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Exercise 2 - Add Labels & Internationalization

In this exercise we enhance the data model such that we add

  • language-independent labels for employees and companies
  • language-dependent descriptions to products, product categories, regions & countries.

Add Language-independent Labels to Employees & Companies

In this exercise we add labels for company names & employees. These obviously don't change with the user language and are thus language-independent.

Update Employee Labels

  • Open view 4VD_Employee
  • Update labels by clicking on the pencil icon within the Attributes section of the Model Properties
    • Set Semantic Type of FULL NAME to Text
    • Set Label Column of EMPLOYEEID to FULL NAME

  • Deploy your view

Update Company Labels

Repeat above steps for tying the company name to the company identifier

  • Open view 4VD_BusinessPartners
    • Set Semantic Type of COMPANYNAME to Text
    • Set Label Column of PARTNERID to COMPANYNAME
  • Deploy your view

Update Analytic Model and Preview Results

The new modeling we have just done needs to now be loaded by the Analytic Model.

  • Open 4AM_SalesOrderItems and refresh browser page
  • Confirm that dimension PARTNERID now has a capital T (for Text) next to itself in the dimension list
  • Confirm that RESPONSIBLE now also has a capital T next to itself in the dimension list
  • Deploy your Analytic Model
  • Open Preview
  • Drill by PARTNERID and confirm that company name is now displayed
  • Drill by RESPONSIBLE and confirm that employee's full name is now displayed
  • Under Rows within the Builder, check drill-settings (three dots in dimension list on the right) and change presentation from ID and Description to Description and ID.

⚠️ 2023-10-26: If Analytic Model hasn't picked up the metadata change, enforce an additional deploy by adding a blank space (" ") to the business name of the Analytic Model and hit deploy. Then repeat the steps above around the Analytic Model. This error is currently in fixing.

Add Language-independent Labels For Products and Product Categories

Users feel more at ease if they see data in their native language rather than in some other language like English. To this end, SAP Datasphere provides the support of language-dependent labels. Depending on the data access language of the user (by default, this is their log-on language and native language), the labels for objects are drawn in that specific language.

Modelling Guidance

The recommended modelling setup for language-dependent labels is as follows:

An entity of usage type Dimension uses a text association to link itself to an entity of type Text. The association uses the dimensions key field (not some other field!) to link to the key of the Text entity. If the key is comprised of several key fields (also known as "composite key" or "compound key"), then this is totally fine. The graphic below describes the relationship In the example, dimension 4VD_Products has a text association to Text entity ProductTexts. The association uses the key PRODUCTID of the dimension in its mapping. In order to have also language-dependent labels for attribute PRODUCTCATEGORYID (no key!) in the product dimension, there should normally be an own dimension (here: 4VD_ProductCategory) that is associated to the attribute and uses the respective field (PRODUCTCATEGORYID) in its mapping. This looks artificial in the example, but normally things like the product category are indeed dimensions in their own right, carry a multitude of attributes and thus merit an entity in its own right. This dimension 4VD_ProductCategory in turn has a text association to a Text entity ProductCategoryTexts via the dimension's key field PRODUCTCATEGORYID.

It is not recommended (and a warning will be issued) when:

  • the text association does not start from a dimension (but e.g. a Fact) or
  • the text association is on a non-key field of the dimension

Both cases are technically supported, but a warning will be issued. Both cases should rather have a dimension in the middle whose key is used in the text association (like for product category above). We'll see more of this below.

Add Language-Specific Names to Product Dimension

  • Open table ProductTexts and perform the following updates:
    • Change Semantic Usage to Text
    • Within Attributes:
      • Set Semantic Type of attribute LANGUAGE to Language
      • Set semantic type of attribute SHORT_DESCR to Text
      • Set Label Column of attribute PRODUCTID to SHORT_DESCR
  • Deploy the table
  • Open entity 4VD_Products
  • Within Model Properties, under Associations, add Text Association (+ sign) between 4VD_Products.PRODUCTID and ProductTexts

  • Ensure the mappings are correct (joined on PRODUCTID)
  • Deploy your table

As you see, we follow the standard way for language-dependent texts to work: a dimension (4VD_Products) with its key (here 4VD_Products .PRODUCTID) uses a text association to map to a text entity (here ProductTexts) and its key (here ProductTexts.PRODUCTID)

Add Language-specific Names to Product Category

Create new Product Category Dimension

The product category so far is just an attribute of 4VD_Products. In order to comply w above-mentioned modelling best practices, we require a real product category dimension that subsequently links out to the Text entity for product category texts.

We'll therefore create a new dimension view for product categories and base it on the the imported table ProductCategories. We use the occasion to also hide fields that we don't want to expose to our analytics users (like CREATEDBY and CREATEDAT)

Since table ProductCategories only has three columns, the hiding of CREATEDBY and CREATEDAT leaves only a minimal dimension (consisting of just one field, PRODUCTCATEGORYID), but that's fine. In many more realistic cases there'd be own attributes to the category, like its category manager, a hierarchy on it or else, making it worthwhile to model this as a dimension in its own right.

  • Create new Graphical View from the Data Builder home page
  • Drag table ProductCategories into the canvas
  • Add a projection node and choose to exclude columns CREATEDBY and CREATEDAT by selecting the column name and hitting the X in the toolbar

  • Choose final node (in this case, View 1) and set Semantic Usage to Dimension
  • Deploy and save view as 4VD_ProductCategory

Update Product Category Text Entity

  • Open entity ProductCategoryTexts perform the following updates
    • Change Semantic Usage to Text
    • Within Attributes:
      • Set LANGUAGE to Semantic Type Language
      • Set SHORT_DESCR to Semantic Type Text
      • Set SHORT_DESCR as Label Column of PRODUCTCATEGORYID

  • Deploy your table

  • Open 4VD_Products and add an Association between 4VD_Products and 4VD_ProductCategory

  • Ensure mapping is correct (mapped on PRODUCTCATEGORYID)

  • Deploy your view

  • Add a text association on view 4VD_ProductCategory by opening the view and adding a text assocation to ProductCategoryTexts that maps 4VD_ProductCategory.PRODUCTCATEGORYID to ProductCategoryTexts.PRODUCTCATEGORYID.

  • Deploy 4VD_ProductCategory

Update ER Model

We should update the ER model with the new objects and their relationships in order to always have a good overview of our overarching model. This is easy to do since we can leverage the newly drawn associations to add the respective entities.

  • Open ER Model 4EM_Overview_Simple
  • Select node 4VD_Products and choose plus sign (+)

  • Choose to add related entities 4VD_ProductCategories and ProductTexts
  • Choose to add related entities of 4VD_ProductCategories - again via the plus sign.
  • Deploy your ER model

Update Analytic Model and Preview Results

The new metadata needs to be considered also by the Analytic Model. For it to take note of the updated metadata, the Analytic Model page needs to be loaded newly or refreshed. Subsequently you should save and deploy.

  • Open 4AM_SalesOrderItems and refresh browser page
  • Confirm that dimension PRODUCTID now has a capital T (for Text) next to itself in the dimension list
  • Open node PRODUCTID and choose to add associated dimension PRODCATEGORYID. Note that it also has a capital T (for Text)

  • Deploy your analytic model
  • Open Preview
  • Drill by PRODUCTID and confirm that Product Names are now being displayed
  • Drill by PRODCATEGORYID and confirm that the category ID name is now displayed
  • Change settings of your user by clicking on your user profile in the top-right of the application. In section Language & Region, change Data Access Language from English to French.

  • Confirm with Save
  • Repeat drilling by PRODUCTID and PRODCATEGORYID. Confirm that you now see French texts for products and their category.

⚠️ 2023-10-26: If Analytic Model hasn't picked up the metadata change, enforce an additional deploy by adding a blank space (" ") to the business name of the Analytic Model and hit deploy. Then repeat the steps above around the Analytic Model. This error is currently in fixing.

Add Language-independent Labels For Countries & Regions

For completeness sake, we should quickly add labels to countries & regions as well - "Germany" is just easier to read than "DE", isn't it? With what we have learned so far, that's just a couple of minutes more work, but it'll make life quite a bit simpler for our users.

For simplicity, we do not go via own dimensions for countries and regions, but associate the text entities directly to the address dimension. This will give us warnings, but we can always clean this up later.

Add Country Text

  • Open entity Countries and perform the following updates:
    • Add Semantic Usage to text
    • Within Attributes:
      • Set LANGUAGE to semantic type Language
      • Set COUNTRYTEXT to semantic type Text
      • Set COUNTRYTEXT as label column of COUNTRYCODE
  • Deploy your table

Add Regions Text

  • Open entity Region and perform the following updates
    • Add Semantic Type to Text
    • Set LANGUAGE to Semantic Type Language
    • Set REGIONTEXT to Semantic Type Text
    • Set REGIONTEXT as Label Column of REGIONCODE
  • Deploy your table

Update Addresses view

  • Open entity 4VD_Addresses and refresh browser page
  • Add Text Association between 4VD_Addresses and its attribute COUNTRY and Countries.COUNTRYCODE
  • If mapping is missing, simply drag COUNTRY column to COUNTRYCODE
  • Add Text Association between 4VD_Addresses and its attribute REGION and REGION.REGIONCODE
  • If mapping is missing, simply drag REGION column to REGIONCODE

⚠️ You'll get a warning about key mapping in the properties of 4VD_Addresses. This is because of the above-mentioned modelling best practices. Here, the text association from 4VD_Address to the text entities for country text & region text are not using the key of 4VD_Addresses. For cleaner modelling, there should be a Country dimension and a Region dimension that are put in between like we did above for product categories.

  • Deploy your view. In the warning popup, choose Deploy anyway.

Update ER Model

We should update the ER model with the new objects and their relationships in order to always have a good overview of our overarching model. This is easy to do since we can leverage the newly drawn associations to add the respective entities.

  • Open ER Model 4EM_Overview_Simple
  • Select node 4VD_Addresses in the canvas and choose plus sign (+)
  • Choose to add related text entities Countries & Regions
  • Deploy your ER Model

Update Analytic Model and Preview Results

The new metadata needs to be considered also by the Analytic Model. For the metadata to persist, the Analytic Model page needs to be refreshed. Subsequently you should save and deploy.

  • Open 4AM_SalesOrderItems and refresh browser page
  • Confirm that dimension COUNTRY now has a capital T next to itself in the dimension list
  • Confirm that REGION now also has a capital T next to itself in the dimension list
  • Deploy your Analytic Model
  • Open Preview
  • Drill by COUNTRY and confirm that country name is now displayed in French
  • Drill by REGION and confirm that region name is now displayed in French
  • Change settings of your user by clicking on your user profile in the top-right of the application. In section Language & Region, change Data Access Language from French to English
  • Repeat drilling by COUNTRY and REGION and confirm that all their texts are now displayed in English again.

⚠️ 2023-10-26: If Analytic Model hasn't picked up the metadata change, enforce an additional deploy by adding a blank space (" ") to the business name of the Analytic Model and hit deploy. Then repeat the steps above around the Analytic Model. This error is currently in fixing.


Great work! You were able to enhance the data model by adding language-independent and language-dependent labels, expanded our ER model and tested our improved model directly in the Analytic Model data preview.

Continue to - Exercise 3 – Hierarchies