- Kyma ✅
- Cloud Foundry ✅
This part of the tutorial will provide deeper insights into creating a custom metric and explore the metric in SAP Cloud Logging service.
Follow these steps to create a custom metric that counts the number of requests to the service for each tenant, and then display the metric in the SAP Cloud Logging service.
Add below code in server.js file to create a custom metric and update the metric value for each request.
const { metrics } = require('@opentelemetry/api'); let counterRequestCountByTenant; // Initialise 'Request Count by Tenant' Custom Counter cds.on('listening', () => { counterRequestCountByTenant = metrics.getMeter('susaas.metering').createCounter('req.count.per.tenant'); }) // Add Middleware to update the 'Request Count by Tenant' Custom Counter cds.middlewares.add((req, _, next) => { counterRequestCountByTenant.add(1, { 'susaas_tenant_id': cds.context.tenant }) next() })
explanation: In the above code, first, a custom counter is initialized with the name req.count.per.tenant once the server is ready and is listening to incoming erquests. Then, a middleware is added to the application to update the counter value for each request. The counter value is incremented by 1 for each request, and the tenant ID is used as a label to differentiate the requests from different tenants.
Once the code is added, build and deploy the application. Then you can explore the custom metric in the SAP Cloud Logging service.
Custom metric is automatically part of the OpenTelemetry explorer dashboard in the SAP Cloud Logging service.
Similarly, you can explore more details about custom metric using 'metrics-otel-v1-*' data source.
Lastly, you can also create a custom dashboard and visualization using the custom metric.
Note: If you are not able to see attributes of metric in the dashboard (e.g. susaas_tenant_id), It is due to indexing and can be refreshed by navigating to Stack Management --> Index Patterns and then open the index pattern metrics-otel-v1-* and click on Refresh field list button.
Please use the following links to find further information on the topics above: