Installing Angular CLI globally on the machine: npm install -g @angular/cli
In MAC - add "sudo" at the beginning of the command.
Generating new Angular project folder with all the dependencies: ng new PROJECT_NAME
Project name can not be test
or starting with a number
Running Angular server on port 4200
: ng serve
Server URL: localhost:4200
Installing Angular Material locally in the project: ng add @angular/material
Generate a new component to the project by the CLI: ng g c COMPONENT_PATH_AND_NAME --skipTests
Remove --skipTests
if interested in the spec file
Prepare all front-end files for deploying the app: ng build --prod
Destination folder can be set under angular.json
file -> outputPath
Run the following to analyse non updated packages: ng update
- Create file with the following format:
- File content:
PIPE_NAME: The string which will be used to activate the pipe. Lower case letters only.
PIPE_CLASS: Similar to PIPE_NAME, first letter upper case.
PARAMETERS: Define parameters to custom pipe on use.
NEW_VALUE: The value to transform to.
import { PipeTransform, Pipe } from '@angular/core';
name: '[PIPE_NAME]'
export class [PIPE_CLASS]Pipe implements PipeTransform {
transform([PARAMETERS]]) {
return [NEW_VALUE];
- Import the class into
file and use it indelcarations:
Instead of importing and exporting the same module in NgModule
, we can use the shortcut - use exports:
imports: [
exports: [
export class AngularMaterialModule {}
Replace with:
exports: [
export class AngularMaterialModule {}