diff --git a/packages/main/cypress/specs/ComboBox.cy.tsx b/packages/main/cypress/specs/ComboBox.cy.tsx
index 095b23fe70e7..e54972d465b3 100644
--- a/packages/main/cypress/specs/ComboBox.cy.tsx
+++ b/packages/main/cypress/specs/ComboBox.cy.tsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import ValueState from "@ui5/webcomponents-base/dist/types/ValueState.js";
import ComboBox from "../../src/ComboBox.js";
import ComboBoxItem from "../../src/ComboBoxItem.js";
@@ -19,3 +20,795 @@ describe("Security", () => {
.should("have.text", "Albania");
+describe("General interaction", () => {
+ it("Should open/close popover when clicking on the arrow", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("[ui5-icon]").realClick();
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("[ui5-responsive-popover]").should("have.attr", "open");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("[ui5-icon]").realClick();
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("[ui5-responsive-popover]").should("not.have.attr", "open");
+ });
+ it("Items filtration", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("[ui5-icon]").realClick();
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("[ui5-cb-item]").should("have.length", "3");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").realPress("O");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("[ui5-cb-item]").should("have.prop", "_isVisible", true);
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("[ui5-cb-item]").eq(1).should("not.have.prop", "_isVisible", true);
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("[ui5-cb-item]").eq(2).should("not.have.prop", "_isVisible", true);
+ });
+ it("Should open the popover when typing a value", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").realClick();
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").realPress("O");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("[ui5-responsive-popover]").should("have.prop", "open");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").should("have.prop", "value", "One");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("[ui5-cb-item]").should("have.prop", "selected", true);
+ cy.window().then(window => {
+ return window.getSelection()?.toString();
+ }).should("contains", "ne");
+ });
+ it("Should filter items based on input with filter='None' and lazy loading", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").then(() => {
+ const cb: ComboBox = document.querySelector("ui5-combobox")!;
+ let currentSearch: {
+ cancel: () => void;
+ items: Promise< string[] | undefined>;
+ } | undefined;
+ let debounce: number | undefined;
+ cb.addEventListener("input", e => {
+ // debounce by waiting till the user stops typing for more than 0.25 seconds
+ const debounceTime = 250;
+ if (debounce !== undefined) {
+ clearTimeout(debounce);
+ }
+ debounce = setTimeout(async () => {
+ debounce = undefined;
+ const combobox = e.target as ComboBox;
+ const value = combobox.value;
+ if (currentSearch !== undefined) {
+ // Cancel any current search that might already be happening
+ currentSearch.cancel();
+ }
+ if (value) {
+ currentSearch = fetchSearchResults(value)!;
+ const items = await currentSearch.items;
+ // if items is undefined it means canceled, so ignore
+ if (items) {
+ // do not reset until afterwards
+ currentSearch = undefined;
+ reset();
+ items.forEach(text => {
+ const item = document.createElement("ui5-cb-item");
+ item.setAttribute("text", text);
+ cb.appendChild(item);
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ reset();
+ }
+ }, debounceTime);
+ });
+ // remove all the existing ui5-cb-items to reset the list
+ function reset() {
+ [...cb.children].forEach(c => cb.removeChild(c));
+ }
+ // simulate a fetch call using a setTimeout
+ function fetchSearchResults(text:string) {
+ let cancel: () => void;
+ return {
+ cancel: () => cancel(),
+ items: new Promise(resolve => {
+ const i = setTimeout(() => {
+ const items = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ items.push(`${text} #${i + 1}`);
+ }
+ resolve(items);
+ }, 500);
+ cancel = () => {
+ clearTimeout(i);
+ resolve(undefined);
+ };
+ })
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("input").realClick();
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("input").realPress("I");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("ui5-cb-item").should("have.length", 5);
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("ui5-cb-item").first().shadow()
+ .find(".ui5-li-title")
+ .should("have.text", "I #1");
+ });
+ it("Should filter items based on input", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("[ui5-icon]").realClick();
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("ui5-cb-item").should("have.length", 3);
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("input").realPress("a");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("ui5-cb-item").eq(0).should("have.prop", "_isVisible", true);
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("ui5-cb-item").eq(1).should("have.prop", "_isVisible", true);
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("ui5-cb-item").eq(2).should("not.have.prop", "_isVisible", true);
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("input").realPress("z");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("ui5-responsive-popover").should("not.have.attr", "open");
+ });
+ it("Should close popover on item click / change event", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("input").click();
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("input").realPress("t");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("ui5-responsive-popover").should("have.attr", "open");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("input").realPress("Enter");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("ui5-responsive-popover").should("not.have.attr", "open");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("[ui5-icon]").click();
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("ui5-responsive-popover").should("have.attr", "open");
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").find("ui5-cb-item").first().shadow()
+ .find("li")
+ .click();
+ cy.get("ui5-combobox").shadow().find("ui5-responsive-popover").should("not.have.attr", "open");
+ });
+ it("Tests change event", () => {
+ let changeCount = 0;
+ let changeItemText = "";
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ cy.get("#combo").then(cb => {
+ cb[0].addEventListener("change", () => {
+ changeCount++;
+ changeItemText = cb[0].getAttribute("value")!;
+ });
+ });
+ cy.get("#combo").shadow().find("[inner-input]").click();
+ cy.get("#combo").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("a");
+ cy.get("#dummy-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").click();
+ cy.then(() => {
+ expect(changeCount).to.equal(1);
+ expect(changeItemText).to.equal("Algeria");
+ });
+ });
+ it("Tests change event", () => {
+ let changeCount = 0;
+ let changeItemText = "";
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").then($cb => {
+ $cb[0].addEventListener("change", () => {
+ changeCount++;
+ changeItemText = $cb[0].getAttribute("value")!;
+ });
+ });
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[ui5-icon]").click();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").find("ui5-cb-item").eq(0).click();
+ cy.then(() => {
+ expect(changeCount).to.equal(1);
+ expect(changeItemText).to.equal("Algeria");
+ });
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[ui5-icon]").click();
+ cy.then(() => {
+ expect(changeCount).to.equal(1);
+ expect(changeItemText).to.equal("Algeria");
+ });
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").find("ui5-cb-item").eq(1).click();
+ cy.then(() => {
+ expect(changeCount).to.equal(2);
+ expect(changeItemText).to.equal("Argentina");
+ });
+ });
+ it("Tests change event after pressing enter key", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ 0
+ >
+ );
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").then($cb => {
+ $cb[0].addEventListener("change", () => {
+ const changeCount = parseInt(document.getElementById("change-count")!.textContent!);
+ document.getElementById("change-count")!.textContent = (changeCount + 1).toString();
+ });
+ });
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").click();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Enter");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Enter");
+ cy.get("#change-count").should("have.text", "0");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("a");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Enter");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Enter");
+ cy.get("#change-count").should("have.text", "1");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("b");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Enter");
+ cy.get("#change-count").should("have.text", "2");
+ });
+ it("should fire change event after the user has typed in value, but also selects it from the popover", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ 0
+ >
+ );
+ cy.get("#change-cb").then($cb => {
+ $cb[0].addEventListener("change", () => {
+ const changeCount = parseInt(document.getElementById("change-count")!.textContent!);
+ document.getElementById("change-count")!.textContent = (changeCount + 1).toString();
+ document.getElementById("change-placeholder")!.textContent = $cb[0].getAttribute("value")!;
+ });
+ });
+ cy.get("#change-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").click();
+ cy.get("#change-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("Bulgaria");
+ cy.get("#change-cb").find("ui5-cb-item").first().click();
+ cy.get("#change-count").should("have.text", "1");
+ cy.get("#change-placeholder").should("have.text", "Bulgaria");
+ });
+ it("Value should be reset on ESC key", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ // Type initial text
+ cy.get("#combo2").shadow().find("[inner-input]").click()
+ cy.get("#combo2").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("Al");
+ // Close picker
+ cy.get("#combo2").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Escape");
+ // Reset value
+ cy.get("#combo2").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Escape");
+ cy.get("#combo2").should("have.prop", "value", "");
+ // Type text and confirm
+ cy.get("#combo2").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("Al");
+ cy.get("#combo2").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Enter");
+ // Clear current value
+ cy.get("#combo2").shadow().find("[inner-input]").clear();
+ // Enter another value, then reset it
+ cy.get("#combo2").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("Al");
+ cy.get("#combo2").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Escape");
+ cy.get("#combo2").should("have.prop", "value", "Algeria");
+ });
+ it("Tests change event on open picker and item navigation", () => {
+ let changeCount = 0;
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ 0
+ >
+ );
+ // Listen for the "change" event and update the counter
+ cy.get("#change-cb").then($combo => {
+ $combo[0].addEventListener("change", () => {
+ changeCount++;
+ cy.get("#change-count").invoke("text", changeCount.toString());
+ });
+ });
+ // Open the picker
+ cy.get("#change-cb").shadow().find("[ui5-icon]").realClick();
+ // Navigate down
+ cy.get("#change-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("ArrowDown");
+ // Check no change yet
+ cy.get("#change-count").should("have.text", "0");
+ // Select first item
+ cy.get("#change-cb").find("ui5-cb-item").first().click();
+ // Check change
+ cy.get("#change-count").should("have.text", "1");
+ });
+ it("Tests change event on closed picker and item navigation", () => {
+ let changeCount = 0;
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ 0
+ >
+ );
+ cy.get("#change-cb").then($cb => {
+ $cb[0].addEventListener("change", () => {
+ changeCount++;
+ cy.get("#change-count").invoke("text", changeCount.toString());
+ });
+ });
+ cy.get("#change-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").click();
+ cy.get("#change-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("ArrowDown");
+ cy.get("#change-count").should("have.text", "0");
+ cy.get("#change-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("ArrowDown");
+ cy.get("#change-count").should("have.text", "0");
+ cy.get("#change-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Enter");
+ cy.get("#change-count").should("have.text", "1");
+ });
+ it("Tests change event after type and item select", () => {
+ let changeCount = 0;
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ 0
+ >
+ );
+ cy.get("#change-cb").then($cb => {
+ $cb[0].addEventListener("change", () => {
+ changeCount++;
+ cy.get("#change-count").invoke("text", changeCount.toString());
+ cy.get("#change-placeholder").invoke("text", $cb[0].getAttribute("value"));
+ });
+ });
+ cy.get("#change-cb").scrollIntoView();
+ cy.get("#change-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").click();
+ cy.get("#change-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("a");
+ cy.get("#change-cb").find("ui5-cb-item").first().click();
+ cy.get("#change-placeholder").should("have.text", "Argentina");
+ cy.get("#change-count").should("have.text", "1");
+ });
+ it("Tests input event", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ 0
+ >
+ );
+ let inputCount = 0;
+ cy.get("#input-cb").then($combo => {
+ $combo[0].addEventListener("input", () => {
+ inputCount++;
+ document.getElementById("input-count")!.textContent = inputCount.toString();
+ document.getElementById("input-placeholder")!.textContent = $combo[0].getAttribute("value") ?? "";
+ });
+ });
+ // Click and navigate with arrow keys
+ cy.get("#input-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").click()
+ cy.get("#input-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("ArrowDown");
+ cy.get("#input-placeholder").should("have.text", "Argentina");
+ cy.get("#input-count").should("have.text", "1");
+ cy.get("#input-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("ArrowUp");
+ cy.get("#input-placeholder").should("have.text", "Argentina");
+ cy.get("#input-count").should("have.text", "1");
+ cy.get("#input-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("ArrowDown");
+ cy.get("#input-placeholder").should("have.text", "Germany");
+ cy.get("#input-count").should("have.text", "2");
+ cy.get("#input-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("ArrowDown");
+ cy.get("#input-placeholder").should("have.text", "Germany");
+ cy.get("#input-count").should("have.text", "2");
+ });
+ it("Tests Combo with contains filter", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ // Open the ComboBox
+ cy.get("#contains-cb").shadow().find(".inputIcon").realClick();
+ cy.get("#contains-cb").find("ui5-cb-item").should("have.length", 4);
+ // Type "n" => expect 3 items
+ cy.get("#contains-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("n");
+ cy.get("#contains-cb")
+ .find("ui5-cb-item")
+ .filter((_, el: Element & { _isVisible?: boolean }) => !!el._isVisible)
+ .should("have.length", 3);
+ // Type "a" => expect 2 items
+ cy.get("#contains-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("a");
+ cy.get("#contains-cb").find("ui5-cb-item")
+ .filter((_, el: Element & { _isVisible?: boolean }) => !!el._isVisible)
+ .should("have.length", 2);
+ // Type "d" => expect 1 item => "Canada"
+ cy.get("#contains-cb").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("d");
+ cy.get("#contains-cb").find("ui5-cb-item")
+ .filter((_, el: Element & { _isVisible?: boolean }) => !!el._isVisible)
+ .should("have.length", 1);
+ cy.get("#contains-cb").find("ui5-cb-item")
+ .filter((_, el: Element & { _isVisible?: boolean }) => !!el._isVisible)
+ .first()
+ .shadow()
+ .find(".ui5-li-title")
+ .should("have.text", "Canada");
+ });
+ it("Tests Combo with startswith filter", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ // Click the arrow icon to open the ComboBox
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find(".inputIcon").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").find("ui5-cb-item").should("have.length", 4);
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("a");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]")
+ .find("ui5-cb-item")
+ .filter((_, el: Element & { _isVisible?: boolean }) => !!el._isVisible)
+ .should("have.length", 1)
+ .first()
+ .shadow()
+ .find(".ui5-li-title")
+ .should("have.text", "Argentina");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("a");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("ui5-responsive-popover").should("not.have.attr", "open");
+ });
+ it("Tests selection-change event and its parameters", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").then($cb => {
+ $cb[0].addEventListener("ui5-selection-change", (e: Event) => {
+ const detail = (e as CustomEvent).detail;
+ const selectedText = detail.item.text || "";
+ document.getElementById("selection-change-event-result")!.textContent = selectedText;
+ });
+ });
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find(".inputIcon").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").find("ui5-cb-item").eq(7).as("targetItem");
+ cy.get("@targetItem").shadow().find(".ui5-li-title").invoke("text")
+ .as("targetText");
+ cy.get("@targetItem").click();
+ // Verify label text matches the selected item's text
+ cy.get("@targetText").then(txt => {
+ cy.get("#selection-change-event-result").should("have.text", txt);
+ });
+ });
+ it("Tests selection-change event when type text after selection", () => {
+ let eventResultText = "";
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ // Listen for selection-change
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").then($cb => {
+ $cb[0].addEventListener("selection-change", (e: Event) => {
+ const detail = (e as CustomEvent).detail;
+ eventResultText = detail.item.text;
+ document.getElementById("selection-change-event-result")!.textContent = eventResultText;
+ });
+ });
+ // Open the ComboBox and simulate "Backspace" + "A"
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find(".inputIcon").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realPress("Backspace");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("A");
+ // The first visible item is presumably "Argentina"
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").find("ui5-cb-item").first().as("firstItem");
+ cy.get("@firstItem").shadow().find(".ui5-li-title").invoke("text")
+ .as("expectedText");
+ // Ensure the label text matches the typed item's text
+ cy.get("@expectedText").then(text => {
+ cy.get("#selection-change-event-result").should("have.text", text);
+ });
+ });
+ it("Tests focused property when clicking on the arrow", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").should("have.prop", "focused", false);
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[ui5-icon]").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").should("have.prop", "focused", true);
+ });
+ it("Tests focused property when clicking on the input", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").should("have.prop", "focused", false);
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").should("have.prop", "focused", true);
+ });
+ it("Tests Combo with two-column layout", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find(".inputIcon").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").find("ui5-cb-item").first().shadow()
+ .find(".ui5-li-additional-text")
+ .should("have.text", "DZ");
+ });
+ it("Should not open value state message when component is in readonly state", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[ui5-responsive-popover]").should("not.be.visible");
+ });
+ it("Should add items dynamically items to the picker", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ cy.get("button").click();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find(".inputIcon").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").find("ui5-cb-item").its("length").as("initialCount");
+ cy.get("@initialCount").then(initialCount => {
+ expect(initialCount).to.equal(1, "item count should be updated");
+ });
+ cy.wait(2000); /* eslint-disable-line cypress/no-unnecessary-waiting */
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").find("ui5-cb-item").its("length").as("updatedCount");
+ cy.get("@updatedCount").then(updatedCount => {
+ expect(updatedCount).to.equal(2, "item count should be updated");
+ });
+ });
+ it("Should check clear icon availability", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ );
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").should("have.prop", "_effectiveShowClearIcon", true);
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find(".ui5-input-clear-icon-wrapper").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").should("have.prop", "_effectiveShowClearIcon", false);
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("input").click();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("input").type("c");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").should("have.prop", "_effectiveShowClearIcon", true);
+ });
+ it("Should check clear icon events", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ <>
+ 0
+ 0
+ {
+ const span = document.getElementById("clear-icon-input-count")!;
+ span.textContent = String(Number(span.textContent) + 1);
+ }}
+ onChange={() => {
+ const span = document.getElementById("clear-icon-change-count")!;
+ span.textContent = String(Number(span.textContent) + 1);
+ }}
+ >
+ >
+ );
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("[inner-input]").type("a");
+ cy.get("button").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find(".ui5-input-clear-icon-wrapper").realClick();
+ cy.get("#clear-icon-input-count").should("have.text", "2"); // 1 input events for the typing + 1 for the clear
+ cy.get("button").realClick();
+ cy.get("#clear-icon-change-count").should("have.text", "2"); // 1 change event for the typing + 1 for the clear
+ });
+ it("Should show all items if value does not match any item and arrow is pressed", () => {
+ cy.mount(
+ {Array.from({ length: 11 }, (_, i) => (
+ ))}
+ );
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("input").click();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find("input").type("z");
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").shadow().find(".inputIcon").realClick();
+ cy.get("[ui5-combobox]").find("ui5-cb-item").should("have.length", 11);
+ });