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VPLanet Examples

This subdirectory contains examples of numerous ways to use VPLanet. A brief description of each is provided below, arranged by topic [with modules listed in brackets]. Click on the directory to see VPLanet input files, python scripts, plots, and more description of the physics. Use these VPLanet input files and python scripts to reproduce published figures, or as a starting point to begin your own fundamental research. The simulations used to generate these figures are validated with continuous integration with the identical, or representative, initial conditions (except for ParameterSweep, which is an example of how to survey a set of initial conditions). Looking for something not present? E-mail Rory Barnes, [email protected], to inquire if that functionality is available and validated.

To run the python scripts and generate the figures in the subdirectories, you must install vplot. Note, however, that you can run VPLanet with installing vplot and use your preferred method to visualize the output.


ParameterSweep: Example of how to use the included tools to generate, run, and visualize a parameter sweep. [vpsace, multi-planet, bigplanet]

Atmospheric Escape

AbioticO2: Production of abiotic oxygen on terrestrial worlds due to water photolyzation and hydrogen escape. [AtmEsc, STELLAR]

AtmEscKepler-36: Energy-limited hydrogen envelope loss due to stellar XUV flux. [AtmEsc, STELLAR]

AtmEscRegimes: Hydrogen envelope loss due to Roche lobe overflow, radiation-recombination-limited escape, energy-limited escape, and "automatic" loss in which the local environment sets the escape rate. [AtmEsc, STELLAR]

DiffLimWaterEscape: Water photolysis with hydrogen and oxygen escape via diffusion-limited and energy-limited escape. [AtmEsc, STELLAR]

HabEvapCores: Transition of Proxima b from a mini-Neptune to a habitable evaporated core via hydrogen loss. [AtmEsc, STELLAR]

HLossTides: Coupled atmospheric escape and tidal evolution for the CPL tidal model with hydrogen escape via energy-limited, radiation-recombination-limited, Bondi-limited, and automatic models. [AtmEsc, EqTide, STELLAR]

MagmOc_Earth: Earth's magma ocean evolution, ignoring tidal or radiogenic heating. [AtmEsc, MagmOc, Stellar]

MagmOc_GJ1132b: GJ 1132 b's magma ocean evolution, ignoring tidal or radiogenic heating. [AtmEsc, MagmOc, Stellar]

MagmOc_Trappist1g: Trappist-1 g's magma ocean evolution, including tidal and radiogenic heating. [AtmEsc, EqTide, MagmOc, RadHeat, Stellar]

MiniNeptuneEvap: Removal of a mini-Neptune's isothermal hydrogen atmosphere by high energy radiation and/or Roche lobe overflow. [AtmEsc, STELLAR]

NBodyAtmEsc: Coupled envelope loss and N-Body evolution in the pulsar planet system PSR1257+12. [AtmEsc, SpiNBody]

VenusWaterLoss: Water loss from Venus due to water photolyzation and hydrogen escape. [AtmEsc, STELLAR]

WaterLossTides: Evolution of a planet losing water from photolysis and hydrogen escape while it tidally evolves. [AtmEsc, EqTide, STELLAR]


EarthClimate: Energy balance climate model of Earth over one year, as well as ice sheet growth and retreat on long timescales due to orbital and rotational forcings, i.e. Milankovitch Cycles. [DistOrb, DistRot, POISE]

IceBelts: Formation of equatorial ice belts on planets with high obliquity. [POISE]

Galactic Effects

GalaxyEffects: Evolution of a wide binary's orbit due to the galactic tide, perturbations from passing stars, and radial migration in the galaxy. [GalHabit]


EarthInterior: Evolution of Earth's thermal and magnetic properties (plate tectonics). [RadHeat, ThermInt]

IoHeat: Tidal heating of Io as a function of eccentricity and obliquity according to equilibrium tide theory. [EqTide, VSPACE]

MagmOc_Earth: Earth's magma ocean evolution, ignoring tidal or radiogenic heating. [AtmEsc, MagmOc, Stellar]

MagmOc_GJ1132b: GJ 1132 b's magma ocean evolution, ignoring tidal or radiogenic heating. [AtmEsc, MagmOc, Stellar]

MagmOc_Trappist1g: Trappist-1 g's magma ocean evolution, including tidal and radiogenic heating. [AtmEsc, EqTide, MagmOc, RadHeat, Stellar]

RadHeat: Radiogenic heating evolution in Earth's core, mantle, and crust. [RadHeat]

TidalEarth: Coupled internal/orbital/tidal evolution of Earth if it were in the habitable zone of a low mass star and tidally heated. [EqTide, RadHeat, ThermInt]

VenusApproxInterior: Thermal and magnetic evolution of Venus' interior (stagnant lid). [RadHeat, ThermInt]

Orbital Dynamics

ApseLock: Evolution of a tidally-damped two-planet system into a state in which the major axes circulate with the same frequency. [DistOrb, EqTide]

CassiniStates: Decay of a body's obliquity to a constant value due to perturbations from other bodies and tidal damping. [DistOrb, DistRot, EqTide]

CassiniMulti: Tidal damping of the two planets orbiting Teegarden's Star into Cassini states. [DistOrb, DistRot, EqTide, STELLAR]

ChaoticResonances: Direct, first-principles calculation of a planetary system in a chaotic eccentricity-inclination mean motion resonance. [SpiNBody]

CircumbinaryOrbit: Orbital evolution of a circumbinary planet. [BINARY]

DampedCBP: Evolution of planet orbiting a tidally evolving binary star. [BINARY, EqTide, STELLAR]

EarthClimate: Earth's climate through one year, as well as ice sheet growth and retreat on long timescales due to orbital and rotational forcings, i.e. Milankovitch Cycles. [DistOrb, DistRot, POISE]

NBodyAtmEsc: Coupled envelope loss and N-Body evolution in the pulsar planet system PSR1257+12. [AtmEsc, SpiNBody]

SSDistOrbDistRot: Evolution of the Solar System planets' orbital and rotational angular momenta from approximate models. [DistOrb, DistRot]

SS_NBody: Direct, first-principles calculation of the Solar System's Planets [SpiNBody]

TidalEarth: Coupled internal/orbital/tidal evolution of Earth if it were in the habitable zone of a low mass star and tidally heated. [EqTide, RadHeat, ThermInt]


BinaryTides: Coupled stellar and tidal evolution of short-period binary stars. [EqTide, STELLAR]

MagneticBraking: Rotational evolution of stars under different magnetic braking assumptions. [STELLAR]

STEEP: Tidal evolution of a binary star, including the instability radius for circumbinary planets. [EqTide, STELLAR]

StellarEvol: Pre-main sequence and main sequence evolution of stellar properties. [STELLAR]

HabitableZone: Habitable zone limits for 4.5 Gyr old stars from Kopparapu et al. (2013). [STELLAR]

Tidal Effects

ApseLock: Evolution of a tidally-damped two-planet system into a state in which the major axes circulate with the same frequency. [DistOrb, EqTide]

BinaryTides: Coupled stellar and tidal evolution of short-period binary stars. [EqTide, STELLAR]

CassiniStates: Decay of a body's obliquity to a constant value due to perturbations from other bodies and tidal damping. [DistOrb, DistRot, EqTide]

CassiniMulti: Tidal damping of the two planets orbiting Teegarden's Star into Cassini states. [DistOrb, DistRot, EqTide, STELLAR]

DampedCBP: Evolution of planet orbiting a tidally evolving binary star. [BINARY, EqTide, STELLAR]

HLossTides: Coupled atmospheric escape and tidal evolution for the CPL tidal model with hydrogen escape via energy-limited, radiation-recombination-limited, Bondi-limited, and automatic models. [AtmEsc, EqTide, STELLAR]

IoHeat: Tidal heating of Io as a function of eccentricity and obliquity according to equilibrium tide theory. [EqTide, VSPACE]

MagmOc_Trappist1g: Trappist-1 g's magma ocean evolution, including tidal and radiogenic heating. [AtmEsc, EqTide, MagmOc, RadHeat, Stellar]

STEEP: Tidal evolution of a binary star, including the instability radius for circumbinary planets. [EqTide, STELLAR]

TidalEarth: Coupled internal/orbital/tidal evolution of Earth if it were in the habitable zone of a low mass star and tidally heated. [EqTide, RadHeat, ThermInt]

TideLock: Tidal locking of habitable planets with the CPL and CTL equilibrium tide models. [EqTide]

WaterLossTides: Evolution of a planet losing water from photolysis and hydrogen escape while it tidally evolves. [AtmEsc, EqTide, STELLAR]