- Initial version.
- Adding more comments and cleaning up the code a little bit.
- Adding mode documentation, small re-factorization.
- Adding a generic AppBar Factory and a model for it. See example, dashboard.dart, for more details.
- Adding generic components for the Dashboard screen
- Added support for scrollable content using draggable_home widget
- Implemented all required components for expenses and investments
- Better names for components
- Converted simple objects into stateless widgets.
- Converted CategorySummary object into stateless widgets.
- Add support for text style for income_expense_list_view.dart
- Add support for color for income_expense_list_view.dart
- Add support for elevation for income_expense_list_view.dart
- (bug fix) Add support for elevation for income_expense_list_view.dart
- Add support for coloured value for income_expense_list_view.dart
- Make SubcategoryProgressIndicator more flexible.
- Make income and expense chart more flexible, inside gap is customizable now.
- Make subcategory progress indicator customizable, split width by can be set by the user.
- Make the bottom navigation bar label customizable using the theme data, example of label text size setup is implemented in theme model.
- Add support for floating action button for ScrollableScaffold
- OverallSummary supports string as arguments instead of double in order to display values and currency.
- Adding the onTap capability to investment, expenses, debts and rounded_rectangular_button.
- BugFix for 1.0.18, we need for each element to be editable, not the entire list.
- CategorySummary string for value instead of double.
- Multiple fixes which covers the case where the text does not fit, it will scale down accordingly.
- Add support for the widget that is displayed whe the user scrolls down all the content, on ScrollableScaffold set expandedBody property with whatever widgets you want to display..