issues Search Results · repo:SEL-Columbia/infrastructure-planning language:Python
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inSEL-Columbia/infrastructure-planning (press backspace or delete to remove)Hello, is this project licensed under any open source license? It seems like an old version was licensed under MIT, so
if I want to use an open source version, I have to stick to this old version? It would ...
- Opened on Apr 2, 2018
- #29
Consider adding altitude for each demand point, as suggested by Edwin
- Opened on Aug 18, 2017
- #28
When we have a dataset with an override column for number_of_people_per_household and some of the values in the column
are zeroes then we get the following error:
Running electrificationplanner Reading ...
- Opened on Feb 13, 2017
- #27
The system does not respond to a large input file of existing grid network shapefile. I tried to upload about 96 MB size
- Opened on Dec 20, 2016
- #26
Gather past datasets and write tests to make sure the models run successfully on each of them.
- 1
- Opened on Dec 10, 2016
- #25
For transformer and diesel generator, NP3 isn t using min system capacity available in the table, if the demand node
requires less than the min system capacity. For now, we can add another small capacity ...
- 2
- Opened on Nov 10, 2016
- #24
Change the attribute names from 10-digit code to Distance , DscntCost , Order
- 1
- Opened on Oct 27, 2016
- #22
Vijay suggested we rename the word buildings to connections in the input parameter average distance between buildings in
Also, rename the grid_mv_network_minimum_point_count to Minimum Nodes per ...
- Opened on Oct 13, 2016
- #20
Empty cells for column number of people per household will lead to NAN error. Need to correct it by assigning global
value if cell is empty.
- Opened on Sep 7, 2016
- #18

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