- task: colinsalmcorner.colinsalmcorner-buildtasksbeta.dacpac-report-task.DacPacReport@1
displayName: 'DacPac Schema Compare MyDBProject.dacpac'
# dropName: drop # name of the published artifact that contains the dacpac for the build: the dacpac is downloaded from this drop.
dacpacName: MyDBProject # name of the dacpac (without extension) to compare
targetDacPacPath: MyDBProject\bin\$(BuildConfiguration) # Path to dacpac in this build (to compare to output of previous build)
# extraArgs: '/Variables myvar=myvalue' # extra args for the compare - use to supply SQLCMD variables, for example.
# reverse: false # set to true to reverse source and target for compare
This task shows the schema changes of a DacPac between builds. The task adds two sections to the build summary:
- Schema Change Summary: A summary of changes from the last build.
- Change Script: The SQL-CMD script that would be generated if deploying from the newer dacpac model against the older model.
The task requires the following settings:
- Drop Name: The drop name of the build that contains the dacpac file. You must publish the dacpac for this task to work.
- DacPac Name: Name of the DacPac to analyze (without .dacpac extension).
- Compiled DacPac Path: Path to the DacPac file that this build will produce. Typically the
path of the SSDT project.
You must enable Allow Scripts to Access OAuth Token
on the build Options. If you do not, you will see 403 errors.