this porject provide following representation for midi format files:
- MIDI-like
- CP(to do)
you can transform midi into sequence data as following steps
cd mg/model/utils
python preprocess_{MIDI_like,REMI,MuMIDI,CP}.py {midi_folder} {result_output_foler} {int:num_workers, 10 is recommand}
the API of representation(like MIDI-like, REMI, MuMIDI)
it should be encapsulate as a EventSeq(or REMI_EventSeq or MuMIDI_EventSeq in
- extract_events(midi_path)->event_seq
- to_array(event_seq)->np.array()
- from_array(np.array)->event_seq() for decoding
- write_midi(event_seq,output_path)
- feats_range()->dict=<feature_name, index>
- dims_feats()->dict=<index , (feat_name, feat_val)>
the hyper parameter should be load in cmd rather than only yaml file.
you can consider mg/model/MuiscTransformer/ or mg/model/Event_Melody/ at the begining
Please see Installation Instructions