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Model Specific Notes

Philip Maechling edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 8 revisions

Model Names and Abbreviations

CVM names and naming conventions within UCVM can be confusing, largely because the CVM model names and abbreviations have changed during UCVM development, and there is not consistent use throughout the software and documentation.

UCVM users need to know the velocity model of interest, and then the abbreviation that UCVM uses to refer to the CVM of interest. The following tables briefly describes the standard CVM models available through UCVM, and the abbreviation used by the UCVM software to refer to each model.

UCVM is designed to present a standard interface to a variety of veloicty models. The fact that the models have quite different characteristics may introduce unexpected results for some applications. In the sections below, we try to describe unique characteristics of the each velocity model, to help users avoid mis-interpreting results from UCVM.

UCVM Model Coverage Regions in KML Format

A KML file that can display the UCVM model regions is avialable here:

Map Regions

Map shows coverage region for California CVMs registered into UCVM. Coverage region for UCVM 2D maps (yellow) overlayed upon regions of various California 3D velocity models (CVM-S4: red, CVM-S4 geotechnical regions: red polygons, CVM-H high resolution: small light blue square, CVM-H low resolution: larger light blue square, USGS High Resolution Bay Area: small white rectangle, USGS Low Resolution Bay Area: large white rectangle, CVM-S4.26, CVM-S4.26M01: green, CCA 06: small yellow, CS17.3, CS17.3-H: large orange rectangle, Havard San Joaquin Basin Model: small orange rectangle, Havard Santa Maria Basin Model: orange square, CS18.5 Cypershake Study's Tiled Velocity Model: blue)

Model Configuration files

UCVM defines a configuration file for each registered model. The model configuration files are collected in the installation directory in UCVM/model/model_abbreviation/model_name.conf (e.g. UCVM/model/1d/1d.conf)

Users can examine these .conf files to determine basic information about a model. In most cases, these model configuration files are static, and should not be modified by the user. In a few cases, such as bbp1d.conf file, there are user configuration options in the bbp1d.conf file (specifically a flag to specify whether the model should be delivered with interpolation).


Southern California Velocity Model developed by Harvard Structural Geology Group with optional geotechnical layer (abbr:cvmh)[1.6G]. This is the most recent version of a southern California velocity model developed by the Harvard structural geology group. More information about the CVM-H velocity model is available on a SCEC Website: SCEC Community Velocity Model - Harvard Website


Southern California Velocity Model developed by SCEC, Caltech, USGS Group with geotechnical layer (abbr:cvms)[326Mb]. This is the best available version of the rule-based SCEC southern California velocity model. SCEC produced several iteration of this model from about 1995-2004. The later version are considered improvements on previous versions of the SCEC CVM models, so this replaces earlier version. The version available through UCVM contains all available code fixes that have been added to the model since its release in 2004.

This models provides two regions that define a geotechnical layer (GTL), the return low Vs values, in the top 350m. These are polygon regions, as shown in the coverage maps, that provide GTL information Los Angeles region and in the Salton Sea area.

More information about the SCEC CVM-S4 is available on a SCEC Website at: SCEC CVM-S4 Website


Tomography improved version of CVM-S4 with no geotechnical layer but has an optional Ely-Jordan GTL (abbr:cvms5) [1.2G]. This is a tomography improved model of the CVM-S4 model. The tomography was performed on a 500m x 500m x 500m resolution mesh for the full region. The results are delivered on this fairly low resolution mesh, with linear interpolation used to determine material properties between mesh points. The tomography used a minimum Vs value for the region at about 900m/s, so this model does not deliver any low (or realistic) Vs values, when the GTL flag is set gtl = off. When the flag is set gtl = on, UCVM will add the Ely-Jordan Vs30-based GTL into the top 350 meters which provide velocities down to 200m/s in some areas.

# UTM Zone
utm_zone = 11

# Model directory
model_dir = s5

# GTL on or off?
gtl = off

# Number of cells in x, y, and z.
nx = 1536
ny = 992
nz = 100

# Depth, in meters
depth = 50000
depth_interval = 500

# Density scaling parameters
p5 = -0.0024189659303912917
p4 = 0.015600987888334450
p3 = 0.051962399479341816
p2 = -0.51231936640441489
p1 = 1.2550758337054457
p0 = 1.2948318548300342

# Corners, in UTM projection.
bottom_right_corner_e   = 596013.92402056302
bottom_right_corner_n   = 3368878.9393477398     
bottom_left_corner_e    = 10616.346941343043
bottom_left_corner_n    = 3863137.9139448642
top_right_corner_e      = 915108.80599173578
top_right_corner_n              = 3746813.1405760832
top_left_corner_e               = 329711.22891251586
top_left_corner_n               = 4241072.1151732076


CVM-S4.26 with added geotechnical layer (abbr:cvmsi)[1.6Gb]. This is a version of the CVM-S4.26 model that combines the tomography improved CVM-S4.26 model with some elements of the CVM-S rule-based geotechnical layer in the top 350m. This provides more realistic low Vs values often wanted in 3D ground motion simulations in the Los Angeles Region. The algorithm used to combine the tomography mesh, and the geotechnical layer are defined the UCVM site.

USGS Bay Area Model

USGS developed San Francisco and Central California velocity model (abbr:cencal) [17Mb]. Cencal v08.3.0. Cencal is The USGS 3-D Geologic and Seismic Velocity Models of the San Francisco Bay region. This model provide a three-dimensional view of the geologic structure and physical properties of the region down to a depth of 45 km (28 miles). Construction of this 3D Bay Area model was a joint effort of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program and the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program.

Computational research has shown that the 3-D structure of the earth has a significant impact on how strongly an earthquake is felt at different locations and on the duration of the shaking. Because seismic waves propagate through different rock types with differing speeds that depend on the rock properties, the waves can be reflected and refracted as they travel through various rock types. These effects need to be understood in order to predict the shaking in future large earthquakes.

The Cencal 3-D models combine 100 years of surface geologic mapping by the USGS, the California Geological Survey, and many other institutions together with decades of research into the seismic properties of the rocks in the Bay Area. Traditional two-dimensional geologic maps show only the distribution of rock units at Earth's surface.

The Cencal Seismic Velocity Model is defined in two files, formatted as etrees.

  • Detailed model USGSBayAreaVM-08.3.0.etree.gz (1.6 GB) This is an Etree database file for inner, fine resolution model covering the San Francisco Bay area

  • Regional model USGSBayAreaVMExt-08.3.0.etree.gz(1.1 GB) This is an Etree database file for outer, coarser resolution model. The model fits around the detailed model and extends the region covered by the model. If you are only interested in the volume covered by the detailed model, you do not need to download this model.

  • Cencal Coverage Region

        Detailed        Regional (Extended)
Approx. Dimensions      290km   140km   650km   330km
SE corner (lon,lat)     -120.644051     37.050062       -118.944514     36.702176
SW corner (lon,lat)     -121.922036     36.320331       -121.930857     35.009018
NW corner (lon,lat)     -123.858493     38.424179       -126.353173     39.680558
NE corner (lon,lat)     -122.562365     39.174505       -123.273199     41.484869
  • Topography Support

  • Native Model Resolution

  Detailed model
  Elevation1    Horiz. Resolution       Vertical Resolution
  z > -400m     100m    25m
  -400m > z > -3200m    200m    50m
  -3200m > z > -6400m   400m    100m
  -6400m > z > -45000m  800m    200m

Transition from detailed model to extended model. This is a region 3.2km in width surrounding the detailed model. It is part of the extended model.

  Elevation     Horiz. Resolution       Vertical Resolution (see elevation note)
  z > -3200m    200m    50m
  -3200m > z > -6400m   400m    100m
  -6400m > z > -45000m  800m    200m

  Extended model
  Elevation     Horiz. Resolution       Vertical Resolution (see elevation model)
  z > -6400m    400m    100m
  -6400m > z > -45000m  800m    200m

  Elevation is given with respect to mean sea level, so -400m corresponds to 400m below mean sea level.
  • Native Projection: The detailed and regional velocity models are rectangular volumes in a Transverse Mercator (TM) projection with the following parameters:
Scale factor for central meridian: 0.99960000
Longitude of central meridian: -123.00000
Latitude of origin: 35.00000
False easting: 0.00000
False northing: 0.00000
Azimuths of sides: 53.638, 323.638


Central California Area Velocity Model at iteration 6 with an optional Ely-Jordan GTL (abbr: cca) [9.2Gb]. This is a trilinearly interpolated version of the 6th iteration of Po Chen and En-Jui Lee's full 3D tomographic inversions of the central California region. The inversions were done on a 500m coarse mesh, however the trilinearly interpolation allows this model to be queried at arbitrary precision. The GTL flag is default to off. When the flag is set gtl = on, UCVM will add the Ely-Jordan Vs30-based GTL into the top 500 meters.

# UTM Zone
utm_zone = 10

# Model directory
model_dir = i06

# GTL on or off?
gtl = off

# Number of cells in x, y, and z.
nx = 1024
ny = 896
nz = 100

# Depth, in meters
depth = 50000
depth_interval = 500

# Density scaling parameters
p5 = -0.0024189659303912917
p4 = 0.015600987888334450
p3 = 0.051962399479341816
p2 = -0.51231936640441489
p1 = 1.2550758337054457
p0 = 1.2948318548300342

# Corners, in UTM projection.
top_left_corner_e       = 503240.523120
top_left_corner_n       = 4051863.829470
bottom_left_corner_e    = 779032.901477
bottom_left_corner_n    = 3699450.983449
top_right_corner_e      = 906054.312483
top_right_corner_n      = 4367099.140150
bottom_right_corner_e   = 1181846.690839
bottom_right_corner_n   = 4014686.294129

# Data Layout Parameters 
seek_axis = fast-X
seek_direction = bottom-up


CyberShake Study 17.3 Central California Velocity Model with an optional Ely-Jordan GTL (abbr:cs173) [72Gb]. This model was removed from this release, due to it's large size and limited use, but can be accessed from earlier versions of UCVM. CyperShake Study 17.3 Central California Velocity Model. This is a 175m resolution mesh tiled from CCA06, CenCal, CVM-S4.26-M01 with 10km smoothing on each horizontal interface used in the CyberShake Study 17.3, a Central California Seismic Hazard Model. The GTL flag is default to off. When the flag is set, gtl = on, UCVM will add the Ely-Jordan Vs30-based GTL into the top 175 meters.

# UTM Zone
utm_zone = 11

# Model directory
model_dir = cs173

# GTL on or off?
gtl = off

# Number of cells in x, y, and z.
nx = 3200 
ny = 6960 
nz = 288 

# Depth, in meters
depth = 50400
depth_interval = 175

bottom_left_corner_e = 548969.079292
bottom_left_corner_n = 3459243.769232
top_left_corner_e    = -448610.671359
top_left_corner_n    = 4157755.975881
bottom_right_corner_e = 870071.761707
bottom_right_corner_n = 3917825.705794
top_right_corner_e   = -127508.133290
top_right_corner_n   = 4616338.305196

# Seek method, fast-X or fast-Y
seek_axis = fast-Y
seek_direction = top-down


CyberShake Study 17.3 Central California Velocity Model integrated with Harvard group's Santa Maria and San Joaquin Basin Models with an optional Ely-Jordan GTL (abbr:cs173h) [72Gb]. This model was reemoved from this release, due to it's large size and limited use, but is available from previous version of the software. CyperShake Study 17.3 Central California Velocity Model integrated with Harvard group's Santa Maria and San Joaquin Basin Models. The GTL flag is default to off. When the flag is set, gtl = on, UCVM will add the Ely-Jordan Vs30-based GTL into the top 175 meters.

# UTM Zone
utm_zone = 11

# Model directory
model_dir = cs173h

# GTL on or off?
gtl = off

# Number of cells in x, y, and z.
nx = 3200 
ny = 6960 
nz = 288 

# Depth, in meters
depth = 50400
depth_interval = 175

bottom_left_corner_e = 548969.079292
bottom_left_corner_n = 3459243.769232
top_left_corner_e    = -448610.671359
top_left_corner_n    = 4157755.975881
bottom_right_corner_e = 870071.761707
bottom_right_corner_n = 3917825.705794
top_right_corner_e   = -127508.133290
top_right_corner_n   = 4616338.305196

# Seek method, fast-X or fast-Y
seek_axis = fast-Y
seek_direction = top-down


ALBACORE Southern California off-shore Velocity Model (abbr:albacore) [2.3Mb]


SSIP Imperial Valley Velocity Model developed by LSU (abbr:ivlsu) [1Mb]


SSIP Coachella Valley Velocity Model developed by LSU (abbr:cvlsu) [1Mb]


Wasatch Front Community Velocity Model(UTAH) (abbr:wfcvm) [50Mb]

CVM-H Basin Models

The CVM-H Basin models are the same resolution and contain the same material properties found in the CVM-H v15.1 model. However, these basin models are delivered as standlalone models so they can be combined with background models more easily.


CVMH Los Angeles Basin Velocity Model | cvmhlabn | 1.6G


CVMH San Gabriel Valley Basin Velocity Model | cvmhsgbn | 1.4G


CVMH Ventura Basin Velocity Model | cvmhvbn | 1.5G


CVMH Inner Borderland Basin Velocity Model | cvmhibbn | 2.1G


CVMH Ridge Basin Velocity Model | cvmhrbn | 1.4G


CVMH San Bernardino Basin Velocity Model | cvmhsbbn | 1.3G


CVMH Santa Barbara Channel Basin Velocity Model | 1.6G


CVMH Santa Maria Basin Velocity Model | cvmhsmbn | 1.6G


CVMH Salton Trough Basin Velocity Model | cvmhstbn | 2.5G

Modified Hadley Kanamori 1D

Southern California regional 1D model based on Hadley-Kanamori model (abbr:1d) [8Kb]. This is the UCVM default background model. It is a modified Hadley-Kanamori 1d model develop for southern California. This model uses linear interpolation between layers.

    # 1D Velocity Model configuration
    # Vp is interpolated between layer n to n+1.
    # Rho is derived from vp (./src/ucvm/ucvm_model_1d.c)
    # Vs is derived from Vp and Rho (./src/ucvm/ucvm_model_1d.c)
    version=Hadley-Kanamori 1D (CVM-S)
    # Depth of model in layers
    # Depth to start of layer (km)
    depth_vals=1.0, 5.0, 6.0, 10.0, 15.5, 16.5, 22.0, 31.0, 33.0
    # Vp at start of layer (km/s)
   vp_vals=5.0, 5.5, 6.3, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 6.75, 6.8, 7.8

This model definition only gives Vp values. Vs and rho are scaled from this Vp. The rules UCVM uses to produce the Vs, and rho values are giving in the ../src/ucvm/ucvm_model_1d.c files mentioned in this configuration file.

An table from the original Hadley Kanamori paper, giving the original HK 1D model definition is posted on a SCEC website: Hadley Kanamori 1D model description

Northridge Region 1D

Los Angeles Region 1D model used in SCEC Broadband Platform (abbr:bbp1d) [1Kb]. The BBP1D model was originally constructed by R. Graves as a 1d model for the Northridge Region. It was developed by averaging velocity profiles from a series of site around the Los Angeles basin. The resulting model is used in the SCEC Broadband Platform when simulating regional Los Angeles area earthquakes. This model configuration file provides a user specified flag specifying whether linear interpolation is used for material properties between layers. By default, linear interpolation is used.

# Northridge Region 1D Velocity Model Configuration
# This 1D model was defined by Graves and Pitrarka 
# in Table 3 of their paper: doi: 10.1785/0120100057
# It is used in the SCEC Broadband Platform format
# for Los Angeles area simulations.

# Name of model.
version=Northridge Region 1D Velocity Profile

# Number of layers.

# Interpolation method. 
# Set interpolation=linear to turn on interpolation
# Set interpolation=none to turn off interpolation

# Columns
# Thickness (km) Vp (km/s) Vs(km/s) Density (gm/cm3) Qp  Qs
# Start of model.

0.0020          1.7000  0.4500  2.0000  45.0000         22.5000
0.0040          1.8000  0.6500  2.1000  65.0000         32.5000
0.0060          1.8000  0.8500  2.1000  85.0000         42.5000
0.0080          1.9000  0.9500  2.1000  95.0000         47.5000
0.0100          2.0000  1.1500  2.2000  115.0000        57.5000
0.0700          2.4000  1.2000  2.2000  120.0000        60.0000
0.2000          2.8000  1.4000  2.3000  140.0000        70.0000
0.2000          3.1000  1.6000  2.4000  160.0000        80.0000
0.2000          3.4000  1.8000  2.4500  180.0000        90.0000
0.3000          3.7000  2.1000  2.5000  210.0000        105.0000
2.0000          4.4000  2.4000  2.6000  240.0000        120.0000
2.0000          5.1000  2.8000  2.7000  280.0000        140.0000
1.0000          5.6000  3.1500  2.7500  315.0000        157.5000
5.0000          6.1500  3.6000  2.8250  360.0000        180.0000
5.0000          6.3200  3.6500  2.8500  365.0000        182.5000
5.0000          6.5500  3.7000  2.9000  370.0000        185.0000
10.0000         6.8000  3.8000  2.9500  380.0000        190.0000
999.0000        7.8000  4.5000  3.2000  450.0000        225.0000

The following SCEC website provides more information about this model. BBP1D LA Basin 1D Model

State-wide Topography and Vs30 Model

To provide query by depth and query by elevation and Vs30 values for all models, UCVM provides a statewide topography and Vs30 model. This is constructed as an etree data structure that stores the topography and vs30 values. The topography data is provided by USGS DEM. The Vs30 data is provided by Thompson California Vs30 Model(2018/2022). For regions outside of California, the Vs30 values were derived from the Wald vs30 topography relationship. The regional specification for the UCVM topography and Vs30 etree are:

# UCVM model config file
# Projection parameters for reference
proj_str=+proj=aeqd +lat_0=36.0 +lon_0=-120.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0
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