Releases: SDClowen/RSBot
What's Changed
- Fix NPCselect Freeze(TownScript/NPC and Script/TeleportNPC) by @sakipvp in #100
- Added guild storage parsing by @SDClowen in #104
- Quest Parsing converted to object. by @SDClowen in #105
- Added dark light theme mode and classic windows components by @SDClowen in #106
- Allow clicking for disabled tab pages by @SDClowen in #107
- Redesigned tab disabled info by @SDClowen in #108
- Fixed mismatched colors by @SDClowen in #113
- Theme color is user adjustable by @SDClowen in #114
- Tab control redesigned. It now has a flatter look. by @SDClowen in #115
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.7b...v1.8b
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What's Changed
- Fixed wrong pickup item setting in Main form by @chrislikemiller in #53
- Added about form by @SDClowen in #51
- Increase delay on autologin to fix maxiguard error by @chrislikemiller in #54
- Use transparent color by @SDClowen in #57
- Optimized Spawn Manager by @SDClowen in #58
- Optimize pickuping by @SDClowen in #59
- Fixed pickup & filtering by @SDClowen in #60
- Optimize entity select&deselecting by @SDClowen in #61
- Fix 0x300C parsing on Thailand 100-110 client by @SDClowen in #62
- Add support for vietnam 193 (vsro 193) by @SDClowen in #65
- Block action select request by user while bot running by @SDClowen in #66
- Fixed some minor exceptions by @SDClowen in #67
- Fixed pet inventory parsing by @SDClowen in #68
- Fixed some parsing and crash problems by @SDClowen in #69
- Fixed the problem of not being able to auto kill client after dc. by @SDClowen in #75
- Improved stability for botting... by @SDClowen in #76
- Fixed storage parsing by @SDClowen in #77
- Improved code , stability by @SDClowen in #78
- Fixed issue #64 by @SDClowen in #79
- Fix auto login, add pending form for newer clients by @SDClowen in #80
- Fixed issue #55 by @SDClowen in #81
- Fixed wrong calculating inventory count by @SDClowen in #82
- Fixed wrong opcode on handler by @SDClowen in #83
- Add cleaned form for use with dialogs. by @SDClowen in #84
- Fix text parsing by @SDClowen in #87
- Fix cos updating by @SDClowen in #88
- Fix duplicate message in chat plugin by @SDClowen in #89
- Fix 0x3065 parsing on thailand or less clients by @SDClowen in #90
- Fix ui freezing after client start by @SDClowen in #91
- Optimized recovery handlers by @SDClowen in #92
- temp fix for collision manager bug by @SDClowen in #93
- Temporary fix for bot stopping due to remote position selection. by @SDClowen in #94
- Fix game ready request by @SDClowen in #95
- Optimized UI and backend for level value by @SDClowen in #96
- Update ui, removed RSBot.Theme library, use standart windows components by @SDClowen in #99
New Contributors
- @chrislikemiller made their first contribution in #53
Full Changelog: v1.6b...v1.7b
RSBot v1.5b - Multiclients supporting
Hello respected silkroad online community. You know that previous versions of our bot are only vsro compatible. We have received notifications from many of our users that support should be added to other existing clients. As a result of long-term work, we have supported the clients listed below. If you encounter any errors, you can create a notification or get help from our community by following our discord server and github repo.
New supported clients:
- Tailand(Blackrogue 100, 110)
- Vietnam(VSro) [188, 274]
- Taiwan(TSRO 110)
- Chinese(Csro)
- Global(Isro)
- Turkey(TRSro)
The changes that have been made:
Surprise\Fix null reference exception on state class
- Fix skill manager
- Fix and improve auto login for global client
- Fix skill action parsing on global
- Fix party listing on global
- Fix party matching creating/changing on global
- Fix texts reference parsing
- Fixed spawn parsing for chinese, global, turkey clients
- Fix [WalkToCenter] option on training
- Fixed rental on modern clients
- Fix multiclient on modern clients
- minor changes
- Fix servernames on global client
- Fixed account selecting
- Added Vietname 274 client support
- Fix skill action parsing
- Fixed chat response on global and turkey clients
- Added stall chat support to chat plugin
- Fix message sending packet structure. Optimized chat message sending.
- Added client type selector for first loading
- Fixed loader.
- Cleanup & Optimized Movement System
- Remove native loader injector use csharp & writed client manager
Alternative download link: Click
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Facebook Page
RSBot v1.5b pre-release alpha 1 (multiclients supporting)
Fixed spawn parsing
Fixed rental on modern clients
Fixed Walk to center option on training
Do not forget to join discussion for the v1.5b-pre.release: Join
RSBot v1.5b pre-release (multiclients supporting)
Hello respected silkroad online community. You know that previous versions of our bot are only vsro compatible. We have received notification from many of our users that support should be added to other existing clients, especially the chinese(csro) client. To surprise you, I created a "surprise" branch and this is the first pre-release. Please test the bot as best you can with the clients listed below and give us feedback under this discussion thread and don't try to associate any settings file from your previous bots with this version. Please do not open an "issue" about this pre-release version!
- Compatible Clients:
- Tailand(Blackrogue 100, 110)
- Vietnam(VSro)
- Taiwan(TSRO 110)
- Chinese(Csro)
- Global(Isro)
- Turkey(TRSro)
Please don't forget to contribute to the currently open pull-request (surprise) branch, our developer friends. Please read the pull-request content for detailed information.