current vegetation conditions with respect to vegetation species composition, cover, and height ranges of successional states occurring within each biophysical setting. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", - "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", - "2.2.0"], - "OWNERSHIP": ["Land ownership obtained from the Bureau of Management (BLM) Land Surface Agency. A single ShapeFile was downloaded and then pre-processed to remove invalid geometries and other irregularities.", - "https://landscape.blm.gov/geoportal/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B2A8B8906-7711-4AF7-9510-C6C7FD991177%7D", - ""], - "FAIR_MARKET": ["Fair Market Value raster generated from research by Christoph Nolte. This raster was downloaded and converted to US dollars per hectare.", - "https://placeslab.org/fmv-usa/", - "October 2020"], - "ECOREGIONS": ["Level IV ecoregions (also contains levels I-III) obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).", - "https://gaftp.epa.gov/EPADataCommons/ORD/Ecoregions/us/Eco_Level_IV_US.html", - "2013-04-16"], - "STATES": ["State boundaries obtained from the US Census Bureau.", - "https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/cartographic-boundary.html", - "2021"], - "COUNTIES": ["County boundaries obtained from the US Census Bureau.", - "https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/cartographic-boundary.html", - "2021"], - "GEOLOGY": ["Shapefile of geologic units from the State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) available via the USGS; the dataset is a compiliation of geologic maps from each state with a field added ('GENERALIZE') for consistent symbology across the country.", - "https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/5888bf4fe4b05ccb964bab9d", - "1.1"], - "PPT": ["PRISM 30 year normal precipitation raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", - "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", - "1991-2020"], - "TMEAN": ["PRISM 30 year normal mean temperature raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", - "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", - "1991-2020"], - "TMIN": ["PRISM 30 year normal minimum temperature raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", - "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", - "1991-2020"], - "TMAX": ["PRISM 30 year normal maximum temperature raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", - "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", - "1991-2020"], - "TDMEAN": ["PRISM 30 year normal mean dew point temperature raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", - "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", - "1991-2020"], - "VPDMIN": ["PRISM 30 year normal minimum vapor pressure deficit raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", - "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", - "1991-2020"], - "VPDMAX": ["PRISM 30 year normal maximum vapor pressure deficit raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", - "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", - "1991-2020"], - "NETWORK": ["National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD) High Resolution. 1:24,000 stream network polyline feature class. This is the original data downloaded as an ESRI file geodatabase and then converted to an open source GeoPackage.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", - "2017"], - "BUFFEREDCLIP100": ["The riverscapes context project extent polygon buffered by 100m. This polygon can be used to mask rasters with cell sizes less than 100m, to ensure that the resultant dataset always includes every cell that touches the project extent.", - "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR WBD", - ""], - "BUFFEREDCLIP500": ["The riverscapes context project extent polygon buffered by 500m. This polygon can be used to mask rasters with cell sizes less than 500m, to ensure that the resultant dataset always includes every cell that touches the project extent.", - "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR WBD", - ""], - "PROCESSING_EXTENT": ["The riverscapes context project extent polygon clipped to the dem data extent. This polygon can be used ensure that the resultant dataset always includes area within the dem data extent.", - "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR WBD and DEM", - ""], - "NETWORK_CROSSINGS": ["This polyline feeature class is the network featureclass intersected with road and rail crossings and ownership.", - "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR flowlines and transporation features", - ""], - "NETWORK_INTERSECTION": ["The original NHD flow lines intersected with land ownership, road and rail. It includes several attributes from the NHD VAA table, in order to reduce the steps required by subsequent models. The attributes also include US state, ecoregions III and IV, and land ownership. This is the flow line feature class that is intended for use by all downstream models.", - "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR flowlines, transporation, ownership, political boundaries, and ecoregions", - ""], - "NETWORK_SEGMENTED": ["The NHD flow lines previously intersected with land ownership, road and rail. It includes several attributes from the NHD VAA table, in order to reduce the steps required by subsequent models. The attributes also include US state, ecoregions III and IV, and land ownership, subsequently segmented to enforce a maximum length of 300 m", - "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR flowlines, transporation, ownership, political boundaries, and ecoregions", - ""], - "CATCHMENTS": ["The NHD Plus Catchment layer clipped to the riverscapes context project extent. It includes several attributes from the NHD VAA table, in order to reduce the steps required by subsequent models.", - "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR Catchments", - ""], - "NHDAREASPLIT": ["The NHD Area layer split using the NHD Plus Catchment Layer, with the 'NHDPlusID' field from the Catchments attributed to each resulting NHD Area feature. This layer is intended to be used by other models when they need to use the NHD flow area dataset. The segmented geometries in this layer are intended to prevent errors in other models because the original NHD data can include vast feeatures that extend well beyond the watershed boundary extent.", - "Layer generated from NHDArea and NHDPlusCatchment layers", - ""], - "NHDWATERBODYSPLIT": ["The NHD Waterbody layer split using the NHD Plus Catchment Layer, with the 'NHDPlusID' field from the Catchments attributed to each resulting NHD Area feature. This layer is intended to be used by other models when they need to use the NHD waterbody dataset. This is done so that the NHDPlusID field can be joined to the NHD VAA table to attribute waterbody features with the level path they are a part of.", - "", - ""], - "NHDFlowline": ["NHDFlowline is the fundamental flow network consisting predominantly of stream/river and artificial path vector features. It represents the spatial geometry, carries the attributes, and contains linear referencing measures for locating features or “events” on the network. Additional NHDFlowline features are canal/ditch, pipeline, connector, underground conduit, and coastline.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", - "2017"], - "NHDFlowlineVAA": ["", "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", "2017"], - "NHDCatchmentVAA": ["", "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", "2017"], - "NHDArea": ["NHDArea contains many additional water-polygon features. One of the more important is the stream/river feature. It represents the areal extent of the water in a wide stream/river with a basic set of attributes. These polygons typically encompass NHDFlowline artificial paths that represent the stream network. Artificial path carries the critical attributes of the stream/river, whereas NHDArea represents the geometric extent.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", - "2017"], - "NHDPlusCatchment": ["NHDPlusCatchment represent drainage wings within watersheds.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", - "2017"], - "NHDWaterbody": ["Waterbodies such as lake/pond features are represented in NHDWaterbody. They portray the spatial geometry and the attributes of the feature. These water polygons may have NHDFlowline artificial paths drawn through them to allow the representation of water flow direction. Other NHDWaterbody features are swamp/marsh, reservoir, playa, estuary, and ice mass.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", - "2017"], - "WBDHU2": ["The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", - "2014"], - "WBDHU4": ["The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", - "2014"], - "WBDHU6": ["The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", - "2014"], - "WBDHU8": ["The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", - "2014"], - "WBDHU10": ["The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", - "2014"], - "WBDHU12": ["The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", - "2014"], - "VAATABLE": ["A set of NHDPlus HR attributes called the Value-Added Attributes (VAAs) boost nhd analytic power by pre-calculating a number of network characteristics to make network analysis easier and richer.", - "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/value-added-attributes-vaas", - ""] + "DEM": [ + "National Elevation Dataset (NED) Digital Elevation Models (DEM). These DEMs are downloaded from Science Base and mosaiced into a single 10m DEM that covers the riverscapes context project extent. The output raster data extent is clipped to the watershed boundary.", + "https://gdg.sc.egov.usda.gov/Catalog/ProductDescription/NED.html", + "" + ], + "HILLSHADE": [ + "Hillshade raster generated from the NED DEM using the gdal_dem tool specifying the hillshade option. This raster has the same raster properties and data extent as the DEM.", + "https://gdal.org/programs/gdaldem.html", + "" + ], + "SLOPE": [ + "Slope raster generated from the NED DEM using gdal_dem tool specifying the slope option. Units are in percent. This raster has the same raster properties and data extent as the DEM.", + "https://gdal.org/programs/gdaldem.html", + "" + ], + "EXVEG": [ + "LandFire Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) raster: Complexes of plant communities representing NatureServe's terrestrial Ecological Systems classification. Version 2.1.0 LF REMAP 2019: Reflects change and disturbance since completion of LF 2016 Remap, including the years of 2017, 2018, and 2019. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent. This raster has the same raster properties and data extent as the DEM.", + "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", + "2.2.0" + ], + "HISTVEG": [ + "LandFire BioPhysical Settings (BPS) raster: Vegetation system that may have been dominant on the landscape pre Euro-American settlement. Version 2.1.0 LF REMAP 2019: Reflects change and disturbance since completion of LF 2016 Remap, including the years of 2017, 2018, and 2019. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", + "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", + "2.2.0" + ], + "VEGCOVER": [ + "LandFire Existing Vegetation Cover (EVC) raster: Vertically projected percent cover of the live canopy layer for a specific area. Version 2.2.0: Reflects adjustments to vegetation and fuels since LF 2016 Remap in disturbed areas for disturbances recorded in 2017-2020. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", + "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", + "2.2.0" + ], + "VEGHEIGHT": [ + "LandFire Existing Vegetation Height (EVH) raster: Average height of the dominant vegetation. Version 2.2.0: Reflects adjustments to vegetation and fuels since LF 2016 Remap in disturbed areas for disturbances recorded in 2017-2020. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", + "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", + "2.2.0" + ], + "HDIST": [ + "LandFire Historical Disturbance (HDst) raster: The latest 10 years of Annual Disturbance products are used to identify disturbance year, type, and severity. Starting with LF Remap, HDist replaces VDist from previous LF versions incorporating pre-disturbance vegetation logic (based on disturbance year and vegetation type). The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", + "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", + "2.2.0" + ], + "FDIST": [ + "LandFire Fuel Disturbance (FDst) raster: The latest 10 years of Annual Disturbance products representing disturbance year and original disturbance code. FDist was a refinement of VDist in LF 1.x products and is a refinement of Historical Disturbance in LF Remap to more accurately represent disturbance scenarios within the fuels environment. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", + "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", + "2.2.0" + ], + "FCCS": [ + "LandFire Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS) raster: Describes the phsical characteristics of a relatively uniform unit on a lanscape that represents a distinct fire environment; provides land managers, regulators, and scientists with a nationally consistent and durable procedure to characterize and classify fuelbed characteristics to predict fuel consumption and smoke production. For LF Remap, FCCS will be released as part of the final release for CONUS. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", + "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", + "2.2.0" + ], + "VEGCONDITION": [ + "LandFire Vegetation Condition Class (VCC) raster: A discrete metric that quantifies the amount that current vegetation has departed from the simulated historical vegetation reference conditions. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", + "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", + "2.2.0" + ], + "VEGDEPARTURE": [ + "LandFire Vegetation Depature (VDEP) raster: Range from 0-100 depicting the amount that current vegetation has departed from simulated historical vegetation reference. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", + "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", + "2.2.0" + ], + "SCLASS": [ + "LandFire Succession Classes (SCla) raster: Current vegetation conditions with respect to vegetation species composition, cover, and height ranges of successional states occurring within each biophysical setting. The source is a single raster for the entire nation that is downloaded and then clipped to the riverscapes context project extent.", + "https://landfire.gov/data_overviews.php", + "2.2.0" + ], + "OWNERSHIP": [ + "Land ownership obtained from the Bureau of Management (BLM) Land Surface Agency. A single ShapeFile was downloaded and then pre-processed to remove invalid geometries and other irregularities.", + "https://landscape.blm.gov/geoportal/catalog/search/resource/details.page?uuid=%7B2A8B8906-7711-4AF7-9510-C6C7FD991177%7D", + "" + ], + "FAIR_MARKET": [ + "Fair Market Value raster generated from research by Christoph Nolte. This raster was downloaded and converted to US dollars per hectare.", + "https://placeslab.org/fmv-usa/", + "October 2020" + ], + "ECOREGIONS": [ + "Level IV ecoregions (also contains levels I-III) obtained from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).", + "https://gaftp.epa.gov/EPADataCommons/ORD/Ecoregions/us/Eco_Level_IV_US.html", + "2013-04-16" + ], + "STATES": [ + "State boundaries obtained from the US Census Bureau.", + "https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/cartographic-boundary.html", + "2021" + ], + "COUNTIES": [ + "County boundaries obtained from the US Census Bureau.", + "https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/cartographic-boundary.html", + "2021" + ], + "GEOLOGY": [ + "Shapefile of geologic units from the State Geologic Map Compilation (SGMC) available via the USGS; the dataset is a compiliation of geologic maps from each state with a field added ('GENERALIZE') for consistent symbology across the country.", + "https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/5888bf4fe4b05ccb964bab9d", + "1.1" + ], + "PPT": [ + "PRISM 30 year normal precipitation raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", + "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", + "1991-2020" + ], + "TMEAN": [ + "PRISM 30 year normal mean temperature raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", + "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", + "1991-2020" + ], + "TMIN": [ + "PRISM 30 year normal minimum temperature raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", + "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", + "1991-2020" + ], + "TMAX": [ + "PRISM 30 year normal maximum temperature raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", + "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", + "1991-2020" + ], + "TDMEAN": [ + "PRISM 30 year normal mean dew point temperature raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", + "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", + "1991-2020" + ], + "VPDMIN": [ + "PRISM 30 year normal minimum vapor pressure deficit raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", + "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", + "1991-2020" + ], + "VPDMAX": [ + "PRISM 30 year normal maximum vapor pressure deficit raster. Normals are baseline datasets describing average monthly and annual conditions over the most recent three full decades.", + "https://prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/", + "1991-2020" + ], + "NETWORK": [ + "National Hydrologic Dataset (NHD) High Resolution. 1:24,000 stream network polyline feature class. This is the original data downloaded as an ESRI file geodatabase and then converted to an open source GeoPackage.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", + "2017" + ], + "BUFFEREDCLIP100": [ + "The riverscapes context project extent polygon buffered by 100m. This polygon can be used to mask rasters with cell sizes less than 100m, to ensure that the resultant dataset always includes every cell that touches the project extent.", + "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR WBD", + "" + ], + "BUFFEREDCLIP500": [ + "The riverscapes context project extent polygon buffered by 500m. This polygon can be used to mask rasters with cell sizes less than 500m, to ensure that the resultant dataset always includes every cell that touches the project extent.", + "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR WBD", + "" + ], + "PROCESSING_EXTENT": [ + "The riverscapes context project extent polygon clipped to the dem data extent. This polygon can be used ensure that the resultant dataset always includes area within the dem data extent.", + "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR WBD and DEM", + "" + ], + "NETWORK_CROSSINGS": [ + "This polyline feeature class is the network featureclass intersected with road and rail crossings and ownership.", + "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR flowlines and transporation features", + "" + ], + "NETWORK_INTERSECTION": [ + "The original NHD flow lines intersected with land ownership, road and rail. It includes several attributes from the NHD VAA table, in order to reduce the steps required by subsequent models. The attributes also include US state, ecoregions III and IV, and land ownership. This is the flow line feature class that is intended for use by all downstream models.", + "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR flowlines, transporation, ownership, political boundaries, and ecoregions", + "" + ], + "NETWORK_SEGMENTED": [ + "The NHD flow lines previously intersected with land ownership, road and rail. It includes several attributes from the NHD VAA table, in order to reduce the steps required by subsequent models. The attributes also include US state, ecoregions III and IV, and land ownership, subsequently segmented to enforce a maximum length of 300 m", + "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR flowlines, transporation, ownership, political boundaries, and ecoregions", + "" + ], + "CATCHMENTS": [ + "The NHD Plus Catchment layer clipped to the riverscapes context project extent. It includes several attributes from the NHD VAA table, in order to reduce the steps required by subsequent models.", + "Layer generated from NHDPlusHR Catchments", + "" + ], + "NHDAREASPLIT": [ + "The NHD Area layer split using the NHD Plus Catchment Layer, with the 'NHDPlusID' field from the Catchments attributed to each resulting NHD Area feature. This layer is intended to be used by other models when they need to use the NHD flow area dataset. The segmented geometries in this layer are intended to prevent errors in other models because the original NHD data can include vast feeatures that extend well beyond the watershed boundary extent.", + "Layer generated from NHDArea and NHDPlusCatchment layers", + "" + ], + "NHDWATERBODYSPLIT": [ + "The NHD Waterbody layer split using the NHD Plus Catchment Layer, with the 'NHDPlusID' field from the Catchments attributed to each resulting NHD Area feature. This layer is intended to be used by other models when they need to use the NHD waterbody dataset. This is done so that the NHDPlusID field can be joined to the NHD VAA table to attribute waterbody features with the level path they are a part of.", + "", + "" + ], + "NHDFlowline": [ + "NHDFlowline is the fundamental flow network consisting predominantly of stream/river and artificial path vector features. It represents the spatial geometry, carries the attributes, and contains linear referencing measures for locating features or “events” on the network. Additional NHDFlowline features are canal/ditch, pipeline, connector, underground conduit, and coastline.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", + "2017" + ], + "NHDFlowlineVAA": [ + "", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", + "2017" + ], + "NHDCatchmentVAA": [ + "", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", + "2017" + ], + "NHDArea": [ + "NHDArea contains many additional water-polygon features. One of the more important is the stream/river feature. It represents the areal extent of the water in a wide stream/river with a basic set of attributes. These polygons typically encompass NHDFlowline artificial paths that represent the stream network. Artificial path carries the critical attributes of the stream/river, whereas NHDArea represents the geometric extent.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", + "2017" + ], + "NHDPlusCatchment": [ + "NHDPlusCatchment represent drainage wings within watersheds.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", + "2017" + ], + "NHDWaterbody": [ + "Waterbodies such as lake/pond features are represented in NHDWaterbody. They portray the spatial geometry and the attributes of the feature. These water polygons may have NHDFlowline artificial paths drawn through them to allow the representation of water flow direction. Other NHDWaterbody features are swamp/marsh, reservoir, playa, estuary, and ice mass.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/nhdplus-high-resolution", + "2017" + ], + "WBDHU2": [ + "The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", + "2014" + ], + "WBDHU4": [ + "The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", + "2014" + ], + "WBDHU6": [ + "The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", + "2014" + ], + "WBDHU8": [ + "The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", + "2014" + ], + "WBDHU10": [ + "The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", + "2014" + ], + "WBDHU12": [ + "The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a seamless, national hydrologic unit dataset. Hydrologic units represent the area of the landscape that drains to a portion of the stream network. WBD contains eight levels of progressive hydrologic units identified by unique 2- to 16-digit codes.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/watershed-boundary-dataset", + "2014" + ], + "VAATABLE": [ + "A set of NHDPlus HR attributes called the Value-Added Attributes (VAAs) boost nhd analytic power by pre-calculating a number of network characteristics to make network analysis easier and richer.", + "https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/value-added-attributes-vaas", + "" + ] } \ No newline at end of file