Tool for automatic generation of documentation in the form of images. Using Reflections. Find all the classes, which have a custom attribute. Get their links in the form of a graph. Generate file for GraphViz. Visualize your links between DTO. Customize colors and labels.
Implement your theme (IGraphvizTheme) or get DefaultTheme (IGraphvizTheme) from MicroDocum.Themes.DefaultTheme
Mark your DTO with your custom attributes and custom interfaces
public class Struct1 : IProduce<IInterface1>
- Analize your assembly
var a = new AssemblyAnalizer<DefaultLinkStyle>(theme);
var asm = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
var graph = a.Analize(asm, theme.GetAvailableThemeAttributes(), t => t.FullName?.StartsWith(_classname) ?? false);
- Generate Graphviz file
var graphwizFileData = new GraphvizDotGenerator<DefaultLinkStyle>(theme);
- Visualize by online tool or generate image locally
Install-Package GraphViz.NET
Install-Package GraphViz
using GraphVizWrapper;
using GraphVizWrapper.Commands;
using GraphVizWrapper.Queries;
var getStartProcessQuery = new GetStartProcessQuery();
var getProcessStartInfoQuery = new GetProcessStartInfoQuery();
var registerLayoutPluginCommand = new RegisterLayoutPluginCommand(getProcessStartInfoQuery, getStartProcessQuery);
var wrapper = new GraphGeneration(getStartProcessQuery,
byte[] bytes = wrapper.GenerateGraph(graphwizFileData, GraphVizWrapper.Enums.GraphReturnType.Png);
SaveResultImage(bytes, $"./{TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.FullName}.png");