Trajectory setpoint in NED frame Input to PID position controller. Needs to be kinematically consistent and feasible for smooth flight. setting a value to NaN means the state should not be controlled
# Trajectory setpoint in NED frame
# Input to PID position controller.
# Needs to be kinematically consistent and feasible for smooth flight.
# setting a value to NaN means the state should not be controlled
uint64 timestamp # time since system start (microseconds)
# NED local world frame
float32[3] position # in meters
float32[3] velocity # in meters/second
float32[3] acceleration # in meters/second^2
float32[3] jerk # in meters/second^3 (for logging only)
float32 yaw # euler angle of desired attitude in radians -PI..+PI
float32 yawspeed # angular velocity around NED frame z-axis in radians/second